"Memoir"() ü ãƺ

You recoil from the crude; you tend naturally toward the exquisite.
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ũ ã
  • EnglishOnly . . . . 1 match
         == Memoir ==
         memoir ϴ , hyperref ϴ , å κп . ̰ ó {{{memhfixc}}} Ű ؾ Ѵ.
  • KTUGCompanion . . . . 1 match
          1. [LayOut/Memoir]
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 3 matches
          * attachment:memoir-test.zip
         => [Memoir]
          1. memoir Ŭ ִ.
          * HLaTeX hfont memoir ִٰ ϴµ... memoir . ε Ұϴ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-04-09T23:51:35 Memoir Chapter Styles
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 3 matches
          <!> oblivoir memoir ۵ ̹Ƿ, memoir '''''' ֽϴ.
          * trim mark L-mark ⺻ memoir Ŭ ٸ mark ٲ ִ. preamble {{{\trimFrame}}} غ.
         ⺻ 10pt̴. ̿ܿ memoir ϴ ٸ ⺻۲ũ ɼ Ѵ.
         memoir {{{\bf, \tt}}} LaTeX 2.09 ۲ . LaTeX2e {{{\textbf, \ttfamily, \texttt}}} Ѵ. ٸ ε ȣȯ ؼ LaTeX 2.09 ۲ ؾ Ѵٸ, {{{[oldfontcommands]}}} ɼ Ѵ.
         oblivoir pagestyle default (article ) plain̴. ׷ memoir pagestyle ؼ ų Ͽ ִ.
          * memoir ü subfigure ֱ Ϲ subfigure ε ʿ䰡 , subfigureٴ ֽ subfig Ű .
         oblivoir article 䳻 ̾ chapter Ȳ ϰ . ׷ ÿ oblivoir memoiṟ⵵ ϱ chapter ִ.
         oblivoir \chapter chapterstyle ڰ ؾ ̴. memoir ǵǾ ְ memhangul κ chapterstyle ״ ִ. ̴.
         , memoir ȰϿ chapter Ÿ ϴ ϴ. chapter style ǿ ؼ memucs-manual ϱ ٶ. ѱȭ ߰ ũθ ٷ Ǿ ִ.
          غ. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/MemoirChapStyles/ MemoirChapStyles] ̴.
         %%%%%%%%%% code from MemoirChapStyles.pdf
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 1 match
          Ǻ ռ Ұ M-tx [PMX] ̿Ͽ Ǻ ణ MusiXTeX ģ , memoir Ͽ Դϴ. , midi ϵ ϴ.
          1. LaTeX Ŭ memoir ϴ ϰڽϴ. [synapse] û ̱⵵ ϰ memoir ɷ Ǻ ǿ Ȱ ֱ Դϴ.
          * ̾ƿ Դϴ. MemoirClass ͼϽôٸ ϴ. '''''' geometry Ű ʽϴ.
  • LaTeX߻ϱʵ . . . . 1 match
         === memoir ===
          * Ŵ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/memoir/memman.pdf]
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Memoir%B9%E8%BF%EC%B1%E2?action=download&value=memucstest-src.pdf memucstest-src.pdf]
  • LayOut/Memoir . . . . 1 match
         Memoir Ŭ ̾ƿ پ ũθ صΰ ִ.
  • LayOut/ . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX PaperSize .[[FootNote(ٸ MemoirClass stocksize papersize Ѵ.)]] LaTeX ⺻ [ Ŭ] article, book, report  ϴ ɼ . [̴] .
  • MemhangulClass . . . . 6 matches
         memhangul Ŭ memoir Ŭ ѱ ؼ ۼ ̴. memoir ؼ MemoirClass ϶.
          (x)oblivoir Ŭ memoir ѱȭ ϴ μ ŸϷμ ǰ ִ.
          1. memoir class 1.618 (current version)
         MemoirClass manual Ͽ
         MemoirClass manual(memman) 2 ( )
          memoir Ŭ article ó ؼ ۼ Ŭ. See [Karnes/Oblivoir]
         === Memoir ===
         memhangul class ƴ϶ styleԴϴ. ׷ ̸ MemhangulClass MemoirClass ¦ ߰ ߱ Դϴ. ̸ ذ ñ... ;)
         memhangul memoir Ŭ HLaTeX hfont  ߻ϴ ϱ ó ۵Ǿ. HLaTeX hfont ʰ Ǿ dhucs ̿ ڵ ǰ ִ.
          1. memoir 2.618 .
  • Memoir . . . . 1 match
         Memoir Ŭ ϴ ̾߱, ...
         ֱ memoir subfigure ߻ϴ ְ subfigure õ κ ణ ľ . by [Karnes].
         Ժκп Ƿ ϼ. ϸ ο ̸ ٲٰ ÷ֽñ ٶϴ. ߰ϸ鼭 memoir ڴµ...
          1. memoir ִ Ŵ, ١ ڸƮ ٴ
          1. memoir ƴ϶  Ű Ἥ ϴ ڸƮ ٴ
          TeX ۼ ƴ϶ ٸ 뵵 Ȥ ̷ ϰ ִ Ͷ ؿ µ, Ұֽ memoir , ̿ ۼ ϴ. ڷ մϴ. п ϰ ְ Ǿϴ. :-) --[]
  • NFSS . . . . 1 match
         ̷ ũθ ȣȯ Ŭ 100% ȣȯ Ǿ ʴ. ǥ LaTeX ũΰ ƴ MemoirClass Ŭ Ǹ ̷ ũδ ǵǾ ʴٴ ̴(ȣȯ 尡 õǾ ֱ ).
  • PageStyle . . . . 6 matches
         == Memoir PageStyle ==
         MemoirClass pagestyle ִ. '''MemoirClass FancyHdr ʴ .''' Memoir Manual 3 11 .
         , Memoir ο chapter ۵DZ Ǿ ִ , book̳ report pagestyle ġ κ ذصΰ ִ.
         ¦ ʿ 찡 ִ.[[FootNote(Memoir Ŭ ̷ ߻ ʴ´.)]]
  • VersePackage . . . . 1 match
         Memoirclass verse Ű ִ.
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals . . . . 1 match
         ٷ 츮 ȸ ڵ ѱ Ű ƺ Ŭ Oblivoir Ŭ̴. ̰ ϸ ѱ̳ ﱹ  XeLaTeX ִ. ̰ Ǵ Memoir class ѱ ko.TeX ̶ ϸ Ǹ article Ŭ ȣȯ ǵ ϴ Ŭ̴.
  • hermian/ShowMeTheSource . . . . 1 match
         === 2006.04 LaTeXʺ memoir+memhangul-ucs ϡ μ ===
          * KC2008 {{{c:\usr\texlive\HOME\Documents\0-LaTeX\Memhangul\ischo\memoir-test\}}}
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Memoir%B9%E8%BF%EC%B1%E2?action=download&value=firstmem.pdf firstmem.pdf]
          * â memoir 㶧 μ (ȸ) å ٸ ġ ε... . oblivoir ذ
         === memoir ѱ ! Karnes ===
         === MemhangulUcs Ŵ - memoir class Ŵ ===
          * [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/memhangul/memucs-manual-all.pdf memoir class Ŵ ]
  • hozeŴƮ . . . . 2 matches
          ƴ մϴٸ, LaTeX Companion Memoir ã մϴ.
         Memoir ڵ嵵 ũο ǵ ɸ մϴ.
          * hozemanucs.cls Ŭ memoir memhangul-ucs 䱸Ѵ. Ŭ 翬 utf-8 ڵǾ Ѵ.
  • likesam . . . . 3 matches
          * tlmgr install memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic lm metalogo realscripts expl3 xpackages sourcesanspro (Ȥ ʿ \dots )
          * tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ install multirow tabulary dehyph-exptl SIunits SIstyle cm-super kerntest animate wallpaper memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic preprint symbol tex-gyre times lm metalogo pdfcrop realscripts expl3 xpackages tabu
         tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ install multirow tabulary dehyph-exptl SIunits SIstyle cm-super kerntest animate wallpaper memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval memoir MemoirChapStyles collection-documentation-korean epstopdf beamer beamer-contrib metalogo microtype eso-pic preprint symbol tex-gyre times lm metalogo pdfcrop
          * tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ install multirow tabulary dehyph-exptl symbol SIunits cm-super kerntest animate wallpaper memoir microtype xcolor xkeyval lm metalogo
          * memoir ⺻ KC2008ġ Ǿ Ƿ, ߰Ͽ ϴ. ̿ܿ Progress õ update ־µ, ξ ʴ´. :(
  • ٴ . . . . 1 match
          1. MemoirClass: {{{#!vim tex
  • ܸ . . . . 4 matches
         (!) chngpage Ű ɰ ȯ MemoirClass Ǿ ִ.
         (!) hanging Ű ɰ ȯ MemoirClass Ǿ ִ.
         (!) MemoirClass(MemhangulClass) indentfirst Ű ʿϴ. ڼ [] [MemhangulClass] memhangul Ŵ .
         === minipage parskip(memoir) ===
         MemoirClass Ű ε ʿ䰡 ׿.
  • LayOut . . . . 3 matches
         == MemoirClass ==
          * [LayOut/Memoir]
          * Memoir [Karnes/Oblivoir] fapapersize.sty ϸ Layout ִ.
  • ο/Compression . . . . 1 match
         === memoir/memhangul-ucs ===
         MemoirClass ο뿡 compression ⺻Դϴ. hyperref εϿ compression ݴϴ.
1352 ߿ 21 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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