He who spends a storm beneath a tree, takes life with a grain of TNT.
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@@ -1,195 +1 @@
DohyunKim [Karnes] , [LaTeX #redirect Hangul-ucs ] Ű ̿Ͽ UTF-8 ڵ Է ѱ óϱ LaTeX Ű̴.
Ÿ ٽ κ ѱ ó, ڵ, ׸ ε ۼ κ DohyunKim ۼϿ, [Karnes] Ʈ , ѱ ǻ ⿩ϰ ȭ Ͽ.
== ޽ ==
DohyunKim, [[Date(2004-12-14T11:26:50)]]
UTF-8ȯ濡 ѱ ϰ ƾڿ ѱ, ڸ ٸ latex-ucs Ȱϴ ʿ䰡 մϴ. omega Ѱ谡 ϱ. pdftex ̿ .
׷ latex-ucs ѱ۾⸦ ׽Ʈ ҽϴ.
1. Ű Ե ϱ ĪϿ hangul-ucs Ű θ.
1. ̼ GNU GPL .
== ٿε ==
'''version 2.51'''
== What's New ==
[[Date(2005-07-13T02:20:29)]] : '''dhucs 2.51'''
1. 2.5 Ʈ .
[[Date(2005-07-11T17:26:51)]] : dhucs 2.5
1. ȣ տ
1. {{{dhucs-trivcj}}} Ʈ , Ÿ
[[Date(2005-06-29T13:42:55)]] : dhucs 2.4
1. ѱ ġ ȣ Ģ ó .
[[Date(2005-04-29T02:29:10)]] : dhucs 2.3
1. fake-tfm .
[[Date(2005-04-26T10:41:40)]] : dhucs 2.2
1. 巯ǥ . dhucs.sty `\dotemph` ϰ, `ucs-hangul` ̸ Ȯ.
[[Date(2005-04-25T16:12:40)]] : dhucs 2.1
1. HLaTeX 1.01 `hangulfn.sty` `dhucsfn.sty` .
1. HLaTeX 1.0x "巯ǥ" .
1. `dhucsdoc` .
1. `dhucs` `\normalfont` ϰ `ucs-hangul` `\rmfamily` `\normalfont` ٲ.
[[Date(2005-04-22T09:46:31)]] : dhucs 2.0c
1. `contrib/dhucs-gremph.sty` changed.
1. `dhucsdoc` updated.
[[Date(2005-03-04T23:10:55)]] : dhucs 2.0b
1. `contrib/dhucs-setspace.sty` changed.
[[Date(2005-02-24T20:58:22)]] : dhucs 2.0a
1. `makeindex-dhucs.pl` bug fix.
[[Date(2005-02-14T22:45:41)]] : dhucs 2.0
1. improve `PrerenderUnicode` problem.
1. integrate ALL-HANJA autojosa.
1. release new version.
[[Date(2005-02-02T13:13:05)]] : dhucs 1.52
1. `makeindex-dhucs.pl` bug fixed.
[[Date(2005-01-26T16:16:14)]] : dhucs 1.51
1. dhucsdoc updated.
1. `dhucs-sectsty` modified.
[[Date(2005-01-22T20:27:44)]] : dhucs 1.5
1. `\unichar` definition changed.
1. `makeindex-dhucs.pl` changed.
1. dhucsdoc changed.
[[Date(2005-01-21T20:50:20)]] : dhucs 1.4-1
1. dhucs prerender unicode changed.
[[Date(2005-01-21T01:16:44)]] : dhucs 1.4, dhucs 2.0beta-20050120
1. prerender unicode bug fix
1. dhucsdoc updated.
1. snapshot repository moved to ftp.ktug.or.kr
[[Date(2005-01-19T16:23:24)]] : dhucs 1.3, dhucs 2.0beta-20050119
1. prerender unicode bug fix.
1. makeindex-dhucs.pl updated.
1. Ưó. (see dhucsdoc)
1. dhucsdoc updated.
[[Date(2005-01-17T13:43:21)]] : dhucs 1.2, dhucs 2.0beta
1. ڵ bug fix.
1. ڿ ڵ縦 ϴ 2.0beta .
[[Date(2005-01-14T21:39:59)]] : dhucs 1.2beta
1. ڿ ڵ縦 . (See [DHUcs/ȭ])
[[Date(2005-01-12T14:25:15)]] : dhucs-1.1-4
1. texmf-unttf ߾ *.fd .
[[Date(2005-01-11T01:45:57)]] : dhucs-1.1-3
1. {{{ucs-hangul}}} fixed.
1. {{{dhucs-sectsty}}} added.
1. {{{dhucsdoc}}} updated.
[[DateTime(2005-01-07T13:47:36)]] : dhucs-1.1
1. `\josa@hyper@link` definition altered. bug fix.
[[Date(2005-01-07T12:50:44)]] : dhucs 1.0
1. .
1. makeindex-dhucs.pl replaced.
1. Prerender Unicode ذå
1. dhucsdoc updated.
[[Date(2005-01-07T00:41:34)]] : dhucs-20050107.
1. Prerender Unicode ذ(See [DHUcs/ȭ])
1. makeindex-dhucs.pl replaced.
1. dhucsdoc updated.
[[Date(2005-01-06T10:16:17)]] : dhucs-20050106.
1. .aux {{{\PrerenderUnicode}}} ڵ ߰.
1. (dhucsdoc) ߰.
[[Date(2005-01-05T14:34:35)]] : pre-release-20050105.
1. {{{\unichar}}} definition changed.
1. makeindex-dhucs.pl replaced. (by DohyunKim).
[[Date(2005-01-04T00:57:24)]] : pre-release-20050104. [DHUcs/ȭ] .
1. ucs-hangul section nameref .
1. utf8x.def utf8.def εϵ .
1. Ȯڸ ۲÷ ϵ .
1. nonfrench ȣ Ģó ʴ .
[[Date(2005-01-03T01:37:48)]] : pre-release-20050103. hanja option. minor fixes.
[[Date(2005-01-02T00:11:55)]] : pre-release-20050101-2. fd .
[[Date(2005-01-01T19:20:12)]] : pre-release-20050101. pre-release version 1.
== ġ ==
ġ ؼ Ե [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/dhucsdoc.pdf dhucsdoc.pdf] о.
1. [۲] [۲] texmf tree ġǾ ־ Ѵ.
۲ ġ , Ű ⺻ Ʈ̹Ƿ, ݵ ġϿ Ѵ. TEXMF TREE [۲] ִ ġϵ Ѵ.
1. [LaTeX-ucs] Ű.
ѱ ó [LaTeX-ucs] Ű ϰ Ƿ ݵ ġϵ Ѵ.
1. ٿε Ե ϵ ġ ű.
bin/makeindex-dhucs.pl -> /usr/bin/*
dvipdfmx-cmap/UTF8-UCS2 -> [texmf-local]/dvipdfm/CMap/*
makeindex/dhucs.ist -> [texmf-local]/makeindex/*
tex-latex-dhucs/* -> [texmf-local]/tex/latex/dhucs/*
1. {{{texhash}}} Ǵ {{{mktexlsr}}} Ͽ Filename Database Ѵ.
== ׽Ʈغ ==
ȿ ִ doc/ Ʒ Ű ϹǷ Ͽ 캼 Ѵ.
1. ݵ [UTF-8] ڵ ڵ ԷµǾ Ѵ.
1. PDFLaTeX Ͽ PDF ְ, LaTeX -> DVIPDFMx ó ִ.
Ʒ ǻ ϶.
1. ѱ ãƺ(ε) makeindex wrapper {{{makeindex-dhucs.pl}}} Perl Script ԵǾ ִ.(by DohyunKim)
=== ѱ å ===
\AtBeginDvi{\special{pdf:tounicode UTF8-UCS2}}
=== ѱ ε ===
ѱ ׷캰 ְ ʹٸ
makeindex-dhucs.pl -s dhucs [Ȯ tex ϸ(.aux ϸ)]
׷챸и ϰ
makeindex-dhucs.pl [Ȯ tex ϸ(.aux ϸ)]
== PDFLaTeX ==
PDF ؼ PDFLaTeX ų LaTeX -> DVIPDFMx ִ. [۲] TeXMF tree ġ ,
`[texmf-unfonts]` Ʒ ִ {{{unttf-pdftex.map}}} ġѴ.
* PDFTeX pdftex.cfg ̿ϴ ̶ {{{unttf-pdftex.map}}} üϰ {{{pdftex.cfg}}} map ԵǾ ȮѴ.
* {{{pdftex.cfg}}} ̿ ʴ ̶ {{{unttf-pdftex.map}}} PDFTeX д map Ͽ ٿִ´. Ϲ {{{[texmf]/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}}} . MiKTeX {{{[localtexmf]/pdftex/config/psfonts.map}}}ε, Ű ׷̵ ϹǷ .
/!\ PDFLaTeX ۼ PDF, ѱ åǴ dz ѱ ؽƮ ˻/ , fake slanted, fake bold ʽϴ.
== DHUcs Ȯ ==
=== dhucs-trivcj ===
ѱ ѵ ܶ Ϻ/߱ óϱ Ű. See KTUGContrib:2655
߱ Ϻ ۼϴ ϱ⿡ ġ ʽϴ.
Download :
* (20050712)
* font (texmf tree) [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/dhucs/contrib/texmf-trivcj.tar.gz texmf-trivcj.tar.gz]
* style files [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/dhucs-trivcj.zip dhucs-trivcj.zip]
* ߹ (20050711)
* style files [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/dhucs-trivcj-expr.zip dhucs-trivcj-expr.zip]
=== UHC ۲ Virtual Fonts ===
See KTUGContrib:2724
* Download : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/dhucs/contrib/uhc-unicode-vf.tar.gz uhc-unicode-vf.tar.gz]
=== memhangul-ucs ===
{{{memoir}}} Ű ѱ. See MemhangulClass.
=== hozemanucs ===
See [hozeŴƮ]
== ==
׿ [DHUcs/ȭ] .
== ڷ ==
* [LaTeX-ucs]
* [DHUcs/ȭ]
Maintained by DohyunKim and [Karnes]
[http://sin-city.poes.net/ .] [http://korabliki.tripod.com/ .] [http://ass-like-that.descom.es/ .] [http://humano.ya.com/shimpanze/ .] [http://wanna-party.dyndsl.com/ .] [http://strong-emotion.bpa.nu/ .] [http://mitglied.lycos.de/privateproperty/ .] [http://full-length.bpa.nu/ .] [http://maximonline.dnip.net/ .] [http://all-stars.static.net/ .] [http://blevuchiy-katarsis.bpa.nu/ .] [http://dark-side.lookin.at/ .] [http://sapiens.ya.com/hennessyweb/ .] [http://badmovies.home.sapo.pt/ .] [http://dangerous.dynaip.com/ .] [http://dreams.dnip.net/ .] [http://amazing2you.com.sapo.pt/ .] [http://vodka-non-stop.static.net/ .] [http://ready-or-not.sin-ip.com/ .] [http://sexy-lady.descom.es/ .] [http://diadia-bleva.bpa.nu/ .] [http://mitglied.lycos.de/partyhardcore/ .] [http://dangerous-things.lowestprices.at/ .] [http://mitglied.lycos.de/confidential/ .] [http://celebs.com.sapo.pt/ .] [http://bard-blya.tripod.com/ .] [http://wonderful-night.dynaip.com/ .] [http://mochi-kozlov.dyndsl.com/ .] [http://private-40th-anniversary.lookin.at/ .] [http://tvoi-batoni.yi.org/ .] [http://wakeboard.dnip.net/ .] [http://galvanize.kanndas.net/ .] [http://semenovich.dnip.net/ .] [http://ablaze.porkyhost.com/ .] [http://xyu.zenno.info/ .] [http://k750i.porkyhost.com/ .] [http://galvanize.kanndas.net/ .] [http://beautiful.zenno.info/ .] [http://free6.home.sapo.pt/ .] [http://crystal-method.sin-ip.com/ .] [http://private-life-of.dyndsl.com/ .] [http://call-911.dyndsl.com/ .] [http://dvd-quality.zenno.info/ .] [http://faraway.bestdeals.at/ .] [http://mnogo-trafa.zenno.info/ .] [http://na-huy.zenno.info/ .] [http://gotikanah.tripod.com/ .] [http://nochnoy-dozor.poes.net/ .]

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