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ڴ Windows Vista 64 bit ֽϴ. ko.TeX Live 2009 ġ Ŀ Font Cache Update ʰ, µ, ϴ. Font Cache Update ״µ, ʹ ϰ Ƽ command prompt â  fontcache.bat Űϱ ޽ 鼭 ٷ Ǿϴ. ȯ溯 %ProgramFiles(x86)%

C:\Program Files (x86)


C:\Program Files

Ǿ ־ϴ.

̰͵ ִ ν ϴ Ƽ 1ȸ ư, Ŀ batch file

rem Adobe Reader 8.0 or 9.0 ̶ κп 淡 , batch file %MyProgFiles%

C:\Program Files (x86

̶ Ǿ ־ (ݴ ȣ ) 2 Ͽϴ.

%MyProgFiles% Ҵ cmd batch if ϵ ȣ 64bit ϴ %ProgramFiles(x86)% ̸ ڿ ִ ȣ ȥǾ ۵ؼ 64bit (7 ׷ Ȯ ߽ϴ) ̷ ۵ϴ Դϴ.

 ȯ ڿ ȣ  ְ, ̰ if ȣ ڿ ٲġǰ, ڿ Ϻκп ִ ݴ ȣ if ȣ match Ǹ鼭 ۵ϴ  Ǵ ϴ. ̰ 32bit ٰ ص Ϲ Ͼ ִ ϴ.

ذå ڿ ȣ  ǥ θ if ϵ ϴ ȣ ؼ ʰ ϴ. ( batch ˽޽ϰ if ȣ ؼ 𸣰ڽϴ.)

øϴ. Ʒ ø ʽÿ. Debug ؼ @echo off ּó߰, REM WILLIAM ּó ҽϴ. ߿ Ʈ ֽ ̷ κе ֽñ ٶϴ. 鼭 REM WILLIAM ּó κ ó ʽÿ.

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