"file"() ü ãƺ

Your lover will never wish to leave you.
FrontPageKC2006/ó&value=ѱTeX۲̸Documents&value=TeX۾ȯ占쏙옙占싼깍옙처占쏙옙/Discussion&value=畸TrueType昉청&value=占쏙옙占싼깍옙처占쏙옙/Discussion&value=한글TrueType글꼴사용 › PMX

ũ ã
  • ALSee . . . . 1 match
  • AMSLaTeX/Math . . . . 1 match
  • AMSLaTeX/Theorem . . . . 1 match
  • AUCTeX . . . . 7 matches
         ;; If use \include or \input, for multi-file document.
          (add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list '("%a" file "pdf" t))
          "LaTeX the curent file."
          (TeX-command "LaTeX" 'TeX-master-file))
          "Forward search LaTeX the current file position."
          (TeX-command "DVISearch" 'TeX-master-file))
          (TeX-command "DVIPDFMx" 'TeX-master-file))
  • AcroEdit . . . . 7 matches
         latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | %ktug_bin%\..\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | c:\tex\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -r+ ":[0-9]*:"
         Syntax: GREP [-rlcnvidzuwo] searchstring file[s] or @filelist
         Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
         KC2006 â , "e" ڵ Ǵ ͸ AcroEdit ǵ Ϸ ȯ溯 TEXEDIT "C:\Program Files\AcroSoft\AcroEdit\AcroEdit.exe" "%s"/L:%d Ѵ. ̸ ϴ Ʒ ΰ ִ.
          * "C:\Program Files\AcroSoft\AcroEdit\AcroEdit.exe" "%s"/L:%d ־ش.
  • AdobeReader/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader (ġ 丮 ٸٸ ) plug_ins_disabled ο (丮) . plug_ins ִ ȭ plug_ins_disabled Ű.
          Can't find encoding file:KSCms-UHC-H
  • AquamacsEmacs . . . . 1 match
  • BOM . . . . 5 matches
         Win32 Ϻ α׷ (Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word) [UTF-8] BOM Win 9x/ME ̴ [http://www.ansi.org ANSI][[FootNote(''ANSI'' ƹ , MS  .)]] code page (ѱ Windows codepage 949 - Ȯ ϼ) ۼ ؽƮ ϰ ϱ ǥ Ѵ. , UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] BOM UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] νϰ ׷ ''ANSI'' code page Ѵ. XML ǥؿ [UTF-8] BOM BOM ڵ ϳ ϰ ִ. , [UTF-8] BOM POSIX OS {{{cat file1 file2 file3 | another_program}}} ŰǷ ״ ȯ Ѵ. TeX/Omega 忡 Notepad, Wordpad BOM [UTF-8] ̴ ״ ݰ ƴϴ. TeX/Omega compiler `.tex` ο ǹ̸ ڰ ִ Ƿ . ׳ <Enter> ġ ϸ ó پ ´. --
          # program to remove a leading [UTF-8] BOM from a file
          # works both STDIN -> STDOUT and on the spot (with filename as argument)
  • BadContents . . . . 1 match
  • BibTeX . . . . 2 matches
         ʿ ̾ ([BSTFile]) ڵ
         MiKTeX ġϸ Ʈ {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\bibtex\bib\base}}} ӿ ̹ test.bib xampl.bib ִ. TeX ߿ IEEEtran.bst ʿϸ ڵ
  • BoundingBox . . . . 1 match
  • CTANSearch . . . . 4 matches
         <H3>Search CTAN For a File</H3><P>If you know the name of a file that you need, type it into the
          search box below and you will get a link to all the files
         <form action="http://www.ctan.org/cgi-bin/filenameSearch.py" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" accept-charset="UTF-8">
          <input type='text' name='filename' size='40' maxlength='120' /></span>
  • CWEB . . . . 1 match
          1. Makefile  44° Ͽ, comm-utf8.ch Ѵ.
  • CaptionOfFloats . . . . 2 matches
  • CommonLicenses . . . . 2 matches
         1) This licences forces a change of file name on modified code
          that they are not named to the original filenames.
  • Conditionals . . . . 3 matches
         \ifeof\instream \message{File fname does not exist!}
         === `\IfFileExists` ===
          ϸ ҷ̵ ϴ `\InputIfFileExists` ִ. ڸ , ϸ ҷ , ι° ڷ ־ ϰ, ׷ ° ڷ ־ Ѵ.
          \typeout{No file exists! \jobname.gld}}%
  • CustomBib . . . . 3 matches
         ⿡ custom-bib ؼ ڽ BSTFile ϴ ٷϴ.
         CustomBib Daly TeX ƿƼμ, ڰ ڽ BSTFile ֵ ش. ⺻ `makebst.tex` Ͽ Ͽ LaTeX ϸ BSTFile ִ ̴.
          (b) Enter the name of the MASTER file => default.
          (c) Name of the final OUTPUT .bst file? => type your .bst file name (⼭ imsi ).
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 5 matches
          * Default Text File Type : text carriage return line feed  · Ѵ.
          Text file type ϴ ۼ߿ ڰ enter() Ű ǻͰ νϴ ܳ κп ó ü ٸ ̴. UNIX line feed ִ ̸, DOS carriage return line feed Բ ϵȴ. (UNIX DOS ͷ ٷ پ ° ٷ carriage return ڰ Ƿ DOS ʹ ΰ νϸ, ݴ DOS UNIX о carriage return "^M" ܳ Ÿ) (:winEdt ) Ѵٸ DOS ϰ, Emacs for windows ϽŴٸ  ص ̰ .
          ϸ κ CYGWIN Ű ٿ޾ ȭ鿡 ش. ⼭ ڰ ġ ִ. View ư Ű ⸦ Full ٲ۴. Category شǴ Ű ݵ ġؾ Ѵ. [http://project.ktug.or.kr/cygwin-teTeX/setup_files.htm ġ ] ϶.
         === /etc/profile ===
         {{{/etc/profile}}}  ߰Ѵ.
         {{{~/.bash_profile}}} д. ̹ ִٸ Ǿ ̴.
  • CygWinġϱ/obsolete . . . . 3 matches
          <!> Ʒ ũƮ ڿ ν ּó κε, CygWin ߻ϴ ϱ {{{Makefile.in}}} Ʒ ִ ̴ּ.
         ⼭ rebuild filename database Ǹ Ѵ. show configuration Ȯ ִ.
         % this is the map file for ttf2pk
          , 켱 Filename Database Ѵ.
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 3 matches
         Scanning input file stdin...done (0 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
         Ȥ ؼ  Ϳ ؼ Ұ 帮ڽϴ. 켱 utf8-tex4ht.cfg ̿ؼ html utf8 ؼ ϴ. index ʿ filename.4dx̹Ƿ ̰ iconv -f euc-kr -t utf8 ٲٰ makeindex-dhucs.pl ٽ iconv ٽ euc-kr ٲپ ־ϴ. Ƹ ΰ ۿ ʾ ε sorting Ǵ index ϴ. 帳ϴ. --[synapse]
         File `utf8.def' not found
          ߳ϴ.. ãƺ, To install this LaTeX UTF-8 support, simply put the files ucs.sty, utf8x.def, ucsencs.def and data/* somewhere in your TeX-path µ, ⼭ Tex-path ü  directory ? tetexɾ ִ , texmf ?
  • DVIPDFMx/Installation . . . . 2 matches
          * CygWin-[teTeX] . AdobeReader 6.x {{{C:\Program Files\ADOBE\Acrobat 6.0\Reader}}} ġǾ ִٸ,
         % CMap file inputs for DVIPDFMx
         % CMap file inputs for DVIPDFMx
  • EditPlus . . . . 1 match
         #> associate .tex "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\editplus.exe"
         "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\Editplus.exe" "%s" -cursor %d
         "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\Editplus.exe"^s"%s" -cursor %d
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\EditPlus 3\editplus.exe\" \"%f\" -cursor %l"
         C:\texlive\2008\bin\win32\pdflatex.exe -synctex=-1 $(FileDir)\$(FileName)
         C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe "$(FileDir)\$(FileNameNoExt).pdf"
         kcpdfopen "$(FileDir)\$(FileName)" $(CurLine) 0
         -src -file-line-error "$(ProjectName).tex"
         -1 "$(ProjectName).dvi" "# $(CurLine) $(FileNameNoExt).tex"
  • EmEditor . . . . 3 matches
          * ʴ  Ȯ ϴ. κ ٸ Ҵ. [http://www.emeditor.com/userfiles.php]
          "C:\Program Files\EmEditor\emeditor.exe"/l %d "%s"
          *  ٿε ޴´. [http://www.emeditor.com/userfiles.php]
  • EmEditor/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
         userDefinedPDFViewer="C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
          * tex Ͽ ؼ file association ɾݴϴ. {{{
         # associate .tex "C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe"
         # "C:\Program Files\sumatrapdf\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe\" /l %l \"%f\"" }}}
          * ÷ Ͽ ִ ġ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\PlugIns մϴ.( ִ صνʽÿ.)
  • EmEditor/MTeXHelper . . . . 13 matches
          * , KCmenu {{{[-src -file-line-error]}}} ɼ Ǿ ִ.
         Parameters: -src -file-line-error "%MTeX2_CFName%.tex"
         Parameters: --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"}}}
          1. Master file setting Ǵ Master file forced setting ߸ ̿Ѵ.
          1. Master file setting ߸ Ŭϸ ش tex master ִ. (master ϸ ùٿ [%Root "master file name"] ߰Ѵ.)
          1. Master file forced setting ߴ Ѱ Ǿ ִ. Ѱ, master ϸ ȴ. ( ߰ Master file setting õȴ.)
          * "Master file setting is disable when there's [\begin{document}] in around 300 lines of current editing file."
          * predefined : MTeX2 ٿ Ŭ ޴ , {{{Edit dictionary file...}}} , {{{[Simple complementary dictionary]}}} ø ˴ϴ.
  • EmEditor/Professional . . . . 2 matches
          * Arguments: "$(Dir)\$(Filename).$(Ext)"
          1. (powerful) find in files, replace in files
  • EmEditorTip/Edit/Jump . . . . 1 match
          * master file Ǿ ִ , master ϰ (include Ǵ input ԵǴ) μ Ʈ ְ ϴ Ϸ Jump ִ.
  • EmEditorTip/Execution . . . . 14 matches
         pdfclose --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfopen --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"}}}
         pdfclose --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfopen --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfclose --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfopen --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfclose --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfopen --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfclose --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfopen --file "%MTeX2_CFName%.pdf"
         pdfclose --file %1.pdf
         pdfopen --file %1.pdf}}}
         pdfclose --file %1.pdf
         pdfopen --file %1.pdf
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 4 matches
          * customizing (B): Edit dictionary file -> Input supporting dictionary ϴ sting
          * customizing (C): Edit dictionary file -> Simple complement dictionary ϴ string (Ʒ, )
          1. ٿ ŬϿ, Edit dictionary file -> Simple complement dictionary -> Add .
  • EmEditorTip/Project . . . . 9 matches
          1. Master file setting Ǵ Master file forced setting ߸ ̿Ѵ.
          1. Master file setting ߸ Ŭϸ ش tex master ִ. (master ϸ ùٿ [%Root "master file name"] ߰Ѵ.)
          1. '''Master file forced setting''' ߴ Ѱ Ǿ ִ.
          * ϰ, ߿ ﰢ master ϸ ȴ. ( ߰ Master file setting õȴ.)
          * "Master file setting is disable when there's [\begin{document}] in around 300 lines of current editing file."
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 1 match
          1. `C-x C-f filename.tex` [http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/File-Variables.html#File-Variables Local Variables] coding Ѵ.
  • EnumeratePackage . . . . 1 match
  • Excel2Tabular . . . . 1 match
  • FileContentsEnv . . . . 10 matches
         filecontents ȯ ־ ؽƮ Ϸ Ѵ. ȯ \documentclass .
         ʱ ɾ \documentclass ϴ ɾ̴. κп ִ filecontents ȯ . ȯ LaTeX 2.09 ̴.
          ȯ ϳ '''ϸ''' ִ ̴. ϳ뿡  ִ ڴ 7Ʈ ƽŰ ̸  ̵ ϴ. filecontents* * ٿ ϸ Ͽ % ϴ ּ ʰ, ׷ ּ ٰ ȴ.
         eps ÷Ϸ filecontents* ȯ Ѵ. ϳ ۼؾ߸ ϴ ε Ȳ , ǻ ǹ ȯ̴.
  • FontCacheUpdateError . . . . 2 matches
         C:\Program Files (x86)
         C:\Program Files
          Ŀ batch file
         batch file %MyProgFiles%
         C:\Program Files (x86
         %MyProgFiles% Ҵ cmd batch if
          ϵ ȣ 64bit ϴ %ProgramFiles(x86)%
  • GSView . . . . 1 match
  • GhostScriptUtilities . . . . 2 matches
         #> gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#output.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f input.ps
          -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dUseFlateCompression=true -sOutputFile=%o %i -c quit"
         #> gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE#pswrite -sOutputFile#output.ps input.pdf -c quit
         #> ps2epsi infile.ps outfile.epsi
         gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE#jpeg -dEPSCROP -r100 -sOutputFile#output.jpg input.eps -c quit
         gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r100 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=test%d.jpg orig.pdf
  • GlossTeX . . . . 10 matches
         The database file\glosstex{gdf-file} for use with
         \gls{GlossTeX} is a flat \ac{ASCII} file.
         #> glosstex <aux-file> <gdf-file> [<gdf-file2>...]
         #> makeindex <gxs-file> -o <glx-file> -s <ist-file>
  • GrindEq . . . . 1 match
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 2 matches
         Ϲ ġ ؼ Ե [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/dhucsdoc.pdf dhucsdoc.pdf] о.(2007-06-03, dhucs 4.0,0)
  • HelpOnAdministration . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnInstalling - how to install the software and supporting files
  • HelpOnEditing/SubPages . . . . 2 matches
         Thus, by using "/" to concatenate several WikiName''''''s, you can create arbitrarily deep hierarchies (within limits, especially the length of filenames on your system). In reality, subpages are normal pages that contain a "/" in their name, and thus they are stored besides all other pages in the file system. Subpages are a configurable feature, but they're on by default and it's recommended that you keep it that way, since the help pages themselves use this feature.
  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 2 matches
         The supported URL schemes are: `http`, `https`, `ftp`, `nntp`, `news`, `mailto`, `telnet`, and `file`. The administrator of your wiki can extend the supported schemes by using the {{{config.url_schemas}}} variable (see HelpOnConfiguration).
         In addition to the standard schemes, there are MoinMoin-specific ones: `wiki`, `attachment`, `inline`, and `drawing`. "`wiki`" indicates an InterWiki link, so `MoinMoin:Frontpage` and `wiki:MoinMoin:Frontpage` are equivalent; you will normally prefer the shorter form, the "`wiki`" scheme becomes important when you use bracketed links, since there you always need a scheme. The other three schemes are related to file attachments and are explained on HelpOnActions/AttachFile.
  • HelpOnPageDeletion . . . . 2 matches
         The default way to delete a page is via the shell on the host system. The page files are found in the "data/text" directory, and you can simply delete them from there.
         If enabled (see HelpOnConfiguration and HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions), you can delete pages with the {{{DeletePage}}} action. Note that deleting means to make a backup copy of the page, and then deleting the page file. This is almost like saving an empty page (which is not allowed by the system).
  • HelpOnSpellCheck . . . . 8 matches
         If the "dbhash" module is available with your Python installation, the files in "dict" are read only ''once'' and stored in a hash table. This speeds up the spell checking process because then the number of words in the ''checked page'' determines the time needed for the checking, ''not'' the number of words in the dictionary (with 250000 words, some hundred milliseconds instead of several seconds).
         Note that it may take a few minutes to build up this database, but only the first time the spellchecker is called. If your browser or the webserver timeouts before the file is completely built, one solution is to telnet into your webserver, and manually request the page[[FootNote(The next version will provide a tool to create the database on the command line.)]].
         BTW, a UNIX machine normally comes with at least one words file; to use those, create a symlink within the dict directory, like so:
         On some systems, the words file is found in "/usr/share/dict/words" instead.
         === Words files ===
         If you need words files for US English or German, you can find them [http://moin.sf.net/files/ here].
         If you change the contents of "MoinMoin/dict/" (because of adding new / removing old dictionaries) or if you create a new "MoinMoin/dict/" directory, then you have to delete the file "MoinMoin/wiki-moinmoin/data/dict.cache" (a new one will be created automagically).
  • HelpOnUpdating . . . . 14 matches
         After upgrading, your existing wiki should continue to work (the goal is to have sane defaults for any new config values, but then there can be bugs). Check that this is indeed the case, and then take the time to check the CHANGES file in your distribution. Often, new features will be invisible unless your extend your configuration in "moin.config.py".
          * somewhat dangerous macros that won't be activated by default, because they're not advisable for public wikis. You need to explicitely activate those by adding an {{{allowed_actions}}} list to the config. Currently, the actions {{{DeletePage}}} and {{{AttachFile}}} are considered unsafe.
         === Updating files ===
          to the image directory visible to your web server, normally a new release has some new GIFs in it. If you use the default distutils setup scheme, this is no longer necessary (distutils updates the files for you, and your webserver gets the files from the installed images).
          InterWiki:: Check that you have the newest entries in the "intermap.txt" file; if you have "private" entries, add them to the distribution file, then copy the result over your current file. Note that starting with version 0.11, you can point "shared_intermap" at a file loaded ''before'' the file in your data directory, which takes precedence (i.e. have global entries in the shared one, private entries the data dir file).
         Ideally, you assign all files in the data directory to the user the web server
          1. simply adapt your old instance to the new situation, this especially means to create an alias that points to the `.../share/moin/htdocs` directory; you have to change `url_prefix` to `/wiki` then. The positive effect is that you automatically get any new icons and CSS files of version 0.11 and any future version, because distutils will update them in that location.
          1. create a new instance as per the instructions, copy the data directory from your old instance, and merge the configuration files.
         To get new icons, and also to allow I18N customization of the menu and icon links, you should either delete or adapt[[FootNote(Adapting means to compare your settings and the default values found in the MoinMoin/config.py file.)]] your settings for `page_icons` and `navi_bar`. Note that the new `navi_bar` default setting gets the wiki's name from the new `sitename` setting, which previously was the main reason to have your own modified `navi_bar`.
  • ImageMagick . . . . 2 matches
         browsers, and makes it unnecessary to worry about the distinction between GIF and GIF87 files.
         ImageMagicks installation routine offers to install to c:\Program Files.
         You should not do this: because we will be using IM in batch files,
  • IsCho . . . . 1 match
          http://kldp.org/node/42280 [http://kldp.org/files/kvgafixed-1.2.exe , 2006/10/19]
  • IsCho/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          http://kldp.org/node/42280 [http://kldp.org/files/kvgafixed-1.2.exe , 2006/10/19]
          * NexusFile (ref. by [hermian] http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=ktugbd&no=6596&page=2)
          : http://xiles.net/help/nexusfilev/
  • JabRef . . . . 1 match
         BibTeX data file JAVA . JAVA 1.4.2 ̻ java virtual machine ġǾ ִٸ  OS .
  • JadeTeX . . . . 6 matches
          * `/etc/profile` ִ ȮѴ.
         for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
          * '/etc/profile.d' {{{sgml-base.sh}}} ȮѴ.
         export SGML_CATALOG_FILES="/etc/sgml/catalog"
          * <!> RTF, HTML ȯ ؼ SP_ENCODING ȯ Ѵ. ָ ѱ ó hcharacters.sty ʿϴ. `/etc/profile` ߰Ѵ.
          * buildone_ng.sh ProfiledXML κ ȵǰ
  • KC2006/KCmenu . . . . 4 matches
          1. ư ̿ؼ, KC2007 Ǵ KC2006 ý ϰ ֽϴ. Ű ġ/, Filename DB , ã ս ̷ϴ.
          1. {{{.tex}}} Ư Ϳ File Association Ǿ ־ ͸ ֽϴ. EmEditor, AcroEdit ġϰ, ġ ⸦ {{{.tex}}}ȭ ⺻ ͷ صθ ˴ϴ.
          1. > {{{ associate .tex "c:\program files\acrosoft\acroedit\acroedit.exe" }}} Է [Ȯ] ⺻ ͷ ֽϴ.
         Arguments: "$(Filename).$(Ext)"
          * ... ư ϰ丶 GhostScriptUtilities ص ε װ ư ʰڽϱ? , KCmenu "â" ư ϳ ִµ, ̰ ϴ ϴ Ⱑ ִ ϴ. ׷ ε, ؽƮ ʵ带 ϳ  ⿡ ɸ ⺻ ̸ ɼ ä ִ ߰Ǹ ڴٴ ϴ. , pdfopt ְ ͸ ġ pdfopt <filename> ǵ ָ ͽϴ. -- [Karnes]
          * ư Դϴ. "ư" ʿ 𸣰ڽϴ. ϴ ִ ؽƮ ʵ ϳԴϴ. ٸ õ main file شϴ ְ ָ ڽϴ. $N filename, $X extension ־ {{{pdfopt $N.ps $N.pdf}}} ̷ ʰڽϱ? history ־ ݺؼ ʾƵ Ǵ ϰ. bibtex ̳ makeindex ؼ ڴٰ մϴ. {{{mkindex-dhucs -s dhucs3 $N}}} ̷ ְų ؾ ϱ. Ͻ ɾ â ؾ ϴ "ư" ߿ ̴ ... ̰ â ϸ DZ ⼭ ̸ ϴ  ϰŵ. ⺻ ư, ɼ ʿ ۾ ٷ ذϵ ϴ ո ƴѰ ϰ ֽϴ. --- [Karnes]
         ó , {{{KCmenu.exe}}} ε "Replace the Original File" ּ...
  • KC2006/UPDATES . . . . 2 matches
          * Ǵ ٿεϿ ࿡ {{{kcupdate <filename>.kcupdate}}} .
          -> [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/openjade-testpack.tar.gz openjade-testpack.tar.gz]
  • KC2006/ó . . . . 4 matches
          1. α׷ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX221_Unicode.exe MTeX2ٿε] MTeX2 ÷ ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
          1. language ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX2ENLang.exe ENGٿε] ٿ޾ ġϸ, Ͼ ſ ޴/ ִ.
          * Ϸ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\Plugins ִ ġ MTeX2cmd.bat '''üѴ'''. ( ġ 纻 д.)
          * Ϸ ̸ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\Plugins\MTeX2.ini üѴ.
          * master file õ , μ ¿ latex ߸ master file ϵȴ. (, ذ , ̺κ ׳ Ѿ.)
  • KC2007/KCpm . . . . 2 matches
         # kcautopm filename
         # kclogmpm filename
         == FILES ==
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KC2007-kcpm-0.2.3.kcupdate KC2007-kcpm-0.2.3.kcupdate]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KC2007-disable-mpm-0.2.3.kcupdate KC2007-disable-mpm-0.2.3.kcupdate]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KC2007-revive-mpm-0.2.3.kcupdate KC2007-revive-mpm-0.2.3.kcupdate]
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 2 matches
          * Ǵ ٿε ޾Ƽ Ŭϰų kcupdate filename մϴ.
          svjour class and sub style files.
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KC2007-epstopdf-stdaln.kcupdate KC2007-epstopdf-stdaln.kcupdate]
  • KC2007/ذ . . . . 3 matches
         <Fatal format file error; I'm stymied>
          1. Texpoint Windows Fonts (ǰ ) CM truetype ġϴ α׷ Բ , dviout ƮŸ Ͻʽÿ. ׸ ftt: κ . http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/setup/files/20070913132734/excttf.png
         === dviout ѱ pk ۲ ߸ ų corrupt file... ̶ ޽ ===
  • KC2007/ġ . . . . 3 matches
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe]
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-time-dist-1.3.4.kcupdate KC2007-time-1.3.4.kcupdate]
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/installdefault.cmd installdefault.cmd]
          1. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe postinstall-kc07-1.3.4.exe] ٿεϿ 丮 Ѵ. ( )
  • KC2007/ó . . . . 4 matches
          1. α׷ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX221_Unicode.exe MTeX2ٿε] MTeX2 ÷ ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
          1. language ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX2ENLang.exe ENGٿε] ٿ޾ ġϸ, Ͼ ſ ޴/ ִ.
          * Ϸ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\Plugins ִ ġ MTeX2cmd.bat '''üѴ'''. ( ġ 纻 д.)
          * Ϸ ̸ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\Plugins\MTeX2.ini üѴ.
          * master file õ , μ ¿ latex ߸ master file ϵȴ. (, ذ , ̺κ ׳ Ѿ.)
          * ko.TeX (ѱ LaTeX ý): [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/kotexguide.pdf 뼳]
  • KC2008/Other . . . . 1 match
          ؼ PATH ȯ溯 صξ Ѵ(ġ /usr/local/bin ɺũ ϵ ). ̸׸ ~/.profile κп ߰Ѵ.
  • KC2008/PDFSync . . . . 1 match
          * Q. ̸ ѱ۷ ߴ 'Error loading PDF file' ȳ ̰, pdf ʽϴ.
  • KC2008/TeXLive . . . . 2 matches
         <!> KC2008 ġ (۸޴ α׷ ׷) installTL (full install) ʰ TeXLive Ը ߰ġϷ ִ profile ɼԴϴ. 𵨷 ġߴ ߿ installTL Ͽ ü ġ ֽϴ.
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2008/tl/KC2008-TL-TLINST-small.kcupdate KC2008-TL-TLINST-small.kcupdate]
  • KC2008/WhatsNew . . . . 1 match
          1. Notepad++ main Ͽ Ϸ ̷ Ʈ ؼ ForwardSearch main file compile ϴ. (v0.1.1)
  • KTUGCollection2006/TIP . . . . 11 matches
          1. {{{kcltxmk -pv filename}}} dviout
          1. {{{kcltxmk -pv -pdfdvi filename}}} dvipdfmx ̿Ͽ pdf acrobat reader Ͽ
          1. {{{kcltxmk -f filename}}} ߰ ߻ص ϶.
         #> kcltxmk filename
         #> makeindex-dhucs -s dhucs filename
         #> kcltxmk filename
         echo Usage: maketexi filename[.texi] [--pdf]
          * '''{{{maketexi filename[.texi]}}}''' : ϸ Ȯڰ .texi ƴϸ Ѵ. Ȯڰ .texi õѴ. Ȯڱ ־ ϰ Ѵ.
          * '''{{{maketexi filename[.texi] --pdf}}}''' : dvi pdf ´. pdftex Ѵ. ɼ ̸ ڿ ٴ .
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-trivcj-pdftex-support-0.kcupdate KCupdate-trivcj-pdftex-support-0.kcupdate]
          * [http://www.xlsoft.com/jp/products/indigorose/files/ttsdk.zip breakttc(ttsdk.zip)]
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 3 matches
          * [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe KC2007-INSTALL-1.3.4-h-XP.exe] ( 397M )
          1. esse : [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate KC2007-esse-postinstall.kcupdate] (277Ʈ)
          2. time : [http://kts.ktug.kr/public/files/KC2007-mpm/1.3.4h/KC2007-time-dist-1.3.4.kcupdate KC2007-time-dist-1.3.4.kcupdate] ( 140M)
          * KC2007/TeXLive Files (manual install) : KTS & KTUG
  • KTUGFaqMook/Contrib . . . . 1 match
          * : {{{attachment:filename}}}
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 3 matches
          1. Ǯ texmf Ʈ ϳ `texmf-hlatexk/_misc_files` makefont.bat, hlatexk.bat, hlatexk, unttf.sty ֽϴ.
          1. `texmf-hlatexk/misc_files` ִ `unttf.sty` ۲ ġ ġ `[texmf-Un]/tex/latex/hlatex/unttf` ̹ ִ `unttf.sty` üϽʽÿ.
          ۼ `htexbook.bib` ְ, `plain.bst` ȣȯ ϵ Ϸ BSTFile ϴ. , Ǿ .
          : [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/operate/files/20031107123654/qna.pdf qna.pdf(ȣ غ )]
          * TEST File : Uploads:myulemtest.tex
  • Karnes/2006-02 . . . . 1 match
          ۾ ۾. Ŀǵ带 ִ ͼ ٸ Makefile ϰ Ǵ TeXShop հȯ濡 ٽ ϰ ؾ DZ . ׷ ͹̳οٰ δ â ̸ ٳⰡ ó ׷ űϴ ̸ ణ ̾.
  • Karnes/2006-03 . . . . 4 matches
          * ƮŸ map \pdfmapfile ε {{{
         #> cp `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" mktex.opt` ~/.texmf-var/web2c/
         #> vi `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" mktex.opt`
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 7 matches
          :type '(choice (const "/Users/karnes/Applications/TeXniscope.app") file)
          (dvi-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension master-file) ".pdf"))
         > \def\filedate{2006/04/11}
         > \def\fileversion{1.0.1}
          * ttf : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/SaeMyungjoM.ttf SaeMyungjoM.ttf]
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 11 matches
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-hlatexp.kcupdate KCupdate-hlatexp.kcupdate, 60M]
          * XeTeX Support files
          1. Old Hangul Fonts (without Truetype font file itself)
         $ hypua2jamo [options] <input.file >output.file
         $ jamo2hypua <input.file >output.file
         $ hypua2jamo <input_file >via_fle
         $ jamo2hypua <via_file >output_file
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 6 matches
          * '''{{{ltx2pdf -f filename\}}}'''
          * '''{{{ltx2pdf -fi filename\}}}''' : index .
          * '''{{{ltx2pdf -f filename -opt "options"\}}} ''' : pdflatex ⺻ ɼ nonstopmode shell-escape̴. ̿ܿ ɼ ߰ϰ ʹٸ ū ǥ  ɼ ش.
          * '''{{{ltx2pdf -fi filename -opt "options"\}}}''' : index 鼭 pdflatex ɼ ߰Ѵ.
         %HOME%\bin PATH ԽŰ ࿡ attachbom filename ִ. plain text ϰ bom UTF-8̾ ϴ 翬.
         "C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe"^s"[Open('%s');SelLine(%d,8)]"
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 3 matches
          C: directory ΰ D: Ҵµ. ʿ file D:\ Űϴ. ѹ update ÿ ׳ C: ä kcupdate ȴµ ȭ鿡 d: ٴ .\<path>.. ׳ C: ȳ ߴµ Ȯ C: file . ׳ D: ȰڰŴ ϰ ϴٸ Ȥ ߸ ʾҰ? -- [gromov] [[DateTime(2006-08-29T23:05:31)]]
          * -> dvipdfmx.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\dvipdfm\config
          * -> dvips map files : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\dvips//;...\fonts\map//
          * -> updmap.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\config\
          * -> ttf2pk.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5..\ttf2tfm\config(?)
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 1 match
         ! Font LUC/unbt/m/n/10.5/f5=ounbtmf5 at 10.5pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-truetypemetrics.kcupdate KCupdate-truetypemetrics.kcupdate]
         ġ . ׳ ٽ ġϸ : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-ktugmisc.kcupdate KCupdate-ktugmisc.kcupdate]
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-ktugmisc.kcupdate KCupdate-ktugmisc.kcupdate]
          2. WinEdt ġѴ. ⼭ {{{C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\}}} ġϿٰ . ġ ǻ <Winedt Folder> θڴ.
  • Karnes/2007-01 . . . . 3 matches
          1. MiKTeX ⺻ ġѴ. ġ 丮 "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5" .
         "C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\WinEdt.exe"^s"[Open('%s');SelLine(%d,8)]"
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/suppplaneHanja.zip suppplaneHanja.zip]
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/SlantedTruetype.zip SlantedTruetype.zip]
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/oblivoir-sample.zip oblivoir-sample.zip]
         (Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)\}}}
         ˴ϴ. ᱹ fmtutil.cnf Ȯ Ⱥ rename ų׿. ( ǻ ϸ ϴ ߿ ϳ Ȯ ⸦ uncheckϴ ̴ϴ.) cnf file association Ȯغ "ٷȣ"(α׷: Conferencing Utility Dll) Ǿ ֳ׿... Ʈ ׷ ٸ α׷ ٲ 𸣰ڽϴ. ƹư ˴ϴ. üϽ ϸ, /rename/ Ϸ ĥ ʿ , kcupdate ذǴ ? (å ) մϴ. -.- -- ischo [[DateTime(2007-01-02T09:34:43)]]
  • Karnes/2007-03 . . . . 6 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-03-09T03:28:18 mknewfile.bat
         #> mknewfile [filename]
         {{{[filename]\}}} ̸ ᵵ ǰ Ȯڱ ᵵ ɼ ϸ ̸ Է϶ ϴµ Ȯڱ ־ Ѵ.
         kc2007 ˴ϴ. ؼ fedora  ֱ մϴٸ. ´ٸ ϴ. ׷ dos batch file bash script ٲپ ִ ? ϴ. Ͻʽÿ! -- [synapse] [[DateTime(2007-03-07T14:05:52)]]
  • Karnes/2007-04 . . . . 18 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-04-04T16:42:39 mknewfile.cmd
          * mknewfile.bat ġ ִٸ mknewfile.bat ּ.
         #> mknewfile filename
          -> filename.tex ̶ UTF-8 oblivoir ߺ ˴ϴ. {{{mknewfile -u filename\}}} ϴ.
         #> mknewfile -e filename
          -> filename.tex ̶ EUC-KR hangul/article ߺ ˴ϴ.
         #> mknewfile -h
         #> mknewfile
          mknewfile , WinEdt̳ EmEditor ε ڵ νϿ ֹǷ ִ ° ˴ϴ. ͼ մϴ. Ư WinEdt ŷӰ ҷ ڵ Ű澵 ʿ䰡 ϴ. ó ۾ մϴ.
         #> mknewfile mynewfile
         #> start mynewfile.tex
          * , WinEdt ''⺻ '' {{{C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt \}}} ġ 츸 մϴ. ( ġ ã ƾ ߰ ȹ)
  • Karnes/2007-12 . . . . 1 match
          1. file lock. AdobeReader а ִ ش pdf . pdflatex ݺؼ ϰ ̰ ¥ .
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 2 matches
          /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline "$pdffile" ""
          Arguments : "%file" -line %line
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 6 matches
         DeleteMe Ʈ ġ , texexec --xtx filename ϸ
          ߻մϴ. ׷ texexec filename ϸ մϴ. Ʈ ġ texexec --xtx filename ƽϴ. -- [edmondwells] [[DateTime(2008-12-01T05:21:49)]]
         DeleteMe Ʈ ġ , texexec --xtx filename ϸ
          ߻մϴ. ׷ texexec filename ϸ մϴ. Ʈ ġ texexec --xtx filename ƽϴ. -- [edmondwells] [[DateTime(2008-12-01T05:41:36)]]
  • Karnes/2009-04 . . . . 5 matches
          * WinEdt SumatraPDF C:\Program Files\ Ʒ ġ ãϴ.
         # loadlatexdaemon filename [dependencies]
         # loadlatexdaemon filename -pdfdvi [dependencies]
         # loadlatexdaemon filename -pdfps [dependencies]
          1. cmd {{{loadlatexdaemon <mainfilename>\}}} ϸ Ǵµ...
          * ó sumatra ߸ ̴. ׷ Ŀ ذǴ ֱ (latexdaemon ׷ ִ) ࿡ {{{latexdaemonview <mainfile>\}}}غ.
  • Karnes/2009-08 . . . . 12 matches
          * ġ ġ c:\usr\texlive Դϴ. ġ ġ ٲٷ profile Ͻʽÿ.
         (see the transcript file for additional information)
         !pdfTeX error: pdflatex.exe (file outtzmb2): Font outtzmb2 at 540 not found
          ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
         using config file c:/Documents and Settings/NABO/.texlive2009/texmf-var/web2c/up
         updmap is creating new map files using the following configuration:
          config file : true
         Scanning for LW35 support files
         Files generated:
         using config file c:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c/updmap.cfg
         updmap is creating new map files using the following configuration:
          config file : true
         Scanning for LW35 support files
         Files generated:
  • Karnes/2010-11 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/2011-04 . . . . 1 match
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/tnxtex-five-minutes.swf tnxtex-five-minutes.swf]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/Daejon-April-11.mov Daejon-April-11.mov]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/latexiantest.swf latexiantest.swf]
          * attachment:newfiletest.lyx
  • Karnes/2012-08 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/2012-11 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-11-13T10:18:50 attach magic comment to EUC-KR file
  • Karnes/LaTeXTips . . . . 9 matches
         [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/sameauthor.zip TEST FILES]
         set JREPATH=c:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
         echo Usage : removebom inputfile [outputfile]
         echo !!! the input file must be UTF-8 encoded text file. !!!
  • Karnes/LyX20 . . . . 1 match
          * Preferences -> File Handling -> File Formats PDF (XeTeX) ãƼ Viewer {{{open -a "Skim.app"}}} ϰ .
          * "C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX20\bin" path ߰Ѵ.
          3. LyX -> Preferences -> File Handling -> File Formats -> Format: inverse searchϰ ϴ ( PDF (xetex)) Ѵ.
         "C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "lyxeditor.bat %f %l"
          * Windows XP, Windows 7 86 C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF... .
         echo LYXCMD:revdvi:server-goto-file-row:%1 %2> \\.\pipe\lyxpipe.in
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 3 matches
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 6 matches
          * \pdfmapfile{...} ʿǷ մϴ.
         \}}} ƾ file exist ˻糪, ERRORLEVEL ˻ ߰Ͽ ġ Դϴ.
          * ó ѱ ó Դϴ. ׸ \pdfmapfile ƽô pdftex ϱ ʿ .
         ... Ǻ κ musixflx ε... 丮 .mx1, .mx2 Ȯ (pdf)tex filename, musixflx filename, (pdf)tex filename ʷ غñ⸦ ٶ󱸿... κ 𸣰ڴµ... .mtx, .pmx, .tex ּ. ucsplain ƴϸ dos Ȯغ ʿ䰡 ϴ.... -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-05-05T16:34:45)]]
  • LEd . . . . 1 match
  • LaTeX-Mk . . . . 2 matches
         [LaTeX-Mk] LaTeX ٸ · ȯϴ ִ ũƮ Ѵ. LaTeX Ͽ Ѿ ֱ , Makefile ùٸ ¹ ϱⰡ ٷӴ. ׷ [LaTeX-Mk] ϴ latex.mk Makefile ԽŰ ѹ [DVI], PostScript, [PDF] ȯ ִ.
  • LaTeX/ . . . . 1 match
         PlainTeX ִ ĵ ̿ ϳ macro setsμ ̺б MichaelSpivak AMSTeX package ֽϴ. macro ̿ ʴ Ϲε鿡Դ (?) Ű Դϴ. ̳ ڿко Ư, ϴ Դ AMSTeX Ű Դϴ. йо ü ´ style file ( ȭϵ ǹ̿ macro ) ϰ ¿.
  • LaTeXBoxes . . . . 3 matches
  • LaTeXCad . . . . 2 matches
  • LaTeXSuite . . . . 7 matches
         ġ .zip ٿε޾Ƽ %HOME%\vimfiles Ʒ Ǯ, {{{%HOME%\_vimrc}}} Ѵ.
         " REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke latex-suite when you open a tex file.
         filetype plugin on
         " IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
         " search in a singe file. This will confuse latex-suite. Set your grep
         " program to alway generate a file-name.
         filetype indent on
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2009 . . . . 2 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~nomos/mine/ktsworkshop2009fall-dohyunkim.tex tex source file]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~nomos/mine/ktsworkshop2009fall-dohyunkim.pdf pdf file]
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2012 . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:sample-files.zip Karnes, "ͷƼ ǵ "
  • LaTeXθå/ʸ . . . . 1 match
          Allen Holub Դϴ. å ڱⰡ LeX/Yacc  ݴϴ. ƽ ǵǾٰ մϴ. å arachne file .. | autopic | tbl | troff -mm ٰ մϴ.
  • LaTeXϺ/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
         : (TFM) file no
  • LaTeX߻ϱʵ . . . . 4 matches
         The source file texbook.tex for The TeXbook has been available for many years,
         % The file is distributed only for people to see its examples of TeX input,
         % Permission for any other use of this file must be obtained in writing
         and posted PDF files of The TeXbook on the Internet.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03 . . . . 1 match
          "''because extra spaces do look funny in the file; aesthetics are more important than efficiency''"
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-08 . . . . 1 match
         Near the beginning of the format files the instruction
  • LocalTexmfTree . . . . 2 matches
  • LyX . . . . 1 match
  • M-Tx . . . . 1 match
         M-Tx is a preprocessor for [PMX] that facilitates inputting lyrics. It builds the [PMX] input file based on a language very similar to [PMX]. M-Tx includes most of PMX's functionality, but it also permits in-line PMX commands to give access to virtually all of PMX.
  • MacTeX . . . . 1 match
          * DMG file : CTAN:systems/mac/mactex/
  • MadToad/Tmp/Linux . . . . 8 matches
          TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
          TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
          [X] create all format files
          <F> create all format files: [X]
          <F> create all format files: [X]
          TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
          TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
          [X] create all format files
  • MakingDic . . . . 2 matches
          * 켱 openoffice csv(field ; ϰ Ŀ )-> mysql load data infile './test.csv' into table test_table fields terminated by ';' (.....);
          * ó Ͽϴ. δ load data infile '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/0607TeXObGyDic.csv' into table ObGyDic_main fields terminated by ';' (Disease_En,Shortended_Word,Disease_Ko,Definition,Disease_Code,Procedure_Code); Դϴ.
  • MakingExam . . . . 6 matches
          * file_path
          * file_name
          * file_name2
          * file_size
          * site Webeditor ̴. http://www.ziwoo.net/zb/download.php?fileName=wysiwyg.zip&fileExtra=zb_ziwoo_javascript_120_2.zip&boardid=zb_ziwoo_javascript&uid=120&an=1
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 4 matches
         == ISO file file ϱ ==
          file down޾Ƽ {{{ wget http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/TeXKNOPPIX/for_synapse.tar.gz }}} Ǯְ.
          * alias pdflatex='pdflatex "\pdfmapfile{+pdftex-unttf-live.map}\input"'
  • MathematicaFonts . . . . 1 match
         {{{Error: module writet1 (file Math2.pfb): CharStrings dict: more
  • MemhangulClass . . . . 1 match
  • MetaPost . . . . 2 matches
         filenametemplate "%j-%c.eps";
          * ̸ file-1.eps .
  • MiKTeX . . . . 3 matches
         1. Ʈ ġǴ '''Ʈ ͸ ''' {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6}}} Ǿ, localtexmf ͸ ְ ϵ C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6  ε Ͽ.
          (./) MiKTeX 2.6 Ʈ ƿ {{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/ }}} MiKTeX ʾҽϴ. {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\dvipdfm\config/ }}}) ġǾϴ.-[Yhchoe]
  • MiKTeXġ . . . . 2 matches
         (./) '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe:''' http://www.miktex.org/2.6/Setup.aspx [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miktex/basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe?download Download "Basic MiKTeX 2.6" Installer] Ŭϸ [http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=miktex&filename=basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe&use_mirror=nchc ٿε Ʈ] ȴ. ȭ ʿ
         (./) "(N)" ߸ Ʒ ׸ ޽ Ÿ C:\Program Files MiKTeX 2.6 ٽ ϸ ȴ.
         <!> MiKTeX ġ LaTeX [[FootNote(WinEdt ̹ ִ WinEdt ޴ Document Ŭϸ ޴ Ʒ ʿ ִ "Current Work (Samples)" Ŀ ޴ . ޴ǿ ִµ ⼭ AMS Paper Ŭϸ Paper.tex . "TeXify"(ݺ ڸӸ) ߸ â(Console) 鼭 ϵȴ. ׸ ִٰ Yap dvi ش. ƹ ̻ dvi ָ MiKTeX Ű WinEdt Ű ̻ ġ ̴. Yap "Not all fonts could be loaded, see File -> Document properties" ޽ Ÿ KTUGSetup:8688'''''' )]] ۵ϴ Ͽ .
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
          3. â "initexmf --edit-config-file dvipdfmx" ϸ ޸ ϴ. ޸忡 ߰ մϴ. {{{
          4. "initexmf --edit-config-file updmap" Ͽ ߰մϴ. {{{
          ex) C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin
          1. miktex 2.5 Ʈ C:\Program Files\ 鹮ڰ  ý ġϴ 쿡 ѱ 뿡 ִٴ ϴ. ý ϴ Ⱦ Ʈ ؿ ġ Ͽ Ʈ ý ġǴ 쵵 ѱ 뿡 ̶ 90ۼƮ ̻ Ȯմϴ. Ȯ ʿ ְ. ٸ в ̸ Ͽ ø ϰڽϴ.
          1. unfont-type1 ġ dvips + ps2pdf Ͽ ˻ Ǵ ѱ pdf ;ϴ. ׷ ̰ ణ ̻ϱ. pdf Ǵ acrobat ˻ ȵ˴ϴ. miktex2.5 dvips 5.95b̸ ps2pdf AFPL Ghostscript 8.54Դϴ. ٸ е ֽø ϰڽϴ. ÷մϴ. [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/contrib/files/20061008212401/test.zip test.zip]
  • MozEX . . . . 1 match
          * General -> Directory for temporary files : '''{{{c:\temp\mozeex}}}'''[[BR]]
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 10 matches
          * [http://physics.kyunghee.ac.kr/~reds/Hpack_Project/Single_Files/editers/emacs-21.2/emacs-21.2.exe DOWNLOAD Binary]
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/misc/emacs-21.2.exe Install Binary File]
         ; take care of CR/LF disabling if NTemacs manages (load/save) files on it
         ;(add-untranslated-filesystem "d:") ; d: is a UNIX drive <--- κп ; ԷϿ ʵ մϴ.
          1. [http://www.wyrdrune.com/Files/gnuserv.zip gnuserv.zip] ٿε޾Ƽ 丮 Ǯϴ.
          <!> `C:/USER/BIN`̳ `C:/USER/ktug` ڽ Emacs ġ ȯ濡 ġ ٲپֽʽÿ. `C:/Program\ Files/ktug/Emacs-21.2/site-lisp/gnuserv.el` ...
          (TeX-command "DVISearch" 'TeX-master-file))
         (global-set-key [(control f5)] 'do-dvipdfm) ; DVIPDFM the current file
          "DVIPDFM the curent file."
          (TeX-command "DVIPDFMx" 'TeX-master-file))
          {{{.emacs}}} ü {{{_emacs}}} ϴ? ׸ mule-ucs site-lisp Ʒ ° ġ߽ϴ. {{{C:\Program Files\ktug\Emacs-21.2\site-lisp\mule-ucs}}} Ʒ doc lisp . Ͻ un-define lisp ִµ, Ȥ ̷
         #> runemacs newfile.tex.utf
         #> ren newfile.tex.utf newfile.tex
         #> runemacs newfile.tex
  • NomenClature . . . . 8 matches
          ְ ϸ <filename>.glo <filename>.nlo ϴ. Ϸ Ű ɼ `compatible` ˴ϴ. ɾ \makeglossary, \printglossary
         makeindex <filename>.glo -s nomencl.ist -o <filename>.gls
         makeindex <filename>.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o <filename>.nls
         '''Q'''(KTUGOperate:10920'''''')''':''' nomenclature  ۼϴ° Դϴ.  site ϱ ־ ״ Ҵµ. filename.glo µ filename.gls ʽϴ. Ǵϱ⿡ nomencl.ist ų ۵ ʾƼ ׷  ذ ؾ ϴ ƽô 亯 ֽø ϰڽϴ١ nomencl.ist Ѵٸ subdirectory install ϴ?
  • OLETeX . . . . 2 matches
         %% filename: testole.tex
  • OldGulim . . . . 2 matches
          2. ʿϸ glyph ġ ű : attachment:move.ff.txt (FontForge 0x10000 ġ ķ ű ڵ ڵ -1 .) - feature file glyphindex ƴ϶ glyphname ̶ . VOLT glyphindex ε)
          6x2x4 feature file JN԰ 赵Բ Ͻ ˰ֽϴ~ 6x2x4 Ƹ ѱڸ𱼸 ״ ̰ 6x2x4 glyph δ JNԲ ׸ . ξ glyph  ѱ ڸ𱼸 merge .. fontforge ũƮ 캸 ֽϴ~ --WkPark
  • Omega-CJK . . . . 2 matches
         \InputTranslation currentfile \OCPin
         %\InputTranslation currentfile \OCPin
  • PDFHyperLink . . . . 3 matches
         || filecolor || magenta || URL''''''s which open local files ||
         == TIP : link to external file ==
  • PDFJam . . . . 16 matches
         pdfjam file1.pdf '-' file2.pdf '1,2' file3.pdf '2-' --outfile output.pdf
         file1.pdf , file2.pdf 1-2, file3.pdf 2 ϸ ģ.
         pdfjam file1.pdf '1,2' --outfile first.pdf
         pdfjam file1.pdf '3-' --outfile second.pdf
         file1.pdf 1-2ʰ 3Ϸ иѴ.
         pdfjam --trim '1cm 2cm 1cm 2cm' --clip true file1.pdf --outfile output.pdf
         pdfjam --nup 2x2 file1.pdf --outfile output.pdf
  • PDFLaTeX׸ϱ . . . . 7 matches
          ڵ忡 Ͽ PDFLaTeX filename.pdf(Ǵ filename.jpg) ãƼ ׸ ְ, LaTeX filename.eps ã ׸ ִ´.
          ڵ忡 Ͽ PDFLaTeX DVIPDFMx filename.pdf(Ǵ filename.jpg) ãƼ ׸ ִ´.
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 16 matches
         Syntax: pdfcrop [options] <input[.pdf]> [output file]
         Function: Margins are calculated and removed for each page in the file.
         \def\pdffile{ainput.pdf} % <-- file ̸
          \pdfximage page #1{\pdffile}%
         #filenename without suffix pdf, the resulting file is named filename-ext.pdf
         for file; do
         location=$(dirname "$file")
         texexec --pdfselect --batch --silent --selection="$1" --result="${file}-ext.pdf" "${file}.pdf" \
         && rm -f "${file}-ext.tui" && rm -f "${file}-ext.tmp" && rm -f "texexec.tex" \
         && rm -f "${file}-ext.log"
         echo '\documentclass{article}' > $OUTFILE
         echo '\usepackage{pdfpages}' >> $OUTFILE
         echo '\begin{document}' >> $OUTFILE
         echo '\includepdf[pages='$PAGENUM']{'$2'.pdf}' >> $OUTFILE
         echo '\end{document}' >> $OUTFILE
         pdflatex --interaction=batchmode $OUTFILE
          DOS Batchfile.
  • PDFMerge . . . . 1 match
          gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf
          [DeleteMe]win98 SE ϰ ƮũƮ 翬 path ߰Ǿֽϴ. ׷ gswin32 gswin32c ȭس մϴ. `Unknown device: pdfwrite-sOutputFile=merged.pdf1.pdf2.pdf`
          gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf 1.ps 2.ps 3.ps
          gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=merged.ps 1.ps 2.ps 3.ps
         Adobe AcrobatDistiller ġ 丮 Xtras 丮 ְ ⿡ Runfilex.ps ִ. Temp 丮 ؽƮ ͷ Ѵ.
  • PDFRipper . . . . 1 match
          * [http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/PDF_Ripper/1076406657/1 ñ]
  • PDFScreen . . . . 3 matches
         \color{red} Overlay file: \makeatletter\@overlay\makeatother
         \color{red} Overlay file: \makeatletter\@overlay\makeatother
         \color{red} Overlay file: \makeatletter\@overlay\makeatother
  • PDFsam . . . . 2 matches
          * PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them. Pdfsam is written with Java Swing that is ''a set of Java class libraries provided as part of Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) to support building graphics user interface (GUI) and graphics functionality for client applications that will run on popular platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.''
  • PDF׸ϱ/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
         echo no jpg/pdf file specified. exit.
         gswin32c -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=- %~n1.pdf -c quit 2> %~n1.bb
         gswin32c -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox -sOutputFile=- %~n1.pdf -c quit 2> %~n1.bb
  • PDF . . . . 1 match
         $> dvips -P pdf -G0 {filename}
  • PMX . . . . 4 matches
          It builds the TeX input file based on a PMX input file in a much simpler language, making most of the layout decisions by itself. All data are entered into a single file for the full score, up to 12 parts.
          For proof-listening, PMX can make a MIDI file of your score.
  • PPower4 . . . . 2 matches
          * Ϲ ġ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/pp4sty.zip ppower4 style files] ٿε޾Ƽ `[texmf-local]/tex/latex/contrib/ppower4` Ǯ ϳӵͺ̽ (`mktexlsr` Ǵ `texhash`)ϸ ȴ.
          * Windows [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/ppower4.bat Batch File]
         REM PPower4 batch file
         set basedir="C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre\1.2\lib"
         set javacommand="C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre\1.2\bin\jre"
  • PSTricks . . . . 1 match
          Examples : http://tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=examples
  • PSTricks/pst-pdf . . . . 1 match
         [http://tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=pst-tree/pst-tree pst-tree ] ߿
  • PSUtils . . . . 7 matches
         `sselect [ -q ] [ -e ] [ -o ] [ -r ] [ -ppages ] [ pages ] [ infile [ outfile ] ]`
          Fits an EPSF file to a given bounding box
          Outputs PostScript to retrieve AFM file from printer
          Filter to extract resources from PostScript files
          Filter to include resources into PostScript files
          Hack script to merge multiple PostScript files
  • PageStyle . . . . 1 match
  • PeterWilson . . . . 1 match
         * [http://www.tug.org/interviews/interview-files/peter-wilson.html]
  • PlainTeX/Hangul . . . . 1 match
          (2001. 2. 20), PlainTeX ѱ ִٸ TeX ѱ Ȱ ϴ ... ѹ ־ ^^; 뵿 htex.tex̶ macro file ϳ źմϴ. 帱 :)
  • PlainTeX/diffLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          1. In LaTeX, the Waiting Patiently Bug appears when you forget to say \end{document} at the end of you text file. This bug can also appear if you forgot to close some earlier environment --- so that LaTeX uses \end{document} instead of \end{environment}. To fix this bug, type \end{document} instead of \bye when you see the single-asterisk prompt.
  • PublisherProvidedStyles . . . . 2 matches
          * Journals: http://www.worldscinet.com/authors/stylefiles.shtml
          * --ڵȭý۰ȸ http://icat.snu.ac.kr:3030/library/style_file.html--
  • PyX . . . . 5 matches
         PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.
  • RefTeX . . . . 1 match
          ''CygWin `make` ϱ , 丮 `Makefile`
  • RegularExpression . . . . 1 match
          * [http://joinc.co.kr/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=171&mode=nested ѵƴ ]
  • SampleDocument . . . . 4 matches
         MKIV (luatex): {{{ context filename }}}
         MKII (pdftex): {{{ texexec filename }}}
         MKII-XeTeX: {{{ texexec --xtx filename }}}
         Noweb ϴµ ־ ణ α׷ ʿϱ ̶ Makefile Ͽ.
  • SampleDocument/LaTeXStandard . . . . 1 match
         DeleteUs: 2001⵵ å master tex fileԴϴ. å ѵα font ģ book.cls Ͽ ſ formatԴϴ. ε å ϵ ӽ÷ ÷ΰڽϴ. Ǹ delete ֽñ ٶϴ. - [gromov]
  • SampleDocument/LuaTeX . . . . 2 matches
         \directlua{ dofile(kpse.find_file("beatles.lua")) }
  • SamplesAndTemplates . . . . 1 match
         (From KTUGSetup:9518'''''') http://tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=examples (template, example) ִ. ҽ ڵ Ͽ ȴ.
  • SeminarPackage . . . . 1 match
         === Demonstration Files ===
          * 2 - Seminar demonstration files
  • SourceCodeListing . . . . 26 matches
         == verbfile ̿ؼ ܺ file о ̱ ==
          * Uploads:verbfile.sty ⿡ verbfile.sty ٿε Ѵ.
         `\verbatimtabinput[tab_size]{input_file}` ǻ ϸ鼭 ܺ ҷδ.
         `\listinginput{input_file}` ܺ ҷ̸鼭 ȣ ٿش.
         === verbfile Ű ===
         ==== verbfile ̿ϸ ̴ ״ Ѵ. ====
          3. \InputC{filename} ̿Ѵ.
         #pragma hdrfile "hello.sym" #include <stdio.h> #include
         fileviewer(Dir) :-
          new(F, frame('File Viewer')),
          send(B, members(directory(Dir)?files)),
          def __init__(self, fileName_):
          self._fileName = fileName_
          [name,ext] = os.path.splitext(fileName_)
          self._fileNameNew = name + ADDED_SPLIT + ext
          print self._fileNameNew
          fp = open(self._fileName)
  • SpeedBar . . . . 1 match
  • SpellX . . . . 1 match
          no options & I/O files --> default options applied
  • SubfigPackage . . . . 1 match
         ÷ ׸: [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/operate/files/20060225233634/3-2-1.eps 3-2-1.eps] <- '''A2''' '''A3''' ׸
  • SumatraPDF/Sync . . . . 3 matches
         # "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe -n%l \"%f\""
         # kcpdfopen filename.tex linenumber columnnumber
         # forwardsrch _pdf_filename _tex_filename _linenumber _columnnumber
  • SumatraPDF/Sync/NPP . . . . 2 matches
          * installer ̿ Ÿ Ʈ ġġ(C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\) ٲ ʰ ġ.
         userDefinedPDFViewer="C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe"
         > "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe -n%l \"%f\"" }}}
  • TDS . . . . 1 match
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 3 matches
          * ٿ cmap sfd CONFIGFILE ڰ ֵ . ̷ ⺻ `UniKSCms-UCS2-H` `Unicode`. :
         Usage: ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE [-p] [-o]
          ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE -i TEXMFROOTDIR [-p] [-o]
          -c CONFIGFILE
          obtain font-related configuration from CONFIGFILE and
          install generated files to TEXMFROOTDIR according to TDS
          -d Disable auto-correction of MapHangulFamily{}{} in style file
         CONFIGFILE syntax example:
         === sfd file cmap ===
          1. `-i c:\texmf-myttf` · ũƮ `c:\texmf-myttf` ϴ. 丮 TEXMF-ROOT ϰ Refresh Filename Database Ͻʽÿ. , MiKTeX `initexmf -u`, [teTeX] `mktexlsr`
          ˼մϴ. test.pdf ø Ϸ UploadedFiles ãư üũڽ ǥϰ deleteϷ ߴ, ϴ. sdtest.pdf ߰ŵ. Ͻø ø ٲֽʽÿ. , map , TTF2HLaTeXFont ũƮ 鼭 config 뿡 ڵ ٸ Ǵ ϴ. ̸׸ foo font config-foo config , dvipdfmx map cid-foottf.map, dvips map foottf2pk.map ˴ϴ. ׷ map ȥ Դϴ. ^^. ư ֽϴ. ü ƴѰ, ׸ MiKTeX ƴѰ غϴ. --[Progress]
  • Tabularȯ . . . . 1 match
  • TeX4ht . . . . 3 matches
         tex4ht bugfix ø ο update ־ϴ. 2004 1 23Ͽ ־ϴ. ٲ tex4ht.sty htf file̶ϴ. ׷ ٽ tex4ht compile ʿ ̰, zip file down޾Ƽ 4ht ȭ ִ directory htf file ִ directory ϰ mktexlsrϽø ϴ. ׷...  ٲ.... --[synapse]
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 11 matches
          * tex4ht 3 option ϴ. ó tex4ht.sty .4ht style file ̰, ι° tex4ht postprocessor ̸, ° t4ht Դϴ.( 𸨴ϴ) http://www.tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn3.html
          * latex4wp ϴ comand line optionδ `htlatex filename "start,xhtml,frames,3,info"`Դϴ. 3 option set߿ ù° option set ߽ϴ. start.cfg ׻ ù option set߿ ó; մϴ. start.cfgٰ CSS Ͽϴ. ι° xhtml xhtml ̰, frames̶ frames ̿Ͽ ۼ϶ Դϴ. 3̶ ڴ `are simplly shortcuts for a single \tableofcontents and a few \CutAt and \TocAt* command`̰, info ϴ° filename.log Դϴ. ⼭ ٸ ͵ Ŀ ̾߱ ϰ, filename.log ֽϴ. `frames`̳ `\Configure{texttt}` ⿡ Խϴ.
          * 𸣰, htf file øڽϴ. test ̷ ʾƼ ϰ Ẹ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/bom.zip Դϴ.
          * htfȭԴϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/b5ka.zip Դϴ. ߿ cmsbt directory ִ ѱ unicode htf fileԴϴ. ׶ ׶ 鶧 ÷ ϴµ, ߰ 𿡼 , ߸ü ֽϴ. ̸ cmsbt ø, ڿԴ cjk script ̷ ̶ ϰڽϴ.
          * htf tex4ht ˾ƺ latex fontԴϴ. ׷ δ LaTeX ϴ font htf ؾ մϴ. ׷ٰ ؼ Ư htf file Ư ϴ ƴѵ ͽϴ. ִ ǹ̰ ѵ???
          * ˱δ ƴѵ . tex4ht .4ht file߿ html µ ߿ ȭ ƴѰ ͽϴ. ѹ ã ø ǽǰ Դϴ.
         === latex4wp source tex file ذ͵ ===
          * ׸ ο version ־ tex4ht ʴ style ؼ PS file  include Դϴ.
         : "tex4ht.env" file "gswin32c" ֱ. ׷ "Ʈ ũƮ" ʿ ε, ³? -- ڱ [[DateTime(2004-01-28T07:05:30)]]
  • TeX4ht/ѱ۱ . . . . 9 matches
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/contrib/files/20050205012112/testdhucs-html.zip testdhucs-html.zip]
         htlatex filename "euckr-tex4ht,html,info" "dbcs/uhc/!"
         htlatex filename "UTF8-tex4ht,xhtml,info" "unicode/uhc/!"
          Դϴ. ߿ shell script 3° ڷ ޱ 2° ڿ 3° ̰ space key ľ Ѵٴ Դϴ. ѱ cssȭϿ ʱ perl script ־ϴ. ׷ filename.tex tex filename ʽÿ!. ׳ htlatex down޾Ƽ ֽϴ.
          htlatex filename "euckr_tex4ht.cfg,html,mouseover,info" "dbcs/uhc/!" }}}
          * 켱 htlatex ޾Ƽ Ѵ. ⿡ ѵ --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx ֽϴ.
          {{{tex --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx "\def\filename{{%1}{idx}{4dx}{ind}} \input idxmake.4ht"
  • TeXify . . . . 9 matches
          Remove all auxiliary files.
          Search dir input files.
          Specify the language of input files: either latex or texinfo.
          Run a viewer on the resulting DVI (PDF) file.
          Insert cmd after @setfilename in copy of input file. Multiple values accumulate.
          1. `C:\Program Files\ktug\Emacs-21.2\site-lisp` ִ `tex-site.el` .
         (global-set-key [(control f11)] 'do-TeXify) ; TeXify the current file
          "TeXify the current file."
          (TeX-command "TeXify" 'TeX-master-file))
  • TeXmaker/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
         "C:\Program Files\Texmaker\texmaker.exe" "%s" -line %d
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\Texmaker\texmaker.exe\" \"%f\" -line %l"
         2: userDefinedPDFViewer="C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumtraPDF.exe" -reuse-instance
         % projectmain=masterfile.tex
  • TeXȯ . . . . 1 match
          [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/contrib/files/20050926152446/KSNTTIFD.pdf KSNTTIFD.pdf] KTUGBoard:4931'''''' 迵ȯ Բ ÷ֽ HWP ȯ ̴.
          ÷ ϵ ξ. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KSNTTIFD-TEST.zip KSNTTIFD-TEST.zip]
  • TeXɼ . . . . 12 matches
         [-no]-file-line-error disable/enable file:line:error style messages
          output file
         -output-comment=STRING use STRING for DVI file comment instead of date
         -output-directory=DIR use DIR as the directory to write files to
          input file
         -recorder enable filename recorder
         -src-specials insert source specials into the DVI file
          the DVI file. WHERE is a comma-separated value
         -translate-file=TCXNAME use the TCX file TCXNAME
          * [TeX ] ɼ ٸ ִ. `-file-line-error` ɼ MiKTeX `-c-style-errors` ɼ̷ Ǿ ִ.
  • UbuntuTeXϱ . . . . 1 match
          * /etc/profile {{{ export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH }}} ְ , α׾ƿ α
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Dapper . . . . 3 matches
         ڽ profile (.bash_profile) θ ߰Ѵ.
  • UltraEdit . . . . 3 matches
          * attachment:UltraEdit/latex.txt C:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt ڿ ٿ ֱ
         "C:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\uedit32.exe"^s"%s/%d/5"
  • UploadFile . . . . 2 matches
         {{{[[UploadFile]]Macro}}} {{{[[UploadedFiles]]Macro}}}
          ߿ {{{attachment:filename}}} ΰ ϰų ̸ ϸ, ش εǾ {{{Upload new attachment...}}} ޽ Դϴ. κ ش ε ֽϴ.
          ÷ε Ͻ {{{?action=uploadedfiles}}} ּٿ ÷ϸ
  • VerbatimBoxes . . . . 3 matches
         || \VerbatimInput || file || Verbatim ش ||
         || \LVerbatimInput || file || LVerbatim о ||
         || \BVerbatimInput || file || BVerbatim о鿩 ׵θ ħ ||
  • VimEditor . . . . 1 match
         set fileformats+=dos,unix,unix " ٹٲ ڵ ãݴϴ.
  • VimEditor/KC2006 . . . . 1 match
         "C:\Program Files\Vim\Vim70\gvim.exe" +%d "%s"
         latex-suite ġϿ DviOut Forward Search ֵ vim ϵ. Ǯ vim latex-suite ġ (%HOME%) . (%HOME%\vimfiles\ftplugin\latex-suite\)
  • WikiWikiWeb . . . . 1 match
          * [http://news.mpr.org/programs/futuretense/daily_rafiles/20011220.ram Ward Cunningham Radio Interview]
  • WinEdt/KC2008 . . . . 3 matches
          1. SumatraPDF [http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/index.html; ٿε] ޾ ⺻ (c:\Program files\SumatraPDF) ġѴ.
          1. [http://www.winedt.org/temp/Acrobat%20OpenDoc.edt Acrobat OpenDoc.edt] [http://william.famille-blum.org/software/sumatra/Sumatra-Find.edt Sumatra-Find.edt] ٿε ޾ C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Exec Ѵ.
         "C:\Program files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -reuse-instance}}}
         Requires File Filter:%P\%N.pdf
          * 0.9.4 SumatraPDF File ޴ 'Open in Adobe Reader' ޴ ֱ , PDF Adobe Reader μϷ ϰ ִ.
  • WinEdtTip . . . . 1 match
          ''Ʈ ϴ : '' ۾ Main File ƴ main file ؼ ̷ ֽϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/DOSɽ . . . . 2 matches
         your chapter. An example is given in the auhtor.tex file.
         켱 ϱ Ͽ KTUGOperate:14235'''''' ÷ε [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/operate/files/20050506050802/testmath_results.zip testmath_results.zip] Ǯ ִ testmath.tex Ẹ.
  • WinEdtTip/Hangul-ucs . . . . 1 match
  • WinEdtTip/InverseSearch . . . . 1 match
          "C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\winedt.exe" "[Open('%f');SelLine(%l,8)]"
  • WinEdtTip/Slide . . . . 4 matches
         [http://www.kms.or.kr/home/kor/board/downloadfile.asp?fileid=317&filename=slides.zip slides.zip] ϴ. HLaTeX 1.0.1 ӿ ִ hangul.sty 浹(See KTUGOperate:19289'''''', KTUGContrib:3529'''''') ֱ KTUGContrib:3579'''''' ÷ε ٲ մϴ.--[Yhchoe]
  • WinEdtTip/Tree . . . . 5 matches
         (!) '''׸ :''' [lshort-kr] [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/lshort-kr/lshort-kr-src.tar.gz lshort-kr TeX ] Ŭϸ "LaTeX2e Թ" ҽ `lshort-kr.tex` ִ `lshort-kr-src.tar.gz` ٿε˴ϴ. ̰ Ǯ `lshort-kr` ӿ ִ ϵ ֽϴ. WinEdt ִ ̵ ߿ `lshort-kr.tex` Ŭϸ WinEdt â ϴ. ̶ WinEdt ߵ ߿ ڰ ִ ߿ Ŀ "Set Main File"̶ dz ϴ. ߸ WinEdt WinEdt â ȰȭǾ ִ а ''Project Tree'' ϴ. TeXify "Project Tree" ߸ Ŭϸ ׸ ʿ Ÿ Ͱ Project Tree Ÿϴ. ׸ ó Project Tree ϵ(title, contrib, overview, things, typeset, math, lssym, spec, custom, biblio) Ÿ ϵ ( ׸ ʿ ִ ) \include{title}, \include{contrib} Ǿ ֱ Դϴ. Ǹ ִ aterword.tex "input aterword.tex" ҷ Դϴ. Tree Ÿ ٸϴ. Project Tree TOC Tree ݴϴ(׸ ).
         '''A1:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/lshort/korean/lshort-kr.pdf lshort-kr.pdf] 15(ȭδ 29) "\include{''filename''} ԵǴ κ ó ο ʿ ϰ \input{''filename''} ԵǴ κ ó ̳ ߰ ʰ Ե ġ Ѵٰ Ͽϴ. ׷ å () Chapter Head
          main Ͽ Էϸ ˴ϴ. \include \input Chapter Head ʰ Chapter Head ̾ input ǵ˴ϴ. \include{} \includeonly{''filename''}[[FootNote(ɾ \includeonly{filename} ں ֽϴ. \include{} տ % ־ ش ּϸ Project Ե ʱ ȣ, - ȣ, ǥ ȣ, ׸ ȣ ڵ ȣ ű⿡ ־ ȣ ο Ȳ ٲϴ.)]] Ǵ Ͽ Ͽ \includeonly{} ͸ ݴϴ. ȣ, - ȣ, ǥ ȣ, ׸ ȣ ȣ(ڵ ȣ ű⿡ ־ ȣ) ٲ ʽϴ. " ̾ƿ"(׸ ġ ǥ ġ ) ٲ ʽϴ. include ġ ó ϵ˴ϴ. ׷ aux ϵ ϴ. \input ϰ ּ(%) óϿ մϴ. " ̾ƿ"(׸ ġ, ǥ ġ ) ٲϴ. input ġ Ϻκó ϵ˴ϴ. ׷ aux ϵ ʽϴ. \input Ȯڸ Ƽ Ȯڰ tex ƴ϶ ϴ.
         === Find in Files ===
         '''Q:''' (From KTUGOperate:17676'''''')  string ˻ Ṯ ¿ include input Բ ˻ϵ ֳ? Find ɼǿ "All files in project" ̱ ϴµ project  ϵ ϴ ̸ Ʈ ۾ Ͻִ ۾ ʿ Ͱ µ...
         '''A1:''' '''Ʈ ۾ Ͻִ ۾''' ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. "Main File" (Set Main File)ϰ Ʒ ׸ Project Tree ΰ '''Find in Files''' ˴ϴ. ʹ Project Tree ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ڼ . . . . 1 match
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 8 matches
  • WinEdtTip/˻ . . . . 1 match
         2. `C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Dict` ͸ ٿε ־ϴ.
          C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Dict\german
          C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Dict\german\de_neu.dic
  • WinEdtTip/޴ǥ . . . . 1 match
  • WinEdtTip/޴ʹ . . . . 2 matches
         === Erase Working Files ===
         (From KTUGSetup:576'''''') TeX ϴ bib ϰų bst ٲ ̹ TeX ҽ (tex, bib ) ϰ ϴ. bib ϰų bst ٲ ۾ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ToolBar(ߵ) ࿡ (Erase Working Files) ٷ ̷ 뵵 ֽϴ.
         '''׸ 2:''' (Erase Working Files) "Erase Output Files" ȭڰ Ÿϴ.
          ϸ ޴(File Menu, Edit Menu, Search Menu, Insert Menu, Document Menu, Project Menu, Tools Menu, Macros Menu, Accessories Menu, Options Menu, Window Menu, Help Menu) ֽϴ. "WinEdt User's Guide" Capture ׸ ޴ ׸ ֽϴ.  Ű Բ ֽϴ. Icon ׸ Tool Bar ִ Ͱ ϴ.   ɿ ˾ θ Դϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 4 matches
         '''Q1'''(from KTUGOperate:5862'''''')''':''' [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/ KTUG HOME] ѱ۹ȭ ڳʿ [LaTeX4Wp] `source` ٿε , Ͽ Ǭ , WinEdt 5.3 `tex file` file ü , `tex` compile . WinEdt ` ` Ű ߰ ϰ Ÿ ۵ ʴ±. ׷, ٸ ѱȭ "LaTeX ׸ ó" source ٿεؼ Ǯ, `tex file` WinEdt , ` ` Ű ߰ ϰ Ÿ鼭, ۵ ߵ˴ϴ. ׷ , WinEdt ִ ʽϴ. ü ߸Ǿִ ..... ûմϴ.
         '''A1'''(from KTUGOperate:5883'''''')''':''' WinEdt ҽ (latex4wp-ko.tex) file ù () ԷµǾ ִ
  • WinEdtTip/ο . . . . 1 match
          1. ۾ϰ ִ Main File Ǿ ˴ϴ.[[FootNote(۾ Main File ϰ (Set Main File̶ dz ) ˴ϴ. ̳ʽ ߴ Դϴ. ̳ʽ ߰ ȰȭǾ ־ Main File Դϴ. ҽ ְ bibitem ִٸ ʽϴ. ׷ ۾ Main File ϰ ϴ մϴ.)]] (Ʒ ׸ 쿡 شմϴ. {{{
         (From KTUGSetup:576'''''') TeX ϴ bib ϰų bst ٲ ̹ TeX ҽ (tex, bib ) ϰ ϴ. bib ϰų bst ٲ ۾ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ToolBar(ߵ) ࿡ (Erase Working Files) ٷ ̷ 뵵 ֽϴ.
         '''׸ 3:''' (Erase Working Files) "Erase Output Files" ȭڰ Ÿϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 3 matches
          1. Info B (Project File)
          1. Main File/Status
  • WinEdtTip/α׷ . . . . 7 matches
         <!> TeX ϵ " ɼ" " " ø ʾ KTUGContrib:387'''''' Ͽ TeX ϵ " "('''File Type''') øʽÿ.
          [http://www.kms.or.kr/home/kor/board/downloadfile.asp?fileid=317&filename=slides.zip slides.zip]
          C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe (Ǵ C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe)
          C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe (Ǵ C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe)
  • WinEdtTip/ҽãư . . . . 1 match
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 2 matches
  • WinEdtġ . . . . 3 matches
         ٿε winedt5x.exe ϸ ġ 簡 Ÿ ġ ȳմϴ. `c:\Program Files` Ʒ `WinEdt Team` ͸ Ʒ ٽ `WinEdt` ͸ ϴ. `winedt5x.exe` ϱ WinEdt â ݰ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt â ¿ `winedt5x.exe` ϸ ޽ Ÿϴ. Ȳ ִ WinEdt â ݰ "ٽý" ߸ ˴ϴ. ̹ WinEdt ִ ߰ "Overwrite Protection" ȭڰ Ÿ "Yes to All" ߸ մϴ. Ͽ ɼǵ ״ ˴ϴ.
          ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿϴ. ̶ Install.txt ׳ ѹ о ݾƵ ˴ϴ. "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭ ڴ ׳ Ʒ "File Type Association ڵ " (Ǵ KTUGContrib:387'''''') TeX ϵ ܰ θ Ѳ " ɼ" " " ø մϴ.
         === File Type Association ڵ ===
          Ŭϸ "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭڰ Ÿϴ. ٽ ȭ ޴ "Filetype Associations" ϸ ʿ "Modify Filetype Associations..." ߰ ֽϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ ׸
          WinEdt TeX Icons and Filetype Associations - Classes Root
         Ghostscript is used mainly to handle graphics (ps and eps files) and to
         convert ps files to pdf. Without it your TeX system may have a limited ability to
          C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin
          C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
          ٸ (: Navigation Bar, Find in Files ) ũ (.edt ) [http://www.winedt.org/ WinEdt Org] ͼ ġϰ ϸ ˴ϴ. ׷ ̵ ũ ʿ伺 𸣰ڽϴ.--[Yhchoe]
  • XDvi . . . . 2 matches
          xdvi -editor "gnuclient -q +%l %f" file.dvi
         # As an X resource setting. E.g. add the following line to the file ~/.Xdefaults:
  • XeTeX . . . . 2 matches
         2. Ʒ ۼϿ "filename.tex" utf-8 no BOM ϰ
         5. texexec --xtx filename
  • Yap . . . . 1 match
  • Yhchoe . . . . 3 matches
          <!> ϵ θ ̸ ϵ ٸ ְ Ǿ FNDB(File Name Data Base) Ͽ ϵ ֽϴ. ׸ `localtexmf` ä ״ ֽϴ. `texmf` `localtexmf` ų ٸ (: D ̺ Ǵ ̵ ̺) ϴ ϴ. ų Ű ְ ̰ Ͽ ⸦ ϽŴٸ Ű ٸ Ͽٰ ٽ ϴ. texmf Ǵ `localtexmf` ִ ϰ ̸ (ٸ ִ) ̸ ġ մϴ. Ͽٰ ġϴ localtexmf Ʈ localtexmf\tex\latex ϴ. ̰ ʿ ãϴ.
  • Yhchoe/ġ̵ . . . . 6 matches
          TeX α׷ ġ `texmf`, `localtexmf`, `texmf-user` Ʈ ͸ `Program Files` Ʒ ʾҽϴ. MiKTeX 2.1 MiKTeX 2.4 Ʈ ġ ο Ⱑ Ǿ ־ϴ.
         '''׸ 4:''' hangul.sty Ǵ hfont.sty ãڴ(Ǵ Ư fmt ڴ) ޽ Ÿ FNDB(File Name Data Base) Refresh ̹Ƿ ׸ "Settings" Ʒ '''׸ 5''' "MiKTeX Options" ȭڰ ϴ. ⼭ "Refresh FNDB" ߿ "Update Formats" ߸ ѹ "Ȯ" ߸ ּ.
          ϴ. ⿡ style file acm_proc_article-sp.cls ֽϴ. ༮ ϴ?
         '''׸ 9:''' Ư ִ Ű(cab) ̸ Filename: ĭ ̸(: watermark.sty) ְ Filter ߸ ˴ϴ.
          C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6
  • bumseokhyun/2006-02 . . . . 1 match
         - template file ؼ ̸ ٲٱ
  • edmondwells . . . . 2 matches
          1. [http://randomdeterminism.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/creating-a-style-file-in-context/ Creating a style file in ConTeXt]
  • emacsϱ . . . . 5 matches
          (read-abbrev-file "~/.abbrev_defs")
         === ( Wikipage LaTeX file ) ===
          LISP program ִµ, ִ. ù° Emacs ״ 찡 ִٴ ̴.( ̷ ٽ linux ư ʹ) ι° file cursor ó ־ Ѵٴ ̴.(?) ׸ 𸣰ڴ° 齺 ̴. ü  齽ø ˼ . ֽǺ Ű?
          쿡 ״? file cursor ó ־ Ѵٴ ǹ̰ ? lisp regular expression 齽 2 ʿϴٰ ø ˴ϴ.(״ ̸ƽ ϱ "Ѻ̵" p412뿡 ø ڼ ֽϴ.
         ps) ϸ tex file Ⱑ ʳ׿? * item ĭ  * item2 ⿡ ȯ ѷ־ ϴµ.... ۰ Ⱑ ʽϴ. ʾƼ ׳ ֽϴ. õ մϴٸ. --[synapse]
  • gnumeric . . . . 1 match
          * tex file LongTable ̿ standalone ϰų, ٸ tex include ִ.
  • graphicx . . . . 10 matches
         ܺ ׷ LaTeX ϴ ġ `\includegraphics` Ѵ. , `file.eps`
         ó `file.eps` .
         $ ps2eps file.ps
         Ʈ ̹ eps ȯ ִ. `file.png` ִٸ
          `file.eps` ִ.
         $ convert file.png file.eps
  • gromov . . . . 1 match
          ԵǾ ְ Ͽ ͵ Դϴٸ Ͻô ƹ ٰ մϴ. file ̸ ߰  uڴ unicode ٲٸ ̹Ƿ ̸ ̷ ̽ ʿ ϴ. --[gromov]
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals . . . . 21 matches
         ũ  TeXEngine ٷ ⺻ κ ؼ Ÿ ִ κ ߿ PlainTeX, LaTeX ִ. ̰ ū ̾ ׳ θ ð ɸǷ ̸ ٲپ ξٰ ʿ ҷ . ̷ LaTeX latex.fmt ̸ binary format(fmt) Ǿ 츮 latex̶ ɾ TeX format file ҷ (绡) а 츮 Ѵ. fmt ڰ κ TeXEngine ü ǰ ִ.
          LaTeX 쿡 ⺻ LaTeX ϴ ͺ ڼ Ÿ̳ ȣ ְ Ϸ Ѵٸ, ̿ ߰Ͽ Ϸ ؼ е ϸ . ̷ style file̶ ϰ filename.sty ̸ δ.
         ׷ ̷ ͵  ϴ ū style file class ̸ ǵǾ ο
          ҷ. ̷ class  article.cls ̸ Ƹ ̴. ۿ а迡 AMS(American Math. Soc.) amsart.cls ̰, ٸ ȸ  ڽŵ ʿ信 ´ class file ϰ ִ.
         === StyleFile ===
         ̷ class ϸ鼭 ʿ Ư ̳ ɾ ΰ ϴ ɾ style ̶ θ filename.sty ̸ δ.
          Ͽ style file θ ̴ ״ ȿ Ͱ ٰ ص ȴ.
          style file ̹ TeX ýۿ ϵ texmf-local directory Ʒ TeX directory ° ־ ų Ǵ ϴ directory ־ θ ִ.
         ̷ ɾ filename.tex ̶ ϰ
         == Font TFMFiles ==
         TeX ۲ ϴ. TeX ü ϴ ۲ ̴ ó MetaFont . ̴ ֱ TrueType, VectorFont صȴ. ۲ ۲ø  ̶ δ. ̰ bitmap ׸ pk font file Ͽ ϰ Ⱓ Ͽ.
         source file -> dvi file -> ps Ǵ pdf file
          dvi file ġ ʰ pdf file ִ pdftex ȭ ׷ dvi file ۲ÿ ִ.
         === DviFile ===
         dvi Device Independent ̴. ǻ ý۰ OS ϰ ϸ鼭 ǻ ڿ ȿ TeX Font о ʴ´. Font ʹ Ŀ ޸𸮿 ø ͵ ϹǷ Font ʿ ⺻ , , յ , ڰ baseline ġ ġ ̾Ƽ д´. Ź ̴ ͵ ð ɸǷ ۲ÿ ̷ ̾ ϵ tfm file̶ ̸ д. (tfm tex font metric̶ Ӹ̴.)
         ѹ ҽ о̸ tfm 븸 Ͽ ü ĭ . ̿ ڼ TeXBook ϸ . ̷ ĭ װ  ۲ ڰ ð dvi ̴. ̰͸ font ü ִ dvi file TeX ִ ý װ font ְ ȴ. dvi  ۴.
          font ũ ϱ dvi file ʿ ⺻ ۲ pk tfm ִ ̴.
         == TeX Distribution Files ==
          ǿ ʿ ٸ style file д. \usepackage Ѵ. ⼭ option Ѵ. κп  ϴ ۲ , ũ , ȣ Ư ɾ õ style, Ư (hyperref ) ִ.
  • hLaTeXp . . . . 1 match
          [http://www.filewatcher.com/b/ftp/ftp.kreonet.re.kr/.1/hangul/cair-archive/tex/htex.0.0.html kreonet.re.kr ftp]
  • hermian . . . . 6 matches
          [http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx Flip4Mac] ġϼҼ. κ wm encoded files ȴϴ.
          ~/.profile ҽϴ.
          * [http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2008/talks/2008-08-22-taco-files/files-talk.pdf What's in the distribution]
          * metafun ߾ȵɶ(the metapost graph is not displayed in the final pdf file)
         1. Open the file /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf in the
  • hoze/webtex . . . . 38 matches
          ̸<input type=text name=filename size=20 value=test>(.tex) <input type=submit value=Ϸ><br>
         if($filename=='') $filename="test";
         $fp = fopen("$filename.tex", "w+");
         if(file_exists("$filename.tex"))exec("latex $filename");
         if(file_exists("$filename.dvi"))exec("dvipdfmx $filename");
          echo("<a href=$filename.tex>$filename.tex</a>
          <a href=$filename.pdf>$filename.pdf</a>");
          echo("<a href=$filename.log>$filename.log</a>");
          ̸<input type=text name=filename size=20 value=$filename>(.tex) <input type=submit value=Ϸ><br>
  • kpathsea . . . . 1 match
         $ kpsewhich --progname=dvipdfmx -format="other binary files" ̸
  • kpsewhich . . . . 1 match
         #> kpsewhich --format="web2c files" texmf.cnf
  • libiconv . . . . 2 matches
         EUC-KR ڼ foo.file UTF-8 ڼ ȯϿ foo.utf8 ϰ
         #> iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 foo.file > foo.utf8
  • likesam . . . . 1 match
          ¿ {{{[[UploadFile]]}}} ̶ ̸ ϸ ø ִ ° ˴ϴ. " ̸ٲٱ" õǾ ִµ ̰ " ü" ġ εϸ ο Ϸ ϴ.
          · ׳ DZ, ʿϴٸ {{{[[UploadFile]]}}} κ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
          [UploadFile] .
         >kpsewhich --var-value=FONTCONFIG_FILE
          * â medium ʿ Ͱ ʿ ϰ file directory home 丮
          * "C:\Program Files\AcroSoft\AcroEdit\AcroEdit.exe" "%s"/L:%d
  • likesam/novice . . . . 1 match
          * http://oooauthors.org/ko/GetStartedMath-ko_KR.sxw/file_view
  • noweb . . . . 4 matches
          * src 丮 Makefile Ѵ. ⿡ ̺귯 ҽ awk icon , ΰ Ƿ شǴ LIBSRC ְ ũ ־ Ѵ. , ü make install ι־ Ѵ.
          Makefile . {{{make tex}}} ̿ؼ 丮 ִ nw Ͽ ҽ Ʈ(.m) ڵ , Ŀ {{{make}}} ̿ؼ pdf Ǿ ִ.
          Makefile ؼ for ̿ؾ Ѵ. ̰ Ʈ Ƽ ϳ C α׷ ٸ, ϳ tex Ͽ ټ .tex include ϴ ̿ؾ ϱ ̴.
         .SECONDARY: $(TEXS) # Don't delete the tex file
  • pLaTeX . . . . 1 match
  • pdflatexlatexû . . . . 2 matches
          % \pdfmapfile{+unttf-pdftex-dhucs.map} % truetype۲û
  • pyPDF . . . . 3 matches
         from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
         output = PdfFileWriter()
         inputleft = PdfFileReader(file("document1.pdf", "rb"))
         inputright = PdfFileReader(file("document1.pdf", "rb"))
         outputStream = file("document-output.pdf", "wb")
  • smcho/2006-06 . . . . 2 matches
          * makefile
          * automatic file generation
  • sudoku . . . . 3 matches
          1. '''\generategrid'''['''file.sud''']: file.sudϷκ ο Ѵ. file.sud , .
  • synapse . . . . 7 matches
          * ׷ web ؼ ⿡ ִ font ġؾ ְ ϰ ͽϴ. ׷ htf file ƴ϶,( ִ ߿ ϰڽϴ.) Ƹ TFM Ǵ htf ϴ.
         ο Ѵٴ , ⵵ մϴ. KTUG Ǵ غ ؼ setup practical use ϰ ֽϴ. ü web file 끍 perl script ϴ. ó script ׷ϴ. ϳ׿!. ⿡ ÷ Կ! ̰ ϱδ program ƴϹǷ, ̳ ׷͵鵵 ϼŵ ˴ϴ. --[synapse]
         ̷ س redirection file Դϴ.
          ϴ. file Ҵ 峭 ƴϴ! practical use 160,274̳ ǰ. setup 10,632̳ dz׿!
          * 켱 ʹ ׳ ٴ ߽ϴ. ׷ perl script ļ http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/test.pl , mySQL ޾ҽϴ.⼭ ɸ. mySQL ؼ ƴ . ׸ file excelȭϷ conversion߽ϴ. ű(?) 鿩 program !. ׸ excelȭ sortingϰ, searchϸ鼭 ۾ Դϴ. Ȥ ʿϽ Ʒ ÷ϴ.
          մϴ. ϴ ׳ tug ϰ ĺ̴ Դϴ. ׷ Ȥö ʿϽź text file or PDF ְԿ. ׸ ü Դϴ. 2003⵵ Դϴ. key word searchingĿ ( "ѱ۰ Tex" index μڸ TeX key word ã Դϴ.) ׸ xls ؼ index field ΰ sortingϰ ۾ ϰ Ŀ Ѳ ȭ , Դϴ. ʿϴٸ tex4ht ̿ؼ html Դϴ. FAQ ϸ Ȯ ־ ϴ ε, 亯 ͵ ְ ؼ θ ؾ ٴ ϰ ֽϴ. ׸ top 10(hit number), top 3(亯) Դϴ. Ƹ top 10 top 3 ƴ ˰ ϴµ. ɱ? 켱 ̶̰ ? , ؾ ϵ ....--[synapse]
         2005⵵ memoir class tex file tex4ht ̿ؼ htmlȭ غ մϴ. ƹ ƴҵ ͽϴ. ȯ memoir ִٴ ƹ ó ȯ濡 source ε ʿϰ, tex4ht ε ʿ ϴ. ǵǾ ִ memoir.4ht verse,poemȯ ϴ. ׷ pgana section toctitle ʿ ? δ ʿġ ʴ´ٰ ϰ ֽϴٸ...... Ǿ ̾ƹ Ͻ ó makehtml.sty Ἥ sectionɿ ؼ reset Դϴ. --[synapse]
  • trivcj . . . . 1 match
  • ׸ϱ/Obsolete . . . . 9 matches
         '''A3-2'''(from KTUGSetup:6861)''':''' visio ̿ؼ eps ׸ ԵǴ pdf file ϴ. ݱ غ ϴ.
          2. TeX file ִ directory visio ׸ .eps մϴ. Visio Encapsulated Postscript File ϸ eps file ˴ϴ. ÿ ػ󵵸 ִµ, <> ϸ մϴ.
          3. WinEdt TeX file compileմϴ. ̶ ׸ dvi file ϴ. ( visio eps file 100% پϴ.) ̶ Yap ׸ Ʈ ϸ ȺԴϴ.
          6. pdf , GSView ¿ ޴ <File> <Convert> ϰ <pdfwrite><600>(ػ) ϸ pdf ϴ.
          File -> PS to EPS
         #> ps2ps inputfile outputfile
          ó, outputfile ̸ ־ Ѵٴ Ư ϴ.
  • . . . . 2 matches
          LaTeX2Html Ȩ ҷ ŵ ϴ. ּҴ `http://www.doeun.pe.kr/texsocsci/ref-files/icons/`Դϴ. `.latex2html-init` Ͽ ̰ ġ Ͻø ׺̼ ǥõ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
          UploadedFiles'''''' Ͻø ˴ϴ. ũ Uploads:test01.pdf, Uploads:test02.pdf մϴ. InterMap'''''' Ͻñ ٶϴ. --[hermian]
  • ġϱ . . . . 5 matches
          /etc/profile  Ʒ ־ ݴϴ.
          $ sudo mousepad /etc/profile
          /etc/profile ( mousepad gedit ٸ ͸ ŵ ˴ϴ.)
          /etc/profile ϼ̴ٸ, ̸ Ͻñ Ͽ Logout ٽ login մϴ.
          ̶ , profile PATH tlmgr θ ߰־
  • ġϱ/obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          $> pdflatex \\pdfmapfile{+KTUG-pdftex.map}\\input _filename_
  • . . . . 1 match
         #> latex --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx --interaction=nonstopmode --src-specials test1
          * TFM : perl ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE -p -o
  • . . . . 1 match
  • ο/Compression . . . . 1 match
  • . . . . 8 matches
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="dvipdfm" config`
         % Font map files
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="dvipdfm" dvipdfmx.cfg`
          * Ʈ ߰ `\pdfmapfile` ũθ ̿ ִ.
          * `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" updmap.cfg`
          * `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" texmf.cnf`
          * {{{kpsewhich --format=web2c files fmtutil.cnf}}}
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="ttf2pk" ttf2pk.cfg`
  • ξ . . . . 1 match
  • Truetype۲û . . . . 2 matches
         ֱٿ [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10783 MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5 ]( ?) α׷ ߰ߴµ, α׷ 3.1 3.3 ִ ʷ ؼ ġ ѹ(?) α׷̴. α׷ ġ ̿ؼ dvipdfmx Native Truetype۲ ϴ ҰѴ
          1. ҽ [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10783 MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5] ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
  • ѱ۱۲ð . . . . 1 match
          * JNԿ Ӱ 8x3x5 Ǿ (ϴܿ JN ), 6x2x4 ĺ feature file ټ ϴ.
  • ѱԷ . . . . 1 match
         [http://www.koreanhistory.or.kr/file/download/hanjuk2_1.exe Է±] [http://www.koreanhistory.or.kr/hjmenu/hj_main.htm ѱսý]  ִ ѱ Է±̴. ̸ Է± ǻ .
  • ó . . . . 1 match
          * `-file-line-error` ɼ ÿ ϸ `ϸ:߻ȣ:` ޽ ְ nonstopmode Ѵ.
          1. '''File not found'''
  • ó/ͼ . . . . 1 match
          * : {{{"c:\program files\acrosoft\acroedit\Acroedit.exe" "%s/L:%d"}}}
          * : {{{"C:\Program Files\Vim\Vim70\gvim.exe" +%d "%s"}}}
  • Ű۾ . . . . 1 match
         file upload action ޴ ...
          ϴ. ϴ α ڿ `UploadFile` action menu ܳ ڴٴ ̰ŵ... :)
  • . . . . 1 match
         ȳϼ. LiterateProgramming о߸ ּż մϴ. C α׷ ַ ϴµ ñ ־. ÷ - ϵ غ :D - ƴ ξ Ǵ α׷ ۼҶ CWEB ̿ϸ ҽ - module̶ ϴ- make . 丮 (*.c. *.h), Makefile ϳ tex.webϷ Ѱ. ô غ ͱ. Ѵٴ ϴ. -[hermian]
  • . . . . 6 matches
          1. '''ª'''(Short-Title): ӿ [[FootNote(Bibstyle (BSTFile) jura.bst ְ, Bibitem ֿ Ÿϴ ġ jura.sty ִ. See KTUGOperate:19408'''''')]] `, ª , `(: Hart, ''Hart's Rule'', p. 52 ) οѴ. ׸ ؼ ο ''Ibid.'' . '''ª''' 밳 ó ο뿡 "full reference" ڿ " "(List) ʴ´ٰ Ͽ. 'jurabib' Ű ִ.
         the contents of the .bbl file in your document.
         '''׸ 2:''' Including the Bibliography into the LaTeX File
          each \include'd file. Run LaTeX; run BibTeX on each included file;
          commands in each file, and at the end of the main file. Run LaTeX as
         \bibliographystyle{bstFileName}%{}ӿ bst ̸ Ȯ
         \bibliography{bibFileName}%{}ӿ bib ̸ Ȯ
          ֽϴ. ׸ ϵ \include{chapter1} \include{chapter2} ... Main File ҷ ɴϴ. chapterbib.sty \include{ } ־ ݴϴ. (\include{ } ʴ ֽϴ.-> KTUGOperate:2810'''''' ׸ 4 )
         \bibliographystyle{bstFileName}%{}ӿ bst ̸ Ȯ
         \bibliography{bibFileName}%{}ӿ bib ̸ Ȯ
  • ο . . . . 2 matches
  • óϱ . . . . 1 match
          ּ 1. (source file) Ǵ Է ([TeXԷ]) Ϲ ؽƮ(plain text) Դϴ. ÷ ؽƮ ִ  ͷε ֽϴ.
  • ŬͽŸ . . . . 2 matches
         Web2C ϴ TeXImplementations [kpathsea] ̿Ͽ ʿ Ÿ ãϴ. ׷Ƿ ο Ÿ ױ ġϷ ݵ [TDS] ġ([kpathsea] ã ִ ġ) ΰ [kpathsea] '''Filename Database''' ־ մϴ.
          1. Filename Database մϴ.
         #> texdoc _file_name_
          Ű ؼ ƹ͵ `_file_name_` Ű Ī( geometry ) ʽÿ. `texdoc` ׷ ̸ (`geometry.dvi` Ǵ `geometry.pdf` ) ãƼ оݴϴ. ׷ Ǹ鼭 Catalogue Online ݴϴ.[[FootNote( ߸ ä R Ű "" â ϴ. ⼭ "(O):" ĭ "texdoc geometry" Էϰ, Ȯ ߸ geometry.dvi Ǵgeometry.pdf ã ݴϴ. See KTUGOperate:12906'''''', KTUGSetup:6430'''''' )]][[FootNote(KC2006 Ű ã kctexdoc մϴ. ã ϸ CTAN package ֹǷ װ Ű ãƺ ֽϴ. ࿡ "kctexdoc sgame" "texdoc sgame" ֽϴ.)]]
  • . . . . 7 matches
         # Input : File name
         def process(filename_)
          f = File.new('res.tex','w')
          File.open(filename_) do |file|
          file.each_line do
         if $0 == __FILE__
          puts "Usage : " + $0 + " filename"
          file = ARGV[0]
  • TeX . . . . 1 match
  • ѱ۰˻ . . . . 1 match
  • ѾPUA۲ . . . . 2 matches
          * Chaining contextual sub ʽϴ. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/topic_feature_file_syntax.html#5.f.i
          * ignore sub ۿε Ȯ ׿. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/topic_feature_file_syntax.html#5.f.ii
1352 ߿ 246 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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