SubfigPackage (rev. 1.5)

Lend money to a bad debtor and he will hate you.
占쏙옙占쏙옙占占쏙옙占쏙옙占Karnes/2006-04&value=EmEditor/MTeXHelper&value=οMicroImp&value= › SubfigPackage
subfig Ű subfigure üϰ Ǿ׿. ɾ ٲ׿.

Q1: (from KTUGOperate:13711) ׸ Ϸ մϴ. eps tif 伥 ̿ؼ eps ȯ Ͱ origin ̿ؼ eps ֽϴ. ׸ ̾ƿ ´ ϴ.

                  (a) figure 1-a

      (b) figure 1-b              (c) figure 1-c
Figure 1. caption
ϳ ׸ Ե Դϴ. ׸, figure 1-b figure 1-c ũⰡ ٸϴ. ̴ , ٸϴ. ̷ 쿡  ؾ ϳ׿... ׸ ÷ϵ ϰڽϴ.===> ÷ϴ ˷ּ^^ ׷ Ź帳ϴ.

A:subfigure Ű ҽϴ. Ͽ . Ʒ ÷ ׸ ˴ϴ. ׸ Ѳ ÷Ϸ ְ ä ϸ ˴ϴ.
\usepackage{amssymb,graphicx,subfigure}%subfig Ű  subfigure->\subfig ٲ

 \centering \subfigure[This is Fig a]%subfig Ű  \subfigure->\subfloat ٲ
  {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=40mm]{fig5a}}\\ %subfig Ű  \\ ʿ 
 \centering\subfigure[This is Fig b]
 \subfigure[This is Fig c]
 \caption{$f_L(l)$ and the adjusted frequency histogram of the
          simulated $L_1$}



Uploads:fig5.zip <- ⿡ ׸ ֽϴ.

subfig Ű ɾ ٸϴ. Ͽ .

 \centering \subfloat[This is Fig a]
 \centering\subfloat[This is Fig b]
 \subfloat[This is Fig c]
 \caption{$f_L(l)$ and the adjusted frequency histogram of the
          simulated $L_1$}

Q2: (from KTUGOperate:17102) ׸ η 2 5ٷ ǰ 9 迭ؾ ϴµ.. (߰ ) ׸ ʹ Ƽ ȿ ڿ  Ф ׸ ̿ ̻ ̸ ȵǴ ̱.. ׸ ȣ ״ ϸ鼭 ׸ ѱ  ؾ ұ? ׸ ̰ ڲ ߰ΰ..Ѥ.. ÷ ׸: http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/operate/files/20060225233634/3-2-1.eps

A: captcont Ű ˴ϴ. Ͽ .


 \subfloat[ǥ(1) $\beta_{0}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[2 $\beta_{0}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[ǥ(3) $\beta_{0}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[ǥ(1) $\beta_{1}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[2 $\beta_{1}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[ǥ(3) $\beta_{1}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \captcont{This is a continued figure.}

 \subfloat[ǥ(3) $\beta_{2}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[ǥ(1) $\beta_{2}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \subfloat[2 $\beta_{2}$ $90\%$ŷڱ]
 \captcont*{This is a continued figure (cont.)}


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