"install"() ü ãƺ

Preserve the old, but know the new.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쌕니는곤옙체占실곤옙占쏙옙&value=처ko.TeX/instpack&value=DHUcs/ȭ › Hangul-ucs

ũ ã
  • AUCTeX . . . . 2 matches
         $ sudo apt-get install auctex
         ;; For Multilingual Input Method Package installed on Windows 95/NT
  • ArabTeX . . . . 1 match
         #> mpm --install=arabtex
  • CJKLaTeX/UTF8 . . . . 1 match
          1. CJK Ű ġ. MiKTeXTools Ѵٸ, {{{mpm --install=cjk}}} .
  • CWEB . . . . 1 match
         make install
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 17 matches
         [http://www.cygwin.com CYGWIN Ȩ] {{{Install Cygwin Now}}} [http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe setup.exe] ٿεѴ.
          * Install from Internet : ͳ ٿε , ٷ CYGWIN ġ .
          * Install from Local Directory : ٿε ޾Ƶ ϵ Ͽ CYGWIN ġ Ѵ.
         ġǴ ̰ Ƿ, ġ ȳ `Install from Internet` ɼ Ѵ.
          * Install For : NT 迭 ü ٸ ڵ CYGWIN ִ ο θ Ѵ.
          <!> ġ ִٸ Full Install ִ.
          κ ٿε尡 ϷǸ ( ġ ɼ Install from Internet ϿǷ) CYGWIN ġ ڵ ۵ȴ.
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 1 match
          ߳ϴ.. ãƺ, To install this LaTeX UTF-8 support, simply put the files ucs.sty, utf8x.def, ucsencs.def and data/* somewhere in your TeX-path µ, ⼭ Tex-path ü  directory ? tetexɾ ִ , texmf ?
  • DVIPDFMx/Installation . . . . 2 matches
         make install
         #> apt-get install cmap-adobe-korea1 gs-cjk-resource
  • DVIPDFMx/ġ . . . . 1 match
         apt-get install dvipdfmx
  • DviOut/MiKTeX . . . . 3 matches
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/dviout/current/ (tex318w.exe) ٿεؼ ϸ C:\dviout 丮 ⺻ ڵ ̷ϴ. "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â "(Y)" '''⺻ A''' ϴ.
         <!> ٸ δ (tex318w.zip) ٿεؼ c:\dviout 丮 DZϴ. ̶C:\dviout\dviout.exe ϸ "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â µ "(Y)" ϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ȭ Ÿϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ϴ. {{{ [Option] -> [Setup Parameters] }}}(Ʒ ׸ ) ֽϴ.
  • EmEditor . . . . 1 match
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 1 match
         There you can get prebuilt binaries and installers for NTEmacs+EmacsW32.
  • EmptySetSymbol . . . . 1 match
          Wisely, we had decided to publish an installment establishing the system of notation for set theory, rather than wait for the detailed treatment that was to follow: it was high time to fix these notations once and for all, and indeed the ones we proposed, which introduced a number of modifications to the notations previously in use, met with general approval. Much later, my own part in these discussions earned me the respect of my daughter Nicolette, when she learned the symbol for the empty set at school and I told her that I had been personally responsible for its adoption. The symbol came from the Norwegian alphabet, with which I alone among the Bourbaki group was familiar.
  • GNUPlot . . . . 1 match
          2. Unpack Ѵ Ư Install ϴ 丮 Copy Ѵ.
          1. install 丮 docs gnuplot.pdf ִ.
  • GSView . . . . 3 matches
          ġ 簡 Ÿ. Setup ߸ "Select Language" ȭڰ Ÿ. English ϸ "GSView Install" ȭڰ Ÿ. "Next>" ߸ ΰ ÷ ׸ ٲ. ϰ Ͽ "Next>" ߸ "Finish" ߰ Ÿ. ࿡ ̹ GSView "Finish" ߸ "GSView 4.x" ȭڰ Ÿ "Uninstall" ִ. ̶ "Uninstall" ߸ . "Exit" ߰ Ÿ. ̶ "Exit" ߸ "GSView Install" "Exit" ߰ Ȱȭȴ.
  • GhostScript . . . . 2 matches
          üũϰ(Ʒ ׸ ) "Install" ߸ ġ ۾ Ϸϰ `Ghostscript` ӿ "Ghostscript Readme 8.5x" "Ghostscript 8.5x" ٷΰ Ÿ. "Ghostscript Readme 8.5x" Ghostscript ̵̴. ȭ鿡
         <!> Ghostscript GSView ٽ ps ŬϿ θ ã Ѵٴ ޽ ´. GSView ٽ ߰ " ( ̶) ڴ" µ "Uninstall" ߸ ȴ. θ ġ ٷӴ. ->GSView "ġ"
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 12 matches
          Linux/debian {{{apt-get install latex-ucs latex-ucs-contrib}}}.
         # apt-get install latex-hangul-ucs
          # sudo apt-get install ttf-unfonts
          # sudo dpkg --install libpoppler1_0.5.1-0ubuntu6_i386.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install libpoppler-dev_0.5.1-0ubuntu6_i386.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install tex-common_0.15build1_all.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install libkpathsea4_3.0-13ubuntu5_i386.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install libkpathsea4-dev_3.0-13ubuntu5_i386.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install tetex-base_3.0-15build1_all.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install tetex-bin_3.0-13ubuntu5_i386.deb
          # sudo dpkg --install tetex-extra_3.0-15build1_all.deb
          # sudo apt-get install dvipdfmx freetype1-tools latex-hangul-ucs
  • HelpContents . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnInstalling - how to install a MoinMoin wiki
  • HelpOnAdministration . . . . 2 matches
         Installing and upgrading:
          * HelpOnInstalling - how to install the software and supporting files
          * HelpOnUpdating - how to update an existing MoinMoin installation
  • HelpOnSpellCheck . . . . 1 match
         If the "dbhash" module is available with your Python installation, the files in "dict" are read only ''once'' and stored in a hash table. This speeds up the spell checking process because then the number of words in the ''checked page'' determines the time needed for the checking, ''not'' the number of words in the dictionary (with 250000 words, some hundred milliseconds instead of several seconds).
  • HelpOnUpdating . . . . 6 matches
          to the image directory visible to your web server, normally a new release has some new GIFs in it. If you use the default distutils setup scheme, this is no longer necessary (distutils updates the files for you, and your webserver gets the files from the installed images).
         you installed a new release, which will spot some common errors.
         Depending on your installation, more tightly secured permissions are a good idea.
         (!) It is strongly recommended that you change any installation prior to 0.11 to the new distutils scheme, this will make any future upgrades much easier.
         You should follow the instructions on HelpOnInstalling regarding basic installation, until you come to the "Creating a wiki instance" step. Then you have two options:
         Check your configuration against the provided default `moin_config.py` that you find in `.../share/moin/cgi-bin/moin_config.py` after installation with distutils. You should add the `sitename` setting, which gets added to the page title, to RSS feeds and the like.
  • HelpOnXmlPages . . . . 1 match
         If you have Python4Suite installed in your system, it is possible to save XML documents as pages. It's important to start those pages with an XML declaration "{{{<?xml ...>}}}" in the very first line. Also, you have to specify the stylesheet that is to be used to process the XML document to HTML. This is done using a [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/ standard "xml-stylesheet" processing instruction], with the name of a page containing the stylesheet as the "{{{href}}}" parameter.
  • Highlight . . . . 2 matches
          * http://www.andre-simon.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:installation_macos Ѵ.
          * .tar.gz Ǭ make/sudo make install ϸ ȴ.
  • IgoPackage . . . . 1 match
         $ mpm --install=igo
  • ImageMagick . . . . 3 matches
         5.1 Install the distribution
         ImageMagicks installation routine offers to install to c:\Program Files.
         Instead, install to a folder whose name (path) does not contain spaces.
  • JabRef . . . . 1 match
         Ȩ Linux, Windows, Mac installation guide ϼ.
  • JadeTeX . . . . 11 matches
          * '/etc/postinstall' {{{sgml-base.sh, openjade.sh, docbook-sgml.sh, docbook-dsssl.sh}}} Ѵ.
          * cd debian-installer/manual/build
          * sh mybuild.shϸ install.ko.new.tex
          * latex install.ko.new.tex ϸ ٷ pdf (pdftex )
         install.ko.tex(̰ buildone.sh κ ̸ ּó
         jadetex install.ko.tex; dvips install.ko.dvi; ps2pdf install.ko.ps
          cat attach.tex install.ko.tex > install.ko.new.tex
  • KC2006/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:install_kcmenu.zip
  • KC2006/UPDATES . . . . 2 matches
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KCupdate-hlatex1.0.1-kc06mini-1.kcupdate KCupdate-hlatex1.0.1-kc06mini-1.kcupdate]
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KCupdate-hangul-k-kc06mini.kcupdate KCupdate-hangul-k-kc06mini.kcupdate]
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KCupdate-omega-kc06mini.kcupdate KCupdate-omega-kc06mini.kcupdate]
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KCupdate-other-kc06mini.kcupdate KCupdate-other-kc06mini.kcupdate]
         #> kcmpm --install=lh
         #> kcmpm --install=lhcyr
  • KC2006/ġ . . . . 22 matches
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KC2006-2-MINI-INSTALL-R5.2.exe KC2006-2-MINI-INSTALL-R5.2.exe] ( 403MB)
         ޴ {{{Option -> Install}}} ãƼ ϴ.
         kc-mini-uninstall Դϴ. attachment:kc-mini-uninstall.zip (--ischo)
          1. Install/Uninstall ȭ
  • KC2007/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          * TIP: attachment:install_kcmenu.zip Ǯ get-kcmenu.bat ϸ ֽ ġݴϴ.( KCmenu )
  • KC2007/KCpm . . . . 7 matches
          * update-db, install, uninstall, list, update ټ ɼ .
         # kcpm --install pkgname
          * {{{kcpm --install=pkgname}}} ᵵ մϴ. Ʒ .
         # kcpm --uninstall pkgname
         # kcpm --list-installed
          * Ű ġ Ű 缳ġѴٴ install ٸϴ.
  • KC2007/MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
          1. Hangul-ucs HLaTeX ġ uninstallֽʽÿ. Hangul-ucs {{{α׷ ġ }}} ְ, HLaTeX... {{{C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MiKTeX}}} Ʒ initexmf -u, updmap ϸ ŵ˴ϴ. ( MiKTeX ü ٽ ġϴ ϴ.)
  • KC2007/ġ . . . . 6 matches
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe]
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/installdefault.cmd installdefault.cmd]
          1. installdefault.cmd (Ŭ)Ѵ.
          * ġ α׷ ߰ dviout ߸ {{{Option -> Install}}} Ͽ Next .
          1. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KC2007-TINY-INSTALL-1.exe KC2007-TINY-INSTALL-1.exe] ٿ޾ ۾ 丮 Ѵ. ( )
          1. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe] ٿεϿ 丮 Ѵ. ( )
          1. {{{KC2007-TINY-INSTALL-1.exe}}} Ͽ KC2007 ⺻ ġ Ѵ.
          1. ۾ 丮 ƿͼ postinstall-kc07-1.3.3.exe .
          1. dviout Ǹ ޴ "Option -> Install" ϰ Next Ŭ
  • KC2008/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          * KCautopm TeXLive ? (kcsrcpkg kcpm --install ̿ϸ ƴ)
  • KC2008/Other . . . . 1 match
         # (sudo) tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011 install collection-kotex
  • KC2008/Report . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:kc2008install_byhermian.pdf
          * attachment:kc2008install_byhermian.tex
  • KC2008/TeXLive . . . . 5 matches
         == InstallTL models ==
         <!> KC2008 ġ (۸޴ α׷ ׷) installTL (full install) ʰ TeXLive Ը ߰ġϷ ִ profile ɼԴϴ. 𵨷 ġߴ ߿ installTL Ͽ ü ġ ֽϴ.
         === Medium Install TL ===
         # kcpm --install=collection-pstricks
         === Small Install TL (ȣ ) ===
          * , ȭ installPOST '''ѹ''' ֽʽÿ. ( 츦 ؼ)
  • KC2008/Troubles . . . . 12 matches
          1. installTL ϴ ŷӽϴ.
          * óġڸ ռġ ǹǷ installTL ϰ ٸ ʿ䰡 ϴ. (v.0.3.0F)
          * ⺻ġ + installTLϴ ġ ״ ص ˴ϴ.
          1. TeXLive 2008 DVD ü ִ full installation ϸ鼭 ̸ ִ ֽø ϰڽϴ.
          * Ǵ, KC2008 ġϰ, ̿ ( installTL ̿ ʰ) TeXLive ġϵ, ġ ġ KC2008 ġ ġ ߾ ָ ˴ϴ.
          * , ktug ftp ʹ ־ ٿ ð ɸٸ, installTL ʰ %HOME%/TLINST install-tl.bat ϸ ˴ϴ. ࿡ ͼ install-tl gui Ͽ ġ ġ ֽϴ. ׷ ̷ ٿεϿ ġ Դϴ.
          * KC2008 Ͽ ġϷ Ѵٸ, ġ installPOST ָ ѱ ȯ Ȱȭ˴ϴ.
          (DeleteMe) KC2008 ġϰ %HOME%/TLINST install-tl.bat Ͽ full installation ĥ ־ϴ. ʾƼ ̸ ãٺ installPOST.bat ѹ ϰ ˴ϴ. ּż մϴ. -- ƺ
  • KC2008Plus . . . . 2 matches
          * ġ α׷ ׷ post install actions  sumatrapdf ġ Init_npp_inverse_search Ͻʽÿ.
          * KC2008Plusκ ׷̵带 ʽϴ. uninstall Ŀ ġϽʽÿ. (KC2008PlusPlus ü ν Ʈ .)
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 6 matches
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe] ( 397M )
          * ġ dviout Ǹ ޴ Options -> Install Next μ ֽʽÿ.
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-YQ-1.exe KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-YQ-1.exe] (397M)
          * ġ KC2007-esse-postinstall Ǵ KC2007-time-dist ߰ ġѴ().
          * Vista ġ Administrator ġѴ. Ϲ ڴ kcupdate Ƿ postinstall Ȥ time-dist kcupdate ġ .
          1. uninstall PATH ŵ . ۾ ʿ.
          1. esse : [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate] (277Ʈ)
          * TeXLive + KC2007/TeXLive Full Installation DVD (KTS ȸ )
          * KC2007/TeXLive Files (manual install) : KTS & KTUG
  • KTUGCollection2008 . . . . 7 matches
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/KC2008/KC2008-INSTALL-TL-0.3.0-F.exe KC2008-INSTALL-TL-0.3.0-F.exe] ( $$\le$$ 1.3G; [[Date(2009-02-17T08:23:06)]] )
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/KC2008/KC2008-INSTALL-TL-0.2.0a.exe KC2008-INSTALL-TL-0.2.0a.exe] ( $$\le$$ 280M; [[Date(2008-10-15T00:55:21)]] )
          * ġ installTL Ͽ TeXLive ߰ ġմϴ.
         10 + 60 (TeXLive full install)
          * 3 : ð {{{installTL}}} Ͽ TeXLive full ν. -> α׷ -> KC2008 -> installTL
          * Ư LyX ϴ full install . ּ medium ̻ ʿ.
          * {{{installTL}}} ϸ texlive ġ .
          * TeXLive ġ Ŀ ( Ͽ) {{{ -> KC2008 -> installPOST}}} ϴ ֽϴ. (κ ʿմϴ.)
  • Karnes/2006-02 . . . . 4 matches
         $ fink install kdebase3
         $ fink install kdelibs3
         $ fink install kdegraphics3
         $ make; make install
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 1 match
         # make; make install
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 1 match
         ̰ ϱ Ͽ fink install clisp Ͽµ, ÿ ʿұ?
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 2 matches
         KC2006 ۰ Ǿ濤 ѹ ִ. installer ̽ ̱Ȳ ԰ ޽ . ν緯 ۵ ǽð ׽Ʈؾ ʿ䰡 ־ ̴.
         #> mpm --install=pgf
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 3 matches
         , ifsym ü {{{kcmpm --install=ifsym\}}} ġϿ .
         kcmpm microtype.sty uninstallϰ, kclogmpm w.tex ϴ, Ű ġ ʽϴ. ֱ׷ 𸣰ڽϴ. --ischo [[DateTime(2006-09-16T12:20:08)]]
         set MIKTEX_INSTALLROOT=/cygdrive/C/TeX/share/texmf-local
         #> kcmpm --install=cbgreek
  • Karnes/2006-11 . . . . 1 match
          * mylatex.ltx , {{{kcmpm --install=carlisle\}}}
  • Karnes/2006-12 . . . . 1 match
          մϴ. windows 2000 XP ٲٰ Ǹ Ͽ ͳ׿. [TeX] 1.5.. ϰ ; ѱ۰ ǻͰ 븮 ˾ , , ǰ̳׿. ϰ (Ͼȱ۷ Ǵµ, Ÿ( Ŭ 迭 Ŭ ٳµ, ̰ ۼ ͼ ) , LaTeX ; մϴ.) ǰ , η + ״ ȵ [hLaTeXn] ġϿ Ͽ ֽϴ. KC2006 uninstallϴٰ c:\bin\TeX\hTeX\ Ͽ 丮 , Ҽ ׿. -- [likesam] -- ó [[DateTime(2006-12-08T00:46:23)]]
  • Karnes/2007-02 . . . . 4 matches
         $ sudo mpm --install=musixtex
         $ sudo mpm --install=musixps
          1. Ʈ install Ŭմϴ.
         set MIKTEX_INSTALLROOT=/cygdrive/c/TeX/share/texmf-local
         mpm --install-root=%MIKTEX_INSTALLROOT% --repository=%MPM_REPOSITORY% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
  • Karnes/2007-03 . . . . 2 matches
         bbding mf dingbat Ʈ. type1 ȯϿ. ǰ 𸣰ڰ 뵵 ̾µ ħ Խǿ bbding ö ٰ Ƿ ٰ д. kcupdate . 翬 bbding Ű ġϿ Ѵ. {{{kcmpm --install=bbding\}}}
         runas /user:administrator "mpm --install-root=/cygdrive/c/.... \
  • Karnes/2007-04 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-04-10T01:07:23 HLaTeX 1.0.1 installation for MiKTeX 2.6
         Ʒ ׽Ʈǰ Ͽ ޶ , install -> remove -> reinstall ѹ Դϴ. ġ մϴ.
  • Karnes/2007-12 . . . . 1 match
          1. ġ α׷ Ͽ ƴϹǷ, KC2007 Uninstall . <> -> < α׷> -> <KC2007> right clickϿ <> ϸ .
  • Karnes/2008-08 . . . . 3 matches
         1:01 installtl , started
         2:09 postinstall
          װ ̾, KC2008 ġ پϰ ϴ õ ̷ϴ. , ش 10и ϸ ְ صΰ ֽϴ. ׷... full install ణ ð ɸ. ϰ ϸ ߿ ؾ ó ð ̸ ߿ ϰ. -- [[DateTime(2008-08-31T11:48:47)]]
  • Karnes/2008-10 . . . . 2 matches
          1. installPOST
         Mac Ĵٺ鼭 帳ϴ. installPOST mktexlsr updmap ѱ Ʈ addϴ ɿ شϴ Դϱ? Ȥ ƴϸ mac terminal̳ unix  üϸ Ǵ ΰ? -- 迵 [[DateTime(2008-11-14T12:25:27)]]
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 2 matches
         [[Vote(TeXtures 1,OzTeX 1, CMacTeX 1, teTeX via i-Installer 0,Unix teTeX 6)]]
          1. installTL
          * ġ Ŀ KC2008 installpost ϸ(KC2008 RUD Ʈ ϴ 쵵 Ƿ Ͻʽÿ) ֽϴ. %HOME%/.kc2008 ִ 캸ø ֽϴ. (, ġ  ϴ ȮϽ и ġϽʽÿ. Ǹ "ó" ƴ϶ ˴ϴ.)
          * ġ Ͽ (ν)Ϸ InstallPost fmtutil --all ϸ ˴ϴ.
  • Karnes/2009-08 . . . . 5 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/kc2009-install-tl.zip kc2009-install-tl.zip](6M, ͳ ġ)
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/kc2009-install-tl.exe kc2009-install-tl.exe] (1110M, ÿ ġ. ڵǮ)
          * Ǯ kc-install-tl.bat Ͻʽÿ.
  • Karnes/2012-07 . . . . 18 matches
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-8.zip
          1. afterinstallonlydev.bat ߰ => kotex, kotex-dev ġ.
          * afterinstall TeX Live 2012 ġ¸ ϴ ƾ ߰
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-7.zip
          * ٿε TeX Live ġϰ ϴ ̺ ̺꿡 (Ϲ c: ȭ̵ ٿε TeX Live ü D: Ʒ ġϷ Ѵٸ D:\install_texlive  ű⼭ ؾ մϴ.)
          * runinstall.bat (Ǵ Ŭ)
          * afterinstall.bat (Ǵ Ŭ)
          * . afterinstall Ͽ մϴ. ۼ ġϽ е afterinstall ؼ ׽Ʈغø ˴ϴ.
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-5.zip
         . ¶ texlive ġ ٴ ޽ ⵵ մϴ. ׷ texlive installer ٸ ش Ű ٿε带 õϹǷ Ű ̾ٸ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
          * install-tl.zip ҷ Ͽ( 濡 )
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-3.zip
          1. runinstall.bat
          2. afterinstall.bat
         (̹ TeX Live 2012 ġص ¶ afterinstall ϸ ˴ϴ.)
          1. runinstall.bat . => ġ ġ c:\usr\texlive ٲٰ ġ
          1. afterinstall.bat
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 8 matches
          * http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyXWinInstaller (Alternative Installer (Small) recommended)
          * 1.6.3 Alt_Installer ġ Alt_Installer_Updater ϸ մϴ.
          * Windows 7 ( <!> Alt Installer ̿Ͽ LyX ġ 츸 մϴ.)
          standard installer LyX ġϽ е koreanucs.cmd ϸ,
          1. ó ġ Alt Installer Small, 1.6.1 ڴ Alt Installer Updater մϴ.
          1. ó ġ Alt Installer Small, 1.6.1 ڴ Alt Installer Updater մϴ.
          * . LyX ġ, TeXLive ġ ġ ãֽʽÿ. Alt Installer ġϸ ̷ ŷο ʿϴ.
         # sudo apt-get install lyx
         # sudo apt-get install lyx
         #> kcmpm --install=beebe
          * 1.5.5 Alt Installer Ʒ {{{LyX_KoreanUCS_1.5.5}}} ġ , [ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.5.6/LyX-156-3-25-AltInstaller-Update.exe LyX-156-3-25-AltInstaller-Update.exe] . ѱ ȯ . ('''''') ߰ ġ ʿ䰡 ϴ.
          * ġϴ , [ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.5.6/LyX-156-3-25-AltInstaller-Small.exe LyX-156-3-25-AltInstaller-Small.exe] ϰ, ߰ latex.exe ġ  ġ KC2007 Ǵ KC2008 bin ġ (: c:\usr\TeX\bin, Ǵ c:\KC2007\TeX\bin) ش.
          * '''KC2008(=texlive 2008) LyX Installer ġ ڵ ŽֹǷ ׳ ϸ ȴ.'''
          * Alt Installer ƴ, {{{LyX-1.5.6-1-Installer.exe}}} ̸ ġ α׷ ġϰ Ͻô ... ׳ ˾Ƽ Ͻʽÿ. :( Ʒ Linux 1.5.2 ٵΰų ϸ ϵ Ͻϴ.
          1.5.5-3-24 Alt Installer
          1. LyX 1.5.5 Alt Installer Ǵ Updater Ʈ
          * 1.5.5 standard installer ѱȭ ʽϴ. (1.5.4 ״ ˴ϴ.) ٸ Ʈ Ŀ ٽѹ ־ {{{KoreanUCS}}} ȯ Ȱȭ Դϴ.
          * 1.5.4-3-22-AltInstaller -> [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/LyX_KoreanUCS_1.5.4_Alt.zip LyX_KoreanUCS_1.5.4_Alt.zip]
          1. LyX 1.5.4 ġ Ǵ Alt Installer Update .
          * Alt Installer ƴ LyX 1.5.3 մϴ.
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 2 matches
         # sudo mpm --install=musixtex
         # sudo mpm --install=musixps
  • KoTeXLive . . . . 1 match
          * ޴ 'ko.TeX Live 2012' 'Uninstall' ϰų '' 'α׷ ߰/' ̿Ͽ ko.TeX Live 2012 ֽϴ.
  • LaTeX-ucs . . . . 3 matches
         $ apt-get install latex-ucs latex-ucs-contrib
         $ mpm --install=unicode
         $ fink install unicode-tex
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2007 . . . . 1 match
          * ġ : attachment:installation.pdf
  • LaTeXWorkshop/SS091216 . . . . 3 matches
          * TnXTeX install version
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/TnXTeX-installme.msi TnXTeX-installme.msi]
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 2 matches
         #> kcmpm --install=cjk
         #> kcmpm --install=cjk-fonts
  • LaTeXϺ/pLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Ư installer . ׷ ν ϴ.
  • LocalSpellingWords . . . . 2 matches
         Entwicklungsversion Installationsprozeduren Installationsszenarien Installationsvorgang Konfigurationsoptionen Plattformen Wikiadministrator ab auswhlen betreiben bevor dabei darin eigenes einrichten empfohlen ihr immer installieren konkrete nchste nchsten zunchst
         Diagnosewerkzeug Grundinstallation Hauptgrund Idealerweise Konfigurationsdatei Kurznamen Mindestmenge Problembehandlung Setupverfahren Systemseiten Verfahrensweise Wikinamen Zugriffsrechte bestcken interaktive seitherige standardmige standardmigen umstellen hnlichem briggebliebene
  • MacOSHLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          * MacTeX Ǵ [i-Installer] teTeX ġǾ ִ 쿡 .
          * ġ : mount install Ŭ.
          1. `cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.ktug.or.kr:/home/cvsroot co hlatex-texmf` ԷϽø cvs hlatex ޾ƿɴϴ. , cvs ÷ Mac OS X Install CD Developer Tools CD ְ Developer Tools ġ μž մϴ. Jaguar ° ǰ?
  • MacOSġϱ . . . . 3 matches
         # sudo sh ./installkotex.sh
          * attachment:installkotex-sh.zip
         tlmgr install collection-kotex
  • MacOSġϱ/Alternative . . . . 7 matches
         ȥ ϱ Ͽ ۿ Fink ġϴ 츦 Ұϱ Ѵ. i-Installer ġϴ 쿡 ؼ [MacOSġϱ] ϶.
         [teTeX] ġ  ڰ Ű 丮 ̴. Mac TeX ƿƼ i-installer ̿Ͽ ġ ¸ ⺻ ִ. TeXShop, iTeXMac, TeXShell in TeXTools κ ׷ϹǷ Fink ٸ ġ ڽ Preferences 丮 ġ ־ ϴ 찡 .
          * {{{fink install tetex}}} tetex ν
          * {{{fink install libkpathsea4}}} kpathsea ̺귯 ν
         $ fink install tetex
         fink install unicode-tex
          <!> cvs ġǾ ʾҴٸ {{{fink install cvs}}}.
          1. sudo ̿ϰų su Ǿ make install ش.
  • MacOSġϱ/I-Installer . . . . 7 matches
         === i-installer ġϱ ===
         MacTeX ̿ ʰ [i-Installer] ġϴ .
         ==== i-Installer ġϱ ====
         See [i-Installer]
         i-installer i-package ġ ִ.  ġϴ .
         Mac OS X ġ ũ X Window ǵ ġصδ Ѵ. ׷ i-installer ghostview ġ ϴ.
         teTeX 2005 i-Installer ̿ؼ ġѴ.
          * i-installer ġϴ CLI Ȱȭѵξٸ teTeX PATH ڵ ߰ȴ. ͹̳ ٽ Ͽ env PATH Ǿ Ȯغ.
         i-installer ġ ο texmf Ʈ ߰ϴ ־ ణ ȥ ִ. ֵ mktexlsr ũƮ texmf.cnf Ͽ ߰ texmf Ʈ ls-R ʴ´ٴ ̴. $HOME/Library/texmf mktexlsr ؼ ʴ 찡 ִٰ Ѵ.
  • MadToad/Tmp/Linux . . . . 14 matches
         ======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
          <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
          Customizing installation scheme:
          [X] install macro/font doc tree
          [X] install macro/font source tree
          <I> start installation to hard disk
          <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
          <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
          <D> install font/macro doc tree: [X]
          <S> install font/macro source tree: [X]
         ======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
          <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
          Customizing installation scheme:
          [X] install macro/font doc tree
          [X] install macro/font source tree
          <I> start installation to hard disk
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 9 matches
          apt-get install tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-bin libkpathsea4 libkpathsea4-dev cmap-adobe-korea1 gs-cjk-resource
          apt-get install koffice
          apt-get remove kdelock-knoppix % kileġÿ error 鼭 install
          apt-get install kile }}}
          DeleteMe. {{{apt-get install cm-super}}} ġص ʳ?
          * DVIPDFMx installation(̾ƹ ֽ ε, Ƹ ̷ debianڵ鿡Դ ɵ ͽϴ)
         #> apt-get install linux-source-2.6.12
         #> ./configure --prefix=/usr; make ; make install }}}
          * ttf2tfm ttf2pk installation
  • MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
  • MiKTeXTools . . . . 3 matches
         $ sudo make install
         $ sudo mpm --install=PACKAGE
         * install Ǵ update {{{mktexlsr}}}ָ ٷ ִ.
  • MiKTeXġ . . . . 6 matches
         (./) '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe:''' http://www.miktex.org/2.6/Setup.aspx [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miktex/basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe?download Download "Basic MiKTeX 2.6" Installer] Ŭϸ [http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=miktex&filename=basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe&use_mirror=nchc ٿε Ʈ] ȴ. ȭ ʿ
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
         '''"MiKTeXѱȯ" Ұ:''' MiKTeX 1.11 (1998) ѱ ȯ ִ Ͽϴ. ( http://knot.kaist.ac.kr/htex/install-pc.htm ) ô [hLaTeXp] ѱ ȯ ϱ Ͽ 500 - 600 Mb Ǵ Ʈ ٿεϿ ġ ʹ ϴ. а п ܿ ġϿϴ. MiKTeX 1.20 δ ѱ ȯ ѱ  TeX (TeX1.5 ణ ) hTeXn ̶ MiKTeX 1.20e ϴ. (1999? - 2000?) ϴ Բ HLaTeX 0.991 MiKTeX ȭ ̷ ְ Ű hlatex-0991-basic.exe 󸶰 ÷ ־ϴ. ġ ָ ̿ϴ. ⿡ Ͼ Դϴ. MiKTeX 1.20e MiKTeX 2.0 Դµ Ű ü ־ ѱ ȯ Ͽ Ͽ MiKTeX 2.1 ҽϴ. ó hlatex-0991-basic.exe ѱ ȯ ϴٰ ȫȣ Ű HPack ķδ MiKTeX ѱ ȯ Ѱ , MiKTeX 2.2 HPack ̿Ͽ ѱ ȯ Ͽϴ. ȯ MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2 MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 ƿ ѱ ȯ ־ϴ. MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 ִ ˾ҽϴ. MiKTeX 2.4 ѱ ȯ ϴ "MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 + MiKTeX 2.4 " ̻ ϴ. ׷ٰ 2004 11(?) "HPACK for MiKTeX 2.4" ԰, (2006) (3?) "HPACK v1.2 for MiKTeX 2.4 (beta)" Խϴ. ڵ ѱ ۾(װ͵ 豤 ΰ ġ , ٽ ġ Ű ϴ ) ģ Ŀ Ͽϴ. MiKTeX 2.4 "HPACK v1.2 for MiKTeX 2.4 (beta)" ȯ ̿ϴ. ׳ ġ 縦 ุ ϸ Ǿϴ. MiKTeX 2.5 ޵ ä Ǿ MiKTeX 2.5 + "HPACK v1.2 for MiKTeX 2.4 (beta)" ̸ ٲٹǷν ѱ ȯ ִٴ 踦 ãҽϴ. -[Yhchoe]
  • MoinMoin . . . . 3 matches
         These pages provide information about using and installing MoinMoin:
          * /InstallDocs - all the help pages about installation rolled into one
          * /InstallationsAnleitung - installation docs in German
  • NomenClature . . . . 1 match
         '''Q'''(KTUGOperate:10920'''''')''':''' nomenclature  ۼϴ° Դϴ.  site ϱ ־ ״ Ҵµ. filename.glo µ filename.gls ʽϴ. Ǵϱ⿡ nomencl.ist ų ۵ ʾƼ ׷  ذ ؾ ϴ ƽô 亯 ֽø ϰڽϴ١ nomencl.ist Ѵٸ subdirectory install ϴ?
  • NoteEdit . . . . 2 matches
          * fedora core 4 noteedit compile rpm version̳ ߴܵ ſ ƽϴ. ׷ 𸣰. ׷ ѹ濡 ذ߽ϴ. http://noteedit.berlios.de/ downloadϰ Ŀ ./cofigure;make;make installϸ ذ˴ϴ. tse3 ֽ compileϱ.
          KNOPPIX-debian {{{apt-get install noteedit}}} ϰ ֽϴ. :) --[Karnes]
  • OLETeX . . . . 5 matches
          ׸ Install ġ ۵ȴ.
  • PSUtils . . . . 1 match
         $ sudo apt-get install psutils
  • SumatraPDF/Sync/NPP . . . . 2 matches
          * SumatraPDF portable ġ ְ installer ̿ ִ. ̵ .
          * installer ̿ Ÿ Ʈ ġġ(C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\) ٲ ʰ ġ.
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 6 matches
          install generated files to TEXMFROOTDIR according to TDS
          -p additionally do settings for PDFTeX. install them with -i
          -o additionally make OFMs and settings for HLambda. install them with -i
         ħ PDFTeX ϴ ۲ ũƮ öԳ׿. մϴ. غҴµ, `-t -p` ɼ `-t -o` ɼ `unttf.sty` ٸ׿. ؼ Ÿ `\ifx\clearocplists\undefined` `\else` `\fi` ϵ, ڸ LaTeX ̳ [Lambda] ̳ `sty` ϸ ڽϴ. ϼ̽ϴ. иؼ ٸ TTF۲ÿ ؼ ְ ֽ մϴ. ƹư, 䱸 ϱ⿡ ǥ [TDS] `texmf tree` installϴ ɼ ߰ش޶ ϳ׿. `ttf2hlatexfont.pl --install`. ׷ Ȳ `$home/texmf-UnTTF` ⺻ `texmf root` õմϴ. ;) --[Karnes] [[Date(2003-10-16T03:20:59)]]
          fedora core 3 ٽ 鼭, о, ٽ ѹ font installϴ , ϴ mapȭ ġ ϴ°͵ ٲپϴ. ٲ 𸣰ڽϴٸ... ׸, system ߽ϴ. ߸Ǿٸ, Ե ˾Ƽ ֽð.--[synapse]
  • TeXLive . . . . 2 matches
          * [TeX Live] 2009 [ko.TeX] full-installϸ 10 , 2.2G ġȴ.
          CD Ű demo Live ġ ִ install Ǿ ִ.
  • TeXWorks . . . . 1 match
         == Installation ==
         === Installation in Ubuntu ===
         sudo apt-get install texworks
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 1 match
          TeXmaker installer ġϵ, Ʈ ġ ġϴ Ѵ.
  • TnXTeX . . . . 2 matches
          * [http://bbs.ktug.or.kr/TnXTeX/TnXTeX-installer10.msi TnXTeX-installer.msi]
          * -> InstallExtensionPrime InstallExtensionExtended ̿Ͽ ƮϽʽÿ.
  • Type1۲üġϱ . . . . 1 match
          * CTAN:info/Type1fonts ִ fontinstallationguide.pdf .
  • UTF-8 . . . . 1 match
          [http://tats.haun.org/mule-ucs/ mule-ucs] ġϸ Դϴ. ̶ {{{apt-get install mule-ucs}}}. --DohyunKim
  • UbuntuTeXϱ . . . . 7 matches
         == Ubuntu texlive + manual ko.teX installation ==
         # apt-get install texlive
          * texlive installer ٿε
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
         # sudo apt-get install perl-tk
         # sudo ./install-tl --gui
         sudo -i tlmgr install collection-kotex
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Dapper . . . . 10 matches
         $ sudo apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-doc libkpathsea-dev
         $ sudo ./install-tl.sh
         $ sudo apt-get install latex-ucs latex-ucs-contrib
         $ sudo apt-get install latex-hangul-ucs
         $ sudo apt-get install freetype1-tools
         $ sudo apt-get install ttf-unfonts
         $ sudo apt-get install dvipdfmx
         $ sudo apt-get install hlatex-fonts-base
         $ sudo apt-get install acroread
         $ sudo ./INSTALL
         $ sudo apt-get install cmap-adobe-korea1
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Precise . . . . 7 matches
         $ sudo apt-get install texlive
         $ sudo apt-get install texlive-full
         # sudo apt-get install ko.tex
         $ sudo apt-get install auctex preview-latex
         $ sudo apt-get install vim-latexsuite
         $ sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
         $ sudo apt-get install kile kdegraphics
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 1 match
          <!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430'''''' ÷ TeX ϵ ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip texmf-user Ʈ ͸ Ǫ ϴ. Ʈ ͸ Ǯ ڵ [TDS] ° ġ˴ϴ.
  • WinEdtġ . . . . 3 matches
         WinEdt WinEdt â ߰ Install.txt
          ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿϴ. ̶ Install.txt ׳ ѹ о ݾƵ ˴ϴ. "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭ ڴ ׳ Ʒ "File Type Association ڵ " (Ǵ KTUGContrib:387'''''') TeX ϵ ܰ θ Ѳ " ɼ" " " ø մϴ.
         is recommended that you install Ghostscript and GSView to enhance the
         site. If GS is installed make sure that its BIN directory is on your PATH.
         WinEdt did not find any trace of installed GS in Windows Registry. If
  • WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ . . . . 8 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/install-tl-2012-with-kotex/install-tl-with-kotex-basic-20120826.msi install-tl-with-kotex-basic-20120826.msi] (379M)
          * -> α׷ -> TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX small -> Post Action -> After Install Action ( ۾ ʿ伺 ؼ Ʒ )
         ==== Post Install Action ====
          * ġ '''() -> ( α׷) -> (TeX Live with ko.TeX) -> (Post Action)''' ִ '''AfterInstall Action''' ѹ ִ
          * AfterInstall Action Ŀ TeXworks "DZ" kc on the fly ŸǷ ̰ ϸ Ű üũؼ on the fly ġ õ. on the fly Ű ġ Ŀ (xelatex ) ǵ .
          * Ѳ üġ ׷̵ϰ ʹٸ, TeX Live Manager GUI Load Default Ŀ scheme-full collection-kotex üũϰ Install ư ٸų
         tlmgr install scheme-full collection-kotex
          * Uninstaller
          [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/install-tl-2012-with-kotex/install-tl-with-kotex-14.zip install-tl-with-kotex-14.zip]
  • Windowsġϱ/ϰԵϱ . . . . 1 match
          [wiki:Karnes-LaTeXTips#s-2.1 Karnes-LaTeXTips] howtoinstalldhucs ҽ Ǯ MiKTeX ġ ĸ ׸ ֽϴ. ʿϴٸ ϼŵ Դϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-01-17T09:51:43)]]
  • WordToLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Word-to-LaTeX (Word-to-XML; two names for the same program :-)) is a program for converting documents written in Microsoft Word into LaTeX and XML format (additional formats can be easily added through the configuration; XML output can be later transformed to whatever format you need, transformation stylesheet from XML to XHTML is included). Word-to-LaTeX runs only on Windows with Microsoft Word installed.
  • XEmacs . . . . 1 match
          [http://ftp.kr.xemacs.org/pub/tools/emacs/xemacs/binaries/win32/installshield/] ޾ ġմϴ.
  • XeLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          DeleteMe: ҽϴ. մϴ. XeTeX űؼ ε ϴ ʿ߾ϴ. arita.tex ̰ ҽϴ. ̷ ٵ ߾µ ±. Mac font ã ϴ ϴ. ׷ xkospace.sty font UnBatang ٲپ ߽ϴ. font Mac install font ̸ ٸ ϴ. Ƹ font 쿡 ̸ AritaM ־߸ ã ϴ.("Ƹ\space M" "AritaM" ľ ˴ϴ.) fontε ̸ ϵǾ ̻մϴ. ó ̶ 𸣴 ϴٸ. --[gromov]
  • Yhchoe . . . . 3 matches
         XP ġ "ġ " Ʒ ׸ Ÿ ܰ([http://project.ktug.or.kr/miktex-ktug/setup.html#setup ġȳ] 14° ׸) ֽϴ. ⿡ ° ϸ ˴ϴ("MiKTeX ȯ (S)"(2.3 "Install MiKTeX for everyone") ϴ ϴ).
  • Yhchoe/ġ̵ . . . . 1 match
          ã "Browse Packages" Ŭϸ "MiKTeX Package Manager" ȭڰ ߰ ٸ Remote Package Repository(Į Ұ ƴ) ִ Ű Ÿϴ. ̹ ǻͿ ġ "Installed on" Ʒ ġ ¥ ǥõǾ ֽϴ. ġ Ǵ ϰ Ű ߰(+) Ǵ (-) ֽϴ. Ͻ `currvita`, `curve`, `curves` Ű Բ ã `Name:` ĭ `cur` ְ Filter ߸ Remote Package Repository `cur`̶ 縵  Ű ϴ(Ʒ '''׸ 8''' ). ⼭ ʿ ϰ(ġϰ Ű Ctrl Ű ä ϸ ˴ϴ.) + ߸ MPM̶ ȭ(popup) Ÿϴ. Ȯ ߸ ġ˴ϴ.
  • brushscr . . . . 1 match
         #> kcmpm --install=brushscr
  • calligra . . . . 2 matches
         #> kcmpm --install=calligra
         #> kcmpm --install=fundus
  • hermian . . . . 10 matches
          * installpost ϸ Ǵ Ǹ %HOME%/.kc2008 cont-texmf.cnf C:\usr\texlive\2008\texmf.cnf ؼ Ʈ Ѵ.
          * Debian̸ http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Debian_installation tl2008 ְ context ֱ...
          === TeXLive install ===
          === ko.tex install ===
          * {{{tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install collection-kotex}}}
         tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install kotex
         tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install collection-kotex
          * minstall.pdf
          * [http://watershade.net/wmcclain/context-help.html#install Bill's install]
  • kile . . . . 1 match
         #> apt-get install kile
  • ko.TeX/instpack . . . . 5 matches
         == [ko.TeX] installation packages ==
         # sudo apt-get install ko.tex
         # sudo apt-get install ko.tex ko.tex-extra ko.tex-extra-hlfont
          $ yum install rpm-build}}}
          * [[Attachment(FreeBSD_install_hyperref_20090219.tar.gz)]]
  • likesam . . . . 25 matches
          * afterinstall.bat ( dos shell )
          * tlmgr install SIunits SIstyle animate dehyph-exptl kerntest multirow pdfcrop preprint tabu tabulary wallpaper cm-super symbol tex-gyre times tipa zapfding
          * tlmgr install memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic lm metalogo realscripts expl3 xpackages sourcesanspro (Ȥ ʿ \dots )
          * wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
          * unzip install-tl.zip
          * install-tl.bat --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          * tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011 install collection-kotex
          * wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
          * install-tl --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          * install ϸ 410 ġȴ.
          * tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ install multirow tabulary dehyph-exptl SIunits SIstyle cm-super kerntest animate wallpaper memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic preprint symbol tex-gyre times lm metalogo pdfcrop realscripts expl3 xpackages tabu
          * tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2010 install collection-kotex
         tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ install multirow tabulary dehyph-exptl SIunits SIstyle cm-super kerntest animate wallpaper memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic preprint symbol tex-gyre times lm metalogo pdfcrop
          * ̶ full install ̿Ѵٸ ̻ .
          * install-tl ̿Ͽ ġ .
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
          * unzip install-tl.zip Ǯ, install-tl-20091116 丮 
          * install-tl --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          * ʿ Install Ѵ. (ġ Ű 403 ۿ ȵȴ. :) )
          * tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2009 install collection-kotex ko.TeX ġѴ.
  • noweb . . . . 4 matches
         sudo port install noweb
          * src 丮 Makefile Ѵ. ⿡ ̺귯 ҽ awk icon , ΰ Ƿ شǴ LIBSRC ְ ũ ־ Ѵ. , ü make install ι־ Ѵ.
          * make; sudo make install; ָ ڵ 򸰴.
  • pgf . . . . 1 match
          Դ {{{mpm --install=pgf}}} ϸ ȴ.
  • ġϱ . . . . 17 matches
          $ sudo apt-get install perl-tk
          $ wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ tar -xzvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ rm install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ cd install-tl-20091111
          ( install-tl-20091111 丮 ,
          $ sudo ./install-tl --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          ( $ sudo ./install-tl --gui Ͻô ֽϴ.)
          $ sudo tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011 install collection-kotex
         $ sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion libpoppler-qt4-dev libhunspell-dev libdbus-1-dev
         $ sudo make install
          ޾ƿ ҽ INSTALL оø鼭 ϼŵ Դϴ.
          # sudo apt-get install texworks
          # sudo apt-get install texworks
          $ sudo apt-get install nabi
          $ sudo apt-get install ttf-alee
          $ sudo apt-get install ttf-unfonts-extra
  • ġϱ/HLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         apt-get install hlatex hlatex-fonts-base hlatex-fonts-extra
  • ġϱ/obsolete . . . . 1 match
         #> apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-doc libkpathsea-dev
  • ŴƮ/ȭ . . . . 2 matches
         DeleteMe install.zip ٿε ʴµ, ׷ ? --[Progress]
          ε ̸ ǵ Ϲ Ͻô մϴ. install.zip ʹ Ϲ̶ ٸ ̸ εϸ  ˴ϴ.... ŴƮ ε `hzm_` մϴ. --[Karnes]
  • . . . . 5 matches
          Ͻ ... ¼ tl-installer ɼǿ " ڸ Ͽ ġ" ʾƼ ֽϴ. ƹư "" ذᰡϴٰ Ͻôϱ Ƚ߽ϴ. :-) ;; --[Karnes]
          tl-install ġ ؾ , ׷ Ͻñ ٶϴ. --MadToad
          ׿. windows XP install-tl Ἥ ġ tar Ǯٰ permission error ( afm2pl.win32.tar ȭ ¥ ġ Ѵٰ 鼭 ƨϴ. install-tl.zip ִ tar.exe ִ ε ٲ㺸 Ȥ ġ丮 permssion ɷ ִ ִ Ͽ ô , ȵdz׿. Դϴ. ٸ computer, O/S, ̷, ȯ, ߸ ϱ Ƴ׿(ȸ WindowsXP x64 + avast, windows XP ѱ + Virus chaser, notebook windows XP FLP + antivir, google ʰ.. п (?) 7z ȭ ̿ ġ õϿ մϴ. ^^; -- likesam
          Ǵ Դϴ. kotexlive2009 ġ install-tl(kotex) ÷ξ ̷ ֽϴ. "ó ٽ õ. ݺϸ ˴ϴ." --[Karnes]
  • п۲ . . . . 1 match
          <!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430'''''' ÷ TeX ϵ ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip (texmf ƴ) localtexmf TREE ROOT Ǫ ϴ.
1352 ߿ 116 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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