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̰ compileϽ XeLaTeX ۺκ ÷ֽø ϰڽϴ. --gromov
÷޶ż ÷ϱ մϴٸ, ̰ xoblivoir.cls Ѱ ƴ϶... Ŭ myTinyXeTeX ֽϴ. @KCmenu2008-preamble.tex.txt (1.68 KB) --Karnes
DeleteMe: ҽϴ. մϴ. XeTeX űؼ ε ϴ ʿ߾ϴ. arita.tex ̰ ҽϴ. ̷ ٵ ߾µ ±. Mac font ã ϴ ϴ. ׷ xkospace.sty font UnBatang ٲپ ߽ϴ. font Mac install font ̸ ٸ ϴ. Ƹ font 쿡 ̸ AritaM ־߸ ã ϴ.("Ƹ\space M" "AritaM" ľ ˴ϴ.) fontε ̸ ϵǾ ̻մϴ. ó ̶ 𸣴 ϴٸ. --gromov

2007(?) J Kew XeTeX Live ǿ slide ֽϴ.( 26 30ʰ) ⿡ xetex бȣ ִٴ ˾ƺ ͵ ϴ. --gromov


Ͻ unicode-math ؼ ̹ Ű Ǿ ִ ˰ ֽϴ. ׷, ڵ Ʈ ȿ ִ ȣ Ѵٴ ִ , ̰ ڰ ǥϰ ϴ ̶ ٴ Ͱ, Ư ѱ Ʈ ȣ ִ ãƺ ٴ ִٰ մϴ. μ cm ǥ ϰ ڵ Ʈ ڰ ϱⰡ ϴ. ̷  װ 𸣰ڽϴ... --Karnes
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