MadToad/Tmp/Linux (rev. 1.1)

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.
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======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

=======> Note: Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate menu items <=======
=======>       for commands or configurable options                   <=======

 Detected platform: Intel x86 with GNU/Linux
 <B> binary systems: 1 out of 15

 <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
     83 collections out of 84, disk space required: 1719 MB

 Customizing installation scheme:
   <C> standard collections
   <L> language collections

 <D> directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] create all format files
   [X] install macro/font doc tree
   [X] install macro/font source tree
   [X] create symlinks in standard directories

 <V> set up for running from DVD

Other actions:
 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

Enter command: 

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