The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others.
CatCode&value=TeX۾ȯMakingWebTeX&value=IllustFigure占쏙옙占식곤옙%C6%E4%C0%CC%C1%F6%C0%CC%B8%A7TpX › ο


@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
[] / ο
Ͽ ִ ׸ οϴ
ϱ ̴.
== Bibitem Cite Key ==
Ͽ ִ ׸(Bibitem) οϷ Citation Key(Ǵ Cite Key, `key` ) ̿Ͽ
`\cite{key}, \citep{key}, \citen{key}, \citet{key}` ( ɾ cls, sty, bst ణ ̰ ) Bibitem
ҷ; ϴ Bibitem ٸ · bib ( Data Base[[FootNote(Bib Ͽ "Ʈ" θ. See KTUGSetup:10621'''''')]])̳ thebibliography ȯ (bbl , tex ) ٸ · ִ.
Cite Key ܿ . showtags Ű Ǵ showkeys Ű Ͽ Cite Key Bibitem ٷ
Ǵ ٷ տ Ÿ. ¿ ̵ Ű ּ óϸ ȴ. ׸ HLaTeX 1.0.1 ѱ ̷
showhkeys, showhtags ִ.
(./) [常] .
(./) WinEdt `Active String`̶Ͽ Ʈ Ͽ ִ. see [WinEdtTip/ο]

WinEdt `Active String`̶Ͽ Ʈ Ͽ ִ. see [WinEdtTip/ο]
=== Cite Key ִ showtags Ű ===

(From KTUGContrib:2988''' ׸ 1:''' ) ϸ ȴ. ׸ showtags Ű natbib Ű Բ ο Ÿ ʴ´. Ϸ showtags Ű ּó(%)ϰ μ (Ư aux ) ٽ Ͽ Ѵ.

'''1:''' (From KTUGContrib:2988'''''') ϸ '''׸ 1''' showtag Ÿ.
@@ -52,10 +61,23 @@
=== Label Cite Key ִ showkeys Ű ===
=== Author-Year vs. Numerical ===

'''Q1'''(From KTUGOperate:4434)''':''' natbib \citep Ÿϴ author-year Ÿ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. Ϲ default (ڿ ) ŸѴٰ ִ. () author-year . ν "(Tsang, 1998)" ó ϴ ο ׳ (17) ̴±. default ߿ ϳ ȴٴ .
'''A1:''' natbib.sty ο ǥ default mode author-year mode (Ʒ '''׸ 3''' '''׸ 5''' ) Ͽ author-year ʽϴ. thebibliogrphy ȯ ӿ ִ Bibitem ϳ author-year [[FootNote( [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv.pdf instructions-harv.pdf] "so-called Harvard-Style" Ͽ.)]] ϸ Numerical ٲϴ. bib BibTeX Ͽ thebibliogrphy ȯ(bbl ) µ bst ٲٰ thebibliogrphy ȯ ù ܰ ٽ Ͽ մϴ. ѹ (TeXify Ǵ PDFTeXify)ϸ ߿ BibTeX Ǹ鼭 bbl µ ó "Numerical " bst Ἥ BibTeX ϸ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Numerical " °(Compatible) ϴ. ̷ bbl "Author-Year " bst Ἥ ٽ Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Author-Year " ٲ ʽϴ. ׷ "(Tsang, 1998)" Ǵ "Tsang (1988)" ο ʰ "(17)" ο˴ϴ. bst ٲ bib ϰ TeX ҽ ϸ μ ϴ. WinEdt ̸ Ͽ ߰ (Tool Box)  (ǥ ٷ ) ֽϴ. --See KTUGOperate:7157
(./) [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf](version 8.0, 2007/02/05) 18ʿ "Author-Year " \bibitem entryθ Ǿ ణ "Numerical " ݴ ȵȴٰ Ͽϴ(Ʒ '''׸ 3''' ).
'''׸ 3:''' "Author-Year " "Numerical " ٲٱ
== Numerical ==
=== LaTeX ο ===
(from KTUGOperate:1123
'''''') ο ǥ⿡ Ư sty(: natbib) ʾ , Ư , , , , οϷ
\cite[p.\ 76]{key},
\cite[pp.\ 76--78]{key},
@@ -77,22 +99,44 @@
[1, Eq. (1)],
[1, (14)]
<!> '''multi-entry:''' Physical Review Letters, Aplied Physics Letters  , ֱ ִ Ȱϱ Ͽ multiple-entry reference
(. mcite.dvi(C:\texmf\doc\latex\mcite /) ں
\ cite usepackage[square]{ Abid2000,*Altarelli1993 natbib} %ɼ [square] ο ǥð 鹭ǥ ( )
Բ Ʈ Cite Key տ * ̰ mcite.sty bst 忭ſ ;ν еǰ ü ϳ ȣ ־ ִ. sort (Cite ϴ) bst(: osa.bst) ణ ϰ mcite.sty Բ ȴ.->KTUGOperate:13046''''''
== Author-Year ==
MiKTeX ġ ȭ -> (O)
texdoc apacite \cite[cf.][(14)]{key}
[cf. 1, (14)]
[cf. 1]
Ÿ('''Author-Year''' '''׸ 5''' ).
=== natbib Style ===
'''׸ 3''' Ʒ '''׸ 5''' Ʒ (Numerical Styles look like this)
=== multi-entry ===
Physical Review Letters, Aplied Physics Letters  "Ȯ" , ֱ apacite ִ Ȱϱ Ͽ [http://ftp. dvi Ǵ apacite ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/mcite/mcite.pdf Multiple Citations on One Key] ã ݴ . TeX Ͽ
Բ Ʈ Cite Key տ * ̰ mcite.sty bst[[FootNote(sort ʴ(Cite ϴ) bst(: phaip.bst, osa.bst ) ణ ϰ mcite.sty Բ ȴ.->KTUGOperate:13046'''''')]] ſ ;ν еǰ ü ʽÿ ȣ (Ʒ ׸ ).
'''׸ 4:''' mcite.sty phaip.bst
== Author-Year ==
=== ѱ ο ===
KTUGOperate:3386 ִ ο ǥ Bibitem Author-Year Ÿ ҽ ̴.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% AMS-LaTeX Paper ************************************************
% **** -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -149,127 +193,118 @@
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
(./) bibitem 뿡 ѱ Ʈ ƹ ̻ \citet{}, \citep ҷ [, ] Է ѱ ̸ ϳ׿ Ѵ. ο δ ó
(, \citeyear{Go95})
ó 뵿 ۾ ۿ ׿ . BibTeX ذå Ŀ (KTUGOperate:16193'''''') ϴ.
== ο ǥ (citation command) ==
natbib Ű Ҵٸ ȭ鿡 -> `texdoc natbib` Էϰ Ȯ ߸ natbib.dvi 5-8(version 7.3 2006-03-22) ֽϴ. Ʒ ׸ ̰ Ͽ http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/BibTeXstandard.html ÷ Ͽ Դ.

attachment === ο (citation command) ===
cls, bst ߸´ sty Ű sty "ο ǥ "(citation command) ݾ ٸ.
=== natbib Style ===
[http: cite_style1 //ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] 5-8(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) "Basic Citation Commands" "Extended Citation Commands" ִ. Ʒ ׸ ̰ Ͽ http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/BibTeXstandard.html ÷ Ͽ ̴. png

<!> [http attachment: //ftp natbib_cite. ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite/ apacite] Ű ٸ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite/apacite.pdf apacite.pdf] 10-11ʿ ɾ ֽϴ.
=== ֿ ο ǥ ===
'''Q:''' (From KTUGOperate:17844'''''') reference ڿ bibliography ʰ \cite{} ִ ؿ footnote ϴ ֳ? jpg

''' A ׸ 5:''' (From KTUGOperate:17849'''''') jurabib Ű natbib.sty Ͻø ˴ϴ.
* \texmf\doc\latex\jurabib\english\jbendoc.dvi
* LaTeXCompanion 2nd ed. pp.726-731 ɰ ο Ÿ

example.tex === APA(̱ɸȸ) ===
\documentclass{article} http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_03.htm http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_04.htm ̱ɸȸ(APA) " ۼ" "ο " " ۼ" ִ. ̰ Bib Style(.bst) package(.sty) ϰ Ÿ Ͽ. ٷο ο ǥ ߿ Ģ ڰ ִ ο ó ڵ Last Name Ÿ ϰ ʹ ó ̸ "et al." Ÿ Ѵ(Ʒ ׸ ). APA ٷο Ģ Ÿִ sty bst apacite.sty apacite.bst ̴. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/apacite/apacite.pdf apacite.pdf] 10-12(2005-06-08) ɾ ִµ ϴ.

\usepackage{jurabib} attachment:apacite_sty.jpg
'''׸ 6:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite/ apacite] Ű ߿ ǥǴ

To define algebraic geometry, we could say that it is the study of
the solutions of systems of polynomial equations in an affine or
projective $n$-space. In other words, it is the study of algebraic
varieties.\footfullcite{Hartshorne-1977} === Chicago Style ===

\bibliography{example} attachment:chicago.png
}}} '''׸ 7:''' Chicago Style ο

@book {Hartshorne-1977,
AUTHOR = {Hartshorne, R.},
TITLE = {Algebraic geometry},
NOTE = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 52},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1977},
PAGES = {xvi+496},
ISBN = {0-387-90244-9},
MRCLASS = {14-01},
MRNUMBER = {57 \#3116},
MRREVIEWER = {Robert Speiser},
== ο ǥ Q & A ==
پ ѱ Ű natbib (Ǵ cite) Ű Ͽ ̾ƺ (KTUGOperate:10601'''''') ڼ ֽϴ. see also [ο/Compression]

'''Q1''' پ ѱ Ű natbib (Ǵ cite) Ű Ͽ ̾ƺ (KTUGOperate: 16209) 10601''' :''' Elsevier ) ϱ elsart.cls ڼ elsart-num.bst ϰ ֽϴ. bibtex ϰ. ׷ see also [ ο Ÿ ` /Compression], [ 1 NatBibPackage] ` <- ̷ ʰ `(1)`<- ̷ ׿.
''' A1 Q2'''(KTUGOperate: 16216 21351)''':''' ں Elsevier غ Citation & reference ϴ ʾ 帳 غ. thebibliography ȯ Bibitem
\ documentclass{elsart}
bibitem[Sundarrajan \ usepackage & Philipos(2006)] { natbib SP06}
Sundarrajan, R. \ bibpunct{[}{]}{ & Philipos,C. L., }{a}{}{;}
A noise-estimation algorithm for highly non-stationary
environments, SPEECH COMMUNICATION., (48) 2006, 220--231.
ڼ `TLC2`(The LaTeXCompanion Ǿ ְ, 2nd ed Citation {{{\cite{SP06} }}} ǥø ϸ Citation reference ο {{{[Sundarrajan & Philipos (2006)]}}} ״ µǼ ɴϴ. ϴ ۷ Sundarrajan & Philipos , Citation (Sundarrajan & Philipos) Դϴ. Ե 706ʿ ֽ Ź帳ϴ.

''' Q2-1 ׸ 8:''' Author-Year Style( KTUGOperate:11093 ̸ Harvard-Style) ''':''' ۷ ο ǥ Ҷ ` - [ 1,2]` Ÿ \cite{R1,R2} ̷ Էϸ Ǵµ http://ftp. ktug. or. `[1 kr/tex- 5]` Ÿ  Էؾ 𸣰ڱ.. archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv. pdf instructions-harv. pdf] κ(12 12) ȭ ĸϿ
''' Q2-2 A2'''(KTUGOperate: 13963 21352)''':''' Citation Ÿ `[1][2][3][4]` Bibitem ǥ⸦ Elsevier ϴ Ÿ `[1] Ϸ elsart Ŭ natbib.sty, elsart- [4]` Ÿ harv.bst (Bib Style) (LaTeX -> bibtex) bbl ϴ ? thebibliography ȯ ,
) ֱٿ ǥ ִ\ cite begin{ ref:1 thebibliography} \cite{ ref:2 1}
\ cite end{ ref:3 thebibliography} \cite{ref:4}.
̸ κ Ͽ TeX Ͽ
ֱٿ ǥ ִ[1][2][3][4] \bibliographystyle{elsart-harv}
\bibliography{. ..}
Ÿ κа ٲپ ְ ʿ մϴ. ĥ κ and Ǵ Ͱ (Bibitem) ǥ Ǵ Դϴ. ̰ \& ľ մϴ. bib Ʈ ʵ带 ġ ȵ˴ϴ. ҽ TeX ϳ ģ ˴ϴ.
Ͽ .
ֱٿ ǥ ִ[1]-[4] %%%els_test. tex%%%
\usepackage{natbib} }
ϰ  ϴ ?

'''A2-1'''(KTUGOperate:13963)''':''' cite Ű ϸ ϴ. ٸ `[1]-[4]` ° ƴ϶, `[1-4]` ° ˴ϴ. , \begin{document}
Ʒ source ׸ · µ˴ϴ Several schemes have been proposed in the
literature \cite{SP06}.

\begin{ thebibliography}{ 1}
\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{ #1}
%%%% preamble %%%%% \fi
\ usepackage expandafter\ifx\csname url\endcsname\relax
\def\url#1{ cite \texttt{#1} }\fi
\expandafter\ifx\csname urlprefix\endcsname\relax\def\urlprefix{URL }

\ begin bibitem[{ document Sundarrajan \& Philipos(2006)} ]{SP06}
Sundarrajan, R. \& Philipos, C.~L., 2006. A noise-estimation algorithm for highly
non-stationary environments. SPEECH COMMUNICATION 48, 220--231.

Until recently, several schemes have been proposed in the literature
\ cite end{ 2,4,6,7,5 thebibliography} .

Ѵ ǥҷ Ÿ (cite.sty) ϼž ׿. ڼϰ Ÿ Ű ɼ Դϴ. (ٸ, ª δ cite Ű õ ǥϴ Ϲ̶ մϴ.) -- `SkyWalker`

=== ֿ ǥ ===
ִ ''' A2-2 Q & A''' (KTUGOperate:13965)''':''' You can also try the [常] ׸ " natbib ֿ ǥ" package űϴ. See the following example:

\begin{document} === ο ǥ ǥ ٲٱ ===
'''Q3'''(KTUGOperate:16209)''':''' Elsevier ϱ elsart.cls elsart-num.bst ϰ ֽϴ. bibtex ϰ. ׷ ο Ÿ `[1]` <- ̷ ʰ `(1)`<- ̷ ׿.

This~ '''A3-1'''(KTUGOperate:16216)''':''' ں غ.
\ cite documentclass{elsart}
\bibpunct{[}{]}{ kim1, kim3,kim6,kim5,kim4} {a}{}{;}

\bibitem{kim1} Hello
\bibitem{kim2} World
\bibitem{kim3} World
\bibitem{kim4} World
\bibitem{kim5} World
\bibitem{kim6} World
\end{thebibliography} '''׸ 9:''' natbib.pdf (2006/08/18 ) 10. ȿմϴ.

'''A3-2:''' ں غ.
\ end usepackage[square]{ document natbib} %ɼ [square] ο ǥð 鹭ǥ ( )
쿡 `[1],[3]-[6]` ÷ ʰ `[1,3-6]` ÷ ɴϴ.

<!> ڼ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf](version 8.0, 2007/02/05) 11-12(ɼ 19) Ǵ `TLC2`(The LaTeXCompanion, 2nd ed.) 706ʿ ֽϴ.
=== ο ǥ⸦ ÷ڷ ===
''' Q3 Q4'''(KTUGOperate:2278)''':''' ʿѰ ȣ `[1]` ÷ڷθ ȯϴ Դϴ. ( ȣ ׳ `[1] [2]` Դϴ.) ȸе Խ (Ʒ) ؼ ܼ ؼ ϴ µ.
@@ -281,22 +316,46 @@
 ؾϴ ˷ֽø ϰڽϴ.

''' A3 A4-1'''(KTUGOperate:2283)''':'''  ٴ ̽? ڵ带 preamble ְ ϸ ϵ˴ϴ.
׸ ϴ.


''' A3 ׸ 10:''' ο ǥø ÷ڷ ǥ
'''A4-2:''' ں ׳ {{{
˴ϴ. '''1''' `\usepackage{showtags}` ּ óϰ Ͽ .

=== [ο/Compression] ===
''' Q4 Q5-1''' (From KTUGOperate: ο 10598)''':''' ٸ ƴ϶ \cite Ἥ
\cite{nwb99, nwb00, nwb02}
̷ ϴϱ {{{[4, 5, 6]}}} ǥð ʾ Ͽ Ÿ 쿡 . {{{[4-6]}}} ̷ ǥҷ ؾ ?
''' A4 Q5-2''' (KTUGOperate:11093)''':''' ۷ ǥҶ ` \nocite [1,2]` ּ. ࿡ bibliographystyle Ÿ \cite{R1,R2} ο ĵȴ Է Ǵµ... ` \nocite [1-5]` ִ ġ Ÿ Ͽ ġ ϴ. ׷ ؾ ʰ ĺ ĵȴٸ 뿡 Ӵϴ 𸣰ڱ.... `\nocite{cite_key}`

'''Q5 -3''' (KTUGOperate: 13963)''':''' Ÿ ` .bib [1][2][3][4]` Ʈ θ Ÿ `[1]-[4]` Ÿ  ϴ ?
) ֱٿ ǥ ִ\cite{ref:1} \cite{ref:2} \cite{ref:3} \cite{ref:4}.
ֱ ǥ ִ[1][2][3][4].
ֱٿ ǥ ִ[1]-[4].
ϰ  ?
''' A5 Q5-1''' `\nocite{*}` ~ '''Q5-3''' ش [ο/Compression] Űϴ.
=== ο ʾ 忡 Ÿ ===
ִ '''Q & A''' [常] Űϴ.


/ ο


Ͽ ִ ׸ οϴ ϱ ̴.

1 Bibitem Cite Key
1.1 Cite Key ִ showtags Ű
1.2 Label Cite Key ִ showkeys Ű
1.3 Author-Year vs. Numerical
2 Numerical
2.1 LaTeX ο
2.2 natbib Style
2.3 multi-entry
3 Author-Year
3.1 ѱ ο
3.2 ο (citation command)
3.3 natbib Style
3.4 APA(̱ɸȸ)
3.5 Chicago Style
4 ο ǥ Q & A
4.1 ֿ ǥ
4.2 ο ǥ ǥ ٲٱ
4.3 ο ǥ⸦ ÷ڷ
4.4 ο/Compression
4.5 ο ʾ 忡 Ÿ

1 Bibitem Cite Key

Ͽ ִ ׸(Bibitem) οϷ Citation Key(Ǵ Cite Key, key ) ̿Ͽ \cite{key}, \citep{key}, \citen{key}, \citet{key} ( ɾ cls, sty, bst ణ ̰ ) Bibitem ҷ; ϴ Bibitem bib ( Data Base[1])̳ thebibliography ȯ(bbl , tex ) ٸ · ִ.
Cite Key ܿ . showtags Ű Ǵ showkeys Ű Ͽ Cite Key Bibitem ٷ Ǵ ٷ տ Ÿ. ¿ ̵ Ű ּ óϸ ȴ. ׸ HLaTeX ѱ ̷ ִ showhkeys, showhtags ִ.

(./) .

(./) WinEdt Active String̶Ͽ Ʈ Ͽ ִ. see WinEdtTip/ο



1.1 Cite Key ִ showtags Ű


׸ 1: ׸ showtags Ű natbib Ű Բ ο Ÿ ʴ´. Ϸ showtags Ű ּó(%)ϰ μ (Ư aux ) ٽ Ͽ Ѵ.

1: (From KTUGContrib:2988) ϸ ׸ 1 showtag Ÿ.

Several schemes have been proposed in the

Elena V. Anoshkina, Alexander G. Belyaev, Hans-Peter
Seidel, {\it Asymptotic  Analysis of Three-Point
Approximations of Vertex Normals and Curvatures},
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2002, 211-216,
Erlangen, Germany, November (2002)

A. Belyaev, {\it Plane and space curves. curvature,
curvature-based features}, Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur
Informatik  (2004)

{V.\ Borrelli, F.\ Cazals \& J.\ -M.\ Morvan}:\, {On the angular
defect of triangulations and the pointwise approximation of
curvatures.}\, \emph{Computer Aided Geometric Design}\textbf{20},
(2003), no.\ 6, 319--341. %\quad \MR{2004k:65031}


1.2 Label Cite Key ִ showkeys Ű

TeX Label Bibitem ϴ ſ . ں
\label{}, \ref{}, \pageref{} ǥ {} ӿ  Label Bibitem ׸ \cite{}, \citep{} ǥ {} ӿ  Cite Key ش. ->See ȣ, ο

Ŭ ɼ final[1] showkeys Ű ۵ ʰų ޽ Ÿ. ׷ ߿ Ŭ ɼ draft , Ͽ \usepackage{showkeys} ּóϿ %\usepackage{showkeys} ϴ ϴ.

׸ : CTAN:macros/latex/required/tools/showkeys.dtx Ͽ showkeys.pdf 2ʰ showkeys.dvi 3 ȭ ĸ ̴. bibitem Cite Key \label{} label ӿ Ÿ \cite{} Cite Key \ref{} label ( ) Ÿ.

1: HLaTeX 1.0.1 contrib Űμ showhkeys, showhtags ִ. ̰ ѱ۷ ־ ̺ ش. See KTUGContrib:2989

2: ο Cite Key鸸 [2]
 \usepackage[notref]{showkeys}%ȣ Label  
notref ɼ ǰ, ȣ Label鸸
\usepackage[notcite]{showkeys}%ο Cite Key  
notcite ɼ ȴ.

  • [1] 밳 Ŭ Ʈ final ɼ Ǿ ִ.
  • [2] Cite Key鸸 ִ showhtags Ű ִ.


1.3 Author-Year vs. Numerical

Q1(From KTUGOperate:4434): natbib \citep Ÿϴ author-year Ÿ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. Ϲ default (ڿ ) ŸѴٰ ִ. () author-year . ν "(Tsang, 1998)" ó ϴ ο ׳ (17) ̴±. default ߿ ϳ ȴٴ .

A1: natbib.sty ο ǥ default mode author-year mode (Ʒ ׸ 3 ׸ 5 ) Ͽ author-year ʽϴ. thebibliogrphy ȯ ӿ ִ Bibitem ϳ author-year [2] ϸ Numerical ٲϴ. bib BibTeX Ͽ thebibliogrphy ȯ(bbl ) µ bst ٲٰ thebibliogrphy ȯ ù ܰ ٽ Ͽ մϴ. ѹ (TeXify Ǵ PDFTeXify)ϸ ߿ BibTeX Ǹ鼭 bbl µ ó "Numerical " bst Ἥ BibTeX ϸ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Numerical " °(Compatible) ϴ. ̷ bbl "Author-Year " bst Ἥ ٽ Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Author-Year " ٲ ʽϴ. ׷ "(Tsang, 1998)" Ǵ "Tsang (1988)" ο ʰ "(17)" ο˴ϴ. bst ٲ bib ϰ TeX ҽ ϸ μ ϴ. WinEdt ̸ Ͽ ߰ (Tool Box)  (ǥ ٷ ) ֽϴ. --See KTUGOperate:7157


(./) [http]natbib.pdf(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) 18ʿ "Author-Year " \bibitem entryθ Ǿ ణ "Numerical " ݴ ȵȴٰ Ͽϴ(Ʒ ׸ 3 ).


׸ 3: "Author-Year " "Numerical " ٲٱ

2 Numerical


2.1 LaTeX ο

(from KTUGOperate:1123) ο ǥ⿡ Ư sty(: natbib) ʾ , Ư , , , , οϷ
\cite[p.\ 76]{key},
\cite[pp.\ 76--78]{key},
\cite[Chap.\ 5]{key},
\cite[Sec.\ 2]{key},
\cite[Theorem 2]{key},
\cite[Eq.\ (1)]{key},
ԷѴ. ⼭ {key} key Citation Key̴.

[1, p. 76],
[1, pp. 76-78],
[1, Chap. 5], 
[1, Sec. 5],
[1, Theorem 2],
[1, Eq. (1)],
[1, (14)]

(./) ں
\usepackage[square]{natbib}%ɼ [square]  ο ǥð 鹭ǥ ( ) 
־ ܿ
[cf. 1, (14)]
[cf. 1]
Ÿ(Author-Year ׸ 5 ).

2.2 natbib Style

׸ 3 Ʒ ׸ 5 Ʒ (Numerical Styles look like this)


2.3 multi-entry

Physical Review Letters, Aplied Physics Letters  , ֱ ִ Ȱϱ Ͽ [http]Multiple Citations on One Key . TeX Ͽ
Բ Ʈ Cite Key տ * ̰ mcite.sty bst[3] ſ ;ν еǰ ü ϳ ȣ (Ʒ ׸ ).


׸ 4: mcite.sty phaip.bst

  • [3] sort ʴ(Cite ϴ) bst(: phaip.bst, osa.bst ) ణ ϰ mcite.sty Բ ȴ.->KTUGOperate:13046


3 Author-Year


3.1 ѱ ο

KTUGOperate:3386 ִ ο ǥ Bibitem Author-Year Ÿ ҽ ̴.

Here's a line of text with a {\color{red} few words in red} in the
middle. If we 
 \item compile this, open it in Yap from WinEdt \item remove the 
    brackets before $\backslash$color\{red\} and after ``in red'' 
 \item recompile
 \item view in Yap (observing that the whole last part of the page
   is red) 
 \item restore the brackets previously deleted 
 \item recompile \item view in the still-open Yap
the color ``bleeds'' over the whole document. But by closing and
re-opening the document in Yap, we get the correct display.

Another problem:
\begin{enumerate}[\qquad (a)]
 \item \citet{Schervish}%
 \item \citep{Schervish}%
 \item Notice that the underlining of the citation extends to the 
       left when there is no enclosing parenthesis.

Another problem:
 \item  (\citeyear{Go95})%
 \item (, \citeyear{Go95})%
 \item  \cite{Go95}%
 \item \cite{Go95}%
 \item \citep{Go95}%
 \item Notice that the Korean letters can not be used with
% ----------------------------------------------------------------

\bibitem[Schervish, 1995]{Schervish}
  Schervish, M.~J. (1995).
  \newblock {\em Theory of Statistics}.
  \newblock Springer Series in Statistics. Springer, New York.
\bibitem[, 1995]{Go95}%
  \newblock {\em ѱ۰ \TeX}.
  \newblock û, .

% ----------------------------------------------------------------
(./) bibitem 뿡 ѱ Ʈ ƹ ̻ \citet{}, \citep ҷ [, ] Է ѱ ̸ Ѵ. ο δ ó
 (, \citeyear{Go95})
ó ۾ ۿ . BibTeX ذå Ŀ (KTUGOperate:16193) ִ.


3.2 ο (citation command)

cls, bst ߸´ sty Ű sty "ο ǥ "(citation command) ݾ ٸ.

3.3 natbib Style

[http]natbib.pdf 5-8(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) "Basic Citation Commands" "Extended Citation Commands" ִ. Ʒ ׸ ̰ Ͽ http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/BibTeXstandard.html ÷ Ͽ ̴.


׸ 5: natbib.sty ο ɰ ο Ÿ


3.4 APA(̱ɸȸ)

http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_03.htm http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_04.htm ̱ɸȸ(APA) " ۼ" "ο " " ۼ" ִ. ̰ Bib Style(.bst) package(.sty) ϰ Ÿ Ͽ. ٷο ο ǥ ߿ Ģ ڰ ִ ο ó ڵ Last Name Ÿ ϰ ʹ ó ̸ "et al." Ÿ Ѵ(Ʒ ׸ ). APA ٷο Ģ Ÿִ sty bst apacite.sty apacite.bst ̴. [http]apacite.pdf 10-12(2005-06-08) ɾ ִµ ϴ.

׸ 6: [http]apacite Ű ߿ ǥǴ


3.5 Chicago Style


׸ 7: Chicago Style ο


4 ο ǥ Q & A

پ ѱ Ű natbib (Ǵ cite) Ű Ͽ ̾ƺ (KTUGOperate:10601) ڼ ֽϴ. see also ο/Compression, NatBibPackage

Q2(KTUGOperate:21351): Elsevier غ Citation & reference ϴ ʾ 帳ϴ. thebibliography ȯ Bibitem
\bibitem[Sundarrajan \& Philipos(2006)] {SP06} 
Sundarrajan, R. \&  Philipos,C. L.,
A noise-estimation algorithm for highly non-stationary
environments, SPEECH COMMUNICATION., (48) 2006, 220--231.
Ǿ ְ, Citation \cite{SP06} ǥø ϸ Citation reference ο [Sundarrajan & Philipos (2006)] ״ µǼ ɴϴ. ϴ ۷ Sundarrajan & Philipos , Citation (Sundarrajan & Philipos) Դϴ. Ե Ź帳ϴ.


׸ 8: Author-Year Style(̸ Harvard-Style) ο ǥ - [http]instructions-harv.pdf κ(12 12) ȭ ĸϿ

A2(KTUGOperate:21352): Citation 忡 Bibitem ǥ⸦ Elsevier ϴ Ÿ Ϸ elsart Ŭ natbib.sty, elsart-harv.bst (Bib Style) (LaTeX -> bibtex) bbl thebibliography ȯ ,
κ Ͽ TeX Ͽ
κа ٲپ ְ ʿ մϴ. ĥ κ and Ǵ Ͱ (Bibitem) ǥ Ǵ Դϴ. ̰ \& ľ մϴ. bib Ʈ ʵ带 ġ ȵ˴ϴ. ҽ TeX ϳ ģ ˴ϴ. Ͽ .

Several schemes have been proposed in the
literature \cite{SP06}.

\expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}
\expandafter\ifx\csname url\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\ifx\csname urlprefix\endcsname\relax\def\urlprefix{URL }

\bibitem[{Sundarrajan \& Philipos(2006)}]{SP06}
Sundarrajan, R. \& Philipos, C.~L., 2006. A noise-estimation algorithm for highly
  non-stationary environments. SPEECH COMMUNICATION 48, 220--231.




4.1 ֿ ǥ

ִ Q & A ׸ " ֿ ǥ" űϴ.


4.2 ο ǥ ǥ ٲٱ

Q3(KTUGOperate:16209): Elsevier ϱ elsart.cls elsart-num.bst ϰ ֽϴ. bibtex ϰ. ׷ ο Ÿ [1] <- ̷ ʰ (1)<- ̷ ׿.

A3-1(KTUGOperate:16216): ں غ.

׸ 9: natbib.pdf (2006/08/18 ) 10. ȿմϴ.

A3-2: ں غ.
\usepackage[square]{natbib}%ɼ [square]  ο ǥð 鹭ǥ ( ) 

<!> ڼ [http]natbib.pdf(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) 11-12(ɼ 19) Ǵ TLC2(The LaTeXCompanion, 2nd ed.) 706ʿ ֽϴ.


4.3 ο ǥ⸦ ÷ڷ

Q4(KTUGOperate:2278): ʿѰ ȣ [1] ÷ڷθ ȯϴ Դϴ. ( ȣ ׳ [1] [2] Դϴ.) ȸе Խ (Ʒ) ؼ ܼ ؼ ϴ µ.
 ؾϴ ˷ֽø ϰڽϴ.

A4-1(KTUGOperate:2283):  ٴ ̽? ڵ带 preamble ְ ϸ ϵ˴ϴ. ׸ ϴ.


׸ 10: ο ǥø ÷ڷ ǥ

A4-2: ں ׳
˴ϴ. 1 \usepackage{showtags} ּ óϰ Ͽ .


4.4 ο/Compression

Q5-1(From KTUGOperate:10598): ٸ ƴ϶ \cite Ἥ
 \cite{nwb99, nwb00, nwb02} 
̷ ϴϱ [4, 5, 6] ǥð Ǵ . [4-6] ̷ ǥҷ  ؾ dz?
Q5-2(KTUGOperate:11093): ۷ ǥҶ [1,2] Ÿ \cite{R1,R2} ̷ Էϸ Ǵµ... 1-5 Ÿ  Էؾ 𸣰ڱ....

Q5-3(KTUGOperate:13963): Ÿ [1][2][3][4] Ÿ [1]-[4] Ÿ  ϴ ?
) ֱٿ ǥ  ִ\cite{ref:1} \cite{ref:2} \cite{ref:3} \cite{ref:4}.
ֱٿ ǥ  ִ[1][2][3][4].
ֱٿ ǥ  ִ[1]-[4].
ϰ  ϴ ?

Q5-1 ~ Q5-3 ش ο/Compression Űϴ.


4.5 ο ʾ 忡 Ÿ

ִ Q & A Űϴ.

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