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oblivoir Ŭ 뿡 õ 亯Դϴ.
<!> oblivoir memoir ۵ ̹Ƿ, memoir ֽϴ.

1 Ϲ
1.1.1 latex -> dvipdfmx
1.1.2 pdflatex
1.1.3 latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf
1.2 , trim mark
1.2.1 fapapersize Ű ɼ
1.2.2 \usefapapersize
1.2.4 ũ
1.2.5 trim mark
1.2.6 TIP: landscape?
1.3 ѱ
1.4 ۲
1.4.1 ۲ ũ ɼ
1.4.2 ۲
1.4.3 ۲
1.4.5 ڰ ܾ
1.5 pdf ϸũ
1.6 ǥ ׹
1.7 Ÿ
1.8 ȣ
1.9 η
1.10 hangul-ucs 4.0 ɼ
1.11 subfigure ɼ
2 Tips and tricks
2.1 ǥ ׹ ʱ
2.2 TOC ڸ
2.3 nokorean hypersetup
2.4 Oblivoir chapter
2.5 maketitle ġ
2.6 enumerate ׸ Ӹ(item label)
2.7 thanksnote
2.8 xoblivoir mathspec
3 QnA


1 Ϲ




1.1.1 latex -> dvipdfmx



1.1.2 pdflatex

<pdflatex stuffs>

<pdflatex stuffs> ̴.

1.1.3 latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf

  • [dvips] ɼ Ѵ.
  • ⺻ Ʈ(۲) ʿ, ѱ ƮŸ Ʈ . ⺻ ۲ ʴ . KC2006-2-MINI ߰ ġ Fonts Ͽٸ 鹬۲ð ȭα۲ type 1 ۲ ִ.
  • \documentclass[dvips]{oblivoir}

1.2 , trim mark


1.2.1 fapapersize Ű ɼ

ũ⼳: ũ pdf ܼ
=> fapapersize ũ ɼ, , [dbl4x6], [mum], ű[newmum] ִ.


1.2.2 \usefapapersize

鼳: fapapersize ɼ ƹ ϵ , \usefapapersize ũ ִ. Ķʹ paperwidth, paperheight, leftmargin, rightmargin, uppermargin, lowermargin , .
=> ɼǵ ְ ɵ ɼ 켱Ѵ.
=> rightmargin=leftmargin ׹° ǥ, lowermargin=uppermargin ° ǥϸ ϴ.


ù° ι° ɼǵ ǥ ִ. papersize ϰ ʰ ⺻ Ǵ ɼǿ ־ ũ⸦ ״ 鸸 Ϸ ,

1.2.4 ũ

[stock] ɼ ־ ũ⸦ ִ.
  • Ϲδ ɼ [a4paper] Ѵ. ̷ ɼ ƴ  ϴ [stock]̴.
  • \usefastocksize ũ⸦ Ѵ. => \usefastocksize ݻ \usefapapersize Ѵ.

1.2.5 trim mark

  • ɼ [showtrims] ϸ Ʈũ ׸ ִ. stock()  Ʈ (papersize) ۾ƾ ȿ ִ.
  • trim mark L-mark ⺻ memoir Ŭ ٸ mark ٲ ִ. preamble \trimFrame غ.
  • trim mark ǥ: a4paper size stock ũ trim mark ǥ
  • stock papersize ϴ

1.2.6 TIP: landscape?

ɼ [landscape] ִ , ο ̸ ȭ landscape ȿ ִ. ̴.

1.3 ѱ

[nokorean] ɼ ϸ hyperref ε ѱ ڵ ʴ´.

1.4 ۲


1.4.1 ۲ ũ ɼ

⺻ 10pt̴. ̿ܿ memoir ϴ ٸ ⺻۲ũ ɼ Ѵ.

oblivoir [10.5pt] ɼ ϳ ִ. 10.5 Ʈ ۲ Ϸ
10.5 Ʈ ۲ ۲õ Ŀ Ϸ

1.4.2 ۲

memoir \bf, \tt LaTeX 2.09 ۲ . LaTeX2e \textbf, \ttfamily, \texttt Ѵ. ٸ ε ȣȯ ؼ LaTeX 2.09 ۲ ؾ Ѵٸ, [oldfontcommands] ɼ Ѵ.
׷ ̰ ״ ɼ ƴϴ.

1.4.3 ۲

⺻ Ʈ (dvipdfmx )
ȭ ۲ ⺻ Ʈ (ѱ κи )
鹬۲ (β ۲ ü ü)
ڼ Karnes/Oblivoir/Fonts .


(textit, itshape, emph) õ κ ׷ü Ʈ ⺻. ̰ Ÿ() ٲٰ ʹٸ,
Ÿ ٲٰ "׷ ü" ٸ ۲÷ ٲٰ ʹٸ
=> kxdt ⺻ ۲̸, preamble . ڸ ؾ ϰ ù° ڴ ѱ, ι° ڴ ڿ ȣڿ ش.

1.4.5 ڰ ܾ

ڰ dhucs hangul font spec ̿Ͽ Ѵ(⿡ ؼ Hangul-ucs dhucsdoc .) ٸ Ͻ ڰ ʿ䰡
ִ. ܾ ϴ memhangul ̴. ܾ ̿Ѵ.
emε Ͽ ϰ ڸ ش. ̰ .35em plus .1em minus .1em ġȯȴ. nonfrenchspacing ʿ xspaceskip ڷ ִ.
, ڰ ܾ ǻȲ ſ ٸ ´ٴ ̴. ܾ ص ڰ ٸ Ÿ ִ. ܾ Ƿ ٲٴ Ǹ鿡 Ͽ Ȯ ϴ ڴ.


⺻ ణ Ѵ. ڼ dhucs Ѵ.
߰ ణ ʿϴٸ
̹ۿ \linespread ̿ ⺻ ణ spacing ȯ ̿ Ϻ ణ ϴ.

1.5 pdf ϸũ

[nokorean] ɼ ʴ ̻ pdf ϸũ default̴. pdf ϸũ ʰ Ϸ

1.6 ǥ ׹

ǥ " 1 "
=> ɼ \kscntformat{section}{}{} (HLaTeX ̷ ͼ) ǥ ֽϴ. ٸ ǥ ʺ ڵ ϴ ۵ ʴ´ٸ \cft... ũθ ̿Ͽ Ͻʽÿ.

1.7 Ÿ

oblivoir pagestyle default (article ) plain̴. ׷ memoir pagestyle ؼ ų Ͽ ִ.

TIP. memhangul-ucs [hangul] Ÿ
\markboth{ }{\rightmark}
=> chapter \leftmark ŵ ֽϴ. \leftmark \markboth ָ ˴ϴ. \tableofcontents ù° ϱ ϸ ϴ. \thetitle ü ̴ ֽϴ.

1.8 ȣ

ȣ 1), 2),...

1.9 η

ηϿ õ ũ
  • \AppendixTitle η ǥ ´.
  • \AppendixTitleToToc "η"̶ ǥ Ÿ Ѵ.
  • \AttachAppendixTitleToSecnum η ѹ "η"̶ ̸ δ.
  • \appref ηϿ Ϸ .
  • \appendixname, \appendixrefname renewcommand ִ.

η chapter, subsection etc.
  • ηϿ chapter, subsection, subsubsection ִ ,
    • thesection ̸ ǵǾ . ٲ .
    • A.1 ó ʴ´ٸ
  • η subsection toc Ϸ , \appendix Ŀ

1.10 hangul-ucs 4.0 ɼ

  • [nofinemath] : oblivoir 0.2.2 finemath ⺻(default). ̰ nofinemath ɼ Ѵ.
  • [microtype] : microtype Ű εϰ font-expansion Ȱȭ.

1.11 subfigure ɼ

  • v0.3.1 (20071023) ߰.
  • memoir ü subfigure ֱ Ϲ subfigure ε ʿ䰡 , subfigureٴ ֽ subfig Ű .
  • ׷, LyX Բ ϴ subfigure ʿ ִ.
  • [subfigure] ɼ ϸ \usepackage{subfigure} ޽ ʰ Ѵ.
  • . ɼ ְ \usepackage{subfigure} ϴ ۵ .

2 Tips and tricks


2.1 ǥ ׹ ʱ

\section* ǥ ׹ ׷ ̴. ׷ oblivoir pdf bookmark ϱ \section* .
̰ \section* ׳ \section ȴ. ǥ ׹ 鼭 bookmark ش. Ѵٸ toc ִ. ... ѵ \section* δ .

2.2 TOC ڸ

\tableofcontents ȣ " ڸ" ϰ toc . section 10 ̸̶, Ʈ ׹ " ڸ" ġ ִ.

2.3 nokorean hypersetup

nokorean option Ҷ ѱ ɾ  , hypersetup ε ־ Ѵ. nokorean option ڵ ѱ ɼ  ϱ .

% ɼǿ  hyperref Ȥ hypersetup  Ѵ. 
\hypersetup{colorlinks,backref, %bookmarks

  % pdflatex  ۲  о ̰ų Ʈ ġǾ ִ  Ʈ о δ. 


%  ƮŸ Ʈ Ǿ  װ о δ. 


2.4 Oblivoir chapter

oblivoir article 䳻 ̾ chapter Ȳ ϰ . ׷ ÿ oblivoir memoiṟ⵵ ϱ chapter ִ. oblivoir 0.17.2C \chapter Ȱȭ ְ ϴ [chapter] ɼ Ѵ. \chapterstyle \oblivoirchapterstyle ִ.
\chapter{é ׽Ʈ}


oblivoir \chapter chapterstyle ڰ ؾ ̴. memoir ǵǾ ְ memhangul κ chapterstyle ״ ִ. ̴.

, memoir ȰϿ chapter Ÿ ϴ ϴ. chapter style ǿ ؼ memucs-manual ϱ ٶ. ѱȭ ߰ ũθ ٷ Ǿ ִ.

غ. [http]MemoirChapStyles ̴.
%%%%%%%%%% code from MemoirChapStyles.pdf
\renewcommand{\printchaptername}{} %%% meaningless in memhangul
\renewcommand{\prechapternum}{} %%% memhangul
\renewcommand{\postchapternum}{} %%% memhangul
\renewcommand{\hchaptertitlehead}{\thechapter.} %%% memhangul

\chapter{oblivoir chapter ִ°?}
\section{ù° }
oblivoir chapter    ...

\chapter{ ڵ 𿡼?}
CTAN    ִ.

2.5 maketitle ġ

oblivoir ¥ ų \maketitle ϴ ġ Ʊ 찡 ִٴ 򰡿 ־µ.... \droptitle̶ ̺ ϸ ȴ.


2.6 enumerate ׸ Ӹ(item label)

oblivoir 0.2.4 Ѵ.
\item ...
  • A, a, i, I, 1
  • , , , , , , , , , , , (nokorean )


2.7 thanksnote

[footnote] ɼ ָ footnote ϴ ϴµ \thanks ״̴. ̰ footnote
%%% thanks note style
\newsavebox\mytnxtmpbox\sbox\mytnxtmpbox{\footnotesize 99)\ }
\thanksmarkstyle{\makebox[\wd\mytnxtmpbox][r]{\textsuperscript{*}\ }}

2.8 xoblivoir mathspec

XeTeX + xoblivoir mathspec εϸ ߴ
=> Ͻʽÿ.

3 QnA

  • XeTeX ° ڵϸ .
    \documentclass{oblivoir} %%% or, xoblivoir

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