Words must be weighed, not counted.
FrontPagePDF그림포함하기&value=EPS׸ › ٴ
ؽƮ Column (ӫ)̶ ϰ, 2 ̻ ϴ ٴ̶ Ѵ.

1 2
1.1 twocolumn ɼ
1.2 \twocolumn
1.3 multicol Ű
2 2
2.1 , rule
2.2 2 ٴϴ ü ġ
2.3 ܿ ġ ׸, ǥ,
2.4 multicol Ű ׸
2.5 2 abstract óϱ
2.6 ؽƮ 뷱
2.7 2 ó
3 TIP : 1ܰ 2 迭ϱ
3.1 Ϻθ 1(2 -> 1 -> 2)
3.1.1 twocolumn ɼ
3.1.2 cuted midfloat strip ȯ
3.1.3 multicol Ű
3.1.4 revtex4
3.2 1 -> 2 ȯ
3.3 2 -> 1 ȯ
4 2 ̿ ٴ
5 ٴ


1 2


1.1 twocolumn ɼ


1.2 \twocolumn

  • \twocolumn ο .
  • \twocolumn ɿ ([ ]) ִ. ȿ ο 2 ϱ Ϻο 1 . ŸƲ ϴ ϰ ִ.
  ⿡   1 ǵ%

2  .

1.3 multicol Ű

See KTUGSetup:11143 for a sample.

  • multicol Ű 2ܻ ƴ϶ 3 ̻ ؽƮ 迭 ִٴ ִ.
  • ϸ鼭 ο ʴ´.
  • \end{multicols} ؽƮ 뷱 óش.
  • ִ ܿ ģ page body widthθ ǵȴ.
  • floats figure*, table*θ . , ȿ ξ ʴ´.


2 2

Ϲ [twocolumn] ɼ ۼ ߻ϴ ذå ƺ.


2.1 , rule

, м ̺ Ѵ.

  • \columnsep :
  • \columnseprule: ̿ ׾ β. ʱⰪ 0pt̰ Ÿ ʴ´.

̺̹Ƿ \setlength \addtolength ٲ ִ. , 0.4pt α м ִ.

2.2 2 ٴϴ ü ġ

  • [twocolumn] ٴϴ ü [b] ġ ڸ . ̰ Ϸ stfloats Ű ̿Ѵ.
  • <!> LaTeX2e float (̳߰) Ʒ δ "δ ʴ"(not normally possible in LaTeX2e) Ͽ׿. ȸ ǻ翡 󼭴 2 float ̳߰ Ʒ δ ϴ ֽϴ(See KTUGOperate:17074).-Yhchoe

2.3 ܿ ġ ׸, ǥ,

figure table floating objects( floating object [1]) ǥ ȯ ܿ ĥ ִ. cf. ٴϴ°ü. KTUGOperate:17023
figure* ȯ, table* ȯ ٴϴ ü̴. ̷ ׸, ǥ, ġ LaTeX Ѵ. ÷õ ġ ʴ´ٸ [!h] ġڷ ÷ غ ִ. κ ܿ ġ ׸ [t] ġ 찡 . ÷ýŰ ʴٸ figure* ȯ ؼ ȵȴ. ٸ ãƺ. here Ű ܿ ġ figure* ġ ǵ ġ ش.

  • [1] ȣ ϰǰ Ѵ. 켱 ں \newcounter{mytempeqncnt} ְ ȯ ӿ \setcounter{mytempeqncnt}{\value{equation}} \setcounter{equation}{5} floating objects ְ \setcounter{equation}{\value{mytempeqncnt}} \hrulefill \vspace*{4pt} ϸ ڵ б ϴ.

2.4 multicol Ű ׸

multicol ׸ ƴմϴ. float ȿ Դϴ. , float(table, figure) ܿ ġ θ ִٴ Դϴ.

floating ų ׸ ֽϴ. , non-float \includegraphicsϸ ˴ϴ. caption , caption Ű, ccaptionŰ ̿ϴ ְ(CaptionOfFloats), ֽϴ.


\caption{test my fig}\label{fig:test}

Herbert Voss "Multicols with Pictures" ([http]2columnArticleWithPics.pdf) Ʈ ֽϴ.

2.5 2 abstract óϱ

Q. ๮(abstract)  ʰ 2 ۵DZ ġϰ .

  1. abstract Ű onecolabstract ȯ \twocolumn ɼ ڷ

    abstract Ű( CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/abstract) ϸ onecolabstract ȯ ִ.
        ⿡ ๮....

  2. revtex4 : \maketitle տ abstract ȯ θ 1Į ǵȴ.

  3. MemoirClass:

  4. Preamble \@maketitle ϴ :
      \vskip 2em%
      \let \footnote \thanks
        {\LARGE \@title \par}%
        \vskip 1.5em%
          \lineskip .5em%
        \vskip 1em%
        {\large \@date}%
      \vskip 1.5em%
      \vskip 1.5em}
    ȿ , \begin{abstract} ~~~ \end{abstract} κ ݵ \maketitle ; Ѵ. ڵ忡 ϱ ؼ abstract κ Ÿ óǾ ִ.(\small\it κ) κ ϴ ؼ ȴ.

2.6 ؽƮ 뷱

Q. ؽƮ յϴ

  1. flushend Ű ̿ϸ յ(뷱)ݴϴ. ٸ, Ű Ʒ, Ѿ κп ְ , յϸ鼭 ġ ߸ ִ װ ִ ˷ , ̿ 쿡 ֽϴ.
    <!> ֿ ̷ , \footnote ξ \footnotemark ΰ ؽƮ 뷱̿ ʴ ġ \footnotetext ν ذ ֽϴ.
  2. \usepackage{flushend}

  3. balance Ű twocolumn 忡 յ ϰ մϴ. flushend ġ ذִ մϴ.

  4. multicol Ű 뷱 ڵ óݴϴ. ٸ flushend balance Բ Ἥ ȵ˴ϴ.


2.7 2 ó

  1. [twocolumn]
    [twocolumn] ϸ ó óȴ. ׷Ƿ ֵ Ʒ ´. ̾ƿ ̰ ٶ 쵵 ִ.

  2. multicol
    multibol Ű ִ Ʒ ʰ ϴܿ ڵȴ. ׷Ƿ columnwidth textwidth , 1 ǵȴ. ְ ª ġ (width) 찡 ִ.

  3. ftnright Ű
    ftnright Ű ϸ twocolumn 忡 ְ Ʒ Ƽ ġȴ. , ָ ʰ ָ Ʒ ٿִ ̴.

  4. Uploads:ftnrighttest.pdf
    ù ftnright ̰, ι° ftnright twocolumn ̴.


3 TIP : 1ܰ 2 迭ϱ


3.1 Ϻθ 1(2 -> 1 -> 2)


3.1.1 twocolumn ɼ

  1. cuted Ű strip ȯ .
  2. ׸ " ܿ ġ ׸, ǥ, "

3.1.2 cuted midfloat strip ȯ

cuted midfloat Ȱ ̸ ȯ strip ǵǾ ִ. ȯ ̴ ֺ ؽƮ  ġǴ ̴. ׸,
cuted strip 1-2-3-4-5 ̰ midfloat strip 1-3-4-2-5 ̴. ׽Ʈ . midfloat ÷ ġ strip .

3.1.3 multicol Ű

multicols ȯ ̿Ѵ. multicols ȯ ̿ϱ ؼ Ŭ ɼ onecolumn(Ʈ̴ ƴϴ)̶ Ѵ.

3.1.4 revtex4

(./) ܿ ġ widetext ȯ .
UsefulDocuments ׸ 2 ѱȸ, "" ÷ np2.zip Ǯ ִ.

\widetext \narrowtext ũε ִ.

(./) revtex4 ܿ ġ ǥ ׸ widetext ȯ濡 ʰ table* Ǵ figure* ȯ .->KTUGOperate:16793


3.2 1 -> 2 ȯ

  1. multicols Ű Ѵٸ \begin{multicols}{2} ν ȯ ִ.

  2. twocolumn , \twocolumn ɼ ڸ ̿Ѵ.
    \documentclass[a4paper]{article}  % ⼭ twocolumn  
    \usepackage{a4wide} % ̴   α̰   .
       ⿡  ܿ  1 ؽƮ  ֽϴ.
    ⼭  ϴ 2 ؽƮ ۵˴ϴ.


3.3 2 -> 1 ȯ

KTUGOperate:13200 (Karnes) ο.

twocolumn ƾ ϳ ó ¥ Դϴ. ع Ʒ 1 ڽ ϴ. ư ȵDZ ε, ǵư ϴ vsize ڵ Դϴ.

twocolumn ,

1 -> 2 2 -> 1 ƴٴ Դϴ.

2, 1 ϴ غڽϴ.

A. twocolumn

(0) textpos ġ Ű ̿ϰų eso-pic  Ű ̿Ͽ, 2 ǿ ϴܿ 1¥ ڽ ġϴ . 2 κ balancing־ ϰ, Ʒ 1 ڽ ̸ ϰ ؾ ϴ ֽϴ.

(1) cuted package strip ȯ ϴ 2 ؽƮ κ balancing شٴ ̿Ѵ.
2 ؽƮ.............
1 ؽƮ..............
~ \newpage

  1. cuted Ű (?)ε, strip ؽƮ 뷱 ϸ鼭 ο ڽ ̴µ, ؽƮ vskip Ǿ ִٴ . ⺻ ణ 1.0 ѱ۹ 1.3, 1.5 ϴ 쿡 ణ κ ٴ Դϴ. ̰ ġ.... ؾ ϴ. :(

  2. strip ȯ ٷ \newpage Ѵٴ Դϴ. ڵ忡 , ׷Ƿ ~ ϳ ־ν ذ ֽϴ.

(2) "" Ʈ ̰ 2 Ǵ ¥, Ʒ 1 ؽƮ stfloat Ű ̿Ͽ {figure*}[!b] ġ ִ Դϴ. Ű κ , ϰڽϴ.
  1. \begin{figure*}[!b] ϴ 1 κ ݵ ʴ ؽƮ κп ־߸ մϴ. , ο ֵȴٴ Ͻñ ٶϴ.

  2. balance Ű κ balancingմϴ. balance Ű Ͼ ̻ ٰ , balancing κ Ʒʿ float ̰ ȵ˴ϴ.(翬). ׷Ƿ κ ؽƮ 翡 Ǹ ← մϴ.

  3. ϴ 1 ؽƮ ϳ float ξ ̹Ƿ, Ѿ ʽϴ. ׷Ƿ ̾ ؽƮ ϴܿ η ؽƮ ϰ ݵ \onecolumn ο ϵ ؾ մϴ.

ǻ ڰ ؽƮ ذ鼭 ۾ ϴ Ͱ Դϴ. ׷ multicol Ȳ̶ ̿ϴ ۿ ϴ. ʿ 𸨴ϴ.

B. multicol Ű

ǻ ̷ , 2 -> 1 ϴ ذå multicolԴϴ. multicol ѿ ұϰ Ű ϴ ٷ ̶ ص ƴմϴ.

, ְ ʰ , ׸ ׸ floating ų ʿ here Ǵ multicol ̿ϴ ո̶ ˴ϴ.


4 2 ̿ ٴ

multicol Ű ̿ϸ 3 ̻ ٴ ϴ. ٸ ٴϴ ü ü ܿ ġ (figure* Ǵ table*)θ ְ ִ ܺ ġ ʰ ܿ ġ 1 ǵȴ.

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