You have a strong desire for a home and your family interests come first.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쏙옙占싶쏙옙타占쏙옙&value=Karnes/악보그리기 › HLaTeXStylePackages
KTUG Խ  ã ִ ѱ ۼ Ÿ Ű ƺڽϴ.

  1. HLaTeX Ȯ Ÿ(, ۼ Ű .)
  2. HLaTeX KTUG Խǿ ǵ Ÿ
  3. LaTeX ƴ, Omega/Lambda Ű ConTeXt Ű .
  4. DeleteMe ֽʽÿ.

1 HLaTeX Ȯ Ű
1.1 hangul-k
1.2 hangul-nojosa(obsolete)
1.3 hfncychap
1.4 hlatex-interword
1.5 hsetspace
1.6 hsectsty
1.7 hlatex-nonfrench
1.8 hitshape
1.9 myulem
1.10 ganasection
2 Ÿ
2.1 ltcaptionskip


1 HLaTeX Ȯ Ű



1.1 hangul-k

  • hangul-nojosa üϴ ѱ PDF ۼ Ÿ.
  • hangul-nojosa ִ ڵ .


1.2 hangul-nojosa(obsolete)

by Karnes. Uploads:hangul-nojosa.sty HLaTeX hangul.sty ڵ Դϴ. hangul Ű ٸ Ű 浹 ٿݴϴٸ ڵ ϴ. Ű HyperRef Ű Բ åǰ ִ PDF Ư ˴ϴ.

ver 0.3
  1. \, \ ѱ ڵ , (ڵ ۵ ) ߻ ʵ ó.
  2. \jaso, \onum ѱ ۵ϵ .
  3. josamark ɼ ߰. \, \ ڵ Ǿ nojosa ó bar ׷ ã .


1.3 hfncychap

Download : hfncychap ̱ hfncychap. fncychap Ű ѱ ȯ濡 ְ ŰԴϴ. chapter ŸƲ پϰ ϰ ݴϴ.


1.4 hlatex-interword

by Karnes. ѱ ڰ ܾ ϴ Ű.

1.5 hsetspace

by Karnes Download : Uploads:hsetspace.sty 2004-12-01 ver. h3.
ٰ .
KTUGContrib:1257 setspace Ͽ ѱ ǥ ణ ⺻ ϰ, float ȿ ణ ڰ ֵ ϴ Ÿ. HLaTeX ƴ 쿡 밡.


1.6 hsectsty

by Karnes Uploads:hsectsty.sty KTUGContrib:1420 ϰ ϴ sectsty Ű ѱȭ Դϴ.
  • 2005-01-24 book/report ensec \l@section ũ 缳.


1.7 hlatex-nonfrench

by Karnes Uploads:hlatex-nonfrench.sty ħǥ ڿ ϰ nonfrenchspacing ε ϴ ŰԴϴ.
  1. \sloppy ְ ۼϱ⸦ մϴ.
  2. ħǥ \xspaceskip մϴ.
  3. hlatex-interwordʹ Բ ʽϴ.
See KTUGOperate:2591


1.8 hitshape

by Karnes ѱ itshape ׷ü(gr) ٲپִ Ű. Ӳ .
% load this style after hangul of hfont


1.9 myulem

by Karnes Download Uploads:myulem.sty ulem Ű ϴ ߱ HLaTeX Ű.
  1. hlatex-interword Բ , myulem hlatex-interword ۵ ʽϴ. KTUGContrib:962 μ Բ .


1.10 ganasection

by Karnes KTUGOperate:7144 HLaTeX section counter \gana, \jaso ְ ݴϴ.


2 Ÿ


2.1 ltcaptionskip

KTUGOperate:2664 (by Karnes) longtable Ű ϴ caption longtable ϵ ִ ŰԴϴ.

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