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from KTUGBD:tips (ChoF)

Ϲ ų Ʈ ۼϰų ũ⸦ ϴ ʾ ϼ ʺ е ɷ մϴ. ڷḦ \textwidth \textheight ϸ ̷ ÷ ָ ߾ ʾƼ Ͻ ?

calclayout Ұ

amsart.cls ̰ ذ ִ \calclayout ֽϴ. ̿ϸ ߾ Ե˴ϴ. Ʒ ϴ.
ڵ忡 \addtolength{\textwidth}{7pc} \textwidth ũ⸦ 7pc (1pc=12pt. See ̴) ÷ֶ Դϴ. ϼž ũ \paperwidth \paperheight ǰ ũⰡ \textwidth \textheight (heading footnote ) ȴٴ Դϴ. ̷ \textwidth \textheight \calclayout ϸ ڵ ߾ ٸ ݴϴ.

Ư ڵ忡 \textwidth 7pc, ׸ \textheight 4.5pc ÷ָ ( ϴ) , Ʒ, , 1 ġ ˴ϴ.

article Ŭ ϱ

ٸ Ŭ ϵ ϴ 쿡 amsart.cls \calclayout ϸ ֽϴ. article.cls ϴ Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ. , article.cls amsart.cls ٸǷ \textwidth \textheight Ͽ ڽ ϴ ũ⸦ ʽÿ.
\newcommand{\calclayout}{\advance\textheight -\headheight
  \advance\textheight -\headsep
  \advance\oddsidemargin -\textwidth
  \ifdim\oddsidemargin<.5truein \oddsidemargin.5truein \fi
  \advance\oddsidemargin -1truein
  \topmargin\paperheight \advance\topmargin -\textheight
  \advance\topmargin -\headheight \advance\topmargin -\headsep
  \ifdim\topmargin<.5truein \topmargin.5truein \fi
  \advance\topmargin -1truein\relax


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