"window"() ü ãƺ

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FrontPageKarnes/2009-07占쏙옙占쏙옙占inputlineno › HelpOnEditing

ũ ã
  • AUCTeX . . . . 1 match
         ;; For Multilingual Input Method Package installed on Windows 95/NT
         ;;(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
  • AdobeReader/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
         '''A5-1:''' PDF ߻Ȳ ѱ ϸũ ϴ ð Դϴ. ¼ ̹ ߵǾ ִ . μ Ȯ AcrobatReader 5.05 ϴ Դϴ. ̰ wine ġǾ ־ մϴ. ׸ Adobe 98 ѱ 5.05 ٿ޾ wine ̿Ͽ ġմϴ.(98 ̸ ʿ䰡 ϴ. wine ġ winesetup Ͽ fake_windows ϸ Ȩ丮 `.wine/fake_windows/` µ ؿ AcrobatReader ġ˴ϴ) ķδ wine AcrobatReader Ͽ ѱۺϸũ  PDF ֽϴ. --[DohyunKim]
         '''Q7:''' Windows2000 MiKTeX 2.2 <ü> ұ. ƽþƮ մϴ. DVIPDFMx ޽
  • CVSμġϱ/Win . . . . 1 match
         === Windows System ===
         켱 windows cvs client α׷ ġ μž մϴ.
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 5 matches
         CygWin Red Hat翡 ''' UNIX ȯ'''Դϴ. CygWin UNIX ȯ濡 Ǵ ǥ UNIX α׷ õǾ 󿡼 ״ ֽϴ. , õ UNIX α׷̶ ҽ ٿεϿ , ġϿ ֽϴ. CygWin UNIX ȯ濡 ͼ ڳ, UNIX ȯ ϰ ϴ е鿡 Դϴ. Ư X Window Ǿ ־ X Window ߵ ƿƼ ִٴ Ŀٶ Դϴ. ԵǾ ִ X Window ý xorg X11 Դϴ.
         Windows XP ߻ ýۿ CygWin ϴ ׿ Ѵ.
          Text file type ϴ ۼ߿ ڰ enter() Ű ǻͰ νϴ ܳ κп ó ü ٸ ̴. UNIX line feed ִ ̸, DOS carriage return line feed Բ ϵȴ. (UNIX DOS ͷ ٷ پ ° ٷ carriage return ڰ Ƿ DOS ʹ ΰ νϸ, ݴ DOS UNIX о carriage return "^M" ܳ Ÿ) (:winEdt ) Ѵٸ DOS ϰ, Emacs for windows ϽŴٸ  ص ̰ .
         === TIP: Windows gvim ϱ ===
         VimEditor н ̴. Windows뵵 ְ  Windows gvim ִ. CygWin ȯ濡 gvim ̵ ƽ Ƿ KTUGSetup:4268'''''' ˷ֽ Ʈ http://hermitte.free.fr/cygwin/ {{{cyg-wrapper.sh}}} ٿ޾ ̿غ.
          * Windows gvim {{{C:\Vim\Vim63\gvim.exe}}} , ϸ ̰ θ ִ.
         Windows vim ġ ý ȯ溯 `%VIMRUNTIME%` Ǿ ִ 찡 ִ. CygWin ȯ ȯ溯 ǹǷ, {{{~/.bashrc}}} ξ ̰ ȭ.
         # run XWin, using multiwindow mode.
         XWin -emulate3buttons -multiwindow -clipboard &
          <!> CygWin X multiwindows Ѵ. X α׷ ġ α׷ ó â X ϵ ϴ ̴. Ѵٸ {{{XWin}}} {{{-multiwindow}}} ɼ openbox wmaker âڸ غ ͵ .
         ̷ ϸ utf-8 ִ. Ϳ ͼϴٸ EmEditor Windows gvim Ͽ ̴.
         ʿϴٸ Windows α׷ Adobe Reader ϵ س ȴ.
          * ̰ ִٸ KDE 3 ġϰ غ ִ. http://kde-cygwin.sf.net/ û ҽ ʿ Ѵٴ Ѵٸ ſ ִ ۾ȯ ̴. KDE ġ Ŀ [kile] Windows غ ִٴ ŷµ ִ.(: rebase kde ʾҴ. ׷ rebaseall ٸ CygWin X α׷ ʴ 쵵 Ƿ, ؼ ġ . ƾ KDE ִ. ڴ CygWin ٽ :( )
  • CygWinġϱ/obsolete . . . . 1 match
         CygWin Windows TTF ڵ ʴ´.
          1. {{{texmf.cnf}}} {{{/cygdrive/c/windows/fonts}}} truetype Ʈ ġ 丮 صδ ִ. ̵忡 Ѵ.
          2. {{{~/texmf-local/fonts/truetype/WindowsTTF}}} 丮 {{{C:\Windows\Fonts}}} ִ {{{*.ttf}}} ⿡ ɺ ũ ɾδ ִ. 1 ʴ 쿡 Ѵ.
         #> mkdir -p ./.texmf/var/fonts/truetype/WindowsTTF
         #> ln -s /cygdrive/c/Windows/Fonts/Batang.ttc ./.texmf/var/fonts/truetype/WindowsTTF/batang.ttc
         #> ln -s /cygdrive/c/Windows/Fonts/Gulim.ttc ./.texmf/var/fonts/truetype/WindowsTTF/gulim.ttc
         TTFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/truetype//;/cygdrive/c/Windows/Fonts
  • DviOut/MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
         DVIOUT ũμƮ Windows ִ DVI ϳ Ϻ ǰ ִ ˰ ֽϴ. Ư EPS ׸ ִ ۸ũ , Inverse Forward Search , ׸ ̵  մϴ. ٵ ƮŸ ۲ (256 ) ̿Ѵٴ Ư¡ Ϻ ƮŸ ۲ø Ϻ DVI ֽϴ. θ ǰ ִ MiKTeX [Yap], [fpTeX] WinDvi Բ ֽϴ.
          {{{[ftt:]}}} ߸ ڵ Էϰų ۾ {{{^x\map\ttfonts.map}}} Էϸ Windows ƮŸ ۲ ֽϴ.
         Win98 ϰ ְ C:\WINDOWS\FONTS msgothic.ttf Դϴ.
         () 2, c:\windows\fonts\msgothic, 1060, 1120, 0
  • EditPlus . . . . 1 match
          * Ŀǵ 츦 ڵ Close window on exit ɼǿ üũ
  • EmEditor . . . . 1 match
          * ũθ ִ. ũδ WSH(Windows Shell Host) ̿ؼ javascript/vbscript ̿ ִ. ̸ keyboard ο ؼ ġ ִ.
          * Windows ؼ Ȥ ִ. MDI/SDI Ͽ ִ.
          1. ̿Ϸ, windows ýۿ ȯ溯 TEXEDIT Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip/Edit . . . . 1 match
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 3 matches
          1. Complement window key (\key) , complement window .
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 3 matches
         '''EmacsW32''' has the goal to make it easier for MS Windows users to get used to Emacs.
          * http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/download-for-windows.html ''' "{{{Precompiled bundle}}}" ''' ٿεѴ.
          (cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt) 'euc-kr-dos)
         (if (null window-system)
         Ȥ Windows ⿡ ʿ ֳ? ּ. ƴ Windows Է±⸦ ʿ䰡 ... -[gromov]
  • HelpOnEditing . . . . 2 matches
         To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "Edit''''''Text" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.
  • HelpOnUserPreferences . . . . 1 match
          * ''[[GetText(Add "Open in new window" icon to pretty links)]]'': ...
  • ImageMagick . . . . 1 match
          Binary Releases, then, in the top-most descriptive paragraph, Windows Executable.
          No reason not to get the Q16-windows-dll release.
  • KC2006/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
          1. Windows NT ̻ . KTUGCollection2006
          Windows 98, Me  ɼ, Ϻ ʽϴ.
          * Delphi VCL ξϴٸ, CLX ġ ս windows ϰ Linux Ҽ ֽϴ. KC2006 Linux ϰ ȴٸ, ų, ҽ Ѱܵ帮ڽϴ.ٸ Ͽ ... -- [likesam]
  • KC2006/ó/ù . . . . 1 match
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 1 match
         === Windows ⺻ ۲ ===
          * Windows ///ü.
          (deleteme) MS windows XP x64 breakttc ʾ ϴ. Ȥ Vista X64 Ȯ ʿϽ մϴ. ( vmware ÷ XP ذϿϴٸ.)
  • KC2008/PDFSync . . . . 1 match
          * A. synctex (windows) θ ѱ ̸̳ ̸ ѱ Ǵ 鹮ڰ SumatraPDF inverse/forward search ʽϴ. ̸ ڷ ڽϴ. ѱ Ǵ ڰ ݵ ʿϴٸ PDFSync Ͽ մϴ.
  • KTUGCollection2006/TroubleShooting . . . . 1 match
          A. ׷ Ǹ, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\mpm\cygwin1.dll}}} (, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\KTUG_bin\cygwin1.dll}}}) disableغϴ. , ̸ ٲٰų ؼ cygwin ü cygwin1.dll ȿϵ ٲپʽÿ. ٸ cygwin ü ǵ ֽ ̾ մϴ. cygwin1.dll ã Ѵٸ windows cygwin path ùٸ Ǿ ִ Ȯϼž մϴ. Ȥ cygwin\bin ϴ cygwin1.dll {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\mpm\cygwin1.dll}}} (, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\KTUG_bin\cygwin1.dll}}}) ϴ ͵ ֽϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 3 matches
         windows notepad ^^v -- Anonymous [[DateTime(2006-06-24T03:51:57)]]
         MS windows Ŵٰ ϰ, Ͻ ٸ windows ⺻ IME ð 빬 (http://moogi.new21.org/) Ͽ մϴ. ⼭ θ "" ι ŸѴٰ ϸ (++) ġž (++) Է ϼŵ "" ԷµǴ ִ ϽǼ ֽϴ. 390 Դϴٸ, ͼϿ ι ŰܰⰡ ʽϴ. ϴ
          1. Basic Windows Fonts (batang/gulim) support
          * MiKTeXTools Windows port ưų ȴٸ, basic implementation ** ũθ ̸ ϴ غ . Ʈ? -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-06-16T12:41:38)]]
          * Web2c Windows port ̿ . ȵǸ XEmTeX ҽ ٰ Ѵ(?).
          1. MiKTeX Tools/Linux Windows port ִٸ Ű ׷̵ ذ .
         ׷ ̶ W32TeX 𵨷 ؼ '''Web2c Windows Port + ѱ /Ű + MiKTeX Tools + ġα׷ + ΰ ''' ̷ ؾ ϳ? -- MadToad [[DateTime(2006-06-15T23:51:31)]]
          ̱ .... "MiKTeX ٽ ġϼ" 亯 ް . (Windows) ġ "ѱ" "ٽ ġ"...
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 2 matches
         ٸ Windows ü ǹմϴ.
         ̱Ȳ ڻ粲 ۾ Ϻθ ûϼż KC 2006 ۾ ־. ǻ Ű ֿ κп ؼ ־ ־, ϳ ħ ϴ Windows (P3) ϰ Ͻ Ŀٴ , ׷ ߾ Ǿ ۾ؾ ߴµ... ƹ ʴ γ ̾ ̾. в Ǿ Ͻðڴٴ ̴ּ. 帰.
         ̸Ͽ KC2006 ⺻ 󰳰 . , MiKTeX ϰ ǥ̸ W32TeX ü , Ƹ Ϲ ;; Windows TeX System ̻ . ü (Դ) ̾.
          ׿! ۲ Ǹ Ҵµ. ̰ ƹ LaTeX ص ʾҽϴ. ᱹ ƹ .. ߴµ,,, off ׳ ð Ƽ MSwindows KTUG2006 õغҴµ,... ˴ϴ. xetex tfm ȸ峪 . ׸ Yoon font unicode Ǿ ʴٰ ϴ..  ؼ ? ʾƼ, 𿡼 ȵɼ ִ° , xetex wikipage ִ test.tex ϵǾϴ. űϳ׿!!! ̱ ͽϴ. ƴϸ ٸ? window port ϼ ׳. Ǿ 帳ϴ.(KTUG 2006) ϼϽ е鲲... -- [synapse] [[DateTime(2006-07-10T09:15:41)]]
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 1 match
         , ٽ Ǿ濤 , ǥ "Ժη ϴ Windows" KC2006 ġ ׽ƮϿ. ̹ CD "ġ" ϴ 츦 ùķ̼ .
         Windows ̷ ͸ ..
         ... Ϳ ؼ ̾ϴ. Java Ǹ ý̰, Java TeX ý۵ ϱ... , Windows 翬 ʼ ϰ ֽϴ. 豳 Ű 鸨ϴ. մϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-08-29T05:45:47)]]
          MiKTeX 2.5 ... Ž彺ٴ ̴. GhostScript/NetPbm ܺ ƿƼ ѵ ġ( α׷ ġѴ ص ܽѴ.) ű⿡ٰ Web2C ǥذ ϵ tex/pdftex α׷ ξ.  "ʺڸ " ϴµ... ʺڸ ٺ ý̸, ڿ ϴ ý̴. Windows Ž ״ Ƽ... ʴ. 2.3 ص ̷ ʾҴµ... ࿡ ׷̵尡 ߴܵ [teTeX] MiKTeX еϰ ȴٸ... ׷ Ģ ۵Ѵٴ ٽ Ǵ ̴. ... ִ ƴұ ʹ. MiKTeX ڰ ȥ ϴ ý̶ ̰ MiKTeX ִ ڰ ȥ ϴ ý̶ ̴.
         #> alias mpm='mpm --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/windows/miktex/tm/packages '
          1. Windows/Fonts ttf ְ(????)
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 1 match
          帰 KC2006 fedora ؼ bash script ֽϴ. Ȥ ֽǰŶ ø ּ! ٵ ϸ鼭 ϱ Ƚϴ. Window system ִµ, ̷ ؾ ϳ? Դϴ. ϱ Ծ ؾ! http://synapse.tistory.com ֽϴ. մϴ. -- Anonymous [[DateTime(2006-09-20T03:30:56)]]
          ϵ {{{Windows\Fonts\}}} ־ Ѵ.
         set MPM_REPOSITORY=http://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/CTAN/systems/windows/miktex/tm/packages
  • Karnes/2006-10 . . . . 1 match
          1. ü : Windows XP (NT, 2k, 98 ), Windows 丮 C:\windows̾ .
  • Karnes/2006-12 . . . . 1 match
          1. : Windows XP [TeX] 1.5 ġϰ ϴ
          1. ý : Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2 ׽Ʈ. , [TeX] 򸻿 ''386-SX 6M ̻, ޸ 4M, ϵũ 10M ̻''̶ ȣȭ ʿ մϴ. ^^ ;; ޸𸮰 4Mۿ ȵȴٸ ޸𸮸 մϴ.
          մϴ. windows 2000 XP ٲٰ Ǹ Ͽ ͳ׿. [TeX] 1.5.. ϰ ; ѱ۰ ǻͰ 븮 ˾ , , ǰ̳׿. ϰ (Ͼȱ۷ Ǵµ, Ÿ( Ŭ 迭 Ŭ ٳµ, ̰ ۼ ͼ ) , LaTeX ; մϴ.) ǰ , η + ״ ȵ [hLaTeXn] ġϿ Ͽ ֽϴ. KC2006 uninstallϴٰ c:\bin\TeX\hTeX\ Ͽ 丮 , Ҽ ׿. -- [likesam] -- ó [[DateTime(2006-12-08T00:46:23)]]
  • Karnes/2007-01 . . . . 1 match
          * [Yhchoe] : Windows. MiKTeX. WinEdt
          * Ŀ : Windows, KC2006, WinEdt, Ư .
          * IsCho : Windows, KC2006, EmEditor. PSTricks EmEditor
          * ȣ : Windows, KC2006, Ϲݿ Ź
          * ȣ : Windows, KC2006, ٱ memoir .
          * Daisyweb : Windows, MiKTeX/KC2006, Ʈ .
          * [hermian] : Windows 2003, Emacs
          * [] : Windows, () mac, Emacs, PlainTeX
          * [likesam] : Windows, KC2006 (KCmenu ׷̵ ^^ )
          * ȫȣ : Windows
          * [Kunggom] , ǿ : Windows, KC2006
         , http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx Power Toy ִµ,  Open Command Window Here ִ. ̰ ġ Ŀ Ž right clickϸ " " ο ޴ ߰ ̴.
  • Karnes/2008-02 . . . . 2 matches
         wine Windows 95 ķƮϰ( α׷ ؼ) ߰, ѱ Ʈ gulim.ttc .
         windows 95 ƴϰ, windows 3.1 + win32s ķ̼ Ǵ մϴ. -- ó [[DateTime(2008-02-26T06:28:51)]]
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 3 matches
          1. gvim/Cream ѱ Է on-the-spot Է ȴٴ . ° Է±⸦ ذ, Է±⸦ ٲپ Ѵٴ δ... ׸ Windows Ͷ ٴ .
         KDE4 windows ư ̼ , 뿡 [kile] windows 밡 ? ʹ ְ , ʺڶ ְ(?) ͸ ٰص ϴٸ. -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2008-06-17T02:37:20)]]
         ѱ Է½ ڸ Է Ⱥδٴ ġ texα׷ θ ִ ϴ. α׸ Բ ִٴ ŷ̱. linux, windows, macos x 밡ϴٴ ־ TeXmaker ǥ߽ϴ. -- edmondwells
  • Karnes/2012-07 . . . . 1 match
          * [WindowsTeXLive2012koTeX ġϱ]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-19T04:43:25 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX (Windows) ()
          * Windows XP, Windows 7 (x86, x64), Windows 8 Release Preview (x86, x64) ׽Ʈ .
          * Windows XP x64 Ʈ Ʈ ([likesam])
          * ѱ Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 x64 ׽ƮϿ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-12T01:32:59 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX (Windows) (Ǵٽ ۼ)
          * windows texliveonfly ۵ ʽϴ. Ű ˻ ġ ۾ ؾ ֽϴ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-11T13:35:28 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX (Windows) (ٽ ۼ)
         Windows XP SP3 ׽Ʈ.
          * Windows 7 쿡 ū . Ȥ ߻ϸ cmd â  ġ Ͻö.
  • Karnes/2012-11 . . . . 1 match
         mkluatexfontdb Ǵ path windows ̶
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 4 matches
         === MS Windows ===
          * http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyXWinInstaller (Alternative Installer (Small) recommended)
          * ġ: KTUGQna:3108''''''(Thanks to sookibae). (Windows XP)
          * Windows 7 ( <!> Alt Installer ̿Ͽ LyX ġ 츸 մϴ.)
          1. Windows Vista, Windows 7 , cmd Ͽ Ǭ ͸ cd ࿡ koreanucs Ͻʽÿ.
          * http://doeun.blogspot.com/2011/04/windows-7-lyx-20-rc2.html
          ׷, OS X windows LyX ׸ ΰ ٸ ׿...
          windows ׸ η Դϴ. attachment:intro-kor-windows.lyx
         ƹ ڸƮ ϳ ʴ ܷο ۾̶, ߴ 𸣰ڴ. TeX LyX ȯ Mac OS ϳ ȭǾ ְ Windows δ㽺 ִ ̶... ׷ ϴ 1.5.6 ƹ ʺڶ ѱ ֵ ߴٰ Ѵ. Ȥ ַǿ ̶ ̶ ñ⸦ Ѵ.
         === Windows ===
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/Fonts . . . . 1 match
          SYSTTF = c:/{winnt,windows,winnt35}/fonts//;c:/usr/sysfonts//
  • LocalTexmfTree . . . . 1 match
         2.5 Ĵ C:\Documents and Settings\windowsID\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6 .
  • LyX . . . . 1 match
          ѱ ʾ [CJK-LyX] ѱ Ǵ Խϴٸ, 1.5.0 ʹ Unicode DZ ϴ. OS Windows, Linux, Mac մϴ.
          * [http://doeun.blogspot.com/2011/04/windows-7-lyx-20-rc2.html Lyx2.0ѱȭ]
         Windows: (KTUGOperate:21886 ÷ ׸)
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 1 match
          * chroot ¿ X ϰ ϴ X ȯ Ѵ.( 쿡 x-window ۵ ʾƼ ߽ϴ.)
  • MathType/ShortcutKeys . . . . 1 match
         ͼø Ʒ /ۺ ԷϽ ֽϴ. ( ѱۺ MS- ۲ ̻ڴٰ մϴ. windows\fonts 丮 MT extra MT symbol, ׸ Euclid 迭 ü ϴ.)
  • MathematicaFonts . . . . 2 matches
         http://support.wolfram.com/mathematica/systems/windows/general/latestfonts.html TTF Type 1 Ʈ ٿ ִ. ܿ ̼ о ñ ٶ, Ȥ ۲ ϰ Ǹ ߴٰ ָ ڴٰ Ǿ ִ.
         http://support.wolfram.com/mathematica/systems/windows/general/latestfonts.html TTF Type 1 Ʈ ٿ ִ.
  • MiKTeXTools . . . . 2 matches
         Windows [TeX ] Christian Schenk MiKTeX Ű ڵ ġ Unix-like ýۿ ̿ ְ ƿƼ. ( Ÿ ) ̰ [teTeX] üϴ [TeX ] ƴϰ [teTeX] ϰ ְ ִ ƿƼ ϴ. [teTeX]  ֵ ġ ƿƼ Ȱϸ ȴ.
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/windows/miktex/tm/]
          * [http://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/CTAN/systems/windows/miktex/tm/]
  • NTEmacs . . . . 1 match
          * http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/download-for-windows.html Precompiled AUCTeX for Emacs ٿ ޾ Ǭ Emacs ġ 丮 Ѵ.
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
         GNU [Emacs] Windows .
          * [http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html NTEmacs FAQ]
         == Windows Emacs ==
          `C-x 4 b` ٸ Window ''buffer'' ų ϴ.
          [http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html NTEmacs FAQ] ħ ̴.
          ý Ÿ° ⵵ ϳ׿. windows2003ε Ǵ ȸ WinXP ѱ Fontify ȵǴ . section ū ڰ......ѱ Ͻ ǰ? --[hermian]
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 1 match
         windows TeX Live 2010 pdfcrop.pl pdfcrop ̶ θ ˴ϴ.
          (!) pdfsel.bat ̿Ͽ Windows [], 1 10 ϳ PDF `test.pdf` ϴ .
          1. [http://bbs.kldp.org/viewtopic.php?p=166518 KLDPBBS Windows PostScript Ϸ Ʈ ϱ, PS PDF]
  • PreliminaryQuestions . . . . 3 matches
         ʺڵ鿡 WinEdt ü ε ҷų ִ WinEdt MiKTeX̶ windows عǰ ſ ︮ پ Ϳ WinEdt MiKTeX ϱ Դϴ.
         ( ַ ϰ ѱ ʴ windows ڵ ϴ Դϴ.)
         MiKTeX ѱȯ ߴܵǾǷ, (windows Ͽ) ѱ ϰ ϴ 쿡 KC2008 ġϴ ˴ϴ.
          [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeXImplementations#s-4 Windows ]
          ֽϴ. [TeXѱ۱] Ͻð, Windows/MiKTeX ڶ [MiKTeXѱȯ] ʽÿ.
         Answer 2: Windows ڵ , KTUGCollection2006 ѱ ֽϴ.
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 1 match
  • SampleDocument/XeLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         %% ۲ (Windows)
         %% ѱ۱۲ (Windows)
          1. windows/macosx/linux ϵǰ .
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 1 match
          * windows98 ϼ۲ ó ϴ .
          Windows ý ActivePerl õմϴ. CygWin̳ Unix/[Linux] ýۿ Perl κ ġǾ Դϴ.
          * Windows [MiKTeX-KTUG] W32TeX ġ `ttf2tfm` ԵǾ ˴ϴ.
          ttf2tfm/ttf2pk ؼ ̷ ġ ˱ ˰ ֽϴ. ϳ ڿ ̾, ȯ ġϴ. ȯ ù° ġ `-l` `-L` ɼ, ligature óϴ ̾µ, ̰ 1.5 ݿ ˰ ֽϴ. ι° ġ `-o` ɼ, Omega/Lambda ε ̰ ݿ ϴ. ڿ ġ ttf2tfm/ttf2pk freetype2 ̾ ˰ ֽϴٸ, ̰ ݿ մϴ. ᱹ CJK Truetype ̿ϱ ligature ó ttf2tfm/ttf2pk Omega/Lambda ttf2tfm/ttf2pk Windows MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2/2.3, W32TeX Ե Ϳ ǰ fpTeX ̰ Ұ Դϴ. Unix, Linux ʿ freetype1 cvs ؼ ġ ڰ ؾ ˴ϴ. ttf2tfm 1.4 ϶ ѱ TrueType ó ̶ մϴ. ---[Karnes]
         ɼǿ α׸ ֵ ֽø ý ϴµ ? *nix迭̾ `2>&1 | tee log` α ְ Window Commandâ 𸣰ڳ׿. ʹ Ƽ  ư 𸣰ڳ׿ :D --[[Date(2006-05-27T09:48:41)]] [hermian]
  • TnXTeX/Obsolete . . . . 1 match
          * ƽô ƽð, tinyKCmenu windows Notepad ⸦ ȭ KCmenuԴϴ. ׷Ƿ, KCmenu.ini ϴ κ Դϴ. tinyKCmenu ߰ ۲ κ̰ ̴ Ʒ tip μ̳׿.
          Windows XP ׽Ʈϴµ access violation error ϴ. ̻ϰ Ǵ ѵ. ׷ Ŀ sumatrapdf Ŭϸ ٽ access violation error â ߰ ι ġ ʴ Ƽ ι ġ õ ƴѰ ͽϴ.
  • VimEditor . . . . 1 match
         X-Window MS-Windows [GUI] ȯ濡 ִ VimEditor.
         "(windows vim )
         == Windows gvim & KC2008 ==
         == Windows gvim & KC2006 ==
  • VimEditor/KC2006 . . . . 1 match
         "(windows vim )
          DeleteMe Windows vim70 ϰ ִµ enc=utf-8 Ұ ޴ ʱ ѱ ޽ ϴ. enc=cp949 ؼ մϴ. --[hermian] [[Date(2006-11-28T05:21:49)]]
  • WikiSandBox . . . . 1 match
         '''Tip:''' Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.
  • XeTeX . . . . 1 match
         %% or any else font in your /windows/fonts folder;
  • Yhchoe . . . . 1 match
          * 2.3 ġ (/ѱ Windows ): http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/2.3/setup/setup-ktug.exe
          * 2.2 ġ (ѱ Windows ): http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/2.2/setup/setup-ktug.exe
         '''[Hangul-ucs] + [۲] ġ''' [Hangul-ucs] ׸ "Windows" hangul-ucs-2.6.1.exe[[FootNote(Hangul-ucs ֱ 3.0.0Դϴ. ġ Ű hangul-ucs-2.6.1.exe ̿Ͽ Hangul-ucs ġ [Hangul-ucs] ׸ dhucs snapshot http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/hangul-ucs/dhucs-cvs-snapshot-current.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ texmf-hangul-ucs "tree "([TDS] ) ҿ ٲ ˴ϴ. See KTUGSetup:9263'''''')]] ٿεϿ ϸ ˴ϴ.
         ٽ ƹ Ű http://kldp.net/projects/unfonts/ ˴ϴ. ⼭ un-fonts-core (`un-fonts-core-1.0.tar.gz`) un-fonts-extra (`un-fonts-extra-1.0.1.tar.gz`) ٿεϿ DZϴ. `un-fonts-extra-1.0.1.tar` `un-fonts-core-1.0.tar' ӿ `un-fonts` 9 , 10 ttf ( 19) ֽϴ. ġϸ ˴ϴ. ġ [Windowsġϱ/ϰԵϱ] ׸ "1.4 ۲ ġ" ֽϴ.
          ''' ''' \texmf-hangul-ucs\fonts\truetype\unttf unttf 19 ttf ϵ ְ MiKTeX Options "Refresh Now" ߸ ˴ϴ. ڵ ѱ TeX (: abc.tex) Ͽ ϴ. ۲ Ÿ '''ٸ ''' ȭ鿡 ->(S)->->۲ ٽ ޴ (F)->۲üġ(I) ̿ؼ Ʈ ͸('c:\windows\fonts') ġϴ ε "۲ ߰" ȭڰ Ÿ 켱 "(D)" ttf ϵ (\texmf-hangul-ucs\fonts\truetype\unttf ) ãưϴ. ۲ (F) ۲õ Ÿ " (S)" ߸ "Ȯ" ߸ ˴ϴ. Ʒ ׸
  • Yudit . . . . 1 match
         === Windows Yudit ѱ ϱ ===
          1. `c:\home\.yudit\fonts` , ѱ ⿡ ʿ Ʈ `ngulim.ttf` `ogulim.ttf` صμ. ( ʰ `c:\windows\fonts` ־ µ `yudit.properties` ϰų о Ƿ ƿ ̰ ڴ Դϴ.)
  • gnumeric . . . . 2 matches
          * platform : Windows, Linux, OSX
          * Windows OSX portingǾ Ƿ ٸ OS󿡼
          * InkScape platform portingǾ windows OSX Ͻ ֽϴ.
          * DeleteMe Windows OSX ó Font о ̱ Ͽ ſ ɸǷ, Ȳ ð ٸ. -__-;;
          * gnumeric windows뵵 gtk Ʈ ó ⵿ ſ ɸ ̴ϴ. OSX linux ؼ Ȯ , InkScape ׷. ٿ ƴϴ ׳ ٸ. :-)
  • hermian . . . . 2 matches
          [http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx Flip4Mac] ġϼҼ. κ wm encoded files ȴϴ.
  • libiconv . . . . 2 matches
          * `libiconv-2.dll` ٸ GnuWin32 Ű ʿ ϴ 찡 ϴ. ý 丮(`windows/systerm/`) Ʒ (Ȥ `windows/system32`Ʒ) .
  • likesam . . . . 3 matches
          * KC2006 windows ⺻۲ DVIPDFMx ̿ , ۲ Ե PDF , ȯ游 ϴ ̸ Ͽ, KC2007ʹ ̷ κ ⺻δ ʴ´. ׷Ƿ, http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KC2007/UPDATES#s-2.2 Ͽ ⺻۲ð ȭ ġϰ, http://project.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/README Ͽ C:\bin\TeX\share\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfmx.cfg  ȭ ϰ ִ Ȯϰ, ( cid-kxttf.map), ۲ mapȭϿ ۲̸ տ ! ߰Ѵ.
          * installer windows ۲ C:\windows\fonts\ ġǾ ִٰ ϴ ϴ. ׷ C:\winnt\fonts\ ġǾ Ƿ Ʒ κ Ѵ.
  • . . . . 2 matches
         DOS ó , ? edlin edit. Windows XP Ⱑ ִ. edit.com qbasic `/edit` ɼ ҷ ε, ٴ ̴.
         ׷ Windows ͹̳ Ƹ `emacs -nw` ʹ.
          windows95 Ŀ , 콺 Ŭϴ ȿ ̴ windows źϰ dos pc ַ ϴ. 96 ȸ ȸ 鼭 emtex ۾ߴ ҽ ߴ, ̰ , Ʒ ѱ۷ ٲ޶ ؼ ָԾ ֽϴ. , ѱ ִ 񸻶 ߴ մϴ. ׷, ŷ ͳݿ Ⱑ ־ ϴ. ChoF's TeX Archive ̳ ̶ ͳݿ ִ󱸿. 縷 ƽý ҽϴ. , ̳ MusixTeX̶ ִٴ ˰ Ǿ, ɷ Ǻ ׷ڴٴ ǰ⵵ ߽ϴ.
  • ˻ . . . . 1 match
         MS windows ְ, ͳݿ ¶ Ʒ ̿ ִ.
  • . . . . 4 matches
          ̱. ^^; ʹ ֽϴ. TeXWorks ֽϴ. Preferences tysetting ɾ ݾ ٲ㼭 ־ ϰ մϴ. NPP , Windows 7 ϸ... ·!
          ׿. windows XP install-tl Ἥ ġ tar Ǯٰ permission error ( afm2pl.win32.tar ȭ ¥ ġ Ѵٰ 鼭 ƨϴ. install-tl.zip ִ tar.exe ִ ε ٲ㺸 Ȥ ġ丮 permssion ɷ ִ ִ Ͽ ô , ȵdz׿. Դϴ. ٸ computer, O/S, ̷, ȯ, ߸ ϱ Ƴ׿(ȸ WindowsXP x64 + avast, windows XP ѱ + Virus chaser, notebook windows XP FLP + antivir, google ʰ.. п (?) 7z ȭ ̿ ġ õϿ մϴ. ^^; -- likesam
          ᱹ ÷ν basic ٰ ġϿϴٸ, unixʿ α׷ windowsʰ permission Ͽ, Ȳ׿. ^^; -- likesam
         Windows TeX ȯ غô.
  • Truetype۲û . . . . 1 match
          1. c:\windows\fonts ׽Ʈ ۲ Trebuchet ۲ ( 4) ۾ 丮 Ѵ
         === WindowsFonts ===
          * ġ: [http://c.caignaert.free.fr/WindowsFonts.zip]
  • /2006-06 . . . . 1 match
          nohup gnome-window-decorator&
  • ѱñ۸ . . . . 1 match
          * [TeX] - ѱ۰ ǻͿ ߴ Windows 3.1 α׷.
          * [] - ѱ Է± (windows x64 (XP, Vista), ѱԷ± , Winows⺻ ѱԷ± Lyx 浹 )
1352 ߿ 62 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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