"It seems strange to meet computer geeks who're still primarily running Windows... as if they were still cooking on a wood stove or something." - mbp
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Ű Ƶα Դϴ.

from AmsLaTeX/Hangul


amsart.cls HLaTeX 浹 (by ChoF)

from KTUGBD:tips

AMSLaTeX amsart.cls HLaTeX ϰ ϴ ణ ߻մϴ. ַ ߻ϴ ϴ.

  1. \maketitle ̸ κп ߻
  2. \thanks

ذϱ ؼ Ʒ ڵ带 \usepackage{hfont} Ǵ \usepackage{hangul} ־ ָ ˴ϴ.
Ʒ ڵ ۵մϴ.

This is a test.

This is a test.

This is a test.


maketitle (Running Head) ѱ

( ̿ϸ) \thanks{} ѱ ƹ ̻ ɴϴ.
\title[ٰ ٸü]{ٰ   ٸü    }
\author[ҷ]{ҷ   ̸̿}
Ȧ Ӹ(Running Head) ª ("ٰ ٸü") ̻ ɴϴ. ׸ ޽ ϴ. ׷ ¦ Ӹۿ ; ѱ ̸ ʰ ޶ "and" ɴϴ. ̰͵ AMSLaTeX Ŭ Ư ߾ӿ ; ϴµ ʹȣ ٽϺپ ɴϴ. ׸ ϳ ̻ amsproc Ŭ ڵ ѱ ̸ µ amsart Ŭ ̸ ѱ۸ ϴ. -Yhchoe

KTUGContrib:420 : HLaTeX AMSLaTeX εصδ .

\title[ŸƲ]{ ŸƲ}
\author[ѱ̸]{Ƹٿ ѱ̸}

\section{ѱ }
This is a test. ׽Ʈ.

This is a test.

This is a test.
ҽ ϵǴ ˴ϴ. ٺ ذå Lambda ϰų ϴ ̶ մϴٸ... ̶ small capital ǥõǾ AND ׳ ҹ and titlepage ´ٴ ̰, ̰ ʿϴٸ մϴ. --Karnes''

Karnes ξ ϴ. ڰ ׳ ˴ϴ. amsart amsproc ƹ ̻ ϴ. Ǵ amsbook Ŭε
Ͽ chaptername "" ʽϴ. \author ־ ƹ Ż ϴ.--Yhchoe

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