People who take cat naps don't usually sleep in a cat's cradle.
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The name of this editor is actually "Aquamacs Emacs".


ѱ/ɹ/ Է

ý Է±⸦ Shift-Space / ȯ ǵ ʾҴٸ, ý Է±Ⱑ AquamacsEmacs <Shift-Space> Ǵ <Ctrl-\> leim/quail ѿ ȯ ϴ.

ɹ Է NTEmacs ִ ɹ Է ǥ ִ. ɹ Է ° ǰ Ϸ <Ctrl+F9> toggleѴ.

Է <F9> Ű ҴǾ ִ. Mac OS X 10.4 ϴ Ű <F9>̱ ణ 浹 ִ. ȭ Ű <F8> . ׷ AquamacsEmacs <F9> Ű ̿Ͽ Է ְ ȴ.

, ̰ M-x quail-hangul-switch-hanja (Ǵ symbol) Է̳ ɹ Է ¸ ȯϴ ְ...


LaTeX Viewer ȣ(ѱ )

AquamacsEmacs ⺻ pdflatex Ϸ θ ̴. PDF ý ⺻ Ѵ. Ư ٲٰ ʴٸ ۼ Preamble δ ϴ.( Hangul-ucs ۾ ȯ ̴.)

See Emacs

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