Words must be weighed, not counted.
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/ custom-bib

⿡ custom-bib ؼ ڽ BSTFile ϴ ٷϴ.

2.2 makebst(custom-bib) ϱ
2.3 bst ϱ
4 Ÿ



CustomBib Daly TeX ƿƼμ, ڰ ڽ BSTFile ֵ ش. ⺻ makebst.tex Ͽ Ͽ LaTeX ϸ BSTFile ִ ̴.
#> latex makebst





ǻ翡 ؾ Ѵٰ . ⺻ ü Ÿ ڸ ؾ Ѵ. ڼ ϶.

  • 1. AW Warner, DL White, WA Bonner. Real-time Fourier transformation via acousto-optics.
    J Appl Phys 43:4489-4493, 1972. (for journal papers)
  • 2. D Dzombak. Elements of Power Systems Analysis. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
    1975, pp. 125-134. (for books)
  • 3. UM Diwekar, Solvent selection under uncertainty. In: GV Recklitis, ed. Clean
    Solvents Design. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002, pp.169-174. (for book chapters)
  • 4. S Sorensen, S Skogestad, Multivessel columns. Proceedings of Advances in Batch Distillation,
    Pittsburgh, 2002, pp. 270-282. (for meetings)

ٷο .

  • ۽Ʈ + Ʈ (, JF Smith).
  • , θ, å, é, ݵ Period(.) ְ ǥ. ִ´.
  • ο dz⵵ ʹȣ ; ϰ, å, é ʹȣ տ ; Ѵ.
  • In: éͿ ϰ ̳ ȸ ƾ Ѵ.


2.2 makebst(custom-bib) ϱ

1. CTAN makebst.ins, makebst.dtx, ׸ merlin.mbs ٿ ޴´. merlin.mbs master bibliography styleϷν Ͽ 츮 ϴ ȴ.

2. ɾ Ŀǵο Է.
   latex makebst.ins
   latex makebst

3. ׷ õ ̴. ѹ ϰ ڷ ư Ƿ
. ߿ ū ð. 𸣰 ׳ Ʈ ϰ Ѿ . ߿ ̴.
   (a) Do you want a description of the usage? => yes

   (b) Enter the name of the MASTER file => default.

   (c) Name of the final OUTPUT .bst file? => type your .bst file name (⼭ imsi ).

   (d) Do you want verbose comments => yes (ڼ    Ƿ  ).

   (e) STYLE OF CITATIONS: => (a) Author-year with some non-standard interface (-⵵).

   (f) AUTHOR-YEAR SUPPORT SYSTEM => Natbib for use with ~ (Natbib Բ  Ŷ).

   (g) ORDERING OF REFERENCES => (c) Citation order (unsorted ...) ( ޵ Ƿ).

   (h) AUTHOR NAMES => (x) Surname + pure initials (Smith JF). (츮  ϴ 
       JF Smith Ÿ. ɼǿ ׸ ⿡ ̰ ϰ ߿ )

   (i) DATE POSITION => (*) Date at end. (ο ⵵  ߿, å ÿ
        ȣ տ ⵵ ; ϹǷ  ߿ )

   (j) JOURNAL NAMES => (x) Dottles journal names as 'Phys Rev'.

   (k) VOLUME PUNCTUATION => (*) Volume with colon as vol(num):ppp.

   (l) JOURNAL NAME PUNCTUATION => (x) Space after journal name.

   (m) PUBLISHER POSITION => (e) Publisher after edition.

   (n) PUNCTUATION BETWEEN SECTIONS => (t) Period after titles of articles, books,
       etc else commas.

   (o) PUNCTUATION AFTER 'IN' => (c) Colon after 'in' (as 'In: ..'). (׷ ÿ In:  ʿ
   Ƿ ߿ ).

   (p) . 'imsi.dbj'  .  Ϸ  imsi.bst  ڳİ
   ? ϸ imsi.bst   .

4. ɼ ߸ ־ ϰ ʹٸ տ imsi.dbj (ƽŰ) Ʈе ͷ . 빮ڷ Ǿ ְ ɼǿ ȣ(%) . ߸ ÿ ȣ ְ ϴ ɼǿ ȣ ָ ȴ. ׷ latex imsi.dbj ϸ ٽ imsi.bst ش.


2.3 bst ϱ

õ custom-bib 츮 ϴ ɼ ִ ƴϴ. ִ 츮 ϴ Ŀ ؾ Ѵ. ð ȴٸ /textmf/doc/bibtex ִ btxdoc.dvi btxhak.dvi о Ѵ. (bst postfix stack ۼǾ ִٰ ϴµ ۾̰ ܿ ƴ ϴ ^_^).

1. imsi.bst 12 귡Ŷ پ ̴. 츮 12. ϹǷ LaTeX κпٰ ڵ带 ذ ȴ.
   \makeatletter % Reference list option change
     \renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{#1.} % from [1] to 1.
   \makeatother %
ɼŰ #1. ϴ پ ü ִ. , #1). 1). ̴. ƹ͵ ھ ̴.

2. Smith JF JF Smith ٲپ . imsi.bst ؽƮ ͷ  FUNCTION {format.names} ãƺ. {vv~}{ll}{ f{}}{ jj} ڵ带 ִµ, vv von part ( von Neumann), ll Ʈ, ff ۽Ʈ, ׸ jj Ͼ Ʈ̴. ڰ ΰ ( ll) Ǯ ϳ ( f) θ ´. {vv~}{ll}{ f{}}{ jj} Jane F. Smith ̸ Smith JF ȴ. 츮 JF Smith ϹǷ {f{}}{vv~}{ll}{ jj} ٲٸ ȴ.

3. ̸ period(.) . FUNCTION {article} ڵ尡 ִ ҷ , author format.key output ٷ Ʒ new.sentence Ѵ. ׷ custom-bib ϱ (n) PUNCTIONS BETWEEN SECTIONS Ǿ尡 Եȴ.

4. мȸڿ ÿ In: . ǻ翡 éͿ In: ϰ мȸ ÿ Ģ Ƿ imsi.bstϿ FUNCTION {incollection} ڵ带 ã´. ⿡ format.in.ed.booktitle booktitle output.check̶ ο ִµ .in.ed ϸ ȴ. FUNCTION {inproceedings} ãƼ ۾ ϸ ȴ.

5. Edition å ű. FUNCTION {book} ڵ format.edition output å format.number.series output ٷ ű ȴ.



1. ڰ ϳ⵵ ̳ å BibTeX ϴ 찡 ִ.
   Daisyweb, Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms, Vol B, In-house Publishing, OH 2000
   Daisyweb, Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms, Vol A, In-house Publishing, OH 2000
ϸ, Vol A ; Կ ұϰ Vol B ĵǴ 찡 ִ.

BibTeX -⵵- bib ϹǷ ڵ带 ϴ bib ùκп Ѵ.
bib item ⵵ ٲ۴.
   For Vol. A entry : year = "{\noopsort{a}}1971" ( year="1971"ſ)
   For Vol. B entry : year = "{\noopsort{b}}1971"
׷ BibTeX Vol A ̴. Ȥ {\noopsort{a}} ⵵ ſ տ ׽Ʈ . ( δ 3° ̰ Ǵµ ⿡ Ǿ ־).


4 Ÿ

Contributors: Daisyweb

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