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ġ ·δ ƹ͵ . ȯ濡 ° . ⺻ ġ Ŀ 16 ư ִ.  ⿡ ڰ Ͽ Ѵ. ϳ μ, ʷ ϴ 츦 غ.

ư 1 : 丮 ư 2 : ư 3 : (JEdit) ư 4 : LaTeX ư 5 : Lambda ư 6 : BibTeX ư 7 : Makeindex ư 8 : DVIPDFMx ư 9 : Acrobat Reader(PDF Viewer) ư 10 : Yap(DVI Viewer. Search DVI) ư 11 : GSView(PS Viewer) ư 12 : PDFLaTeX ư 13 : JFig (Drawing Tool) ư 14 : ư 15 : ư 16 :


ư 1 : 丮

ư 콺 right-clickϸ â . ׸ Ѵ. texorg_button1.png


ư 2 :

׸ Ѵ. texorg_button2.png


ư 3 : JEdit

׸ Ѵ. JEdit ġ 丮 jedit.ico ִ. texorg_button3.png


ư 4 : LaTeX

׸ Ѵ. Log On Error ߾θ ߻ ⺻ (޸) .log о ֹǷ ϴ. texorg_button4.png


ư 5, 6 : BibTeX, Makeindex

ϵ, Options ׸񿡼 %@n% ڷ ְ( Ȯ ̸ Ѱ), Makeindex ϰ Edit command line üũش.


ư 16 :

ΰ ۾ϴ ̴. ׸ Ѵ. texorg_button16.png


TeXOrganizer ó ؾ ۾ ̴. ι° ư , ͷ . Ϳ TeXOrganizer ߸ ν ϴ ۾ ִ. Always on top üũصθ ׻ ȭ 鿡 ´.




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