The Tree of Learning bears the noblest fruit, but noble fruit tastes bad.
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May 18, 2009
Submitted by Karnes @ 05-18 [05:52 pm]
lilypond-book sample

  1. python 2.6 ̻ c:\usr\Python26 ġ
  2. c:\usr\temp ־
  3. lilypond c:\Program Files\LilyPond ġ
  4. Ȯ .lytex

  5. @testlily.lytex.txt (2.59 KB)
  6. @testlily.pdf (99.66 KB)
  7. @lytex.bat.txt (762 Bytes)

ġ Դϴ. ^^ ġ ڴٴ :) մϴ. LilyPond ϸ Ǵ±. OTL -- hermian 2009-05-18 18:25:12

ٵ ġ ˻Ҷ if .%1.==.. goto HELP ʿ .. ̴ . shell script ϴ. ƴ ƹ ΰ?

if, goto pushd, popd, set ġ ~Դϴ. ô sed . -- hermian 2009-05-18 18:34:01
» ޱ | Ʈ

May 06, 2009
Awakening of Faith
Submitted by Karnes @ 05-06 [01:21 am]
̷ xetexko óϱ⿡ ִٰ մϴ. պκ ٲٰ pdflualatex .
\fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont Awakening of Faith in the \textsc{Mahayana}}
۲ ó hans hagen luatex-plain  ؾ߰ڱ... -- DohyunKim 2009-05-06 12:09:22

ڸƮ ϴ.  myTinyLuaTeX ߰ڱ. :) -- Karnes 2009-05-06 14:55:13
» ޱ | Ʈ

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