"mode"() ü ãƺ

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙&value=Yhchoe/HelpOnFormatting › PlainTeX/diffLaTeX

ũ ã
  • AMSLaTeX/Hangul . . . . 1 match
          \leavevmode \hskip-\leftskip
  • AMSLaTeX/Math . . . . 6 matches
          * 츣Ʈ (Herbert Vo) "Math mode"
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
         '''׸ 3:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Mathmode.pdf](v.2.26, 2007-05-01) 71ʿ ִ subequations ȯ - subequations ȯ ӿ Text Ǵ ٸ ȯ(\begin{...} ... \end{...}) ִ.
  • AUCTeX . . . . 19 matches
         ||<(> `C-c C-t C-p` ||<(> ||<(> toggle __P__DF mode ||
         ''':''' `C-c ~` Ű ̿Ͽ LaTeX-math-mode
         ||<(> `C-c ~` ||<(> `LaTeX-math-mode` || ||
         Ű TeX-fold-mode ִ.
         ||<(> `C-c C-o C-f` ||<(> `TeX-fold-mode` ||<(> ||
         ;; Verbose mode of hangul input method is needless for most Korean users.
         ;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
         ;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
         ;(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-bib-cite)
         (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
          (TeX-source-specials-mode 1)
          ;; PDF emacs ڵ PDF mode onؼ
          ;; Local Variables TeX-PDF-mode: nil ߰Ѵ.
          (TeX-PDF-mode nil)
          ;; (list "LaTeX" "latex --src-specials \\nonstopmode\\input{%s}"
          (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [f9] 'do-LaTeX)
          (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [f10] 'do-DVISearch)
          (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [f11] 'do-DVIPDFMx)
  • AcroEdit . . . . 7 matches
         latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | %ktug_bin%\..\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | c:\tex\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -r+ ":[0-9]*:"
         || || `--tex-option="-c-style-errors -interaction=nonstopmode" -b -q %FULLNAME%` || ||
          * ̾ƺ tex Ѱִ ɼ Ͽϴ. `--tex-option` tex Ѱִ ɼ̰, `-q -b` texify ɼԴϴ. δ `-interaction=nonstopmode` `-b` մϴ. `^^;` `-q` warning ʰ, errorุ Ͽ ־ϴ. warning Ͻô `-q` ø ˴ϴ.
  • Box . . . . 5 matches
         TeX Ʈ 迡 ̿ؼ ڸ box Ͽ ̰ ٿ ܾ ܾ ڽ ٽ ٿ ڽ ٿ ڵȴ. ڽ ڽ Ǯ(glue) ϴµ :) Ǯ ü ̰ ִ(ڹڽ ̿ κ 0, ܾڽ ̿ ̸ rubber glue. vertical mode glue ʰ lineskip skip̶ Ѵ.) ϳ ڽ̴.
          ڽ ٿ ܾ horizontal mode ϰ, Ƽ ܶ vertical mode Ѵ.
         ϳ text body vertical mode box ̿ܿ header ڽ footer ڽ ְ, 쿡 MarginalNote ڽ ̱⵵ Ѵ.
         \leaders (hofizontal mode) `\leaders<box or rule>\hskip<glue>' Ǵµ, ̴ ־ box Ǵ rule ־ () ȿ ݺؼ äִ Դϴ. ⼭ box Ǵ rule ̶ ϸ ˴ϴ. ־ ȿ ؼ ݺǴ ǹմϴ. \learders Ʒ "" ַ ˴ϴ. (Ʒ TeXbook 223ʿ Ͽϴ.)
  • CM۲ . . . . 2 matches
         http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/fonts/computer-modern.html .
         === ComputerModern ===
         ComputerModern ۲ Monotype Modern 8A Ʈ Ͽ ؽƮ ۲ Ų. ۲ ǻ Donald E. Knuth Ͽ, Stanford TeX Project Ϻη 1978--1988Ⱓ MetaFont Ʈ ý .
         ComputerModern ۲ TeX ǥ ۲̴. ׷ TeX̶ ϸ ComputerModern ۲ø ϴ , ǻ TeX  ۲̶ ִ.
         ComputerModern ۲ñ Knuth ټ ''Computers and Typesetting'' Volume E ڼ ǰ ϰ ȭǾ ִ.
          title = "Computer Modern Typefaces",
         ComputerModern Ưѵ,  ó Ʈ Ưϴ.
          * Ư ġ ˸° ٵ ¿ ۲ Ű Ͽ  ִ. ֱ `modes.mf` Ͽ 139 ġ Ű ϰ ִ.
          * н ϱ ڰ ߰Ǿ ִ. ׸ ⺻ ڵ ̱ȸ ȮϿ. н ǿ , θ Ǵ ۲  ͵ Computer Modern ϸ ϴ.
          ۲õ ComputerModern Ļ ̱ ϳ, ٸ.
         Bigelow & Holmes ۲ Lucida ۲ñ ComputerModern ۲ ϰ ִ. Ƹ Chuck Bigelow Donald Knuth Stanford μ ۾ Բ ͵ ۿ ̴. Lucida ''Scientific American'' ⺻ ؽƮ ۲÷ ǰ ִ.
         , ó ۲ ʴ , Դ ٺҰ Ʈ Ͽ ۵ǰ ִ. , ̽ļ, ǰ, 뼺 鿡, κ , , ǻ о мڵ TeX , Computer Modern, Lucida, Mathtime ۲ñ κ 忡 ϰ ̴.
          * [LatinModern۲]
  • CaptionOfFloats . . . . 3 matches
         of the model display a slow wave electrical mode. fluctuation of
  • ColorInDocument . . . . 9 matches
          `[model]` DVI ̹ ϴ ̴.
          `[color_spec]` ε `[model]` ǹ ݾ ٸ.
         == color model ==
         color Ű model Ѵ.
         xcolor Ű color model ߰ Ѵ.
  • Conditionals . . . . 11 matches
         === Mode ˻(`\ifhmode,\ifvmode,\ifmmode`) ===
         • `\ifhmode` is true if TEX is in HorizontalMode or restricted horizontal mode.
         • `\ifvmode` is true if TEX is in VerticalMode or internal vertical mode.
         • `\ifmmode` is true if TEX is in MathMode or display math mode.
          `xyz` `\newboolean` Ǵ `\provideboolean` Ͽ ǵ ִ. ׸, TeX `\newif` Ͽ ǵ ū ؼ ִ. , `\boolean{true}` `\iftrue` Ű ̴. , `\boolean{mmode}` `\ifmmode` .
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 1 match
         # run XWin, using multiwindow mode.
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 8 matches
  • Daisyweb . . . . 1 match
          * 밡 ۲ Ʈ: standard (lf: lining figures), osf (old style figures), '''Myriad Pro regular, italic, Greek, and some symbols''' in math mode
  • DeclareMathOperator . . . . 2 matches
         ణ ο ϸ (Math mode) ӿ Լ ڴ ȹٷ ϰ յڿ ־ Ͽ մϴ([http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 7.3 Math-mode spacing (74-75) ). "Լ ǥ"(ɾ) ̹ Ǿ Ȥ ؾ ʿ䰡 ֽϴ. `\newcommand` Ἥ Ϸ Լ ǥ յ ϴ մϴ.
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 3 matches
          (define-key encoded-kbd-mode-map [27] nil)))
         %%% mode: latex
          1. `C-x C-s` modeline `--(Unix)` `-u(Unix)--` ȮѴ.
  • EnglishOnly . . . . 1 match
  • FortuneCookies . . . . 3 matches
          * Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of good news soon.
          * Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of good news soon.
          * Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of new developments.
  • HLaTeX . . . . 2 matches
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 1 match
          1. CM ۲ : `OT1` ۲ ڵ CM ؾ Ѵ. `T1` Ͽٸ lmodern ۲(`\lmfonttrue`) Ǵ pxfonts ۲(`\pxfonttrue`) ִ.
  • IsCho . . . . 2 matches
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
  • IsCho/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
  • KC2006/WinEdt . . . . 1 match
          * BATCH mode texify(kcltxmk)
          * dvips ⺻ ɼ {{{-Pdl}}} ο. ̰ Execution Modes
          1. Ÿ Execution Modes ϴ κ Դϴ.
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 3 matches
          * Ǹ Ͽ mathmode symbols-a4 .
          * : lshort-kr, latex4wp-ko, kc07manual, gfaq, essential-kr, amsldoc, symbols-a4, mathmode, about_oblivoir, firstmem, memucs-manual, kotexguide
          * [[Date(2007-10-18T03:44:59)]] mathmode, kc07manual
  • KC2008/KCmenu . . . . 2 matches
          * help > mathmode mathmode.pdf
  • KC2008/TeXLive . . . . 1 match
         == InstallTL models ==
  • KC2008Plus/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          * xelatex mode 켱, dvipdfmx, lualtex ߰
  • KTUGŰ/ . . . . 3 matches
          1. Emacs wiki mode ִ°? ñؼ ־ ϴ.
          wikiX ϴ. wiki clone ־ wiki ü谡 ݾ Ʋ . ̷ Emacs wiki mode ٴ մϴٸ, ̶󼭿. ̷ øϴ. --[ƹ]
          wikiX PhpWiki ϹǷ, PhpWikiõ mode ãƺž ϴ. wikiX Բ Ƿϴ --WkPark
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 6 matches
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 2 matches
         (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-c\C-j" 'txs-jump-to-line)))
          1. , 翬 (⺻̱⵵ ) AquamacsEmacs AUCTeX pdf mode, pdflatex ư Ǿ ־ Ѵ.
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 2 matches
          * '''{{{ltx2pdf -f filename -opt "options"\}}} ''' : pdflatex ⺻ ɼ nonstopmode shell-escape̴. ̿ܿ ɼ ߰ϰ ʹٸ ū ǥ  ɼ ش.
          * ġ pdflatex θ {{{--interaction=nonstopmode\}}} ߻ ȭ ó ִ. ̰ ϴ е .
         WinEdt Execution Mode Ѵ. Browse Executable... ãƾ Ѵ. ϰ Ǿ ִ.
          1. hangul-ucs ̷ ؼ ðڴٸ makeindex makeindex-dhucs ٲּ. Execution Mode . -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-07-01T03:37:55)]]
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 1 match
         '''' : ۲ð lmodern Ʈ ä.
  • Karnes/2008-09 . . . . 1 match
         NPP Pstricks mode quick viewδ ɼ  Ǿ ְ, sumatarPDF ϰ ֽϴ. Ǵ Ź帳ϴ. -- [[DateTime(2008-09-15T13:35:01)]]
  • Karnes/2009-03 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-03-22T23:22:50 KCmenu mathmode б
         Help ǿ mathmode ϸ CTAN .
         mathmode.pdf ְ kctexdoc ư .
  • Karnes/2009-08 . . . . 1 match
         kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 0+540/600 --dpi 540 outtzmb2
  • Karnes/2011-10 . . . . 2 matches
          * : μ Ŀ Ʈ TeX Gyre Cursor ʹ ôٴ ϴ. Latin Modern Mono ٲٰ Scale=.95 ɼ ִ ?
          * p.8 9°: > kctexdoc mathmode > '''texdoc''' mathmode
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 2 matches
  • LaTeXBoxes . . . . 1 match
         `\mbox` `\makebox` ̴. ɼǾ `\mbox{obj}` ̰ `\makebox{obj}` ǥ̴. `\mbox` ⺻ Ʈ( ؽƮ ) 缳ǹǷ, math mode ణ ؽƮ ִ.
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2011 . . . . 1 match
          2.00-3.00 Mathmode, ׸ , Geogebra. ڼȣ(ѱܴ)
  • LaTeX߻ϱʵ . . . . 3 matches
         === LaTeX in math mode ===
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf]
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03 . . . . 1 match
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog 2006-04-20T17:34:24 verbatim mode
          \def\wstuff{#1 }\leavevmode\expandafter\ulword\wstuff * }
          \def\wstuff{#1 }\leavevmode\expandafter\ulword\wstuff * }
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 . . . . 3 matches
          ˾ƺ ٹٲ ˰ ʹ 幮幮 ˾ƺ ̴. ڼ ˾ƺ . ٵ , ο ''򸮽Ʈ(horizontal list)'' ޵ȴ, , (horizontal mode) ܾ ۵ ̶ ̴. ׵ ϰ 򸮽Ʈ ڽ(box) ۷(glue) ȴٰ ؿԴ. ƴϾ, ̾. ̷. 򸮽Ʈ ϴ ۵ ϳ̴.
         \leavevmode\lifo Drofnats \ofil
         Ѵ. \parshape=0, \hangindent=0pt,\hangafter=1 ϶, \hsize ̸ ִ. ڵ ٷ Ѵ. ׸ internal vertical mode  ׷.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-06 . . . . 1 match
          He glued the wings onto the model airplane. ״ ⿡ ٿ.
         ׸ ð ȴٸ ģ迡 13 '''Modes''' غ ȹԴϴ.
  • MacOSġϱ . . . . 2 matches
         XeTeX Ʈ ؼ "ü (Font Book)" ̿Ͽ /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype (truetype) Ʒ ʿ Ʈ ο Ʈ ̺귯 ϴ . TeX Gyre Libertine ǵ ġ . lmodern Ʈ ʾƵ XeTeX νϹǷ lmodern ٸ α׷ ƴ϶ ĥ ʿ䰡 .
  • MathType/ShortcutKeys . . . . 2 matches
         || ctrl + shift + E || text mode (\text{..}) || ||
         || ctrl + shift + = || return to math mode || ||
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 4 matches
          '''A.''' ȫȣԲ Ű¡Ͻ NTEmacs '''nonstopmode''' ϵ˴ϴ. ׷Ƿ ϰ ˴ϴ. ̰ TeX ۾ ȯ Ƴ tex-site.el Ͽ `"latex \\nonstopmode\\input{%s} --src-special"` سƼ ׷ϴ.
          1. ׷ NTEmacs nonstopmode ۵ϸ e ش ҽ κ ʽϱ?
         % mode: latex
  • ObsoleteSolutions . . . . 2 matches
  • Omega-CJK . . . . 1 match
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 3 matches
         system("pdflatex --interaction batchmode test$_");
         pdflatex --interaction=batchmode $OUTFILE
         pdflatex --interaction=batchmode %2-ext-%1
  • PDF . . . . 1 match
          ׳ computer modern ۲([CM۲]) Ư ʿ, Adobe times ۲ ̶, ű⿡ ߾ `\usepackage{mathptmx}` صӴϴ. LaTeX ۲ [TeX۲] ϼ.
  • Pictureȯ . . . . 1 match
          ׷Ƿ 10Ʈ picture ȯ ڽ horizontal mode baseline ġϿ ĵȴ. ٸ ڿ ϰ Ϸ ڽ depthŭ ׸ ڽ `\lower` ־ ̴.
  • PlainTeX/diffLaTeX . . . . 8 matches
          1. In LaTeX, both \{ and \} can be used directly in text and do not have to be in math mode. LaTeX does the right thing if you do put them in math mode --- so if you plan to use both TeX and LaTeX, it helps to do things the same way in both systems.
          1. In LaTeX, use \(...\) or \begin{math} ... \end{math} to use math mode. These two sandwich-style methods make sure you do not get a Math Oops Mode Bud. However, both are what LaTeX calls fragile.
          1. To use display math mode in LaTeX, use \[...\] or the displaymath environment. These are both fragile. Also, LaTeX's flushleft equation system does not work if you use TeX's $$ toggles instead of LaTeX's \[...\] or displaymath environment.
          1. Lamport redefined \{ and \} so they can also be used outside of math mode.
          1. You can also use LaTeX's equation environment to make an automatically numbered displayed formula. LaTeX's equation environment automatically starts display math mode.
          1. (!) \eqalign does not exist in LaTeX. Use the eqnarray or eqnarray* environments instead. The eqnarray environment automatically generates equation numbers; the eqnarray* environment does not. Both eqnarray and eqnarray* automatically start display math mode.
          1. LaTeX's \mbox macro is equivalent to \leavevmode\hbox
  • Preamble . . . . 1 match
          '''A.''' ֽϴ. LaTeX̶ ᱹ `latex.fmt` ̸ ǵ () ̿ؼ `tex` θ ̹Ƿ `tex` Ѵٸ LaTeX ɰ `\documentclass` ٸ Դϴ. (׷ ״ ʱ.) ڸ ִ ׳ ~ ϶ `\nonstopmode` ̶, Ǵ PDFLaTeX ǰ ִ Ȯϱ Ʈ ,
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 7 matches
  • PyX . . . . 3 matches
         PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.
  • RefTeX . . . . 7 matches
         (autoload 'reftex-mode "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" t)
         (autoload 'turn-on-reftex "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" nil)
         (autoload 'reftex-index-phrase-mode "reftex-index" "Phrase mode" t)
         (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
         (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with Emacs latex mode
  • RegularExpression . . . . 1 match
          * [http://joinc.co.kr/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=171&mode=nested ѵƴ ]
  • SpeedBar . . . . 4 matches
         (autoload 'speedbar-frame-mode "speedbar" "Popup a speedbar frame" t)
          [speedbar] '("Speedbar" . speedbar-frame-mode) [calendar])
         (add-hook 'texinfo-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'sb-texinfo)))
         (add-hook 'html-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'sb-html)))
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 4 matches
          {{{ kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfzzz --bdpi 1200 --mag 1+0/1200 --dpi 1200 ungtm4
         ڵ Դϴ. ڵ ؼ latex θ `--interaction=nonstopmode` `batchmode` θ ȭ մϴ. ׽Ʈ Ŀ `.log`, `.aux` 쵵 ϸ ?
          , ׷ڳ׿. `batchmode` ٲٰڽϴ. ׷ ̶ּ Ͻ DZ `MapHangulFamily{}{}` κ Ͻô Դϱ? ̿ `.dvi` ϱ ? ̰͵ ž ʿ䰡 ?
  • Tabularȯ . . . . 1 match
          Model & $E_k / E_p$ & Non-dim. & Ratio. \\ \hlinewd{3pt}
         ]{table}{}{Geometric model of airways}{table_disease2}
  • TeXEngine . . . . 3 matches
          * pdftex dvi mode tex.exe ϴ.
          \ifpdf %%% pdf output mode
          \else %%% dvi output mode, dvips or dvipdfmx
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 5 matches
          1. LaTeX : {{{latex --synctex=1 --shell-escape --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex}}}
          1. PDFLaTeX : {{{pdflatex --synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex}}}
          {{{xelatex --synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex }}}
          * Command : {{{xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode --synctex=1 %.tex}}}
          * Command : {{{lualatex --interaction=nonstopmode --synctex=1 %.tex}}}
  • TeXmaker/InverseSearch . . . . 1 match
         latex -interaction=nonstopmode -src %.tex
  • TeXmaker/KC2008 . . . . 3 matches
         latex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
         pdflatex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
         xelatex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
  • TeXɼ . . . . 5 matches
         -interaction=STRING set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/
  • TeX . . . . 1 match
          * SubEthaEdit: ؽƮ . LaTeX mode . Shareware. Mac.
  • TexPoint . . . . 3 matches
         == TIP: TexPoint Display mode Է ==
         Q. TeXPoint Inline mode ۵ϴµ Display mode Էϰ make bitmap ŵ. ޽...
  • VimEditor . . . . 1 match
         set makeprg=xelatex\ -synctex=1\ -interaction=nonstopmode\ %<.tex
  • WinEdtTip/DOSɽ . . . . 1 match
          <!> : "Command Prompt" ̹ ΰ ԷµǾ ְ > ٷ Ÿ ִ. ⼭ ĭ mf "\mode:=localfont; \input prob1" Է Enter Ű ĵ ȴ. DOS â εܼ Է "Run Application..." "Command Line:" ٸ Ͽ ־ ȴ.
  • WinEdtTip/Templates . . . . 8 matches
         http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/ Herbert Vo Ŀ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Mathmode.pdf] ҽ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.tex Mathmode.tex] ֽϴ. <- From KTUGContrib:2789
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 13 matches
         ó Ͽ ų, '''DeclareMathOperator''' Ἥ Ͽ մϴ. -> [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 7.3 Math-mode spacing (74-75)
         Ͼ, , , , Ű ȣ(Text-mode Accents) θ[[FootNote(Ʒ ѱۿ "Ȯ ƾ" Ͽϴ. Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " )]] TeX ٷ [[FootNote(̷ ڵ TeX ٷ ְ WinEdt â Ÿ Ϸ Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " Ͻʽÿ.)]] WinEdt " " ٲ ʾҴٸ "Default(Window) Charset" ߾ ֱ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ٷ Էϸ ? ǥõ˴ϴ. ׷ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ʴ WinEdt ش θڿ Accentɾ մϴ. Ͼ "A 칫Ʈ" \"{A} Էմϴ. ĭ𳪺 {\O} Էմϴ. WinEdt GUI Page "International" Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. θڸ Է ȣ(Text-mode Accents) ̰ θڸ ش ߸ Ŭϸ θڿ ش ɾ ϴ. ƴϸ ɾ \"{} Էϰ ǥ {} ش θڸ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ٷ {\ss} Էմϴ(׸ ). ׸("International" GUI Page) ִ ɾ ܿ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 12-15ʿ
         Table 18: Text-mode Accents
         Table 19: tipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 20: extraipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 21: wsuipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 22: phonetic Text-mode Accents
         Table 23: metre Text-mode Accents
         Table 24: t4phonet Text-mode Accents
         Table 25: arcs Text-mode Accents
          "Text-mode Accent" ֽϴ.
          <!> п ϴ Bourbaki Ǹ ϱ Ͽٰ Ͽ׿.([EmptySetSymbol]) TeX ɾ \emptyset ִ ֽϴ. Computer Modern Math Symbol Ʒ ׸ ó 0 缱 / ͸ \emptyset Ͽϴ. ׷ amssymb Ű \varnothing̶ ɾ ٿϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 44ʿ `Table 145: Miscellaneous LaTeX2e Math Symbols` \emptyset ּ پ ֽϴ.
         (!) symbols-a4.pdf 12 Table 18: Text-mode Accents ֽϴ. ū ȿ ִ symbols-a4.pdf 58 Table 209: harmony Musical Accents ֽϴ. ѱ Ǵ ٸ ڸ ׶ ӿ ֽϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 1 match
         '''׸ 1:''' WinEdt 5.5 ڵ ѱ(UTF-8) Էϱ " "(Document Mode) {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ־ Ѵ. ѱ Է Ŀ 带 {{{TeX}}} {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ٲٸ ѱ ڷ ٲ.
         ) Ŭϸ Ʒ ׸ ȭ(dialog) Ÿϴ. ⼭ `Document Mode` TeX ٲٰ `OK` ߸ ߵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ. ǥ(`Status Line`) ۾ `TeX` ٲ Դϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 1 match
          1. Insert Mode (Insert/Overwrite)
          1. Selection Mode (LINE/Block) - Ʒ ׸ 5
          1. Document Mode - Ʒ ׸ 6
         == (Document Mode) ==
         '''׸ 1''' - '''׸ 3''' ǥٿ TeX Ǿ ִ ġ " "(Document Mode) Ÿ ̴. WinEdt ƴ TeX (Ư Emacs, Jed) ޾ WinEdt 5.3 ߵ Ȱȭ(ϰ Ÿ)Ǵ 찡 ִ. ν
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 3 matches
         '''׸ :''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Math mode - v.2.21] 60.1
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 1 match
          model & A flat space network with 50 hosts within
  • XeTeX . . . . 1 match
         \XeTeX ť(Janathan Kew) modern font technologies
  • emacsϱ . . . . 9 matches
          * Esc x abbrev-mode RETURN(M-x abbrev-mode RETURN) Էؼ . ο Abbrev ǥõȴ.
          * 忡 Ǵ ̰, Ư mode Ǵ ̴. PDFLaTeX mode Ǵ )
          {{{ (setq-default abbrev-mode t)
          * LISP program ٴ Լ  ؼ ǹǷ Lisp Interaction mode ۾ϱѴ. < Ͽ M-x lisp-interaction mode ָ带 ϰ Ŀ Ʒ code ְ C-j Էϸ ˴ϴ. ׸ Ϸ ϴ text ȭϿ M-x Լ ϸ ˴ϴ.>
          ½ϴ. Emacs lisp-interaction mode ؼ ҽϴ. wiki page copyؼ emacs ٿְ ο â ϳ ϴ. ׸ M-x lisp-interaction-mode Ͻð. ڵ带 ޾Ƽ copyϰ ȭ C-jϽø wiki-mod Լ ǵ˴ϴ. ׸ ٽ wiki page copy ͼ M-x wiki-modϸ ٲ ɴϴ. ٲٴ ִµ, Ұ͵ , űϱ մϴ.մϴ.--[synapse]
  • hermian . . . . 2 matches
          * mmodes.pdf mode ª
  • noweb . . . . 1 match
  • smcho/QnA . . . . 1 match
          * vmode 󿡼 ֱ - KTUGOperate:19940
  • synapse . . . . 1 match
          practical use ؼ layout,table,graphic,class,error,μȭ,,,,,,,,ο... Ƹ modelδ kldp.org bbs ? ϴ ֽϴ.
  • xlop . . . . 2 matches
         The xlop package is intended to make automatic arithmetic operation on arbitrary sized numbers and to display result either on displaymode or inline mode.
  • . . . . 1 match
          \@footnotetext{\normalsize The journal model is
  • ٴ . . . . 1 match
  • . . . . 1 match
         #> latex --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx --interaction=nonstopmode --src-specials test1
  • ٱ߱ . . . . 1 match
         ׷ ұϰ Ÿ׷ǿ Ӿ ٱ߱⸦ 䱸ؿԴ. ׸Ͽ LaTeX \underline  Ǿ ̴. ׷ ϴ. ̰ math mode \underbar ؽƮ μ ؽƮ ڽ ȿ ν ೪ Ͼ ʴ´.
  • Է . . . . 1 match
          * Mathmode
  • и . . . . 4 matches
         == Math Mode ==
         LaTeX и Ǵ Է¸(Math Mode) нİ ؽƮ ϱ Ͽ Ǵ Էóȯ̴. LaTeX κ TeX н Է äϿ Ȯ ̴.
         "(mode)" TeX Է ؽƮ а óϴ Ų. TeX mode ְ,  н ̴.
          * In-line math mode : ؽƮ ȿ н Ѵ. TeX `$` ڷ ų .(shift) ۰ ȥ ʱ Ͽ `\(` `\)` .
          * Math display mode : ؽƮκ Ͽ ǥ Ѵ. TeX `$$` ų . ۰ ȥ ʱ Ͽ `\[` `\]` . LaTeX AMSLaTeX display ǥϱ ȯ Ѵ. ǥ `equation` `eqnarray` ȯ̴.
  • п۲ . . . . 1 match
         === Computer Modern Font ===
          * t1 ڵ ɼ CM-Super ۲(European Computer Modern Metafont Type1 ۲) . Ȥ type1cm, type1ec ص CM-Super . CM-Super Computer Modern Computer Modern и ٸ, CM ۲ ִ.
          * t1 ڵ Computer Modern ҷ '''Latin Modern''' ۲ ϴ . ۲ 絵 ߵǰ , ׼Ʈ ĺ ϱ .
          * Computer Modern ȹ Sans Serif п ۲̴.
          * ü б۲ , ɹ  computer modern ´.
         ̼ 鶧 ַ 꽺 ۲ ( , CMSS, Helvetica, (ѱ  ?)) Ͽ δ. ϰ Ǵ Computer Modern̳ Times п ۲÷ ϰ Ǵµ, ٷ̸ ϰ Ǹ ɹ̳ ȣ math alphabet ( , \sin, \min, \max) ۲ 꽺 ٲִ ٷ̴.
         PDFPresentation ϳ [Beamer] ϴ , 꽺 ٲ ִ. ۲ ''sans'' (default) Ȥ ''serif'' ϰ, п ۲ ''mathsans'' (default) Ȥ ''mathserif'' Ѵ. ''mathsans'' ɼ '''sansmath''' ٷ̿ . ⺻ ϸ Computer Modern Sans Serif õȴ.
  • ó . . . . 9 matches
          * `-file-line-error` ɼ ÿ ϸ `ϸ:߻ȣ:` ޽ ְ nonstopmode Ѵ.
          * r : ϰ nonstopmode õѴ.
          * q : ϰ batchmode õѴ.
          * s : ϰ scrollmode õѴ.
          1. '''You can't use macro parameter character # in horizontal mode'''
          1. '''You can't use `\spacefactor' in vertical mode'''
         ! You can't use `\spacefactor' in vertical mode.
          1. '''Not in outer par mode'''
          峻(mode) ǰ ִ partial Ʈ ش.
  • /2006-05 . . . . 3 matches
         \def\demobox#1{\leavevmode\fifow #1 \wofif \unskip{} }
         \def\demobox#1{\leavevmode\fifow #1 \wofif \unskip{} }
         \def\demobox#1{\leavevmode\fifow #1 \wofif \unskip{} }
  • /2008-03 . . . . 1 match
  • /2008-04 . . . . 1 match
          \newfont\kern-1.8\fontpt \leavevmode\raise-1.8\fontpt
  • /2008-05 . . . . 1 match
          \leavevmode\llap{\hbox{#2\kern.5cm}}ȭ Ǿϴ.}\medskip}
  • . . . . 1 match
         \newblock{}\BBOQ{}Fractal modelling of real world images.\BBCQ{}
  • ο . . . . 2 matches
         Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2002, 211-216,
         '''A1:''' natbib.sty ο ǥ default mode author-year mode (Ʒ '''׸ 3''' '''׸ 5''' ) Ͽ author-year ʽϴ. thebibliogrphy ȯ ӿ ִ Bibitem ϳ author-year [[FootNote( [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv.pdf instructions-harv.pdf] "so-called Harvard-Style" Ͽ.)]] ϸ Numerical ٲϴ. bib BibTeX Ͽ thebibliogrphy ȯ(bbl ) µ bst ٲٰ thebibliogrphy ȯ ù ܰ ٽ Ͽ մϴ. ѹ (TeXify Ǵ PDFTeXify)ϸ ߿ BibTeX Ǹ鼭 bbl µ ó "Numerical " bst Ἥ BibTeX ϸ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Numerical " °(Compatible) ϴ. ̷ bbl "Author-Year " bst Ἥ ٽ Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Author-Year " ٲ ʽϴ. ׷ "(Tsang, 1998)" Ǵ "Tsang (1988)" ο ʰ "(17)" ο˴ϴ. bst ٲ bib ϰ TeX ҽ ϸ μ ϴ. WinEdt ̸ Ͽ ߰ (Tool Box)  (ǥ ٷ ) ֽϴ. --See KTUGOperate:7157
  • óϱ . . . . 1 match
          * amsldoc Mathmode ݵ о մϴ.
1352 ߿ 96 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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