"set"() ü ãƺ

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.
FrontPage占십몌옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙見占 › CygWinġϱ

ũ ã
  • AMSLaTeX/Theorem . . . . 1 match
  • AUCTeX . . . . 19 matches
          1. ۼ κ (region) Ѵ. ( `C-SPC` ۼ踦 `set-mark-command` Ų ִ mark (cursor) ִ point ̸ Ѵ.)
         (setq-default TeX-master nil)
         (setq TeX-auto-save t)
         (setq TeX-parse-self t)
         ||<(> `C-c _` ||<(> ||<(> set TeX-master ||
         ;;(set-language-environment "Korean")
         (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
         (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
         (setq coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
         ;; (setq default-korean-keyboard "3")
         ;;(global-set-key [?\S- ] 'toggle-input-method)
          (setq default-korean-keyboard ""
          (setq default-korean-keyboard "3"
         ;; (setq input-method-verbose-flag 'default
         ;; AUCTeX Setting
         (setq TeX-auto-save t)
         (setq TeX-parse-self t)
         (setq-default TeX-master nil)
         (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
         ;;settings for bib-cite.el
  • AcrobatDistiller . . . . 1 match
          ɼ ҷ '''Settings'''-'''Job Options''' ˴ϴ. ߿ ɼ ϳ "Ʈ".
         ''Embed All Fonts'' ''Subset All Embedded Fonts Below 100%'' ϸ ϴ.
  • AdobeReader/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
         '''[PDF] GSView :''' AdobeReader AcrobatReader Ǹ α׷ Ʋ, TeX ۾ ֽϴ. ϴ AdobeReader Ǵ AcrobatReader [PDF] ¿ `close` ʾƼ  ٴ . , PDFLaTeX̳ DVIPDFMx ִ Ͽ ؼ ϸ ϴ.[[FootNote((From KTUGSetup:9871'''''') AdobeReader AcrobatReader pdf ٸ α׷ ǵ帱 ᰡ Դϴ. ׷ PDFLaTeX ̴ϴ.)]]
          WinEdt ϳ DVIPDFMx PDFLaTeX PDF ٽ AdobeReader ִ PDF ٽ AdobeReader ҷ̴ ũΰ ۵Ѵٴ . ׷ ٽ PDF ġ ǵư ʽϴ.[[FootNote((From KTUGSetup:9871'''''') pdf Ž ٸ α׷ ŬϿ ð WinEdt ִ pdf (Ʒ ÷ ׸ (2,2) ġ ִ ) ̿Ͽ pdf . WinEdt ʰ ִ pdf Ͽ ؼ WinEdt Ǯ ϴ.)]]
         '''A5-1:''' PDF ߻Ȳ ѱ ϸũ ϴ ð Դϴ. ¼ ̹ ߵǾ ִ . μ Ȯ AcrobatReader 5.05 ϴ Դϴ. ̰ wine ġǾ ־ մϴ. ׸ Adobe 98 ѱ 5.05 ٿ޾ wine ̿Ͽ ġմϴ.(98 ̸ ʿ䰡 ϴ. wine ġ winesetup Ͽ fake_windows ϸ Ȩ丮 `.wine/fake_windows/` µ ؿ AcrobatReader ġ˴ϴ) ķδ wine AcrobatReader Ͽ ѱۺϸũ  PDF ֽϴ. --[DohyunKim]
         '''Q6:''' `Warning: charset "UTF-8" not supported, using "ISO8859-1". `̶ ޽ Ѹ鼭 ʽϴ.
          * ѱ  Ʈ (embed)ϰ PDF ϴ ʿϴ. cf. KTUGSetup:5745'''''' ÷ mytest.pdf.
         '''A7:''' from KTUGSetup:2955''''''(ChoF)
  • AutomaticJosaSelection . . . . 1 match
          * [http://ajt.ktug.kr/assets/2008/5/1/0102karnes.pdf 谭, ѱ ؿ ü ڵȭ Ͽ] AJT, Volumn 1, Number 2.
  • Beamer . . . . 1 match
          * پ ø . `\texmf\tex\latex\beamer\themes` `\texmf\tex\latex\beamer\themes\theme\compatibility` ִ ׸ Ÿ ϵ(: `beamerthemeAnnArbor.sty`) ں `\usetheme{AnnArbor}` ҷ Ƿμ ø Ų(skin) ٲ ִ. (2006 2 Ŀ ƮϿ 37 ִ. -> Ʒ ׸ "Ȱ " )
  • BookTabsPackage . . . . 2 matches
  • BoundingBox . . . . 1 match
         '''׸ 1:''' `Figure1.eps`(Ʒ κ) BoundingBox ߸ Ǿ ġ (cf. KTUGSetup:11233'''''') GhostScriptUtilities {{{eps2eps}}} ̿Ͽ `Figure4.eps`( κ) BoundingBox
         Please see [bbϾ] , [KTUGSetup:11236 BoundingBoxذ]
  • Box . . . . 10 matches
         \setbox0\hbox{This is My New Box.}
         \setbox\mynewbox\hbox{This is My Newly Defined Box.}
          ڽ̸ ڽ \lastbox ̸ ޴´. ڽ ƴϸ \lastbox void ȴ. `{\setbox0=\lastbox}` ڽ Ʈ ִ. ̰ ̿ : KTUGOperate:11742
         \setbox\mynewbox\hbox{This is My Newly Defined Box.}
         \setbox0\hbox{this is My Box.}
         \setbox0\hbox{this is My Box.}
         \setbox\mynewbox\hbox{This is My Newly Defined Box.}
         \setbox\mynewbox\hbox{This is My Newly Defined Box.}
         \setbox0= \hbox{good }
         μ ־ ڸ typeset ڰ  ڽ height depth 0 .
  • CM۲ . . . . 2 matches
         ComputerModern ۲ñ Knuth ټ ''Computers and Typesetting'' Volume E ڼ ǰ ϰ ȭǾ ִ.
          series = "Computers and Typesetting",
  • CP949 . . . . 2 matches
         Code Page IBM̳ MS ϴ ڻ ü ڵȣ Ű ̴. coded character set ǹϿ locale ǹϴ ȮǾ.
          , 'CP' code page ̰ coded character set ٸ Դϴ. , code page locale ǹѴٴ ͵ ùٸ Ⱑ ƴմϴ. ڵ ÷ Windows 9x/ME Mac OS Classic̳ UTF-8 ƴ ٸ character encoding н locale character encoding (Ȥ code page) Ұϰ ߽ϴ. , װ ũ OS Windows 2k/XP, UTF-8 Unix, Mac OS X ̻ ʴ Դϴ.
  • CTANSearch . . . . 1 match
         <form action="http://www.ctan.org/cgi-bin/filenameSearch.py" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" accept-charset="UTF-8">
  • CaptionOfFloats . . . . 7 matches
         '''Q3'''(From KTUGOperate:22013'''''')''':''' ׸ ĸ ű غ \captionsetup ߻ϴ... ؾ ϴ ? Ϸּſ...Ź帮ڽϴ.
  • CheckTeXEngine . . . . 2 matches
          \setmainfont{Times New Roman}
  • CommonLicenses . . . . 1 match
         licence is a supperset of the other. There are some things that you
  • ConTeXt/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
          3. [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=3964&page=3 ̾ƺ ConTeXt TEXMF]
          1. Linux ġ : KTUGSetup:9624
  • Conditionals . . . . 22 matches
          \setcounter{hours}{\time / 60}%
          \setcounter{minutes}{\time - \value{hours} * 60}%
          {\setcounter{hours}{\value{hours} - 12}%
         ==== `\newboolean`, `\setboolean` ====
          * \setbool{name}{value} : value true false.
          \setcounter{summation}{\thesummation + \themyloopcnt}%
          {\setcounter{summation}{\thesummation + \therepeatcnt}%
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 20 matches
          [http://project.ktug.or.kr/cygwin-teTeX/cygwin-setup.htm ǥѱTeXȯ Ʈ teTeX under Cygwin] ֱ CygWin ȯ濡 ° Ϸ Դϴ.
         === ġ α׷ setup.exe ٿε ===
         [http://www.cygwin.com CYGWIN Ȩ] {{{Install Cygwin Now}}} [http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe setup.exe] ٿεѴ.
          ٿε ȭڰ Ÿ "" Ͽ ϵ ũ setup.exe Ѵ.
         ٿε尡 ϷǸ setup.exe α׷ Ų. Ȱ Ÿ ϰ Ѵ.
          * Download from Internet : ͳ ϸ ٿε մϴ. ߿ CYGWIN ġ ڴ setup.exe α׷ ٽ ų ʿ䰡 ִ. CYGWIN ٸ ǻͿ ġϱ ϸ ٿε ϴ.
          * Use IE5 Settings : Internet Explorer 5 .
          ϸ κ CYGWIN Ű ٿ޾ ȭ鿡 ش. ⼭ ڰ ġ ִ. View ư Ű ⸦ Full ٲ۴. Category شǴ Ű ݵ ġؾ Ѵ. [http://project.ktug.or.kr/cygwin-teTeX/setup_files.htm ġ ] ϶.
         set CYGWIN_ROOT=C:\cygwin
         set HOME=
         set DISPLAY=
         set meta-flag On
         set convert-meta Off
         set output-meta On
         VimEditor н ̴. Windows뵵 ְ  Windows gvim ִ. CygWin ȯ濡 gvim ̵ ƽ Ƿ KTUGSetup:4268'''''' ˷ֽ Ʈ http://hermitte.free.fr/cygwin/ {{{cyg-wrapper.sh}}} ٿ޾ ̿غ.
         set CYGWIN_ROOT=C:\cygwin
         set HOME=
         set DISPLAY=
          1. CygWin {{{setup.exe}}} Ѵ.
  • DHHangul/ȭ . . . . 1 match
          帰 TUG 2004 ''Typesetting CJK languages with Omega'' ǥϷ ߾ϴ. 10 Abstract ߴµ ũ Accept Խϴ. ׵  Reject ˰ ƹ غ ʰ ־µ ڱ ͼ ſ ϴ. ƹư Omega ̿ CJK ۼϴµ ʿ Դϴ. ʿϴٸ Ű մϴ. ƹ԰ 赵 Բ ּ մϴ. Abstract ڷ Ʒ Ű Դϴ.
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 10 matches
  • DVI/Format . . . . 11 matches
         1. {{{set_char_0, set_char_1, ..., set_char_127}}} ڵ(0-127)
         2. {{{set1 c[1]}}} ڵ(128), {{{set2 c[2]}}} ڵ(129), {{{set3 c[3]}}} ڵ(130), {{{set4 c[4]}}} ڵ(131)
          {{{set_char_x}}} ɰ ϴµ ڵ尡 127 ū {{{c}}} μ ڵ带 ֽϴ. {{{c}}} μ ⺻ {{{c[4]}}} ֽϴ.
          ڸ ŭ ̵ϴ ͸ ϰ {{{setx}}} ɰ մϴ.
         4. {{{set_rule a[4] b[4]}}} ڵ(132), {{{put_rule a[4] b[4]}}} ڵ(137)
          () {{{a}}}, () {{{b}}} ( ) ׸ ڽ ġ մϴ. {{{set_rule}}} 쿡 () {{{b}}} ŭ ̵մϴ. ( {{{b}}} ̵մϴ.) {{{a}}} Ǵ {{{b}}} Ǵ 0 쿡 ׸ ڽ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ.
  • DVIPDFMx/Example . . . . 1 match
          \hypersetup{% dhucs-ucshyper hyperref ҷǷ dhucs-ucshyper
  • DoubleSpace . . . . 6 matches
         setspace Ű ϸ ü Ͽ ణ ִ.
          . setspace Ű ϴ doublespace ȯ̳ spacing ȯ ̿ϸ ߰ ణ ٲ ִ. {{{
         2.0 ƴ 10pt Ʈ Ϲ baselineskip 10pt ƴ϶ 12pt Ǿ ֱ ̴. setspace Ű doublespace 10pt 1.667 Ǿ ִµ, 12pt $\times$ 1.667= 20pt ̱ ̴.
         ణ 20pt ´ٴ setspace 1.667 մ ִ , ̰ ڰ 빮ڷθ ణ̴. ҹڵ height depth ̰ ǰ ̴ 7pt ̴. ׷Ƿ ҹ Ǹ鿡 1.667 ణ Ѿ ȴ. ̷ ϸ 1.6 ణ stretch ̶ ִ.
  • DviOut/MiKTeX . . . . 4 matches
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/dviout/current/ (tex318w.exe) ٿεؼ ϸ C:\dviout 丮 ⺻ ڵ ̷ϴ. "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â "(Y)" '''⺻ A''' ϴ.
         <!> ٸ δ (tex318w.zip) ٿεؼ c:\dviout 丮 DZϴ. ̶C:\dviout\dviout.exe ϸ "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â µ "(Y)" ϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ȭ Ÿϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ϴ. {{{ [Option] -> [Setup Parameters] }}}(Ʒ ׸ ) ֽϴ.
         {{{[Option]->[Setup Parameters]}}} {{{[WinJFont]}}} ϴ.
         {{{[Option]->[Setup Parameters]}}} {{{[JFont2]}}} ϴ.
          1. ѱ ַ Ϸ Ѵٸ ޴ {{{ [Options]-[Setup Parameters] }}} {{{[system]}}} tab font buffer 4000 ߴ .
         Option > Setup Parameter > Graphic > gsx Ͻʽÿ.
  • EditPlus . . . . 1 match
         DviOut -> Option -> Setup Parameters -> Common -> src:
          * ̶ editplus Ƿ, ϳ editplus ǵ Ͽ δ . Tools>Preferences>General īװ Allow multiple instances ɼ . (by joonro , http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=15111 )
  • EmEditor . . . . 1 match
          1. DviOut ޴ {{{Option -> Setup Parameters -> Common -> src}}}... Ѵ.
          * MTeXHelper dvi viewer setting 2 Ʈ Ǿ Ƿ ʾƵ ȴ. MTeXHelper dvi viewer .
  • EmEditor/KC2008 . . . . 3 matches
          1. Ctrl-Shift-0 second setting ⺻ صνʽÿ.
  • EmEditor/MTeXHelper . . . . 29 matches
          1. customizing Ϸ, , MTeX2 toolbar 콺 ŬϿ Ǯٿ ޴  M's TeX Helper 2 settings... Customize toolbars... Ѵ.
         TeX Helper 2 setting ٵ, , MTeX2 toolbar 콺 ŬϿ Ǯٿ ޴  M's TeX Helper 2 settings... Ѵ. (setting ϸ ...\Plugins MTeX2cmd.bat ϵǹǷ, صθ 缳ġϰų ڽ setting ִ.)
          1. '''latex''': TeX Helper 2 ġϸ, platex ǵ Ǿִ. latex ֱ ؼ M's TeX Helper 2 setting... ϸ ȴ.
          1. M's TeX Helper 2 setting... -> TeX process settings Ҵ.
          1. Program κп, '''Setting 1''' 콺 Ŭ, Setting 2 콺 Ŭ شǴ setting̴. ߸ Ѵ.
          1. Setting ٷ Ʒ ڽ customizingϷ ޴ Ѵ. latex TeX process programs Ѵ.
          1. '''Setting 2''' ϸ, Ŭ̵ Ŭ̵ latex 1ȸ Ѵ.
          1. 콺 Ŭ('''Setting 2''') ٸ 뵵 Ͽ ִ.
          * , Setting 2 '''pdflatex''' 1ȸ Ű ִ.
          * , Setting 2 "pdflatex" Ų , Ŭ(Setting 1) latex Ŭ(Setting 2) pdflatex ϰ ȴ.
          1. '''dviout''': DVI viewer dviout ֵ Ǿ ִ. (setting 1 -> Ŭ .)
          1. dviout ForwardSearch setting 2 Ǿ Ƿ, Ŭ ϸ ȴ.
         }}} emeditor MTeX2 toolbar DVI viewer ߸ Ŭ(Setting 1 )ϸ dvi ְ, Ŭ(Setting 2 )ϸ ForwardSearch dvi ִ. (, setting 1 2 ForwardSearch ϰ ᵵ ȴ.)
          1. ps->pdf ؼ Ѵ. (setting 1)
          * setting 2 kcltxmk ִ. ([IsCho/EmEditorTip#s-3.2.3] .)
          1. Master file setting Ǵ Master file forced setting ߸ ̿Ѵ.
          1. Master file setting ߸ Ŭϸ ش tex master ִ. (master ϸ ùٿ [%Root "master file name"] ߰Ѵ.)
          1. Master file forced setting ߴ Ѱ Ǿ ִ. Ѱ, master ϸ ȴ. ( ߰ Master file setting õȴ.)
          * "Master file setting is disable when there's [\begin{document}] in around 300 lines of current editing file."
          * MTeX2 ٿ Ŭ Ǯٿ ޴ , (2) -> Shortcut setting ϸ, Ű Ȯ ִ.
  • EmEditor/MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
          Q. setting ٲٸ鼭 ۰Ÿ ( 𸣰) yap  Ŀǵ â 鼭, yap ڿ -1 -s ܿ {{{-y ... }}} (?) ִµ  ذϳ?
  • EmEditorTip/Edit . . . . 1 match
          * String Setting: (ʷϻ) highlight ԷѴ.
  • EmEditorTip/Execution . . . . 19 matches
          Ŭ(setting 1) Ѵ. κ, Ŭ(setting 2) setting 1 Ǿ ִ. Ư 쿡, setting 2 Ѵ.
          * Ŭ(setting 2) pdflatex ִٸ, pdflatex 1ȸ .
          1. : pdflatex setting 1( Ŭ), xelatex setting 2( Ŭ) ִ.
         if "%MTeX2_Set%"=="2" goto set2
          1. : , [49 ] Ŭϸ setting 1 ǰ, Ŭϸ setting 2 ȴ.
          1. : pdflatex setting 1( Ŭ), pdflatex (+'''bibtex'''+makeindex) setting 2( Ŭ) ϰ .
         if "%MTeX2_Set%"=="2" goto set2
          * (setting 1)Ŭϸ pdflatex 1ȸ ǰ,
          * (setting 2)Ŭϸ bibtex makeindex ʿ伺 ˻Ͽ ʿ ̸ Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip/Find . . . . 1 match
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 4 matches
         ==== Easy Input Supporting Setting ====
          * MTeX2⺻ 1 ߸ Document class settings â .
          * Edit ο document class setting ִ.
          * Reset default setting ο .
  • EmEditorTip/Project . . . . 6 matches
          1. Master file setting Ǵ Master file forced setting ߸ ̿Ѵ.
          1. Master file setting ߸ Ŭϸ ش tex master ִ. (master ϸ ùٿ [%Root "master file name"] ߰Ѵ.)
          1. '''Master file forced setting''' ߴ Ѱ Ǿ ִ.
          * ϰ, ߿ ﰢ master ϸ ȴ. ( ߰ Master file setting õȴ.)
          * "Master file setting is disable when there's [\begin{document}] in around 300 lines of current editing file."
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 6 matches
         (set-language-environment "Korean")
         ;;(set-default-coding-systems 'euc-kr)
         ;; System input method setting
         (set-keyboard-coding-system 'euc-kr)
          (set-terminal-coding-system 'euc-kr)
          EmacsW32 HOME C:\Documents and Settings\<LoginName>\Application Data Ǿ ֽϴ. ƹ ġ ְ, Դٰ ̶ . ȯ溯 HOME Ʈ մϴ.
  • EmptySetSymbol . . . . 10 matches
         cmchar "Empty set symbol";
         \Huge $\emptyset$
          from http://hometown.aol.com/jeff570/set.html
         The null set symbol () first appeared in N. Bourbaki Éléments de mathématique Fasc.1: Les structures fondamentales de l'analyse; Liv.1: Theorie de ensembles. (Fascicule de resultants) (1939): "certaines propriétés... ne sont vraies pour aucun élément de E... la partie quelles définissent est appelée la partie vide de E, et designée par la notation ." (p. 4.)
          Wisely, we had decided to publish an installment establishing the system of notation for set theory, rather than wait for the detailed treatment that was to follow: it was high time to fix these notations once and for all, and indeed the ones we proposed, which introduced a number of modifications to the notations previously in use, met with general approval. Much later, my own part in these discussions earned me the respect of my daughter Nicolette, when she learned the symbol for the empty set at school and I told her that I had been personally responsible for its adoption. The symbol came from the Norwegian alphabet, with which I alone among the Bourbaki group was familiar.
         \Huge $\emptyset, \varnothing, \phi$, \rlap{/}o, \o, \O
          a. $\emptyset$ ($\emptyset$) TeX cm ۲ ȣ.
  • EndNotesPackage . . . . 2 matches
         endnotes Ű `\setcounter{endnote}{0}` Ǹ ٽ . ׷Ƿ, ָ ī͸ 0 ǵ ٽ ִ.
  • FancyDocumentGallery . . . . 3 matches
         \hypersetup{bookmarksnumbered=true,pdftitle={SLM-600A/SLM-600B/SLM-800C ޼},pdfauthor={̿}}
  • FileContentsEnv . . . . 1 match
         \def\lowBibTeX{{\reset@font\rmfamily B\kern-.05em%
  • FindPage . . . . 1 match
         <option VALUE=setup>ġ(RO)
  • FontEmbedding . . . . 2 matches
          -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dMaxSubsetPct=100
          -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sOutputFile=imsi.pdf imsi.ps
  • GNUPlot . . . . 8 matches
         set terminal latex
         set output "hello.tex"
         set terminal latex
         set output "hello2.tex"
          set grid
          set title 'gnuplottex test'
          set ylabel 'y'
          set xlabel 'x'
  • GhostScript . . . . 2 matches
          (./) (From KTUGSetup:10995'''''') preview ̹ ִ eps ٿ ڽ ִ ϴ ghostscript ƿƼ ޷ ִ ̰, gs 8.54 preview tiff ̹ óϱ latex eps ٿ ڽ ߻ ɼ ϴ. KC2006 ʺ gs 8.54 ߽ϴ. ϴ , KC2006 ڷμ ̷ ˰ ֽϴ. ߻ ʱ ƴϰڽϱ?
         set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
         set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
         ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ Setup ߸
          GPL Ghostsript Setup (Ǵ AFPL Ghostsript Setup)
          * Windows XP : See KTUGSetup:9574
  • GhostScriptUtilities . . . . 1 match
         #> gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#output.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f input.ps
  • GlossTeX . . . . 1 match
         Windows glosstex ̸ (_) ִ , ã ־ϴ. ذ glosstex.exe KTUGSetup:8107'''''' ֽϴ.
         This document is typeset using \gls{LaTeX}.
  • GrindEq . . . . 1 match
  • HLaTeXStylePackages . . . . 3 matches
         === hsetspace ===
         Download : Uploads:hsetspace.sty
         setspace Ͽ ѱ ǥ ణ ⺻ ϰ, float ȿ ణ ڰ ֵ ϴ Ÿ. HLaTeX ƴ 쿡 밡.
  • HTeXBook.bib . . . . 1 match
          Title = {Math typesetting and doing calculus with mathematica : {\LaTeX}
  • HTeXBookBib . . . . 1 match
          Title = {Math typesetting and doing calculus with mathematica : {\LaTeX}
  • HelpContents . . . . 1 match
         ''[Please do not add redundant information on these pages (which has to be maintained at two places then), and follow the established structure of help pages. Also note that the master set of help pages is not public, that this very page you read and all other help pages may be overwritten when the wiki software is updated. So if you have major contributions that should not get lost, send an extra notification notice to the MoinMoin user mailing list.]''
  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 1 match
         When the configuration option `bang_meta` is set to true, you can surpress WikiName linking by putting an exclamation mark (''bang'') before the WikiName, i.e. `!WikiName`. This is deactivated by default.
  • HelpOnLists . . . . 2 matches
          * Uppercase roman (with start offset 42)
          * Uppercase roman (with start offset 42)
  • HelpOnSkins . . . . 1 match
         Similarly, the footer area can be changed by setting "`page_footer1`" and "`page_footer2`".
  • HelpOnTables . . . . 3 matches
         Apart from the option to repeat cell markers to get columns spanning several other columns, you can directly set many HTML table attributes. Any attributes have to be placed between angle brackets {{{<...>}}} directly after the cell marker.
         In addition to these, you can add some of the traditional, more long-winded HTML attributes (note that only certain HTML attributes are allowed). By specifying attributes this way, it is also possible to set properties of the table rows and of the table itself, especially you can set the table width using {{{||<tablewidth="100%">...||}}} in the very first row of your table, and the color of a full row by {{{||<rowbgcolor="#FFFFE0">...||}}} in the first cell of a row. As you can see, you have to prefix the name of the HTML attribute with {{{table}}} or {{{row}}}.
  • HelpOnUpdating . . . . 12 matches
          * new pages icons: to get new icons like "XML", "Subscribe" etc. it's best to just delete the {{{page_icons}}} setting, now that "config.py" has a default for it. If you changed it in the past, add new icons from the "config.py" default to your "moin_config.py".
          to the image directory visible to your web server, normally a new release has some new GIFs in it. If you use the default distutils setup scheme, this is no longer necessary (distutils updates the files for you, and your webserver gets the files from the installed images).
         Check your configuration against the provided default `moin_config.py` that you find in `.../share/moin/cgi-bin/moin_config.py` after installation with distutils. You should add the `sitename` setting, which gets added to the page title, to RSS feeds and the like.
         To get new icons, and also to allow I18N customization of the menu and icon links, you should either delete or adapt[[FootNote(Adapting means to compare your settings and the default values found in the MoinMoin/config.py file.)]] your settings for `page_icons` and `navi_bar`. Note that the new `navi_bar` default setting gets the wiki's name from the new `sitename` setting, which previously was the main reason to have your own modified `navi_bar`.
         Due to I18N support for system pages, the only remaining configurable page name is that of the front page, which can be set by `page_front_page` (the old name `front_page` for that setting is also no longer supported); the reasoning behind this is that page name customization was mainly added and used for localization issues, while changing the front page name is rather common, often the front page is named like the whole wiki.
         Finally, copy any new system pages to your wiki data directory. The current system pages are in the directory `.../share/moin/data/text`. The minimal set to copy is the new help pages ("`Help*`"). If you are sure you have not modified any system pages, you can simply copy all of them to your instance `data/text` directory.
         The recommended set is in the following list: {{{
         If you want to do German visitors a favour, also copy the new German system and help pages, they will be automatically activated as long as you use the default `page_icons` and `navi_bar` settings: {{{
  • InterMap . . . . 1 match
         KTUGSetup http://bbs.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=
  • IsCho . . . . 6 matches
          * try: \setlength{\leftmargini}{0pt}, \setlength{\leftmargintii}{2.52em} % Ǵ {3.14em}
          * try: \setlegnth{\leftmarginii}{0pt}
          * ( ) Ʈ: \setlength\leftmargini{2.5em}, \setlength\leftmarginii{2.2em}
         === math typesetting ===
  • IsCho/EmEditorTip . . . . 5 matches
          * kcltxmk -pdfps foo ps2pdf ϱ (ps2pdf setting 2)
          * pdflatex 1ȸ (Setting 1: Ŭ)
          * pdflatex (Setting 2: Ŭ) |}}
          * ps2pdf setting 1 ps2pdf Ͽ simple routine ϰ
          * setting 2 kcltxmk ɿ Ѵ.
          * (setting 1)Ŭϸ ps2pdf routine ǰ
          * (setting 2)Ŭϸ ps2pdf ȴ.
          * pdflatex 1ȸ (Setting 1: Ŭ)
          * pdflatex (Setting 2: Ŭ)
  • IsCho/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
         === math typesetting ===
  • IsCho/PSTricks . . . . 7 matches
          \psset{coeff=1 -0.5 -1 0.5,plotpoints=1000,linewidth=1.2pt}
          \psset{coeff=1 -0.5 -1 0.5,markZeros,dotstyle=o}
  • KC2006/UPDATES . . . . 1 match
          * NTS (New Typesetting System) : Java TeX ý NTS ִ е nts 1.0 beta ȯ .
  • KC2006/ġ . . . . 1 match
         ==== dviout setup (ʼ) ====
  • KC2006/ó/ . . . . 1 match
  • KC2007/ذ . . . . 1 match
          : KTUGSetup:12307 {{{
          : KTUGSetup:12108
          1. Texpoint Windows Fonts (ǰ ) CM truetype ġϴ α׷ Բ , dviout ƮŸ Ͻʽÿ. ׸ ftt: κ . http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/setup/files/20070913132734/excttf.png
          : KTUGSetup:12204
          : KTUGSetup:12257, KTUGOperate:22462
          : KTUGSetup:12085, KTUGSetup:12159, KTUGSetup:12227
  • KC2008/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          * bibtex θ (KTUGSetup:14498)
          * synctex ɼ ó ( KTUGSetup:15364 )
          * http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=15885
  • KC2008/Report . . . . 2 matches
         \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
         \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Myriad Pro}
  • KC2008Plus . . . . 3 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/KC2008Plus-setup-20100206.msi KC2008Plus-setup-20100206.msi]
          * ġ Ǵ ׷̵ , setting up inverse search ݵ ֽʽÿ.
  • KC2008Plus/Contrib . . . . 2 matches
          [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/KC2008Plus-beta-setup-20091129-1.msi KC2008Plus-beta-setup-20091129-1.msi] ġߴµ. ⺻ first.tex ׽Ʈغҽϴ.
  • KTUGCollection2005 . . . . 2 matches
         hangul-k, hlatex-interword, myulem, hsectsty, hsetspace, hitshape
          hangul-k, hfncychap, hlatex-interword, hlatex-nonfrench, hsectsty, hsetspace,
  • KTUGCollection2006/TIP . . . . 5 matches
         set TEXPROGRAM=pdftex
         set TEXPROGRAM=tex
         KTUGSetup:9759 (by IsCho)
          * DviOut -> Option -> Setup Parameters -> Graphic -> Direct PS <uncheck>
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d "$s"}
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d "$s.tex"}
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 4 matches
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/TOOLS/setenv.exe setenv.exe] ٿε
         #> setenv -u GS_LIB -delete
         #> setenv -m GS_LIB -delete
  • KTUGCompanion . . . . 1 match
          1. `setspace`
  • KTUGFaqMap . . . . 1 match
          1. Typesetting
  • KTUGŰ/ . . . . 1 match
         <option VALUE=setup>ġ
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 10 matches
         === setspace : hsetspace.sty ===
         setspace Ű ϴ. ׷ Ű feature  ϳ, floats footnote ȿ baselinestretch 1.0 ٲپ , ̵ ¥⵵ Ͽ.
          ɼ ¿ `\SetHangulspace{2.0}{1.1}` μ `\SetHangulspace` ִ. ù° μ baselinestretch̰ ι° floats linestretch ̴.
         % \setcounter{section}{0}%
         % \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
  • Karnes/2005-11 . . . . 1 match
          , Ʈ ϴ hangul-k hsetspace ׸ ־ٴ Դϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 4 matches
         (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-c\C-j" 'txs-jump-to-line)))
          \setlength{parameter}{length} ̿ϰų,
         > \SetHangulFonts{utbt}{utgt}{uttz}
         > \SetHanjaFonts{utbt}{utgt}{utgt}
         > \def\yt{\SetAdhocFonts{\hfontfamilynameprefix yt}{\hfontfamilynameprefix yt}}
         > \def\dinaru{\SetAdhocFonts{\hfontfamilynameprefix dn}{\hfontfamilynameprefix dn}}
         > \def\gr{\SetAdhocFonts{\hfontfamilynameprefix gr}{\hfontfamilynameprefix gt}}
         > \def\pg{\SetAdhocFonts{\hfontfamilynameprefix pg}{\hfontfamilynameprefix gt}}
          Hangul-ucs 3.0.0 dhucs nojosa ɼ ּ. ׸ `\SetHangulFonts` Ʈ ڽſ ° ȭ type 1, {{{
         \SetHangulFonts{asmj}{mhgt}{mhgt} õմϴ. ;) -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-04-05T01:26:02)]]
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 3 matches
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 8 matches
         \vpesetup{system=win,application=EmEditor.exe,parameters=-l $d $s}
         '''TeXmaker Settings'''
         \setbox\numberbox=\vbox{\noindent\strut #1\phantom{'}\strut
         \setbox\numberbox=\vbox{\noindent\strut #1\phantom{'}\strut}
         {{{\SetHangulFonts\}}} ٺ ...
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 2 matches
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 1 match
         Anonymous .... KTUGSetup:9725 ̰ɷε ȵdz? -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-08-11T03:05:04)]]
          * -> C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\MiKTeX.5
          * -> C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\MiKTeX.5
          * -> C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Application Data\MiKTeX.5
          ۾ ġϴ . ĩ ߸ϸ ̱ Դٰ Local Settings, Application Data "" ϰǰ ̿ϰ ֱ ... ̰ ν緯 ۼϴ ۿ .
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 9 matches
         set OPTION=
         set /p OPTION= ̸?
         set OPTION=%1
          KTUGSetup:9975'''''' ô . ̸ غصд.
         set MIKTEX_INSTALLROOT=/cygdrive/C/TeX/share/texmf-local
         set MPM_REPOSITORY=http://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/CTAN/systems/windows/miktex/tm/packages
         , WinEdt ؼ Ѵ. , Options -> Menu Setup -> Accesories  · д.
  • Karnes/2006-12 . . . . 8 matches
  • Karnes/2007-01 . . . . 2 matches
          1. <>-<α׷>-<MiKTeX 2.5>-Setting Ͽ Roots ǿ trivc-for-... Ѵ.
         (6) ̹ {{{Options -> Menu Setup -> Accessories\}}}  KCltxmk ׸񿡼 {{{kcltxmk\}}} {{{icnvkcltxmk\}}} ٲ۴. pdf dvi Ͽ Ѵ.
         (7) غ . DviOut InverseSearch WinEdt ٲ. ׸ {{{Option -> Setup Parameters -> Common\}}} {{{src:\}}} ְ Save, ϸ ȴ. {{{
         TeX ۾ " ȭ" " " Ͻô е ̴. 丮 θ 鹮ڰ ԵǾ ־ TeX ۾ ־ ̰ Ű ... ó junctionΰ ϴ ƿƼ Ұֽñ⵵ Ͽ. " " 鹮 ġ ٲٸ ȴ. " " Ŭ -> Ӽ ϸ " " ü ٲ ִ. " " Ű {{{C:\Documents and Settings\ڸ\My Document\}}} ƴ϶ ڽ ϴ , {{{C:\MyDoc\}}} ǰ ִ.
         Ǵ, ѱ typesetting ش شٰ Ѵ. غ KC2006 version 2 CD Ե ̴.
         Please check your php.ini setting
  • Karnes/2007-02 . . . . 2 matches
         See KTUGSetup:10971
         set MIKTEX_INSTALLROOT=/cygdrive/c/TeX/share/texmf-local
         set MPM_REPOSITORY=/cygdrive/e/miktex/tm/packages
  • Karnes/2007-04 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 3 matches
         set pdfviewer = "Skim.app"
          Preset : Custom
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 4 matches
         \setkormainfont{Ѱܷü} (ѱ locale : ѱWindows, Mac OS X ѱۻ...)
         \setkormainfont{HangyeoreGyeol} (Ÿ)
         l.52 \setupunicodefont
         l.52 \setupunicodefont
  • Karnes/2009-01 . . . . 2 matches
         {{{$vim_options='+"set encoding=UTF-8" +"set background=dark"'}}} ɼ ־ּ~ ^^
  • Karnes/2009-04 . . . . 2 matches
          1. --inverse search ƴϱ ⿡ ԵǾ ʽϴ. KTUGSetup:15425 Ͻô õմϴ.--
         braket Ű \Set ̿ϸ \mid ʾƵ ǰ ̸ ˸° ߾ֹǷ ſ ϴ.
          * attachment:braketsettest.pdf
          * attachment:braketsettest.tex
  • Karnes/2009-05 . . . . 5 matches
         if, goto pushd, popd, set ġ ~Դϴ. ô sed . -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2009-05-18T09:34:01)]]
  • Karnes/2009-09 . . . . 7 matches
         ̸ ״, .ttf {{{ \setmainhangulfont{NanumMyeongjo} \}}} Ʈ ȣϸ  Ǵ? ׷ ϳ? ñؼ ׷ϴ. -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2009-09-28T11:14:39)]]
         ̷ մϴ. Ϻ ۲ Բ ֽϴ. ̰ Ϸ( 100% Ϸ) \setmainfont \defaultfontfeatures տ θ ˴ϴ.
         xoblivoir setkormainfont () µ, setmainhangulfont ֽϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2009-09-18T01:27:07)]]
  • Karnes/2010-01 . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:setupEmEditorForKTL2009.zip
          * inversetoemeditor.bat fsrch.bat(to_PATHBIN) ش κ .
          1. Ŭ (Set 2) ״
          1. Ŭ (Set 1) xelatex ַ ٲ
  • Karnes/2011-10 . . . . 1 match
          \setmainhangulfont[Ligatures=TeX]{HCR Batang LVT}
  • Karnes/2012-02 . . . . 2 matches
         \setkormainfont{HCR Batang LVT}
         \setkorsansfont{HCR Dotum LVT}
  • Karnes/2012-08 . . . . 4 matches
  • Karnes/2012-11 . . . . 2 matches
  • Karnes/LaTeXTips . . . . 8 matches
         dhucs ѱ Ʈ {{{\SetHangulFonts}}} ִµ ŷο Ʈ ؼ .
          {{{\SetupHangulFont{xxxx} }}} θ {{{\hfntxxxx}}} ũθ ִ. ۲ ungt ѵΰ ѱ ۲ø ٲ .
         set JREPATH=c:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
         set PATH=%JREPATH%;%PATH%
         set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;f:\user\bin\Multivalent.jar
          * Uploads:daxuetypesettest1.pdf
         SRC : Uploads:daxuetypesettest1.tex (UTF-8)
          * Uploads:daxuetypesettest2.pdf
         SRC : Uploads:daxuetypesettest2.tex (UTF-8)
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 12 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/LyX-KoreanUCS/LyX_KoreanUCS_setup.msi KyX_KoreanUCS_setup.msi]
         set PATH="C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF";%PATH%
         %% ... xetex ... setmainfont
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/LyX_1.5.2_korean_setup.zip LyX_1.5.2_korean_setup.zip] ٿ޾ Ǯ languages layouts ִ. dos2unix unix format ٲ۴. ׸ ϵ ġ Űش.
          * Command-N , Document -> Setting ⺻ . ⺻ Ŭ oblivoir ִ.
  • Karnes/LyX/Start . . . . 6 matches
          1. {{{<Cmd>+,}}} Preferences  . ٸ ũ , Language Setting Language ٲپ־ Ѵ.
          1. â ޴ {{{Document - Settings}}} .
  • Karnes/LyX/XeTeX . . . . 1 match
          1. {{{C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\lyx16}}} ( ̹Ƿ ࿡ cd  ) lyxrc.defaults ϴ.
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 16 matches
         === nokorean hypersetup ===
         nokorean option Ҷ ѱ ɾ  , hypersetup ε ־ Ѵ. nokorean option ڵ ѱ ɼ  ϱ .
         % ɼǿ hyperref Ȥ hypersetup Ѵ.
         \hypersetup{colorlinks,backref, %bookmarks
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 3 matches
  • KoreanStylePackage . . . . 1 match
         (1) Ű ɼ Ǵ `\KoreanSetup` ɼ ۼ ȯ Ѵ.
         (3) *-interword setspace ڵ εѴ.
  • LaTeX/ . . . . 2 matches
         LaTeX2e PlainTeX macro sets Ұմϴ. DonaldKnuth PlainTeX â⿡ ǻͿ PlainTeX ̿Ͽ Ϲݹ ۼѴٴ ٰ̾ մϴ.
         PlainTeX ִ ĵ ̿ ϳ macro setsμ ̺б MichaelSpivak AMSTeX package ֽϴ. macro ̿ ʴ Ϲε鿡Դ (?) Ű Դϴ. ̳ ڿко Ư, ϴ Դ AMSTeX Ű Դϴ. йо ü ´ style file ( ȭϵ ǹ̿ macro ) ϰ ¿.
  • LaTeX4Wp . . . . 4 matches
         \newcounter{trfn} \setcounter{trfn}{-1}
  • LaTeXBoxes . . . . 4 matches
          * "̰"(see [̺])̹Ƿ `\setlength`, `\addtolength` Ѵ.
          {\setlength{\fboxsep}{8pt} \setlength{\shadowsize}{8pt} \shadowbox} % text bodyκп shadow box
          {\setlength{\fboxsep}{8pt} \Ovalbox} % header/footerܰ ovalbox ׸
  • LaTeXCad . . . . 1 match
         KTUGSetup:1196'''''' ȣ([Progress]) Ͽϴ.
  • LaTeXCompanion . . . . 1 match
          series = "Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting",
  • LaTeXSuite . . . . 3 matches
         " IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
         set shellslash
         " search in a singe file. This will confuse latex-suite. Set your grep
         set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2008Spring . . . . 13 matches
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2009 . . . . 1 match
          * : XeTeXko, A New Korean Typesetting Environment
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2011 . . . . 1 match
          * ȣ [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/Case_Study-Mathematical_Typesetting.pdf (ڷ)]
  • LaTeXWorkshop/HUFS2009 . . . . 1 match
  • LaTeXθå/ʸ . . . . 1 match
          * Addison-Wesley ǻ (computer typesetting) ø ڴ Frank MittelbachԴϴ. ̸ ?
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 1 match
         KTUGOperate:14189 ó ǰ ۵Ǿ, 赵 {{{dhucs-japanese.sty}}} ļ(KTUGSetup:7282''''''), dhucs-trivcj Ű(KTUGContrib:2655'''''') Ͽ. ⼭ dhucs-trivcj Ű Ѵ.
          * KTUGSetup:7473 Ѵ.
          * KTUGSetup:4135
          * Typesetting Japanese with Omega for busy people
         KTUGSetup:4086'''''', See also KTUGOperate:20674''''''.
          * KTUGSetup:3411
          * KTUGSetup:4036
          * KTUGSetup:4086
          * KTUGSetup:3409
          * KTUGSetup:3418
  • LaTeXϺ/Obsolete . . . . 4 matches
          * KTUGSetup:7282 ǵǾ.
  • LayOut/Memoir . . . . 8 matches
         \setstocksize ũ⸦ Ѵ.
         \settrimmedsize ũ⸦ Ѵ.
          * ν ִ. \settrimmedsize{280mm}{*}{0.7}
         . margin ٸ ũε õǾ ִ. typeblock margin ϰ ϴ \setlrmarginsandblock, \setulmarginsandblock ũΰ ִ.
  • LayOut/ . . . . 2 matches
  • LilyPond . . . . 1 match
          \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano "
  • LiterateProgramming . . . . 1 match
          ó Ͽ å ٷ Knuth ''Computers & Typesetting'' ø Volume B ''TeX: The Program'' Դϴ.
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03 . . . . 2 matches
         ڼ ʾҴµ, ȸΰ ϴ. r 'glue set ratio' θ,
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04 . . . . 14 matches
         % redet man zu ihnen, so u"bersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache,
         This is a handbook about \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for
         This is a handbook about \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for
         \setbox4=\vbox{\hsize 23pc \noindent
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
         \setbox4=\vbox{\hsize 23pc \noindent
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
         \setbox4=\vbox{\hsize 23pc \noindent
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
         \setbox4=\vbox{\hsize 23pc \noindent
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
         \setbox4=\vbox{\hsize 23pc \noindent
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 . . . . 9 matches
         Mr. Drofnats was happiest when he was at work typesetting documents.
         Mr.~Drofnats was happiest when he was at work typesetting documents.
         Mr. Drofnats was happiest when he was at work typesetting documents.
         Mr.~Drofnats was happiest when he was at work typesetting documents.
         typesetting beautiful documents.
         was at work type-set-ting beau-ti-ful doc-
         typesetting beautiful documents.
         \setbox0=\vbox{\parshape=11 -0\x0\x -1\x2\x -2\x4\x -3\x6\x
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-06 . . . . 2 matches
         ڼ ʾҴµ, ȸΰ . r 'glue set ratio' θ,
         \setbox0=\hbox{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em X}
  • LocalSpellingWords . . . . 5 matches
         spam uppercase wiki wikis www berschneidet bersetzen
         Codebasis Farmen Hilfethemen Konfigurationsvariable Prfixen Unterthemen besonders einsetzen folgende gemeinsame hierfr mehrere optimieren umzuleiten verwendet von weitere zeigt zu zum
         Benutzerformat Benutzers Editierbereich Hyperlink Lschfunktion Seitenbereichen Systemformat Variablenersetzung Verarbeitungsanweisungen befolgen davon deshalb ersetzt folgenden ihre ihren ldt normalerweise sehr bliche
         manuell setzt
         Diagnosewerkzeug Grundinstallation Hauptgrund Idealerweise Konfigurationsdatei Kurznamen Mindestmenge Problembehandlung Setupverfahren Systemseiten Verfahrensweise Wikinamen Zugriffsrechte bestcken interaktive seitherige standardmige standardmigen umstellen hnlichem briggebliebene
  • LongTable . . . . 1 match
          1. `\setLTcaptionskip{_dim_}` : [̴] _dim_ ŭ .
  • LshortTranslationProject . . . . 7 matches
         || Uploads:typeset.tex || [MadToad], 2005-10-22 || Uploads:typeset-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T04:55:58)]] Karnes || Uploads:typeset-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T12:02:52)]] MadToad || - ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-2.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T16:19:39)]] Karnes || - ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-3.tex [[Date(2005-10-25T22:30:13)]] Karnes || - ||
         [Karnes] Բ ÷ ֽ PDF о Ҹ ٽ øϴ.(typeset-1-1.tex) ѱ κ ϰ ֽϴ. --[MadToad]
  • MSVisio . . . . 1 match
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=9355&page=1 EPS PDF]
  • MadToad/Tmp/Linux . . . . 4 matches
          <V> set up for running from DVD
         Current options setup:
         Current options setup:
          <V> set up for running from DVD
  • MakingDic . . . . 2 matches
         mysql>update user set password=password('******') where user='root';
         1. Ŀ 06ObGyDic database settingѴ
  • MemhangulClass . . . . 3 matches
          * 111: \setsubsubsecheadtstyle{... -> \setsubsubsecheadstyle{... (t )
          1. appendix . `\appendix` Ŀ ׸ ǥ ȣ resetǵ Ͽ.
          1. memucs-gremph.sty ϰ {{{\SetGremphFonts}}} ׸ .
  • MetaPost/Graph . . . . 3 matches
  • MiKTeX . . . . 2 matches
         1. Ʈ ġǴ '''Ʈ ͸ ''' {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6}}} Ǿ, localtexmf ͸ ְ ϵ C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6  ε Ͽ.
          \?/ MiKTeX 2.5 Ʈ ұ {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/MiKTeX/2.5/ }}}) ġǾ ƴ {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ̸ D ִ 찡 ־ϴ(See KTUGSetup:11140'''''').
          (./) MiKTeX 2.6 Ʈ ƿ {{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/ }}} MiKTeX ʾҽϴ. {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\dvipdfm\config/ }}}) ġǾϴ.-[Yhchoe]
         1. MiKTeX 2.4 "Photoshop eps"(preview ̹ eps) ׸̿. MiKTeX (2.5 ) preview ̹ ִ "Bounding Box " ã ޽ Ѵ. See KTUGSetup:10948'''''', KTUGSetup:10990''''''.
         1. (From KTUGSetup:11017'''''') MiKTeX BOM(Byte Order Mark) utf-8 ó Ѵ.[[FootNote(notepad  utf-8 ϸ BOM ٴ´. EmEditor BOM ϰ ٽ ϸ ȴ)]][[FootNote(Karnes/Oblivoir ٿε oblivoir-0.18.zip ִ oblivoir.cls BOM Ͽ Ǿ ֱ oblivoir Ŭ ҽ ϸ ޽ ӿ "`%%% an article-like class using memoir for typesetting documents espe...`" Ÿ. ׳ Enter Ű ġ ӵȴ. See KTUGOperate:20517'''''' })]]
  • MiKTeXġ . . . . 8 matches
          <:( MiKTeX 2.4 HPack ѱ ȯ ϴ MiKTeX ġ (texmf ͸ localtexmf ͸ δ ) ġ Ͽ. ׸ Ʈ ͸ texmf Ʈ ͸ localtexmf C:\TeX\ Ʒ ε Ͽ. MiKTeX 2.6 MiKTeX 2.4 ġϱ⸦ Ѵٸ basic-setup-2.6.2xxx.exe ϱ setup basic-setup-2.6.2xxx.exe ִ setupwiz.opt [[FootNote(KTUGContrib:3728'''''' setupwiz.opt ٿε ִ. "opt" ϵǾ ǻͿ ٿε Ȯڸ .txt Ƿ ߰ Ȯ .txt ϸ setupwiz.opt ǵ Ѵ. setupwiz.opt localtexmf ͸ texmf ͸ C:\TeX ġǵ Ǿ ִ. ٸ ġϰ [TeX] setupwiz.opt ű⿡ ߾ ϸ ȴ.)]] θ localtexmf ġ ִ.[[Footnote(ٸ ̷ ġ [MiKTeXѱȯ#s-3] Hangul-ucs ġ α׷ ʴ´. ε C:\texmf ߰ ġ Ű ۵ ɼ , ѱ ȯ ̿ MiKTeX ȣȯ α׷鿡 ߻ ˾ ε .)]]
         (./) '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe:''' http://www.miktex.org/2.6/Setup.aspx [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miktex/basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe?download Download "Basic MiKTeX 2.6" Installer] Ŭϸ [http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=miktex&filename=basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe&use_mirror=nchc ٿε Ʈ] ȴ. ȭ ʿ
         (./) ޴ ٲ. MiKTeX Options Settings MiKTeX Package Manager Browse Packages ٲ(Ʒ ׸ ).
         <!> MiKTeX ġ LaTeX [[FootNote(WinEdt ̹ ִ WinEdt ޴ Document Ŭϸ ޴ Ʒ ʿ ִ "Current Work (Samples)" Ŀ ޴ . ޴ǿ ִµ ⼭ AMS Paper Ŭϸ Paper.tex . "TeXify"(ݺ ڸӸ) ߸ â(Console) 鼭 ϵȴ. ׸ ִٰ Yap dvi ش. ƹ ̻ dvi ָ MiKTeX Ű WinEdt Ű ̻ ġ ̴. Yap "Not all fonts could be loaded, see File -> Document properties" ޽ Ÿ KTUGSetup:8688'''''' )]] ۵ϴ Ͽ .
  • MicroTypography . . . . 1 match
          1. Han The Thanh, ''Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system'', Masaryk University Brno, Oct. 2000. http://www.pragma-ade.com/pdftex/thesis.pdf (Thanh ڻ )
  • MultiRowPackage . . . . 2 matches
         \renewcommand{\multirowsetup}{\centering} % ⺻ \raggedright
         \renewcommand{\multirowsetup}{\centering} % ⺻ \raggedright
  • MusiXTeX . . . . 5 matches
  • NFSS . . . . 1 match
          1. ''setting''
  • NTEmacs . . . . 2 matches
          ҽ ؼ fontset unicode-bmp Ʈ ־.
         ƮƮ ϸ ׸ڽ ۾ ̰ display Ʈ ش. ڼ dotemacs fontset ϱ ٶ.
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 6 matches
          1. ۼϴٰ, `C-c 1` ̿Ͽ heading , ѱ , մϴ. ׷ encoding system(?) ϴ.(3 encoding ϴµ ѱ ϴ ϴ.) emacs ݰ, ٽ , ѱ ϴµ ֽϴ.  ΰ? (KTUGSetup:2220'''''')
          Ǵ, `M-x set-variable` ̿ؼ `TeX-master` `"./main.tex"` ص ֽϴ.
         (setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))
         (setq exec-path (append (list "C:/USER/BIN") exec-path))
         (!) DviOut : {{{ Option -> Setup Parameters ... -> Common -> src: }}} ϴ. [Karnes/2006-06#3d0b6ba1104dbd40d1bbef59f6a954ea]
         (global-set-key [(control f12)] 'do-ForwardSearch) ; Forward Search the current line
          (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *ddeclient*"))
         (global-set-key [(control f5)] 'do-dvipdfm) ; DVIPDFM the current file
         '''''' UTF-8 ϰ ѱ ְ ٽ о̸ `\223\223` `\223` ڸ پ ֽϴ. KTUGSetup:7699
  • OLETeX . . . . 1 match
          1. `Options` ޴ `Conversion Settings` ϴ.
          4. Ok ȭ ڸ , `Options` ޴ `Save settings` մϴ. ---
  • OldGulim . . . . 1 match
         SetVWidth(0) # zero width
          {{{SetFontHasVerticalMetrics(1)}}} ־ ؼ 캸 OldGulim vmtx ִ. FontForge sfd .. vmtx ҽϴ װ ִ.. ƹư õ ׵ ̴ ϴ.
          1. setfonthasverticalmetrics ϰ vwidth gsub ۸ ʴ´.
  • Omega-CJK . . . . 2 matches
  • OverfullWarning . . . . 1 match
  • PDFEncryption . . . . 3 matches
         % level, depending on whether bit 12[0x0800] is also set).
         % and, if bit 4[0x0008] is also set, create or modify interactive
         % (and bit 3 is set), printing is limited to a low-level representation
  • PDFHyperLink . . . . 3 matches
         HyperRef Ű ɼ Ǵ `\hypersetup` ɼ colorlink (true) ִٸ ũǴ ġ ִ. ũ Į ɼǰ ⺻̴.
  • PDFLaTeX׸ϱ . . . . 1 match
          * : [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=13312]
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 4 matches
          --(no)clip clipping support, if margins are set (false)
  • PDFsam . . . . 1 match
          * PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them. Pdfsam is written with Java Swing that is ''a set of Java class libraries provided as part of Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) to support building graphics user interface (GUI) and graphics functionality for client applications that will run on popular platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.''
  • PDFѱå . . . . 1 match
  • PMX . . . . 2 matches
  • PPower4 . . . . 3 matches
         REM Here the settings for the Sun Java Runtime Environment on my machine
         set basedir="C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre\1.2\lib"
         set javacommand="C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre\1.2\bin\jre"
  • PageStyle . . . . 2 matches
          || ǥ ϴ || \thispagestyle{plain} \pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1} ||
          || ϴ || \thispagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1} ||
  • PerlTeX . . . . 2 matches
  • Pictureȯ . . . . 11 matches
         `\unitlength` picture ȯ ⺻ ȴ. `\setlength` ٲ ִ.
  • PlainTeX/diffLaTeX . . . . 9 matches
          1. LaTeX has an additional set of error messages for LaTeX-specific glitches, and their appearance is slightly different from TeXs error messages. However, LaTeX also uses TeXs question mark prompt (?) and single-asterisk prompt (*), so the responses you make are the same in LaTeX and in TeX.
          1. Use \setlength, LaTeXs dimension-changing macro, to change the \parindent. Type \setlength{\parindent}{2em}. You can change \parindent anywhere in your document.
          1. To change the width of the text in LaTeX (the \hsize of your paragraphs), use \setlength to change the \textwidth.
          1. To change the \hoffset in LaTeX, use \setlength to change \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin. The \textwidth, \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin should be changed only in preamble.
          1. To change the height of the text in LaTeX, use \setlength to change LaTeXs \textheight.
          1. Use \setlength to change the \parskip.
          1. You can use \setlength to change the \baselineskip, and you can do this anywhere in your document. However, the best way of changing the baselines in LaTeX is to redefine \baselinestretch with \renewcommand.
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 4 matches
  • ProcessorExamples . . . . 26 matches
         set parametric
         #set pm3d
         set isosamples 50,30
         set hidden
         set view 40,20 ,1.7
         set noborder
         set nokey
         set noxtics
         set noytics
         set noztics
         set urange [-pi:pi]
         set vrange [-pi:pi]
         set size 0.5,0.5
         set parametric
         #set pm3d
         set isosamples 50,30
         set hidden
         set view 40,20 ,1.7
         set noborder
         set nokey
  • Prosper . . . . 7 matches
          \item Automatic advancing: {\blue \textbackslash hypersetup\{pdfpageduration=n\}}
          \item Do not forget to reset the duration time (={\blue 500})!
          \hypersetup{pdfpageduration=1} % 12 Overlays 1 ش
          \hypersetup{pdfpageduration=500}% ̵尡 ´ٸ ƾ Ѵ.
  • PyX . . . . 2 matches
  • RegularExpression . . . . 2 matches
          * http://frame.apmsetup.com/?url=http%3A//www.apmsetup.com/PHP/%3Fpid%3D96 PHP
  • SampleDocument . . . . 6 matches
         (by prajna, KTUGSetup:10151'''''')
          DeleteMe. \setupinterlinespace \setuplayout տ Ǵ -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2009-03-02T01:32:18)]]
          * [MadToad], KTUGSetup:15274
  • SampleDocument/LuaTeX . . . . 4 matches
  • SampleDocument/XeLaTeX . . . . 10 matches
         \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
         \setmonofont[Scale=.9]{Courier New}
         \setkormainfont( Bold)(*){}
         %% , Ʒ \setkormainfont \setmainhangulfont .
         % \setkormainfont[BoldFont= Bold,ItalicFont=,%
         \setkorsansfont( Bold)(*){}
         \setkormonofont{ }
  • ScientificWorkPlace . . . . 1 match
          *`tcilatex.tex (Old version)`: [http://scicomp.ewha.ac.kr/netlib/typesetting/tcilatex.tex tcilatex.tex]
  • SlashBoxPackage . . . . 6 matches
  • SourceCodeListing . . . . 4 matches
         set: 'Hello, World!'
         // to be identifiers and are typeset in italic
         \lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt}
  • SpeedBar . . . . 2 matches
         (global-set-key [(f12)] 'speedbar-get-focus)
          (!) `set-key` ⼭ `F12` ҴϿ. ϴ ٸ Ű ִ.
  • SubfigPackage . . . . 2 matches
  • TDS . . . . 1 match
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 3 matches
          make TFMs and settings for HLaTeX. needs ttf2tfm(ttf2pk)1.5 or higher
          -p additionally do settings for PDFTeX. install them with -i
          -o additionally make OFMs and settings for HLambda. install them with -i
  • TUG2003 . . . . 4 matches
          ι° ߽ڿ Pablo Rosell-Gonzalez classic Ű ǥ, Northumbria Alun Moon MetaPost ̿ ִ Ϳ ǥ, ׸ ConTeXt ׵忡 Hans Hagen ''Typesetting Nightmares'' ǥϴ.
          ε ࿡ ٴѴٴ Ajit Ranade ''The Spread of TeX in India: The Role of Outsourced Typesetting'' ϴ п Alexandre Gaudeul ҽ ̽ ͵ ǥ ־ϴ.
          ι° þƿ Vladimir Volovich PDFTeX The Thanh Han ǥ ̾µ MetaFont ۲ÿ Type1 ۲ ȿ ϴ ̾ϴ. ° ǥ Mirko Janc ''LaTeX in Real-World Math Typesetting: NFSS vs. NFNF'' µ ȣ ĵ  óϴĿ ̾ϴ. Ư Ŀ ο ۲ Ÿ 鿡 ؼ ɵְ ٷ ſ ̷οԽϴ.
         ̷Ӱ ֽϴ. ÷ֽʽÿ. 32ֳ TUG DonaldKnuth ְڱ. :D δ ѽ ϰ ǥ , ''Typesetting Nightmare(?)'' ñմϴ. ---[Progress]
  • TabularX . . . . 2 matches
          {|>{\setlength{\hsize}{.5\hsize}\raggedright\arraybackslash}X| % col 1; auto-sized ragged right
          >{\setlength{\hsize}{1.5\hsize}\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X|% col 3; auto-sized ragged left
  • Tabularȯ . . . . 11 matches
         \setlength\extrarowheight{10pt}% extra space on row top
         \setlength\arraycolsep{10pt}% extra space on column
         \setlength\extrarowheight{4pt}% extra space on row top
         \pagestyle{empty} \setcounter{page}{6} \setlength\textwidth{159.0pt}
          * ÷̸ ﶧ \setlength{\tabcolsep}{1cm} ó tabcolsep ̿Ѵ.
  • TeX . . . . 1 match
         TeX̶ ٳε ī[[FootNote(Ka-Nooth )]](DonaldKnuth) ý(typesetting system)̴. ״ TeX å(see TheTeXBook) ߴ.
  • TeX4ht . . . . 1 match
          ũ htf ϵ ޾Ƽ ߸ ġ {{{charset=utf-8}}} ְ unicodeε ȯؼ øϴ. ߸ ̶,
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 5 matches
          * latex4wp ϴ comand line optionδ `htlatex filename "start,xhtml,frames,3,info"`Դϴ. 3 option set߿ ù° option set ߽ϴ. start.cfg ׻ ù option set߿ ó; մϴ. start.cfgٰ CSS Ͽϴ. ι° xhtml xhtml ̰, frames̶ frames ̿Ͽ ۼ϶ Դϴ. 3̶ ڴ `are simplly shortcuts for a single \tableofcontents and a few \CutAt and \TocAt* command`̰, info ϴ° filename.log Դϴ. ⼭ ٸ ͵ Ŀ ̾߱ ϰ, filename.log ֽϴ. `frames`̳ `\Configure{texttt}` ⿡ Խϴ.
          ũ htf ϵ ޾Ƽ ġ charset=utf-8 ְ unicodeε ȯؼ øϴ. ̶,
         ó htfcss: ٷ ڿ մϴ. css ߰ ʾҽϴ. ׸ bold font-style font-weight ƽϴ. tex4ht texmf մϴ. hangul.4ht ذ ؼ(Ǵ ظ ؼ) charset ±׸ ־ϴ. Uploads:hlatex-tex4ht-texmf.zip -- HuidaeCho
  • TeXKNOPPIX . . . . 1 match
          * usb-memory stick 뿡 ϼ. http://bbs.kldp.org/viewtopic.php?t=65255&highlight=knoppix 쿡 /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 κп nls=utf8 iocharset=utf8 ٲپ ־ϴ.
  • TeXShop . . . . 1 match
          * Typesetting (κ Ʈ̹Ƿ Ȯ )
  • TeXShop/DVIPDFMx . . . . 2 matches
         TeXShop Preference Typesetting default script "Personal Script" ٲ۴. ׷ TeXShop ⺻ latex -> dvipdfmx ȴ. default script pdftex ϰ ʿ Typeset ޴ Personal Script ִ.
  • TeXWorks . . . . 2 matches
          * Edit -> Preferences -> Typesetting -> Paths for TeX and related programs tex ġ Ѵ.
          * attachment:setluatexintexworks.png
          * '''C:\Documents and Settings\hoho\.texlive2009\texmf-config\texworks\completion\tw-latex.txt''' ڵ ϼ Ͽ ߰Ѵ.
  • TeXify . . . . 2 matches
          Insert cmd after @setfilename in copy of input file. Multiple values accumulate.
         (global-set-key [(control f11)] 'do-TeXify) ; TeXify the current file
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:inversetotexmaker.bat.txt
  • TeXmaker/KC2008 . . . . 2 matches
  • TeX . . . . 6 matches
         === `\newcounter`, `\setcounter` ===
         %% setcounter
         \setcounter{ddd}{0} % LaTeX
          * `\newcounter`, `\setcounter` Ͽ Ǵ counter()
          * `\newlength`, `\setlength` Ͽ Ǵ dimension(Ǽ)
          <!> counter 꿡 Ҽ κ . `\setcounter{x}{3*\real{1.6}}` ī `x` 4 Ҵ ̴.
  • TeXɼ . . . . 4 matches
         -interaction=STRING set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/
         -jobname=STRING set the job name to STRING
         -kpathsea-debug=NUMBER set path searching debugging flags according to
         -progname=STRING set program (and fmt) name to STRING
  • TeXǸŷ . . . . 2 matches
          1. TeX typesetting ȴ.
          ''ٸ, ѱ Typesetting 𸥴.'' --[Karnes]
  • TeX . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX ؽƮ (typesetting) شٰ ġ. ׷ٸ ϴ°? : Ǹ () ̿ϸ ȴ. LaTeX ϴ Ͷ . LaTeX (source) ͵鵵 ϸ, Ϻδ WysiWyg̰ų WysiWyg ͵ ִ. ÷ ؽƮ ִ Ͷ  ͵ ( Windows notepad ȴ), TeX (`TeXnicians`) Ʒ ġ Ѵ. Ʒ()
  • Tellico . . . . 1 match
         ||Character set|| UTF-8||
          1. Tellico ޴ "Settings" > "Configure Tellico"
  • TeraTerm . . . . 1 match
          1. Ǯ setup.exe ϸ TeraTerm ġ˴ϴ.
  • TheTeXBook . . . . 2 matches
          series = "Computers and Typesetting",
         TeX Book ʵη Ͽ DonaldKnuth ڻ Computers & Typesetting, Volumes A-E Boxed Set ֽϴ.
  • TnXTeX/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
          * setenvironment.bat
          * setenvironment ״ ϰڽϴ. tinyKCmenu likesam óֽ մϴ. ٸ Open with , Ʈ Ǵ ̱ ý Ʈ ǵ帮 ϴ. Ǵ ǻͿ ƹ ʴ ſ ߿ ϳ̱ Դϴ. ׷ associate ̿ 浵 ʱ Ͽϴ. ׷ TnXTeX .tex ⺻ Ⱑ ý ü ؼ ٲ TnXTeX KC2008 ÿ ϴ ִٰ Դϴ. TnXTeX ϳ cmd ؾ Ѵٴ Դϴ. Ģ ʴ ø ϰڽϴ. tinyKCmenu ϰ ű⼭ /ҷ⸦ ϴ ʳ ϴ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
         see. KTUGSetup:15365
          * tinyKCmenu ȭ Ͽ ִ ߰Ǿϴ. tinyKCmenu "ȭ̸" -L -C Դϴ. set TEXEDIT=\tinykcmenu "%S" -L%d -C0 · ֽϴ.
          * tinyKCmenu ˷ּŵ Ͽ 帮 ƽϴ. ̺κп ؼ Ͽ ֽñ Ź帳ϴ. Ư ȭ  ۾ ȭ Closeϴ ɼ ϴ. KTUGSetup:15412 Ͻ κ Ϻδ ̹ Ͽ, ȸ ϵ ϰڽϴ. , ȭâ , Է ȭ̸ ⺻ ǵ Ͽ ξǷ, ū [enter] ż Ͻø ˴ϴ.
  • TnXTeX1.0 . . . . 1 match
         \setmainhangulfont[Script=Hangul,Language=Korean,YetHangul=On]HCR Batang}
  • TocLofLot . . . . 7 matches
          "section" κ chapter, subsection ǥ ̸ ٲ ִ. ٸ [̺]̹Ƿ \setlength ٲٰ command \renewcommand ٲ۴.
          * \cftsetindents : ڸ 䱸ϴ ũ. ʷ entry, indent, numwidth ̸ ϰѴ.
          * \cftsetindents ̿Ѵ. {{{
          * \maxtocnumdepth, \settocnumdepth {{{
  • UHC . . . . 1 match
          1. Extended Wansung (Ȯ ϼ) KSC5601-1987, KSX1001 ϼ ȣ superset̴. Ʈ ϴ 8Ʈ ڵ ̷.
  • UltraEdit . . . . 2 matches
         DviOut -> Option -> Setup Parameters -> Common -> src:
  • VerbatimBoxes . . . . 1 match
  • VersePackage . . . . 3 matches
         \settowidth{\versewidth}{In a cavern, in a canyon,}
         \settowidth{\versewidth}{ӳ ϴ}
  • VimEditor . . . . 35 matches
         set enc=utf-8
         set fenc=utf-8
         set fencs=utf-8,cp949,iso-8859-1
         :set bomb
         {{{:set nobomb}}}
         :set laststatus=2
         :set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%{\"[\".&ff.\"][\".(&fenc==\"\"?&enc:&fenc).((exists(\"+bomb\")\ &&\&bomb)?\",B\":\"\").\"]\ \"}%k\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
         set nocompatible "vi ȣȯ . vim Ȯ ֽϴ.
         set display+=lastline "ѹ ٹٲ ʰ ٷ ( ؾ ϳ -_-;
         set linebreak "ܾ ٹٲմϴ.
         set incsearch
         set hls " ˻ ܾ highlight ŵϴ.
         nnoremap <F7> :set nohls<CR> " F7 Ű ˻ ܾ highlight disable Ŵ
         nnoremap n :set hls<CR>n " /, N, n Ű ˻ ϸ highlight enable Ŵ
         nnoremap N :set hls<CR>N
         nnoremap * :set hls<CR>*
         nnoremap # :set hls<CR>#
         nnoremap / :set hls<CR>/
         nnoremap ? :set hls<CR>?
         set fileformats+=dos,unix,unix " ٹٲ ڵ ãݴϴ.
  • VimEditor/KC2006 . . . . 2 matches
         set enc=utf-8
         set fencs=utf-8,cp949,iso-8859-1
  • WinEdt/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
          1.#6 WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Menu setup/Items ׸ ߿ '&Accessories' Ŭ -> 'Menu Items' Ʒ 콺 Ŭ ( '&PDF' Ʒ 'Acrobat Reader:&Find' ؿ) ư Ŭ -> 'Insert' -> 'Macro' -> ο ޴ ߸ Ʒ ä ִ´.
  • WinEdt/KC2008/WinEdt5.5 . . . . 2 matches
          * DviOut , 'Option' -> 'setup parameters' -> 'Common' 'src:' "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe"^s-n%d "%s" Ʒ save ư Ŭ{{{
          * ϸ, KTUGSetup:15425 .
          * WinEdt Ͽ 'Option' -> 'Menu setup' -> '&Accessories' Ŭ -> 'Menu Items' Ʒ 콺 Ŭ ( '&PDF' Ʒ 'Acrobat Reader:&Find' ؿ) ư Ŭ -> 'Insert' -> 'Macro' -> ο ޴ ߸ Ʒ ä ִ´.{{{
  • WinEdtTip/InverseSearch . . . . 1 match
         "Inverse"(DviOut â TeX ã) "Forward"(TeX Dvi ش κ ã) search Ϸ, dviout Option->Setup Parameter {{{[Common]}}} ǿ source special κ Ʒ Էϰ {{{[Save]}}} ư ϴ.
         -> KTUGSetup:6573, KTUGSetup:11978
  • WinEdtTip/Tree . . . . 1 match
         (!) '''׸ :''' [lshort-kr] [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/lshort-kr/lshort-kr-src.tar.gz lshort-kr TeX ] Ŭϸ "LaTeX2e Թ" ҽ `lshort-kr.tex` ִ `lshort-kr-src.tar.gz` ٿε˴ϴ. ̰ Ǯ `lshort-kr` ӿ ִ ϵ ֽϴ. WinEdt ִ ̵ ߿ `lshort-kr.tex` Ŭϸ WinEdt â ϴ. ̶ WinEdt ߵ ߿ ڰ ִ ߿ Ŀ "Set Main File"̶ dz ϴ. ߸ WinEdt WinEdt â ȰȭǾ ִ а ''Project Tree'' ϴ. TeXify "Project Tree" ߸ Ŭϸ ׸ ʿ Ÿ Ͱ Project Tree Ÿϴ. ׸ ó Project Tree ϵ(title, contrib, overview, things, typeset, math, lssym, spec, custom, biblio) Ÿ ϵ ( ׸ ʿ ִ ) \include{title}, \include{contrib} Ǿ ֱ Դϴ. Ǹ ִ aterword.tex "input aterword.tex" ҷ Դϴ. Tree Ÿ ٸϴ. Project Tree TOC Tree ݴϴ(׸ ).
         '''A1:''' '''Ʈ ۾ Ͻִ ۾''' ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. "Main File" (Set Main File)ϰ Ʒ ׸ Project Tree ΰ '''Find in Files''' ˴ϴ. ʹ Project Tree ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ڼ . . . . 5 matches
         Tool Bar Ʒ °() " E "(Character Map ) Ŭϸ Ʒ ׸ Ȯ ƾ ڵ Ÿ. Ͼ, Ǵ ͱ ڵ Է WinEdt â ڵ ? Ÿ. Ʈ õǾ ִ " Default "(Default(Windows) Charset) ش " " ٲپ ̷ ڵ δ. Default(Windows) Charset, ANSI(Windows) Charset, OEM(DOS) Charset ̿ܿ ѱ Ÿ. See-> KTUGSetup:8486
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 10 matches
         Ͼ, , , , Ű ȣ(Text-mode Accents) θ[[FootNote(Ʒ ѱۿ "Ȯ ƾ" Ͽϴ. Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " )]] TeX ٷ [[FootNote(̷ ڵ TeX ٷ ְ WinEdt â Ÿ Ϸ Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " Ͻʽÿ.)]] WinEdt " " ٲ ʾҴٸ "Default(Window) Charset" ߾ ֱ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ٷ Էϸ ? ǥõ˴ϴ. ׷ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ʴ WinEdt ش θڿ Accentɾ մϴ. Ͼ "A 칫Ʈ" \"{A} Էմϴ. ĭ𳪺 {\O} Էմϴ. WinEdt GUI Page "International" Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. θڸ Է ȣ(Text-mode Accents) ̰ θڸ ش ߸ Ŭϸ θڿ ش ɾ ϴ. ƴϸ ɾ \"{} Էϰ ǥ {} ش θڸ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ٷ {\ss} Էմϴ(׸ ). ׸("International" GUI Page) ִ ɾ ܿ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 12-15ʿ
          <!> п ϴ Bourbaki Ǹ ϱ Ͽٰ Ͽ׿.([EmptySetSymbol]) TeX ɾ \emptyset ִ ֽϴ. Computer Modern Math Symbol Ʒ ׸ ó 0 缱 / ͸ \emptyset Ͽϴ. ׷ amssymb Ű \varnothing̶ ɾ ٿϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 44ʿ `Table 145: Miscellaneous LaTeX2e Math Symbols` \emptyset ּ پ ֽϴ.
          "Many people prefer the look of AMS's \varnothing(Table 146) to that of LaTeX's \emptyset."
          <!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430'''''' ÷ TeX ϵ ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip texmf-user Ʈ ͸ Ǫ ϴ. Ʈ ͸ Ǯ ڵ [TDS] ° ġ˴ϴ.
          bullet. In fact, dingautolist can use any set of consecutive Zapf
  • WinEdtTip/޴ǥ . . . . 2 matches
         '''׸ 3:''' WinEdt ޴, ޴, (Tool Bar) ˾ƾ Ѵ. ѱ ԷϿµ ̻ ڵ ޴ "Options" ϸ ޴ Ÿµ ⿡ Fonts ִ. 콺Ʈ(ȭǥ) ϸ ޴ Ÿ "Default (Window) Charset" ִ( ׸ ). ̰ ϸ ȴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ο . . . . 1 match
          1. ۾ϰ ִ Main File Ǿ ˴ϴ.[[FootNote(۾ Main File ϰ (Set Main File̶ dz ) ˴ϴ. ̳ʽ ߴ Դϴ. ̳ʽ ߰ ȰȭǾ ־ Main File Դϴ. ҽ ְ bibitem ִٸ ʽϴ. ׷ ۾ Main File ϰ ϴ մϴ.)]] (Ʒ ׸ 쿡 شմϴ. {{{
         MiKTeX 2.5 WinEdt 5.5 Ͽ Active Strings ۵մϴ. "MiKTeX 2.5 + WinEdt 5.4 " Ǵ WinEdt 5.5 ϴ MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ Active Strings (Gather Control, GUI Page Control ) ڵ ʽϴ(See KTUGContrib:3567''''''). WinEdt ߿ "" (Ʒ ϰ ° : Ķ ) Ŀ "Gather" dz ϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ Ʒ ʿ "GDI" â ϴ. ⼭ "Ϲ" (Reset GDI) ˴ϴ. ڼ http://www.winedt.org/Doc/FAQ/#qa-gather.interface.not.showing.all.items
         (From KTUGOperate:7120'''''') aux 뿡 ϴ. KTUGSetup:2880'''''' ChoF Բ " κп ߻ 'x' 'e' ߴܵǸ aux Ͽ ʰ ˴ϴ. ̷ μ (Ǵ ۼ ) aux ̿ Ϸ 翬 ߻ϴ Դϴ. ... aux ... ٽ ϸ ߻ ʽϴ."
         (From KTUGSetup:576'''''') TeX ϴ bib ϰų bst ٲ ̹ TeX ҽ (tex, bib ) ϰ ϴ. bib ϰų bst ٲ ۾ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ToolBar(ߵ) ࿡ (Erase Working Files) ٷ ̷ 뵵 ֽϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ϸũ . . . . 1 match
          ׸ TeX (ȸ κ) (Bookmark) ִ. ϴٰ ٽ ͼ ų ġ (ٹ(Static Ǵ Standard) ) Ⱦ θ ϴ. WinEdt ̹ 14 X 14 = 196 / ǵ ߿ ִ. WinEdt 5.4 (factory setting) Ѵ. ǿ ִ.
         "ٹ(Static Ǵ Standard) " ϳ ʾҴٸ Ŀ(I) ȸ 鿡 ̴ Ķ ("(Roaming) ") ִ. 鿡 Ŀ ΰ 콺 ׸ Popup ޴(Control) Ÿ. Popup ޴ "Set Bookmark (1)"( ó ) Ķ ǰ 1 ٲ. Ŀ(I) ٸ ̸ Ǵ ڸ ְ Ķ(Roaming) ǰ Ŀ ִ 鿡 Ÿ.
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 2 matches
         '''Q1'''(From KTUGSetup:9039)''':''' 𸣰ڽϴٸ, ڲ ϴ. ׷ϱ
         '''Q2'''(From KTUGSetup:11486)''':''' WinEdt 20070417 Ʈ ķ, ʹ ɴϴ. Edit->Format->Format Document ϸ 밭 Ǿµ, ̹ ƹ ص ȭ ϴ. Option->Preference->Editor Right Margin ٲپ ҿ . Ϲ 75 char ϰ , Ź帳ϴ.
         '''A2'''(From KTUGSetup:11491)''':''' Option->Settings->Wrapping "Use Fixed Right Margin:" 75 ġ üũϿ ʽÿ(Ʒ ׸ ).
          TeX νϵ ġ ϴ. WinEdt â Ʒ ǥ(Status Line) ۾ `LaTeX:UNIX` ̴. ̰ Ŭϸ "Document Settings" ȭڰ . ⼭ ġ ȴ. (WinEdt 5.4 Ŀ `TeX:UNIX` ǰ ߵ ȰȭǹǷ ¿ ĥ ʿ .)
         '''׸5:''' Document Settings ȭ
  • WinEdtTip/ȣ . . . . 1 match
          :) ϰ ִ Main File ϸ ƹ ۵մϴ. See KTUGSetup:10848''''''
         (./) WinEdt 5.5 ϴ MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ Active Strings Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ߿ "" (Ʒ ϰ ° : Ķ ) Ŀ "Gather" dz ϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ Ʒ ʿ "GDI" â ϴ. ⼭ "Ϲ" (Reset GDI) ˴ϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 4 matches
         \setlength\extrarowheight{2pt}%extra space on row top
         \setlength\dashlinedash{2pt} \setlength\dashlinegap{2pt}
  • WinEdtTip/α׷ . . . . 4 matches
         "{{{Execution Modes - MiKTeX}}}" ȭ(Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ) "޴"(Menu Bar) `Options` -> `Execution Modes ...` Ŭϸ Ÿ. {{{TeXify}}}  ΰ Ÿ ִ. ʿ ִ `Default` ߸ (factory setting) ư. `BATCH` ߸ BATCH Ǵ console â ʰ "ƹ Ű " ޽ Ÿ. Ư Portrait A4 (ps Ǵ pdf) ٰ Landscape Letter (̵) `Paper Size and Orientation` ų(׶ ӿ ϳ ), üũ(׸ ӿ üũϰų ų)ϸ ȴ.
         Hangul-ucs ѱ ۲(unttf) WinEdt dvi->pdf ߸ DVIPDFMx ǵ `Execution Mode` dvipdfm.exe dvipdfmx.exe ٲ δ մϴ. Ʒ '''׸ 6''' Ʒ `Browse for executable...` `dvipdfmx.exe` ã մϴ. `Enter Extra Switches on Spot` üũ θ `dvipdfmx` " "(Landscape ), " ԰"(A4, Letter ), ( - ) ִ ġ "dvi2pdf Command Line Switches"( '''׸ 5''' ) Ÿϴ. ̿ ٸ WinEdt ũο ؼ ȴٸ õ ֽϴ. ʿ ִ Default ߸ (Factory Setting) ϴ.
         '''Q5-1'''(from KTUGSetup:7029'''''')''':''' ư ư tex ˾Ƽ ͷ 7~8 з ϴ. ׸ tex dvi Ϸ dvi pdf Ϸ ѵ ^^ ٵ Ȥ 7~8 з ߿ 2 3 pdf Ϸ ֳ?
         '''A'''(from KTUGSetup:7038'''''')''':''' '''׸ 7'''("{{{Execution Modes - MiKTeX}}}" ȭ: {{{dvips}}} ) ù° (Accessories) dvi2ps ϰ, ° (Process Flow) ִ
         '''Q5-2'''(from KTUGSetup:8306'''''')''':''' B4 2 Ͽ dvi psϷ ȯϸ header (topmargin) þµ, ps Ͽ dvi Ͽ µ ׷? ذϷ  ؾ ϴ?
         '''A'''(from KTUGSetup:8307'''''')''':''' dvi->ps ߸ ũ⸦ Ͽ մϴ. "dvi2ps Command Line Switches"( '''׸ 9''' ) Custom A4 B4 ٲٸ ˴ϴ. δ ҽ KTUGBoard:4732'''''' ͼ Ͽµ dvi ps ̰ ϴ.
         <!> ̷ ϴٰ ϸ [WinEdtTip/DOSɽ](Ǵ KTUGSetup:6944'''''') Ͽ DOS("Command Prompt" Ǵ "Run Application...") ֽϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 1 match
         ''':''' WinEdt 5.3 WinEdt 5.4 Ʈ(Factory Setting) "Incremental Search"((ʥ)ϸ鼭 ã) ٸ. WinEdt 5.3 ϴ ã ڸ `OK` ߸ ų "Incremental Search" ȭ ݱ(X) ߸ WinEdt 5.4 Ŀ ȭڰ ƴ ƹ Ŭϸ ȭڰ . Cancel ߸ Ŀ ִ ư. WinEdt 5.3 ٽ `Ctrl` Ű ä `i` Ű "ã"(Incremental Search) ȭڿ Ʊ ã ڵ ״ ־ WinEdt 5.4 (Factory Setting) ڿ ֱ ã ϴ ڵ ٽ ԷϿ Ѵ. ٽ ȭڸ ã ڵ ״ ְ Ϸ "Incremental Search" ȭ "Cancel " ٷ "ȭǥ ִ "(Context Popup Menu) Pop-up ޴ Ÿ(Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ). ⼭ Erase String տ ִ üũ ָ ȴ. ׷ ϴ ڵ (String) () ã String ϳ ִ.
         TeX ٷ ǥ(delimiter) ݾҴ, ȯ ݾҴ, ɾ , 縵 ´(ּϰԵ ѱ üũ ȵ: KTUGSetup:3377 ) Ű . ̷ ȸ ִ, ٸ , Ǵ , ۲ Ͽ ָ ϴ. ̰ ϶(Syntax Highlighting)̶ Ѵ. WinEdt 5.4(KTUGContrib:607 ) (factory setting) WinEdt 5.3 Ѱ õǾ δ. ȯ θ ٸ ó ̴. ̰ "winedt.ini" ĥ ִ. ġ [http://www.winedt.org/Doc/tutorials/WHG/wsh.pdf Syntax Highlighting in WinEdt] .
  • WinEdtġ . . . . 1 match
         (./) (From KTUGSetup:6924'''''') MiKTeX ġϸ GhostScript ʿ ϴ. `\miktex\bin\mgs.exe` GhostScript gswin32c.exe մϴ.(׷ GSView, پ GhostScriptUtilities Ϸ GhostScript ġϴ մϴ.)
         (./) ϶(Syntax Highlighting) Ǿ, ѱ Ÿ νϿ ڵ Ÿ Ϸ Options -> Dictionary Manager -> Settings "Check Only Words Containing 7-bit ASCII Characters" üũϽø ˴ϴ. (5.5 ν ϸ ⺻ üũǾ )
         DVI , Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader ΰ Ʋ ְų Startup.edt (KTUGSetup:5790'''''' )Ͽ θ ġų α׷ ٽ Ƽ ġ ˴ϴ. Startup.edt WinEdt ֱ ۾ ġ ٴ α׷ ٽ մϴ. Adobe Reader Adobe Acrobat ϰڽϴ. Adobe Reader 7.0 HWP MS Office PDF ʿ䰡 ־ Adobe Acrobat 6.0 ҽϴ. ׷ ׸ `AcroRead:` ࿡
  • Windowsġϱ/ϰԵϱ . . . . 2 matches
          . attachment:japanesetest.tex
          . attachment:japanesetest.pdf
  • WordProcessor . . . . 1 match
          μ μ̰ TeX (Typesetting) ƴ, ǻ͸ ۾Ⱑ ȭǸ鼭 μԴ ǰ 䱸ϰ ǰ, Դ μ ۾ȯ 䱸ϰ Ǿ.
  • XDvi . . . . 2 matches
         # As an X resource setting. E.g. add the following line to the file ~/.Xdefaults:
          setenv XEDITOR "gnuclient -q"
  • XEmacs . . . . 3 matches
          (set-face-font 'default ":Regular:11")
  • XeTeX . . . . 4 matches
         %\setmainfont{Minion Pro}
         %\setmainhangulfont[BoldFont=ﳲü M]{Ѱü L}
         %\setsanshangulfont[BoldFont=ﳲü B]{ﳲü M}
         \setupbodyfont[myface, 9pt]
  • Yap . . . . 3 matches
          * KTUGSetup:2060 Ÿ
          * KTUGSetup:10303 Default render method ٲٱ
         KTUGSetup:2060'''''' ø ȣ ũ .
         600dpi ͸ ٸ ػ ͸ "Options" ȭ(Pop-up) ޴ "Printer" ϰ ػ󵵿 ߾ Ѵ. "Printer" ϸ factory setting(ġ )
          <!> [Yap] PostScript μⰡ ƴ (Normal) μ ߸ PSFrag ʰ [Yap] ̴ μȴ(KTUGSetup:2060 ). ps Ǵ pdf Ϸ ȯϸ GSView Ǵ AcrobatReader μ⸦ ִ.
  • Yhchoe . . . . 22 matches
          -> KTUG {{{<Drive>:\TeX}}} MiKTeX ġ '''''' ϰ ִ. [HPack] ̿ ѱ ȯ Ϸϸ MiKTeX 2.5 ġ ܰ迡 Ʈ ͸ ΰ '''׸ 1''' ǵ setupwiz.opt [[FootNote(setupwiz.opt KTUGSetup:11183'''''' )]] غϴ . [MiKTeXġ] setupwiz.opt ġ Ű basic-miktex-2.5.2xxx.exe ΰ ġ Ű Ѵ.
          1. HLaTeX 1.0.1 ({{{C:\TeX\texmf-hlatex}}}) [Hangul-ucs] ({{{C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs}}}) ġǰ ִ Ű̳ ʿ ġϴ ͺ Ѳ ġϴ . MiKTeX 2.4 [HPack] ġ ó {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hlatex}}} {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs}}} δ MiKTeX Options ڵ Ÿ ʴ´.[[FootNote(MiKTeX 2.5 쿡 setupwiz.opt ġ Ű basic-miktex-2.5.2xxx.exe ΰ ġ Ű (ġ)ϸ C:\TeX\localtexmf ÷ ִ. HPack ġ Ŀ ٲ ʴ´.)]] "Add..." ߸ Ͽ ÷ Ѵ('''׸ 1''' ). KTUGContrib:3739
          [MiKTeXġ] [HPack] ٿε Hpack-1.2-Full-Setup.exe Ѵ. MiKTeX 2.4 ѱ ȯ ޸ ۾ θ
         ⼭ ʿϴ.[[FootNote( MiKTeX ġ C:\TeX\texmf ͸ ttf2pk . Hpack-1.2-Full-Setup.exe μ C:\TeX\texmf ͸ ttf2pk . C:\TeX\localtexmf ͸ ttf2pk web2c .)]] 켱 {{{C:\TeX\texmf}}} ִ ttf2tfm ttf2pk ̸ ttf2tfm ٲ۴. "MiKTeX Options" "Roots" "Path" {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hlatex}}} Ѵ. Ʈ ͸(: C:\TeX\texmf-user ) Բ Ѵ. ȭ {{{->α׷(P)->MiKTeX 2.5->Settings}}} ŬϿ 'MiKTeX Options' ȭڸ 'General' ǿ "Refresh FNDB" "Update Formats" ߵ ݴϴ. ѱ(UHC) Ÿ ȭ {{{->(R)... }}}
          ģ. HLaTeX 1.0.1 ġ ʾҰų ġϿ ġ ttf2tfm մ ʾ ttf2tfm ttf2pk ̸ ttf2tfm ٲ۴. ttf2pk C:\TeX\localtexmf ͸ C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs ͸ ִ. ̸ ttf2tfm ٲ۴. "MiKTeX Options" "Roots" "Path" {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs}}} Ѵ. Ʈ ͸(: {{{C:\TeX\texmf-user}}} ) Բ Ѵ( '''׸ 1''' ). ȭ {{{->α׷(P)->MiKTeX 2.5->Settings}}} ŬϿ 'MiKTeX Options' ȭڸ 'General' ǿ "Refresh FNDB" "Update Formats" ߵ ݴϴ.
          Ǯ Ǵ (2007-02-10 ) 3.1.6 ̴. [Hangul-ucs] ׸ "fonts snapshot" ִ. ⼭ fonts ϵ ִ. MiKTeX 2.4 ̻󿡼 б ۾ ġϿ ִ. See KTUGSetup:9263''''''
          %%% an article-like class using memoir for typesetting documents espe...
         [http://project.ktug.or.kr/miktex-ktug/setup.html#setup MiKTeX-KTUG ġ ȳ] о [http://project.ktug.or.kr/miktex-ktug/ MiKTeX-KTUG DOWNLOAD] " ޱ" ׸񿡼
          * 2.3 ġ (/ѱ Windows ): http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/2.3/setup/setup-ktug.exe
          * 2.2 ġ (ѱ Windows ): http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/2.2/setup/setup-ktug.exe
          <!> Ȥ "Local Package Repository" ִµ ׳ " ǻ" ִ "ġ Ű " ϸ ˴ϴ. () ̸ `texmf` `localtexmf`δ . ` Ű ` ä CD Ͽ ͳݿ ǻͿ "ġϱ" ֽϴ. -->See KTUGSetup:6255
         `ġϱ` Ű(` Ű`) ӿ ִ ġ `SETUP-KTUG.EXE` մϴ. ` Ű ` θ ʾƵ ˴ϴ. `ޱ` `setup-ktug.exe` 쿡 ''Ű ''(ġ ȳ 2 ׸ 3 ) ` Ű (P):`(ġ ȳ 2 ׸ 4 ) ġϴ Ű ִ (` Ű`) ߾ մϴ.
          <!> '' [MiKTeX-KTUG] Ű(` Ű`) CD Ƽ ͳ Ǿ ǻͿ ġ ֽϴ. ݵ ` Ű` ִ `SETUP-KTUG.EXE` .''
         XP ġ "ġ " Ʒ ׸ Ÿ ܰ([http://project.ktug.or.kr/miktex-ktug/setup.html#setup ġȳ] 14° ׸) ֽϴ. ⿡ ° ϸ ˴ϴ("MiKTeX ȯ (S)"(2.3 "Install MiKTeX for everyone") ϴ ϴ).
         '''߽''': [Yap] ׸ ȣ KTUGSetup:1665'''''' Ͻʽÿ. [Yap] 0.99e([MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.3 ) `Print PostScript` (P μ ) Ƿ ۵ ȵ˴ϴ. ׳ μ ߸ ʽÿ( PSFrag ۵ ʽϴ). PSFrag [Yap] 0.99i([MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.3) Ǵ [Yap] 2.4(MiKTeX 2.4) ˴ϴ. ٸ [Yhchoe/ġ̵] ׸ 'ġ ' Ͻʽÿ.
         from KTUGSetup:1910
         '''Q'''(From KTUGSetup:9609'''''')''':''' [MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.3 Դϴ. C:\localtexmf Ʒ harmony.sty ߽ϴ. ɼǰڸ ߴµ ߿ harmony.sty ã ٳ׿.
         '''A'''(From KTUGSetup:9610'''''')''':''' [MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.3 "Remote Package Repository"
  • Yhchoe/WinEdt̵ . . . . 2 matches
         TeX μ Ѹ Ѵٸ "DZ"(Typesetting)̴. WinEdt([http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/winedt-work1.png ũ]) Windows [TeX] αִ ƴѰ ʹ. WinEdt ѱ Է HLaTeX ѱ ۲ ۿ ٴ ̴. ׷ [Hangul-ucs] ۲ "޸", JEdit, AcroEdit  ҽ ڵ带  ; Ѵ. ڵ ״ ִ. ׸ Ʒ FreeSoftwareʹ ޸ ShareWare(Ϻ: л 30, Ϲ 40)̰, Ⱓ ִ.
          * The ability to set-up context sensitive commands
         MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 Total Ҵٸ پ ϴ 5~6 ϵ ִ. ϵ Ȱ ϵ ϴ ׸ ƴϴ. ɾ ȯ ϰų ޴󿡼 ã ʹ ۾̴. ̰ ޴ ߸ Ͽ ([GUI]: Graphical User Interface) ȯ صξ. ߿ ̹ ο ͵ ڰ οϿ ֵ (KTUGSetup:3185 ) ִ.
          * KTUGSetup:3937 `miktex.ini` "Editor " See also [WinEdtTip/ҽãư]
  • Yhchoe/ġ̵ . . . . 3 matches
          2002 KTUGSetup:557 ø KTUGContrib:152 Űٰ ̸ Խϴ. Ͽϴ.
         TeX ϰ ϴ "۾ " Ǵ "۾ ͸" ϴµ ̰ [[FootNote(path: " ǻ" Tree (branch) ã )]] Ͽ մϴ. TeX α׷ ϰ Ǿ ֽϴ. ߿ ο Ⱑ ְų ʹ ̸ ְų ѱ ν ϴ 쵵 ־ϴ.[[FootNote(Ű [Beamer] ׸ "compatibility" " ҽ beamerthemecompatibility.sty ̸  ׷ ãư մϴ." ĿƮ ׸ ӿ ֽϴ. See also KTUGOperate:12902'''''')]] sty ̳ bst ߿ ׷ ҽϴ.[[FootNote(ο " ", "My Documents", "Documents and Settings" θ ν ϴ 찡 ־ϴ. See also KTUGSetup:10735'''''')]] ׷ ǻ ̸ θڷ  ̳ ̸ θڷ  ʰ մϴ. ⿡ ̸ ο ѱ̳ Ⱑ ʵ ϴ ϴ. See KTUGSetup:10620''''''.
         ̿ KTUGSetup:928'''''' ޾ ξϴ.
         (!) MiKTeX  ϳ, ο Ű ʿϰ ̰ Remote Package Repository (CTAN ̷ Ʈ) "¶ο ڵ ٿ޾Ƽ ġϰ ִ "Դϴ(See KTUGSetup:3939''''''). ׷ ġ basic-miktex Ƶ մϴ. TeX [Lambda] ϸ Internet "Omega" α׷ ãƿͼ ġϰ մϴ. PDFPresentation(̵ ) غϱ Ͽ
         MiKTeXѱȯ ġ ش ѱ ۲  (HLaTeX: KTUGSetup:6320'''''', hangul-ucs: KTUGSetup:9581'''''' ) ϴ. ڰ Ÿ ȭ
         '''׸ 4:''' hangul.sty Ǵ hfont.sty ãڴ(Ǵ Ư fmt ڴ) ޽ Ÿ FNDB(File Name Data Base) Refresh ̹Ƿ ׸ "Settings" Ʒ '''׸ 5''' "MiKTeX Options" ȭڰ ϴ. ⼭ "Refresh FNDB" ߿ "Update Formats" ߸ ѹ "Ȯ" ߸ ּ.
         '''Q1'''(From KTUGSetup:10637'''''')''':''' Ϸ ϴ ø http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html
         '''A'''(From KTUGSetup:10640'''''')''':''' MiKTeX 2.5 KTUG ϴ ([MiKTeXġ] ) ҽϴ. Ʒ '''׸ 6''' texmf-user Ʈ ͸ θ Roots ÷ θ ˴ϴ. texmf-user Ʈ ͸ [TDS] մϴ.
         '''Q2'''(From KTUGSetup:7399'''''')''':''' `currvita`, `curve`, `curves` Ű ġϰ ͽϴ. Ű (MiKTeX Package Manager) ̵ Ű ġϷ Į ( ٿ ޴ ͵ ִ ) Ű(cab) ϴ. 𿡼 ٿ ޾ƾ ϴ? ܼ ٿ ޾ Į ҿ ī Ŀ ٽ Ű ڿ ġϸ ġ Ǵ?
         '''A'''(From KTUGSetup:7400'''''')''':''' Ű ִ ij(cab) ϵ ٿεϿ Į ҿ ־ΰ ٽ "Ű " ġϸ ġ Ǵ 𸣰ڽϴ. ׷ ʿ ٷ ġϴ մϴ. MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ "Ű "(MiKTeX Package Manager) ʰ ׳ ں
         '''Q3'''(From KTUGSetup:9345'''''')''':''' ȸ Ÿ latex8.sty Դϴ. ̰ ϸ ϴ. ˻ adobestd.cab ġ϶ ؼ...ġϷ õ ...ü  ġؾ ϴ? ϴ ޾ ξϴٸ...
         '''A'''(From KTUGSetup:9346'''''')''':''' adobestd.cab http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/2.3/tm/packages/ ٿε ֽϴ. adobestd.cab Ǯ texmf ϴ.[[FootNote( texmf ͸ Ǯ MiKTeX Բ ŵ ֽϴ. ׷ texmf ǵ帮 ʴ ġ Ǯ մϴ.)]] ̰ texmf-user ̸ ٲ texmf ͸ θ ˴ϴ.[[FootNote( texmf-user ̹ ˴ϴ. ׷ ϰ ġ ̸ 켱 ľ Ŀ ġ ؾ մϴ.)]] See also KTUGSetup:10044''''''
         '''Q4'''(From KTUGSetup:5273'''''')''':''' foil Ű ġ ּ... www.ctan.org ãƺôµ ֱ ִµ ٿε尡 ȵǼ.... Űż ̹ ָ ؾϴµ... Ϸ foil Ű ġ ؼ ϰ ֳ׿.... ּ...
  • Yudit . . . . 1 match
          `set HOME=c:\home` Ͽٸ, yudit Ŀ `c:\home\.yudit` ϴ.
  • emacsϱ . . . . 2 matches
          {{{ (setq-default abbrev-mode t)
          (setq save-abbrevs t) }}}
  • hermian . . . . 3 matches
          * (./) http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=14808 ö ġ⵵ о /!\ /!\ /!\
          * setup-en.pdf ConTeXt commmands
          * http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2007/share/sanjoy/sanjoy-typesetting-textbook.pdf
  • hoze . . . . 1 match
         [hoze/MultilingualTypesetting] XeTeX ̿ ܱ ǿ Ѵ.
  • hoze/MultilingualTypesetting . . . . 2 matches
         ̱ ¼ Ͼ ܾ ϱ umlaut estset ũ Էϴ ƴϰ, ̶ ̸ ſ ̴. 츮 ̸ ʿ䰡 ִ.
         babel ̸ ٲپ Ӹ ƴ϶, ̼DZ óѴ. ׸ estset ũó "` "' Ͼ ο ȣ ٲپ ֱ⵵ Ѵ.
  • hoze/webtex . . . . 2 matches
         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
         <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
  • ko.TeX . . . . 2 matches
          * `dhucs-setspace` - ѱ ణ . `hangul` ɼ ʿ.
  • likesam . . . . 1 match
          * KTUGSetup, KTUGContrib KTUGOperate, KTUGBoard
          * KC2008Plus kotexlive-setup.msi ´.
          * KTUGSetup:14221
  • pLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          * [pTeX] and Japanese typesetting http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texfaq/japanese/ptex.html
  • pdflatexlatexû . . . . 3 matches
          * hyperref Ͽ hypersetup θ ִ. {{{
          * Prosper beamer Ŭ ڽ hyperref ̸ εϰ ִ 찡 ִ. ̷ \hypersetup ᵵ Ŭ ⺻ 찡 . Ŭ ̷ 쿡 õǾ , hyperref.cfg ϸ ̷ 쿡 ʿ ɼ Ȱȭ ִ.
  • pgf . . . . 1 match
  • synapse . . . . 4 matches
         ο Ѵٴ , ⵵ մϴ. KTUG Ǵ غ ؼ setup practical use ϰ ֽϴ. ü web file 끍 perl script ϴ. ó script ׷ϴ. ϳ׿!. ⿡ ÷ Կ! ̰ ϱδ program ƴϹǷ, ̳ ׷͵鵵 ϼŵ ˴ϴ. --[synapse]
          ϴ. file Ҵ 峭 ƴϴ! practical use 160,274̳ ǰ. setup 10,632̳ dz׿!
         practical use setup ɱݾ category  ҽϴ.
         2005⵵ memoir class tex file tex4ht ̿ؼ htmlȭ غ մϴ. ƹ ƴҵ ͽϴ. ȯ memoir ִٴ ƹ ó ȯ濡 source ε ʿϰ, tex4ht ε ʿ ϴ. ǵǾ ִ memoir.4ht verse,poemȯ ϴ. ׷ pgana section toctitle ʿ ? δ ʿġ ʴ´ٰ ϰ ֽϴٸ...... Ǿ ̾ƹ Ͻ ó makehtml.sty Ἥ sectionɿ ؼ reset Դϴ. --[synapse]
  • tabu . . . . 1 match
          * \savetabu, \usetabu ÷ ǥ ׸ ִ.
  • verse . . . . 1 match
          * \versewidth \settowidth{\versewidth}{ձ̷ ؽƮ} ̿ϸ ϴ.
  • xkeyval . . . . 17 matches
         \setkeys{spec}{HD} \setkeys{spec}{HD=true} .ֳϸ Ʈ true Ǿ ֱ ̴.
  • . . . . 8 matches
          {\sl IEEE transaction journal.}}\setcounter{footnote}{0}}
         %% \setlength{\footnumbersep}{}
          '''A.''' `setspace` Ű ϸ ֳ [ٴϴ°ü] ణ Single Space ڵִ ֽϴ.
  • ݶ . . . . 8 matches
         \baselinestretch ¼̸ [̺] ƴϹǷ, Ǽ · ϰ `\renewcommand`ؾ Ѵ. `\setlength` Ἥ ʴ´.
          ü Ǵ Ϻ ణ Ӱ ϱ Ű setspace ִ. [Hangul-ucs] contrib Ű {{{dhucs-setspace}}} setspace Ű ҷ Ͱ ɰ Ҿ ѱ ణ ִ ִ.
         setspace ̿Ͽ ü ణ ϱ ؼ preamble {{{\singlespacing}}}, {{{\onehalfspacing}}}, {{{\doublespacing}}} Ѵ. ̵ ణ 1, 1.5, 2 ְ ⺻ 1 ణ̴. ̿ ణ ϱ ؼ
          {{{\setstretch}}} ̿Ѵ. տ
  • Խ . . . . 1 match
          1. KTUGBD:setup '''ġԽ'''
  • ۲ . . . . 1 match
         ۲ δ Ÿ̽(typeface : typographical design ) ϸ, Ϲ ü  Ͽ Ư ϸ, δ μü , Ȱڿ ü , μ ü , , ڲ Ǵ ܼ ü ε θ⵵ ϴµ, ۲ ̶ Ѵ. ۲ ϳ ϳ Ű ƴ϶, ڵ ȭ ̷絵 ڵ(a set of letter s , number s or symbolic character s ) ǹѴ.
  • ̺ . . . . 8 matches
          `\setlength`, `\addtolength` ɿ Ͽ ִ.
         ⼭ '''' `\setlength` ٲ `\renewcommand` ؾ ϴ LaTeX Ű ̴. [̴] ־ ƴ϶ ¼ ؾ Ѵ.
          1. `\setlength`
         \setlength{\Mylen}{5mm plus 1mm minus .5mm}
          1. `\settowidth`
  • ȯ . . . . 2 matches
         / typesetting , verseȯ游δ Ƿ verse poemscol Ű Բ ϵ Ѵ.
  • ٴ . . . . 5 matches
         See KTUGSetup:11143'''''' for a sample.
          [̺]̹Ƿ {{{\setlength}}} {{{\addtolength}}} ٲ ִ.
         figure table floating objects( floating object [[FootNote( ȣ ϰǰ Ѵ. 켱 ں \newcounter{mytempeqncnt} ְ ȯ ӿ \setcounter{mytempeqncnt}{\value{equation}} \setcounter{equation}{5} floating objects ְ \setcounter{equation}{\value{mytempeqncnt}} \hrulefill \vspace*{4pt} ϸ ڵ б ϴ.)]]) `ǥ ȯ` ܿ ĥ ִ. cf. [ٴϴ°ü]. KTUGOperate:17023
  • ġϱ . . . . 3 matches
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsetool ./
         Texworks 쿡 ó ̸ typesetting ̿Ͻð е Ʒ ũ Ͻø ǰڽϴ
  • ġϱ/HLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         % The braces are necessary. If you set VARTEXMF, you also have to
  • ɾȿ . . . . 1 match
          * \setlength Ǵ globalϴ.
  • ܸ . . . . 2 matches
  • . . . . 7 matches
  • LayOut . . . . 1 match
          ׸ Ÿ [Preamble] ִ. `\setlength{\evensidemargin}{3.0 cm}` ִ. δ ¦, Ȧ ⺻ 1ġ ϰ ִٴ ̴. ģ , ¿ Ī ʴ ٷ ̴̰.
  • ο/Compression . . . . 1 match
  • ȣٲٱ . . . . 7 matches
         === amsmath + rmreset vs. chngcntr ===
         "ڵ ȣ ű" ȣ ܼ ȣ(1, 2, ...) չȣ(: 1.1, 1.1.1, ...) ġų չȣ(combined number) ܼ ȣ ٲ ְ Ͽ ִ Ű amsmath.sty, rmreset.sty, chngcntr.sty ִ. ɾ ٸ ϴ. Ŭ , Ÿ Ͽ ̹ ǵ ֱ (page, figure ) ٸ ִ.
          * '''rmreset:''' \numberwithout{equation}{chapter}
          <!> rmreset.sty KTUGOperate:15847'''''' ÷εǾ " " Բ ִ.
  • ϸũ . . . . 1 match
          ڽ ߴ ¥ , RecentChanges ش ¥ set bookmark ũ ϴ.
  • . . . . 1 match
          ̱. ^^; ʹ ֽϴ. TeXWorks ֽϴ. Preferences tysetting ɾ ݾ ٲ㼭 ־ ϰ մϴ. NPP , Windows 7 ϸ... ·!
  • /200304 . . . . 3 matches
          keepsettings = 0 (off)
          keepsettings = 0 (off)
         "[Yhchoe/ġ̵]" KTUGBD:setup'''''', KTUGBD:operate'''''', KTUGBD:contrib''''''  ȵdz׿. ׷ [Yhchoeġ̵] ľ ϴ. -- [Yhchoe]
          ׳, Ͻø鼭 Ʒ ޷ ִ ۵ ٸ ϼ  Դϴ. ƹư Է¿ [Է] Ͽϴ. ׸, Խǿ ִ ۿ ũ Ŵ ð ǵ Խ Űܿ ϴ ? ũ ٰŸ ؼ ϰ ؾ ̰ ϸ Խ ľ ϴ ʰڽϱ? ƹ Ű ϱ. ڸ, `KTUGSetup:3377'''''' ξ.` ̷ ƴ϶, ؿ , ` KTUGSetup:3377 ִ ̴` ּ ޸ ڴٴ ǰԴϴ. --[Karnes]
  • ξ . . . . 1 match
         \sethangulfontspec[ Vertical = RotatedGlyphs ] {UnBatang}
  • и . . . . 2 matches
  • ѱԷ . . . . 1 match
          * Uploads:3set-yetgul.saenaru.txt ڽ ӿ ٿִ´.( nabi ̴)
  • ó . . . . 1 match
          1. '''This NFSS system isn't set up properly.''' LaTeX
  • . . . . 3 matches
  • Ű۾ . . . . 2 matches
          ''config.php lang charset [UTF-8]ΰ? ׷ .vimrc [UTF-8] ؾ ϴ ׷ ƴѰ? ׳ Դϴ.'' --[hermian]
          config.php {{{$vim_options='+"set expandtab" +"retab" +"encoding=euc-kr"';}}} ־ϴ. --WkPark
  • /2006-05 . . . . 3 matches
         This book was typeset with TeX (of course), using Textures on the Macintosh
  • /2006-06 . . . . 5 matches
         \setbox0=\hbox{\vrule height2pt width0pt\vrule height1pt width1pt\kern2pt}
         \setbox0=\hbox{\vrule height2pt width0pt\vrule height1pt width1pt\kern2pt}
          * compiz --> compiz-vanilla-gnome, gset-compiz ش.
  • /2008-04 . . . . 2 matches
         \def\smash#1{{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\dp0=0pt \ht0=0pt \box0\relax}}
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
  • . . . . 11 matches
          1. secnumdepth tocdepth ī ̹Ƿ, {{{\setcounter}}} ִ. article Ŭ {{{\paragraph}}} Ÿ Ϸ
          Ű \paragraph typesetting ȯ \section typesetting ϰ ִ.
         \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-2} }}}
          Ű \counterwithin addtoreset ֵ Ѵ.
  • . . . . 2 matches
         ''':''' Ȥ thebibliography ȯ ȯ ٸ ̸ 찡 ִ. `mcite.sty`(see KTUGOperate:13046'''''') mcbibliography ȯ , `kjas.sty`(see KTUGSetup:6415'''''') `jkss03.sty`(see KTUGOperate:11766'''''') references ȯ . references ȯ Ű 浹 Ų. thebibliography ȯ .
  • ׽Ʈ . . . . 2 matches
         \settowidth{\mylen}{$ 2k $}
         \settowidth{\mylen}{$(k+1) \le 2k$}
  • . . . . 1 match
         # Global variable __LEVEL__ sets the level that is to be printed.
  • Ȳݺ . . . . 2 matches
1352 ߿ 272 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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