"edit"() ü ãƺ

Someone is speaking well of you.
FrontPageWinEdtTip/DOSɽ&value=Yhchoe/TitleIndex?독후감 › AcroEdit

ũ ã
  • AcroEdit . . . . 14 matches
         == AcroEdit ==
         AcroEdit ũμƮ (Windows 95 Ǵ , Windows NT 4.0 Ǵ ) ȯ濡 ؽƮ Դϴ.
         AcroEdit ݵ ̸ ؽƮ ͸ ǥϿ Ͽ ϰ ֽϴ. AcroEdit α׷̱ , , 𿡼 Ͻ ֽϴ. ƿ﷯ AcroEdit ׿ ֽ е鲲 帳ϴ.
          ( AcroEdit Ȩ ο )
         ref. [AcroEdit/KC2008]
          * [attachment:AcroEdit/latex.zip ȭ] ޾Ƽ
          * acroedit\syntax ,
          * AcroEdit > > ȯ漳 > > ߰
         == Unicode ͷμ AcroEdit ==
          * AcroEdit UTF-8ȭ а Ϻ ڵ忡 ൿ Ѵٴ (KTUGSetup:9698), Ϲ ѱȯ濡 ϴ.
         ׷ٰ KC2006 latex ׳ Ųٸ ʹ Logâ ŸǷ, ãⰡ ƴ. ׷Ƿ grep̳ sed Ͽ ุ ɷ ϰ Ѵ. ̶ AcroEdit '|' Ƿ, batchȭ  óϴ .
          ȭ ̸ Latex.bat ϰ, C:\temp Ͽ ξٰ ϸ Acroedit Ʒ Ѵ.
         sed Latex Ǹ鼭 ޽ AcroEdit Ʒ â , .logȭϿ error ִ 󳻾 ٽ â ش. ׷Ƿ Latex ޽ ü ͸ κ ִٴ ִ. ׷, â ʹ ũ Ǿ Ѿ ִ.
         grep latex Ǹ鼭 ִ ޽ grep ɷ AcroEdit Ʒ â ش. ׷Ƿ ƹ ޽ ϰ ٸ, ̶ Ǹ, ִ 쿡 ȭ鿡 ְ ȴ.
          * ̱ KarnesԲ ۼϽ ForwardSearch Ͽ WinEdt ۼ AcroEdit .
         KC2006 â , "e" ڵ Ǵ ͸ AcroEdit ǵ Ϸ ȯ溯 TEXEDIT "C:\Program Files\AcroSoft\AcroEdit\AcroEdit.exe" "%s"/L:%d Ѵ. ̸ ϴ Ʒ ΰ ִ.
          * ̸ TEXEDIT,
  • AquamacsEmacs . . . . 1 match
         The name of this editor is actually "Aquamacs Emacs".
  • AutomaticJosaSelection . . . . 1 match
         editing process, Korean LaTeX systems implemented automatic particle
  • BBEdit . . . . 2 matches
         == TextWrangler as a simple BBEdit ==
          * BBEdit - HTML editor - Programming editor = TextWrangler
  • BibDesk . . . . 1 match
  • BibORB . . . . 2 matches
          * edit like: APACHE2_OPTS="-D SSL -D PHP4"
  • CM۲ . . . . 1 match
          edition = "Second",
  • CommonErrors . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:editbutton1.png
  • ConTEXTEditor . . . . 1 match
  • CrimsonEditor . . . . 3 matches
         ũʹ 2004 Ǿ ̰ Emerald Editor ¼ҽ Ʈ(GNU GPL) Ƽ ͷ ߵǰ ִ.
         == CrimsonEditor 3.40 LaTeX ==
         WinEdt ̳ UltraEdit $30 ̻ ʿ ̰ [Emacs] ϱ ʰ...
          ߿ CrimsonEditor AcroEdit α׷ ִ. ׵ WinEdt ٰ, CrimsonEditor ٲϴ.
          Ǹ Ű LaTeX PDFLaTeX zip Ͽ ״µ, ø ϴ CrimsonEdit ġ 3 (`cedt.c??`) Ű overrideؼ ־ð, 㿡 Ѽ ڽ ġ TeX ȯ濡 ° ֽø ɰ̴ϴ.
         Yap Inverse Search , CrimsonEditor ư ϴ ...
          * ׸ `E:\WinAPP\CrimsonEditor\cedt.exe` κ ڽ ġ Ȳ ° ٲߴϴ. 鹮ڰ ̸ ԵǾ ִٸ κ `"` ѷԴϴ. `"C:\Program Files\CrimsonEditor\cedt.exe"`.
          * CrimsonEditor 3.51 غҽϴ.
  • CustomBib . . . . 2 matches
          (m) PUBLISHER POSITION => (e) Publisher after edition.
         5. Edition å ű. '''FUNCTION {book} '''ڵ '''format.edition output''' å '''format.number.series output''' ٷ ű ȴ.
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 1 match
         VimEditor н ̴. Windows뵵 ְ  Windows gvim ִ. CygWin ȯ濡 gvim ̵ ƽ Ƿ KTUGSetup:4268'''''' ˷ֽ Ʈ http://hermitte.free.fr/cygwin/ {{{cyg-wrapper.sh}}} ٿ޾ ̿غ.
         ̷ ϸ utf-8 ִ. Ϳ ͼϴٸ EmEditor Windows gvim Ͽ ̴.
  • DesyEdit . . . . 1 match
  • EPS׸ . . . . 9 matches
         XFig̵ JFig̵ EPS ׸ ϱ ؼ ȯؾ Ѵ. ⼭ PStoEdit̶ ƿƼ δ.
         #> pstoedit -f xfig AI_eps.eps AI_eps.fig
         ⼭ `AI_eps01.eps` Ʈ ׸ ũ ణ ְǾٴ ε, ̰ Ƹ PStoEdit δ. ذϴ ϱ?
          PStoEdit `fig` Ϸ ȯ.
         #> pstoedit -f xfig AI_hangul\(font_not_embed\).eps AI_hfne.fig
  • EditPlus . . . . 8 matches
         == EditPlus ==
         [http://www.editplus.com/kr/ EditPlus Ȩ]
         EditPlus ̿ǻ(ǥ: ) ؽƮ ͷμ v3.10 ֽ
         #> associate .tex "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\editplus.exe"
         KCmenu TeX system ȯ ׸ TEXEDIT ش.
         "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\Editplus.exe" "%s" -cursor %d
         "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\Editplus.exe"^s"%s" -cursor %d
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\EditPlus 3\editplus.exe\" \"%f\" -cursor %l"
          * ̶ editplus Ƿ, ϳ editplus ǵ Ͽ δ . Tools>Preferences>General īװ Allow multiple instances ɼ . (by joonro , http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=15111 )
         * editplus pdfviwer θ
         == EditPlus TIP ==
         CategoryEditor CategoryExternalLink
  • EditPlus/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\Program Files\EditPlus 3\editplus.exe" \"%f\" -cursor %l:1
  • EditTextForm . . . . 1 match
  • EmEditor . . . . 12 matches
         EmEditor Ȩ: [http://www.emeditor.com/]
         == Why EmEditor? ==
          notepad Ͻô е鵵 ð α׷ӿ Ͷ ڸ vi emacs editor ǰ߿ ̴. ο ̴.
         EmEditor ο Ģ ˰ ִ ϴ.
          * EmEditor FreeSoftware ƴϴ. ׷ It's worth its dollar. ޾Ҵٰ Ѵ. [http://www.emeditor.com/award.htm] .
          * ׷ [EmEditor/Free] freeware̴.
          * EmEditor Plug-in ڿԴ technical license free ϱ⵵ Ѵ.([http://www.emurasoft.com/tech/ ])
          * ʴ  Ȯ ϴ. κ ٸ Ҵ. [http://www.emeditor.com/userfiles.php]
          * ⺻ plug-in ٿε ִ. [http://www.emeditor.com/plugins.php]
          * EmEditor \d.\d.\d ϸ .. ڿ ˴ ãƼ ٲݴϴ.
          * Forum ִ. [http://www.emeditor.com/forum/]
         == EmEditor ϱ ==
          * http://emeditor.com/download.htm (Professional, Standard, Free version) ٿε ִ.
         === [EmEditor/Free] Version ===
          * [EmEditor/Free] FreeWare̴.
          * [EmEditor/Free] version Professional̳ Standard version ѵ ִ.
          * ̶, [KC2007/ó] TeX۾ȯ Ͽ [EmEditor/Professional] ϰ ִ.
          * [EmEditor/Free] ӵȴ.
         === [EmEditor/Professional]/Standard Version ===
          * EmEditor Professional/Standard version ShareWare̴.
  • EmEditor/Free . . . . 2 matches
         [EmEditor/Free] ϴ ̴.
          * EmEditor KC2006̵ MiKTeX̵ TeXýۿ ִ ̴.
          * [EmEditor/Free] Plug-in̳ Shortcut Key .
          * WinEdt TeX ۾ȯ ϴ [EmEditor/Professional] Ͽ ٷ, ⿡ ٷ ʴ´.
          * ⿡ [EmEditor/Free] KCmenu ٷ.
         == EmEditor ==
          * [EmEditor/Free] FreeWare̴.
          * EmEditor/Free version 7ʹ ʴ´.
          * [EmEditor/Free] [EmEditor/Professional]̳ Standard version ѵ ִ.
          * ̶, [KC2006/ó] [EmEditor/Professional] Ѵ.
          * ٿε ġ: [http://www.emeditor.com/modules/download2/ download ] Professinal 32-bit ٿ޾ Ŭϸ ġȴ. ( 2 ҿ.)
          * [EmEditor#s-4]
          EmEditor7 full path Ѵ.
         == [EmEditor/Free] + KCmenu ==
          1. (kcltxmk): ߸ ѹ , ٸ, pdfϱ ش.[[FootNote(EmEditor/MTeXHelper "pdf viewer"߳ WinEdt "texify"߸ Ͱ ϰ, ε ִ , ε ش.)]]
  • EmEditor/KC2008 . . . . 3 matches
         KC2008/TeXLive EmEditor ⺻ ͷ ϴ.
          EmEditor FreeSoftware ƴ, KC2006 KC2007 ⺻ 츦 ޾ҽϴ. ׸ Ź ڵ ؽƮ Ͱ ȲԴϴ. ͸ KC2008 ۾ͷ ϰ ϴ ޸Դϴ.
          * EmEditor ġմϴ.
         # associate .tex "C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe"
          * Ǵ Ž -> ɼ -> Ŀ tex Ͽ " α׷" "" ư EmEditor.exe ־ ˴ϴ.
          * KCmenu Ͽ, {{{TeX System }}}->{{{ȯ }}} TEXEDIT κп emeditor "ȯ溯" ư ϴ.
         # "C:\Program Files\sumatrapdf\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe\" /l %l \"%f\"" }}}
          * ÷ Ͽ ִ ġ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\PlugIns մϴ.( ִ صνʽÿ.)
          * EmEditor Ͽ,
          * sumatrapdf Ŭϸ EmEditor â ƿɴϴ.
  • EmEditor/MTeXHelper . . . . 3 matches
         '''M's TeX Helper 2'''(ٿ, MTeXHelper Ǵ MTeX2) EmEditor ÷̴.
          * EmEditor ü ̸, MTeX2 ⿡ TeX۾ ȯ ߰Ѵ.
          * [EmEditor/Professional] MTeXHelper [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ϱ .
         {{|"M's TeX Helper 2" EmEditor v5 ̻󿡼 ִ. (, [EmEditor/Free] ÷ Ƿ Ѵ.)
          * EmEditor Plug-in link: http://www.emeditor.com/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=4
         cf. EmEditorTip! |}}
          1. EmEditor ݴ´. (''' !!''')
          1. ٿ (.exe) Ų. (׷, ڵ ...\EmEditor\Plugins ġȴ.)
          1. EmEditor .
          1. Ž⿡ tex/sty Ŭ EmEditor ִ. (α׷...)
          1. Ž⿡ /ϰ ϴ Ͽ 콺 , ŬϿ ޴ EmEditor ϴ ͵ ϴ.
          1. Plug-in ġ EmEditor Plug-ins toolbar , ġ plug-in () ִ. ش plug-in ߸ Ѹ MTeX2 toolbar . (Plug-ins ٸ , View -> Toolbars -> Plug-ins toolabr üũϸ ȴ.)
          <!> Windows/Vista ϱ ؼ ־ Ѵ. EmEditor 콺 Ŭ ̿ " " ϸ Ʒ õ ϰ ִ. ʿ 쿡 ϸ ǰ ÿ ʿ . ٸ δ õ ̿ ִ. , ̸ {{{MTeX2cmd.bat}}} plug-in ϴ ϴ ͵ ϴ.
          1. "Ȯ" . EmEditor [TeX]߸ latex ְ Ǿ.
          * پ ؼ [EmEditorTip/Execution#s-2] ĸ ִ.
         * EmEditor MiKTeX/Yap Բ Ϸ [EmEditor/MiKTeX] .
         }}} emeditor MTeX2 toolbar DVI viewer ߸ Ŭ(Setting 1 )ϸ dvi ְ, Ŭ(Setting 2 )ϸ ForwardSearch dvi ִ. (, setting 1 2 ForwardSearch ϰ ᵵ ȴ.)
          * setting 2 kcltxmk ִ. ([IsCho/EmEditorTip#s-3.2.3] .)
          * ps->pdf ߰ EmEditor MTeX2 toolbar ʴ , MTeX2 toolbar Customizing toolbars...  ߰Ѵ.
          1. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/IsCho/EmEditorTip#s-3.1 ] pdfopen pdf (pdfclose) ڵ ݾִ ߰ Ƿ ִ.
  • EmEditor/MiKTeX . . . . 6 matches
          * EmEditor, EmEditorTip, MTeXHelper
          * EmEditor ȳ KC2006 MiKTeX ο ۵ մϴ.
          * ...\texmf\miktex\config miktex.ini ã, editor úκ ģ.
          Editor="C:\Program Files\EmEditor\emeditor.exe" "%f" /l "%l"
          C:\Program Files\EmEditor\emeditor.exe "%f" /l "%l"
          1. EmEditor ǥش.
  • EmEditor/Professional . . . . 3 matches
         {{|[EmEditor/Professional] Ͽ...
          * ⺻ [EmEditor/Free] Ѵ.
          * ⺻ ̿ EmEditor ߰ ⼭ Ѵ.
          * EmEditor MTeXHelper [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ϱ .
          * , EmEditor ַ ϰ, MTeXHelper Ѵ.
          cf. EmEditorTip
          1. EmEditor Ȩ: http://www.emeditor.com
          1. ٿε: [http://www.emeditor.com/modules/download2/ download ] Professinal 32-bit ٿ޾ Ŭϸ ġȴ. ( 2 ҿ.)
          * [EmEditor#s-4] (KC2006 ġ ϰ ǹǷ, Ѵ.)
         == EmEditor ⺻ ==
          * '''[EmEditor/Free#s-1.2] ⺻'''
          1. KCmenu ϱ: [EmEditor/Free#s-1.2.2]
          * [EmEditorTip/Execution]
          1. EmEditor Comment (%) ִ Ű {{{[^+Shift+Alt+->]}}} ϴ Ѵ.
          * Category : Edit
          * Comment/Uncomment 迭 [EmEditorTip/Edit#s-1.1] .
          1. [EmEditor/Free#s-1.2.2] KCmenu External Tool ϴ ִ.
          * EmEditor MTeXHelper ġص pdflatex ߴ , ̷ Ͽ ȴ.
          1. Snippets: [EmEditorTip/Input#s-3.1]
  • EmEditorTip/Find . . . . 1 match
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
         EmEditor PERL Ͱ [Խ] ̿Ͽ ã/ٲٱ⸦ ִ. 밡ɼ ϹǷ, ⼭ ϰ  .
          " ǥ ѷ {{{"̷"}}} {{{``̷''}}} ٲٷ Ѵ.( VimEditor ִ.)
         EmEditor Խ 򸻿 ִ. F1 Help Regular Expression ˻Ѵ. ǥ ã/ٲٱ EmEditor ſ  ϳ̹Ƿ о θ ϴ.
         EmEditorTip ư
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 1 match
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
         [EmEditor/Professional] ԵǾ ִ Plug-in "Snippets" ̿ϸ, ̸ ǵ ¥ ü Է ִ.
          1. open: {{{[^+Shift+U]->[Edit user-defined string...]}}}ϸ, Edit user-defined string â .
          1. , mynewenv ȯ  η, Edit user-defined string â , , \begin{...} \end{...} ̿ console symbol {{{%#%#Cursor%#%#}}} ־ Ѵ.
          1. Edit-user-defined string â {{{\windex{%#%#Cursor%#%#}}}} Ѵ.
          * customizing (B): Edit dictionary file -> Input supporting dictionary ϴ sting
          * customizing (C): Edit dictionary file -> Simple complement dictionary ϴ string (Ʒ, )
         ==== Edit User-defined complement string ====
          1. ٿ ŬϿ, Edit dictionary file -> Simple complement dictionary -> Add .
          * Edit ο document class setting ִ.
          [EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-8.2] ư
          * http://www.emeditor.com/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=4 spell checking plug-in Ƿ, .
         EmEditorTip ư
  • EmEditorTip/Macro . . . . 3 matches
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
          * ..\My Macros ũ emeditor ִ.
          * MacrosǮٿ޴ Edit ũΰ ǥõ , ̸ ŬϿ ִ.
          * Ű ([EmEditor/Professional#s-2.4])
          * [http://www.emeditor.com/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=8 emeditorȨ/ũ] ũθ ͼ Ѵ Ͽ ϸ ȴ.
         EmEditorTip ư
  • EmEditorTip/Project . . . . 1 match
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
          * "Master file setting is disable when there's [\begin{document}] in around 300 lines of current editing file."
  • Emacs . . . . 1 match
         ó 縸 FreeSoftware . Editor Macros ֵ ֿ ɰ ȯ Ѵ ڰ ִ. Emacs پ Ȯ强 ȿ аų а Ͱ ۾ 󸶵 ְ Ͽ.
          1. [Emacs](editor macros)  뷮 Ůϴ. ׸ŭ ٸ α׷ ֿ ͷ Ǵ 󵵰 ϴ. Ư, LaTeX (Syntax Check) [AUCTeX] ֽϴ. --[Progress]
         " Ż ü." "[Emacs] ִ ñϴ." ͸ Ű ǥ ;) ǥԴϴ. "Ŀ [Emacs] ڵ ViEditor ڵ, ѷ ." ̷ ִ. --[Karnes]
  • EqMagicLite . . . . 1 match
         micropress 翡 ȯ ƿƼ. TeXaide ϰ equation editor Էµ TeX ٲپִ Ѵ.
  • FortuneCookies . . . . 1 match
          * Creditors have much better memories than debtors.
  • GhostScript . . . . 1 match
          ''Ȥ regedit Ͻô ... ٸ ̹ ġǾ ο ġϿ ƹ ϴ. Windows θ Ͽְ, GSView ο ޴ ϸ ˴ϴ. Ʈ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.'' --[Karnes]
  • HTeXBook.bib . . . . 2 matches
          Edition = {2},
  • HTeXBookBib . . . . 2 matches
          Edition = {2},
  • HanyangPuaTableProject . . . . 2 matches
         Uploads:gedit_hypua.jpg : gedit Uploads:kor2v.xkb.txt (X11 Ű ) Է . Ű ι Ȯ ʼ ҹڿ 빮ڷ ϰ(ġ ι ġ ), Ʒƴ 'K'( '' 'k'̹Ƿ), ݽÿ '6 ^', '2 @', '4 $' ( ʼ, ) Էմϴ. ڸ( ) ⺻ ڸ ؼ Էϸ ˴ϴ. Pango [http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95708] ִ ġ (¼ ٸ ġ. Pango Ѷ ٲµ, Pango ۾ 1 ,  ġ ߴ 갥. Ƽ [http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=112467] ִ ġ  ڸ Normalization κи ) . , ġ  Է . -- JungshikShin
  • HelpContents . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnEditing - how to edit a page
  • HelpOnEditing . . . . 1 match
         == Page Editing ==
         To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "Edit''''''Text" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.
  • HelpOnPageCreation . . . . 2 matches
         You will then be presented with your new page, which you can edit in the normal way. After you ''first'' saved it, it will be automatically created. Pages normally[[FootNote(Deleting pages can be activated by the wiki administrator (which you'll normally do in intranet sites only).)]] cannot be deleted, so be sure to spell new WikiName''''''s correctly.
         On details on how to create and link to subpages, see HelpOnEditing/SubPages.
         To create a template, follow the above description and create a page with a name ending in "'''Template'''". This page will then be added to the list of template pages displayed when you try to show a non-existant page. For example, NonExistantHelpPage has a link to HelpTemplate that loads the content of HelpTemplate into the editor box, when you click on that link.
  • HelpOnSkins . . . . 1 match
         "`html_head`" is added into the <head> element for ''all'' pages, while "`html_head_queries`" is sent only for edit and action pages (`html_head` is sent for those, too).
  • HelpOnUserPreferences . . . . 1 match
          * '''[[GetText(Editor size)]]''': ...
          * ''[[GetText(Open editor on double click)]]'': ...
  • IPE . . . . 1 match
         '''The Ipe extensible drawing editor'''
  • IsCho/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          * Ű ϴٰ /ȭ/湮/÷ ϰ ִ. "edit" شκ ִ â Ÿ. ۼϰ "" ϸ ȴ. "̸" ̸ Ȯ ִ.
          * "edit" ã , Ű '''e''' Ǵ '''w''' â Ÿ.
          * HelpOnEditing/SubPages 캻.
         === EmEditor ġ ===
          1. EmEditor ġ: [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KC2007/%C3%B3%C0%BD%BB%E7%BF%EB%C0%DA#s-2 ] .
          1. KCmenu EmEditor : [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KC2007/%C3%B3%C0%BD%BB%E7%BF%EB%C0%DA#s-2.3 ] .
          1. EmEditorTip
          1. [IsCho/EmEditorTip]
  • JEdit . . . . 6 matches
         OpenSource Java UniCode Editor.
          `runjedit.bat` ۼѴ.(JEdit `C:\KTUG\jedit` ġ )
         javaw -jar C:\KTUG\jEdit\jedit.jar -reuseview -norestore %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
         C:\KTUG\bin\runjedit.bat %f +line:%l
         == jEdit ó ϱ Ű ==
  • JabRef . . . . 1 match
          * Advanced BibTeX editor
          * EmEditor WinEdt, LyX, Emacs, Vim Citation Key ִ (Push selection to ...) . WinEdt/Emacs Cite command customizing
  • JedEditor . . . . 2 matches
         Gonzato JedEditor See. [http://profs.sci.univr.it/~gonzato/jed/index.html My Jed Stuff]
          * it emulates other editors like [GNU Emacs], Brief, DOS edit, Wordstar, Borland IDE
  • KC2006/KCmenu . . . . 5 matches
          * KCmenu.exe Ϳ Ϸ, ϴ Ϳ External Tool ϼ. EmEditor Ʒ .
          1. {{{.tex}}} Ư Ϳ File Association Ǿ ־ ͸ ֽϴ. EmEditor, AcroEdit ġϰ, ġ ⸦ {{{.tex}}}ȭ ⺻ ͷ صθ ˴ϴ.
          1. > {{{ associate .tex "c:\program files\acrosoft\acroedit\acroedit.exe" }}} Է [Ȯ] ⺻ ͷ ֽϴ.
         ==== EmEditor ====
         ==== AcroEdit ====
          TEXEDITȯ溯 ͺ ̻ κ ħ.
          KCmenu Mdir ϴ ó, ư ڰ ̸ ص ɼ α׷ Ǵ  ϰ ôµ, Emeditor ̹ 'External Tools' ϳ׿. ٷ KCmenu Emeditor ϽŲ Դϴ. ׷ ʴ ͸ ϴ ؼ, ׷ KCmenu ߰ϴ ͵ ׸ ٰ մϴ.
  • KC2006/ġ . . . . 1 match
          * EmEditor Ͽٸ KC2006-2-MINI ġ Ǵ ġ Ŀ EmEditor ⺻ ġϽʽÿ.
          * ȯ溯 TEXEDIT
          Ͽ TeX ϴ ׽Ʈغϴ. ׽Ʈ (EmEditor) ġ Ŀ ϴ ϴ.
          DVI ȭ ŬϿ ش ġ Ͱ Ȯغϴ. (EmEditor ġ )
          6. (EmEditor)  Ϻθ ϰ ڽ ݿǴ ׽Ʈغϴ.
          1. ġ α׷ Ȯ .tex EmEditor associateְ dviout ι ġ ڵ մϴ. ٸ ں ϰ ڽ Ϳ ° Ͻñ ٶϴ. ϴ EmEditor ġ {{{C:\Program Files\EmEditor}}}Դϴ. ٸ ġ ġ ʿ Դϴ.
         KCmenu ֽ ȯ溯 {{{HOME}}} {{{TEXEDIT}}} ִ ϸ, ġ ͸ C:\WINDOWS ƴ (C:\WINNT ) ʿ ִ ԵǾ ֽϴ. KCmenu .
          * Uninstall Ʈ ȯ溯 û. (tmp, temp, texedit, home )
          * EmEditor ڵ
  • KC2006/ó . . . . 3 matches
          1. (⿡,) ʹ [EmEditor/Professional] 6.x ϴ ͸ Ѵ.
         EmEditor ġ ȳѴ. (ٸ ʹ ٸ Ѵ. , [KC2006/WinEdt])
          * EmEditor 鷯 ڼ ȳ Ƿ 鷶 ´.
          * پ ִ [EmEditor/Professional] ȳѴ.
          * [EmEditor/Standard] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, TeX뿡 ־ Professional ū ̴ , (ȹϰ ִ) ʴ´.
          * [EmEditor/Free] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, ⿡ ʴ´.
          *  [EmEditor/Free] KCmenu [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/Free#s-1.2.2 ]Ͽ Ѵ.
          * , editor ʿ ñϸ, [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeX%C6%ED%C1%FD%B1%E2#s-1 ] Ѵ.
          * 츮 editor Ͽ TeX " ڴ β", " ", ̷ ø Ѵ.
         === [EmEditor/Professional] ġ ===
          * [http://emeditor.com/download.htm ٿε] [EmEditor/Professional](32-bit) ٿ޾ ġѴ.
          * EmEditor ó : ġǾ, EmEditor . ִ.
          * {{{-> α׷->EmEditor}}} ŬѴ.
          * Ž⿡ Ͽ Ŀ , ŬϿ ޴, EmEditor ŬѴ.
          * α׷ Ǿ ִ , tex̳ sty Ŭϸ EmEditor .
          * tray icon ġ , tray icon Ŭϸ EmEditor .
         TeX ۾ ϰ ϱ MTeXHelper(ٿ, MTeX2) ġѴ. ڼ ȳ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MTeXHelper ] .
          1. ڼ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-3 MTeX2] , ⿡ ȳ Ѵ.
          * Ϸ C:\Program Files\EmEditor\Plugins ִ ġ MTeX2cmd.bat '''üѴ'''. ( ġ 纻 д.)
          1. EmEditor ÷ ٿ MTeX2 ߸ MTeX2 ٸ ̰ Ⱥ̰ ִ.
  • KC2007/ó . . . . 3 matches
          1. ʹ ( ٸ ͸ ص ) ⿡ [EmEditor/Professional] 6.x ϴ ϰ ȳ ϱ մϴ.
         == : EmEditor ==
         EmEditor ġ ȳѴ. (ٸ ʹ ٸ Ѵ.)
         : [KC2008]ʹ EmEditor ⺻ ʹ ̹Ƿ ִ. (óڶ [KC2008] ⺻ Notepad++ .)
          * EmEditor 鷯 ڼ ȳ Ƿ 鷶 ´.
          * پ ִ [EmEditor/Professional] ȳѴ.
          * [EmEditor/Standard] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, TeX뿡 ־ Professional ū ̴ , (ȹϰ ִ) ʴ´.
          * [EmEditor/Free] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, ⿡ ʴ´.
          *  [EmEditor/Free] KCmenu [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/Free#s-1.2.2 ]Ͽ Ѵ.
          * , editor ʿ ñϸ, [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeX%C6%ED%C1%FD%B1%E2#s-1 ] Ѵ.
          * 츮 editor Ͽ TeX " ڴ β", " ", ̷ ø Ѵ.
         cf. version 7 EmEditor/Free ʾ, KC2008ʹ EmEditor ⺻ͷ Ե .
          * [EmEditor/Free#s-1.1.1]
         === [EmEditor/Professional] ġ ===
          * [http://www.emeditor.com/modules/download2/ ٿε] [EmEditor/Professional](32-bit) ٿ޾ ġѴ.
          * EmEditor ó : ġǾ, EmEditor . ִ.
          * {{{-> α׷->EmEditor}}} ŬѴ.
          * Ž⿡ Ͽ Ŀ , ŬϿ ޴, EmEditor ŬѴ.
          * α׷ Ǿ ִ , tex̳ sty Ŭϸ EmEditor .
          * tray icon ġ , tray icon Ŭϸ EmEditor .
  • KTUGCollection2006/TIP . . . . 1 match
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d "$s"}
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d "$s.tex"}
         ==== sed : stream editor ====
  • KTUGŰ/ . . . . 1 match
          1. ⿡ øô е  editor ó?
  • Karnes/2006-01 . . . . 3 matches
          => Win2k Ʈе忡 UTF-8 Դϴ. ׸ Ultraedit ͵ ϴ. Linux yudit ڵ Ⱑ ֽϴ.(赵 ˷ּ)
          ȣ Բ ׸ ϷƮͷ ذǴ ̴ϱ ؼ ڰ Ͻ ִ. ׷ ߿Դ. pstoedit, ps2eps, pdftops, jpeg2ps, purifier(purifyeps DOS ġ · ), mpost, eps2eps, xfig, jfig, InkScape, netpbm... ƹư ׸ ó ؼ õ غ .
         OroborOSX nabi ̿Ͽ gedit ȭ̴.
  • Karnes/2006-03 . . . . 1 match
          1. edit action ¿ {{{ {{{#!latex }}} ؼ \\}}} ϴ. ó Է {{{ {{{#!latex }}} \}}} Էϸ ˴ϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 1 match
          DeleteMe ׷, ˰ , װ EmEditor(Academic Free Version)̾ ̽? >:> --ischo
         ... ۾ȯ濡 ۾ϴ е ηٴ . ϳ ؾ߰ڴٴ ... ... ֱٿ Ʈ ... TeXShop AquamacsEmacs, Emacs/X11, gedit vim, winefish Դٰϸ鼭 ۼ ̴ϱ... ϳ ٷ ִ ... ¿찣 ''ϳ ߰ڴ''.
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 5 matches
          * EmEditor ִ ġ PATH Ͽ, 𿡼 emeditor.exe Ҹ .
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d $s}
         (3) pdf AdobeReader , ùӸ ũ ִ. κ EmEditor Ų. EmEditor ̸ ο νϽ Ƿ ۾â ιġ Ǵ Ͻ .
         ''' With EmEditor Free'''
          , EmEditor inverse search κ ٲٴ ˴ϴ.
         "..\emeditor.exe"^s/l %d "%s"
          1. Editors
          1. editor : TeXmaker
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-08-22T22:59:24 UTF-8 support LaTeX Editors
          * EmEditor (plug-in) ***
          * jEdit (plug-in) .. ''Who uses Java in these days?''
          * VisualTeX (Editor) .. ''not bad.. ... ForwardSearch yapθ Ǵ ɻ? InverseSearch .'' Scintilla ̿ϴ ΰ?
          * UltraEdit ***
          * AcroEdit (?)
         ѱ ׷ ϸ ִ -WysiWyg Editor
          ͸ ؾ , ͸ ٰ ? μ EmEditor, Ǵ UltraEdit ΰ?
         ֱ ʹ MiKTeX ڵ ϰ ϴ ɼ Ե . MiKTeX ̶... MiKTeX ״ ξ Ͽ yap ϸ 뷫 KC2006 ũ . EmEditor M's TeX Helper dviout ⺻ KC2006 ģȭ̶ ұ?
         editplus 캸ø ? -- Anonymous [[DateTime(2006-08-23T02:29:39)]]
          ͸  캼 ְڽϱ? Anonymous Բ Ұֽø . ߿ UltraEdit Ź ӿ ұϰ ׽ƮغҰ, AcroEdit free ߽ϴ. Ư AcroEdit ҿ UTF-8 浵 . EditPlus free ƴϰ ʹϱ, 缭 ô в ֽô ڽϴ. ڽ UltraEdit Դϴ. ... ^^
         Ұ/ editor ǰ ̷ ѵ, ãⰡ ʳ׿. wiki editor ǰ ̴ ־ ڽϴ. -- IsCho [[DateTime(2006-08-24T07:13:16)]]
         [] EmEditor Ⱑ ... Բ ּž ? ;) -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-08-24T08:22:25)]]
         jEdit (plug-in) .. Who uses Java in these days? Ͽ Mathematica graphic 3 ɶ javaview α׷ մϴ. ̶ java support Ҵ մϴ. Ȥ ƽø ֽʽÿ. -- [gromov] [[DateTime(2006-08-29T04:37:30)]]
          1. AcroEdit
  • Karnes/2006-12 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/2007-03 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-03-29T22:45:28 Windows TeX Editor (Unicode)
         Simple, Light Editors for (La)TeX-editing (Windows/Unicode/Free or Shareware)
          1. OxEdit
          1. Scintilla Editor (SciTE)
          * EmEditor MTeX .
         ο Ϸ , EmEditor ϱ⿡ ̷ ɼ ִ Ƽ, ׳ ġϷ template 鵵 Ͽ.
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 8 matches
          BBEdit Textwrangler ü ̰ BBEdit ͼϴٸ ϰ ִ. http://www.bbedit.com/products/textwrangler/
          * Viewer TeXShop Ѵٸ, TeX-Scripts-BBEdit (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/21765 ) غ 𸣰ڴ. ̰ غ ʾҴ.
          * Viewer Skim Ѵٸ Kiffe TeX Tools for OS X BBEdit extensions for TeX ġϴ . http://www.kiffe.com/textools.html
          1. bbedit_TeX.script  Ѵ.
         EmEditor Free ν, KC2008 ⺻ ͷ ä Ǿ. , ׷ ? ɻ η , ׷ /Share α׷ ͵ UltraEdit, EmEditor, WinEdt  ͼ ִ ڵ 䱸 ϴ ׷ Free/OpenSource Ͱ Ƿ....
          -> WinEdt, EmEditor, UltraEdit Ұ...
          * -> AcroEdit, PSPad, Emerald Editor(CrimsonEditor) Ǹ ƿ... WinEdt ٰ ڵ嵵 ó .
          * -> AcroEdit, PSPad, CrimsonEditor, WinEdt ڵ UTF-8 ϰ ҷ ٱ ó Ѵ.
          1. ɸ JEdit ... Java ȯ濡 ѱ ۲ ڰ... ...
          1. ֱ ǵ DesyEdit̶ ʹ TeX ȯ Ǿ Ƿ ̰ äϴ ۾, Syntax highlighting ٽ .
         [[Vote(gvim/cream 1, DesyEdit ļ 0, 2% TeXmaker ä 4, ׷ ƿ Emacs... 0, Notepad++ 1)]]
         , װ ׷. ͸ Դϴ. ׷ ۿ KC2008 õ Դϴ. , default editor (IDE )  Ͽ ̳ ϴ . ͸ õ(?)ϴİ ƴ϶ KC2008 "Բ ġ ⺻ " ̳İ Դϴ. emacs ƹ ܰ Ǵ ... ;; -- [[DateTime(2008-06-17T02:45:48)]]
         ֱٿ mac texshop ֽϴ. winedt emeditor ͼ Ǹ ϴٴ Դϴ. Ȥ ϴٸ KTUG editor ϳ ؼ supportϴ ? (tex noviceμ editor ٲ ־Դϴ. ׷ е winedt ϴ ̰. 40 Ĺ е κ winedt 𸨴ϴ.) ...
          1. editorϳ ߿ Ͽ Ͽ free ǵ ϴ .
          1. kcmenu ϸ鼭 tex ƯȭǾ ִ editor ϳ ϴ .
  • Karnes/2008-09 . . . . 1 match
          1. WindowsŰ+R (-) regedit ̶ ְ ͸ ġ Ʈ Ⱑ .
         Notepad++ θ ־ ġ ǰ, EmEditor fsrch ص ġ ϴ.
          * . AcroEdit Ƹ ڵ带 ɼ ϴ ȭ. ó ƽôٽ AcroEdit ̽. ֱ KC2008 ۾ ѵ Notepad++ ž ߰...
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-09-17T07:29:04 EmEditor, MTeXHelper2, SumatraPDF
         ׽Ʈ ... ׽Ʈ KC2008 ⺻ ͷ [Notepad++] EmEditor ϴ п 帮 Դϴ. KC2008 ƴ ýۿ ȿ...
          * EmEditor ⺻ ͷ Ϸ TEXEDIT ٲپ մϴ. DVI inverse search ؼ dviout ٲپ ϰ... dvi Ŵϱ .
          * EmEditor ⺻ ͷ Ϸ .tex Ͽ EmEditor ٲپ մϴ. ̰ ˾Ƽ Ͻñ.
          EmEditor ʾƼ ̰  𸣰ڳ׿... ׽Ʈغֽñ⸦ ٶϴ. ϱ⿡ 򰡴 ̻ ...
         ƹư ̷, EmEditor, PSTricks ۾ ַ , SumatraPDF /ι ġ ϴ Ȳ ο ( ο ξ ... ϴ... :-) ) ۾ȯ ϴ.
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe\" /l %l \"%f\""
  • Karnes/2010-01 . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-01-11T17:02:15 EmEditor + ko.TeXLive 2009 + XeLaTeX default
         Ͽ. EmEditor MTeXHelper2 ġǾ ־ .
          * attachment:setupEmEditorForKTL2009.zip
          * to_PlugIns ִ EmEditor\PlugIns.
          * inversesearchtoemeditor ȿ ִ ΰ ϸ .
          * inversetoemeditor.bat fsrch.bat(to_PATHBIN) ش κ .
         *** DZ⸦ ٶ Ǵ ϰ 亯 ɼ ϴ. *** ( EmEditor ʱ ).
         *** ׽Ʈ ߽ϴ.( EmEditor ... :-( ) DZ⸸ ٶ . Ẹð '''ؼ ֽø''' ϰڽϴ. ***
         (Ȥö ׽Ʈ غ ø Ϳ Ͻ DZ ̸ 亯صӴϴ. EmEditor ġ ǻ簡 '''''' ϴ. ޸̸ ŷ ʾǷ ǵ ֽñ⸦ Ź帳ϴ. 縦 (KTUG Խ Ͽ) Խ̳ ٸ ũϰų Ұϴ մϴ.)
  • Karnes/2011-06 . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:hwp25eqedit.png?width=480
  • Karnes/2012-10 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-10-08T12:10:43 SortedItemize
         http://www.ktug.or.kr/xe/index.php?document_srl=162845 Ŀ, Ȯؼ SortedItemize Ҵ.
          * attachment:sorteditemizetest.tex
  • Karnes/LyX20 . . . . 2 matches
         "C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "lyxeditor.bat %f %l"
          4. lyxeditor.bat  path ɷ ִ ־д. {{{
  • LEd . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX Editor for Windows
         Windows LaTeX Editor. Copyrighted Free Software.
  • LaTeXCompanion . . . . 1 match
          edition = "Second",
  • LaTeXDraw . . . . 1 match
          * LaTeXDraw is a free PSTricks code generator or PSTricks editor for LaTeX distributed under the GNU GPL. LaTeXDraw is developed in java, so it's independent of the OS. It's available in English, in Spanish and in French.
  • LaTeXSuite . . . . 1 match
         پ LaTeX ɾ abbrev ϰ compile-edit Ȱ ִ մϴ.
         latex-suite dvi viewer [MiKTeX]/Yap ڵ νѴ. KC2006 DviOut ̰ üϷ, [wiki:VimEditor#s-6.4 latex-suite for KC2006] ϶.
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 2 matches
         ʹ ϴ ִ jEdit EmEditor ̴. EmEditor ͸ ϰ ſ ϰ ִ ڵ ̴. Ϻ ϱ ؼ ߴ ھȱ ص ʹ.
         (./) [WinEdt/ϺԷ] α׷(WinEdt, EmEditor, Ʒѱ, MS ) Ϻ ڵ(Hiragana, Katakana Ǵ ) Էϴ ִ.
         ==== EmEditor ̿ؼ Էϱ(Recommended) ====
          * EmEditor [http://www.emeditor.com] 뿡 utf-8 Ϻϰ Ʈ ִ.
          * Solution ߿ Ϻ IME + EmEditor ϰ Ϻ Է ִ δ. EmEditor ϸ , Ϻ(IME ִ )  鼭 ϴ° ϴ.
         [VimEditor] Ѵ.
  • LocalKeywords . . . . 2 matches
         emeditor editor
  • LocalSpellingWords . . . . 1 match
         Architekturen Bluetooth Browsers Dateifreigaben Editierfeld Einzelwort Falschinformation Freiform Fubereich Hilfeseite Intranet Klicken Konventionen Kopfbereich Lupen Rechtschreibkorrekturen Schablonen Seitenaufbau Seitentitel Unfug Wildcards alles ausbgeln einen erstellen
         Erkundung Hochkommata Kleinbuchstabe Seitenname Seitentitels Standardseite Zeichenkodierungen Zeichenstzen aktuelle anderer asiatische aus befindet beliebt bilden bis daher daraus dargestellt darber deren dieser editieren eines einfaches erzeugen es fhrt gemeinschaftliches genau gendert gro klicken leere lernen nach ohne sein speichern spezielle um unteren verschiedene westliche wird zurck blicherweise
         Beispielanwendung Druckversion Edititieren Metadaten Navigationshilfen Schnellsuche Seitentexten Seitentiteln Suchseite Teilworte anzuschalten benutzerspezifische bereits einige ermglicht experimentell insbesondere invertierten klickt originalen rckwrts sowie zustzlich zwischen bergeordneten
         Benutzerformat Benutzers Editierbereich Hyperlink Lschfunktion Seitenbereichen Systemformat Variablenersetzung Verarbeitungsanweisungen befolgen davon deshalb ersetzt folgenden ihre ihren ldt normalerweise sehr bliche
         Editierbar Webseite erste grte jeglichem platzieren regulren standardmig steht stellen textuelle unblich viel viele wiederherstellt zufllig zwar bergeben hnlich bernehmen
  • MakingDic . . . . 5 matches
          * edit_source.php attachment:edit_source.txt edit_source_ok.php attachment:edit_source_ok.txt
          մϴ. hoze Ͻ ü ̾߱ ֽø ϰڽϴ. 쿡 켱 mySQL Էϰ , ׳ ٷ TeX Ұ ƴϸ text ȯϿ Դϴٸ.. ¥ ̰̾ mySQL TeX ˴ϴ. ׷ ݴ ð mySQL data php ҷ鿩 web list editؾ ⿡ ׷ϴ. մϴ.--[synapse]
  • MakingExam . . . . 3 matches
         ̾ƹ hexam.cls ̿ mySQL php ̿ؼ DB TeX մϴ. ̹ DB pool ̿ؼ ְ ҷ մϴ. 󸶳 ɷ 𸣰. KLDP vi like editor on WEB а Բ ִ editor Ϸ մϴ.
         == WebEditor ⿡ ==
          * site Webeditor ̴. http://www.ziwoo.net/zb/download.php?fileName=wysiwyg.zip&fileExtra=zb_ziwoo_javascript_120_2.zip&boardid=zb_ziwoo_javascript&uid=120&an=1
          * Է κ: WebEditor ̿ϰ ٸ κе ̿ؼ 4 Էâ Ѵ. ׾ mainâ category discription ִ κ --> ⼭ , ְ, Ŀ ְ ̴.
  • MakingWebTeX . . . . 5 matches
          ȣ WebTeX ϰ ֽϴ. ߴ޵ WebTeX մϴ. Ͽ ִ OCS(Order Communication System,óü) մϴ. ׷ ̰ ٸ Ͽ , ܼ ӽϴ. ϱ ܼ Ÿ ۾ Դϴ. ׷ ƿ ׳ ⺻ data OCS ޾ƿͼ TeX ϸ ? Ͽϴ. ű⼭ ݴ Ȯϴ Ϲ oblivoir.class ⺻ Ͽ editor ? ϰ Ǿϴ.
          *  htmlԴϴ. ִ ܼϰ ϱ ؼ Rich Text Editor Ǵ WYSIWYG Text Editorδ phpschool Qindex Qwig_Editor Qwig.js Ͽϴ. latex ⺻ templateδ oblivoir.cls Դϴ. Rich Text Editor 쿡 ƹ Է¹ մϴ. http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/WebTeX/index.php Դϴ.
          ˼մϴ. html TeX Ϳ ؼ ϰ ־ ׷ϴ. html2latex.pl Ұ, ƴϸ ׳ ϳ ؼ ϰ ֽϴ.ٵ ̳ html editor firefox Ǵµ, IE ȵdz׿! 켱 FF IE ִٰ غ Դϴ. ̰ 񿡼 ing̿? ð ɸϴ. --[synapse]
         (2007 1 7) heading underline, emph, listȯ tableȯ濡 ȯ php code . table ΰ ̻϶ ۵ϵ . preg_replace_callback̶ Լµ, ̰ Ϸ ̻ ߴ. ׷ editor Ⱑ ƴ. Ŀ ̵ ȵǰ.... --[synapse]
         ù°δ ۼ⸦  Ϸ մϴ. ؾ ϰڽϴ. hwp MS words Ҷ ״ ʴµ ͽϴ. Ű κ ¥ ְ ǥ  ִ ̴ٰ մϴ. ׸ ׸ ̰!. ̷ latex WebEditor html ȱ ϰ ʽϴ. ׷ ʰ?(ҷ ϸ û ʿҰ̴ϴ( 쿡¿)) ȥڼ web editor ȯ մϴ.
         ѹ° ϴ makingDic ϸ鼭 ׻ ߴ ̷ ϵ ٸ ڰ  ؾ ϳϴ. ( ׷ ?) е鿡 δ LaTeX 帮鼭 ̷ ̷ LateX 鼭 ϼ! ϱⰡ ſ ɽϴ. ׾ listȯ̳ linkٵ. ̷ ؼ LaTeX ϱⰡ ̳ ߽ϴ. ׷ editor Ϻαɸְ ̷ Ͻʽÿ! ϸ ߽ϴ.
  • MathNTable . . . . 2 matches
          => [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/editors/MATHNTBL/MathNTable-for-KTUGCollection.exe MathNTable for KTUG Collection]
          => [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/editors/MATHNTBL/MATHNTABLE.EXE MathNTable]
  • MathType . . . . 1 match
          * MS Office EquationEditor MathType ̴.
          * ȸ翡 `WebEq`, MathPlayer, TeXaide α׷ Ǹϰ ִ.  TeXaide EquationEditor Էµ TeX, LaTeX, AMSLaTeX (ȯ)ִ α׷̴.
         MS-忡 equation editor Ͽ ݾƿ?
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          3. â "initexmf --edit-config-file dvipdfmx" ϸ ޸ ϴ. ޸忡 ߰ մϴ. {{{
          4. "initexmf --edit-config-file updmap" Ͽ ߰մϴ. {{{
          DeleteMe. ʾƼ 𸨴ϴ. ʰ ٸ KC2006  κп ؼ ڸƮ Ű ֽϴ. KC2006 CD ް Ͽ WinEdt ʹ ᵵ ȵȴٰ ϰ TeXify ѹ(Ǵ PDFTeXify ѹ) (MakeIndex ) ʴ´ٰ Ͽ ʾҽϴ. Ƶ ༮ ǻʹ MiKTeX ܰ迡 ߻Ͽµ(See KTUGSetup:9337'''''') ƹ ؼ KC2006 Ҵٰ( ʾҽϴ.) basic-miktex-2.5.2449.exe ٽ MiKTeX 2.5 ġ õϿ ƹ ̻ ġǾϴ. KC2006 MiKTeX ġ Ű Ǿ ׷ 𸣰ڽϴ. ε MiKTeX + HPack + WinEdt + EmEditor Free ϸ鼭 ϰڽϴ. ˼մϴ.-[Yhchoe]
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
          * [http://physics.kyunghee.ac.kr/~reds/Hpack_Project/Single_Files/editers/emacs-21.2/emacs-21.2.exe DOWNLOAD Binary]
  • NoteEdit . . . . 6 matches
         NoteEdit NtEd ̸ ο Ʈ ̸ ϰ ִ. NtEd MusiXTeX WikiPedia:MusicXML ̿ ڷ ȯ ϴ. LilyPond export ϸ ߴ NoteEdit WysiWyg ȭϿ Ϲ notation α׷ ջ . , Linux Ǵµ ̰ öп ̴.
          ( ũ) http://rnvs.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/~jan/noteedit/noteedit.html
          * fedora core 4 noteedit compile rpm version̳ ߴܵ ſ ƽϴ. ׷ 𸣰. ׷ ѹ濡 ذ߽ϴ. http://noteedit.berlios.de/ downloadϰ Ŀ ./cofigure;make;make installϸ ذ˴ϴ. tse3 ֽ compileϱ.
          KNOPPIX-debian {{{apt-get install noteedit}}} ϰ ֽϴ. :) --[Karnes]
  • PStoEdit . . . . 4 matches
         == GSView PStoEdit ==
         GSView ޴ {{{[Edit]-[Convert to vector format]}}} ׸ PStoEdit [GUI]̴. PStoEdit `Ghostgum` 丮 Ʒ ġѴ. , Ghostscript `C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54` ġǾ ְ, GSView `C:\Program Files\Ghostgum` ġǾ ִٸ PStoEdit `C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\pstoedit` ġ δ .
         PStoEdit ۾ GSView غ.
  • PageStyle . . . . 1 match
         '''Q2:''' (From KTUGOperate:16489'''''') LaTeX Դϴ. Ʒ ׸ Ӹۿ chapter ̸̳ section ̸ ڵ  Ǵµ. ǵ ũ⸦ Ѱ Ǵ , Ӹ ٷ editing ϴ  ִ? ڶ ⺻ ⵵ մϴ. ׷ Ź帳ϴ.
  • SamplesAndTemplates . . . . 1 match
         tlc2 The LaTeX Companion, second edition
  • StdTeXWorkingEnvProject . . . . 1 match
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/editors/ Useful Utilities]
          * EmEditor, EmacsW32
  • SubEthaEdit . . . . 1 match
         Mac OS shareware Editor
          * http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/
  • SumatraPDF/Sync/NPP . . . . 2 matches
  • TeXOrganizer . . . . 1 match
          ư 3 : (JEdit)
         === ư 3 : JEdit ===
          ׸ Ѵ. JEdit ġ 丮 jedit.ico ִ.
          ϵ, {{{Options}}} ׸񿡼 {{{%@n%}}} ڷ ְ( Ȯ ̸ Ѱ), Makeindex ϰ {{{Edit command line}}} üũش.
  • TeXaide . . . . 1 match
          EquationEditor Էµ PlainTeX, LaTeX, AMSLaTeX (ȯ)ִ Windows 98/2k/XP α׷.
          ϼ Ǵ μ(Ctrl-A)Ͽ (Ctrl-C) EmEditor ̱(Ctrl-V) .
  • TeXmaker . . . . 1 match
         GPL ̼ Ƽ ÷ free LaTeX Editor.
         Options -> Configure TeXmaker -> Editor .
          * Editor Font Encoding : UTF-8 Ǵ EUC-KR .
  • TeXġϱ . . . . 1 match
          * editor
  • TnXTeX . . . . 1 match
          * Extended : tinykcmenu, sumatrapdf, equation editor, etc.
  • TnXTeX/Obsolete . . . . 4 matches
         EditorFontName=Courier New
          * tinyKCmenu ȭ Ͽ ִ ߰Ǿϴ. tinyKCmenu "ȭ̸" -L -C Դϴ. set TEXEDIT=\tinykcmenu "%S" -L%d -C0 · ֽϴ.
          * ȭ UTF-8, ECU-KR Ǵϴ routine synedit ־, ̸ Ͽϴ.
          [attachment:tinyKCmenu-2009-04-17.exe tinyKCmenu.exe] ٽ øϴ. Ͻ Access violataion error ƽϴٸ, ۲ù Ͽ, sumatraPDF ̹ ġǾ ִ ǻͿ pdf viewer Ͽ ξ, registry ǵǾ ִ ġ sumatrapdf ϴ Ư ֽϴ. (׷ ġǾ ִ sumatrapdf ȭ̸ ٲдٵ Ͽ ϳ׿.) ׷, KC2008 ġǾ ʴ ǻͿ ϰ Ѵٴ 뵵 մϴ. :) Ͽ , sumatraPDF Inverse search, texeditȯ溯 ̿ ࿡ ǵư, .tex ȭϿ ⺻ editorϱ ߵǴ մϴ. [attachment:siv.txt batch]ȭϵ ÷մϴ. :o
          * 2009-07-25 attachment:tinyKCmenu-2009-07.zip ÷Ƚϴ. (?) Icon ޸ toolbar ߰ϰ, hunspell ̿ öڰ˻ ߰Ͽϴ. Ȥ ̿Ͽ ÷ myTinyXeTeXLive\2008\bin\ Ʒ ȭϵ Ǯ ־ֽø ˴ϴ. ׻ ׷ϵ bug report ޽ϴٸ, 𸨴ϴ. ׷, texworks ӿ Ѿ, ̻ update ֽϴ. ^^; Ƹ KCmenu update Ѵٸ ̹ Ե Դϴ. (ƽô и ƽô KCmenu editor Ǿ ְ. ^^; )
  • TpX . . . . 1 match
          1. EPS, PDF, WMF, EMF Importing . (EPS pstoedit ̿)
  • UTF-8 . . . . 2 matches
         [UTF-8] ִ /[μ] NotePad, Wordpad, MS-Word, Ʒѱ, UltraEdit, Yudit, EditPlus, jEdit, AcroEdit, [http://www.scunipad.org SCUnipad], Windows Vim (VimEditor), Windows Emacs ִ.
         Unix (Linux, Mac OS X ) [UTF-8] ִ Ⱑ ſ ϴ. Vim, Emacs, TextEdit (Mac), Yudit, [http://towo.net/mined/ mined], gedit, kedit Դϴ. Ϻ [ locale] ؾ մϴ. XIMδ [http://nabi.kldp.net Nabi] [http://kldp.net/project/ami Ami] ؼ ֽϴ.
          [http://www.unipad.org SCUnipad] ʽÿ. [UTF-8] BOM ó شٰ մϴ. , Windows Vim ([VimEditor]) [UTF-8] BOM ó Դϴ. --
  • UltraEdit . . . . 4 matches
         == UltraEdit ==
          * attachment:UltraEdit/latex.txt C:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt ڿ ٿ ֱ
          * ٿ ְ ϸ UltraEdit ڵ νϸ , Ʈ Advanced -> Configuration -> Editor Display -> Syntax Highlighting
         "C:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\uedit32.exe"^s"%s/%d/5"
         UltraEdit-32 and LaTeX: http://thorchristian.net/latex/
  • UltraEdit/KC2008 . . . . 2 matches
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\Uedit32.exe"^s "%f/%l/%c"
         "C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\Uedit32.exe"^s "%f/%l/%c"
  • VimEditor . . . . 2 matches
          UNIX ýۿ Ǿ VI(Visual editor) پ ־ Ų α׷Դϴ.
         ׷ ̸ VIM("Vi IMproved")Դϴ. See also ViEditor.
         X-Window MS-Windows [GUI] ȯ濡 ִ VimEditor.
          ultraedit , ܿ ݴϴ. http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=159
          See VimEditor/KC2006
  • WebEquationEditor . . . . 3 matches
          * Daum Equation Editor (ũȮ) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dinfmiceliiomokeofbocegmacmagjhe
          * http://www.numberempire.com/texequationeditor/equationeditor.php
          * http://sites.hamline.edu/~arundquist/equationeditor/
  • WinEdit . . . . 6 matches
          Commercial Windows Programmer's Editor. See also http://philscience.com/winedit/
         === WinEdit is not WinEdt ===
          WinEdit is a full-featured programmer's editor which can be configured for any language or compiler. However, it is not a specialized LaTeX editor. If you are purchasing WinEdit for use with LaTeX, please make sure you are not confusing us with WinEdt, published by Aleksander Simonic.
         (!) WinEdt `WinEdit` ٸ α׷̹Ƿ ȥϸ ȵ˴ϴ.
         WinEdit ƴϰ WinEdtԴϴ. ûֿ ô ͳݿ Winedit ã  Ʈ Ǵ. ׷ 90 WinEdit α׷ ̰ TeX ƹ 谡 巡. ׷ ȯϿ ޶ Ͽ ִ. ϼ. ° (i) ȵ˴ϴ. --[ƹ]
  • WinEdt/ϺԷ . . . . 1 match
         See also [LaTeXϺ], [WinEdtTip/EmEditorԲ], and [trivcj].
         WinEdt, EmEditor, Ʒѱ, MS , ޸, е, Internet Exploer Ǵ ٸ α׷ Ϻ ڵ(Hirakana, Katakana Ǵ ) Է.[[FootNote(WinEdt Ϻ () ǥô ? Ÿ(Ʒ '''׸ 1''' Ʒ κ ). [LaTeXϺ] " Solution ߿ Ϻ IME + EmEditor ϰ Ϻ Է ִ δ. EmEditor ϸ , Ϻ(IME ִ )  鼭 ϴ ϴ." Ͽ.)]]Ϸ 켱 http://www.ilbono.com/guide-help1.htm Ϻ IME ġѴ. http://www.ilbono.com/guide-help2.htm MS忡 Ϻ ڵ Էϴ ִ.
         :9 WinEdt Ǵ Emeditor TeX Ͽ Ϻ ڵ(Hirakana, Katakana Ǵ ) ٷ Էϱ ٴ '''Ʒѱ'''("ѱ 2005" ) ԷϿ ϴ. '''Ʒѱ''' '''Ʒѱ''' "Էµ" ִ "Էµ" ϴ.
          (./) '''Ʒѱ'''("ѱ 2005" ) ٸ " α׷"(MS , ޸, е, Internet Explorer, WinEdt, EmEditor )ó "Էµ" '''Ʒѱ''' "Էµ" ϴ. Ʒѱ â "Էµ" attachment:WinEdt/hangeul.jpg Ÿ. ⼭ ""ڸ Ŭϸ " Ϻ" ִ. ̰ ϸ "Էµ" attachment:WinEdt/hangeul2.jpg Ѵ.
          (./) EmEditor ٸ α׷ Ʈ õ ٸ. EmEditor Ʈ "Ϻ" ٷ Hirakana(Ҫ骫) Էϴ ̰, ٸ α׷ Ʈ '''θڷ ԷϿ Hirakana ȯϴ '''(Ʒ Footnote `[2]` )̴.
          (./) EmEditor Ϻ ڵ(Hirakana) Ÿ ϴ "Ϻ" ̿ϴ İ θڷ Ÿϰ Hirakana ȯϴ ִ.
          EmEditor â "Էµ" attachment:WinEdt/ϺԷ1.jpg Ǵ attachment:WinEdt/ϺԷ4.jpg Ǿ "KO" "JP Ϻ" δ. ̰ Ŭϸ "Էµ" attachment:WinEdt/ϺԷ3.jpg Ѵ. ĺ A ڰ ִ Ŭϸ "Hirakana" ִ. ̰ ϸ "Էµ" attachment:WinEdt/ϺԷ2.jpg Ѵ. Ʈ "Ϻ" ٷ Ϻ (Hirakana: ؿ Ÿ) Էϴ ̴. KANA ߸ ŬѴ. ׷ θڷ ŸϿ Hirakana ȯϴ õȴ.[[FootNote( Ϻ ڷ Էϴٰ ٸ α׷ ٿ ĺ ŸϿ Hirakana ȯϴ ٲ 쵵 ִ. KANA ߸ ȴ.)]]
  • WinEdtTip/GhostScript . . . . 1 match
         Ϻ α׷ ߿ MiKTeX GhostScript(mgs) ƴ϶ gswin32c 䱸ϴ 쿡 GhostScript ġϿ Ѵ. pstoedit, GSView, epstool, TeXPoint ׷ϴ. ̷ α׷ Ϸ GhostScript ġϰ θ PATH ϴ . GhostScript θ "PATH ȯ " ߰ϴ KTUGOperate:5334 Ǵ Ʒ ׸ " " ϶.
  • XDvi . . . . 2 matches
          xdvi -editor "gnuclient -q +%l %f" file.dvi
          xdvi.editor: gnuclient -q +%l %f
         # By using one of the environment variables XEDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR, e.g. (for (ba)sh):
          export XEDITOR="gnuclient -q"
          setenv XEDITOR "gnuclient -q"
  • Yhchoe/WinEdt̵ . . . . 4 matches
         TeX μ Ѹ Ѵٸ "DZ"(Typesetting)̴. WinEdt([http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/winedt-work1.png ũ]) Windows [TeX] αִ ƴѰ ʹ. WinEdt ѱ Է HLaTeX ѱ ۲ ۿ ٴ ̴. ׷ [Hangul-ucs] ۲ "޸", JEdit, AcroEdit  ҽ ڵ带  ; Ѵ. ڵ ״ ִ. ׸ Ʒ FreeSoftwareʹ ޸ ShareWare(Ϻ: л 30, Ϲ 40)̰, Ⱓ ִ.
          1. JEdit: [Hangul-ucs] ۲õ ִ. ([http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/jedit/jeditcompilewhat.jpg ũ])
          1. AcroEdit: [Hangul-ucs] ۲õ ִ. ([http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/jedit/acroedit_5.jpg ũ])
          1. ViEditor Ǵ VimEditor
          * KTUGSetup:3937 `miktex.ini` "Editor " See also [WinEdtTip/ҽãư]
         CategoryEditor CategoryManual
  • Yudit . . . . 3 matches
          1. yudit ؼ `[shift-F5]` ( `yudit.editor.fonts` ټ°Դϴ. editor.fonts Դϴ....) ÷̵Ǵ Ȯϼ.
  • emacsϱ . . . . 1 match
         Emacs ſ editor̳ ׻ ϰ ٰ ϴ Ⱑ ƴٴ ִ. WindowXP(Ȯ ϸ KTUGCollection2006) ̻ 鼭 ٽ ѹ Ѵ.
          * غ. command ִ '''ڰ ϳ̰ ׾ȿ ٸ command '''̴. ׾ text ̴. C-M-% Էϰų, Emacs ޴ Edit->Replace->Replace Regexp ؼ mycommandκ ְ, Ŀ myenvκ ִ´.
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals . . . . 2 matches
         TeXDistribution ⺻ editor ִ 쵵 , editor ġؼ 찡 . ̰ KTUG  Ǿ   ִ 캸 ؾ Ѵ.
  • hermian . . . . 1 match
         editor of your choice.
  • ٶ . . . . 4 matches
          ٶ ''⺸ٴ 'عۼ' ϰ ͽϴ. â⿡ ǰ ̷ؼ Դϴ. ڿ  ̵κ ܸ ϴµ մϴ. hwpѱ̳ ms尰 빮ۼ ǰ ׵ ũ Ǿ ǰ ġ µ ٴ ϳ̰, ٸ ϳ ̷ 빮ۼⰡ ׶ Դϴ. ̱ȸ ȸ ع(revtex4) ̿ܿ ms ޴ ͵ Ǹ Դϴ. ׷ emeditor winedt ⸦ Ͽ Ĺ , տ ʷ ۼϰ μ ۾ ֽϴ. ̷ ۾ϴ â⿡ ׷ ־ ô뿡 Ÿڸ Ͽ ־ Դϴ. ǻ͸ Ͽ ÿ Ƿ Ĺ ۼ Ÿڱ ̾ ϴ. ̷ - ۾ ŷο򶧹 Ư ڵ ȸ ̶ Դϴ. ۼ ſ T3 α׷ ϴ. springer ǻ翡 T3 ۼ ߴٰ մϴ. T3 ϳ, װ ׿ Դϴ. T3 α׷ scientific wordԴϴ. ǰ Ͽ ع ̰ վȿ ٸ Ƹ ms峪 hwp Ἥ Ĺ Դϴ. scientific word ̿ܿ ٸ α׷ ְ Ͽ α׷ ϴ. 츮 عۼ⸦ ٸ  α׷ ߾Ѵٰ ϴ. ̰̾߸ ް Դϴ. - Ƕ .
         ο editor ٸ Ȥö ̷ε ͱ⵵ մϴ.
          ο ͸ ؽƮ Էϴٰ ٲ 迭 Է±Ⱑ ˾ §~ϰ ö ڽϴ. ׸ ˾ ش ִ κ ϸ §~ϰ ̴ ɵ ڽϴ. JEdit ĺκ ũƮ ڸ Ͽ κи ִ ־µ ׺ .... ٶٸ ƿ ĺκ ϼ · ־ ġ κ  ....
          Է±Ⱑ е鲲 ϴ TeXaide ֽϴ. TeX Equation Editor Ѵٰ Ͻø ǰ, δ ׳ Copy-Pasteϸ ˴ϴ.(ĺκ ؼ ͷ "ٳ(drag&drop)" ̴ϴ. ^^ ) translator AMS-LaTeX θ ǰ ֱ. "Include math data in translation" üũصδ ϴ. ׷ ּó ̻ Ͱ Բ ٴµ, κб ؼ TeXaide ٽ ° ˴ϴ. TeXaide ϴ ϰ ֽϴٸ ̰ Ȱϴ ʴٰ ϰ ֽϴ. ̶... ⿡ ʹ ϸ TeX Ŀǵ带 ٴ ...
         ׸ ˾ ش ִ κ ϸ §~ϰ ̴ ɵ ڽϴ. JEdit ĺκ ũƮ ڸ Ͽ κи ִ ־µ ׺ .... ٶٸ ƿ ĺκ ϼ · ־ ġ κ  ....
          Ϳ Ͽ TeX Ǹ  ϳ ÿ 콺 ʾƵ ȴٴ Դϴ. ȸ հ  ¿ ϴ. ̰ ȭϴ relaxϰ ȹٷ ¿ editϴ Դϴٸ, 콺 ϸ ̰ ʽϴ. (콺 ϱ ڼ ϱ ƽϴ. ȭϴ ϴٰ ±رǰ Alexander technique ߰Ͽϴ.^^)
          ޵ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. ̰κ ÿ ͼٴ Ͽ 帳ϴ. ( ̾׷ ϰ) Է 찡 ֽϴ. ϳ ϴ ˰ ִ Դϴ. 쿡 ̿ ʽϴ. ̿ Ӹӿ Ǵ ̹Ƿ ״  ֱ Դϴ. ӵǴ 꿡 Ű ϴ Դϴ. ϴ ʴ Դϴ. Ư ̷ Ǯ Ǵ Դϴ. Ƿ 찡 ̿ شմϴ. ̶ ̸ Ͽ ̸ մϴ.  쿡 Դ 콺 ͺٴ Ʒ ѱ 2002 text editing ϴ ϰ ϴ. $ y(x)=\dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2}\bigg|_{t=1}$ ǥϰ , Ӹ ӿ ְų, տ ִٸ Ǵ´ y(x)=\dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2}\bigg|_{t=1} Ʈ ̸ ߿ \dfrac̳ \bigg ʴ´ٸ ̰ ã Ͽ WinEdt â ų ٶ Դϴ. ϴ´ Ǿ, typo Ͽ ĸ compile â ҰԴϴ. ٶ ̷ â 콺 ʾ ϴ Դϴ.(Ű忡 콺 ͸ε ð ƸԽϴ. Ÿ ӵ ʽϴ. д 200Ÿ Ư ϸ鼭 ̰ ݵ ʽϴ. ׷ 콺 ū δԴϴ.) - [gromov]
         ϰ^^....Է EmEditor ָ Է context ɾ ɴϴ. ׷ٰ ϴ ɾ ȭǥ ش ɾ ϸ ˴ϴ. ̷ ص ó ͼϸ Ե . ׷ Է 庯 ϸ Էâ 콺 ʴ Űθ ɾ Էص Էâ Ÿ 𿡴 ĸɾ Ŀ ɾ ãƼ ġ Էâ Ÿ... ް Էµ ̷ ϸ մϴ. 쿡 󼭴 콺 Էâ §~ϰ Ÿ......[ǿ]
  • . . . . 13 matches
          ϴ α׷ Mac OS Classic 8.1(7.3.3) (׷ iCab ¡ ϰ OzTeX TeX ۾ ϰ TV ȭ 鼭 QuarkXpress ̵ 鼭 ̳ ִµ) ° ͸ Ẹٰ({{{ BBEdit, TexEdit... }}}) ᱹ Ͽ . ϰ ٹȣ ʰ ׳ ؽƮ , ؽƮ оִ Voice (ƴ Ư ), ׸ ִ , ε ü ִ , α׷ ٿ ŷ̾. OS X ϱ... :) --[Karnes]
         === VimEditor ===
         Emacs Vim. ͣ . ߿ Vim ִ. ٰ ȴ. TeXӸ ƴ϶ ؽƮ ̰ɷ ذѴ. Emacs ַ . ׷ UTF-8ȯ žƿʹ Emacs ϰ Ǿ. ڵ ̷ ϰ ֱ ̴. ̸׸ ddom̶ ڸ Emacs ȭ鿡 ǥ Ѵ. mule-ucs ѱ۵ ڵ ƽԵ KSC5601 ̴. AUCTeX̶ Ȥ ȯ Ѹġ Vim ַ Vim ߺ ຸ Emacs ü ̾( ̸ƽ ڵ带 ̹Ƿ ׶ 𸥴 ;) ). ׸Ͽ Vim AUCTeXȯ濡 ƹ ġ ͼ Ű  صΰ ׷ Emacs ũ η ̸ Ǿ. ׷ Vim ʹ ൿ ٸ. ׷ ѵνð ؼ ϴµ Ʈ ϳ Ұڸ: [http://wiki.kldp.org/KoreanDoc/html/Vim_Guide-KLDP/Vim_Guide-KLDP.html ȣ Vim ]. 뵵 ϳ ׷ ͸ θ Vim ߱޻ڴ ȴٰ ִ. ׷ 鿡 ʺ .< , VimEditor Ұ vim-latexsuitΰ ġغҴٰ ϰ ݻ . ѱ۰ ʹ ģ߱ ̴. ̷ ֵ α׷ ͺ ڽ ⿡ ° ũγ Ű ؼ . · : Vim Ẹ! 뵵 ִٴ±! Դϴ. --DohyunKim
         DOS ó , ? edlin edit. Windows XP Ⱑ ִ. edit.com qbasic `/edit` ɼ ҷ ε, ٴ ̴.
         ﺸ ׾ ѱ `TGEdit`̶ . ׷ ִ EPSON 8 Ϳ (ѱ Ǿ ʾƼ) ʿ並 . QEdit̶ ۰ Ͱ Ƹ ȯ Ͱ ƴϾ Ѵ. ô 640K ޸𸮸  ؼ ٿ ߱ α׷ ޸ ܿ ߿ߴµ, QEdit ̷ 䱸 ־ Ѵ. Ƹ ѱ `` ʾҳ ʹ.
         QEdit [http://www.semware.com TSE junior]ΰ ϴ ̸ ̸ ٲ ǰ ִ. [] ۾ ͼ ̶ ƿ ͵ ͸ Ẹ ͵ ο . :)
          Ͱ Ẹ Ű? QEdit ﺸ `TGEdit` سҽϴ. ;) --[Karnes]
          Ͷϸ Qedit. ϰ Ű εҼ ִ Qconfig ¾α׷ ־ϴ. ׷ Ʈ Ű 놌 ϴ. ũⰡ 6~70kbyte ɷ ϴµ ׵ ũٰ Ͼ ѳ ߾ϴ. ׹ۿ PE2 ϴ ͵ ־µ μη â ־ϴ. ݵ ϴ Ⱑ ctrl-backspaceϴ. ۿ ME 뷮Ѿ ִ Ͱ ־µ ޴ ô Ҵ ﳳϴ. δ ó â ־ 콺 ɵ ߴ ɷ ˴ϴ. ׸ CliE(Ŭ) 츮 Ʈȸ翡 α׷ӿ Ͱ ־µ ִ ũⰡ 64kbyteϴ. ׷ 뷮 α׷Ӷ ̻ ū ũ ҽ ٷ ȵȴٴ ̾ϴ. Ͱ ó ְ Ʈϴ. NE ͵ ־µ ־ϴ. NC ޷ִ ͸ . ̺ ȰŴ 翡 ̵ű̶ ƿ Ͱ ־. ɾ ߿ ͺC ȯ濡 ִ ͷ ذҷ ߽ϴ. ׷ F4 ִٴ ũΰ ϴٴ Ʒ ѱ۷ Ʈ ϰ text ߽ϴ. ۿ ̷ ͸ ֱ. --ƺ
         === JEdit ===
         KTUG Collection 鼭 ޾ ߴ. WinEdt ʴ´ٴ . ׷ ãƳ JEdit̾. ׷ ̰ ˰ . ֱ ϳ JEdit Ҵµ ׷鼭 JEdit ʿ ߰ϰ ϸ鼭 ۾ Ͽ. label ڵ ãִ Ͱ sidekick ׺̼. Emacs θ ϴ ͺٴ ģ ƴұ ;, õ ǥ. --[Karnes]
         === EmEditor + M's TeX Helper 2 (plug-in) ===
          ⸦ дٺ, İ ؾ qedit ϴ. ʼ (, $37.50 ̶ ǥ پ ִ) Lamport å ؼ ۼؾ ߽ϴ. (Ȯϰ ) غ main frame /ؼ , ͷ , ٸ ǹ Ʈ ̸ ͼ ۾ϰ ͷ ߾ ߽ϴ. ̷ ýۿ . ᱹ, pc emtex ۾ϸ鼭 dvi viewer Ȯϰ, б ٽ main frame ÷ Ʈ߾ϴ. ׷ غ, dviout pstricks ¼ yap ¼ ϴ ¼ ȣ ܿ X-( ְڽϴ.
         Ƹ main frame emacs ε, ̷ ֳ Ͱ տ ʾ ߴ մϴ. ( ϱδ) emtex 鼭 ߴ ſ qedit̾ϴ. ׷ emacs ƴ qedit ϰ ü ƴ϶ dvi viewer ۾ȯ ̾ϴ. ( , emtex ⸦ ʾҴ, Ƹ emacs 𸣰ڽϴ.)
          å ⿡ ȿ memoir Ϳ ۵Ǿ. memoir ѱ memhangul-ucs ϴµ ̰ dhucs ϸ, dhucs Ϸ unicode ִ editor ʼε winedt unicode ٴ ˰ Դϴ.
         ڵ ⸦ ãƾ ߽ϴ. ( ġ߽ϴ. ̷ ͸ ϸ鼭 winedt ϴ Կ Ʋϴ. <:( ) jedit, emeditor, texmaker ϴ. texmaker ܵǾµ Ž⿡ tex Ŭص Ⱑ ʱ ̾ϴ. jedit ̾ƺ ģ ȳ ұϰ inverse search ۵ϰ ϴ ؼ ߽ϴ. emeditor ̾ƺ ޿ ۵Ǿ, hoze smcho EmEditor Ұ  ԵǾϴ. inverse search, forward search, external tool ɵ ϴ plug-in M's TeX Helper 2 鼭 Ǿϴ. Ȯ强 emeditor ü ѵٰ TeX۾ Ưȭ M's TeX Helper 2 鼭 winedt ־ ̾. ̷ winedt ־, ư ڵ *ġ* winedt ģ ˸ ߽ϴ. ġ 20 (ʹ ְ) ǿ 踦 , ǿ 鿡 踦 ƿ ʴ ٰ ϴ Ͱ ƶ̶ ְڽϴ. --ischo
          * ChoF, ƺ VimEditor
          * [hoze], IsCho, [] EmEditor
          * ó AcroEdit
         CategoryEditor CategoryMisc
  • . . . . 1 match
         [[Vote(TeXWorks 1,Notepad++ 3,Emacs 7,Gvim 6,EmEditor 24,WinEdt 7,EditPlus 3,UltraEdit 2,AcroEdit 2,TeXmaker 1,JEdit 1,LyX 4)]]
         [[Vote(TeXWorks 1,VimEditor 10,Emacs 8,Kile 3,WineFish 2,gedit 1,kate 1)]]
         [[Vote(TeXWorks 1,TeXshop 4,Emacs 3,BBEdit 1,TextMate 1,TeXmaker 1)]]
  • ġϱ . . . . 2 matches
         , ġϿ ȯ Linux Mint 5 XFCE̶ ⺻ mousepad Ͽ, ubuntu gedit ٲپ
          /etc/profile ( mousepad gedit ٸ ͸ ŵ ˴ϴ.)
  • ѱԷ . . . . 1 match
          * regedit Ѵ.
         ==== VimEditor ====
         See VimEditor.
          5. ׸ ̷ ;) EmEditor ù ڸ ϰ ִ ̴. ÷ ۲ {{{CODE2000}}}̴.
  • ó/ͼ . . . . 4 matches
         {{{.../texmf/miktex/config/miktex.ini}}} Editor= κ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ѵ.
          * EmEditor''''''
          * {{{Editor="....\EmEditor\emeditor.exe" "%f" /l "%l"}}}
          * VimEditor''''''
          * {{{Editor="c:\utils\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe" "+%l" "%f"}}}
         {{{TEXEDIT}}}̶ ̸ ȯ溯 մϴ.
          * ̸ : TEXEDIT
          * EmEditor (default. ġ )
          * : {{{"...\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe" /l %d "%s"}}}
          * AcroEdit
          * : {{{"c:\program files\acrosoft\acroedit\Acroedit.exe" "%s/L:%d"}}}
          * ( AcroEdit ׷ ϱ , ( .
          * VimEditor
  • Ű۾ . . . . 1 match
         config.php {{{$use_sectionedit=1;}}} ֽ߰ø ڳ׿. ̷ Ű Ƹ ̴ϴ. --[hermian]
  • Ÿ . . . . 1 match
         Ȥ ̰ pfaedit ϰ̰ ذ մϴ. --WkPark
  • . . . . 2 matches
         It is also simple matter to manually edit output from BibTeX to cope with special
          ٲ ְ ۾ (manually edit)ϴ մϴ.  쿡 ҽ ̱ Ͽ, " " ȸ Ÿϰ ٸ ̸ ġ Process ̱ Ͽ '''ī'''Ͽ TeX Ͽ ̴ ϴ. IEEE ϴ ۼ
  • ǥѱTeXȯƮ . . . . 1 match
          WinEdt texify ϴ ٶ մϴ. ֳϸ ڵ ع ã õ غ ϴµ WinEdit ְ ϴ ϴ. ͸ ʱ⿡ ξ ˴ϴ. ׷ ϴ մϴ. α׷ ɼ ϴϱ. ü ̶ Ѵٸ 뿡 ްԵ ?
          * CrimsonEditor : ̰ äϷ α׷ ֿ οؾ մϴ.
          KC05 [JEdit] õ ״ ߰, KC06 Ư ͸ ʰ ͸ ϵ ߽ϴ. ٸ ϰ TeXmaker Բ ϴ Դϴ.
          1. ׸ó : NetPbm, jpeg2ps, ps2eps, pstoedit, pdfcrop, pdftops
  • ѱƮ . . . . 1 match
          * http://www.iedit.net/
1352 ߿ 116 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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