"utf"() ü ãƺ

Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
FrontPageTTF2HLaTeXFont&value=KC2007/óWriter2LaTeX&value=ŬͽŸ&value=Writer2LaTeX&value=ŬͽŸ占싼깍옙TrueType占쌜꼴삼옙占Karnes-PrivateTmpPage&value=TeX/LaTeX › Karnes/2006-08

ũ ã
  • AMSLaTeX/Theorem . . . . 2 matches
         "AMSLaTeX ۼ " UsefulDocuments Uploads:amsthm.pdf (uhc ѱ ) [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/UsefulDocuments?action=download&value=amsthm-utf.pdf amsthm-utf.pdf] (dhucs ѱ ) ÷εǾ ֽϴ.
  • AUCTeX . . . . 3 matches
         (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
         (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
         (setq coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
  • BOM . . . . 1 match
         Ʈ ⺻ [UTF-8] ޸ UCS-2 UTF-16 2 Ʈ ⺻ ̰, UTF-32 4 Ʈ ⺻ ̹Ƿ Ʈ ٲ ֻ Ʈ (Big Endian) ߿ (Little Endian) ٸ ǥ ϴ. ǥϱ ο ġ ƹ U+FEFF (Zero Width Non-Breaking Space) ξ Ʈ ڵ ˾Ƴ ִ. , UTF-16 Little Edian BOM {{{FF FE}}} ݸ Big Edian {{{FE FF}}} ȭѴ. UTF-32LE {{{FF FE 00 00}}}̰, UTF-32BE {{{00 00 FE FF}}} ̴. BOM(U+FEFF) [UTF-8] Ÿ {{{EF BB BF}}}̴.
         || UTF-16 LE || FF FE ||
         || UTF-16 BE || FE FF ||
         || UTF-32 LE || FF FE 00 00 ||
         || UTF-32 BE || 00 00 FE FF ||
         || UTF-8 || EF BB BF ||
         == [UTF-8] ⸦ ̿ LaTeX/[Lambda] ۾ BOM ==
         Win32 Ϻ α׷ (Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word) [UTF-8] BOM Win 9x/ME ̴ [http://www.ansi.org ANSI][[FootNote(''ANSI'' ƹ , MS  .)]] code page (ѱ Windows codepage 949 - Ȯ ϼ) ۼ ؽƮ ϰ ϱ ǥ Ѵ. , UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] BOM UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] νϰ ׷ ''ANSI'' code page Ѵ. XML ǥؿ [UTF-8] BOM BOM ڵ ϳ ϰ ִ. , [UTF-8] BOM POSIX OS {{{cat file1 file2 file3 | another_program}}} ŰǷ ״ ȯ Ѵ. TeX/Omega 忡 Notepad, Wordpad BOM [UTF-8] ̴ ״ ݰ ƴϴ. TeX/Omega compiler `.tex` ο ǹ̸ ڰ ִ Ƿ . ׳ <Enter> ġ ϸ ó پ ´. --
         BOM ó KTUGCollection2006 ó ԵǾ. Akira Kakuto W32TeX [W32TeX/ko] ϴ Akira ŹϿ TeX, [e-TeX], PDFTeX, [Omega], [Aleph] BOM UTF-8 TeX Է ó BOM ()ϵ ϴ ƾ ϰ Ǿ. , BOM ó ƾ TeXLive 2007, 2008 KC2007, KC2008 ̾.
         Ʒѱ(ѱ2005 ), ޸(NotePad), е, UltraEdit [UTF-8] ϸ ڵ BOM ٿش. ݸ Windows [Yudit] Linux BOM ʴ´. ü [UTF-8] ڵ LaTeX BOM óϿ ̴.
          ''[UTF-8] BOM ݵ ʿѰ ǹ̴.  . NotePad UltraEdit ڵ `.tex` ҽ ڵ(UTF-16) [libiconv] ̿ؼ [UTF-8] ȯϸ [UTF-8] BOM ش.''
          # program to remove a leading [UTF-8] BOM from a file
          {{{Write UTF-8 BOM = 0
         Write UTF-8 BOM NF = 0}}}
          ù UTF-8 , BOM ΰ ϸ, ι° UTF-8 Ͽ , BOM Ѵ. (0 , 1 )
         EDIT+ 3 ϴµ, ⺻>Ͽ UTF-8 ĺȣ ޴ ðϴ.
         Notepad++ >ȯ漳>>ڵ "UTF-8 without BOM" ϸ BOM ݴϴ. ⺻ Ansi Ǿ ֽϴ. --
  • Beamer . . . . 3 matches
         || CJKLaTeX || Beamer ü utf-8, cjk ̿ || ||
         ѱ Է ڵ UTF-8 ڵ ϰ PDFLaTeX Ѵ.
          1. Beamer ü utf-8, cjk ̿ϸ, CJKLaTeX Ͽ ѱ ִ. CJKLaTeX KS ѱ ᵵ , Ʈ ϴ ణ utf-8 ѱ ϴ .
  • CWEB . . . . 4 matches
         == ѱ(UTF-8) CWEB ġ ==
          CWEB ý ڸ 1Ʈ 8Ʈ ϴ ǿ ߾ ֱ⶧, CWEB ý ʰ UTF-8 ڵ ѱ α׷ Ұϴ. ̴ CWEB ý ϴ ũⰡ ʹ ۱ ̴. ý ѱ cweb ̿ϸ, ޽ Եȴ.
          1. comm-utf8.ch ̸ ϳ . .
          1. Makefile  44° Ͽ, comm-utf8.ch Ѵ.
         CCHANGES= comm-utf8.ch
          1. make cautiously comm-utf8.ch ctangle .
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 3 matches
          hanterm utf8 ڵ , vi(m) ϴ ̴.
         :set enc=utf8
         ̷ ϸ utf-8 ִ. Ϳ ͼϴٸ EmEditor Windows gvim Ͽ ̴.
          hanterm UTF-8 ڵ Ѵ.
  • DHHangul . . . . 1 match
          * Էڵ ɼ ְ .(Ʈ: utf-8)
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 21 matches
          װ ֽϴ. chapter title uppercase DZ Դϴ. ̸׸ ^^ea^^b0^^80("") ^^ca^^90^^80 ٲ ä `dhucsPrerenderUnicode` ڷ Դϴ. ׷ ̷ ߸ utf-8 Կ uppercase ݴ ϴ lowecaseϵ Դϴ. ׷ ٽ غ ̷ ܼ ʴ. "aBc" uppercase ٽ lowercaseϸ "aBc" ƴ϶ "abc" Źϴϱ. "" uppercaseߴٰ lowercaseϸ ^^ea^^b0^^80 Ƴ ^^ea^^b0^^a0 Ź. ׷ٸ ߸ utf-8 lowercase ƴ϶ ƹ ʰ ׳ Ű ٰ մϴ. book class tableofcontents ̿װ Ͽ `dhucsPrerenderUnicode` ״ϱ. ̽ ذ ̷Ը ص κ ۵ ϴ. ڵ忡 ְų ּóϴ ڽϴ. --DohyunKim
         \begingroup % from utf8.def
         \begingroup % from utf8.def
         \begingroup % from utf8.def
         ̰ ۵Ѵٸ `utf@viii@undeferr` Ǹ ܼȭ
         ==== utf8x ====
          ټ 10 [LaTeX-ucs] ӹ ֽϴ. utf8x.def ϸ , ׷ ƴϸ utf8 `RequirePackage` . ϸ ̿ܿ ٸ ̰ ϱ. --DohyunKim
         Ȥ ؼ  Ϳ ؼ Ұ 帮ڽϴ. 켱 utf8-tex4ht.cfg ̿ؼ html utf8 ؼ ϴ. index ʿ filename.4dx̹Ƿ ̰ iconv -f euc-kr -t utf8 ٲٰ makeindex-dhucs.pl ٽ iconv ٽ euc-kr ٲپ ־ϴ. Ƹ ΰ ۿ ʾ ε sorting Ǵ index ϴ. 帳ϴ. --[synapse]
         File `utf8.def' not found
          ߳ϴ.. ãƺ, To install this LaTeX UTF-8 support, simply put the files ucs.sty, utf8x.def, ucsencs.def and data/* somewhere in your TeX-path µ, ⼭ Tex-path ü  directory ? tetexɾ ִ , texmf ?
  • DviOut/TrueType . . . . 1 match
  • EmEditor . . . . 1 match
          * ű⿡ ڵ̳ UTF-8 پ ڵ Ѵ.
          * UTF-8 Ͽ  ڵ Ѵ. ׳ о ̸ ˾Ƽ utf-8 euc-kr Ǹؼ оش.
  • EmEditor/Free . . . . 1 match
          1. ѱ '''encoding utf-8''' Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip . . . . 2 matches
          * utf-8 ڵ /ϱ
          * , utf-8 ڵ ٲٱ
  • EmEditorTip/Language . . . . 16 matches
         === utf-8 ڵ ===
         ==== utf-8 ====
          ۼ utf-8 encoding ϴ.
          1. utf-8 ڵ .
          * ( ۼߴ) tex ŬϿ , utf-8 ڵ Ƿ Ѵ.
          1. : ׸ ó ̿Ͽ TeX ϸ, Template utf-8 ڵ .
         === utf-8 ϱ ===
         * ۼϰų ٸ ̸ , utf-8 ϴ "" ر .
         * Ʈ utf-8 ڵ ǵ صθ, ٸ ڵ ۼ 쿡 ϰ utf-8 ִ.
          1. , ٸ ̸ ϱ(Save As) , Ʒ ׸ , utf-8ڵ õǾ Ƿ, ̸ Ͽ ϸ ȴ. (ٸ ϸ, ׳ ϸ ȴ.)
         === , utf-8 ڵ ٲٱ ===
          * utf-8ڵ utf-8ڵ Ƿ Ű澲 ʾƵ ȴ.
          * ڵ: Alt+Enter -> File -> Saving -> encoding utf-8 .
          * ϰ ϸ, utf-8ڵ ȴ.
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 1 match
          * [UTF-8] ϱ
         %%% coding: utf-8
  • EmacsW32/Conf . . . . 1 match
         [[Date(2008-05-20T04:43:50)]] [hermian] emacs23 ѱۼ . utf-8 ٵȴ. http://hermian.tistory.com/263
  • GhostScriptUtilities . . . . 1 match
         #> gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#output.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f input.ps
          -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dUseFlateCompression=true -sOutputFile=%o %i -c quit"
         #> gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE#pswrite -sOutputFile#output.ps input.pdf -c quit
         #> ps2epsi infile.ps outfile.epsi
         gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE#jpeg -dEPSCROP -r100 -sOutputFile#output.jpg input.eps -c quit
         gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r100 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=test%d.jpg orig.pdf
  • HANGULkStyle . . . . 1 match
          3. HLaTeX 1.0 ܵ cp949 ó Ͽ hangul-k-cp949 մϴ. ׷Ƿ hangul-k lambda Է ڵ cp949Դϴ. utf-8 ڵ hangul-k ġ ʰ hangul Ű ۼϿ lambda ϴ Դϴ.
  • InterMap . . . . 2 matches
         GnomeKorea http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/FrontPage?action=goto&oe=utf-8&url=http://wiki.gnome.or.kr/wiki.php/
         Perky http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php?action=goto&oe=utf-8&url=http://openlook.org/wiki/
  • JadeTeX . . . . 1 match
          openjade -b utf-8 ɼ -b euc-kr ٲָ ˴ϴ.
  • KC2006/ó . . . . 2 matches
          (./) ѱ ִٸ, , encoding utf-8 ϰ BOM ʴ´. (Ʒ ׸ó ϸ ȴ.)
  • KC2006/ó/TroubleShooting . . . . 3 matches
          1. ѱ۹ utf-8 without BOM
          * ڵ utf-8 . BOM(Signature) ԽŰ ʴ´.
         KC2006/ó/TroubleShooting 4.1 Helloworld dvi Hello world ҽϴ. 4.2 ݰ. !ǰ ѱ ʰ '.!' ó ȣ پ ɴϴ. utf-8ϰ ʿ Ʈġ ־µ 𸣰ڽϴ.
  • KC2007/Template . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:simpart-utf.tex
          * attachment:art-utf.tex
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 2 matches
          * testeuc, testutf ׽Ʈ , ϸ makekxttfinst.bat .
          * Ʈ ̸ kxbt, kxgt, kxdt, kxgs. ko.tex/utf : {{{
  • KC2007/ó . . . . 2 matches
          (./) ѱ ִٸ, , encoding utf-8 ϰ BOM ʴ´. (Ʒ ׸ó ϸ ȴ.)
  • KC2007/ѱڵ幮 . . . . 3 matches
          * ڵ : ǥ ѱ 11172ڸ ǥ ִٴ CP949 ڵ尪 ٸ. ⼭ ڵ [UTF-8] ´. [UTF-8]̶ ڵ ǥ ϳ Ѵ.
         \usepackage{kotex} <===> ڵ/UTF-8
         \usepackage{dhucs} <===> ڵ/UTF-8
          * oblivoir UTF8θ ؾ Ѵ. EUC-KR ѱ ڵ .
          1. UTF8 Ǿ {{{\usepackage{hfont} }}} ̶
          1. UTF8 ڵ EUC-KR
          1. ⺻ ڵ UTF8
         ''' 1''' : ''UTF8 ϰų ҷų ⵵ ֽϱ?''
         '''亯 2''' : UTF8 ϰų ҷ ֱ ǹ ڵ ϱ ƽϴ. , ⺻ ڼƮ UTF8 Դϴ. ׷Ƿ Ͼ, ߱, ѱ,  ٱ ϴ. ѱ۰ ϴ ׷ մϴ. ݸ ڵ EmEditor ̷ ϴ.
         ''' 3''' : ''[ko.TeX] EUC-KR ó ִٸ EUC-KR ۼϰ hfont {{{[euc]}}} ɼ Ǵµ UTF8 ˴ϱ?''
         '''亯 3''' : [ko.TeX] UTF8 ǥ̰ EUC-KR ȣȯ ȣȯ ϰ ֽϴ. , ϵ ϰϰ ϱ Դϴ. EUC-KR 忡 ߿ ǰ ǥ ִ ѵǹǷ UTF8 ڵ ۼϴ ٶմϴ. ڼƮ Ű ϴ.
         ''' 4''' : ''Ǽ ⺻ ڵ Ͽϴ. {{{\usepackage{kotex} }}}̶ Ͽ ̰ UTF8 ٲپ մϴ. ֽϱ?''
         '''亯 4''' : Ϳ ҷ⸦ ⺻ ڵ , UTF-8 ɼ ָ ˴ϴ. EmEditor κ UTF8 ڵ ڵǺϸ, WinEdt ոӸ صθ ׻ ϰǰ UTF8 ٷ ˰ ݴϴ. {{{
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         , KC2007 ƿƼ ߿ hencnvt ֽϴ. ̰ ѱ EUC-KR UTF-8 ȣȯϿݴϴ. 뿹Դϴ. {{{
         # hencnvt -eu foo.tex ===> (EUC-KR -> UTF8)
         # hencnvt -ue foo.tex ===> (UTF8 -> EUC-KR)
  • KC2008/Migration . . . . 1 match
          1. kotex {{{[euc]}}} ɼǰ hyperref {{{[unicode]}}} ɼ 浹. -> Է ڵ UTF-8 ϰ euc ɼ .
         % inputencoding=utf-8
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 1 match
         beamer DVIPDFMx ʴ´. PSTricks ٸ dvips/ps2pdf ̿ؾ ϰ ׷ PDFLaTeX Ѵ. ׷ ְԵ `[utf8]` ɼǰ `[cjk]` ɼ Ѵ. (example ߿ ߱ ִ beamerexample4.tex ִ.) ̰ ̿غ ߴ. PDFLaTeXδ ؽƮ ˻/ åǴ Ƿ ϰ, ü ̿ϱ Ѵ.
         SRC : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/beamerhangulfonttest.tex Beamer_Hangul_Font_Test(UTF-8)]
         켱 , DHHangul ̿ϴ lambda (.tex) ȯϱ ŸϽƮ ۼغҽϴ. ̰ XML2LaTeX ҰǾ ִ [http://www.inrialpes.fr/opera/people/Tayeb.Lemlouma/MULTIMEDIA/XSLT/XML2LaTeX.xsl XML2LaTeX.xsl] UTF-8 ٲٰ dhhangul ϵ Դϴ. xsl LaTeX 2.09 ȯϵ Ǿ ִ ̾µ պ鼭 ߽ϴ. Ĺ̰ ⿡ ־ٰ մϴ.
          Է UTF-8 ڵ PlainText غմϴ. sample.txt,
         ̰ ذϱ ؼ ᱹ [Lambda] Ͽ HLaTeX ų, [UTF-8] ڵ带 ̿Ͽ CJKLaTeX ų ȵȴٴ ߰Ͽϴ.
          ҽ ϴ. [UTF-8] Դϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 1 match
         %HOME%\bin PATH ԽŰ ࿡ attachbom filename ִ. plain text ϰ bom UTF-8̾ ϴ 翬.
          ӿ Ͻ 𸣰, WinEdt UTF-8 ٸ, EUC-KR ϰ ÿ UTF-8 ȯؼ ϸ ʰڴĴ .
         for %%i in (*.euc) do iconv -f CP949 -t UTF-8 %%i >%%~ni.tex
          1. ƮƮ ֿ ̸ doc.tex̶ ۾ 丮 Ʒ .doc ̶ 丮 , ű⿡ ؼ utf8 ȯϿ óϴ ̹Ƿ, ӽ 丮 ִ. {{{
          * ̷ ۾ ؼ ȵȴ. ٸ Ұ ̴. ׷Ƿ UTF-8 ڵ ȯ ϵ Ѵ.
  • Karnes/2008-10 . . . . 2 matches
          * â hlatex 0.91 ٸ Ȳ ( ÿ ó ѱ ޽ ̹Ƿ ʹ ٸ) ó ũΰ ڵ UTF-8ε '''''' ͹̳(cmd) cp949̱ ߻ϴ ִ.
          * Linux Mac ͹̳ο utf-8 ִ .
          * Windows code page 65001 utf-8 óϱ ޽ ִ 뵵δ . Դٰ ̸ cp949̱ ڵ 65001 ϸ ѱ ̸ .
  • Karnes/ClassicalLiterature . . . . 3 matches
          * ؽƮ UTF-8/ѱڸڵ常
          * attachment:pilgrim_a.utf.txt (µ )
          * attachment:pilgrim_b.utf.txt (µ )
          * attachment:jeonwuchi.utf.txt (ġ )
  • Karnes/LaTeXTips . . . . 8 matches
          4. memoir ؼ UTF-8 ȯѴ.
         #> iconv -f euc-kr -t utf-8 testdb.dat > testdbu.dat
         === [libiconv] ̿Ͽ [UTF-8] BOM ϴ ġ ===
         NotePad [UTF-8] ϴٰ BOM Ƽ, װ ϴ ġ ϴ. [libiconv] ̿Ͽ BOM մϴ. [libiconv] ġǾ ˴ϴ.
         echo removebom.bat : Remove the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
         echo Usage : removebom inputfile [outputfile]
         echo !!! the input file must be UTF-8 encoded text file. !!!
         iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 %1 > _tmp.txt
         iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 _tmp.txt > _tmpout.txt
         [[Date(2004-12-30T03:01:46)]] memhangul-ucs UTF-8 ȯ.
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/petitprince_ucs.zip (SRC,UTF-8)]
         SRC : Uploads:daxuetypesettest1.tex (UTF-8)
         SRC : Uploads:daxuetypesettest2.tex (UTF-8)
          * Source(UTF-8) :
         1. u8hangul [UTF-8]ε ѱ ۲ø ϴ ΰ?
          1. `u8hangul` HLaTeX-1.0pre ĪԴϴ. [UTF-8] ڵ ѱ ó ֽϴ. ̰ ϸ ٱ ó ϰ ѱ ó ̶ ϼŵ մϴ.
          testa.tex UTF-8 ȯϿϴ. ˴ϴ. :) --[Karnes]
  • Karnes/LyX/Start . . . . 1 match
          1. language {{{Use Language's Default Encoding}}} üũ ϰ Encoding '''utf8x''' Ѵ.
  • Karnes/LyX/XeTeX . . . . 2 matches
          * Encoding -> Other -> Language Default Unicode XeTeX (utf8) ؾ Ѵ.
          1. xoblivoir Unicode XeTeX (utf8) ص ϴ.
  • KoreanStylePackage . . . . 6 matches
         KTUG Collection CD ġϸ HLaTeX, DHHangul, DHUcs ѱ ۾ ȯ ġִµ,  HLaTeX DHUcs Ͽ ۼ ְ Ѵ. HLaTeX euc-kr ڵ ۼ ϰ dhucs UTF-8 ۼ ϵ ϴ ̴. ѱ ڵ `[utf]` Ǵ `[euc]` ɼ ִ.
         == EUC UTF ȯ ==
         \AtBeginDvi{\special{pdf: tounicode UTF8-UCS2}}
         ׷ ü ڵ utf-8 ٲ۴. ̸ foo.tex̶,
         #> iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 foo.tex > fooutf.tex
         #> latex fooutf
  • LaTeXBoxes . . . . 3 matches
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 1 match
          * ݵ UTF-8 ־ Ѵ.
         CJKLaTeX euc-jp, sjis, Ϻ ڵ Ϻ ڸ ó , UTF-8 ε ִ. ⼭ JIS/SJIS ȯ δ.
          * UTF-8 (ַ ϴ , lambda/omega)
          * EmEditor [http://www.emeditor.com] 뿡 utf-8 Ϻϰ Ʈ ִ.
          * ϴ EUCڵ/UTF-8 Ǹ ѱ 󿡼 ͷ ڰ ǥõ ʴ´.
         \AtBeginDvi{\special{pdf: tounicode UTF8-UCS2}}
         UTF-8 Էµ ҽ ó (dhucs) dvipdfmx special ʾƵ hyperref Ͽ å ó ȴ.({{{[unicode]}}} ɼ )
  • LyX/ѱ۾ . . . . 1 match
          * Encoding {{{utf8}}} մϴ.
  • MiKTeX . . . . 2 matches
         1. (From KTUGSetup:11017'''''') MiKTeX BOM(Byte Order Mark) utf-8 ó Ѵ.[[FootNote(notepad  utf-8 ϸ BOM ٴ´. EmEditor BOM ϰ ٽ ϸ ȴ)]][[FootNote(Karnes/Oblivoir ٿε oblivoir-0.18.zip ִ oblivoir.cls BOM Ͽ Ǿ ֱ oblivoir Ŭ ҽ ϸ ޽ ӿ "`%%% an article-like class using memoir for typesetting documents espe...`" Ÿ. ׳ Enter Ű ġ ӵȴ. See KTUGOperate:20517'''''' })]]
  • NTEmacs . . . . 1 match
         === UTF-8 ===
         ׶ utf-8 ϸ ȴ.
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 7 matches
         == UTF-8 (mule-ucs) ==
          * UTF-8 ϰ , {{{leim}}} ̿Ͽ ѱ Էϴ EUC-KR ѱ۸ Է°ϴ.
         5. utf-8 ۼ ҷų ֽϴ.
         '''''' ̹ ۿ ´ ϴ, Emacs UTF-8 ̳׿. ۼǾ ִ ̴µ, Emacs UTF-8 ۼϷ  ؾ ϳ? KTUGContrib:2784
          Ŀ ϱ {{{C-x RET f}}} {{{utf-8}}}̶ ־ ڵ ϸ ˴ϴ.
         NTEmacs Ȯڰ utf UTF-8 Ϸ νմϴ. ̸ ̿Ͽ ֽϴ.
         #> runemacs newfile.tex.utf
         ̸ƽ ⿡ ѱ ڸ ְ Ͽ ̸ .utf ݴϴ.
         #> ren newfile.tex.utf newfile.tex
         '''''' UTF-8 ϰ ѱ ְ ٽ о̸ `\223\223` `\223` ڸ پ ֽϴ. KTUGSetup:7699
         '''亯''' raw-text ڵ ƴѰ մϴ. ڵ ̸ صΰ ۾Ͻʽÿ. `C-x RET f` ڵ ֽϴ. `utf-8` صθ ˴ϴ.(ѱ ) ̹ raw-text ͷ  0x93 شϴ Ʈ ٶϴ.
          [UTF-8] ϽŰǰ? ٽ NTEmacs Ʈ ߽ϴٸ. [UTF-8] ׷ ߽ϴٸ AUCTeX κп Cygwin teTeX MiKTeX 浹(?)ϴ . ϵڿ ϱⰡ ñϱ. Ϸ Ÿ ϰ Ǵٴ...ư .emacs κ Ž . Ư Commandκ ... ȫȣ ʱ ̰... ϴ. Finale α׷ Ǻ׸ ϴ° ڱ [Karnes] . (Ҳ!) Ʈ(Finale) ٸ ϴ. [Karnes] ִ Ǻ ȣԴϴ. ʹٴ ... Ͽ ô ߰ ߴϴ. Ǻ Դϴ. ᳪ Ӹٴ ϴ. :D --[hermian] [[Date(2006-05-02T07:07:24)]]
  • PDFJam . . . . 5 matches
         pdfjam file1.pdf '-' file2.pdf '1,2' file3.pdf '2-' --outfile output.pdf
         pdfjam file1.pdf '1,2' --outfile first.pdf
         pdfjam file1.pdf '3-' --outfile second.pdf
         pdfjam --trim '1cm 2cm 1cm 2cm' --clip true file1.pdf --outfile output.pdf
         pdfjam --nup 2x2 file1.pdf --outfile output.pdf
  • PSUtils . . . . 1 match
         `sselect [ -q ] [ -e ] [ -o ] [ -r ] [ -ppages ] [ pages ] [ infile [ outfile ] ]`
  • RubyPackage . . . . 4 matches
         # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
         f = codecs.open("texSource.tex",'r','utf-8','strict')
         # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
         f = codecs.open("colors.tex",'r','utf-8','strict')
  • SampleDocument . . . . 4 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/WS2008/Beamer_sample.tex Beamer_sample.tex] (by ) : pdflatex, utf-8
          * attachment:Beamer_sample_xe.tex : XeLaTeX, utf-8
  • TTF2koTeXFont . . . . 1 match
          * [Hangul-ucs] ׽Ʈ (testutf.tex)
  • TeX4ht . . . . 1 match
          ũ htf ϵ ޾Ƽ ߸ ġ {{{charset=utf-8}}} ְ unicodeε ȯؼ øϴ. ߸ ̶,
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 17 matches
          켱 ɴϴ... :( ׸, ŸƲ( ) ڵ ڰ  ʾҽϴ. toc ϱ ؼ {{{\unihangulchar}}} ɵ ٽ UTF-8 ȯִ perl ũƮ htlatex Ƚϴ. ذؾ Ҵٰ մϴ. ٸ ѱ ǥõǴ ͸ ׽Ʈ ̾ϴ. --[Karnes]
          մϴ. system 쿡 " unicode ʾƽϴ." ucs package error message ߴ. ׷ ׳ h cjkhangul option ϶ ucs package errorϴ. ׷ ܼ tex source(testdhucs.tex) \usepackage{dhucs}պκп \usepackage[cjkhangul]{ucs} ־ ְ Ŀ compileߴ, 1.380 }\\[30mm] There's no line here to end error message ϰ ٸ error message ʽϴ. ó error message Ȥó toc ִ ؼ ̾ƹ script Ź帰̿µ, װ ʴ html ϼǴ. Ư hangul-k.4ht ٲ ʰ ̸ ٲپ dhucs.4ht ϰ Ŀ ص ٸ ̻ ϴ.(׷ source class report!.׷ 1ð ظ̽ϴ. Ǹ 翬 ʾƼ? ϴ 캸 report̴) ϴ utf8 htmlȭ Ȱ ϴٸ, ƹ system error ñ ҽϴ. Ȥ ֽ version tex4ht ƴ 𸣰ڴٴ . tex4ht bugfix ø ֽ version tex4ht ֽϴ. 2005 1 25 ̴ ־ .̰͵ ƴϸ ũ ߸ϰ ִ. ׷ ó mouseover ƾ ϴ. ε ʽϴ. ϱ? ū ƴѵ , Ƹ Linux system ѵ! ȳ ֹ. ƴϴ. --[synapse]
          hlatexcjk `\UNI` Ʒ ٿ Ʈ ̿ϸ 밭 ˴ϴ. `\urchr` `\UNI` ٲپ ϸ ױ. 밭 캻 ٿ ϸ TeX4ht CJK Ű ϴ ƴ ϴ. Ư CJKLaTeX `utf8` ȯ濡 å ̱ ... ƹ hlatexcjk ڵ带 ؽŰ ƴ϶, ׷ ʿ䵵 մϴ. --[Karnes]
          * ڲ ˼մϴ. ̹ index toplogo.html ־ҽϴ. ׸ ֱ ߼ utf8 output Ͽϴ.׷. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/hangul-k-manual/hangul-k-manual.html index ø ̰ ʽϴ. ׳ ׷ . tex4ht ѵ. makeindex-dhucs Ǿ ִ ؼ?( ׷ !). ãƺ ʿ Ϸķ ξ پ ã ְ Դϴ. ׷! utf8 output ϸ index Ʒ緱  ִµ, mouseover js.tex utf8 Ǿ 켱 euckr ٽ ѹ utf8 ؾ Ǵ (????) ϰ ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. --[synapse]
          غ ؼ 帮 ƽϴٸ, Ƹ .4ht ϸ ͽϴ. ׸, mouseover 쿡 utf8 ۵ ʴ´ٸ, ذåδ ¿ euc-kr ̰ htex ̿Ͽ ȯϴ ۿ մϴ. htex شϴ utf-8 plain tex ʴ´ٸ... --[Karnes]
          ϼ html ϴ. Ÿ ߿ ѹ 캼 Դϴ. մϴ.׸ Բ 庸Ҵ, euckr utf8 ȯ־ Ѵٰ ϴµ. euckr utf8 ȯϴ ѵ. ׸ 赵Բ ֽ perl script ִµ ϴµ. ü ľ ϴ Դϱ? .ڲ ä ˼մϴ. --[synapse]
          * 켱 ÷ private.cfg(tex4ht-utf8.cfg css κ ʹ ؼ, cssκ ؼ ٲ㳪 ϰ ֽϴ. cssȭ ۾ ũ ΰ ʿ մϴ. book class 쿡 frame 3  ۾ ϰ, ⿡ article frames 2θ  ۾ ϸ մϴ. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/ptQA/ptQA.html Դϴ. Ϳٰ google search ޷ ϰ ֽϴ. ̾ƹ ó web search ʿ䰡 ϴ. ޶ ϴ.
          ** tex4ht-utf8.cfg
          ** ptQAlogo.html http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/ptQA/ptQAlogoutf.html ֽϴ. article frame 3 ʿ䰡  ׳ 2 Ŀ ܿ ξϴ.
          htlatex ptQA "tex4ht-utf8.cfg,html,3,frames,info" "unicode/uhc/!"
          * mailing list ڰ ֽϴ. ѹ о. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=tex4ht+%2B+htf&hl=ko&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=ko&selm=9jtabe%24dfs%241%40news.cis.ohio-state.edu&rnum=6
          * ٸ Դϴ. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=ko&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=ko&th=ed41baa7aadeaf4e&rnum=4
         === tex4ht unicode(UTF-8) ===
          * Linux UTF-8 ִ Localeġ ϰ kate Ÿ ε մϴ. Է±δ ߽ϴ.
          * google ã Դϴ. indexing Դϴ. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=tex4ht+%2B+index&hl=ko&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=ko&selm=wk65h5mpdh.fsf%40libertysurf.fr&rnum=1
          * Google mailing list Դϴ. index.sty ̿ؼ پ index ؼ ֽϴ. ֽ version tex4ht ġߴٰ ߴµ, bug ϴ ִ. ֽϴ. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=ko&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=ko&th=f5d4b8de3b7fdc25&rnum=1 ⿡ ֽϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/obgyfaq.html Դϴ.
          ũ htf ϵ ޾Ƽ ġ charset=utf-8 ְ unicodeε ȯؼ øϴ. ̶,
          ø test غ wmj04.htf ֽϴ. tex4ht Ʈ ϰ ־ UTF-8 ڵ ϴ. ð ڽϴ. [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/wmj04.htf wmj04.htf] --[Karnes]
          ׷? ñѰ ִµ. hfont.4ht hangul.4ht hfotn.4ht euc-kr Ǿְ, hangul.4ht UTF-8 Ǿ ִ. ̰ Ѱ? UTF-8 ؼ cjk-latex ؾ ʳ.ƴϸ omegaε... tex4ht omega ϴٴ ̾߱ ? ̻ؼ? հ ̾߱Ⱑ ʴµ;? ϰ ִ° ͱ⵵ ϱ? --[synapse]
          ϱ⿡ .tex Է ڵ HTML [UTF-8] ϴ ˴ϴ. ׷Ƿ omega HTML ڵ ʹ 谡 . ֱ XML ڵ带 ⺻ ϴ ߼ϱ .texκ XML/HTML UTF-8 ڵ ϴ ƴұ? ƹư ø Uploads:test.html غ UTF-8 Ǿ ֽϴ. => [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/synapse_test.html test.html] --[Karnes]
  • TeX4ht/ѱ۱ . . . . 5 matches
          ߿ htlatex shell script ѱ indexing ϰ, UTF8 euckr ְ ƽϴ. euckr ϰ ϴ
          ̸ UTF8 ϰ ϴ 쿡
         htlatex filename "UTF8-tex4ht,xhtml,info" "unicode/uhc/!"
         ==== utf8, euckr CFG ====
         Ʒ utf8-tex4ht.cfg euckr-tex4ht.cfgȭ ޾Ƽ ۾ dirctory ΰ ۾ ϸ ˴ϴ.
          * Uploads:utf8_tex4ht.cfg
          * xhtex utf8̶ option ؼ ʾҽϴ. ׷ Ƿ i t directory ׳ dbcs/uhc Ͽϴ.
          htlatex test "utf8-tex4ht,info" "unicode/uhc/!"
  • TeXKNOPPIX . . . . 2 matches
          * usb-memory stick 뿡 ϼ. http://bbs.kldp.org/viewtopic.php?t=65255&highlight=knoppix 쿡 /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 κп nls=utf8 iocharset=utf8 ٲپ ־ϴ.
  • UTF-8 . . . . 2 matches
         [UTF-8], '''U'''nicode '''T'''ransformaion '''F'''ormat-'''8''' ̴. , ISO 10646 / [Unicode] 8Ʈ Ʈ Ʈ ڵϴ Ծ̴.
         == UTF-8 ==
         [UTF-8] [Unicode] ڸ 1Ʈ 4Ʈ Ʈ Ʈ ڵѴ.
          <!> 6Ʈ ƴ. [http://anubis.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2/ ISO JTC1/SC2/WG2] ISO 10646 UTF-16 ǥ Ѽ U+10FFFF Ѵ ڸ ߰, [http://www.unicode.org/consortium/utc.html Unicode Technical Committee] ׿ ռ ȴ.
         ϳ [Unicode] ڸ Ʈ ڵ ش ڿ Ҵ ڵ尪 ([http://www.unicode.org/glosssary/#U Unicode Scalar Value]) ִ. U+007F(127) 1 Ʈ, U+0080(128) U+07FF(2047) 2 Ʈ, U+0800(2048) U+FFFF(65535) 3 Ʈ, U+10000(65536) U+10FFFF(1114111) 4 Ʈ . US-ASCII ϴ ڴ U+0000 (NULL) ؼ [UTF-8] Ʈ ǥ ִ. Ư US-ASCII ȣȯ ؾ ϴ н ý[[FootNote([UTF-8] UTF-FSS Ҹ. FSS ⼭ File System Safe Ѵ.)]], SMTP (ͳ ) ؽƮ ͳ ݿ ⿡ ϴ.
         [Unicode] ڵϴ δ UTF-7, [UTF-8], UTF-16, UTF-32 ִ.
         TeX ַ [UTF-8] ϴµ, CJK ڴ U+0800 Ŀ ҴǾ Ƿ [UTF-8] 3 Ʈ Ἥ Ÿ Ѵ. ݸ鿡 UTF-16 쿡 CJK ڸ ؼ BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane : [Unicode] ó 65,536 ڵ Ʈ) ϴ ڴ 2 Ʈ Ÿ. ̷ UTF-16 ȣϴ 찡 ([UTF-8] UTF-16 ִ 1.5 /۽ ð ϹǷ) US-ASCII ȣȯ 쿡 ߿ϹǷ, Unix(Mac OS X) BeOS ؽƮ İ ׿ Ŀ [UTF-8] ַ . TeX/Omega [UTF-8] ַ . ݸ鿡 Win32 ؽƮ ĵ ⺻δ UTF-16 Ѵ.
         ؽƮ İ OS α׷ Ȥ ̺귯 ο  ڵ Ĵ ̴. Linux glibc UTF-32 , Mac OS X, Win32, Omega, ICU (International Component for [Unicode]), Java, [http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm ECMAscript][[FootNote(Javascript : ECMA 290, ECMA 327 ECMAscript ǥ)]], Mozilla UTF-16 , BeOS, glib, Perl [UTF-8] . Python UTF-32 Ȥ UCS-2 (2byte Ȥ 4byte ڵ UTF-16 ޸ UCS-2 2byte ڵ BMP ִ.) ִ.
         UTF-32 ڵ UTF-16 ٷµ [[FootNote(״ ū ʴ´. OS, ̺귯, α׷ ̸ ִ. , δ UTF-32 ȣѴ.)]] ִ ݸ鿡 [UTF-8] ִ 4 (US-ASCII ϴ ڶ), UTF-16 ؼ ִ 2 (BMP ϴ ) ٴ ִ.
          * [http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-bom.html]
          * [http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/utf_bom.html]
          * UTF-8 IETF RFC : [http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc2279.html RFC3629]
          * [UTF-8] Bob Pike ̸ :[http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/UTF-8-history.txt]
         == [UTF-8] ٸ ==
          * [http://hiya.byus.net/prog/archives/000065.html ڵ UCS UTF]
          * http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/LinuxdocSgml/UTF8-Unicode-TRANS
         == TeX [UTF-8] ==
          * [UTF-8] ڵ US-ASCII ϴ ڴ 1Ʈ ǥȴ. ׷Ƿ TeX ɵ ASCII ؽƮ ڵ带 Ƿ TeX/[Omega] νϰ óϴ ڵ ȯ δ ִ.
          * [UTF-8] ڵ ѱ ó ִ TeX Ǵ TeX Macro LaTeX ׳ ̿ϴ CJKLaTeX̳ [LaTeX-ucs], ׸ [Omega]/[Lambda] ̿ϴ HLaTeX/[Lambda] ִ.
          * [UTF-8] ڵδ [Unicode] Ƿ ٱ ۼϴ ذå  ϳ ȴ. [Unicode] ü ǥ ִ ۲ ִĴ ̴.
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Dapper . . . . 2 matches
         [Hangul-ucs] UTF-8 ڵ Է ѱ óϱ LaTeX Ű ucs Ű
         {1} latex-ucs Ű ġ: LaTeX utf-8 ڵ Է ְ ִ Ű̴.
          1. .tex Ͽ ѱ Էϰ utf-8 ڵ Ŀ
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
  • UltraEdit . . . . 1 match
         === BOM utf-8 ===
  • UsefulDocuments . . . . 2 matches
          * PDF : attachment:amsthm-utf.pdf
          * SRC : attachment:amsthm-utf.tex (KTUGBoard:4984)
  • VimEditor . . . . 9 matches
         === utf-8 ===
         set enc=utf-8
         set fenc=utf-8
         set fencs=utf-8,cp949,iso-8859-1
          _vimrc Ͽ ߰ϸ, ۼϴ ڵ utf-8 ǰ, ϴ fencs ǵ ڵ ڵ ãϴ.
         set enc=utf-8 " ۼϴ ڵ utf-8 մϴ.
         set fenc=utf-8
         set fencs=utf-8,cp949 " fencs ǵ ڵ ãϴ.
  • VimEditor/KC2006 . . . . 3 matches
         === UTF-8 default ===
         set enc=utf-8
         set fencs=utf-8,cp949,iso-8859-1
          DeleteMe Windows vim70 ϰ ִµ enc=utf-8 Ұ ޴ ʱ ѱ ޽ ϴ. enc=cp949 ؼ մϴ. --[hermian] [[Date(2006-11-28T05:21:49)]]
  • WhatsUpToDate . . . . 1 match
          1. notepad Ÿ  UTF-8 ڵ ٽ .
         '''ڵ UTF-8 ߴ ѱ ̴µ Ͽ ϴ '''
          * ڵ UTF-8 [ko.TeX] ϱ ̹Ƿ,
          || (pdf)latex || UTF-8 || ko.TeX/utf || * || Ұ || Ұ ||
          || xelatex || UTF-8 or EUC-KR || xetex-ko || * || || [[FootNote(Ϲ ѱ ũγ ѱ ڴ )]] ||
  • Writer2LaTeX . . . . 2 matches
         sub toutf8($) {
          s/\[([0-9a-fA-F]{4})\?\]/toutf8(hex "$1")/ieg;
  • XeTeX . . . . 2 matches
         2. Ʒ ۼϿ "filename.tex" utf-8 no BOM ϰ
         %% you that you must provide UTF-8–coded text
  • Yhchoe . . . . 2 matches
          (./) oblivoir.cls hfontsel.sty [Karnes/Oblivoir] oblivoir-0.xx.zip ÷εǾ ִ. ̰ Ǯ ġϿ Ѵ. Ȥ [HPack] Ͽ ٽ ġϴ 쿡 ̵ ٽ ġϴ ŷο ̱ Ͽ ̷ Ű {{{C:\TeX\texmf-user\tex\latex\misc}}} ӿ ϴ ͵ ̴. oblivoir Ŭ (Ǵ [BOM](Byte Order Mark) ִ ڵ(utf-8) )
         <!> WinEdt HLaTeX ѱ uhc ۲ ۿ [Hangul-ucs] ѱ ۲ EmEditor, "޸"  ҽ ڵ带 մϴ. EmEditor Ȱȭ ̸ Ǿ ִ α׷(: WinEdt) ѱ ߰ ־ մϴ(see KTUGContrib:3205'''''' ÷ ׸). WinEdt ҽ ѱ ڵ ڵ Ÿ ҽ ϴ ƴϹǷ ״ ֽϴ. Dvi, ps, pdf Ͽ ڵ Ÿϴ. WinEdt dvi->pdf ߸ PDF [WinEdtTip/α׷] ׸ "3 WinEdt DVIPDFMx ϴ " Ͽ dvipdfm.exe dvipdfmx.exe ٲ PDF Ͽ ۲(utf) ϴ. >:> ٲ ʰ dvipdfm.exe å(bookmark), ̸, Ӹ/  ڰ Ÿ ְ ۲õ Dvi Ͽ pk Ǿ ־ μ⸦ ʸ ʽϴ.
  • dopesoul . . . . 1 match
          * Encoding {{{utf8}}} մϴ.
  • hoze/MultilingualTypesetting . . . . 1 match
         򿡴 ڵ尡 뼼̴ utf8 ϴ ̴.
  • hoze/webtex . . . . 2 matches
         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
         <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
  • hozeŴƮ . . . . 1 match
          * hozemanucs.cls Ŭ memoir memhangul-ucs 䱸Ѵ. Ŭ 翬 utf-8 ڵǾ Ѵ.
  • ko.TeX . . . . 2 matches
          ׷κ ۾ Ͽ ko.TeX Ÿ Ǿ. ko.TeX Unicode/UTF-8 ڵ
          `kotex` Ű ϰ ѱ ȴ. UTF8 ڵ ؾ Ѵ.
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
         ko.TeX/utf ɼ
         ko.TeX/utf Բ Ǵ ΰ Ű
  • libiconv . . . . 2 matches
         EUC-KR ڼ foo.file UTF-8 ڼ ȯϿ foo.utf8 ϰ
         #> iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 foo.file > foo.utf8
         [Mathematica] Ȥ [SWP] ѱ Է [UTF-8] ʰ UniCode · ȴ. ̰ HLaTeX̳ CJKLaTeX ũƮ ͸ ó ( óϸ [UTF-8] ٲ) ϴ ڼ([EUC-KR] ) `libiconv` ̿ ĥ ִ.
          ϴ [UTF-8] ѱ۷ ٲٴ Ͽ unicode/dhucs óϸ ̴. dhucs ߵDZ ذå̾. :)
  • synapse . . . . 1 match
          * 2003⵵ ذ indexing ذå ã´. ã ãҴµ. α׷ ̿ؼ ߽ϴٸ, ϳ׿. ƹ Ϸֽ ذ Ϸ ߴ, ̰ ܼ UTF-8 EUC-KR ٲٴ ͸ ƴϴ. ڸ tex4ht *.4dx  ̰ , indȭ hlatex preversion ϴ hmakeindex . ֱ ϴµ, ̷ Ϸ α׷ ¥ ߾ մϴ. ̷Ե .... α׷ ִٸ... ο istȭ ƴϸ hmakeindex ĥ .... ̶.... ſ ϱ.  ұ? α׷ ؼ ? ƴϸ ο  ist ? ü ʽϴ. 켱 ذ .. Ŀ ?.....
  • ttfucs . . . . 3 matches
          * attachment:utf8ttf.def.txt (remove trailing .txt extension)
         %%% utf8x.def θ.
         SeeAlso [UTF8ѱ], [ѱTrueType۲û], CJKLaTeX, [Hangul-ucs], [LaTeX-ucs]
  • ׸ϱ/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
         #> ps2ps inputfile outputfile
          ó, outputfile ̸ ־ Ѵٴ Ư ϴ.
  • ˻ . . . . 3 matches
         TeX ҽ ѱ ˻ϰ EmEditor Ǵ WinEdt  TeX ü Ǵ κ Ͽ "Ʒѱ" â Ǵ MS Word â ̸ ˴ϴ.[[FootNote(MS Word â TeX ҷ Ȯڸ ġ ʰ ״ tex "Ʒѱ" â Ȯڸ 켱 txt ϰ Ȯڸ txt tex ľ մϴ.)]][[FootNote("Ʒѱ" â Ȯڸ txt "ڵ " ׳ "ؽƮ " (Ʒ ׸1 ׸2 ) ֽϴ. UHC ѱ۷ tex ڵ ѱ(utf-8) ٲٴ ֽϴ.)]] ׷ ٴ 󹮼 ΰ ׶׶ κ Ͽ ˻縦 ϴ մϴ. κ Ͽ Ͽ TeX Ͽ ٿ ˴ϴ. --[Yhchoe]
          '''׸2:''' "utf-8"
1352 ߿ 69 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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