"ghost"() ü ãƺ

It is the wise bird who builds his nest in a tree.
FrontPageLayOut/&value=Yhchoe/HelpOnFormattingLaTeX占쏙옙占쏙옙占 › GhostScript

ũ ã
  • AFPL . . . . 1 match
  • CrimsonEditor . . . . 1 match
         ctrl+f4 : GhostView
         === dvips dvipdfm, ghostiew, acrobat reader ===
  • DVI̹ . . . . 1 match
          ǰ ´ٰ ص ǹ µ. ׷ dvips , ghostscript ʿ ذ ʽϴ.
          [Yap] ȯϴ ƴ϶ "ִ" ̹Ƿ, EPS ׸ óϷ ܺ ƿƼ θ ˴ϴ. PostScript ó ƾ ϴ ͺ ̰ ξ α׷ ŷڼְ Դϴ. ̴ GhostScript PostScript ó Դϴ. Ȯϰ ϸ ׸ ó ϰ ִ `graphicx` Ű `dvips` [DVI̹] ° ϰڴٴ . `[dvipdfm]` ɼ̳ `[pdftex]` ͵ [DVI̹] ˸ ׷ ó ƾ صξٴ ̶ Ͻø ǰڽϴ. `graphicx` Ű `[yap]` ɼ () [Yap] "" ̴ [DVI̹]⿡ ڶ, ٸ [DVI̹] ٸ Ư ʾұ ̰, `[dvips]` ɼ [DVI] ó ֱ ̶ մϴ. ---[Karnes]
  • DviOut/MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
          {{{[gsx:] }}}߸ Automatic search ϸ(GhostScript ġǾ ) Ʒ ڵ Էµ˴ϴ.  Ʒ Է ֽʽÿ. (ġ GhostScript ġ ٸǷ Ͻʽÿ.)
          1. {{{[Graphic]}}} ǿ {{{gsx: }}}߸ Automatic search ϸ(GhostScript ġǾ ) Ʒ ڵ Էµ˴ϴ.  Ʒ Է ֽʽÿ. (ġ GhostScript ġ ٸǷ Ͻʽÿ.)
         === GhostScript MiKTeX mgs.exe ̿Ϸ ===
  • GSView . . . . 7 matches
         Ghostgum Russell Lang GhostScript Front-end α׷.
         Ghostscript Ͽ PostScript Ǵ [PDF] ȭ鿡 ų μϰų ȯϴ ó ְ Ѵ.
         ̰ ϱ ؼ GhostScript ġؾ Ѵ. GhostScript ؼ GhostScript .
          ִ α׷̴. "ϱ ޽(nagging screen)" ޴ ƴϴ.[[FootNote(PS ŬϿ GhostScript ְ, GSView gswin32c.exe ۵Ͽ "Ghostscript Image" PS ش.)]]
          * ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/
          * http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/AFPL/get853.htm
  • GhostScript . . . . 13 matches
         PostScript / GhostScript
         == GhostScript ==
          * AFPL GhostScript: [AFPL] ̼ . Version 8.54 released 2006-05-17.
          * GNU GhostScript: [GNU] GPL ̼. 7.07 GNU GhostScript Ͽ.
          * GPL GhostScript: GNU [GPL] ̼. 8.01 GPL GhostScript .
          (./) (From KTUGSetup:10995'''''') preview ̹ ִ eps ٿ ڽ ִ ϴ ghostscript ƿƼ ޷ ִ ̰, gs 8.54 preview tiff ̹ óϱ latex eps ٿ ڽ ߻ ɼ ϴ. KC2006 ʺ gs 8.54 ߽ϴ. ϴ , KC2006 ڷμ ̷ ˰ ֽϴ. ߻ ʱ ƴϰڽϱ?
          * GhostScript Homepage
         [KTUG] [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/ KTUG FTP GS Mirroring] AFPL, GNU, [GPL] ̷ϰ ִ.
         == Linux GhostScript ==
         GhostScript [Linux] ⺻ ġǴ α׷ ڸҴ. κ Linux GhostScript ⺻ ϰ ִ.
          CygWin GhostScript ԵǾ ˴ϴ. --[Karnes]
         == MiKTeX GhostScript ==
         MiKTeX GhostScript MGS ̸ ϰ ִ. MiKTeX 2.5 gs GPL GhostScript ̴. `\texmf\miktex\bin` `mgs.exe`, `ps2pdf.exe` ִ. MiKTeX ġ GhostScript ġ ʾƵ (LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, dvi->ps, ps->pdf, dvi->pdf ) ִ. ׷ ps Ǵ pdf GSView GhostScript ʿϴ. ֽ ̸ {{{gswin32c.exe}}} ƴ϶ {{{mgs.exe}}}̸, GhostScriptUtilities  Ϻΰ {{{.exe}}} Ȯ Ϸ ȴ. {{{gswin32c.exe}}} GhostScript ֽ ⺻ ̸ ϴ ġ ƿƼ(: WinEdt ps2pdf.bat) ִ. ׷ GhostScript ʰ ̸ ذϴ {{{gswin32c.exe}}} {{{mgs.exe}}} Ǵ {{{ps2pdf.exe}}} θ ȯ溯 ϴ ̴.
         set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
          {{{epstool}}} {{{mgs.exe}}} Բ Ἥ prn µ bounding box ϱ ؼ {{{bb.bat}}} ϸ ghostscript ġ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
  • KC2006/UPDATES . . . . 1 match
          * http://auemath.aichi-edu.ac.jp/~khotta/ghost/mathabx.html .
  • KC2006/ġ . . . . 2 matches
          1. GSView : pstricks ݵ ġϽʽÿ. [[ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv48w32.exe ٿε GSView 4.8]]
  • KC2006/ó . . . . 4 matches
          1. (pdf AdobeReader ʿϵ) Ȯڰ ps Ȯϱ ؼ GSView ġǾ ־ Ѵ. [[ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv48w32.exe ٿε GSView 4.8]]
          * ps{{{->}}}GSView::: ġؾ Ѵ. ([[ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv48w32.exe ]] ٿ޾ Ŭϸ ġȴ.)
  • KC2007/ó . . . . 4 matches
          1. (pdf AdobeReader ʿϵ) Ȯڰ ps Ȯϱ ؼ GSView ġǾ ־ Ѵ. [[ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv48w32.exe ٿε GSView 4.8]]
          * ps{{{->}}}GSView::: ġؾ Ѵ. ([[ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv48w32.exe ]] ٿ޾ Ŭϸ ġȴ.)
  • KTUGCollection2006/TroubleShooting . . . . 1 match
         pdfcrop ϸ ``Cannot move ...pdf to ...pdf'' ޽ 鼭 ϴ pdf ִ. ̰ pdfcrop ghostscript ã ؼ ׷ ̴.
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 2 matches
          * GPL Ghostscript 8.60
          ps, eps, pdf . http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 1 match
          * . Altinstaller ġ LyX ϸ KC2007 ghostscript ȯ Ʈ . gswin32c gs_init.ps ʱȭ ߴٴ GhostScript ٽ ġѴ.
  • MacOSġϱ/I-Installer . . . . 1 match
          1. Ghostscript
         Mac OS X ġ ũ X Window ǵ ġصδ Ѵ. ׷ i-installer ghostview ġ ϴ.
  • MiKTeXKC2006 . . . . 1 match
         || ġ (2) || ܺ ƿƼ ġ ʿ䰡 , ̵ || dviout, ghostscript, perl, netpbm ܺ ƿƼ ġ ̷ || KC2006 ȣȯ ߺ ġ ִٴ . MiKTeX () ߰ ƿƼ Ű澲 ʾƵ ȴٴ . ׷ ʿ α׷ ᱹ ġؾ ϴ ŷο. ||
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 1 match
          --gscmd _name_ call of ghostscript (gswin32c)
          ƿƼ PDF ȯ , AdobeIllustrator ѱ Font Ͽ PDF Ϻΰ Ghostscript о ֽϴ. ̷ , `.tex` ۼϿ PDFTeX ϸ PDF ϴ ũ⸸ŭ ߶ ֽϴ.
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 1 match
          NetPBM10.18.4(2003 12 27Ͽ ö version)̰, ghost-script GSView ġ ʾҴ Դϴ.
          AFPL-GhostScript 8.13 gs813w32.exe ޾ҽϴ. մϴ. -- ڱ [[DateTime(2004-01-29T00:15:51)]]
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 1 match
          1. ghostscript : {{{c:\usr\texlive\tlpkg\tlgs\bin\gswin32c.exe}}}
  • TeXġϱ . . . . 1 match
          * ׸ó utilities : ghostscript ...
  • TeXå . . . . 2 matches
          ᱹ ߴ ٿ ¼ҿ ִ ʸ ± ػ󵵴 Ʈ ô±. ׷ٸ . 帮 ߴ dvips ũⰡ ū truetype ۲ PS Ƿ, Ͻ ó ± ػ󵵴 Ʈ ʴ´ٸ truetype ۲ ϴ pdf ps ̿ ¿ ִٿϴ. (± ػ󵵿 PS ػ ̷ ؼ). ͼ ʹ ⿴ϴ. type 8 ( ƿ Ʋ ֽϴ.) ۲ ڼ 𸨴ϴ. ˾Ҵµ, ؾ Ƚϴ. PS ۲  ϵ ؼ ... (Postscript reference manual 3 6 2 Ŵ ٶ 3 ߰ŵ) ... type 42 truetype outline PS ''(۲), ű⿡ ÷ İ ִٴ ͸ ϰ ֽϴ. ׷, PS level 3 device ̷ '۲'  μ ֽϴ. ghostscript pswriter PS dz ȯ ϹǷ level 3 PS level 1̳ level 2 ٲٴ ֽϴ. , ׷ ũⰡ Ŀ truetype PS Ƽ ũ Դϴ. , ְ, ũ Ȳ ū ǰ. , ¼ҿ ֽ ghostscript ִٸ 츦 Ȯ ϴ. ---
  • TexPoint . . . . 1 match
         "Tex2Bmp: Shell command failed for <ghostscript> (or dvips) execution"
  • TnXTeX/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
          A. pstricks Ϸ ghostscript ġؾ մϴ. ghostscript ִ ̳ ġϰ ϴ tiny ʴٰ ߱ Դϴ. tikz/pgf Ͻʽÿ.
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Precise . . . . 1 match
          * kghostview
  • WinEdtTip/GhostScript . . . . 6 matches
         moved from GhostScript
          WinEdt 5.4 AFPL GhostScript ġϸ `Searching for Executables` `gswin32c.exe` ΰ ڵ ִ. ׷ GPL GhostScript ġϸ ۾ Startup.edt ڵ带 θ Ͽ Ѵ([WinEdtġ] ׸ "Default Startup Sequence ..." ).
         ''':''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/ KTUG FTP GS Mirroring] ϰ GPL/ -> gs815/ ãư [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/GPL/gs815/gs815w32.exe gs815w32.exe](Windows GPL GhostScript) ֽϴ. AFPL/ -> gs851/ ãư [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/AFPL/gs851/gs851w32.exe gs851w32.exe](Windows AFPL GhostScript) ֽϴ.
          Ʈ ghostgum/ ãư [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/ghost/ghostgum/gsv47w32.exe GSView 4.7] ٿε ֽϴ.--[Yhchoe]
         WinEdt ְ â(Ʈ) ps2pdf, dvipdfmx ʰ ַ WinEdt â dvi->pdf, ps->pdf ߸ Ἥ pdf ̸ Ghostscript "PATH ȯ " ߰ ʾƵ ȴ. MiKTeX 2.4 ִ ps2pdf DZ ̴. MiKTeX ü ̻ ܺ GhostScript ʰ ü GhostScript ϰ ִ. ܺο GhostScript ֵ簣 ü mgs Ѵ.
         Ϻ α׷ ߿ MiKTeX GhostScript(mgs) ƴ϶ gswin32c 䱸ϴ 쿡 GhostScript ġϿ Ѵ. pstoedit, GSView, epstool, TeXPoint ׷ϴ. ̷ α׷ Ϸ GhostScript ġϰ θ PATH ϴ . GhostScript θ "PATH ȯ " ߰ϴ KTUGOperate:5334 Ǵ Ʒ ׸ " " ϶.
  • п۲ . . . . 1 match
          http://auemath.aichi-edu.ac.jp/~khotta/ghost/mathabx.html . Ϻ Ǿ
1352 ߿ 25 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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