"post"() ü ãƺ

You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.
FrontPageUbuntu����TeX�ϱ�&value=ȭα۲WinEdtTip/�������&value=TeXLaTeX으로일본어사용/Obsolete&value=۲&value=LaTeX으로일본어사용/FrontPagebb���Ͼ��&value=MacOSġϱ › EPS

ũ ã
  • BigFont . . . . 3 matches
         == a0poster Ȱϱ ==
          * a0poster Ŭ ġų a0size Ÿ ġ پ ũ⸦ մϴ. --[Progress]
  • CWEB . . . . 1 match
          * metapost ҽ: attachment:fig.mp.gz
  • CustomBib . . . . 1 match
         '''btxdoc.dvi''' '''btxhak.dvi''' о Ѵ. (bst postfix stack ۼǾ ִٰ ϴµ ۾̰ ܿ ƴ ϴ ^_^).
  • DVI/Format . . . . 16 matches
         [DVI] ũ κ ִµ ù κ '''preamble''', κ '''postamble''' ̶ θ ⿡ ⺻ ϵǾ ֽϴ. [DVI] κ preamble postamble ߰ κ ϰ ִµ ⿡ ʷ  ˴ϴ.
          {{{<preamble> <1st page> <2nd page> ... <last page> <postamble>}}}
         ==== Postamble ====
         '''postamble''' [DVI] κп ġϸ postamble ˸ {{{post}}} ڵ(248) 8 μ ˴ϴ. ڿ [DVI] Ͽ ۲õ ǰ {{{postpost}}} ڵ(249) 2 μ ɴϴ. [DVI] 223 4-7 Ʈ äµ ̰ [DVI] ũⰡ 4 ǵ ϱ ؼ ˴ϴ.
          {{{post p[4] num[4] den[4] mag[4] l[4] u[4] s[2] t[2]}}}
          {{{postpost q[4] i[1] 223's[>=4]}}}
         {{{post}}} μ {{{num}}}, {{{den}}}, {{{mag}}} ̹ {{{preamble}}} Դ ٽ ѹ Դϴ. {{{p}}} μ [DVI] Ͽ ͸ ([DVI] 0 ) ǹϰ {{{l}}} μ ̰ (height + depth) ǹϰ {{{u}}} μ ū (width) ǹմϴ. {{{s}}} μ [DVI] Ͽ ִ ̸ ׸ {{{t}}} μ [DVI] Ͽ ִ ǹմϴ.
         {{{postpost}}} μ {{{i}}} {{{preamble}}} Դ ̰ {{{q}}} μ {{{post}}} ڵ ġ Ű Դϴ.
         2. [DVI] Ͽ ٿ ڽ(bounding box; ̿ ) ʽϴ. {{{postamble}}} ִ ũ⸸ ֽϴ. ٿ ڽ Ϸ [DVI] ɵ мؾ߸ մϴ.
  • EPS׸ . . . . 1 match
         PostScript / [EPS] / '''EPS ׸ ϱ'''
          1. ׸ `AI_eps01_new.ps` ̸ "PostScript" Ѵ.
          => PostScript Ϸ Ʈ ǥ Ÿ1 ƮŸ ó ִ дϴ.
          ۲ з ξ մϴ. type1 type3 postscript outline PS level 1 ġ ó ֽϴ. , type 42 truetype outline PS wrapping PS level 2(Ϻ PS level 1 ġ?) ġ ó ֽϴ. type8, type 11  Ͻʽÿ. [http://www.freetype.org/pipermail/devel/2003-December/010000.html] --
          ''PostScript  ̿Ͽ TrueType ٷ ִ ½ϴ. ׷ PSFrag ̿Ϸ [TeX] Ե `dvips(k)` ϴµ, ̰ TrueType embeddingϴ () ϴ. ׷ õ PSFrag ַ ̿ϴ ƽþƮ embedding ϰ pk Ʈ ۲ Եǰ ˴ϴ. [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġ , `updmap.cfg` ʾҴٸ Type1 ۲õ pk Ʈ  ɼ ϴ. ׷ ̰ ڰ ؼ Type1 ֽϴ. ƹư ѱ 뿡 , Ʈ ʰڴٸ μ [UHC۲]ۿ ִ ϴ. [۲] TrueType̱ , մϴ. ó DVIPDFMx pdf ׸ DZ ϰ PSFrag ٴ ϴ. CID-Keyed TrueType Font handling ִ `dvi -> ps` converter ; ذ ְ. ƴϸ PK Ʈ ǰ ߵ簡... ;) '' --[Karnes]
  • FindPage . . . . 1 match
         <form METHOD=POST ACTION=http://ktug.kldp.net/jsboard/locate.php>
         <form action="http://www.ktug.or.kr/xe/" method="post" id="isSearch">
  • FortuneCookies . . . . 2 matches
          * If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it. Quit work and play for once!
          * You will be given a post of trust and responsibility.
  • JadeTeX . . . . 1 match
         ̷ ϴ DocBook PostScript [PDF] ־ϴ.
          * '/etc/postinstall' {{{sgml-base.sh, openjade.sh, docbook-sgml.sh, docbook-dsssl.sh}}} Ѵ.
  • KC2007/ġ . . . . 3 matches
          1. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe] ٿεϿ 丮 Ѵ. ( )
          1. ۾ 丮 ƿͼ postinstall-kc07-1.3.3.exe .
  • KC2008Plus . . . . 1 match
          * ġ α׷ ׷ post install actions  sumatrapdf ġ Init_npp_inverse_search Ͻʽÿ.
  • KTSConference/AsiaTeX08 . . . . 1 match
          * [http://conf.ktug.kr/2008/image/asiatex08poster.pdf ]
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 4 matches
          * ġ KC2007-esse-postinstall Ǵ KC2007-time-dist ߰ ġѴ().
          * Vista ġ Administrator ġѴ. Ϲ ڴ kcupdate Ƿ postinstall Ȥ time-dist kcupdate ġ .
          1. esse : [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate] (277Ʈ)
  • KTUGDocumentationProject . . . . 2 matches
         === MetaPost Ȱ ===
         MetaPost ſ ׸ ó Դϴ. Metafont ΰ Postscript ֵ ϴ . Ư ConTeXt Metapost ⺻ ׸ ó äϰ ֱ Ȱ ɼ Ŀ մϴ. ̰ ִ ε KTUG Ϻη Ȱ ֵ ּ̽ϴ. ̰ Ͻʴϴ.
         [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/metapost/ MetaPost Ȱ(HTML)]
  • KTUGŰ/亯 . . . . 1 match
         ׷ MetaPostPrecessor ׽ƮغҴµ labeló ȵǴ±.
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 2 matches
         ƹư [Lambda]δ HLaTeX [UHC۲] ̿ؼ [CP949] ѱ ǥ ִٴ ̿ؼ ϼ ѱ PostScript ׸ äֱ ߽ϴ.
          <!> ڱ׸ Ʈ ̳ PostScript ֽϴ. 迡 ϸ PostScript 찡 ػ  [Yap] DVI Previewer ʾҽϴ. PDF ϰ Ƿ ٰ ϴٸ....
          Ͽ, Ʈ EPS {{{$texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg}}} {{{dvipsPreferOutline}}} {{{false}}} Ǿ ־ մϴ. {{{true}}} ٲٰ {{{updmap}}} ϸ PostScript EPS ֽϴ. {{{updmap.cfg}}} HLaTeX `map` ÷ ־ մϴ. [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġϰ ٲ ʾҴٸ HLaTeX Ǿ ְ {{{dvipsPreferOutline false}}} Ǿ Դϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-01 . . . . 1 match
          ȣ Բ ׸ ϷƮͷ ذǴ ̴ϱ ؼ ڰ Ͻ ִ. ׷ ߿Դ. pstoedit, ps2eps, pdftops, jpeg2ps, purifier(purifyeps DOS ġ · ), mpost, eps2eps, xfig, jfig, InkScape, netpbm... ƹư ׸ ó ؼ õ غ .
  • Karnes/2008-08 . . . . 1 match
         2:09 postinstall
  • Karnes/2008-10 . . . . 2 matches
          1. installPOST
         Mac Ĵٺ鼭 帳ϴ. installPOST mktexlsr updmap ѱ Ʈ addϴ ɿ شϴ Դϱ? Ȥ ƴϸ mac terminal̳ unix  üϸ Ǵ ΰ? -- 迵 [[DateTime(2008-11-14T12:25:27)]]
          * : eps '''ô '''̴. dviware dvipsۿ ܺ ׸ ϱ Ͽ ̴. Ǵ ٸ ϸ, postscript μ⿡ ׸ ϱ ϴ ̴. postscript μ pdf ؼ ̴. eps Ͽ . Դٰ κ ģ ׸ Ʈ eps 𸣰ų ߸ óѴ. ( eps ٷ ׸ó鵵 ).
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 1 match
          * ġ Ŀ KC2008 installpost ϸ(KC2008 RUD Ʈ ϴ 쵵 Ƿ Ͻʽÿ) ֽϴ. %HOME%/.kc2008 ִ 캸ø ֽϴ. (, ġ  ϴ ȮϽ и ġϽʽÿ. Ǹ "ó" ƴ϶ ˴ϴ.)
          * ġ Ͽ (ν)Ϸ InstallPost fmtutil --all ϸ ˴ϴ.
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 1 match
         \renewcommand{\postchapternum}{} %%% memhangul
  • LaTeX2Html . . . . 2 matches
         sub post_post_process {
  • LaTeXCad . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeXCad ׸ ׸ Դϴ. MetaPost PSTricksʹ ٸ WysiWyg α׷Դϴ.
          http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/down/lacad.zip (Ǵ Uploads:lacad.zip )
         ڼ LaTeXCad [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/latexcad.htm WinEdt LaTeXCad ϱ] Ǵ [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/down/LATEXCAD.pdf LATEXCAD.pdf] Ͻʽÿ.
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2009 . . . . 3 matches
          * attachment:WS2009_poster.pdf
          * progress -> KTUGBoard:8759 (ҽ attachment:post_WS2009_by_progress.zip)
          ־ غýϴ. :-) attachment:post_WS2009_by_progress_touched_2.tex
  • LaTeX߻ϱʵ . . . . 2 matches
         === [MetaPost] ===
          * [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/metapost/]
         and posted PDF files of The TeXbook on the Internet.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 . . . . 4 matches
          * ''post-break'' ؽƮ
         discretionary break Ǵ ̷. discretionary break ٹٲ Ͼ , pre-break ؽƮ , ٹٲ޵ ó post-break ؽƮ , ٹ߲ ߻ , ٿ no-break ؽƮ ´.
         \discretionary{<pre-break ؽƮ>}{<post-break ؽƮ>}{<no-break ؽƮ>}
         . ۿ ٹٲ Ͼ ټ 츦 캸Ҵ. 쿡 ؼ Ƽ . :) ó , glue, kern, math-off ݿ شϹǷ Ƽ ʴ´. Ƽ ʴ´ٴ Ҹ Ƽ 0̶ ̴. ׹° , penalty, ׹° Ƽ ϴ ̴. شѴ. Ƽ ٹٲ ϰڴٴ ǥ̴. ټ° , discretionary break, 쿡 ÷ \hyphenpenalty, \exhyphenpenalty Ƽ ⺻ ִ. Ƽ ⿡ ó ̴µ, ׷ ʴ. discretionary break pre-break, post-break, nobreak ؽƮ ̷ٰ ˰ִ. \hyphenpenlaty ܾ ǹ̸ ֵ, ܾ ̿ؼ ٹٲ , pre-break ؽƮ nonempty϶, ϴ Ƽ̰, \exhyphenpenalty pre-break ؽƮ empty϶, ϴ Ƽ̴. ÷ ⺻ Ƽ꿡 50 οѴ. \hyphenpenalty=50, \exhyphenpenalty=50.
  • MacOSġϱ/Alternative . . . . 1 match
         ⼭ ڰ ο texmf Ʈ ߰ϴ ʱ Ѵ. ̰ ϰ Ϸ texmf.postinst ũƮ ̿Ͽ teTeX ġ ó ؾ ϴµ ʹ ŷӴ. ,
  • MakingDic . . . . 3 matches
          *\postfix{text} ̻ --> html ȯ ~ text Դϴ.
         $search_regex = array ("/\\\prefix{(.*?)}/i","/\\\postfix{(.*?)}/i",
         $search_regex = array ("/\\\prefix{(.*?)}/i","/\\\postfix{(.*?)}/i",
  • MetaPost . . . . 4 matches
         == MetaPost? ==
         MetaPost MetaFontκ ׸ ׸ ⺻ MetaFontʹ ޸ bitmap PostScript code Ѵ.
          * http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/hobby/MetaPost.html
          * http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/metapost/
          * http://www.tlhiv.org/MetaPost/documentation/MetaPost_Learning.pdf
         == MetaPost ġ ==
          * ̰ƴ MetaPost ȳ: http://doc.ktug.or.kr/metapost/
          * http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2008/talks/2008-08-22-hartmut-metapost/mptut-context2008.pdf
         == [Hangul-ucs] MetaPost ==
          1. MetaPost 0.970
          1. MetaPostκ pdf
         $ mpost foo
         \sf PostScript Ʈ ϴ .
          See [MetaPost/Graph]
         == MetaPost Processor ==
  • MetaPost . . . . 1 match
         98⵵ л ˹ϸ metapost ׸Դϴ.
  • Omega-CJK . . . . 16 matches
         \def\postpartnum{\partnamefont \post@part}
         % \printpartname \partnamenum \printpartnum \partnamenum \postpartnum
          \prepartnum \partnamenum \printpartnum \partnamenum \postpartnum
         % \printchaptername \chapternamenum \printchapternum \chapternamenum \postchapternum
          \prechapternum \chapternamenum \printchapternum \chapternamenum \postchapternum
          \def\postchapternum{\chapnamefont \post@chapter}
  • PDFPresentation . . . . 1 match
         latex/dvips/ps2pdf ļ pdf ϴ Ű. pstricks postscript  ϰ ִ.
  • PPower4 . . . . 1 match
         ̹ PDF ó(post-processing) Ͽ ϴ ȿ PDF  ִ. ->[http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//support/ppower4/oedemo.pdf oedemo.pdf]
  • PostScript . . . . 2 matches
         '''PS (PostScript)'''
         === What is PostScript? ===
         ƮũƮ ֿ ̹ ġ ϴ  ϴ ̾. "ġ"̶ ǹ̴  Ư Ư( ػ) ̹ ǵ Ѵٴ ε,  PostScript Ϳ ְ ڴ ̾. ׷  ƮũƮ ġ ̸ ϴ 찡 ( ػ󵵳 Ʈ ), ̰ ƴϰ ̽ļ ϴ ̴.
          * [http://www.cs.indiana.edu/docproject/programming/postscript/postscript.html The First Guide to PostScript]
          * '''[http://www.prepressure.com/ps/history/history.htm The history of PostScript]'''
         PostScript ( PS) ū Ư¡ DSC ƯԴϴ(׷ DCS ƴ!). See DocumentStructuringConvention.
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 1 match
  • ProcessorExamples . . . . 2 matches
         == MetaPost ==
  • TDS . . . . 1 match
         TeX ý ġǴ 丮 ǥ TDS Ѵ. TDS root directory texmf ̸ , Ʒ Macro ġǴ `tex`, Ʈ ġǴ `fonts`, Ʈ ƴ METAFONT `metafont`, MetaPost `metapost`, ׸ `bibtex`, `doc`, `source` top-level directory ϴ , TeX ġ ýۿ () ȵǾ ִ.
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 1 match
          * tex4ht 3 option ϴ. ó tex4ht.sty .4ht style file ̰, ι° tex4ht postprocessor ̸, ° t4ht Դϴ.( 𸨴ϴ) http://www.tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn3.html
         \newcommand{\try}{\Pre Just trying. \Post}
  • VimEditor . . . . 2 matches
         === "blabla" (grave grave)blabla(apostrophe apostrophe) ϰ ٲٷ ===
  • WinEdtTip/DOSɽ . . . . 2 matches
         == MetaPost ==
         KTUGOperate:13073'''''' MetaPost ʿ temp.tex ִ. Ϸ
          LaTeX -> mpost -> LaTeX
          Ͽ Ѵ. ù ܰ LaTeX, TeXify, PDFLaTeX, `PDFTeXify` ߵ ƹ ߳ ȴ. prob1.mp prob2.mp . prob1.mp prob2.mp MetaPost Ͽ ϴµ `Command Line:`
          ְ OK ߸ , prob1.1, prob1.log, pob1.t1 .[[FootNote(MiKTeX MetaPost ڵ ġȴ. c:\texmf\doc\metapost\base ޴ Ǵ ҽ ϵ Բ ġȴ.)]] prob2.mp Ͽ MetaPost Ѵ. ׷ ٽ ( LaTeX, TeXify ϳ)ϸ ϴ (dvi) ´. pdf ʿϸ dvi->pdf ߸ ȴ.
  • Yap . . . . 1 match
         == Yap PostScript ==
          Ignore PostScript specials (Ǵ ƮũƮ (I))
         === Yap PostScript μ ===
         ׸ , pstricks PostScript specials Ʒ ׸ DVIPS render method ƴ ִ. "(Y)" ߸ ̸, μ  DVIPS óϿ ְ μ ִ.
         [DVI] `dvips` PostScript ȯϿ μ ִ. PostScript μⰡ ʿ
          * ü PostScript ̰ų
          * PostScript μ⸦ ؾ߸ ִ 찡 ֱ ̴.
         ι° õ ǥ PSFrag Ͽ ڿ ġȯϿų landscape ǥ ׸ ȸŲ ̴. Yap ȭ ü ϴ ʴ postscript ϸ ε ¹ ִ. ü PostScript Ͱ ƴϴ PostScript Ʈ ȯϿ ִٴ ϶.
         [Yap] â "Pڰ ִ "(PostScript μ) ߸ ϼ PostScript μ⹰ ִ. ʴ´. "PostScript μ" ߸ Ŭϸ "Print" ȭ (console: ׸ ) .
         "PostScript "(: `LaserWriter`), Ϲ "PCL "(: HP `LaserJet`, LG )Ŀ ٸ.
         "PostScript " "Print" ȭ ( ׸)
         PostScript Ͱ ƴ Ϲ "PCL " PostScript μ
          Ѵ. ٸ (DVI->PostScript->Printer) ϸ ڵ μȴ.
          <!> [Yap] PostScript μⰡ ƴ (Normal) μ ߸ PSFrag ʰ [Yap] ̴ μȴ(KTUGSetup:2060 ). ps Ǵ pdf Ϸ ȯϸ GSView Ǵ AcrobatReader μ⸦ ִ.
  • Yhchoe/WinEdt̵ . . . . 1 match
         [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/latexcad.htm LaTeXCad ] LaTeXCad ϱ Ͽ ߿ οϴ LaTeXCad ġϰ ϴ ִ.
         WinEdt â ٷ "Run..." ȭڸ Lambda , MetaPost , MetaFont , GhostScriptUtilities (ps2ps ) , Nomenclature ( Ǵ ȣ ) [WinEdtTip/DOSɽ] Ͻʽÿ.
          * KTUGContrib:358 [Yap] PostScript ɼ
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals . . . . 1 match
          1. ξ پ ׸ coding ְ ִ ͵ TeX macro package ִ. ǥ PSTricks XYPic, Metapost ִ. Ѵ. ̿ LaTeX Graphics Companion(?)̶ å Ǿ ִ.
  • hermian . . . . 3 matches
          * installpost ϸ Ǵ Ǹ %HOME%/.kc2008 cont-texmf.cnf C:\usr\texlive\2008\texmf.cnf ؼ Ʈ Ѵ.
          * [http://www.ntg.nl/maps/32/13.pdf Compiling MetaPost figures under ConTEXt]
          * metafun ߾ȵɶ(the metapost graph is not displayed in the final pdf file)
          * http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/bin/metapost/mswin/bin/
  • hoze/webtex . . . . 2 matches
         <form name=inputtex method=post action=webtex.php>
         <form name=inputtex method=post action=webtex.php>
  • likesam . . . . 2 matches
          * ޴ -> α׷ -> kotexlive 2009 ϸ postproc ش.
          * installpost.bat
  • Խ . . . . 1 match
         ܺ ׸ Ģ '''Ȱ Խ''' մϴ. ׷Ƿ Ư ϷƮ, , ׸ ׸ '''ġ  Խ''' ٷϴ. ׸ ǥϱ ؼ pstricks, metapost Ǵ picture ȯ ̿Ͽ ׸ ׸ '''Ȱ Խ''' ø Դϴ.
  • ŴƮ/ȭ . . . . 1 match
         ̸׸, Emacs, WinEdt Ǵ ؿ ׷ , ׷ϱ pstricks Ű. metapost ־߰ڳ׿. ׸ н ÷... ̿.
  • . . . . 2 matches
          * ChoF: "  ׸?" Karnes: "PostScript ׸簡, MetaPost ̿ ִ." ϵ : "MetaPost ׷ ̿Ǵ±."
          * ټ · ٲ鼭 ̺ ٸ ǵDZ . (KTUG Դϴ.) ʿ ¸, ٸ ʿ optimal ذ θ ã α׷ ŵҿ MetaPost .
          ȣ ּ: ȯ Ʈ ̿Ͽ ǥϿ. ŰƮ α׷ ǥ ѱ cube transition Ͼ л ź . ڿ 谭 ǥ transition Ͼ л µ 񿡼 Ϲ ڵ 帮ڴ. ȯ ظ ̿ص ȯ Presentation ִٸ ٸ ǥ μ ̴ּ. ̸鼭 ̴. ֳϸ 츮 ̶ 3 ǹ̷ Ѵ. ϳ , ϳ Ϸ, ϳ ̴. Ϲ ڵ  Ϸ ޾Ƶ̰ ⿡ ȯ ǹ̷ ̴. ֽ ͵ PDF Special Metapost ó ConTeXt ̴. ̴ ConTeXt Ӹ ƴ϶ PDF Special Metapost ˾ƾ ǹѴ. 谭 AcroTeX ̿Ͽ Layer ȿ  . е `ȴ' Ȥ '' ּ δ Ͽ ٶ. ȯ ǥ ȴٸ Ƹٿ ŷǾ ϰ 浿 ۽̱ ʻ Beamer ϰ ʹ.
  • Ű۾ . . . . 2 matches
          ϴ Ű θ 0.9 뽺ũ + latex, metapost μ ۵ϰ (by WkPark)̾ϴ. θ fork ⶧, Ű ̾ƺ Ͽ ̰ ޾Ƶ鿩 ϰ Ǿϴ.
         latex, metapost μ Ȯ: (./)
  • . . . . 1 match
  • ׽Ʈ . . . . 2 matches
         == MetaPost Processor ==
1352 ߿ 51 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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