Do not clog intellect's sluices with bits of knowledge of questionable uses.
?위키홈페이지&value=Wiki/HelpOnFormatting › pLaTeX&value=KC2007/óKC2008/Troubles&value=ŰŰpyPDF › Writer2LaTeX
OpenOffice.org LaTeX ȯϴ ƿƼ


OOo Writer 3.2.1

OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 .oxt Ȯڸ OOo "Ȯ α׷"(޴ -> Ȯ ) ս ġϰ ִ. LaTeX ȯ "" Ѵ.


OOo Writer 2.0.4

OpenOffice.org Writer 2.0.4 α׷ ⺻  ִ. , "Export()" .tex Ⱑ ũƮ ̿ϴ ̴. ġ ĥ ʿ䰡 .


ѱ ó

tex (ٸ ⺻ ϸ), ѱ ִ.
[ADE0?][C5F4?][C2E0?][D638?][C640?] [AE30?][D558?][D559?][C801?]
[BC18?][C0AC?][C2E0?][D638?][C758?] [C2DD?][BCC4?]
̰ ѱ ڵ ڵ尪̹Ƿ, ȯ ̴. ڴ
@cnvw2l.exe (580.06 KB)
÷ ٿε޾Ƽ ࿡ ϸ ȴ.
#> cnvtw2l test.tex >testout.tex
Perl script Ͱ ϴ.
# a simple filter for a TeX generated by OpenOffice.org
# by wkpark, modified by Karnes
# Public Domain
sub toutf8($) {
  my $c = shift(@_);
  return sprintf("%c%c%c",
                 0xe0 |  ($c >> 12),
                 0x80 | (($c >>  6) & 0x3f),
                 0x80 | ( $c        & 0x3f));

while (<>) {
  s/\[([0-9a-fA-F]{4})\?\]/toutf8(hex "$1")/ieg;

׷, \usepackage{kotex} ȯ Ͽ ڰ ־ ̴. ko.TeX ȣȯ ؼ ּ óϴ .


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