



% we want a table that is \textwidth long, has 4 columns, columns 1
% and 3 are auto sized with the 3rd columns being 3 times wider than
% the first column.

 {|>{\setlength{\hsize}{.5\hsize}\raggedright\arraybackslash}X| % col 1; auto-sized ragged right
    c|                                                        % col 2; default    centered
    >{\setlength{\hsize}{1.5\hsize}\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X|% col 3; auto-sized ragged left
    l|}                                                       % col 4; default    left-justified

\caption*{The Table Caption}\\
F-Head1 & F-Head2 & F-Head3 & F-Head4\\
Head1 & Head2 & Head3 & Head4\\

Foot1 & Foot2 & Foot3 & Foot4\\

L-Foot1 & L-Foot2 & L-Foot3 & L-Foot4\\

This is a very long sentence not likely to fit&
not too long&
This is another  very long sentence not likely to fit&
not long\\