emacsϱ (rev. 1.3)

You attempt things that you do not even plan because of your extreme stupidity.
Karnes/2011-12LEdMaclikesam占십몌옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙見占TnXTeX › emacsϱ
Emacs ſ editor̳ ׻ ϰ ٰ ϴ Ⱑ ƴٴ ִ. WindowXP(Ȯ ϸ KTUGCollection2006) ̻ 鼭 ٽ ѹ Ѵ.

1 Emacs ؼ 켱 ؾ ͵
2 ܿ ͵
3.2 Ҷ ϱ
4 ܾ ּ ڵ Է
6 ǥ ϱ
6.1 켱 ⺻
6.2 ( command ȯ ٲٱ)
6.3 ( Wikipage LaTeX file )
6.3.1 Q1
6.3.2 A1
6.3.3 Q2
6.3.4 A2


Ư ܾ  ؼ ֵ Ѵ. 忡 Ʋ ̳ ܾ ִ 쿡 ڸ Ȯ ܾ ٲپ ִ ɵ ִ. δ  Ҷ ܾü  ǹ̸ ϰų ȮDZ⸦ ʴ ܾ ƾ Ѵ. World Association for Replicant Technology Ͽ wart ʴ . wartü ǹ̷ ϱؼ M-x unexpand-abbrev RETRUN̿ؼ  ִ.


  • Esc x abbrev-mode RETURN(M-x abbrev-mode RETURN) Էؼ . ο Abbrev ǥõȴ.
  •  ؼ ϴ  , C-x aig(add-inverse-global) ԷѴ( C-x ail ִ´). 츮 \LaTeX ִ´ٰ Ҷ shiftŰ latex ϸ latex Էϰ C-x aig ڿ Ȯ ûѴ. ⿡ LaTeX latex Ŀ LaTeX ٲ ִ Եȴ.
    • 忡 Ǵ ̰, Ư mode Ǵ ̴. PDFLaTeX mode Ǵ )
  • ̷ 尡 ٰ ϸ ڵ ϵ ߰ ִ.

1.2 Ҷ ϱ

  • .emacs Ͽ ´.
     (setq-default abbrev-mode t)
     (read-abbrev-file "~/.abbrev_defs")
     (setq save-abbrevs t) 

2 ܾ ּ ڵ Է

http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/EmacsDynamicAbbrevExpand Խϴ. ڼ site Ȯϼ. Emacs  , ۿ ܾ , ܾ ù Ϻκи Էص ڵ Էִ ֽϴ. ڵ ſ ϳԴϴ. M-x dabbrev-expand , κ M-/ ֽϴ. ɹ ϳ ְ Ŀ ʿ ¥ Ϻθ typingĿ M-/ . Ÿ text Է ֽϴ.

3 ǥ ϱ

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