"control"() ü ãƺ

As goatheard learns his trade by goat, so writer learns his trade by wrote.
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ũ ã
  • Conditionals . . . . 5 matches
         TeX if ǹ ַ ڿ ControlSequences ˻ϱ Ͽ ȴ.
         test ControlSequences are considered to have CategoryCode 16 (ordinarily, category codes
          ϳ TeX ControlSequences Ѵ. , `\footrue, \foofalse, \iffoo` ϴ ̴.
         control sequences
          * \ifdef{controlsequence}{true}{false}, \ifcsdef{name}{true}{false}
          * \ifundef{controlsequence}{true}{false}, \ifcsundef{name}{true}{false}
          * \ifdefequal{controlsequence}{controlsequence}{true}{false}, \ifcsequal{name}{name}{true}{false}
  • ControlSequences . . . . 1 match
          * Control Words
          * ڿ ֹ. ϱ `{}` control space( $$\backslash\verb*| |$$ ) ϶.
          * Control Symbols
         cf. PrimitiveControlSequences
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 1 match
         alias ls='ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'
  • DHHangul/ȭ . . . . 3 matches
         hypua2jamo.pl `-s` ɼ ־ϴ. ̷ ó 쿡 `\^^^^1102^^^^1173^^^^11ab`() `\^^^^1100^^^^1169^^^^1161`(), `\^^^^1100^^^^1161`() ڵ Undefined control sequence ϴ. ̰ͱ ֽ ڴ. :) --[Karnes]
          hypua2jamo.pl, control sequence ȯ ʴ ɼ ߰ϴ ? --[Karnes]
          ̶ ˰ڽϴٸ, Lambda Ȳ̶ ٸ ѱ Control Sequence ؼ 쵵 Դϴ. `\`̶簡.... ̷ ϴ ǰ 𸣰ڴٴ ϴ. 켱 control sequence fix Ƽ hypua2jamo ũƮ ȯ ʵ ־ ϴ ϴ. --[Karnes]
  • HanyangPuaTableProject . . . . 1 match
          -x TeX Control Sequence ȯ
         `-x` ɼ `\`(escape)ں ̳ `{` Ȥ `[` ö control sequence ϴ ɸ ϼ.
  • Hinting . . . . 1 match
         === Counter Control hints ===
         The Counter Control hint mechanism controls counter spaces in a glyph.
         rendering of fonts containing complex glyph shapes by ensuring that the size and proportions of all counters in a glyph are rendered as accurately as possible. For example, if multiple counters are exactly the same measurement in width or height, the Counter Control mechanism will make them the same number of pixels, providing there are a sufficient number of pixels available. Similarly, if the width of two counters in the original design are, for example, in the ratio of 3:5, the interpreter attempts to preserve this proportion, based on the constraints of the glyphs width.
         Control hints; failure to do so can result in performance and quality
  • KC2006/ó/TroubleShooting . . . . 1 match
          1. ܼ Ÿ: undefined control sequence? delimeter¦ Է¿...
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 2 matches
         ! Undefined control sequence.
         ! Undefined control sequence.
  • LaTeX . . . . 2 matches
          , ڿ(ControlSequences) Ѵ.
          1. '''ɰ (ControlSequences)'''
         \thisisanarbitrarycommand \newcontrolsequences
         \thisisanarbitrarycommand{} \newcontrolsequenses
          `myenvironment` ̸ ȯ ȴ. TeX δ LaTeX ȯ ۵ , `\csname <name> \endcsname` θ, ȯ `\csname end<name> \endcsname` θ. ׷Ƿ, `\myenvironment` ɰ `\endmyenvironment` TeX ǵǴ ̴. ٸ ControlSequences ϰ ־ ؽƮ ۿ ϰų ϰų ִ.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03 . . . . 12 matches
         \let<control sequence><token1><token2><token3><token...>
         <control sequence> <token1> ǹ̸ ǰ, ٽ Ẹ,
         \futurelet<control sequence><token1><token2><token3><token...>
         ̴ <control sequence> <token1> ƴ <token2> ǹ̸ οմϴ.
         because TeX always disregards spaces after control words.
         豸 "ð " ̶ ? Ͱ 豸 佺 ϸ ݼ ٸ ִٰ, ù° ݼ ġ ũ Ұ ó ϴٰ ι° ݼ ũ մϴ. \expandafter ٷ 豸 "ð " شմϴ. \expandafter Ϳ شϰ ڿ ΰ ɾ(control sequence) ݼ شմϴ.
          \def<control sequence><parameter text>{replacement text}
         ̴ \cs <token> ִ ǹ̸ οѴٴ Դϴ. ִ <token> ٸ ɾ(control sequence)ū ϶ ε, ɾ ִ ״θ \cs ݴϴ. , '\let\a=\def' ϰ, '\a\b...{...}' ϸ, \a \def ǹ̿ ޾Ƽ, ũ \b ϴ ˴ϴ. , Ʒ ǹ̴
         , ɾ(control sequence) ϳ پ ϴ ,
         , ũθ ٺ, argement \par ū ִϴ. ¼? ׶ ϴ ٷ \defտ ٿִ \longԴϴ. ġ TeX "װ ɾ argument ϱ, ġ , ׳϶" ΰ ϴ. (̰ ϳ ġϴ. ؾ control sequence Ͽ ٷ ׾ \long 켼. :) )
         '''102''': '\hangindent=<dimen>' '\hangafter=<number>' plain TeX Ǵ control sequence Դϴ. x n \hangindent \hangafter ̶ ϰ, h \hsize ̶ . ׶, n >= 0̸, hanging 鿩 n+1, n+2, ... ° ٿ Ÿ, n<0̸, 1, 2, ... |n| Ÿϴ. Hanging 鿩 Ϲ h ƴ϶ h-|x| մϴ; x>=0̸, ٵ ʿ 鿩Ⱑ ǰ, ׷ 鿩Ⱑ ˴ϴ. ʴϱ? Ȳ ̷ϴ, ʿϰ?
         {{{#!blog 2006-03-04T11:27:17 control sequence
         '''9~11''': PlainTeX 900 ControlSequences(cs) ִٰ մϴ. 300 ''primitive''̰, 600 macro մϴ. primitive ̻ ּ cs̰, macro primitive Ȥ ٸ ũ cs׿. ׷ٸ, ־ cs primitive macro  ? Knuth ΰ Ͷݴϴ. ù° å ε cs '*' cs ִµ, ٷ װ͵ primitive ϳ׿.( å Կ ٴ ֽϴ.) ι° ׷ѵ, \show primitive Ǻϴ Դϴ. TeX Ű \show\thinspace Էϸ \thinspace macro ǥÿ װ ǰ ַ ɴϴ. (ֽϴ.)
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04 . . . . 9 matches
         [] ̸ primitivie control sequence ( ɾ?), ( ̸ ִ 𸨴ϴ.)
          ̰ ڿ control sequence Դϴ. ũ \b, \d \c 𸣴µ, \c ʱ⶧ ִ Դϴ.
         \uppercase ־ ڸ 빮ڷ ٲٴµ control sequence(ũ) Դϴ.
          control sequence(cs) ־, ϴ ΰ cs dzʶپ ° cs Ű ϸ, ϸ ˴ϴ.
         ȣ control word ڷ ޵DZ ǥ ϴٴ Դϴ.
         ׷ٸ, ݴ b ƽŰ ڵ尪  ? TeX ģϰԵ 츮 ƽŰ ڵ尪 ǵ <number> ü踦 մϴ. ü, ٷ ` ( ǥ) ڿ ˰ ƽŰ ڵ尪 ڸ Դϴ. , '''`b''' 98 մϴ. '''\char`b''' \char98 մϴ. ˾ ξ ǥ ڷ control sequence ƽŰ ڵ尪 ֽϴ. ,
         \edef 츮 ̹ ˰ ֵ, replacement text control sequence Ϸ
          '''! Undefined control sequence.''' ޽ ѷϴ. \expandafter 忡 \next \edef 𸣴 control sequence ̷ 찡 . ֽϴ :))
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 . . . . 2 matches
         ε, ̴ ʹ Ǿ ؿ "\-" control symbol ϰ ִ.
         '\hangindent=<dimen>' '\hangafter=<number>' ÷ؿ Ǵ control sequence Դϴ.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-08 . . . . 6 matches
         Anyone who has ever browsed through either the plain format or the LaTeX format will have noticed that a lot of control sequences contain an 'at' sign: @. These are control sequences that are meant to be inaccessible to the ordinary user.
         occurs, making the at sign into a letter, meaning that it can be used in control sequences. Somewhere near the end of the format definition the at sign is made 'other' again:
         Now why is it that users cannot call a control sequence with an at sign directly, although they can call macros that contain lots of those 'at-definitions'? The reason is that the control sequences containing an @ are internalized by TeX at definition time, after which they are a token, not a string of characters. Macro expansion then just inserts such tokens, and at that time the category codes of the constituent characters do not matter any more.
          ΰ ذå \t ū ƴ ɾ ū(control sequence token) ־ մϴ. , \atest, \a, \bb .
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
         (global-set-key [(control f12)] 'do-ForwardSearch) ; Forward Search the current line
          "ddeclient" t t nil "acroview" "control")
         (global-set-key [(control f5)] 'do-dvipdfm) ; DVIPDFM the current file
  • PDFEncryption . . . . 2 matches
         % controlled by bits 6[0x0020], 9[0x0100], and 11[0x0400].
         % document by operations other than that controlled by bit 10[0x0200].
  • PlainTeX/diffLaTeX . . . . 4 matches
          1. LaTeX solved this problem with a macro called \newcommand. \newcommand also makes a newcontrol sequence, but first it checks to see if a control sequence already exists with the name you want to use.
          1 The small caps and sans serif fonts already exist in LaTeX. The control sequences for them are \sc for Small Caps, and \sf for sans serif (our \ssf font).
          1. LaTeX's \makebox and \framebox can take optional inputs that control their width. \parbox and minipage environment both require an input that specifies their width. \raisebox can take two optional inputs for its height and depth.
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 2 matches
         '''TeX Primitive Control Sequences'''
         TeX ⺻ ControlSequences, ڸ ̻ primitive control sequence Ѵ. TeX primitive cs David Bausum ۼ ϶.
          *[[\ ]] (control space)
  • SubfigPackage . . . . 1 match
         Undefined control sequence.
  • TeXify . . . . 2 matches
          1. `$HOME/_emacs` ãƼ `control-FunctionKey` ߰Ѵ.
         (global-set-key [(control f11)] 'do-TeXify) ; TeXify the current file
  • WinEdtTip/ҽãư . . . . 1 match
         '''׸ 2:''' ׸ WinEdt â TeXify ߸ ϴ "Undefined control sequence" ׳ Enter Ű Դϴ. \secttion \section ġ ˴ϴ.
  • Yhchoe . . . . 1 match
         ! Undefined control sequence.
  • comment . . . . 1 match
         ''' ѱ''' : ° ٷ controlѴ.
  • emacsϱ . . . . 5 matches
         C-x C-f control key ¿, `x' (control key ʰ) `f' .
         C-x o control key ¿, `x' (control key ) `o' .
         C-_ control key ¿ `_'() .
  • ׸ϱ/ . . . . 1 match
         (from KTUGOperate:896'''''') Usepackage ɾ (control sequence) ٸ. ں \usepackage{epsfig}
  • . . . . 1 match
         ȣ Ű ϰ ֽϴ. ƿ Ű caps-lock key left control key mapping ؼ emacs ϰ ֽϴ. ϴ Ű ' ' ϱ , emacs ؼ ۾ϰ Ǹ ϴϴ.
  • İ . . . . 3 matches
         ''About 300 of TeX's control sequences are called primitive; these are the low-level atomic operations that are not decomposale into simpler functions. (߰ ) People hardly ever use TeX's primitive control sequence in their manuscripts, because the primitives are ... well ... so primitive.''
          .... ǰ? :D ư ''primitive control sequences'' PlainTeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt TeX- ϴ ⺻ ̶׿. ''TeX for the Impatient'' ֽϴ. TeXbyTopic ϰ ư... :) ƹ impatient ... --[Karnes]
  • ó . . . . 8 matches
          * 1..9 : ڸŭ control sequence ϰ õѴ.
          * `1..9` ڿ õǴ control sequence TeX óϴ Ű Է ɾ ǹϴ ƴϴ. plainTeX ϳ ٸ control sequence ȣϴ LaTeX óϴ ϴ.
          1. '''Undefined control sequence'''
          ǵ Ǵ ȯ ٴ ̴. κ Ÿ ̱ . Ǵ `\usepackage{graphicx}` `\includegraphics` شϴ control sequence ǵ Ű ε ʾƼ ߻ ִ.
          1. '''Missing control sequence inserted'''
          control sequence ǹ̸ ڿ Ÿ.
          control sequence ǹ̸ ش.
  • . . . . 1 match
         || \ || control sequence || \textbackslash ||
  • . . . . 1 match
          in item 1. You can control the titling of the final bibliography by
1352 ߿ 29 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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