When the wind is great, bow before it; when the wind is heavy, yield to it.
FrontPagePDF&value=ŴƮ/ȭ占쏙옙占쏙옙占 › ũ

1 ⺻ Ŭ ũ
2 ū
3 ũ Ű
3.1 extsizes Ű
3.2 moresize Ű
3.3 Ŭ
4 ̵忡 ũ
5 TIP: 10.5pt
5.1 1.05 scale
5.2 size10d5.sty
6 ũ


1 ⺻ Ŭ ũ

class option 10pt 11pt 12pt
\tiny 5 6 6
\scriptsize 7 8 8
\footnotesize 8 9 10
\small 9 10 11
\normalsize 10 11 12
\large 12 12 14
\Large 14 14 17
\LARGE 17 17 20
\huge 20 20 25
\Huge 25 25 25


2 ū

Ϻο Ư ū ũ ڸ Ϸ . See BigFont.


3 ũ Ű


3.1 extsizes Ű

This bundle offers "extended" versions of the article, report, book and letter classes, at sizes of 8, 9, 14, 17 and 20pt as well as the standard 10-12pt. Since little has been done to these classes other than to adjust font sizes and things directly related to them, they may not be optimal - but they're certainly practical. (from [http]uk-tex-faq)

3.2 moresize Ű

  • \HUGE : 35.83pt
  • \ssmall : \tiny ٴ ũ \scriptsize ٴ ũ

3.3 Ŭ

memoir Ŭ [9pt], [14pt], [17pt] Ŭ ɼ ߰ Ѵ. KOMA-script Ŭ extsizes Ű Ѵ.


4 ̵忡 ũ


5 TIP: 10.5pt


5.1 1.05 scale

KTUGOperate:4683 by ȣ KTUGOperate:9625 (by Daisyweb) Computer Modern ۲ Ѵٰ ϸ κο ϼ..
\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n}{<-> s*[1.05] cmr10}{}


5.2 size10d5.sty

KTUGOperate:4706 (by Karnes) Uploads:size10d5.sty õ ȭ KTUGOperate:9673 ֽϴ.


6 ũ

Q1(KTUGOperate:5944): Report ũ 12 point ϰ, Ʒ÷ڳ ÷ ũ 10 point 8 point ؼ report ۼؾߵǴµ, ÷ ũ⸦ preamble  ؾߵǴ ûմϴ.

A(KTUGOperate:5962): preamble  ̶ ϴ ̴ϴ.
⼭ { } arguments ũ⸦ Ʈ Ÿ Դϴ. ̵
normal text font = text pt
\textstyle = math_text size
\scriptstyle = script 
\scriptscriptstyle = sscript
شմϴ. Kopka and Dally, _A Guide to LaTeX_ (P. 356) ϳ ϴ.

Q1(KTUGOperate:14013): ũ⸦ ũ ϰ ͽϴ. displaymath ǥõǴ ĵ ũ⸦ ϰ ñմϴ.

A(KTUGOperate:14014): preamble
־.࿡ ϼ.
#> texdoc fntguide
LaTeXe font selection 17 õ ֽϴ.

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