"tex"() ü ãƺ

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ũ ã
  • AMSLaTeX . . . . 8 matches
         AMSTeX LaTeX Ѵ.
         (!) AMS-LaTeX ġ ʿ䰡 . TeX ġ Ű LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX Բ ġϿ ش.
         [http://www.ams.org/tex/amslatex.html AMS-LaTeX] "AMS-LaTeX" (distribution) LaTeX Ȯ '''amscls''' κа '''amsmath''' κ Ǿ ִٰ Ͽ.
         [texmf]/doc/latex/{amsmath,amscls} AMSLaTeX ȳ ִ.
         [TeX] ý texdoc ִٸ, ࿡ Ͽ amsldoc ݵ о Ѵ.
          #> texdoc amsldoc
          (!) ߸ ä R Ű ׸ "" â . MiKTeX "(O):" ĭ "texdoc amsldoc" Էϰ, Ȯ ߸ amsldoc.dvi Ǵamsldoc.pdf ã ش.
         == AMSLaTeX ѱ ==
         == AMSLaTeX Ȱ ==
         === AMSLaTeX ȯ ===
         [AMSLaTeX/Math], See also [WinEdtTip/]
  • AMSLaTeX/CalcLayout . . . . 22 matches
         Ϲ ų Ʈ ۼϰų ũ⸦ ϴ ʾ ϼ ʺ е ɷ մϴ. ڷḦ `\textwidth` `\textheight` ϸ ̷ ÷ ָ ߾ ʾƼ Ͻ ?
         {{{#!vim tex
          ڵ忡 `\addtolength{\textwidth}{7pc}` `\textwidth` ũ⸦ 7pc (1pc=12pt. See [̴]) ÷ֶ Դϴ. ϼž ũ `\paperwidth` `\paperheight` ǰ ũⰡ `\textwidth` `\textheight` (heading footnote ) ȴٴ Դϴ. ̷ `\textwidth` `\textheight` `\calclayout` ϸ ڵ ߾ ٸ ݴϴ.
         Ư ڵ忡 `\textwidth` 7pc, ׸ `\textheight` 4.5pc ÷ָ ( ϴ) , Ʒ, , 1 ġ ˴ϴ.
         ٸ Ŭ ϵ ϴ 쿡 amsart.cls `\calclayout` ϸ ֽϴ. article.cls ϴ Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ. , article.cls amsart.cls ٸǷ `\textwidth` `\textheight` Ͽ ڽ ϴ ũ⸦ ʽÿ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \newcommand{\calclayout}{\advance\textheight -\headheight
          \advance\textheight -\headsep
          \advance\oddsidemargin -\textwidth
          \topmargin\paperheight \advance\topmargin -\textheight
  • AMSLaTeX/Hangul . . . . 2 matches
         AMSLaTeX ѱ ϱ
         === ko.TeX ===
         A. amsbook {{{\uppercase\expandafter}}} ڵ ASCII ̿ ڵ ȣȯ ϴ. ̿ ƾ 迭  ٴ Դϴ. amsbook.cls ׶ ˷ ֽϴ. comp.text.tex õ ȭ ִµ... "ϴ ġ " 亯 ޾Ƶξ. \MakeUppercase Ǵ \MakeTextUppercase ϵ ľ մϴ.
         === AMSLaTeX ѱ ǻ ===
  • AMSLaTeX/MakeTitle . . . . 5 matches
          % Ctan algorithm2e.tex Ͽ
          option \texttt{noend}}
          for his new command \texttt{SetKwIfElseIf}}
          }%Ctan algorithm2e.tex Ͽ ణ
          (./) `revtex4` KTUGOperate:11848
  • AMSLaTeX/Math . . . . 12 matches
          AMSLaTeX ׸ "AMSLaTeX ȯ" ִ 2006-04-17 ̸ Խϴ. Ͽϴ.
          Ư `testmath` پ ش. Ʈ ִ `short-math-guide` texdoc  ִ. `texdoc testmath` Էϸ `testmath.dvi` .
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
          * Frank Mittelbach Michel Goossens : The LaTeXCompanion 8(Higher Mathematics, 215~257)
          AMSLaTeX ǿ õ κε The LaTeXCompanion 2 CTAN ( ȣ 223~268 ٲ) ö ־. 2 ǵǸ鼭 Ǿ ǿ .
         AMSLaTeX AMS-TeX ȯ LaTeX2e ° ļ (׳)LaTeX ִ display ȯ پϰ ȯ ִ. ǥ
         amsmath.sty · Ϲ LaTeX AMS Ÿ ְ Ѵ(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ \usepackage{amsmath} ں ־ ). AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ Ȥ amsmath Ű 浹 Ͼų Ƿ amsmath Ű ҷ ̹ ǵ ɾ ȿ ־ Ѵ. See KTUGOperate:19428''''''
         '''׸ 3:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Mathmode.pdf](v.2.26, 2007-05-01) 71ʿ ִ subequations ȯ - subequations ȯ ӿ Text Ǵ ٸ ȯ(\begin{...} ... \end{...}) ִ.
          () () LaTeX eqnarray ȯ(Ǵ eqnarray* ȯ) eqnarray () ְ () rcl(  ) Ǿ ־ (&) ְ ݵ . ׸ Ϸ Ӹ (&&) ־ Ѵ. ׸ ϴ (&&) ۾ (֪)ų ۿ .
         ̿ ؼ AMS-LaTeX align ȯ, alignat ȯ, flalign ȯ (Ǵ align* ȯ, alignat* ȯ, flalign* ȯ) پ ȯ ְ ࿡ ִ (&) ڴ ʾƵ ǰ (&) ְ Ǹ
         CTAN:macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf 8-9(PDF ȭ 12-13)
         align ȯ Ľ ξ ߰ Ǵ ְ ɾ \intertext{...} ϴ. ɾ \intertext \\ Ǵ \\* ־ Ѵ. (Template) ʿϸ
          8-2-21.ltx ȴ. See amsldoc.pdf 9(PDF ȭ 13)<-ҽ CTAN:macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.tex
  • AMSLaTeX/Theorem . . . . 3 matches
         "AMSLaTeX ۼ " UsefulDocuments Uploads:amsthm.pdf (uhc ѱ ) [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/UsefulDocuments?action=download&value=amsthm-utf.pdf amsthm-utf.pdf] (dhucs ѱ ) ÷εǾ ֽϴ.
         '''Theorem''', '''Lemma''', '''Defintion''', ''Example'', ''Note'', ''Remark'', ''Acknowledgment'', $\cdots$ ǥ ոӸ(Header) δ (Proclamation)̶ Ѵ. Ÿ(⺻ LaTeX Ÿ) Mittelbach [''An extenssion of the LaTeX theorem environment'', 2004, p.3](MiKTeX Ҵٸ `C:\texmf\doc\latex\tools\theorem.dvi`) `theorem style` ̶Ͽ
          AMSLaTeX `plain` ȯ游 äϰ, `definition` ȯ `remark` ȯ ÷Ͽ "`(Theorem-like) Ÿ`"(`AMSLaTeX` Ÿ)̶ ϰ
          . Mittelbach з ոӸ(Header) ġ ̰, AMSLaTeX з ۲(ոӸ ۲ð ü ۲) ̴. AMSLaTeX ȯ Mittelbach з Ѵٸ `plain` Ѵ.
          (./) AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴϷ "AMS Ÿ" ȯ ؼ ں \usepackage{amsthm} ȴ. ׷ Ŭ(: llncs, IEEETrans) 󼭴 浹 Ű ͵ ִ. ->See KTUGOperate:10057'''''', KTUGContrib:2845''''''
         '''׸ :''' WinEdt AMSLaTeX " ȯ " (Template) ִ. ׸ amsart Ŭ ̰ [WinEdtTip/Templates] ó [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/NewDoc1.jpg ׸] slides Ŭ ̴. ٸ slides Ŭ ` Ÿ` Ʈ ǵ plain ȣ ʵ Ͽ. ݸ amsart Ŭ ׸ ó plain(Ʈ), definition, remark .
          (./) ߰ϴ ִ `(Theorem-like) Ÿ` AMSLaTeX `Ÿ з` . ׷ٰ Ͽ ` Ÿ` ٴ ƴϴ. ȸ, ûȸ, ȣȸ  `defintion` Ÿϰ `remark` Ÿ ʴ´. ׷ Է AMSLaTeX ''' ȯ ''' ״ ȴ. ->see KTUGOperate:8041''''''
          ϴ ̴ ǥ(Example 1.1. ) ü ̳ Ÿü ̳ ̴. Text θü ´. ȸ, ûȸ, ȣȸ ǥ Small Captial ü Ǿ е ʴ´.
         AMSLaTeX ǥ Ÿ(plain Ÿ) ǥ(Theorem 1.2. ) ü ϰ Text Ÿü ϴ ε ̰ Ʈ Ǿ ִ. ׷
          '''Theorem 1.1.''', '''Theorem A.''' ǥ ü ǰ (Text) Ÿü ȴ. \theoremstyle{defintion} Ǵ \theoremstyle{remark} ڿ ϸ ǥ ۲ ٲ. plain Ÿ Ϸ \theoremstyle{plain} Ͽ Ѵ.
         See http://authors.elsevier.com/latex/instraut.pdf 13
  • AMSTeX . . . . 4 matches
         AMSTeX TeX ũ Ű̴.[[FootNote( "amstex ." Ҷ Ǹ Ѵ. AMS-LaTeX ϴ ǹ̷ ְ, obsolete Ǿ amsmath ŸϷ ü amstex Ÿ Ī ֱ ̴. See KTUGOperate:18888''''''. See also KTUGBoard:506''''''.)]] ó Ŭ ǹ(Michael Spivak) 1983⿡ 1985 ̿ ̱ ȸ(American Mathematical Society : AMS) Ͽ ۼ , PlainTeX ΰ н ۼ ִ ̾. ڳ ǻ翡 Ư н ũ ġ PlainTeX ϰ ٵµ  , , ÷ ԵǾ ִ.
         LaTeX ǰ Ǹ鼭 AMSTeX AMSLaTeX Ͽ. ̰ AMSTeX LaTeX Ű · ֵ ̴.
         See AMSLaTeX.
          * AMSTeX plain TeX Ų ũ Ű̴.
          * AMSLaTeX LaTeX AMSTeX Ŭ μ, amsart, amsproc, amsbook ̷ ִ.
          * LaTeX amsmath Ű Ϲ LaTeX Ŭ AMSLaTeX (Ϻ) ֵ LaTeX Ű̴.
  • AUCTeX . . . . 20 matches
         TeX, LaTeX , , ȭ麸, μ ۾ ֵ ִ [Emacs] ũ Ű.
         AUCTeX TeX ƴմϴ.
          * [http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/]
          * [http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/manual/auctex.pdf Ŵ (, PDF)]
         === [ѱLaTeX] ===
         from [ѱLaTeX] by
         AUCTeX ̷ [Emacs] ս LaTeX ۼϰ ۾ϴ ʿ κ ȯ մϴ. ׷Ƿ HLaTeX ̷ α׷ ۼϸ ϴ.
         ׷ ϳ Ұմϴ. 200 ѱ ۼ , ߰ (subsection) ߰ߴٰ սô. κе ƹ ۼǾ° ˾ƺ LaTeX ۾ؾ մϴ. ׷ ȶ ⿡ AUCTeX ̸ ſ ܼȭմϴ.
          1. `C-c C-r` . ( ۼ `TeX-command-region` ǹϸ, ĭ(buffer) Ǿ° ǿ (save) ΰ  `.tex` `.dvi` Ͽ `.tex` ̸ LaTeX Ѵ.)
          1. $$\mbox{C-`}$$ . (`TeX-next-error`: ߻ ش.)
          1. ʷ ġ `TeX-command-region` ݺѴ. ƹ `TeX-command-region` ٽ Ѵ. (ƹ 쿡 AUCTeX ̸⸦ Ѵ.)
          1. κ `C-c C-c` . (`TeX-command-master`: ü LaTeXϰų ̸ ִ.)
         AUCTeX `TeX-command-region`  óϴ° ϴ. ϴ AUCTeX `_region_.tex` ĭ Ͽ ó `\begin{document}` ĭ ִ´. `_region_.tex` ģ. `\end{document}` `_region_.tex` ߰Ѵ. LaTeXϱ⸦ Ѵ. `_region_.tex` LaTeX .
         $ sudo apt-get install auctex
         AUCTeX ⺻ Ϸ `~/.emacs` Ͽ
         (setq-default TeX-master nil)
         (setq TeX-auto-save t)
         (setq TeX-parse-self t)
          ִ. ⺻ DVI ۵Ͽ `latex` ϰ xdvi ¹ ش. `pdflatex` ϰ `xpdf` `C-c C-t C-p` Ű ̿ؼ PDF ȯϸ
  • AcroEdit . . . . 37 matches
          * [attachment:AcroEdit/latex.zip ȭ] ޾Ƽ
          * ڵ带 BOM ־, BOMִ tex ҽ ó ϴ Ϻ tex sytem ؼҵǾ. See KTUGContrib:2802
         Ʒ KC2005 ~ KC2007 ̴. ̸ KC2008Ȥ ֽ ٸ TeX system Ͽ ϴ ϳ, 쿡, ġ ɼ ִ.
         ==== LaTeX Ͻ ====
          MiKTex̳ ̸ KTUGCollection2005 Karnes TeXify -q ɼ ̿Ͽ Ͽ. ׷, KC2006ʹ texify ʰ texi2dvi kcltxmk ǥؿ Ͽ ϹǷ "texify -q" ̿ ϱ .
         ׷ٰ KC2006 latex ׳ Ųٸ ʹ Logâ ŸǷ, ãⰡ ƴ. ׷Ƿ grep̳ sed Ͽ ุ ɷ ϰ Ѵ. ̶ AcroEdit '|' Ƿ, batchȭ  óϴ .
         latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | %ktug_bin%\..\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem c:\tex\bin\ 丮 ִ Ͽ .
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | c:\tex\bin\grep -e ":[0-9]*:"
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1
         rem latex -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -src %1 | grep -r+ ":[0-9]*:"
          ȭ ̸ Latex.bat ϰ, C:\temp Ͽ ξٰ ϸ Acroedit Ʒ Ѵ.
         || ޴̸ || latex ã || ||
         || || `C:\temp\latex.bat` || ||
         ̷ Ͽ ΰ F9Ȥ Ͽ ư latex Ǹ Ÿ ޽ Ȥ *.logȭ sed Ȥ grep ɷ ش.
         sed Latex Ǹ鼭 ޽ AcroEdit Ʒ â , .logȭϿ error ִ 󳻾 ٽ â ش. ׷Ƿ Latex ޽ ü ͸ κ ִٴ ִ. ׷, â ʹ ũ Ǿ Ѿ ִ.
         grep latex Ǹ鼭 ִ ޽ grep ɷ AcroEdit Ʒ â ش. ׷Ƿ ƹ ޽ ϰ ٸ, ̶ Ǹ, ִ 쿡 ȭ鿡 ְ ȴ.
  • AcroTeX . . . . 2 matches
         D. P. Story å ð ִ LaTeX + AdobeAcrobat PDF . PDFPresentation Ȱ ִ.
          * APB (Presentation Bundle) AdobeAcrobat (Reader ƴ) 7.0 ̻ 䱸Ѵ. ٸ ̼ ޸ Acrobat 6.0 ó Ե "layer" ̿ϴ rich pdf LaTeXκ  ִ. layer ó ִ distiller AdobeAcrobat ϱ α׷ ʼ 䱸ȴ. ȯ ([http://www.acrotex.net/apb_index.php?page=examples]) 캼 ִ. Ű LaTeX Űμ 幰 Ǹſ롱̴.
          * AeB (eDucation Bundle) AcroTeX ˷ ִ LaTeX Ű ̷ ִ. Ű ǡ̴.
         == AcroTeX eDucation Bundle ==
         AcroTeX eDucation Bundle. LaTeX Ű . Ʒ ټ Ű ̷ ִ.
          * ''web'' Ű : LaTeX ̿Ͽ screen-friendly PDF Ű.
          * ''eq2db'' Ű :  ͺ̽ ϴ LaTeX Ű server-side ũƮ.
         === KTUG [Խ] AcroTeX ۰ ===
          ۾ Ϸȴ´ ϰڽϴ. ׸ ֱٿ ϼ eq2dbŰ ̿ϰ ʺκ 𸣴 Ƽ մϴ. ̷ AcroTeX ּż ְ Ǿ 󸶳 𸣰ڽϴ. Ź帳ϴ. --[迬]
  • Algorithm . . . . 7 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         \State \textbf{return} $b$\Comment{The g.c.d. is b}
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \State \textbf{return} $b$\Comment{The g.c.d. is b}
         ˰ ؼ ̺ å LaTeX clrscode.sty ġ ִ.
  • AquamacsEmacs . . . . 2 matches
         == LaTeX Viewer ȣ(ѱ ) ==
         AquamacsEmacs ⺻ pdflatex Ϸ θ ̴. PDF ý ⺻ Ѵ.
  • ArabTeX . . . . 3 matches
         ƶ, 긮 ִ TeX ý.
         == ArabTeX ġ ==
         MiKTeX mpm ̿ϸ ġ .
          * Windows MiKTeX ڵ ġ Ǵ mpm ̿ ġ
          * MiKTeXTools , {{{
         #> mpm --install=arabtex
         #> mktexlsr
  • Asymptote . . . . 4 matches
         === Asymptote and LaTeX ===
         %% pdflatex -> asy -> pdflatex
  • Aurora . . . . 1 match
         Aurora Sharewareν Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Excel ø̼ǿ LaTeX ̿ ְ ִ α׷̴.
         Aurora lets you use LaTeX in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Excel, and many other programs. It makes sure that your formulas look good, print prettily, and play nice with the rest of the text. Aurora takes care of the little things like numbering equations and positioning them on the page, and stays out of your way the rest of the time.
  • AutomaticJosaSelection . . . . 2 matches
         === Particle Alternation in Korean and Automatic Particle Selection in Korean LaTeX System ===
         if you change one of the noun in your text when you are revising the
         text, you often need to change the particle as well.
         Now consider the cross-referencing in LaTeX and the above matter. The
         labeling of the referent is automatically done in LaTeX (e.g., Figure 1,
         editing process, Korean LaTeX systems implemented automatic particle
         === On the Automation of 'JOSA' Allomorph Alterations in Hangul LaTeX ===
  • BBEdit . . . . 1 match
          1. [Mac TeXShell] Ͽ .
         == TextWrangler as a simple BBEdit ==
          * BBEdit - HTML editor - Programming editor = TextWrangler
          * http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/index.shtml ٿε ִ.
  • BOM . . . . 4 matches
         == [UTF-8] ⸦ ̿ LaTeX/[Lambda] ۾ BOM ==
         Win32 Ϻ α׷ (Notepad, Wordpad, MS Word) [UTF-8] BOM Win 9x/ME ̴ [http://www.ansi.org ANSI][[FootNote(''ANSI'' ƹ , MS  .)]] code page (ѱ Windows codepage 949 - Ȯ ϼ) ۼ ؽƮ ϰ ϱ ǥ Ѵ. , UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] BOM UTF-16, UTF-32, [UTF-8] νϰ ׷ ''ANSI'' code page Ѵ. XML ǥؿ [UTF-8] BOM BOM ڵ ϳ ϰ ִ. , [UTF-8] BOM POSIX OS {{{cat file1 file2 file3 | another_program}}} ŰǷ ״ ȯ Ѵ. TeX/Omega 忡 Notepad, Wordpad BOM [UTF-8] ̴ ״ ݰ ƴϴ. TeX/Omega compiler `.tex` ο ǹ̸ ڰ ִ Ƿ . ׳ <Enter> ġ ϸ ó پ ´. --
         == TeX Implementation BOM ==
          * 2008 , Windows TeXLive(KC2008) ϵ(latex, pdflatex etc) BOM پֵ ׷ ʵ óѴ.
          * MiKTeX BOM ó Ѵ.
         BOM ó KTUGCollection2006 ó ԵǾ. Akira Kakuto W32TeX [W32TeX/ko] ϴ Akira ŹϿ TeX, [e-TeX], PDFTeX, [Omega], [Aleph] BOM UTF-8 TeX Է ó BOM ()ϵ ϴ ƾ ϰ Ǿ. , BOM ó ƾ TeXLive 2007, 2008 KC2007, KC2008 ̾.
         Ʒѱ(ѱ2005 ), ޸(NotePad), е, UltraEdit [UTF-8] ϸ ڵ BOM ٿش. ݸ Windows [Yudit] Linux BOM ʴ´. ü [UTF-8] ڵ LaTeX BOM óϿ ̴.
          ''[UTF-8] BOM ݵ ʿѰ ǹ̴.  . NotePad UltraEdit ڵ `.tex` ҽ ڵ(UTF-16) [libiconv] ̿ؼ [UTF-8] ȯϸ [UTF-8] BOM ش.''
  • BSTFile . . . . 30 matches
          Ÿ Ȯڴ `.bst`̴. bst BibTeX
         α׷(`bibtex`) ͺ̽ (`.bib` )κ
         LaTeX Ͽ (ȸ, ǻ, ) bst (bibliography style) ִ ׷ 쵵 ִ. BibTeX ʿ bst ϴ ִµ
          * 켱 ̹ bst ã ̴.  bst Ǵ Ű ֳ [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/ Bib Style Ű] Ⱦ .
         ''':''' BibTeX `bst` ٲٰų bib ٲ㼭 LaTeX ٽ ϸ `bbl` thebibliography ȯ ٽ ʴ´. ʿϴٸ `*.aux` `*.bbl` ٽ ؾ ִ. [WinEdtTip/޴ʹ] ׸ "Erase Working Files", [WinEdtTip/ο].
         BibTeX, [常], [ο], [WinEdtTip/ο]
         Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Chris Rowley, Christine Detig, Joachim Schrod "The [LaTeX Companion], 2nd ed. (2004)" 791-793ʿ ̴ bst ִ. 12(683-756) ̵ bst ߿ οϴ (︮ sty Ѵ.) õ ְ, 13(757-812) bib "Ʈ" bbl bibitem, bst FUNCTION() Ͽ.׸ 100 Ѵ 12-13 ҽ (12-1-1.ltx 13-5-7.ltx ) ״ CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ִ. ̵ ()ϴ KTUGOperate:18899'''''', KTUGOperate:19404'''''', KTUGOperate:19408''''''
          CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/(Bib Style Ű) bst (Բ ִ sty ϰ Բ) ִ. ׸ ̵ Ͽ ִ ltx ϵ ִ.  ieeetr.bst ϰ Ʈ test-ieeetr.ltx test.bib ٿεϰ(MiKTeX ieeetr.bst ٿε ʾƵ ) test-ieeetr.ltx (LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX )ϸ ȴ.
         ''':''' [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/ Bib Style Ű] ٽ ӿ ִ bst ϵ ִ ̷ bst ϵ ӿ ִ bib Ϸ ϴ . apacite ִ apacite.bst ltx ʿ apacite.tex ϸ ȴ.[[FootNote(`IEEEtran` ִ `IEEEtran.bst` ltx ( ltx Ƿ Ѵ.) `IEEEtran` ִ bib( ) Ͽ ȿ Ÿ.)]] ׳ apacite.tex apa5ex.bib ־ ΰ apacite.tex ϸ ȴ.
         === LaTeX ⺻ bst ===
         `acm.bst` CTAN:/obsolete/biblio/bibtex/contrib/acm.bst ֽϴ.
         === AMSLaTeX ⺻ bst ===
         :-9 MiKTeX `IEEEtran.bst`, ... `IEEEtranS.bst` ʿ ...\texmf\bibtex\bst\IEEEtran ڵ ġϿݴϴ. ̶ \texmf\bibtex\bib\IEEEtran ӿ `IEEEabrv.bib`, `IEEEfull.bib`, `IEEEexample.bib` Բ 򸳴ϴ. `IEEEexample.bib` bib ϰ `IEEEabrv.bib` `IEEEfull.bib` θ abrv full Ͽ ִ ɼǰ Դϴ( : KTUGOperate:20521''''''). -YhChoe
          <!> apsrev.bst, elsart-num.bst, nature.bst, acmtrans.bst, `IEEEtran.bst` `IEEEtranS.bst` MiKTeX ڵ ġϿݴϴ. ⼭ Ǵ `IEEEbib.bst`Դϴ. 22-JUN-1993 Richard H. Roy ݵ Conference ְϴ ݾ ļ ǥڵ鿡 ϰ ֽϴ. ׷ IEEE 䱸ϴ Ʈ ʽϴ(KTUGOperate:16722''''''). -YhChoe
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] (version 7.4 from 2006/08/18) Patrick W. Daly ''Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author–Year and Numerical Schemes)'' 5 "-"(author-year) ο(cite) thebibliography ȯ濡 bibitem (DVI, PDF ) µ 踦 Ұϰ ִ. , thebibliography ȯ濡
          Bibitem text 蹭ǥ `[ ]` ִ ο ҽ δ. Ȱ¯ǥ { } ӿ ִ Cite Key ϴ ̰ ҽ θ \cite{Key} . [ο] ׸ " ο ǥ (citation command)"
          TeX Ͽ ְ ϸ ǵ Ͱ ٸٰ ´. bib Ͽ `apacite.bst`(20050607) Ἥ ٽ BibTeX ϸ ȴ.
         CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite/'''''' apacite.pdf Erik Meijer ̴.
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex2e/contrib/harvard/ Harvard Family ϴ
          ⿡ Ѵ. BibTeX Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ濡
  • Beamer . . . . 32 matches
         Till Tantau LaTeX ̿ PDFPresentation ̴. ׷ ó PGF Ű Բ Ǹ, پ Į ϱ xcolor Ű ⺻ Ѵ. xcolor Ű ڴ Uwe Kern̴.
          * http://latex-beamer.sf.net/
          * CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf
          * ҽ ϵ: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/
          * dvips/ps2pdf pdflatex Ѵ. ('''dvipdfm dvipdfmx ʴ´''')
          * پ Overlays Transitions ü ϱ⿡ PPower4 TeXPower ʿ
          * پ ø . `\texmf\tex\latex\beamer\themes` `\texmf\tex\latex\beamer\themes\theme\compatibility` ִ ׸ Ÿ ϵ(: `beamerthemeAnnArbor.sty`) ں `\usetheme{AnnArbor}` ҷ Ƿμ ø Ų(skin) ٲ ִ. (2006 2 Ŀ ƮϿ 37 ִ. -> Ʒ ׸ "Ȱ " )
          * multimedia.sty ϸ ̸ ִ. ( ٷ̴ beamerʹ ̼ article ٸ Ŭ ص ȴ. ''pdflatex'' Ӹ ƴ϶ ''dvips/ps2pdf''ε ϵȴ)
          * FoilTeX, [SeminarPackage], [Prosper], Ȥ TeXPower ҽ beamer ִ '''emulation''' ( 100% Ϻ beamer ٴ ð ִ).
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/examples/ Examples] Conference (a-conference-talk) (a-lecture) ִ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          * ݵ '''dvips/ps2pdf''' Ʈ Ѵ. PSTricks PDFLaTeX ϵ ʴ´.
         || PDFLaTeX || [ko.TeX] || ||
         || GhostScript/ps2pdf || [ko.TeX] || ||
         || XeLaTeX || [xetexko], [xetexko-var] || [XeTeX] ||
         || CJKLaTeX || Beamer ü utf-8, cjk ̿ || ||
         [ko.TeX] [HLaTeX] ϴ ־, HLaTeX ̹ ko.TeX üǾ, HLaTeX ̿Ͽ ѱ ڸ ȣȯ 100% ʴ´. [Beamer/HLaTeX].
         === [ko.TeX] ===
         ѱ 뿡 ƹ . Ư pdftex, dvips ̵ pdf bookmarks ѱ ؽƮ ˻ .
         ==== PDFLaTeX ====
  • Beamer/HLaTeX . . . . 6 matches
          * HLaTeX hfont Ϸ pdflatexδ ʰų ߻ϰ dvips ̿Ϸ ó ʿϴ(׳ ǻ ƴ).
         === HLaTeX ===
          1. HLaTeX hfont ̿ϸ ѱ ִ. [UHC۲] ϰ Ǹ, Uploads:beamer_guide.pdf'''''' 9ʰ 222 ϶.
          a. \texorpdfstring ѱ ϸũ ʴ´. {{{
          a. beamer pdflatex ƴ϶ dvips/ps2pdf Ѵٸ ȣ ̿ ִ. KTUGContrib:2648
          DeleteMe. beamer pdflatex Ѵٴ ̻ϰ... ȣ prosper ps ̽ ̼ Ű .
          1. HLaTeX 1.0.1 hfont ᵵ ߻Ѵ. hangul.sty ü־ Ѵ. See KTUGContrib:3579 or KTUGOperate:14418
  • BibLaTeX . . . . 8 matches
          * BibLaTeX LaTeX BibTeX Բ ۵Ͽ ο ¸ ϰ ִ Ѵ.
          * BibLaTeX LaTeX ϴ ſ ٸ ϰ ִ.
          * BibLaTeX BibTeX ϰ ϴ ̿Ǹ, ´ bst Ͽ ̶ LaTeX ũο .
          * BibLaTeX Ÿ ӿ ұϰ ܿ ū ָ ް ִ.
          * BibLaTeX ִ.
          * CTAN:/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/
          * CTAN:/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf
          * ν ѱ TeX ý Ͽ ο ؼ ǰ . װ Ƹ LaTeX м, Ȱ ʾұ ̴.
          * HLaTeX( [ko.TeX] ) halpha.bst ڿ ڵ尪 ˻Ͽ ѱ Ư ó ִ ִ. ׷ Ưϰ bst ۼ  ٷ ϴ Ȱϴ ̴.
          * LaTeX ؿ ͺ̽ ִ BibLaTeX ѱ ̿ϴ ɼ Ÿ Ѵ.
          * ܿ [http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org Chicago Manual of Style] ο ǥ ϰ , м鵵 ȳ Ѵ. LaTeX θ Ǵ ο Ѵ.
         === BibLaTeX ̿ ===
          BibLaTeX ⺻ ϴ biblatex.bst ؾ ϸ bib ȣȯ ʴ´.
          1. ''BibLaTeX ϴ ʵ, Ȥ ο ʵ带 ǥ Ѵ.''
          ڿ Ư BibLaTeX ʵ, Ȥ ʵ带 ӵ ؾ Ѵ. ʵ带 biblatex.bst ؾ Ѵ. bib ȣȯ .
          biblatex.bst ؾ ϸ, ڵ ִ.
          1. ''BibLaTeX ϴ language ʵ带 ̿Ѵ.''
          language ʵ ó babel Բ ۵ϸ ѱ ʴ´. BibLaTeX language ʵ ó κ /ȮϿ Ѵ.
          1. ''LaTeX ؿ  ڵ ǴϿ óѴ.''
          BibLaTeX /ȮϿ Ѵ. ѱ Ǵ ִ.
  • BibTeX . . . . 22 matches
         [] / BibTeX
         BibTeX α׷(`bibtex`) ͺ̽(`.bib` )
          * [BibTeX8] (`bibtex8`) : 8Ʈ ڵ .
          * [BibTeX++] : Java ۼ.
          * [MlBibTeX] : ٱ .
         == BibTeX LaTeX ϴ ==
         [http://dewey.yonsei.ac.kr/metadata/BibTeX.htm Ȳ BibTeX] ִ.
         BibTeX 1985 Ÿũ 񸮿 Ʈ(Oren Patashnik and Leslie Lamport) LaTeX ۼ ý
         (Document Preparation System) Ͽ ͺ̽ α׷̴. BibTeX LaTeX ۼ
          ۼϱ ȴ. ̷ BibTeX () Ư
         ҽ(LaTeX ϰ bib ) (dvi) ܰ
          ġ BibTeX ־. ׷ ϳ ߳ ġ Ͽ ѹ (dvi Ǵ pdf) BibTeX ϴ ϴ ִ.
         󿡴 ǻ, ȸ, , , ִ. ̷ ׵ ߰, ȸ, ,  Ÿ 䱸Ѵ. ׷ (List)  Data Base(Bib ) ΰ پ 䱸(Ÿ) µ ϵǰԲ ϴ BibTeX LaTeX ̴. Ʒ ׸ 帧 ϰ Ÿ ̴.
         켱 .bib .tex Ͽ ҷ BibTeX Ϸ .aux ϰ .bst (bib Ÿ ) ʿϴ. aux TeX ó LaTeX . ̶ TeX Ͽ ִ ο(`\cite` ο ɾ ) ã ϰ BibTeX Ѵ. aux Ȥ ߸ ִ. ù ܰ LaTeX ׷ ִ. aux 뿡 ϸ ȴ. [WinEdtTip/ο] ϶. bst  ְ ̹ ߿ ã ϴ.
         TeX Ͽ `\bibliography{}` Bib ҷ BibTeX ϸ aux Ͽ ã Cite Key bst Ͽ õ ϵ(bbl, blg) . bbl ϸ (dvi Ǵ pdf) δ. blg bbl Ͼ ϵ ̴. BibTeX ̰ ϵȴ. ᱹ BibTeX ϴ ߿ aux Ͽ ִ Cite Key Bib Ͽ Cite Key Bibitem ãƼ LaTeX, PDFLaTeX ϸ Ÿ thebibliography ȯ bbl Ͽ ϴ ̴.
         [http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~jacobsd/bib/formats/bibtex.html Dana Jacobsen BibTeX]
          (./) BibDesk (Mac ), {{{BibTeXMng}}} (Windows: ShareWare), BiBLE (Windows: Free - [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/utils/bible/readme.txt readme.txt]), JabRef (Windows, Linux and Mac: See KTUGSetup:9695'''''') BibTeX (ƿƼ) ִ. ̷ ƿƼ Bib ϵ ִ.
         MiKTeX ġϸ Ʈ {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\bibtex\bib\base}}} ӿ ̹ test.bib xampl.bib ִ. TeX ߿ IEEEtran.bst ʿϸ ڵ
  • BibTexMng . . . . 2 matches
         * Windows BibTeX bibliography. Shareware. JabRef ִ Ȳ ϰ ʴ ø̼.
  • BigFont . . . . 13 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \usepackage{graphicx} %% pdflatex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \usepackage{graphicx} %% pdflatex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • BigfootPackage . . . . 2 matches
          LaTeX Style Package.
          * Document : http://www.dante.de/dante/events/eurotex/papers/WET07.pdf (EuroTeX 2005)
          * CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/bigfoot/
  • BookTabsPackage . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeX booktabs Ű ʰ ׳ tabular ȯ ǥ ٰ ̰ δ. ǾƷ ణ , ù , ְų 쿡 󼭴  Ư ̸ ٸ ̺ ϰ ִ. booktabs Ű ̷ 䱸 Ѳ ذϴ Ű̴. , ٰ 0.65ex(default) 쵵 Ǿ ְ ġ ֵ Ǿ ִ.
         CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/booktabs/booktabs.pdf ִ. (Template) ʿϸ Mittelbach The [LaTeX Companion], 2nd ed. 269--272 Ͽ CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ִ 5-6-7.ltx, 5-6-8.ltx Ͽ ȴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • Box . . . . 14 matches
         TeX ڽ óѴ. ڽ ⺻ .
         TeX Ʈ 迡 ̿ؼ ڸ box Ͽ ̰ ٿ ܾ ܾ ڽ ٽ ٿ ڽ ٿ ڵȴ. ڽ ڽ Ǯ(glue) ϴµ :) Ǯ ü ̰ ִ(ڹڽ ̿ κ 0, ܾڽ ̿ ̸ rubber glue. vertical mode glue ʰ lineskip skip̶ Ѵ.) ϳ ڽ̴.
         ϳ text body vertical mode box ̿ܿ header ڽ footer ڽ ְ, 쿡 MarginalNote ڽ ̱⵵ Ѵ.
         \vbox θ ѳ(\hsize ֽϴ.) η ε, ȿ ؽƮ ٳ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ʽϴ. TeX "" \hsize \textwidth \vbox ŵϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \TeX\ assembles boxes
         \TeX\ assembles boxes
         == PlainTeX Box ó ==
         PlainTeX Box Register \box0 \box255 256 غǾ ִ.
          ٸ box register κ PlainTeX ýۿ Ͽ Ǵ ͵̴.
         box register ϴ ̹Ƿ, PlainTeX ڽ register number ƴ϶ unique name ֵ ϰ ִ.
          TeX ΰ ǵȴ.
  • BreakBoxes . . . . 2 matches
         TeX/LaTeX [Box] Ģ ̷ ʴ´.
          ذå [http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=breakbox UK TeX Faq] Ǿ ִ.
  • CJKLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Werner Lemberg Ͽ , ǰ ִ LaTeX2e ũ Űμ, پ ڵ ۼ //(CJK) LaTeX ֵ Ѵ. [CJKŰ].
         ƹ ߰ ġ ѱ ǥϴ .(TeXLive 2008). ѱ ڵ EUC-KR̴.
         {{{#!vim tex
          * [CJKLaTeXUnderMiKTeX], [CJKLaTeX/UTF8] .
         === CJKLaTeX ̿Ͽ Ϻ ===
         === CJKLaTeX ̿ ѱ ó ٱ ó ===
         [KTUG] [Խ] ǵ ߿ CJKLaTeX õ ߿ Ͽ.
          * [۲] CJKLaTeX ̿ ƹ
          * CJKLaTeX [CP949] ѱ
         === CJKLaTeX ̿ ٱ ó ===
         [KTUG] [Խ] CJKLaTeX õ ߿ Ͽ. (Ư ƾ 迭  ⺻ ؼ ڵ ڸ ϰ Ҷ).
         === CJKLaTeX ۲ Ǵ UHC۲ ϱ ===
         CJKLaTeX ԵǾ ִ `ruby.sty` Ÿ ٸ Ű Բ Ͽ ٴ  ִ.
         ttfcjk.sh (Shell Script. for CJKLaTeX. by WkPark) : Truetype۲ CJKLaTeX ְ Shell Script
         == ѱ ۼ ־ HLaTeX, CJKLaTeX, DHUcs ==
         || || LaTeX2e Ÿ ||H : {{{hfont}}} Ǵ {{{hangul}}} Ÿ ѱ ó ||
         || Է ڵ || ||H : LaTeX2e KSX1001 ó. UTF-8 [Lambda] ʿ. ||
         || || ||C : LaTeX2e KSX1001 UTF-8 ó ||
  • CJKLaTeX/UTF8 . . . . 12 matches
         ѱ ϴ UTF-8 Էµ ؽƮ ó ִ CJKLaTeX ִ.
         ⼭ CJKLaTeX UTF8 ȯ濡 ؼ ٷ.
         Hangul-ucs trivcj Ű ̿ϱ Ͽ ص trivcj Ʈ Ʈ CJKLaTeX ִ. ѱ ǥϱ ؼ ذå .
          1. CJK Ű ġ. MiKTeXTools Ѵٸ, {{{mpm --install=cjk}}} .
          1. PDFLaTeX . latex -> DVIPDFMx Ʈ pdf ִ.
          1. ٿε޾Ƽ local texmf Ʈ Ǯ´.(1ް ȵ)
          * teTeX 3.x : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/experimental/cjklatex-triv-hangul.tar.gz cjklatex-triv-hangul.tar.gz]
          * Windows/MiKTeX : See [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Karnes/2007-01#b4fb9b02e6539f244f86893a7f90c6e8 Karnes/2007-01]
          1. mktexlsr
         ==== ko.TeX Ʈ ̿ϱ ====
          ko.TeX ⺻ Ʈ (۲ type 1) Ѵٸ Ǯ fd ΰ ٿ Ʈ ϸ ȴ.
         ٶ \textbf{ٶ} \textit{ٶ}
         \textgt{ٶ} ٶ
  • CJKLaTeXUnderMiKTeX . . . . 3 matches
         MiKTeX 2.8 CJKLaTeX ѱ ۼϴ .
          MiKTeX Ǵ MiKTeX ϴ cjk Ű ҿϿ ״δ ѱ ϴ ޱ ̴. MiKTeX cjk Ű TeXLive Ͱ ٸ ʿ ̴.
          * ko.TeX ġ ʿ MiKTeX ذȴ.
          * PDFTeX 츸 شѴ. (pdflatex, latex -> dvipdfmx)
         === CJKLaTeX Macro ġ ===
         MiKTeX 2.4 ڵ ġش.
         === CJKLaTeX Font ġ ===
         Ű (MiKTeX Package Manager)  cjk_fonts Ű ġѴ.
         --- ׷, MiKTeX 2.8 cjk-fonts ġߴٰ ؼ ѱ ִ ƴϴ. ---
         --- * , uhc ѱ ۲ ġѴٸ fd ϰų ٵ ʿ . ׷ MiKTeX 2.8 uhc ѱ ۲ ġ . HLaTeX ġϸ DZ ׷ CJK ؾ ʿ䰡 ִ°? HLaTeX ġ ʰ MiKTeX ѱ ۼϴ ̴ ̴. ---
         %!TEX program = PDFLaTeX
         %!TEX encoding = system
          1. TeXWorks ڵ ũ "system"̶ cp949 ǹѴ. δ euc-krڸ óȴ.
  • CMacTeX . . . . 1 match
         Ųÿ ShareWare [TeX] ϳ. Thomas Kiffe ϰ ִ.
  • CTAN . . . . 3 matches
         '''CTAN''' : Comprehensive TeX Archive Network .
         dzϰ پ TeX Ʈ ִ â̴.
          * http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/
          Ͽ ̷ǰ ̷δ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/ KTUG CTAN Mirror] [ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/CTAN] ִ.
  • CTANSearch . . . . 2 matches
          <input type='text' name='filename' size='40' maxlength='120' /></span>
          <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
  • CVSμġϱ . . . . 2 matches
         KTUG CVS[[FootNote(See http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/CVS)]]κ HLaTeX 1.0.1 Ѵ.
         #> cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.ktug.or.kr:/home/cvsroot co hlatex-texmf
  • CVSμġϱ/Win . . . . 20 matches
         MiKTeX (2.4) main tex tree D:\texmf ְ local tex tree D:\localtexmf ϰڽϴ.
         ׸ HLaTeX D:\hlatex-texmf ġȴٰ ϰڽϴ.
         #> md hlatex-texmf
         #> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.ktug.or.kr:/home/cvsroot co hlatex-texmf
         #> md localtexmf\web2c
         #> copy texmf\web2c\updmap.cfg localtexmf\web2c\
         #> echo Map uhc-base.map >> localtexmf\web2c\updmap.cfg
         #> echo Map uhc-extra.map >> localtexmf\web2c\updmap.cfg
         (⼭ mo Ͽ texmf Ʈ մϴ.)
         #> initexmf -u
         #> initexmf --mkmaps
         : ġ MiKTeX Options>Roots hlatex-texmf 丮 Add Refresh FNDB ּž մϴ.
  • CWEB . . . . 11 matches
         $$\hbox{\tt CWEB}=\hbox{C programming language}+\hbox{\TeX}$$
          α׷ ý Ǵ Ƹ CWEB ̴. α׷ ý ⺻ Ǿ ǻα׷ Ǵµ, CWEB Ǵ Ǿ TeX Ǵ C ý̴.
         CWEB ѱȭ DohyunKim ۼϽ kotexplain.tex, hangulcweb.tex ̿ؼ ϴ. CWEB ýۿ TeX ⺻ Plain TeX ̿ϴµ, kotexplain.tex Plain TeX ѱ ֵ ִ ũ̴. hangulcweb.tex CWEB ޽ ѱ۷ ٲ ̰, pdf ̿ , ѱ ϸũ ϰ ش.
          http://cvs.ktug.or.kr/viewcvs/ko.TeX/macro/plain ֽ ִ.
          * ɾδ foo.w TeX foo.tex ϴ.
          * cweave foo.tex TeX ̿Ͽ foo.dvi .
         % tex foo
         % pdftex foo
         % etex "\let\pdf+ \input foo"
          * [Karnes] ֽ ''TeX by Example'' å ҽ ڵ带 ̿ؼ ۼ Դϴ.
  • Calc2LaTeX . . . . 1 match
         OpenOffice 1.1 Calc ǥ LaTeX tabular ϴ ũ
  • CaptionOfFloats . . . . 13 matches
         $ texdoc caption-eng
         #> kctexdoc caption-eng
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         '''A3'''(From KTUGOperate:22025'''''')''':''' See CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/caption/caption.pdf
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • CatCode . . . . 4 matches
         TeX Ư¡ ϳμ, ԷµǴ Ʈ 16 Category Ͽ óϴ ̴. default .
         LaTeX ̴ `\makeatletter` `\makeatother` ִ.
         TeX ControlSequences Ģ (letter = catcode 11) ̷ ӵǾ ִ. ׷ LaTeX ڵ @(at-) ControlSequences ϰ ;ߴ.
         @ڸ ϴ ControlSequences LaTeX `\makeatletter`, `\makeatother` ؾ߸ Ѵ. ̿ϸ ڿ ̽ϴ ƴ,  Լ Ǵ иϰ (ð) ִٴ ִ. , @ڰ κ Ÿ̳ Ŭ θɵ̴.
         [CTAN] ִ , `comp.text.tex` öԴ ִ .
          <!> `latex` ƴ϶ `tex` ؾ մϴ.
         CategoryGlossary CategoryTeX
  • CategoryFont . . . . 1 match
  • CheckTeXEngine . . . . 19 matches
         === iftex package ===
         XeTeX PDFTeX ѱ
         {{{#!vim tex
         \usepackage{kotex} %%% kotex pdftex/xetex/luatex ٲ.
         % <.... Ÿ XeTeX >
         % <.... Ÿ PDFTeX >
         === ifxetex, ifluatex package ===
  • ChngpagePackage . . . . 21 matches
         === `\changetext` ===
         `\changetext` ؽƮ ġ ϴ Ѵ. ټ ڸ µ ڴ ̰ ϰų ξ Ѵ. ڰ ǹϴ .
         {{{#!vim tex
         `changepage` ̾ƿ ٲٴ Ѵ. ȩ ڸ µ ̰ ְų д. ó ټ ڴ `\changetext` ڿ ǹ̰ . ڴ .
         {{{#!vim tex
          /!\ NOTE: ü ܿ ģ. ܸ ̾ƿ ٲٷ Ѵٸ hanging Ű PlainTeX `\parshape` غ ̴.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         Start of wider paragraph text ...
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • ChoF . . . . 1 match
         * [KTUG] [ChoF's TeX Archive] ڿ (since March 1997)
         * [MiKTeX-KTUG] Ʈ (ߴ ̸ 簳 )
         4. TeX ȯ ̿ Document Processing Company!!! (Ƹ Ŀ )
         ȳϼ? ֽϴ. ;) TeX Consultant... ѱ ȯ濡 ̰ Ǹ Ͻϴ. Ͻʽÿ. --[]
         TeX Consultant  Ͻô ? --[hoze]
          TeX õ ϵ鿡 Դϴ. TeX ̿ å̳  ؾ ϴ ͵帱 ְ, 󿡼 ڵ ̷ ý ۿ ̷ ϵ鿡 ش˴ϴ. غ TeX ִ ǿܷ ϴ. --[ChoF]
         [http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/index.html Text Processing in Python]
  • ColorInDocument . . . . 6 matches
         \textcolor{MYCOLOR}{This is colored text.}
  • CommonErrors . . . . 1 match
         Ư LaTeX 迡 óڰ ϴ ̷ ϴ. " η " (ũ󿡼) η ֳ?
          1. TeXworks default ó pdtex Ǿ ִ. ƹ ٵ ʴ´. ù° ۼ ...
          1. (TeXworks ƴ ٸ ͸ ) UTF-8 BOM ũ տ ɼ ϴ ٶ ڸ !
  • CommonLicenses . . . . 8 matches
         [http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3.txt The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3] 2003-12-01
         [http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-2.txt The LaTeX Project Public License 1.2]
         from comp.text.tex, David Carlisle wrote: LPPL and GPL
          the language of communication as in LaTeX. You can talk of a better
          implementation of LaTeX. As I know to my cost, if you add \relax
          to a latex command, some document, somewhere will break.
          You can of course take latex and build a better _something_
          just don't call it latex.
         2) LPPL allows code to be used in essentially all the places that TeX
          problems on some of the commercial TeX systems.
         HLaTeX ̼ GNU GPL õ дϴ.
          ǰδ, , HLaTeX ü GPL̴ hangul.sty hfont.sty, hfont.tex ؼ LPPL̾ ʴ°, ε, ؼ Ͻô 庸 ͽϴ.
          Բ HLaTeX GPL̶ Ͻ Ϲ ǹ̿ "Ʈ" ǹ̷ Ͻ ƴϸ GNU GPL (̸ virus feature ) ϼż GPL̶ Ͻ 庸ƾ߰ڳ׿.
  • ComputerModern . . . . 3 matches
         Bakoma翡 θ ǰ ְ (GPL), http://www.truetex.com/ MetaFog (?) MetaFont ƮŸԵ ִ (Universal Modern Font http://www.truetex.com/um.zip ̼: MIT Ÿ. ComputerModern ۲ + alpha)
          * http://www.truetex.com/cmr10.zip MetaFog ȯ cmr10 (PublicDomain ?)
  • ConTEXTEditor . . . . 1 match
          . LaTeX Syntax File غǾ ִ. UniCode(UTF-8/UTF-16) Ѵ. NotePad ü ִ .
  • ConTeXt . . . . 11 matches
         ConTeXt HansHagen ο TeX ũ Ű̴.
         == ѱ۰ ConTeXt ==
          * [wiki:XeTeX#s-2 XeTeX]
         == Ϳ ConTeXt ==
          * emacs(xemacs) AUCTeX Ű ConTeXt
          * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ConTeXt
          * http://contextgarden.net/Main_Page
          * http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Reference/en
          * http://archive.contextgarden.net/list/context.html
          * http://texshow.contextgarden.net/
          * http://context.aanhet.net/svn/manuals/
          * [http://watershade.net/wmcclain/context-help.html ConTeXt and pdfTeX Beginners Help Page]
          * [http://getfo.org/context_xml/contents.html]
          * [http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/context-top-ten/cmds.pdf The "top ten" ConTeXt commands]
  • ConTeXt/Obsolete . . . . 5 matches
         == ѱ۰ ConTeXt ==
         === ConTeXt ѱ õ ===
          1. [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=contrib&no=291 LaTeX ConTeXt] : [Karnes] ''LaTeX in Proper ConTeXt''. LaTeX ͼ ڿ ConTeXt Ұϴ . Ʒ Ұϴ [KTUG] ̷ ConTeXt ѱȭ ̿ߴ.
          2. ConTeXt ѱ : ʱ ܰμ, ChoF ۾ ̷.
          1. KTUGContrib:266 ConTeXt ѱ ϱ(by ChoF) #3
          1. KTUGContrib:245 ConTeXt ѱ ϱ(by ChoF) #2
          1. KTUGContrib:236 ConTeXt ѱ ϱ(by ChoF) #1
          3. [http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=setup&no=3964&page=3 ̾ƺ ConTeXt TEXMF]
          => [http://my.ktug.or.kr/misc/texmf-context-kor.tar.gz texmf-context-kor.tar.gz] ([[Date(2005-01-15T01:10:33)]])
         === ConTeXt ѱ ϱ ===
         '''''' : Ұ "â ѱ õ" (1), (2), (3) 2006 ConTeXt ȿߴ. ([[Date(2006-07-22T01:32:55)]]) ۵ ʴ´. ϴ ̴.
          1. ConTeXt''''''/''''''XeTeX
          [UTF-8] Է. TeX engine XeTeX ϰ ý Ʈ .
          2. DohyunKim font-kor.tex (UTF-8)
         === KTUGCollectionProject ConTeXt ѱȭ ===
          * KTUG Collection ConTeXt ġ ѱ ̸ ̷ ǹǷ ġ ʿ.
          ChoF font-kor ̿Ͽ [Karnes] CP949 ConTeXt ѱȭ Ű ԵǾ. ( obsolete)
  • Conditionals . . . . 58 matches
         == TeX ǹ ==
         TeX if ǹ ַ ڿ ControlSequences ˻ϱ Ͽ ȴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         TeX `\if` ũε ϴµ, ϳĸ ū Ȯ Ѵ. ׸ ū Ѵ. `\if` ̿ؼ ũγ Ƽ ̸ װ͵ տ `\noexpand` ٿ 񱳸 ؾѴ. .
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         This test is a lot like `\if` : TEX expands after it until unexpandable tokens remain. For this
          1. token ƴ . ڵ CategoryCode ų TeX ø̰ų `\font`, `\chardef`, `\countdef` ǵ .
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         • `\ifhmode` is true if TEX is in HorizontalMode or restricted horizontal mode.
         • `\ifvmode` is true if TEX is in VerticalMode or internal vertical mode.
         • `\ifmmode` is true if TEX is in MathMode or display math mode.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • CrimsonEditor . . . . 9 matches
         == CrimsonEditor 3.40 LaTeX ==
          TeX ƾô е, ʹ ó?
         LaTeX ⺻ ϰ ؼ ξ ð ҵҵؼ LaTeX2e ٽ ҽϴ.
         (zip Ǯ Ÿ `latex.spc/.key` 2 )
          Ǹ Ű LaTeX PDFLaTeX zip Ͽ ״µ, ø ϴ CrimsonEdit ġ 3 (`cedt.c??`) Ű overrideؼ ־ð, 㿡 Ѽ ڽ ġ TeX ȯ濡 ° ֽø ɰ̴ϴ.
         ctrl+f1 : LaTeX compile
         === ctrl+f1 : LaTeX compile ===
          1. `[Menu text]` ش ޴ ̸ ϴ.
          1. `[Command]` θ ݴϴ. LaTeX Ϸ
          LaTeX Ͻ -src-specials ɼ ø ϴ. ׷Ƿ `[Arguement]` `-src-specials` ð ż `[File Name( θ ִ )]` ϼ. ׷ ɴϴ.
         latex -src-specials sample.tex
         == [MiKTeX-KTUG] [Yap] ==
         <!> LaTeX ݵ `--src-specials` ɼ ־ ؾ Ʒ մϴ.
          * Inverse Search ۵Ϸ LaTeX `--src-specials` ɼ ־ մϴ. Ű κ ϼ.
  • CustomBib . . . . 7 matches
         CustomBib Daly TeX ƿƼμ, ڰ ڽ BSTFile ֵ ش. ⺻ `makebst.tex` Ͽ Ͽ LaTeX ϸ BSTFile ִ ̴.
         #> latex makebst
          latex makebst.ins
          latex makebst
          ͷ . 빮ڷ Ǿ ְ ɼǿ ȣ(%) . ߸ ÿ ȣ ְ ϴ ɼǿ ȣ ָ ȴ. ׷ ''latex imsi.dbj'' ϸ
         츮 ϴ Ŀ ؾ Ѵ. ð ȴٸ /textmf/doc/bibtex ִ
         1. imsi.bst '''`[12]`''' 귡Ŷ پ ̴. 츮 '''12.''' ϹǷ LaTeX κпٰ ڵ带 ذ ȴ.
         '''1.''' ڰ ϳ⵵ ̳ å BibTeX ϴ 찡 ִ.
         BibTeX -⵵- bib ϹǷ ڵ带 ϴ bib ùκп Ѵ.
         ׷ BibTeX Vol A ̴. Ȥ {\noopsort{a}} ⵵ ſ տ ׽Ʈ . ( δ 3° ̰ Ǵµ ⿡ Ǿ ־).
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 28 matches
          [http://project.ktug.or.kr/cygwin-teTeX/cygwin-setup.htm ǥѱTeXȯ Ʈ teTeX under Cygwin] ֱ CygWin ȯ濡 ° Ϸ Դϴ.
          [TeX Implementation] Ǵ MiKTeX, [fpTeX] , UNIX [teTeX] CygWin õǾ ֽϴ.
          Ʈ KTUG Ʈ [ǥ ѱ TeX ȯ Ʈ] ϳ, CygWin [teTeX] ѱ ȯ ϰ, ϴµ ϵ ϴ [[FootNote(teTeX̳ CygWin ý ü ߰, TeX ̿ Ÿ Ʈ, Ű¡  ʽϴ.)]] մϴ.
          * Default Text File Type : text carriage return line feed  · Ѵ.
          Text file type ϴ ۼ߿ ڰ enter() Ű ǻͰ νϴ ܳ κп ó ü ٸ ̴. UNIX line feed ִ ̸, DOS carriage return line feed Բ ϵȴ. (UNIX DOS ͷ ٷ پ ° ٷ carriage return ڰ Ƿ DOS ʹ ΰ νϸ, ݴ DOS UNIX о carriage return "^M" ܳ Ÿ) (:winEdt ) Ѵٸ DOS ϰ, Emacs for windows ϽŴٸ  ص ̰ .
          ϸ κ CYGWIN Ű ٿ޾ ȭ鿡 ش. ⼭ ڰ ġ ִ. View ư Ű ⸦ Full ٲ۴. Category شǴ Ű ݵ ġؾ Ѵ. [http://project.ktug.or.kr/cygwin-teTeX/setup_files.htm ġ ] ϶.
          * Text : teTeX Ű text Ű зǾ ִ. texmf ϴ Ű teTeX Ű̴.
         [teTeX] Publishing Tool ԵǾ ִ.
         == TeX ġ ==
         === [ko.TeX] ġ ===
         CygWin ѱ TeX ϱ ؼ [ko.TeX] ġϿ Ѵ. CygWin ġ Ű ǰ Ƿ ϰ ġ ִ. [ko.TeX/instpack] . [ko.TeX] ϱ ؼ tetex Ű full ġǾ ִ .
          1. "Select Packages" ȭ Text Ǵ Publishing ׷쿡 kotex ã ġ · .
         # mktexlsr
         # updmap-sys --enable Map=kotex-base.map
         # updmap --enable Map=kotex-base.map
  • CygWinġϱ/obsolete . . . . 69 matches
         ѱ ƮŸ ϱ ؼ ƿƼ ݵ ʿѵ, ġ ʿϴٴ ̴.[[FootNote(, 1.5 ligature ġ ̷ ְ κ TeX ϰ ִ. MiKTeX ̴.)]]
         === local texmf ===
         츮 texmf ʰ teTeX ⺻ ״ ̿Ϸ Ѵ.
         teTeX ġǸ ⺻ Ǿ ִ.
          $TEXMFMAIN = /usr/share/texmf
          $TEXMFDIST = /usr/share/texmf
          $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /usr/share/texmf
          $VARTEXFONTS = /var/cache/fonts
          $TEXMFSYSVAR = /var/lib/texmf
          $TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/share/texmf
          $TEXMFHOME = $HOME/texmf
          $TEXMFVAR = $HOME/.texmf/var
          $TEXMFCONFIG = $HOME/.texmf/config
           ټ ǵ帱 ʿ Ʒ ڰ Ͽ Ѵ. `$HOME/.texmf` ʴٸ ش.
         $> mkdir -p .texmf
         $> cd .texmf
          , ʿ ϵ ϰų . ʿ {{{dvipdfmx.cfg, ttf2pk.cfg, updmap.cfg, texmf.cnf, fmtutil.cnf}}} ̴.) ϸ ȴ.
         || /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf || $HOME/.texmf/config/web2c/texmf.cnf ||
         || /usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf || $HOME/.texmf/config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf ||
         || /usr/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg || $HOME/.texmf/config/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg ||
  • DB2LaTeX . . . . 1 match
  • DHHangul . . . . 2 matches
          * [۲] TEXMF TREE Ƿ ̻ ofm map .
         ѱ ó ׽Ʈϱ tex : Uploads:yethangultest.tex
          ־. ذؼ Omega ѱó ش ׳ ~ Ǵ. ٵ κ [TeX] ϰ. [DHUcs] ֽø ø ... 󺾽ô. --[hermian]
  • DHHangul/ȭ . . . . 10 matches
          ۾ ñ߽ϴ. ƹư mslvt ٶ Ʋ մϴ. 켱 ogulim̳ `UnBatangOdal` ؼ OTP  ÷ֽø ? ذǸ ѱ TeX 뿡 ߴ ִ ̶ մϴ. ;) ׸, ο DHHangul ¥ Ī Բ ÷ֽø current ũ ɰڽϴ. dhhangul-20031223.tar.gz · εֽø dhhangul.tar.gz ɺ ũ ɱ ϴ ? ƴϸ doc.ktug.or.kr ص帱 ֽϴ. --[Karnes]
          CJK ٴϴ Ϳ ؼ mixed feeling ֽϴ. и ְ, ذؼ , CJ K ũ ٸ κе ְŵ. κи ϴ , ٸ ΰ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. K ѱ (15 ε , Ľ . ڵ ̵ ڿ ˰ ־ ȮϹǷ, ޾ Դϴ. , ׷ٰ ؼ ƹ м ƴմϴ. ٸ ǥ ü躸 ξ ʰ ׶̷ η ǥü κ ʺȰϰ â Ѽ ѱ ϸ鼭 - phonetic featural script- ĺ- alphabetic- -syllabic script- Ǹ ӿ Ʋ ϴ. , ѱ ܿ 600쵵 ä '' ǥ ü ذ ׺ ξ ǥ ü ܼ ؼ Դϴ.) ֵ ε ڿ ƽþƿ ƽþ ǥ ü ְ, ó ׷ ؾ մϴ. opentype GSUB/GPOS Ȱ κ Դϴ. , ٷ ̷ CJ ̰ 츮 ް ߿ ( ѱ ϼ 쿡 Omega ƴ϶ TeX ó մϴ.) ϸ غϰ ۿ ̿ ѱ۰ ƽþ ǥ ü  Դϴ. --
         === texmf Ʈ ۼ ===
         Ʒ ۵Ǿ TEXMF-TREE [۲] release dhhangul ü Ǿ.
         DHHangul "Ϲ" ڰ ġϰ, ؼ [۲] Բ ֵ, ۲ð ʿ , Ǯ⸸ ϸ Ǵ texmf ϳ ֽðڽϱ? --[Karnes]
          ɰּż մϴ. ׷ Ǵ cyberbit.ttfԴϴ. ̰ ȵǴϱ--- Ʈ ް ū Դϴ. ڵ ׷ ѱ۵ ׷... DHHangul ׽Ʈ ¿ ӹ ֽϴ. texmf tree  "Ϲ" 뿡 ȴٰ ϴ... ̳ غ ϴ. ̷ Ʈ ȥ ɷµ ð մϴ---׷ 鿡 DHHangul̶ ̸ ϴ :) ġ ִٴ Դϴ. --DohyunKim
          ̾ƺ ߿ ''[۲] Բ'' ʰ ƾµ ׿. , [۲] Ʈ θ Ͻô Դϱ? ׷ ̾ƺ δ ʹ terseϼż ľϱⰡ ֽϴ. :) װ ǹϽŴٸ TTF2HLaTeXFont ʽϱ?
          , [۲] Ʈ ½ϴ. cyberbit ڰ ذϰ DZ⸦ ٶ, DHHangul غ , ѱ ó ϰ ȭ ƴѰ ߱ ̾ϴ. غô ڴٰ ؼ,  wget Ե ٿε ũƮ ұ ϴٰ, ̸̿ DHHangul ġ Ѳ óǵ ϸ  ؼ ̾ϴ. ȫȣ ȭ [ǥѱTeXȯƮ] HLaTeX Ȯϴ ǵ ٰ ִµ, Omega/Lambda ι u8hangul, DHHangul, Omega-cjk غ ֱ Դϴ. ̸׸... texmf Ʈ Ʈ DZ⸦ ٶٴ з(?)ٰ̾ ֽŴٸ ϰڽϴ. ;) װ ׷, ǰ , , ڿ Բ Ͻ ִ, ߱ Ϻ ۲ [۲] ׷ִ Ͻô? ϴٸ third-party ۲̶ ׷ ʰڽϱ? terse ؼ... ˼մϴ. ;) --[Karnes]
          ˰ڽϴ. ׷ W32TeX ߺ new TDS ؾ ϳ ¼ 𸣰ڳ׿. ̰͵ ڸ mapϵ α ξ ϳ? û ũ ÷ ٵ  Դϴ. ... ϴ μ ־ ̴ ٸ ֽʽÿ. new TDS Ǹ óϰڽϴ. ( ð ...) ϴ[ texmf-unttf.tar.gz] ÷ξϴ. [۲] DHHangul ϳ texmf Ʈ ֽϴ. ۲ 迭 ڿԴ ̰ ׹ Դϴ. DHHangul Ұ ͺ ֱ ణ ġ ֽϴ. ŷο cp949 u8hangul Ű ־Ƚϴ. ׸ new TDS ʾҽϴ. W32TeX ô ̶ ۾ ణ 丮 ̵ Ͻ ɷ ִٰ ҽϴ. ϼ: 55 megabyte(!)Դϴ.--DohyunKim
         մϴ. :) 켱 http://doc.ktug.or.kr/DHHangul/texmf-unttf.tar.gz'''''' صξϴ. Ȯϰ ڸ 53ް ѽϴ. ;) --[Karnes]
         [[Date(2004-10-20T16:02:22)]] hlatex-texmf cvs tree Ͽϴ.
          ins ƴѵϰ, TEXMF ġϴ ũƮ ̽? ڸ ÷ ٸٵ bash ũƮ ұ, ƴ ġϷ ұ? Perl ϸ 뼺 ... ׷ ʹ ũƮ ? Ȥ ٸ TeX Ű ߿ ġũƮ ϴ ֽϱ? -- DohyunKim
          shell script ǥ. :) ũƮ ̹Ƿ INSTALL̶ ԽŰ ߶󳻼 ֵ ָ ڽϴ. DOS ġ ϳ . INSTALL ۼDZ⸦ ٶϴ. TeX Ű 쿡 ġ ũƮ ǻ ʿ, Windows 밳 Ű ڸ ̿ϱ ʿ並 ϴ. ׷ .... ϳ ڴٰ մϴ. --[Karnes]
  • DHUcs/ȭ . . . . 83 matches
         HLaTeX 1.0 hangul.sty 巯ǥ ֽϴ. ""̶ Ҹ ε, ǿܷ Ǿ ִٰ ˴ϴ.
          Ǹ dhucs дٸ, ucs-hangul.tex
         HLaTeX latex-ucs Ϻα ٺ ٸϴ. HLaTeX ƴ latex-ucs `\MakeUppercase` ǰ ʿ ־ ϴ.
         \DeclareRobustCommand{\MakeUppercase}[1]{{% latex.ltx
          ̰ ϰ ־ϴ. ٸ, latex.ltx ״ Űܿڸ Ŀ ߰ Դϴ.
          ̸ `MakeLowercase` ؼ ϱ... ׷ ucs-hangul.tex
          1. ۲ TEXMF Tree DHUcs ϴ ? HLaTeXó Ÿϰ Ʈ ϳ Ű ȿ ؼ غ մϴ.
          cvs ϴ Դϴ. ۲ TEXMF Tree ϴ tree HLaTeX ο ΰ ̰ Ÿ Ͽ ְ ؼ Ѻ Ŀ ϴ  մϴ. ׸ Ÿ , Դϴٸ, c-series ϴµ ? --DohyunKim
         \indexentry {ABC|textbf}{1}
         \indexentry {|textsf}{2}
          \item ABC, \textbf{1}, \hyperpage{2}
  • DIA . . . . 9 matches
         === LaTeX ===
         text Է½ ׳ latex tag Էϰ export tex ϸ LaTeX ̿ ֽϴ.
          text icon ϰ, "$\alpha$" ䷸ tex export ϸ ˴ϴ.
         ̷ tex Ϸ ׸ pstricks package ̿Ͽ ֽϴ.
          쿡 tex export ¹ ʴ.(Ʈ text κ ó ȵǰ..)
         1. latex ĵ .
  • DVIPDFMx/Example . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!vim tex
          % ifpdf DVIPDFMx ƴ϶ pdfTeX
  • DVIPDFMx/Installation . . . . 4 matches
          Linux/CygWin [teTeX] DVIPDFMx -ġ `texmf.cnf` ߰ش. Adobe cmap TrueType ۲ ̿ϰų ʿϴ.
          * CygWin-[teTeX] . AdobeReader 6.x {{{C:\Program Files\ADOBE\Acrobat 6.0\Reader}}} ġǾ ִٸ,
          * [teTeX] . Adobe AcrobatReader for Linux 5.x ѱ ⺻ ɼ ġ .
          ׸ `/etc/texmf/texmf.d/50dvipdfmx.cnf`
          ̶ , `update-texmf` Ѵ.
          DeleteMe. CMAPINPUTS cmap [kpathsea] ̿Ͽ ã [teTeX] 3.x dvipdfmx ֱ ̿ϴ ݵ ʿ . ׷ [teTeX] ̿ϴ 쿡 Ǹ ← Ѵ. -- Karnes [[DateTime(2005-12-13T22:27:18)]]
         CygWin [teTeX] 󿡼 DVIPDFMx -ġ ִ.
         OS X [teTeX] ġ DVIPDFMx Ͽ ִ.
  • DVI̹ . . . . 1 match
         TeX ǥ DVI óִ ƿƼ α׷.
          1. '''PDFTeX'''
          `PDFTeX` DVI ְ PDF ٷ (DVI ) Ƿ, Ϸ ÿ [DVI̹] ִ.
          [MiKTeX] ԵǾ ִ Yet Another Previewer. [Yap].
          [XDvi] н 迭 ȯ X Window ý DVI ̸ α׷̴. [teTeX] ⺻ ԵǾ ִ.
          [fpTeX] [TeXLive] ԵǾ ִ [XDvi] Windows ̴.
          X ý TeX DVI ̸ α׷. GTK+ Ʈ. EPS ׸ Ϻ DVI ϵ óѴ.
          1. TeXplus
          [Yap] [DVI̹]  ϳ Ұմϴ. MiKTeX ä [DVI̹]. DVI Previewer ǥ ȭ¿ [DVI̹] Ű Դϴ. --[Karnes]
          ,  [DVI̹] Ư ׸ ϰ ȭ鿡 ְų μ ִ 찡 ֽϴ. DviWin WMF ׸ ÷ϰ μ ־ . ׸  ׸  óϴ ϴ [DVI̹] ɷ¿ ޷ ֽϴ. ׷Ƿ [TeXԷ] ۼ ó Ư [DVI̹] ǵѴٸ GIF/WMF/JPG ׸ ְ ˴ϴ. ̴ `dvips` [EPS] ģȭ̱ "TeX EPS" ϳ DZ ߽ϴٸ. [Yap] EPSܿ ٸ ׸ ִ дϴ.
          [Yap] ȯϴ ƴ϶ "ִ" ̹Ƿ, EPS ׸ óϷ ܺ ƿƼ θ ˴ϴ. PostScript ó ƾ ϴ ͺ ̰ ξ α׷ ŷڼְ Դϴ. ̴ GhostScript PostScript ó Դϴ. Ȯϰ ϸ ׸ ó ϰ ִ `graphicx` Ű `dvips` [DVI̹] ° ϰڴٴ . `[dvipdfm]` ɼ̳ `[pdftex]` ͵ [DVI̹] ˸ ׷ ó ƾ صξٴ ̶ Ͻø ǰڽϴ. `graphicx` Ű `[yap]` ɼ () [Yap] "" ̴ [DVI̹]⿡ ڶ, ٸ [DVI̹] ٸ Ư ʾұ ̰, `[dvips]` ɼ [DVI] ó ֱ ̶ մϴ. ---[Karnes]
  • Daisyweb . . . . 3 matches
         Ʒ ۲ ѵ MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 ؼ ̴.
          * 밡 Ϸ: dvipdfmx pdflatex
          * 밡 Ϸ: dvipdfmx pdflatex
          * 밡 Ϸ: dvips/ps2pdf, dvipdfm(x), pdflatex
  • DbLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Docbook sgml/xml to LaTeX converter.
         SeeAlso. DocBook, DB2LaTeX
  • DeclareMathOperator . . . . 14 matches
         '''Q1'''(from KTUGOperate:10906'''''')''':''' Tex ٺ..
          Ȱ Ѵٰ Ͽ׿. ѱ, ӿ Ÿ Ϸ ׳ text ̳ (Operator) ̳Ŀ ణ ٸϴ. ׳ text ҷ
          (./) AMSLaTeX ƴ `\DeclareMathOperator` Ǵ `\DeclareMathOperator*` `Preamble` `\usepacakage{amsmath}' ˴ϴ.
         \DeclareMathOperator{\dalmeum}{\text{\lower.2ex\hbox{\large }
         \DeclareMathOperator*{\haneul}{\text{\LARGE }}%
         \DeclareMathOperator*{\ddang}{\text{\LARGE }}%
          \haneul_{\text{õ}}^{\text{ϴ}} \quad
  • Documents . . . . 1 match
          1. [KC2006/ó/] : [KC2006/ó] ħ ѱ LaTeX
          1. [LaTeX4Wp] : μ ڸ LaTeX , pdf ҽ
          1. [PublisherProvidedStyles] : (La)TeX ޴ ȸ, ǻ Ÿ
          1. [http://my.ktug.or.kr/TeXLive7/texmf/doc/guides/companion/ch8.pdf ltc ch8] : LaTeX Companion Chapter 8 Higher Mathematics.(recommended by Ŀ)
  • DviOut/MiKTeX . . . . 20 matches
         MiKTeX DviOut ġϰ ϴ Դϴ.
         (2002 3 4) TEXPK: ߸ κ
         (2000 3 14) ChoF's TeX Archive Խǿ
         DVIOUT ũμƮ Windows ִ DVI ϳ Ϻ ǰ ִ ˰ ֽϴ. Ư EPS ׸ ִ ۸ũ , Inverse Forward Search , ׸ ̵  մϴ. ٵ ƮŸ ۲ (256 ) ̿Ѵٴ Ư¡ Ϻ ƮŸ ۲ø Ϻ DVI ֽϴ. θ ǰ ִ MiKTeX [Yap], [fpTeX] WinDvi Բ ֽϴ.
          DVIOUT 3.18 ġϰ [MiKTeX] 2.5 Բ ֵ ϴ մϴ.
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/dviout/current/ (tex318w.exe) ٿεؼ ϸ C:\dviout 丮 ⺻ ڵ ̷ϴ. "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â "(Y)" '''⺻ A''' ϴ.
         <!> ٸ δ (tex318w.zip) ٿεؼ c:\dviout 丮 DZϴ. ̶C:\dviout\dviout.exe ϸ "Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" â µ "(Y)" ϴ.
         MiKTeX 2.5 {{{ C:\TeX\texmf }}} ġǾ ְ {{{ C:\TeX\localtexmf }}} Į TEXMF Ʈ ϴ 츦 ϰڽϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ȭ Ÿϴ.
         TEXROOT: C:\TeX\localtexmf\fonts;C:\TeX\texmf\fonts
         TEXPK: ^r\tfm\\^s^tfm;^r\pk\\dpi^d\^s.pk;^r\vf\\^s.vf;^r\ovf\\^s.ovf
         `C:\texmf\miktex\bin\makepk.exe ^s ^d ^D ^M
         MiKTeX 2.5 {{{ C:\TeX\texmf }}} ġǾ ְ {{{ C:\TeX\localtexmf }}} Į TEXMF Ʈ ϴ 츦 ϰڽϴ.
          {{{ C:\dviout\dviout.exe }}} ϸ(tex318w.exe ̸ ڵ) {{{"Font path is not set. Install fundamental parameters?" }}} â µ {{{ "(Y)" }}} ϴ. {{{ [Option] -> [Setup Parameters] }}}(Ʒ ׸ ) ֽϴ.
         TEXROOT: C:\TeX\localtexmf\fonts;C:\TeX\texmf\fonts
         TEXPK: ^r\tfm\\^s^tfm;^r\pk\\dpi^d\^s.pk;^r\vf\\^s.vf;^r\ovf\\^s.ovf
         `C:\texmf\miktex\bin\makepk.exe ^s ^d ^D ^M
         === GhostScript MiKTeX mgs.exe ̿Ϸ ===
  • DviOut/TrueType . . . . 1 match
          * ù gen: ̹ Ǿ Ƿ ״ д. ( Ǿ ʴٸ, gen: ư mktexpk.exe ãش.)
          * ° TEXSUBF ִ ׸ ٸ ̹Ƿ κ Ѵ. {{{
          pk ǵ ׸ TEXSUBF κ ׳ ξ , ftt: map ȴ.
         === MiKTeX ===
  • EPS2PDF . . . . 1 match
          * TeXLive 2009
         [http://www.fs.uni-lj.si/ladisk/download/latex/eps2pdf/eps2pdf.pdf eps2pdf.pdf]
  • EPS׸ . . . . 3 matches
         [Progress] Ͻ EPS ׸ Ͽ ѱ TEXT EPS ִ. ϳ `AI_hangul(font_embed).eps`̰ ٸ ϳ `AI_hangul(font_not_embed).eps`̴. ̸ ִ , ϳ ѱ Ʈ (embed)Ǿ ְ ϳ ׷ ʴ.
         ѱ Ʈ Ե ʾƼ " ̴" Ͽ Ե ڿ "ѱ TeX ׷" ٲپ. , 츮 Ϸ ϴ ׸ ó α׷ XFig [GIMP] ΰ ѱ Font Encoding ʴ´ٴ ̴. ׷Ƿ ѱ Text TeX dvips ̿ϴ Ѵ.
         ⼭ Ʒ Ʈ κ , ű⿡ `TEXT_HERE` ְ (save)Ѵ.
          1. `tex` ۼѴ.
          \psfrag{TEXT_HERE}{ѱ \TeX{} ׷}
          1. ̰ `AI_hfne_s.tex` LaTeX óϰ dvips ȯѴ.
         #> latex AI_hfne_s
          ''PostScript  ̿Ͽ TrueType ٷ ִ ½ϴ. ׷ PSFrag ̿Ϸ [TeX] Ե `dvips(k)` ϴµ, ̰ TrueType embeddingϴ () ϴ. ׷ õ PSFrag ַ ̿ϴ ƽþƮ embedding ϰ pk Ʈ ۲ Եǰ ˴ϴ. [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġ , `updmap.cfg` ʾҴٸ Type1 ۲õ pk Ʈ  ɼ ϴ. ׷ ̰ ڰ ؼ Type1 ֽϴ. ƹư ѱ 뿡 , Ʈ ʰڴٸ μ [UHC۲]ۿ ִ ϴ. [۲] TrueType̱ , մϴ. ó DVIPDFMx pdf ׸ DZ ϰ PSFrag ٴ ϴ. CID-Keyed TrueType Font handling ִ `dvi -> ps` converter ; ذ ְ. ƴϸ PK Ʈ ǰ ߵ簡... ;) '' --[Karnes]
  • EditPlus . . . . 18 matches
         == TeX system ==
         #> associate .tex "C:\Program Files\Editplus 3\editplus.exe"
         KCmenu TeX system ȯ ׸ TEXEDIT ش.
         * synctex=-1 ɼ ־ .
         C:\texlive\2008\bin\win32\pdflatex.exe -synctex=-1 $(FileDir)\$(FileName)
          * latex
         -src -file-line-error "$(ProjectName).tex"
         -1 "$(ProjectName).dvi" "# $(CurLine) $(FileNameNoExt).tex"
         === Cliptext ===
          * Cliptext 뱸 ϸ Ǹ '''^!''' ȣ Ͽ ֽ ־ ϴ. ֽ 뱸 Էµ Ŀ ڵ Ŀ ġϴ κ ϸ, Ư ؽƮ Ϻκ Ŀ Cliptext ϸ ش κ ֽ ġ ѷΰ Cliptext ԷµǹǷ ̹ Էµ ķ ±׸ Է Ư ϴ.
          * ο Cliptext ؼ Cliptext â CliptextϿ Ŭ -> (N) Ͽ ̸ Cliptext ̸ ָ 丮 ڵ .ctl ȴ.
          * Cliptext Ȱȭ Ϸ -> -> ŬؽƮ â
          * Cliptext , ׸ ֽ .
          * LaTeX ڵϼ ȭ (http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=contrib&no=5177 by yoonju)
  • EmEditor . . . . 8 matches
          * TeX Ͽ α׷ (highlighting) Ѵ.
          * , TeX ۾ Ưȭ "M's TeX Helper 2" plug-in .
          * ̶, [KC2007/ó] TeX۾ȯ Ͽ [EmEditor/Professional] ϰ ִ.
          * Professional/Standard version ġϸ TeX ۾ Ưȭ plug-in "M's TeX Helper 2"([http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor#s-6 ]) ־ ſ ϰ TeX ۾ ִ. (Remember that it's worth its dollar!)
          * MiKTeX ġ , [EmEditor/MiKTeX] .
          1. (ҽ ãư): latex ߻ , â ? e ġ ش texϿ ġ ִ ̴.
          1. ̿Ϸ, windows ýۿ ȯ溯 TEXEDIT Ѵ.
          * ȯ溯 ϴ : [ ǻ] right clickϿ  [] ϸ [ȯ溯] ִµ, ⼭ "θ" Ͽ, ̸ TEXEDIT Ѵ.
          1. ForwardSearch: texҽϿ cursor ġ شϴ ̿Ѵ. ForwardSearch dvi ش ġ ִ ̴.
          1. Ϸ, plug-in MTeXHelper ̿ ְ, External Tool Ͽ ִ.
          * MTeXHelper dvi viewer setting 2 Ʈ Ǿ Ƿ ʾƵ ȴ. MTeXHelper dvi viewer .
          *YAP(with MiKTeX) Ϸ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MiKTeX#s-1 ] .
         === LaTeX Project ϱ - [EmEditor/Free] version ===
          * ÷ MTeXHelper ġϸ Ϻϰ Ʈ ִ. [EmEditorTip/Project]
         == M's TeX Helper 2 (TeX ۾ Ưȭ Plug-in) ==
         DeleteMe. ־ غ ϰ ͵帮 ߽ϴ. Ű ּż մϴ. ƹư, latex, yap ̿ܿ ߰Ǿ ϴ. 켱 bibtex ̸ jbibtex Ǿ ٵ ̰ ׳ bibtex̳ bibtex8 -8 ٲپ , makeindex mendexΰ Ǿ ִµ ̰ makeindex-dhucs -s dhucs ؾ ϴ. {{{-s dhucs}}} κ ɼ κп ־߰.
         MiKTeX [EmEditor/MiKTeX] Űϴ.
  • EmEditor/Free . . . . 5 matches
          * WinEdt ѱȯ MiKTeXýۿ Ưȭ ſ Ǹ ̳, ѱ ϴ . ⿡ ٷ ʴ´.
          * EmEditor KC2006̵ MiKTeX̵ TeXýۿ ִ ̴.
          * , MTeXHelper ġ .
          * WinEdt TeX ۾ȯ ϴ [EmEditor/Professional] Ͽ ٷ, ⿡ ٷ ʴ´.
          * KCmenu KC2006 TeX۾ ϴ ſ ȯ Ѵ.
          * , TeX ۾ Ưȭ plug-in MTeXHelper .
          * Command: C:\KC2007\TeX\KTUG_bin\KCmenu.exe
          * Icon Path: C:\KC2007\TeX\KTUG_bin\KCmenu.exe
         ==== TeX Highlight ====
          * KC2006=[W32TeX/ko] [BOM]=Signature ̰ų ʰų .
          * ٸ TeX ý̶ [BOM] ʵ Ͽ Ѵ. ̷ , ȯ ؼ [BOM] ʴ ٶϴ.[[FootNote( [BOM] ٿ ̶ NotePad ϴٴ ̴.)]]
         ==== LaTeX ====
          1. latex : {{{[1]}}} LaTeX ߸ () ȴ.
          * kclogmpm ʿ ѹ ϸ ȴ. ٽ {{{[1]}}} latex ư ȴ.
          , {{{[1]latex -> [2a]dvipdfmx -> [3]pdf}}} Ȯ ϸ ȴ.
          1. (kcltxmk): ߸ ѹ , ٸ, pdfϱ ش.[[FootNote(EmEditor/MTeXHelper "pdf viewer"߳ WinEdt "texify"߸ Ͱ ϰ, ε ִ , ε ش.)]]
  • EmEditor/KC2008 . . . . 9 matches
         KC2008/TeXLive EmEditor ⺻ ͷ ϴ.
          * MTeXHelper ġմϴ.
          * Forward Search ۵Ϸ KC2008 RUD 0.2.1 ݵ ġؾ մϴ. ġ Ʈ ʾҴٸ, Ǵ Forward Search ϴ Ʈ ġϽʽÿ. [KC2008/TeXLive]
          * tex Ͽ ؼ file association ɾݴϴ. {{{
         # associate .tex "C:\Program Files\EmEditor\EmEditor.exe"
          * Ǵ Ž -> ɼ -> Ŀ tex Ͽ " α׷" "" ư EmEditor.exe ־ ˴ϴ.
          * KCmenu Ͽ, {{{TeX System }}}->{{{ȯ }}} TEXEDIT κп emeditor "ȯ溯" ư ϴ.
          * TeX quick build մϴ.
          tex dvips ˸° Ǿ ־ մϴ. dvipdfmx tex dvips ư ϵ ʴ ƴ϶ ҽ ߸ ۼ Դϴ.(first.tex dvips ϵ ʽϴ.)
          * user-defined tex process ưδ pdflatex ˴ϴ. forward search to sumatrapdf մϴ.
         . ϸ dvi forward search ʰ inverse search notepad++ θ Դϴ. , dviout ֽϴ. ذå մϴ. dviout ʴ Դϴ. MTeXHelper dvi view tex processing մϴ.
  • EmEditor/MTeXHelper . . . . 37 matches
         '''M's TeX Helper 2'''(ٿ, MTeXHelper Ǵ MTeX2) EmEditor ÷̴.
          * EmEditor ü ̸, MTeX2 ⿡ TeX۾ ȯ ߰Ѵ.
          * [EmEditor/Professional] MTeXHelper [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ϱ .
         {{|"M's TeX Helper 2" EmEditor v5 ̻󿡼 ִ. (, [EmEditor/Free] ÷ Ƿ Ѵ.)
          * LaTeX ϸ鼭 ִ κ ߸ ְ δ.
         == MTeXHelper 2 ġϱ ==
          1. http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/mtex2.html ٿε ġ instruction ִ.
          1. Ž⿡ tex/sty Ŭ EmEditor ִ. (α׷...)
         == MTeXHelper 2 ٵ ==
          1. Plug-in ġ EmEditor Plug-ins toolbar , ġ plug-in () ִ. ش plug-in ߸ Ѹ MTeX2 toolbar . (Plug-ins ٸ , View -> Toolbars -> Plug-ins toolabr üũϸ ȴ.)
          1. customizing Ϸ, , MTeX2 toolbar 콺 ŬϿ Ǯٿ ޴  M's TeX Helper 2 settings... Customize toolbars... Ѵ.
          1. MTeX2 Customize toolbars... ʰ ߵ ְ, ߵ ߰/ , ϴ´ ٲ ִ. (Ʒ ׸ " " .)
          * toolbar ϸ ...\Plugins MTeX2.ini ϵǹǷ, صθ 缳ġϰų ڽ toolbar ִ.
         == MTeXHelper 2 ==
         TeX Helper 2 setting ٵ, , MTeX2 toolbar 콺 ŬϿ Ǯٿ ޴  M's TeX Helper 2 settings... Ѵ. (setting ϸ ...\Plugins MTeX2cmd.bat ϵǹǷ, صθ 缳ġϰų ڽ setting ִ.)
          <!> Windows/Vista ϱ ؼ ־ Ѵ. EmEditor 콺 Ŭ ̿ " " ϸ Ʒ õ ϰ ִ. ʿ 쿡 ϸ ǰ ÿ ʿ . ٸ δ õ ̿ ִ. , ̸ {{{MTeX2cmd.bat}}} plug-in ϴ ϴ ͵ ϴ.
         === latex ===
          1. '''latex''': TeX Helper 2 ġϸ, platex ǵ Ǿִ. latex ֱ ؼ M's TeX Helper 2 setting... ϸ ȴ.
          1. M's TeX Helper 2 setting... -> TeX process settings Ҵ.
          1. Setting ٷ Ʒ ڽ customizingϷ ޴ Ѵ. latex TeX process programs Ѵ.
  • EmEditor/MiKTeX . . . . 13 matches
          * Ʒ MiKTeX 2.4 ۼ Դϴ.
          * MiKTeX 2.5+ ý Ͻô е鲲 upgrade ֽñ ٶϴ.
          * EmEditor, EmEditorTip, MTeXHelper
          * EmEditor ȳ KC2006 MiKTeX ο ۵ մϴ.
         === Yap with MiKTeX ===
          * latex ߻ , â ? e ġ ش texϿ ġ ִ ̴. ̿Ϸ Ѵ.
          * ...\texmf\miktex\config miktex.ini ã, editor úκ ģ.
          * texҽϿ cursor ġ شϴ ̿Ѵ. ForwardSearch dvi ش ġ ִ ̴. Ʒ "ܺ ̿ϱ" Ѵ.
         == M's TeX Helper 2 ==
          1. '''yap''': MikTeXýۿ yap DVI viewer ϰ Ѵ.
         Execute path: %MTeX2_start% "yap"
         Parameters: -1 "%MTeX2_CFName%.dvi"
         Execute path: %MTeX2_start% "yap"
         Parameters: -1 -s "%MTeX2_Line% %MTeX2_FName%.tex" "%MTeX2_CFName%.dvi"
          A. yap ɼ θ ִµ Ƹ ƴұ ͽϴ. ޴ ϴ 𸣰ڰ `MTeX2cmd.bat` . yap {{{-y}}} ɼ ϱ yap ڿ -1 ɼ ϰ ִ {{{-y ... }}} ɼ մϴ. Ǹ ڳ׿. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-01-26T18:27:20)]]
         === TeX ư ϳ óϱ ===
          1. gotex.bat ̶ ̸ ϳ . bat path ɷִ ġ ̵Ѵ. {{{
         latex %1.tex
         latex %1.tex
          1. տ ܺ ̿ϱ⸦ ̿ؼ TeX Ѵ.
  • EmEditor/Professional . . . . 4 matches
          * EmEditor MTeXHelper [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ϱ .
          * MTeXHelper ġ ¶ Ѵ.
          * , EmEditor ַ ϰ, MTeXHelper Ѵ.
          * TeX highlighting
          1. TeX۾ ʿ ٻ ,
          * Command: C:\TeX\KTUG_bin\KCmenu.exe
          * Icon Path: C:\TeX\KTUG_bin\KCmenu.exe
          1. MTeXHelper ÷ ѱ:
          * ÷ ٿ MTeXHelper ߸ .
          * MTeXHelper ߰ Ⱥ̸: ÷ ٿ Ŭ{{{->[Customize Plug-ins...]}}} Ͽ Ÿ ÷ Ʈ MTeX2 checkѴ.
          1. MTeXHelper :
          * TeX۾ (comment(%) ְ ) ߰Ѵ.
          1. ⿡ pdflatex External Tool ϴ .
          * beamer ۼ , ߸ pdflatex ϸ ȴ.
          * EmEditor MTeXHelper ġص pdflatex ߴ , ̷ Ͽ ȴ.
          1. Outline, Snippets v6.00.1 Ŀ ߰ TeX ۾ ÷ Ѵ.
         == MTeXHelper ==
          * MTeXHelperġ/ MTeXHelper ٷ.
          * TeX۾ Helper Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip/Edit/Jump . . . . 3 matches
          * μ : master \input{foo.tex} Ǵ \include{foo.tex} cursor , 콺 '''Jump'''(Ű '''^+G''') شμ foo.tex . (μ ϰ ϰ ִ.)
  • EmEditorTip/Execution . . . . 63 matches
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
          * PS->PDF ߰ MTeX2 toolbar ʴ , MTeX2 toolbar Customizing toolbars...  ߰Ѵ.
         === LaTeX , (MTeX2) ===
          1. TeX quick build (^+shift+1): latex
          * Ŭ(setting 2) pdflatex ִٸ, pdflatex 1ȸ .
          1. TeX processing (^+shift+2): " "
          * {{{[latex -> (bibtex -> latex ->) latex -> makeindex -> latex]}}} ش.
          * \makeindex latex ش.
          * bibtex ʿ 쿡, ڵ bibtex latex ߰Ͽ Ѵ.
          * '''''': TeX quick build̿ ߰ ִ. , '''ֱ latex ''' Ŀ Ͽ ÷ '''''' ִ , ڵ "" ٽ , ش Ѵ.
          , {{{[latex -> latex -> makeindex -> latex -> dviview]}}} .
          * , MTeX.bat ۾ routine {{{[latex -> dvips]}}} ܼȭ ϸ ϰ ۾ ִ.
          * ֱٿ latex , {{{[dvips+gsview]}}} Ǿ ps Ȯ ִ.
          * ֱٿ latex + dvips , ܼ gsview Ǿ ps Ȯ ִ.
          * ֱٿ latex , {{{[dvips+ps2pdf]}}} Ѵ.
          * ֱٿ latex + dvips , ܼ ps2pdf ȴ.
          [EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-8.1] ư
          1. [EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-2] Ǵ [KC2006/ó#s-3.1].
         === User-defined TeX Process (MTeX2) ===
         MTeXHelper ⺻ compile ̿ compile ϰ {{{..\EmEditor\Plugins}}} MTeX2Usr.bat ϸ ȴ.
  • EmEditorTip/Find . . . . 1 match
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
          1. {{{[Replace All]}}} Ȯڰ tex "ٲٱ" ȴ.
          * {{{Ctrl-K}}}(Tools->Customize) Customize â {{{Search}}} ǿ {{{Regular Expressions Can Match New Line Characters}}} üũش. ̰ '' ȿ'' Խ ã/ٲٱⰡ ѵ TeX ҽ ٿ ļ ̾ 찡 Ƿ ̰ üũϿ ٿ ļ Խ ã⸦ ϵ Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 10 matches
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
         === Է/Ư Է (MTeX2) ===
          * MTeX2⺻ ٿ 13 attachment:mathsymb.jpg (Ű {{{[^+shift+=]}}}) Special characters â . ʿ ĺȣ ٸ ȣ Է ִ.
          1. New Text Insert {{{[New Item]}}} .
          * Ŀ next line Ѿ ʴ ִ. (MTeXHelper user-defined string ̿ϸ Է ϴ.)
         ==== user-defined string (MTeX2) ====
         ( MTeX2Usr.dat ϵȴ.)
          1. User-defined string Ű Ͽ ִ. ([MTeXHelper#s-7.3] .)
          {{{#!vim tex
          1. ϴ ؽƮ highlightϰ Ű hightlighted text mynewenv ȯ ѷδ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          highlighted text
          highlighted text
         === Easy Complement String (MTeX2) ===
          * {{{[\bc]}}} MTeX2 ⺻ ̸, ̸ ְ, ο ִ.
          highlighted text
          highlighted text
          highlighted text
          highlighted text
         === documentclass/ ̾ƿ (MTeX2) ===
  • EmEditorTip/Language . . . . 3 matches
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
          * , tex ΰų, current configuration TeX д.
          * ( ۼߴ) tex ŬϿ , utf-8 ڵ Ƿ Ѵ.
          1. غ: ..\EmEditor template.tex ִ. ϴ ٲ۴.
          1. : ׸ ó ̿Ͽ TeX ϸ, Template utf-8 ڵ .
          * ޴ File -> New -> TeX ص ȴ.
          * unicode ڵ ۼ ( MiKTeXýۿ ۾ϴ ) .
  • EmEditorTip/Project . . . . 3 matches
         {{| [EmEditor/Professional] + [MTeXHelper] Tip ϴ Դϴ. [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditorTip EmEditorTip] |}}
         === Master (MTeX2) ===
          1. Master file setting ߸ Ŭϸ ش tex master ִ. (master ϸ ùٿ [%Root "master file name"] ߰Ѵ.)
          1. ణ : TeX Helper 2 Help ϰ ִ.
          * , tex Ŵ ۼ , verbatim ȯ泻 [\begin{document}] , μϿ Ʈ ۵ ʴ´. μ ϸ鼭 latex ߸ master . (, , [\begin {document}] \begin ϳ ν ִ.)
         === Jump (̼) (MTeX2) ===
         === project label/ref, citation (MTeX2) ===
  • EmTeX . . . . 3 matches
         MS Dos, OS/2 ÷ Ǵ [TeX Implementations].
         CTAN : CTAN:/systems/msdos/emtex/
  • EmacsW32 . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeX ϱ ؾ Ұ͵ -- [[Date(2006-07-17T10:11:14)]] [hermian]
          * http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/download-for-windows.html ''' "{{{Precompiled bundle}}}" ''' ٿεѴ.
          ִ Ϻ [EmacsW32/Conf] Űϴ. KC2008 TeXLive 2008 ߾ ο ֽñ ٶϴ. => [EmacsW32/KC2008]
          1. `C-x C-f filename.tex` [http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/File-Variables.html#File-Variables Local Variables] coding Ѵ.
         %%% mode: latex
         == AUCTeX ==
  • EmacsW32/Conf . . . . 2 matches
         Űε (PDFLaTeX ۾ ַ...)
          1. Ctrl-F1 : LaTeX ѹ
          1. Ctrl-F7 : tex -> pdf (DVIPDFMx ħ. DVIPDFMx ̰ )
          1. Ctrl-F9 : tex -> pdf (PDFLaTeX ħ)
         Ctrl-F7 Ctrl-F9 ִ pdf â ݰ Ϸ ٽ pdf â . Acrobat ϴ Ű . PDFLaTeX ۾ ַ Ѵٸ Ctrl-F9 Ű ϳ . :) Adobe Reader â ݱ Ctrl-F8 Ű ϸ ݾ.
  • EmacsW32/KC2008 . . . . 5 matches
         KC2008/TeXLive EmacsW32 ⺻ ͷ ƺϴ.
         (list "PDFSearch" "c:\\usr\\texlive\\HOME\\bin\\fsrch.bat %a %b %n" 'TeX-run-command nil t))
         c:\usr\texlive\HOME\bin\fsrch.bat first.pdf first.tex 97
         c:\usr\texlive\HOME\bin\fsrch.bat "first.pdf" first.tex 97
  • EmptySetSymbol . . . . 2 matches
          a. $\emptyset$ ($\emptyset$) TeX cm ۲ ȣ.
          a. $\varnothing$ ($\varnothing$) AMSTeX ü ȣ. ٸ ȣ ٸ Ȯ 缱 ̴.
  • EndNote . . . . 1 match
         \?/ LaTeX Ű endnotes [EndNotesPackage] .
          * MS-Word LaTeX, DocBook(XML), Plain Text, RTF پ · ڷḦ ϴ ϴ.
          * MS-Word 󿡼 ϰ ۷ ڵ Ѵ. == EndNote BibTeX ==
         翬(?) а ǥ LaTeX bibliography ִ Ѵ. EndNote 1000 Ѵ Ÿ ְ ߿ ϴ Ÿ ۷ ؼ ִ ִ. ܼ ؾ BibTeX Ÿ ϴ ̴.
          1. BibTeX Ѵ.
          1. BibTeX Ͽ ۷ ֵ Ѵ.
          1. LaTeX ι Ѿ ڷᰡ .
          1. MIT EndNote BibTeX Ŵ
          * [http://libraries.mit.edu/help/endnote/endnotelatexfaq.html]
  • EndNotesPackage . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX " <-> ȯ" ؼ `endnotes` Ǵ fn2end Ű ȴ.
          * \footnote ɰ ϰ, \endnote{note},\endnote{{{[NUM]}}}{note}, \endnotemark{{{[NUM]}}}, \endnotetext{{{[NUM]}}}{TEXT}` ִ.
          * \addtoendnotes{TEXT} : Ͽ `TEXT` Ѵ.
  • EnglishOnly . . . . 2 matches
         TeX/LaTeX ѱ ִ е յ , ۼ ʿ伺 . ̷ 쿡 ؼ Ѵ.
  • EnumItemPackage . . . . 2 matches
  • EnumeratePackage . . . . 5 matches
         '''׸ 1:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/enumerate.pdf enumerate.pdf] 1ʿ
         {{{#!vim tex
  • ExtraPackages . . . . 3 matches
         TeX Live 2012 ܵǾ ã Ű ս ϱ
         === TeX Live 2012 ܵ Ű ===
          * acrotex
          * attachment:acrotex.zip
          * substitution: '''ocgx''' in TeX Live
          * substitution: '''diagbox''' in TeX Live
          * hcrnumbers, jiwonlipsum, hzmisc, spotcolor-l, ifluaorxetex
          [wiki:WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ] ϴ ġ α׷ ġ , ġ ̿Ͽ ŵ Ű ġ ִ. zip ٿ ʿ ÷ϸ ϴ.
  • FancyDocumentGallery . . . . 3 matches
          * ̰ ''LaTeX ۼ ѱ'' øϴ.
          SRC : Uploads:SLM368tex.zip
          MikTeX-KTUG 2.3 ؾ մϴ. Ͻ ׸ ٴ ޼ ߴµ 'enter' ļ ϸ ᱹ ˴ϴ.
          ڰ , PDF ʹ Ƽ \AtBeginDvi ̿ؼ a5 ũ⸦ ߽ϴ. ׷ TOC link ʴ. ش [ LayOut] ־ óϿ Ǵ. main.tex preamble ߰ ־ մϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         2008 XeTeX Version
         LaTeX  ִ Ǹ մϴ.
         2008 XeTeX
         === [迬], AcroTeX ===
          AcroTeX + ѱ . ɽϽ Ǯø :) --[Karnes]
         KTUGBoard:3073 õߴ DHHangul ̿ Դϴ. Ȯϰ ڸ DHHangul Ǵɷ ̿Ͽ Ȯ/߼ѱ(ù)/߼ѱ(Ѿ۲PUA) ׽Ʈ Դϴ. ''ȯ''̶ ֽ ż ⿡ øϴ :) . ( TeX ѱ ÷ մϴ.)
         2007 LaTeX
         2009 XeLaTeX
          [wiki:Karnes/myTinyXeTeX?action=highlight&value=lunyu#s-6 Karnes/myTinyXeTeX]
  • FileContentsEnv . . . . 8 matches
         (, ''ѱ۰ TeX'', pp.64ff.)
         ʱ ɾ \documentclass ϴ ɾ̴. κп ִ filecontents ȯ . ȯ LaTeX 2.09 ̴.
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/harvard/ harvard.tex harvard.bib ٿεϿ harvard.tex Ͽµ bibtexlogo.sty ϴ. Ǿؼ harvard.tex ں 鿩 Ҵ
         \def\lowBibTeX{{\reset@font\rmfamily B\kern-.05em%
          Ǿ ־ϴ. ׷ makelogo.tex
  • FindPage . . . . 3 matches
         <input TYPE=text NAME=o[ss] SIZE=18 MAXLENGTH=255 VALUE=""
          <input name="is_keyword" type="text" class="inputText" title="keyword" />
          <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
          * ''TeX'' ְų Ͽ ãƺ:
          * {{{ (La)*TeX}}}
  • FoilTeX . . . . 17 matches
         FoilTeX slide, presentation, OHP ϴ TeX ý̴.
          1.0.1 SLiTeX TeX ýٰ̾, 2.x LaTeX2e Ű Ͽ.
          PPower4, TeXPower Բ Ͽ PDFLaTeX, DVIPDFMx PDFPresentation ִ.
         FoilTeX free ۱ IBM簡 ְ [LPPL] ʴ´. FoilTeX ̼ ؼ CTAN:nonfree/macros/latex/contrib/foiltex/foiltex.pdf'''''' .
          1. ġ `foiltex.ins`, `foiltex.dtx` ٿεѴ.
          1. ٿε ϵ ġ Űܳ´. `[localtexmf]/tex/latex/foiltex/` δ ̴.
          1. `foiltex.ins` ؼ LaTeX Ѵ.
         #> latex foiltex.ins
          1. Ű `foiltex.dtx` ؼ LaTeX Ѵ.
         #> latex foiltex.dtx
          1. FNDB(File Name Data Base) · ٲ۴.[[FootNote(MiKTeX MiKTeX Options Refresh Now ߸ ȴ.)]]
         == KTUG [Խ] FoilTeX ==
          1. FoilTeX DVIPDFMx ̿ϱ : KTUGOperate:6145
          1. FoilTeX floatflt ׸ : KTUGOperate:3125
          1. MiKTeX FoilTeX ġ([Yhchoe]) : KTUGOperate:13599
  • FontEmbedding . . . . 13 matches
         Ϲ dvips/ps2pdf, dvipdfm(x), pdflatex ϸ PS ۲ PDF (Embedding) ȴ.
         , AdobeReader '''Base 14 ۲''' (Times 4, Helvetica 4, Courier 4, Symbol 1, Zapf Dingbat 1) ϰ Ƿ ̹ Base 14 ۲ ⺻ Embedding ʴ´. Ư AdobeReader 4.0̻󿡼 Times Times New Roman, Helvetica Arial ġȯǾ Ÿ. ۲ Times Helveticaʹ и Ѵ( Ѵ). Ű  ϸ Times Helvetica Ʈ Embeddingϴ ٷ. ҽ ؼ PS PDF (ڷó: tex newsgroup).
         {{{#!vim tex
          (!) Times New Roman Arial ִ. http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/w32tex/win32/current/ '''timesnew.zip''' ö.
         /texmf/web2c ִ updmap.cfg  ÷Ѵ.
          â([]) '''initexmf --mkmaps -u''' ϸ ȴ.
         /texmf/web2c ִ updmap.cfg  ÷Ѵ.
          â([]) '''initexmf --mkmaps -u''' ϸ ȴ.
         == 3 Pdflatex ̿ϴ ==
         /texmf/web2c ִ updmap.cfg  ÷Ѵ.
         pdftexDownloadBase14 true
          â([]) '''initexmf --mkmaps -u''' ϸ ȴ.
         KC2006 pdflatex base14 Ͽ urw Ʈ Ӻϵ ϴ ̴.
  • ForwardSearch . . . . 7 matches
          InverseSearch latex ÿ `-src-specials` ɼ ־ DVI source specials ־ξ Ѵ.
          + chap1.tex
          + chap2.tex
         ̷ Ǿ ִٰ , `chap1.tex` 114 Yap θ ؾ Ѵ.
         yap -1 -s 114chap1.tex main.dvi
         dviout -1 "%P\%N.dvi" # %l "%N.tex"
         TeXShop, ITeXMacs pdf viewer ҽ â ForwardSearch ϴ.
  • FoxitReader . . . . 1 match
         , , PDF ¿ dvipdfmx, pdflatex ϴٴ . ٸ, ڵ ʴ´.
  • GFaqUpdatePreparation . . . . 4 matches
          * MiKTeX package updaterδ subfigmat ġ ϴ. CTAN ż ġؾ մϴ.
          * OLETeX ߰.
         || [[Date(2005-03-09T22:17:16)]] || Uploads:gfaq-init-20050309.tex || [Karnes] || || ù° ε ||
          1. ̷ ̸ ٲپ εմϴ. `gfaq-rev-20050310.tex` `init` `rev` ¥ ٿ ̸ ֽʽÿ.
         || 2005/03/10 || Uploads:gfaq-rev-20050310.tex || 浿 || || 40 ||
         || 2005/03/09 || Uploads:gfaq-init-20050309.tex || Karnes || || ù° ε ||
  • GNUPlot . . . . 19 matches
          · ϸ Ư LaTeX ¸尡 ִ. Ư LaTeX ׷ ȿ ѱ ʿϴٸ `epslatex` ϴ .
         === LaTeX 1 - function plot ===
          * wgnuplot test.plt ϸ hello.tex .
         set terminal latex
         set output "hello.tex"
         ==== LaTeX ҽ . ====
         {{{#!vim tex
         ==== latex -> dvipdfmx ̿Ͽ pdf Ѵ. ====
         === LaTeX 2 - data plot ===
         set terminal latex
         set output "hello2.tex"
         ==== LaTeX ҽ . ====
          * ̶ \Diamond ǹǷ \usepackage{latexsym} ߰ؾ Ѵ.
         ==== latex -> dvipdfmx ̿Ͽ pdf Ѵ. ====
         === LaTeX (3) : gnuplottex ===
         gnuplot ڵ带 LaTeX ҽ ־ ׸ ԽŰ .
         {{{#!vim tex
  • GUI . . . . 1 match
         == TeX [GUI] ==
         TeX System ؽƮ-ɾ α׷ ̷ ִ. ׷Ƿ TeX [] ű⿡ ɾ ִ ̴. ׷, ֱ [GUI] ͼ ȯ濡 ̷ ŷӰ , ׸ ̽ Front-end ƿƼ ϰ Ǿ.
         [TeX] ü GUI ȯ濡 Ǵ 찡 Ƿ [TeX] Back-end TeX θ ޴ ߰ ߰ǰ ν, ġ ڵ TeX ý ü ؼ ƹ ǽ ̷ ü ִ (?)ϴ ϵ Ͼ.
         textݰ ׷ иؼ ϸ иմϴ. ׷ 찡 츮 ϴ ̰, ؽƮ ֻܼ° ǰ. GUI ׷ ȯ ϴ  Ư ̳ ߸ ĪϿ GUI θ° ƴմϴ. ׷Ƿ GUI ٴ . ̸׸, Ϻ ٴٹ ȯΰ, ѱ µΰ ׷ Դϴ. , ϴ ̳ ְ ° ޶ ǰ. :)
  • GentooTeXϱ . . . . 16 matches
          texlive 2008 Դϴ.
         texlive 2009 Դϴ..
          ̸ ̿Ͽ collection-kotex ̸ Ű ˴ϴ.
         kotex texlive tlmgr θ ϰ..
         gentoo portage tlmgr portage å ʴ´ Ͽ texlive tlmgr Ϻη ֽϴ.. ׷ ebuild Ű ʿմϴ...
         === kotex ġ ===
         == texlive 2010 ko.tex 2010 . ==
         emerge collection-kotex
         emerge luatex
          luatex ġ Ŀ Ͻø ˴ϴ.
         emerge -uDav collection-kotex
         === texworks ġ ===
         emerge -av texworks
          texworks ġ Ҽ ֽϴ.
  • GhostScript . . . . 8 matches
          (./) (From KTUGSetup:10995'''''') preview ̹ ִ eps ٿ ڽ ִ ϴ ghostscript ƿƼ ޷ ִ ̰, gs 8.54 preview tiff ̹ óϱ latex eps ٿ ڽ ߻ ɼ ϴ. KC2006 ʺ gs 8.54 ߽ϴ. ϴ , KC2006 ڷμ ̷ ˰ ֽϴ. ߻ ʱ ƴϰڽϱ?
         == MiKTeX GhostScript ==
         MiKTeX GhostScript MGS ̸ ϰ ִ. MiKTeX 2.5 gs GPL GhostScript ̴. `\texmf\miktex\bin` `mgs.exe`, `ps2pdf.exe` ִ. MiKTeX ġ GhostScript ġ ʾƵ (LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, dvi->ps, ps->pdf, dvi->pdf ) ִ. ׷ ps Ǵ pdf GSView GhostScript ʿϴ. ֽ ̸ {{{gswin32c.exe}}} ƴ϶ {{{mgs.exe}}}̸, GhostScriptUtilities  Ϻΰ {{{.exe}}} Ȯ Ϸ ȴ. {{{gswin32c.exe}}} GhostScript ֽ ⺻ ̸ ϴ ġ ƿƼ(: WinEdt ps2pdf.bat) ִ. ׷ GhostScript ʰ ̸ ذϴ {{{gswin32c.exe}}} {{{mgs.exe}}} Ǵ {{{ps2pdf.exe}}} θ ȯ溯 ϴ ̴.
         MiKTeX Ե {{{mgs.exe}}} Ŀǵ â ϱ ؼ Ʒ ȯ溯 Ǿ մϴ. - Leo
         set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
         : http://dojo.miktex.org/blogs/christian_schenk/archive/2005/04/07/3.aspx
         set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
         [Yap] PostScript ɼ KTUGContrib:358'''''' Ͽ "ƮũƮ ؼ" "GhostScript " "μ ǰ" ȴ. WinEdt KTUGContrib:1016'''''' Ͽ "Searching for Executables" MiKTeX, Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader Ǿ ִ.
          [Karnes] ϴ. [AFPL] GhostScript 8.11 ٰ GNU GhostScript 7.06 ٲϴ. KTUGOperate:5405 ÷ sem01.exe ϸ TeX (seminar Ŭ eps ׸ ϳ ) ϴ. ̰ TeXify, dvi->ps, ps->pdf Ͽ pdf Ͽ ٷ ѱ ϴ. ׷ [AFPL] GhostScript 8.11 ׸ GNU GhostScript 7.06 ƹ ̻ ϴ. ޸𸮵 649 KB 131 KB پϴ. ׷ ׸ ػ󵵴 ׿. --[Yhchoe]
          ''"ػ󵵰 " 𸣰ڽϴ. ׸ ֽø ڽϴ. ׸ 帰 gs-cjk TeX dvips, pstopdf ̿ؼ PS ϰ ū ϴ. ѱ ٸ װ GS 8.11̾ ƴ մϴ.'' --[Karnes]
  • GlossTeX . . . . 29 matches
         == GlossTeX ==
         GlossTeX is a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries, lists
         of acronyms and sorted lists in general for use with LaTeX and MakeIndex.
         κ [TeX] ԵǾ , Build ִ.
         KTUGOperate:10942'''''' Windows MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 WinEdt ڸ ٿε ġ ִ.
         Windows glosstex ̸ (_) ִ , ã ־ϴ. ذ glosstex.exe KTUGSetup:8107'''''' ֽϴ.
          `.tex` غѴ.(test.tex)
         {{{#!vim tex
         This document is typeset using \gls{LaTeX}.
         The database file\glosstex{gdf-file} for use with
         \gls{GlossTeX} is a flat \ac{ASCII} file.
         @entry{LaTeX, \LaTeX{}} \LaTeX{} is a \TeX{}-format.
         @entry{GlossTeX, Gloss\TeX{}} Gloss\TeX{} is atool for the automatic
         $> latex test
         $> glosstex test test.gdf glosstex.gdf
  • HA-Prosper . . . . 1 match
          * CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/ha-prosper/
  • HANGULkStyle . . . . 6 matches
         ''' մϴ. hangul-k Ÿϰ [ko.TeX] euc ־ϴ. Ÿ ̻ ȿ ʽϴ.'''
          hangul-k.sty, ksx1001-k.tex, josa.tab
         HLaTeX 1.0 ϴ hangul-k 1.0 ׽ƮԴϴ.
          1. HLaTeX 1.0 hyperref, cite 浹 ذ ΰ Ű ϰ , hangul-k Ų ڵ (ڵ ȭ) ó ƾ ϱ Ͽ hangul-k 1.0 غմϴ.
          3. HLaTeX 1.0 ܵ cp949 ó Ͽ hangul-k-cp949 մϴ. ׷Ƿ hangul-k lambda Է ڵ cp949Դϴ. utf-8 ڵ hangul-k ġ ʰ hangul Ű ۼϿ lambda ϴ Դϴ.
          6. (翬) HLaTeX 1.01 ʿ մϴ.
          * hangul.sty ڵ ä ʾұ Ÿ ϰ 浹 ּ ٿݴϴ. PDF Ȳ HLaTeX hangul Ÿ ü ֵ Ϸ մϴ.
          * `\hroman` ɰ `\hRoman` ߰Ͽϴ. īͿ ؼ `\roman`, `\Roman` ѱ ȣ θ ڸ ݴϴ. ڵ簡 ۵ϰ Ϸ josa.tab üϽñ ٶϴ. (josa.tab ġ HLaTeX ũ hangul.sty ִ Դϴ.)
          * `hyperref` ɼδ `[dvips]`, `[dvipdfm]`, `[pdftex]` ֽϴ.
          * ѱ å(bookmarks) `[dvipdfm]` ɼ ְ DVIPDFMx ̿ ϴ. ׷Ƿ `[pdftex]` Ǵ `[dvips]` `[bookmarks=false]` ߰Ͻñ ٶϴ.
         HLaTeX hangul.sty Ǹ ڵ ֽϴ. ׷ ڵ ÿ ſ PDF Hyperlink Ͽϴ.
          * `ksx1001-k.tex` ߰. Lambda Ǹ `ksx1001-k.tex` θ .
          * hyperref `[dvipdfm` `[pdftex]` (DohyunKim)
  • HJhan . . . . 1 match
          Cryptography, TeX/LaTeX, Linux
          * template : Uploads:exam.tex
          * IEEE Transactions LaTeX Style Files and General Information for Authors: Uploads:IEEEtran.tar.gz Uploads:IEEEtranBST.tar.gz Uploads:auinfo03.pdf
          * Make an example for the poemscol package using the HLaTeX.
  • HLaTeX . . . . 3 matches
          [ѱTeX] macro
          * 2007 7, [ko.TeX] .
          * Ȩ: http://project.ktug.or.kr/hlatex/
          * 0.95 1.0.1 http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/hlatex/
          HLaTeX () ٹٲ. DohyunKim ذ .
         hlatex ̸ ٺ(?) ذϴ
  • HLaTeX2DHUcs . . . . 13 matches
         HLaTeX Ÿ̳ [Hangul-ucs] ϴ .
         $ iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 input.tex > output.tex
          ̸ ؾ ʿ䰡 ִٸ, {{{foo.tex}}} {{{foo-euc.tex}}} ȯ ,
         $ iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 foo-euc.tex > foo.tex
         === HLaTeX ȣȯ ===
          \textgt, \textsh hlatex ũθ ʴ ϴٸ ̿ ̷ ڵ ξٸ ȣȯǵ ٲپ ݴϴ. ٸ Ʈ ɿ ߸ Ǹ ߰Ͻʽÿ.
         %% \gt, \textgt
         %% \sh, \textsh
         HLaTeX {{{\Ź}}} '''ѱ ũ''' Lambda 쿡 ؾ մϴ. LaTeX ȯ濡 ʴ ϴ. ŸԵ ̷ ѱ ũδ ãƼ ִ ۿ ϴ.
          {{{[hangul]}}} ɼ ־ ֽϴ. ׹ۿ ɼ HLaTeX ȣȯ ݴϴ.
  • HLaTeXStylePackages . . . . 7 matches
          1. HLaTeX Ȯ Ÿ(, ۼ Ű .)
          1. HLaTeX KTUG Խǿ ǵ Ÿ
          1. LaTeX ƴ, [Omega]/[Lambda] Ű [ConTeXt] Ű .
         == HLaTeX Ȯ Ű ==
         Ʒ Ű HLaTeX ִ Ȯ ŰԴϴ.
         HLaTeX hangul.sty ڵ Դϴ. hangul Ű ٸ Ű 浹 ٿݴϴٸ ڵ ϴ.
         === hlatex-interword ===
         setspace Ͽ ѱ ǥ ణ ⺻ ϰ, float ȿ ణ ڰ ֵ ϴ Ÿ. HLaTeX ƴ 쿡 밡.
         === hlatex-nonfrench ===
          1. `hlatex-interword`ʹ Բ ʽϴ.
         ulem Ű ϴ ߱ HLaTeX Ű.
          1. `hlatex-interword` Բ , myulem hlatex-interword ۵ ʽϴ. KTUGContrib:962'''''' μ Բ .
         HLaTeX section counter `\gana, \jaso` ְ ݴϴ.
  • HTeXBook.bib . . . . 2 matches
         == `HTeXBook.bib` : ѱ TeX ==
         %%% BibTeX ͺ̽ (`.bib`) ߰ ֽʽÿ.
          Title = {{\LaTeXe} },
          Title = {ѱ{\LaTeX} {----} ѱ۰ {\TeX}},
          Title = {{\TeX} Թ},
          Title = {{\LaTeX} },
          Title = {{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX}},
          Title = {{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX}},
          Title = {Math typesetting and doing calculus with mathematica : {\LaTeX}
          and Ams{\TeX} inside},
          Title = {Unicode ѱ {\TeX} },
          Title = {publishing {\TeX} ý },
          Title = {hlatex ̵},
          Title = {{\LaTeXe} Թ {--} 102 {\LaTeXe}},
          Title = {{\LaTeXe} Թ},
          `htexbook.bib` `url` `translator` Ʈ ԵǾ ֽϴ. 켱 BSTFile ϳ ÷ϴ. Bib ߰Ǿ BST ذڽϴ. (by [Karnes])
  • HTeXBookBib . . . . 2 matches
         == `HTeXBook.bib` : ѱ TeX ==
         %%% BibTeX ͺ̽ (`.bib`) ߰ ֽʽÿ.
          HTitle = {ѱ۰ {\TeX}},
          HTitle = {{\TeX} Թ},
          HTitle = {{\LaTeX} },
          HTitle = {{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX} ȳ},
          HTitle = {{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX}},
          Title = {Math typesetting and doing calculus with mathematica : {\LaTeX}
          and Ams{\TeX} inside},
          Title = {{\LaTeX} -- Ƹٿ ִ ý}
          HTitle = {Unicode ѱ {\TeX} },
          HTitle = {publishing {\TeX} ý },
          HTitle = {hlatex ̵},
          HTitle = {{\LaTeXe} Թ {--} 102 {\LaTeXe}},
          `htexbook.bib` `url` `translator` Ʈ ԵǾ ֽϴ. 켱 BSTFile ϳ ÷ϴ. Bib ߰Ǿ BST ذڽϴ. (by [Karnes])
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 47 matches
          * 2004 ߵǾ [Hangul-ucs] 2007 6 Ͽ HLaTeX յǾ [ko.TeX] (Korean TeX) Ʈ ̵Ͽϴ.
          * [KTS] ְϴ [ko.TeX] [Hangul-ucs] Դϴ. [Hangul-ucs] ڵ [ko.TeX] ߿ մϴ. [ko.TeX] Ʈ Ͽ ѱ DZ⸦ մϴ.
         DHUcs''''''([Hangul-ucs]) [LaTeX-ucs] Ű ̿Ͽ '''UTF-8 ڵ Է ѱ ''' óϱ '''LaTeX Ű'''̴.
         UTF-8ȯ濡 ѱ ϰ ƾڿ ѱ, ڸ ٸ latex-ucs Ȱϴ ʿ䰡 մϴ. omega Ѱ谡 ϱ. pdftex ̿ .
         ׷ latex-ucs ѱ۾⸦ ׽Ʈ ҽϴ.
          [۲] ƮŸ TeX/LaTeX ϵ ϱ ̴. [۲] ġؾ Ѵ.
          HLaTeX [UHC۲]  , , ׷, Ÿ ۲ dhucs ϵ Ʈ ̴. [UHC۲] ġؾ Ѵ.
          1. TeXImplementations
          TeXLive 2007, [teTeX] 3.0 ̻
          1. --[LaTeX-ucs] ݵ ġؾ Ѵ.--[[FootNote(dhucs ver4.0 ķδ Ű ʿ ʴ´.)]]
          Linux/debian {{{apt-get install latex-ucs latex-ucs-contrib}}}.
          <!> [۲] ƮŸ ۲ Ѵ. [۲] hangul-ucs ؼ {{{.tfm}}} map ϵ ʿѵ ̰ fonts-unttf Ѵ. ׷Ƿ ݵ [۲] ƮŸ ۲ ġ fonts-unttf texmf Ʈ ־ξ hangul-ucs ִ. ۲ ġ ؼ http://kldp.net/projects/unfonts Ǵ [۲] .
          trivcj Ϸ adobe cmap(nonfree) ʿմϴ. cmap ġ {{{[texmf]/fonts/cmap/}}} Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ.
         # apt-get install latex-hangul-ucs
          Breezy Badger (5.10) teTeX 3.0 ԵǾ ʴ. ׷Ƿ 6 1 ǥ Dapper Drake (6.06) ҽ Ű ̿Ͽ Ѵ.
          # sudo apt-get build-dep tex-common
          # sudo apt-get source tex-common
          # sudo apt-get build-dep tetex-bin
          # sudo apt-get source tetex-bin
          # sudo apt-get build-dep tetex-base
  • HanyangPuaTableProject . . . . 1 match
          -x TeX Control Sequence ȯ
          1. ù Էµ Lambda(.tex) ó ־ Ѿ PUA ϼѱ ڸ ҷ ϴ Lambda macro. DHHangul ɼ ִ ?
  • HelpOnEditing . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnFormatting - general text formatting rules
         To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "Edit''''''Text" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.
  • HelpOnFormatting . . . . 7 matches
         == Text Formatting Rules ==
         You can render text in ''italics'' or '''bold'''.
         To write italics, enclose the text in double single quotes.
         To write bold, enclose the text in triple single quotes.
         You get ^superscripted text^ by enclosing it into caret characters.
         LaTeX ڵ带 ĮϿ ÷ϴ ϴ.
          a. ڵ带 {{{ {{{ }}} {{{ }}} }}} ̿ ε ù `#!vim tex` մϴ.
         #!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • HelpOnHeadlines . . . . 1 match
         You can create headings by starting and ending a line with up to five equal signs. The heading text is between those markers, separated by a single space.
  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 2 matches
         There are several way to insert external references[[FootNote(The opposite of external references are the internal, automatic WikiName links.)]] into the text:
         If you enter URLs into normal text, there is the problem of detecting what belongs to the URL and what not. There are four ways to force the ending of an URL:
  • HelpOnLists . . . . 2 matches
         If you indent text
         If you indent text
  • HelpOnPageDeletion . . . . 1 match
         The default way to delete a page is via the shell on the host system. The page files are found in the "data/text" directory, and you can simply delete them from there.
  • HelpOnUpdating . . . . 3 matches
         Finally, copy any new system pages to your wiki data directory. The current system pages are in the directory `.../share/moin/data/text`. The minimal set to copy is the new help pages ("`Help*`"). If you are sure you have not modified any system pages, you can simply copy all of them to your instance `data/text` directory.
         The following pages are very likely to change once a wiki is in use, and it is advisable to delete them from the master system page directory `.../share/moin/data/text` before any instance update; they are only included to seed new wikis: {{{
  • HelpOnXmlPages . . . . 1 match
         <?xml-stylesheet href="XsltVersion" type="text/xml"?>
  • HuidaeCho . . . . 2 matches
         ȳϼ. ͵ ذ ִٰ ϴ. TeX ߰ڽϴ. Ȩ [http://geni.ath.cx]Դϴ. 2008 5 Դϴ. :(
         ݰϴ. ÷ؿ ѱ ؼ ۼϽ htex.tex ſ ߴϴ. ν Ȱ ϰڽϴ. :) մϴ. --[]
  • HyperRef . . . . 2 matches
         dvips/ps2pdf, dvipdfm(x), ׸ pdflatex Ѵ. , dvips/ps2pdf ũ ٷ Ѿ !
          * CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/
  • IFMSlide . . . . 1 match
          1. TeXPower HyperRef Ű ʿ Ѵ.
          1. PDFLaTeX LaTeX Ѵ.
          1. ׹ ٸ PPower4 TeXPower ̿ؼ ִ.
  • ITeXMac . . . . 1 match
         MacOSX [teTeX] frontend ۾ȯ. , PDF Viewer ϰ ִ.
  • IgoPackage . . . . 9 matches
          * MiKTeX/Windows : MiKTeX Package Manager Ǵ ¶ ڵġ
          * Ÿ ÷ : MiKTeXTools ġϿٸ, {{{
         $ mktexlsr
          1. *.pfb localtexmf/fonts/type1/public/igo-type1/*.pfb
          1. igo.map localtexmf/fonts/map/dvips/igo-type1/igo.map
          <!> MiKTeX''''''/Windows localtexmf/dvips// Ʒ θ .
          1. mktexlsr
          <!> MiKTeX''''''/Windows updmap.cfg {{{Map igo.map}}} ߰ {{{initexmf --mkmaps}}} .
          * attachment:bloody.tex
          * attachment:ocw2.tex
          * attachment:wu01.tex
  • ImageMagick . . . . 1 match
         == TeX4ht ImageMagick ==
         [TeX4ht] ʿϴ.->KTUGContrib:2653''''''
          <!> KTUGOperate:14236'''''' "MiKTeX 2.4 TeX4ht 'ٷ ֵ' · ġDZ ٸ ߰ ʿ䰡 ٰ մϴ. Ghostscript ImageMagick ġ ʿ䵵 ϴ. ׸ ȯ mgs մϴ." ִ.
         ġ ̸ Ⱑ TeX4ht Ųٰ Ѵ.
         [http://facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/pviton/support/tex4ht.html TeX4HT under MiKTeX] ִ.
         See above under MiKTeX for some suggestions.
  • IncludeGraphics . . . . 7 matches
          1. driver {{{pdftex, dvipdfmx, dvips}}} ֽϴ. graphicx Ű driver ſ ΰϹǷ ̹ Ȯ ϴ ϴ.
          1. LaTeX2e graphics graphicx ȣǰ ν ʽϴ.
          1. PDFLaTeX ϰų latex -> dvipdfmx Ϸ jpg, pdf ׸ -- bb (BoundingBox)-- غϿ ϰ
          1. LaTeX -> dvips Ϸ eps ׸ غϸ ȴ.
          1. {{{[ɼ]}}} {{{[scale=1]}}} .[[FootNote(scale=2 Ǵ scale=0.5 () ¹ ػ󵵸 . ٸ ɼǿ height=6.5cm, width=0.75\textwidth ִ. '''height''' '''width''' Բ ϸ ׸ ٲ ִ.)]]
         || PDFLaTeX || [PDFLaTeX׸ϱ] || [PDF], JPG, PNG, [EPS][[FootNote(epstopdf package, :[PDFLaTeX׸ϱ])]] || [pgf]/tikz, MetaPost ||
         || LaTeX,DVIPDFMx || [PDF׸ϱ] || [PDF], JPG, PNG, [EPS] || [pgf]/tikz, MetaPost ||
         || LaTeX, [dvips] || || [EPS] || PSTricks ||
         || || [pdflatexlatexû] || || ||
         || XeLaTeX || || [PDF], JPG, PNG, [EPS] || [pgf]/tikz, MetaPost, PSTricks ||
  • InterMap . . . . 1 match
         #CTAN http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/
  • InverseSearch . . . . 2 matches
         === TeXWorks ===
          * TeXWorks ҽ (pdf) ȭ ϴ.
          * TeXShop [TeXShop/PDFSync] .
          1. latex ÿ `-src-specials` ɼ ־ Ѵ. DVI source special codes ԵǾ ־ Ѵ.
          [] ̿ ʰ Ű ư LaTeX θ ִٸ ɿ `-src-specials` ɼ Ȱȭǵ ־ Ѵ.
         ==== MiKTeX Yap ====
         Ʒ MiKTeX [Yap] Ư ⸦ ã ̴.
          * [Emacs] Windows MiKTeX [Yap] InverseSearch ϴ [wiki:NTEmacs#s-6.1 NTEmacs] õǾ ִ.
         TEXEDIT : "C:\Progra~1\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe"^s "%s" "+%d" }}}
         TEXEDIT : "C:\Program Files\AcroSoft\AcroEdit\AcroEdit.exe" "%s"/L:%d }}}
          * http://www2.dm.ufscar.br/~sadao/winapps/tex/sourcespecials.html
          * VTeX for Windows PDF ȭ ϴٰ Ѵ.
         Windows/Linux [teTeX]̳ MiKTeX PDF Synchronization ٸ ˷ , ַ DVI InverseSearch''''''/''''''ForwardSearch ̿Ѵ. ٸ InverseSearch vpe Ű ̿ ִ.
          vpe Ű vpe.sty vpe.pl Ϸ ȴ. PDFLaTeX ϸ鼭 ܶ ó ۸ũ ɰ ۸ũ Ͽ ͸ ܺο ҷ̵ ϴ ̴. PDFLaTeX ۵. ۸ũ ϴ  PDF Viewer ִ. ϰ ¿ Ͽ PDF Synchronization ȿ ũٰ , ForwardSearch ذ ʴ´ٴ ƴѰ Ѵ.
  • IsCho . . . . 6 matches
          * xetex \usepackage{dhucs-paralist} Բ 浹ɼ Ƿ \usepackage{xob-paralist}
         $ Insert latex formula here $
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf
          * The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
          * http://texblog.net
  • IsCho/EmEditorTip . . . . 19 matches
         == MTeXHelper ==
          * MTeX2.bat --- (./) attachment:20070103-dvips-pdfclose-MTeX2.bat.txt
          * MTeX2cmd.bat --- (./) attachment:20070727-pdfopen-kcltxmkpdfps-komkindex-MTeX2cmd.bat.txt
          * komkindex -s kotex foo.idx
          * pdflatex: attachment:MTeX2Usr.bat.txt (User-defined TeX Process )
          * pdflatex 1ȸ (Setting 1: Ŭ)
          * pdflatex (Setting 2: Ŭ) |}}
         === MTeXHelper pdfopen, pdfclose ̿ϱ ===
          * ̸ MTeXHelper ϸ pdf ִ Ű澲 ʰ ־ ſ ϴ.
          1. , pdfopen ִ Ͽ pdfclose ݾֵ Ϸ, Ʒ ٿ޾ ..\EmEditor\Plugins ִ MTeX2.bat üѴ.
          1. MTeX2cmd.bat ̸ MTeX2cmd.bat.orig(Ǵ ٸ ̸) ٲٰ
          1. ٿ ̸ MTeX2.bat ٲٸ ȴ.
          1. , pdf ִ Ű澲 ʰ, ps2pdf, dvipdfmx, pdflatex ۾ ִ.
          1. pdfopen [EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-3.4] ִ. ( Ʒ Ͽ ݿǾ Ƿ, ص .)
          * ٿ޾ ..\EmEditor\Plugins MTeX2cmd.bat üѴ.
          1. ۼ dvips ߸ ϰ ϴ , latex->(bibtex)->latex->(makeindex)->latex->dvips Ź Ѻ ο ̴.
          1. ̸ latex->dvips ܼ routine ٲٰ Ѵٸ,
          (./) attachment:20070103-dvips-pdfclose-MTeX2.bat.txt
  • IsCho/Obsolete . . . . 11 matches
         LaTeX 20 Ѱ , ð ٰ,
         ׻ ̿ϴ ͸ ̿ؿԴ Դϴ. LaTeX ʺܰ迡 ӹ ,
         [[HTML(<h1>LaTeXʺ DZ</h1>)]]
         TO DO: LaTeX *庮* ߱ ؼ ̵ Ѵ!
         == LaTeXġʺ ==
          * TnXTeX .
         === MTeXHelper ===
          1. ڼ MTeXHelper .
         == ѱLaTeXʺ ==
          1. '''attachment:latex4wp-kr.pdf''' : wordprocessor ڵ ϴ ϵ ؿ  ϴ ϴ ԹԴϴ. [LaTeX4Wp] Դϴ.
          * latex4wp-kr.pdf , óڿ κ ֱ⸦ ٶϴ.
          ҽ: attachment:mylatex4wp.tex
          : attachment:mylatex4wp.pdf
          * ҽ latexϿ dvi ų, dvipdfmxϿ pdf ֽϴ.
          * '''attachment:novices_a4.pdf''': LaTeX for Complete Novices.
         $ Insert latex formula here $=== Utilities ===
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf
          * The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
          * http://texblog.net
  • IsCho/PSTricks . . . . 6 matches
          * Timothy Van Zandt, ``PSTricks: PostScript macros for Generic TeX. User's Guide,'' ver. 0.93a, March 12, 1993.
          * at http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pstricks-add/pstricks-add-doc.pdf
          * at http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-func/pst-func-doc.pdf
          {{{#!vim tex
         %% latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf
          {{{#!vim tex
          * http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-math/pst-math.pdf
  • JadeTeX . . . . 33 matches
         DocBook ȯ `.tex` óϴ TeX
         [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġ ϰڽϴ.
          1. [http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hoenicka_markus/sgmlnt-jadetex2.20-2.0.zip DownLoad]մϴ.
         === JadeTeX EUC-KR ѱ ===
          tex ȯ [PDF] SP_ENCODING export ʰ OpenJade/openSP 1.3.1(4) ϸ ѱ clean 8-bit Ƿ hcharacters.sty ʿ ʴ.
         === CygWin ѱ SGML TeX ȯ ===
          ʿ䰡 ִ. ũ ۾ δ hardcore-TeX ٹ
          ʴ. TeX back-end 鼭 پ
          ְ ϴ DocBook ٹ 鿡 TeX ɰѴ.
          ׷ ұϰ, TeX Ƴ ̴. TeX
         '''4. OpenJade tex ȯ'''
         #> openjade -t tex -d /usr/share/sgml/docbook-dsssl/print/docbook.dsl test.sgml
         ⼭ `test.tex` ܳ ̴.
         #> cat > testout.tex
         #> cat test.tex >> testout.tex
         #> cat > testout.tex
         #> cat test.tex >> testout.tex
         `testout.tex` JadeTeX Ѵ.
         #> jadetex testout
          õ , `test.tex` ó ߰ϴ ̴.
  • KC2006-2/Upgrade . . . . 2 matches
         == [HLaTeX] ==
          * KC2006 {{{texmf-KTUG}}} Ʈ ٸ ̸ ٲپΰ KC2006 մϴ.
          * texmf-KTUG Ʈ ġȯմϴ.
  • KC2006/KCmenu . . . . 27 matches
         KC2007 Ȥ KC2006 ְ ϴ TeX ۾ Shell Utility α׷Դϴ.
          * {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\KTUG_bin\KCmenu.exe}}} right-clickϿ "ٷΰ"  ȭ鿡 ٵμ.
          1. {{{.tex}}} Ư Ϳ File Association Ǿ ־ ͸ ֽϴ. EmEditor, AcroEdit ġϰ, ġ ⸦ {{{.tex}}}ȭ ⺻ ͷ صθ ˴ϴ.
          1. > {{{ associate .tex "c:\program files\acrosoft\acroedit\acroedit.exe" }}} Է [Ȯ] ⺻ ͷ ֽϴ.
          * ݵ master Ϸ մϴ. , main.tex ch1.tex ch2.tex ҷ̵ ۼϰ ִٸ main.tex ϴ.
          * TIP1. ¿ <TeX > ư main.tex Ϳ ϴ. ch1.tex dvi ¿ ϰ ϴ ġ ãƼ InverseSearchϴ Դϴ.
          * TIP2. ⿡ Ưȭ ʰ (Cancel) ϴ ۾ ʰ tex system Ѵٰ Ͽ system update tab մϴ.
          1. / TeX ȭ ¥ (TeX )
          * ߷ ʴ ( bibtex,lambda), ɼ  .
         10=latex $N & grep -E "(Warning|Error)" $N.log }}}
         11=latex $N & grep -E "(Warning|Error)" $N.log
         === TeX system ===
          * latex, pdflatex, xelatex, kcltxmk logȭ , ġϿ ȭ ִٰ ǴܵǸ, kclogmpm ҷ ġϴ ڵ մϴ. (v0.1.1.55)
          KCmenu.ini , ϰ ϵ ħ (KC2007/TeXLive )
          TEXEDITȯ溯 ͺ ̻ κ ħ.
          , kclogmpm κ ( ȶϰ), kctexdoc symbol-a4 ̸
 17° ǿ KC2006 updateȮκκи ȭϷ Դϴ. ٿε ż (: c:\tex\ktug_bin) ð Ͻø ˴ϴ. kcmenu Ͻ ʴ е鲲 ϴ ÷ ϴٸ, ɼ ϴ.:D attachment:chkupdateKC2006.exe
          * װ ٴ Ǿ ܱ鵵 ϱ.  PC 󿡼 XeTeX ٰ . -- [smcho]
          * DVIPDFMx , KCmenu ؼ PDF ϸ ? lshort-kr̳ latex4wp-ko Ŵ 鼭 ۾ϴٰ DVIPDFMx ư , Ŵ PDF ϱ ٽ Ŵ մϴ. -- [Kunggom]
          * XeTeX ְ ޴ ־ ڽϴ.
  • KC2006/QnA . . . . 12 matches
         KC2006 [W32TeX]̶ մϴ. ׷ ϺTeXΰ? Ϻ Ӱ ֳ?
          1. KC2006 Ϻ ۵ǰ(Akira Kakuto) Ǵ W32TeX ۵ ½ϴٸ, Ϻ κ ϰ ѱ ȯ濡 ° ̱ Ϻ TeX ԵǾ ʽϴ. , KC2006 ġϸ "ѱ۰ ѱ" Ӱ ְ Ǵ Ϻ [pTeX] ְ Ǵ ƴմϴ.
          1. Ϻ "Ӱ" ϰ Ѵٸ KC2006 [W32TeX/ko] W32TeX ġϴ ϴ. ٸ, ѱ ַ ϴ Ϻ  μ [Hangul-ucs] ϴ Դϴ.
         KC2006 ڵ ̶µ, ׷ HLaTeX ǰ?
          1. KC2006 ̸ ״ Collectioṉ 1990 ѱ 뿡 õ ַ Ƶξϴ. HLaTeX ȵ ϴ. HLaTeX 1.0.1 slides Ŭ ߻ϴ ԵǾ ֽϴ.
          1. ׷, KC2006 ϴ ̷ ڵ ȯԴϴ. LaTeX [Hangul-ucs], ConTeXt type-kor, XeTeX ڵ ѱ ʷ Ǿ ֽϴ.
         MiKTeX KC2006 Բ մϴ. ?
          ŸԵ MiKTeX 2.5 KC2006 ÿ ϴ. , KC2006 latex ϰ dvi view yap ϴ ˷ ʾҽϴ.
         CygWin [teTeX] KC2006 CygWin ֳ?
          [teTeX] νϰų KC2006 ڿ ΰ, KC2006 Ե ( ) cygwin1.dll ()ϸ CygWin KC2006 Ǹϰ  ִٰ մϴ.
          Linux KC2006 texmf tree ϱ Ͽ غϰ ֽϴ. ߽ϴ. Linux KC2006 tree ϴ ð ɸ KC2006 谡 [teTeX] ޸ ѱۿ ȭ Ǿ ְ, KC2006 ȿϰ ϱ ؼ ⺻ Ǹδ ް DZ Դϴ. ġϰų ġؾ α׷ شϴ α׷ 찡 ξ ־,  ó , Ȥ TeX ٸ ϴ ð ɸ ֽϴ.
          texify ?
          1. texify MiKTeX ִ Ư α׷ ̸Դϴ. KC2006 texify ϴ.
          1. tex latex α׷ ؾ մϴ. ׷ ģ tex ϰ ȯ ġ óִ ƿƼ ֽϴ. kcltxmk α׷Դϴ.
          1. KCmenu ""̶ ߰ ִµ, ̰ ̿ ϰóؼ ¹ ݴϴ. ̰ texify θٸ, texify Ǵ ƴմϴ.
          1. ׷ WinEdt texify ư ۵ ʽϴ. ư ϰ ٲپְų, texify Դϴ. ư, WinEdt ü 뵵 غ ڽϴ.
  • KC2006/UPDATES . . . . 43 matches
          Ǵ KCmenu "TeX system " " Update Ȯ" ư ų "ɼ" ''KC2006 Ʈ ִ ڵ Ȯұ?'' üũصθ Ʈ ˷ݴϴ.
         === ConTeXt fix ===
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/UPDATES/KCupdate-context-fix.kcupdate KCupdate-context-fix.kcupdate]
          * refrech ConTeXt base directory
         === ttf2kotexfont ===
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/PRIVATE/KCupdate-ttf2kotexfont.kcupdate KCupdate-ttf2kotexfont.kcupdate]
          * ttf2kotexfont (by DohyunKim) 20070704
          * hangul-ucs 4.0.7 (including tex4ht/dhucs), oblivoir 0.2.4 (KTS Workshop version)
          * xetex, context upgrade
          * ġ kcmpm xetex font cache ʱȭ մϴ.
          * pdftex bug fix.
          * W32TeX/ko
          * pdftex.def (0.4e. jbig2)
          * PDFTeX 1.40.3
          * texmf.cnf changed.
          1. HLaTeX
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/INSTALL/KCupdate-hlatex1.0.1-kc06mini-1.kcupdate KCupdate-hlatex1.0.1-kc06mini-1.kcupdate]
          * ġ Ŀ KCmenu <TeX System > ǿ {{{[map ]}}} ư ѹ ּ.
          * HLaTeX ߿ {{{josa.tab}}} ٴ ߻ϴ ġϼ. => [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/PRIVATE/KCupdate-hlatex-josatab.kcupdate KCupdate-hlatex-josatab.kcupdate]
          1. hangul-k (requires HLaTeX)
  • KC2006/WinEdt . . . . 7 matches
          * ѱ HLaTeX ۾Ϸ (KC2006-2-MINI) HLaTeX ߰ ġ ʿϴ. (Ŭ ̸ ȴ.)
          * BATCH mode texify(kcltxmk)
          * PATH  ۾ texify(kcltxmk) .
          * texify -> kcltxmk
          1. texify(kcltxmk) clean build ʽϴ. clean ϽŴٸ "μ ֱ" ư ̿Ͻʽÿ.
         Options -> Configuration Wizard -> File type Associations .tex WinEdt ִ Ȱȭմϴ.
         TEXEDIT Ѵ.
          ۼؼ غ. ̸ "Ȳݻ" ߳ "PDFȲݻ" ߸ ۵ϴ . Ȥ kcltxmk ׳ latex/pdflatex ߸ ̿ϸ κ ذᰡ ̴.
         == HLaTeX ==
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KC2006_Config_WinEdt_HLaTeX.exe KC2006_Config_WinEdt_HLaTeX.exe]
          * HLaTeX Դϴ.
          * ʴ WinEdt ڵ HLaTeX ȣϴ Ͽ մϴ. Ʈ ȹ ϴ.
  • KC2006/ġ . . . . 9 matches
          * ȯ溯 TEXEDIT
          * : ϵũ 500MB ̻ ʿմϴ. TeX ý Ȱ  Ű Ʈ ϸ 1GB (̻) ʿմϴ.
          * ڽ ϴ ġ ġ մϴ. ⺻ {{{C:\TeX}}} Ǿ ְ Դϴ.
          * KC2006 ֻ ̸ {{{TeX}}}̾ մϴ. , C:\abc\TeX ̵ C:\TeX ̵ TeX̶ ̸ Ʒ ġϿ մϴ.
          TeX ó Ͻô ̽ö, KCmenu option tab ŬϿ Ͽ νô 뿡 մϴ.
          * HLaTeX ߰ϴ ͵ մϴ.( ʿϴٰ ߿ ص ˴ϴ.)
          Ͽ TeX ϴ ׽Ʈغϴ. ׽Ʈ (EmEditor) ġ Ŀ ϴ ϴ.
          1. ȭ KCmenu Ŭ ڽ ġ ġκ {{{<TeX>\home\DOCUMENTS\Hangul-ucs\LeeJho\shadowsample}}} ̵մϴ.
          2. .tex ̸  shadowsample.tex մϴ. ch1.tex ̷ ְ ü ϵ ʽϴ.
          1. kcmpm ֽ μ ֱ MiKTeX Package ġ ְ Ǿ ֽϴ.
          1. KC2006-2-MINI HOME {{{<ġ >\HOME}}} մϴ. ׽Ʈ ߰ Ʈ ֽϴ. HOME Ϸ ϽŴٸ Ʒ texmf ֽñ ٶϴ.
          1. ġ α׷ Ȯ .tex EmEditor associateְ dviout ι ġ ڵ մϴ. ٸ ں ϰ ڽ Ϳ ° Ͻñ ٶϴ. ϴ EmEditor ġ {{{C:\Program Files\EmEditor}}}Դϴ. ٸ ġ ġ ʿ Դϴ.
         KCmenu ֽ ȯ溯 {{{HOME}}} {{{TEXEDIT}}} ִ ϸ, ġ ͸ C:\WINDOWS ƴ (C:\WINNT ) ʿ ִ ԵǾ ֽϴ. KCmenu .
          1. NetPbm (׸ ó , tex4ht )
          1. ruby (ConTeXt )
          1. ActivePerl (ConTeXt )
         KC2006 ʹ ý Ǿ Դϴ. ;) ġ/ϸ鼭 غ ͵ TeX ϳµ... ^^ Happy TeX'ing
         unistall ʹ ϱ. \tex\ 丮 ٶ, ʾ ϴ ȭϵ鵵 ϴ. ٽ Ƽ ġϿ ϰڳ׿. ^^; -- likesam
          Home <̺>\home ϴ δ ݴԴϴ. ϴ, root directory ̰ 򸮴 ʴ ٰ, ̻ϰ ϴ ǻ͸,  <̺> ϰų, 丮 ۹̼ǹ ൵ ʰ, ߻ϴ. TeX õ ȭ TeX 丮  մϴ. -- likesam
          TeX\HOME Ʒ ϵ ʽϴ.
  • KC2006/ó . . . . 29 matches
          , TeX''''''/''''''LaTeX ó ϰų, ó ϴ , ǥ ۾ ȯ ȳϴ ̴.
          , ó ڿ ȳ ַ MiKTeX, WinEdt ̷ Դ. KC2006 MiKTeX ʺڰ ٰ ƴٴ ǰ ־, ׷ ʴٴ ִ ϳ ̴.
          1. "ó ", ( ) '''ѱ'''ε ̳ å Ͽ LaTeX ϰ ϴ Թڸ ϴ Ѵ.
          1. LaTeX Ϸ Ѵٰ Ѵ. XeTeX̳ ConTeXt Ű ٸ ̷д.
          1. ǥ LaTeX article Ŭ AMSLaTeX  ؼ ִ.
          1. HLaTeX, MiKTeX, WinEdt  ̰ ʴ´.
         {{| TeX "tech()", LaTeX "lay tech()" Ǵ "lah tech()" д´.
          * ''' غ''': MiKTeXý ġǾ ִٸ, , '''MiKTeXý '''Ͽ Ѵ.
          {1} {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} {{{Hangul Ucs}}}, {{{Hpack}}}, {{{MiKTeX-KTUG-patch}}} Ű Ѵ.
          {2} MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ 2.5 {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} MiKTeX ⸦ ϸ "ϰ "(Tidy up thoroughly) ϴ üũ ڽ ִ. ̰ üũϰ ϸ ȴ.
         {{|TeXý ġ Ŀ Ʈ ǽϿ ֽ ý Ѵ.
          1. , TeX ý '''ġ '''Ƿ, TeX '''ϸ ȴ'''.
          * [EmEditor/Standard] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, TeX뿡 ־ Professional ū ̴ , (ȹϰ ִ) ʴ´.
          * , editor ʿ ñϸ, [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeX%C6%ED%C1%FD%B1%E2#s-1 ] Ѵ.
          * 츮 editor Ͽ TeX " ڴ β", " ", ̷ ø Ѵ.
          * α׷ Ǿ ִ , tex̳ sty Ŭϸ EmEditor .
         === MTeXHelper(MTeX2) ġ ===
         TeX ۾ ϰ ϱ MTeXHelper(ٿ, MTeX2) ġѴ. ڼ ȳ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MTeXHelper ] .
          1. α׷ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX221_Unicode.exe MTeX2ٿε] MTeX2 ÷ ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
          1. language ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX2ENLang.exe ENGٿε] ٿ޾ ġϸ, Ͼ ſ ޴/ ִ.
  • KC2006/ó/TroubleShooting . . . . 7 matches
          * kclogmpm , ٽ latex Ϸ ƿ ۾Ѵ.
          1. pdflatex, tex, xetex, context latex Ϸ ...
          * KCmenu ߰ ̰ ϸ {{{[pdflatex ]}}} ߰ ִ.
  • KC2006/ó/ . . . . 11 matches
          [KC2006/ó] ħ '''ѱ LaTeX ''' ٷϴ.
          1. dispute.tex : MetaPost .
          1. information.tex : article .
          * latex -> dvipdfmx Ǵ pdflatex
          * latex -> dvipdfmx
          1. Kihwang Lee : spell.tex
          * article . latex or pdflatex
          * article . latex or pdflatex.
          * amsthm : HLaTeX hangul-ucs Ǻ .
          * ex4.tex ѱ ̴.
  • KC2006/ó/ġ/DviOut . . . . 3 matches
         ftt: ư {{{[Y]}}} ϸ ǰ, TEXSUBF ִ´. ( Ͽ ̱ϼ.)
  • KC2006/ó/ù . . . . 1 match
          * KC2006 ġ (default ġϿٸ C:\TeX )
          -> LaTeX " ̻" ϶ ϴ ̴.
          * "߰ " Ѱ pdflatex , "PDF " ִ. "PDF " PDF "PDF ݱ" .
  • KC2007/KCmenu . . . . 1 match
         {*} KTUG ϴ TeXȯ KC2007 KC2008 beta Űܰ , KC2007 KCmenu ۾ մϴ. KTS ȸ е KTS ÷ Ͻø ˴ϴ.(PSTricks ۾ ϵ κе Ǿ ֽϴ.)
         KC2006 DZ , KC2007 ְ ϴ TeX ۾ Shell Utility α׷Դϴ.
          * pdflatex, dvi ַ ϴ UI ֵ . ( Karnes û, IsCho Ż ݿ)
  • KC2007/KCpm . . . . 4 matches
          * : Ű kcmpm Ͽ MiKTeX Packages ġϴ ü ũƮ.
          * kcmpm MiKTeX Package Manager Repositoryκ ͼ ýۿ ġ. ֽ Ű ׻ .
          1. Ű ġ/ mktexlsr ƾ ߰ (?)
          DeleteMe. (Ű ġҶ ϴ ͺ) mktexlsr kcautopm ڿ δ Ϳ ǥ...
          * Ű ġ/ ̷± ʱȭϷ {{{<TeX>/share/texmf-local/miktex/kcpm_pkg_list.ini}}} Ͻʽÿ.
          DeleteUs. ƴմϴ. KCpm MiKTeX Package Manager Repository ̿ϱ ...
  • KC2007/MiKTeX . . . . 8 matches
          1. KC2007 ߿ [ko.TeX] base κи MiKTeX 2.6 Ǵ 2.7 ְ ϴ ġ α׷Դϴ.
          1. KC2007 Ȱ δ ϵ ߽ϴ. ٸ 2.6 ġ [ko.TeX] beta ϰ Ƿ ֽ ƴմϴ.
          1. KC2007/mpm ϴ ý̱ ϳ, MiKTeX [ko.TeX] ٴ ʴٰ Ǿ ϴ Դϴ.
          1. ڰ MiKTeX ڰ ƴ ߿ ġ Ŀ Ǵ ̶ ˴ϴ. ۵ϱ⸸ ٶϴ.
          1. Hangul-ucs HLaTeX ġ uninstallֽʽÿ. Hangul-ucs {{{α׷ ġ }}} ְ, HLaTeX... {{{C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MiKTeX}}} Ʒ initexmf -u, updmap ϸ ŵ˴ϴ. ( MiKTeX ü ٽ ġϴ ϴ.)
          1. MiKTeX ⺻ ɼǴ ġϵ, "All Users" ġ 쿡 ۵ մϴ.
          1. . MiKTeX 2.6 ġϸ鼭 ġ ٲٴ ǵ ʽÿ. ּ ƹ͵ ǵ帮 ʰ ׳ default ġ Դϴ. (All users ġ ɼ defaulṯ⸦ ٶϴ.) [MiKTeXġ] .
          1. MiKTeX ġǾ ˴ϴ. ٸ ʿ ʽϴ.
          * {{{ko.TeX-0.1.0 for MiKTeX 2.7}}}
          [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/experimental/ko.TeX-0.1.0-MiKTeX-2.7.exe ko.TeX-0.1.0-MiKTeX-2.7.exe] (42M)
          * {{{ko.TeX-0.1.0 for MiKTeX 2.6}}}
          [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/experimental/ko.TeX-0.1.0.exe ko.TeX-0.1.0.exe] (38M)
          * ~ ~ ɸ MiKTeX 2.6 Ư¡ α׷ ƴմϴ. ߾ ִ ޽ ٸʽÿ. MiKTeX 2.6 ο ġϰų ɸ Ư¡ ֽϴ. (2.7 ϴ.)
          -> initexmf -u updmap ʷ ϼ. ׷ ȵǸ MiKTeX ġ 丮 ʰų ٸ ִ Դϴ.
          -> MiKTeX ġ Ŀ ڰ ȭ ġ α׷ ߱ ֽϴ. ׷Ƿ ý Ȳ ٸ ̹Ƿ Ϸ 亯 Դϴ.
          A. Ʈ մϴ. (MiKTeX 2.7 ( Ƽ) Ʈ մϴ.)
          * [ko.TeX] Ű (kotexguide) Ͻʽÿ.
         MiKTeX 2.7뿡 ܵ
          1. ttf2kotexfont
         MiKTeX 2.6뿡 ʰų ѵǴ [ko.TeX]
  • KC2007/Template . . . . 10 matches
         ѱ. WinLaTeX ϳ {{{ARTICLE.tex}}} .
          * attachment:simpart-utf.tex
          * attachment:simpart-euc.tex
         ѱ. ѱ ؽƮ ˻/(pdflatex also), ѱ
          * attachment:art-utf.tex
          * attachment:art-euc.tex
          * attachment:simp-ob.tex
          * attachment:ob-ob.tex
          * attachment:simp-beamer.tex
         LyX-article/kotex (KTUGSetup:11987)
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 35 matches
          * dvipdfmx, luatex, xetex ֽ ׽Ʈϱ ڿ (ӽ) ƮԴϴ.
          * engine update (TeX 3.1415926)
          * [ko.TeX] dhucs 4.1.2
          * dvips, pdftex, xetex, luatex, tex4ht update
          * [ko.TeX] minor upgrade (dhucs 4.0.13, euc bug fix)
          * ConTeXt, pdftex, xetex, luatex update
          * [ko.TeX] minor upgrade
          * gs862 ġ α׷ , ڽ KC2007 ġ ġ , ׸ ֽñ ٶϴ. , {{{C:\KC2007}}} KC2007 ġǾ {{{C:\KC2007\TeX\gs}}} ˴ϴ.
          * pdflatex / ۲ . dvipdfmx .
          * Ʈ ̸ kxbt, kxgt, kxdt, kxgs. ko.tex/utf : {{{
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
         #> mktexlsr
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-arita
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-arita -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
         #> mktexlsr
          * kotex/euc Ȯڸ .
         ==== ttf2kotexfont ̿ϱ ====
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hy
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hy -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
  • KC2007/ذ . . . . 7 matches
         This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.5 <Web2C 7.5.6>
         ---! c:/KC2007/TeX/share/texmf/web2c/pdftex/latex.fmt doesn't match
          1. KCmenu "System " ǿ " ٽ " ư .(mktexlsr(TDS ) ؾ մϴ.)
          1. ̰ Ǹ, â Ÿ latex.fmt ٽ غ.
          1. Texpoint Windows Fonts (ǰ ) CM truetype ġϴ α׷ Բ , dviout ƮŸ Ͻʽÿ. ׸ ftt: κ . http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/setup/files/20070913132734/excttf.png
          1. ġ KC2007 ġǴ θ TeX 쿡 kcupdate ʽϴ. {{{C:\KC2007\TeX}}} ̸ TeX ֽʽÿ.
          * ó : GhostScript 8.60() ġ. ġ ġ TeX ġ ġ {{{C:\KC2007\TeX}}} {{{C:\KC2007\TeX\gs}}} ϴ .
          1. KC2007 "⺻ Ÿ" Բ ġϸ ذ˴ϴ. kotex time dist ʷ ġϴ Դϴ.
  • KC2007/ó . . . . 22 matches
          , TeX''''''/''''''LaTeX ó ϰų, ó ϴ е ǥ ۾ ȯ ֵ 帮 Դϴ.
          1. "ó ", ( ) '''ѱ'''ε ̳ å Ͽ LaTeX ϰ ϴ Թڸ ϴ մϴ.
          1. LaTeX Ϸ Ѵٰ մϴ. [XeTeX]̳ [ConTeXt] Ű ش Ͻñ ٶϴ.
          1. ѱ Ű [ko.TeX] ϴ 츸 ٷϴ. (ko.TeX HLaTeX Hangul-ucs յ ο ǥ ѱȯ ŰԴϴ.)
          * ѱ LaTeX ϰ ۼ ϴ oblivoir Ŭ ַ Ұմϴ.
          * ǥ LaTeX article Ŭ AMSLaTeX  Ե ֽϴ.
          * MiKTeX, WinEdt  ̰ ʱ մϴ.
         {{| TeX "tech()", LaTeX "lay tech()" Ǵ "lah tech()" нϴ.
          * ''' غ''': MiKTeXý ġǾ ִٸ, , '''MiKTeXý '''Ͽ Ѵ.
          {1} {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} {{{Hangul Ucs}}}, {{{Hpack}}}, {{{MiKTeX-KTUG-patch}}} Ű Ѵ.
          {2} MiKTeX 2.4 {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} MiKTeX ⸦ ϸ "ϰ "(Tidy up thoroughly) ϴ üũ ڽ ִ. ̰ üũϰ ϸ ȴ.
          * [EmEditor/Standard] Plug-in ġ Ƿ, TeX뿡 ־ Professional ū ̴ , (ȹϰ ִ) ʴ´.
          * , editor ʿ ñϸ, [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeX%C6%ED%C1%FD%B1%E2#s-1 ] Ѵ.
          * 츮 editor Ͽ TeX " ڴ β", " ", ̷ ø Ѵ.
          * α׷ Ǿ ִ , tex̳ sty Ŭϸ EmEditor .
         === MTeXHelper(MTeX2) ġ ===
         TeX ۾ ϰ ϱ MTeXHelper(ٿ, MTeX2) ġѴ. ڼ ȳ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MTeXHelper ] .
          1. α׷ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX221_Unicode.exe MTeX2ٿε] MTeX2 ÷ ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
          1. language ġ: [http://ich.sakura.ne.jp/manabu/en/html/download.cgi?rh=mtex2&file=MTeX2ENLang.exe ENGٿε] ٿ޾ ġϸ, Ͼ ſ ޴/ ִ.
          1. ڼ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/EmEditor/MTeXHelper#s-3 MTeX2] , ⿡ ȳ Ѵ.
  • KC2007/Ű . . . . 9 matches
          1. KCmenu "TeX System " ǿ Package -- ʱȭ ѹ
          1. MiKTeX package manager ġ Ű . ڵġ MiKTeX package manager 2.7 Ű ڵ ġִ ̹Ƿ MiKTeX ġ ϴ Ű KC2007 ġ . kaist Ÿ ڵġ Ͱ .
          Ű ̸ MiKTeX 2.7 Ͱ ϸ, .tpm̶ Ȯڴ ϰ ؾ .
          1. ڵġ ޸ texhash Ƿ Ű ġ Ŀ ݵ mktexlsr (KCmenu "TDS ") ؾ Ѵ.
          (DeleteMe) kcpm Ű ġ mktexlsr ڵ ϰ ϴ Ϸ , ׷ ʴ ... Ƹ, Ű ġ , Ź mktexlsr Ǵ Ʊ ƴұ մϴ. (kcautopm ˻ ...)
          ġ ġ {{{%HOME%\texmf}}} Ʒ , {{{%HOME%}}} 𸣰 ࿡ {{{echo %HOME%}}} Ȯ .
          ġ TDS() . ڽŸ Ÿ ̶ {{{%HOME%\texmf\tex\latex\myownstyle}}} 丮 ؾ .
          ġ Ŀ mktexlsr ؾ .
  • KC2007/ѱڵ幮 . . . . 9 matches
          1. TeX ѱ ڵ
          * [ko.TeX] Ű ѱ ڵ . {{{
         \usepackage{kotex} <===> ڵ/UTF-8
         \usepackage[euc]{kotex} <===> EUC-KR
          1. [EUC-KR] ڵ Ǿ {{{\usepackage{kotex} }}}̶ . Ǵ oblivoir ⺻ ڵ .
          => DVI ȭ鿡 ѱ ̻ϰ("" ·) ǥõǰų pdflatex Ʈ ã ٴ ޽ ɴϴ.
         '''亯 1''' : WinTeX, TeXnicCenter ׷մϴ. ⺻ ڼƮθ ֽϴ.
         ''' 3''' : ''[ko.TeX] EUC-KR ó ִٸ EUC-KR ۼϰ hfont {{{[euc]}}} ɼ Ǵµ UTF8 ˴ϱ?''
         '''亯 3''' : [ko.TeX] UTF8 ǥ̰ EUC-KR ȣȯ ȣȯ ϰ ֽϴ. , ϵ ϰϰ ϱ Դϴ. EUC-KR 忡 ߿ ǰ ǥ ִ ѵǹǷ UTF8 ڵ ۼϴ ٶմϴ. ڼƮ Ű ϴ.
         ''' 4''' : ''Ǽ ⺻ ڵ Ͽϴ. {{{\usepackage{kotex} }}}̶ Ͽ ̰ UTF8 ٲپ մϴ. ֽϱ?''
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         # hencnvt -eu foo.tex ===> (EUC-KR -> UTF8)
         # hencnvt -ue foo.tex ===> (UTF8 -> EUC-KR)
         # iconv -f CP949 -t UTF-8 foo.tex >foo-a.tex
  • KC2008/KCmenu . . . . 9 matches
          KTS/KTUG ko.TeX Live TnXTeX  ϰ , ̴ KC ø KCmenu ko.TeXLive ԵǾ ʽϴ.
          ׷ Ǽ ȹ KC2008 ϱ Ͽ Projectμ KC2008Plus Ϻκ ǰ , TnXTeX α׷ imTnX3 KCmenu Ϻΰ µǾ ǰ ֽϴ.
         KC2008 ְ ϴ TeX ۾ Shell Utility α׷Դϴ.
          1. NotePad++ plugin ϸ, syntex, SumatraPDF ̿ PDFSynchronization (KC2008/PDFSync) մϴ.
          KC2007 KC2008 Ǵ tex system ٲ鼭 ̿ Ʒ Ͽϴ.
          * XeLaTeX (ҽ Ͽ) . Ѱü, , Palatino Linotype . ( compiled by Karnes )
          * KCmenu [TeXsystem] ProxyHost, ProxyPort, ProxyUser, ProxyPass . (hermian û)
          * kctexdoc θ bug
          * dviout dviout.exe dviout.vbs ٲ. (by Karnes) dviout.vbs TeXLive ġϸ, ڽŽ DZ ȯ漳 ϸ鼭 ȴٰ. ׷ Ѱ dviout ǵ ϴ parameter Ѱֱ , KCmenu registry .
          * bibtex θ (KTUGSetup:14498)
          * XeTeX ߰
          * DVIPDFMx, dvips & ps2pdf route ɵ ( LaTeX, dvi pdf ȯ ֱ δܰ )
          * KC2008/TeXLive RUD (2008/10/22) ԵǾϴ.
          KCpdfopen(Ī) DDE ̿Ͽ sumatrapdf forward search ( AcroEdit) forward search ̿ϱ ƿƼμ KCpdfopen texȭ̸ [] ֽø, texȭϷ ϵǾ PDFȭ ָ鼭 ش , Ѿϴ. ̴ KCmenu for NPP ΰ ϹǷ projectȭ Ͻ 쿡 Դϴ.
          * synctex ɼ ó ( KTUGSetup:15364 )
          * TEXEDITȯ溯
          * .tex ڵ
          * KCautopm TeXLive ? (kcsrcpkg kcpm --install ̿ϸ ƴ)
          * fc-cache texmf-local ԵǾ ִ ?
  • KC2008/Migration . . . . 8 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
          1. kotex {{{[euc]}}} ɼǰ hyperref {{{[unicode]}}} ɼ 浹. -> Է ڵ UTF-8 ϰ euc ɼ .
         {{{#!vim tex
         \usepackage[hangul]{kotex} %%% . hangul ɼ . finemath õ.
  • KC2008/Other . . . . 27 matches
         Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS ÷ TeX Live 2010 ġ [ko.TeX] Ʒ ġϰ Ʈ ִ.
          * Windows ko.TeX Live ڴ ̿ ʿ䰡 ϴ.
          * ko.TeX Live(Windows) ʰ TeXLive ϴ [ko.TeX] ġ, ֽϴ.
          * Windows MiKTeX ϸ, MiKTeX ϴ.
         # (sudo) tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011 install collection-kotex
          * collection-kotex
          * [ko.TeX] ġմϴ.
          * kotex
          * [ko.TeX] ġմϴ.
         Ȥ GUI TeX Live Manager ϰ, tlmgr > Load other repository 'http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011' Է
         'OK' ŵǴ ko.TeX ġ Ű Ȯϰ ű⼭ Ͽ ġմϴ.
         # (sudo) tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2010 update --all
         # (sudo) tlmgr --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2009 update --all
         tlmgr --repository=$TEXLIVE update --all --self
         tlmgr --repository=$KOTEXLIVE update --all
  • KC2008/PDFSync . . . . 1 match
          * TeXmaker -> [TeXmaker/KC2008]
          * A. synctex (windows) θ ѱ ̸̳ ̸ ѱ Ǵ 鹮ڰ SumatraPDF inverse/forward search ʽϴ. ̸ ڷ ڽϴ. ѱ Ǵ ڰ ݵ ʿϴٸ PDFSync Ͽ մϴ.
  • KC2008/Report . . . . 9 matches
          * attachment:useKC2008inUbuntu.tex
          XeTeX . ޸ ѹ غô. ( ִ 굹 - ƮŸƮ ѱ ʾƼ ִ '''밎'''̳ '''숖''' ǥ ʴ. ɰ Asia Ʈ, XeTeX ϵ .)
         뷫 preamble̴. xoblivoir [Karnes] Ƽ丮 α׿ Ұ Tiny XeTeX ٷ̿ ְ xhumanko xkospace.sty 䳻 ̴.
         \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro}
         \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Myriad Pro}
          * attachment:kcmenu-for-KC2008.tex
          * KCmenu 2008 κп ȳԴϴ. LaTeX, DVIPDFMx route Ͻø ˴ϴ.
          * մϴ. preamble (pdftex ӵ) ٲپϴ.
          * attachment:kc2008install_byhermian.tex
  • KC2008/TeXLive . . . . 37 matches
          * [ko.TeX]/dev update (revision 09-2&3)
          * luatexko CP949 ڵ մϴ. (
          * luatexko/luatexplain, Read luatexko-doc (
          * luatexko, kotex, kotex-context (
          * NOTE: ġǴ luatexko luatex v.0.36 ̻ 䱸մϴ. TeXLive δ ϵ Ƿ (luatex ׽Ʈϰ ϴ 쿡) ġ Ͻñ ٶϴ. (cf. [Karnes/2009-03] )
          * [ko.TeX], [ko.TeX]/dev update (revision 8, 56)
          * [ko.TeX] (revision 6), kotex-dev (revision 50)
          * kotex-dev (luatexko) update (revision 49)
          * kctexdoc update
          * luatexko, luatexko-doc, xoblivoir (ko.tex-dev revision 47)
          * kctexdoc bug fixed,
          * luatexko, xetexko, xoblivoir (ko.tex-dev revision 31)
          * makeindex, bibtex bug fix
          * luatexko 鰳 (revision23)
          * kotex-dev (xetexko) update (20081114)
          * XeLaTeX route and other alterations.
          * kotex-dev (xetexko) update (20081110)
          * {{{ -pdfxe }}} ɼ : xelatex pdf ϴ. (ݵ ù° parameter ϼž մϴ.)
          * {{{ -C, -c }}} ɼ : .synctex ݴϴ.
          * ۼ ҽ ȣȯ ֽϴ. Ŵ оֽʽÿ. (kctexdoc ultrasimplexob)
  • KC2008/TeXLive/Fonts . . . . 5 matches
          * XeLaTeX ̿ : attachment:tstmunhwaxe.pdf attachment:tstmunhwaxe2.tex
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\texmf-local
         #> mktexlsr
          * Ȯ ڰ ʿϴٸ, ڽ Ȯ ִ Ʈ ̿ϰ XeLaTeX ȰѴ.
  • KC2008/Troubles . . . . 3 matches
          * --- ð ɸ 2Ⱑ Ѵ TeXLive full ġ Դϴ.---
          1. TeXLive 2008 DVD ü ִ full installation ϸ鼭 ̸ ִ ֽø ϰڽϴ.
          * DVD TeXLive 2008 ν , [KC2008/Other] Ϸ ѱ ȯ ֽϴ.
          * Ǵ, KC2008 ġϰ, ̿ ( installTL ̿ ʰ) TeXLive ġϵ, ġ ġ KC2008 ġ ġ ߾ ָ ˴ϴ.
          * TeXLive  ġϵ, KC2008 ʿ ġ ġ ϳԴϴ. , {{{c:\usr\texlive}}} ġֱ⸸ ϸ Ǵ Դϴ.
          * XeTeX (XeLaTeX) Ŷ ʿ䰡 ϴ.
         === TeXLive ===
          1. Vista ̹ ActivePerl ġǾ ִ TeXLive Manager ϴ ֽϴ.
          * --TeXLive win32 ̳ʸ ׸ ̸ 9ڳ 11ڷ ϰų, Ȯڸ .png ȯϿ .--
          * ȭ̸ ڼ ¦ ̷ ϰ ִ Դϴ. TeXLive DZ ȭ̸ ٲ㼭 Ͽ . (: aa.pdf aa1.pdf) -- [likesam]
          * [[Date(2008-09-16T07:54:37)]] TeXLive Ʈ . ({{{ kcpm --update }}})
          2. KC2008 ġ Ȯ ִ ⺻ ȭ ΰ? first.tex Ѱ ƴϸ ٸ ȭ ֳ?
          * ġ Ȯ first.tex ϴٰ( ġٰ) մϴ. KC2008 ġ Ŀ HOME Ʒ Documents Ȳ Ű ų Ǵ ̹ °ų Ͽ 쿡 ϵ ʰ ̳ ִٰ ֽϴ.
  • KC2008/Volunteers . . . . 4 matches
          * [Progress], [synapse], [hermian], [MadToad], [DohyunKim], [IsCho], texexec
         === first.tex ===
          * ġ ù first.tex ȭ鿡 ڴ ̵ ö Բ Ͻ Դϴ.
          * first.tex [Progress] ۼϿ, [likesam] ԰ [Karnes] ణ Ͽϴ.
  • KC2008/WhatsNew . . . . 2 matches
          1. ġ One step ϴ. ͵ Ǿ ֽϴ. ۾ ȯ ϼϴ KC2008 ̿ܿ ʿ ϴ. TeXLive full ġ پ Ű ʿ ϴ, ׷ Ű ޴ óڸ õϴ Դϴ.
          * eps ׸ ϸ pdflatex ŰǷ, ǥ ׸ Ƹ pdf png/jpg ͽϴ. ٸ dvips ؾ ϴ ε Ȳ eps õ Դϴ.
          1. oblivoir Ű {{{[microtype]}}} ɼ latex && dvipdfmx ˴ϴ. (v0.1.2)
  • KC2008/ó . . . . 2 matches
          , TeX''''''/''''''LaTeX ó ϰų, ó ϴ е ǥ ۾ ȯ ֵ 帮 Դϴ.
          1. "ó ", ( ) '''ѱ'''ε ̳ å Ͽ LaTeX ϰ ϴ Թڸ ϴ մϴ.
          1. LaTeX Ϸ Ѵٰ մϴ. [XeTeX]̳ [ConTeXt] Ű ش Ͻñ ٶϴ.
          1. ѱ Ű [ko.TeX] ϴ 츸 ٷϴ.
          * ѱ LaTeX ϰ ۼ ϴ oblivoir Ŭ ַ Ұմϴ.
          * ǥ LaTeX article Ŭ AMSLaTeX  Ե ֽϴ.
          * MiKTeX, WinEdt  ̰ ʱ մϴ.
         {{| TeX "tech()", LaTeX "lay tech()" Ǵ "lah tech()" нϴ.
          * ''' غ''': MiKTeXý ġǾ ִٸ, , '''MiKTeXý '''Ͽ Ѵ.
          {1} {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} {{{Hangul Ucs}}}, {{{Hpack}}}, {{{MiKTeX-KTUG-patch}}} Ű Ѵ.
          {2} MiKTeX 2.4 {{{<>-<α׷ ߰/>}}} MiKTeX ⸦ ϸ "ϰ "(Tidy up thoroughly) ϴ üũ ڽ ִ. ̰ üũϰ ϸ ȴ.
          1. ʿ Ǿ Ƿ ġ ٷ TeX ִ.
          1. ȭ KCmenu Ͽ, ESC "TeX system " ¿, " Update Ȯ" ư ѹ .
          1. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-fonts-AdobeReader-otf-20081130.kcupdate ] . Adobe Reader Ʈ XeTeX 밡ϰ ִ ε, ƹư ϴ صδ . XeTeX fontcache ش.
          1. hello.tex Ѵ. (⼭, "" ƴ϶, ׳ "οƼ̿" о.)
          1. hello1.tex Ѵ.
          1. ⺻ LaTeX ٸ, LaTeX WYSIWYG ϰ ְϴ WYSIWYM [LyX] 鷯 .
  • KC2008Plus . . . . 3 matches
         KC2008 ȯ KTS-koTeXLive2009 ϱ Ʈ.
          * ko.TeX Live 2012 KC2008PlusPlus Բ ϼ. B)
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/xe/index.php?document_srl=167948 KTUG167948Խù] Progress , Ϻ ko.TeX Live 2012 KC2008++ ġϰ, Ϻ ȭ ֽ ȭϷ ٲٴ ҰǾ ֽϴ.
          * '''ȣȯ̽''': Windows 7 ڵ ֽϴ. .tex Ȯ association Ӽ ̿Ͽ ؾ ֽϴ.
          * http://www.texdev.net/2011/03/24/texworks-magic-comments/ ()
  • KC2008Plus/Contrib . . . . 1 match
          [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/KC2008Plus-beta-setup-20091129-1.msi KC2008Plus-beta-setup-20091129-1.msi] ġߴµ. ⺻ first.tex ׽Ʈغҽϴ.
  • KC2008Plus/KCmenu . . . . 3 matches
          * LuaLaTeX ߰ KCmenu.exe, KCmenu.dll update routine disable imTnX3 http://people.ktug.or.kr/~likesam/imTnX/KCmenu-2012-12-23.7z ֽϴ. Link ֽϴ.
          * 2012-12-16 ø ȭ LuaLaTeX ʽϴ.
          * PDFLaTeX ⺻ ʰ XeLaTeX ⺻ ˴ϴ.
         TeXLive 2011 ϰ ( ޼ 2011 ٲپ. )
          * xelatex mode 켱, dvipdfmx, lualtex ߰
          * !tex ts-program_=_ ߰
  • KTSConference/2009 . . . . 1 match
          *attachment:PR-pubwithtex.pdf (̼)
          *attachment:pub_with_TeX.pdf (ڵƿ)
          * [http://vod.mathnet.or.kr/sub3_1.php?key_s_title=2009+Conference+of+the+Korean+TEX+Society+%28TEX%3A+Past%2C+Present%2C+and+Future%29&key_year=x ũ: 2009 Conference of the Korean TEX Society (TEX: Past, Present, and Future)]
  • KTSConference/2013 . . . . 1 match
          * ѱ - ȸ / 谭 (ѱȸ ȸ, ko.TeX )
         === 1: Trends in TeX World ===
          * [attachment:Session1-cjku8ko-dhkim.pdf Ʈ ŸԼ, TeXPad TeX Writer] / 赵 (ѱȸ ȸ, б)
          [attachment:Session2-KTS-2013-likesam.tex ҽ]
          * '''ûǥ''' [attachment:Session2-The_Systems_of_KMS_Journals_and_TeX-hskim.pdf Ѽȸ ý۰ ] / (Ѽȸ)
         === 3: TeX in Real World: Tips and Tricks ===
          *[attachment:Session3-Tips_LaTeX_Publishing-LeeJH.pdf ] / ȣ (ȸåó)
          [http://portal.sliderocket.com/ABSAB/-KTS-2013-Tips-LaTeX-Publishing ̼(̵)] [attachment:KTS_2013(by_progress).zip ҽ]
  • KTSConference/AsiaTeX08 . . . . 3 matches
         == The Asian TeX Conference 2008 ==
          * ŸƲ: The Asian TeX Conference 2008 (AsiaTeX08)
          * : TeX in the Age of Digital Humanities (ذ ιа )
          * Han, The Thanh : PDFTeX
          ''Experience from a Real-world Application of Microtypography with pdfTeX''
          * Haruhiko Okumura : Legend of Janpanese TeX World
          ''Japanese Tex---Past, Present, and Future''
          * Werner Lemberg : CJKLaTeX
          ''How to Knock Down TFM, Achilles in the TeX System''
          * [http://conf.ktug.kr/2008/image/asiatex08poster.pdf ]
          * [http://conf.ktug.kr/2008/image/asiatex08pamphlet.pdf ø/]
          ø ǥ: attachment:AsiaTeX08pam.jpg
          * TeX Users Gruop(TUG) Ȩ Ұ: http://www.tug.org {->} Recent Events
  • KTSWorkshop . . . . 1 match
          * koTeXLive2010
          * koTeX
          * TeX ϴ koTeX
          * koTeX ּ ȣȯ
          * ֱ LuaTeX koTeX
          * luatex غ
          * [ko.TeX] : ,赵,谭 HLaTeX hangul-ucs(dhucs) ϱ .
  • KTUG . . . . 1 match
         ѱ TeX ׷.
          <!> Դ KTUG wiki Ͱ [WkPark] ۲, [DohyunKim] ttf2tfm ҽ, [Karnes] ȭα۲ ǿ (, !), [ChoF] TUG2003 TeX4ht ѱ, [hozeŴƮ] £ ϴ. ڷḦ [KTUG] ߰Ͽ ֽʻ Ź帳ϴ.
          1. [Karnes]԰ dzϴ ׸ ̺Ʈ ұ ϰ. シ, '''LaTeX ȸ(?)''' Դϴ. ù°, ʼ 츮 ȭ (, ȣ̿ , β ) ׸ ϰ, °, ƹų Ͽ ϴµ, ? , (׸ ) ҽ ϰ ps Ǵ pdf  ϳ ϱ. ( å ǰ ڽϴ. :D ) ... LaTeX , ConTeXt 𸣰ڽϴ. ǰ Ź帳ϴ.
          * http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Karnes/2006-07 --- July 28, 2006 (brief history: ѱlatex)
  • KTUGCollection2005 . . . . 25 matches
         || [Karnes] || texmf-KTUG, å ||
         KTUG TeX System Directory, MiKTeX {{{c:\TeX\texmf}}} ġǾ ִٸ {{{c:\TeX}}}̰, {{{c:\texmf}}} ġǾٸ {{{c:\}}} Դϴ. ġ 丮 ̷ ̹Ƿ ġ Ͻñ ٶϴ.
         === MiKTeX ׷̵ ===
         MiKTeX ֱ ׷̵ մϴ.
         . HLaTeX 1.0.1 ġ ڴ ̿ϼ.
         KTUG TeX 丮 Ͽ  մϴ.
         === MiKTeX 2.4 2005/10/16 ׷̵ ===
         ֱ MiKTeX 2.4 ׷̵ pk ⿡ ϴ ġԴϴ.
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/MiKTeX-2.4-20051016-upgrade.exe MiKTeX-2.4-20051016-upgrade.exe]
          * KTUG TeX ý 丮 ٵΰ մϴ.  MiKTeX Options Ǹ Refresh Update ѹ ֽʽÿ.
          ''memhangul-ucs memoir 1.618 䱸մϴ.'' MiKTeX 10 3 ƮǾ ִ ¶ MiKTeX Update Wizard ѹ Ʒ 10 3 MiKTeX Ʈ ϱ ٶϴ.
         . 20050627 0702 ġ ʰ `KTUGCollection` ׷̵ϴ [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/dvipdfmx.cfg dvipdfmx.cfg] ٿε޾Ƽ `localtexmf\dvidpfm\config\` 丮 ִ üϽʽÿ. ʿϴٸ ڽ ýۿ ° Ͽ մϴ.
         === MiKTeX 2005/07/14 Ʈ ===
         MiKTeX 2005/07/14 Ʈ '''''' DVIPDFMx `Unicode.sfd` ã ϴ
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/KTUGCollection-MiKTeX-Config.exe KTUGCollection-MiKTeX-Config.exe]
          MiKTeX Ʈ Ŵ ̿Ͽ dvipdfmx 20050702 ƮϽʽÿ.
          MiKTeX ڵ Ʈ ؼ ġǴ `dvipdfmx.exe` KTUG Collection ˸ üϴ Դϴ. MiKTeX 0627 ̳ʸ ġϸ KTUG Collection ֽϴ. ׷ ׷̵ Ǵ ̹Ƿ DVIPDFMx Ȩ Ʈϴ Ͱ , ݵ MiKTeX Ʈ Ŀ ؾ մϴ.
         === HLaTeX 1.01 ȣȯ Ÿ ġ (optional) ===
         Ʒ HLaTeX 1.01 ġ Ÿ  ȣȯֵ ߰ϴ ġԴϴ. '''HLaTeX 1.01 ġ 쿡 ش˴ϴ.''' Ե Ÿ ϴ.
         hangul-k, hlatex-interword, myulem, hsectsty, hsetspace, hitshape
  • KTUGCollection2006 . . . . 6 matches
         KTUG Collection 2006(Ī KC2006) Windows ýۿ ѱ TeX ȯ ϰ Ȱ ִ ϴ ProjectԴϴ.
         TeX Implementation '''[W32TeX/ko]''' texmf-KTUG Ÿ ƿƼ ̷ ֽϴ.
          1. [W32TeX/ko] : W32TeX ѱ ȯ濡 ° -Ȯ TeX  ýԴϴ. [W32TeX/ko] Ϻ TeX ƴմϴ.
          1. texmf-KTUG : ѱ Ʈ, Ű, Ÿ Ÿ Դϴ. [W32TeX/ko] Բ ġǾ ˴ϴ.
          1. Ÿ ƿƼ : TeX ۾ ʿ پ ƿƼ Դϴ.
          1. MiKTeX ġ ʽϴ. MiKTeX ϴ [W32TeX/ko] մϴ. MiKTeX [W32TeX/ko] ýۿ ÿ ġ ʴ 츦 ϰ ۵Ǿϴ.
          1. KTUG Collection 2005κ ׷̵ մϴ. TeX Implementation ٲ Դϴ.
          1. KTUG Collection ͸ ʽϴ. ׷ [Emacs], EmEditor Ǵ TeXmaker ͸ Ͽ Ȱ ִ մϴ. KC2006-2(-MINI) EmEditor ⺻ ͷ ʿ մϴ.
          1. /н õǾ , Mac OS, Linux ִ texmf-KTUG Unix ϰ Դϴ(غ).
          * [MiKTeX KC2006]
          * MTeXHelper
          亯. hangul̳ hfont HLaTeX ŸԴϴ. KC2006 ⺻ (MINI) HLaTeX ϰ ʽϴ.
          * Ͽ HLaTeX ϵ簡
         ''KC2006 HLaTeX ϰ ͽϴ.''
          亯. KC2006 ̿밡 ''' ѱ ȯ ֽϴ'''. ׷ ̸ Collection . [Hangul-ucs] default Ǵ ϰ HLaTeX, [hLaTeXp]  {{{kcupdate}}} ѹ ġִ 󸶵 ְ ڵ ̷ϴ.
          HLaTeX Ϸ [wiki:KC2006/UPDATES#s-4 KC2006 Ʈ ] "߰ ѱ ȯ" ũ Ͽ Ŭ ġ ĥ ֽϴ. ش ġ ħ ϼ.
         ''MiKTeX KC2006 ġߴµ...''
          亯. MiKTeX KC2006 ÿ ġؼ ϴ. ϳ ϼ.
          亯. KC2006 Yap ϴ. Yap ϴ DviOut ֽϴ. KC2006 ⺻ ϴ ۾ ȯ KCmenu {{{"DVI "}}} ϸ ˴ϴ. MiKTeX ְ KC2006 ( ٸ  TeX ǿ ) α׷ Yap TeXifyԴϴ. ϴ DviOut kcltxmk(Ǵ texi2dvi) ˴ϴ. ̳ KCmenu ̿Ͽ ϰ ۾ ֽϴ.
          亯. KC2006 kcmpm̶ MiKTeX Utility ϰ ֽϴ. ׸ kclogmpm̶ Ű ڵ ġ ũƮ ֽϴ. κ ο Ű MiKTeXó {{{\usepackage}}} õϴ ͸ Ű ġǵ ֽϴ. MiKTeX ٸ latex ÿ Ű ˻/ġ ̷ ƴ϶ {{{kclogmpm}}}̶ ũƮ(α׷) Ѵٴ Դϴ.
  • KTUGCollection2006/TIP . . . . 56 matches
          MiKTeX [texify] ü ũƮ μ [Hangul-ucs] Ͽ Ǿ ִ.
          1. {{{kcltxmk}}} ƹ ɼ 丮 .tex ߿ ϵ ãƼ õ.
         ̸ ٸ, {{{C:\TeX\KTUG_bin\makeindex-dhucs.exe}}} ٸ ̸, {{{mkidx-dhucs.exe}}} ٲ۴ makeindex-dhucs.bat д.
         C:\TeX\KTUG_bin\mkidx-dhucs.exe -s dhucs.ist %1 %2 %3 %4
         #> pdftotext -enc UTF-8 foo.pdf
         === tex4ht ׸ generation ===
          * 2006/07/20 Ʈ tex4ht ImageMagick convert NetPbm ϵ Ͽ.[[FootNote(convert ̰ Ȯϰ ϴ .)]]
         === pdfTeX ѱ ؽƮ ˻ ===
         2006/07/20 (4.0) Ʈ pdfTeX tounicode ġ Ǿ ֽϴ. ̰ ȰȭϷ մϴ.
         \input glyphtounicode.tex
         ġ Դϴ. ۸ Ī ٲָ pdftex ̵ dvipdfmx ̵ ToUnicode Cmap մϴ.
         ۲ type1 uniac00ó ҹڷ Ī  ־ pdftex ν dvidpfmx ν
         · Han ̹ ġ pdftex ˻ pdf ְ Ǿϴ.
         === texinfo ===
         CygWin п KTUGCollection2006 texi2dvi ũƮ ۵Ѵ. ׷ ̰͸ Ͽ CygWin ġϴ δ㽺Ƿ, ġ texinfo . ̸ maketexi.bat Ѵ.
         rem texi2dvi
         set TEXPROGRAM=pdftex
         set TEXPROGRAM=tex
         if !%~x1!==!.texi! goto RUN
         echo Usage: maketexi filename[.texi] [--pdf]
  • KTUGCollection2006/TroubleShooting . . . . 15 matches
          A. ׷ Ǹ, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\mpm\cygwin1.dll}}} (, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\KTUG_bin\cygwin1.dll}}}) disableغϴ. , ̸ ٲٰų ؼ cygwin ü cygwin1.dll ȿϵ ٲپʽÿ. ٸ cygwin ü ǵ ֽ ̾ մϴ. cygwin1.dll ã Ѵٸ windows cygwin path ùٸ Ǿ ִ Ȯϼž մϴ. Ȥ cygwin\bin ϴ cygwin1.dll {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\mpm\cygwin1.dll}}} (, {{{<DRIVE>:\TeX\KTUG_bin\cygwin1.dll}}}) ϴ ͵ ֽϴ.
          A. ý C:\ Administrator ʵ Ǿ ִ ý̶, KTUG Collection ̺ tree Ʒ ġϽʽÿ. , [W32TeX/ko] msi ÿ ġ Destination C:\ , C:\KTUG ϸ ذ˴ϴ. ̷ Ư 찡 ƴϸ, ⺻ C:\ ġϴ մϴ. 丮 C:\ ϸ TeX ý C:\TeX Ʒ ġ˴ϴ. 丮 C:\KTUG ϸ, C:\KTUG\TeX Ʒ ġǰ ˴ϴ. θ 鹮ڰ  ʴ ϴ.
          A. [wiki:KTUGCollection2006/TroubleShooting#s-1.3 C:\ ] ̷ 찡 ߻Ǵ ˴ϴ. ġϰ ϴ ǻ C:\ ȱѿ C:\ ġ ȭ ʰų, C:\TeX 丮 ѵ C:\ ӹ޾ ʰ 쿡 ߻Ǵ մϴ.
          * -> ϸ ϰų latex̳ pdflatex ̿Ͻʽÿ.
          1. . ƿƼ [W32TeX/ko] Ϻΰ ƴ϶ ܺ ƿƼԴϴ. W32TeX [W32TeX/ko] ϳ ó ذǾ ֽϴ. ٸ ܺ ƿƼ ణ ִ ε, ϵ ϰڽϴ.
          '''TeX ۾ θ̳ ϸ 鹮ڰ Ͻʽÿ.''' ( ذ )
         => ̰ pdflatex ϴ ڵ̱ , {{{
         #> kclogmpm -pdflatex foo
          * , KCmenu "ڵ Űġ(kclogmpm)"߸ , {{{-latex}}}ɼǰ {{{-pdflatex}}}ɼ ʷ ˴ϴ.
          * ֽ KCmenu .logȭ ȮϿ {{{-latex}}}ɼǰ {{{-pdflatex}}}ɼ ϳ մϴ. ̴ .logȭϿ format=pdf*** κ {{{-latex}}}, {{{-pdflatex}}} ɼ ǵ Ͽ ξϴ.
         => ̰ chngcntr̶ Ÿ MiKTeX Package Manager ϴ Ÿ ƴϱ Դϴ. MiKTeX mpm Ÿ ġ ִ ƴϸ, KC2006 ġ ϴ ƴ϶ MiKTeX ġ մϴ. mpm , MiKTeX ڵġ ִ Ű KC2006 '''''' ڵġ ѵ, Ÿ ű⿡ ִ Դϴ.
          => ذå: {{{kctexdoc chngcntr}}} ϸ CTAN Search ش ũ ߰ ֽϴ. ̰ ٿεϿ {{{%HOME%\texmf\tex\latex\mystyles}}} ٳְ mktexlsr մϴ.
         {{{ ǻ -> right click -> Ӽ -> -> ȯ溯}}} ǿ GS_LIB̶ , .(C:\TeX ƴ ġϿ ű⿡ ߾ )
          : C:\TeX\gs\gs8.54\lib;C:\TeX\gs\fonts
  • KTUGCollection2007 . . . . 7 matches
          * [[Date(2007-07-01T05:54:19)]] KC2007 . texmf-KTUG ֽϴ. KC2007 ʾ ֽϴ. ֿ ȭ texmf-KTUG ԵǴ ũ Ű ٲٴ Դϴ.
          * ġ ruby ġ α׷ Ǹ ̸ ġϰų Ǵ Ͻʽÿ. ruby ConTeXt MetaFun ϱ Ͽ ʿմϴ. (LaTeX ϴ ʿ ƴϸ ʿ ruby Ʈ 湮Ͽ ġϿ ϴ.)
          * mktexlsr, updmap, fmtutil
          1. esse : ּ ϸ ġϰ ʿ Ű KCpm Ͽ ¶ ߰ġϸ鼭 ϵ ϴ ɼԴϴ. Ģ LaTeX ̿ ַ ϴ.
          1. ġ ݵ TeX ̶ () ξ մϴ. : {{{
          * luaTeX
          * XeTeX
          * pdfTeX 1.40.5
          * [ko.TeX] 0.1.0
          HLaTeX̳ Hangul-ucs (߰) ġ ʿ ϴ.
         KC2007 Բ TeX  ʿ α׷ ֽϴ.
          KC2007 tex4ht ϱ ʿմϴ. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/netpbm.htm
          * KC2007/TeXLive : TeXLive2007 texmf-KTUG kc-binaries ߰Ͽ ѱ ȯ游 մϴ.
          * KC2007/mpm : kcpm Ǵ kcmpm Ű ϴ KC2006 ̷ [W32TeX/ko] ̳ʸ ƿƼ մϴ.
          * KC2007/TeXLive : Windows TeXLive ֽϴ. Ű ƿƼ mpm , Ű ġ ƿƼ Դϴ.
          * TeXLive + KC2007/TeXLive Full Installation DVD (KTS ȸ )
          * KC2007/TeXLive Files (manual install) : KTS & KTUG
  • KTUGCollection2008 . . . . 6 matches
         KC2008 2009/11/10 Ǿϴ. KC2009 [KoTeXLive] ̸ Ӱ Ͽϴ. ̿ʹ KC2008 Ư¡ KCmenu ȯ [KC2008Plus] ̸ ˴ϴ. KTUGBoard:8734
          * TeX ġ ؼ 鸣̴ٸ [KoTeXLive] Ǵ [KC2008Plus] ʽÿ.
          * [[Date(2009-11-10T03:04:47)]] KC2008 Ʈ ߴ (TeXLive 2008 dropped)
          * TeXLive full : 1.7GB
          * TeXLive ġ Ʈ ؼ ¶ο Ǿ ־ մϴ.
          * TeXLive ϰġ˴ϴ.
          * XeTeX ؼ {{{
          * ġ KCmenu Ͽ TeXLive KC2008 ֽ Ʈ Ͻʽÿ. (see [KC2008/TeXLive])
          * ġ installTL Ͽ TeXLive ߰ ġմϴ.
          * ġ KCmenu Ͽ TeXLive KC2008 ֽ Ʈ Ͻʽÿ.
          * ̷ ü̼ α׷ KC2008 ġ ߿ Ϻ ġ ʰų ϴ ϸ, kcupdate TeXLive ġ ÿ ϴ ߰ߵǾϴ. KC2008 ġ, TeXLive ġ KC2008 Ʈ, tlmgr ÿ ̷ ü̼ ǽð νô ڽϴ. ([[Date(2009-02-15T07:55:48)]])
         10 + 60 (TeXLive full install)
          * KC2008 ν α׷ ġ. (TeX ý ġ Ϸ)
          1. TeXLive Ը ġϿ ϰ ۾ϵ غմϴ.
          * 1 : [KC2008/TeXLive] õǾ ִ small Ǵ medium ϰ ġ .
          * 2 : KCmenu -> TeX System -> ʱȭ db εϰ ʿ Ű ġ
          * 3 : ð {{{installTL}}} Ͽ TeXLive full ν. -> α׷ -> KC2008 -> installTL
          * {{{installTL}}} ϸ texlive ġ .
          1. TeXLive ġ Ͽ ˾Ƶ
          * 3 , ׷ ڶ Ű TeXLive manager Ͽ ׶ ߰ ġ . ġ .
  • KTUGCollectionEvent . . . . 8 matches
         , '''"׻ ̸ ϴ LaTeX"'''
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/EungShinLee/ktug_eungshin.tex TEX]
         [synapse], '''" TeX "'''
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/ilovetex.pdf PDF]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/Synapse/ilovetex.tex TEX]
         [smcho], '''" α׷ LaTeX"'''
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/smcho_latex.pdf PDF]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/smcho/smcho_latex.tex TEX]
         [Progress], '''"TeX å"'''
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/LeeJuho_TeX_and_Book.pdf PDF(5.1M)]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/LeeJuho/TeX_and_Book.zip ҽ(5.8M)]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KTUGCollectionEvent/DohyunKim/banyashimgyeong.tex TEX]
  • KTUGCompanion . . . . 1 match
         LaTeXCompanion KTUG Ű ϰ ִ. LaTeX Ǵ
          * KTUGFaqMap - TeX õ ϸ俬
          1. [TeX]̶?
          1. [TeX] ŷ
          1. [LaTeX]̶?
          1. [ѱTeX]
         == LaTeX ==
          1. [TeXԷ] - ҽ
          1. `textcase`
          1. `verbatim` - ǥ LaTeX ȯ
          1. LaTeX float Ȯ
          1. ǥ LaTeX Ʈ
          1. [LaTeXSymbols] - LaTeX ִ ȣ
          1. LaTeX ڵ
          1. AMSLaTeX
          1. TeX 񿵾
          1. [ko.TeX]
          1. [LaTeXϺ]
          1. [ArabTeX]
          2. GlossTeX
  • KTUGDocumentationProject . . . . 6 matches
         KTUG 񽺴 (La)TeX ü ϱ ȹԴϴ. ũǾ ְ, ε ߰Ǿ Դϴ.
         KTUG 񽺿, (1) ѱ۷ ۼ (La)TeX ħ, (2) ѱ۷ ۼǰų KTUG ϴ ַ, Ÿ, Ŭ 뼳, (3) ׹ (La)TeX ѱ ַ Ϸ ϰ ֽϴ.
          HLaTeX/Lambda ̿Ͽ ȯ Դϴ.
         == KTUG ϴ ѱ (La)TeX ==
         Tobias Oetiker ۼ (La)TeX ԹԴϴ.
         (La)TeX Թ  θ ˷ ִ ̹Ƿ, θ μؼ 翡ΰ Ͻø ϴ.
         MetaPost ſ ׸ ó Դϴ. Metafont ΰ Postscript ֵ ϴ . Ư ConTeXt Metapost ⺻ ׸ ó äϰ ֱ Ȱ ɼ Ŀ մϴ. ̰ ִ ε KTUG Ϻη Ȱ ֵ ּ̽ϴ. ̰ Ͻʴϴ.
         === Essential LaTeX++ ѱ ===
         Essential LaTeX++ Jon Warbrick ۼϰ LaTeX ħԴϴ. , н ǰ ־ ſ Դϴ. Ͽ ̳ Ȩ ϵ Ͻ , KTUG Ϻη մϴ
          * Uploads:essential-kr.pdf Essential LaTeX++ ѱ(PDF)
          * [http://noodle.med.yale.edu/latex/essential.pdf Essential LaTeX++ (PDF)]
         [GFaq] TeX ׸ óϸ鼭 εġ FAQ Դϴ. KTUG μ 1.0.0 ǿø Ǿϴ. ̳ Խǿ 亯 ͵ ߿ ߸ 亯 Դϴ. ̾ƺ ó ϴ.
         === μ ڸ LaTeX 1.0.6(LaTeX4Wp) ===
         CTAN  ϳ 츮 ű Դϴ. (latex4wp) ڴ GonzatoԴϴ. ̾ƺ Ͽϴ. PDF ֱ KTUG "TTF PDF " ۼǾ, ѱ Ʈδ ƽþƮ ƮŸ Ͽ DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ ѱ ϸũ Դϴ. ƽþƮ ƽþƮ ⺻ ġϽø ǰ PDF ֽϴ.
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko.pdf PDF]
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko-src.zip Source]
         === HLaTeX TrueType ۲ ϱ ===
          <!> TTF2HLaTeXFont ũƮ(by DohyunKim) Ͽ Ǿ ֽϴ. ״ TTF2HLaTeXFont Ͻ մϴ. KTUG ϴ ߿  ϳ̱ ؼ ϰڽϴ. obsolete Ƽ ҽ PDF ϸ HTML ϰڽϴ.
         Ͻ÷ ѱ LaTeX/Lambda(HLaTeX, DHUcs, DHHangul) ۼ , (contribution) Խǿ ÷ֽø ˴ϴ. ä⸦ մϴ.
  • KTUGFaqMap . . . . 4 matches
         KTUGFaqMap Faq Ű Ʈ Դϴ. TeX õ ϸ俬 ǥ ϰ ֽϴ. 翬 Ͽ Ե ٸ 鵵 ϴ.
         === TeX, LaTeX ===
          1. TeX, LaTeX̶ ΰ?
          * TeXEngine''''''s
          * LaTeX (PDFLaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX), AMSTeX, AMSLaTeX
          1. TeX, LaTeX ϵ ?
          * [TDS], [], [kpathsea], [texmf], LocalTexmfTree
          1. : LaTeX ؽƮ óϴ
          1. [LaTeX]
          1. LaTeX ʵ
          1. LaTeX Ÿϵ
          1. ⺻ LaTeX
          1. LaTeX [Ŭ]
          * [TeXHelpOnFundamentals]
          * [gromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete]
          [TeXġϱ], [TeX]
          * [TeX], [TeX۾ȯ], [], [], [KC2006/KCmenu]
          * WinEdt, NTEmacs, EmacsW32, [NotePad++], EmEditor, TeXShop, VimEditor, TeXWorks
          1. [TeXɼ]
         === LaTeX ===
  • KTUGFaqMook . . . . 1 match
          * src : attachment:april.tex (ҽ ڷ̹Ƿ μ ׸ ÷ մϴ.)
  • KTUGFaqMook/Contrib . . . . 4 matches
          * : TeX
          * : attachment:chronology.tex
          * : attachment:leekh_latex.tex
          * : attachment:my.tex
  • KTUGNewsletter . . . . 2 matches
         2 LaTeX
          * , LaTeX ǥ ۼϱ (1)
          * , ѱ Windows 󿡼 Ϻ LaTeX ϱ
          * [LaTeXϺ]
          [DeleteMe] κ ȭϿ ٷ ڽϴ. ̶ Īϴ Ϳ ٸ յǾ ϳ ý ̷ ִ ̹Ƿ װ ɰ ϳ ¤ ϴ. smcho ۲ÿ ǹ 信ó dvi ۲ óϴ , dvipdfmx ۲ óϴ , dvips, Ǵ pdflatex óϴ ϸ ڵ鿡 и ū Դϴ. ֱٿ PDF åǰ ǰ ؽƮ , ʹ 翬 ؿ ͼ ذشٴ , ݰ Ǿϴ. ̸׸, \texttrademark åǿ ε ġ װ ߸ ξ ٴ ̴ϴ. --[hoze]
          , Ʈ ó ׷Ա criticalϴٰ ʽϴ. 忡 dvipdfmx Ʈ ó ˾ƾ ʿ䰡 ? Ƹ dvipdfmx ֵ Ʈ ϴ ħ װ ϵ ϴ "" մϴ. TeX ۹ ϴ ͺٴ μ ˰ ϴ ξ ϴ(Ǿ ϱ). ׷ μ ڰ ˰ Ϸ ϴ 츦 Ͽϴ. ׷ ǰ ۵Ǹ ʺڵ ̶ մϴ. Ʒѱ ҽ ؼؾ ʿ䰡 ְڽϱ? --[Karnes]
  • KTUGŰ/ . . . . 2 matches
          TeX ִ ?
         TeX '''X''' 빮ڶ ο ܾ ν Ǵµ...
          ''Ⱑ Ǿ ׷ ̴ Դϴ.'' TeX WikiName ƴ. ExtendedWikiName . 빮ڸ ٿ ǥϰ ĥ ֽϴٸ, TeX Ѱ ؼ ׷ ؾ ұ ? ;) --WkPark
          [KTUG] TeX ̰ ϱ ƽϴ ^^;; --WkPark
         <input TYPE=text NAME=o[ss] SIZE=18 MAXLENGTH=255 style="border:1x solid #555555;background-Color:#ffffff;font:12px;color:#555555;" VALUE=""
         <input type=hidden name="context" value="10">
          . S FindPage ϵ ߰. ׹ۿ, (<ALT>-S) â ϴ. Textarea <ESC> ʴ ɵ . --WkPark
         ̳Դϴ. ktug wiki wiki ȣɿ ؼ wiki homepage ֽϴ. ׷ ϳ ϴ. ± TeX ۾ wiki ۾Ϸ ϴµ, ʳ׿. ׳ search/replaceص DZ , ϵ ġ ʰ, perl ǥ ̿ؼ programغ ص ̶ ϵ ʳ׿.
          Բ ޾ ô, ģ TeX wikiX ȯϴ program ּ̽ϴ. ٸ wiki ¿ 𸣰, Ȥó ǽDZ Ǿ ⿡ Link[http://wikix.org/index.php?display=MyStages] ɾϴ. ⼭ 13. TeXκ Ͻø ɰ ϴ. Űּż մϴ. --[ƹ]
  • KTUGŰ/亯 . . . . 2 matches
          label.bot(btex x etex,(0,0));
         KTUGŰ ٸ Texα׷ ҽ ؼ ҽ ?
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 109 matches
          1. root hlatex-texmf .
          ġǾ : HLaTeX, [۲], ohanyang Ű.
         丮 µ Ǯ texhashϰ doc/u8hangul ִ ϵ ׽Ʈغ .
         beamer DVIPDFMx ʴ´. PSTricks ٸ dvips/ps2pdf ̿ؾ ϰ ׷ PDFLaTeX Ѵ. ׷ ְԵ `[utf8]` ɼǰ `[cjk]` ɼ Ѵ. (example ߿ ߱ ִ beamerexample4.tex ִ.) ̰ ̿غ ߴ. PDFLaTeXδ ؽƮ ˻/ åǴ Ƿ ϰ, ü ̿ϱ Ѵ.
         SRC : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/beamerhangulfonttest.tex Beamer_Hangul_Font_Test(UTF-8)]
         DocBook xml ȯϴ ؼ xmltex ѱ ذ ϴ ϴ.
         켱 , DHHangul ̿ϴ lambda (.tex) ȯϱ ŸϽƮ ۼغҽϴ. ̰ XML2LaTeX ҰǾ ִ [http://www.inrialpes.fr/opera/people/Tayeb.Lemlouma/MULTIMEDIA/XSLT/XML2LaTeX.xsl XML2LaTeX.xsl] UTF-8 ٲٰ dhhangul ϵ Դϴ. xsl LaTeX 2.09 ȯϵ Ǿ ִ ̾µ պ鼭 ߽ϴ. Ĺ̰ ⿡ ־ٰ մϴ.
         #> xsltproc [pathto]/dbk-lambda.xsl testofdbklambda.xml > extestdl.tex
          [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/extestdl.tex extestdl.tex]
          Ʈ ϰ ϴ. ׷ XML Ʈ ʹ Ƽ 𼭺 մ Ű ֽϴٸ, ظ ̴ ū Ǿϴ. ׷ dvipdfmx pdf ߽ϴ. ̷ϴ. `pdf_add_dict: Passed invalied value'. ¿ XML ۼϰ TeX ̿ϰ Ǹ մϴ. --[hoze]
         '''׷''' : ȣ CategoryCode ϰ ȯϴ ʹ ũ. ׷Ƿ, ̷ Ȳ ڴ `\sparen` ̿ؼ ȣ ȿ   ڷ ְ, LaTeX ̰ ȣ ؽƮ óϰ Ѵ. ̷ ̶ catcode ٲ ״ ڸ ȣ ȿ ϰ ϸ ʴ°? ׷ ̵ ڴ ü Ͽ ȣ ϰ ϰ ٲٰ ִ. ׷ 츦 Ͽ `\makeparenactive` ɰ `\makeparenother` Ͽ, ü Ͽ ȣ ϰ ó ϰ Ͽ. ڿ ȣ , bmsec ȣ ̿ϴ Ű Ƿ ڽ Ͽ ̴.
         === `HLaTeXk` ===
         `HLaTeXk` '''ɽؼ'''  Դϴ. ο ũ Ű ƴϰ( ؼ ο ) HLaTeX Դϴ.
         [http://my.ktug.or.kr/misc/texmf-hlatexk.tar.gz texmf-hlatexk.tar.gz]
          1. [hLaTeXp]ó format Դϴ.
          1. [hLaTeXp] ȣȯ ȭϿ, κ [hLaTeXp] ۼ ٸ ó ϵ˴ϴ. ٸ ü [hLaTeXp] Ÿ/ȭ HLaTeX ״ մϴ. ϵ ٳ ޶ ֽϴ.
          1. hlatexcjk Ű Ͽϴ. `\urchr`, `\UNI` ֽϴ.
          1. DVI TeX ý մϴ. ;) PDF ⺻ ϰ ϴ.
          1. HLaTeX, CJK Ű ʿմϴ.
  • Karnes/2005-11 . . . . 15 matches
         TeX ̻Ȱ ڶ ϴ lshort ϰ memhangul-ucs , ׸ memman ̴. ˾ֱ⸦ ٶ ϴ ƴ ̶ ´ٸ ׷ ǹ ̴. Ʈ Ӻ ʰ 2ް Ǵ PDF ٶ󺸸鼭 Ѵ. ̰ .
          ȸ homepage ܿ 1,000 Ǵ ̱ ..... index  ϰ س, װ ϴ..(TeX4ht ۾ Ͽϴ)
         °δ  category ? package , ɾ, LaTeX ε...
         °δ ̷ ʿ䰡 ? TeX ؼ ε ϰ Ͱ ؼ.. ѹ ϰ ֱ . ũ ɱ ͱ⵵ ϱ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2005-02-12T22:29:44 tex4ht ѱȭ
         memhangul-ucs ̿ tex4htѱȭ ϰ ͽϴ. ۲ htf ,  htf ϴ ñմϴ. uhc۲ htf ȭ̸ ٲپ ص dzĿ? memhangul-ucs ̷ 帳ϴ. մϴ. --[synapse]
          [TeX4ht/ѱ۱] [TeX4ht/ȭ] ذǾϴ. --[Karnes]
         Window XP + CygWin/X + XPdf 2.03 + Emacs 21.3 + PreviewLaTeX + SpeedBar ( [[Date(2003-11-28T06:01:39)]] )
         [http://mux2d.sourceforge.net/ mux2d] ׸ α׷ ֽϴ. MusiXTeX Front-end Ǻε, CygWin ϴ Ͽϴ. ̹Ͽ Slur Tie ǥ ʰ ڵ忡 head ġ roffϴ ɵ ؼ ϴ export tex ҽ պ ϴ ְ, Dialog ۵ NoteEdit ȯ濡(NoteEdit TSE3 ̺귯 Ͽ ̾ϴ. Ȥ CygWin ȿ Ͻ ˷ּ) ƽ ѹ 𸣰ڽϴ. ÷Ӵϴ.(CygWin, X11, QT3.2) $$\rightarrow $$ Uploads:mux2d.exe.tar.gz
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2004-05-14T01:30:31 OzTeX ũ
         ũ øڴٰ 1 ϴ. װ͵ CMacTeX ƴ϶ OzTeX ø Ǿ׿.
         CMacTeX ƹ Ƶ ũ ʾƿ... :( -- [[Date(2004-05-14T01:30:31)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2004-04-20T16:24:57 : [TeX] Ͽ
          ϴٰ, ũμƮ 1995 8ȣ η CD ߽߰ϴ. ⿡ TeX ǰ III+ ִ. κ 10, 3.1 95 ѱ۰ǻͰ ߴ CD ߰ϴٴ...
          TeX ǰ ẻ ϴ. ٸ η TeX 1.5 纻 Ǿµ, XP ġ â ѱ Է±⸦ ϸ ׾ ̻ ൿ Ͽ غ ϰ ִ ̾ϴ.
         и ڸ ̷ϴ. TeX ǰ "/Ű" ʴ , ۵մϴ. TeX Ʈ ġ մϴ. ׷, TeX ǰ ġ htex.exe ǰ ġ Ű, ۵ϴ ̾ϴ. ׷ ÿ , μÿ ǰ ׷ ְڴٴ (!) .
         `HLaTeXk` ִ ϵ غ Ͽϴ. TeX DVI ̹ `\special` ܶ ϰ ִ HTEXDEMO.TEX ʾҽϴ. TeX ڽŵ Win 95 WMF ̹ Ǵ WMF ׸ ÷ ϴ.
  • Karnes/2005-12 . . . . 2 matches
          TeX ڵ嵵 ׽Ʈغ. `hello.tex`̴. ^^
         {{{#!vim tex
         Ű Ȩ ߰ ߴ. ̰͵ ũ й Ͽ. LaTeX [Karnes-LaTeXTips] Ͽ.
  • Karnes/2006-01 . . . . 25 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-01-25T10:28:56 , CJKLaTeX ϼ ѱ .
         CJK Ű ̿ؼ ϼ Ѵ ѱ LaTeX óϴ ޸Դϴ.
         ٷ Ʒ 赵 ÷ֽ ڵ Ҿ, 켱 HLaTeX Ѱ踦 Ѿ Ȱ밡ɼ ϱ ϰڽϴ.
          ۿ ϴ texmf-btu.tar.gz ýۿ ġϰ 赵 缭 ص ˴ϴ.( κ cyberbit Ʈ ̿մϴ.)
          1. PDF Ѵ. TTF-embedded PDF ̿ϱ ϰ, pdflatex Ѵ.
          => KTUG ̰ ǵ Դϴ. ⼭ ttf2tfm ֱ ġ ̿ϱ ϰ PDFLaTeX ġ ʾҽϴ.
          => HLaTeX ̿ϴ ƴմϴ.
          => CJK Ű ġ fpTeX ̿ϴ մϴ. ٿ޾Ƽ TEXMF Ʈ ؼ Ǯ mktexlsr ϸ ˴ϴ. Linux ణ ߰ ƿƼ ġ ʿ䰡 ֽϴٸ.... http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/fptex/0.5/packages/cjk.zip (25.7M)
          => Cyberbit Ʈ UTF-8 ڵ ڸ κ ϰ ִ ü 迭 () ۲Դϴٸ, ŸԵ ѱ KSX-1001 شϴ ڸ ϰ ֽϴ. ׷Ƿ, ٸ ڵ ڴ Cyberbit Ʈ ϰ ѱ ڵ ۲ ڴٴ Դϴ. Cyberbit Ʈ ڷǿ 赵 Բ ÷ν "cjk-latex ڵ带 Ẹ" ۿ ٿ ִ ֽϴ.
          1. (ġ) ttf2tfm Ͽ cyberbit.ttf batang.ttf *.tfm, *.enc . TeX ̸ մϴ. (⼭ btu Ͽ.)
          ( : 鹬۲ texmf Ʈ Բ ġصξٸ batang.ttf ̸ ġǷ 쿡 ̸ ٲٽñ ٶϴ.)
          4. pdftex.cfg btu.map ø.
          ( : ݵ ȿ ִ pdftex.cfg մϴ. texmf Ʈ ִٸ д texmf Ʒ $TEXMF/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg Ͻʽÿ.)
         * TEXMF TREE *
         http://my.ktug.or.kr/misc/texmf-btu.tar.gz (6.8M)
          TEXMF Ʈ ϸ鼭 ( texmf-local ) Ǯ cyberbit.ttf ġ(fonts/truetype/cyberbit/) Ͻʽÿ. ׷ mktexlsr Filename Database ϰ, pdftex.cfg tex/latex/btu/test ִ ϰ Ʒ 赵 缭 غʽÿ.
          ִ unicode_test.tex Ͽ acroread ִ ȭ ĸ߽ϴ.
          1. Windows HLaTeX 1.0.1 ܼġ Ű
          ۾ ÷ س ϳ ʾҳ . ׸... ü ϳ 迡 Ѵ. Virtual PC Wiindows 98 ġϰ [TeX] WinLaTeX ôµ ȴ. ۾ȯ鵵 Ǹ TeX ý̾ ʳ .
          Omnigraffle Pro ִµ . :-) ο switcherε, ƹ ȸ ǰ ߽ϴ. ȾƱ α׷Դϴ. ٵ, Ͻ epsε saveǴµ ũⰡ մϴ. , pdf saveϸ ۽ϴ. ׷ latex dvipdfmx ٴ pdflatex Ǿϴ. -- [recypace] [[DateTime(2006-01-18T20:15:54)]]
  • Karnes/2006-02 . . . . 7 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-02-25T20:20:30 ѱ TeX
          ׷... ׷, "ȸе ... ̳ " MiKTeX ƴ϶ fpTeX ġ ߴ ̾...
          ޾Ҵ Խ ̾µ 亯 ϳ, 1 ؽƮ 鼭( widetext ) ֺ ؽƮ 帧 Ʒ, ٽ ϴ ̾. ˰ vtex midfloat ̰ شٴ . [wiki:ٴ#s-3.1.2 ٴ] Ͽ.
          [[HTML(<a href="http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/pds/Karnes_2f2006_2d02/texshopshot.jpg">׸Ȯ</a>)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-02-20T17:50:28 TeXShop, PDF Sync !
         TeXShop PDF Synchronization ߽ϴ. DVIPDFMx Ͽ ˻ PDF ״ Ǵ. pdf Inverse''''''/''''''ForwardSearch ó űϱ⸸ մϴ. DVI Ǵ ˾Ҵ ι/ ġ pdf ִٴ... dvi ׿. ư ε Ƚϴ. ''' ϴ.'''
          е [TeXShop/PDFSync] ϼ.
          ۾ ۾. Ŀǵ带 ִ ͼ ٸ Makefile ϰ Ǵ TeXShop հȯ濡 ٽ ϰ ؾ DZ . ׷ ͹̳οٰ δ â ̸ ٳⰡ ó ׷ űϴ ̸ ణ ̾.
         Path Finder ƿ ͹̳ پ ִ. ׳ (Drawer) ش . ְ ٳ ִ. Դٰ ʿϸ ش ͹̳ . ׹ۿ ô TeX ۾ ؼ ̰ ʹ ϴ.
          * attachment:pstchartst.tex
          ̻ MiKTeX pstcol ּ.
          $ call makepstchartst pstchartst.tex
          1. غ : fink ġ, teTeX ġ/, fink.conf (unstable/main, unstable/crypto)
         ׸ External/Ctrl+F4 TeXshop TeXshop pdfviewer ٴ ̴.
         command `open -a TeXshop %B.pdf` Ѵ. tex2pdf pdf viewer ȭ Ͽ ٽ شٴ ̴. ϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-03 . . . . 28 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-03-28T16:35:03 Hangul-ucs 2.7.0 upstream for MiKTeX users
         C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs ִ ȯ̾ ϸ, C:\TeX ٵΰ ؾ մϴ.
         2.7.0 ū Ư¡ pdflatex ˻/ dhucs-cmap.sty ߰ Ͱ dhucs-ucshyper {{{[dvips]\}}} ɼ Դϴ.
          3. PDFLaTeX
          1. pdflatex {{{
         #> cp `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" mktex.opt` ~/.texmf-var/web2c/
         #> mktexlsr
         #> vi `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" mktex.opt`
         HLaTeX ƴ϶ Ư ڰ EUC-KR ϼ ϴ ׷ Ǵؾ ִ. .
         ƽþ ۲ Ʈ ۲ ٿε޾ Ҵ ( ü) ڵ ڵ ϴ. ƽþƮ ׸ TTF2HLaTeXFont Ʈ ؼ [Hangul-ucs] Դϴ.
          * (//ƹ) attachment:texmf-mhtype1.tar.gz ( 15M)
          * (/긲//긲) attachment:texmf-mhtype1-extra.tar.gz ( 7M)
          1. HLaTeX ϴ.
          1. pdftexε ؽƮ ˻ մϴ.(pdftex dhucs-cmap ̿)
          1. ַ pdftex Բ ؼ ۵Ǿϴ. dvips -> ps2pdf 뵵ε Դϴ.
          1. MiKTeX 丮 Ʈ ʾҽϴ.
          tex ҽ ٲ ͹ۿ δ ȣ ԷϽ ̹Ƿ [Progress/å̾߱] Ұؾ Ǵ ̶ DZ ...
         hlatexcjk ŸϷ Էµ մϴ. ȸ翡 ҽ ִµ ʿϽø 帮ڽϴ.
         LaTeX ڵ [Karnes]Բ ϼ 翬 α׿ ҰǾѴٰ մϴ. -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2006-03-22T14:08:39)]]
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 70 matches
         $ cd /usr/local/teTeX/share
         ġ 丮 (texmf-hangul-ucs 丮) .
         1995. hLaTeXp. LaTeX Ÿ. Ʒ س. ChoF HLaTeX ̷ HLaTeX ַ Ǿ . ϴ Hangul-ucs ϵ .
          Ͽ, ѱ ø samp-ucs.tex . 1995ǰ ٸ () Ͽ kaist_js.sty Ʊ . ̰ ޶ ̳ в ޶ κ Ĵ޶ ϼż ߴ . ٸ 𸣹Ƿ KAISTе Ƹ п лȸ ϴ kaist.cls ϳ, Ȥ Ŭ Ͻô е ڷ ϴ .
          * attachment:fnttst_0430.tex
         "MikTeX (2.4) teTeX 丮 ..."
         "MikTeX (2.4) teTeX ٸ 丮 ..."
          texmf.local/fonts/map/dvips -> texmf.local/dvips
          ӿ 赵 Բ "Ʈ ˸ TeX δ." ̽ϴ. ׷ ڵ, Ư (ſ ) ս ġ ģ ڵ "ü TeX ġ ٴµ ؾ ϳ" ̴ϴ. ٿٿ Ͽ '''Hello World''' '''ѱ ׽Ʈ''' dvi  ̰ ѱ ȴٴ ݿ ̼ Ұ ̰ ̰ ϰ ϴ .
          ö԰ ѱƮŸ ۲ ϰ ϴ [KTUGDocumentationProject] "HLaTeX TrueType ۲ ϱ" ϱ⿡ ſ Դϴ. Ư ࿡ ͼ 鿡Դ ӱݰ ۿ . ġ ϳ dos ttf2tfm ɵ ġ ٿ鼭 Ÿ ε帮⸦ ϴ ʹ Ȥϴٰ ұ.
         ׷ ׷ ߸ TeX ý ִ ϴ. TDS ͵ ᱹ ۲ ٷٺ ڿ Ǵϱ.
         ̹ ø ϴ. ̵ оٵ... а õغ Ʈ TeX ٵ. ;)
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-04-23T21:30:34 AquamacsEmacs + TeXniscope ۾ ȯ
         TeXShop ... ð AquamacsEmacs TeXniscope ̿ ۾ ȯ غ Ͽ. ֱ νð ߴ pdflatex ̿ ϱ ϰ, pdf ѱ ۼ ȯ . http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/AquamacsTexniscope Ͽ.
          1. TeXniscope , /Users/karnes/Applications/ Ʒ ִ.
          1. AquamacsEmacs -> TeXniscope : ForwardSearch
          1. {{{M-x customize-variable RET TeX-output-view-style RET\}}} ϸ â . ({{{custo TAB -var TAB RET TeX-output-v TAB\}}} . ^^ ⼭ {{{^dvi$\}}} ̹ TeXniscope Ǿ ִ ִ. {{{^pdf$\}}} ؼ Ȱ ش. {{{
         (("^dvi$" "^TeXniscope$" "open -a TeXniscope.app %o")
          ("^pdf$" "^TeXniscope$" "open -a TeXniscope.app %o")
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 30 matches
         ̿ Ī `texmf-mook` :) `Readme` `dvipdfmx.cfg` `f unfonts-type1-dvipdfm.map` ߰϶ ̴µ ذ ȵ˴ϴ. ttfϵ ƴϵ ʿ? -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2006-06-01T12:00:47)]]
         ׸... ֽô unfonts type1 dvipdfmx ʳ. ó dvips/pdftex ؼ ̶... dvipdfmx unfonts ü ٷϱ... -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-06-01T12:13:04)]]
          ڽ õƿ ִ .... ƴ϶ . ׷ Ѷ õƿ ִٴ ؾ . ũ Basilisk][ ִ .dsk 峭̾ ǻͿ ֱ α׷ ư. Kid Pix Studio, Checkers Play Room, 񺼷Ϻ ̾߱ ... Kid Pix Studio ̺ α׷̾ ͵... . Mac OS X󿡼 System 9 ϸ κ α׷ ư ϰ... ¾ α׷ ü ϰ ; ִ ̴. Ѹƿ... ũ OzTeX ƺҴ.
          * attachment:rtrt.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-05-22T11:23:56 ѱ۰ LaTeX (2) : ѱ LaTeX/Lambda Ű
         ѱ ϰ ִ LaTeX/Lambda Ű鿡 Դϴ.
          Ѹ ȴٸ... hangul-ucs ѱ Ұ ʴٰ ϴ. ˰ ã ° ð 䱸ϰ . ۾ ϰ ִ , 䵵 , εȡ ѱ Ʈ Դϴ. Ѿpua ? Ͻ hangul-ucsε ϱ ʿ並 մϴ. {{{U+1100\}}} ڸ Ѿpua ű ̰, ̰͵ TeX ٴ ƴϰڽϴ. Ʈ ƴѵ TeX δ 鼭 ؼ ϴ 絵 ʰ, ׷ٸ ڰ ũƮ ó ģ TeX ̿ϴ ϴ . · ƮԴϴ. -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2006-05-22T16:49:44)]] -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2006-05-22T16:49:44)]]
         մϴ. ˰ڽϴ. 帰 б⿡ п Ǵ '''ι'''̶ Ϸ  ϳ ð ǾԴϴ. LaTeX ġ Ұϰ XML ٷ鼭 DocBook ٷ ϴٰ ѱ ó  ޾ Դϴ. -- MadToad [[DateTime(2006-05-22T23:36:06)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-05-21T15:14:37 ѱ۰ LaTeX
         LaTeX ѱ '''ǥ''' ִ . .
         || [EUC-KR] || CJKLaTeX || W. Lemberg || 2006 || CJK ȯ {{{[KS]\}}} ɼ ||
         || [EUC-KR] || HLaTeX || || 2005 || ѱ ǥ/ ||
         || [EUC-KR] || [hLaTeXp] || || 1995 || .fmt . ѱ ǥ/ ||
         || [UTF-8] || HLaTeX || || 2005 || [Lambda] ||
         || [UTF-8] || CJKLaTeX || W. Lemberg || 2006 || CJK ȯ {{{[UTF8]\}}} ɼ ||
         || θ Է || frktex || Fukui Rei || 1994 || [pTeX] ||
          ˻ " ξ" "latex ξ" Դ. о߿ ̷ KTUG Խǰ Ű ε ι°...
          * ׸ LaTeX Դϴ. Ȥ ҽ ʿϽ , ֽϴ.
          * src : attachment:bftst.tex (ϰɼ ʽϴ.)
         ݱ nabi X Է± ؿԴµ, TeXmacs . ׷ SCIM ϱ . scim-1.4.4 scim-hangul ٿε޾Ƽ, .
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 41 matches
          -> . LaTeX ߿ warning ߻ ุ ÷ {{{
         #> latex -src foo | grep Warning
         4. detex
          -> TeX markup ݴϴ. з ˱ wc Ẽ 𸣰ڽϴ.
         #> detex foo.tex >foo.txt
          * pdflatex-compatibleϰ ۼ . {{{
         (2) pdflatex
         #> pdflatex --shell-escape foo
          * ÷ ׸ ȣ ۷ ۾غ ε, ũ \insertgraphic ó body.tex ʹ {{{<Meta>-Q\}}} ְ պκп ؼ ܿ ۵ϰ ־.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-06-28T02:02:01 hlatexp for KTUG Collection 2006
         ׵ ؿԴ hLaTeXp (Ȥ ʿ ) д.
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/KCupdate-hlatexp.kcupdate KCupdate-hlatexp.kcupdate, 60M]
         hangul.sty HLaTeX 浹 ϱ ̸ hangulp.sty ٲپǷ hltxman Ϸ ҽ ؾ ̴.
         ׳ , ũ⿡ ĥ 迡 ڸ hLaTeXp ũⰡ ũ, HLaTeX , Hangul-ucs ϴ. Ͽ 20M Hangul-ucs ִ.
         KTUG Collection 2006, Hangul-ucs Ѱܷü Ʈ Ű. ttf2hlatexfont ̿ϸ ġ ְ, Ʈ ̸ ǥȭ ġ Ͽ .
          * share/texmf-local ġǸ, share/texmf-local removehangyeol.bat . ϰϷ .
          * KTUG Collection 2006 ǹ̰ ְ MiKTeX ƹ .
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 52 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-07-28T14:25:43 Brief History : ѱ LaTeX ȯ
          * ChoF's TeX Archive : MiKTeX 2.1, HLaTeX 0.98/0.99.
          * HLaTeX ġ
          * ̳ : [fpTeX], HLaTeX 0.98/0.99
          * HLaTeX CTAN ٿε ۾ ȳ
          * KTUG : [MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.2 (by ChoF)
          * HLaTeX 0.991 ϰ ¶ Ʈ ϴ ġ
          * HLaTeX ϰ ġϴ ġ α׷
          * 2002 ϳ. ѱ, dvipdfm-cjk(DVIPDFMx), pdftex subfont patch(by ChoF)[[FootNote( Ʈ ġ ᱹ ߿ Han The Thanh Ͽ pdftex ԵǴµ, ڵ峪 ޶, Ʈ ġ ó õ KTUG ChoF Ͻ ̾.)]], ConTeXt ѱȭ ...
          * [MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.3
          * cvs ̿ HLaTeX ġ .
          * MiKTeX 2.4 Ҿ [MiKTeX-KTUG] Ʈ ߴ.
          * [HPack] for MiKTeX 2.4 ̿ HLaTeX ġ (ȫȣ)
          * DVIPDFMx MiKTeX 2.4 ̳ʸ ɷ ѵ pdf ǿȭ Ͽ. [CygWin] [teTeX] .
          * ѱ Ÿ׷ǿ Ͽ hlatex-interword ۵.
          * LaTeX2html 䰡 پ TeX4ht ѱȭ (by [synapse], HuidaeCho)
          * HLaTeX ġ MiKTeX + KTUG patch(dvipdfmx, ttf2pk, etc.) + HPack ǥ ڸ. ( Ⱓ )
          * KTUGCollection2005 . MiKTeX + HLaTeX/DHUcs , ñ ѱ ȯ ϳ ġ Ű ̾.
          * WinEdt ü WinEdt HLaTeX ͷ νĵ. Hangul-ucs ʿ Emacs EmEditor ϰ .
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 16 matches
          1. [W32TeX/ko]
          1. KC2006-texmf .
          1. TeXShell ġ (ͷ)
          1. .kcupdate .tex α׷
          1. KC2006-texmf.tar.gz Ǫ ġ
          C:\TeX Ǵ D:\TeX ġ( W32TeX/ko.msi C:\, D:\)ϴ ROOT(C:\, D:\) ٵΰ ۾ϸ ǹǷ ƴ .
          1. dviout TEXMF Էؾ ϴ
         kcmenu ϴ. ü ϸ鼭 ʿ䰡 , ġ ã ϸ ͸  ϴ ͱ ϻõ ȴ. inverse/forward search Ϸ ͸ տ ߾ , 켱 TeXShellε ۾ Ͽ.
          ɸ ð 30. , TeX Systemμ հ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-08-22T22:59:24 UTF-8 support LaTeX Editors
         UTF-8 , LaTeX Ưȭ ִ
          * TeXmaker .. ''2% ''
          * TeXShell .. ''too simple... NotePad ...''
          * VisualTeX (Editor) .. ''not bad.. ... ForwardSearch yapθ Ǵ ɻ? InverseSearch .'' Scintilla ̿ϴ ΰ?
         UTF-8 ϴ, LaTeX Ưȭ
         UTF-8 ʴ LaTeX Ưȭ
          * WinTeX
          * WinShell for LaTeX
          * TeXnicCenter
         ѱ ʴ ̳, ''' WysiWyg''' LaTeX WordProcessor
  • Karnes/2006-09 . . . . 32 matches
         쿬 ȸ ׵ TeX Ͽ ۵ ۼ ʿ䰡 . ְ Ǵ, Ư¡ "Ͼ"ϸ, "ʺڰ б⿡ ư ⿡ " ߰ ۸ Դٴ . , ھ ۸ ... "ѱ Ʈ ġ(fnttst)", "HLaTeX ѱ LaTeX ", "TeX " ε, Ư¡ ׷ϴ.
          ȹ 25ϰ濡 Ʈ ϴ ̾. ׷ ̰ մ Ʒ ÷ ConTeXt óϴ ̾. pdftex ߻ϴ ũ ۿߴ. ̵ Խǿ ô ޿ ܱ ϸ Ʈ ִµ, ϸ tcx Ͽ ڰ mp Ͽ ν metafun ʴ ־ .
          * attachment:cntxttst.tex
         XeTeX TeX4ht Ʈ ̹ õõ 󰡱 ߴ.
          : PDFLaTeX θ ɴϴ.
         Ϸ ֽŰ ߴµ pdflatex.exe ޸read ߻ŵϴ. ŷ pdflatex.dll ¼ ⸦ մϴ. pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40-beta-20060822-2.2Դϴ. -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2006-09-16T04:27:34)]]
         http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KC2006/UPDATES#s-2.1 PDFTeX 0725 ġϼ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-09-16T04:30:51)]]
         kcmpm microtype.sty uninstallϰ, kclogmpm w.tex ϴ, Ű ġ ʽϴ. ֱ׷ 𸣰ڽϴ. --ischo [[DateTime(2006-09-16T12:20:08)]]
         latexδ Ǵ(?) ׷ϴ. {{{
         #> kclogmpm --pdflatex w
         KCmenu ׳ kclogmpm w.tex Ǿ ִ , ¿ ǰ? --ischo [[DateTime(2006-09-16T14:00:17)]]
         pdflatex only ۼ ׷ ڽϱ? ó ̻ ƴϸ... ^^ -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-09-16T14:01:27)]]
         TeX ѱ ó ϴ ýԴϴ. ѱ θ ۼϼ. 2005 ׷ ѱ ־ 2006ʹ TeX ý ؼ ѱ Ǿϴ. Ϻ ѱ ִٰ ϴ . Ϸ ô ϴ.
         ׳ Ʒѱ ȵdz? TeX ٴ Knuth å Ʒѱ۷ ߴ. TeX ѱ ٴ Ұϴٴ .
         TAOCP ѱ۷ Ǿٴ ҽ ҽ, TeX ƴ ٸ ý ̿ߴٴ Ŵϴ. Ǿ Ⱓ å ˰, Knuth ̸ ˾Ҵٸ, ʾ ־ ̶ ϴ.
         ׷ ۿ TeX ѱ ־ ߴµ... . KTUG! йؾ߰ڽϴ. :) -- [] [[DateTime(2006-09-13T08:21:49)]]
          Knuth TAOCP 100% Ȳ TeX ϸ ϴ. ٸ å ǻ翡 TeX solution ׳ ߴٴ ̴ϴ. ٸ TeX ƴϸ ϰ ̴ϴ. :( -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2006-09-13T10:47:10)]]
         dvipdfmx Ʈ pdf ̾ pdftex compatibility ڵ带 ʱ Ͽ ƹ ص ̰ ʹ . ̷ Ǵ ǰ?
  • Karnes/2006-10 . . . . 23 matches
          1. ġ 丮 : {{{C:\TeX\}}} ( )
          : EmEditor ̸ ġصΰ ϴ . ġ CD ġ .tex association EmEditor (ϰ) ɾ. ġ Ŀ EmEditor KCmenu external tool ϴ ؾ . (KCmenu )
         DviOut/TrueType ´ DviOut  [Font2] [ftt:]ư ְ, [TEXSUBF:] ִ DVI ӵ . ٸ Inverse Search ƿ ε ̴ϴ.
          1. CygWin teTeX ̳ʸ ׳ , texmf-KTUG ٿ
          1. {{{c:\TeX\KTUG_bin\cygwin1.dll\}}} {{{c:\TeX\mpm\cygwin1.dll\}}} disable(̸)ϰ {{{C:\cygwin\bin\}}} PATH .
          1. $HOME/.texmf/var $HOME/.texmf/config 丮
         # cd ~/.texmf/var
         # ln -s /cygdrive/c/TeX/share/texmf-KTUG/* ./
          1. texconfig (mktexlsr)
          1. pdflatex.exe ü {{{
         # mv /bin/pdflatex.exe /bin/pdflatex-1.21.exe
         # ln -s /cygdrive/c/TeX/bin/pdflatex.exe /usr/local/bin/pdflatex
          * xelatex
         VimEditor latex-suite yap ⺻ ٴ ǿ '' ؼ'' :) ̰ dviout ϴ ۾ ħ ߴ. VimEditor ںе κ ̶ ̷ ̽ ÷ ۾ ʰ κ ڰ Ͽ ð Ȥö ʿ , ׸ KC2006 پ Ϳ Բ ִٴ ̱ õغҴµ, ݱ ׷ ۵ϴ .
         IsCho EmEditor õ ſ Ǹϴٰ Ѵ. ֳϸ, EmEditor ü . Ű ε Ǹ ۾ȯ . Ư [EmEditor/Free] + KCmenu ذå Ӿƴ϶ ϱ⵵ ϴ ݻ÷ȭ̴. [EmEditor/Professional], MTeXHelper ̰. MTeXHelper ܼ Ͽ ư ƴ϶ پ Է ־ ״ ſ ۾ȯ ִ .
         ᱹ, Ͷ Ѵ. ͸ ڴ ⵵ , WinEdt ؿ ̸ 󸶳 ð ɸ ΰ. װ ̴. TeX μ .
         [EmEditor/Free] ẻ , ĥ üð ϴ. [EmEditor/Free] Nude version̴󱸿. Ű ȵǰ... ϱ ϴ. KCmenu ذǾ, ... WinEdt ߵ [EmEditor/Free]+[KCmenu] մϴ! ( emacs vim Ẹ ) WinEdt ڸ ǰ δ [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ϰ մϴ. , WinEdt ڸ ǰ ... --ischo [[DateTime(2006-10-08T12:30:07)]]
         [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ֽϴ. [MikTeX]+[EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ̾µ, [MikTeX]+[WinEdt] ؿ ġ ҽϴ. ׸... [EmEditor/MTeXHelper] ... [MTeXHelper] ⽺... |) ׸ [WinEdt] Active string ɵ ƽ󱸿. [EmEditor] ϴ ε, ã ٴϱ⿣... |-I ƹ WinEdt ߵ մϴ ^^:) -- [Ŀ] [[DateTime(2006-10-08T12:44:15)]]
         FireFox ϸ鼭 ε, ׸ ? Ų ü ٲٴ ƴ϶ ܸ ٲٴ... EmEditor ̷ ٲٴ ? ٸ ڿ ̷ feature ־޶ ? WinEdt ִ ̶ KTUG ϰ 䱸ϸ WinEdt feature ־ ְ? 츮 ʴ Setting KTUG ⺻ ϸ ̰. ̴ ͸ ϸ MTeXHelper TeX completition ɱ ϸ WinEdtٵ . -- [gromov] [[DateTime(2006-10-09T15:23:31)]]
  • Karnes/2006-11 . . . . 10 matches
         EmEditor κ ã 𸣰 κ ̵ ʿ ִ. D. Carlisle mylatex ̿Ͽ κ ϰ ġ̴.
          1. regcom latex , regcompdf pdflatex
          1. test.tex̶ ϰ ־ٰ . ϴ Ͽ mylatex.fmt д. {{{
          1. Ϳ κ ߶󳻾 region_.tex ̶ ̸(ݵ ̸ ̿ ƾ ) Ѵ.
          1. ǻ : region_.tex ۾ 丮 ϸ, region.tex region_.tex̶ ̸ ڽ  ȵ( ġ ϴ ̸).
          * mylatex.ltx , {{{kcmpm --install=carlisle\}}}
  • Karnes/2006-12 . . . . 13 matches
         KC2006 DOCUMENTS ߿ testdhucs.tex ִ. MiKTeX 2.4 ְ Ǿ ȣ ̴ּ ׽Ʈ Ʈ̴. ̾ ſ Ǹ ̱ oblivoir ȯϴ ۼϿ.(ġ κ ֽ ٲٸ ڴٴ .)
          * attachment:simplewicktest.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-12-09T21:49:25 XeLaTeX ׽Ʈ (3)
          * attachment:entropy.tex
         ׽Ʈ [TeX] ϳ̴. roman ۲ÿ Ʈ Ҵν ۲ð ۲ и ̴.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2006-12-05T18:13:22 Ȳ : XP TeX 1.5 ϱ
          1. : Windows XP [TeX] 1.5 ġϰ ϴ
          1. غ : KTUG Wiki ö ִ [TeX] ([]) ̿Ѵ. ġ α׷ ̿ ʰ ̸ ص Ǯ ϸ ְ ߴ.
          1. ý : Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2 ׽Ʈ. , [TeX] 򸻿 ''386-SX 6M ̻, ޸ 4M, ϵũ 10M ̻''̶ ȣȭ ʿ մϴ. ^^ ;; ޸𸮰 4Mۿ ȵȴٸ ޸𸮸 մϴ.
          {{{C:\HTEX15\}}} ϳ  װ ٵΰ unzipѴ.
          {{{C:\HTEX15\FONTS\}}} ִ CM truetype Ʈ ýۿ Ѵ.
          4. HTEX.EXE ȣȯ (߿!!!)
          Ž  HTEX.EXE ã´. 콺 ŬϿ "Ӽ" Ʒ ׸ "ȣȯ" ã ִ. ǥõ κ üũϰ ""Ѵ.
          5. HTEX.INI
          ִ {{{HTEX.INI\}}} ؽƮ , Ʒ ׸ ǥõ κ ڽ ġ ǿ ° Ѵ.(ġ ̿ ٸ ص ʽϴ....)
          غ . HTEX.EXE ŬϿ. '''. ȣȯ ϱ Ŭ ع ֽϴ.'''
  • Karnes/2007-01 . . . . 83 matches
          from_texbook ׸ ȣ TeX_and_Book ٽ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-01-26T01:20:08 MiKTeX ѱ ϱ
          Ϸ Ͽ ε 亯Ѵ. CJKLaTeX ѱ ϴ ̴. MiKTeX ġ  亯 ʾ.
          1. pdf dvipdfmx ̿Ѵ. ( pdftexδ ʴ´.)
          1. MiKTeX ⺻ ġѴ. ġ 丮 "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5" .
          1. <>-<α׷>-<MiKTeX 2.5>-Setting Ͽ Roots ǿ trivc-for-... Ѵ.
          1. ۾ cid-x.map, ttfonts.map Բ ȴ. doc/ Ʒ غ.(ȣ ̴.) latex -> dvipdfmx
          1. ڽ CJKLaTeX ۼϸ ȴ. , {{{
         [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/d42eec9a99cd9d8d/bffe0066976e8add?lnk=gst&q=memoir+subfigure&rnum=1#bffe0066976e8add from comp.text.tex]
         ( WinLaTeX âȸ ȸĢ ־µ, ״ ڵ ƴϾ Ѵ.)
          * attachment:law_example.tex
         ռ ø icnvlatex ġϵ ϳ óϴ ū Ʈ μ ϵ ִ ȴ. ׷ ۾ 丮 *.tex Ȯ óϵ Ͽ.
          * attachment:icnvlatex-2.zip
          * Ȯڰ .tex ƴ , .sty ó ϹǷ ̸ ȯص ʿ䰡 ִ.
         KC2006 WinEdt ؼ ̶ ׷ Ұ ٰ ִµ ״ ̸ ߴ. [KC2006/WinEdt] yap texify dviout kcltxmk Ұϰ ִµ, ̰ ׷ ۵ϴ ϴ.
         ׷ KC2006 鼭 oblivoir Ѵٸ ? ׷ WinEdt oblivoir ۼϰ ڴٴ ϳ ׽Ʈ õϿ . ̵ Ұϸ, ü euc-kr ۼϵ, ̰ ϴ UTF-8 ȯߴٰ Ŀ ٽ euc-kr ȯشٴ ̴. ȯ iconv ̿ϱ Ѵ.(''''''. ķδ HLaTeX euc-kr ۼ .)
         (2) $HOME/bin 丮 PATH ִ ϰ(Ƹ KC2006-MINI ġϸ ̷ Ǿ ̴), ÷ Ǯ $HOME/bin ű.($HOME/bin C:\TeX\HOME\bin ̴.)
  • Karnes/2007-02 . . . . 23 matches
         KC2006 kcupdate Ǻ׸⿡ ʿ Ÿ ġ ִµ(ʹ ؼ ) ƿ ϴ. ٿ޾ƾ ϰ... ʿ ϸ . Ʒ Ұ TeXLive MTS 2007 mpm ȯ.
          Ǯ ϳ tar.gz ϳ ִ. ȿ ִ /usr/local/bin ű( ۹̼ ־ ), tar.gz /usr/local/texlive Ǯش. MusiXTeX ġؾ .{{{
         $ sudo mpm --install=musixtex
         musixps ġϸ pdf ⿡  Ⱑ ʴ. ׷ musixps ġ ʾҴ(musixps MusiXTeX type 1 Ʈ Ѵ). ׷ musixps ⸦ Ѵٸ {{{
         $ tex foo
         $ tex foo
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-02-08T20:50:25 Hangul-ucs 3.1.6 for TeXLive 2007 + MacTeX : ׽Ʈ
          赵 ˷ֽ MacTeX ߾ Hangul-ucs ġ Ű Ÿ ׽Ʈ մϴ. е鲲 ׽Ʈغð Ʈ Źմϴ.
          MacTeX+TeXLive MTS 2007 ׽ƮǾϴ. gwTeX̳ teTeX ʽϴ.
          1. MacTeX ġϽ Ͻʽÿ. {{{
          . texlive 2007 缳ġϷ {{{~/.texlive2007/\}}} Բ ϼ.
          1. MacTeX_Additions.dmg Ʈϰ ġմϴ.
          1. {{{TeXLiveMTS-2007.dmg\}}} (279M) Ʈϰ ġմϴ.
         ttf2pk ttf2tfm ̳ʸ ⿡ ξϴ. ̰͵ {{{TeXLive-2007.dmg\}}}(Full version) ִ ε MTS ֽϴ. ׽Ʈ ϱ ٶϴ. /usr/texbin/ ְ ۹̼ ָ ˴ϴ. => attachment:texlive-0207-ttf2pk.zip
          * TeX {{{/usr/texbin\}}} ֽϴ. TeXShop Preferences ġ ٲٽʽÿ.
          * ý ȯ漳 ִ ġ ϴ. ׷ TeXLive ʳ մϴ.
  • Karnes/2007-03 . . . . 10 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-03-29T22:45:28 Windows TeX Editor (Unicode)
         Simple, Light Editors for (La)TeX-editing (Windows/Unicode/Free or Shareware)
          1. TeXmaker
          -> http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/
          1. TLaTeX
          -> http://www.abo.fi/~viorel.preoteasa/tlatex/
          * mktexpk.exe
          * mktextfm.exe
          * texexec
          * texutil
          * perltex
          * attachment:tstctt.tex
          * EmEditor MTeX .
          * TeXLive2007 + KC2007 preview ġϴ .
          * Administrator Ͽ ġϰ home/texmf ġ .
  • Karnes/2007-04 . . . . 27 matches
         tex export
         Ϲ ؼ, ƮŸ pk ϴ ð ֱ ʱ⿡ ϰ ٷ ϴ ð ٿش. ׷, pk۲ ̹ Ǿ ִٸ ƮŸ д ð üӵ . ׷Ƿ pk۲ ܰ踸 ߵ ںʹ ӵ TeXing ִ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-04-22T15:10:55 MiKTeX...
          ü ӵ MiKTeX "" Ƿ ٽ ƴϴ. hangul-ucs MiKTeX ġ ׽Ʈϴ MiKTeX ġص Pentium 4 1.70GHz (512RAM) ( Žñ ǻͶ Ѵ...) ΰ Ʈ ֱ淡 ڵ Ʈ ̿Ͽ ý ߴ.
         ׷... ⼭̴. 𸣰 Ʈ ƾ Ϻη Windows/Fonts о fontconfig cache ϴ ƾ ̴.[[FootNote(TeXLive XeTeX font cache ֱ ѹ θ ο Ʈ ߰ϰų ƿ ְ XeTeX ̿ܿ Windows Fonts ׳ ƹ ij д´.)]] ýۿ ġ Ʈ ٴ Ѵٸ... ʹϴ... ο Ű ϳ ġϸ鼭 ڲ ijø شٴ... 峭 ƴϰ... ׷ subfigure Ű ġ 12, xkeyval Ű ġ 17 ɸ ִ....
          ǻͿ 𸣰, Ű ġ Ʈ ijø ٴ ... ̻ϴ. ǻͿ MiKTeX small ġؼ ȵǴ Ǿ ȴ. ׷ ο Ű ٵ...
         , DVD ̺꿡 ̺ TeXLive MiKTeX ӵ ȴ. ׷ݾƵ PDFTeX ƮŸ Ʈ feature ƿ () ع ¥ ִ ε... MiKTeX Դ  "" .
         Ǵ, Ʈ Ʈ ִٸ ӵ ü ̴. ׷ ѱ/Ͼ/߱ Ʈ̾߸ Ʈ ϳ ް Ѵ Ʈε ̰ Ź[[FootNote(Ȯϰ ϸ, mo , Ű Ʈ , initexmf Ͽ ijø ... , " 쿡" Ѵ)]] о ijø ٸ 󸶳 ǰ ̰ڴ°? ƮŸ Ʈ ̰ 츮 ߱ ̴. MiKTeX 2.6 Ÿ ֽ 츮 ڵ õǾٰ .
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-04-10T01:07:23 HLaTeX 1.0.1 installation for MiKTeX 2.6
         [MiKTeXѱȯ] HLaTeX ġ ʰڴٰ ... HLaTeX ġ ־ . ׷... θ ˸ ʰ α ڵ鿡Ը ġ ϳ Ұصα Ѵ.
          (./) [MiKTeXѱȯ#s-4] Ű
          Ǯ hlatex-1.0.1.cmd Ŭϸ ѹ н带 µ, ׳ ͸ ġ ȴ. ٸ . ɽϴٸ test.tex غö.
          翬 ̰, MiKTeX 2.6 default ġǾ ־ . ׸ ͳ ̹Ƿ Ʈũ Ǿ ־ Ѵ.
          * ׽Ʈ ҽ : attachment:testthgram.tex
          * %HOME%\bin 丮 Ӵϴ. ݵ HOME ȯ溯 Ʒ bin ( {{{C:\TeX\HOME\bin\}}}) ű ־ մϴ.
          -> filename.tex ̶ UTF-8 oblivoir ߺ ˴ϴ. {{{mknewfile -u filename\}}} ϴ.
          -> filename.tex ̶ EUC-KR hangul/article ߺ ˴ϴ.
         #> start mynewfile.tex
          * texify -> kcltxmk
          1. texify(kcltxmk) clean build ʽϴ. clean ϽŴٸ "μ ֱ" ư ̿Ͻʽÿ.
  • Karnes/2007-05 . . . . 3 matches
         Ʒ sampdoc tex2lyx lyx ȯ . ׸ ʿϹǷ ׽Ʈϼ.
         tex2lyx Ŀ, ؾ ϴ ־ϴ. ׷ ƹư ȯ ( ) ⵵...
          ö Ϸ ڸ, Finemath "ũ Verbatim" κ̳, " tex2lyx ڵ带", "1.5.0 beta 2" κ 3.2.2 3.2.2 ǵ ξ ϴ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-05-11T09:34:18 ߾ TeX ý
         ѹ ġϰų غҴ ý۵ ^^  ε ִ ̴. Ʈ TeX ֱ淡(Win98), ̷ ẻ.
          * EmTeX
          ʾҳ Dos TeX ý.
          * TeX 1.5 ^^
          * WinLaTeX
          * [fpTeX] ^^
          * MiKTeX
          * CMacTeX
          HLaTeX 0.98ΰ ġϴ ߴ...
          * OzTeX ^^
          LC III/6200 ؽý. ޸ ũ⸦ ̼ϰ ؾ ܿ hLaTeXp ־ ִ...
          * gwTeX
          * [teTeX]
  • Karnes/2007-06 . . . . 4 matches
          * src : attachment:aff-r2.tex.zip
          * attachment:aff3.tex
         LaTeX . ׸ Pages ø ϳ ԰, Pages ״ 䳻.
          * ҽ : lyx & tex
          * attachment:tatb.tex
  • Karnes/2007-07 . . . . 1 match
         ׻ ּż մϴ. wiki ÷ν tutotial а ־ϴ. KC2006 EmEditor ⺻ ȯ̾ٸ, KC2006 + ko.tex + (LyX or EmEditor) ⺻ȯ ٲ ϳ׿. ġ LyX ٽ ġϿ ñⰡ ٰ մϴ. ^^; -- ó [[DateTime(2007-08-01T15:10:52)]]
  • Karnes/2007-10 . . . . 2 matches
          * src : [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/kc07minmyr.tex kc07minmyr.tex]
  • Karnes/2007-12 . . . . 5 matches
          pdflatex ϰǰ ϸ, Windows(!) pdf viewer ȴ. AdobeReader ؼ ÷ ,
          1. file lock. AdobeReader а ִ ش pdf . pdflatex ݺؼ ϰ ̰ ¥ .
          * AdobeReader 7.x ִ pdflatex Ͽ ݰ(Ctrl-F4) pdflatex Alt+ȭǥ ϸ ռ ġ ־. AdobeReader 8.xʹ ̰ . PDF-XCHANGE viewer ִ. Ѵٸ ׳ ̶ ־ pdflatex ۾ .
          EmEditor [http://www.AutoHotKey.com AutoHotKey] ũƮ ؼ ش ִ PDF Viewer ݰ ٽ ִ ߴµ ҽϴ. AutoHotKey ϰ ũƮ ε TeXȯ濡 ԽŰ ͵ մϴ. (ϵ ϰŵ) -- [rogal] [[DateTime(2007-12-19T04:42:34)]]
  • Karnes/2008-02 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-02-23T20:00:16 TeX 1.5, wine
         ξ ٷο ־ ¿찣 wine TeX . Kubuntu 7.10, wine 0.9.46.
         â ҷ̴ ޾. ϰ ֱ (â ҷ ʰ) Ǿ. TeX ƹ â̳ Է κп װ ־(?) ƴѰ ʹ.
  • Karnes/2008-03 . . . . 1 match
         . expandϰ find x, $\frac{1}{n}\sin x=\text{six}=6$ ƹ . ѱ޼ ش ´ ƴմϱ? ;) -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2008-03-21T13:24:04)]]
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 21 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-06-28T19:26:07 textwrangler and skim viewer
          BBEdit Textwrangler ü ̰ BBEdit ͼϴٸ ϰ ִ. http://www.bbedit.com/products/textwrangler/
         TeX Textwrangler Ϸ , ޸صд. (Leopard/Intel ).
          1. tex plugin ġ.
          * Viewer TeXShop Ѵٸ, TeX-Scripts-BBEdit (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/21765 ) غ 𸣰ڴ. ̰ غ ʾҴ.
          * Viewer Skim Ѵٸ Kiffe TeX Tools for OS X BBEdit extensions for TeX ġϴ . http://www.kiffe.com/textools.html
          1. textools ٿε ϳ µ, (Readme ִ ) {{{~/Library/Application Support/Textwrangler/Plug-Ins/\}}} Ʒ Űܳ´. ڸ̳ Ϲ ̺귯 TeX.bbxt Universal plug-in ȿ ִ üϴ ʴ´. ( Legacy ص ϱ ϴ... Legacy plugin Ϸ TeX.bbxt ص .)
          1. bbedit_TeX.script  Ѵ.
          1. 3 ٿ "/usr/texbin" PATH ߰Ѵ.
          1. 31 TeXniscope Ǵ Adobe Reader Ǿ ִ pdfviewer ּóϰ ߰Ѵ. {{{
          1. TeXniscope Ǿ ִ pdf sync õ 284(3)--285(4) ּóϰ ִ´. {{{
          1. Skimκ Inverse search Skim Preferences -> Pdf Sync TextWrangler ã ִ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-06-28T18:27:57 texmaker (Mac OS) skim viewer
         Mac OS X texmaker ۿ ۾ȯ̴. ǻ д.
         /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline @ "%.pdf" "%.tex"
          Command : /Applications/texmaker.app/Contents/MacOS/texmaker
         \}}} ̷ ϸ DZ ϴµ... texmaker ϰ ֵ inverse search instance . ô. ׷ ̵ ѹ ֱ 𸥴. inverse search Ǵ texmaker ִ
         skim pdf viewer ϰ pdfsync ʿ䰡 ũٸ, textwrangler ϴ ϴ. (׷... pdfsync ü TeXShop ְ...)
         [׸ϱ/TextFlow] ҰǾ ִ faq wrapfig, floatflt, picins ޵ǰ ִµ... ص ݾ Ҹ ִ.
  • Karnes/2008-07 . . . . 3 matches
         pdflatex ϱ ϸ鼭, Windows ȯ濡 ù° εġ viewer̴. Mac OS skim̳ preview, Linux evince pdf Źϰ ̶ַ µ, Windows ſ AdobeReader Ѵٴ ΰ! Adobe Reader ̱⸸ ƴ϶, ʱ ε ð ʹ ױ η ִ( Presentation Ư ٰ ).
          * pdf ݿش. , pdflatex ϸ ִ  ٷ ش. (̰ ִ Windows GSView ̰͹ۿ .
          * src: attachment:hangulttfontsample.tex
  • Karnes/2008-08 . . . . 15 matches
         , dviout ߿ Ҹ Continuous display Ǵ Sumatra ذ. 콺 ٷ ϰ Ѿ. Դٰ, pdf ¿ latex ϸ pdf ֱ Ѵ. pdf õ .
         pdfsync deprecated Ǿ synctex Ͽϴ.
         Mac ø̼ Skim synctex մϴ. -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2008-08-31T06:10:22)]]
         KC2008/TeXLive 2008 synctex sumatra õغô ˴ϴ.(pdflatex --synctex=-1 first). -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2008-08-31T08:01:33)]]
         TeXShop synctex ϰ Ǿϴ. (2.18) -- [[DateTime(2008-09-02T06:08:57)]]
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"c:\texlive\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" -n%l %f" first.pdf
          pdftex ֽ ġϰ [http://www.tug.org/texworks TeXworks] synctex ̿ PDF ȭ 迡 ߽ϴ. TeXworks poppler ̺귯 ̴ ٸ PDF ǥñ鵵 synctex ϰ Ǹ ϴ. -- MadToad -- MadToad [[DateTime(2008-09-05T16:15:13)]]
         texworks Ẹ̴ٴ... 󸮾Ͱ иϽʴϴ ^^ Jonathan Kew ̹ tug2008 texworks Ͽ ǥ ־ ũմϴ. ư پ ü Ͻ ֽϴ. [http://river-valley.tv/conferences/tug2008/#0103-Jonathan_Kew TeXworks: Lowering the barrier to entry] -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2008-09-06T00:17:19)]]
         2:04 mktexlsr
          85 ҿ. ̰ " ִ" ϱ? ͳ ӵ ũ ¿Ǵµ, 40, ׷ 70 VMware TeXLive ġǴ ɸ ð̴.
  • Karnes/2008-09 . . . . 14 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-09-23T12:32:58 TeXWorks,
         J. Kew TeXWorks ߴ. 翬 TeXWorks ۾ ϱ ϴ.(, ð 鿡 SumatraPDF + KC2008 Notepad++ ȯӿ Ʋ.) TeXShop ۾ ȯ Ƿ 󸶳 ٷ ϴ ɱ?
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-09-22T09:52:51 texexec synctex ɼ Ѱֱ
         # texexec --engine=xetex --passon="--synctex=-1" foo
          * ׷ Ȯ MiKTeX ٴ . MiKTeX ͵ ù° ʳ? :-)
          1. TeXLive .
          1. first.tex .
          1. 뼼 XeTeX
          * my_tiny_xetex ȭ.
          * XeTeX Ʈ Ӻ Ǵ ȭ.
          * XeTeX ݻ Ʈ Ӻ ʴ ٴ .
          * XeTeX luaTeX .
         2008 Ϲݱ TeX world ̽ Windows pdf inverse search XeTeXٰ̾ մϴ. ־ ſ Դϴ. pdf inverse search SumatraPDF TeXWorks ִµ, TeXWorks ǿȭ ƹ ð ɸ ٰ Ǵմϴ. SumatraPDF ¹ ۾ dvi viewer ϴ ִٰ Դϴ.
          XeTeX ǿ뼺 ȭ ۿ մϴ. XeTeX "׷ "( ȭ ǥ) ϱ⸸ ص ֽϴ. XeTeX luaTeX ̶⺸ ȣ ϰ, ִ ٸٴ ϴ. luaTeX (¼ Ϸħ ޶ ) ٷ ʿ䵵 Դϴ.
          1. Ʈ ȴٸ XeLaTeX غô.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-09-17T07:29:04 EmEditor, MTeXHelper2, SumatraPDF
          * KC2008 v0.1.2 ġǾ . (TeXLive ġǾ ־ ̴ϴ.)
          * EmEditor ⺻ ͷ Ϸ TEXEDIT ٲپ մϴ. DVI inverse search ؼ dviout ٲپ ϰ... dvi Ŵϱ .
          * EmEditor ⺻ ͷ Ϸ .tex Ͽ EmEditor ٲپ մϴ. ̰ ˾Ƽ Ͻñ.
  • Karnes/2008-10 . . . . 14 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-10-30T03:36:29 Ʈ ҽ (KC2008+XeTeX)
         (30) TeXLive Ʈϴ xdvipdfmx Ǿ׿(dvipdfmx Բ). TeXLive Ŀ
          ʿ䰡 ֽϴ. (XeTeX users only)
         Mac Ĵٺ鼭 帳ϴ. installPOST mktexlsr updmap ѱ Ʈ addϴ ɿ شϴ Դϱ? Ȥ ƴϸ mac terminal̳ unix  üϸ Ǵ ΰ? -- 迵 [[DateTime(2008-11-14T12:25:27)]]
         KTUGSetup:14356'''''' 迵 û shortcut [wiki:Karnes/2008-09#e5d78074c1aa87246dae8922e8bcb3fc] ִ TeX Ÿ ļ ġ. ( )
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-10-19T00:08:53 TeX 1.5
         [TeX] 1.5 ԵǾ ִ xoblivoir ȯ.
          * chemtex ϴ ֽ Ű ٲپ ?
          * ϰ ȭ htexdemo ϴ ġ. ׸ óϴ ʹ ٸ ...
          * xoblivoir oblivoir ٲٸ pdftex . (, xoblivoir ƹ Ʈ ص ʾ.)
          * attachment:htexdemo.png attachment:htexdemonew.png
          * attachment:HTeX15-Samples.zip
         [[FancyDocumentGallery]] ִ 2004 simplesample XeLaTeX ȯϿ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-10-13T04:09:20 XeTeX vs. luaTeX
         Jonathan Kew BachoTeX2008 (2008/05/02) ǥ ̵ Ϻ
          * : dvi previewer, ȭ dvi ؼ '''ô '''̴. 켱 dvi ü Ư 踦 ƴϸ, ȭ ÷̶ ѵ ġ dvi Ӽ ǥ . ȭ ÷̴ ¹ ̰ ȭ ׸ ȯϿ ִ ̷γ γ ̴ּ.(̰ pdf viewer ϴ ̴.) dvi ¹ ƴϸ, ؼ Ŀ ҰϹǷ, ̰ ȭ Ϸ ϴ ̷ . ׷ڸ dviware ƮũƮ, pdf, ׸ پ special ؼϴ ״ ̺긦 ؾ ϴµ, װ ̰ڴ°? dvi viewer ׸ ǥ̳ special ǥ ϰ, ڿ ̾ƿ ĥ 밭 ϴ ô뿡 ̴ ̴. dvi viewer ׸ ä ٵ簡 ̼ ̰ ´ٵ簡 ڿ ǹ. ׷ ֱٱ dvi viewer Ǿ -src-specials ̿ Ϳ ٰ̾ Ѵ. ׷ synctex Ͽ source special inverse search üǾ ̸ ǹ̰ .
         1992⿡ hlatex technical guide (ֿ, 1992) ([] ), ִ.
          忡 ѱ '''ʿ䰡 '''. ׷Ƿ ̰ ʺ ƴϾٰ Ѵ. ѱ۷ ȣ ? ѱ Ϸ \mbox \text ؽƮ ϸ Ǵ ̹Ƿ .
          ̰ hlatex Ǵ yahtex ذ߾. hLaTeX, HLaTeX ̻ ʰ Ǿ.
  • Karnes/2008-11 . . . . 19 matches
          * src: attachment:otgench1.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-11-22T20:59:53 TextWrangler Plugin
         Kiffe ũƮ [http://www.kiffe.com/textools.html TeX Tools] (for BBEdit & TextWrangler) ߴ.
          1. Skim & TextWrangler pdf sync ϵ Ͽ.
          * Skim to TextWrangler (Skim ʿ) : Shift+Cmd+Click
          * TextWrangler to Skim : Menu -> Tools -> Sync PDF
          1. altpdflatex dvips Ʈ ҴǾ ִ Ͽ xelatex ϵǰ Ͽ. (altpdflatex̶ ̸ ü )
         * attachment:TextWranglerPluginTeXTools.zip
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-11-19T17:04:36 luatex ֽ
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch.kcupdate KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch.kcupdate]
         XeTeX ַ Ǹ鼭 Ʈ .
         ƹư Ʈ  ã , ̰ . Ư ý ۲ ƴ϶ ڽ ʿ ߰ؼ Ƿ texmf-local Ʒ ؼ ̸ Ȯ ִ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-11-16T06:51:43 XeTeX font-caching
         TeXLive 2008 Windows xetex ִµ, xetex Ʈϸ font cache config texmf-dist Ʒ fonts θ Ǵ ̴. ׷ KC2008 忡 texmf-KTUG ̰(texmf-KTUG ʰ texmf-dist Ʒ ذ ̱ ѵ...) texmf-local Ʒ Ʈ ΰ ̰ XeTeX е ϰ ̴.
          TeXLive Ʈ(xetex update ) Ŀ .
         texmf-local/fonts ־ Ͽµ, ̺κ ذå ϳ ϼ ְڳ׿. -- ó [[DateTime(2008-11-16T11:08:20)]]
         {{{#!vim tex
  • Karnes/2008-12 . . . . 17 matches
         XeLaTeX + pdfcomment
          * src: attachment:mytestpdfcomment.tex
         Ѱܷü Ʈ ̺ Ͽ. (Ʈ ѰܷŹ簡 ϴ , Ʈ XeLaTeX ϱ εϰ ̸, Ʈ ̺ Ʈ ̸ ̿  ͵ ٲ ʾҴ. ۱ û ִٸ ũ .)
         {{{#!vim tex
         KC2008 ġϸ %HOME%\Documents Ʒ Ǵ LyX Ϻΰ LyX 1.6.0 ʴ 찡 Ǿ ȯϴ 迡 ƿ xoblivoir ϴ XeLaTeX/LyX ٲپ Ҵ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-12-06T19:23:48 TeX System
           TeX ý غ Ű?
         [[Vote(DJGPP Web2c 0,EmTeX 3,TeX 1.5 5,LG WinLaTeX 3,PCTeX 2,MiKTeX pre-1.5 2,fpTeX 3,teTeX on CygWin 1,TrueTeX(Scientific Workplace) 0,BaKoMa TeX 0,VTeX Commercial 0,W32TeX(pTeX) 0)]]
         [[Vote(TeXtures 1,OzTeX 1, CMacTeX 1, teTeX via i-Installer 0,Unix teTeX 6)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-12-01T21:58:36 Alas! TeXWorks
         TeXWorks pre-release snapshot r.238 (Windows)
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-12-01T20:52:59 XeTeX ۲
         ۲ 11/25 Ͽ ٲ. Windows XeLaTeX Bold ۲ ڵ ν ϰ Ǿٵ簡... ϴ ȭ... :(
          * attachment:hello.tex
          1. XeTeX fontcache ġ => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-fontcache-20081120.kcupdate fontcache]
         <XeTeX >
         <luatex & context>
          1. luatex ġ => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch.kcupdate luatex patch]
          1. ConTeXt ֽ => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-PrivateUpdateConTeXt.kcupdate context update]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2008-11-30T17:35:55 ConTeXt Ʈ
  • Karnes/2009-02 . . . . 27 matches
         pdftotext -enc UTF-8 $N.pdf - | wc -w
          1. ܾ ֳ ȣ ߷ ܾ ġ ũ. Ȯ ܾ , Ÿ empty ϰ flushleft (raggedright) Ͽ pdf ۼ ȴ. ׷ ׷Ա ʾƵ 뷫 ũ⸦ ϴ . first.tex Ͽ ũ⸦ Ҵ 262, 2442ܾ, 20495ڿµ, ٽ Ͽ 222, 2357ܾ, 20129ڶ . WinEdt word count ִ Ϳ  𸣰 ū Ѵ.
         KCmenu ߿ {{{$N\}}} {{{$X\}}} ִٴ ̴. õ ( projectmain Ǿ ִٸ main ) ̸̰ Ȯ(밳 .tex)̴. ̸ ̿Ͽ ġ ۾ ϸ ſ ϴ.
          * TeXLive ο Ű ŵǰ ִ.
         <XeTeX >
          * Ѱܷü XeTeX ؼ, [wiki:Karnes/2008-12#b6babd7e32f86ff390ebf2f020367d92 ɷ].
          * XeTeX + pstricks ؼ GhostScript ġǴ . GSView ״ ʿ .
         <luatex & context>
          1. luatex ġ => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch.kcupdate luatex patch]
          1. ConTeXt ֽ => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-PrivateUpdateConTeXt-20090302.kcupdate context update]
          * luatex̳ ConTeXt Ʈ , Ǵ ֽ ٿεؼ ġֹǷ Ʈ ʿϴٰ Ǹ kcupdate ٽ ָ ȴ.
         Adobe Minion Myriad (Adobe Reader ġϸ Բ ġǴ ) Ʈ pdfTeX ؾ Ѵٴ ** û ־ KC2007 Ǵ KC2008 .
          * KC2008, ׸ TeXLive ʿ ƿƼ ߾ ־ Ѵ. lcdf typetools ġǸ Ǵµ, 𸣰 TeXLive full ġϸ ȴ.
          * Windows Vista, KC2008/TeXLive default full ġ 迡 ׽Ʈߴ.
         ׷, Ʈ ȰϷ XeTeX ڴٴ ̴. ̷ ġ ʰ otf Ʈ ״ ִ.
          || pdftex, xetex || pdftex only ||
          * src: attachment:todonotestest.tex
          * pdf , shadow ɼ ų, oblivoir/pdflatex ϼ.
          1. MiKTeX Ǵ KC2008 ʽϴ.
  • Karnes/2009-03 . . . . 11 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-03-27T17:11:14 luatex v0.36+
          * => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch-20090625.kcupdate KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch-20090625.kcupdate]
          * ConTeXt update
          * => [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-PrivateUpdateConTeXt-20090501.kcupdate KC2008-TL-PrivateUpdateConTeXt.kcupdate]
         ̷ Էϸ, {{{#!vim tex
          * attachment:tabtotest.tex
         mathmode.pdf ְ kctexdoc ư .
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-03-07T14:57:18 TeX Live 2008, tlmgr ȭ
          Ŵ TeX Live 2008 Windows Ʈ(tlmgr) ȭǾ.
         , Դϴ. ڹٽũƮ CSS latex ڵ带 ֱ. ׷ href ũ ռ ԷϽ ̴ϱ? -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2009-03-04T07:46:11)]]
         attachment:latexmathml.js.png -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2009-03-05T11:54:18)]]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-nosynctex-sumatra.kcupdate KC2008-TL-nosynctex-sumatra.kcupdate]
          SumatraPDF.exe SumtraPDF.exe ٲ KCmenu.ini ϴ ͻ̴. ̰͸ KCmenu synctex ʰ ȴ.
  • Karnes/2009-04 . . . . 29 matches
          1. ġ ÿ texify ⺻(dvipdfmx or dvips) ְ մϴ.
          1. Ctrl-Shift-N ִ ѱ (UTF-8) ø ֽϴ. øκ ݾҴٰ ٽ ҷ TeX 尡 Ȱȭ˴ϴ.
          1. TeXify() ۾ϸ forward search ۵ ʽϴ. latex(pdflatex) ּ ̻ ؾ forward search ȿȭ˴ϴ.
          1. . WinEdt ʱȭ˴ϴ. ʽϴ. MiKTeX ϱ ؼ Configuration ٽ ϸ ȭ ͵ ǵ˴ϴ. Ư *ǰ* ʱȭȴٴ صνñ ٶϴ.
         ׸ TeX (A.tex, B.tex) WinEdt ۾ϰִµ, A.tex ϸ Ͻ ܳ log ϵ B.tex ִ ˴ϴ. -- ̿ [[DateTime(2009-04-26T17:54:55)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-04-13T23:45:37 latexdaemon
          * [http://william.famille-blum.org/software/latexdaemon/index.html LaTeXdaemon website]
         LaTeX daemon űѵ, ̰ MiKTeX ** ִٴ . (¼ ڴ TeX Live MiKTeX ɼ ٸ ׷ mylatex.ltx *ٸ* óȴٴ 𸣰 ִ .)
          * attachment:loadlatexdaemon.zip
          1. ϴ latexdaemon ֽ (googlecode ִ δ . Ʈ ٿε) ޾Ƽ ϵ {{{%HOME%\bin\}}} д.
          1. default pdflatex. Ѵ. {{{
         # loadlatexdaemon filename [dependencies]
         latex -> dvipdfmx:
         # loadlatexdaemon filename -pdfdvi [dependencies]
         latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf:
         # loadlatexdaemon filename -pdfps [dependencies]
          1. ɿ dependencies watchϰ ϴ ̸ ִ´. ̸̻ ""(ǥ) ѷ . ϵī ڵ ִ. , first.tex θ {{{
         # loadlatexdaemon first first-detail.tex
          1. cmd {{{loadlatexdaemon <mainfilename>\}}} ϸ Ǵµ...
  • Karnes/2009-05 . . . . 8 matches
          1. Ȯ {{{.lytex \}}}
          * attachment:testlily.lytex.txt
          * attachment:lytex.bat.txt
          * src : attachment:mahayan.tex
         ̷ xetexko óϱ⿡ ִٰ մϴ.
         պκ ٲٰ pdflualatex .
         \fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont Awakening of Faith in the \textsc{Mahayana}}
         ۲ ó hans hagen luatex-plain  ؾ߰ڱ... -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2009-05-06T03:09:22)]]
         ڸƮ ϴ.  myTinyLuaTeX ߰ڱ. :) -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2009-05-06T05:55:13)]]
  • Karnes/2009-06 . . . . 8 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-06-28T21:35:46 Mac OS X 10.4 (tiger), TeXLive 2008 luatex Ʈ ġ
         ؾ ߴ ƾ д. TeXLive ֽ() ͱ Ʈ صξ . ӽ 켱 ޾Ҵٰ Ű. ڸ ÿ osx-ppc osx-intel ٲپ . Ϲ ̳ʸ osx-universal.
         rsync -rvzctlp rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/bin/luatex/osx-ppc/bin .
         sudo mv bin/* /usr/texbin/
         sudo fmtutil-sys --byfmt luatex
         sudo fmtutil-sys --byfmt lualatex
         sudo fmtutil-sys --byfmt pdfluatex
         sudo fmtutil-sys --byfmt pdflualatex
  • Karnes/2009-07 . . . . 10 matches
          * attachment:breakableshadowbox.tex
          * attachment:aboutit.tex
         ÿ ׶ ϵǰ ϴ ( latex-daemon) ۾ϸ . ̰ TeXWorks Ctrl-T ϴ Ͱ  ٸ, ̷ 鼭 ٷ ϴ ƴ϶ κ ƿ ؾ ڽ ۾ ִٴ ̴.
         ̿ latexdaemon Ұ ִµ, ϰ .
          1. pdflatex ⺻ Ǿ ִ. xelatex̳ lualatex ϰ ϴ ͵ ϴ.
          1. kcltxmkε ϴ. ٸ kcltxmk synctex ̿ϵ Ǿ ʱ ̰ Ѵ.
          1. [TeXtures]ó Է½ ȭ ŵǴ ׷Ա Ϸ ϴ 纻 ޸𸮿 Էµ ڵ Ͽ ־ ϰ Ͽ ϴ ٸ ִ. 켱 " ׶ " ϱ .
          1. ġ μ KC2008 Ǿ ִ. kcpdfopen ϱ ƿƼ Ȯ TeX Live 2009 ġ ̿ϴ ۾ () Ѵ.
         luatex 0.40.6 (20090701) ϴ RUD (20090702) . luatex ߰ ġؾ ϴ Ƽ ο Ʈ .
  • Karnes/2009-08 . . . . 161 matches
          * attachment:abfg2.tex
         ٴ ǿܷ Űε, TeX Live ִ. ̴. ߿ ã ְ ؼ...
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-08-10T14:43:16 KC2009? TeXLive + ko.TeX, second version.
          * ġ/Ʈϴ ctex math.utah ٲپϴ.
          * ġ ġ c:\usr\texlive Դϴ. ġ ġ ٲٷ profile Ͻʽÿ.
          KC2008 ϰ, 赵 Բ ó ׽Ʈغ ˷̴ּ ġϿ ִ TeXlive2009+kotex ߽ϴ. ׸ Բ ó ġ߽ϴ.
         pdflatex KC2008 ǥ first.tex ,
         kotex map Ǿ ʾ Ͽ ϴ.
         ̰, XeTeX ַθ ϴٺ
          latex, pdflatex ؾߴ κ ϴ. :(
         LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
         !pdfTeX error: pdflatex.exe (file outtzmb2): Font outtzmb2 at 540 not found
         kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 0+540/600 --dpi 540 outtzmb2
         kotex-base.map C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf-dist\fonts\map\dvips\kotex-base ְ.
         updmap.cfg C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf-config\web2c ֽϴ.
         C:\Documents and Settings\NABO\.texlive2009\texmf-var\web2c\}}}
         C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf-config\web2c ִ updmap.cfg س updmap ѹ ִ ˴ϴ. ( Ǿ?) -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2009-08-31T11:54:02)]]
          texlive 2009 ̹ ġؼ Ͻ ֱ ߻ϴ Դϴ. Documents... Ʒ ִ .texlive2009 ġؾ մϴ. ... װ ־ µ ű⿡ ȭ updmap.cfg, texmf.cnf ̹ ־ٸ . , updmap ׻ updmap-sys, fmtutil fmtutil-sys ϴ ϴ. KC2008 updmap=updmap-sys ǵ Ǿ ־ texlive 2009ʹ ڰ ˾Ƽ ؾ ϰ.  ǹ̿ ̷ ȥ ô KC2008 ģ ̾ ׿. å Ůϴ. :)
         ׷. C:\usr\texlive\2009\bin\win32 updmap updmap-sys ֽϴ. ణ ̰ ֳ׿.
         1. updmap ڰ (C:\Documents and Settings\NABO) .texlive2009 updmap.cfg ؿ ϴ.
  • Karnes/2009-09 . . . . 45 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-09-28T04:11:45 MiKTeX 2.8 xetexko Ҵ.
          1. ko.TeX ֽǿ xetexko شϴ κа ۲ ߷ %APPDATA%\MiKTeX Ʒ ٵΰ refresh fndb.
          1. {{{\newXeTeXintercharclass\}}} ǵǾ ʴٴ Ƿ xetex.ini ־ κ Ϸ ۼϿ, xetexko ̸ ҷ̵ .
          1. MiKTeX 2.8 fc-cache Adobe Reader Ʈ ãƼ cacheش. ̰ .
          1. MiKTeX 2.8 miktex-xetex allocation mechanism (XeTeXintercharclass) ǵǾ ʴ. Ϸ ̸ ִ ʿ.
          1. MiKTeX 2.8 miktex-xetex ܺ ȣϰų ͹̳ο ޽ ѷ UTF-8 ڵ ANSI ٲٴ ִ . UTF-8 ڵ ߻ϴ ޽ ѱ(ANSI) ִٴ , ѱ Ʈ ̸ ϴ . Ʈ ̸ ڷ ٲپ (̸ ȣϵ ExternalLocation ȣϵ) ȴ. , {{{
          * TL Windows ѱ ̸ Ʈ {{{ExternalLocation\}}}δ ã ѱ ̸ Ʈ "̸" ȣϴ ϴ. Ʈ ̸ ̾ ʿ䰡 . luatex ѱ Ʈ ̸ ҷش.
          * κп . ޽ ڵ ȯؼ ִ . ٸ ܺ ̳ Ʈ ̸ ANSI ȯؼ ã ִ . MiKTeX '''UTF-8 ڵ ο ѱ ̸ input ִ'''. ׷, UTF-8 Ʈ ̸ ANSI ȯϿ UTF-8 ڵ font name db ã ϰ, font name db ã UTF-8 ̸ ¥ Ѱֱ ϴ ƴѰ Ѵ.
          1. , TeXWorks ȿ ANSI ѷִ ޽ . :-(
          * attachment:miktexxetexko.jpg
          1. ·δ xetexko MiKTeX 2.8 ϴ.
          1. luatex ƿ .
          1. MiKTeX ٸ 濡  . ̻ ʿ䰡 ʹ.
          * Ʈ "MiKTeX 2.8 xetexko ߴ" ƴ϶ '''׳ ȴ''' .
         ȳ MiKTeX -- [likesam] [[DateTime(2009-09-28T06:48:11)]]
          * attachment:QuYuan-YuFu.tex
          * attachment:FallSongsA.tex
          xelatex, lualatex ϵǰ ϰ ۲ Ѿؼ ٲ ҽ.
         xetex̶ ִ° ; xetexko Ʈ߽ϴ. ֽϴ.
  • Karnes/2009-10 . . . . 5 matches
          * attachment:otgench1-2.tex
         ڵ, XeTeX ν, ̷ ( Ұߴ ƴ) ִٴ ſ .
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-10-26T06:36:35 Junicode, XeTeX
         TeXLive 2009 ԵǾ ִ Ʈ ߿ Junicode ִ.
          * attachment:junitest.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-10-10T22:50:19 TeX Gyre Font Collection vs. Windows Truetype
          * attachment:testtexgyrefonts.pdf
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-10-08T13:55:56 ߻ ȯ? 98% Lua + 2% TeX
         EuroTeX 2009 ǥ ڷΰ.
          * http://www.ntg.nl/EuroTeX2009/slides/patrick-slides.pdf
         , Lua LuaTeX LaTeX 𸣴 , LaTeX Lua ڵ带 , Lua óϸ鼭, ºκи TeX code Ҽ ִٶ ̾߱ ΰ? -- ó [[DateTime(2009-10-11T00:43:20)]]
          * attachment:testliningfigure.tex
          * attachment:testtajache.tex
  • Karnes/2009-11 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-11-16T05:32:41 kotexlive 2009 ׽Ʈ
  • Karnes/2009-12 . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!vim tex
  • Karnes/2010-01 . . . . 9 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-01-11T17:02:15 EmEditor + ko.TeXLive 2009 + XeLaTeX default
         Ͽ. EmEditor MTeXHelper2 ġǾ ־ .
          1. User pdflatex , pdf forward search.
          1. Ŭ (Set 1) xelatex ַ ٲ
          1. latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf Ʈ մ ʾ.
          1. latex -> dvipdfmx Ʈ xelatex Ϸ ü
          1. pdf ⿡ Ŭ sumatra, Ŭ latex -> dvipdfmx Adobe Reader.
          * : XeLaTeX
          * ۲ : (ѱ) #ŽŸ, #¸, #ʱü, () TeX Gyre Pagella, () mathpazo
          * attachment:howtousemystart.tex
          θ ϱ⿡ ݵ ִ Դϴ. Ű ġ ٽ ׿. . ϱ ä ġ ٽ ؼ TnXTeX Ϸ մϴ. -- MadToad [[DateTime(2010-01-01T15:25:11)]]
          оϴ. ̺پ, ̰ غȼ γ ص ƺ, ø ҽ ޾Ƽ ̷ pdflatex ҽϴ. ٵ ǸԵ ˼ ߴ ¹ ʴ±. ̻ϴ ; KC2008 ϴ. , ҽ ۼ ⿡ ( Ⱥ̴) Ư ȣ 򰡿 پ ƴѰ ͽϴٸ... ׷? ׳ ȣ ߵؼ ϴ. -- Ƕ [[DateTime(2010-01-04T14:03:07)]]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-01-01T02:00:00 TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha2
          ġϿ ׽Ʈ. 2009/12/31ڷ TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha2
          * XeLaTeX Ʈ ̸ Ǿ ִ. (texworks ) LaTeX ߿ óϱ?
  • Karnes/2010-02 . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:gangchon2.tex
          * attachment:hunmin4.tex
  • Karnes/2010-04 . . . . 9 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-04-16T11:43:03 MusiXTeX, PMX, M-Tx for TnXTeX
          * attachment:musixtexpmxmtx_for_tnxtex.zip
          * tnxtex Ͽ ԵǾ Ƿ tnxtex ƴ Ȳ ǹ̰ ϴ.
         XeTeX(Ȯ TnXTex) ϵǰ Ҵ. (¥ TnXTeX Ϸ musixtex ʿ ִ.)
         Ʈ ƿ ߴ £ µ ̹ musixtex.tex ؾ ߴ. ׳ ǰ ǰ?
          * attachment:oblivoirchapstyles.tex
         ʴϴ. tex غýϴ. -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2010-04-16T02:35:10)]]
  • Karnes/2010-05 . . . . 3 matches
          * src : attachment:testtarget.tex
          * src : attachment:testa.tex
          * src : attachment:toolstest.tex
  • Karnes/2010-06 . . . . 1 match
          * src : attachment:progress_hacintosh.tex
  • Karnes/2010-08 . . . . 3 matches
         http://progress.tistory.com/122 progress tex live 2010 ū ߻Ѵ Ͻ no room for new counter ذ xoblivoir ׽Ʈ .
          * attachment:manb.tex
          * XeLaTeX 츸 . pdflatex ϴ ش .
          1. [Karnes/LyX/XeTeX] pdf4 ʿ.
  • Karnes/2010-09 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-09-18T07:07:39 latex4wp
          * attachment:latex4wp-ko-7.pdf
          * attachment:latex4wp-ko-7.zip
  • Karnes/2010-10 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-10-15T03:20:23 TeX Live 2010, XeTeX microtype ׽Ʈ
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-10-13T08:13:17 latex4wp ,
          * attachment:latex4wp-ko-8.pdf
          * attachment:latex4wp-k0-8.zip
  • Karnes/2010-11 . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:testsine.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2010-11-07T05:48:49 ko.TeX Live 2010 ġ ı
         Ѷ TeX ġ ̾ ѵ ϴ ı ۼ Ͼ ־.
  • Karnes/2011-01 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-01-01T03:10:31 Latexian Ϳ ̺
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/test/Latexian_Live_Preview_test.swf Latexian Live Preview test]
  • Karnes/2011-02 . . . . 1 match
         \textcolor{\cachedata}{What color?}
  • Karnes/2011-04 . . . . 4 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-04-14T15:05:48 TnXTeX: ٿε忡 ۼ 5
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/tnxtex-five-minutes.swf tnxtex-five-minutes.swf]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-04-14T01:00:42 Introduction to TnXTeX
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-04-12T03:59:08 LaTeXian Editor
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/FILES/latexiantest.swf latexiantest.swf]
  • Karnes/2011-06 . . . . 14 matches
          * attachment:test-cnfree.tex attachment:test-cnfree.pdf
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-06-22T12:31:30 Why TeX
          * attachment:whytex.tex attachment:whytex.pdf
         [WinLaTeX] ϳ .
          * attachment:winlatex-win31-dosbox.png?width=480
          * attachment:kj2.tex
         [Karnes/2009-05] ִ mahayan.tex ٽ Ҵ.
          ÿ ϸ lualatex ѹ ẽϰ Ǿٰ Ѵ. ҽ
          * attachment:mahayan-x.pdf (xelatex)
          * attachment:mahayan-l.pdf (lualatex)
          * attachment:mahayan-x.tex attachment:mahayan-l.tex
          * attachment:testb.tex
          * attachment:testa.tex
  • Karnes/2011-07 . . . . 11 matches
         [Karnes/2006-08] ҽ ־. xelatex ׷̵.
          * attachment:hanyux.pdf attachment:hanyux.tex
         XeTeX .
          * attachment:smlrtx3.tex attachment:smlrtx3.pdf
          * ѱ tex (article )
          * attachment:test.tex attachment:test.pdf
         pandoc -s test.tex -o test-pandoc.odt
         mk4ht oolatex test.tex
          pandoc --mathjax="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" -s test.tex -o test-pandoc.html (test-pandoc.html)
          mk4ht uxhlatex test.tex (test.html)
  • Karnes/2011-08 . . . . 4 matches
          1. 5 ۼ. η Ǵ η 迭. attachment:munjeji1.tex
          1. Ǯ̸ Ͽ ٽ о . attachment:munjeji2.tex
          * attachment:pop2.pdf attachment:pop2.tex
          * attachment:testumfig.tex
  • Karnes/2011-10 . . . . 10 matches
         [wiki:Karnes/2011-08] ִ ߿ munjeji2.tex ¾ ΰ tabular ٷ ҷ ؼ saveboxϴ Ǿ ִ.
         => amslatex amsmath .
          * : μ Ŀ Ʈ TeX Gyre Cursor ʹ ôٴ ϴ. Latin Modern Mono ٲٰ Scale=.95 ɼ ִ ?
          * p.2 5°: KC2008 TeXLive ġǾ '''KC2008Plus ko.TeXLive 2011''' ġǾ
          * p.2 Ʒ 8°: > pdflualatex first > '''lualatex''' first
          * p.8 9°: > kctexdoc mathmode > '''texdoc''' mathmode
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-10-07T02:57:34 ifluaorxetex
          * attachment:ifluaorxetex.sty
          \setmainhangulfont[Ligatures=TeX]{HCR Batang LVT}
  • Karnes/2011-11 . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-11-20T07:01:03 monitortexpw
          * attachment:monitortexpw.zip
  • Karnes/2011-12 . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:johncriticalledmactest.tex
          * attachment:hztemplate.tex
  • Karnes/2012-01 . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:testtest.tex
         texlive mdframed ̻ ϴ 2012.1.9 ...
  • Karnes/2012-02 . . . . 2 matches
          * attachment:kswrapfigdoc.pdf attachment:kswrapfigdoc.tex attachment:kswrapfigtest.tex attachment:fig1.png
  • Karnes/2012-07 . . . . 21 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-26T18:02:07 TeXLive 2012 + ko.TeX
          * [WindowsTeXLive2012koTeX ġϱ]
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-19T04:43:25 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX (Windows) ()
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-8.zip
          1. afterinstallonlydev.bat ߰ => kotex, kotex-dev ġ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-12T15:13:44 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX ( )
          * afterinstall TeX Live 2012 ġ¸ ϴ ƾ ߰
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-7.zip
          * ko.TeX Live 2011 ġ 迡 -> α׷ ߰ ſ texlive 2011 (Ǵ ko.TeXLive 2011)
          * ٿε TeX Live ġϰ ϴ ̺ ̺꿡 (Ϲ c: ȭ̵ ٿε TeX Live ü D: Ʒ ġϷ Ѵٸ D:\install_texlive  ű⼭ ؾ մϴ.)
          * ġ α׷ Ǹ ̸ TeX Live ġ
          * TeX Live 2012 Ȱȭ ¿ ޽ ְ . ϸ ذ (Ϲ Ž⿡ ۾ϴ 쿡 ٸ ġ ̵ )
          * . TeX Live ġ ġ c:\usr\texlive\2012 default Ʒ ϴ մϴ.
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-07-12T01:32:59 TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX (Windows) (Ǵٽ ۼ)
         TeX Live ġ ġ ϵ ϴ. , '''TeX Live ġ ̺꿡 ۾Ͻʽÿ.'''
          TeX Live d:\TeXProgram\texlive\2012 ġϷ Ѵٸ Ʒ  D: ̺ Ʒ 򰡿 ΰ ؾ մϴ.
         TeX Live ⺻ ġ ġ c:\texlive\2012 c:\usr\texlive\2012 ó Ʒ ġϴ մϴ.
          * attachment:install-tl-with-kotex-5.zip
         . ¶ texlive ġ ٴ ޽ ⵵ մϴ. ׷ texlive installer ٸ ش Ű ٿε带 õϹǷ Ű ̾ٸ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
          1. ftp texlive/tlnet ü ̸ ٿε ޾Ƽ ġմϴ.
  • Karnes/2012-08 . . . . 5 matches
          * attachment:rhythmichangul.pdf attachment:rhythmichangul.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-08-06T05:26:19 ConTeXt
          * attachment:type-hcr-eng.tex
          * attachment:donghwabyed-2.tex
  • Karnes/2012-10 . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:sorteditemizetest.tex
  • Karnes/2012-11 . . . . 15 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-11-26T12:02:01 whattex3
          * attachment:whattex3.zip
          * attachment:whattex3.pdf
          * attachment:randomhangultexttest.tex
          * attachment:randomhangultexttest.pdf
          * attachment:unimathtest.tex
          * attachment:unimathtest2.tex
          * attachment:test.tex
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-11-06T15:52:02 cygwin luatex font db
         mkluatexfontdb Ǵ path windows ̶
         pushd ~/.cache/texmf/luatex-cache/generic/names
         mkluatexfontdb -v
  • Karnes/ClassicalLiterature . . . . 1 match
          * '''''' plain text ڷ ϴ Ʈ
  • Karnes/LaTeXTips . . . . 66 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
          [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/alee-texfonts.tar.gz alee-texfonts.tar.gz]
          [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/alee-texfonts-test.pdf alee-texfonts-test.pdf]
         === OpenOffice Writer LaTeX ===
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/OOWriter2LaTeX-TEST.zip TEST.zip]
          Writer2LaTeX ġǾ ־ մϴ.
         === [pTeX] ascmac ===
         [pTeX] ԵǾ ִ `ascmac.sty` ִ ڽ ׸ ִ. ڽ ׸ ʾƼ ɾ ٸ ٰ ̷ ڽ ʿ. ڵϸ ׸̰ ʿ ϴ 𸣰 ؼ...
          [pTeX] Ʈ ؿԴµ ⸦ ٶ.
          * Uploads:testascmacvar.tex
         === memhangul-ucs -- pmx, MusiXTeX ===
          * PDF : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/memhangul-pmx-musixtex-test.pdf memhangul-pmx-musixtex-test.pdf]
          * SRC : [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/memhangul-pmx-musixtex-test.zip memhangul-pmx-musixtex-test.zip]
          ''memhangul Ͽ `musixtex-small.tex` ϰ ʽϴ.''
         ̷κ {{{.tex}}} includeѴ. κ Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         %\input musixtex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 31 matches
          * . 1.5.4 CJK ȭǾٰ ϳ, CJKLaTeX ̿ϴ κи ְ {{{KoreanUCS}}} õ κ ݿǾ .
          * XeLaTeX Ϸ [/XeTeX] ϸ ˴ϴ. ٸ T1 ڵ {{{~/Library/Application Support/LyX 1.6}}} Ʒ ִ մϴ.
          * Cmd+T : pdflatex
          * ftp://ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/tex/lyx/bin/1.6.7/ (Ϻ mirror Ʈ)
          *  ̿ϵ Language XeTeX ־ մϴ.
          1. ġ/Ʈ kcupdate ϰ ( XeTeX ) ֽʽÿ.
          1. ġ/Ʈ kcupdate ϰ ( XeTeX ) ֽʽÿ.
          * . 1.5.x KoreanUCS Ͽ Ctrl-T pdflatex Ҵϴ ԵǾ ־ϴ.(LyX ⺻ ps) 1.6.0 ̰ ߽ϴ. ֳϸ Tools->Preferences->Editing->shortcuts ̿Ͽ ڰ Ű(buffer-view pdf2) ִ ߰Ǿ Դϴ. ̰ ϴٴ ǰ óó Ctrl-T pdflatex Ϸ Ҵϴ kcupdate Ͽ ϰڽϴ.
          * . LyX ġ, TeXLive ġ ġ ãֽʽÿ. Alt Installer ġϸ ̷ ŷο ʿϴ.
         === XeLaTeX ===
          * Output -> LaTeX {{{TeX encoding}}} "default" ٲ۴.
         PDF (dvipdfm), PDF (pdflatex), PDF (ps2pdf) ⺻ ű, PDF (xetex) ξ ְڽϴ.
          PDF (pdflatex) ϸ Ʒʿ viewer ׸ ֽϴ. κ auto Ǿ ǵ,
          * XeLaTeX ʽϴ. Insert Hyperlink ERT \href Էϵ Ͻʽÿ.
         LyX XeTeX (̸⸦ ӽϷ XeTeX ƴϱ ) ̸Ⱑ ִ. XeLaTeX latex ο ϵǵ صθ ̸⸦ ϸ鼭 XeLaTeX ۾ ִ. , xoblivoir XeTeX() Latex preamble Ʈ յڿ {{{\ifxetex ... \fi}}} ߰صд. article ִ. {{{#!vim tex
         \usepackage{xetexko} %%% or xetexko-var
         %% ... xetex ... setmainfont
  • Karnes/LyX/Start . . . . 6 matches
         === غ (TeX ý) ===
          * MacTeX ġ
          1. LaTeX Preamble ش. {{{
          * ̸ ְ {{{Author}}} Ÿ . LaTeX {{{~}}} ǥǴ protected space ޴ {{{Insert -> Formatting -> Protected Space}}} ǰ, {{{<Option> + Space}}} Ű Էص ȴ.
          * {{{View}}} ޴ ϸ ̸⸦ dvipdfmx, pdflatex, ps2pdf ְ Ǿ ִ.
          * .texε export ִ. pdflatex ɼ export . ̰ .tex ̹Ƿ TeXShop ҷ ִ. , LyX .tex front-end ִٴ ̴.
  • Karnes/LyX/XeTeX . . . . 7 matches
         LyX 1.6.0, XeLaTeX (Windows Version )
          * XeTeX غ Ǿ ־ մϴ. Ư {{{fontcache}}} ݵ Ǿ ־ մϴ.
         Format: pdf (xelatex)
         From format: LaTeX (plain)
         To format: pdf (xelatex)
         Converters: xelatex $$i
         Extra flag: latex
          1. Document Class xoblivoir ִ. ٸ Ŭ LaTeX Preamble xetexko fontspec Ű εؾ Ѵ.
          * Encoding -> Other -> Language Default Unicode XeTeX (utf8) ؾ Ѵ.
          1. xoblivoir Unicode XeTeX (utf8) ص ϴ.
          1. ƹ ̳ ְ Ctrl-T ų ޴ view pdf (xelatex) ִ.
         XeTeX ϵϰ ̶ ϳ ݴϴ. κ '''ݵ''' ؾ մϴ.
          1. Preferences Output - LaTeX - TeX encoding "T1"̶ Ǿ ִ κ default ֽϴ.
          1. XeTeX ƴ T1 ڵ ʿϸ preamble ָ ˴ϴ.
          1. LyX + Beamer + XeLaTeX
          * [likesam] beamer.tex lyxify .
  • Karnes/LyX20 . . . . 3 matches
         == output = pdf(XeTeX) ϴ ǻ ==
          * ѱ , Font Encoding T1 ʵ ؾ մϴ. Preferences->Output->LaTeX "Use LaTeX font encoding" üũ .
          * Preferences -> File Handling -> File Formats PDF (XeTeX) ãƼ Viewer {{{open -a "Skim.app"}}} ϰ .
          * ۼ Synchronization \synctex=1
          3. LyX -> Preferences -> File Handling -> File Formats -> Format: inverse searchϰ ϴ ( PDF (xetex)) Ѵ.
          5. ۼ Document -> Settings -> Output "Synchronize with Output" üũϰ Custom Macro \synctex=1 .
  • Karnes/Oblivoir . . . . 9 matches
          attachment:whyob.pdf attachment:whyob.tex
          * [ko.TeX]
          * lualatex xelatex oblivoir.
          * ko.TeX Ե.
         # texdoc ultrasimplexob
          -. apptest.tex .
          {3} pagesizetest.tex .
          * [Progress] about_fakearticle.tex ҽ ߰.
          * , {{{[dvips]}}} ɼ ְų pdfLaTeX ϸ unfonts-type1 ⺻ ۲÷ .
          => pdflatex Ǵ latex -> dvipdfmx .
          1. dvips ˻ [[FootNote(DVIPDFMx PDFTeX ̿ ؽƮ ˻ (翬) ǹǷ ⼭ dvips 츸 ´.)]]
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 18 matches
         ==== latex -> dvipdfmx ====
         ==== pdflatex ====
         <pdflatex stuffs>
         {{{<pdflatex stuffs>}}} ̴. {{{
         ==== latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf ====
         memoir {{{\bf, \tt}}} LaTeX 2.09 ۲ . LaTeX2e {{{\textbf, \ttfamily, \texttt}}} Ѵ. ٸ ε ȣȯ ؼ LaTeX 2.09 ۲ ؾ Ѵٸ, {{{[oldfontcommands]}}} ɼ Ѵ.
         (textit, itshape, emph) õ κ ׷ü Ʈ ⺻. ̰ Ÿ() ٲٰ ʹٸ,
          => ɼ \kscntformat{section}{}{} (HLaTeX ̷ ͼ) ǥ ֽϴ. ٸ ǥ ʺ ڵ ϴ ۵ ʴ´ٸ \cft... ũθ ̿Ͽ Ͻʽÿ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          % pdflatex ۲ о ̰ų Ʈ ġǾ ִ Ʈ о δ.
          غ. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/MemoirChapStyles/ MemoirChapStyles] ̴.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \thanksmarkstyle{\makebox[\wd\mytnxtmpbox][r]{\textsuperscript{*}\ }}
         XeTeX + xoblivoir mathspec εϸ ߴ
          * XeTeX ° ڵϸ . {{{
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/Fonts . . . . 11 matches
         default Ʈ : type 1, ۲ type 1, dvips/pdftex. ѱ. EUC-KR .
          * latex => dvipdfmx ƮŸ ä.
          * pdflatex => type1 ä.
          * dvips ؼ => {{{[dvips]}}} ɼ ϸ latex ϴ type1 ä.
         ƮŸ. DVIPDFMx. fakebold. (: pdftex Ϸ ߰ ġ ʿϸ, dvips Ұ.) ѱ. ⺻.
         ƮŸ ۲ nbatang.ttf, ngulim.ttf, ndotum.ttf, UNI_HSR.ttf, obatang.ttf, ogulim.ttf Ʈ ϱ ̴. Ʈ free ƴϹǷ KC2006 ü ԵǾ ʴ.  ε ڽ ý Ʈ ϵǾ ֱ⸸ ϸ ȴ. ٸ Ʈ Ȯڴ (ɼ) ҹ {{{ttf}}} ٲپ . DVIPDFMx ̰ pdftex Ϸ ġ ʿϴ. dvips .
          * .../texmf-local/web2c/texmf.cnf ڽ ý ǵǾ ִ Ȯ.
          TTFONTS = .;$SYSTTF;$TEXMF/fonts/truetype//
          * ...texmf-local/dvipdfm/confit/dvipdfmx.cfg Ʒ ִ Ȯ.
          * ...texmf-KTUG/fonts/map/dvipdfm/hanyang/cid-ohanyang.map ȭ ִ Ȯ
         ȭ ۲ type 1. EUC-KR ѱ. ڴ Ϻ ȣ Ƿ ʴ . dviout ʴ . pdftex/dvipdfmx/dvips ȣȯ.
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 75 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-08-19T07:00:12 [ko.TeX]
         [ko.TeX] ߾ մϴ. ÷ε ϿǷ ļ Ͻʽÿ.
          * \input ucsplain \input kotexplain
          * tex etex Ǵ pdftex ̿մϴ.
         ߿ pdf Ϸ ϴ. ٷ ִ prepmx+[PMX]+MusiXTeX Ǻ ϴ Դϴ.
         MusiXTeX, OpusTeX е, Lilypond е Ǻ ׸ (?)Դϴ.
          1. MusiXTeX
          * -> musixps, type 1 musixtex font ϴ.  ... ū ...
          * -> MiKTeX Package Manager ݴϴ. ڴ ū MPM ؾ musixps ġ ̴ϴ. musixtex ڵġ̰ musixps ɼ ̴ϴ, Ƹ. ƿ ( MiKTeXTools ġ Ŀ) մϴ. {{{
         # sudo mpm --install=musixtex
         # sudo mktexlsr
          * ó ̴ MusiXTeX add-on ŸԴϴ.
          * http://icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/add-ons/musixlyr21c.zip
          * Ǯ musixlyr.tex (localtexmf/tex// Ʒ) ΰ Refreshϸ ˴ϴ.
          * pmx.tex̶ tex local-texmf Ʒ δ Դϴ. localtexmf/tex/generic/ Ʒ ϴ. Refreshմϴ.
          * ġ մϴ. [PMX] ũ ̰ ã ֽϴ. ؾ mtx.tex̶ local-texmf Ʒ ٵΰ prepmx ̸ PATH ɷ ִ θ ˴ϴ. free pascal ҽε Ϸϱ ... ^^ ׳ ̳ʸ ϴ.
         pdftex %1
         pdftex %1
          * pdftex etex DVIPDFMx pdf Ϸ մϴ. {{{
         etex %1
  • KoTeXLive . . . . 5 matches
         == ko.TeX Live ==
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr ѱػڱ׷] [wiki:StdTeXWorkingEnvProject ǥѱȯ] Ʈ ϰ [http://kts.ktug.kr ѱȸ] ϴ Դϴ.
          * ko.TeX Live [http://www.tug.org TeX Users Group] Ͽ ϴ [TeX Live] ѱ [ko.TeX] Ű Ǹ α׷ Ͽ, ģȭ ġ α׷ մϴ.
          * ko.TeX Live Ǵ [http://www.ktug.or.kr ѱػڱ׷] [http://ktug.or.kr/xe/?mid=ktug_qna ϱ] Խ ֽñ ٶϴ.
          /!\ Ʒ TeX Live 2012 ko.TeX ġ , ko.TeX Live 2012 ٽ ġ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/xe/index.php?document_srl=158860 Windows ڸ TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX ġ ϰ ó ġ]
          * [wiki:WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ]
          * ko.TeX Live 2012
          * small: [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/koTeXLive/2012/kotexlive2012-small-20130309.exe kotexlive2012-small-20130309.exe]
          * full: [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/koTeXLive/2012/kotexlive2012-full-20130309.exe kotexlive2012-full-20130309.exe]
          1. ''-'ko.TeX Live 2012'-'ko.TeX Live Update' Ͽ ý ֽ ϵ մϴ.
          * [wiki:WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ#s-4.4 kc on the fly Ͽ]
         === [KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live 2011]κ Ʈ? ===
          * TeX Live κ Ʈ ʽϴ.
          * ׷Ƿ [ko.TeX Live] 2011 Ͻô е ̸ ϰ ġϿ մϴ.
          * root 丮 ϰ ϴ texmf-local ״ ˴ϴ.
          * ޴ 'ko.TeX Live 2012' 'Uninstall' ϰų '' 'α׷ ߰/' ̿Ͽ ko.TeX Live 2012 ֽϴ.
  • KoreanStylePackage . . . . 11 matches
         Korean Style Package KTUGCollectionProject Ϻημ, LaTeX(Lambda ƴ) ѱ ۼ Ÿ̴.
         KTUG Collection CD ġϸ HLaTeX, DHHangul, DHUcs ѱ ۾ ȯ ġִµ,  HLaTeX DHUcs Ͽ ۼ ְ Ѵ. HLaTeX euc-kr ڵ ۼ ϰ dhucs UTF-8 ۼ ϵ ϴ ̴. ѱ ڵ `[utf]` Ǵ `[euc]` ɼ ִ.
          Ÿ ̿Ͽ, HLaTeX ۼǾ ִ DHUcs ȯϵ Ϸ ִ.
          ġϷ ̿Ѵ. , HLaTeX, HANGULkStyle, DHUcs ýۿ ġǾ ־ Ѵ.(۲ .)
         #> latex korean.ins
         #> latex korean.dtx
         #> latex korean.dtx
         `korean.sty` `[localtexmf]/tex/latex/korean` Ʒ ٵΰ Refresh Filename Database Ѵ.
           preamble hlatex-k ִٰ .
         ׷ ü ڵ utf-8 ٲ۴. ̸ foo.tex̶,
         #> iconv -f EUC-KR -t UTF-8 foo.tex > fooutf.tex
         LaTeX Ѵ.
         #> latex fooutf
          * [HLaTeX]
          * [LaTeX-ucs]
  • Kunggom/2007-02 . . . . 4 matches
         KC2006-2(mini) ġϴ ſ . (ٸ ν緯 ִ ΰ unzip ϴ 𸣰ڴ. Ȥ ʺڵ Ŀǵ â ͼ ϱ ? ;;;) 簡 , DviOut kcupdate ģ , ϳ "latex ۡۡ" õߴ.
         ġ ߸Ǿ ؼ, ó ٽ ġ ҿ. ׷ ϱ, ó KC2006-2(Mini) , kcupdate ġ ڿ Ͽ ٴ ݰ Ǿ. ׷ Ȥ mktexlsr ϴٰ Ǿ ؼ(ĥ mktexlsr ư ߸ ״ٰ ִ.) mktexlsr ư ְ, Ȥó ؼ kcupdate C ̺꿡 ⵵ ߴ. (α׷ ġϱ ϵ D ̺꿡 Űܵ ¿.) ҿ .
  • LEd . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX Editor for Windows
         Windows LaTeX Editor. Copyrighted Free Software.
         ѱ۵ մϴ. ڵ Ǵ . HLaTeX ô е鿡 .
  • LPPL . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX Project Public License.
  • LaTeX . . . . 4 matches
         $\mbox{\LaTeX}$ [http://www.giss.nasa.gov/latex/ Hypertext Help with LaTeX]
         == LaTeX̶? ==
         LaTeX Leslie Lamport TeX ũ μ, '''[ۼý](Document Preparation System)'''̴.
         LaTeX (mark-up)Ͽ ۼѴ. ۾ ܾ翡 Ű澵 ʿ ǵ Ѵ.
         Lamport ϱ⸦, LaTeX ''' ɰ ϱ ''' ǹѴٰ Ͽ. , LaTeXδ  ̵ '''''' ãƳ ʴ. FAQ ʿ ű ִ.
         LaTeX [μ] ƴϴ. [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/wp-ko/ LaTeXΰ?] о.
          * [http://www.stdout.org/~winston/latex/ cheatsheet] ſ {OK}
          LaTeX2e̴. ̷ LaTeX3ε ⿡ ؼ LaTeX Ȩ ϶. See [LaTeX/]
  • LaTeX-Mk . . . . 6 matches
         ## tags : latexmk, latex-mk, ltxmk,
          * http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk-jcc/
          * http://latex-mk.sourceforge.net/
          * [http://home.bawi.org/~minskim/moin.cgi/LaTeX-Mk ó]
         == [LaTeX-Mk] Ұ ==
         [LaTeX-Mk] LaTeX ٸ · ȯϴ ִ ũƮ Ѵ. LaTeX Ͽ Ѿ ֱ , Makefile ùٸ ¹ ϱⰡ ٷӴ. ׷ [LaTeX-Mk] ϴ latex.mk Makefile ԽŰ ѹ [DVI], PostScript, [PDF] ȯ ִ.
  • LaTeX-ucs . . . . 8 matches
         UniCode Support for LaTeX.
         (!) [LaTeX-ucs] Ͽ ̷ο ִ. [http://ipe.compgeom.org/pdftex.html Using Truetype fonts and Unicode in Pdflatex]
         $ emerge latex-unicode
         $ apt-get install latex-ucs latex-ucs-contrib
          * Windows / MiKTeX
          MiKTeX Package Manager -> Unicode Ű
          * Linux / MiKTeXTools
         $ fink install unicode-tex
         == [LaTeX-ucs] ѱ ==
         LaTeX-ucsٴ "ucs Ű" ٴ ? -- Daisyweb
          Ÿ ̸ `ucs.sty` ´µ... ׳ [Unicode] Ǵ [UCS] ϸ ʹ Ϲ Ƹ [LaTeX-ucs] θ ϴ. Ű(rpm, deb, etc.) Ī κ [LaTeX-ucs]̴. ƹư UCSPackage redirectϰڽϴ. --[Karnes]
  • LaTeX/ . . . . 1 match
         See LaTeX, LaTeX2e, LaTeX3
         === '''Q.''' LaTeX 2.09 Ǵ [LaTeX2e] Դϱ?  ٸ? ===
         '''A.''' Lamport LaTeX 2.09ϴ. Ʈ 1992⿡ ̷ϴ. The LaTeX Team غ ο LaTeX2e մϴ.
         TeX -> LaTeX 2.09 -> LaTeX2e ߴϴ TeX -> AMSTeX LaTeX2e + AMSTeX -> AMSLaTeX ̷ ̾߱ ϴ. PlainTeX, LaTeX 2.09, LaTeX2e ϴµ Դϴ.
         LaTeX2e PlainTeX macro sets Ұմϴ. DonaldKnuth PlainTeX â⿡ ǻͿ PlainTeX ̿Ͽ Ϲݹ ۼѴٴ ٰ̾ մϴ.
         ̷ Ͽ LeslieLamport Ӹ ƴ϶ Ϲε PlainTeX ϰ ϰ ϱ Ͽ PlainTeXκ  macro(book, report, letter, article, slide ) ϴ. ̰ ٷ â LaTeX 2.09Դϴ. LaTeX 2.09 ִ Ѽ غϰ ϴ LaTeX2e , ϰ ֽϴ. [LaTeX3] project team LaTeX2e [LaTeX3] ϰ ִ ˰ ֽϴ.
         PlainTeX ڿ п ̴ ϰ ̷ϰ ϴ ɷ ֽϴ. DonaldKnuth PlainTeX ϳ ̱ȸ(AMS) Ͽµ ߿ AMSκ ޶ ޾ typist Ÿ Ȱڸ Ÿ ȭ ġо PlainTeX Ͽٰ մϴ.
         PlainTeX ִ ĵ ̿ ϳ macro setsμ ̺б MichaelSpivak AMSTeX package ֽϴ. macro ̿ ʴ Ϲε鿡Դ (?) Ű Դϴ. ̳ ڿко Ư, ϴ Դ AMSTeX Ű Դϴ. йо ü ´ style file ( ȭϵ ǹ̿ macro ) ϰ ¿.
          LaTeX2e'''''' Ű ģ AMSLaTeX''''''Ű ֽϴ.
         ̰ LaTeX2e'''''' preamble  style ָ text body 󸶵 AMSTeX''''''ɾ ֽϴ. Ƹ TeXnician̶ ΰ ̿ϰ ִ дϴ.
         ̻󿡼 帰 Ͱ LaTeX2e Ǵ AMSTeX'''''' ִ PlainTeXε ֽϴ. ٸ, ð ŭ ٴ ¿...
         LaTeX 2.09 ùӸ
         LaTeX2e [Ŭ Ÿ] Ͽ, [ Ŭ](DocumentClass) ϰ, `\usepackage` [Ÿ Ű](StylePackage)(add-on packages) ҷ̵ մϴ.
         LaTeX2e ȣȯ ϰ Ƿ LaTeX2e LaTeX 2.09 (밳) ó ֽϴ.
  • LaTeX2Html . . . . 8 matches
          2003 輺ȣԲ MikTeX ġϽ Խǿ ø , 2009-02-27 19:40:35 Ͽ ٽ ø Ѵ. :)
         HLaTeX `hangul.sty` ̿ ڵ ȣǴ ̴. `[latex2html]/styles` 丮 `hangul.perl`̶ ̸ ־ζ.
         # Extension to LaTeX2HTML to translate HLaTeX special
         # other HLaTeX commands and declarations
         sub do_cmd_HLaTeX { join('','&lt;sub&gt;&lt;/sub&gt;',$Laname,$TeXname,$_[0]); }
         sub do_cmd_textmj { &do_cmd_textrm(@_); }
         sub do_cmd_textgt { &do_cmd_textsf(@_); }
         sub do_cmd_texttz { &do_cmd_texttt(@_); }
         ϴ. http://hoze.wowdns.com TeX-׸ ߽ϴ. --[hoze]
          `hangul.sty` '''' Ǿ ־ ״ ϴ. Բ ߴٰ װ ڵ ˾Ƽ ϸ ȴٴ 亯 ޾ҽϴ. ׷ ϰڽϴ. ''˾Ƽ ľ.'' :) `hangul.perl` `hangul.sty` ϱ ̹Ƿ `hangul.sty` ۿ ֽñ ٶϴ... ׸ LaTeX2Html jpg 켱 ֽŹ(2002-2-1) ġϽð õ ʽÿ. ƹ µ Ƹ ƴѰ մϴ. -- DohyunKim
  • LaTeX3 . . . . 2 matches
         10 ѵ ´ٴ ϰ ҽ , LaTeX .
  • LaTeX4Wp . . . . 15 matches
         ''' μ ڸ LaTeX 1.0.6''' (2003.12.23)
         [CTAN]  ϳ 츮 ű Դϴ. (latex4wp) ڴ Guido Gonzato ڻԴϴ. ̾ƺ Ͽϴ. PDF ֱ [KTUG] "TTF PDF " ۼǾ, ѱ Ʈδ ƽþƮ Ͽ dvipdfm-cjk(dvipdfmx ) ̿Ͽ ѱ ϸũ Դϴ. (1.0.0) ѱ ˻ ʾҴ Ͱ ޸ ѱ ؽƮ ˻ մϴ. ƽþƮ ƽþƮ ⺻ ġϽø ǰ PDF ֽϴ. ڼ README Ͻñ ٶϴ.
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko.pdf PDF 1.0.6]
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko-20021019.pdf PDF 1.0.2]
          PDFLaTeX ѱ ƮŸ Ͽ ѱ PDF
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko-src.tar.gz SOURCE(tar.gz) 1.0.6]
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko-src.zip SOURCE(zip) 1.0.6]
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko-src-20021019.zip SOURCE(zip) 1.0.2]
         躴 TeX4ht ̿Ͽ ȯ .
          (!) XHTML õ ̾߱Ⱑ TeX4ht ֽϴ.
         ణ ڰ `\usepackage[default]{hlatex-interword}` Ͽϴ.
         ҽ haan.eps ԵǾ ֽϴ. Ʒѱ ̸ eps ׸Դϴ. ׸ CJKLaTeX + nbatang.ttf ؼ ϴ.
         latex4wp exa.sty Ÿ ԵǾ ֽϴ. Ÿ ؼ ϴٰ ϴ Verbatim Ű ̿ lshort example ȯ  Ͽϴ. ׷ ۼ Ÿ `lsexa.sty`Դϴ. Ű calc Verbatim 䱸մϴ. minipage ũ ߾ Ǿϴ.
  • LaTeXBoxes . . . . 22 matches
         TeX ڽ ϴ ؼ [Box] . ⼭ LaTeX ̴ ڽ ó Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         minipage `\textwidth` `\columnwidth` Ͽ ϳ ó ٷ ִ ڽ . ָ ִٴ ߿ .
          text of minipage
          ü ڽ ׸. ׸ `\thisfancypage` . μ µ, ù° text body κп ׸ framḛ, ι° header/footer ü ׸ frame̴.
         {{{#!vim tex
          {\setlength{\fboxsep}{8pt} \setlength{\shadowsize}{8pt} \shadowbox} % text bodyκп shadow box
         % ܼϰ header/footer text body box ׸ Ʒ Էϸ ȴ.
         \textcopyright \texttrademark
         \textcopyright \texttrademark
  • LaTeXCad . . . . 28 matches
         (From KTUGOperate:8388'''''') [CTAN] ϴ latexcad.sty [TDS] (TeX Directory Structure: Ϲ texmf 丮 Ī) Ű Դϴ. (From KTUGOperate:8400'''''') Ű Ʈ Ǹ鼭 浹 Դϴ.
         == LaTeXCad? ==
         LaTeXCad ׸ ׸ Դϴ. MetaPost PSTricksʹ ٸ WysiWyg α׷Դϴ.
         Uploads:latexcad.zip <- ̰ ɼۿ å
          HTitle = {{\LaTeX} {\LaTeX}},
          Ϻκ(13: 215-225)Դϴ. ġ Ű [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/obsolete/systems/msdos/latexcad.zip latexcad.zip] ȥ . ġ Ű latexcad.zip LaTeXCad ġϸ `latexcad.sty` ã `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` LaTeX2e ֽ Ű `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty`ʹ 浹 Ͼ ׸ ޽ Ÿϴ. (Ʒ `LaTeXCad ġ` Ͻʽÿ.)
          TeXCad α׷ ־µ TeX LaTeX2e ȭ(?)ϸ鼭 LaTeXCad ߽ϴ.
         ⺻ `latexcad.sty` մϴ.
         `latexcad.sty` `fancybox`, `epsfig` Ű ҷɴϴ. ׷ `latexcad.sty` ã `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` MiKTeX Ű  ִ `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` 浹 Ͼ ׸ ޽ Ÿϴ.
         == LaTeXCad ġ ==
          LaTeXCad Ű Ƽ Ͽ ڼ ڽϴ.
          ϸ latexcad.zip ֽϴ. Ʈ latexcad.zip Ǯ latexcad Ű ó fancybox.sty, eepic.sty 浹 ֽϴ. -->see KTUGOperate:8405
          http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/down/lacad.zip (Ǵ Uploads:lacad.zip )
          ٽ latexcad ӿ ٽ lacad.zip Ǯ ϴ. MiKTeX Option(ɼ ) "Refresh Now" ϸ ġ ϴ.
         == LaTeXCad ==
         LaTeX-CAD â ȭ
         ڼ LaTeXCad [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/latexcad.htm WinEdt LaTeXCad ϱ] Ǵ [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/down/LATEXCAD.pdf LATEXCAD.pdf] Ͻʽÿ.
  • LaTeXCompanion . . . . 5 matches
         Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Chris Rowley, Christine Detig, Joachim Schrod LaTeX ʵ.
         in `texbook3.bib` (CTAN:/info/biblio/texbook3.bib'''''')
          title = "The {\LaTeX} Companion",
          [http://www.latex-project.org LaTeX-project] ϴ . ʿ ãƺ, , ׸ ۼ ⺻ 3 260 з̴.
          `TLC2`(The [LaTeX Companion], 2nd ed.) 868 ϴ ְ, ҽ ״ η(TeXLive CD) CTAN ־ ξ.
         Uploads:lc2_errata.pdf [[Date(2004-09-14T16:59:30)]] [http://www.latex-project.org LaTeX-project] ö ǥ
         Uploads:tlc2_err2.pdf [[Date(2005-03-14T13:28:04)]] [http://www.latex-project.org LaTeX-project] ö ǥ
         ǿ 2 10 ɷȰ, Ǵ ̻ Ͽµ, ̰ Ƹ LaTeX 10Ⱓ ִ ƴѰ Ѵ.
  • LaTeXDraw . . . . 4 matches
          * [http://latexdraw.sourceforge.net/ Ȩ]
          * [http://latexdraw.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html screenshots]
          * LaTeXDraw is a free PSTricks code generator or PSTricks editor for LaTeX distributed under the GNU GPL. LaTeXDraw is developed in java, so it's independent of the OS. It's available in English, in Spanish and in French.
          * You need jre 1.5 to launch LaTeXDraw.
  • LaTeXMng . . . . 1 match
         Windows LaTeX ȯ. ShareWare.
          BibTeX BibTeXMng(ShareWare), MetaPost MPEdit(Free)  Ʈ α׷ [CTAN] ö ִ.
  • LaTeXPix . . . . 2 matches
          (׷ ) ׸ ̵(WysiWyg) ׷ ̰ LaTeX ִ (ɾ ȯ) ٲپ ش.
          * http://home.tiscali.nl/nickvanbeurden/latexpix.htm
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/systems/win32/latexpix/
  • LaTeXSuite . . . . 9 matches
         === latex-suite ===
         VimLaTeX Ʈ vim ִ latex ÷ ֽϴ.
         پ LaTeX ɾ abbrev ϰ compile-edit Ȱ ִ մϴ.
         " REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke latex-suite when you open a tex file.
         " IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
         " search in a singe file. This will confuse latex-suite. Set your grep
         latex-suite dvi viewer [MiKTeX]/Yap ڵ νѴ. KC2006 DviOut ̰ üϷ, [wiki:VimEditor#s-6.4 latex-suite for KC2006] ϶.
  • LaTeXSymbols . . . . 7 matches
         LaTeX ִ Ư, ȣ. <!> ̵ ҽ Ͽ Էϴ [WinEdtTip/ȣԷ] .
         == Detexify ==
         == Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List ==
         # texdoc symbols-a4
         LaTeX ִ ȣ ϶ǥ ''The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List (Scott Pakin)''
          i. CTAN:info/symbols/comprehensive/source/ LaTeX ҽ ( )
          i. [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf A4 ũ μ ]
          i. [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/ ٸ ϵ]
          i. [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/source/ LaTeX ҽ ( )]
          a. CTAN:info/symbols/math/symbols.tex
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2006 . . . . 1 match
          * ù°: [LaTeXWorkshop/2006/Photo]
          * °: [LaTeXWorkshop/2006/Photo2]
          * °: [LaTeXWorkshop/2006/Photo3]
          * °: [LaTeXWorkshop/2006/Photo4]
          * LaTeX ʴ(beamer): attachment:introlatex.pdf
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2007 . . . . 2 matches
          * LaTeX (̱Ȳ)
          * LaTeX+CVS ()
          * LaTeX CVS ̿ ۾ : attachment:latex_n_cvs_example.ppt.txt
          ||||''Session 1: LaTeX ''||
          ||09:30–10:00||TeX ý ġ Ű ||谭([Karnes])||
          ||10:00–12:00||LaTeX ||̱Ȳ(MadToad)||
          ||||''Session 3: LaTeX Ȱ''||
          ||09:30–11:20||[http://wiki.contextgarden.net/MetaFun MetaFun]||ȯ(ChoF)||
          ||11:20–12:00||LaTeX CVS ̿ ۾ ||(babyworm)||
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2008Fall . . . . 7 matches
          * LaTeX ۼ Թ (̱Ȳ) 11.00
          * XeLaTeX, ο ۲ (谭) 5.00
         === KC2008 ġ LaTeX Թ ===
          * LaTeX
          * attachment:LaTeX뿹.zip
          * TeX system : KC2008 , KCmenu
          * ǥ : Excel2Tabular , Calc2LaTeX
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/WS2008/Beamer_sample.tex Beamer_sample.tex]
         === XeLaTeX ===
          DeleteMe ִ pstricks-test.tex pdfmtricks ڵ ϰ xelatexθ ߴ ϵǴ.
          DeleteMe. XeLaTeX pdfmtricks pstricks Ű ִٴ ΰ?
          * attachment:pstricks-test.tex
          * attachment:Beamer_sample_xetex_b.tex
          DeleteMe XeTeX ׽Űմϴ. ȯ濡 "" ϸ ȵǰ, "NanumMyeongjo" Ͽ ϴ մϴ.
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2008Spring . . . . 6 matches
          * LaTeX
          * attachment:latex_overview.pdf
          * ̵: PDFscreen TeXPower ̿
          * attachment:testa.tex
          * attachment:boxedpara.tex
          * attachment:first.tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          * [http://vod.mathnet.or.kr/sub3_1.php?key_s_title=TeX+Workshop+%3A+Intermediate+LaTeX+Course&key_year=x ũ]
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2009 . . . . 4 matches
          * : XeTeXko, A New Korean Typesetting Environment
          * XeTeX ko.TeX : xetexko (赵) 10.00
          * XeTeXko ũ Ұ
          * XeTeXko ܰ ɼ
          * XeTeXko ̿ ۼ (谭) 11.00
          * XeTeXko ۼ ǽ
          * legacy TeXκ
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~nomos/mine/ktsworkshop2009fall-dohyunkim.tex tex source file]
          ־ غýϴ. :-) attachment:post_WS2009_by_progress_touched_2.tex
          * [http://vod.mathnet.or.kr/sub3_1.php?key_s_title=Tables+in+Documents+along+with+XeLaTeX&key_year=x ũ]
  • LaTeXWorkshop/2012 . . . . 2 matches
          Introductory/Intermediate LaTeX Course
          - tnxtex ġ, ǽ, oblivoir
          - latex app, pdf viewer
          * [http://vod.mathnet.or.kr/sub3_1.php?key_s_title=LaTeXWorkshop%2F2012&key_year=x ]
  • LaTeXWorkshop/SS091216 . . . . 1 match
         Ǵб ߼ LaTeX (Beamer) Ư
          * src : attachment:READMESSU.tex
         ǽ TeX ý
          * TnXTeX install version
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/TnXTeX-unzipme.exe TnXTeX-unzipme.exe]
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2009-dev/TnXTeX-installme.msi TnXTeX-installme.msi]
  • LaTeXiT . . . . 1 match
         Mac LaTeX to pdf generator http://ktd.club.fr/programmation/latexit_en.php
          * pdf ֱ , OmniGraffle ̳, KeyNote  ׳ pdf drag & drop ָ ڿ LaTeX ִ.
  • LaTeX۾ . . . . 4 matches
          cls ϰ Ÿ Ű ̿Ͽ ϳ å(νõ ) combine ̶ Ŭ Ű ִ. See CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/combine/combine.pdf
         (*.tex ϵ \include ,) ƿ *.cls , (̳ )
         http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=multidoc Ͽϴ.
  • LaTeX۲ü . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeX ۲ ϱ
         === LaTeX ۲ ٷ ===
         LaTeX "Ư Ʈ" ؼ ϴٰ ֽϴ. LaTeX ϰ ϴ ϰ ƴϹǷ(װ ߿ ʴٴ ƴմϴ), LaTeX ۼ , װ  Ʈ ڵ ΰ ڰ ۼڰ Ű澵 ƴ϶ Ѵٰ ֽϴ.
         ׷Ƿ, LaTeX ̸׸, " ۲", "꼼 ۲", "Ÿ ۲"̶ ⺻ Ʈ ϳ ϴ ϴ մϴ. ѱƮδ ü, ü, Ÿü شϴ ƴѰ ͽϴٸ, 1:1 Ǵ 𸣰ڽϴ. rm, sf, tt θ "۲ "(font family)̶ մϴ.
         LaTeX ɵ ؼ Ʈ մϴ. , \bfseries ϸ, Ʈ 翡 迭 bfseries ٲٶ Դϴ. ѹ ٲ ķε ġ , {{{\textbf{ABCDEFghi} }}} Ϻο ؼ ϵ ϴ `\text...` մϴ.
          ̰ Ư Ʈ ؾ մϴ. TeX/LaTeX ý Ʈ ̿ ʽϴ. , ڸ LaTeX ִ , ±⿡ " Ʈ ؼ ڸ ġ ϶" ɸ ̰, Ʈ ü ʽϴ.
          2. TeX .dvi Ʈ "" ְ Ʈ ʽϴ.
         TeX ڿ ϴ .tfm̶ Font Metric Ͽ ֽϴ. ٽ ϸ .tfm TeX Ѵٰ . Ͻ Arial̳ Times New Roman .tfm · ʴ TeX ϴ.
         TeX ⺻ ϴ Ʈ TeX â D. Knuth Computer Modern̶ ۲ 迭Դϴ.
         LaTeX ߴ޿ ٸ Ʈ ְ Ϸ ־ϴ. 35 LaserWriter Postscript Font °? ̸ ؼ ۲ cm ƴ ٸ Ʈ ֽϴ.
          urw times Computer Modern Roman Ϸ ణ ļ urw times .tfm , \rmfamily θ ش .tfm ָ Դϴ. ֿ Postscript ۲ÿ ؼ ̷ ۾ TeX Implementation Ǿ ְ, ڴ ܼ .tex
         ׷, ̰ ۲ø ٲٴµ, ۲(TeX нĿ Ʈʹ Ʈ մϴ.) times Ʈ Ϸ
         [TeX۲], [п۲]
  • LaTeX . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeX Macro .
          LaTeX '''' ''''(argument) Ÿ δ.
          ̷ LaTeX `<name>` ȯ(environment)̶ Ѵ. ؽƮ Ϻγ , ְ, ȯ ۰ ؽƮ Ͽ ִ.
          LaTeX ڰ `\begin`̳ `\end` ϴ  Ͽ ̻ϰ ϴ غ ̴. `if`, `begin`, `end` Ǹ Ư Ƿ, ڴ ̷ ܾ ϴ ۼ ʾƾ Ѵ.
          1. '''LaTeX ɰ '''
          LaTeX (command)̶ (declarations)̶ ؼ ִ. ַ ڸ ʴ ̴. β ۲ ϴ ִµ, ϳ `\textbf{........}` '''''' ϴ ̰, ٸ ϳ `\bf` Ǵ `\bfseries` ϴ ̴. ڿ ؽƮ ģ. ٽ normal text ư ؼ ġ ۲ ٲٴ ٽ ؾ ̴.
         here comes the text
          `myenvironment` ̸ ȯ ȴ. TeX δ LaTeX ȯ ۵ , `\csname <name> \endcsname` θ, ȯ `\csname end<name> \endcsname` θ. ׷Ƿ, `\myenvironment` ɰ `\endmyenvironment` TeX ǵǴ ̴. ٸ ControlSequences ϰ ־ ؽƮ ۿ ϰų ϰų ִ.
          ߿ ȯ `document` ȯ̴. LaTeX `\begin{document}` `\end{document}` ȯ ӿ ֵ ̵ Ǿ ִ.
          1. '''LaTeX ִ , , ȯ'''
          a. LaTeX-built-in commands etc.
          LaTeX ü ϰ ִ , , ȯ̴.
          a. Original TeX commands
  • LaTeXθå . . . . 5 matches
          ˷ å TeX/LaTeX å ƺ ?
         ҿ ˰ ־ ˰ LaTeX ߴٴ ƴ ͵ ܰ ϴ.
         LaTeX å Ǹ '' ԰ϱ?
          "ѱ ߽ Ǵ LaTeX å ַ ϰڽϴ. ִ [/ʸ] Űϴ.
         ܱ å LaTeX ̿Ͽ ϴ. 幰 þ ϴ.
          HLaTeX '''''' dz åԴϴ. ڰ κ LaTeX ־ ޾ ֽϴ.
          * , 2000, ڸ TeX, LaTeX, ѱ LaTeX
          2007⿡ ڽ [http://ling.cnu.ac.kr/board.php?board=wwwlatex&command=body&no=2 Ȩ] pdf Ͽ. 1999 2000 HLaTeX ߽ ѱLaTeX Ȱ ִ. ֽ ڿ .
         ѱȸ мȸ(2009) ̿Ͽ TeX ǵ å ȸ Ƚϴ.
         LaTeX å ٴ ǹϴ / ۰ ˾Ƽ شٴ ǹ̰ Ǵ°?
          LaTeX ָ ǻ 忡 ұ, Ⱦ ұ? ׷ ɶ
          LaTeX ٷ ƴ (operator ) ڸ ȸ糪, ƴϸ ó ǻ翡 ź . (author) ǻ翡 ϴ ̾ƿ, ׸ ʿ · μ ٴ Դϴ. ׷ ںв LaTeX ⺻ ۼؿ 츮 å մϴ. (׷ е '' !'' Ͻð մϴ. ;) ) å ڰ ϱ ؼ ũ ϴµ, ׷ κб Ѵٸ '''Ⲩ ''' 帱 Դϴ. ٹϴ ǻ翡 ׷ μ 帰 ϴ. ֳϸ ʿ ߱ Դϴ. Ʒ /̳ 庸پ ξ ۾ϱ Դϴ. --[Progress]
          Ʈ ø ι迭 å TeX ̿ å Ǿ ֽϴ. --2004/3/29[HJhan]
          LaTeX å ̹ ǵ å ã ֽϴ. -- 2005/03/24 Jeong Han
         1980 ʿ TEXNOLOGY INC (http://www.texnology.com/)
          ȸε, ϴ (http://www.texnology.com/what.htm)
          (La)TeX ũ Ű ֱ⵵ ϰ,
          - (La)TeX ֱ⵵ ϴ
         Ѹ (La)TeX ȸ ȣ Ͻ
  • LaTeXθå/ʸ . . . . 2 matches
          * а κ TeX/AMSTeX (?)
          * Addison-Wesley å LaTeX Ѵٴ մϴ.
          * Donald Knuth ڻ粲 ǻ翡 å 鼭(The Art of Computer Programming), ǹ Quality Ҹ TeX ΰ ˷ Դϴ.
          * ̷ ϴ ٰ ϳ ȸ翡 ǹ LaTeX ϱ Դϴ. ׷ ̴ ̰, Ȥ Addison-Wesley ٹϽô ˷ּ մϴ. AT&T(Lucent) Bell Lab UNIX/Troff ͼ ׷ ʰ ڵ å Addison Wesley Ҷ troff ̿ؼ ֽϴ.
          * Springer-Verlag å κ LaTeX ϰ ֽϴ. ǻ翡 [http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-175-2-103389-0,00.html Ŭ] մϴ.
          * TeX/LaTeX
          * TeX å TeX ̿ ʰ ٴ ü å ʿ䰡 ٴ ̰.
          * Text Processing in Python
          å pdf å ϸ Web server latex ؼ pdf ũݴϴ. pdf å ̸ ҽϴ.
          * Richard Stallman(RMS) free document infotex ̶ ̿ؼ ϴ. Ⱓǰ ֽϴ.
          Donald Knuth Ѵٰ Ǿ ְ, Ʈ CM ΰ LaTeX/TeX Ȯ ϴ.
          [http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/] ̰ å LaTeXҽڵ尡 ֽϴ.
         б ȫ ǿ å ѱLaTeX ٰ մϴ.
          Word ڰ LaTeX ׷? Ϲ Word ϱ?
          ۰ ϴµ, ϰ ϴ. LaTeX ξ ʾ ͽϴ.
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 20 matches
         ƿ Ϻ ؼ pLaTeX ϸ ȴ. ⿡ ؼ [LaTeXϺ/pLaTeX] .
          ٷ ϴ pLaTeX ̿ Ϻ ƴ϶ ''ѱ ȯ濡 Ϻ óϴ '' ؼ ַ ٷ Ѵ. ѱ۰ Ͼ ȥյ ؼ ڵ ͸ ؾ ϴµ ڵ带 Ϳ ÿ ѱ۰ Ͼ ǥ ִ  ϴ Ұϱ ̴.
         · ''ѱ ȯ濡'' Ϻ LaTeX ̿ؼ ϴ Ǿٰ ǰڴ.
          * XeTeX ϴ
          * CJKLaTeX ̿ϴ
          ڷ [LaTeXϺ/Obsolete] ׳ ξ ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         #> lamed sample-latex.dvi
         #> dvipdfmx sample-latex
          * Omega ̿ Ϻ . http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/Omega-Japanese/doc.html. cf. KTUGOperate:7864
         == XeTeX ==
         ҽ : attachment:xetex-kaiwa.tex
         == CJKLaTeX ==
         CJKLaTeX euc-jp, sjis, Ϻ ڵ Ϻ ڸ ó , UTF-8 ε ִ. ⼭ JIS/SJIS ȯ δ.
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KCupdate-fontsmaps-cjklatex.kcupdate KCudpate-fontsmaps-cjklatex.kcupdate]
         [CJKLaTeX] ̿Ͽ Ϻ ó ִ.
          attachment:cjk-jap-euc.tex {{{
         #> latex cjk-jap-euc
  • LaTeXϺ/Obsolete . . . . 59 matches
         {*} [LaTeXϺ] Current ̸ ǵǾ Ƶд. ̻ , ũ ִ.
          1. KTUGContrib:2655'''''' [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/texmf-trivcj.tar.gz texmf-trivcj.tar.gz] ٿ޴´. Ǯ´.
          1. texmf tree Ѵ.(MiKTeX MiKTeX Options ̿.)
          1. {{{[localtexmf]\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfm.cfg}}} map ߰Ѵ. ({{{f cid-trivcj.map}}})
          1. initexmf -u --mkmaps Ͽ db Ʈ
          ϸ Ϻ PDF åǵ ϴ. {{{#!vim tex
         ==== texmf-hoze ====
         [hoze] {{{texmf-hoze}}} ̿ϴ .
          1. Uploads:texmf-hoze.zip ٿε Ѵ.
          1. texmf-hoze ȿ Ǯ´.
          1. texmf-hoze TEXMF TREE Ѵ.
          * teTeX tex ̰ ڵ MikTeX-KTUG ־ .
          * ش ϵ ġ 丮 localtexmf Ͽ.
          * ofmϵ [texmf]/fonts/ofm Ʒ 丮 [localtexmf]\fonts\ofm\uhc\myungjo
          * otpϵ [texmf]/omega/otp Ʒ 丮 -> [localtexmf]\omega\otp
          * ocpϵ [texmf]/omega/ocp Ʒ 丮 -> [localtexmf]\omega\ocp
          * styϵ [texmf]/omega/lambda Ʒ 丮 -> [localtexmf]\omega\lambda\omegatest
          <!> MiKTeX , [teTeX] 3.0 .sty ġ {{{[texmf]/tex/lambda/}}} Ʒ̹Ƿ .
          * cid-x.map ̸ {{{cid-omegacjktest.map}}} ļ [localtexmf]\dvipdfm\config ְ, dvipdfmx.cfg {{{ f cid-omegacjktest.map }}} ߰
          * MikTeX-KTUG mo Ͽ Refresh new ó
  • LaTeXϺ/pLaTeX . . . . 13 matches
         Ϻθ ۼϷ [pTeX] ̿ϴ .
         == [pLaTeX] ġ ==
         [pLaTeX] W32TeX ġϸ Բ ԵǾ ġȴ. See W32TeX. cf. KTUGSetup:2284
          1. [pLaTeX] ٿεѴ. [http://www.fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp/kakuto/win32-ptex/web2c75.html]
          1. TeX 򸮴 ġ c:\tex\pLaTeX Ѵ.
          1. texinst752.zip Ǭ.
          1. {{{ texinst752.exe c:\temp }}} ó Absolute path μ ؼ α׷ Ų.
          1. ̸ 丮 ̵Ų. ( c:\tex\pLaTeX)
          1. ̶ dvipdfmx MikTeX-KTUG dvipdfmx Ҹ ʵ Ѵ.
          1. pLaTeX Ϻ ⺻ ۲ ַ Ѵ. Ϻ ⺻ ۲ ġǾ ýۿ Ʈ 찡 ִ.
          1. ѱOS W32TeX ϴ ƹ , Է ڵ Shift JIS̱⸸ ϸ  ü󿡼 `platex` ִ.
         == [pLaTeX] 뿹 ==
          * : Uploads:japtex.zip
          * smchostyle1.sty ̿ platex/dvipdfmx ̿ؼ Ͽ. .
          1. ݵ bin ִ platex dvipdfmx ؼ /ȯѴ.
          1. latex ſ platex Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • LaTeX߻ϱʵ . . . . 11 matches
          * http://www.andy-roberts.net/misc/latex/index.html
         === LaTeX ===
          * Essential LaTeX [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/essential-kr.pdf]
         === XeTeX ===
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/XeTeX?action=download&value=xetex-intro-slides.pdf]
         === LaTeX in math mode ===
          * Math Into LaTeX
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf]
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf]
          * Ŵ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/memoir/memman.pdf]
          * memhangul-ucs [http://cvs.ktug.or.kr/viewcvs/hangul-ucs/oblivoir/docs/memhangul/memucstest.tex?view=co memucstest.tex]
         === The TeXbook ===
          * The definitive guide to the use of TeX
         The source file texbook.tex for The TeXbook has been available for many years,
         % The file is distributed only for people to see its examples of TeX input,
         % not for use in the preparation of books like The TeXbook.
         \errmessage{This manual is copyrighted and should not be TeXed}\repeat
         and posted PDF files of The TeXbook on the Internet.
         our open-TeX approach.
  • LambdaCalculusInTeX . . . . 8 matches
          * ''List in TeX's Mouth'', Alan Jeffrey
          * ''THE COMPUTER SCIENCE OF TeX AND LaTeX'', Victor Eijkhout
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \def\TeXIf#1#2{#1#2 \gobblefalse\else\gobbletrue\fi}
         {{{#!vim tex
         \TeXIf <test> <arg>
         ==> \TeXIf{\ifnum0<}{3}TF
         {{{#!vim tex
  • LatexRender . . . . 1 match
         phpBB php α׷ 󿡼, LaTeX ɾ Էϸ, LaTeX Ȥ mimeTeX , ׸ (gif, png) ȯ, Ȱ ֵ ִ ũƮ.
          1. LaTeX
          2. [mimeTeX]
  • LatinModern۲ . . . . 3 matches
          * ٿε: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/lm/?action=/tex-archive/fonts/
          * XeTeX (Mac α׷) ϱ ߵ Latin Modern OpenType ۲̴.
          * ٿε: http://www.mecheng.adelaide.edu.au/~will/tex/
  • LayOut/Memoir . . . . 2 matches
          * \textheight \textwidth ǵȴ.
  • LayOut/Ǹ . . . . 2 matches
          <!> A4 ۼϴ , 峪 Ʒѱ ⺻ ϸ LaTeX [ Ŭ] ⺻ Ƽ оδ. κ LaTeX ڵ ̷ ϰ `textwidth` ϴ Ÿ ִٰ Ѵ.
          ϴ ۼѴٰ , ''Ǹ (`textwidth`) = (`paperwidth`) - [¿(`left` margin) + 쿩(`right` margin)'' ̿Ͽ,
          1. '''LaTeX [̺] ϴ '''
         '''A.''' {{{TLC2}}} (The LaTeXCompanion, 2nd ed.) 234 ʿ \enlargethispage
  • LayOut/ . . . . 6 matches
         === LaTeX ===
         LaTeX PaperSize .[[FootNote(ٸ MemoirClass stocksize papersize Ѵ.)]] LaTeX ⺻ [ Ŭ] article, book, report  ϴ ɼ . [̴] .
         '''Q1.''' ''ϳ LaTeX ȿ ٸ ũ⸦ ϵ ֽϱ?''
         '''A.''' DVI ũ⸦ մϴ. ׷Ƿ Ģ LaTeX Ͽ DVI ¹ , ũ⸦ ٲٸ鼭 ϳ ۼ ϴ. ׷ μǴ ũ, ̸׸ `Ǹ` ٸ ֽϴ.
          ũ [DVI̹] ٸ ó˴ϴ. DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ PDF ¹ ϳ LaTeX ٸ ũ⸦ ó ó ִµ, [DVI̹] DVIPDFMx {{{\special}}} ̿ؼ Ư ־ մϴ. , ó test.tex DVIPDFMx óϸ  ؼ ñ ٶϴ.(Ʒ ChoF Comment .) {{{
          ϳ TeX ٸ ũ⸦ ϴ DVI ̹ [PDFTeX]([PDFLaTeX]) DVIPDFMx Դϴ. --[ChoF]
         ==== AMSLaTeX calclayout ====
         See [AMSLaTeX/CalcLayout]
         ==== '''`pdflatex` ϴ ''' ====
         PDFLaTeX `geometry` Ű ũ⸦ νѴ. ׷Ƿ ġ `geometry` ũ PDF ִ.
          ̿ ũ⸦ ڰ Ϸ `.tex` տ ش.
          `.tex` տ ,
          [ConTeXt] ü ũ μ ũ⸦ ޸ ־ ſ ϴ. --[Karnes]
          [ConTeXt] ũ μ ũ⸦ ޸ :
          http://project.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/sample/context/papersize.pdf --[ChoF]
  • LilyPond . . . . 2 matches
          * text input -> command line compilation -> ps/pdf output
          * TeX-friendly, but not a sort of TeX-macro. having nothing to do with MusiXTeX.
          \context {
          * MusiXTeX
  • LiterateProgramming . . . . 14 matches
          α׷ 츮 TeX ڷ ˷ Knuth  α׷ ο зԴϴ. Knuth ̿ üȭϱ 1980 ʹ̴ϱ 2006 ν 'ο'̶ ܾ ϴ. ׸ θ ̿ǰ ͽϴ.
          ϰǰ ǻ α׷ ǰ(''works of literature'') ϰ, ִ ''Literate Programming'' ̶ ½ϴ. Knuth α׷ ܼ 峭 ġ Ⱦؼ WEB̶ ý ½ϴ. TeX WEB ý ٴ ˷ .
          * WEB ۼ TeX ҽ: [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/knuth/tex/tex.web tex.web]
          ǻ α׷ ϴ ݵ о Ѵٰ մϴ. TeX ͼ ѹ մϴ.
          * ִ Ͽ: pdf  ϴ. tex.web ٿð,
         % weave tex.web <-- tex.web Ͽ tex.tex ϴ.
         % tex tex.tex <-- tex ̳ ׿.
         % dvipdfmx tex.dvi
          ó Ͽ å ٷ Knuth ''Computers & Typesetting'' ø Volume B ''TeX: The Program'' Դϴ.
          * '''''':  MiKTeX ̿Ͻô KTUGContrib:3247 (by ̾ƺ) ϸ ˴ϴ.
         [http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Contents/contents26-3.html TUGboat Volume 26 (2005), No.3] [http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb26-3/tb84knut.pdf Interview with Donald E. Knuth] Knuth ͺ 簡 ǷȽϴ. 翡 TeX ؼ  ߴ° 信 Knuth α׷ֿ ִ κ ֱ⿡ Ű ϴ.
          α׷ α׷ ҽ ׿ ȭ ۾ ÿ ϴ ̴. α׷ ҽ ũ α׷ κа ȭ κ . α׷ κ α׷  ٸ, ȭ κ ⺻ LaTeX Ȥ plain TeX ̿Ѵ. ȭ κп  TeX ϴĿ ְڴ.
         === LaTeX ̿ α׷ ===
         WEB/CWEB ⺻ TeX ϵ Ǿ ̿ؼ LaTeX ִ. ũ ΰ ִ.
         [noweb] LaTeX ̿ ֵ, α׷  ֵ , WEB ̴. LaTeX ϱ ؼ [noweb] ϴ ̶ ִ.
         CWEB LaTeX ̿ , LaTeX ̿Ϸ, [noweb] Ѵ.
          * : w ϵ  μ LaTeX 󿡼 ϴ.
         LaTeX CWEB α׷ Ǿ ִ.
         === PlainTeX'''''' ̿ α׷ ===
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook . . . . 3 matches
         [] , [TeXbook] İ PlainTeX Դϴ.
         α׷Ӷ ѹ Ѵٴ ''TeX: The Program'' , TeX θ ϰ Ǿϴ. TeX ̶ å ٷ ''The TeXbook'' ε, å дٺ, ٸ TeX ü ŷǾ غ а ֽϴ. дٺ ֱ⵵ ϰ, Ƽ Ǿϴ. --[]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-09]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-08]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-06]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04]
          * [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03]
         PDF book attachment:ReadingTeXbook_by_LittleTree.pdf (source: attachment:rtb.tex) 2006-03
          [Karnes]Բ db2latex̶ ̿ؼ Դϴ. TeX õ پ α׷ ִ° ϴ. :)
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03 . . . . 43 matches
         Karnes : [] ''TeXbook'' б, 2006 3 ۵Դϴ.
         TeXbook ִ \futurelet Դ ־,
          ڼ ǰ, TeXbyTopic 󺸾ҽϴ.
         ׷ ̹ TeXbook бⰡ ƴ϶ TeXbyTopic б ؾ߰ڽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          и Դϴ. :)) ޴ϴ. (TeXbook ˱⽱ ָ,
          LaTeX óմϴ.
         even better!!! ׷ٸ, "LaTeX б" ؾѴ Դϱ? ;) -- [] [[DateTime(2006-03-31T02:39:41)]]
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          ũ \foo replacement text ȿ ٸ ũ \bar ִ Դϴ.
          , Ƹ TeX \foo ũθ ϴٰ \bar ũθ
         \foo ũ replacement text \bar ũ ū ġ ξ
          Դϴ. ࿡ \bar ũ replacement text ȿ ٸ ũΰ
          \foo ũθ Ҷ , TeX replacement text \foo
          Ϳ ٸ replacement text \foo ƹ ū ٴ Դϴ.
         ̷ TeX \foo ġ ʿ䰡 ٴ Դϴ. ֳϸ
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04 . . . . 107 matches
         {{{#!blog 2006-04-29T13:33:13 TeX Ϳ
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
         '''TeXbyTopic 118~119, TeXbook 374''': \expandafter Ǵ Դϴ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
         ׵ plain tex ϸ鼭 ũ ۼ ҽϴ.
         plain tex latex ƴ plain tex ۼϿϴ. :)
         TeX ̷ ʴ ڸ  ٷ? ̿ TeX standard ֽϴ. TeX ƽŰ ڵ 0
         ε, ̰ īװ ڵ尡 15 ƴ϶ 13̱ Դϴ. ڵ ƽŰ <> Ÿ, TeX Է ǵڿ ٷ ڸ ֽϴ. īװ ڵ带 ϴ Ʒ \comment...\endcomment Ȯ ֽϴ. :)
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 . . . . 25 matches
         5 ù° " ٲ ˰"(Line breaking algorithm) ǥ ϰ, IJ о ڽϴ. κ ٸ ̿ϰڽϴ. ( ִ å TeXbyTopicԴϴ. װ͵ pdfθ. ¼ å ֽϴ. ^^;) ׸ ־ ذϴ ⺻Դϴ. оٰ ,
         밡 Ůϴ. PlainTeX Ǹ ȯֽ , α׷ְ TeX ôϰ Ϳ 帳ϴ. п KTUG Faq dz ֽϴ. ϴ Խ ϰ Faq øô е ϴ . ׷ ϴ "" θϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-05-01T02:55:25)]]
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03#18 Penalty]
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03#90cecc9f62df8b348dc17a6cbb3df42f Badness tolerance]
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03#74e0be85ae546e892989b8d590ad52a4 Demerit]
         ʿ ؼ ۿ ' '''~''' ' ǥǴ tie ̴. PlainTeX
         ⺻ TeXnical ŸǽƮ ̰, ڽ(the select group of Distinguished TeXnician)  ִٴ ǹ Ѵ.
          {{{#!vim tex
         ''' 14.2''': '''~''' Ģζ {{{#!latex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03#90cecc9f62df8b348dc17a6cbb3df42f badness and tolerance]
         '''96~97''': penalty ؼ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03#136ecb1ee6db1d00f4a7e2395f6db97b penalty] ̹ ٷ. δ޿ ó Ƽ ϸ鼭 ε, ٽ о ũ ߸ . :) о ٶ. ⼭ ׶ ַ Ѵ.
         Ʒ story.tex ̶ ϳ .
          {{{#!vim tex
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-06 . . . . 13 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         \line{This text will be flush left.\hfil}
         \line{\hfil This text will be flush right.}
         \line{\hfil This text will be centered.\hfil}
         \line{Some text flush left\hfil and some flush right.}
         \line{$\vert$This text will be flush left.\hfil$\vert$}
         \line{$\vert$\hfil This text will be flush right.$\vert$}
         \line{$\vert$\hfil This text will be centered.\hfil$\vert$}
         \line{$\vert$Some text flush left\hfil and some flush right.$\vert$}
         {{{#!vim tex
         But whenever the author has suggested changing TeX's terminology,
         {{{#!blog 2006-06-08T13:28:45 TeX
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-08 . . . . 8 matches
         TeXbyTopic ֱ⸦,
         Anyone who has ever browsed through either the plain format or the LaTeX format will have noticed that a lot of control sequences contain an 'at' sign: @. These are control sequences that are meant to be inaccessible to the ordinary user.
         Now why is it that users cannot call a control sequence with an at sign directly, although they can call macros that contain lots of those 'at-definitions'? The reason is that the control sequences containing an @ are internalized by TeX at definition time, after which they are a token, not a string of characters. Macro expansion then just inserts such tokens, and at that time the category codes of the constituent characters do not matter any more.
         TeXbook ϱ⸦,
         ڴ (ڵ, īװڵ) ̷ ִٰ մϴ. ҹ ĺ "b" ڵ 98̰ īװڵ 11Դϴ. b=(98,11). ׸ INITEX Ҷ, ĺ ҹ 52ڸ ϰ \uccode \lccode 0Դϴ. a~z A~Z \uccode A~Z̰, \lccode a~zԴϴ.
         ̻ TeXbyTopic 13.6 Դϴ. غϿ ع ʹ Ȯϰ ϰ ذݴϴ. å ƴ ϴ. Ǹ å п ñ ʹ ذ Ƽ ƽ մϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!blog 2006-08-23T03:08:20 INITEX
         '''39''': TeX INITEX ̶ Ҹ α׷ ִµ, ༮ TeX ġ Ǵ ̶׿. װ͵ عٴ . Ƹ TeX α׷ΰ ϴ. TeX TeX̶ ̸ INITEX ΰ , 츮 ģ TeX ϴ ״ Ư α׷ ƴ϶ϴ. ϴ ̶,
          * ̼ · TeX Ư 뵵 ̺ ϴ . ׷ν 츮 TeX ؼ Ҷ ̼ ֵ شٳ׿.
          * plain TeX , plain.tex plain.fmt ٰ .
         ó TeX ϴ Ϻ  ϴϱ, ޸𸮰 ʿϰ. ׷ 뵵 ޸𸮸 ϱ , ޸𸮴 ׸ŭ پٰ ϳ׿. (׷ INITEX ֱ ֳ? ^^)
         翬 , INITEX ̸ ֵ, ؿ ؼ ƹ͵ 𸣰 Ƽ ۿ 𸥴ٰ մϴ. ׷ īװ ־ ϰ, ʿ ͵ ־ Ѵٳ׿. ׷ ϵ plain ؿ plain.tex . ׷ٸ ٸ ؿ, , ص ˰ INITEX ó ִ Ŷ ְ?
  • LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-09 . . . . 9 matches
         PPDI ִ TeX ũθ ҽϴ. [] ֿ(?) ũ \fifo ... \ofif ߽̿ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         TeXbyTopic 12.3.1 ֽϴ. ''One step expansion: \expandafter'' -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2006-09-01T07:14:17)]]
  • LocalKeywords . . . . 9 matches
         bib "bib tex" ȣ
         bib "bib tex" ȣ
         bib "bib tex"
         ko live tex "tex live" 2010 winedt
         ko live tex "tex live" winedt 2010
         miktex MiKTeX
         TeXLive ko.TeXLive ko.TeX Live
         tnxtex newpage
  • LocalSpellingWords . . . . 3 matches
         Volltextsuche Zeile Zope alte andere angeboten anstatt da dadurch damit
         Beispielanwendung Druckversion Edititieren Metadaten Navigationshilfen Schnellsuche Seitentexten Seitentiteln Suchseite Teilworte anzuschalten benutzerspezifische bereits einige ermglicht experimentell insbesondere invertierten klickt originalen rckwrts sowie zustzlich zwischen bergeordneten
         Abschnittsberschriften Genaueres Seitenamen Seitenformatierng Smileys Textformatierungen Textformatierungsregeln allgemeine dazu eingebettete eingerckte experimentieren externe gleichzeitg horizontale neuem sachverwandte unter zusammen
         Editierbar Webseite erste grte jeglichem platzieren regulren standardmig steht stellen textuelle unblich viel viele wiederherstellt zufllig zwar bergeben hnlich bernehmen
  • LocalTexmfTree . . . . 26 matches
          ϴ Ÿ, Ű صδ ġ. [TeX Implementation] ġ ݾ ٸ.
         (./) м ü, ǻ(: Elsevier, Springer ) ϵ(cls, sty, bst, bib ) TDS texmf Ʈ(: texmf-user ) ־ θ " ǻ" 𿡼 θ ֱ ϴ. See KTUGSetup:11437''''''
         == ϴ TeX Implementation ġ ==
         === TeXLive TeXLive (ko.TeXLive 2009, KC2008) ===
          ...\texlive\texmf-local Ʒ TDS ° ٵΰ mktexlsr Ͻʽÿ. KC2008 $HOME/texmf ʽϴ. (KC2008 ġ ο)
          ڼϰ ̾߱ ϸ, texmf-local ,
         ̰ tex, bibtex, doc 丮 ,
          * tex Ʒ
          * latex 丮 .cls, .sty
          * bibtex Ʒ
         tex\latex\inome, bibtex\bib\inome, bibtex\bst\inome, doc\inome , ⿡ ־ δ ͵ .
         ġ tex root\2008\texmf-dist ִ.
         ( ࿡ explorer "%ktug_bin%\..\2008\texmf-dist" Ȥ explorer "%ktug_bin%\..\2008\texmf-ktug" Ѵ. )
         === MiKTeX ===
         2.4 tex root 丮 texmf-user 丮 ̰ Ͽ.
         2.5 Ĵ C:\Documents and Settings\windowsID\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6 .
          C:\TeX\texmf-user 丮 ,
         ̰ 丮 [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Yhchoe/%BC%B3%C4%A1%B0%A1%C0%CC%B5%E5#s-1 Yhchoe/ġ̵ TeX ο ۾] Ͽ ,
         MiKTeX options α׷ , root tab 丮 ߰Ų
         mktexlsr Ű .
  • LongTable . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
  • LshortTranslationProject . . . . 50 matches
         || Uploads:things.tex || [Karnes], 2005-09-30 || Uploads:things-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-12T21:22:36)]] Karnes || Uploads:things-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || Uploads:typeset.tex || [MadToad], 2005-10-22 || Uploads:typeset-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T04:55:58)]] Karnes || Uploads:typeset-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T12:02:52)]] MadToad || - ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-2.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T16:19:39)]] Karnes || - ||
         || - || - || Uploads:typeset-1-3.tex [[Date(2005-10-25T22:30:13)]] Karnes || - ||
         || Uploads:math.tex || [Mika], 2005-10-04 || Uploads:math-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-07T18:13:57)]] Karnes || Uploads:math-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || Uploads:spec.tex || [likesam], 2005-10-05 || Uploads:spec-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-07T02:57:08)]] Karnes || Uploads:spec-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || - || - || Uploads:spec-1-2.tex [[Date(2005-10-25T16:00:43)]] Karnes || - ||
         || Uploads:graphic.tex || [Karnes], 2005-10-01 || Uploads:graphic-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-12T21:22:36)]] Karnes || Uploads:graphic-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
         || - || - || Uploads:graphic-1-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-19T01:19:27)]] Mika || - ||
         || - || - || Uploads:graphic-1-2.tex [[Date(2005-10-22T04:55:58)]] Karnes || - ||
         || Uploads:custom.tex || , 2005-10-01 || Uploads:custom-1.tex [[Date(2005-10-12T21:22:36)]] Karnes || Uploads:custom-2.tex [[Date(2005-11-01T15:32:45)]] ||
          * spec.tex κи ߰Ͽϴ. (10/4) ô ʹȣ ޶ϴ. -- [[Date(2005-10-05T12:43:22)]], [Progress]
          ʹ ǥ : [Uploads:lshort-ver417-1st-screen-errata.tex], [Uploads:lshort-ver417-1st-screen-errata.pdf],
          * lshort-kr-rc1 ǥ : [Uploads:lshort-kr-rc1-errata.tex], [Uploads:lshort-kr-rc1-errata.pdf] -- -- Progress [[DateTime(2005-10-13T10:13:19)]]
         [Mika] Ͻ graphic.tex  Ͽϴ.
          * lshort-kr-rc8 ǥ : [Uploads:lshort-ver417-rc8-errata.tex], [Uploads:lshort-ver417-rc8-errata.pdf] -- Progress [[DateTime(2005-11-03T11:47:24)]]
          1. ״ Űܳ ϰ LaTeX Թϴ ʺڵ ϰ ֵ . ʿϴٸ ϰų ִ. ߿ Թμ å ޷ ʴ. ,  ̵ ߰ , Ƹٿ 츮 ̷ ǥ̴. (츮  ؾ Ѵٴ ƴ). , ''''̳ ''ǿ'' Ѵٰ ð ڽ ǵǴ LaTeX ȳ Ѵٴ ֽñ ٶϴ.
          2. ̹ ״ Ų. ѱ LaTeX Ծ ѱȭϴ ƴ å LaTeX å̴. ׷ ѱ LaTeX ȯ ٸ ̿ ̳ ַ δ.
          Uploads:spec.tex ֽϴ. ̰ ð ׿. о 鼭 ش ū ϴٸ, ̰ ϰ ǿ ʰ ʹ ڴ Ƿ ϰ . ϴ 1 ѵ, ƹ Ⱑ ϳ׿. --[likesam]
  • LuaTeX . . . . 1 match
         See http://www.luatex.org
          * ª [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LuaTeX Űǵ Ұ]
         SeeAlso [SampleDocument/LuaTeX]
  • LyX/Korean . . . . 2 matches
          * (TeX) [ko.TeX] ġ 䱸.
          * ġ : latex user's texmf Ʒ, lyx-layout Ʒ User's lyx folder/layouts Ʒ ٵΰ, TeX rehash, LyX reconfigureѴ.
  • LyX/ѱ۾ . . . . 2 matches
         == [ko.TeX] LyX v1.5.x ̿ ==
          * Latex Preamble {{{
         LyX ü ϴ korean ȯ CJK Ű(CJKLaTeX) ̿մϴ. [ko.TeX] ġ ʿ䵵 ϴ. [ko.TeX] ʴ MiKTeX ֽϴ. ׷ ƹ ״ ϸ ߻ϹǷ Ͻñ ٶϴ.
  • M-Tx . . . . 3 matches
          * [PMX] = preprocessor of MusiXTeX
         \fbox{M-Tx} $\rightarrow$ \fbox{PMX} $\rightarrow$ \fbox{MusiXTeX} $\rightarrow$ \fbox{Result}
         #> pdftex test
         #> pdftex test
         SeeAlso MusiXTeX, [PMX]
  • MacOSXġϱ . . . . 1 match
         Ųÿ TeX ý ġϴ MacTeX ϴ.
          * MacTeX
          * Mac OS X [ko.TeX] ġϰ => [MacOSġϱ]
          * XeTeX => [XeTeX]
          * Fink ̿ [teTeX] [Hangul-ucs] ġ => [MacOSġϱ/Alternative]
          * Mac OS X [HLaTeX] ġϰ => [MacOSHLaTeX]
          * TeXShop
          * TextMate
          * TeXTools
          * MiKTeXTools
          * TeXniscope
         == ũ : Mac TeX/LaTeX ==
          1. [http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/ Mac-TeX]
          1. [http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=XeTeX XeTeX]
  • MacOSHLaTeX . . . . 31 matches
         [[Date(2008-10-01T01:19:30)]] ''' ̻ ȿ ʽϴ. Ʈ ʽϴ. ֽ ѱ TeXȯ ̿ϴ [MacOSġϱ] ʽÿ.'''
         HLaTeX ġ մϴ. ѱ LaTeX HLaTeX ̿ܿ [Hangul-ucs] Ƿ ڽ ýۿ Ͻñ ٶϴ. Hangul-ucs ġ 뿡 ؼ [MacOSġϱ].
          1. HLaTeX EUC-KR ڵ ѱ LaTeX óմϴ.
          1. HLaTeX UTF-8 ѱ Omega ó ֽϴ.
          <!> Omega TeX ٸ ý̹Ƿ LaTeX ۼ ȣȯ ʽϴ.
          1. UTF-8 ѱ LaTeX óմϴ.
         == HLaTeX ܼġ ==
         === HLaTeX 1.0.1 ġ (by [Karnes]) ===
          * MacTeX Ǵ [i-Installer] teTeX ġǾ ִ 쿡 .
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/experimental/HLaTeX-1.0.1.dmg HLaTeX-1.0.1.dmg] ( 60M)
         == HLaTeX ġ ==
          KTUG Home ʿ "KTUG "̶ ׸ ְ, Ʒ "KTUG CVS" ֽϴ. ű  ø hlatex-texmf . װ ° ž մϴ.
          1. `Terminal.app` Ͻ hlatex ġ ̵ϼ.
          1. `cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.ktug.or.kr:/home/cvsroot co hlatex-texmf` ԷϽø cvs hlatex ޾ƿɴϴ. , cvs ÷ Mac OS X Install CD Developer Tools CD ְ Developer Tools ġ μž մϴ. Jaguar ° ǰ?
          1. ٸø hlatex ٿ޾ ɴϴ. ׷ hlatex-texmf Ʒ ͸ Ǿ ִµ, װ͵ `texmf.local` Ʒ شϴ ġ ̵Ͻø ˴ϴ. texmf.local ͸ ֽø ˴ϴ. ʾ, ٷ texmf.local ִ ġ ðų, ̷ ͸ ο localtexmf ߰ ּŵ ϴ. `texmf.loca`l ̵ ִ ϴ.
          1. `texmf.local/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg`ȭϿ fontmap ߰Ͻø ˴ϴ. ȭ ͷ , map +uhc-pdftex.map̶ Ʒ ߰ ּ.
          1. `sudo mktexlsr` ͺ̽ ֽø TeXShop pdflatex ̿Ͻ Դϴ. -- cmchun
          1. 4 hlatex-texmf ٿ޾ ̸ texmf-hlatex ٲߴϴ.
          2. /usr/local/teTeX/share Ʒ texmf-hlatex ٿֽϴ.
          3. ͹̳ sudo mktexlsr ݴϴ.
  • MacOSġϱ . . . . 35 matches
         Mac OS X (10.5+) MacTeX + [ko.TeX] TeX ġϰ, TeXShop+BibDesk ̿Ͽ ۼϴ ȯ, ѱ ۼ ü ϰ ϰ ۾ȯ ش.
         == TeX ý, ѱ ȯ ġ ==
         === MacTeX ġϱ ===
         TeXLive MacTeX ǥȭǾ.
          * MacTeX ޾ Ʈ {{{MacTeX-2012.mpkg}}} Ѵ.
         ġ , ͹̳ '/usr/texbin' ̵ , ƮѴ. (#ȣ ͹̳ Ʈ Ÿ ־ ϴ ƴ.)
         # sudo sh ./installkotex.sh
          * attachment:installkotex-sh.zip
         pushd `kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`
         echo 'kotex:*' >pinning.txt
         tlmgr repository add http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2012 kotex
         tlmgr install collection-kotex
         , /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tlpkg/pinning.txt kotex:*̶ ְ ϶ ǹ̴. ٿް ۸ ص .
         ko.TeX Ʈ ʿ . {{{# sudo tlmgr update --all --self}}} ko.TeX ϰ Ʈȴ.
         === texmf.cnf ===
         ==== XeTeX ====
         {{{/usr/local/texlive/2012}}} texmf.cnf ִ.[[FootNote(ٸ ġ texmf.cnf ϸ ȴ.)]]
          <!> MacTeX Basic ġ {{{/usr/local/texlive/2012basic}}} ִ texmf.cnf Ѵ.
         MacTeX ġ Ϸ super user ʿ ִ.
         ==== HOME TEXMF ====
  • MacOSġϱ/Alternative . . . . 78 matches
          ٷ ִ 2007 κ Ǿ. [teTeX] ߴܵǾ, [Hangul-ucs] [ko.TeX] յǾǷ, ǹ̰ . ٸ "" ʴ´. ֽ [MacOSġϱ] .
          [MacOSġϱ] Դϴ. ۿ ϰ ִ Ͱ ٸ TeX ý ϴ ٷϴ.
         == teTeX ġϱ ==
         Fink ̿Ͽ teTeX ȯ ϸ Ϲ Unix ġ ϱ Unix/Linux ȯ濡 ģ 쿡 ϴ. κ α׷ ýۿ -Ͽ ġϰ DZ α׷ ̳ ڵ带 ڰ ִٴ ͵ ̴.
         [teTeX] ġ  ڰ Ű 丮 ̴. Mac TeX ƿƼ i-installer ̿Ͽ ġ ¸ ⺻ ִ. TeXShop, iTeXMac, TeXShell in TeXTools κ ׷ϹǷ Fink ٸ ġ ڽ Preferences 丮 ġ ־ ϴ 찡 .
          * main texmf tree : /sw/share/texmf
          * others : /sw/share/texmf-local, /sw/share/texmf-dist, /sw/share/texmf-config
          * home texmf tree : $HOME/.texmf-var, $HOME/.texmf-config, $HOME/Library/texmf
          1. Hangul-ucs ġ ̿ texmf tree ( ۿ )
          * Fink ġ 쿡 $HOME/.texmf-var ̿Ѵ.
         === Fink teTeX ġ ===
          * {{{fink install tetex}}} tetex ν
         $ fink list | grep tetex
         $ fink install tetex
         === teTeX ҽκ ϱ (õ) ===
          Fink ̿Ѵ ص ҽ ϴ ̴. ׷ ٿ teTeX ü ҽκ ϴ ʰڴ° ϴ ô ص ȴ.
         download http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/current/distrib/tetex-src-3.0.tar.gz
         download http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/current/distrib/tetex-texmf-3.0.tar.gz
         mkdir -p /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf-dist
         gzip -dc tetex-texmf-3.0.tar.gz | (umask 0; cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf-dist ; tar xvf -)
  • MacOSġϱ/I-Installer . . . . 22 matches
         MacTeX ̿ ʰ [i-Installer] ġϴ .
         ==== teTeX ġϱ ====
         teTeX 2005 i-Installer ̿ؼ ġѴ.
          * ġ ɼ µ ǵ̸ ⺻ ޾Ƶ̰ų ɼ ϴ . "Configure What?" â ׸ TeX Owner Selection CLI Activation õǾ ȮѴ. TeX Owner ڽ صθ ִ( ý ).
          * ġǴ ġ /usr/local/teTeX/ Ǹ Alias δ /Library/teTeX ̴. teTeX ̶ ϸ 丮 Īϴ ̴.
          * ̰ texmf.cnf ٷ ġ ȴ.
          * ߰ϴ textree teTeX/share ϸ ȴ.
          * i-installer ġϴ CLI Ȱȭѵξٸ teTeX PATH ڵ ߰ȴ. ͹̳ ٽ Ͽ env PATH Ǿ Ȯغ.
         === texmf Ʈ ߰ ===
         i-installer ġ ο texmf Ʈ ߰ϴ ־ ణ ȥ ִ. ֵ mktexlsr ũƮ texmf.cnf Ͽ ߰ texmf Ʈ ls-R ʴ´ٴ ̴. $HOME/Library/texmf mktexlsr ؼ ʴ 찡 ִٰ Ѵ.
          Ǹ ο texmf ߰ ִ.
          1. texmf.cnf(/usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf) Ͽ ο texmf tree  ߰Ѵ.
          1. mktexlsr 丮 Ͽ Ų.
          MYTEXMF 丮 ο texmf ߰ϱ⸦ Ѵٸ, texmf ξ Ѵ.
         ι° TEXMF TEXMF ο Ʈ ߰Ѵ.
         ׷ mktexlsr Ѵ.
         (sudo) mktexlsr
  • MacTeX . . . . 3 matches
         Ų OS X TeX ġϵ ϴ ϰ ġ α׷ Ʈ.
          * DMG file : CTAN:systems/mac/mactex/
          * Mailing List : http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/main.shtml#Mailinglist
         MacTeX 2009 (TeXLive 2009)
         MacTeX 2008 (TeXLive 2008)
         2007/02/22 TeXLive 2007 ƿƼ ߰ϰ ڵ ũƮ ̴. , MacTeX 2007 TeX ý TeXLive 2007 ϴ.
  • MacTeXShell . . . . 1 match
         http://www.kiffe.com/textools.html [TeXShell] [BBEdit] Plug-ins ٿε ִ.
  • MadToad/Tmp/Linux . . . . 16 matches
          * [TeXLive] 2008, [ko.TeX], ߰ ۲ ġ
         ======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
          TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
          TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
          TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
          TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
          TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):
         ======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================
          TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
          !! default location: /usr/local/texlive/2008
          TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
          TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
          TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
  • MakeIndex . . . . 30 matches
         ѱ [ko.TeX] Ǵ `komkindex`
         === LaTeX ۼ ===
         {{{#!vim tex
          LaTeX ` ÿ `makeindex` [] `latex` ٽ Ͽ Ѵ. ,
         #> latex foo
         #> latex foo
         ѱ [ko.TeX] Ͽ ѱ Ե ۼϿ 쿡 Ǵ ũƮ ̿Ѵ.
         1. ko.TeX/uft ó (ɼ ʿ信 ):
         #> latex foo
         #> komkindex -s kotex foo
         #> latex foo
         2. ko.TeX/euc ó (ɼ ʿ信 ):
         #> latex foo
         #> latex foo
         #> latex foo
         #> latex foo
         ۾ ڵȭϱ Ͽ texi2dvi ϴ [[FootNote(MiKTeX TeXify.)]] ؾ ڵȭ ٶ 쵵 ִٴ ̴. Ư index style(.ist Ȯ ) ϵ 䱸ϴ ε ִ. (KTUGOperate:15128 )
         /!\ Ʒ ko.TeX Ű ϴ 쿡 ش.
          1. HLaTeX α׷ {{{hmakeindex}}}̰ ѱ ڸ з ؼ {{{hind.ist}}} ־ Ѵ. ׳ {{{makeindex}}} Ÿ ϴ (TeXifyϸ ̷ ȴ) ѱ з Ϸ hmakeindex ϴ . {{{
          1. [Hangul-ucs] α׷ Ī {{{makeindex-dhucs}}}̴. ׳ {{{makeindex}}} ؼ ġ ʴ ´. HLaTeX hind شϴ ist Ī dhucs.ist̴. {{{
  • MakingDic . . . . 23 matches
         '''''' : ChoF԰ karnes TeX DataBase ҽϴ.
         mysql>create database TeXObGyDic;
         mysql>insert into db values ('localhost','TeXObGyDic','KTUG','y','y','y','y','y','y',
          {{{#>/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u KTUG -p TeXObGyDic
          -> Definition text null,
          * ó Ͽϴ. δ load data infile '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/0607TeXObGyDic.csv' into table ObGyDic_main fields terminated by ';' (Disease_En,Shortended_Word,Disease_Ko,Definition,Disease_Code,Procedure_Code); Դϴ.
          * DB_insert.php form ޾ƿ data hoze WebTeX ޾Ƽ ġȯĿ ִ Դϴ. attachment:DB_insert.txt (*wikiƯ php ö ʽϴ.)
          *mySQL data TeX ̾ƾ ؼ  ɹ  ִ. ɹ δ
          *\prefix{text} ξ --> html ȯ text ~ Դϴ.
          *\postfix{text} ̻ --> html ȯ ~ text Դϴ.
          *\synonym{text} Ѹ --> html ȯ [Ѹ] text Դϴ.
          *\cnm{text} dhucs macro --> html ȯ [text]
          *\dis_ref{text} --> html ȯ [] text
         ,"Ѹ <span style=text-decoration:underline overline;>\\1</span>"
         ,"\\1","<span style=text-decoration:underline;> \\1</span>"
         "<br>Ѹ <span style=text-decoration:underline overline;>\\1</span>",
         "\\1","<br><span style=text-decoration:underline;> \\1</span>",
         == LaTeX ϱ ==
          * php ٷ tex ȭ
  • MakingExam . . . . 6 matches
         ̾ƹ hexam.cls ̿ mySQL php ̿ؼ DB TeX մϴ. ̹ DB pool ̿ؼ ְ ҷ մϴ. 󸶳 ɷ 𸣰. KLDP vi like editor on WEB а Բ ִ editor Ϸ մϴ.
          * QustionOrList : text not null, Դϴ.
          * AnswerString : text null,ְ Դϴ.
          * QustionOrList : text not null, Դϴ.
          * AnswerString : text null,ְ Դϴ.
         ܷ̿ phpschool.com ڷᰡ ִ. WebTeX⿡ ̴. ã ŭ ̴ .
          * ⼭ data htmlȭ Ǿ־ TeX ٲٴ ʿ ʹ.
          * ̰ <span>  ִ TeX ٲ ִ. Ƹ TeX4ht mouseover.js ϱ⿡ ߴ . ̰͵ (?) ɰ .
          * κ : κп TeX source html ٲٴ ʿҵ ϴ. Ǿ ̴.
          * TeX
          * htmltolatex java program ִ. ̰ Ϸ Ѵ. ɷ ǹ, 츮 ϸ Ѵ. http://htmltolatex.sourceforge.net/ ⿡ down޾Ƽ ׷ Ǵµ ʹ.
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 28 matches
         TeXKNOPPIX Live CD
          apt-get install tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-bin libkpathsea4 libkpathsea4-dev cmap-adobe-korea1 gs-cjk-resource
          wget http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/TeXKNOPPIX/dhucs-live.tar.gz
          http://packages.debian.org/unstable/tex/cm-super --[Karnes]
         === ѱ LaTeX system ===
          * dhucs-live texmf maintexmf ع Ƽ ̷ ߽ϴ.
          * dhucs-live texmf ѱKNOPPIX ִ unttf մϴ. ׷ /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05Fonts.cnf
          TTFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/truetype//;/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unfonts }}}
          file down޾Ƽ {{{ wget http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/TeXKNOPPIX/for_synapse.tar.gz }}} Ǯְ.
          * dvipdfmx.cfg(/etc/texmf/dvipdfm) GhostScript Ǯ ʽϴ. #D "gs -q ... --> D "gs -q.....
          * dvipdfmx.cfg(/etc/texmf/dvipdfm) ο mapȭ ֱ. ȭ {{{f cid-trivcj.map f cid-unttf-live.map}}} ִ´.
          * /etc/texmf/texmf.d/50dvipdfmx.cnf ش(Ƹ ʿ packageġ ߴٸ ̴. ȴ.) CMAPINPUTS = .;/usr/share/fonts/cmap// insert
          {{{wget http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/TeXKNOPPIX/ttf2pk.tar.gz }}}
          1. CTAN cm-super /usr/share/texmf Ʒ ġ
         2. updmap.cfg(/etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tetex-base.cfg) ߰մϴ.
  • MakingTexWork . . . . 1 match
  • MakingWebTeX . . . . 5 matches
          ȣ WebTeX ϰ ֽϴ. ߴ޵ WebTeX մϴ. Ͽ ִ OCS(Order Communication System,óü) մϴ. ׷ ̰ ٸ Ͽ , ܼ ӽϴ. ϱ ܼ Ÿ ۾ Դϴ. ׷ ƿ ׳ ⺻ data OCS ޾ƿͼ TeX ϸ ? Ͽϴ. ű⼭ ݴ Ȯϴ Ϲ oblivoir.class ⺻ Ͽ editor ? ϰ Ǿϴ.
          * ϰ ִ¹ٴ 1. LaTeX ġ ʾƵ internet Ǿ ִ computer Ǹ report ۼ ִ. 2. command enviroment Ÿɼ ϴ.(?) 3. ó LaTeX ϴ Դ ׷ پ ϴ Դϴ. 4. ⺻ data鸸 Էϰ Ǵ 쿡 LaTeX ̷ report ִ.(OCS ܼ ƴ LaTeX ̷ )
          * δ 1. κ latex ۼ . Ÿ
          *  htmlԴϴ. ִ ܼϰ ϱ ؼ Rich Text Editor Ǵ WYSIWYG Text Editorδ phpschool Qindex Qwig_Editor Qwig.js Ͽϴ. latex ⺻ templateδ oblivoir.cls Դϴ. Rich Text Editor 쿡 ƹ Է¹ մϴ. http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/WebTeX/index.php Դϴ.
          WebTeX  ׽Ʈ Է , ư ڵ尡 (abstract) κбۿ ʳ׿. , ȭ ʿ ִ ư ʴ ϴ. ư ˾â ְ ư ʽϴ. --[Kunggom]
          ˼մϴ. html TeX Ϳ ؼ ϰ ־ ׷ϴ. html2latex.pl Ұ, ƴϸ ׳ ϳ ؼ ϰ ֽϴ.ٵ ̳ html editor firefox Ǵµ, IE ȵdz׿! 켱 FF IE ִٰ غ Դϴ. ̰ 񿡼 ing̿? ð ɸϴ. --[synapse]
         ù°δ ۼ⸦  Ϸ մϴ. ؾ ϰڽϴ. hwp MS words Ҷ ״ ʴµ ͽϴ. Ű κ ¥ ְ ǥ  ִ ̴ٰ մϴ. ׸ ׸ ̰!. ̷ latex WebEditor html ȱ ϰ ʽϴ. ׷ ʰ?(ҷ ϸ û ʿҰ̴ϴ( 쿡¿)) ȥڼ web editor ȯ մϴ.
         ѹ° ϴ makingDic ϸ鼭 ׻ ߴ ̷ ϵ ٸ ڰ  ؾ ϳϴ. ( ׷ ?) е鿡 δ LaTeX 帮鼭 ̷ ̷ LateX 鼭 ϼ! ϱⰡ ſ ɽϴ. ׾ listȯ̳ linkٵ. ̷ ؼ LaTeX ϱⰡ ̳ ߽ϴ. ׷ editor Ϻαɸְ ̷ Ͻʽÿ! ϸ ߽ϴ.
          ϸ ϴ WebTeX ϴ ̰ 鸣ô е ϴ ׷ ƴ 𸣰ڴٴ ϰ ֽϴ. Ѻ ̷ ص latex ̿ؼ ǰ ִٰ ϰ ֽ 𸣰ڰ! Դٰ ϰ ֽϴ. ϴ. ̸ ? ٽ ѹ ֽ ؼ 帳ϴ. --[synapse]
  • MarginalNote . . . . 2 matches
          Bernice Lipkin, ''LaTeX for Linux'', pp. 252f 츮 Űϴ.
         \marginpar[optional text for leftside page]%
          {Mandatory text, rightside page}
  • MathType/ShortcutKeys . . . . 2 matches
          * MathType, MS Office Equation Editor TeXaide ִ Ű մϴ.
         == [MathType]/[EquationEditor]/[TeXaide] Ű ==
         || ctrl + shift + E || text mode (\text{..}) || ||
  • MathematicaFonts . . . . 2 matches
         MiKTeX 2.3 Ǯ /texmf/doc/fonts/mma , Jens-Peer Kuska [Mathematica] ۲ ϴ '''mma''' ٷ̰ ִ. ٷ̴ CTAN ְ Wolfram Research Inc (Mathematica ȸ) ã ִ.
         dvips pdflatex ִ. (dvipdfm ..)
          * Times ۲ ⺻, Garamond (w/ Optima) Janson Text (w/ Futura) ۲ Virtual font Ѵ ( PFB AFM ..). Ư Janson Text (w/ Futura) ۲ ''Mathematica Journal'' ȴٰ .
  • MemhangulClass . . . . 4 matches
         === memucstest.tex ===
          * xoblivoir (XeTeX)
          * attachment:xmemucstest.tex
         [LaTeX-ucs] ̿Ͽ ѱ ۼ ֵ ѱ ۼ Ű̴. memhangul-ucs Ű ϰ ִ.
         memhangul memoir Ŭ HLaTeX hfont  ߻ϴ ϱ ó ۵Ǿ. HLaTeX hfont ʰ Ǿ dhucs ̿ ڵ ǰ ִ.
          1. {{{pdfbookmark}}} ɼ ߰. hyperref ڵ ε. `memucstest.tex` .
  • MemoirClass . . . . 2 matches
         CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/memoir/memman.pdf ȳ(memman.pdf)
  • MetaPost . . . . 19 matches
          * http://meeting.contextgarden.net/2008/talks/2008-08-22-hartmut-metapost/mptut-context2008.pdf
         \input ucsplain.tex
          dotlabel.rt(btex ȳϼ etex, (cosd(45),sind(45))*1cm);
         label(btex \Huge ± etex, (0,R+r)-z0);
         label.rt(btex \LARGE\shortstack[l]{\sf \MP ѱ
         \sf ҽ Ѵ.} etex, (1.2R,0)-z0);
          pdftex --ini mptopdf
          1. ϴٰ Ǹ $TEXMF/web2c 丮 mptopdf.fmt űϴ. {{{
          mv mptopdf.fmt $HOME/texmf/web2c
          * ϸ mptopdf.tex̶ ̸ µ unttf-pdftex-dhucs.map pdftex.map ̹ ٿ ( ̷ ֽϴ) 2. fmt ۾ Ͻʽÿ.
         [CategoryTeX] CategoryGraphics
  • MetaPost/Graph . . . . 49 matches
          gdotlabel.lft(btex IMF $\rightarrow$ etex, 45);
          glabel.ulft(btex λҼ etex, 43);
          glabel.bot(btex etex, OUT);
          glabel.lft(btex Ǽ etex rotated 90 ,OUT);
          glabel.ulft(btex λҼ etex, 43);
          glabel.lrt(btex GDP etex, 45);
          glabel.bot(btex etex, OUT);
          glabel.lft(btex Ǽ/ʾ etex rotated 90 ,OUT);
          glabel.lrt(btex λҼ etex, 43);
          glabel.ulft(btex GDP etex, 40);
          glabel.bot(btex etex, OUT);
          glabel.lft(btex λҼ(Ǽ) etex rotated 90 ,OUT);
          glabel.rt(btex GDP(ʾ) etex rotated -90 ,OUT);
          glabel.lrt(btex λҼ etex, 13);
          glabel.ulft(btex GDP etex, 15);
          glabel.bot(btex etex, OUT);
          glabel.lft(btex λҼ(õ) etex rotated 90 ,OUT);
  • MiKTeX . . . . 10 matches
         (MS Windows) [TeXImplementations] ϳ. http://www.miktex.org/
         == MiKTeX 2.7 ==
          * http://www.miktex.org/2.7/ XeTeX ϰڴٰ Ͽ׿.
         == MiKTeX 2.6 ==
         MiKTeX 2.6 2007-05-01 releaseǾ.
         See [http://docs.miktex.org/2.6/preview.pdf MiKTeX 2.6 Preview] and [http://docs.miktex.org/2.6/relnotes/ MiKTeX 2.6: Release Notes]
          * "pdfTeX has been upgraded to version 1.40.3."
         1. Ʈ ġǴ '''Ʈ ͸ ''' {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6}}} Ǿ, localtexmf ͸ ְ ϵ C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6  ε Ͽ.
         '''׸ 3:''' Ʈ ( localtexmf ) - ǥ [TDS] ִ
          \?/ MiKTeX 2.5 Ʈ ұ {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/MiKTeX/2.5/ }}}) ġǾ ƴ {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ̸ D ִ 찡 ־ϴ(See KTUGSetup:11140'''''').
          (./) MiKTeX 2.6 Ʈ ƿ {{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/ }}} MiKTeX ʾҽϴ. {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\dvipdfm\config/ }}}) ġǾϴ.-[Yhchoe]
         == MiKTeX 2.5, 2.6 Ǵ ==
         1. Yap : MiKTeX 2.5 Yap "DVIPS render method" DVI ӵ ׸ , pstricks PostScript specials '''׸ 4''' "DVIPS render method" ƴ ֵ Ͽ. MiKTeX 2.4 Yap ȸ ǥ, ׸ "DVIPS render method" ְ Ǿ. "(Y)" ߸ ̸, μ  DVIPS ó ְ μ ִ. "DVIPS render method" ׸ ӵ . dvi->ps, dvi->pdf Ͽ ps, pdf ȴ.
         1. MiKTeX 2.4 "Photoshop eps"(preview ̹ eps) ׸̿. MiKTeX (2.5 ) preview ̹ ִ "Bounding Box " ã ޽ Ѵ. See KTUGSetup:10948'''''', KTUGSetup:10990''''''.
         1. "" ޴ ̸ ٲ(: MiKTeX Package Manager->Browse Packages).
         1. (From KTUGSetup:11017'''''') MiKTeX BOM(Byte Order Mark) utf-8 ó Ѵ.[[FootNote(notepad  utf-8 ϸ BOM ٴ´. EmEditor BOM ϰ ٽ ϸ ȴ)]][[FootNote(Karnes/Oblivoir ٿε oblivoir-0.18.zip ִ oblivoir.cls BOM Ͽ Ǿ ֱ oblivoir Ŭ ҽ ϸ ޽ ӿ "`%%% an article-like class using memoir for typesetting documents espe...`" Ÿ. ׳ Enter Ű ġ ӵȴ. See KTUGOperate:20517'''''' })]]
  • MiKTeX-KTUG . . . . 1 match
         ChoF Ͻô [MiKTeX] KTUG . [HLaTeX], [DVIPDFMx] ѱ ۾ ȯ ϴ TeX ̴.
          * 2.2, 2.3 ߵǾ, Ʈ ߴܵǾ ִ. ׷ MiKTeX 2.4 ġ α׷ Ѵ. See [MiKTeXѱȯ].
          (!) Ȥ MiKTeX-KTUG ġ Ű ϰ ʿ 𸥴ٴ [Yhchoe] Ű ξϴ. -Yhchoe
         See also [TeXImplementations]
  • MiKTeX/ . . . . 4 matches
         == MiKTeX 2.6 ==
          1. pdfTeX 1.40.3 äϿ, ( ڿԴ ʿ䰡 츮Դ ʼ) ƮŸ Ʈ  ܵǾ ִ ϴ. , MiKTeX pdfTeXδ ƮŸ Ʈ .
          1. TDS 1.1 ʰ TDS ϰ ִ. TeXLive texmf tree ȣȯ ʴ´.
          1. ebb pdf version 1.4 ̻ pdf ׸ ٿڽ . (TeXLive win32 ذǾ )
          1. ο Ű ġ ( Ե ) ü Ʈijø Ѵ. ʹ ɸ Ű ġ ſ ߴ. ׷Ƿ small miktex ġϿ ʿ Ű ׶׶ ¶ ġϵ ϴ ȿ ǰ Ҵ.
         == MiKTeX 2.5 ==
         MiKTeX 2.5 ѱ ȯ KTUG ѱ ȯ ʴٰ ˷ ִ.
          1. MiKTeX 2.5 ý̶ ü Ű ̿ Ű ġϷ ؾ Ѵ.
          1. MiKTeX 2.5 ̳ʸ ߿ ѱ۰ ʴ , ֱ ϰ ִ ѱ ó Ű ƿ ʴ ͵ ִ. ׷ MiKTeX ý ƴ϶ ο ̳ʸ ߰ǰų ŵ ý̹Ƿ, MiKTeX ϴ ް ̿ ϴ ̴. , MiKTeX ttf2tfm ް ġ ޾Ƶ ȹ ִ°? MiKTeX Ű Ŵ CJK Ű ΰ? PdfTeX 1.30.6 äϿµ, 1.40 ޾Ƶ̱⳪ ΰ?... ...
          1. KTUG ϴ ѱ ȯ Unicode/UTF-8 ̿ϴ ̴. ׷ MiKTeX BOM ó (KC2006 BOM ʴ´).
          1. ConTeXt, XeTeX, JadeTeX, MetaPost, CWEB ѱ Ͽ ߵ ο ַ ϱⰡ ϴ(Ұ ְ).
         == MiKTeX Ʈ ƴϴ ==
         [Karnes]: MiKTeX ߼ ''츮 忡'' ʴ. Ƹ, MiKTeX ѱ ȯ ؼ ý ϴ ̶ ϰ ֽϴ. DVIPDFMx "" ޾Ƶ鿩 3 ɷȽϴ. ̰ TeXLiveٵ ̾ϴ.  ˰ڽϱ?
          1. õ ٸ Ʈ Ѵ. TeXLive Ȥ [http://www.fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp/kakuto/win32-ptex/web2c75.html W32TeX] ݿǵ մϴ. ٸ Ʈ ݿǾٴ ٰŷ Ͽ MiKTeXƮ ݿϵ ٽ մϴ.
          1. forkѴ: MiKTeX-KTUG Ʈ Ǿ MiKTeX 2.5 KTUG Ʈ  ִ. ׷ ,
          1. MiKTeX-KTUG Ʈ ߴܵǾ (?)
          1. κп Ű ƴ. KTUGԴ W32TeX KC2006 .
         == MiKTeX ý ƴϴ ==
         MiKTeX ý ü ״ ʴٴ Դϴ. MiKTeX ư ̳ʸ ϳ ϴ. *-miktex*.dll Դϴ. ϸ, gs dll ̴ ʽϴ. --[Karnes]
          MiKTeX-fyȰŷα... ʾҴ κ.. ̷ MiKTeX ߵ ٸ TeX Եǰ Ǵ° --[WkPark]
  • MiKTeXTools . . . . 6 matches
         Windows [TeX ] Christian Schenk MiKTeX Ű ڵ ġ Unix-like ýۿ ̿ ְ ƿƼ. ( Ÿ ) ̰ [teTeX] üϴ [TeX ] ƴϰ [teTeX] ϰ ְ ִ ƿƼ ϴ. [teTeX]  ֵ ġ ƿƼ Ȱϸ ȴ.
          -ġ ý local texmf tree ڵ ãƼ ڽ Ű ġ ġ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ [teTeX] ۵ϰ ִٸ ϴ ͸ 뿡 忡 .
         * install Ǵ update {{{mktexlsr}}}ָ ٷ ִ.
          * MiKTeX ƿƼ ̹Ƿ KC2006 ̴ MiKTeX ̰ ڵ ġ ȴ.
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/windows/miktex/tm/]
          * [http://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/CTAN/systems/windows/miktex/tm/]
  • MiKTeXKC2006 . . . . 8 matches
          [MiKTeXѱȯ] KTUG ֽ Ȱ ¥ ѱ ȯ ˷ ִ. [MiKTeXѱȯ] [KC2006] ΰ ?
         Please see also [MiKTeX/]
         == MiKTeX ==
          KTUG 뼺 ѱ TeXȯ.
         == MiKTeX vs. KC2006 ==
          DeleteMe MiKTeX  ϱ⿡ (ſ) ȯ̶ ν ϴ Ȳ, MiKTeX KC2006 ѱ۱ýμ ϴ fair Դϴ. ѱ κ Ǿ ڽϴ. , ⼭ Ǵµ ⼭ () ȵȴ. ⼭ Ǵµ ⼭ Ұϴ. ̷ κ ڼ 񱳵Ǿ ý ϴ ϴ.
          DeleteMe. Ʒ 񱳿 , ѱ۱ TeXýμ MiKTeX KC2006 ü ȵǴ±. ѱۻ 鿡, MiKTeX ִ KC2006 , ݴδ ȵȴٴ ? ( 칮 ϴٸ) Ѱ ñ ֽϴ. ϴ (ġ/// ) ۼ ̳ ɸ鿡, MiKTeX ִµ, KC2006 ֳ? ݴ, KC2006 Ǵµ MiKTeX ȵǴ ֳ?
         DeleteMe. ڴ Yap̰, ڴ XeTeX/PDFTeX̰. ۼ Ѵٸ ٸ κ '''''' ȣȯϰų KC2006 ̶ մϴ. Ʈ ȣȯ KC2006 ϴ. adobestd obsolete Ű ȣȯ KC2006 ϰ MiKTeX عȽϴ. , , ڵŰġ MiKTeX ̱ ̰ ع ǹ̰ ϴ. KC2006 ϳ ־ ڵŰġ MiKTeXκ ־ . Ϳ ذ (׷ ߵ ) ϴٰ ˴ϴ. KC2006 õ غ MiKTeX ͸ ϰ ϴ ߿ μ Yap̿ܿ ٸ ִٰ ʰ ʾҽϴ. DviOut ֽϴ.
         || || MiKTeX 2.6 || KC2006 || ||
         || ġ (2) || ܺ ƿƼ ġ ʿ䰡 , ̵ || dviout, ghostscript, perl, netpbm ܺ ƿƼ ġ ̷ || KC2006 ȣȯ ߺ ġ ִٴ . MiKTeX () ߰ ƿƼ Ű澲 ʾƵ ȴٴ . ׷ ʿ α׷ ᱹ ġؾ ϴ ŷο. ||
         || ġ (3) || TDS 1.1 , " " ̿ϴ ǥ || TEXMF tree , TDS 1.1 || MiKTeX ο Ʈ ġ  ־ map ġ ȥ ||
         || || WinEdt MiKTeX ڵ ν. ߰ ʿ. || WinEdt texify ɼ ʿ . ٸ 쵵 ణ ߰ ʿ. || KC2006 , ణ ߰ ŷο쳪, ѹ صθ ǹǷ ũ δ ʴ´ٴ ǰ ||
         || HLaTeX ѱ || Good || Good || ||
         || Hangul-ucs || ⺻ ġ dvipdfmx ̿ pdf . ؽƮ ˻ , ѱ å || ⺻ dvipdfmx, pdftex, dvips ѱ , ƾ ε ؽƮ ˻ , ѱ å || pdftex default . KC2006 (۲ ̿ܿ ߰ ) ̷ Ʈ ̸ ȴٴ . ||
         || Hangul-ucs || ⺻ || ۲ type 1 ߰, pdftex ȿ. dvips ̿ pdf || MiKTeX KC2006 Hangul-ucs . ٸ ý ƴ . ||
         || Ÿ (1) || CJKLaTeX mpm ġϳ, UTF-8 ؼ ߰ ۾ ʿ || CJKLaTeX · . Ÿ ѱ Ű(ttfucs, frktex, hangul-k) · . || . ||
         || Ÿ (3) || Omega HLaTeX/Lambda || Omega Aleph иǾ ְ ٱ ̸ || MiKTeX " ƮŸ" ofm . ofm Ǵ UHC ۲ð ۲ø 밡. ||
         || UTF-8 BOM || BOM UTF-8 || BOM ϰ ó || NotePad MiKTeX ̿ ||
         || ѱ OpenType || TDS ʱ opentype Ϸ Ʈ ʿ || ѱ Ÿ ۲ DVIPDFMx Ͽ ϰְ ̿ϰ || ѱ Ÿ ۲ ü ״ ε巯 , Ȳ Ѵٸ MiKTeX ׿ ߾ ϰ ý ǽɽ. ||
         || ӵ || 2.4 ϴٴ || MiKTeX ٴ || Ŀǵλ TeX ӵ Ȯ KC2006 . ||
  • MiKTeXġ . . . . 38 matches
         == MiKTeX 2.6 ==
         (From [MiKTeXѱȯ] ׸ "Hangul-ucs 3.1.6 (KC2007) for MiKTeX 2.6")
         MiKTeX 2.6 ġϸ鼭 ġ ٲٴ ǵ ʽÿ. ѱ "{{{Hangul-ucs-for-MiKTeX-2.6}}}"[[FootNote( Hangul-ucs ġѴ. HLaTeX '''HLaTeX 1.0.1 with MiKTeX 2.6'''(hlatex-for-miktex-2.6.exe) ġϿ Ѵ.)]] ġϸ ˴ϴ. MiKTeX ġ ÿ ̿ϴ ý Ǹ ̶ Ǹ, MiKTeX ǵ ϴ ٶϸ մϴ. ּ ƹ ͵ ǵ帮 ʰ ׳ default(ġ ɼ: All users) ġϴ Դϴ.
         '''׸ 1:''' {{{basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe}}}, {{{Hangul-ucs-for-MiKTeX-2.6-1.exe}}}, {{{hlatex-for-miktex-2.6.exe}}} Ʈ , ִ Ʈ ͸({{{C:\TeX\texmf-user}}}) Add Ͽ MiKTeX Options Roots Ÿ ̴.
          <:( MiKTeX 2.4 HPack ѱ ȯ ϴ MiKTeX ġ (texmf ͸ localtexmf ͸ δ ) ġ Ͽ. ׸ Ʈ ͸ texmf Ʈ ͸ localtexmf C:\TeX\ Ʒ ε Ͽ. MiKTeX 2.6 MiKTeX 2.4 ġϱ⸦ Ѵٸ basic-setup-2.6.2xxx.exe ϱ setup basic-setup-2.6.2xxx.exe ִ setupwiz.opt [[FootNote(KTUGContrib:3728'''''' setupwiz.opt ٿε ִ. "opt" ϵǾ ǻͿ ٿε Ȯڸ .txt Ƿ ߰ Ȯ .txt ϸ setupwiz.opt ǵ Ѵ. setupwiz.opt localtexmf ͸ texmf ͸ C:\TeX ġǵ Ǿ ִ. ٸ ġϰ [TeX] setupwiz.opt ű⿡ ߾ ϸ ȴ.)]] θ localtexmf ġ ִ.[[Footnote(ٸ ̷ ġ [MiKTeXѱȯ#s-3] Hangul-ucs ġ α׷ ʴ´. ε C:\texmf ߰ ġ Ű ۵ ɼ , ѱ ȯ ̿ MiKTeX ȣȯ α׷鿡 ߻ ˾ ε .)]]
          [MiKTeXѱȯ] Ұϰ ִ () ̵ ̷ ʿϹǷ c:\texmf ġ ʴ .
         <!> MiKTeX 2.6 ġ Ű ⼭ ҰѴ. '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe''' ̸ ϴ.
         (./) '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe:''' http://www.miktex.org/2.6/Setup.aspx [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/miktex/basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe?download Download "Basic MiKTeX 2.6" Installer] Ŭϸ [http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=miktex&filename=basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe&use_mirror=nchc ٿε Ʈ] ȴ. ȭ ʿ
          ޽ Ÿ. ޽ Ŭϰ "ٿε (D)..." ϸ basic-miktex-2.6.2675.exe ٿεϴ ȭڰ Ÿ. Ͽ ϸ ȴ.
         /!\ ̹ MiKTeX α׷ "α׷ ߰/" ġ õϿ Ѵ.
         ⼭ '''basic-miktex-2.6.2xxx.exe''' ̿ϴ ٷ.
         (./) "(N)" ߸ Ʒ ׸ ޽ Ÿ C:\Program Files MiKTeX 2.6 ٽ ϸ ȴ.
         (./) ޴ ٲ. MiKTeX Options Settings MiKTeX Package Manager Browse Packages ٲ(Ʒ ׸ ).
  • MiKTeXѱȯ . . . . 4 matches
          * ֽ [ko.TeX] [MiKTeX] ʴ´ٰ ϳ, [MiKTeX] ѱ ƴϴ.
          * , [ko.TeX] ϴ ǰ ѱ ǿ õ Ȱ .
          * [MiKTeX] ѱ ִ. ̿ Ͽ Ѵ.
         == [ko.TeX] + [MiKTeX] ==
          * [MiKTeX] 2.9
          * [http://doeun.blogspot.kr/2012/08/miktex-29-kotex.html]
          * [MiKTeX] 2.8
          * MiKTeX 2.8 ׽Ʈغ , [ko.TeX] ϴ ʴٰ ǴϿ, MiKTeX 2.8 ؼ '''ü ʱ''' Ͽϴ. , , ϸ ϰ MiKTeX ([ko.TeX] 忡) ''' ʴ''' TeX Դϴ.
          * 2008 11 MiKTeX ѱ ⿡ а  ؼ [/Obsolete] Ͻʽÿ. Ȳ ʴ ̹Ƿ ũ ƴ ֽϴ.
          * http://hshin.info/259 , http://doeun.blogspot.com/2010/03/miktex-28-xetexko.html ϼ.
         == CJKLaTeX + MiKTeX ==
          * [CJKLaTeXUnderMiKTeX]
         == MiKTeX [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ==
          * [WindowsTeXϱ]
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/HPack . . . . 1 match
         <!> MiKTeX 2.5 ѱ ȯ ϴ ־ϴ. MiKTeX 2.5 ġ ǵ帮 ʰ texmf-hangul ̶ ͸ ϴ [MiKTeXѱȯ] ֽϴ. HPack ̿Ͽ ѱ ȯ ä [Yhchoe] űϴ.
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/Obsolete . . . . 45 matches
         == MiKTeX [ko.TeX] ==
          * [ko.TeX] [TeXLive]2008 Ǵ [KC2008] [KC2008/Other] ˴ϴ. , '''MiKTeX  ʽϴ.'''
          * KC2008 Team MiKTeX (缳 MiKTeX package repository  ȹ ־ϴ) ġ Ͽϴٸ KC2008 ϴ ȯ MiKTeX () Ȱ ʴ´ٰ ǴϿϴ. Դϴ. (Ʒ ϴ MiKTeX ý 濡 ̹ ޶ , KC2008 Ǵ ڷῴϴ.)
          * KC2008 ϳ ѱ TeX ý ߿ ֽϴ. ׷ MiKTeX LuaTeX 2.8 Ŀ Ե ̶ մϴ.
          * MiKTeX 2.7 [ko.TeX] feature ϴ.
          * ġϿ ׽Ʈߴ MiKTeX 2.7 Ʈ ӵǸ鼭 ֱ Ҿϴ.
          * MiKTeX 2.7 (Ǵ forthcoming 2.8) [ko.TeX] ġϿ Ϻθ ̿ϴ (Ϲ ѱ ū մϴ) MiKTeX Դϴ. ׷, KC2008 Team MiKTeX [ko.TeX] ġ  õ ص帱 մϴ. ֽñ⸦ Ź帳ϴ. ̿ Ҿ, MiKTeX [ko.TeX] ڵ ִ ȯ ְ DZ⸦ մϴ.
         == MiKTeX ѱ ȯ ==
         ѱ TeX ȯ KTUG Ͽ ϴ [KC2006] [KC2007] ֽϴ.
         KC2007 Ʈ MiKTeX 2.6 Ѱ ǥؼ ұϰ, KC2007 Ϻθ MiKTeX Ȱ ֵ Ϸ մϴ. ׷ KTUG Collection ֽ ѱ۰ ϴ.[[FootNote( trivcj Ű ̿ Ϻ/߱ ڴ Ұմϴ.)]]
          Ʒ ѿ ұϰ MiKTeX Ǵ , ѱ ȯ ϴ Ͽ մϴ.
          * pdftex KC2006 ϰ ʽϴ. ϵ ʴ ֽϴ.
         == MiKTeX 2.7/2.6 ѱ ȯ ==
         '''MiKTeX ko.TeX 2008 5η ߴմϴ. Ʒ õ 2007 MiKTeX ̹Ƿ ڱ å Ͽ Ͻñ ٶϴ.'''
         === [ko.TeX] 0.1.0 base (KC2007) for MiKTeX 2.7 or 2.6 ===
         == MiKTeX 2.5 ѱ ȯ : texmf-hangul ==
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/hangul_for_2.5/texmf-hangul.w.o.untype1.zip texmf-hangul.w.o.untype1.zip] (101 mebis)
          HLaTeX 1.0.1, Hangul-ucs 3.0.2, ۲ truetype
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/miktex/hangul_for_2.5/texmf-hangul.w.untype1.zip texmf-hangul.w.untype1.zip] (147 mebis)
  • MicroTypography . . . . 3 matches
          1. Han The Thanh, "Micro-typographic Extensions of pdfTeX in practice," ''TUGBoat'' 25 (2004), No.1, http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb25-1/thanh.pdf (Thanh Թ )
          1. Han The Thanh, "Experiences with micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX in practice," EuroTeX 2005. http://www.dante.de/dante/events/eurotex/papers/TUT07.pdf (EUROTEX ǥ )
          1. Han The Thanh, "Margin Kerning and Font Expansion with pdfTeX", ''TUGBoat'' 22 (2001), No. 3. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-3/tb72thanh.pdf
          1. Han The Thanh, "The pdfTeX Program," EUROTEX 1998. http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/28-29-han.pdf (pdfTeX Ұϴ '''â''' )
          1. Han The Thanh, ''Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system'', Masaryk University Brno, Oct. 2000. http://www.pragma-ade.com/pdftex/thesis.pdf (Thanh ڻ )
          1. CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/microtype/microtype.pdf
          1. [ko.TeX] ϱ (TeXLive 2008 )
  • MinipageFootnote . . . . 8 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • MonkeyTeX . . . . 1 match
         ¶ LaTeX Editor.
  • MozEX . . . . 5 matches
         ܺ α׷(ַ GVim) ҷ textareas ϰ ݴϴ.
          * Commands -> Textareas : '''{{{c:\vim\vim62\gvim.exe %t}}}'''
          1. MozillaFirefox ⵿ Ű Ư Edit action textareas 콺 mozex -> Edit textarea ϸ GVim ϸ鼭 textareas о´.
          1. (:w) Ű textareas 콺 ΰ Ŭϸ Ʈ ȴ.
  • MozillaFirefox . . . . 1 match
          * http://texturizer.net/firefox/tips.html
  • MultiEnumPackage . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:multienumtst.tex
  • MultiRowPackage . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
  • MusiXTeX . . . . 2 matches
         TeX ̿ Ǻ ǿ Ű. Daniel Taupin ϴ MusicTeX ̴. LilyPond Ҿ Ǻ ũ̴.
          * MusiXTeX (Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell, Andreas Egler) ϳ Egler [OpusTeX]̶ Ű µ, MusiXTeX ū ̾.
          * MusiXTeX ltx2rtf ̸ ڿ Daniel Taupin(ٴϿ ) ڻ(1936-2003) 2003 8 26 ư̴ٰ Ѵ. ϴ. --[Karnes]
          1. LaTeX Բ ߰ Ǻ ִ.
          Frontend α׷ ̿ϸ ׷ ¹ MusiXTeX ũθ ٷ ־ Ѵ.
         [http://icking-music-archive.org/software/musixtex/musixdoc.pdf MusiXDoc]
         == MusiXTeX Frontend Utilities ==
         \Notes\qp|\zcharnote b{\roff{\tdecresc}}\qp&\isluru0i\qu c\uptext{\mp}&\en%
         [CategoryTeXMacro] [CategoryGraphics]
  • NFSS . . . . 22 matches
         LaTeX2e Ʈ Ŵ.
         LaTeX 2.09 LaTeX2e ū ̴ Ʈ Ŀ ִ. LaTeX 2.09 Computer Modern METAFONT ۲ø ־ ٸ ۲ ϱ ؼ ʸ ȵǾ. ذϱ "ο Ʈ Ŵ" 1989⿡ ȵǾ 1993⿡ 2 Դ. LaTeX2e Ǵ NFSS 2̴.
          Ʈ ڵ̶ Ʈ ӿ ڵ Ǿ ִ Ų. TeX ̴ Ʈ ڵ ε ϳ D. Knuth ''TeX text encoding''({{{OT1}}})̰ ٸ ϳ Cork Encoding̶ ˷ ִ (ַ  ) ''TeX text extended encoding''({{{T1}}})̴. {{{T1}}} {{{OT1}}} Ȯ̹Ƿ {{{OT1}}} 127 ȴ.
          Ʈ (weight) (extension) series зȴ. LaTeX ̴ ۲õ m(Medium), b(Boldface), bx(Boldface extended), sb(Semi-bold), c(Condensed) series ϰ ִ. ׷ Ʈ ̷ ø ƴϴ.
          & LaTeX specification & & & & Font & TeX fontname \\
         roman & \verb|\rmfamily| & \verb|\textrm{}| \\
         sans serif & \verb|\sffamily| & \verb|\textsf{}| \\
         typewriter & \verb|\ttfamily| & \verb|\texttt{}| \\
         medium & \verb|\mdseries| & \verb|\textmd{}| \\
         boldface & \verb|\bfseries| & \verb|\textbf{}| \\
         upright & \verb|\upshape| & \verb|\textup{}| \\
         italic & \verb|\itshape| & \verb|\textit{}| \\
         slanted & \verb|\slshape| & \verb|\textsl{}| \\
         small caps & \verb|\scshape| & \verb|\textsc{}| \\
         LaTeX2e Ʈ ̸ ǵǾ ־ Ѵ. ؽƮ Ʈ Ǹ ũη ߿ ִ.
          * {{{\DeclareTextFontCommand}}}`{\textxx}{<font selection>}`
  • NTEmacs . . . . 2 matches
          1. auctex
          * http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/download-for-windows.html Precompiled AUCTeX for Emacs ٿ ޾ Ǭ Emacs ġ 丮 Ѵ.
  • NTEmacs/Obsolete . . . . 20 matches
         Ư ѱLaTeX 뿡 ʿ, ſ ȯ ϴ Ư¡̴.
          1. ѱ TeX µ, ڵ ó ڷθ Դϴ.
          )ȣݱ⡼musicǡdot quoteǥxtextסآҢ
          unit fracм textline
          1. ctrl+F1 LaTeX ˴ϴ. ̶ Ǵ ͽϴ.
          '''A.''' ȫȣԲ Ű¡Ͻ NTEmacs '''nonstopmode''' ϵ˴ϴ. ׷Ƿ ϰ ˴ϴ. ̰ TeX ۾ ȯ Ƴ tex-site.el Ͽ `"latex \\nonstopmode\\input{%s} --src-special"` سƼ ׷ϴ.
          1. `main.tex` ٸ `\include`ϴ Ϸ ۼ projectԴϴ. ¿ `main.tex` ϴ ΰ?
          '''A.''' `chap1.tex`̶ , `TeX-master` Local Variable ָ ˴ϴ. `chap1.tex` κ(밳 ) ֽϴ.
         % mode: latex
         % TeX-master: "./main.tex"
          `Ctrl-F1` ų `C-c C-c` ϸ `main.tex` ϵ˴ϴ. , ǥ {{{``}}} ԷµǴ ǥ Էµ˴ϴ.
          Ǵ, `M-x set-variable` ̿ؼ `TeX-master` `"./main.tex"` ص ֽϴ.
         == TeX ȯ TIP ==
         ==== [MiKTeX]/[Yap] ====
         ==== [MiKTeX]/[Yap] ====
          1. '''`~/site-lisp/tex-site.el` '''
          TeX Ǿ ִ `(defvar TeX-command-list` ãƼ ߰Ѵ.
          (list "DVISearch" "yap -1 -s %n%b %d" 'TeX-run-command nil t)
          (TeX-command "DVISearch" 'TeX-master-file))
         (list "DVISearch" "c:\\TeX\\dviout\\dviout.exe -1 %d # %n %b" 'TeX-run-command nil t))
  • NatBibPackage . . . . 1 match
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author_Year and Numerical Schemes)] Patrick W. Daly natbib Ű(Bibliography style with author-year and numbered references) ̴.
  • NetPbm . . . . 1 match
          * CTAN CTAN:systems/win32/fptex/support/
  • NomenClature . . . . 3 matches
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/nomencl/nomencl.pdf nomencl.pdf]
         '''A:''' MiKTeX ٸ nomencl.ist ġ ʿ ϴ. ϰڽϴ. KTUGOperate:21289'''''' ִ nomenc-example.tex LaTeX ϸ MiKTeX α׷ ˾Ƽ ʿ Ű ã ġϰ nomenc-example.nlo ϴ. "Command Prompt"(̸ DOS â) ּ() > ְ Prompt ڰŸ Դϴ. (> )
  • NotePad++ . . . . 9 matches
         |||||| PDFLaTeX route || || ||
         || || F5 || Quick View || PDFLaTeX + [PDF] viewer || [PDF] ||
         || || F6 || Compile Once || PDFLaTeX || [PDF] ||
         || || F8 || Final build || kcltxmk (PDFLaTeX route) || [PDF] ||
         |||||| LaTeX && DVIPDFMx route || || ||
         || || Alt-F5 || Quick View || LaTeX && DVIPDFMx + [PDF] viewer || [PDF] ||
         || || Alt-F6 || Compile Once || LaTeX for DVIPDFMx || [DVI] ||
         || || Alt-F8 || Final build || kcltxmk (LaTeX + DVIPDFMx) || [PDF] ||
         || || Ctrl-F5 || Quick View || LaTeX && [dvips] && PS2PDF + [PDF] viewer || [PDF] ||
         || || Ctrl-F6 || Compile Once || LaTeX for [dvips] || [PostScript] ||
         |||||| XeLaTeX route || || ||
         || || Ctrl-Alt-F5 || Quick View || XeLaTeX + [PDF] viewer || [PDF] ||
         || || Ctrl-Alt-F6 || Compile Once || XeLaTeX || [PDF] ||
         || || Ctrl-Alt-F8 || Final build || kcltxmk (XeLaTeX route) || [PDF] ||
          * PDFLaTeX route ƴ DVIPDFMx, [dvips]/PS2PDF, XeLaTeX route ۾ ϰ ŵ F7 [PDF] viewer ŰǼ ֽϴ.
          * main.tex ch1.tex ch2.tex input Ǵ includeϴ .
          * ch1.tex ch2.tex '''ù ''' ִ´. {{{
         % projectmain = main.tex
          * ִ {{{[F5]}}} main.tex ؼ ȴ.
         Notepad++ .tex
  • OLETeX . . . . 22 matches
         Windows OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) ϴ α׷κ ׸ ͸ ̰ TeX 밡 ׸(EPS) · ϰ ְ ִ ƿƼ.
          * CTAN:/systems/win32/oletex/OLETeX1b4.exe
         OLETeX ¿ ͸ ġѴ. ġ 丮( `E:\WinAPP\OLETeX`) Ʒ `PSPrint` 丮 ִ.
          ȭ鿡 "Ʈ ġ" Ÿ "`[ũ ]`" . ü ġ ׸񿡼 `[ãƺ]` OLETeX ġ Ʒ `PSPrint\Adobe5` ãư. ׷ `W2kPrint` ġ ̴.
         ġ ⺻ ɼ Ѵ. ߰ `OLETeX Color PS L2` ͸ right clickϿ `[Ӽ]` Ͽ â `[μ ⺻]` `[]` ϸ â .
          Ѵ. OLETeX OLE üκ EPS , EPS ڰ ϴ ε ְ, EPS Generator ִ.
         , OLETeX ü ̿Ͽ OLE ü ϴ ִ. `oletex.sty` ̿Ѵ.
          3. EPS 丮 OLETeX ġ 丮 ڽ ִ մϴ. , ̰ ٲ ٽ ؾ߰.
         === OLETeX ̿ϴ ===
  • ObsoleteSolutions . . . . 2 matches
         from [AmsLaTeX/Hangul]
         === HLaTeX ===
         ==== amsart.cls HLaTeX 浹 (by ChoF) ====
         AMSLaTeX `amsart.cls` HLaTeX ϰ ϴ ణ ߻մϴ. ַ ߻ϴ ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          Ȧ Ӹ(Running Head) ª ("ٰ ٸü") ̻ ɴϴ. ׸ ޽ ϴ. ׷ ¦ Ӹۿ ; ѱ ̸ ʰ ޶ "and" ɴϴ. ̰͵ AMSLaTeX Ŭ Ư ߾ӿ ; ϴµ ʹȣ ٽϺپ ɴϴ. ׸ ϳ ̻ amsproc Ŭ ڵ ѱ ̸ µ amsart Ŭ ̸ ѱ۸ ϴ. -[Yhchoe]
         KTUGContrib:420'''''' : HLaTeX AMSLaTeX εصδ .
  • OldGulim . . . . 3 matches
          ٸ ø̼ ƴ xetex ׽Ʈغôµ ֽϴ. ׷ õ Ұ ̸ صӴϴ.
         Vertical Width 0̸鼭 -1024 ׸ ̷л(?) ´µ xetex Ưó ϴ° ƴѰ dz׿. ƹư ϼ̽ϴ~ GSUB ccmp=>l/v/tjmo feature Ŀ vert feature Ǵ Ȯϰ Ǵ±~ ^^ ׸ ϴٸ FontForge ũƮε ѱۿ vert ϰԲ . -- WkPark [[DateTime(2010-03-05T03:36:37)]]
          xetex ICU ̺귯 ̿մϴ. Ȯ ICU ̺귯 ó ʳ ͽϴ. tsbʹ ٸ. · fontforge tsb ͸ΰ иմϴ. Ͽϴ. y ̵ ְ tsb Ͽϴ.
  • OmniGraffle . . . . 3 matches
          * pdf ϹǷ ̸ ̿ؼ ̹ LaTeX 󿡼 Ȱϴ ϴ.
          * ̸ ̿ؼ pdf latex/dvipdfmx ̿Ͽ ϴ gs ùٸ ִ.
          2. ó , pdf ϴ latex/dvipdfmx ߻մϴ.
          5. pdflatex ߻ ʽϴ.
  • OpenType . . . . 1 match
         === LCDF Type Tools for LaTeX ===
          * --- ̳ʸ Ʈ ũ ͺٴ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/w32tex/win32/current/ ִ ۵Ѵ. ---
          * LCDF Type Tools TeXLive Ϻ̴.
  • OpusTeX . . . . 1 match
         SeeAlso MusiXTeX
  • OzTeX . . . . 1 match
         Ųÿ ShareWare [TeX].
  • PCTeX . . . . 2 matches
         http://www.philscience.com/pctex/ ()
          PC/Windows TeX ý.
         ü [TeX] [DVI̹] ִ.
         PCTeX ѱ ʴ´. , PCTeXδ ѱ ۼ .
         See also TeXImplementations.
  • PDF . . . . 3 matches
          35. [PDF]: LaTeX PDF
          48. [ѱPDF]: LaTeX ̿ ѱ PDF ۿ .
         == TeX/LaTeX to PDF ==
         TeX/LaTeX PDF ˾ƾ . [PDF] .
          43. [TeXShop/DVIPDFMx]
         === pdflatex ===
          29. [PDFTeX]
          47. [pdflatexlatexû]
          18. [PDFLaTeX]
          19. [PDFLaTeXPictureȯ]
          20. [PDFLaTeX׸ϱ]: [PDFLaTeX] ׷ ֱ
         PDF Ͱ õ LaTeX Ű Ұ
          27. [PDFScreen]: PDFLaTeX 迭 PDFPresentation ϳ. Ư ȭ transition ȿ panel Ư¡̴.
          28. [PDFSlide] : PDFLaTeX Ǵ PDFPresentation Ÿ ϳ
         TeX/LaTeX ý۰ , Ÿ PDF Ʈ Ұϰ ϴ
          44. [TeXShop/PDFSync]
  • PDFEncryption . . . . 5 matches
         % 0x0010 (Revision 2) Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the
         % document, including extracting text and graphics (in support of
         % (Revision 3) Copy or otherwise extract text and grphics from the
         % 0x0020 Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields,
         % 0x0200 Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to disabled
  • PDFHyperLink . . . . 16 matches
          * URL Full URL̾ Ѵ. , http://www.ktug.or.kr/. , `~` ڿ `#` ڴ LaTeX ʰ URL Ϻη ޾Ƶ鿩.
          * pdf ̸ ΰ ̻ ִ (  abc.tex.pdf) \url Ѵ.
          * texdof hyperref pdf 󿡼 ϰ {{{
         Run external program, \href{run:texdoc#hyperref}{Click here}.
         {{{ #> latex -enable-write18 foo}}}
          * ''text'' `URL#category.name` Ͽ ũȴ.
         \hypertarget{myhptarget}{text} will be referred and linked.
          2. . ΰִ pdf ϵ ũ ִ.  abc.tex.pdf ũ ִ.
         || anchorcolor || black || anchor text ||
          <!> ȣ HyperRef ̹ ΰմϴ. , DVIPDFMx PDF , PDFLaTeX ̿ ƴϸ GhostScript ps2pdf ̿ ̸ ɼ صε մϴ.
         %%%-----Ǵ linked.tex-----
          κ linked.pdf , װ 丮 ִٸ, ϴ main.tex ۼմϴ.
          %%% ݵ ̹ . ̹ ɼ PDFLaTeX ̿ؾ .
         \textsf{xr-hyper} ϴ ϰڴ°?
  • PDFLaTeX . . . . 2 matches
         [PDF] / PDFLaTeX
         == [ko.TeX] PDFLaTeX ==
         == PDFLaTeX ܺ ׸ ==
         == PDFLaTeX picture ȯ ==
         See also PDFTeX
  • PDFLaTeX׸ϱ . . . . 2 matches
         [PDF] / PDFLaTeX ׸ ϱ
         === PDFLaTeX EPS ===
         PDFLaTeX ---'''EPS ׸ Ѵ'''.--- TeXLive 2009 epstopdf Ű ҷ eps ׸ pdf ȯϿ ϴ ߰Ǿ. ''׷ pdf, jpg ׸ Ϻη eps ȯ ʿ .''
         === PDFLaTeX LaTeX ȥ ===
          Ϲ LaTeX PDFLaTeX ȥϿ ϰ , Ѵ.
          ڵ忡 Ͽ PDFLaTeX filename.pdf(Ǵ filename.jpg) ãƼ ׸ ְ, LaTeX filename.eps ã ׸ ִ´.
          ڵ忡 Ͽ PDFLaTeX DVIPDFMx filename.pdf(Ǵ filename.jpg) ãƼ ׸ ִ´.
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 41 matches
          PDF `testin.pdf` , `testout.tex` ۼѴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          PDFLaTeX Ѵ.
         #> pdflatex testout
          total.tex ۼմϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          pdflatex total.tex ϸ total.pdf ֽϴ.
          --pdftexcmd _name_ call of pdfTeX (pdftex)
         windows TeX Live 2010 pdfcrop.pl pdfcrop ̶ θ ˴ϴ.
         === PDFTeX ۼϴ ===
          ƿƼ PDF ȯ , AdobeIllustrator ѱ Font Ͽ PDF Ϻΰ Ghostscript о ֽϴ. ̷ , `.tex` ۼϿ PDFTeX ϸ PDF ϴ ũ⸸ŭ ߶ ֽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          `aoutput.tex` ϰ մϴ.
         #> pdftex aoutput
         === ConTeXt texexec ϴ ===
          Ϸ `texexec --pdfselect` . `orig.pdf` 1 `test1.pdf` Ѵ.
         #> texexec --pdfselect --selection=1 --batch --result=test1.pdf orig.pdf
          system("texexec --pdfselect --selection=$_ --batch --result=test$_.pdf orig.pdf");
          `texexec` ϴ Shell Script .(Claus Gerhardt )
         texexec --pdfselect --batch --silent --selection="$1" --result="${file}-ext.pdf" "${file}.pdf" \
  • PDFPages . . . . 2 matches
         κ [TeX] ԵǾ ְ, CTAN ġ ִ.
  • PDFPresentation . . . . 2 matches
         ֱ (TeX/LaTeX ̿Ͽ) ǥڷḦ Ŭδ [Beamer] ̴. Beamer ؼ [Beamer] [SampleDocument#s-3] .
         LaTeX PDF ⸦ ̿ϸ Power Point PDF ̼̳ ̵带 ִ.
         LaTeX ؼ PDF ǥ ڷḦ .
          ū LaTeX ϰ Է ߰(robust)ϴٴ ̴. ĿƮ ٷ Էµ , ٸ ǻͷ ǥϰ Ǹ ʴ 쵵 ־ ׻ ڱ Ʈ ٳ Ѵٴ ڰ ȴ.
         ι° δ LaTeX ϰ ִٸ ̹ ڷ LaTeX Ǿ ̶ ̴.
         ° δ ׺̼ ٳ ư ȣϴ LaTeX ̿ϸ ̷ ɵ ̵忡 ڵ Եȴٴ ̴.
         === PDFLaTeX ===
         PDFLaTeX Ưȭ ̵ .
         latex/dvips/ps2pdf ļ pdf ϴ Ű. pstricks postscript  ϰ ִ.
         dvips, dvipdfm(x), pdflatex ְų Ư ̹ ӵ .
          1. FoilTeX
          1. TeXPower
         == ConTeXt PDFPresentation ==
  • PDFPrintVersusDviPrint . . . . 3 matches
         '''Q2'''(from KTUGOperate:4382'''''')''':''' ׷ ϳ ϼϿϴ. ȸ ԰ݿ µ ϴ style Ͽϴ. ׷... ۼ tex dvi yap Ͽ Ʈϸ ȸ ԰ݿ ½ϴ. pdf ؾ ؼ, pdf dvi ü ҵǸ鼭 Ŀϴ. ( մϴ.) , ԰ݿ ´´ٴ . ...ps Ϸ ٸ ϴ. pdf dvi ?
         '''Q3'''(from KTUGSetup:6862'''''')''':''' {{{Windows XP + MiKTeX + WinEdt}}} Դϴ. WinEdt {{{texify -> dvi2pdf}}} ̿Ͽ pdf ֽϴ. ׷ dvi ͷ , pdf Ϸ , Ʈ ũ ٸ׿. dvi 찡 Ʈ ũⰡ Ůϴ. ̰ ׷?
         ׸ tex Ͽ Ʈ ũ dvi ȮѰ? pdf ȮѰ? ׸ dvi2ps ؼ ps  غôµ, (gsview ߽ϴ.) ̰ dvi, pdf ٸ׿. -_- Ʈũ "dvi = ps > pdf" ε 鼳 γ׿.. OTL...
          KTUGContrib:2526'''''' KTUGContrib:2610'''''' ÷ ׸ Adobe Reader "μ" ȭڿ " (S):" "" Ͽ Adobe Reader μ μ ¿ ߾ӿ μ κ ̵ ϴ ֽϴ. (⼭ PDF ) ԰(`Paper Size`) (̸ μ) 鿡 ̰ ϴ. WinEdt PDF Ͽ dvi->pdf Ǵ ps->pdf ߸ default ԰ Letter Դϴ. ̰ Ű [WinEdtTip/α׷] ׸ "dvi2pdf " "ps2pdf " Ͽ `Paper Size` A4 ٲ մϴ.[[FootNote(MiKTeX 5.5 version ġϸ DVI ̸(: Yap) ԰ Ʈ A4 ˴ϴ. ԰ Letter Ǿ TeX Ͽ Ŭ ɼ letterpaper(κ Ŭ ̰ Executive Option Ǿ ) Ͽ ȥ Դϴ.)]]
  • PDFScreen . . . . 5 matches
          * CTAN''''''://''''''CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/pdfscreen/
         PDFLaTeX 迭 PDFPresentation ߿ Ư ȭ transition ȿ panel Ư¡̴.
          {{{[texmf]/doc/latex/pdfscreen}}} ӿ slide.tex ֽϴ. PDFLaTeX Ͽ .
         [: pdfscreen.sty LaTeXδ ʽϴ. PDFLaTeX Ͽ մϴ. KTUGOperate:7051 ȣ Բ eps ׸ ó ϰ jpg, png, pdf ׸ ϶ Ͽ׿.]
          Ͽ PDFLaTeX Ͽ . pdf Ϸ ̵尡 ϴ.
         (ѱ HLaTeX {{{hfont}}} ̿Ͽϴ.)
         \documentclass{article}%TeXify . PDF TeXifyϼ.
  • PDFSlide . . . . 1 match
          * CTAN''''''://''''''CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/pdfslide/
         PDFLaTeX Ǵ PDFPresentation Ÿ.
  • PDFSynchronization . . . . 2 matches
          SyncTeX ̿Ͽ ÷ ֿ κ pdf viewer ȭ . SyncTeX TeX Live 2008 ԵDZ Ͽ о ǥ Ǿ.
         == SyncTeX ==
          * http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/SyncTeX.html
          * TeXLive 2008 synctex .
          * [TeXShop/PDFSync]
          * ITeXMac
          * TeXWorks
  • PDFTeX . . . . 1 match
         [PDF] / PDFTeX
         Han The Thanh TeX Ȯ α׷.
          1. [http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/28-29-han.pdf The PDFTeX Program]
          1. [http://www.tug.org/applications/pdftex/ PDFTeX Ȩ]
  • PDFTricks . . . . 5 matches
         PSTricks ڵ带 TeX Ͽ PDF Ͽ ϴ Macro Wrap Ű.
          CTAN CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/pdftricks/
         ⺻ ̵ PSTricks ڵ忡 شϴ κ TeX Ϸ , ̰ pst2pdf ũƮ ̿Ͽ EPS ȯŲ װ PDF ٲپ ҷ ε, ŷο ϰ ִ ִ.
          * Web2C TeXImplementation .
         3. PDFLaTeX Ѵ.
         #> pdflatex -shell-escape foo
         #> pdflatex foo
         #> pdflatex foo
         4. PDFTricks PDFLaTeX LaTeX ִٰ Ѵ. ׷ Ϲ PDFLaTeX Բ ַ δ.
         === pdflatex ϱ ===
  • PDF׸ϱ . . . . 2 matches
          PDFLaTeX ׸ ϱ [PDFLaTeX׸ϱ] .
  • PDF׸ϱ/Obsolete . . . . 2 matches
         TeXLive 2008 ķ ʴ . Դϴ.
         Windows MiKTeX ڵ
         ̰͸ε DVIPDFMx Ͽ .bb ִ JPG, PNG, PDF óϰ ֽϴ. ׷ teTeX ̰ ʰ .bb ٴ 츦 Դϴ.
         /!\ MiKTeX ebb pdf 1.4 ̸̻ ʴ´. ׷ KC2006 ebb ׷ . KC2006([W32TeX/ko]) Ǵ KC2007(TeXLive 2007) Ե ebb Ѵ.
          * Linux/Mac TeXLive 2007 , ̸ xbb ƿƼ ִ.
          * MiKTeX 2.6 xbb ebb ϹǷ, ǻ pdf 1.4 ̻ ׸ ؼ ebb ̿ '''å '''.
         KC2006 ebb , ϰ ص bb Ѳ ִ. (MiKTeX )
          * Windows W32TeX KC2006, KC2007
          xbb texlive 2008 ⺻ α׷ (DVIPDFMx Ϻη) , graphicx Ű dvipdfmx ɼ latex ڵ ȴ. extractbb ȣѴ.
  • PDF . . . . 7 matches
         [TeX]/[LaTeX] PDF .
         [TeX]/[LaTeX] ǥ [DVI]ϴ. ׷ 2006--08 ؼ κ TeX [PDF] ⺻ ϴ ٲϴ. [DVI] ƿDz DVI ̹ ̿ϴ ġ ʰ [PDF] մϴ. [DVI] [PS] Ͱ ũ ޶ ̶ ֽϴ. ̷ PDFε [InverseSearch] ְ SyncTeX ũ ƴٰ ֽϴ. DVI ڰ ų ٷ ʿ䰡 ũ ٰ ְ,  TeX ƿ DVI ü ʱ⵵ մϴ.
         || PDFTeX || ۲ type 1, ƮŸ(tfm) ||
         || LaTeX -> dvips || ۲ type 1 ||
         || XeTeX, LuaTeX || ۲ (۲ ̿) ||
          Ư PDF ؾ ϴ. '''׳ ϸ PDF ˴ϴ.''' [ko.TeX] XeTeX, LuaTeX ѱ bookmark, hyperlink ̷ ְ ֽϴ.
         == XeTeX ̿ ==
          * xelatex ϸ ˴ϴ.
         == LuaTeX ̿ ==
          * lualatex ϸ ˴ϴ(TeXLive 2009).
          * KC2008 pdflualatex̶ ߽ϴ. ɿ pdf PDF ǥ ޱ ߴٴ Ű ƴҴ?
         LaTeX compiler (latex) -> dvi2ps converter (ps) -> ps distiller (ps2pdf)
         ==== LaTeX մϴ. ====
          ׳ computer modern ۲([CM۲]) Ư ʿ, Adobe times ۲ ̶, ű⿡ ߾ `\usepackage{mathptmx}` صӴϴ. LaTeX ۲ [TeX۲] ϼ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          ֱ TeXImplementations ǵ ۲ ξ ϴ. κ ý Ʈ ũƮ ۲ ̹ ϰ ֽϴ. `dvips -P pdf` ɼ ִ մϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          1. ׹ۿ ConTeXt , OpenType ۲ ߰ ȴ.
         == III : PDFLaTeX ̿ϴ ==
          PDFTeX EPS ׸ մϴ. ׸ Ϸ EPS... ׸ PDF Ǵ JPG ٲپ մϴ. ִ ֽϴ. See [PDFLaTeX׸ϱ], [EPS2PDF]. TeXLive 2009 ķδ EPS ׸ ְ Ǿ ׸ ϰ Ϸ PDF, PNG, JPG ׸ ٰ ϴ.
  • PDFѱå . . . . 5 matches
         see. [pdflatexlatexû]
         == [ko.TeX] + hyperref ==
          * . XeLaTeX hyperref unicode ɼ ָ ȴ. pdflatex ϴ .
         CJKLaTeX åǰ ̳ ? --WkPark
  • PMX . . . . 3 matches
         '''PMX''' is a preprocessor for MusiXTeX.
          It builds the TeX input file based on a PMX input file in a much simpler language, making most of the layout decisions by itself. All data are entered into a single file for the full score, up to 12 parts.
          PMX has most of MusiXTeX's functionality, but it also permits in-line TeX to give access to virtually all of MusiXTeX.
         == MusiXTeX PMX Է¹ ==
         {{{#!vim tex
         \input musixtex
         PMX MusiXTeX Ư ִ.
         MusiXTeX ʹ PMX PMX ʹ , ܼ ؽƮ ⺸ ߴϿ.
          Music from Text
  • PPower4 . . . . 17 matches
          TeXPower Ű ̿ , TeXPower ó ʿ ʰ LaTeX Ǿ ִٴ ٸ.
          1. PPower4 LaTeX Ÿ ġѴ.
          * MiKTeX , Űڸ ̿Ͽ ġϰų, ں `\usepackage{pp4slide}` ־ ϸ ڵ ġ ִ.
          * Ϲ ġ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/pp4sty.zip ppower4 style files] ٿε޾Ƽ `[texmf-local]/tex/latex/contrib/ppower4` Ǯ ϳӵͺ̽ (`mktexlsr` Ǵ `texhash`)ϸ ȴ.
          1. [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/pp4p.jar pp4p.jar] ٿε޾Ƽ PATH ɸ ġ д.
          * Unix/Linux [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/ppower4 Shell Script]
          * Windows [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/ppower4.bat Batch File]
          * Macintosh [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/support/ppower4/pp4-macosx.sit.hqx Apple Script]
  • PSFrag . . . . 11 matches
         κ [TeX] ԵǾ ְ, CTAN ġ ִ.
         ׷, ̷ eps ȭ psfrag Ű ̿Ͽ Ϻ ڿ ġȯϷ ϴ ۵ ˴ϴ. xfig Illustrator eps ȭϿ tex ȭϿ ۵ ϴ , ĿƮ ȭϿ epsȭ ִ ƴѰ ˴ϴ.
          1. ׸ ϳ ϰ Ÿ `empty` ӽ `tex` ۼմϴ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          ó ׸ ϳ PSFrag ̿Ͽ ڸ ٲٵ tex ϴ. `tmpfig.tex` մϴ.
         #> latex tmpfig
          {{{#!vim tex
          <!> : `dvips -E` ̿Ͽ ٷ eps ֽϴٸ PSFrag Ҷ ٿڽ ߸ 찡 ps2eps ũƮ ϴ. See [http://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/tex2pdf-devel/2002q4/000514.html tex2pdf mailing list article]
         {{{#!vim tex
  • PSTricks . . . . 5 matches
         PostScript  ̿Ͽ ϰ ׸̳ ȿ ִ LaTeX Ű.
          * <!> pstricks Ű pstricks-add Ű MiKTeX (2.4 ) ʿ ڵ ġȴ.
          * <!> PDFLaTeX Ǵ DVIPDFm, DVIPDFMx [PDF] Ϸ PSTricks . PDFTricks Ű ƴ϶, ᱹ dvips PSTricks ̿ ׸ pdflatex ִ pdf ׸ ΰ pdflatex ϵ ϴ ڵȭ Ϳ ҰϹǷ PDFTricks PSTricks ü ƴϴ.
          * <!> [PSTricks#s-6.1] ϴ PSTricks ׷ ׸ [EPS] ȯ [PDF] ׸ ٲپ TeX Ͽ ϸ, PDFLaTeX Ǵ DVIPDFm, DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ [PDF] ִ.
          Document : ftp://tug.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/base/doc/pstricks-doc.pdf
         === LaTeXDraw ===
         See LaTeXDraw
         PSTricksڵ带 EPS PSTricks ڵ带 ʾƵ ȴ. dvipdfm(x) pdflatex ( epstopdf ؼ ȯ ) Ͽ PDF ִ.
         PSTricks Ű ִ `pst-eps.sty' ̿ϸ ڵ忡 EPS ִ. ȣ Ʒ imsi.tex̶ .
          \begin{TeXtoEPS} % ȯ泻 ִ EPS ȴ.
          \begin{TeXtoEPS} % ȯ泻 ִ EPS ȴ.
          \begin{TeXtoEPS} % ȯ泻 ִ EPS ȴ.
         CategoryExternalLink [CategoryTeXMacro] CategoryGraphics
  • PSTricks/PDF . . . . 3 matches
         PSTricks TeX ҽ PDF Ϸ ִ.
         #> latex foo
         == XeLaTeX ϴ ==
         XeLaTeX PSTricks ֱ ް ߴ. κ pstricks ڵ尡 XeLaTeX ū ϵȴ.
          * XeLaTeX dvips Ʈ ܺ ׸ غ ִ.
         #> xelatex foo
         == VTeX ==
         micropress VTeX PSTricks ڵ带 PDF ش. http://www.micropress-inc.com/
          TeX ý α׷ Linux Ǿ ִ.
         == PDFLaTeX ==
          pst-pdf Ű ̰ ̰ ps4pdf ̴. , pst-pdf pdflatex ƴ ʴ .
  • PSTricks/pst-pdf . . . . 9 matches
         `pst-pdf` PostScript ڵ带 PDF ְ ִ LaTeX Ű̴.
         PSTricks ϴ pdfLateX Ͽ ׷ Ե PDF
          * http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/pst-pdf.html
         [PSTricks] ũε pdfTeX Բ . pstricks ϴ PostScript ڵ尡
         ս ֵ ش. [BibTeX] ܺ α׷
         (`bibtex`) ȣϴ İ ٰ ִ.
         ۼ ̸ `document.tex` ̶ ũƮ ̿Ͽ ϸ ȴ.
         $ ps4pdf document.tex
         $ latex document.tex
         $ pdflatex document.tex
         % pst-pdf-simple-test.tex
  • PageStyle . . . . 5 matches
         LaTeX `\pagestyle` `\thispagestyle`
         LaTeX ǥŬ(article,report,book...) ϴ PageStyle ⺻ ̴.
         {{{#!vim tex
         '''Q2:''' (From KTUGOperate:16489'''''') LaTeX Դϴ. Ʒ ׸ Ӹۿ chapter ̸̳ section ̸ ڵ  Ǵµ. ǵ ũ⸦ Ѱ Ǵ , Ӹ ٷ editing ϴ  ִ? ڶ ⺻ ⵵ մϴ. ׷ Ź帳ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          Ÿ ũ ̿ܿ Ÿ ȴ. empty, plain, headings, myheadings LaTeX ⺻ Ÿϰ ϰ, ruled, Ruled, companion, book, chapter, cleared, part, title, titlingpage ߰ Ÿ ִ. (ѱ ʹ ̹ϰ ߳ ͵ .)
         {{{#!vim tex
  • ParallelColumns . . . . 2 matches
          Ÿ LaTeX 2.09 ̴ ̳ LaTeX2e ū ִ. ߰ Ϻ Ѵ뿪 ְ ϰ ִ.
          * http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/multicolpar.sty
         {{{#!vim tex
  • PassiveTeX . . . . 1 match
         PassiveTeX is a library of TeX macros which can be used to process an XML document which results from an XSL transformation to formatting objects.
         SeeAlso JadeTeX
  • PerlTeX . . . . 38 matches
         LaTeX ũθ ڵ ۼ ֵ ִ Ű.
          * CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/perltex/
         Perl ڵ带 LaTeX ũθ Դ ִ Ű̴. Perl ũΰ LaTeX ũη Ǵ ̴. ̷ν LaTeX ɷ° Perl α׷ ɷ ְ ȴ.
         ں `\usepackage{perltex}` Ѵ. `\perlnewcommand`, `\perlrenewcommand`, `\perlnewenvironment`, `\perlrenewenvironment` װ ̿ ִ.
          `perltex.pl`̶ ũƮ Ѵ. ɼ .
          ⺻ latex ٸ (:pdflatex) ִ.
         TeXδ ڿ ϴ ڵ带 ¥Ⱑ ʴ. PerlTeX ̷ Ա⺸ .
          PerlTeX TeX ũθ ̸ Ȯ(expand) Perl óѴ. Ȯ ϰ Ϸ `\noexpand` TeX ũ տ ̸ ȴ.
         $ perltex.pl --latex=lambda --nosafe test.tex
          perl Ͽ ̸ ٷ TeX ϴ ִ ̴.
         mysql> GRANT ALL ON perltexdb.* TO 'ptuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ptpass';
         mysql> CREATE DATABASE perltexdb;
         mysql> USE perltexdb;
         my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=perltexdb";
         : ⼭ ڴ , ̿ DB code perlTeX
  • Pictureȯ . . . . 12 matches
         picture ȯ ִ. ϳ 뵿 picture ȯ ̰, ϳ LaTeX picture ȯ exportִ ׸ (LaTeXCad, JPicEdt, LaTeXPix, TpX ) picture ȯ ̴. (׷ ) ׸ ̵(WysiWyg) ׷ ̰ LaTeX ִ (ɾ ȯ) ٲپ ش.
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/picture.pdf picture.pdf] v1.1 (2007/04/11)
          * Leslie Lamport, ''LaTeX : A Document Preparation System,'' 2nd Edition, 1994, pp. 119-129, "7.1.1 The picture Environment"
          * Helmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly, ''A GUIDE TO LaTeX,'' Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999, pp.151-166, "6.1 Drawing pictures with LaTeX"
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          http://www.ursoswald.ch/ ִ ''LaTeX Graphics'' ִ lshort ԵǾ ִ.
          , LaTeX2eڸڦ p.310 ִ ̴.
         epic, eepic Ű picture ȯ ȮϿ LaTeX ⺻ ǵ ͺ ׸ ׸ ְ ش.
         === PDFLaTeX eepic ===
  • PlainTeX . . . . 1 match
         Donald Knuth ڽ ϴ ⺻ Ʈ TeX Macro. TheTeXBook PlainTeX ̴.
         LaTeX̳ AMSTeX, ConTeXt û ũ Űʹ ۰ TeX ũθ  ۼϴ Ǹ, κ ũ Ű鵵 PlainTeX ũ ϴ 찡 .
          * κ TeXImplementations ƹ format loading ɼ {{{tex}}} ϸ PlainTeX ǵ Ǿ ִ.
          * TeX PlainTeX Ͻϴ 찡 , PlainTeX ũ Ű ̴.
         == PlainTeX ѱ ==
          * [PlainTeX/Hangul]
         == PlainTeX LaTeX ==
          * [PlainTeX/diffLaTeX]
         == PlainTeX ũ Ű ==
          * [BLUeTeX]
          BLU TeXbook "Ben Lee User" Ѵ. ũδ Kees van der Laan̶ ̷ ſ ̷ο ũθ ִ. PlainTeXε LaTeX ݰ ֵ ۼ ũε ϰ ִ. ۷ ε õ ũδ ̴.
          * '''Silvio Levy''': How come you don't use LaTeX? :)
          * '''DEK''': How come I don't use LaTeX? :) I'm scared of large systems! :))
  • PlainTeX/Hangul . . . . 15 matches
         == PlainTeX ѱ ==
         === EUC-KR ѱ : htex ===
         HLaTeX LaTeX Ű ̹Ƿ Ģ PlainTeX . PlainTeX HLaTeX ѱ Ʈ ϴ ҰѴ.(cf. KTUGBD:tips'''''')
         ٿε - Uploads:htex.zip (version 0.14)
         from [http://geni.ath.cx/tex.html#_htex.tex htex.tex Ȩ]
         '''PlainTeX ѱ۾ htex.tex 0.14'''
         PlainTeX̶ ⺻̰ TeX̶ ϸ ˴ϴ. ̷ TeX ̿ؼ ѱ ϴ. LaTeX HFSS(Hangul Font Selection Scheme) ٸ ̿ؾ߸ ѱ ־ϴ.
         ׷ ̷ ⸦ ϴ? ȴٴ ˷帮 ؼ ƴϰ PlainTeX ѱ ϱ 깰 ϳ ִٴ 帮 Դϴ. ^^;
          (2001. 2. 20), PlainTeX ѱ ִٸ TeX ѱ Ȱ ϴ ... ѹ ־ ^^; 뵿 htex.tex̶ macro file ϳ źմϴ. 帱 :)
         === UTF-8 ѱ : kotexplain ===
          * ko.tex kotexplain.tex
  • PlainTeX/diffLaTeX . . . . 13 matches
         Wynter Snow, '''{{{TeX for the Beginner}}}''' ҰǾ ִ PlainTeX LaTeX ̿ ڸƮ 켱 ҽϴ. ߿ϴٰ Ǵ Ϳ (!) ǥø ߽ϴ.
          1. \bye does not exist in LaTeX. Instead, use \end{document}.
          1. In LaTeX, both \{ and \} can be used directly in text and do not have to be in math mode. LaTeX does the right thing if you do put them in math mode --- so if you plan to use both TeX and LaTeX, it helps to do things the same way in both systems.
          1. For LaTeX, type {{{latex daisies }}} instead of {{{tex daisies}}}.
          1. In LaTeX, the Waiting Patiently Bug appears when you forget to say \end{document} at the end of you text file. This bug can also appear if you forgot to close some earlier environment --- so that LaTeX uses \end{document} instead of \end{environment}. To fix this bug, type \end{document} instead of \bye when you see the single-asterisk prompt.
          1. LaTeX has an additional set of error messages for LaTeX-specific glitches, and their appearance is slightly different from TeXs error messages. However, LaTeX also uses TeXs question mark prompt (?) and single-asterisk prompt (*), so the responses you make are the same in LaTeX and in TeX.
          1. LaTeXs \overfullrule is 0in. The \hfuzz is still a small dimension, but the black overfull boxes are invisible. If you want to see the overfull box, you can use the draft option in the \documentclass or change the \overfullrule.
          1. (!) LaTeX uses \\ as a line-breaking macro. Therefore, if you want to make an abbreviation for \backslash, use something like \bfsl instead of \\.
          1. LaTeX solved this problem with a macro called \newcommand. \newcommand also makes a newcontrol sequence, but first it checks to see if a control sequence already exists with the name you want to use.
          1. If you need to change the definition of an existing macro in LaTeX, use LaTeXs \renewcommand.
          1. Lamport changed \input so that you can put braces around its input. This makes \input consistent with other LaTeX commands.
          1. You can use LaTeXs \include macro instead of \input. If the existension is not .tex, specify that as well.
          1 The small caps and sans serif fonts already exist in LaTeX. The control sequences for them are \sc for Small Caps, and \sf for sans serif (our \ssf font).
          1. LateX has two methods of getting larger or smaller fonts. If you want text fonts of a different size, give \documentclass an option. To change to a larger or smaller font within your document, use the size-changing macros.
          1. LaTeX does not have \magnification.
          1. Use \setlength, LaTeXs dimension-changing macro, to change the \parindent. Type \setlength{\parindent}{2em}. You can change \parindent anywhere in your document.
          1. To change the width of the text in LaTeX (the \hsize of your paragraphs), use \setlength to change the \textwidth.
          1. To change the \hoffset in LaTeX, use \setlength to change \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin. The \textwidth, \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin should be changed only in preamble.
          1. Use LaTeXs \addtolength macro to add something to a dimension reporter.
          1. You can use LaTeXs sloppy environment for one or more paragraphs instead of changing TeXs \tolerance.
  • PoemsColPackage . . . . 3 matches
         poemscol TeX ڵ kerning, ligature line justification algorithm Ѵ. poemscol fancyhdr, makeidx, multicol, geometry, ifthen, keyval, newmarn Ű Ѵ.
         ||\makeemendations,\maketextnotes,\makeexplanatorynotes|| preamble ִ´.||
         ||\textnotesatfoot|| footnote ֵ Ѵ.||
         ||\textnote{}, \emendation{}, \explanatory{}|| ٷ \verseline Ŀ ִ´. \verseline Ǿ ޸. ||
         ||\makepoemcontents|| preamble . , LaTeX Ѵ. ||
  • PowerDot . . . . 12 matches
          * PowerDot latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf Ʈ pdf ؾ Ѵ. pdflatex̳ dvipdfmx .
         === TeXLive 2010 PowerDot ===
          1. TeXLive 2010 ǰ GhostScript ϰ ִ. ִ ps2pdf ϸ ѱ ˻/ ʴ pdf .
         C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.00\lib;C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.00\bin;C:\texlive\2010\bin\win32
          * attachment:Powerdot-Presentation_Sample.zip attachment:PR-pubwithtex_2.pdf (2009 ѱȸ мȸ  ǥ ڷ ϳ) attachment:PR-pubwithtex-truetype.pdf (2009⿡ Ķ ۲ ߴ )
         > latex PR-pubwithtex
         > latex PR-pubwithtex
         > dvips -P pdf PR-pubwithtex
         > ps2pdf PR-pubwithtex.ps
  • Preamble . . . . 5 matches
         [ѱLaTeX ] ()̶ Ͽ, [lshort-kr] `ó' Ͽ.
          * $$\mbox{\LaTeX} 2.09$$ \documentstyle ~ \begin{document} ϸ
          * $$\LaTeXe$$ \documentclass ~ \begin{document} Ѵ.
          '''A.''' ֽϴ. LaTeX̶ ᱹ `latex.fmt` ̸ ǵ () ̿ؼ `tex` θ ̹Ƿ `tex` Ѵٸ LaTeX ɰ `\documentclass` ٸ Դϴ. (׷ ״ ʱ.) ڸ ִ ׳ ~ ϶ `\nonstopmode` ̶, Ǵ PDFLaTeX ǰ ִ Ȯϱ Ʈ ,
          ó ֽϴ. PDFLaTeX Ǵ ƴϸ `[dvipdfm]` ɼ `graphicx` Ű Ͽ PDFLaTeX ȴٸ `[pdftex]` ɼ `graphicx` Ű Ͽ Դϴ.
          '''A.''' LaTeX ߿ Preamble ִ ֽϴ. `\usepackage` Preamble ; մϴ. ߿ `\includeonly` Preamble ; `\include` Preamble ϴ. `\input` Preamble 𿡼 ϴ.
  • PreviewLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Emacs Ǵ XEmacs ϵ 鼭 ۾ ְϴ Emacs α׷̴. AucTeX ԵǾ.
  • PrimitiveControlSequences . . . . 4 matches
         '''TeX Primitive Control Sequences'''
         TeX ⺻ ControlSequences, ڸ ̻ primitive control sequence Ѵ. TeX primitive cs David Bausum ۼ ϶.
          * http://www.it-c.dk/people/kbilsted/latex/bausum_trept/trept12.pdf ( з )
          * http://ko.wikibooks.org/wiki/TeX (TeX Primitives ϰ ũ)
         [e-TeX]̳ [PDFTeX] ߰ primitive ִ. Ư ó MiKTeX/[teTeX] TeX ƴ϶ [e-TeX] Ǵ pdfeTeX(PDFTeX+[e-TeX]) ⺻ Ƿ ߰ primitive Ϸ õ Ŵ Ͽ Ѵ.
         TeX ڿ [The TeXbook] ãƺ⿡ ǥ(*) پ
  • ProcessorExamples . . . . 7 matches
         === tex ===
         #!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         == LaTeX ==
         ѱLaTeX Processor
  • Prosper . . . . 17 matches
          * ̵ ȯ, Overlay '''ü''' Ѵ. ٸ PDFPresentation PPower4 TeXPower Ű ޾ƾ ϴ 찡 .
         `texmf\doc\latex\prosper` ִ о.
          * [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/prosper/doc/prosper-doc.pdf prosper-doc.pdf] (޴)
          * [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/prosper/doc/prosper-tour.pdf prosper-tour.pdf] ()
          pdfkeywords={prosper, pdf, presentation, latex, tex},
          \item Automatic advancing: {\blue \textbackslash hypersetup\{pdfpageduration=n\}}
          \item In the right example overlay macros are inside the \texttt{\blue multido} macro.
          1. hyperref.cfg ۼϿ localtexmf/tex/latex/hyperref/ Ʒ . {{{
          [2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive and teTeX]
         % Change default driver to "dvips" instead of "hypertex",
         #> latex foo
         === HLaTeX ===
          * HLaTeX ѱ PDF åǸ ִ . ȣ ۼ hyperref-uhc.c ̿Ͽ ߰ ܰ .ps Ͽ Ͽ ܺ ϴ ˷ ִ. KTUGContrib:2648
  • PublisherProvidedStyles . . . . 17 matches
         TeX Ǵ LaTeX ޴ ǻ Ǵ
          * [http://kent.kellogg.northwestern.edu/bibtex/ BibTeX for Finance/Economics Journals]
          * AAAI Press publications: http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php (LaTeX)
          * ACM SIG Proceedings Templates: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html (LaTeX)
          * AMS(American Mathematical Society): http://www.ams.org/tex/author-info.html (AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX).
          * ftp://ftp.cup.cam.ac.uk/pub/texarchive/journals/latex/
          * Journal of Functional Programming http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/jfp/submission.html (LaTeX)
          * Elsevier Science Publishers: Elsevier LaTeX package CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/ (LaTeX).
          * Journal with a numbered style bibliography http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-num.pdf (instruction)
          * Journal with a Harvard-style bibliography http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv.pdf (instruction)
          * IEEE Publications: http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.html (LaTeX).
          * IEICE(Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers): http://www.ieice.org/ftp/tex/ieice/LaTeX2e/ (LaTeX)
          * IFAC(International Federation of Automatic Control): http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/ifacmtg/ (LaTeX and BibTeX)
          * PNAS(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences): http://www.pnas.org/misc/LaTex.shtml
          * Science Magazine: http://www.sciencemag.org/about/authors/prep/TeX_help/
          * SIAM Publications: http://www.siam.org/journals/sima/authors.php (TeX, LaTeX and AMS-TeX).
          * LaTeX2e macro package (ZIP archive): ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svjour3/global.zip ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svjour2/global.zip
          * International Journal of General Systems : attachment:ggenlatex.zip
          * Proceedings: http://www.worldscientific.com/style/proceedings_style.shtml (LaTeX)
          * MS Word . LaTeX .
  • PyX . . . . 8 matches
         PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript and PDF files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.
         c.text(0, 0, r"\LaTeX ѱ ׽Ʈ: \ $y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}} \ \mbox{(, $x > 0$)} $ \ by PyX.")
          graph.axis.linear(min=0, max=10, title=" axis by \LaTeX", painter=mypainter))
  • RefTeX . . . . 26 matches
          1. ⼭ `reftex-4.22` 丮 `site-lisp` Ʒ ű.
         ;; reftex
         (autoload 'reftex-mode "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" t)
         (autoload 'turn-on-reftex "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" nil)
         (autoload 'reftex-citation "reftex-cite" "Make citation" nil)
         (autoload 'reftex-index-phrase-mode "reftex-index" "Phrase mode" t)
         (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode
         (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with Emacs latex mode
          丮 о̸ `(add-to-list 'loadpath` reftex 丮 ߰Ѵ.
          1. NTEmacs-KTUG ġϿ ̹ ִ RefTeX Ѵ. `~/site-lisp` ִ. `reftex.el` ٸ ̸ ٲٰų .
         켱 [http://zon.astro.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/reftex/reftex-nutshell.html RefTeX in Nutshell] о.
          [http://zon.astro.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/reftex/reftex.html Full Document] Ѵ.
          (!) ϸ `*.tex` NTEmacs `Ref` ޴ .
  • RegularExpression . . . . 3 matches
          * LaTeX description environment Ǿ ִ ѹ itemize ٲٰ perl ̿Ѵٸ ֽϴ. ǹ̴ 'global(g)ϰ substitute (s) description ̶ itemize (substitute)϶' ǹ̰ ˴ϴ. ̳ ̿ ǥ ֽϴ.
         \def\jstoday{2004-12-17 16:12:00} \input htex \input onmouseover.4ht <js><footnote>fn1x0=<div class="js"><span class="footnote-mark"><a
          $tex_content .= $_;
         while ($tex_content =~ m{<sup >(\d)</sup></a></span>(.*?)</div></footnote>}gms) #Ⱑ ߿ pointε.ؿ ϰڽϴ.
          * [http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/] Text Ǿ ֽϴ.
          * [LaTeX å]Դϴ.
  • RubyPackage . . . . 5 matches
         CategoryTeXMacro CategoryLaTeXPackage
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         f = codecs.open("texSource.tex",'r','utf-8','strict')
         f = codecs.open("colors.tex",'r','utf-8','strict')
  • SampleDocument . . . . 62 matches
          * ҽ(tex) (pdf) Բ ÷ֽʽÿ.
         == LaTeX Standard ==
         === LaTeX : [wiki:SampleDocument/LaTeXStandard Standard Class] ===
         === LaTeX : [wiki:SampleDocument/AMSLaTeX AMSLaTeX ] ===
         == LaTeX : memoir/oblivoir ==
          * attachment:OnManualWriting.tex
          * dvips, XeLaTeX
          * src: attachment:OnManualWritingob.tex
          * ҽ : attachment:obarticle.tex
          * ҽ : attachment:obarticle-11.tex
          * attachment:LaTeXStance2006.tex
          * attachment:LaTeXStance2006.pdf
          * attachment:LaTeXStance200912.tex
          * attachment:LaTeXStance200912.pdf
          * ҽ : attachment:__ֿ_.tex
          * ҽ : attachment:νͿνǿϿ.tex
         === LaTeXWorkshop/2008Fall ===
         See [LaTeXWorkshop/2008Fall]
  • SampleDocument/AMSLaTeX . . . . 9 matches
          * ҽ : attachment:kms2006yhchoe.tex
          * HLaTeX (hangul)/[AMSLaTeX]
          * ҽ : attachment:kms2006yhchoe-ucs.tex
          * 2008⵵ ۼ Ƿ Ž ϰ output Դϴ. LaTeX (SampleDocument/LaTeXStandard) ø å ̶ ʹ ٸ մϴ. ̹ ø amsbook class ϰ ⿡ ״ book class ٲپ ص Դϴ. preamble ߰ κ amstex correction κи ϸ Դϴ. book Ŭ amsbook Ŭ chapter ۲ ũ⸦ ۰ Ϸ Դϴ. amsbook class chapter ̸ ״ Chapter 1 Ÿ ѱ۷ ٲ ʽϴ. - [gromov]
          * attachment:lecturenote_master_gromov08.tex
          XeLaTeX ҽϴ. å dz׿. Ÿ ġ index ÷߽ϴ. - [gromov]
          * attachment:lecturenote_master_gromov08_xelatex.tex
          * attachment:lecturenote_gromov08_xelatex.pdf
          ( index ̴ master (xe)latex makeindex ְ ٽ (xe)latex ٽ ϸ ˴ϴ. (ѱ  ε makeindex ſ komkindex ָ index ѱۿ ° մϴ. ׳ makeindex Դϴ.) ȿ \makeindex \printindex ڸ ־־ ϰ... amsbook Ŭ Ŭ ó , book Ŭ makeidx.sty ҷ־ ϴ ׿.)
  • SampleDocument/LaTeXStandard . . . . 11 matches
          * ҽ : attachment:sr.tex
          * HLaTeX(hfont), lineno, geometry, crop .
          * ҽ : attachment:sru.tex
          * latex/dvipdfmx, pdflatex
          unicode(kotex) øϴ.
          * ҽ: attachment:exam_template_ucs.tex
          * 츮б 𱳼 ô LaTeX (?) ϰ ִ Դϴ. 米 A4 徿 A3(?) Ͽ A3  մϴ. 1 4 Ǿ ո鿡 1... ޸鿡 4 ̸ ˴ϴ.
          * src: attachment:LatexSample_gromov.zip
          * pdf: attachment:LatexSample_gromov.pdf
         DeleteUs: 2001⵵ å master tex fileԴϴ. å ѵα font ģ book.cls Ͽ ſ formatԴϴ. ε å ϵ ӽ÷ ÷ΰڽϴ. Ǹ delete ֽñ ٶϴ. - [gromov]
          * ҽ: attachment:gft2k1-test2.tex
          * Ϻ(): attachment:ywkmath.sty , attachment:hs1s1.tex
          SampleDocument/AMSLaTeX amsbook class Ƿ ÷ξϴ. book class ֽϴ. (ĥ ams*** class ѱ ذϱ Ͽ preamble code ֹ Դϴ.) - [gromov]
  • SampleDocument/LuaTeX . . . . 18 matches
         Ʒ ڵ带 luatex ϸ,
         tex.print('{\\titlefont '..title..'}\\bigskip\\bigskip')
         \input kotexplain
         {{{#!vim tex
         po.tex ̷.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \newcommand{\ProviderContact}[1]{\renewcommand\providercontact{\textbf{#1} }}
         \newcommand{\PurchaserContact}[1]{\renewcommand\purchasercontact{\textbf{#1} }}
         \centerline{\Huge\textsc{Purchase Order}}
         \multicolumn{3}{|r|}{\textsc{Total}} & \num{\directlua0{tex.print(total)}}\,\paymentcurrency\tabularnewline
         pdflualatex ̿Ͽ.
  • SampleDocument/XeLaTeX . . . . 13 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         %%%%%%%%%% XeTeX-specific %%%%%%%%%%%%
         \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
          * article + xetexko
          * attachment:inequal.tex
          * HTeX 1.5 ϳ .
          * KC2008, ko.tex-dev revision 25 ̻ 䱸.
          * attachment:inequallin.tex
          * [http://ubuntu.textcube.com/52] ttf_nanum 1.0 ̿ Linux/Ubunbu
          * attachment:TPRS3.tex
          * xelatex ɿ -shell ɼ ʿ.
  • SamplesAndTemplates . . . . 3 matches
         == LaTeX ȯ(Environments) ɵ ==
         http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/latex/ltx-2.html#env ȯ(Environment) ִ. (Example) Ƿ Ͽ ȴ.
         CTAN:/info/examples/ {en} ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/examples/
         LaTeX å ٰ ҽ(Source)  ñ ִ.
         FirstSteps First Steps in LaTeX
         lgc LaTeX Graphics Companion
         lwc LaTeX Web Companion
         tip TeX in Practice
         tlc2 The LaTeX Companion, second edition
         Goossens, Rahtz, and Mittelbach LGC(The LaTeX Graphics
         Mittelbach `TLC2`(The [LaTeXCompanion], 2nd ed.) ٷ ҽ (ltx) ־ ִ. `TLC2` 868 ϴ ְ, ҽ(ltx) CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ÷ ξ.
         <!> `TLC2` CD(TeXLive)
         '''Title Page:''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_title/0.html
         '''():''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_chapter/0.html
         '''():''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_section/0.html
          :-9 CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/titlesec/titlesec.pdf'''''' Appendix (), () ɵ ִ.
  • ScientificWorkPlace . . . . 25 matches
         ScientificWorkPlace TeX [GUI]̴. Unix Linux ȯ濡 ִ [LyX] ޸ ̰ ݵ δ.
          1. μ ̿ϵ ս ۼؼ TeX ̷ ִ("shell"̶ ϴ ̸ ǵ ø ̿ ս ۼ ִ).
          * ѱ IME Է ϳ ScientificWorkPlace δ ڸ UniCode ԷѴ. compiler [MiKTeX] ѱ ó ؼ $${\Omega}\mbox{mega}$$ Ǵ ̸ [Lambda] ̿ؾ ̶ ȴ.
          * ŷӱ Է¸ [GUI] ȯ [SWP] ̿ϰ ٸ TeX ý ̿ϴ ִ. '''''ѱ ó''''' ϶.
          *[TrueTeX] ̿ؼ compile [TrueTeX] DVI Previewer [DVI] ȭ
         SWP ѱ Է ϱ ũ TeX ѱ Ư ɾ UniCode Ѵ. (Mathematica ̿ ִ. [libiconv] .) TeX HLaTeX Ϸ ó ش.
          * SWP TeX ҽ ѱ `UTF-8` ִ ũƮ(Uploads:swp_filter.pl (by WkPark)) `PATH` ɷ ִ ´.
         c:\> swp_filter[.pl] input.tex | iconv -f UTF-8 -t EUC-KR > output.tex
          ( HLaTeX ߱ EUC-KR ٲ ߴ. ׷ ڵ带 ϱ ó ϸ ȴ. \usepackage{kotex} ߰ϴ ̴.)
         # swp_filter <input.tex >output.tex
          (''input.tex'' ''output.tex'' ̸ ٲ .)
          * ''output.tex'' Ѵ.
          * Uploads:no-smok.tex
          ϴ ߿ ƽ Դϴ. ۲ ũ ο ϴ Դϴ. ̹ ؼ ǰ ־ \small, \large ɾ ⺻ ǹ̿ ؼ ϰ ִٰ մϴ. ׷ ⺻ ƮŸ ۲ Ӱ ־ ڽϴ. ScientificWorkPlace ׷ Ǹ ִٸ ڽϴ. ׷ ϴ [LaTeX2e] ٸų Ű ̿뿡 ٰų ϸ ϰ.
         ڸ, 'ScientificWorkPlace MiKTeX ġ ϸ鼭 ƮŸ Ʈ Ӱ ִ°'Դϴ. - [hoze]
         Q: ȳϼ, ? ñմϴ. Ͻñ... ` TrueType font [TrueTeX] ϰ ִ ¹ ̷ մϴ. ... :( ...` ϼ̴µ Ƹ Type 1 ü ؼ ̷ Ͻ ̶ մϴ. ׸, ϴ ѱ ׵ perl ̿Ͽ ѹ ȯ ľ ϹǷ ٰ ϴ. ׸, tcilatex.tex ̿ ʰ plain (?) ִٴ ͵ ϼ̴µ, ѱ ̿ ͸ ̿Ͽ ȯ ľ ϴ ? ѱ ƮŸƮ [TrueTeX] ִ ñմϴ. --[Progress]
          * SWP ⺻ LaTeX ''''''մϴ. ʿ信 ũε ϳ Ϸ  input մϴ. {{{'save as portable LaTeX document'}}} ϸ ũε LaTeX ɾ ٲ㼭 մϴ. ȣȯ ٸ Դϴ.
          * ٸ ۼ LaTeX `\def` ުLaTeX ɾ ٸ нϴ. ( Ȯڸ ϴ. '.*' ؽƮ ⳪ import ɼǿ ʽϴ. -_-;; )
          * SWP ִ Ű TeX Engine SWP default [TrueTeX] ̳ ƴϸ MiKTeX ̳Ŀ ޶ϴ. (̰ SWP ο ֽϴ. , [Yap] dvi previewer ϴ ־ Դϴ. SWP 4.0, MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2.) SWP default [TrueTeX] SWP 丮 򸳴ϴٸ Ű(`sty` ϵ `fd` ϵ) ʽϴ.
          * SWP ƮŸ ([TrueTeX] ) CM Ʈ extended CM Ʈ '.ttf' Ϸ ȯؼ ϴ Դϴ. [TrueTeX] ttf ̿ TeX Ͽ ؼ [TrueTeX] official web site http://www.truetex.com'''''' ؾ ͽϴ.
  • SeminarPackage . . . . 4 matches
         PSTricks [http://faculty.insead.edu/vanzandt/ Timothy van Zandt] ̵ ۿ LaTeX Ṵ̋ Ʒ ũ Denis Girou ϰ ִ.
          [http://tex.loria.fr/services/tex/classes/sem-user.pdf 1.1 - User's Guide] `seminar.sty`(LaTeX 2.09 ) `seminar.cls`(LaTeX2e ) Timothy Van Zandt 뼳 `sem-user.pdf`̴. [teTeX], [MiKTeX] texdoc ý̶ []
         #> texdoc sem-user
  • ShowKeysPackage . . . . 1 match
         TeX Label Bibitem ϴ ſ . ں
         '''׸ :''' CTAN:macros/latex/required/tools/showkeys.dtx Ͽ showkeys.pdf 2ʰ showkeys.dvi 3 ȭ ĸ ̴.
         '''1:''' HLaTeX 1.0.1 contrib Űμ showhkeys, showhtags ִ. ̰ ѱ۷ ־ ̺ ش. See KTUGContrib:2989''''''
  • SiteNavigation . . . . 1 match
         {{{[[PageList]]}}}, {{{[[FullSearch('text')]]}}}
  • SlashBoxPackage . . . . 4 matches
         '''slashbox Ű TeXLive ܵǾ Ƿ ġ ʽϴ. DiagBoxPackage Ͻñ ٶϴ.''
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          1. `\backslashbox` ɿ ɼ ڷ ̸ Ѵ. ŸԵ ȿ ۵ϴ ƴ,[[FootNote( LaTeX ׸ ִ 缱 ֱ ̴. ̿ ؼ [Pictureȯ] .)]] ⺻ Į ʹ аų Ƽ Ҹ ( ļ) غ ִ.
  • SourceCodeListing . . . . 36 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          * comment ȯ ̿ؼ TeX commenting ֽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          TeX ҽ Բ α׷ ҽ ϰ 찡 ִ.
          * \emph{} TeX ɾ ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         === TeX c_pascal ϴ ===
         c_pascal LaTeX Ű ʰ TeX def · ȴ.
          1. TEXMF\generic\c_pascal cap_c.tex (C ), cap_pascal(PASCAL) Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • SpeedBar . . . . 2 matches
         ;; Texinfo fancy chapter tags
         (add-hook 'texinfo-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'sb-texinfo)))
  • SpellX . . . . 1 match
          1. Ư KC2007 ġ ⺻ 丮(c:\bin\tex) ٸ 丮 KC2007 ġ ݵ `ham2000.ini` DicDirPathκ ľ Ѵ. : DicDirPath=c:/bin/TeX/KTUG_bin/HAMSpell/
  • StructuredText . . . . 9 matches
         Structured text is text that uses indentation and simple
         symbology to indicate the structure of a document. For the next generation of structured text, see
         MoinMoin:ReStructuredText and
         [http://dev.zope.org/Members/jim/StructuredTextWiki/StructuredTextNG here].
          * A paragraph with a first line that contains some text, followed by some white-space and '--' is treated as a descriptive list element. The leading text is treated as the element title.
          * Text enclosed single quotes (with white-space to the left of the first quote and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second quote) is treated as example code.
          * Text surrounded by '*' characters (with white-space to the left of the first '*' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '*') is emphasized.
          * Text surrounded by '**' characters (with white-space to the left of the first '**' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '**') is made strong.
          * Text surrounded by '_' underscore characters (with whitespace to the left and whitespace or punctuation to the right) is made underlined.
          * Text encloded by double quotes followed by a colon, a URL, and concluded by punctuation plus white space, *or* just white space, is treated as a hyper link. For example:
          * Text enclosed by double quotes followed by a comma, one or more spaces, an absolute URL and concluded by punctuation plus white space, or just white space, is treated as a hyper link. For example:
          * Text enclosed in brackets which consists only of letters, digits, underscores and dashes is treated as hyper links within the document. For example:
          * Text enclosed in brackets which is preceded by the start of a line, two periods and a space is treated as a named link. For example:
          * A paragraph that has blocks of text enclosed in '||' is treated as a table. The text blocks correspond to table cells and table rows are denoted by newlines. By default the cells are center aligned. A cell can span more than one column by preceding a block of text with an equivalent number of cell separators '||'. Newlines and '|' cannot be a part of the cell text. For example:
  • SubfigPackage . . . . 19 matches
         (!) subfig Ű -> see CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/subfig/subfig.pdf
         (!) subfigure Ű -> see CTAN:obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/subfigure/subfigure.pdf
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=40mm]{fig5a}}\\ %subfig Ű \\ ʿ
         {{{#!vim tex
          '''subfigure Ű captcont Ű Բ :''' See [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/captcont/captcont.pdf captcont.pdf]
          {{{#!vim tex
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
          \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3-2-1}} \\
          \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3-2-1}} \\
          \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3-2-1}} \\
          \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3-2-1}} \\
          {{{#!vim tex
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • SumatraPDF/Sync . . . . 10 matches
         # "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe -n%l \"%f\""
          * DDE ȣ ִ 쿡 ̿Ѵ. WinEdt, TeXnicCenter, Emacs .
         # kcpdfopen filename.tex linenumber columnnumber
         # SumatraForwardsearch.exe _path_to_pdf _path_to_tex _linenumber _columnnumber
         # forwardsrch _pdf_filename _tex_filename _linenumber _columnnumber
         == SyncTeX ==
          * pdflatex, latex, xelatex, lualatex, context ɼ ־ Ѵ.
  • SumatraPDF/Sync/NPP . . . . 2 matches
         > "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\sumatrapdf.exe" -inverse-search "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe -n%l \"%f\"" }}}
          * Ͻÿ ɼ {{{-synctex=-1}}} ߰ؾ Ѵ. Notepad++/KCmenu [F6] Ű ̰ ڵ ش.
  • SuperTabular . . . . 2 matches
         See [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/supertabular/supertabular.pdf supertabular.pdf]
          <!> Sample: attachment:super.tex
  • SymPy . . . . 6 matches
          <!> Printing ̿ϸ LaTeX н ¹ ִ.
         == Python : latexdemo.py ==
         print( latex(x**2) )
         print( latex(1/x) )
         print( latex(Integral(x**2, x)) )
         print( latex(integrate(x**2, x)) )
         print( latex((1/cos(x)).series(x, 0, 6)) )
  • SyntaxChecking . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • TDS . . . . 4 matches
         TeX Directory Structure
         TeX ý ġǴ 丮 ǥ TDS Ѵ. TDS root directory texmf ̸ , Ʒ Macro ġǴ `tex`, Ʈ ġǴ `fonts`, Ʈ ƴ METAFONT `metafont`, MetaPost `metapost`, ׸ `bibtex`, `doc`, `source` top-level directory ϴ , TeX ġ ýۿ () ȵǾ ִ.
         TeX ü迡 ڰ ִ texmf Ʈ ҴǾ ִ 찡 . LocalTexmfTree ϶.
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 43 matches
         == TTF2koTeXFont ==
         [TTF2koTeXFont] (current version)
         == TTF2HLaTeXFont ==
          ѱ TrueType ۲ HLaTeX ֵ `tfm` ϰ '''ѹ濡''' óִ Perl ScriptԴϴ. 赵(DohyunKim) Ͽϴ.
         TTF2HLaTeXFont [BSD̼] ϴ.
          .sty `MapHangulFamily{}{}` κ ϴ ƾ ߰.( ũƮ ٷ test.tex ִ.) `-d` ɼ ָ ʴ´.
          * Ÿ hfont.tex ksx1001.tex Ͽ ħ
          1. HLaTeX 0.991 ̻
          HLaTeX ġ ؼ HLaTeX Ͻʽÿ.
          * Windows [MiKTeX-KTUG] W32TeX ġ `ttf2tfm` ԵǾ ˴ϴ.
          1. Linux [teTeX] , [Lambda] `ovp2ovf` ۵ ٿ޾ ̿غʽÿ.
          1. DVIPDFMx, PDFLaTeX, HLaTeX/Lambda TFM `map`
          1. DVIPDFMx PDFTeX `ttf2pk` `cfg` ڵ Ʈ
         Usage: ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE [-p] [-o]
          ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE -i TEXMFROOTDIR [-p] [-o]
          make TFMs and settings for HLaTeX. needs ttf2tfm(ttf2pk)1.5 or higher
          install generated files to TEXMFROOTDIR according to TDS
          -p additionally do settings for PDFTeX. install them with -i
  • TTF2koTeXFont . . . . 1 match
         [TTF2HLaTeXFont] ֽ . [Hangul-ucs] ڵ ϼ Ʈ ְ, ġ TeXLive KC2006, KC2007 compatibleϴ.
         [ko.TeX] ƿƼ Ϻη ԵǾ.
          * [TDS] TeXLive ǥ .
          * PDFLaTeX map
          * [Hangul-ucs] ׽Ʈ (testutf.tex)
          * MiKTeX ̻ .
         See [ko.TeX]
  • Tabbingȯ . . . . 2 matches
  • Tableȯ . . . . 1 match
         {{{#!vim tex
  • TabuPackage . . . . 1 match
         \begin{tabu}to \textwidth{|X|X|}
  • TabularX . . . . 6 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         % we want a table that is \textwidth long, has 4 columns, columns 1
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • TabularY . . . . 7 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \begin{tabulary}{\textwidth}% ʿϴٸ 100mm · ǥü
         ª Į & \textcolor{blue}{ٶ} & & & ǿ ÷ \tabularnewline
         \textcolor{blue}{ʴ Rɼ !!} \par
         \multirow{2}*[-11ex]{ٶ} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\textcolor{blue}{%
         \multicolumn{1}{r|}{\textcolor{blue}{}} &
         ׷ \LaTeX Ẹ. ׷ 100ı
  • Tabularȯ . . . . 36 matches
          * `@{text}` : ࿡ `text` ϰ Į ֹ. ̷ν Ҽ . [lshort-kr] 2.11.5 . ׷ `text` `\extracolsep{}` Į̿ Ѵ. :
          {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          [SlashBox] ̿ ַ Ű texlive ܵ DiagBoxPackage ̿ϴ . See DiagBoxPackage
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         The [LaTeX Companion], 2nd ed. 268ʿ Բ (5-6-4, 5-6-5) ִ. (Template: 5-6-4.ltx, 5-6-5.ltx) CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2/ ӿ ִ.
         %% The LaTeX Companion, 2ed
         %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
         %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
         %% The LaTeX Companion, 2ed
  • TeX . . . . 12 matches
         == TeX̶ ? ==
         TeX ǿ '''''' Ű⵵ ϰ(tex language)  óִ '''Ϸ''' α׷ Īϱ⵵ ϰ(tex program), 쿡 󼭴 TeX α׷ ϴ ȯ '''ý ü(tex implementation,[TeX ])''' Ű⵵ Ѵ. c ۼ (ҽ) `cc` `gcc` Ϸ  `tex` ۼ (ҽ) `tex`̶ Ϸ '''''' .
         TeX̶ Ī ׸ $\tau\epsilon\chi$ , `technology` `tech-` شѴ. `` Ǵ `` Ѵ. `ؽ` ȵȴ.
         TeX ѹ ( $\pi$ ) ǥ ȴ. κ [TeX ] äϰ ִ 3.1415926 ̴. ѹ [] Ȯ ִ.
          #> tex --version
         TeX ¹ $\mbox{\TeX}$ μǰ, ؽƮδ {{{TeX}}} .
         == What is TeX ==
         translated from http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=whatTeX
         TeX̶ ٳε ī[[FootNote(Ka-Nooth )]](DonaldKnuth) ý(typesetting system)̴. ״ TeX å(see TheTeXBook) ߴ.
          ''(TeX...) å, ߿ Ư ִ å Ƹ ϱ ؼ Ͽ.''
         ũ ̱ ĶϾƿ ִ ǻ α׷ (Emeritus Professor)̴. ũ TeX ù° ߴ 1978μ, ǻ α׷ (''The Art of Computer Programming'') غϱ ؼ. ߻ , ̾ ״ 1982⿡ ι° Ҵµ, ̰ ó 츮 ִ TeX ʰ Ǿ.
         ״ TeX ؼ '''ȭ α׷(literate programming)'''[[FootNote(ȭ α׷̶, (documentation) α׷ ڵ带 Բ ۼϿ а ֵ ϴ α׷ Ѵ. ȭ α׷ ϳ Ͽ ҽڵ尡 Բ ۼǴµ, ߿ ̸ ó κа ڵ κ иϿ óѴ. LaTeX Ǵ ''ȭ LaTeX''(*.dtx) ȭ α׷ ̴.)]] ý Ͽ. [Literate Programming] (WEB) TeX (ҽ) WEB ҽ ϰ ٸ ȯ ִ , ׸ μ ִ (free of charge) Ͽ. ׷Ƿ TeX ְ Ǿ ִ. ư WEB ý TeX ο ü ǻͿ ̽ ִ ī Ѵ. ׸ ŷ ֵ ũ TeX ý ȮǼ ִ ׽Ʈ Ͽ.[[FootNote( TeX̶ θ ִ° ־, Knuth ϴ ׽Ʈ trip test Ѵ. MetaFont ؼ trap test ִ. ļ 'torture test' θ. ׽Ʈ TeX̶ θ ִ.)]] TeX ſ ̽ļ .
         TeX ũ ó̴. ׷ ڿ α׷ ɷ 䱸Ѵ. ̷ TeX ü ٷⰡ ٷӴ. ׷ ũ TeX ũ Ű . ̰ PlainTeX̶ θ. PlainTeX TeX ̿ϱ ּ ũ ̸, ϰ ִ.  ڴ ü ̶⺸ٴ ۼϴ 𵨷 ֵǾ Ǵ. "TeX α׷Ѵ" κ PlainTeX ũθ Ű ̴.
         TeX α׷ ο, TeX-Ȯ Ѵ. TeX primitive ߰ϰų Ͽ tex (Ȯ) α׷ '''[TeX ]'''̶ Ѵ.
         TeX ø(primitives) ̸ ũθ Ͽ ִ. ̰ ũ ̶ ϰ ڴ ũ ̿Ͽ ڽ ۾ Ѵ.
         TeX ý ϱ ؼ ũ հ ̿ܿ ƿƼ ʿ Ѵ. ǥ Ʈ óϱ ƿƼ dvi óϱ dviware ִ.
         , ũ, ƿƼ ÷ ǵ α׷ TeX Implementation(TeX ü) Ѵ.
         === TeX Ȯ : ===
         ο primitives /߰ϰų TeX Ȯ α׷. ֱ ֿ encTeX ġ pdfeTeXTeX ϴ 찡 .
          * PDFTeX
  • TeX4ht . . . . 13 matches
         TeX/LaTeXκ HTML, XML ȯϴ .
         == TeX4ht ġ ==
          * [http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn-mswin.html Installation for Windows]
          * [http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn-unix.html Installation for Unix]
         === TeX4ht ġ ===
         ֱ TeX Implementation κ TeX4ht Ͽ DZ ġ 䱸 ʴ´.
         == TeX4ht ѱ (History) ==
         === TeX4ht ѱ 뿡 ʱ ===
          * KTUGContrib:395 TeX4ht ѱ (by ChoF)
          * KTUGBoard:965 TeX4ht ѱ (by [Karnes])
         === HuidaeCho TeX4ht ѱȭ texmf tree ===
         == TeX4ht ѱ (Discussion) ==
          * [TeX4ht/ѱ۱]
          * [TeX4ht/ȭ]
         == TeX4ht ̽ ==
         TeX4ht ̽ ýϴ. . Էâ http://n4u.ath.cx/htlatex.txt ҽ Էϰ ϸ http://n4u.ath.cx/htlatex ˴ϴ. ִ hlatex-tex4ht-texmf ̿ϸ ѱ۵ ˴ϴ. -- HuidaeCho
         tex4ht bugfix ø ο update ־ϴ. 2004 1 23Ͽ ־ϴ. ٲ tex4ht.sty htf file̶ϴ. ׷ ٽ tex4ht compile ʿ ̰, zip file down޾Ƽ 4ht ȭ ִ directory htf file ִ directory ϰ mktexlsrϽø ϴ. ׷...  ٲ.... --[synapse]
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 127 matches
         TeX4ht ѱ ؼ ̷ а ȭԴϴ.
         == memoir.cls tex4ht ȯϱ ==
          * 켱 memoir.cls \pgana section ̾߱ Դϴ.toc ؼ memoir.cls ο ȭ Ű Դϴ. ׷ xref 4tc error message ϴ. xref 4tc ε. ̰ memoir.cls ذ ؾ ? ƴϸ tex4ht ذ ؾ ұ? ׷, ϴٺ ε section մϴ. ϱδ ϰ ֽϴ.
          3. tex4ht ٲ۴.
          tex4ht htlatex ù° option sections- ְ Ŀ ο section definitionĿ ϴ. ʹ , ׷ \thesection ϴµ ٲܼ ִ ־ ̷ øϴ. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/testmemoir/test3my2.html
         [synapse] ¿ ϴ dhucs TeX4ht HTML ȯغҴ.
         ( ȣ ø̴ ׽Ʈ Ͽ texmf-dhucs Ͽ )
          켱 ɴϴ... :( ׸, ŸƲ( ) ڵ ڰ  ʾҽϴ. toc ϱ ؼ {{{\unihangulchar}}} ɵ ٽ UTF-8 ȯִ perl ũƮ htlatex Ƚϴ. ذؾ Ҵٰ մϴ. ٸ ѱ ǥõǴ ͸ ׽Ʈ ̾ϴ. --[Karnes]
          ð  μ dhucs ó غҽϴ. toc ̴! ׹ۿ ֱ . 켱 ̾ƹ perl script ÷ ֽø ȵɱ? ׸ ƹ script ٲ htlatex ƴ϶, ƿ dhucshtlatex ϸ  ϰ ֽϴ.մϴ. --[synapse]
          ũƮ ͵ ϴ. htlatex ٽ ϱ {{{.aux, .4tc, .xref}}} ؼ ִ Դϴ.
          մϴ. system 쿡 " unicode ʾƽϴ." ucs package error message ߴ. ׷ ׳ h cjkhangul option ϶ ucs package errorϴ. ׷ ܼ tex source(testdhucs.tex) \usepackage{dhucs}պκп \usepackage[cjkhangul]{ucs} ־ ְ Ŀ compileߴ, 1.380 }\\[30mm] There's no line here to end error message ϰ ٸ error message ʽϴ. ó error message Ȥó toc ִ ؼ ̾ƹ script Ź帰̿µ, װ ʴ html ϼǴ. Ư hangul-k.4ht ٲ ʰ ̸ ٲپ dhucs.4ht ϰ Ŀ ص ٸ ̻ ϴ.(׷ source class report!.׷ 1ð ظ̽ϴ. Ǹ 翬 ʾƼ? ϴ 캸 report̴) ϴ utf8 htmlȭ Ȱ ϴٸ, ƹ system error ñ ҽϴ. Ȥ ֽ version tex4ht ƴ 𸣰ڴٴ . tex4ht bugfix ø ֽ version tex4ht ֽϴ. 2005 1 25 ̴ ־ .̰͵ ƴϸ ũ ߸ϰ ִ. ׷ ó mouseover ƾ ϴ. ε ʽϴ. ϱ? ū ƴѵ , Ƹ Linux system ѵ! ȳ ֹ. ƴϴ. --[synapse]
         TeX4ht ̿Ͽ hangul-k-manual ȯ.
          * ԤǤ, Ԥˤ hlatexcjk EUC-KR ڴ ó ʾ.
          --  dz? Ƹ htfȭ , hlatexcjk package tex4t ν ֳİ ƴұ? Ƹ tex4ht cjk ϹǷ ״ ʴµ. غ...
          hlatexcjk `\UNI` Ʒ ٿ Ʈ ̿ϸ 밭 ˴ϴ. `\urchr` `\UNI` ٲپ ϸ ױ. 밭 캻 ٿ ϸ TeX4ht CJK Ű ϴ ƴ ϴ. Ư CJKLaTeX `utf8` ȯ濡 å ̱ ... ƹ hlatexcjk ڵ带 ؽŰ ƴ϶, ׷ ʿ䵵 մϴ. --[Karnes]
          * TeX ҽ labelenumi ٲپ HTML ⺻ item ׳ .
          -- ̰ tex source ľ մϴ. labelenumi Ͻø ʽϴ.
          * ̶ ̰ ϴ. ٽ Ұ ϴ. ̾ƹ ֽ ȭ Ҵ hangul-k.sty ״ 鼭 makehtml.sty hangul-k.sty tex4ht 浹ϴ ذ ϴٸ,... ׷ 𿡼 makehtml.sty θ ִ?  ã Ƶ !.
          * hangul-k.sty hangul-tex4ht.sty(˼մϴ. hangul-k.styε ƴϰ ׳ ڰ ̷ ٲپϴ. ƹ ε, ̸ ٲپ..) Ʋ ׷ , ̹ hangul-k-manual.html Ϻ ڰ ɴϴ. ̹ ȸ makehtml.sty Ȯؼ ƿ releaseϸ  ϴµ? ̶ ġ ; ĥ ϴ. ׳ 밡ٴ մϴ. ð µ 밡ٴ Դϴٸ, ѹ ֽø ȵɱ? --[synapse]
          * ڲ ˼մϴ. ̹ index toplogo.html ־ҽϴ. ׸ ֱ ߼ utf8 output Ͽϴ.׷. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/hangul-k-manual/hangul-k-manual.html index ø ̰ ʽϴ. ׳ ׷ . tex4ht ѵ. makeindex-dhucs Ǿ ִ ؼ?( ׷ !). ãƺ ʿ Ϸķ ξ پ ã ְ Դϴ. ׷! utf8 output ϸ index Ʒ緱  ִµ, mouseover js.tex utf8 Ǿ 켱 euckr ٽ ѹ utf8 ؾ Ǵ (????) ϰ ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. --[synapse]
  • TeX4ht/ѱ۱ . . . . 89 matches
          [TeX4ht] ѱ ϴ Ͽ Ѵ. [TeX4ht/ȭ] ǵ ߿ ִ ϴ ̴.
          MiKTeX ڸ ũƮ  ٲٸ Linux ϰ غ Դϴ.
         '''MiKTeX ڸ 躴 '''
         躴([synapse]) TeX4ht ѱȭ ȥڼ õؿ̽ϴ. ֱ dhucs HTML ȯ ؼ ̴ٰ ϼ̴µ, ñϽ е Ȥ 躴 Բ ˷ֽ غ ִ ׽Ʈ ϴ.
         {{{[localtexmf]}}} {{{C:\localtexmf}}}
         Ʒ unbt, ungt, ungr, untz ϴ. Ʈ texmf-dhucs ä ⺻ Ʈ شմϴ.(ٸ ۲ ʾҽϴٸ, 󸶵 ߰ Դϴ.)
         MiKTeX Options Refresh FNDBմϴ.
         '''testdhucs.tex, yap.eps, test.eps'''
          Բ ִ ϵ ߿ testdhucs.tex ȣ Բ ۼϽ ׽Ʈ dhucs Ϸ ٲ Դϴ. test.eps yap.eps ϴ ׸ϵԴϴ. غ Ǿϴ. ϳ {{{\usepackage[..]{dhucs} }}} θ {{{\usepackage[cjkhangul]{ucs} }}} ε, 躴 Բ ˷ֽ Դϴ. ٸ ϰ ֽϴٸ, Ͽ äϿϴ. ϳ, {{{\usepackage{txfonts} }}} ڸƮó Դϴ. txfonts Ʈ ̵ tex4ht Ʈ ãڴٰ ϱ ⺻ Ʈ Ͽϴ.
          dhucs.4ht, dhucs.cfg, onmouseover.4ht 躴 Բ ۼϽ ϵε, Ը ° ؼ Դϴ. ؼ HTML ϴ tex4ht ̹Ƿ *ؼ* غñ ٶϴ. :)
         '''js_mod_kr.pl, xhtex.bat'''
          xhtex.bat 躴 ۼϽ mouseover ũƮ ġε, ִ htex θ κ dhucs ʿϹǷ Ͽϴ.
          MiKTeX 2.4 ġǾ ִ ¿, Բ ִ nowmakeit.bat ϸ ū HTML Դϴ. ֿ mouseover ˴ϴ.
         == HLaTeX ѱ ȯ ==
         Ʒ 躴([synapse]) Կ HLaTeX ѱ 뼳Դϴ.
         === tex4ht HLaTeX ѱ ȯϱ ===
         tex4ht ѱ ؼ ΰ ֽϴ.
          1. ù°δ hangul-tex4ht htfȭ ̿ϴ Դϴ. 翬 hangul-tex4ht {{{ %\Configure{@BODY}{\NoFonts}, %\Configure{@/BODY}{\EndNoFonts} }}} ׸ ּóؾ մϴ. htf ȭϿ 2° field ȣ ־ մϴ. ̷ Ǹ html source ϴ. Uploads:euckrtex4ht.zip Uploads:unicodetex4ht.zip Դϴ.
  • TeXCad . . . . 2 matches
         TeX CAD TeX Cad32 ִ.
  • TeXCatalogueOnline . . . . 1 match
         TeX õ tool, package  ¶ ȳ̴.
          * TeXCatalogueOnline ĺ, ε Ʈ ε Ѵ.
  • TeXEngine . . . . 16 matches
         TeX Engine
          * (Knuth's) TeX
          * [e-TeX]
          * PDFTeX
          * XeTeX
          * LuaTeX
          * => ifpdf, ifxetex, ifluatex
          * => ϴ Ű ִ. ׷ Ϲ Ʒ Ұϴ iftex Ű .
          * {{{iftex}}} Ű {{{
          * <!> . tex.exe latex.exe, pdftex.exe, pdflatex.exe ̴.
          * pdftex dvi mode tex.exe ϴ.
         \ifPDFTeX %%% pdftex
         \else\ifXeTeX %%% xetex
         \else\ifLuaTeX %%% luatex
         === TeX ΰ ===
  • TeXForTheImpatient . . . . 1 match
         TeX for the Impatient
          title = "{\TeX} for the Impatient",
  • TeXImplementations . . . . 3 matches
         TeX ҽ '''' Ʈ(FreeSoftware) TeX Web̶ Ǿ ְ ̰ ڽ ǻͿ డϰ Ϸ ÷ ˸° Ͽ Ѵ.
         TeX ȯ(TeX Implementations)̶ TeX ÷ µ ϰ ⿡ ʼ ΰ ƿƼ ߰Ͽ ڰ ġ ֵ TeX α׷ ̶ ϸ ̴.
         ġ Linux Ŀ Ī ó Red Hat Linux Ͽ ִ ó, TeX α׷ ٽ̰ ̰ 밡ϰ TeX Implementations ̶ ϸ ̴.
         See [http://www.tug.org/interest.html#free Free TeX Implementations]
         κ [TeX] ϰ ְ ִ. Ʒ TeXImplementations д.
         Web2C TeX ĽĮ Web ۼ ڵ带 C ٲپ ǻ ǥ TeX Implementation̴. ٸ ǰ ޸ ȭ DVI  ƿƼ ԵǾ TeX ٽ C ŰܳҴٴ ſ ߿ TeX ȯ̸, Ư ⿡ [kpathsea] ̺귯 ߰Ǿ ־ ˻ TeX ༺ Ҵ. platform independentϱ κ ٸ Implementations web2c ⺻ äϰ ִ ̴.
          TeX DonaldKnuth web ۼǾ, Web2C web C ٲٱ ϳ Ϸ ȯ̶ ˰ ֽϴ. Web2C Knuth TeXȯ̶ ٴ Ϸ ȯε, Web2C TeX ̿ܿ Ƿ TeXȯ Īϴ Ͻ ǰ ִ ϴ. --WkPark
         == [TeXLive] ==
         TeXLive Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows CD డ TeX ȯ Implementation̴. ⿡ web2c ÷ ˸ TeX ȯ ư ִ.
          1. [MiKTeX]
          [MiKTeX] Windows ÷ Implementation̴. Christian Schenk . ߿ ġ ڿ ģ ȯ Ѵٴ ̴.(MiKTeX Options )
          [[Date]] MiKTeX ý ѱȯ ߴܵǾ. ѱȯ [W32TeX/ko] ý ȯǾ. KTUGCollection2006 .
          1. [XEmTeX]
          Fabrice Popineau ϰ ִ Windows TeX ۾ ȯ. ̰ Win32 Web2C ý̴ [fpTeX] ̾ [[Date(2005-10-13T23:21:13)]] [fpTeX] ߴܵǾ.
          1. proTeXt
          MiKTeX ΰ ۵ TeXLive Windows TeX ý. TeXLive ԵǾ ִ.
          1. W32TeX
          Akira Kakuto Ͽ. Ϻ ǰ ִ TeX Implementation̴. GUI ġ α׷ ġ ſ ϴ. (, Ʈ ) [fpTeX] Բ Web2C ̽ μ, Ư Ϻ õ α׷ ϰ ſ Ʈ ̴.
          1. [W32TeX/ko]
          W32TeX [Karnes] ѱ ȯ濡 ° 籸 KTUG TeX ý̴. (Ʈ, Ű ġ  ϰ Ǿ.)
  • TeXInfo . . . . 1 match
         GNU TeXInfo. GNU Ŵ ۼ ̴. TeX ̿Ͽ DVI, PDF, PS ְ, info ̳ HTML ȯ ϴ.
  • TeXKNOPPIX . . . . 13 matches
         == TeXKNOPPIX? ==
          * TeXKNOPPIX õ Ǵ KTUGContrib:2903'''''' Ÿ .
          * TeXKNOPPIX [MakingTeXKNOPPIX] (TeXKNOPPIX CD ͸ϱ) by [synapse]
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/TEXNOPPIX/TeXKNOPPIX20051109.iso TeXKNOPPIX ISO image(700M)] ([synapse]) (2005-11-09)
         Uploads:TEXNOPPIX_SCREENSHOT_small.png [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/TEXNOPPIX_SCREENSHOT.png ׸Ȯ]
         == TeXKNOPPIX on the fly ==
         TeXKNOPPIX 뷮 Ѱ [teTeX] 3.0 ⺻ Ǹ ִ. apt-get ۵ ʴ 쵵 ִ.
         TeXKNOPPIX ¿ óѴ.
         $> wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/TEXNOPPIX/texmf.tar.gz
         $> tar zxvf texmf.tar.gz
         $> mktexlsr; updmap
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/TEXNOPPIX/docdemo.tar.gz Documents Demo]
          lshort-kr `make` `makeindex-dhucs` ٴ ޽ TeXKNOPPIX `makeindex-dhucs.pl` ֱ ̴. ̰ `makeindex-dhucs` ̸ ϰų ũ ɾθ `make` ȴ.
         $> wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/TEXNOPPIX/texmf-notipa.tar.gz
         $> tar zxvf texmf-notipa.tar.gz
         $> mktexlsr
         hozeman.cls Ͻô Ȥ 𸣱 , texmf-hoze hozemanucs.tex ϵǴ Ͽ texmf-on-the-fly ̴. ʿ Ϸֽø ߰ϰ. ([[Date(2005-10-30T22:29:31)]])
         $> wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/TEXNOPPIX/texmf-hoze.tar.gz
         $> tar zxvf texmf-hoze.tar.gz
         $> mktexlsr
  • TeXLive . . . . 7 matches
         See [TeXImplementations]
         TeXLive ؼ [http://www.tug.org/texlive TeXLive] ϶. TeX Collection Ϻη ԵǾ. [http://www.tug.org/texcollection/ TeX Collection] .
         == TeXLive 2009 ==
          * http://tug.org/texlive
          * SeeAlso. KoTeXLive
          * [TeX Live] TeX Live .
          * [TeX Live] 2009 [ko.TeX] full-installϸ 10 , 2.2G ġȴ.
         == TeXLive 2008 ==
         == TeXLive 2007 ==
         TeXLive Guide
         Windows ̳ʸ Akira Kakuto [W32TeX] ԰ ġ//Ű ߰ ƿƼ ȴ. MiKTeX [proTeXt] dz, TeXLive ȣȯ ʴ ϴ.
         == TeXLive 2005 ==
          Windows ̳ʸ [fpTeX] ڿ Fabrice Popineau Ʈ XEmTeX Դ. ġ α׷ tlpmgui.exe ȴ. ͷδ XEmacs Ǵ WinShell Ǵ .
         == TeXLive 2004 ==
          DVD MiKTeX [proTeXt] ԵǾ ִ. ׷ Live CD/DVD [fpTeX] ̴. Windows ΰƾ .
         == TeXLive 2003 ==
         == TeXLive 7 ==
         TeXLive 7 2002 6 4Ͽ ̴.
  • TeXMF . . . . 1 match
         #redirect texmf
  • TeXOrganizer . . . . 7 matches
          (La)TeX ۾ (Windows).
          ư 4 : LaTeX
          ư 6 : BibTeX
          ư 12 : PDFLaTeX
         === ư 4 : LaTeX ===
         === ư 5, 6 : BibTeX, Makeindex ===
         TeXOrganizer ó ؾ ۾ ̴. ι° ư , ͷ . Ϳ TeXOrganizer ߸ ν ϴ ۾ ִ. {{{Always on top}}} üũصθ ׻ ȭ 鿡 ´.
  • TeXPower . . . . 2 matches
          * PDF enhancement toolμ ٸ PDF Slide class ( FoilTeX, ifmslide ) ȭ ̵ ȿ .
          * ٸ PDF enhancement tool PPower4 PPower4 ַ PDFLaTeX, DVIPDFm(DVIPDFMx) Բ TeXPower dvips/ps2pdf, DVIPDFm(DVIPDFMx), Ȥ PDFLaTeX .
          * PPower4 ̹ [PDF] ó(Post-Processing)ϴ , TeXPower ó ʿ ʴ LaTeX Package .
  • TeXShell . . . . 1 match
         Windows TeXShell Mac OS TeXShell ̸ ٸ α׷̴.
          * TeXShell for Windows
          * TeXShell for Mac OS
          [Mac TeXShell]
          * TeXShell/TeXTools
          See TeXTools
  • TeXShop . . . . 34 matches
          * [http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/texshop.html]
          * MacTeX
          * TeXShop/DVIPDFMx
          * TeXShop/PDFSync
          * TeXShop/LaTeXPanel
          * TeXShop/Spelling check TeX/LaTeX command νϰ ϴ Ʒ Ʈ :
          * TeXShop/Syntax coloring Ʒ Ʈ :
         === MacTeX 2008/2009/2010, ===
          * TeXShop -> Preferences ⺻ ϱ
          * Default Command => XeLaTeX ⺻. ϴ Ѵ.
          * Default Script => Pdftex
          * TeX+DVI latex/dvips/ps2pdf, Personal Script xdvipdfmx.
          * Sync Method => SyncTeX
          * pdftex, distiller ⺻ {{{
         pdftex : /usr/texbin
          * pdftex -> tex : ⺻ {{{
         pdftex --shell-escape --synctex=1
          * pdftex -> latex : ⺻ {{{
  • TeXShop/DVIPDFMx . . . . 6 matches
         TeXShop ⺻ PDFTeX ƴ DVIPDFMx ̿ϵ ϴ . (MacTeX-2007)
          * extratexopts [TeXShop/PDFSync] .
         TeXShop Preference Typesetting default script "Personal Script" ٲ۴. ׷ TeXShop ⺻ latex -> dvipdfmx ȴ. default script pdftex ϰ ʿ Typeset ޴ Personal Script ִ.
  • TeXShop/PDFSync . . . . 22 matches
         TeXShop PDF ȭ(sync) ϴ. pdftex/dvipdfmx ۵Ѵ.
         == SyncTeX PDF Synchronization ==
          1. TeXShop 2.18 (2008/08/30) TeXLive 2008 (MacTeX 2008) ʿ.
          1. ɼǿ {{{--synctex=1}}} ߰Ѵ.
         == TeXShop PDF ȭ ==
         TeXShop ȭ ̴. TeXLive2008 ߰Ǿ.
          1. {{{pdfsync.sty}}} Ÿ ̿ϰ PDFLaTeX ϴ
          1. (TeXLive2008 ߰ ) --synctex=1 ɼ ߰ϴ ̴. dvipdfmx ϴ 쿡 Personal Script ִ´. ׸ Sync method SyncTeX üũѴ.
          * TeX program: {{{simpdftex etex --dpx --extratexopts "--synctex=1"}}}
          * LaTeX program: {{{simpdftex latex --dpx --extratexopts "--synctex=1"}}}
          * pdftex ϴ 쵵 ش ޴ option {{{ --extratexopts "--synctex=1"}}} ߰Ѵ.
          * XeLaTeX ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines ִ XeLaTeX.engine , xelatex -shell "$1" xelatex -shell-escape --synctex=1 "$1" Ѵ.
          ڵ带 preamble Ͽ pdflatex/latex ϵǰ Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         % \usepackage{dhucs-cmap} % ko.TeX ⺻ Ʈ ʿ
         TeXLive 2008
  • TeXTools . . . . 1 match
         Mac OS X TeX ۾ ƿƼ . ڴ T. Kiffe.
          1. TeXShell
          1. BBEdit Extention for teTeX
  • TeXTrace . . . . 1 match
  • TeXWorks . . . . 17 matches
         XeTeX Jonathan Kew ϰ ִ TeX Front End α׷. QT Ƽ÷ ؿ̴. TeXLive 2009 Windows, Mac ⺻ ͷ ԵǾ ȴ. (TeXLive Linux ǿ )
          * [TeX Live] 2009 ԵǾ ǹǷ TeXLive ġϸ Բ ġ
          * http://www.leliseron.org/texworks/
          * Linux TeXLive TeXWorks ԵǾ .
         sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/texworks/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
         sudo apt-get install texworks
         === texworks pdf inverse reverse search ϱ ===
          * Edit -> Preferences -> Typesetting -> Paths for TeX and related programs tex ġ Ѵ.
          * LuaTeX LuaLaTeX ʱ ¿ ϵǾ Ƿ ̸ ϰ Ѵٸ ؾ Ѵ. LuaLaTeX ϴ . Windows α׷ Ȯ(.exe) ־ Ѵ.
          * attachment:setluatexintexworks.png
          * main.tex ch1.tex includeѴٰ , ch1.tex ùӸ ش. {{{
         %!TEX root = main.tex
          * ǥ Mac TeXShop ϰ νѴ.
          * TeXworks -> "A short manual for TeXworks" '''6.3 Roots for completion'''
          * '''C:\Documents and Settings\hoho\.texlive2009\texmf-config\texworks\completion\tw-latex.txt''' ڵ ϼ Ͽ ߰Ѵ.
  • TeXaide . . . . 3 matches
         TeXaide ̻ ̿ ϴ. MathType ϶ ϴµ, Ʊ׿.
          * cf. http://code.google.com/p/utmthesis/wiki/InstallTexaide
          EquationEditor Էµ PlainTeX, LaTeX, AMSLaTeX (ȯ)ִ Windows 98/2k/XP α׷.
         TeX ĸɿ ͼ ϰ ֽϴ. ;) --[Karnes]
          <!> ׸ ּóǾ ִ κ Ͽ TeXaide ٽ ȴ.
         == TeXaide Ű ==
         մ , PPT word ִ ؼ TeXaide ٿֱ⸦ ִٴ ̴. word (->) TeXȯ Ǵ .
  • TeXbyTopic . . . . 4 matches
         Victor Eijkhout, ''TeX by Topic''
         TeX Programming ϴ ̶ '''ݵ''' ΰ ؾ ʵ. ǵ 10 ξ Ѿ å̴.
         Eijkhout's book is not a loose collection of unconnected entries but a very systematic account of how TeX works as a programming language.
         == [TeX by Topic] in [TeX Live] ==
         # texdoc texbytopic
          title = "{\TeX} by Topic, {A} {\TeX}nician's Reference",
         === Free PDF Version of ''TeX by Topic'' ===
         TeX by Topic has long been out of print. Now that the publisher has reverted the rights to me, I have decided to make the book freely available in PDF form. Go ahead, download and enjoy it. What you are getting here is a conversion to LaTeX of the original book, which used a non-standard macro package. In other words, you get the text, but not the original formatting.
          Free version [TeX Live] ԵǾ.
  • TeXify . . . . 37 matches
         TeXify Ǵ "TeXifyϴ" ʾƾ ϴ .
         TeXify MiKTeX ̴ Դϴ. ǥ web2c texi2dvi(texinfo ƿƼ) texify α׷ ϴ. MiKTeX texi2dvi ϸ鼭 TeXify ̸ ٿµ texify Debian ƿƼ ִٴ . ƿƼ ٸ ۼ LaTeX ִ ϴ, MiKTeX TeXifyʹ ٸ ϴ Դϴ.
         TeXInfo ̳ MiKTeX ̳ ⺸, ڰ MiKTeX ȵȴٰ Ϸ ƴ ̻ "TeXifyϴ" ǥ Ἥ ȵȴٰ մϴ. Ű ǥ ʹ ִµ, ð´ ġڽϴ.
         [[Vote(TeXifyϴٴ ǥ 4,ᵵ 2)]]
         :-9 ''' Ѹ:''' 2001⿡ ۿ WinEdt 4.0 WinEdt 5.0 ϸ鼭 "WinEdt 4.0 TeXify ߰ µ WinEdt 5.0 TeXify ߰ ִ" Ͽ׿. MiKTeX 1.20 2.0 ׷̵ ϴ. ׷鼭 TeXify ƴҰ?
          𸣴 Դ ̰ Tool ϴ. Debian ƿƼ texify ̹ ־ ̶ մϴ. Debian ƿƼ texify ִ ٵ 𸣰 Դϴ.-[Yhchoe]
         LaTeX [TeXԷ]κ ؼ ģ ؾ Ѵ. Ϲ ʿ ãƺ, ׸ ٴ `.tex` óϷ ģ.
         #> latex foo % , ȣ, index ӽ Ϸ .
         #> latex foo %  ٲ ѹ latex ش.
         #> bibtex foo % .
         #> latex foo % ݱ ӽ ϵ ҷ鼭 dvi .
          óִ texi2dvi ƿƼ̴. texi2dvi MiKTeX( MiKTeX) TeXify Ư ̸ θ ִ. ٸ ýۿ texify ϸ texi2dviʹ ٸ α׷ Ű Ī̴. Debian ִ `texify` [TeXԷ] ϴ Ͱ ƹ ƿƼ̴. [fpTeX]̳ W32TeX web2c ٸ TeXImplementation 쿡 TeXify ƴ϶ texi2dvi ƿƼ ϰ ִ. ٸ ý۰ ȥ Ϸ TeXify ǥ Ϲ ʴ . ׷ MiKTeX TeXify TeXify Īϰڴ.
         texi2dvi ̸ ش. texi2dvi LaTeX Է(`.tex`) ƴ϶ TeXInfo Է(`.texi`) ó ֱ Ȯ  α׷ ҷ ϴ ̴.
         #> texi2dvi foo.tex
         PDFLaTeX Ϸ Ѵٸ `-p` ɼ .
         #> texi2dvi -p foo.tex
          Use @input (instead of \input); for preloaded Texinfo.
          Specify the language of input files: either latex or texinfo.
          Use pdftex (or pdflatex) for processing.
          * `--texinfo=cmd, -t=cmd`
  • TeXlipse . . . . 2 matches
         == TeXlipse ==
         [http://www.eclipse.org/ eclipse] α׷ӵ鿡 ް ִ հȯԴϴ. Ŭ LaTeX ϰ ִ ÷ ֽϴ. ̶ emacs ȯ濡 , eclipse տ е ϰ մϴ.
         * [http://texlipse.sourceforge.net/]
         Eclipse 3.4 TeXlipse ġغҽϴ.
         Project Property tex pdf ȯϰ ˴ϴ.
  • TeXmacs . . . . 3 matches
         [GNU] TeXmacs.
         http://www.gnu.org/graphics/gleeson_head.jpg (GNU logo) [http://www.texmacs.org]
          DeleteMe TeX õ α׷ ߿ Ư , Ϲ [TeX] ⿡ ־ϴ.
          1. TeX [μ] ֽϴ. LyX ޸, [μ] ϴ.
          1. LaTeX̳ HTML export ֽϴ. LaTeX HTML ҷ ֽϴ.
         TeXmacs CJK (beta ·) ̷.
         ~ WysiWyg̱. TeXmacsȨ FAQ Ҵ, LaTeX/TeX ص ʴ´ٰ Ǿֱ ? ۲ MetaFont Ѵٰ Ǿִ , Widget TeX۲ ֳϴ. GtkPlus ȯ ȹϰ ִ ϴ. --WkPark
          DeleteMe . ˱ε TeX backend ̿ ʴ ˰ ֽϴ. ׷ ` μ` . ''TeX ̿Ѵ'' ǥ 忡 TeX ̿ϴ ̱ ׸ ̰ LaTeX export Ƿ ġ LaTeX frontend ó ־ ̷ Ұ߽ϴ. ʿϴٸ ǥ ٲٰڽϴ. ۲ MetaFont մϴ. α׷̶ մϴ. :) --[Karnes]
  • TeXmaker . . . . 6 matches
         GPL ̼ Ƽ ÷ free LaTeX Editor.
          [kile], [WinEdt] LaTeX ۾ȯ Ѵ. ̽ , ڵ , ɺ Է â ϸ鼭 ȯ Ѵ.
          1. Quick Build: ( Ű F1) LaTeX, dvips ϰ ps ش. ٲٰ Ʒ ׸ " "
          1. LaTeX: ( Ű F2)
          1. PDFLaTeX: ( Ű F6)
          ܿ ps->pdf ( Ű F8), dvi->pdf ( Ű F9), log ( Ű F10), BibTeX ( Ű F11). MakeIndex ( Ű F12) ִ.
         Options -> Configure TeXmaker -> Editor .
         Quick Build latex -> dvipdfmx -> pdfview ϰ
          1. -- ġ MiKTeX ʴ. KC2006 ؼ Ϳ ƹ . KC2006 CD ġ dviout ̸ ֱ yap dviout ġ dvipdfm dvipdfmx ġ ʾƵ ȴ.--
          InverseSearch DZ Ǵµ, TeXmaker â ϳ ϴ. ̰ Ŵ󿡵 ֱ. -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2008-06-18T01:48:22)]]
          TeXmaker ̶ ˷ ִ κ ذǾ, project ("Master Document" ) Ѵ.
          * IBM Trackpoint () ̿ , ó νϿ TeXmaker â ũ ۵ ʴ´. C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\tp4table.dat ؽƮ ͷ ,
         == TeXmaker ȭ ==
         === KoTeXLive 2009 ===
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 25 matches
         KoTeXLive 2009 TeXmaker Ẹ. ߰ϰų Ѵ.
          1. XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX
          1. KoTeXLive 2009 ġ
          TeX ý {{{c:\usr\texlive}}} Ʒ ġߴٰ Ѵ.
          1. TeXmaker ġ
          TeXmaker installer ġϵ, Ʈ ġ ġϴ Ѵ.
         ޴ {{{Options -> Configure TeXmaker}}} Ͽ ϰų ȮѴ.
          1. LaTeX : {{{latex --synctex=1 --shell-escape --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex}}}
          1. Makeindex : {{{komkindex -s kotex %.idx}}}
          1. PDFLaTeX : {{{pdflatex --synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex}}}
          1. PDF Viewer : {{{kcpdfopen %.tex @ 0}}}
          1. ghostscript : {{{c:\usr\texlive\tlpkg\tlgs\bin\gswin32c.exe}}}
          * ϵ, XeLaTeX ⺻ Ϸ Ѵٸ, User Ͽ ִ´.
          {{{xelatex --synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %.tex }}}
         # "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "C:\Program Files\texmaker\texmaker.exe \"%%%f\" -line %%l"
          * attachment:inversetotexmaker.bat.txt
          * Inverse Search Ŭε, texmaker ִ ¿ texmaker ʰ ׳ ̸ ̵Ѵ. ̰ ȭ 쳪 Alt-Tab ̿ϸ ٰ .
         == XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX ==
          * Menu Item : XeLaTeX
          * Command : {{{xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode --synctex=1 %.tex}}}
  • TeXmaker/InverseSearch . . . . 4 matches
         "C:\Program Files\texmaker\texmaker.exe"^s"%s" -line %d
         TeXmaker : Options -> Configure TeXmaker -> Commands LaTeX (src special ɼ ߰).
         latex -interaction=nonstopmode -src %.tex
  • TeXmaker/KC2008 . . . . 27 matches
         TeXmaker 2008/11/04(v1.8) inverse/forward search ȴ.
         === TEXEDIT ===
         TEXEDIT ȯ溯 ٲ۴.
         "C:\Program Files\Texmaker\texmaker.exe" "%s" -line %d
         SumatraPDF TeXmaker (inverse search)
         "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\Texmaker\texmaker.exe\" \"%f\" -line %l"
         Options -> Configure Texmaker -> Commands -> dvi viewer {{{
         kcpdfopen %.tex @ 0
         1: [TeXSystem]
         latex pdflatex ɿ synctex ɼ ߰Ѵ.{{{
         latex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
         pdflatex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
         TIP: master texmaker , μ ùӸ master ̸ ָ, μ Ͽ forward search ȴ.
         % projectmain=masterfile.tex
         === latex xelatex ===
         latex xelatex ϸ dvipdfmx dvips -> ps2pdf Ʈ ȴ.
          ݸ pdflatex xelatex ϸ pdflatex Ʈ .
         ⼭ latex xelatex ϴ .
         Commands latex ģ. {{{
         xelatex -shell -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
  • TeXnicCenter . . . . 2 matches
         ѱ ִ Unicode TeXnicCenter 2.0 alpha 1 ׽ƮԴϴ. TeXnicCenter ְ ϴ. alpha ׽Ʈغ ҰԴϴ.
          * SumatraPDF ġǾ Forward/Inverse Search ڵ ݴϴ. (, --synctex=1 ɼ ߰ؾ ϳ׿.)
         WinEdt ŭ ̴ Windows OpenSource LaTeX ۾ȯ. پ DZ ܶ ִ Ǹ ۾ȯ̴.
  • TeXniscope . . . . 1 match
  • TeXtures . . . . 4 matches
         Ųÿ WysiWyg TeX ȯ. Classic ȯ濡 Ǹ ---OS X õ ʾҴ---.
          * . http://www.informatiq.com/Texture/bluesky.html (Ϻ)
         TeXtures Ʈ, α׷ TeXtures.Free ִ.
         from http://www.informatiq.com/Texture/bluesky.html
         TeXtures ͳݿ ˻Ϸ `texture` ϴ մϴ. vendor и `textures` ̸ ٿµ ٵ `texture` ϴ ? --[Karnes]
         ġȰ[Խ] `` TeXtures Ͻ Դϴ. --> KTUGOperate:1861
         TeX ȯ WysiWyg Ų α׷̴. ֱٿ ̿ α׷ , ý ݰ ʴ ̸ α׷ Ǿٴ ̾ ̴. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-05-16T14:09:17)]]
  • TeX۲ . . . . 20 matches
         See [LaTeX۲ü]
          TeX ⺻ ġ ʴ Type 1 PostScript ۲ ġ.
          1. [UHC۲](HLaTeX)
          1. [Wansung۲](HLaTeX, ''obsolete'')
         TeX ۲ð п ۲ÿ ٸ ۲ Ѵ. Ϲ TeXImplementation ϴ п ۲ [п۲] ϶.
         == updmap ̿ TeX Ʈ ==
         [MiKTeX-KTUG] 2.2 Ǵ [teTeX] 2.0 `dvips`, `dvipdfm`, `pdftex` Ʈ ϵ ϰ ϵ ϴ `updmap` Ǵ `mkfntmap` ƿƼ ߰Ǿ.
         [teTeX] 2.0 UHC PostScript ѱ ۲([UHC۲]) ϵ ϴ .
         `pdftex` 쿡 `pdftex.cfg`
          map pdftex.map
         ̶ ̹ ԵǾ ְ, updmap `pdftex.map` ִ ̴.
          (!) Debian Sid Sarge [teTeX] 2.0 öִ. Sid Ǵ Sarge ڰ cvs ̿Ͽ ġ `/etc/texmf/updmap.d/` 丮 ̸׸ `01uhcdown.cfg` ̸
          ֱ(2004 4) ׷̵ hlatex Ű ̷ Ѵ. Ű ġ 쿡 ƹ ͵ ǵ帮 ״ Ƶд.
         , bera Ʈ ġϿ , bera.map̶ `[localtexmf]/dvips` Ʒ 丮 ϰ ȴ.
          * 켱 [kpathsea] ã ֵ File Name Database Ѵ.(`mktexlsr` Ǵ MiKTeX `initexmf -u`)
          * [teTeX]
          * MiKTeX 2.4 `updmap.cfg` ϰ `updmap`̳ `initexmf --mkmaps` ϴ ۿ ϴ.
          * W32TeX
         === [teTeX] 1.x updmap ʴ ===
  • TeXȯ . . . . 17 matches
         LaTeX ۼ ٸ (, [μ]) ȯ/ϰų, ٸ LaTeX ȯϴ .
         == LaTeX ٸ ȯ ==
          * LaTeX2Html
          * TeX4ht
          * HEVEA : latex to html (http://pauillac.inria.fr/~maranget/hevea/index.html)
          * [pyLaTeX]
          * latex2rtf
          * tex2word (ShareWare) http://www.tex2word.com/
         == ٸ Ŀ LaTeX ȯ ==
          * word2tex (ShareWare) http://www.word2tex.com/
          * rtf2latex2e
          * html2latex (perl) http://html2latex.sf.net
          * htmltolatex (java)
          * XML2LaTeX
         == OpenOffice, StarSuite, StarOffice Ŀ LaTeX ȯ ==
          * Writer2LaTeX
          ''OpenOffice Word processor writer ڷḦ LaTeX ȯѴ.
  • TeX . . . . 11 matches
         TeX Ҽ Ѵ. ؿ (integer) ִ.
         == TeX ==
          * counter `\count` register ϵ Ʈ Ų. TeX 256(255) count register ִ. PlainTeX ǵ `\newcount` ʴ count register ڵҴϿ `\countdef` θ ũ̴. counter ؼ Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         ⼭ `\TmpInt` ޾Ƶ鿩 `\count2` Ͽ. ׷ , 10 ٽ 10 Ͽ (10) ڸ ̴. ׷ 1 ڸ 3 ´. ƾ HLaTeX ڵ縦 óϱ ä ̱⵵ ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         == LaTeX ==
         `\newcounter` ο ī Ѵ. PlainTeX `\newcount` LaTeX Ư δ. , Ϲ `\csname` شϴ `\` ī ν, Ŀ ϰ Ϸ Ͽ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \newcounter{ddd} % LaTeX . ī ddd
         \newcount\dddd % PlainTeX . ī \dddd
         \setcounter{ddd}{0} % LaTeX
         \dddd=0 % PlainTeX
         \stepcounter{ddd} % īͿ 1 Ѵ.(LaTeX)
         \advance\dddd by 1% īͿ 1 Ѵ.(PlainTeX)
         \addtocounter{ddd}{3}% īͿ 3 Ѵ.(LaTeX)
  • TeXġϱ . . . . 4 matches
         == TeX ġѴٴ ==
          TeX ġѴٴ  Ұ ġǾ Ͽϴ.
          * TeX α׷() : Ǵ ̺귯 tex, etex, pdftex, xetex...
          ֿ TeX ̷ Ҹ ϰ ġ/ϵ ݴϴ. [TeX Live] ÷ ϰ TeX ǥԴϴ.
          * Windows [TeX Live]̿ܿ [MiKTeX]̶ ֽϴ.
          * [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] [TeX Live] ѱ ȯ ÿ ְ ִ ġ α׷Դϴ.
  • TeXɼ . . . . 19 matches
         α׷ `tex` Ǵ ġũƮ `latex` ִ ɼ .
          ֱٿ `tex` ϴ `pdftex --output-format=dvi` ϴ.
         Usage: tex [OPTION]... [TEXNAME[.tex]] [COMMANDS]
          or: tex [OPTION]... \FIRST-LINE
          or: tex [OPTION]... &FMT ARGS
          ɼ([teTeX] 3.0)
         -enc enable encTeX extensions such as \mubyte
         -ini be initex, for dumping formats; this is implicitly
          true if the program name is `initex'
         [-no]-mktex=FMT disable/enable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm)
         -mltex enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef
          * [TeX ] ɼ ٸ ִ. `-file-line-error` ɼ MiKTeX `-c-style-errors` ɼ̷ Ǿ ִ.
          * `latex` ũƮ `tex -fmt=latex` Ǵ `tex -progname=latex` . MiKTeX `-progname`̶ ɼ `-alias` ɼ .
          ''MiKTeX ǥ ɼ ڴ ſ ϴٰ Ѵ. web2c ǥ ɼ ϰDZ Ǵ ٶ ?''
  • TeXå . . . . 2 matches
          "TeX å " ǰ ȣ Ƿ ۵Ǿ Ȱϰ Ǿϴ.
         TeX å ⿡ ΰ ȿ ̶ Ǹ Ͻ ̴ϴ. ׶ ǿ ַ Ǿ PS , PDF ¼ҿ μǴ,׸ ػ󵵴 Ǵ°, ۲ ǵ Ÿ° ̷ ̾ ˴ϴ. ׸ ع õǾµ. ߸ ϰ ִ κ ٷ ֽñ ٶϴ. ¼ҿ ġ ʴٰ մϴ. ƽ PDF Ʈ Ӻ ϸ DZ. ׸ ػ󵵴 ׸ ָ ϴ. TeX ü ̷ ִ ϴ.
          [Omega], [Lambda], ConTeXt ٸ ο ̰, Ե Դϴٸ, ׷ Ǯ ִٸ ġ ȯ ϴ ̶ մϴ.
         : ̸ "TeX ϱ" ġ TeX (: DVI, PDF, PS ) μҷ  ° Բ ٷ ڽϴ.
          ȳϽʴϱ, Ĵ? ó λ帳ϴ. LaTeX ̾߱θ ˾Ƶ ƴ κб 亯帳ϴ.
          Ѱ κ ȸ м ̿ ߰(: Ѽȸҽ, ѱбȸ ) TeX ʴµ ù° ȸ TeX ڰ ȸ Ŭ ̿ Ŭ 𸣱 õ ʴ ̰, ° μ 𸣱 Դϴ.
          н ǻ D Ǻθ ִµ ٸ μ "Ʒѱ" ٽ Quark Express Ἥ ʸ Ϸ ġ ־ϴ.  TeX 赵 ߴٰ մϴ. Ƹ J, C, D  ǹ ߰ϴ ȸ Դϴ.
         "TeX å ⿡ ΰ ȿ ̶ Ǹ Ͻ ̴ϴ." ׷ å TeX 𸣰 ֽϴ. Ÿ Դϴ.
          [DeleteMe] ''̶ ̶ ŵ ˴ϴ. ׳׵ 쿽 ٷ п ʸ 鿩 Դϴ. . 쿽 ô е Ƹ 쿽 ᵵ Դϴ. ϴ 迭 ְ α׷̱⿡ TeX ƹ Դϴ. , 츮 ⿡ TeX Ǿ ִ 쿽 ٲٴ ڿ ð ϴ. ׷, TeX ٷ ǼҰ ִټ ġ ̴ Դϴ. 쿽̳ , ѱ, Ŀ TeX ٲٴ ͵ Դϴ. ( ̶ ذϱ word2tex̴, rtf2tex̴ ϴ ͵ ֽϴٸ, 100% ȣȯ ȵ .) 帮 TeX ͼ ð ɸ ŭ, 쿽 ͼ ð ɸٴ Դϴ. ׸ 쿽 ͼ, ڰ θ ʴ ̻ TeX ʿ䵵, ʿ䵵 Դϴ. ġ TeX ͼ 쿽 ʿ䵵, ʿ䵵 ó --[Progress]
          [DeleteMe] 쿽 ٷ Ǽҿ (?) ҷ ׷ Դϴ.( ٰ ʽϴ) Ǽ Դϴ. TeX ϴ ǼҸ ϴ Ѵٰ ġ, 쿽ŭ ƴ ̻ θ Դϴ. ϴ (Ʒ ѱ , 带 , , 쿽 ) ϴ Ҵ ٷ (operator) ɷ¿ ޷, ޸ ƴմϴ. ̰ ۷ ɿ մϴ. 쿽̳ Ʒ ѱۿ ɼ и TeX ٵ ª ð ĥ ְ, ̾ƿ Ź ֽϴ. Ʒ ѱ̳ ׸ŭ dz η ó ֱ Դϴ. 쿽 ׷ Ʒ ѱ̳ ó 䰡 ġ .
          ȸ ο '' ϴ ν ȹ̰, װ ǿ Ի̶ TeX ġ Դϴ. ƴϸ 쿽 ǹ '' ڸ äϽô ͵ ϴ. 츮 ۷Ͷ θ 迡 Ȯ ӵ ϰ ֽϴ. ȣ԰ ϱ ǵ ó ɷ ϰ ֽϴ. Ư 쿽 ϴ  Ʒ Ǿ ־, å ѱ ɸ ð ׸ ɸ ʴ 鵵 ֽϴ. ׷ ϸ... ׳׵ ޱ Դϴ. ð ɸ( 3 ) ޱ Դϴ. ٸ ϴ ̱ Դϴ. ׷ δ ̴ Ʋ Ŀ ʽϴ. ''ϸ鼭 ϴ '' ϱ ٴ .
          (̿) ̷ ߴµ ǻ, ȸ, μҿ TeX θ ˸ ȭ ڴ Դϴ. --[Yhchoe]
  • TeXǸŷ . . . . 1 match
         Ӱ TeX(LaTeX) ... ̶... ׷ δ DZ⸦ ٶϴ. :)
         === LaTeX MS-Word . ===
         ==== LaTeX MS-Word ====
          1. LaTeX .
          1. LaTeX Ư ƴ θ ޾Ƶ鿩 Ǿ ִ.
          1. LaTeX ÷ ȴ.
          1. ս غ ִ LaTeX .
          1. LaTeX () ϵ ũ ũ ʴ´.
          1. LaTeX ϸ Ӹ θ ʿ䰡 .
          1. ο빮 ó BibTeX ϸ ̷. Word ָ ؾ ϴ , ׷ Ŵ. .
          1. LaTeX  ͸ ᵵ . Word ص ȴ. Word query-replace-regexp(Խ ã-ٲٱ) ? Ƹ .
          1. LaTeX ϴ α׷ ִ.
          1. LaTeX Ƿ ʴ´. "ϸ鼭 ȣ⸦ ."
          1. ƴ , LaTeX ũ ̷ .
         ==== To be fair : MS-Word LaTeX ====
          1. Word ó LaTeX ִ. ׷ ۼϴ Word ư ϴ ͵ ׸ŭ .
          1. Word ڰ LaTeX ں . ׷ Word ڰ ٰ ؼ Word å ȸ ƴϴ.
          1. Word ۾ "뼳" ʿ䰡 . LaTeX ͼϴٰ ϴµ LaTeX 뼳 ƴƴ ãƺƾ Ѵ. ׷ Word ʿ κ Ѵ.
          1. ۲ ߰ϰų ٲٴ LaTeX . ( κ , LaTeX ˰ ¿ ѱ ۲ ϳ  ߰ϴ ʺ Դϴ. T_T -- [Kunggom])
         === Jim Hefferson ''Why TeX''. ===
  • TeX۾ȯ . . . . 1 match
         == [TeX] ==
         [TeX] ִ ƴϴ.  Ͷ [plain text] Էϰ [TeX] ִ. ߿, , ϶̳ LaTeX , DVI ȿ ȣ ֵ ִ TeX/LaTeX ۾ ϰ ִ ͵ .
         See. [TeX]
         == TeX Frontend Utilities ==
         [TeXTeX ۾ Ǹϰ , () ׹ ɵ Բ Ƽ ۾ȯ(IDE) ϵ ְų, WysiWyg ϰ ǽð ȭ 鼭 ۾ϵ ִ ƿƼ鵵 ִ. Ʒ Ұϴ  Ϻ̴.
          * '''[TeXWorks]''' : TeXLive ⺻ ȯ̴.
          * '''[Emacs]''' : Emacs-AUCTeX ȯ Ϻ TeX ۾ȯ ϳ̴.
          * '''[TeXmaker]''' : FreeSoftware. [kile] [KDE]  ϰ, ü ִ.
          * '''TeXlipse''' : α׷ հȯ eclipse plug-in. Java. () ̾ eclipse ͼ α׷ӵ .
          * '''GNU TeXmacs''' : FreeSoftware. Unix/[Linux]/CygWin/Mac/Windows.
          * '''WinEdt''' : Shareware. Windows. WinEdt ü , TeX ۾ ɰ ư ߰ ־ ۾ȯ濡 ش. ڵ带 Ͽ ѱ ڵ Ѱ谡 ־, WinEdt5.5ʹ ڵ ߰ Ǿ.
          * '''EmEditor''' : ü ̴. Ӱ ڵ带 ִ. M's TeX Helper 2 (plug-in) Բ, WinEdt TeX ۾ȯ Ѵ.
          * '''WinTeX''' : MS Office Look and feel TeX ۾ȯ. free. ڵ .
          * '''MicroImp''' : TeX ̿ϴ μ. ƾڸ . Ϻ , .
          * '''TeXnicCenter'''
          * '''LaTeXMng'''
          * '''TeXShop''' : FreeSoftware. Mac. θ ̴ Mac TeX ۾ȯ.
          * '''ITeXMac''' : FreeSoftware. Mac OS X.
          * '''TeXtures''' : Commercial. Mac. ѱ۱ . Mac Classic.
  • TeX . . . . 9 matches
         TeX ϴ
         == "TeX "? ==
         TeX DZ(Formatter)̴. ڸ, ̱, ã, ٲٱ (Editor) ô´. TeX ޸(notepad) ϰ DOS â( â Console̶ ϴ ִ ) Ʈ(̴ Ŀ: ׷ ) ʿ ԷϿ (Format Ǵ Compile)ϵ Ǿ ִ. [TeX]1.5, h[TeX]n  ü Ⱑ ԵǾ ־. ̵ PCTeX Ⱑ PCTeX ü ѱ ʱ ʴ´.
          * Tobias Oetiker et al. 谭 [lshort-kr](LaTeX2e Թ) 9ʿ ִ.
         LaTeX ü [GUI] ư α׷̴. װ ׳ Է óϴ α׷ ̴.  LaTeX ý Է ִ Ŭ ư [GUI] Ʈ (front end) α׷ ġ ֱ⵵ Ѵ. ''׷, ¥ ڴ "Ŭ" ʴ´.''
          * Guido Gonzato ̾ƺ LaTeX4Wp 2ʿ Ʒ ִ.
         LaTeX ؽƮ (typesetting) شٰ ġ. ׷ٸ ϴ°? : Ǹ () ̿ϸ ȴ. LaTeX ϴ Ͷ . LaTeX (source) ͵鵵 ϸ, Ϻδ WysiWyg̰ų WysiWyg ͵ ִ. ÷ ؽƮ ִ Ͷ  ͵ ( Windows notepad ȴ), TeX (`TeXnicians`) Ʒ ġ Ѵ. Ʒ()
         == TeXWorks ==
          See TeXWorks
          ڵ TeX . ShareWare.
          * TeX ѱ [Unicode]/[UTF-8] ̿ ϰ ִ. WinEdt7.0ʹ unicode ذǾ.
          * WinEdt MiKTeX TeXLive ý۰ Բ ִ. unicode Ϻϰ ϴ WinEdt7.0ʹ KoTeXLive ƹ .
         WinEdt5.4 ν ڵ . ̳ TeX ۾ ˸° ƯȭϿ ִ. Free ̳ plug-in ִ ְ, Standard Professional Shareware.
         == ׹ Text ==
         TeX GUI Ⱑ ƴ Ϲ Ʈе text⸦ Ͽ TeX Է ִ.
          Ʒѱ, MS Word [μ] [TeXԷ] ִ. 켱 Էµ txt Ͽٰ Ȯڸ txt tex ġ ȴ.
         θ ̴ text ͵ ִ.
          * TextPad'''''': Shareware. Windows.
          * SubEthaEdit: ؽƮ . LaTeX mode . Shareware. Mac.
          * Latexian: TeX . Shareware. Mac. http://tacosw.com/latexian/
  • TeXѱ۱ . . . . 3 matches
         [ѱTeX] .
         TeX ѱ ϱ ؼ  ʿϴ.
          * ѱ ڵ带 ó ִ TeX Macro.
           Է ȯ TeX ٰ ƴϹǷ, ᱹ TeX Macro ۼ ۲ Ǿ.  Ʒ ũ .
         == PlainTeX ==
         PlainTeX EUC-KR ѱ '''ǥ'''ϱ htex ִ.
         PlainTeX UTF-8 ѱ ǥϱ 赵 ucsplain.tex ִ.
         See PlainTeX.
         == LaTeX ==
         TeX ѱ ַ LaTeX 2.09, LaTeX2e ߽ ̷ Դ. ѱ ڵ ϼ ѱ ߽ ̾.
          1. [hLaTeXp]
          1. HLaTeX
          1. CJKLaTeX
          1. [Hangul-ucs], [LaTeX-ucs]
          1. CJKLaTeX
         KTUG â KSX1001(EUC-KR) ϼ Ѱ踦 Ѿ پ õ ̷. [CJKLaTeX] [UTF-8] ڵ ϹǷ ѱ ó ϴٴ ˷, [HLaTeX]/[Lambda] ̿ϴ ؼ [KTUG] [Խ] ̰ ִ. ַ ȯ, , , ڿ, 赵, ̾ƺ, ȣ ߴ ⿩ ϰų п Ͽ.
          1. HLaTeX 1.0.1 [LaTeX]̵ [Lambda] CP949 ѱ ʴ´.
          1. [HLaTeX]/[Lambda]
         == ConTeXt ==
         [ConTeXt] ѱ ַ ChoF(ȯ) [DVIPDFMx] ۾ Ͽ ̷ ̴.
  • TexPoint . . . . 4 matches
         ĿƮ Latex ɺ ĵ ְ ִ Plug-in. Latex ġǾ ־Ѵ. ҽ , latex ׸ ȯǾ ppt ־ִ ̴.
         == TIP: TexPoint Display mode Է ==
         Q. TeXPoint Inline mode ۵ϴµ Display mode Էϰ make bitmap ŵ. ޽...
         "Tex2Bmp: Shell command failed for <ghostscript> (or dvips) execution"
         == TIP: TexPoint ==
         Q. Powerpoint TexPoint ϰ Ǿµ. ϱ ѵ ۾ ȵǴ±. 켱 ȸ ־ ϱ ߽ϴٸ ŭ ʾƼ.
  • TextMate . . . . 3 matches
         TeX ̳ LaTeX ø 鵵 غǾ ø Ȯ Ƿ ϰ ִ.
         2012 8 TextMate 2 ¼ҽ Ǿ. ( GPL3 )
          * http://blog.macromates.com/2012/textmate-2-at-github/
          κα׿ ö TextMate 2 LaTeX ͷ ϴ ũ.
  • TextPad . . . . 1 match
  • ThanksNote . . . . 1 match
         ݸ Ҽ̳ ó \address \affiliation ǵǾ ִ \thanks ַ ۼ ù ϴܿ Ͽ Ѵ. ̷ 밳 ׸ \author ڷ  . Ư amsart, revtex4 ׷ϴ. [AMSLaTeX/MakeTitle] .
  • TheTeXBook . . . . 7 matches
          title = "The {\TeX}book",
         TeX â տ TeX ''''å.
         Duane Bibby ׸ (TeX lion) ϻ(MetaFont lioness) ''FixMe''ó å̴.
          (!) ϷƮ̼ source CTAN''''''://''''''CTAN:systems/knuth/tex/texbook.tex'''''' ãƺ ִ.
          [DeleteMe] texmf/doc/knuth ִ texbook.tex ʴ ۱ Ϻη ׸ س ΰ? --[hoze]
         TeX Book ʵη Ͽ DonaldKnuth ڻ Computers & Typesetting, Volumes A-E Boxed Set ֽϴ.
         Volume A: The TeX book(1986)
         Volume B: TeX: The Program(1986)
  • ThreePartTable . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
  • TnXTeX . . . . 10 matches
         '''TnXTeX Windows TeX ȯԴϴ. ̿ ȯ Ͻ÷ [wiki:Windowsġϱ] Ͻʽÿ.'''
          * TnXTeX
          * TnXTeX 1.2 [[Date(2012-02-17T07:23:31)]]
         === TnXTeX 1.3 Preview ===
          * [http://bbs.ktug.or.kr/TnXTeX/tnxtex-1.3-preview10.exe tnxtex-1.3-preview.exe] (ca. 134M)
          * [http://bbs.ktug.or.kr/TnXTeX/TnXTeX-installer10.msi TnXTeX-installer.msi]
          * TeX Live MiKTeX ý ̹ ġϿ ϰ ִٸ ʴ ǰմϴ.
          * TeX Live ġǾ ִ TnXTeX ȿϰ ϰ ˴ϴ.
          * ּ ȭ "Run TnXTeX" ־ մϴ.
          * [[Date(2012-02-17T09:59:39)]] tnxtex
          * [http://bbs.ktug.or.kr/TnXTeX/tnxtex- tnxtex- (110M+)]
          * [[Date(2012-02-17T07:23:31)]] tnxtex
         ==== tnxtexdoc Ȱ ====
          * [Commands] -> [Run TnXTeXdoc]
          * attachment:tnxtexdocrun.png
          * Ͽ ġ ص TnXTeX12.exe Ͻʽÿ.
          * TnXTeX ýۿ ٸ ʴ ǵ Ʈ Ǵ imtnx ؼ ؾ մϴ. (Ž â tex Ŭϴ δ ȵ˴ϴ.)
          * ʿϴٸ tnxtex ȯ imtnxκ մϴ. (Open Command Line)
          1. TnXTeX {{{TinyXeTeX}}} Դϴ.
          1. ver0.4.0 TnXTeX̶ ̸ ٿ θϴ.
  • TnXTeX/Obsolete . . . . 11 matches
         д ũΰ? ̹ ̽ ̸ε Ȥ TinXTeX(ũ)̳ TiXTeX(ƽ) ̸ ? ( ̸̸ д ˷ ϴ ŷο..., ũ λ ޾Ҿ. ThanksTeX λ ֳ׿.), dz ̸ ؼ ˼. - [gromov]
          * tinyKCmenu öڰ˻ þ ϵ ֽϴ. Ƹ memory leak ִ ͸ ϸ 10 Ͽ 帱 ֽϴ. ƹ texworks Ȱ. Ư ȭ ݸ ϴ , wideȭ ƴ ڿԴ ʽϴ.^^; --[likesam]
          * attachment:tinyKCmenu-2009-10-12_1.zip ϼ. Ҿ Ҷ ˻⸦ ʱȭ ϴ, ޴ ʱȭ ϵ Ͽ, TnXTeXLive\TeXWorks\lib\dictionaries ϵ Ͽϴ. ȭϵ丮Ʒ hunspell ã , texworks ãϴ. (tinyKCmenu-2009-10-12.zip ȭ ּ.)
          * TnXTeX 0.5.0 ׽Ű
          * if .%CHOICE%.==.w. goto AutoLoadTeXworks , if .%CHOICE%.==.W. goto AutoLoadTeXworks Ұ
          * ȭ ִ ¿ tinyKCmenu foo.tex θ foo.tex .
          * setenvironment ״ ϰڽϴ. tinyKCmenu likesam óֽ մϴ. ٸ Open with , Ʈ Ǵ ̱ ý Ʈ ǵ帮 ϴ. Ǵ ǻͿ ƹ ʴ ſ ߿ ϳ̱ Դϴ. ׷ associate ̿ 浵 ʱ Ͽϴ. ׷ TnXTeX .tex ⺻ Ⱑ ý ü ؼ ٲ TnXTeX KC2008 ÿ ϴ ִٰ Դϴ. TnXTeX ϳ cmd ؾ Ѵٴ Դϴ. Ģ ʴ ø ϰڽϴ. tinyKCmenu ϰ ű⼭ /ҷ⸦ ϴ ʳ ϴ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
         TnXTeX 0.4.9 ϵ˴ϴ.(! :) )
          * attachment:lunyu-xe.tex
          * attachment:amsthm-xe.tex
         myTinyXeTeX ۼ (thanks to [Progress])
          * attachment:testimathsample.tex
         === (myTinyXeTeX) ===
          * δ ˼մϴٸ ڽϴ. [likesam]Բ 帳ϴ. TeX ο Ⱑ ̶ մϴ. - [gromov]
          * Ű(Ctrl-S)߰, ۲ü(iniȭ), ܼsource±, ǵ (Ctrl-Z) ߰, qtȭ Ͽϴ. ʿ . ;) [attachment:Karnes/myTinyXeTeX/tinyKCmenu.zip tinyKCmenu] -- [likesam] 2009-03-14
          * [attachment:Karnes/myTinyXeTeX/tinyKCmenu.exe tinyKCmenu] ã(Ctrl-F), ã(F3), ٲٱ(Ctrl-R) ߰Ǿ ֽϴ. Ȯε ʾҽϴ. :p --[likesam] 2009-03-18
          * tinyKCmenu ȭ Ͽ ִ ߰Ǿϴ. tinyKCmenu "ȭ̸" -L -C Դϴ. set TEXEDIT=\tinykcmenu "%S" -L%d -C0 · ֽϴ.
          [attachment:tinyKCmenu-2009-04-17.exe tinyKCmenu.exe] ٽ øϴ. Ͻ Access violataion error ƽϴٸ, ۲ù Ͽ, sumatraPDF ̹ ġǾ ִ ǻͿ pdf viewer Ͽ ξ, registry ǵǾ ִ ġ sumatrapdf ϴ Ư ֽϴ. (׷ ġǾ ִ sumatrapdf ȭ̸ ٲдٵ Ͽ ϳ׿.) ׷, KC2008 ġǾ ʴ ǻͿ ϰ Ѵٴ 뵵 մϴ. :) Ͽ , sumatraPDF Inverse search, texeditȯ溯 ̿ ࿡ ǵư, .tex ȭϿ ⺻ editorϱ ߵǴ մϴ. [attachment:siv.txt batch]ȭϵ ÷մϴ. :o
          * 2009-07-25 attachment:tinyKCmenu-2009-07.zip ÷Ƚϴ. (?) Icon ޸ toolbar ߰ϰ, hunspell ̿ öڰ˻ ߰Ͽϴ. Ȥ ̿Ͽ ÷ myTinyXeTeXLive\2008\bin\ Ʒ ȭϵ Ǯ ־ֽø ˴ϴ. ׻ ׷ϵ bug report ޽ϴٸ, 𸨴ϴ. ׷, texworks ӿ Ѿ, ̻ update ֽϴ. ^^; Ƹ KCmenu update Ѵٸ ̹ Ե Դϴ. (ƽô и ƽô KCmenu editor Ǿ ְ. ^^; )
          ȭϳ ־ϴ. myTinyXeTeXLive\TeXWorks\libhunspell.dll myTinyXeTeXLive\2008\bin\ Ͽ ø ˴ϴ. :)
  • TnXTeX1.0 . . . . 6 matches
          * TnXTeX 1.1 Ͽϴ.
          * TnXTeX 1.0.x (1.0.27) fixϰ غմϴ.
          * TnXTeX 1.1 TeX Live 2010 ϴ Դϴ.
          * TnXTeX 1.0.9 KTS ȸ USB . (2010/01/30)
          * Ʈ localtexmf/fonts/truetype(opentype) Ʒ ֽϴ.
          * run.exe ִ Ʒ localtexmf ξϴ.
         ==== TnXTeX (KTS ȸ) ٸ ====
          KTS ȸ USB pstricks pstricks ϳ Ű ϱ ʿ ϴ ũⰡ TnXTeX ü ũ ǿ ̸ ʱ Ͽϴ.
          1. TnXTeX {{{TinyXeTeX}}} Դϴ.
          1. ver0.4.0 TnXTeX̶ ̸ ٿ θϴ.
          1. ġ, () ũ, USB portable TeX System.
          1. xelatex ̿ϰ Ǿ ֽϴ.
         Q. ֱ KTS/KTUG ȭ ǰ ִ ѱ ׽Ʈغ ϳ ̰ ٿε ִ TnXTeX ۲ ʾƼ غⰡ ƽϴ. ?
         A. Ͻø ֱ ߵ XeTeX-ko ѱ غ ֽϴ.
          1. TnXTeX runϰ(Ǵ TnXTeX ̸ imtnx ޴ font cache Ͻʽÿ) texworks tinykcmenu Ͽ ۼغϴ. ѱ xetexko Ͻʽÿ. {{{
  • TocLofLot . . . . 1 match
  • Totally Useless Macro . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
  • TrueTeX . . . . 1 match
         Windows TeXImplementations . ScientificWorkPlace TeX compile engine δ.
         Ȩ: [http://www.truetex.com]
  • Type1۲üġϱ . . . . 1 match
          ۿ TeX ġ ʴ Type 1 ۲ ( Adobe Minion, Adobe Caslon ) ġϴ ϰ Ѵ.
          * TFM VF ϱ ؼ fi2ti1exe ϸ ϴ. CTAN:support/miktex-contrib/fi2t1 ִ.
  • UTF8ѱ . . . . 10 matches
         == [ko.TeX] ==
          `kotex` Ű ϰ ѱ ȴ. UTF8 ڵ ؾ Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         ڼ [ko.TeX] Ѵ.
          [ko.TeX] [HLaTeX] [Hangul-ucs] Ͽ ź, "ѱ (ѱ) ý"Դϴ. "ѱ (HLaTeX)" 1990 ؿ ѱ 뿡 ǻ ǥ̾, [Hangul-ucs] ѱ Ʒ ڵ ѱ ũο Դϴ. -- [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ѱ ko.TeX v0.1.0 ] Ϸα
          * Source (hello.tex)
          {{{#!vim tex
         #> latex hello
         == [CJKLaTeX] ==
         See [CJKLaTeX/UTF8]
         == [HLaTeX] ==
         HLaTeX κ ̷ ִ. ϳ HLaTeX [EUC-KR] óϴ κ̰ ٸ ϳ [UTF-8] ѱ ϴ κ̴. ڴ latex ڴ lambda Ѵ.
          * ۼ (hello.tex)
          {{{#!vim tex
         [LaTeX-ucs] ̿ϴ ڵ ƮŸ ̿ Ű.
  • UbuntuTeXϱ . . . . 29 matches
         Ubuntu TeXϱ
         == Ubuntu 12.10 TeX Live ko.TeX ==
          1. Ubuntu Ű Tex Live ġϰ ko.TeX ȯ ϴ
          2. Ubuntu Ű disableѳ texlive ü ġϴ
         == Ubuntu texlive + manual ko.teX installation ==
         Ubuntu 12.10 texlive texlive 2012 Ǿ ִ. precise TL 2009.
         ko.TeX Ű Ubuntu ֱ ϳ 2007⵵ Ű.
          * texlive ġѴ.
         # apt-get install texlive
          * [wiki:ko.TeX/Download] ko.TeX ޴´. ٷ ġϰ util-bin ϵ ޴´.
          * [http://forcecore.tistory.com/1176 ũ] [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ko.tex. v0.1.0 뼳] 20ʿ ִ ǥ Ͽ, ϰ ũƮ , Ʈ ϵ ´ Ѵ.
         # mktexlsr
         # updmap-sys --enable Map=kotex-base.map
         # updmap-sys --enable Map=kotex-extra.map
         # updmap-sys --enable Map=kotex-midkor.map
         == texlive dummy Ű ̿Ͽ disable ġ ==
          * texlive installer ٿε
          * http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          * /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/... Ʒ ִ ͸ /usr/texbin ɺ ũ ɾش. {{{
         # sudo ln -s /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-linux/ /usr/texbin/
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Dapper . . . . 98 matches
         == TeX ý ġ ==
         н 迭 ý TeX [teTeX] 2006 5 ̻
          ʴ´. Ǵ [TeXLive]̴. ö󰨿
          texlive Ű ϱ Dapper tetex Ű ǰ
         texlive ʴ´. texlive ġϷ ٿ޾ ġ
         === tetex ġ ===
         tetex ġ ִ.
         $ sudo apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-doc libkpathsea-dev
         === texlive ġ ===
         Dapper texlive ġϷ ٿε ޾ ġ ־Ѵ. ⿡ TeXLive 2007 ġ Ͽ. [http://synapse.tistory.com/entry/TeXLive-2007%EB%A1%9C-%EA%B0%88%EC%95%84%ED%83%80%EB%8B%A4 synapse α] .
         1. TeXLive 2007 CD/DVD ϰų ISO ̹ ٿεؼ ƮѴ. ٿε [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr] ִ. Ѵ.
         $ wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/Images/texlive-live.iso.zip
         $ unzip texlive-live.iso.zip
         $ sudo mkdir /media/texlive
         $ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop,noauto ./texlive-live.iso /media/texlive
         $ cd /media/texlive
         ġ ƹ ٲ ʾ `/usr/local/texlive/2007` ġǴµ ɺ ũ ɾش.
         $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux /usr/texbin
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Precise . . . . 27 matches
         Ubuntu TeXϱ
         Ubuntu TeXϴ , Ư ѱ ۼϴ 츦 ߽ ϰ ִ.
         == TeX ý ġ ==
          TeX ý Ű ǰ Ƿ ϰ ġ ִ.
         н 迭 ý TeX [teTeX] 2006 5 ̻
          ʴ´. Ǵ [TeXLive]̴.
         texlive Ű ġ:
         $ sudo apt-get install texlive
         ʺ 쿡 [TeXLive] ü ġϴ . [TeXLive] ü ѹ ġϴ ɾ .
         $ sudo apt-get install texlive-full
          TeX/LaTeX Ͽ ۼ ִ.  ƾڸ ϴ
         : [ġϱ], [TeXImplementations]
         ϰ ѱ TeX ۾ȯ ϱ Ʈ [KTUGCollectionProject]
         [TeXLive] 2007 ϴ KC2007 ѱȯ [KC2007/TeXLive]
          ѱ ۼ TeX ȯ ϱ Ͽ ġ/ؾ Ͽ.
         TeX ѱ/ѱ ϴ ִ. ̸ Űδ
         latex-hangul-ucs ([Hangul-ucs]), hlatex([HLaTeX]), cjk-latex([CJKLaTeX]) ̿ܿ
         Ű Ѵ. ( 10.10 latex-hangul-ucs Ű ko.TeX Ű յǾ.)
         ѱ ۼ Ͽ Ǵ [ko.TeX]̴.
         2007⿡ [Hangul-ucs] [HLaTeX] Ͽ ۼ Ű̴. 10.10 ⺻ ҿ Ǿִ.
  • UltraEdit . . . . 2 matches
         == LaTex/KC2007 ==
          * attachment:UltraEdit/latex.txt C:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt ڿ ٿ ֱ
         UltraEdit-32 and LaTeX: http://thorchristian.net/latex/
  • UploadFile . . . . 1 match
         {{{'png|jpg|jpeg|gif|mp3|zip|tgz|gz|txt|css|exe|hwp|sxc|sxw|sxi|sxd|svg|xcf|pdf|ps|mak|mk|html|htm|xml|tex'}}} ø ֽϴ.
  • UsefulDocuments . . . . 10 matches
         === [gromov], TeX 뿡 ===
          * attachment:tex_ywk_xe.pdf
          * attachment:tex_ywk_xe.tex
          [gromov] Ͻʽÿ. ⿡ ø amsart Ŭ kotex ϰ XeLaTeX ϰ Դϴ. ۲÷δ ϴ.
         === [Yhchoe], AMSLaTeX ۼ ===
          LaTeX ͼ (verbatim ȯ浵 ) 뵿 ҽ ٸ 帮⿡ ׷ ҽ ÷ ڽϴ. `amsthm.zip` ӿ ִ `ksmeproc.cls` ݵ `ѱбȸ` ֽϴ. --[Yhchoe]
          * SRC : attachment:amsthm-utf.tex (KTUGBoard:4984)
          amsthm.tex [Karnes] dhucs ϵ ֵ Դϴ. amsproc Ŭ ϴ. --[Yhchoe]
         XeLaTeX (amsproc + xetex-ko)
          * SRC : attachment:amsthm-xe.tex
          Ʈ : , , TeX Gyre Termes, Myriad Pro,
         The TeXbook Ϻθ ű н ̼(fine tuning) Ͽ ٷ ִ Դϴ.
         === [hoze], LaTeX Stance ===
          * attachment:SampleDocument/LaTeXStance2006.pdf
          * attachment:SampleDocument/LaTeXStance2006.tex
          * attachment:SampleDocument/LaTeXStance200912.pdf
          * attachment:SampleDocument/LaTeXStance200912.tex
  • VTeX . . . . 1 match
         micropress TeX ý. ''V''isual TeX ڶ Ѵ.
          * HTML ȯ `TeXpider` `EqMagic` ϰ ִ. (EqMagicLite .)
          . VTeX Lite US$249. VTeX Pro $499(ī $399).
          TeX ý α׷ Linux Ǿ ִ.
          * VTeX/Lnx Ѵ.
          * VTeX/Lnx DVI PDF ٷ ´.
          * CTAN''''''://''''''CTAN:systems/vtex/
         animated gif pdf ϴ TeX ߿ VTeX VTeX/Free ϴ ̶ Ѵ.
  • VerbatimBoxes . . . . 4 matches
         || Verbatim || LaTeX verbatim ||
         ɿ verbatim text ϴ
         verbatim text
         verbatim text
         verbatim text
  • VersePackage . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         \flagverse{\textsc{chorus}} Oh my darling, Oh my darling, \\
         {{{#!vim tex
  • VimEditor . . . . 16 matches
         === LaTeXSuite ===
         see. LaTeXSuite
          1. tex_autoclose.vim
          1. tex_autoclose
          autoclose (ȣ ڵ ݾݴϴ) Բ ֽϴ. ٸ tex_autoclose, autoclose ڵ带 ؼ ٿ ÷̸ kdvi inversesearch 쿡 ߻մϴ. ٸ dvi viewer غ ʾ Ȯ ϴٸ Ƹ ߻ ϴ ϴ. 𸣰ڽϴ.. . http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Tex_Autoclose_working_with_Autoclose
          1. latex-mik.vim
          Miktex ÷. ȯ̳ ɾ ѷִ , Ʈɵ . http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=849
         set textwidth=72
         """ texϿ ̰ Ϲ.
         source $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/plaintex.vim
         compiler tex
         """ :make xelatex ǵ
         set makeprg=xelatex\ -synctex=1\ -interaction=nonstopmode\ %<.tex
         """ forward search from tex to pdf
  • VimEditor/KC2006 . . . . 5 matches
         ȯ溯 TEXEDIT Ѵ.
         === ForwardSearch (latex-suite) ===
         latex-suite ġϿ DviOut Forward Search ֵ vim ϵ. Ǯ vim latex-suite ġ (%HOME%) . (%HOME%\vimfiles\ftplugin\latex-suite\)
  • VimEditor/KC2008 . . . . 6 matches
          , Ǵ ٸ .tex VimEditor Ѵ.
         # associate .tex "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim72\gvim.exe"
         ȯ溯 TEXEDIT {{{
         # call fsrch "ProjectMain.pdf" "CurrentFile.tex" Currentline
         # kcpdfopen "CurrentFile.tex" Currentline 0
          * http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=849 ִ latex-mik.vim Ͽ yap sumatrapdf, dvips dvipdfmx . (plugin .)
          * attachment:latex-kc08.vim.zip
  • VimLaTeX . . . . 2 matches
         See also [TeX]
  • VisualTeXEditor . . . . 1 match
          TeX . ũ ߰ ְ, [UTF-8] óѴ.
  • W32TeX . . . . 15 matches
         Akira Kakuto ϴ [TeX]. Ϻ [pTeX], [pLaTeX], [jTeX], XeTeX ϰ ִ.
         See also TeXImplementations
         from [TeXImplementations] (by ChoF)
         Akira Kakuto Ͽ. Ϻ ǰ ִ [TeX Implementation]̴. [GUI] ġ α׷ ġ ſ ϴ. (, Ʈ ) [fpTeX] Բ Web2C ̽ μ, Ư Ϻ õ α׷ ϰ ſ Ʈ ̴.
          ƴ W32TeX Դϴ.
          1. Ϻ TeXδ ǻ ǥ `pLaTeX` ϰ ִ.
          Ϻ ̰ ̿ TeX ý ʴ´ٰ մϴ.... TeX ȳ "Ϻ TeX ޸ `platex` ƴ϶ `latex` ؾ Ѵ." ̷ ϴ.
          teTeX web2c 7.4.5 W32TeX 7.5.2 ̽Դϴ. web2c CTAN ö ̱⵵ . ƴ϶ 𸣰ڽϴ...
          MiKTeX 2.3 Omega/Lambda BOM Ͱ ޸ W32TeX UTF-8 óݴϴ.
          1. ׹ۿ... encTeX ġ, dvipdfmx ֽŹ( W32TeX Ե dvipdfmx 20031110Դϴ. ĥ . ^^), sh.exe (CygWin ̵ shell script  ֽϴ.)...
          ϳϳ ٿε޾Ƽ Ǯ մϴ. ׸ texmf tree ͵ ...
          DviOut ȴٰ .... CygWin/X Xdvi ų, [Yap] ų մϴ. ̰ [MiKTeX] ġصξ ̰ ׷ .
         == W32TeX updmap ==
         ׷, W32TeX updmap [teTeX] ٸǷ ؾ Ѵ.
          {{{$texmf/fonts/map/dvipdfm}}} Ʒ д. Font ϵ {{{$texmf/fonts/map}}} Ʒ ִ.
          1. Ϸ platex ̸ ޶ dvipdfmx ݵ platex ִ ؾ߸ ߽ϴ.
          1. Ͻ texmf tree ʿ䰡 ϴ. mktexlsr Ȥ texmf tree ϰ ?
  • W32TeX/ko . . . . 1 match
         W32TeX 籸 KTUG Collection TeX System. See KTUGCollection2006.
          1. texmf 籸
         W32TeX/ko 籸 Akira Kakuto ¶ ̷ϴ.
  • Wansung۲ . . . . 1 match
         HLaTeX 0.98 ̴ ϼ ѱ PostScript/MetaFont ۲.
          * HLaTeX-0.99 ķδ ʴ´. [UHC۲] ġǾ.
         http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/hlatex/0.98/ ̰ ϼ ۲õ ִ.
  • WebEquationEditor . . . . 2 matches
          * http://www.numberempire.com/texequationeditor/equationeditor.php
          * Texify http://www.texify.com/links.php
  • WhatsUpToDate . . . . 38 matches
          ڰ ƴ϶ TeX/LaTeX ͼϰ ؿ е ο ȯ濡 ޴ ϱ Ͽ ۼ ̴. [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] 2010 Ѵ.
          * [gromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete] Բ ϶.
          *  ǥ pdflatex̸,
          * ѱ xelatex Ѵ.
          * ѱ xelatex ϴ Ѵ.
          * xelatex ϴ ϴ 쿡 latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf Ʈ Ȱϵ ϵ, pdf ׸  ̿ ִٸ ׷ Ͽ xelatex ϴ .
          * pdflatex ϴ , pstricks ڵ ϸ óȴ. pstricks ڵ ǻ Ƿ (texdoc auto-pst-pdf) ϶. {{{
         pdflatex ,
          * pdflatex eps ׸ óѴ. (texlive 2011)
          1. eps TeX ´ ̶ 10 ̴̾߱.
          1. ǥ Ǵ õϴ Ʈ pdflatex̳ xelatex dvi ü ʴ´.
          1. TeXWorks ѱ ̴. ؾ ,
          * {{{\usepackage{hangul} }}}̳ {{{\usepackage{hfont} }}} ִٸ {{{\usepackage{kotex} }}} ٲ۴.
          * {{{\gtfamily}}} Ǵ {{{\hfontfamily}}} HLaTeX ȭϵ ҽ Ѵ.
         % !TEX encoding = euc-kr
          * ---ֱ TeXWorks euc-kr ڵ Ѵ.---
          1. ϰ TeXWorks ҷ´.
          * Ŭ [ko.TeX] ƴ϶ hfont/hangul ̶ ¿ ϴ.
          * [ko.TeX] ѱȭ Ÿ ̰͵ ¿ ϴ.
          * ڵ UTF-8 [ko.TeX] ϱ ̹Ƿ,
  • WikiSandBox . . . . 5 matches
         === TeX ===
          TeX Ĺۿ ʰ, ϳ TeXϷ ֵǾ ϵǾ ij ˴ϴ. ʹ :( ο ؾ ...
          ĵ ǰ ҽϴ. HLaTeX ǰԲ ƾ߰ڱ. --WkPark
         $$ x^2 -3x+textrm{} $$
  • WikiToPdf . . . . 7 matches
         ־ docbook xml̳ (ϴٸ) tex ҽ ߰ ִ?
          docbook ֽϴ. ({{{?action=format&mimetype=text/xml}}})
          ̰ ׽ƮغҴµ KTUG Խ ũ {{{KTUGSetup:2321}}} ڵ κ URL ּҿ {{{&}}} ó ϴ. ϴ xml ȯ Ǹ tex ٲٴ ŸϽƮ ̿ϵ jadetex ̿ϵ Ұ մϴٸ... (ڵȭָ ϰ. ^^ )
          ˴ϴ. [ŬͽŸ] xml -> stylesheet -> tex ȯϿ ó Դϴ. ǵ ҽ ߱ ٰ ƽϴٸ, ϴ tex ȯǸ ̾ ֹ ̴ϱ... attachment:Ű۾:cs.pdf
          texҽ ̴ ɵ ״ ʰڽϴٸ ʾҽϴ. ٸ, Ű δ ״ ʽϴ. Ű Ű Ľϴ κ( 500) refactoring Ϸ ȹ̸, ׷ Ǹ ٸ ٲٴ ÷ ̶ ϰ ֽϴ ^^;; --WkPark
  • WinDvi . . . . 1 match
         [fpTeX](fpTEX is defunct by 2005-05-10) [TeXLive] ԵǾ ִ [XDvi] Windows ̴.
         See http://my.dreamwiz.com/konghoon/latex_tip/node13.html
  • WinEdt . . . . 1 match
         WinEdt TeX Ưȭ Foldoc:ShareWare TeX ̴. پ " (GUI: Graphical User Interface)"Ӹ ƴ϶, TeX Է(), , () ֵ پ Ǿ ִ ۾ ȯ Ѵ.
         == [TeX] WinEdt ==
          * KoTeXLive 2010 + WinEdt 6.0
          * ⺻: WinEdt . Options/Configurations -> 'TeXLive'
          * KoTeXLive 2009 (Ȥ KC2008)
          * MiKTeX
          * MiKTeX ver.2.5-2.7 WinEdt Ĺ WinEdt 5.5 [Build: 20071003] ϰ Ư ʿ.
          * [http://www.winedt.com/HTML/tex.html -ù]
          * KTUGContrib:387'''''': MiKTeX WinEdt
          * KTUGContrib:1013'''''': "MiKTeX Ǿ ˾ ".
          * KTUGContrib:1016'''''': "WinEdt MiKTeX ".
          * KTUGContrib:478'''''': "Yap â([DVI]) WinEdt â(TeX) Դٰ ϸ鼭 ϱ".
  • WinEdt/KC2007 . . . . 3 matches
          * Configuration Wizard Diagnosis TeX ý KC2007 Ȯε
          * texify, pdftexify ư kcltxmk ϵ
          * MiKTeX Options ư KCmenu ٲ
          1. texifyϿ dviout ߴ .
         C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Config MiKTeX KC2006/7 MiKTeX ٲٸ
  • WinEdt/KC2008 . . . . 5 matches
         WinEdt 5.6 KC2008/TeXLive ȯ (Ǵ KoTeXLive 2009 ȯ) SumatraPDF ̿Ͽ PDF [wiki:ForwardSearch Forward Search] PDF[wiki:InverseSearch Inverse Search] ϴ
          1. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Configurations -> TeXLive
          1. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Execution Modes -> "Accessories" ǿ 'PDFLaTeX' Ŭ -> 'Switches' Ʒ ִ´. {{{
         }}} 'PDFTeXify' 'PDFTeX' Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. 'XeLaTeX' 'XeTeX' Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. ׷ 'Ȯ' ư Ѵ.
          * latex+dvipdfmx Ʈ : WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Execution Modes -> "Accessories" ǿ 'LaTeX' -> Start Viewer üũϰ, Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. "Accessories" ǿ 'dvi2pdf' -> Executable dvipdfm.exe dvipdfmx.exe ִ´. 'Ȯ' ư Ѵ.
          * WinEdt 5.6 TeXify(ù ° ڸӸ ) ϸ SumatraPDF Ǹ鼭 PDF .
          * PDFLaTeX , F8 SumatraPDF [wiki:ForwardSearch Forward Search] ȴ. : SumatraPDF ̹ ִ , F8 Ű ٽ forward search ٽ sumatra â ̵ ʴ´. ((?) WinEdt ڿ ִٸ sumatra â ״ ڿ ִ´.) Forward search sumatra â ˾Ű sumatra â ̵Ϸ, "Sumatra-Find.edt" ŬϿ WinEdt , 38° Ʒ ٲ۴. (Ȥ 0 1 ٲ۴.)
         KC2008, [ko.TeXLive] ѱ μ WinEdt ʴ . WinEdt Ͽ ˾Ƶνñ⸦ ٶϴ.
          1. MiKTeX Ͽ TeXLive () ϴ.
  • WinEdt/KC2008/WinEdt5.5 . . . . 4 matches
         KC2008/TeXLive WinEdt 5.5 ⺻ ͷ
          1. TeXLive ȯ
          * 'Option' -> 'Configurations' -> 'TeXLive'
          * 'Option' -> 'Execution Modes' -> 'TeX System' -> 'Dvi viewer' C:\usr\texlive\2008\dviout\dviout.exe Ʒ {{{
          * : KC2008/TeXLive ġ ġ °
          * 'Option' -> 'Execution Modes' -> 'Console applications' -> 'LaTeX' 'parameters' "%N%T" Ʒ {{{
          * DviOut , 'Option' -> 'setup parameters' -> 'Common' 'src:' "C:\usr\texlive\notepad++\notepad++.exe"^s-n%d "%s" Ʒ save ư Ŭ{{{
         SumatraPDF α׷ PDFLaTeX PDFSynchronization ̿Ͽ PDF ϰ WinEdt ̿ [wiki:ForwardSearch Forward Search] [wiki:InverseSearch Inverse Search] ϴ
          1. WinEdt PDFLaTeX (Ǵ XeLaTeX)
          * WinEdt , 'Option' -> 'Execution Modes' -> 'Accessories' 'PDFLaTeX' (Ǵ 'XeLaTeX') Ŭ -> 'Switchs' Ʒ 'Ȯ' {{{
          * WinEdt PDFLaTeX , F8 SumatraPDF [wiki:ForwardSearch Forward Search] ȴ.
  • WinEdt/Unicode . . . . 1 match
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
          õǾ ִ 쿡 . UTF-8 Ǹ TeX ư Ȱȭ Ƿ, .tex ݵ {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ֵ Ѵ.
         Options -> Configuration Wizard -> Wrapping ǿ "UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM)" ִ. MiKTeX ̰ üũϸ ǰ KC2006̶ ⿡ BOM ̰ų ִ.
  • WinEdtTip . . . . 1 match
          ''LaTeX WinEdt 뿡 ʿ (help) ã: '' (Help by Subject), ɾ(Command), ȯ(Environment) ((): Template) ֽϴ. Ư "ȯ " ״ Ͽ DZ⿡ մϴ.
          '' ߻ ⺻ ⸦ WinEdt : '' {{{miktex.ini}}} Ͽ ޽ Ÿ TeX ҽ ش ġ (NotePad ) WinEdt մϴ.
          ''Yap(Ǵ DviOut) Inverse Search WinEdt : '' DVI ȭ麸⿡ ϴ ġ ŬϿ WinEdt ִ TeX ҽ ش ġ ãư մϴ.
          ''Yap DVI Search: '' WinEdt ִ TeX ࿡ شϴ DVI ġ Yap ϴ.
          ''Լ ǥø ϱ: '' LaTeX Ư AMSLaTeX 忡 ִ ο Լ ǥø ϴ ...
          '' ϰ ϴ : '' LaTeX Ư AMSLaTeX ȯ ϰų ġ ...
  • WinEdtTip/AMSŬ . . . . 2 matches
         See AMSLaTeX
         ӿ ִ Paper.tex ̴.
         AMSLaTeX Ŭ amsart, amsproc, amsbook ܿ ִ. ׷ ǥ̴.
         '''׸ :''' LaTeX (Template) ִ.
          New Document ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ `LaTeX: AMS Article`
         Ŭϸ ׸ TeX (: Template) WinEdt â .
          amsart Ŭ ƴ AMSLaTeX Ŭ Ŭ(: ksmeart, ksmeproc ) `\documentclass{amsart}` `amsart` ϴ Ŭ ٲٸ ȴ.
         WinEdt LaTeX AMSLaTeX ȯ (: Template) ϰ ̵ (GUI)μ ҷ ξ.->[WinEdtTip/]
         ⼭ AMS Paper Ŭϸ WinEdt â Paper.tex ϴ. `\DeclareMathOperator` `\newcommand` ֽϴ.
         DeleteMe. AMSLaTeX ִ WinEdt ̰ Űϴ. ׷ٺ ϰǾ ʰ ߺ ִ ϴ. оð ֽø ϰڽϴ. --[Karnes]
  • WinEdtTip/DOSɽ . . . . 31 matches
         Dos ϰ ó ġ (bat Ȯڰ ٴ : KTUGOperate:16246'''''' )  óϴ ϴ. ⼭ "Command Prompt"(̸ "DOS â" Ҹ ̴ Ŀ ִ â)[[FootNote("Command Prompt" ߴ EmEditor ('''׸ 2''' '''׸ 5''' ) ִ. Ƹ ٸ ⿡ ġǾ ̴. GhostScriptUtilities ۾ ġ GhostScriptUtilities ʴ´. ׸ ִ tex ϳ ΰ ̰ ⿡ Ȱȭ Ŀ "Command Prompt" â ȴ.)]] Ǵ "" ȭ(Run Application...) ԷϿ ܰ ܰ踦 ϴ Ѵ.
         '''׸ 2:''' "Command Prompt"(̸ "DOS â") EmEditor ٷ ִ. ׸ ȭǥ Ű "Command Prompt" ̴. "Command Prompt" Է (Startup Folder) Է̴. ( ׸ {{{C:\MyDoc\hangul-ucs}}}) ִ ƹ (׸ `test3.tex`)̳ EmEditor "Command Prompt" ߸ ڵ ԷµǾ ִ.
         GhostScript پ ƿƼ ִ. MiKTeX 2.5 GhostScriptUtilities ϵ ϰ ֱ "ý (S)" "Path" gs θ ʿ䰡 (See KTUGSetup:9574'''''').
         KTUGSetup:8507'''''' ÷ε `test.zip` Ǯ test ӿ `TEST1.eps` ׸ ִ. test tex
         GhostScript ƿƼ ps2ps Ͽ . KTUGSetup:6851'''''' pic020213_21.ps (617.0 KB) ִ. ̰ ۾Ϸ TeX ִ ־ ΰ TeX ŬϿ WinEdt â . WinEdt ߵ Ʒ dz ߸ ŬϿ "Run Application..." ȭڸ Command Line: ĭ
         your chapter. An example is given in the auhtor.tex file.
         Index ְ ܾ `\index{YourWord}` `\index{ }` ֶ Ǿ ֽϴ. ׸ ۾ svind.ist ְ LaTeX, MakeIndex, LaTeX, LaTeX ʷ ϸ ˴ϴ. ϴ ʿϿ http://www.fuzzy.ugent.be/SCIP/book2006/book2006.html author.tex, svmult.cls, figure.eps, svind.ist Խϴ. ְ author.tex [[FootNote(TeXifyϸ default ǵ Index ŸϿ Index ϴ. ̰ svind.ist Dos MakeIndex Ͱ Item ǥ  ȵ ̰ ֽϴ.)]] "Run Application..." ȭڸ `Command Line:` Ʒ ׸ 7 ְ OK ߸ ٽ Ͽ ˴ϴ(KTUGOperate:15132'''''').
         === HLaTeX ===
         HLaTeX α׷ {{{hmakeindex}}}̰ ѱ ڸ з ؼ {{{hind.ist}}} ؾ Ѵ. hmakeindex ϴ . ࿡
         <:( MiKTeX 2.5 + WinEdt 5.5 + [MiKTeXѱȯ/HPack] Ͽ Lambda ̷ ʽϴ. ã ƾ ϴ. -[Yhchoe]
          KC2006 Full Install(MINI + hlatex + hangul-k + omega) {{{\usepackage{hangul} }}} {{{\usepackage{hangul-k} }}} ٲٸ ֽϴ. HLaTeX 1.0.x CP949 ڵ ʽϴ. Ʒ *-cp949-*.tex ִ HLaTeX 0.991 Ű ҽϴ. MiKTeX HLaTeX 0.991 HLaTeX 1.0 𿡼 ϵ ʴ ׽Ʈ ̹Ƿ ϴ ٷ дϴ. ѱ TeX CP949 "WinEdt " ڵ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
         (From KTUGBoard:4460'''''') uhc ۲÷ [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/hlatex-cp949-test.tex hlatex-cp949-test] WinEdt . ׳ LaTeX̳ TeXify ϸ "똠"̳ "숖" ڴ dvi ڰ Ÿ. Lambda Ϸ "Run Application..." "Command Line:"
          Էϰ OK ߸ ȴ. [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/hlatex-u8hangul-test.tex hlatex-u8hangul-test] WinEdt ѱ ִ. ׷ WinEdt Lambda ϸ dvi Ͽ δ.
          [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/essential-kr.zip ѱ Source .zip] ִ `essential-kr.tex` WinEdt Lambda ణ غ ʿϴ. [MiKTeXѱȯ/HPack] [HPack] Hangul-ucs 3.0.0 UNFONTS for Hangul-ucs Բ ġϰ `essential-kr.zip` Ǯ `essential-kr` ӿ Uploads:hsectsty.sty ־ Ѵ. Lambda dvi Ͽ ׸ Ÿ ʴ´. dvi->pdf pdf Ÿ. `texmf-unfonts` ͸ [۲], `texmf-dhucs` ͸ DHUcs .
         KTUGOperate:13073'''''' MetaPost ʿ temp.tex ִ. Ϸ
          LaTeX -> mpost -> LaTeX
          Ͽ Ѵ. ù ܰ LaTeX, TeXify, PDFLaTeX, `PDFTeXify` ߵ ƹ ߳ ȴ. prob1.mp prob2.mp . prob1.mp prob2.mp MetaPost Ͽ ϴµ `Command Line:`
          ְ OK ߸ , prob1.1, prob1.log, pob1.t1 .[[FootNote(MiKTeX MetaPost ڵ ġȴ. c:\texmf\doc\metapost\base ޴ Ǵ ҽ ϵ Բ ġȴ.)]] prob2.mp Ͽ MetaPost Ѵ. ׷ ٽ ( LaTeX, TeXify ϳ)ϸ ϴ (dvi) ´. pdf ʿϸ dvi->pdf ߸ ȴ.
         KTUGOperate:13059'''''' MetaFont ʿ temp.tex ִ. Ϸ
          LaTeX -> mf -> LaTeX
  • WinEdtTip/Slide . . . . 10 matches
         LaTeX2e ټ ǥ Ŭ(Standard Document Classes: `article`, `report`, `book`, `slides`, `letter`) ϳ `slides` Ŭ "̼" ֵ ȵǾϴ. LaTeX `SLiTeX` LaTeX 2.09 `slides.sty` ٲ, LaTeX2e `slides.cls` ٲϴ. SLiTeX DVI "̼" slides Ŭ LaTeX2e pdf ȿ 100% Ÿϴ. ѱ[[FootNote(slides Ŭ HLaTeX 1.0.1 ӿ ִ hangul.sty 浹(See KTUGOperate:19289'''''', KTUGContrib:3529'''''') ֽϴ. KTUGOperate:14418'''''' ÷ hangul.sty ˴ϴ.)]] ︳ϴ. TeX , doc , hwp ̵带 ĿƮ ͺ `slides` Ŭ մϴ.
         WinEdt `slides` Ŭ ߾ (Template) ֽϴ. ׷ ̰ ׳ "WinEdt ̵" ϴ Դϴ. "Slides Ű" ϸ WinEdt Slide ƴմϴ.  AMSLaTeX ǥ Ÿϴ. ׷ WinEdt `LaTeX: Slides Main` (Template) 鼭 ° (Ʒ ׸ )
          % "AMS-LaTeX definitions for Slides"
          ϴ. WinEdt "̼" ִ TeX ɰ "Slides Ű" ۿ ϴ.
         `slides` Ŭ Ἥ ̵带 ٸ "̼" Ŭ ĿƮ ̵ ó ְ ȿ ⱳ ǥ, , ׸ ִ ׸Դϴ. ̵ μҿ ʸ ƴϹǷ psfrag ⱳ ʾҴٸ ps ٷ `PDFTeXify` [[FootNote(ϴ ߿ PDFTeXify ʽϴ. ¹ ҽ ã(Inverse Search) ȵ˴ϴ. TeXify Ǵ LaTeX ϴ ϴ.)]] pdf ð ϰ ޸𸮵 ϴ. psfrag ٸ TeXify, dvi->ps, ps->pdf ľ pdf ֽϴ.
         ̹ ԷϿ TeX, doc, hwp Ͽ ʿ Ͽ `slides` Ŭ TeX (`main` Ǵ `input` ) ٿ ְ ߰ ߰
          ׸ ȭǥ Ű (New Document...(Shift+Ctrl+N)) Ŭϸ `New Document` ȭڰ ߴµ ⼭ `LaTeX: Slides Main` Ŭϸ ׸ (Template) ϴ. Input ʿϸ `LaTeX: Slides` ϸ ˴ϴ.
         `Talk-Main.tex`̶ µ Talk-Slides.tex \input ҷ ԷµǾ ֽϴ.
         Talk-Main.tex "PDF Texify"Ͽ . ̵尡 AdobeReader ϴ.
         [: dvi ʿ "Texify"(Ȳ Ӹ) "PDF Texify"(Ȳ Ӹ Acrobat θ) ߸ ξ ϵ˴ϴ.]
         " " Slides , `Talk-Main.tex` `Talk-Slides.tex` Ͽ Slides ְ ⼭ `Talk-Main.tex` ŬϿ WinEdt â Ͽ ô.
         Beam Projector ȭ ִ Ȱϱ Ͽ Talk-Main.tex
          ֽϴ. (̷߸ ̵(PDF) ߸ ʳ׿. DVI, PS ߸ϴ.) PDF TeXify ߸ ٷ PDF ̵尡 AdobeReader â ϴ.
          \lhead{\tiny\bf ϵ \textcolor{Red}{\TeX} ˾?}%
          \rhead{\tiny \textcolor{Plum}{2004. 8. 13.}}
          \lfoot{\textcolor{Green}{ ̸}}
         <!> WinEdt ̵(beamer, seminar, slides ) TeXify, dvi->ps, ps->pdf ġ մϴ. Letter (Landscape) Ͽ : 1.3:1 PDF "̼" δ Ĵٺ ִ Դϴ. dvi->ps ֽϴ. psfrag dvi->ps, ps->pdf ľ pdf ϴ.
          ŬϿ "Execution Modes - MiKTeX" ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) ߸ ù° (Accessories) dvi2ps ϰ, °(Process Flow) ִ
          ŬϿ "Execution Modes - MiKTeX" ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) ߸ "Accesories" dvi2pdf Ŭϰ Ʒ ׸ó Ʒ `Browse for executable...` `dvipdfmx.exe` ġ ã ϸ ѱ  ϵ pdf ϴ. "Paper Size and Orientation" ʿ մϴ. ׸ `Paper Size` `Letter`, `Orientation` `Landscape` Ͽµ PDF "̼" ũ Ǵ ȭ ִ ϱ ؼ Դϴ. A4 1.41:1, Letter 1.3:1
          * KTUGOperate:2729 FoilTeX(foils Ŭ)
  • WinEdtTip/Templates . . . . 8 matches
          ׸ ִ TeX ο ʿ ̶ Ű [SamplesAndTemplates] Űϴ.
          LaTeX: Slides Main
         % AMS-LaTeX definitions for Slides *******************************
          <!> `amsart` Ŭ (`LaTeX: AMS Article`) KTUGSetup:3212'''''' ִ. ȸ ʾ 켱 (`LaTeX: AMS Article`) Ͽٰ ߿ Ŭ ٲٸ ȴ.
         === New LaTeX Document Interface ġ ===
          ° `(New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N))` `New Document` ȭ ſ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڰ Ÿ Macro ٲܼ ִ. `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڿ `New Document` ȭڿ ã (Template) ϸ `Use predifined template:` տ ִ ׸ڸ üũϸ ȴ. LaTeX2e ټ ǥ Ŭ(Standard Document Classes: `article`, `report`, `book`, `slides`, `letter`) ϰ Usepackage ɼ ־ Ϸ üũ Ѵ.
          <!> `article`, `report`, `book` Ŭ(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ Ŭ) 鿡Դ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڰ ſ ַ 鿡Դ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڰ ִ.
         '''ġ:''' [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.php New LaTeX Document Interface] [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.zip newLaTeX.zip] ٿε ִ ũ ִ. ٿεϿ Ǯ
         Use plug-in New LaTeX Document Interface?
         WinEdt "޴" `Insert` -> `Lists` ãư Itemize, Enumerate, Description, Cases ߰ . ⼭ Cases ߸ Ŭϸ `Cases` ȭڰ Ÿ. ΰ ϰ OK Ȱ¯ǥ { array ȯ[[FootNote( ϳ Ÿ ϴ. ׷ ߰ Ȱ¯ǥ {  ٽ ʿ equation ȯ Ǵ ٸ ȯ(: gather ȯ)ӿ amsmath.sty(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ \usepackage{amsmath} ں ־ ) ǵ cases ȯ ־ ϴ. Mittelbach The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed. 484( 8-2-28), 486( 8-3-1) ٷ ҽ (8-2-28.ltx, 8-3-1.ltx) Ͽ ϸ ϴ.)]] Էµȴ(׸ ).
         http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/ Herbert Vo Ŀ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Mathmode.pdf] ҽ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.tex Mathmode.tex] ֽϴ. <- From KTUGContrib:2789
         bib Ͽ Ʈ (Entry Type) ׸(̰ Entry Field Ѵ.) ٸ. WinEdt â Tool Bar( ) ° (New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N)) New Document ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ BibTeX Document ϸ Doc1.bib . ٽ Menu Bar Insert Ŭϸ ޴ǿ BibTeX Items ִµ Ŀ 15 ޴ ִ ޴ ߰ ʿ信 ȴ. Bibitem Է(Է ѱ, , Ϻ  ִ.)Ͽ ϰ ̸  ȴ. KTUGOperate:4826
  • WinEdtTip/Tree . . . . 9 matches
         (!) '''׸ :''' [lshort-kr] [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/lshort-kr/lshort-kr-src.tar.gz lshort-kr TeX ] Ŭϸ "LaTeX2e Թ" ҽ `lshort-kr.tex` ִ `lshort-kr-src.tar.gz` ٿε˴ϴ. ̰ Ǯ `lshort-kr` ӿ ִ ϵ ֽϴ. WinEdt ִ ̵ ߿ `lshort-kr.tex` Ŭϸ WinEdt â ϴ. ̶ WinEdt ߵ ߿ ڰ ִ ߿ Ŀ "Set Main File"̶ dz ϴ. ߸ WinEdt WinEdt â ȰȭǾ ִ а ''Project Tree'' ϴ. TeXify "Project Tree" ߸ Ŭϸ ׸ ʿ Ÿ Ͱ Project Tree Ÿϴ. ׸ ó Project Tree ϵ(title, contrib, overview, things, typeset, math, lssym, spec, custom, biblio) Ÿ ϵ ( ׸ ʿ ִ ) \include{title}, \include{contrib} Ǿ ֱ Դϴ. Ǹ ִ aterword.tex "input aterword.tex" ҷ Դϴ. Tree Ÿ ٸϴ. Project Tree TOC Tree ݴϴ(׸ ).
         '''Q:''' (From KTUGOperate:15073'''''') ȳϼ? ñϳ׿. example.tex ֱ. ̰ main Ͽ \include{example}ؼ θ Ŷ \input{example.tex}ؼ ȣϴ Ͱ  ̰ ִ.
          main Ͽ Էϸ ˴ϴ. \include \input Chapter Head ʰ Chapter Head ̾ input ǵ˴ϴ. \include{} \includeonly{''filename''}[[FootNote(ɾ \includeonly{filename} ں ֽϴ. \include{} տ % ־ ش ּϸ Project Ե ʱ ȣ, - ȣ, ǥ ȣ, ׸ ȣ ڵ ȣ ű⿡ ־ ȣ ο Ȳ ٲϴ.)]] Ǵ Ͽ Ͽ \includeonly{} ͸ ݴϴ. ȣ, - ȣ, ǥ ȣ, ׸ ȣ ȣ(ڵ ȣ ű⿡ ־ ȣ) ٲ ʽϴ. " ̾ƿ"(׸ ġ ǥ ġ ) ٲ ʽϴ. include ġ ó ϵ˴ϴ. ׷ aux ϵ ϴ. \input ϰ ּ(%) óϿ մϴ. " ̾ƿ"(׸ ġ, ǥ ġ ) ٲϴ. input ġ Ϻκó ϵ˴ϴ. ׷ aux ϵ ʽϴ. \input Ȯڸ Ƽ Ȯڰ tex ƴ϶ ϴ.
         "κ " "Project Tree" ƴ ҽ Է ִ Դϴ. ۾(Է Ǵ )ϰ ִ κ Ǿ κ ϴ (Compile Selected Block (Shift+Ctrl+C): ϰ κ (Ķ ۾ մϴ.)ϰ Ȳ ڸӸ(TeXify) ٷ ؿ " ڸӸ" ߸ κи ϵ˴ϴ. ̶ ڵ ȣ ű(׸ ȣ, ȣ ) ʽϴ. '''Է Ǿ''' üũմϴ. ü Project ϴ.
          Ŭϸ WinEdt â Thesis.tex ϴ. κп
          ֽϴ. ̰ Project Tree `xBib.bib` `Thesis.bbl` Ÿ ϴ ġԴϴ. Thesis.tex Project Դϴ.
         WinEdt Project Tree ̿ TeX ( ⱳ ) KTUGContrib:46'''''' Ͻʽÿ.
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 28 matches
         == LaTeXSymbols ==
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] Scott Pakin "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List" ֽ(2005-09-22)̴. ȣ Ű(usepackage) Բ Ͽ. Index(82-105) TeX ɾ Բ ȣ ׸  ãⰡ ϴ.[[FootNote( μϿ θ ȴ. WinEdt  Usepackage 𸣴 찡 . ̶ symbols-a4.pdf ϸ ϴ.)]] ٷ (2003-09-29) ϸ Symbol 2826 3300, ǥ 210 225, ʼ 91ʿ 105 þ. ߰ Ư 62-63
         '''׸ 1:''' ̸(function name) ǥõǴ "Լ " ǥ[[FootNote(symbols-a4.pdf(2005-09-22) 34(Table 96) ̵ deg, Pr "Log-like Symbols" Ͽϴ. "atomic math objects" ڴ ֽϴ. "log-like function"̶ մϴ. ̵ 忡 \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh, \dig, \Pr Էմϴ. ̵ det, gcd, inf, lim, liminf, limsup, max, min, Pr, sup ÷ 忡 ÷, Ʒ÷ ġ ٸϴ. ̷ ȣ '''Variable-size Math Operator''' մϴ.)]] -- WinEdt â Tool Bar [[FootNote(TeX Symbols [GUI]: Ű [TeX] "TeX Ⱑ ߾ " 񱳿 '''ȣ GUI''' ߴ WinEdt, AcroEdit, JEdit, EmEditor ִٰ Ͽϴ.)]] Gui Page(: )[[FootNote(ٸ ̰ ϴ ޴ ߵ ִ ȸ Ŀ(ȭǥ) ΰ 콺 Ŭϸ ׸ó Pop-up ޴ Ÿµ ⼭ Ʒ ִ "Show Gui Page Control" ˴ϴ.)]] Ÿϴ. "`Functions(x) ...`" ׸ 30 '''Լ'''(function) ''''''(operator)[[FootNote(⼭ "" Ѽȸ "п" Դϴ. "Լ" "" Դϴ. "Լ"  ۿϿ οϴ (function)̰, ""  () Ǵ Լ ۿ(operation)Ͽ οϰų ٸ Լ οϴ մϴ. Ȥ "" ̿ ۿϿ ο Ÿ ''' '''(binary opreation: , , , ) ȥϴ ֽϴ. ׷ ׳ "" '''ۿ''' ڴ е ֽϴ. " " ȣ " "(binary relation: ȣ, εȣ, ) ȣ ȥϴ 찡 ֽϴ. 忡 ̵鿡 ־ ݾ ٸ ȴٴ ֽϴ. ȥ ϱ ؼ "", " ", " " Ͽ մϴ. Ʒ " ǥ " )]] ǥõ Ÿϴ. "Լ" "" ǥõ 忡 ׳ \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh ɾ Էϸ ݰ ۲ Ǿ ǥǵ Ǿ ֽϴ.
          <!> \mathop, \newcommand, {{{\DeclareMathOperator}}}, {{{\DeclareMathOperator*}}} ̸ "log-like function" ϴ Ʒ ׸ "Variable-sized Math Opreator" Ǵ [DeclareMathOperator] Ǵ http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=newfunction .
         Mittelbach `TLC2`(The [LaTeXCompanion], 2nd ed.) 528 ʿ
          {{{#!vim tex
          ٸ ɾ '''\stackrel''' Ǵ '''\xrightarrow''' ϴ(Helmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly {{{A GUIDE TO LaTeX, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999, 135}}} "5.3.5 Stacked symbols" ). ϸ ó "r->0" ȭǥ ʿ Ÿ ° Ʒʿ Ÿϴ.
          1. ش (μ Sans) \textsf{} ȭ鿡 Էµǰ Ŀ(I) ǥ {} Ÿ ֽϴ. ̶ ǿ ڸ Էմϴ.
         Ͼ, , , , Ű ȣ(Text-mode Accents) θ[[FootNote(Ʒ ѱۿ "Ȯ ƾ" Ͽϴ. Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " )]] TeX ٷ [[FootNote(̷ ڵ TeX ٷ ְ WinEdt â Ÿ Ϸ Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " Ͻʽÿ.)]] WinEdt " " ٲ ʾҴٸ "Default(Window) Charset" ߾ ֱ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ٷ Էϸ ? ǥõ˴ϴ. ׷ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ʴ WinEdt ش θڿ Accentɾ մϴ. Ͼ "A 칫Ʈ" \"{A} Էմϴ. ĭ𳪺 {\O} Էմϴ. WinEdt GUI Page "International" Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. θڸ Է ȣ(Text-mode Accents) ̰ θڸ ش ߸ Ŭϸ θڿ ش ɾ ϴ. ƴϸ ɾ \"{} Էϰ ǥ {} ش θڸ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ٷ {\ss} Էմϴ(׸ ). ׸("International" GUI Page) ִ ɾ ܿ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 12-15ʿ
         Table 18: Text-mode Accents
         Table 19: tipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 20: extraipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 21: wsuipa Text-mode Accents
         Table 22: phonetic Text-mode Accents
         Table 23: metre Text-mode Accents
         Table 24: t4phonet Text-mode Accents
         Table 25: arcs Text-mode Accents
          "Text-mode Accent" ֽϴ.
          "Table 29: textcomp Currency Symbols"
  • WinEdtTip/ã . . . . 1 match
         '''A'''(From KTUGOperate:18330'''''')''':''' WinEdt â TeX Ctrl+F1 Ű "LaTeX2e help" ϴ. enumerate ã (Ʒ ׸ ). (WinEdt â ƹ ϵ ʰ Ctrl+F1 Ű "WinEdt help" ϴ.)
         ٸ "LaTeX2e help" ޴ Help Ʒ ׸ ޴ ϴ. ⼭ LaTeX2e "LaTeX2e help 1.6" Ÿϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/˻ . . . . 1 match
         3. WinEdt â Ʒ ǥ(Status Line) (Document Mode) `Tex:DE` ǵ մϴ(Ʒ ׸ ).
          ̱ . LaTeX ڵ inputenc Ͼ ʰ Էϱ
  • WinEdtTip/޴ʹ . . . . 1 match
         ׸ å() ִ (Margin) TeX ̿ ִ ڴ ȣԴϴ. Ÿ Ϸ Ctrl ä = ˴ϴ. ٽ Ctrl ä = ϴ. ٸ Ÿ ϴ (Margin) 콺 Popup Ÿϴ. ⼭ "Show Line Numbers" ϸ ˴ϴ. ٽ Popup "Hide Line Numbers" ˴ϴ.
         (From KTUGSetup:576'''''') TeX ϴ bib ϰų bst ٲ ̹ TeX ҽ (tex, bib ) ϰ ϴ. bib ϰų bst ٲ ۾ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ToolBar(ߵ) ࿡ (Erase Working Files) ٷ ̷ 뵵 ֽϴ.
         `Ctrl` Ű ä `i` Ű "ã"(Incremental Search) ȭڰ Ÿϴ. `Ctrl` Ű ä `r` Ű "ãƹٲٱ"(Replace Text) ȭڰ Ÿϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 8 matches
         '''׸ 1:''' WinEdt 5.5 ڵ ѱ(UTF-8) Էϱ " "(Document Mode) {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ־ Ѵ. ѱ Է Ŀ 带 {{{TeX}}} {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ٲٸ ѱ ڷ ٲ.
         ڵ ѱ(UTF-8) Էµ ٸ ǻ[[FootNote(TeX ۼ ǻ WinEdt α׷ 带 ϰ ֱ ٽ 尡 ڵ TeX:UTF-8 ٸ ǻͿ 尡 TeX Ǹ鼭 ѱ ִ.)]] WinEdt â 尡 ڵ {{{TeX:UTF-8}}} ǰ ϱ Ͽ TeX ùӸ
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ٸ ǻͿ ۼ {{{dhucs_sample.tex}}} EmEditor  TeX ùӸ
         % -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-
         ̶ ְ ڷ 嵵 ߸ WinEdt â ̴. WinEdt(5.5 ) TeX ùӸ ִ ''' ''' а ǥٿ "TeX:UTF-8" ǥϰ ڵ ѱ(UTF-8) Էµ νѴ. EmEditor "Unicode Signature"(BOM) ʰ "UTF-8" ϸ ǥٿ "UTF-8 without Signature" Ÿ. See [WinEdtTip/EmEditorԲ] and KTUGContrib:4256''''''.
         '''׸ 2:''' WinEdt 5.5 ڵ ѱ ֱ ϳ "UTF-8 without Signature" Ǹ Ѵ. WinEdt ٷ ѱ 찡 ִ. WinEdt â '''ġų ٽ ''', WinEdt â , EmEditor TeX ùӸ "{{{% -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-}}}" ְ ڷ 嵵 ߸ ν ذѴ.[[FootNote( WinEdt â ġ Ͽ "۾ " tex bak Ȯ .bak ( ) EmEditor  TeX ùӸ "% -*- TeX:UTF-8 -*-" ȴ.)]]
         '''Q1'''(from KTUGOperate:5862'''''')''':''' [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/ KTUG HOME] ѱ۹ȭ ڳʿ [LaTeX4Wp] `source` ٿε , Ͽ Ǭ , WinEdt 5.3 `tex file` file ü , `tex` compile . WinEdt ` ` Ű ߰ ϰ Ÿ ۵ ʴ±. ׷, ٸ ѱȭ "LaTeX ׸ ó" source ٿεؼ Ǯ, `tex file` WinEdt , ` ` Ű ߰ ϰ Ÿ鼭, ۵ ߵ˴ϴ. ׷ , WinEdt ִ ʽϴ. ü ߸Ǿִ ..... ûմϴ.
         '''A1'''(from KTUGOperate:5883'''''')''':''' WinEdt ҽ (latex4wp-ko.tex) file ù () ԷµǾ ִ
          -*- LaTeX -*-
          а `LaTeX` Դϴ.
         WinEdt â Ʒ ǥ(Status Line) ۾(WinEdt 󼭴 Ķ ۾) `LaTeX` Դϴ. ̰(Ǵ ޴(Menu Bar)
         ) Ŭϸ Ʒ ׸ ȭ(dialog) Ÿϴ. ⼭ `Document Mode` TeX ٲٰ `OK` ߸ ߵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ. ǥ(`Status Line`) ۾ `TeX` ٲ Դϴ.
         ׷ ٽ Ǯ ˴ϴ. ణ ϰڽϴ. ó WinEdt ƴ (: [Emacs]) Դϴ. (Ǵ OS) 尡 ٸ Դϴ. ׷ ù () ԷµǾ ִ `-*- LaTeX -*-` `-*- latex -*-` ϰ ٽ `TeX` ٲϴ. Ƿ KTUGOperate:10886'''''' Ͻʽÿ.
  • WinEdtTip/ο . . . . 2 matches
         (From KTUGContrib:2714'''''') WinEdt TeX ϴ \cite{} ԷϿ "\cite{" Ķ Ͼ ۾ õǸ鼭 `Bibliography Items()` ȭ (Pop-up) ϴ.
          1. Bibitem Winedt ִ (ȰȭǾ ʾƵ ) ԵǾ ְų,[[FootNote( ִ TeX ϵ, bib ϵ, bbl ϵ鿡 ִ Bibitem Cite Key ۾ ϰ Bibitem ҷ ɼ ֽϴ.)]]
         MiKTeX 2.5 WinEdt 5.5 Ͽ Active Strings ۵մϴ. "MiKTeX 2.5 + WinEdt 5.4 " Ǵ WinEdt 5.5 ϴ MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ Active Strings (Gather Control, GUI Page Control ) ڵ ʽϴ(See KTUGContrib:3567''''''). WinEdt ߿ "" (Ʒ ϰ ° : Ķ ) Ŀ "Gather" dz ϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ Ʒ ʿ "GDI" â ϴ. ⼭ "Ϲ" (Reset GDI) ˴ϴ. ڼ http://www.winedt.org/Doc/FAQ/#qa-gather.interface.not.showing.all.items
         '''׸ 2:''' natbib.sty ο ɰ ο Ÿ - [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] 5-8(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) "Basic Citation Commands" "Extended Citation Commands" ֽϴ. ׸ ̰ Ͽ http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/BibTeXstandard.html ÷ Ͽ Դϴ. [ο] ׸ " ο (citation command)"
         (From KTUGSetup:576'''''') TeX ϴ bib ϰų bst ٲ ̹ TeX ҽ (tex, bib ) ϰ ϴ. bib ϰų bst ٲ ۾ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ToolBar(ߵ) ࿡ (Erase Working Files) ٷ ̷ 뵵 ֽϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 8 matches
          1. Text Status (Modified,Readonly,etc...) - ( , ϱ )
         '''׸2:''' ǥ `?`(ǥ) ٷ ִ г " г"(View Panel)̶ ϴµ ""(View) A(Preliminary View) B(Secondary View) ֽϴ. г A B ٲϴ. ϶(Syntax Highlighting) ٸϴ. ׸ B Դϴ. ۿ ָ ÿ ۾ (: ⿡ ϰų ߶ ٸ ⿡ ) մϴ. ⿡ ۾Ͽ Ͽ Ǵ ϴ. "Ʒ ѱ"̳ MS忡 ۾ ϳ ϴٰ Ʈ 鿩 Դϴ. TeX Ͽ ڿ thebibliography ȯ پ ִ WinEdt thebibliography ȯ Դ ϴ г Ŭμ ذ˴ϴ.
         '''A1:''' WinEdt 5.4 WinEdt â TeX Է ǥ(Status Line) Wrap Ķ ('''׸ 1''' ) () 69ڸ ʵ ָ ۾ϴ ʹ ª Space ִ  øϴ. ̷ Wrap Ķ Wrap Ŭϸ ȸ ϰ Wrap ׾ ϴ. ȸ Wrap Ŭϸ Ķ ϰ Ƴϴ.
          <!> Wrap ̱ ٴ  Ǵ ª ֽϴ. TeX ߿  ĭ 鿩 ˴ϴ. ߿ ࿡ ö ϵ Ϸ ڸ ּ ǥ(%) ϰų ù ĭ Space ϸ ڵ ö ʽϴ. % ־ ڵ ö ʽϴ.
         '''׸ 1''' - '''׸ 3''' ǥٿ TeX Ǿ ִ ġ " "(Document Mode) Ÿ ̴. WinEdt ƴ TeX (Ư Emacs, Jed) ޾ WinEdt 5.3 ߵ Ȱȭ(ϰ Ÿ)Ǵ 찡 ִ. ν
          Ŭϸ latex4wp.tex.gz ٿεȴ. Ǯ latex4wp.tex ִµ WinEdt 5.3 ׷ Ÿ. ̰ ù ࿡ Էµ
          -*- LaTeX -*-
         ̴. Emacs Ǵ Jed ⿡ LaTeX WinEdt LaTeX 尡 default TeX ʴ´. ׷ ߵ ϰ Ÿ ִ. ׸ ȭ鿡 ٸ ̳ ȯ Ͽ ִ (Syntax Highlighting) . 縵 üũ ɵ . " "  ΰ Ÿ ִ ̴.
          TeX νϵ ġ ϴ. WinEdt â Ʒ ǥ(Status Line) ۾ `LaTeX:UNIX` ̴. ̰ Ŭϸ "Document Settings" ȭڰ . ⼭ ġ ȴ. (WinEdt 5.4 Ŀ `TeX:UNIX` ǰ ߵ ȰȭǹǷ ¿ ĥ ʿ .)
  • WinEdtTip/ȣ . . . . 1 match
         '''׸ 1:''' Է Label ο(Cross-Referernce)Ϸ `\ref{}` Էϸ "Labels ( )" Popup(ȭ ) Ÿϴ. ⼭ ( ) ڴ Label Դϴ. ĭ ְ Ʒĭ ̸ Label( TeX Project \label{ } Է data) ֽϴ. ϴ Label Ŭϸ ش Label ĭ Ÿϴ. ̶ Enter Ű ġ \ref{} {}ӿ Label Էµ˴ϴ. ׸ ش Label Ȯϰ Popup(ȭ ) Ʒʿ ִ ش Label Ŭϸ Label ִ ϴ.
          <:( MiKTeX + WinEdt (5.5 beta 4) Active Strings (Gather Control, GUI Page Control ) ڵ ʽϴ. See KTUGContrib:3567''''''
         (./) WinEdt 5.5 ϴ MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ Active Strings Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt ߿ "" (Ʒ ϰ ° : Ķ ) Ŀ "Gather" dz ϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ Ʒ ʿ "GDI" â ϴ. ⼭ "Ϲ" (Reset GDI) ˴ϴ.
         (cf. KTUGOperate:14739'''''') ׸ ִ ȭ "Labels ( )" \ref{} ԷϿ ŸǷ \label{ } { } ӿ Key Է մϴ. WinEdt â Tool bar ""(Gather) ( ׸ ȭǥ Ű ) ˴ϴ. WinEdt â Ʒʿ Gather â Ÿ Label Sorting ̰ ̸ Label ̹ ִ ã ˴ϴ. Label Key(: e:CIF) ϰ Ŭϸ ġ ãưϴ. ׸ T2.tex ʾ Label Key {{{e:CIF}}} Ŭϴ Դϴ. Ŭϸ ϰ ִ ġ Key Էµ˴ϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 14 matches
         See [AMSLaTeX/Math] ׸ "Ҹ "
         '''׸ 1:''' WinEdt LaTeX AMSLaTeX ȯ (: Template) ϰ ̵ (GUI)μ ҷ ξ.-> KTUGContrib:837 , TeX (Template) Է [WinEdtTip/Templates] ׸ " "
         TeX (÷ ̵ ̵) (Text) Էϰ ( Ķ ۾ ) ׸ ó ޴ `Insert` ޴ǰ ޴ Ÿ ϴ ȯ ϴ ϴ. мȸ νõ̳ м ߿ Ȥ
          ԷµǾ ִ 带 equation ȯ (Ǵ equation* ȯ)[[FootNote(equation* ȯ LaTeX ⺻ ȯ displaymath Ѵ. ȣ ʴٰ ̰ * ָ DZ ϴ.)]] ٲٰų ʹ  split ȯ̳ aligned ȯ ־ Ǵ ٰų, LaTeX ȯ eqnarray ȯ(Ǵ eqnarray* ȯ) AMS-LaTeX ȯ align ȯ (Ǵ align* ȯ, alignat ȯ, alignat* ȯ, flalign ȯ, flalign* ȯ) ۾ ٲٴ ſ Ű澲̴ ̴. WinEdt (GUI) ߸ ̿ϸ ٲ ִ.  ʿϴ.
          ִ [AMSLaTeX/Math] Űϴ.
         CTAN:macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf 3(ȭδ 7)
         '''split:''' AMS-LaTeX equation ȯ(Ǵ equation* ȯ) Էϴٰ ʿϸ eqnarray ȯ ٲ ʿ equation ȯ text '''split''' ȯ̳ '''aligned''' ȯ θ ȴ. ȣ (ɼ ʾ ) ϳ  ٴ´. ɼǿ ؼ amsldoc.pdf 2ʿ ִ.
         &x=a+b &&\textrm{if}\quad x<0 \\
         &x=c &&\textrm{otherwise}
         AMSLaTeX AMS-TeX پ ȯ LaTeX2e ° ļ (׳)LaTeX ִ display ȯ ȯ(Ư ȯ) ִ.
          LaTeX eqnarray ȯ(Ǵ eqnarray* ȯ) eqnarray ְ rcl Ǿ ־ & ִ. ׷ ࿡ =  ,
          <!> [http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=eqnarray Why not use eqnarray?]
         ̿ ؼ AMS-LaTeX align ȯ, alignat ȯ, flalign ȯ (Ǵ align* ȯ, alignat* ȯ, flalign* ȯ) پ ȯ ְ ࿡ ִ & ڵ . & ְ Ǹ
         [AMSLaTeX/Math] ׸ "allowdisplaybreaks" Ű.
         [AMSLaTeX/Math] ׸ "(Alignment) ٲ ʰ ֱ" Ű.
         {{{#!vim tex
         0& \text{if $r-j$ is odd},\\
         r!\,(-1)^{(r-j)/2}& \text{if $r-j$ is even}.
          '''׸ 1''' WinEdt (Template) ִ. 뵵 ޶. Ʒ "Ƽǵ " "Matrix (n x m)" "Tabular (n x m)" ϰ(KTUGOperate:17739''''''), ܼ pmatrix (Matrix), bmatrix {{{[Matrix]}}}, Ľ |Matrix| amsmath Ű( ޴ AMSTEX) ִ ϴ.
         '''׸ :''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf Math mode - v.2.21] 60.1
  • WinEdtTip/α׷ . . . . 11 matches
         <!> TeX ϵ " ɼ" " " ø ʾ KTUGContrib:387'''''' Ͽ TeX ϵ " "('''File Type''') øʽÿ.
         TeX ϵ ϴ (step-by-step guide) http://www.winedt.com/tex.html ִ.  Ͽ ٸ  (Compile)̶ Ѵ. WinEdt MiKTeX α׷ ̿Ͽ ִ ִ. DVI Preview, GSView, Adobe Reader, HTML Preview WinEdt  ġ̴.
         WinEdt â ߰ ó TeX ۾ ϴ ° հ Ǿ ִ. ׷ ߿ ɿ Ű ξ(Ʒ '''׸ 1''' ).
         WinEdt â â̸(WinEdt/MiKTeX) ȰȭǾ ִ ΰ ְ, Ʒ ޴(Menu Bar), Ʒ ٷ ߵ(: Tool Bar) ִ.
          ٿ LaTeX ߿ ̿ "MiKTeX Options" ("Ϲ ΰ") {{{TeXify}}} ("ݺ ڸӸ") ִ. {{{TeXify}}} ߿ ߵ LaTeX, TeX, {{{PDFTeXify}}}, PDFLaTeX, BibTeX, MakeIndex ߵ ߵ̴.
         {{{TeXify}}} Ʒ "κ " (Compile Selected Block: " ڸӸ" ) ְ DVI Search(Ǵ Forward Search), DVI Preview(Yap â ), GSView(ps ), AcrobatReader(pdf ), dvi->pdf(dvi2pdf), dvi->ps(DVIPS), ps->pdf(ps2pdf) ߵ ִ. dvi->pdf, dvi->ps, ps->pdf ߵ̴.
         ޴ "Accessories"( '''׸ 1''' ) Ŭϰ HTML TtH (TeX->HTML) HTML Preview ִ. ⼭ ִ TtH (GUI: Graphic User Interface) ̴.
         == TeXify LaTeX ==
         "{{{Execution Modes - MiKTeX}}}" ȭ(Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ) "޴"(Menu Bar) `Options` -> `Execution Modes ...` Ŭϸ Ÿ. {{{TeXify}}}  ΰ Ÿ ִ. ʿ ִ `Default` ߸ (factory setting) ư. `BATCH` ߸ BATCH Ǵ console â ʰ "ƹ Ű " ޽ Ÿ. Ư Portrait A4 (ps Ǵ pdf) ٰ Landscape Letter (̵) `Paper Size and Orientation` ų(׶ ӿ ϳ ), üũ(׸ ӿ üũϰų ų)ϸ ȴ.
         '''׸ 2:''' "{{{Execution Modes - MiKTeX}}}" ȭ: {{{TeXify}}}
         '''Q1-1'''(from KTUGOperate:7115'''''')''':''' TeX ۼϰ dvi ȯŰ ڵ log, bak, aux Ȯ Ǿ ϴ մϴ. ϸ ϵ ʵ ֳ? ɼ ۷ õ κ üũ .
         '''Q1-2'''(from KTUGContrib:1664'''''')''':''' WinEdt 5.4 Ÿ (20040504) ϴ ణ ֽϴ. TeXify Ŀ log ϰ aux ʳ׿. dvi ̻ ϴ. (: WinEdt 5.4 (20050701) ó μ ϵ ʽϴ.)
         '''A'''(from KTUGContrib:1676'''''')''':''' '''׸ 2''' Ÿ ǥ κа Texify ϸ μ (Clean Build ǥ)ϸ Ļ (log ϰ aux ) ʰ ϴ. ٽ ǥø ָ ʰ ֽϴ.
         '''Q2'''(from KTUGContrib:1677'''''')''':''' WinEdt {{{TeXify}}} Ȯ ʰ ׳ ִٰ մϴ. ãⰡ ʳ׿. 2003129Ͽ Ÿ (20031209) ġ Ȯ ˷ ־ϴ.
         '''׸ 3:''' "{{{Execution Modes - MiKTeX}}}" ȭ: {{{TeXify}}} (WinEdt Build 20040504 v. 5.4)
         '''A'''(from KTUGContrib:1762'''''')''':''' '''׸ 3''' ׶ ģ κ ø `Open Error Dialog` `Open Warnings Dialog` ֽϴ. üũϸ LaTeX (Ʒ '''׸ 4''' ) ȭ ϴܿ ǥõ մϴ.
         {{{TeXify}}} ó LaTeX ٸ Ǿ ִ {{{TeXify}}} ۼ ù ܰ ϴ ʱ ̶ մϴ.
         LaTeX üũϸ鼭 ۾ Ŀ Clean Build {{{TeXify}}}ϴ Ϲ ̶ ˴ϴ. (׷ ̰ ̶ մϴ. WinEdt {{{TeXify}}} ϴ.)
  • WinEdtTip/ҽãư . . . . 10 matches
         (./) '''MiKTeX'''(2.5 )''' ġ :''' "Inverse DVI Search"([WinEdtTip/Inverse Search] ) Ͽ Yap ޴ View->Options (Ʒ '''׸ 1''' ) " ޽ ҽ ãư" ȿմϴ. <!> '''MiKTeX 2.6''' miktex.ini ''' ϴ.'''
         (LaTeX, TeXify, PDFLaTeX, `PDFTeXify`)ϴ Command Prompt(DOS ִ  , DOS â̶ ϴ.) ޽ Ÿ ϴ. ޽ ġ( Ű ) WinEdt ݾ ٲ ϴ. WinEdt 5.5: `[Build: 20061213]` Factory Setting ϰڽϴ. TeXify `PDFTeXify` MiKTeX ִ Դϴ.
         '''׸ 2:''' ׸ WinEdt â TeXify ߸ ϴ "Undefined control sequence" ׳ Enter Ű Դϴ. \secttion \section ġ ˴ϴ.
         (./) PDFLaTeX(Ǵ PDFTeXify) Ͽ LaTeXTeXify) Ͽ 찡 ֽϴ. Command Prompt(DOS â) 쿡 ޽ 쵵 ִ. Log ȴ.
         '''׸ 3:''' PDFLaTeX Ͽ LaTeX Ͽ ϴ. ׸ WinEdt â TeXify ߸ ĸ Դϴ.
          * '''LaTeX''' Ǵ '''PDFLaTeX''' :
          * '''TeXify''' Ǵ '''`PDFTeXify`''' :
          * q Ű (Ǵ r Ű Ǵ s Ű Ǵ e Ű Ǵ x Ű) ģ Enter Ű ġ Command Prompt(DOS â) ҽ ãư鼭 WinEdt â Ʒ ʿ Log ޽ ݴϴ. ҽ ɾ Ʋ ɾ Ͼ ۾ մϴ. Log Ͽ q Ű batch ٴ ޽ ֽϴ. r Ű nonstop ٴ ޽ ֽϴ. s Ű scroll ٴ ޽ ֽϴ. q Ű Ǵ s Ű Ǵ r Ű Դϴ. e Ű Ǵ x Ű ߴ Դϴ. ̵ ġ ٽ TeXifyϸ ˴ϴ.
         <!> ''':''' TeX ̸ ѱ, , ȣ,  "ҽ ãư" ֽϴ. TeX ̸ θڷ  ϴ.
         <!> '''MiKTeX 2.6 miktex.ini ϴ.'''
         <!> MiKTeX (2.4 ) miktex.ini ġ ޸(Notepad) ҽ ùӸ ϴ. ̰ WinEdt â ۾ TeX ҽ ãư Ϸ miktex.ini (Ʒ '''׸ 4''' ) ľ Ͽϴ.
          '''׸ 4:''' miktex.ini (2005-11-01 ) Ʈ Editor ׸ ϴ.
         miktex.ini Ͽ Editor
         ڼ 帮 miktex.ini ã WinEdt â `Ctrl` Ű `i` Ű Բ "ã" ȭ(Pop-up) Ÿϴ. ⿡ `"Editor="` Էϸ '''׸ 4''' Ǿ ִ ãưϴ. Ʒ ִ `Editor="$(windir)\notepad.exe" "%f"` κ
          ġ miktex.ini Ͻʽÿ. ( miktex.ini.bak ˴ϴ.)
         ׷ (TeXify, PDFTeXify, LaTeX Ǵ PDFLaTeX) Console(̸ Dos â) " ޽" Ÿ Command Prompt ߾ ʿ ġ ϸ WinEdt â ۾ TeX ش ġ ã ϴ. TeXify Ǵ `PDFTeXiFy` WinEdt â Ʒ κп LOG ش ( ޽) Բ ݴϴ.
          ޽ KTUGContrib:893'''''', KTUGContrib:934''''''  ֽϴٸ Ǿ ֱ TeX ġ ʴ մϴ.  TeX α׷ Ŀ 󼭵 ޽ ٸ Ÿϴ. KTUGOperate:15101'''''' ÷ε `ֿ䱹Һå.tex` MiKTeX 2.4 ϸ ޽
         ! LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{itemize}.
         See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 5 matches
         tex, log, aux, cls, sty, bib, bst "ascii ڵ" ڵ (String) Ǿ ִ. ̷ ڵ ãµ "Incremental Search"((ʥ)ϸ鼭 ã) ִ. WinEdt `Ctrl` Ű ä `i` Ű "Incremental Search" ȭ(Pop-up) Ÿ('''׸ 1''' ).
         '''׸ 1:''' "Search for:" ĭ ã ڳ ȣ ־ ϴµ ڳ ȣ WinEdt  ʴ´. ѱ̳ Ư ȣ(TeX  ȣ: , , , ) ϴ TeX ̸ ְ ϰų ٸ Ͽ ־ Ѵ. ׷ ѱ ڿ ǿ ٷ Է ϴ.[[FootNote(ѱ ã `Ctrl` Ű ä `f` Ű Ÿ "ã"(Find Text) ȭڸ ϴ.)]] θڴ ǿ ٷ .  ڳ ȣ  ڳ ȣ  ׷ ڵ (String) WinEdt ٴ ̴.
         ''':''' WinEdt 5.3 WinEdt 5.4 Ʈ(Factory Setting) "Incremental Search"((ʥ)ϸ鼭 ã) ٸ. WinEdt 5.3 ϴ ã ڸ `OK` ߸ ų "Incremental Search" ȭ ݱ(X) ߸ WinEdt 5.4 Ŀ ȭڰ ƴ ƹ Ŭϸ ȭڰ . Cancel ߸ Ŀ ִ ư. WinEdt 5.3 ٽ `Ctrl` Ű ä `i` Ű "ã"(Incremental Search) ȭڿ Ʊ ã ڵ ״ ־ WinEdt 5.4 (Factory Setting) ڿ ֱ ã ϴ ڵ ٽ ԷϿ Ѵ. ٽ ȭڸ ã ڵ ״ ְ Ϸ "Incremental Search" ȭ "Cancel " ٷ "ȭǥ ִ "(Context Popup Menu) Pop-up ޴ Ÿ(Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ). ⼭ Erase String տ ִ üũ ָ ȴ. ׷ ϴ ڵ (String) () ã String ϳ ִ.
         === ã(Find Text) ===
          `Ctrl+r` Ű "ã ٲٱ"(Find Text) ȭڰ Ÿ.
         '''׸ 3:''' "Find Text" ȭڿ "Search for:" ĭ θ̰ ѱ̰ ǿ ٷ Է ִ. Enter Ű ε帮ų OK ߸ ڵ (String) ְ ˷ ش.  κ (`Ctrl+c` Ű )Ͽ `Ctrl+f` Ű κ "Search for:" ĭ Ÿ. ã `Ctrl+r` Ű "ã ٲٱ"(Replace Text) ȭڸ ϴ.
         '''׸ 4:''' "Find Text" ȭ Ʒ "ȭǥ ִ "(Context Popup Menu) Pop-up ޴ Ÿ(Ʒ '''׸ 4''' ). ⿡ Erase String ִ. ⼭ String(ڵ ) "Find Text" ȭڿ "Replace Text" ȭڿ "Search for:" ĭ ڵ Ÿ ڵ "ã ٲٱ"(Replace Text) ȭڿ . ׸ String(ڵ ) "Search for:" ĭ ߸ ִ.
         === ã ٲٱ(Replace Text) ===
          `Ctrl+r` Ű "ã ٲٱ"(Replace Text) ȭڰ Ÿ.
         '''׸ 5:''' "Replace Text" ȭڿ "Search for:" "Replace with:" ĭ θ̰ ѱ̰ ǿ ٷ Է ִ.  κ (`Ctrl+c` Ű )Ͽ `Ctrl+r` Ű κ "Search for:" ĭ Ÿ. "Replace with:" ĭ ְ ϴ ϸ ȴ. ȯ ɾ ȣ ٲ ϴ.
         TeX ٷ ǥ(delimiter) ݾҴ, ȯ ݾҴ, ɾ , 縵 ´(ּϰԵ ѱ üũ ȵ: KTUGSetup:3377 ) Ű . ̷ ȸ ִ, ٸ , Ǵ , ۲ Ͽ ָ ϴ. ̰ ϶(Syntax Highlighting)̶ Ѵ. WinEdt 5.4(KTUGContrib:607 ) (factory setting) WinEdt 5.3 Ѱ õǾ δ. ȯ θ ٸ ó ̴. ̰ "winedt.ini" ĥ ִ. ġ [http://www.winedt.org/Doc/tutorials/WHG/wsh.pdf Syntax Highlighting in WinEdt] .
  • WinEdtTip/ǥ . . . . 4 matches
          (Template) c `p{0.2\textwidth}` Ǵ `p{25mm}` ְ ʺ(width) ϸ ȴ. ȿ \\ ſ `\par` մϴ. ̷ ϸ .
         ǥ 2 dz ܿ  ֵ ʺ ̰ Ͽϴ. text ۿ ߾ӿ Ϸ Preamble
         Helmut Kopka & Patrick w. Daly: ''A Guide To LaTeX'' (3: 1999) 113 ̴ ӿ ִ "" ̴ ٰ Ͽ׿. ׷ "Source: Energy Balance Study Group" ̴ տ
  • WinEdtTip/Ʈ . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX '''Project''' Ͽ ϳ Main File Ŵ ֽϴ. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/lshort/korean/lshort-kr.pdf lshort-kr.pdf] 15ʿ "ū Ը " Ͽ׿. Ʒ ׸ lshort-kr.tex \include Ǵ \input TeX Ŵ ֽϴ. ̰ '''Project''' մϴ.
         Set Main File̶ WinEdt â File ְ ٸ Ͽ ۾ ϰ ִ ( ۾ Ȱ (Active File) ˴ϴ.)̶ ߸ Main File ׿ ϵ Ѳ ǰ ϵǵ ϴ Դϴ. Project Main File TeX (Project ʴ )  մϴ.
  • WinEdtTip/÷ . . . . 2 matches
         http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/ WinEdt Բ ִ α׷ ֽϴ. KTUG Ű ̹ Ұ [http://www.fs.uni-lj.si/ladisk/download/latex/eps2pdf/eps2pdf.pdf eps2pdf], [http://www.dessci.com/features/taform.stm TeXaide] ǥ ִ α׷ ũ ֽϴ(Ʒ ׸ ).  ũη WinEdt Ͽ ִ (: [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/array.php Table Designer], [http://www.informatica.us.es/~calvo/latex.html tablas], [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.php New LaTeX Document Interface]) ֽϴ.
         [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.php New LaTeX Document Interface] ġ [WinEdtTip/Templates] Ͻʽÿ.
         === New LaTeX Document Interface ġ ===
          '''׸ :''' WinEdt â WinEdt â ̸ ְ ࿡ ޴(Menu Bar) ְ, (Tool Bar: ) ִ. ° `(New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N))` `New Document` ȭ(׸ Ȱȭ ȭ) Ÿ. `New Document` ȭ ſ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭ( ū ȭ) Ÿ Macro ٲܼ ִ. `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڿ `New Document` ȭڿ ã (Template) ϸ `Use predifined template:` տ ִ ׸ڸ üũϸ ȴ. LaTeX2e ټ ǥ Ŭ(Standard Document Classes: `article`, `report`, `book`, `slides`, `letter`) ϰ Usepackage ɼ ־ Ϸ üũ Ѵ.
          <!> `article`, `report`, `book` Ŭ(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ Ŭ) 鿡Դ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڰ ſ ַ 鿡Դ `Create new LaTeX document` ȭڰ ִ.
         '''ġ:''' [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.php New LaTeX Document Interface] [http://www.winedt.org/Plugins/newLaTeX.zip newLaTeX.zip]`[125 KB]` ٿε ִ ũ ִ. ٿεϿ Ǯ
         Use plug-in New LaTeX Document Interface?
  • WinEdtġ . . . . 4 matches
          (!) MiKTeX ϰ ִ ( ) WinEdtԴϴ. Ʒ ׸ "Default Startup Sequence ..." ÷ ׸ "TeX Live Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ "TeXLive"(cf. [http://www.tug.org/texlive/ TeX Live]) ϰ ִ ϴ.--[Yhchoe]
         This version integrates seamlessly with MiKTeX 2.5 or 2.6 and Adobe 8.
         <:( WinEdt 5.4 MiKTeX 2.5 100% ʽϴ.
         <:( WinEdt 5.5 Gather Control GUI Page Control MiKTeX 2.4 compatible ʽϴ. See KTUGContrib:3567''''''
         (./) (From KTUGSetup:6924'''''') MiKTeX ġϸ GhostScript ʿ ϴ. `\miktex\bin\mgs.exe` GhostScript gswin32c.exe մϴ.(׷ GSView, پ GhostScriptUtilities Ϸ GhostScript ġϴ մϴ.)
         WinEdt : MiKTeX, GhostScript, GSView, Adobe Reader "PATH ȯ " ʾƵ ˴ϴ(KTUGOperate:5334 ). Ǿ ִ üũϴ Ʒ '''׸ 2 ~ ׸ 4''' ֽϴ.
          ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿϴ. ̶ Install.txt ׳ ѹ о ݾƵ ˴ϴ. "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭ ڴ ׳ Ʒ "File Type Association ڵ " (Ǵ KTUGContrib:387'''''') TeX ϵ ܰ θ Ѳ " ɼ" " " ø մϴ.
         ȭڰ Ÿ TeX ϵ " ɼ" " " Ѳ ø ֽϴ. ( WinEdt WinEdt â ޴(Menu Bar)
          WinEdt TeX Icons and Filetype Associations - Classes Root
         MiKTeX, Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader ̵ WinEdt Ǿ üũϿ WinEdt â ޴
         ٽ "ũ " ǻͿ ġ TeX α׷ ü ġ (ũ) ֽϴ.
         ٽ "ũ " ǻͿ ġ TeX α׷ ġ (ũ ) ֽϴ.
         convert ps files to pdf. Without it your TeX system may have a limited ability to
         capabilities of your TeX system. A link is available on TUG's (www.tug.org)
         '''׸5''': ׸ WinEdt 5.4 ĸ Դϴ. "fpTeX (TeX Live) Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ fpTeX (TeX Live) ϰ ϴ. ߸ Tool Bar ߵ ٲϴ. Ƹ "fpTeX (TeX Live)" TeXify Դϴ. TeXify ߰ ϴ. ׸ "TtH" ߰ ȰȭǾϴ.
         "MiKTeX + WinEdt" MiKTeX Ʈ " ԰"(Paper Size) A4() Ǵ ̰, WinEdt" Ʈ " ԰" Letter () Դϴ. Ʈ Ͽ Yap ̴ DVI " ԰ ũ" AdobeReader ̴ PDF " ԰ ũ" ޸ Ÿϴ. Presentation PDF " " ڵ ʽϴ. dvi2pdf, dvi2ps, ps2pdf ''' ''' '''Command Line Switches''' Ͽ δ ϴ.
         ''' ߻ ⺻ ⸦ WinEdt :''' ޽ Ÿ TeX ҽ ش ġ NotePad WinEdt մϴ. "Inverse DVI Search" Ͽ Yap ޴ View->Options (Ʒ '''׸ 6''' ) " ޽ ҽ ãư" ȿϱ {{{miktex.ini}}} ʿ䰡 ϴ. See [WinEdtTip/ҽãư].
         === "Inverse DVI Search"(Yap â TeX ã) ===
         '''Inverse DVI Search''' Yap â DVI ϸ WinEdt â ִ ҽ(: TeX ش ġ) ڸ Ŭϸ ãư Դϴ. see [WinEdtTip/InverseSearch]
  • WinLaTeX . . . . 12 matches
         LG Ʈ  1994-5⿡ ߴ ѱ Windows TeX α׷.
         See [TeXImplementations]
          TeX ȯ 񱳵 , ÷μ ȯ ־ٰ Ѵ. ׷ LaTeX2e Ͽ ѱȭ Ͽ, ̴.
         [WinLaTeX] DviWin ̴ dvi viewer ٰ ϴ([ī]) ̻ ʰ ȴµ, ҽ ߴٸ ... --WkPark
          [WinLaTeX] [CTAN] winlatex ٸ ̰, [](?) ÷ ֽϴ.^^ 1995 Դϴ. Windows 95 Ƹ , 98, nt Ұϴٰ ˷ ֽϴ. -- [Karnes]
          1. LaTeX 2.09, TeX 3.1415 äϰ ־.
          1. ѱ ó pre-processor ̾. , `*.hlx` Ȯ ۾ h2latex ̶ ƿƼ ̿Ͽ `*.tex` Ϸ ȯϰ ̰ ϴ ̾. `*.hlx` Ͽ ѱ KSC5601(KS X 1001) ڵ h2latex ģ Ŀ ڵ ȯȴ. (latex2h Բ Ǿ.) ̸ Ͽ Ÿ Ͽ.(: harticle)
          1. ٵ Go Ű Ǻ MusicTeX ԵǾ ־, MathType ־ ǿ .
         attachment:winlatex_manual_ps2pdf.pdf DviWin ps ps2pdf ȯ pdf. TeX Knuth ⵵ Ժκп ´. -- -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2006-01-16T06:03:17)]]
          κ 1 Է. attachment:winlatexman.tex attachment:winlatexman.pdf
          WinLaTeX ġϸ Բ Ǵ . LaTeX2.09 ̾µ LaTeX2e ȯϰ ѱ HLaTeX ϵǵ Ͽ.
         WinLaTeX ۾ϴ
         WinLaTeX Dvi Viewer
  • WinTeX . . . . 1 match
  • WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ . . . . 16 matches
         '''[[Date(2013-03-10T10:41:05)]] [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ǥǾǷ Ͽϴ.'''
          * [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] 2012 Windows ýۿ TeX ȯ ϴ Ͻ ϱ .
          * <!> TeX ýۿ ˰ ְ ȯ Ͻ ִ ̰ ̿ Ͻ մϴ. ġ óڸ Դϴ.
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/install-tl-2012-with-kotex/install-tl-with-kotex-basic-20120826.msi install-tl-with-kotex-basic-20120826.msi] (379M)
          * -> α׷ -> TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX small -> Post Action -> After Install Action ( ۾ ʿ伺 ؼ Ʒ )
          * TeX Live ü 32Ʈ ̳ʸ(win32)Դϴ.
          * θ Ϻ kc-ƿƼ (TeX Live  ִٴ ƴմϴ.)
          * ġ '''() -> ( α׷) -> (TeX Live with ko.TeX) -> (Post Action)''' ִ '''AfterInstall Action''' ѹ ִ
          * XeTeX  Ʈ ij , TeXworks KoTeXLiveȭ .
          * ġ ڵ ʰ ޴ : ΰ ũƮ ϴ ȯ( "KC2008 ȯ") ä ʰ TeX Live ȯ Ϸ ڰ ̱ . ٸ óڳ "̰ " ׼ ϴ .
          * ν緯 scheme-small ۵Ǿ Ƿ κ Ű ko.TeX basic ġǾ .
          * AfterInstall Action Ŀ TeXworks "DZ" kc on the fly ŸǷ ̰ ϸ Ű üũؼ on the fly ġ õ. on the fly Ű ġ Ŀ (xelatex ) ǵ .
          * ''''''. kc on the fly xelatex . pdflatex ⺻ ʹٸ ׸ .
          * Ѳ üġ ׷̵ϰ ʹٸ, TeX Live Manager GUI Load Default Ŀ scheme-full collection-kotex üũϰ Install ư ٸų
         tlmgr install scheme-full collection-kotex
          * TeX Live ko.TeX Ʈ
          * TeX Live Update . Ǵ {{{
         rd c:\usr\texlive
         rd %USERPROFILE%\.texlive2012
          * .tex ϰ TeXworks
  • Windowsġϱ . . . . 1 match
         MS Windows (XP) TeX ȯ ѱ ȯ ϴ Ű ȳ
         == ko.TeX Live 2012 ==
         Goto [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live]
         == MikTeX 2.9 ==
         Goto [wiki:MiKTeXѱȯ]
         == [TeX Implementation] ==
          1. KC2008 (TeXLive)
          ѱ ŸԼÿ õ ַ ѱ TeX ǥ ȯ.
          1. MiKTeX
          * MiKTeX 2.5ʹ [ѱ ȯ] ʴ´. ̿ ؼ [MiKTeXѱȯ] .
          1. Emacs, VimEditor : ͼ⸸ Ѵٸ TeX ȯ .
         === MiKTeX + WinEdt ===
         === CygWin + KTUG-texmf ===
          * See [CygWin ġϱ]. CygWin󿡼 TeX ȯ ϴ ҰǾ ִ.(obsolete)
  • Windowsġϱ/ϰԵϱ . . . . 11 matches
         <!> Ʒ 2006 ۼ ڷμ ʽϴ. 2013 1 ´ ڷ [wiki:WindowsTeXLive2012koTeXġϱ TeX Live2012+ko.TeXġ] ϼ.
         [TeX]/LaTeX ӵʹ 񱳰 ʰ ѱ LaTeX ŵ Դ. ̷ ' Ϻ' ѱ ȯ /Ų/ ٴ ̰, ȭ μ  ѱ ȯ(HLaTeX/hangul-k/dhucs/hangul-ucs) ν ־ Ⱓ KTUG ߰ ʴ ȥ ִٴ ̴. ȯ濡 ѱ ν ϴ ݼ Ҹŭ , ϱ⵵ ̴. ׷ ұϰ ϰ ;ϴ ؿ ʺڰ ׳ () ν ִ ̵尡 ϰ Ǿ.
          * ó ϴ 忡 UTF-8, BOM, teTeX, dhucs  Ͽ 庮 ۿϴ ̹Ƿ ̸ ϰԳ Ѵ.
         = MiKTeX?, KC2006? ̷ ...? =
         [KC2006] MiKTeX ̶ ϴ ǿ ѱ ֵ ġ Ǿ Ա MiKTeX ϴ ˷ ̴. ׷ MiKTeX ο 鼭 ѱ Ȱϱ⿡ ϰ Ǿ KTUG ̿ MiKTeX ʰ ο ̿Ͽ Ϻ ѱ۹ ̿ ִ ϰ Ǿ. ΰ ڼ 뿡 ؼ [MiKTeXKC2006] ϱ ٶ.
         KTUG [KC2006] õϸ MikTeX ѱ ϰ ڴ [MiKTeX] [MiKTeXġ] Ǵ [Yhchoe/ġ̵] ϱ ٶ.
         ̸ {{{abc.tex}}} ̶ ̸ Ѵ. ݵ BOM UTF-8 · ؾ Ѵ.
          * {{{latex abc.tex}}} {{{abc.dvi}}} .
         տ ó LaTeX ̿Ͽ ϸ dvi . {{{dvips}}} α׷ ̿ϸ dvi ps ǰ {{{dvipdfmx}}} α׷ ̿ϸ dvi pdf ȯϰ ȴ. YAP α׷ ̿ϸ dvi ִ.
          . attachment:japanesetest.tex
          * {{{C:\TeX\localtexmf\tex\latex }}} 丮 ϳ ⿡ Ÿ ϵ Ѵ.
          * {{{ c:\tex }}} 丮 Ʒ ƿ 丮 ϳ ߰Ѵ. տ ѱ 丮 ν mo ̿ؼ ߰ϵ ۾ ݺ ־ Ѵ.
          * 丮 丮 Ѵ. ,  {{{C:\TeX\abc }}} Ӱ 丮 ̸ mo ؼ Ÿ {{{C:\TeX\abc\tex\latex }}} ο ־ Ѵ.
         == Ÿ TeX ==
         === Ÿ ѱ TeX ===
          * euc-kr ѱ Ҷ HLaTeX ̳ ѱ κ hangul-k ó 忡 ʿ䰡 ٰ Ѵ.
          * ؿ ͷ ޾ƿ WinEdt ִ. ̴ Delphi ̿Ͽ α׷̹Ƿ ⺻ unicode ϴ. hangul-ucs , ε Ե Ȯ ũ. HLaTeX ̳ hangul-k ϴ WinEdt ̶ ŭ ִ α׷ ʾҳ Ѵ.
          * ַ ϴ [teTeX] ִ.
          * ƿ δ [XeTeX] ִµ ڵ ƿ Ʈ Ӱ ִ.
  • WkPark . . . . 1 match
          * ο processor/latex.php α׿ Ű׿. ϴ Ƚϴ.
  • WordProcessor . . . . 3 matches
          * ǹ̿ ͵ μ ִ. Ͱ Ī [μ] ٸ ̾ƿ, ϴ ü ä [plain text] óѴٴ ̴.
          ũνýۿ ſ Ÿǽ(¿ǽ) ߾ϴ.( 6.0 ˰ ֽϴ. Ų ߴ ϴ) Ms ǽ ε, ƯϰԵ Է TeX ߽ϴ. ̹ ǥ starsuite 7.0 ó ȭϴ ε, ڻ ü ֶ󸮽 , 밡մϴ. pdf ɵ ϰ ִٳ׿.[http://news.empas.com/show.tsp/20031008n00225/?s=382&e=560 ñ] --[Progress]
         == μ̰ TeX ==
          μ μ̰ TeX (Typesetting) ƴ, ǻ͸ ۾Ⱑ ȭǸ鼭 μԴ ǰ 䱸ϰ ǰ, Դ μ ۾ȯ 䱸ϰ Ǿ.
         TeX ̰ LaTeX [ۼý]̴. ׷Ƿ μ ؾ Ǵ TeX ü ƴ϶ LaTeX̳ ConTeXt TeX- ۼý̾ ̴.
          μ LaTeX  ؼ ũ ϶.
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/wp-ko/ TeXΰ]
          * [TeXǸŷ]
          * [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko.pdf μ ڸ LaTeX(PDF)]
  • WordToLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          * http://kebrt.webz.cz/programs/word-to-latex/ Ȩ
         Word-to-LaTeX (Word-to-XML; two names for the same program :-)) is a program for converting documents written in Microsoft Word into LaTeX and XML format (additional formats can be easily added through the configuration; XML output can be later transformed to whatever format you need, transformation stylesheet from XML to XHTML is included). Word-to-LaTeX runs only on Windows with Microsoft Word installed.
  • Writer2LaTeX . . . . 6 matches
         OpenOffice.org LaTeX ȯϴ ƿƼ
         OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 .oxt Ȯڸ OOo "Ȯ α׷"(޴ -> Ȯ ) ս ġϰ ִ. LaTeX ȯ "" Ѵ.
         OpenOffice.org Writer 2.0.4 α׷ ⺻  ִ. , "Export()" .tex Ⱑ ũƮ ̿ϴ ̴. ġ ĥ ʿ䰡 .
         tex (ٸ ⺻ ϸ), ѱ ִ.
         #> cnvtw2l test.tex >testout.tex
         # a simple filter for a TeX generated by OpenOffice.org
         ׷, {{{\usepackage{kotex} }}} ȯ Ͽ ڰ ־ ̴. [ko.TeX] ȣȯ ؼ ּ óϴ .
  • XEmTeX . . . . 2 matches
         Fabrice Popineau XEmacs Windows TeX ȯ Ʈ.
         [fpTeX] ̱⵵ [fpTeX] Ѱ踦 ϰ Ʈ .
         Ⱑ XEmTeX (repository) Ʈ.
  • XML2LaTeX . . . . 6 matches
         XML XSLT ̿ؼ LaTeX ֽϴ.
          XML ѱ LaTeX ȯϴ Ϳ Ǹ ϰ մϴ.
         XSLT ̿ؼ XMLڷḦ LaTeX ȯϸ ڴٴ ־µ, ̷ ϰ ִ Դϴ.
         ̰ Ǹ DocBook LaTeX ȯϴ ͵ ϴٰ ˴ϴ.
          JadeTeX ȯϿ óϴ ˰ ִµ, ѱ۹ ؼ ִ ƴ ϴ.
         === db2latex ===
         DocBook LaTeX ȯϴ ŸϽƮ
          * http://db2latex.sf.net
          * http://www.miwie.org/db2latex/
         === dblatex ===
         DocBook LaTeX/ConTeXt ȯϴ ŸϽƮ
          * http://dblatex.sf.net
         == TeXML ==
         XML TeX vocabulary.
          * http://getfo.sourceforge.net/texml/index.html
         ׷Ƿ XML -> LaTeX ִ XSLT , Wiki LaTeX ȯϴ ׿.
         ׷ٸ Wiki ȭ LaTeX ȯϴ α׷ Ǹ ڵ ϴ Wiki LaTeX ̳ PDF · ٿε ʰڽϱ?
  • XYPic . . . . 4 matches
         Xy-pic TeX ׷ ̾׷ ϱ ׷ Ű̴. LaTeX, AMSTeX, [PlainTeX] κ ˿ ִ.
         Xy-pic Ű ⺻ ǥ TeX MetaFont ϰ PostScript ʴ´.
          PDFLaTeX PDF PSTricks Ű Ű ʴ´.
          * [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/xypic/ Xy-pic ī̺] (ctan.org)
         === LaTeX ===
         : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/documentation/LaTeX_Graphics_Companion/5-3-4.ltx LaTeX Graphics Companion 5-3-4]
          * pdflatex
          * latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf
          * latex -> dvipdfm
         === LaTeX ̿ ===
         LaTeX ̿ ˿ εѴ.
          [PSTricks/pst-pdf] Ű ϰ PDFLaTeX ϴ
  • XeLaTeX . . . . 6 matches
          ̰ compileϽ XeLaTeX ۺκ ÷ֽø ϰڽϴ. --[gromov]
          ÷޶ż ÷ϱ մϴٸ, ̰ xoblivoir.cls Ѱ ƴ϶... Ŭ {{{myTinyXeTeX}}} ֽϴ. attachment:KCmenu2008-preamble.tex.txt --[Karnes]
          DeleteMe: ҽϴ. մϴ. XeTeX űؼ ε ϴ ʿ߾ϴ. arita.tex ̰ ҽϴ. ̷ ٵ ߾µ ±. Mac font ã ϴ ϴ. ׷ xkospace.sty font UnBatang ٲپ ߽ϴ. font Mac install font ̸ ٸ ϴ. Ƹ font 쿡 ̸ AritaM ־߸ ã ϴ.("Ƹ\space M" "AritaM" ľ ˴ϴ.) fontε ̸ ϵǾ ̻մϴ. ó ̶ 𸣴 ϴٸ. --[gromov]
          2007(?) J Kew XeTeX Live ǿ slide ֽϴ.( 26 30ʰ) ⿡ xetex бȣ ִٴ ˾ƺ ͵ ϴ. --[gromov]
          (?) ˰ڽϴ. Ƹ amstex symbol̳ ȣ otf ٴ մϴ. ̰͵ convert ִٸ ( ?) ¼ font tex 𸣰ڴٴ ϴ. õõ ֽ մϴ. --[gromov]
  • XeTeX . . . . 25 matches
         $-) http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=xetex
         Jonathan Kew ο TeX ý. OS ġ Ʈ TeX ڿ ̿ ִ.
         === XeLaTeX ѱ ǥ ===
         {{{#!vim tex
         %% kotex Ű XeTeX Ǹ xetexko ȴ.
         % or, \usepackage{xetexko}
         %% xetexko fontspec, xunicode, xltxtra ҷ̸
         %% \XeTeX, \XeLaTeX ΰ xltxtra Ű
         %% Ǿ , xetexko ̸ εϿ.
         %% xetexko 찡 ƴ϶ xltxtra .
         \title{\XeLaTeX ѱ ǥ}
         \section{\XeTeX ̶?}
         \XeTeX ť(Janathan Kew) modern font technologies
         \section{\XeLaTeX ѱ}
         \XeTeX ü ڵ ߾ α׷̹Ƿ
         \XeTeX\ \LaTeX \XeLaTeX ̶ Ѵ.
         \XeTeX \LaTeX Con\TeX{t} ȴ.
  • XsltVersion . . . . 1 match
         <?xml-stylesheet href="XsltVersion" type="text/xml"?>
  • Yap . . . . 5 matches
         MiKTeX ԵǾ ִ DVI ̸ α׷̴. See also [DVI̹].
         Yap â ޴ "(V)" Ŭϸ "ɼ(O)..." ְ, ̰ Ŭϸ "Options" ȭ ( ׸ : MiKTeX 2.4 ̰ [MiKTeX-KTUG] ) Ÿ.
         ⼭ "ƮũƮ" Ŭϸ "ƮũƮ ؼ:" ؿ GhostScript ΰ ִ. MiKTeX 2.4 α׷ gs ϰ ְ, [MiKTeX-KTUG] Ghostscript ΰ ȴ. ΰ Ʋ ۾ ġų, Ghostscript ̴. Ʒ
         '''MiKTeX 2.5 '''
         '''MiKTeX 2.4 Ǵ '''
         '''Q1'''(from KTUGOperate:21138'''''')''':''' LNCS Ŭ ̿ؼ ۼ ε dvi ϴ°Ͱ pdftex pdf ٷ ̾Ƴ ̿ ̰ ִ. dvi ü ġ pdftex ϸ ߾ӿ ġϴ±. -_-;;
  • Yhchoe . . . . 123 matches
          * [MiKTeX] + WinEdt ڸ TeX ̵
          ġ⸸ Ѵϴ. κ ð ȸ ϰ ֽϴ. ׷ μ ϰ ϴ. ȸ Quark Express, Ʒ ѱ, `MSWord`, TeX TeX ٲپ ø Ұɿ ׿. ̱ȸ TeX ִ ϴ. :D --[Yhchoe]
         , ȣԴϴ. ǰϽ? ݿ Ϳ [TeX] ñ ϰ дϴ. 8°(?) 繰 Ҵµ, ȸ  ñմϴ. ׸ μ γ Ǵ? TeX α 󸶳 ɱ ϰ ϴ. --[Progress]
          б ϴ ٻڳ׿. а п 80% ̻ TeX ٰ Ƶ Ʋ Դϴ. 60% MiKTeX-KTUG Դϴ. ׷ κ ̹ ִ Ŭ Ÿ ʰ ׳ 뵿(̸ 밡) article Ŭ AMSTeX ֽϴ. BibTeX 10% ʴ ϴ.
          Ѽȸ ȸԲ KTUG Ƽ Ŵٰ "TeX " , ѱLaTeX ڿ ޿ е ȭο ŵ ϶ ȴµ ׻ ׷ڴٰ ϸ鼭 ׼ ʳ׿. ѱбȸ ȥڼ µ Ź 10~20 ۿ ʾҽϴ.
         = MiKTeX 2.5 "ѱ" ( ̾߱) =
         <!> MiKTeX 2.5 ѱ ȯ ϴ ־ϴ. MiKTeX 2.5 ġ ǵ帮 ʰ texmf-hangul ̶ ͸ ϴ [MiKTeXѱȯ] ֽϴ. ⿡ HPack ̿Ͽ ѱ ȯ Ͽ Ұմϴ.
         ==== texmf-hangul for MiKTeX 2.5 ====
         [MiKTeXѱȯ] ׸ '''MiKTeX 2.5 ѱ ȯ : texmf-hangul'''
         <!> MiKTeX 2.5 ġ ణ Ǵ ʿմϴ. See KTUGContrib:3728''''''
         <!> MiKTeX 2.4 ġ ΰ C:\TeX ͸ 򸮴 Ȯθ ϸ ˴ϴ(׸ 3 ). ׸ ġ MiKTeX Options {{{C:\TeX\localtecmf}}} Path ÷ θ ˴ϴ(׸ 4 ).
         '''׸ 3:''' Ʈ ͸ "׸ 4"ó Ƿ {{{C:TeX}} Ǿ մϴ.
         '''׸ 4:''' Ʈ ͸ ÷ϰ "Add..." ߸ ãϴ. {{{C:\TeX\localtecmf}}} ΰ "Add..." ߸ ̿Ͽ ÷ Ӵϴ.
         == MiKTeX 2.5 HPack ==
          1. MiKTeX C:\TeX ƴ C:\ ٷ ġ HPack ġ ణ ִ.
          -> KTUG {{{<Drive>:\TeX}}} MiKTeX ġ '''''' ϰ ִ. [HPack] ̿ ѱ ȯ Ϸϸ MiKTeX 2.5 ġ ܰ迡 Ʈ ͸ ΰ '''׸ 1''' ǵ setupwiz.opt [[FootNote(setupwiz.opt KTUGSetup:11183'''''' )]] غϴ . [MiKTeXġ] setupwiz.opt ġ Ű basic-miktex-2.5.2xxx.exe ΰ ġ Ű Ѵ.
          1. HLaTeX 1.0.1 ({{{C:\TeX\texmf-hlatex}}}) [Hangul-ucs] ({{{C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs}}}) ġǰ ִ Ű̳ ʿ ġϴ ͺ Ѳ ġϴ . MiKTeX 2.4 [HPack] ġ ó {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hlatex}}} {{{C:\TeX\texmf-hangul-ucs}}} δ MiKTeX Options ڵ Ÿ ʴ´.[[FootNote(MiKTeX 2.5 쿡 setupwiz.opt ġ Ű basic-miktex-2.5.2xxx.exe ΰ ġ Ű (ġ)ϸ C:\TeX\localtexmf ÷ ִ. HPack ġ Ŀ ٲ ʴ´.)]] "Add..." ߸ Ͽ ÷ Ѵ('''׸ 1''' ). KTUGContrib:3739
         === HLaTeX 1.0.1 ġ ===
          [MiKTeXġ] [HPack] ٿε Hpack-1.2-Full-Setup.exe Ѵ. MiKTeX 2.4 ѱ ȯ ޸ ۾ θ
  • Yhchoe/WinEdt̵ . . . . 9 matches
          ַ WinEdt TeX ˾ θ ξϴ. ߿ WinEdt ڼ [WinEdtTip] ֽϴ.
         == TeX ? ==
         TeX μ Ѹ Ѵٸ "DZ"(Typesetting)̴. WinEdt([http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/winedt-work1.png ũ]) Windows [TeX] αִ ƴѰ ʹ. WinEdt ѱ Է HLaTeX ѱ ۲ ۿ ٴ ̴. ׷ [Hangul-ucs] ۲ "޸", JEdit, AcroEdit  ҽ ڵ带  ; Ѵ. ڵ ״ ִ. ׸ Ʒ FreeSoftwareʹ ޸ ShareWare(Ϻ: л 30, Ϲ 40)̰, Ⱓ ִ.
          鵵 "϶"(Syntax Highlighting) Ͽ TeX ڵ(ҽ) ɵ ִ.
          1. [GNU] TeXmacs: LaTeX [μ] ѱ ȵȴ([http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/texmacs-screenshot.png ũ]).
          1. Ų(Mac OS) LaTeX  [MacOSXġϱ], [http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/ Mac-TeX], [http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=XeTeX XeTeX] .
         == MiKTeX WinEdt ġ ==
          * User-Defined Popup Menus for context sensitive response to the right mouse button and/or (double) shortcut keys
          * Transparent conversion of TeX equivalents to 8-bit international characters (eg. accented characters)
          * The ability to set-up context sensitive commands
         TeX ֽ ġ, ġ ִ ڵ Ѵٸ WinEdt ޷ִ ϸ ȴ. Ǵ ̿Ͽ ̰ų . ٲ Ǵ Ǵ ų ȴ. ̷ ġ 뿡 ɾƼ ڵ ų ġ() Ѵ.
         MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 Total Ҵٸ پ ϴ 5~6 ϵ ִ. ϵ Ȱ ϵ ϴ ׸ ƴϴ. ɾ ȯ ϰų ޴󿡼 ã ʹ ۾̴. ̰ ޴ ߸ Ͽ ([GUI]: Graphical User Interface) ȯ صξ. ߿ ̹ ο ͵ ڰ οϿ ֵ (KTUGSetup:3185 ) ִ.
         '''(Compile) (View) ߵ:'''  ٸ Ϸ ġ (Compile)̶ Ѵ. WinEdt ׾߸ " ư" CompileѴ. MiKTeX Ű(Ǵ ٸ Ű) ԵǾ ִ LaTeX α׷ Ѵ. ߷ "(Compile) "Ͽ ش. (WinEdt â TeX ϵ ϴ [http://www.winedt.com/HTML/tex.html WinEdt and TeX: step-by-step guide...] Ǵ KTUGContrib:499'''''' .) (Compile) ߵ(11) ̷ ִ 5 ߴ (View) ߵ̴.
          <!> Ȥ Ŭ ϰ Ÿ ins ̳ dtx Ϸ ϴ ִ. ̷ ϵ LaTeX ߸ ϸ cls, sty, tex, dvi . ->See KTUGOperate:5426'''''', KTUGOperate:10886'''''', KTUGOperate:10942''''''.
         '''TeX Symbols GUI:''' Tool Bar (TeX Symbols GUI) ̸ "GUI Page Control"(ٸ KTUGOperate:1737 ) . Math, Greek, Symbols, ... ִ ӿ 500 ȣ, Ʈ ߰ ִ.
         [http://math.postech.ac.kr/~kz/latexcad/latexcad.htm LaTeXCad ] LaTeXCad ϱ Ͽ ߿ οϴ LaTeXCad ġϰ ϴ ִ.
         '''dvi->pdf:''' TeX ҽ  DVI ̸ WinEdt dvi->pdf ߸ pdf ִ. WinEdt â DVI θų WinEdt â ȣ ڵ Ÿ. ̶ "DVI ̸" ߸ Yap â DVI ش. Yap â DVI ų ʾҰų DVI WinEdt â Ȱȭ Ǿ dvi->pdf ߸ ų Command Console() pdf ִ. ->See KTUGOperate:7288
          C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Bin\TeX
          C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Exec\MiKTeX
         '''dvi->ps:''' TeX ҽ  DVI ̸ WinEdt 'dvi->ps' ߸ 'ps' ִ. DVI θų WinEdt 'dvi->ps' ߸ ȴ. (WinEdt DVI . DVI а 'DVI ̸' ߸ ȴ.)
  • Yhchoe/ġ̵ . . . . 68 matches
         == TeX ο ۾ ==
         TeX ϰ ϴ "۾ " Ǵ "۾ ͸" ϴµ ̰ [[FootNote(path: " ǻ" Tree (branch) ã )]] Ͽ մϴ. TeX α׷ ϰ Ǿ ֽϴ. ߿ ο Ⱑ ְų ʹ ̸ ְų ѱ ν ϴ 쵵 ־ϴ.[[FootNote(Ű [Beamer] ׸ "compatibility" " ҽ beamerthemecompatibility.sty ̸  ׷ ãư մϴ." ĿƮ ׸ ӿ ֽϴ. See also KTUGOperate:12902'''''')]] sty ̳ bst ߿ ׷ ҽϴ.[[FootNote(ο " ", "My Documents", "Documents and Settings" θ ν ϴ 찡 ־ϴ. See also KTUGSetup:10735'''''')]] ׷ ǻ ̸ θڷ  ̳ ̸ θڷ  ʰ մϴ. ⿡ ̸ ο ѱ̳ Ⱑ ʵ ϴ ϴ. See KTUGSetup:10620''''''.
          TeX α׷ ġ `texmf`, `localtexmf`, `texmf-user` Ʈ ͸ `Program Files` Ʒ ʾҽϴ. MiKTeX 2.1 MiKTeX 2.4 Ʈ ġ ο Ⱑ Ǿ ־ϴ.
         MiKTeX 2.5 Ĵ Ʈ ġ ο Ʒ '''׸ 1'''ó Ⱑ ֽϴ.
         '''׸ 1:''' MiKTeX 2.6 ġϿ Ʈ ͸
         TeX OS[[FootNote( ý: ÷̶ մϴ. , , UNIX, Mac )]] ġ Ű ٸ , ġ, [DVI] ̸, [TeX],  ݾ ٸ ֽϴ. " [TeX] ̳?" θ ϴ ܰ谡 ݾ ٸϴ.
         [TeX]δ WinEdt ϴٰ մϴ. WinEdt ġϸ TeX ϵ , GhostScript, GSView, AdobeReader [[FootNote(WinEdt Ű ã : [WinEdtġ] '''׸ 2-4''' )]] ڵ Ǹ ޽ ִ ҽ ڵ ãư ֽϴ. WinEdt 5.5 Ÿ 5 ʹ Hangul-ucs ۲õ (cf. [WinEdtTip/Hangul-ucs]), Ϻ Ϻ ? Ÿϴ([WinEdt/ϺԷ] '''׸ 1''' Ʒ κ ). EmEditor Բ غ ֽϴ(cf. [WinEdtTip/EmEditorԲ]).
         http://project.ktug.or.kr/miktex-ktug/ <= ⼭ ޱ ޱ⸦ ߽ϴ...
          MiKTeX ġ Ŀ ȭ鿡 ٷΰⰡ ʽϴ.
         ( ħ ȭϽ е PCTeX ٰ MiKTeX-KTUG
         ȭϼ̽ϴ. PCTeX Ű ü Ⱑ ְ,
         [TeX]1.5, h[TeX]n, [PCTeX] Ǵ [TeXplus] ü [TeX] ֱ ȭ鿡 [TeX] ٷΰ ߸ ΰ ϴ. MiKTeX (޸, WinEdt, EmEditor ) մϴ.
          °, , ѱ, (), () ־ ϰ ڰ Ƽ ִ [MiKTeXѱȯ] MiKTeX̶ մϴ. MiKTeX TeX α׷(: dvi->pdf, dvi->ps, ps->pdf ) µ Ǿ "[DVI] ̸" [Yap] ɴϴ.
         (!) MiKTeX  ϳ, ο Ű ʿϰ ̰ Remote Package Repository (CTAN ̷ Ʈ) "¶ο ڵ ٿ޾Ƽ ġϰ ִ "Դϴ(See KTUGSetup:3939''''''). ׷ ġ basic-miktex Ƶ մϴ. TeX [Lambda] ϸ Internet "Omega" α׷ ãƿͼ ġϰ մϴ. PDFPresentation(̵ ) غϱ Ͽ
          ϴ TeX PDFLaTeX (PDFLaTeX Ǵ `PDFTeXify` )ϸ "ͳ" ʿ Ű(beamer, pgf, xcolor ) ãƼ ݴϴ. ڴ [TDS] ʿ䰡 ϴ.
         (!) ǻ α׷ ڽ ִ ƴϸ MiKTeX [Yap] ϴ. ٸ "DVI ̸"([DVI̹]) ؾ մϴ.
         :-9 ''' PC'''̰ų ϵ ̺긦 ''' ϰ XP ó TeX α׷ ''' ׸ dz پ ˴ϴ.
         (!) ̹ ִ TeX Ű
          " Ʈ" `MiK` (MiKTeX ) ϴ[[FootNote(MiKTeX 2.4 Ĵ "α׷ ߰/" MiKTeX Ϸ ϸ "Remove MiKTeX" Ÿϴ. ⼭ "Tidy up thoroughly." ϸ(Ʒ '''׸ 2''' ) ڵ ġ Ʈ ͸, Ʈ MiK (Ǵ MiKTeX.org) ϴ.)]]. 켱 TeX α׷ ϱ Ʈ ͸ Ǵ ĮƮ ͸ ġ ϵ texmf-user ͸[[FootNote(texmf-user ͸ ˴ϴ. ϵ ͸ [TDS](TeX Directory Structure) ־ θ ʿ Ÿ Ű ڵ ã ɴϴ. Ʒ ׸ "޸ Ű ġ( TEXMF )" Ͻʽÿ.)]] Ű δ ϴ. MiKTeX 2.3 Ǵ `localtexmf` ͸ ä ϴ. ִ `texmf` ͸ `localtexmf` ͸ մϴ.
         (!) " Ʈ" {{{MiK}}} ȫȣ [http://physics.kyunghee.ac.kr/~reds/Hpack_Project/miktex2.1.01.htm MiKTeX 2.1 ġ ȳ] ó κ(0. ġ ռ...) Ͻʽÿ. ȫȣ `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE` ִ {{{MiK}}} ϼ̴ `HKEY_CURRENT_USER` {{{MiK}}}(Ǵ {{{MiKTeX.org}}}) ִ 찡 ֽϴ. ϴ. MiKTeX ° ٽ ϴ.
  • Yudit . . . . 4 matches
         ɿ, `find text` ϸ `"text"` ã ְ, `replace old_text new_text` ٲٱⰡ ϴ.
  • bbϾ . . . . 5 matches
         KC2008(=texlive 2008) DVIPDFMx .bb ̸ ξ ϴ . graphicx Ű ɼ dvipdfmx , latex ÿ {{{-shell}}} ɼ ߰ϸ ʿ .bb Ǵ .xbb ̴. , ̷ ϸ DVIPDFMx óϴ jpg ׸ ũⰡ pdftex ó Ͱ ´.( ebb ̿ pdftex ؼ dvipdfm dvipdfmx ̷ ׸ ũ ó߾.)
         # latex -shell foo
  • brushscr . . . . 2 matches
         === MiKTeX ===
         MiKTeX Ǯ ġǾ ִ.
         #> mktexlsr
         \textbsi{The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.}
  • calligra . . . . 2 matches
         === MiKTeX ===
         MiKTeX Ǯ ġǾ ִ. ġǾ Ʒ Ͽ ϸ ȴ.
         \usepackage{calligra}%For \textcalligra
         \noindent \textcalligra{{\LARGE\color{blue}The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
  • comment . . . . 3 matches
         LATEX Է óذٰ % ڸ () κа ٹٲ Ѵ. ׸ ùӸ 鹮ڵ Ѵ. ̰ Է ۼ μǿ Ÿ ʴ ּ ִ.
          * ([], April 19, 2006, \comment...\endcomment) http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-04
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/comment/ ã ִ. verbatim Ű comment ȯ . ִ.
  • dopesoul . . . . 14 matches
         = ۼϸ鼭 ˰Ե LaTeX =
         how to adjust the margins http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-margins.shtml
         how to change how section headings look http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-sections.shtml
         various things about footnotes/endnotes http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-footnotes.shtml
         some tricks for adjusting pages http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-pagebreaks.shtml
         how to do bibliographies http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-bibliographies.shtml
         츮б ƽԵ latex style ϰ ʴ.
          1. ġ/Ʈ kcupdate ϰ ( XeTeX ) ֽʽÿ.
          * Latex Preamble {{{
          * ҽڵ ̶ ϰ LaTeX ٲִ α׷ http://www.andre-simon.de/
          * Texas Tech Univ. http://www.math.ttu.edu/~daya/m5365/m5365.htm
          * Stanford Univ. TeX Help page http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/suthesis/index.shtml#where
  • e-TeX . . . . 2 matches
  • edmondwells . . . . 14 matches
         ==== ConTeXt ====
          1. ConTeXt н ֱ: \usepath[path]
          1. http://texblog.net/
          1. http://www.texample.net/
          1. [http://randomdeterminism.wordpress.com/2009/03/05/tex-programming-the-past-the-present-and-the-future/ ConTeXt+LuaTeX]
          1. [http://emacsworld.blogspot.com/2009/03/latex-beamer-how-to-get-logo-in-top.html beamer+logo+top+corner]
          1. [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/context-top-ten/ ConTeXt ]
          1. http://texblog.net/latex-archive/graphics/tikz-table/
          1. [http://randomdeterminism.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/creating-a-style-file-in-context/ Creating a style file in ConTeXt]
          1. [http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/22883/where-can-i-find-an-online-manual-for-low-level-latex-commands Where can I find an online manual for low-level LaTeX commands?]
          * attachment:tikzheader.tex
  • emacsϱ . . . . 15 matches
         Emacs ó Ǿ keyboard AŰ Caps LockŰ ڸ CtrlŰ ־, ~Ű ڸ AltŰ ־ٰ Ѵ. LaTeX ϴٰ ~Ű , Caps LockŰ .( Windows 鼭 Ǿ.) ׷ http://youlsa.com/2005/09/08/51/ site down޾Ƽ ġϸ '''Caps LockŰ CtrlŰ ٲټ ִ'''. ƹ پ ϰ ۾ ִ. ׷ WindowXP systemü ٲ , Emacsο ٲܼ ѵ, 𸣰ڽϴ.
          *  ؼ ϴ  , C-x aig(add-inverse-global) ԷѴ( C-x ail ִ´). 츮 \LaTeX ִ´ٰ Ҷ shiftŰ latex ϸ latex Էϰ C-x aig ڿ Ȯ ûѴ. ⿡ LaTeX latex Ŀ LaTeX ٲ ִ Եȴ.
          * 忡 Ǵ ̰, Ư mode Ǵ ̴. PDFLaTeX mode Ǵ )
          http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/EmacsDynamicAbbrevExpand Խϴ. ڼ site Ȯϼ. Emacs  , ۿ ܾ , ܾ ù Ϻκи Էص ڵ Էִ ֽϴ. ڵ ſ ϳԴϴ. M-x dabbrev-expand , κ '''M-/ ''' ֽϴ. ɹ ϳ ְ Ŀ ʿ ¥ Ϻθ typingĿ M-/ . Ÿ text Է ֽϴ.
          𸣰, command ٲ ȯ ٲٰ ʹٰ . ̰ ׳ simple search & replace ٲٱ ʴ.  \mycommand{text}
         \begin{myenv} text \end{myenv} ؾ ϴ Ȳ ִٸ  ĥΰ?
          * غ. command ִ '''ڰ ϳ̰ ׾ȿ ٸ command '''̴. ׾ text ̴. C-M-% Էϰų, Emacs ޴ Edit->Replace->Replace Regexp ؼ mycommandκ ְ, Ŀ myenvκ ִ´.
         === ( Wikipage LaTeX file ) ===
          ֱٿ wikipage  ؼ LaTeX Ͽٴ ҹ , ⼭ source ޾Ƽ  tex ٲٴ ؼ ڴ.
          * source м(?)̴. wiki page Ǿ ־  ִ ͵ λ縻, tableofcontents, , ȱ۲, ¥״뵵 , , latex ״ ¥(\,?, %), hypertarget ִ ̴.
          * λ縻 abstract, tableofcontents tableofcontents section subsection, ۲ emph ¥״ boxedverbatim latex ȱ¥ hypertarget \url ٲٸ ɰ .
          * LISP program ٴ Լ  ؼ ǹǷ Lisp Interaction mode ۾ϱѴ. < Ͽ M-x lisp-interaction mode ָ带 ϰ Ŀ Ʒ code ְ C-j Էϸ ˴ϴ. ׸ Ϸ ϴ text ȭϿ M-x Լ ϸ ˴ϴ.>
          * wiki * \item ٲٰ Ŀ ó \item \begin{itemize} ̴ codeԴϴ. ſ űմϴ. ̷ textȭϿ κп Ư κ ִٴ ̿!! ֽϴ. ^^ ֳ׿. conditional ٿϴ. ̻  쿡 if ϳ ϰ!.
          * wiki \command \begin{env}  ؾ ϳ Դϴ. ׳ ϱδ \command \begin{env} \verb ġȯϿ ȿ ɰ , װ ׸ ܼ ʽϴ. ֳϸ 츮 {{{ text }}} boxedverbatimȯ ٲ۴ٰ ߰, ׷ٸ ȿ ִ ͵ ׷ ٲ ϴ. ׷ ȵDZ narrow-to-region̶ ELISP ԼԴϴ. ׷ ̰͵ ι ؾ ε ɴϴ. ϱ? ׸ ߰߰ \ ۵Ǵ ̷ ٲٴ ֽϴٸ, ̰ ׸ ũ Ƽ ׳ ξϴ.
         (defun mod-wikitotex ()
         ps) ϸ tex file Ⱑ ʳ׿? * item ĭ  * item2 ⿡ ȯ ѷ־ ϴµ.... ۰ Ⱑ ʽϴ. ʾƼ ׳ ֽϴ. õ մϴٸ. --[synapse]
  • encTeX . . . . 1 match
  • fpTeX . . . . 1 match
         Fabrice Popineau ߾ Web2C Windows TeXImplementations ϳ.
          * TeXLive ԵǾ ־.
         2005 5 fpTeX . ڿ Fabrice Popineau [XEmTeX] /ϱ ߴٰ Ѵ.
          * [http://www.metz.supelec.fr/~popineau/xemtex-7.html]
  • gnumeric . . . . 4 matches
          * gnumeric ü save as tex Ѵ.
          * tex file LongTable ̿ standalone ϰų, ٸ tex include ִ.
          * tex ּ
  • google scholar . . . . 1 match
         ̸ ̿ϸ (1) BibTeX Ȥ (2) EndNote · ۷ ִ.
         EndNote ڷḦ BibTeX ϹǷ ᱹ BibTeX Ͽ ǰڴ. ó ϰ ̰ Է ʾƵ ڵ ۷ ְ Ǿ. google!
         == BibTeX ٿε ޱ ==
  • graphicx . . . . 2 matches
         LaTeX پ ׷ Խų ֵ
          ִ Ű̴. LaTeX ׷ `color`, `graphics`,
         ܺ ׷ LaTeX ϴ ġ `\includegraphics` Ѵ. , `file.eps`
         eps ִ. terminal epslatex ϸ ȴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         CategoryGraphics CategoryLaTeXPackage
  • gromov . . . . 4 matches
         = TeX ϱ =
         TeX Ϸ TeX ϴ ʼ̴. ٸ 츮 ̹ ϰ ִ ¿ ߾ ۿ ߾ (Mac 鿡 ) ݸ Ͽ 츮 ˰ ִ Ϳ ߱ ƴ. TeX ̷ ϰ ̰ ɷ äϿ. TeX ⺻ ö ڷ .
         켱 TeX ö ϴ Ͽ . Ǹ TeX ϴµ ִ . ŭ Ǿٰ Ǹ Ϲ Űܼ ٸ 鵵 ĥ ְ .
          * [[gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals]]
          * [[gromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete]]
         == TeX ̾߱ ==
         TeX Ͽ  ̴.
          ּż մϴ. ħ amsart/XeLaTeX ۼϷ ϴ ̶ ҽϴ. ũ  ù ص ڴ? --[Karnes]
          * attachment:tex_u_ywk_xe.tex
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals . . . . 6 matches
         = TeX ⺻ =
          TeX ϴµ ־ ⺻ Ǵ Ƴ´. TeX ϴٰ ϴ TeX  ° ϴ ͵ ִ. ڽſ ʿ ͸ ˸ ȴٰ TeX ƹ ý̴ ᱹ ǻ ̰ ƹ ǹ̿ ִ ̸ Ѵٰ Ͽ ũ ǹ̿ ϰų ؾ ϹǷ TeX ⺻ ö ϴ ٵ ߿ϴ.
          κ Ƹ Knuth The TeXBook Spivak The Joy of TeX оƾ ϰ ʿ ݸ ε .
         == TeX ϴ ==
          1. TeX DTP(DeskTop Publishing) α׷̴. å ִ output ִ α׷ ̴.
         == TeX ==
          1. TeX ɾ ϴ α׷ Ư¡ ְ ̰ ̸鼭 ̱⵵ ϴ.
          * Ϲ μ ϸ鼭 ƹ TeX output ξ .
         == TeX ϴ ==
          1. TeX ̴.  Ϸ ħ ʴ´. ׷ TeX ⺻ Template (\section  ϸ) Ǹ ٴ ̴. ʿ ͵ ð ΰ . (ǥ, ׸, Ŀ ð Ͽ Ѵ. ׷ Ͼȱ̳ Ϳ ̴ ð ϸ ξ ũ.)
          1. TeX Ϸ ٸ μ shortcut key ܿ ó ɾ syntax ð Ͽ Ѵ. ( ϴ ɾ ׸ ʴ. ׸ ȣ ɾ д ״ο ܿ ʾƵ ȴ.)
         = TeX =
         == TeXEngine ==
         TeX WISIWYG μ ƴϴ.
          ý OS ǻͿ 𼭳 ư Ǿ ־ ϴµ ̷ ޼ ֵ Platform ϵ డ TeXEngine̶ θ. ̰͵ 뵵 PlainTeX, LaTeX, PdfTeX, PdfLaTeX, ConTeXt, XeTeX, XeLaTeX, BibTeX .
           PlainTeX, LaTeX, PdfTeX ʴ, 뵵 BibTeX̳ Index ٸ Ͱ Ͽ Ư ȿ (̳ ε ) ִ ϵ̴.
          TeX ý ϴ°? ׸ ߿  TeXEngine ϴ° ̶ ִ. ׷ 2008⵵ 츮󿡼 ѱ TeX Ѵٸ 99% TeXLive2008 KTUGCollection2008 ϴ .
         TeX Ư¡ ŸϿ ȣ ⺻ ʴ. ̷ ϰ ֵ ϴ TeX ý κ ϴ ũ(Macro) ϵ ϰ ִ.
          ũ ϵ Ƿ TeX ǰ ִ.
          ũε  Ȱ뵵 ͵ Ǿ TeX ýۿ ߰ȴ.
  • gromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete . . . . 12 matches
         TeX ϴ ѱ۰ ۲ , ο ý ؼ,  α׷̳ ̻ ʴ   ġǾ и ϴ . ̷ ׵ ǰ ƮǴ Ѵ. Ƹ ̷ ; ϳ д.
          TeX system, ѱ ý Ȳ latex, pdflatex, xelatex, luatex Ư¡, ̵ հ õ ü Ǹ ڴ. ̸ ؼ ڽ ϴ ɼ ⼭ ã ̵ Ŵ о ְ ǥ̴. (Ųٷ Ŵ ã о ã ƴϴ ϴ ʺڿԴ ʹ ̴.) 𼱰 ã suggestion Ͽ current system ϴ Ҹ .
          * 켱 ȯ濡 õ ( \usepckage{kotex} )
          * ̷ κ '켼' ٴ 'hlatex ڿ شǴ . kotex (ũ) update Ǿ.' ȳ ִ . Ѵٸ ̷ ȳ abbreviation  ޾ شٵ簡... - [gromov]
          * : .png, .jpg, .gif eps \cdots, ebb, xbb , graphicx eps ɾ . latex2e ƴ latex ɵ (ڸ )
          * : ko.TeX (ѱ  ѱ۸ ִ ), xetexko xetexko-var (xelatex ϴ xoblivoir ϴ )
  • hLaTeXp . . . . 3 matches
          ѱTeX ũ.
          [http://www.filewatcher.com/b/ftp/ftp.kreonet.re.kr/.1/hangul/cair-archive/tex/htex.0.0.html kreonet.re.kr ftp]
          * [TeX] [hLaTeXp] [DVI̹] ۲ ó ٸ [hLaTeXn] žϰ ־.
          * [hTeXp] ǻ ѱ ѱ ״ ó ִ [ѱTeX] ýٰ̾ ִ.
         == MiKTeX-KTUG [hLaTeXp] ġϱ ==
         == KTUG Collection 2006 [hLaTeXp] ġϱ ==
         == HLaTeXk ̿ϱ ==
         [Karnes-PrivateTmpPage#s-2.6] HLaTeXk ˻Ͽ ø, HLaTeX Ͽ [hLaTeXp] ִ ֽϴ.
         == [hLaTeXp] ==
         === TeXplus Բ ===
         [hLaTeXp] dvi TeXplus ⺻ ƮŸ ۲÷ ġȯǾ ȭ鿡 Ÿ. pdf ȯϱ ؼ TeXplus pdf ̹(, Adobe Distiller) μϸ ƮŸ pdf ִ. ۸ũ å pdf ġ ϱ ,  [TeX] ִ pdf ǰ ִ.
  • hermian . . . . 62 matches
          * TeX ׳ ɻ. ϴ . '''40뿡 åѱ ''' ǥ 뿡 µ TeX̶. Text Processing in Python ó StructuredText ȯϴ .
          * Ѷ [http://docbook.or.kr/wiki/index.php/HomePage DocBook] ŷȰ ȸ翡 ý XML ϵ 5° ̴. wiki -> xml -> FrameMaker ߰ Ǵٸ (?)μ  SingleSourcing ź ִ. xml LaTeX 粲 @@Ǽż ʹ ƴٰ, DocBook XML ҽ ð @@ϼż ᱹ wiki ... Ϲ ϱ ϴٴ.
          * ֽ LuaTeX ConTeXt Ϸ
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-luatex-binaries-patch.kcupdate luatex patch] [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-PrivateUpdateConTeXt-20090302.kcupdate context update] ѹѴ.
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/Karnes/2008-12#2c57aa80d78195c545f741406815ee44 ConTeXtֽġ]
          * ġ 2008/bin/context-bin PATH
          * installpost ϸ Ǵ Ǹ %HOME%/.kc2008 cont-texmf.cnf C:\usr\texlive\2008\texmf.cnf ؼ Ʈ Ѵ.
         == Linux (TeXLive + ko.tex) ==
          * Debian̸ http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Debian_installation tl2008 ְ context ֱ...
          === TeXLive install ===
          * [http://www.tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/texlive-en.pdf texlive-en.pdf] . texlive-ko.pdf . -L-
          === ko.tex install ===
          * {{{tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install collection-kotex}}}
         tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install kotex
         tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 install collection-kotex
          kotex ۵ ʿ ͵鸸 ġϰ ڿ ̰
         tlmgr -location http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2008 update -all
          * ġǴ TeXLive 2007 ׳ ΰ PATH Ѵ.
         kile ġϸ texlive 2007 Ϻΰ ġ˴ϴ.
         PATH ȯ溯 /usr/local Ʒ texlive 2008 ´ٸ
  • hermian/ShowMeTheSource . . . . 16 matches
         === 2006.03 ѱ TeX ⡷ Karnes ===
          * ƹ TeX ϰ ѱ TeX 縦 .
          * ũ ¥ ذ õ װ Ʈ õ . XeTeX LuaTeX ͼ Ȳ ϴ ׷ ʿ ...tfm θ
         === 2006.04 LaTeXʺ memoir+memhangul-ucs ϡ μ ===
          * KC2008 {{{c:\usr\texlive\HOME\Documents\0-LaTeX\Memhangul\ischo\memoir-test\}}}
         === 2007.07.06 ѱ LaTeX ƮŸ ۲ ϱ⡷ Karnes&ö ===
          * ѱ ƮŸ ۲ ϱ... ƮŸ ϶ Ƹ XeTeX ?
          * KC2008 : {{{c:\usr\texlive\HOME\Documents\0-LaTeX\Memhangul\Karnes\fuxmemcode\}}}
         === 2004.5.8 HLATEX Ƹٿ ѱ PDF ۼϴ Karnes ===
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/hlatexkpdfguide.pdf hlatexkpdfguide.pdf]
         === 2004.4.20 CJK Ű HLATEX Ű Բ ? Karnes ===
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/wiki/uploads/hlatexcjkstyletest.pdf hlatexcjkstyletest.pdf]
         === 2007.7.1 LaTeXȯ濡 Unicode ѱ ۼϱ⡷ Karnes&赵 ===
         === 2007.07 ѱ۶ ko.TeX 񡤱赵谭 ===
          * http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf
          * θϸ ܼҸ. ko.TeX ڶ ݵ а ΰ ã ... Oblivoir OTZ
         === 2006.3.4 ѱ۰ TeX Karnes ===
          * exercises13r.tex
         === 2006.5.22LaTeX-Lambda ѱ ǥ Karnes ===
          * {{{\makethinhangul}}} ko.TeX . :)
  • hfncychap . . . . 4 matches
         fncychap.sty HLaTeX ° ģ̴ϴ.
         2001 11 10 (La)TeX Ȱ Խǿ ö [̱] ް Ű Խϴ.
         fncychap Ű Chapter پϰ ִ Ű̸ MiKTeX 2.1 [MiKTeX Options]->[Packages] Ʒ κп ġ ֽϴ.
          [Formats]->[LaTeX]->[LaTeX packages]->[fncychap]
         hfncychap Ű HLaTeX Բ ֵ [̱] ̸ ۿ ÷εǾ ִ hfncychap.zip Ʒ ֽϴ.
          hfncychap.sty - (local)texmf/tex/latex/hfncychap/ ϸ
          hfncychap.tex - hfncychap.sty
  • hoze . . . . 11 matches
         [hoze/webtex] ¶ο Էϰ PDF 񽺿 ̵ Ѵ.
         [hoze/MultilingualTypesetting] XeTeX ̿ ܱ ǿ Ѵ.
          * Uploads:LaTeXStance.tex
          * Uploads:LaTeXStance.pdf
          * Uploads:IHaveADream.tex
          * Uploads:SixthSense.tex
          * Uploads:StarWars.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsI.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsII.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsIII.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsIV.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsV.tex
          * Uploads:StarWarsVI.tex
  • hoze/MultilingualTypesetting . . . . 18 matches
          inputenc, fontenc, babel Ű ϴ pdflatex ŻϿ xelatex Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         ̰ makeindex Ѱ̱⵵ ϰ, pdflatex Ѱ̱⵵ ϴ. pdflatexδ Ʈ ڵ ڵ ٰ Ѵ ص ƴ ̴. ̰ 翬ϱ⵵ ϴ. ؿ ϴ type1 Ʈ ڵ ü Ǿ ʱ ̴. ع xelatex ִ. xelatex ƮŸ Ʈ Ӹ ƴ϶ A ڵ = A ۸ ϰ,  ׷ Ѵ.
         xelatex Ѿ babel Ű .
         ׷ xelatex ϸ  ɱ? ⼭ ߻Ѵ. xelatex gem\"a\ss ް ʴ´. ϰ xelatex ϰ ϵǴ ̷.
         {{{#!vim tex
          * pdflatex: inputenc, fontenc, Ʈ Ű (palatino ), babel, makeindex
          * xelatex: xunicode, xlxtra, fontspec, polyglossia, texindy
         polyglossia babel ϴ ̰, texindy makeindex ϴ ̴. Ͼó ڸ ٸٸ, babel makeindexε , þƾ xelatex ܿ ϰ ó .
         texindy ؼ, ˰ , ٸ ϰڴ. ñ ٱ ǿ Ǯ ̴.
  • hoze/style . . . . 1 match
  • hoze/webtex . . . . 41 matches
         = webtex.html =
         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
         <title>Topfeild WebTeX</title>
         <style type=text/css>
         A:LINK, A:VISITED, A:ACTIVE {text-decoration:none; color:#555555}
         A:hover {text-decoration:underline; color:#555555}
         INPUT {text-align:left; border:1x solid #555555;background-Color:;font-size:12px;font-family:ü;color:}
         <form name=inputtex method=post action=webtex.php>
          ̸<input type=text name=filename size=20 value=test>(.tex) <input type=submit value=Ϸ><br>
          <textarea name=tex wrap=virtual rows=40 cols=120>
         = webtex.php =
         $tex= str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $tex);
         $tex= str_replace("\"", "''", $tex);
         $tex= str_replace("\'", "'", $tex);
         $fp = fopen("$filename.tex", "w+");
         fwrite($fp, $tex, 65535);
         if(file_exists("$filename.tex"))exec("latex $filename");
         <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
  • hozeŴƮ . . . . 2 matches
         hozemanucs Ŭ ϰ Ÿ.̰ hozemanucs üϴ ƴ϶ hozemanucs Ϻθ ̴. hozemanucs preamble Ұߴٸ, ۾ Ưȭ , ̰ Ÿ̶ Ѵ. Ÿ̶⺸ conditional text ߾ ҿ .
          ƴ մϴٸ, LaTeX Companion Memoir ã մϴ.
          Ÿ , preamble.tex̶ ̴ϴ.
  • i-Installer . . . . 1 match
         i-Packages OpenSource α׷ ġ, , ִ Mac OS X ƿƼ. ַ TeX α׷ ġ ϰ Ȱ ִ.
         (TeXLive 2007 α׷ κ üϿ, 2007 1 unsupported ° Ǿ.)
          i-Installer ڰ ϴ TeX .
  • ifsym . . . . 6 matches
         == teTeX 󿡼 ν ==
          * texmf.tetex/fonts/map/fontname/special.map ߰
          * {{{/texmf/fonts/source/public/ifsym}}} *.mf and *.gen
          * {{{/texmf.local/tex/latex/ifsym}}} *.sty and *.fd
  • kile . . . . 1 match
         KILE = '''Linux KDE Latex ȯ (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment)'''
          * (La)TeX ڵ ϼ
          * ã: DVI  Ŭϸ Ϳ شϴ LaTeX ̵ Ǵ Ϳ ̵Ѵ.
         Kile ɿ ġ ġ ̺귯 䱸 ʴ ȯ TeXmaker ִ.
  • ko.TeX . . . . 8 matches
         [ko.TeX] - ѱ ũ Ʈ Ű
          [ko.TeX] [HLaTeX] [Hangul-ucs] Ͽ ź, "ѱ (ѱ) ý"Դϴ.
          "ѱ (HLaTeX)" 1990 ؿ ѱ 뿡 ǻ ǥ̾, hangul-ucs ѱ
          -- [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ѱ ko.TeX v0.1.0 ] Ϸα
          * [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/ Ʈ Ȩ]
          * [http://cvs.ktug.or.kr/viewcvs/ko.TeX/ CVS ]
          *[http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ѱ ko.TeX v0.1.0 ] (pdf)
          * KTUGBoard:6712 - ko.TeX ˸ KTUG Խ ˸
         == ko.TeX ź ==
          ׷κ ۾ Ͽ ko.TeX Ÿ Ǿ. ko.TeX Unicode/UTF-8 ڵ
          ̷. -- [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ѱ ko.TeX v0.1.0 ], p.14-15
          * ġϱ [/instpack], ["UbuntuTeXϱ#s-2.1"]
          `kotex` Ű ϰ ѱ ȴ. UTF8 ڵ ؾ Ѵ.
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
         % -*- UTF-8 : LaTeX -*-
         : [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ѱ ko.TeX v0.1.0 ], 33-34
         ko.TeX/utf ɼ
  • ko.TeX/Download . . . . 6 matches
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/kotex-dist-20121201.tar.gz kotex-dist-20121201.tar.gz (124M)]
          * binaries [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/kotex-util-bin-20121115.tar.gz kotex-util-bin-20121115.tar.gz]
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/extrafonts/ko.tex-extra-hlfont.tar.gz ko.tex-extra-hlfont.tar.gz]
  • ko.TeX/instpack . . . . 35 matches
         == [ko.TeX] installation packages ==
          * KoTeXLive ġϱ: [KoTeXLive] ġ
          * [TeX Live] ko.TeX ġϱ:
          * TeX Live Manager tlmgr > Load other repository 'http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011' Է 'OK' ŵǴ ko.TeX ġ Ű Ȯϰ ű⼭ Ͽ ġմϴ.
          * TeXLive tlmgr ̿ؼ Ͻñ ٶϴ. Goto [KC2008/Other]
          * Ǵ [ko.TeX] ġŰ ġ , {{{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local}}} Ʒ ( ͸ ü ʽÿ) [KC2008/Other] ġħ ʽÿ.
         TeXLive 2008 ħ ʽÿ.(recommended)
         # sudo apt-get install ko.tex
         # sudo apt-get install ko.tex ko.tex-extra ko.tex-extra-hlfont
         # emerge -av ko.tex
          * macros : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/fedora/kotex-macros.spec kotex-macros.spec]
          * fonts : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/fedora/kotex-fonts.spec kotex-fonts.spec]
          * utilities : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/ko.TeX/fedora/kotex-util.spec kotex-util.spec]
          * rpmbuild -ba kotex-package.spec
          * kotex-fonts-all-20100509.tar.gz
          * kotex-util-source-20100509.tar.gz
          * kotex-macros-20100511.tar.gz
          * RPMS/noarch/ko.tex-macro-10100511-1.noarch.rpm
          * RPMS/noarch/kotex-fonts-all-20100509-1.noarch.rpm
          * RPMS/x86_64/kotex-util-20100509-1.fc12.rpm
  • kotex . . . . 1 match
         --> [ko.TeX]
  • kpathsea . . . . 6 matches
         TeX ü `texmf` ϰ ִ.(See [TDS]) texmf Ʈ ִ ȿ ãƳ ȵ [kpathsea]̴.
         κ TeX ϴ α׷ kpathsea ۼǾ `kpathsea` ϵ ʿѵ, ο ߰ `mktexlsr` ؼ ߰ `kpathsea` ã ֵ ؾ Ѵ.
         `mktexlsr` Ű `texmf`Ʈ ִ `ls-R`̶ ŵǸ `kpathsea` Ͽ ãش.
         `mktexlsr 丮` ϸ Ư 丮 ls-R ش.
  • kpsewhich . . . . 2 matches
          * texmf.cnf ġ ã
         #> kpsewhich --format="web2c files" texmf.cnf
  • likesam . . . . 66 matches
         Դٰ ʱ⿡ ﵵ ŭ е (̷ ɼ ־ ڴ. Ǵ Ʋȴ, ) ϰ ֽϴ. ħ ñⰡ WinEdt TeXify ͼϿ ڵ鿡, KC2006 پ ִ Ͽ, ڰ ؽϿ ñ⿡ Ÿٴ , ź Ͽٴ ϰ ִ .
          * 2008 ũ ũ XeTeX ǿȭ Beamer ̴߰. ׳ , Ŵ ó ʿ䰡 ־ . :))
          * Beamer class XeTeX ȭ ټ ô뿡 δ. ׷, ̰ ִ ֿ ̴. ̵ Ʒ ´.
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LaTeXWorkshop/2008Fall?action=download&value=kc08inst.zip ̱Ȳ 2008 ũ source]
          * ũڷḦ Ͽ ۼ Beamer ⺻ Ʋ attachment:likesam/beamer.tex
          === LaTeX ===
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LaTeXWorkshop/2008Fall/LaTeX%BB%E7%BF%EB%BF%B9%C1%A6.zip LaTeX ⺻ ]
          * ׸ ãش. http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
         === TeX Live 2012 + ko.TeX ġ ===
          * ndhԲ Ͻ TeXLive 2012 + ko.TeX ϰġ batchȭϷ ġ
          * tlmgr install SIunits SIstyle animate dehyph-exptl kerntest multirow pdfcrop preprint tabu tabulary wallpaper cm-super symbol tex-gyre times tipa zapfding
         === TeX Live 2011 + ko.TeX ġ ===
          * wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
          * install-tl.bat --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          * tlmgr --repository=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/texlive/2011 install collection-kotex
          * ʿϴٸ \TeXLive\2011\texmf-var\fonts\conf\fonts.conf ģ. ( ġ ۲ )
          * Ȥ ko.TeX Live 2011 ϱ
         === TeX Live 2010 + ko.TeX ġ ===
          * wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
  • likesam/novice . . . . 6 matches
          * TeXHelpOnFundamentals
          * [gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals]
          * [gromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete]
          * LaTeX4Wp
          * ko.TeX kotexguide
          * [pdflatexlatexû]
          * [ko.TeX]
          * Calc2LaTeX
          * OLETeX
          * GraphViz + [http://www.fauskes.net/code/dot2tex/ dot2tex]
          * MathType ( TeXaide )
          * http://www.sitmo.com/latex/
          * http://elie.korea.ac.kr/~ywkim/mawiki/wiki.php?ChoosingTeX
          * KC2008 ٸ η (δ ٸ ߿ ֵ) MiKTeX + WinEDT
          * ذᰡ ٴ TeX ̰, ʺڿԴ ҿ ̷ ̴. Ȯϰ θ Ѵ. (ٸ δ η̳ óѴ.)
          * '''׷ "ʺڸ TeX " "ǰ Ŵ" ڴ.'''
         == TeX ̶? ==
          * TeX ̶?
          * TeX, LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, XeTeX ????
          * ּ ڽ "ѱ" , "Ϻ" (LaTeX + DVIPDFMx or PDFLaTeX ) ˾ƾ Ѵ. ׸  ( ) ʿϴ.
  • lshort-kr/Compile . . . . 1 match
          * [http://bbs.hani.co.kr/Board/ui_hkr_alim/Contents.asp?STable=ui_hkr_alim&RNo=56&Search=&Text=&GoToPage=1&Idx=56&Sorting=2 Ѱܷʰü] ٿ޾ ġϰ [lshort-kr] Ѵ.
          * TrueType Font TTF2HLaTeXFont Tool ̿Ͽ ġϰ ۰ Ѵ.
          * [Hangul-ucs] ϸ HLaTeX'''''' ġ̵带 Ѵ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          * [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KTUGDocumentationProject#s-3.6 HLaTeX TrueType ۲ ϱ]
  • makecell . . . . 1 match
         Ŵ: texdoc makecell
  • mimeTeX . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX system , LaTeX html ֵ ִ α׷
  • noweb . . . . 23 matches
         noweb LaTeX ϴ cweb ̴.
         web/cweb TeX ϴ ó noweb LaTeX Ѵ.
         , LaTeX Ű cweb ϴ [literate programming] Բ ִ.
         noweave -delay nine.nw > nine.tex
          nw , tex ȯ {{{\input}}} ̿ؼ ϳ 'ū'
          Makefile . {{{make tex}}} ̿ؼ 丮 ִ nw Ͽ ҽ Ʈ(.m) ڵ , Ŀ {{{make}}} ̿ؼ pdf Ǿ ִ.
          Makefile ؼ for ̿ؾ Ѵ. ̰ Ʈ Ƽ ϳ C α׷ ٸ, ϳ tex Ͽ ټ .tex include ϴ ̿ؾ ϱ ̴.
         TEXS = $(NWS:.nw=.tex)
         .SUFFIXES: .nw .tex .dvi .html .pdf .m
         .SECONDARY: $(TEXS) # Don't delete the tex file
         .PHONY: tex
          @echo $(TEXS)
          $(PDFLATEX) $(TARGET).tex
          $(NOWEAVE) -delay -filter btdefn -autodefs c -indexfrom $$t.defs $$t.nw > $$t.tex; \
         $(TARGET).pdf : $(TARGET).tex
          $(PDFLATEX) $< -o $@
  • pLaTeX . . . . 13 matches
         ƽŰ(ASCII) Ϻ TeX ý [pTeX] LaTeX.
          Ϻ TeX Ȱ ϴ ǰ ȸ ƽŰ NTT ְ, ƽŰ pTeX/pLaTeX, NTT jTeX Ͽٰ մϴ.
         Ư pLaTeX ǿ Ȱǰ , Ϻ ξ(: ) ִٴ ִٰ մϴ.
          * [pTeX] http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/ptex/index.html
          * [pLaTeX]2e ν ħ http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA014501/texinst.html
          * [pTeX] and Japanese typesetting http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texfaq/japanese/ptex.html
          * Line Breaking Parameters http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texfaq/japanese/kinsoku.html
         W32TeX [pTeX], [pLaTeX] ϰ Ƿ, W32TeX ġ Ŀ ٸ ġ ٷ Ϻ TeX մϴ.
          * Kakuto W32TeX Ű [ftp://akagi.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/TeX/win32/otf.tar.bz2 otf.tar.bz2]
         ڸ TEXMF Tree ϴ ϰ .
         %%% http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texwiki/?OTF
         EUC-JP ڵ ó ۼϿ `platex` `dvipdfmx` Ѵ.
         == [pLaTeX]209 ѱ óϴ kTeX ==
         LaTeX 2.09 [pLaTeX] ְ, ۲ Ƹ ʴٴ , Ϻ ѱ ڸ ִ Ϻο ϰ ִ ϴ.
         === frktex ===
         ̰ [pLaTeX] 2.09 ƴ϶ Ϲ [LaTeX2e] ֵ ÷ξ.( Ÿ ̸ `frktex.sty`). Ե `test.ps` ϶. --[Karnes]
  • pdflatexlatexû . . . . 34 matches
         [PDF] / PDFLaTeX LaTeX
          latex/dvipdfmx pdflatex ÿ Ͽ ϴ 찡 .
          ׷ ó Ͽ. ѱ Hangul-ucs ̿ϰ ִ ϰ, pdf . PDFLaTeX, LaTeX/DVIPDFMx θ ̿Ͽ PDF ִ Ѵ.
         == ifpdf/iftex Ű ==
          Ϸ PDFLaTeX ǰ ִ θ Ȯϱ ؼ ifpdf Ű \ifpdf ˻縦 ̿Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          %%% pdflatex Ǵ óǴ ƾ
          %%% latex Ǵ óǴ ƾ
         Ǵ ֱ iftex Ű ̿Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         pdftex ѱ ˻ ؼ ִ´. ko.TeX ⺻ ۲ ۲ type 1̹Ƿ Ѵ. (DVIPDFMx ؼ Ư ؾ .)
         {{{#!vim tex
         ƮŸ ϴ 쿡 ߴ. pdftex ƮŸ ʴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         hyperref Ű ̹ ſ ΰϴ. pdf bookmark ؼ Է ڵ UTF-8 ϰ unicode ɼ hyperref οѴ. (XeLaTeX unicode ɼ ʿ pdflatex latex -> dvipdfmx ʿ.)
         {{{#!vim tex
         ==== KC2008, TeXLive2008 graphicx ====
  • pgf . . . . 6 matches
          dvipdfmx pdflatex ÿ ϰ óѴ. δ pdflatex pdf ߴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          \?/ dvipdfm, dvips ̹ ⺻ ɼ pdftex ʴ 찡 ־. ׷ Ϲ ȣȯ .
         {{{#!vim tex
          \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=red,draw=none,text=white]
          * [http://cylab.eric.or.kr/eric/3294 TeX ׷ ý] - PGF TikZ Ұ
  • proTeXt . . . . 1 match
          MiKTeX Windows TeX Implementation.
  • pyLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          * [pyLaTeX] [Python] ̿ LaTeX ó ӿũԴϴ.
          * LaTeX HTML Ϲ XML ִ Բ ˴ϴ.
          * [pyLaTeX] [LaTeX2Html], [TeX4ht] ޸ LaTeX м(parsing) иǾ ֽϴ.
          * [pyLaTeX] Ȩ [http://pylatex.sourceforge.net/]Դϴ.
          * LaTeX ȯ մϴ.
  • pyTeX . . . . 4 matches
          * [pyTeX] [Python] ̿Ͽ TeX ϰ մϴ.
          * ٽ ϸ, [Python] TeX ũ Դϴ.
          from tex import tex, plain
          document = 'My beautiful \\TeX\ document.\n'
          (dvi, log) = tex(plain, document)
          * [pyTeX] [Python] Ʈ TeX ٲپ TeX , TeX dvi ݴϴ. ᱹ [pyTeX] TeX ȣ Լ ִ Դϴ.
          * [pyTeX] Ȩ [http://www.pytex.org]Դϴ.
  • slomo . . . . 7 matches
          * [LaTeX3]
         === TeX and [script languages] and ... ===
          * '''[PerlTeX]'''
          * [attachment:perltex-ko.pdf] - perltex v1.7 (2007/12/10) Ϻ ѱ
          * '''[PyTeX]'''
          * http://www.pytex.org
          * '''LuaTeX'''
          * http://www.luatex.org
          * '''OCamlTeX'''
          * http://free-the-mallocs.com/ocamltex
          * http://web.mit.edu/~drayside/www/graphviz.tex
          * http://www.fauskes.net/code/dot2tex/
  • smcho/2006-06 . . . . 2 matches
          * bibtex
          * noweb index/latex index
  • smcho/QnA . . . . 2 matches
          * latex/dvipdfmx å - KTUGOperate:19930
          * UML diagram for LaTeX - KTUGOperate:19926
          * texorpdfstring - KTUGOperate:16544
          * BibTeX section ؼ - KTUGOperate:16088
          * TeX makedtx - KTUGOperate:14784
          * TeX - KTUGOperate:8481
          * TeX - KTUGOperate:8453
  • sudoku . . . . 1 match
          * LaTeX [http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%8A%A4%EB%8F%84%EC%BF%A0 ] ϴ
          1. Ű ̸: '''createsudoku'''(TeXLive MikTeX ִ. KC2008̳ TeXLive Full(or ⺻) ġϿٸ, ̹ ġ Ǿ.
          1. {{{#!vim tex
  • synapse . . . . 20 matches
         躴 ݰϴ. Ű Ȩ ̳׿. ;) TeX4ht ֽϴ. ʽÿ. --[Karnes]
          մϴ. غ ð. Ͻô ǽñ ٶϴ. ׷ latex4wp ϱ Ⱦ Ƚϴ. ٸ ϰ . ε ϳ µ, ׳ ϱⰡ Ⱦ Ⱦ. ޷ , ִٰ ٽ ѹ õ Դϴ. ƹ ֽø ......˼մϴ.--[synapse]
         == 2004⵵ tex4ht غ ϵ ==
          ο ½ϴ. ѱ LaTeX guide tex4ht ؼ web Դϴ. latex4html version ִ , ⿡ ִ bib indexing Ϳ ؼ, 󸶳 ϰ tex web ִ ˾ƺ ؼ ƴϴ. web ϴ font ؼ , , ʰ, ִ ϰ ۼ Դϴ.
          * 2003⵵ ذ indexing ذå ã´. ã ãҴµ. α׷ ̿ؼ ߽ϴٸ, ϳ׿. ƹ Ϸֽ ذ Ϸ ߴ, ̰ ܼ UTF-8 EUC-KR ٲٴ ͸ ƴϴ. ڸ tex4ht *.4dx  ̰ , indȭ hlatex preversion ϴ hmakeindex . ֱ ϴµ, ̷ Ϸ α׷ ¥ ߾ մϴ. ̷Ե .... α׷ ִٸ... ο istȭ ƴϸ hmakeindex ĥ .... ̶.... ſ ϱ.  ұ? α׷ ؼ ? ƴϸ ο  ist ? ü ʽϴ. 켱 ذ .. Ŀ ?.....
         --> ó unicode ۿ ϴ. ׷ CJK-LaTeX 𸣴.... . Ͷ CJk-LaTeX ڳ׿.
          * ο bib õ غ( tex4ht ̹ ϰ , ̰͵  ѱ ȯ濡  ....)
          * Mouseover tex4ht package Ἥ ÷ õ غ Դϴ.
          * Ǵ Ƹ itemize itemȯ ƴѰ ϴ. web ul ϴ bullet µ, tex Ȯ ֱ Դϴ. ̰  ؾ ϳ? dingbat ؼ ο bullet ϳ? ƴϸ ׳ ״ ߿ ƴϴϱ? ؾ ϳ? 켱 ̰ ߿ ϰڽϴ.
          * ʿ span ִ perl script Ȯؼ, htlatex script ־ ѹ ۾ .
          * html shtml ϵ htlatex scriptȿ ִ .
          մϴ. ϴ ׳ tug ϰ ĺ̴ Դϴ. ׷ Ȥö ʿϽź text file or PDF ְԿ. ׸ ü Դϴ. 2003⵵ Դϴ. key word searchingĿ ( "ѱ۰ Tex" index μڸ TeX key word ã Դϴ.) ׸ xls ؼ index field ΰ sortingϰ ۾ ϰ Ŀ Ѳ ȭ , Դϴ. ʿϴٸ tex4ht ̿ؼ html Դϴ. FAQ ϸ Ȯ ־ ϴ ε, 亯 ͵ ְ ؼ θ ؾ ٴ ϰ ֽϴ. ׸ top 10(hit number), top 3(亯) Դϴ. Ƹ top 10 top 3 ƴ ˰ ϴµ. ɱ? 켱 ̶̰ ? , ؾ ϵ ....--[synapse]
         2005⵵ memoir class tex file tex4ht ̿ؼ htmlȭ غ մϴ. ƹ ƴҵ ͽϴ. ȯ memoir ִٴ ƹ ó ȯ濡 source ε ʿϰ, tex4ht ε ʿ ϴ. ǵǾ ִ memoir.4ht verse,poemȯ ϴ. ׷ pgana section toctitle ʿ ? δ ʿġ ʴ´ٰ ϰ ֽϴٸ...... Ǿ ̾ƹ Ͻ ó makehtml.sty Ἥ sectionɿ ؼ reset Դϴ. --[synapse]
          * MusiXTeX Ǻ õ ֽϴ.
          http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/music/edelweiss/edelweiss.tex http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/music/silentsong/silentsong.tex Դϴ.
  • tabu . . . . 2 matches
          * > texdoc tabu
  • tabularew . . . . 3 matches
         wider than the text underneath them. (In a tabular environment they are
  • trivcj . . . . 8 matches
          * {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         == [XeTeX] [trivcj] ==
         [XeTeX] ̿ؼ ս ߱ Ϻ ٱ ڸ ִ. , ϰ ϴ ڿ Ʈ ش OS ־ Ѵ. XeTeX  ϱ ؼ [KC2006]ؾ Ѵ.
         == [trivcj] [PDFLaTeX] ==
         [trivcj] [LaTeX] + [dvipdf] 󿡼 ߵ [PDFLaTeX] ϱ ؼ ߰ Ʈ ־ Ѵ. ׷ ̶ ؾ ϴ Ʈ Ʈ ƴϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         %%% pdftex, trivcj-pdftex 츸 ȿ.
          * attachment:jap.tex
          * [LaTeXϺ]
  • ttf2pt1 . . . . 2 matches
         ̰ ̿ϸ PDFLaTeX mapϰ enc ִ. mapϰ encϸ ִٸ PDFLaTeX ְ ttf2pt1 ʿ ʴ.
         == ChoF PDFLaTeX ==
          * http://www.tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2001-November/001905.html
          * http://www.tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2004-January/004936.html
  • ttfucs . . . . 2 matches
         ѱ ׽Ʈ. \textbf{ȳϼ!} ȳ. \textit{ȳ ȳ.}
         SeeAlso [UTF8ѱ], [ѱTrueType۲û], CJKLaTeX, [Hangul-ucs], [LaTeX-ucs]
  • wallpaper . . . . 3 matches
          * http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/wallpaper/
          * texdoc wallpaper
  • xkeyval . . . . 8 matches
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         ̰ tex Ͽ ifthen Ű \ifthenelse ɿ 翬 ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • yfonts . . . . 12 matches
         MiKTeX Ǯ ġǾ ִ.
          * LaTeX Ÿ ġ ִ.
          * `*.pfb` -> `[texmf]/fonts/type1/yfonts/*.pfb`
          * `*.afm` -> `[texmf]/fonts/afm/yfonts/*.afm`
          * `yfrak.map` -> `[texmf]/dvips/yfonts/yfrak.map`
          * `config.yfrak` -> `[texmf]/dvips/config/config.yfrak`
          * updmap.cfg `MixedMap yfrak.map` `updmap` Ǵ `initexmf --mkmaps`(MiKTeX) .
          * Gotisch: \gothfamily Ȥ \textgoth
          * Schwabacher: \swabfamily Ȥ \textswab
          * Fraktur: \frakfamily Ȥ \textfrak
          Gothic : \gothfamily or \textgoth
          Schwabacher: \swabfamily or \textswab
          Fraktur : \frakfamily or \textfrak
  • . . . . 13 matches
         LaTeX ִ δ. ִ Ʒ ´.
         Some running text\footnote{%
         == LaTeX ָ ==
         LaTeX ָ ϱ ؼ ϴ  ߿ ִ.
          1. `\footnotetext`
         == LaTeX Ű ==
          \@footnotetext{\normalsize The journal model is
          DeleteMe (KTUGOperate:17359'''''') eethesis Ŭ Ű ϸ鼭 ߸ ϴ. thesis.tex ϸ `\include{ch1}` Ǿ ִ ch1.tex ҷ 鼭 ӿ ִ ɾ \body
          Ÿ մϴ. ̰ ڴ ǥ ϰ "This thesis follows the style of Adult Education quarterly" Ÿ ٲٷ Ͽ ϴ. eethesis TAMU(Texas A&M University) EE(Electrical Engineering) Ŭ Դϴ. Ŭ ɾ \body ʰų Ǹ ٲ㼭 Դϴ. ''' ߰ ȣ ''' ϸ м Ÿ Ұϸ鼭 ߰ м ŸƲ ׸ ø鼭 ϴܿ ;ϴ. 1 亯 ϰ ڽϴ. -[Yhchoe]
          ƹ ġ ʰ ȩ "! LaTeX Error: Counter too large." ɴϴ.
         '''A.''' LaTeX4Wp Դϴ.
         '''Q.''' LaTeX ִ ִ 鿩Ⱑ ǰ `superscript` ȣ ٽϴ. ȣ 鼭 ݴ ȣ ̰ ȣ ŭ  Ϸ  ϸ dz?
          '''A.''' HLaTeX 1.0.1 ķ Ÿ ϴ {{{hangulfn.sty}}} ߰ Ÿ ˴ϴ.(See KTUGBoard:4674'''''') {{{#!vim tex
         Ǵ Ʒ {{{\@makefntext}}} ֽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          ְ ̻ LaTeX ϸ ˴ϴ. See
  • ݶ . . . . 4 matches
          * `\flushbottom` ʰ ϰ , ϴ ȴ Ѵ.( . ̷ ۼϷ TeX ǹ̰ ٴ 嵵 ִ.)
         {{{#!vim tex
          * \textfloatsep, \dbltextfloatsep : float top/bottom ؽƮ ߰
          * \intextsep : float here ؽƮ ߰
  • Խ . . . . 1 match
          ü õ , Windows Mac OS X [MiKTeX] Ǵ [teTeX] ġϴ Ͱ õ , Ư ÷ Ư α׷ EPS ׸ .
          2. '''LaTeX Ȱ Խ'''
          TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt ũο , `\renewcommand` ̾ƿ ٲٴ Ϲ '''ڵ '''
         WinEdt Ȱ Խǿ ö 찡 ϴ. ߸ ϴ, PDF ʴ, cls/sty ã, ο instance WinEdt ߴ '''ġ Խ''' ؾ մϴ. WinEdt Ȱ Խǿ ø ֽñ ٶϴ. WinEdt ڵ ̶ ϴ WinEdt Ѵٸ ġ Խ Ǵٰ մϴ. WinEdt LaTeX ƴ ƴ϶ FreeSoftware ƴϸ Windows ̿ ýۿ  ʴ α׷ Ұϱ Դϴ.
          * [TeX] : MiKTeX 2.4, [teTeX] 3.0
          {{{#!vim tex
  • ׸ϱ/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
          MiKTeX Photoshop, Visio, Origin  eps(preview ̹ eps) ׸̿.[[FootNote(From KTUGBoard:583''':''' preview ̹ ִ eps ˻Ͽ %!PS %%EOF (See KTUGSetup:10945'''''') Ͽ ϸ LaTeX ÿ eps ٿ ڽ ߻ ɼ ϴ.)]] MiKTeX 2.5 Ǵ KC2006 preview ̹ ִ "Bounding Box " ã ޽ Ѵ. See KTUGSetup:10985'''''', KTUGSetup:10990''''''
         '''Q2'''(from KTUGSetup:6710)''':''' ¼ٰ ׸ Ʈ( ׷) eps ٲپ latex Ͽ ְ ִ Դϴ. ۵ ȸغ 伥(AdobePhotoshop) eps ȯϸ ȴٰ ؼ, wmf eps Ϸ ٲپϴ.
         ׷, latex ƹ ص ϴ. bounding box ٴ ޼ Ϳ.
         '''A2-1:''' ̳ 伥̳ Ѵ EPS ׸ ƴ Դϴ. ڸ 伥ٴ ϷƮ(AdobeIllustrator) , ׸ ؼ OLETeX̶ Ǹ ֽϴ.
          3. visio tex Ⱥٴ´ٴ ̾߱Ⱑ ־ AdobeIllustrator try version ؼ eps ϴ. preview option none ߱.
          1. graphicx Ű [dvips] ɼ PDF ִ dvips -> ps2pdf ۿ ϴ. DVIPDFMx PDFLaTeX ϴ.
          2. TeX file ִ directory visio ׸ .eps մϴ. Visio Encapsulated Postscript File ϸ eps file ˴ϴ. ÿ ػ󵵸 ִµ, <> ϸ մϴ.
          3. WinEdt TeX file compileմϴ. ̶ ׸ dvi file ϴ. ( visio eps file 100% پϴ.) ̶ Yap ׸ Ʈ ϸ ȺԴϴ.
  • ׸ϱ/TextFlow . . . . 3 matches
  • ׸ϱ/ . . . . 1 match
         [׸] Ͽ ִ. ϳ Drawing̶ Ҹ , ⺻ Drawing ҵ, , , 簢, , ٰ, Ÿ, bezier ׷ ׸ Ѵ. Ϲ " ׸"̶ Ѵ. svg, pdf, eps ׸ , LaTeX ȯ濡 ַ pdf ȣȴ.
         == PDFLaTeX ׸ ϱ ==
         See [PDFLaTeX׸ϱ]
         [PSTricks#s-6.1] ϴ PSTricks ׷ ׸ [EPS] ȯ [PDF] ׸ ٲپ TeX Ͽ ϸ, PDFLaTeX Ǵ DVIPDFm, DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ [PDF] ִ.
          * '''pspicture''': attachment:nominal-system.tex
  • ũ . . . . 10 matches
         (from [http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html uk-tex-faq])
         normal text font = text pt
         \textstyle = math_text size
          شմϴ. Kopka and Dally, _A Guide to LaTeX_ (P. 356) ϳ ϴ.
         #> texdoc fntguide
         {{{LaTeXe font selection}}} 17 õ ֽϴ.
  • ̴ . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX Ǵ ̴(Dimension Unit) .
  • ̺ . . . . 8 matches
         LaTeX Ǵ õ ɰ ϸ .
         '''̺''' ڰ ٲ ִ [LaTeX] ɵ̴.
          1. `\textwidth` : ؽƮ
          1. `\textheight` : ؽƮ
          minipage ȯ [LaTeXBoxes] Ŀ ϰ ְ, [ٴϴ°ü] Ŀ ϰ ִ. Ư ɾ \centering ̳ center ȯ ʴ ϰ ִ. See KTUGOperate:21214''''''.
         ⼭ '''' `\setlength` ٲ `\renewcommand` ؾ ϴ LaTeX Ű ̴. [̴] ־ ƴ϶ ¼ ؾ Ѵ.
  • . . . . 6 matches
         Ѱб бԴϴ. TeX 2⿩ Ǿϴ. MacOS X TeXShop ֽϴ. ktug Ȩ ֽϴ. ȸ 帳ϴ.
          ϴ. 5~6 帥 . ׵ TeX ġ ȯ ϴ. Ư Mac TeX ѱ ġ ϴ. koTeX ϰ ִ AcroTeX ڷḦ ٽ 鿹Դϴ.
         == Mac OS X latex2html ġϱ ==
         켱 ڽϴ. Fink ϸ ġ ˴ϴ. 켱 Fink ƾ߰(http://fink.sourceforge.net/download/index.php). Fink ؼ F ϴ(http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/users-guide/uguide.html). ⿡ latex2html Ű ٿε ޾Ƽ Ǯ Ǵµ... ׷ X11 SDK ƾ Ǵ(http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/download/). ׸ ѱ۵ Ϸ Luis Sedel LaTeX2Html ġ ִ ó versions 丮 ȿ latin1.pl
          ϴ. 쿡 100 ϴ. TeX ڵ۾ LaTeX2Html ȯԴϴ. :)
          hoze Ŵ Mac OS X ȯԴϴ. 켱 н̱ ( ) н ִ α׷ ְ... LaTeX2Html ׷ ִ ϴ. ׸ ̳ ȤŰ . TeX ׷ߴµ...TeX Mac ´° ϴ. Ʒ ׸ Mac OS X LaTeX2Html Դϴ. --[迬]
          AcroTeX ߽̿ϴ. --[迬]
          LaTeX2Html Ȩ ҷ ŵ ϴ. ּҴ `http://www.doeun.pe.kr/texsocsci/ref-files/icons/`Դϴ. `.latex2html-init` Ͽ ̰ ġ Ͻø ׺̼ ǥõ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
          $HOME/.latex2html-init Ͽ Ͻø ̴ϴ.
          , ׸ AcroTeX  ϳ ũϿϴ. ;) ---[Karnes]
         ȳϼ. AcroTeX ũ ... ϳ ÷ֽø ϰڽϴ. FancyDocumentGallery ø ϴµ... --[Karnes]
  • ȯ . . . . 15 matches
         LaTeX ̸ ǵ ȯ ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \noindent\textbf{description ȯ}
         ''''Q1.'''' label  ̺ ٿ ΰ `no line here to end` LaTeX ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         `thebibliography` ȯ Ư ȯ̴. `\item` `\bibitem` . ڼ [常] [BibTeX] .
         \begin{list}{text1}{dec-list} text2 \end{list}
         ⼭ {{{text1}}} `\item` ־ ǥ ΰ ϴ ̴. {{{quote}}} ǿ Ƿ ƹ͵ ǥ ʴ´.
         text2 ġ ϳ ̻ `\item` ݵ ; Ѵ. quote ȯ ǿ ϳ `\item` ν ߰ `\item` ̵ ֵ صξ.
         -- from ѱ۰ TeX p160
          * ᱹ ׸(ȯ ) ۷ ű ǥ . ƹ µ...flushright,left ȯ̶ ̱. Karnes ̰ [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LaTeXWorkshop/2008Spring?action=download&value=listandparagraph.pdf ] ֽ ^^ -- [hermian] [[DateTime(2009-04-20T22:34:47)]]
         \begin{trivlist} text \end{trivlist}
  • ٶ . . . . 4 matches
          ٶ TeX ?
          ٶ ''⺸ٴ 'عۼ' ϰ ͽϴ. â⿡ ǰ ̷ؼ Դϴ. ڿ  ̵κ ܸ ϴµ մϴ. hwpѱ̳ ms尰 빮ۼ ǰ ׵ ũ Ǿ ǰ ġ µ ٴ ϳ̰, ٸ ϳ ̷ 빮ۼⰡ ׶ Դϴ. ̱ȸ ȸ ع(revtex4) ̿ܿ ms ޴ ͵ Ǹ Դϴ. ׷ emeditor winedt ⸦ Ͽ Ĺ , տ ʷ ۼϰ μ ۾ ֽϴ. ̷ ۾ϴ â⿡ ׷ ־ ô뿡 Ÿڸ Ͽ ־ Դϴ. ǻ͸ Ͽ ÿ Ƿ Ĺ ۼ Ÿڱ ̾ ϴ. ̷ - ۾ ŷο򶧹 Ư ڵ ȸ ̶ Դϴ. ۼ ſ T3 α׷ ϴ. springer ǻ翡 T3 ۼ ߴٰ մϴ. T3 ϳ, װ ׿ Դϴ. T3 α׷ scientific wordԴϴ. ǰ Ͽ ع ̰ վȿ ٸ Ƹ ms峪 hwp Ἥ Ĺ Դϴ. scientific word ̿ܿ ٸ α׷ ְ Ͽ α׷ ϴ. 츮 عۼ⸦ ٸ  α׷ ߾Ѵٰ ϴ. ̰̾߸ ް Դϴ. - Ƕ .
         ̷ ־ google online-latex ؼ  ã , ȣ WebTeX ǰ ? ̰ ߴ Ű ͱ⵵ մϴ. --[synapse]
         LaTeX ϴ ֵ ϰ ؼ ¹ ̾Ƴ ̻ ̾ƿ Ű ʾƵ Ǵ ƴұ? LaTeX ϴ е ְ شٴ LaTeX ü ִٴ ģ ִٰ ϴ.
         ׷ MS 迭 Է±⸦ Էؾ ٸִ ܵ ü 迭Ͽ 콺 ã ֽϴ. WinEdt ؼ ش ǥ ãµ ð ɸ Ͱ ̷ ֽϴ. ׻ 峪 LaTeX ÿ ̿ϴٺ 迭 Է± ٴ մϴ. ̾ƿ alignϴ ɷ .
         ׷ MS 迭 Է±⸦ Էؾ ٸִ ܵ ü 迭Ͽ 콺 ã ֽϴ. WinEdt ؼ ش ǥ ãµ ð ɸ Ͱ ̷ ֽϴ. ׻ 峪 LaTeX ÿ ̿ϴٺ 迭 Է± ٴ մϴ. ̾ƿ alignϴ ɷ .
          Է±Ⱑ е鲲 ϴ TeXaide ֽϴ. TeX Equation Editor Ѵٰ Ͻø ǰ, δ ׳ Copy-Pasteϸ ˴ϴ.(ĺκ ؼ ͷ "ٳ(drag&drop)" ̴ϴ. ^^ ) translator AMS-LaTeX θ ǰ ֱ. "Include math data in translation" üũصδ ϴ. ׷ ּó ̻ Ͱ Բ ٴµ, κб ؼ TeXaide ٽ ° ˴ϴ. TeXaide ϴ ϰ ֽϴٸ ̰ Ȱϴ ʴٰ ϰ ֽϴ. ̶... ⿡ ʹ ϸ TeX Ŀǵ带 ٴ ...
         ̰ Emacs preview ̹ ϰ ֽϴ. ᱹ Emacs+AucTeX/preview+TeXaide Ϲ Է ذǴ ƴѰ ͽϴ. --[Karnes]
          Ϳ Ͽ TeX Ǹ  ϳ ÿ 콺 ʾƵ ȴٴ Դϴ. ȸ հ  ¿ ϴ. ̰ ȭϴ relaxϰ ȹٷ ¿ editϴ Դϴٸ, 콺 ϸ ̰ ʽϴ. (콺 ϱ ڼ ϱ ƽϴ. ȭϴ ϴٰ ±رǰ Alexander technique ߰Ͽϴ.^^)
          ޵ ʴ´ٴ Դϴ. ̰κ ÿ ͼٴ Ͽ 帳ϴ. ( ̾׷ ϰ) Է 찡 ֽϴ. ϳ ϴ ˰ ִ Դϴ. 쿡 ̿ ʽϴ. ̿ Ӹӿ Ǵ ̹Ƿ ״  ֱ Դϴ. ӵǴ 꿡 Ű ϴ Դϴ. ϴ ʴ Դϴ. Ư ̷ Ǯ Ǵ Դϴ. Ƿ 찡 ̿ شմϴ. ̶ ̸ Ͽ ̸ մϴ.  쿡 Դ 콺 ͺٴ Ʒ ѱ 2002 text editing ϴ ϰ ϴ. $ y(x)=\dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2}\bigg|_{t=1}$ ǥϰ , Ӹ ӿ ְų, տ ִٸ Ǵ´ y(x)=\dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2}\bigg|_{t=1} Ʈ ̸ ߿ \dfrac̳ \bigg ʴ´ٸ ̰ ã Ͽ WinEdt â ų ٶ Դϴ. ϴ´ Ǿ, typo Ͽ ĸ compile â ҰԴϴ. ٶ ̷ â 콺 ʾ ϴ Դϴ.(Ű忡 콺 ͸ε ð ƸԽϴ. Ÿ ӵ ʽϴ. д 200Ÿ Ư ϸ鼭 ̰ ݵ ʽϴ. ׷ 콺 ū δԴϴ.) - [gromov]
         ~ LaTeX Ͱ ƴ϶ Է° ǰ ٲ մϴ.
          ַ ̰迡 Է ؼ 糪 ۼϴ Դϴ. LaTeX ̿ϴ ֵ ̾ƿ ϰ Ǿ ־ ø ٸ Ϳ Ű澲 ʰ ֱ Դϴ.
         Է ڽ ִ Ŀ LaTeX ɾ κ ܿ ֽϴ. Էϸ... ׷ Ӹ ׳ 鼭 Էϴ Ͱ Ӹӿ ϸ鼭 Էϴ Ͱ û ̰ ֽϴ. ؽƮ Է 콺 Էº ܼ ̳ ü ο ʰ ͼѰ ƴϸ ؽƮ Է Ӹӿ Ǵ ؽƮ ȯϿ Էϴ° ֽϴ. 鼭 ġ ȣ Էϴ ؽƮ ٲپ Էϴ ͺ Ӹ ξ ٴ . ؽƮ Է Է¼̾ٸ ó 콺 ü Դϴ. 콺 ϴĸ Է ؼ ƴ϶ ؽƮ ٲٸ鼭 Էϴ Ϻ 鼭 Էϴ ϱ Դϴ.
         ϰ^^....Է EmEditor ָ Է context ɾ ɴϴ. ׷ٰ ϴ ɾ ȭǥ ش ɾ ϸ ˴ϴ. ̷ ص ó ͼϸ Ե . ׷ Է 庯 ϸ Էâ 콺 ʴ Űθ ɾ Էص Էâ Ÿ 𿡴 ĸɾ Ŀ ɾ ãƼ ġ Էâ Ÿ... ް Էµ ̷ ϸ մϴ. 쿡 󼭴 콺 Էâ §~ϰ Ÿ......[ǿ]
  • . . . . 11 matches
         TeX ڿ ־ [TeX] ߿ϰ ̴. ڽ ϴ ⿡ ڶ, θ ٸ е鲲 ̴. ƴϸ ̶... :)
         \item, \textbf{}, \emph{} ɾ Ű ִ.(Ƹ Emacs ڶ Ű Ǵ Ӱ Ҵ ̴.)
          emacs ϰ Ȱ, LaTeX ϰ Ϸ AucTeX emacs Ѵٰ Դϴ. ȱ׷, ̷ 庮 ͸ ǹԴϴ.
          ü GUI ʹ ־, emacs â , 95⵵ ϴ X- ϱⰡ ſ ư, κ ۾ ࿡ ߽ϴ. emacs ó ߴµ, ϳ Ⱥ°, emacs , ۾ 󱸿. (ϱ ׶ ۾̶ α׷ϰ, ϰ, 丮 ˻غ ϴ ܼ ̾) ׶  ȿ ȭ , 丮 ĵϸ Ư Ͽ ͸ ... ĿǴ ̵峪Ŀ(?) ȿ ؼ ణ ޾Ҿϴ. ׶ emacs Ǿϴ. --[]=== Simple Text ===
          ϴ α׷ Mac OS Classic 8.1(7.3.3) (׷ iCab ¡ ϰ OzTeX TeX ۾ ϰ TV ȭ 鼭 QuarkXpress ̵ 鼭 ̳ ִµ) ° ͸ Ẹٰ({{{ BBEdit, TexEdit... }}}) ᱹ Ͽ . ϰ ٹȣ ʰ ׳ ؽƮ , ؽƮ оִ Voice (ƴ Ư ), ׸ ִ , ε ü ִ , α׷ ٿ ŷ̾. OS X ϱ... :) --[Karnes]
         Emacs Vim. ͣ . ߿ Vim ִ. ٰ ȴ. TeXӸ ƴ϶ ؽƮ ̰ɷ ذѴ. Emacs ַ . ׷ UTF-8ȯ žƿʹ Emacs ϰ Ǿ. ڵ ̷ ϰ ֱ ̴. ̸׸ ddom̶ ڸ Emacs ȭ鿡 ǥ Ѵ. mule-ucs ѱ۵ ڵ ƽԵ KSC5601 ̴. AUCTeX̶ Ȥ ȯ Ѹġ Vim ַ Vim ߺ ຸ Emacs ü ̾( ̸ƽ ڵ带 ̹Ƿ ׶ 𸥴 ;) ). ׸Ͽ Vim AUCTeXȯ濡 ƹ ġ ͼ Ű  صΰ ׷ Emacs ũ η ̸ Ǿ. ׷ Vim ʹ ൿ ٸ. ׷ ѵνð ؼ ϴµ Ʈ ϳ Ұڸ: [http://wiki.kldp.org/KoreanDoc/html/Vim_Guide-KLDP/Vim_Guide-KLDP.html ȣ Vim ]. 뵵 ϳ ׷ ͸ θ Vim ߱޻ڴ ȴٰ ִ. ׷ 鿡 ʺ .< , VimEditor Ұ vim-latexsuitΰ ġغҴٰ ϰ ݻ . ѱ۰ ʹ ģ߱ ̴. ̷ ֵ α׷ ͺ ڽ ⿡ ° ũγ Ű ؼ . · : Vim Ẹ! 뵵 ִٴ±! Դϴ. --DohyunKim
         Ʈ ܼ ´ٰ ؼ ͸ ãٰ л غ ( ߴµ (:q!) ߴ ) ִ viϰ ũο͸ ߽ϴ. ׷ ڲ ٺ vi( vim) ߵ Դϴ. www.vim.org ãƺ latex ÷ε ö ְ ߿ ѰŸ ˴ϴ. ȯ ESC ʹ ؼ ESCŰ ݵŸٴ ϰ ٸ ͸ Ҷ ڲ hjkl Ŀ δٴ Դϴ. ۿ Ͱ ִ ְ ޴ ο ϳ ִٴ° Դϴ. ڵ峪 ٸ ڵ嵵 մϴ. gvim ϴ. --ƺ
          Ͷϸ Qedit. ϰ Ű εҼ ִ Qconfig ¾α׷ ־ϴ. ׷ Ʈ Ű 놌 ϴ. ũⰡ 6~70kbyte ɷ ϴµ ׵ ũٰ Ͼ ѳ ߾ϴ. ׹ۿ PE2 ϴ ͵ ־µ μη â ־ϴ. ݵ ϴ Ⱑ ctrl-backspaceϴ. ۿ ME 뷮Ѿ ִ Ͱ ־µ ޴ ô Ҵ ﳳϴ. δ ó â ־ 콺 ɵ ߴ ɷ ˴ϴ. ׸ CliE(Ŭ) 츮 Ʈȸ翡 α׷ӿ Ͱ ־µ ִ ũⰡ 64kbyteϴ. ׷ 뷮 α׷Ӷ ̻ ū ũ ҽ ٷ ȵȴٴ ̾ϴ. Ͱ ó ְ Ʈϴ. NE ͵ ־µ ־ϴ. NC ޷ִ ͸ . ̺ ȰŴ 翡 ̵ű̶ ƿ Ͱ ־. ɾ ߿ ͺC ȯ濡 ִ ͷ ذҷ ߽ϴ. ׷ F4 ִٴ ũΰ ϴٴ Ʒ ѱ۷ Ʈ ϰ text ߽ϴ. ۿ ̷ ͸ ֱ. --ƺ
          ϴ Դϴ. Vi Emacs ٴ Ϳ ϴٸ, TeXδ ̸ Ͱ ͽϴ. ʿ TeXθ ̶ ɾ auto-completion ɰ syntax- ⺻ ˴ϴ. ׸ LaTeX õ ɾ ⺻ ũη  ְ, ߰- մϴ. ȭ ܰ ƴ ư ܵ鸶 뿡 ְ ݴϴ.
         UTF-8 Բ HLaTeX 1.01ڵ EUC-KRڵ ˴ϴ. ѱ ϴ Ϳ ϴ. dvipdfmx α׷ ȿ ϴٰ ߴµ ڿ ̸ ȭ Ϸ縸 ޾Ƽ , ذ߽ϴ. ںв ֽô λ̾ϴ.(Ʈ ̶ ϴ) ֽ ž hangul-ucs, dvipdfmx ½ϴ. ̶ Űδ ֽԴϴ. ߹  Ѵٰ մϴ. ܰ ȭ ϰ ϰ α׷ մϴ.(εð ô Ǿϴ) ׽Ʈ ȯ Debian GNU/Linux(unstable)̾ϴ. ϴ ü MacOS X LinuxԴϴ.
         === EmEditor + M's TeX Helper 2 (plug-in) ===
          ⸦ дٺ, İ ؾ qedit ϴ. ʼ (, $37.50 ̶ ǥ پ ִ) Lamport å ؼ ۼؾ ߽ϴ. (Ȯϰ ) غ main frame /ؼ , ͷ , ٸ ǹ Ʈ ̸ ͼ ۾ϰ ͷ ߾ ߽ϴ. ̷ ýۿ . ᱹ, pc emtex ۾ϸ鼭 dvi viewer Ȯϰ, б ٽ main frame ÷ Ʈ߾ϴ. ׷ غ, dviout pstricks ¼ yap ¼ ϴ ¼ ȣ ܿ X-( ְڽϴ.
         Ƹ main frame emacs ε, ̷ ֳ Ͱ տ ʾ ߴ մϴ. ( ϱδ) emtex 鼭 ߴ ſ qedit̾ϴ. ׷ emacs ƴ qedit ϰ ü ƴ϶ dvi viewer ۾ȯ ̾ϴ. ( , emtex ⸦ ʾҴ, Ƹ emacs 𸣰ڽϴ.)
          windows95 Ŀ , 콺 Ŭϴ ȿ ̴ windows źϰ dos pc ַ ϴ. 96 ȸ ȸ 鼭 emtex ۾ߴ ҽ ߴ, ̰ , Ʒ ѱ۷ ٲ޶ ؼ ָԾ ֽϴ. , ѱ ִ 񸻶 ߴ մϴ. ׷, ŷ ͳݿ Ⱑ ־ ϴ. ChoF's TeX Archive ̳ ̶ ͳݿ ִ󱸿. 縷 ƽý ҽϴ. , ̳ MusixTeX̶ ִٴ ˰ Ǿ, ɷ Ǻ ׷ڴٴ ǰ⵵ ߽ϴ.
         ChoF's TeX Archive Ұϴ WinEdt ߽ϴ. Ͱ ̶Ʈ  ͼ鼭 WinEdt ϴ. ׷ ϴ. ķ WinEdt ̴ ʾҽϴ. (dos ִ ǻʹ ä ̸ ٴϴ, ϴ.)
          蹮 ۼϰ, ٰ ٲٰ, Ǵ dzƮ ۼϰ ϴ . ۼ ϸ Ʒ ѱ۹ٴ ξ Ȳ پ Ʈ Ÿ׷ ϴ. ǻ ¿ TeXý 缳ġ ƴϸ ֽ ý ׷̰ ׸ ϵ ƴϾ.
         ڵ ⸦ ãƾ ߽ϴ. ( ġ߽ϴ. ̷ ͸ ϸ鼭 winedt ϴ Կ Ʋϴ. <:( ) jedit, emeditor, texmaker ϴ. texmaker ܵǾµ Ž⿡ tex Ŭص Ⱑ ʱ ̾ϴ. jedit ̾ƺ ģ ȳ ұϰ inverse search ۵ϰ ϴ ؼ ߽ϴ. emeditor ̾ƺ ޿ ۵Ǿ, hoze smcho EmEditor Ұ  ԵǾϴ. inverse search, forward search, external tool ɵ ϴ plug-in M's TeX Helper 2 鼭 Ǿϴ. Ȯ强 emeditor ü ѵٰ TeX۾ Ưȭ M's TeX Helper 2 鼭 winedt ־ ̾. ̷ winedt ־, ư ڵ *ġ* winedt ģ ˸ ߽ϴ. ġ 20 (ʹ ְ) ǿ 踦 , ǿ 鿡 踦 ƿ ʴ ٰ ϴ Ͱ ƶ̶ ְڽϴ. --ischo
  • ٴ . . . . 16 matches
          * <!> LaTeX2e float (̳߰) Ʒ δ "δ ʴ"(not normally possible in LaTeX2e) Ͽ׿. ȸ ǻ翡 󼭴 2 float ̳߰ Ʒ δ ϴ ֽϴ(See KTUGOperate:17074'''''').-[Yhchoe]
         figure* ȯ, table* ȯ [ٴϴ ü]̴. ̷ ׸, ǥ, ġ LaTeX Ѵ. ÷õ ġ ʴ´ٸ {{{[!h]}}} ġڷ ÷ غ ִ. κ ܿ ġ ׸ {{{[t]}}} ġ 찡 . ÷ýŰ ʴٸ figure* ȯ ؼ ȵȴ. ٸ ãƺ. here Ű ܿ ġ figure* ġ ǵ ġ ش.
         Herbert Voss "Multicols with Pictures" ([http://www.tug.org/TeXnik/multicols/2columnArticleWithPics.pdf 2columnArticleWithPics.pdf]) Ʈ ֽϴ.
          abstract Ű( CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/abstract'''''') ϸ onecolabstract ȯ ִ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          1. revtex4 : `\maketitle` տ `abstract` ȯ θ 1Į ǵȴ.
          1. MemoirClass: {{{#!vim tex
          1. [Preamble] `\@maketitle` ϴ : {{{#!vim tex
          <!> ֿ ̷ , `\footnote` ξ `\footnotemark` ΰ ؽƮ 뷱̿ ʴ ġ `\footnotetext` ν ذ ֽϴ.
         ==== revtex4 ====
         (./) ܿ ġ widetext ȯ .
         {{{\widetext}}} {{{\narrowtext}}} ũε ִ.
         (./) revtex4 ܿ ġ ǥ ׸ widetext ȯ濡 ʰ table* Ǵ figure* ȯ .->KTUGOperate:16793
         (0) textpos ġ Ű ̿ϰų eso-pic  Ű ̿Ͽ, 2 ǿ ϴܿ 1¥ ڽ ġϴ .
  • ٴǰ . . . . 1 match
          multibol Ű ִ Ʒ ʰ ϴܿ ڵȴ. ׷Ƿ columnwidth textwidth , 1 ǵȴ. ְ ª ġ (width) 찡 ִ.
  • İ . . . . 1 match
         == lshort-kr, LaTeX Ŵ ==
         2003 4 13Ͽ ö ֽ ³? ٿ ޾ƺƼ ȾҴµ ũ ٲ ʳ׿. lshort-kr ʺڵ ؼ ִ 츮 Ŵ, Ŵ̶⺸ٴ ״ Ұ ϴ ̴ϴ. 뵵 ũ ٲ ʾҰ ' μ ڸ LaTeX 1.0.2' ִ Ȳ ֽ ϴ ͺٴ ٸ Ŵ ϰų ͽϴ.
         2. A Guide to LaTeX
         3. LaTeX Companion
          lshort о, ̰ ְ, LaTeX Companion Ŷ մϴ.
         Guide to LaTeX о LaTeX Companion ̴ϴ.
         ׷ ϴ´ Ÿ LaTeX Companion dzϱ ֽϴ.
         LaTeX Companion ؾ ʿ ٰ մϴ. κ ڵ  ؼ⺸ٴ ϴ ̰, ̹ LaTeX Companion ã ؿ ˰ ̱ ̴ϴ.
          lshort LaTeX Companion Ѿ ܰ谡 ʳ ͽϴ. ŸϿ 屸 þµ lshort ظδ  . ' μ ڸ...' մϴ.
         ׷ A Guide to LaTeX Ŵ ִ ٰ ϴ. ̰ ڴ ƴմϴ. ,  , ƴ϶ Դϴ.
          ϰ A Guide to LaTeX ̵, ѱ ٷ ִ ̵尡 ִ ٰ ˴ϴ.
         湮翡 ǵ ڴٸ Ǿٰ Դϴ. å lshortٴ ڼ ׷ Guide to LaTeXٴ lshort ٰ ˴ϴ. ع ߽ ƴ ̷ ߽ ٷ ڴٸ Ŷ մϴ.
          lshort 4.2 ε, 3.2 ޶ ׿. ([Progress]״ ó ִ ! ^^) װ ̷, ʰ ̹ ޶ ϴ. picture ȯ濡 Ҿ , author װ ׺κп ʾҳ ͳ׿. ^^; pdfLaTeX  ֳ׿.
          [hoze]Բ Ǵ , lshort => A Guide to LaTeX => LaTeX Companion ϸ ִ ϴ. ִ ϴ. lshort ״ '''׸ ª ''' , ¶̱ Ʈ Ǵ ֽϴ. д δ ְ ó ٷ ʾҴٴ Ϳ ǰ ִٰ մϴ. ''' μ ڸ LaTeX''' մϴ. a guide to LaTeX 3(1999) Խϴ. å TeX ߴ 󸶳 ִ åԴϴ. ׷ ڵ ϰ Ʈϴ ̶ 10⵵ ȵǴ ª ð 3DZ , ׷ ʾ Ÿ Ŵó å ɻ ٰ̾ մϴ. å '''''' ڵ鿡 ִٰ մϴ. LaTeX companion 򰡴 ʾƵ ϴ. ( å ó 鿩ٺ ϴ.) å 1994 ̷, ѹ ǰ̸ ʾҽϴ. ٲ Chapter8 www.ams.org ϰ ֽϴ. ׷ α⸦ Ƹ ִ ʸ ƴѰ ͳ׿. å ڰ Lamport ƴϾ淡 ߴٰ մϴ.
          lshort a guide to LaTeX̳ LaTeX Companion Ʈ ϴ å̱ ̶ մϴ.
          湮翡 LaTeX LaTeX 2 Դµ, (1ǿ ڰ 2̾µ, 2ǿ 1Դϴ.) emTeX(DOS TeXImplementations) Դϴ. 1Ǻٴ , ƹ 鿡 ֽ ߴٴ Ѱ ֽϴ. ο ־ֽʻ ںв 䱸 ϴ, ƴϸ ٸ å ϴ ͵ ɰϰ غƾ Դϴٸ, ü ȹ ϴ. ٸ Ŵ Ѵٸ ( δ) å , online ں Ա⿡ ޷ȴٰ մϴ.
          Ͻ å Ѱ ϴٰ ˴ϴ. ū å 󰡱 ٴ ̰.^^ KTUG Ŀ, װ͵ ֱٿ PostScript ʸ ΰ Ǿ ϸ, ׸ μϴ ߴ ϸ, 츮 ǽ忡 TeX ִ ǵΰ(̷ΰ ƴ϶) ȸ̶ ٴ Դϴ.
          Ŵ ؼ 帮ڸ, TeX Ŵ '''' ִٰ ˴ϴ. TeX 帧 ϰ Ŀ Ŵ ʿ, ʺ Թ Ŵ ij . ʿ ¶ο ִ Ȳ Ŵ ʿų, ʿϴٰ ص 强 ų ϴ Դϴ. Ƹ ǰ迡 ̷ Ϸ ϴ.
          ׸, ٵ ѱ '''''' ʴٴ Դϴ. ¼ ѱ ó ڵ忡 ߸ 鿩Ҵٴ ʹ մϴ. ó '''8Ʈ ڵ忡 ѱ ߷''' ƴ϶, Ϻó 16Ʈ ڵ ߴ... [HLaTeX]-0.991+( plus [Lambda] ̿ؼ UHC ڵ峪 ѱ ó ִ u8hangul.sty ϴ Դϴ) ѱ ó Ʈ ɸ, پ latex Ű ϴ ѵǰ... δ ̰ FAQ ۼ ȸ å ڽ ϴ. [DVIPDFMx] Ͽ ѱ ȯ濡 ο ⸦ ¾, ؾ HLaTeX ϵ簡 Ű簡 ϳ ؾ ϴ ο ִٴ Դϴ. ׷ ذå [HLaTeX]̶ ص ƴϰڱ...
          Դٰ, TeX ѱ ġ 䱸ϴ° . ū Ư¡ '''ѱLaTeX ȰϽô () ''' ϱ ߴٴ ̶ 帰 ִµ, о߿ [Progress] ռô ̰, [hoze] Ͻô ̰... ׷ , 꼺 ʾҽϴ. κ а迡 е... 𸣱 Ƹ "ѱۻ" 䰡 ũ 𸥴ٴ ϴ.
  • ƮĶ . . . . 3 matches
         LaTeX Լ μ ϴ ƮĶ ؾ ϴ 찡 ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
  • ٴϴ°ü . . . . 12 matches
          1. ٴϴ ü ׸̳ ǥ ġ LaTeX ñ ̴. ׷Ƿ ڽ ϴ ġ ׸̳ ǥ ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
          * <!> ٴϴ ü ġ LaTeX ϵ ϴ ٶϴ.
          * <!> `[h]` ġڴ ϳ ʴ´. LaTeX ġ ⺻ `[tbp]`̰, `[h]` `[htbp]` Ͱ ϰ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ,  ׸̳ ǥ Ư ġ ݵ ġϰ ϰ ʹٸ, ׸̳ ǥ floating Ű ʾƾ Ѵ. ׸̳ ǥ floating Ű [Figureȯ]̳ [Tableȯ] ȿ ȴ. `\caption` floating ȯ ȿ ۵, ÷ýŰ ü ġ ĸ ִ ó ĸ ̴ ִ. [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/gfaqprj/gfaq-html/node50.html GFAQ no. 50] ϶.
          1. `\textfraction`
          {{{#!vim tex
          1. `\floatsep`, `\textfloatsep`, `\intextsep`, `\dblfloatsep`, `\dbltextfloatsep`
          \textfloatsep : float top/bottom ؽƮ ߰
          \intextsep : float here ؽƮ ߰
          , Ű ʴٴ Դϴ. ٴϴ ü ġ ħ ̴ ٷ ġٸ ü **˴ϴ. α׿ ̰ LaTeX ִ١ ޽ Դϴ. ̷ ҽ ش κ ġ ٲپ ۿ ٸ ϴ.
         == ٴϴ ü õ LaTeX Ű ==
          '''A.''' figure, table, maginal note floats ϴ queue  flushǴ óǴµ, LaTeX ó ִ float queue 18 ϴ. ׷Ƿ ó float 18 ߻մϴ. . [ó]. ̷ ߰߰ {{{\clearpage}}} ξ float flushϰ ϴ ֽϴ. , morefloats Ű 36 ų ֽϴ.
          '''A.''' ׸ [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/gfaqprj/gfaq-html/node43.html GFAQ no. 43] ֽϴ. --`floatflt` Ű ̿Ͻʽÿ.-- ׸ ѱ 쿡 --`picins` Ǵ-- `picinpar` Ű ֽϴ. (TeXLive 2008 floatflt picins ԵǾ Ƿ wrapfig hvfloat, floatrow Ű ϴ ϴ.)
          '''A.''' algorithm Ű algorithm float ȯ ְ ְ ֽϴ. float Ű ̿ Դϴ. ׷Ƿ float Ű ϸ ο float ֽϴ. float Ÿ Ű  ϳԴϴ. ̿ܿ پ Ƿ, texdoc float Ͽ Ű Ͻñ ٶϴ.
  • ٴϴ°üǰ . . . . 4 matches
         {{{#!vim TeX
          Ʒʿ [] Ÿ Ϸ `footnotemark` `footnotetext` ̿Ѵ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \footnotetext{ ٴ }
          {{{#!vim tex
  • ġϱ . . . . 84 matches
         ⿡ TeXLive 2009 + ko.TeX ġϿ ֽϴ.
         TeXLive ġϱ tlnet ɴϴ.
          $ wget http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
          $ sudo ./install-tl --gui --location=http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
          PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH
          MANPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
          INFOPATH=/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf/doc/info:$INFOPATH; export INFOPATH
          $ ln -s ../texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux/tlmgr ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpseaccess ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsepath ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsereadlink ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsestat ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsetool ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsewhere ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsewhich ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive//2009/bin/i386-linux/kpsexpand ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux/updmap ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux/updmap-sys ./
          $ ln -s ../texlive/2009/bin/i386-linux/fmtutil ./
  • ġϱ/HLaTeX . . . . 27 matches
         [ ġϱ]/[HLaTeX]
          HLaTeX ġϴ ̵ .
         == HLaTeX ġ : root ƴ Ϲ ==
          1. KLE:HLaTeXϹμġϱ''''''(by WkPark)
          1. HLaTeX ٿε/ġ/ ũƮ(by ) KTUGContrib:1477
         == HLaTeX ġ : superuser ==
         teTeX 3.0 ϸ HLaTeX ġ ִ. ٸ `/usr/local/share/texmf` ų ־ Ѵ.
         #> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.ktug.or.kr:/home/cvsroot co hlatex-texmf
         ( /usr/local/share/texmf ̹ ִٸ ̸ ٲپ Ӵϴ.)
         #> mv texmf texmf-orig
         #> mv hlatex-texmf texmf
         #> mktexlsr
         == HLaTeX ġ : root ==
         HLaTeX Ű Ǵ 찡 , ⼭ HLaTeX+ TEXMF TREE (see [HLaTeX])̳ [http://cvs.ktug.or.kr/viewcvs/hlatex-texmf/ KTUG CVS] ġϴ Ѵ.
         === HLaTeX θ TEXMF ϱ ===
          `[texmf]/web2c/texmf.cnf` Ѵ.
         켱 `$HLATEXTEXMF` θ ؾ Ѵ.
         % A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree. For example:
         HLATEXTEXMF = /usr/local/share/hlatex-texmf %%%%% ߰Ѵ. %%%%%
         ׸ `$TEXMF` `$HLATEXTEXMF` ߰Ѵ.
  • ġϱ/obsolete . . . . 17 matches
         == [teTeX] ġ ==
         Redhat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo κ [teTeX] ġ Ű Ѵ.
         #> apt-get install tetex-bin tetex-base tetex-extra tetex-doc libkpathsea-dev
         #> emerge -av =tetex-3.0-r4
         ý UTF-8 ̽ HLaTeX ϱⰡ ƴϴ. Omega ʰ LaTeX Ϸ ϰ UTF-8 ϴ [Hangul-ucs] ̴.
         == HLaTeX ==
         See [ġϱ/HLaTeX]
         == texmf-KTUG ==
         [Hangul-ucs] [HLaTeX] Ѳ ġ ִ.
         Debian dvipdfmx 20040411 texmf-KTUG Ϸ ϸ 'Could not find encoding <xxx>' ޼ մϴ. texmf-KTUG dvipdfmx cvs ϵ ֱ Դϴ. dvipdfmx cvs ϸ ذ ֽϴ.
         Ubuntu breezy tetex texmf-KTUG Բ ϴ. Բ ϸ ã ٴ ޼ ߻մϴ. breezy tetex 2.0 ̶ ׷ϴ, dapper tetex 3.0 ġϸ ˴ϴ.
         tetex3.0 ġϴ pdflatex pdf gpdf ѱ Դϴ. gpdf ѱ ̴ evince Դϴ.
          $> pdflatex \\pdfmapfile{+KTUG-pdftex.map}\\input _filename_
          ׷ٸ tex Ͽ
  • ˻ . . . . 3 matches
         [TeXԷ] ۼ ٷο ϳ ˻̴.
          (See [TeX]) ˻ Ǿ ְ, `ispell` ŷ ˻Ⱑ ߵǾ ִ. ׷ ѱ 쿡 ˻ ϴ ͵ ġ ʰ FreeSoftware ˻Ⱑ ߵǾ ʴ. ׷ ˻⸦ ϴ ʿ ̹ ߾, ̿ ¶ ˻ 񽺵 Ȱϰ ̷ ִ. . KLE:˻
         == ѱ [TeXԷ] ˻ ==
         TeX ҽ ѱ ˻ϰ EmEditor Ǵ WinEdt  TeX ü Ǵ κ Ͽ "Ʒѱ" â Ǵ MS Word â ̸ ˴ϴ.[[FootNote(MS Word â TeX ҷ Ȯڸ ġ ʰ ״ tex "Ʒѱ" â Ȯڸ 켱 txt ϰ Ȯڸ txt tex ľ մϴ.)]][[FootNote("Ʒѱ" â Ȯڸ txt "ڵ " ׳ "ؽƮ " (Ʒ ׸1 ׸2 ) ֽϴ. UHC ѱ۷ tex ڵ ѱ(utf-8) ٲٴ ֽϴ.)]] ׷ ٴ 󹮼 ΰ ׶׶ κ Ͽ ˻縦 ϴ մϴ. κ Ͽ Ͽ TeX Ͽ ٿ ˴ϴ. --[Yhchoe]
  • ŴƮ/ȭ . . . . 12 matches
         ''Ѱ hozeԲ Ź ִµ. TeX ڽ ̳ ȯ ̿ؼ ۼϰ, ü layout ٲܼ ִٴ ε. ̷ ڽſ ´ ̳ ȯ ִ manual ? ƴϸ ϰ ִ ׷̶ . ƹ TeXʺ ν ̷ տ ϴµ.... ̹ ϰ ִµ, ã ƴ?.'' --[synapse]
         Ű The LaTeX Companion̳ A Guide to LaTeX Ϻ ɴϴ. ó ϱ⵵ ٰ ϴٺ Plain TeX ǵ ʿ伺 ʾҽϴ. Ÿ ؼ  ο Ű ɷµ ʿ䵵 , ٸ ʿ ϴ , ߴ ϰ 帮ڽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         ׸ LaTeX ̵带 鼭 ڵ带 ǥ ʿ䰡 ־µ κ lshort-kr ϴ.
          忡 textbf , textsf ϰ Ǵµ, ٽ  ϸ ϰ ְ ִ .
          Ŵ Ÿ ѹ Ҵµ, ̷ ׸  쿡 ֱ Ʈ DVIPDFMx-20030813 (MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 ) ϸ PDF ũ⸦ ֽϴ. Ư¡ ׸ ߺؼ  ѹ ӺѴٴ Դϴ. manualstyle.pdf (837KB) ٽ  627KB Ǵ±. ƹư ϼ̽ϴ. --[ChoF]
         ȳϼ. texmanual project ؼ ֽϴ.
         TeX ϴ , \def\a#1{\def\b#1{...}} \def\a#1{\def\b##1{...}} ñѰ ־ ̷ ޾ ϴ.
          ~ ^^ Plain TeX 𸨴ϴ. ׸ ÷ֽ ڵ尡 ° ƴ϶ 𸣰ڴµ. , ˼Դ.
          ο ĵ Plain TeX ǵ帮 ʰ LaTeX ַ ϰų ؼ ϴ. ¿ Plain TeX ǵ帱 ʿ䵵 .
          ָ ̶ ϼ̴µ, a!̶ ɾ ʴ° ƴѰ? ̰ a{!} ־ ϴ° ƴѰ ° ϴ. ̷ ϴ. Ʋ ˷ּ. ׸ TeX ̷ ؼ ɾ ؼ Ȯ ϳ? ̷ TeX å ؼ Ұ ֽø ȵɱ? ŵ մϴ.
          PlainTeX ɾ ϰ ڸ parsingϴ Ģ ֽϴ.  ϳ , ''' ƴ ''' Դϴ. `\a!` `!` ھƴ ̹Ƿ, ɾ `\a`(̰ Դϴ)̰, `!` ڷ ؼ˴ϴ. ó `\def\a#1` Ͽ Դϴ. ׷Ƿ PlainTeX δ `\a!` `\a{!}` ϴٰ ֽϴ. `\a{para}` 쿡 `{para}` ȵǰ. Ѱ ̳ ڸ, `\def\mycommand#1#2{...}` ǵ ɿ ؼ `\mycommand32` θ, ̰ `\mycommand{3}{2}` о ̰. ̷ ȥ LaTeX ڸ `{}` ϰ ֽϴ. ƹư ̷ κ ñϽôٸ ''[The TeXBook]'' ô մϴ. å Ͽ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
         ᱹ ! LaTeX Error: \subcapfont undefined. ޽ ͼ ߽ϴ.
          ϴ. `cover.tex` ٰ ϴµ? --[Karnes]
         ðԿ? cover.tex ǥε. \frontcover \backcover ǵǾ ֽϴ.
         cover.tex ־ ׸  ŵ ϴ ҽ ٵ.
          attachment:texmf-hoze6518.zip ׳ texmf Ʈ ϳ  µ. ׷, µ, ̷ ÷ȳ ͽϴ. ϱ ƴ϶ ϴ. --[hoze]
          texmf-hoze6518.zip Ǯ doc/latex/hozemanucs/ hozemanucs.pdf ֽϴ. ؼ ̴ϴ. --[hoze]
  • . . . . 28 matches
          `latex.exe` Win32 α׷ '' α׷''̶ θ cmd ''â''̶ θ ´ġ ʴ. cmd ƴϴ. command ุ DOS θ ̴. cmd Ǵ `latex.exe` ̽ ̰ üμ Windows α׷̴. --[Karnes]
         == TeX/LaTeX ȯμ ==
          ̽ [GUI] Ͽ ְ ͼ ʴ. ׷ TeX/LaTeX ó ''' α׷'''̾. ׷ TeX/LaTeX ġϿ ȭ鿡 ܳ ʴ´. [GUI] ͼ ó ڵ ̷ Ȳ Ȳϴ 찡 ִ.
         WinEdt̳ ׹ ƿƼ ̿ؼ ġ [GUI] α׷ ó TeX/LaTeX ̰ ְ, 쿡 󼭴 ࿡ ñ ؾ ϴ . ׷Ƿ `TeXer`, `TeXnician`, Windows ȯ̶ ϴ ࿡ ظ صδ ȴ.
         [Lambda], ConTeXt, LaTeX2Html, TeX4ht, dvips, PDFLaTeX ̴. Ű ɾ ⺸ٴ ࿡ .
          <!> Windows [TeX Implementations]  Ϻδ `\` `/` ڸ 丮 ڷ ϴ 찡 ִ.
          <!> TeX ۾ ǵ ִ ̸ ʴ .
          ڰ `C:\TeX_WORK`̶ 丮 ϳ  ű⼭ TeX ۾ ϱ Ͽٰ .
         C:\> md TeX_Work
         C:\> cd TeX_Work
         C:\TeX_Work> dir
         PATH() Ư ִ ġ Ÿ ̴ּ. `C:\TeX_Work\FirstDoc\firstdoc.tex`̶ ִٰ `C:\` -> `TeX_Work` -> `FirstDoc` 丮 迭 ζ Ѵ.
         Windows `PATH` ̸ '''ȯ溯''' ִ. '' 丮 ִ ϵ ã '' ̸ صδ δ. ڸ ڰ `C:\TeX_Work`̶ 丮 ۾ ϰ ִµ, ׸ óϱ `gswin32c.exe` ؾ ʿ䰡 ִٰ . ۾ 丮 Ƿ, ࿡ `gswin32c`
         MiKTeX, ActivePerl, ImageMagick ġϸ ġ α׷ θ ֱ⵵ Ѵ. ̿ MiKTeX ġ ϵDZ  ġ `latex` θ ְ Ǵ ̴.
          α׷ DOS ƴ϶ Un*x, Linux õ κ TeX ɵ `/?` ġ ƴ϶ `--help` ڿ Ͽ ´.
         === LaTeX ̽ ===
         LaTeX ۾ ⺻ .(See GettingStarted)
         C:\TeX_Work> copy con test1.tex<Enter>
          `copy con test1.tex` ̶ Ű带 ȭ Է(console Է) `test1.tex`̶ Ϸ ǹ̴. ̷ `test1.tex` ߿ NotePad ͸ ̿Ͽ ִ.
  • . . . . 4 matches
          ̹ ڿ ǰ ݾ ȭߴµ, TeX ϳ ϴ. -- -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2006-05-24T06:56:21)]]
          * [] Reading TeXbook . DohyunKim : "TeXbook ִ. û ϰ Ѵ." ChoF : "׷ ־?" [Progress] : "KTUG ." ^^ Karnes : "KTUGFaqMook 5ȣ з ."
          * TeX line breaking ˰򿡴 Dynamic programming ̿ ִܰŸ ˰ ̿Ѵٰ . TeX ӿ Ʋ, װ ۼ Knuth ̾߱ , Knuth ġϰ ؼ Knuth 񷯵 ѹ ȳ ̶ ChoFԲ Ͻ.
          ˷ ̸ . from the source, '''che.tex''' by [] -- -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2006-05-24T11:06:25)]]
          鸮 ҹ ϸ pdflatex 鼭 microtype.sty ڵ rlapȴٴ±. -- DohyunKim [[DateTime(2006-05-25T06:00:13)]]
          * [] BLUeTeX ̱⵵ Kees van der laan ۸ а ִµ, ַ TeX α׷ֿ õ ͵̴. ChoF: TeX α׷ ϴ. α׷ ִ. ׷ ü TeX α׷ ϴ°? TeX α׷ ϴ ƴϴ. :) Ѷ [Karnes] BLUeTeX ѱȭ õϼ̴ٰ Ͻ. (ucsplain.tex п ѱȭ ų ƴѰ?)
          * TeXmacs . Karnes ޴ ѱȭ ⸦ ϰ pdf , о ChoFԲ, "װ ´" Ͻ.
          * Karnes : TeXmacs ġؼ Ẹ̳?
          * Ī "KTUG Practical TeX Workshop" ֿ . 赵 (迡) ؼ ˾ƺڴٰ Ͻ.
          * XeTeX ̾߱. XeTeX/Linux xdv driver ChoF Ͻô ε, ؾ ʹ Ƽ ճ ִ ¶ Ͻ. Karnes: "atsui ̺귯 freetype Ϻϰ ȣȯǰ ֳ?" ChoF: "ȵ." freetype äϰ ȭ Ŀ, ChoF: "ƹư ؾ ʹ Ƽ ġŴϴ."
          * ѱ LaTeX Ȱ ɼ
          1. ȯ, TeX Ÿ׷
          1. ȣ, м LaTeX Ȱ
          1. 谭, LaTeX ѱ
         === ȯ, TeX Ÿ׷ ===
          1. TeX
          ȣ ּ: ȯ Ʈ ̿Ͽ ǥϿ. ŰƮ α׷ ǥ ѱ cube transition Ͼ л ź . ڿ 谭 ǥ transition Ͼ л µ 񿡼 Ϲ ڵ 帮ڴ. ȯ ظ ̿ص ȯ Presentation ִٸ ٸ ǥ μ ̴ּ. ̸鼭 ̴. ֳϸ 츮 ̶ 3 ǹ̷ Ѵ. ϳ , ϳ Ϸ, ϳ ̴. Ϲ ڵ  Ϸ ޾Ƶ̰ ⿡ ȯ ǹ̷ ̴. ֽ ͵ PDF Special Metapost ó ConTeXt ̴. ̴ ConTeXt Ӹ ƴ϶ PDF Special Metapost ˾ƾ ǹѴ. 谭 AcroTeX ̿Ͽ Layer ȿ  . е `ȴ' Ȥ '' ּ δ Ͽ ٶ. ȯ ǥ ȴٸ Ƹٿ ŷǾ ϰ 浿 ۽̱ ʻ Beamer ϰ ʹ.
         === ȣ, м LaTeX Ȱ ===
          1. ȯ 谭κ ޾Ƽ LaTeX ѱ ־.
          1. 1997 ʹ dzƮ 蹮 LaTeX ̿Ͽ . ÿ LaTeX pdf Ȩ ԽõǾ ִ. [http://user.chol.com/~johnnam]
  • ܸ . . . . 1 match
  • . . . . 39 matches
          newenvironment غ... ȿ textwidth ٲܼ ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm. textwidth 14cm.
         textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm.
         textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm.
         textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm. textwidth 15cm.
          LaTeX ϴ , ϴ Դϴ.
  • LayOut . . . . 1 match
         == ̾ƿ LaTeX Ű ==
          {{{#!vim tex
         [LaTeX2e] Ư Ű ̵ [Preamble] `\paperhegiht` `\paperwidth` ִ.
  • ο/Compression . . . . 3 matches
         ̷ ϴϱ {{{[4, 5, 6]}}} ǥð Ǵ . {{{[4-6]}}} ̷ ǥҷ  ؾ dz? ۼϴµ ÷ Latex ̶ 𸣰ڳ׿.. Ź帳ϴ...  Ʒ
  • . . . . 15 matches
         [TeX Live] . Ű ܾ {{{[TeX Live]}}} ϸ ũ ɸϴ.
         kotexlive2009 ġغ Ű?
          , ȸ ġϿϴ. KCmenu۾ Ͽ ϴµ, NPP+KCmenu+sumatrapdf Ȥ Texworks ΰ ū Ǵ, ٻ ΰ鼭 ۾ ϰ ֳ׿. ^^; KCmenu.exe texlive2009 ° ϸ, ׳ ū , ɽϰԵ ϴ. ^^; Դٰ KC2008 localtexmf ̰ ϴ, , ѱ۵ xelatex ׳ Ǵ, ɽϰ Ǿ Դϴ. ^^; ¶, KCmenu TeXLive2009 ȭ ִ (?) ȮϿ, ڽϴ. Ƹ KCmenuʿ Ҹ ʴ , ٵ ϼ̰ų, KC2008 ִ Ƽ ƴұ? ^^; -- [likesam]
          ˴ϴٿ. ó ϴ ̹ ġ ϼ̴ٽ TeX ý, KC2008̵ TL2009 preview KC2008Plus MiKTeX̵ ٽ ϴ ϴ. ׷ .tex NotePad++ ϰ ش ƿƼ 찡 ֽϴ. --[Progress]
          ̱. ^^; ʹ ֽϴ. TeXWorks ֽϴ. Preferences tysetting ɾ ݾ ٲ㼭 ־ ϰ մϴ. NPP , Windows 7 ϸ... ·!
         ٸ, 𸣰ڴµ, texworks 7 ΰ . ȭ Ŭ ߴ *.tex Ŭؼ ߴ д ġ ٸϴ. ̰ Ko.TeX-2009 ƴϰ TL-2009 ׷߽ϴ. ΰ ġ
         C:\Users(ѱ )\{}\texworks -> (*.tex Ŭ)
         C:\Users(ѱ )\{}\.texlive2009\texmf-config\texworks (ȭ Ŭ)
         ̹ TeX Live 2009 ġ߱ ҽϴٸ,
         [http://people.debian.org/~preining/TeX/tl2009/] Debian TeX Live 2009 Ű ֽϴ.
         ƺ 鿡 ϸ Ǵ Դϴ. ̷ Ű¡ TeX Live 󰡱
          Ǵ Դϴ. kotexlive2009 ġ install-tl(kotex) ÷ξ ̷ ֽϴ. "ó ٽ õ. ݺϸ ˴ϴ." --[Karnes]
         Windows TeX ȯ غô.
         || TeX Live || texworks || ߰ġ ü ʿ ||
          * TeXWorks TeXLive Ϻ̹Ƿ Ʈ
         || TeX Live || KC2008Plus || KCmenu + [NotePad++] ||
         || TeX Live || Ÿ || ||
          ^^; ݴ ŴϾ(?)Ϸ TnXTeX ִ ͸ ֽϴ. ѱ, öڹ ˻ ÿ ǰ ϴ. (ٸ Դϴٸ. ^^:) --likesam
          * Ư, WinEdt TeX Live Ϻϰ ȴ. TeX Live ϵ MikTeX ϵ ͷμ WinEdt KTUG ʴ´. (׷ TeXLive WinEdt 鼭 Ѵ. :-X ) ׷ TeXLive WinEdt ϴ . KTUG ʴ ˰ ְ, Ѵٴ ̴. -L-
         || TeX Live || LyX || ||
  • /200304 . . . . 30 matches
         DeleteMe [MiKTeX], [teTeX] ̸ Դٰϸ鼭 UltraEdt vi ٰ Ű ġ صΰ LyX, TeXmacs ֽϴ. ֳ׿. ٵ LyX ģ ... ۾ð ɸϴ. :( TeXmacs ѱ۸ ȴٸ ȯ μ ϳ ԵǴ ƴѰ ͳ׿. ۾ ַ ϱ ؼ TeX ϴ е鲲 ׿. --[Karnes] [[Date(2003-04-07T14:08:48)]]
          DeleteMe TeXmacs... ִ α׷̴. GNU Ŀ α׷Դϴ. :) --[]
          Դϴ. оߴ ( ƽð) й оߵ о ϳԴϴ. ׸ Ʈ ϴ ϵ ̹ ٸ е TeX õ Ʈ( hLaTeXp) ߾ ̻ ο Ʈ ͵ ư, Ʈ Ϸص б ƴϸ û Ұ ѱ ̹Ƿ ѵΰ ƴմϴ. а(Ǵ ڿа) [KTUG] ⿩ Ѵٰ ( ) ϴ ϴ ٸ ̱ Ȳ ū ƽϴ. --[ChoF]
         [Yhchoe] Բ [LayOut] amsart κ AMSLaTeX Űϴ. ׸ [TeX] ˻ κ [˻] ϴ.
         texify? compile? texify ΰ? ƴ ̾ ˰, compile 츮 ű Ȳ texify ״ 𸣰ڳ׿. ׳ compile ˷ Ǵٽ <ؽ> Ⱑ ȥ ʷ ϴ. compile ڿ űٴ , 'ϴ' ̾ '' ״ ᵵ 𸣰ڽϴ. ̺귯 Ϸ ϴϱ compile̶ ƴұ غϴ. ؿ ̺귯 ... ? ׷ ´ ͵ ... "LaTeX , Lambda " ̷ ǥ ͵ . -[hoze]
          δ `texify`  ް ʽϴ. `texify` `latex` ϰ ʿϴٸ ȣ   Ϸ ϳ ġ μ óϴ ƿƼ ̸̾ ˰ ֽϴ. WinEdt `texify` `texify.exe` θ Ϳ Ұմϴ. `latex -> latex -> makeindex -> bibtex -> latex -> latex` ̷ Ϸ ó ܹ ִ Ű ϳ׿. ConTeXt `texexec` ִµ ̰ ٷ ̷ Ѳ óִ . `texify`ϰ ֳ ʹ ܿ ֽϴ. ǻ ̹Ƿ, 庰 κ ϸ鼭 ۾ ϴ ȿ̶ Դϴ. `compile` ؼ ׷ Ǵ ƴѰ ͽϴ. 켱 ٸ , plain text input DVI ڵ ٲٴ ̶ Ѵٸ, , ׷ ᵵ ƴѰ ͳ׿. ;) WinEdt (WinEdt ͵ ƴմϴٸ) `texify` ƿ Ȱ, ʿϴٸ latex ξ ϴ ۾մϴ. ׸... 𸣰ڽϴٸ latex.fmt ҷ latex ǹǷ װ pre-compile ̺귯 ص ? --[Karnes]
         [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġ ̵忡 䵥... ġ Ŀ `initexmf --mkmaps` ϶ ʴµ ;) `[texmf]/miktex/config/config.bat` ϶ ٲٴ ? ġϿ `initexmf --mkmaps` 翬 ԵǾ ֽϴ. ġ ϴ `initexmf -u` `initexmf --mkmaps` ŷο ۾ ٿ մϴ. --[Karnes]
          mytexmf C:\ ߰ߴµ, config.bat ϰ , mytexmf ̸ͺ̽ Ƚϴ. ׷ <ɼ > ٽ ߰ϴ. --[hoze]
          config.bat ó ġ ¿ ϴ ̶ ϴ ڱ. Ͼ ѱPKƮ Ȳ ϴ ϴ. ڰ ߰ users' texmf tree Ƹ ݿ Դϴ. ( ϸ ݿ ͵ ϴٸ...) config.bat ɼ ڸ ̿ϰų, initexmf -u ߰ϴ ͵ ̶ ˴ϴ. --[Karnes]
          <!> Դ KTUG wiki Ͱ [WkPark] ۲, [DohyunKim] ttf2tfm ҽ, [Karnes] ȭα۲ ǿ (, !), [ChoF] TUG2003 TeX4ht ѱ, [hozeŴƮ] £ ϴ. ڷḦ [KTUG] ߰Ͽ ֽʻ Ź帳ϴ.
          1. [Karnes]԰ dzϴ ׸ ̺Ʈ ұ ϰ. シ, '''LaTeX ȸ(?)''' Դϴ. ù°, ʼ 츮 ȭ (, ȣ̿ , β ) ׸ ϰ, °, ƹų Ͽ ϴµ, ? , (׸ ) ҽ ϰ ps Ǵ pdf  ϳ ϱ. ( å ǰ ڽϴ. :D ) ... LaTeX , ConTeXt 𸣰ڽϴ. ǰ Ź帳ϴ.
         ׸ ۵ ó TeX MS Word Ʒѱۿ Ѵٰ ϼż, Է ؼ 峪 ѱ ʿ䰡 ٴ ̾ϴ.
  • /200512 . . . . 6 matches
          TeX 鼭 ȥ ߿ pk ʴ ̾ϴ.
          ¼ٰ ̷ ߻ϸ initexmf -u ذ, WinEdt ڵ â ̷ ߻ϸ,
          <!> hoze մϴ. C:\texmf\doc\latex\geometry ӿ ִ geometry.dvi ٺŬϿ Yap KTUGOperate:5284'''''' ÷ ׸(ũ ) ޸ "fi" "" ʰ "fi" ϴ. ģ WinEdt 5.3 5.4 ø ε űմϴ. ٽ ƴϴϱ WinEdt ſ ƴ ϴ. Ʈ MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2 ϴ. Ƹ ȯ ؼ ׷ ƴѰ ˴ϴ. Ʈմϴ. ׸
         initexmf -u
          ϴ Ϲ (MiKTeX Options: ɼ , ->α׷(P)->MiKTeX-KTUG ã ֽϴ.) " "(Refresh Now) Ͱ ƴѰ? " " Ͽ ذ ΰ? "WinEdt ڵ â " ϼ̴ WinEdt Dos ֽϴ. ׸ ߵ ߴ 'Command Prompt' ̰, Ʒ ߴ " Console" Դϴ. WinEdt  Ȱȭ ߵ Ŭϸ ̹ ΰ ֱ ¿ θ Է ʾƵ ˴ϴ. WinEdt â dvi->pdf ߴ DVIPDFM (Ǵ DVIPDFMx) ϵ Ǿ ִ ɼ(: Landscape) 'Command Prompt'  ϴ մϴ. "WinEdt ũθ ʾƵ ˴ϴ. ׸ TeXify "ȲݻڸӸ"( ׸) ߸ ã ʿ Ű Ctrl+Shift+X Ű ġ ˴ϴ.
          ǵǰ ִ [Yap] [DVI] θ鼭 pk Ʈ ϴ õ ϴ. ϱ⿡, ̰ [Yap] װ ƴѰ մϴ. [MiKTeX] pk Ʈ miktex_make_pk ƾ θ ε ̰ makepk Ͱ ; մϴ. ׷  [Yap] pk ͱ ϴµ, FNDB ϰ pk װ [kpathsea] ̿ؼ ҷ մϴ. [MiKTeX] 2.2 Ͽ [MiKTeX] 2.3 κ ϰ, ݱ δ [MiKTeX] 2.2 times, palatino Ʈ ؼ µ [MiKTeX] 2.3 txfonts, pxfonts ϸ κ pk FNDB ϴ ϴ. [hoze] Ͻ , [Yap] ̸ ص ¿ [DVI] ϰԵ pk 찡 ִ , ̰ Ȯ [Yap] ׶ Դϴ. ƹư `initexmf -u` ϴ pk Ʈ FNDB ϴ ̹Ƿ, ǰ. [MiKTeX] ʴٴ ִ ƴѰ մϴ.  CygWin-[teTeX] ׷ ٰ ˴ϴ. Ȯ , [MiKTeX] 2.3 '''ó ġ ''' `config.bat` ָ pk Ʈ پٴ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
          Ƽ MiKTeX ѱȯ ٿ , ǰմϴ.
         YhChoe Ͻô WinEdtTip ߿ "GUI " ǥ ׳ "" ġ ϴ. YhChoe Բ  ż---Ƹ Ǵ TeX ȯ Ϲ ߽ ϴ Թ WinEdt ȯ ׷ϱ ϴٴ Ͻñ ˴ϴ---߸ "GUI " ׳ "GUI" θôµ, Ϲ δ ǥ ƹ Ƶ ϴٰ DZ Դϴ. " ̽" 񱳵Ǵ "GU ̽" ̹Ƿ ư ϴ ܾ GUI ϱ ̶ Դϴ. Ƹ κ ǰ߿ Ͻð, κ YhChoe Բ ϰ Ͻô ̶, ģ ø ٽ ϼŵ մϴ. --[Karnes]
  • ȣ . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX , , , , , ǥ ĸ, ׸ ĸ, , ȯ item  Label(ɾ `\label{Key}` Է) ٿ ʿ `\ref{Key}`, `\pageref{Key}` ̵ ְ Ͽ. ȣ Ŀ Label ٿ θ `\pageref{Key}` ִ ʹȣ ҷ ִ. 켱 `\label{ }` ġ ¾ƾ ȣ(Counter) ҷ´(KTUGOperate:22005''''''). `\label{ }` Key ߺ ʾƾ Ѵ. ̸ Ͽ ġ ȵǾ ִ.-> See [WinEdtTip/ȣ]
         LaTeX Companion Ʈ ִµ, װ 䳻 ҽϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
  • . . . . 23 matches
         Ϲ TeXImplementations ߿ [teTeX] MiKTeX ֿ ϵ .
          <!> [texmf] Ʈ {{{[texmf]}}} ǥϰ, ڰ δ [texmf] Ʈ {{{[localtexmf]}}} ǥѴ.
          <!> ۾ȯ濡 "ȿ" `$TEXMF` õ `texmf tree`  ռ ġ ߰ߵǴ ̴. ġ Ȯϴ `kpsewhich` Ѵ.(Ϻ )
          * `[texmf]/dvips/config/config.ps` ַ Ǵ ̸, ٸ ɼ `dvips` ϸ Ѵ.
          * `[texmf]/dvipdfm/config/config` ̴.
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="dvipdfm" config`
          * `[texmf]/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg` ̴.
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="dvipdfm" dvipdfmx.cfg`
         ''' PDFTeX '''
          * `pdftex.cfg` ̻ ʴ´.
          * `[texmf]/web2c/updmap.cfg`
         ''' texmf.cnf '''
          * `[texmf]/web2c/texmf.cnf`
          * `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" texmf.cnf`
          <!> MiKTeX `texmf.cnf` `[texmf]/miktex/config/miktex.ini` Ϸ .
          * `[texmf]/ttf2pk/base/ttf2pk.cfg`
          * Ʈ `pdftex.cfg` ̴. `map ttfonts.map` ⺻̸ ڿ `map +` ߰Ѵ.
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="ttf2pk" ttf2pk.cfg`
         [teTeX] 3.x .
  • ξ . . . . 3 matches
         == ko.TeX (xetexko/luatexko) vertical ȯ ==
         OldGulim 迡 XeTeX ξⰡ ϴ θ ׽Ʈ̴.
  • и . . . . 1 match
         LaTeX и Ǵ Է¸(Math Mode) нİ ؽƮ ϱ Ͽ Ǵ Էóȯ̴. LaTeX κ TeX н Է äϿ Ȯ ̴.
         "(mode)" TeX Է ؽƮ а óϴ Ų. TeX mode ְ,  н ̴.
          * In-line math mode : ؽƮ ȿ н Ѵ. TeX `$` ڷ ų .(shift) ۰ ȥ ʱ Ͽ `\(` `\)` .
          * Math display mode : ؽƮκ Ͽ ǥ Ѵ. TeX `$$` ų . ۰ ȥ ʱ Ͽ `\[` `\]` . LaTeX AMSLaTeX display ǥϱ ȯ Ѵ. ǥ `equation` `eqnarray` ȯ̴.
         LaTeXSymbols н پ ȣ ã ִ.
         ʻü(calligraphic). ڼ LaTeXSymbols pdf ӿ mathcal ˻ .
          * `\mbox` `\text`
         == [AMSLaTeX/Math] ==
         ̱ȸ(AMS) AMSTeX AMSLaTeX н ϱ ؼ ʿҰ Ű̴. amsmath.sty · Ϲ LaTeX AMS н ִ.
  • п۲ . . . . 5 matches
          LaTeX (MiKTeX üġ) ϴ Ȥ LaTeX ߵ п ۲ÿ ϰ Ѵ. Ư ۲ð Բ Ǵ '''''' п ۲ÿ ٷ.
          * LaTeX п '''⺻ ۲'''̸ Donald E. Knuth . * Type1, MetaFont source, PK(Type3) ۲ Ѵ.
          * MiKTeX ġǾ ִ mathtime Ű ݸ պ ٷ belleek ۲ ִ.
          * ġ Walter A. Schmidt 亯 http://www.math.utah.edu/pipermail/tex-fonts/2002-October/000028.html ȴ.
         : Hermann Zapf ۲ TeX Ǵ ۲÷δ Euler, Palatino, Zapf Dingbat (pifont Ű), Zapf Chancery .
          * Polish TeX Users Group (GUST ?) /ϴ ۲ Ϻ
          <!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430'''''' ÷ TeX ϵ ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip (texmf ƴ) localtexmf TREE ROOT Ǫ ϴ.
          * TeXTrace ŸƮ Ÿ 1 ٲ ۲ Ʈ Ѵ.
         /!\ κ cmbright ϰ''¥'' 꽺 ۲ Ͻö! vtex Helvetica п ۲ HV-Math Ƹ 꽺 ۲ ̴.
          * Math for LaTeX (http://home.vr-web.de/~was/mathfonts.html). Walter Schmidt ϴ Ϻημ پ ۲ÿ ִ. پ ۲ÿ ġ ٷ̵ Ѵ (Type1 Ʈ ).
  • Ÿϸ . . . . 1 match
          1. [http://www.latex-project.org/guides/clsguide.pdf LATEX2e for class and package writers]
          2. CTAN:/info/dtxtut/dtxtut.pdf How to Package your LaTeX Package(Scott Pakin)
         ׷Ƿ, LaTeX ϳ ð ڽ Ÿ غñ ٶϴ.
         ([Yhchoe] -1) м ϴµ AMSLaTeX Ŭ ù Ӹ/ ϰ preamble ϴ ĥ ־ϴ. ׷ ̱ȸ(AMS)  ϳ Ͽϴ(See KTUGContrib:1543). AMS м Ŭ(amsart, amsproc ) ΰ м Ŭ (: bull-l) ˾ҽϴ. ׷ Ͽϴ. 켱 amsart, amsproc Ŭ ּ ksmeart, ksmeproc Ŭ , ٽ м ksme-b, ksme-d, ksme-e Ŭ bull-l ɶ ϴ. ĸ ִ ּ ̿ϴ.
  • Truetype۲û . . . . 35 matches
         === Native TTF for pdflatex ===
          * Native TTF pdflatex Բ ϴ , ִ.
          * [http://www.radamir.com/tex/ttf-tex.htm Using TrueType fonts with TeX and pdfTeX (Damir Rakityansky)]
          * [http://ipe.compgeom.org/pdftex_1.html Using a Truetype font in Pdflatex (Otfried Cheong)]
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/info/TrueType/ttf-tetex.html Using Truetype Fonts with TeX (H. Harders)]
          * κ pdflatex ̴.
          * [http://www.radamir.com/tex/ttf-tex.htm Using TrueType fonts with TeX (LaTeX) and pdfTeX (pdfLaTeX)]
          * Truetype Type 1 ƮũƮ Ϸ ȯ , '''fontinst''' ؼ Ʈ ġѴ. ƮũƮ ۲÷ ȯǾ⿡ dvipdfm, dvips/ps2pdf, ׸ pdflatex ִ.
          * [http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/info/TrueType/ttf-tetex.pdf Using TrueType fonts with TEX via Postscript Type 1 format]
         ֱٿ [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10783 MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5 ]( ?) α׷ ߰ߴµ, α׷ 3.1 3.3 ִ ʷ ؼ ġ ѹ(?) α׷̴. α׷ ġ ̿ؼ dvipdfmx Native Truetype۲ ϴ ҰѴ
          1. ҽ [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10783 MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5] ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
          1. MiKTeX TTF Font Installer α׷ c:\texmf\ttf2tfm\base 丮 '''T1-WGL4.enc''' ãǷ, ٸ ( 2.3 ) 丮 ؼ ´.
          1. MiKTeX TTF Font Installer α׷ ؼ 4 Ʈ Ѵ. ׷ α׷ ˾Ƽ ش (99%)
          1. ''ttfonts.map'' c:\texmf\ttf2tfm\base µ, ؼ c:\texmf\ttf2pk\base ִ ''ttfonts.map'' Ѵ.
          1. pdftex ''winfonts.map'' , pdftex.cfg ڵ ϵȴ. ''t1trebuc.fd''̶ ۲ ϵ Ǿ ̴. (c:\localtexmf\tex\latex\trebuc)
          * ''ttfonts.map'' ؼ ''trebuc.map''̶ c:\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config ű. ٲ۴: tfm encoding ttf -s .12. ''-s .12'' 翡 Ǵ ɼ̴. ,{{{rectrebuc T1-WGL4.enc trebuc.ttf
          * c:\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfm'''x'''.cfg  '''f trebuc.map''' ÷Ѵ.
         [http://www.mtfi.drzoom.ch/ MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.6] is released. Please check if the problems still exists.
          * ġ: [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/winfonts/]
          * ġ: [http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/truetypemetrics/]
  • ó . . . . 12 matches
          1. TeX
          1. LaTeX
         TeX ޽ ϰ ִ.
         Ǵ LaTeX ޽ ִ ִ.
          '''׸2:''' e ׸ Enter Ű ġ e.sty ã ٴ ޽ Ÿ. aaa.sty ʿϸ LaTeX ã ִ ġ Ͽ Ѵ.
          * `1..9` ڿ õǴ control sequence TeX óϴ Ű Է ɾ ǹϴ ƴϴ. plainTeX ϳ ٸ control sequence ȣϴ LaTeX óϴ ϴ.
          1. latex ࿡ ִ μ(*.aux, *.toc ) ߻ϴ ó ٽ latex ϸ ٸ ̰ ƴϴ.
         Ʒ LaTeX ڰ ִ TeX Ǵ LaTeX صд.
          \?/ [http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html TeX Frequently Asked Questions] ׸ "The joy of TeX errors" ܰ ó ֽϴ.-[Yhchoe]
          TeX ̴. LaTeX ó߿ Ʈ ٸ TeX " ó" ̴. Ʈ `\end{document}` ִµ, κ ǵ ٿ ٸ ̴. ܼ \end{document} ߸ ̶ ǰ ׷ ʰ ũ ó ̸ ڵ带 ؾ Ѵ. cf. http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=typend
          TeX ߿ óϱ ̴. ̰ TeX ý ü Ѱ õ ̴. ߻ϴ ʹ \dimen, \skip ε Ϲ Ÿ ʿϰ εϿ ߻ ִ. memoir musixltx ÿ ̴.
          ٺ ذ TeX ý 缳ϴ ̶ Ѵ. [e-TeX] ߻ ֵ ̷ξ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ δ ɼ پ Ʋ ߻ߴ ص ε Ű Ͽ ʿ ϸ ذ ִ .
          1. '''TeX capacity exceeded'''
          1. TeX capacity ־ óϱ⿡ . Ÿϵ ų ġ ũθ ؼ ϰų ̴.
          => tex capacity Ͽ TeX ý ⺻ ٲپ Ѵ. TeX ý ⺻ ϰų ų, ֺ TeX 翡  ̴.
           ι° ũ ̴. ù° Ƿ Ȥ ̷ ٸ ݵ preamble غ ϰ TeX ý ϴ Ŀ õغ Ͽ Ѵ.
          LaTeX ƴ϶ TeX ̴. 밳 TeX ξ ƴ. ܼ ʿ 齽 `\` 쿡 ִ.
          TeX ߻ϴ ſ پϴ. ǥ 츦 ϳ ڸ displaymath ȯ ȿ eqnarray ȯ ٽ ʴ ȯ nesting ־ ߻ ִ.
  • ó/ͼ . . . . 5 matches
         ==== MiKTeX ====
         {{{.../texmf/miktex/config/miktex.ini}}} Editor= κ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ѵ.
         {{{TEXEDIT}}}̶ ̸ ȯ溯 մϴ.
          * ̸ : TEXEDIT
          * TeXmaker
          * : {{{"...\TeXmaker\texmaker.exe" "%s" -line %d}}}
  • . . . . 6 matches
          (!) ڸ LaTeX ȣڿ ؼ [LaTeXSymbols] .
         === legacy TeX ===
         === XeTeX ===
         XeTeX Ʈ ϴ ϸ ſ ϴ. Ÿ̳ tfm ġ ʿ䰡 combinumeralsltd() ý ۲÷ ġϴ ٷ . Style=Alternate ɼ ָ ۾ ڰ .
          XeLaTeX . attachment:hcrnumbers.sty ̿.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         === ko.TeX onum ===
         {{{#!vim tex
  • ȭȣ . . . . 2 matches
          "Table 29: textcomp Currency Symbols"
         ӿ , , , ₤ ֽϴ. ߿ ٷ \usepackage{textcomp} ں ־ մϴ.
         TeX ⿡ ȭȣ ſ \ Բ Ϸ ϼ.
  • Ű۾ . . . . 3 matches
          ϴ Ű θ 0.9 뽺ũ + latex, metapost μ ۵ϰ (by WkPark)̾ϴ. θ fork ⶧, Ű ̾ƺ Ͽ ̰ ޾Ƶ鿩 ϰ Ǿϴ.
         latex, metapost μ Ȯ: (./)
         data/text/RCS 丮 ۹̼ ߽ϴ. ɰ̴ϴ~
         LaTeX μ ϴ.
  • . . . . 8 matches
         === TeX Implementation ===
          1. WinLaTeX(1995) : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/historical/winlatex.zip winlatex.zip] (Windows 3.1)
          1. [TeX] 1.5 (1995) : [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/historical/HTeX_MicroSoftware_199508.tar.bz2 HTeX_MicroSoftware_199508.tar.bz2] (Windows 3.1)
          1. hlatex 0.91 technical guide (1992, ֿ)
          * attachment:WHChlatex.pdf (HLaTeX . ׸ .)
          1. yahTeX manual (1993, ֿ, )
          * attachment:yahtex_manual_ps2pdf.pdf
          1. WinLaTeX manual (1995)
          * attachment:WinLaTeX/winlatex_manual_ps2pdf.pdf
          1. hLaTeXp manual (1995--6, )
          * attachment:hLaTeXp/hltxman.pdf
          1. hlatex 0.95 guide (1996, )
          * attachment:hlatex-guide.pdf
  • . . . . 1 match
         TeX Է ó Էؼ ȵǴ Ư ڵ (reserved symbols) Ѵ.
         TeX ڴ 10 ִ. CategoryCode ϶.
         || Է¹ || TeX ǹ || ״κ̱ ||
         || \ || control sequence || \textbackslash ||
  • ۲ . . . . 13 matches
         HLaTeX [UHC۲] ڿ TrueType ο ѱ ۲.
         == HLaTeX ۲ ϱ ũƮ ==
         === TTF2HLaTeXFont ===
         DohyunKim TTF2HLaTeXFont Perl Script ̿Ͽ ۲ HLaTeX/PDFLaTeX/HLambda ̿ϵ ϱ ۲ ѹ濡 ִ.
         TTF2HLaTeXFont script config ̿Ѵ. ڼ TTF2HLaTeXFont .
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un
          HLaTeX Ͽ TFM .
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un -i c:\texmf-un
          HLaTeX ϵ `c:\texmf-un` Ʒ ν. `c:\texmf-un` TEXMF Root  ó ϰ Filename Database Ͽ Ѵ.
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un -o
          HLaTeX TFM HLambda OFM .
         === WkPark ttf2hlatex ũƮ ===
         http://chem.skku.ac.kr/~wkpark/project/ktug/ttfhlatex.sh ̰ [TTF2HLaTeXFont]ٴ ڵ
         == ۲ TEXMF TREE ==
         [Hangul-ucs] Project texmf-unfonts ԵǾϴ.
         texmf-unfonts(fonts-unttf) ۲ TeX/LaTeX Ȱ ֵ ϴ .tfm, .enc, .map, .fd Դϴ.
         texmf-unfonts_20050201. by DohyunKim. See KTUGContrib:2588 .
          1. ڵ subfont pdftex ְ *.enc ü Ͽϴ.
          ó HLaTeX ϴ ⺻ ۲ uhc ۲ ʾ ߽ϴ. book.cls hangul.sty ְ preamble ƹ ä μ å ʹ Ⱦ߽ϴ. б δ㽺 ߴٰ ұ. [̳] ƹ ڰ س ϸ鼭 ϴ. ׷ å , hlatex-interword.sty ۳ ̸ Դµ... װͰ uhc ϴ . uhc ۲ø ŷ ɿ. ^^ --[Progress]
         [۲] `hlguide` ٽ ϴ. [ѱLaTeX]. ۲÷ PDF ϳ׿. ;) --[Karnes]
  • Ÿ . . . . 1 match
         `UnTazaDH.ttf` ߴ ־µ ʽϴ. 밭 ϴ ٷδ 켱 Ʈ `em` Ͱ ٸ ''(monospace) ۲'' Ǿ ϴ.( Ÿڴ ƴ ?) Ÿ ۲ DVIPDFMx ۲ Ϸ νĵ ʰ PDFTeX εϴ û ð ɸ ־ մϴ. ο ؼ ڼ ˾ƺ ߽ϴ. DVIDPFMx ׽Ʈ ︸ Ƿ DVIPDFMx  𸣰 ū մϴ. --[Karnes]
          ׷ մϴ. 𳪷絵 Ͻø texmf-unfonts ϵ ϰڽϴ. --[Karnes]
  • . . . . 1 match
          * KTUG ٸ, TeX ϴ ſ ̴ϴ. Խǰ faq Ű ؼ ް ֽϴ. ؼ ϰ ϰ , TeX ſ ֵ ڽϴ.
          ۵ а ֽϴ. ãٺ CWEB å ִ. α׷ӵ ƴ ° ̷ å... ;) TeX ̴ Ǹ ȯּż մϴ. --[Progress]
         ȳϼ. LiterateProgramming о߸ ּż մϴ. C α׷ ַ ϴµ ñ ־. ÷ - ϵ غ :D - ƴ ξ Ǵ α׷ ۼҶ CWEB ̿ϸ ҽ - module̶ ϴ- make . 丮 (*.c. *.h), Makefile ϳ tex.webϷ Ѱ. ô غ ͱ. Ѵٴ ϴ. -[hermian]
         TeXbook б⸦ ϰ ֽϴ. ſ Ǹ ε α ̳ Ȩ ֽø ? ôٸ ٽ 迭ص帮ڽϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-03-18T03:57:06)]]
         ReadingTeXbook ֽϴ. 𸣳 ˰ Ǹ ߴ TeXbyTopic 帱Կ. -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2006-08-29T01:29:31)]]
         ȳϼ. ReadingTeXbook(TeXbook б) ãƼ , ã 1ð Ѱ
  • /2006-05 . . . . 14 matches
          LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 ִ ε, ٹٲ ˰ űϴ
          {{{#!vim tex
          LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05 ִ ε, ٹٲ ˰ űϴ
         {{{#!vim tex
          [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05] ִ ε, ٹٲ ˰ űϴ.
         ַ Ʈ ó ũ(TeXnique) ִ Դϴ. ⼭ Ʈ ó (ũ)̶ ;ƴմϴ. 츮 ̹ ˰ ִ "ͱ"̶ Ͻø ˴ϴ. ͱ ϴ ־ ڿ ڸ ϴ ū ϳϳ óϴ ̾ϴ. ⼭ ڸ Ʈ ϰ, ū Ʈ (list element) ϸ ˴ϴ.
          {{{#!vim tex
         츮 ˰ִ ͱ Ȯ մϴ. "\let\next=\foo"̷ Ҵ繮(assignment statement) ʿϴ. ϸ鼭 ȿ̶ մϴ. ׸ \fifo ܾ óϴ  ϸ ɱ? ۼ ''TeX ũ ۼ ''̶ , ͱ ϰ ̽ ߴ ˼ ֽϴ. ⼭ ̽ (delimeter) ϸ ˴ϴ. ϴ.
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
         ι° ڴϼ̰^^ (TeX by Topic éͰ Ҿֵ ֽϴ. ֿϴ 밳 ϱ `\tracingall` մϴ.)
         {{{#!blog 2006-05-27T00:03:48 Loop TeXnique ȭ
          [LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-05] ִ ε, ٹٲ ˰ űϴ.
          1. Knuth TeXnique
          {{{#!vim tex
          1. Kabelschacht TeXnique
          {{{#!vim tex
  • /2006-06 . . . . 6 matches
         ؿ ǥ ϴ ϳ \halign ϴٰ ִ ֱ⿡ Ӵϴ. (ó ''The Advanced TeXbook'' 245Դϴ.)
         The Advanced TeXbook 189ʿ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         attachment:chproof1.pdf (ҽ: attachment:chproof.tex)
         attachment:rsa.pdf (÷ ҽ: attachment:rsa.tex)
          * `c:\TeX\texmf\doc\ttfpfb\TODO` => ⼭ tfm ϱ.
          ġ ٶ. ſ ȯ̴. TeX ٴ ϴ. :)
  • /2008-03 . . . . 5 matches
         ׷ ̳빫 TeX 𸣰...
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         has lots of text and a very long first sentence. The
         paragraph that has lots of text and a very
  • /2008-04 . . . . 13 matches
         [http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/LittleTree/ReadingTeXbook/2006-03?action=highlight&value=space%7C%B0%F8%B9%E9#183daf96d1f019e128898a53a5ace9e8 ]
         {{{#!vim tex
         The TeXbook Ӹ ã ִ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         \TeX, a new typesetting system intended for the creation
         mathematics. By preparing a manuscript in \TeX\ format,
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!blog 2008-04-11T14:01:23 \TeX show
         {{{#!vim tex
         \loop\ifnum\n<50 \aftergroup\TeX \advance\n1 \repeat
          * http://www.tug.org/texshowcase/diminuendo.tex
          * http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/TeX%BB%EA%BC%FA%BF%AC%BB%EA#s-3
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
  • /2008-05 . . . . 7 matches
         ڸ ڷ ٲپ 䳻ϴ. TeX Ѱʹ ϴ.
         Ʒ ڵ带 '''test.tex''' , ÷ '''tex test''' '''test.dvi''' ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         \input kotexplain
         > pdftex hangul_font.tex
  • /2008-08 . . . . 2 matches
         TeX Ƽ '''\romannumeral''' ڸ ڷ ޾Ƽ ҹ θ ڷ Ѵ. ڰ 0 ̰ų ϶ ƹ͵ ʴ´.
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
  • . . . . 20 matches
          1. {{{#1}}} ī Ī. section section̶ ī, subsection subsection̶ ī͸ ϱ Ǿ ְ ī͵ LaTeX class ̹ ǵǾ Ƿ ٲ ʴ´.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          : Uploads:titlesec_hfont.tex, Uploads:titlesec_hfont.pdf
          Uploads:titlesec_hangul.tex. Uploads:titlesec_hangul.pdf
          Uploads:titlesec_en.tex, Uploads:titlesec_en.pdf
         LaTeX section ɾ \subsubsection ϰ ִ. ̴ LaTeX â Leslie Lamport '' ڰ տ ޸ ϰڴ°'' ̴. ǻ κ LaTeX class \subsubsection ϴ ɾ ߰ ִ. \paragraph \subparagraph ̵ε, ɾ տ ڵ ٰ, ణ ΰ ̾ٴ´. ̴ LaTeX ٽ ִ(\renewcommand) ̿ ذ ִ.
          *2) ltsect.dtx, < class>.dtx The LaTeX Companion Ͽ ٽ ϱ
          {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         Ϲ LaTeX ֵ Ѵ. ׷  ڸ Ǵ 찡 ִ. , LaTeX ɾ ǥ {{{
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#! vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          {{{#!vim tex
          : Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.tex, Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.pdf
          Uploads:amsmath_eqn.tex, Uploads:amsmath_eqn.pdf
          {{{#!vim tex
  • . . . . 62 matches
         LaTeX ڶ  ϳ data base() bib · ϰǰ , "" ӿ ɾ(: `\cite {}`, `\citeyear{}`) οϰ, ο ŸϿ 缭 ""( ̳ å ڿ ) Ʈ ִ ̴. 󿡴 (ǻ, ȸ, , ü ) ߰(å, ȸ, , νõ ) ϰ ִ. κ ׵ ߰ Ÿ ΰ ڵ鿡 Ÿ 䱸Ѵ.
         LaTeX BibTeX Բ Data Base(bib ) ΰ پ Ÿϰ ο ŸϿ µ ϴ BibTeX(bib -> bbl) LaTeX(thebibliography ȯ ã ̸ ٽ οϴ ) ñ⵵ Ͽ.
         Frank Mittelbach Michel Goossens The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed, 2004, Addison-Wesley
          BibTeX ڼ ִ.
          (dvi, ps, pdf ) ϴ İ ̸ п οϴ '''The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed.'''(684-686) (System)
         (./) Patrick W. Daly [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author_Year and Numerical Schemes)] "-¥(Author-Date)" '''-'''(Author-Year) ̶ Ͽ, "-ȣ"(Author-Number) İ "ȣ(Number-Only)" ļ '''ȣ/ȣ'''(Numerical) ̶ Ͽ. ⼭ '''Daly''' з .
          Bibliography Item( Bibitem)̶ Ҹ ׸( ) Ǿ ִ. Bibitem ũ ִ. , '''BibTeX ''' '''BibTeX ʴ '''̴. BibTeX 忡 ׸(bib Ͽ Bibitem "Ʈ" Ѵ.) (article, book ) bib Ͽ ԷµǾ ־ Ѵ. "Ʈ" bbl thebibliography ȯ Bibitem  ǥ ̹ bst Ͽ Ǿ ִ. BibTeX thebibliography ȯ [[Footnote( TeX \input Ǵ \include ҷ ȴ.)]] ̰ ȯ ȿ Bibitem ŸϿ ° ԷϿ Ѵ.
         '''A3:'''. (From KTUGOperate:16476) `\section{}` Է ʰ `\section*{}` Էϸ " 6" ϴ. " "̶ thebibliography ȯ ϴ ΰ? thebibliography ȯ ӿ Bibitem ۾ ĥ ֽϴ. thebibliography ȯ ᱹ (LaTeX Ǵ PDFLaTeX) ܰ迡 `\section*{\bibname}` νĵ˴ϴ. ¿ `\section*{}` Է ʿ ϴ. ں
          ۾ ""̶ ɴϴ. ""̶ Ϸ TeX Ͽ \begin{thebibliography}
         ''' ׸(Bibitem):''' LaTeX BibTeX Ἥ (dvi, pdf ) Bibitem(Bibliography Item)̶ µ ִ.
         ''' 1:''' TeX
          ϴ Ʈ ־ Ѵ. LaTeX ó ϸ TeX Cite Key ã aux Ͽ Ѵ. BibTeX BibTeX aux Ͽ ִ Cite Key а thebibliography ȯ ӿ Cite Key ġϴ Bibitem ã´. õ Key ִ.
          ϴ Bibitem 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ѵ. ([http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] "\bibitem Label"̶ Ѵ.) ο뿡 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ÿ, Bibitem(׸) Ӹ 蹭ǥ ѷ Knud66 Ÿ. Ȱ¯ǥ `{kn:gnus}` `kn:gnus` Cite Key̴.
          (ϴ bst ٸ) 蹭ǥ ѷ "Knudson, 1996" ̴. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] 18(2006/08/18 ) "\bibitem Label"̶ Ͽ. Ʒ ׸ )
         Bib (Data Base)[[FootNote(Data Base bib ۾ ӿ ʰ Ʈ ͸ [TDS] ְ ʿ ҷ ϴ(Ű BibTeX ׸ "Bib " ). ׸ bib Ʈ( ) ִ ͵ ƴϴ. ɼ () ϴ ͵ ִ(Ʒ Ҽ׸ '''IEEEtran bib ''' ).)]] ٴ TeX (ҽ) Cite Key ԷϿ ù ܰ(LaTeX) Bib ӿ ʿ Ʈ(Bibitem) ã ϰ, BibTeX(° ܰ) Ͽ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ ڴٴ ̴.[[FootNote(BibTeX ϱ LaTeX Ͽ aux ϰ, bib , bst غǾ ־ Ѵ. MiKTeX (LaTeX->BibTeX->LaTeX->LaTeX) TeXify 濡 ִ. aux ҽ ( TeX ) ̸ Ȯڸ aux ù° LaTeX . BibTeX Ǹ ҽ ( TeX ) ̸ Ȯڸ bbl ӿ thebibliography ȯ . , DB(bib ) BibTeX Ͽ bbl ӿ ڵ `thebibliography` ȯ . main TeX (Texify)ϸ LaTeX->BibTeX->LaTeX->LaTeX Ǵµ ° ° ܰ(LaTeX) `thebibliography` ȯ濡 Bibitem ã´. ϳ Bib TeX Ͽ (BibTeX ׸ "Bib " ) ְ ϳ TeX Ͽ bib ִ. Ű BibTeX ù° ׸ )]] ̶ ҽ(TeX ) ش ġ( Ʈ ΰ )
          ''':''' WinEdt Ű Xbib.bib ã WinEdt â  . Xbib.bib `Paper.tex` Data BaseԴϴ. Ƹ 40 Bibitem Paper.tex ϴ Bibitem 19Դϴ. Paper.tex ã WinEdt â  Ư κ . ׸ [TeXify](ݺڸӸ) Paper.bbl .
          [ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/IEEE_CS_Latex.zip IEEE_CS_Latex.zip] Ǯ ֽ (2005-09-20) latex8.bst Բ ҽ latex8.tex, latex8.bib ִ Ű IEEE_CS_Latex . zip ֽ (2005-09-20)̱ latex8.tex, latex8.bib ̴.
          [http://ee.tamu.edu/~tex/manual/node24.html Texas A&M BibTex] Ǵ [http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~jacobsd/bib/formats/bibtex.html Dana Jacobsen BibTeX] bib Ǵ ۰ ũ ִ.
          (./) WinEdt ٸ Tool Bar( ) ° (New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N)) New Document ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ `BibTeX Document` ϸ `Doc1.bib` . Menu Bar Insert Ŭϸ ޴ǿ BibTeX Items ִµ Ŀ 15 ޴ ִ ޴ ߰ ʿ信 ȴ. Bibitem Է(ԷϽ ѱ, , Ϻ  ֽϴ.)Ͽ ϰ ̸ ''''''  ȴ.
         ᱹ BibTeX bbl ϰ ӿ thebibliography ȯ(\begin{thebibliography}{} \end{thebibliography}) aux Ŀ bib (Data Base) ʿ Ʈ ã TeX ٲ㼭 thebibliography ȯ濡 Bibitem ־ ִ Ѵ. , bib Ͽ bbl ش. ׷ thebibliography ȯ浵 (dvi, pdf, ps ) ߾ ϱ ϴ bst ٸ. ڼ ̾߱ KTUGOperate:1596'''''' .
  • ο . . . . 21 matches
          Ͽ ִ ׸(Bibitem) οϷ Citation Key(Ǵ Cite Key, `key` ) ̿Ͽ `\cite{key}, \citep{key}, \citen{key}, \citet{key}` ( ɾ cls, sty, bst ణ ̰ ) Bibitem ҷ; ϴ Bibitem bib ( Data Base[[FootNote(Bib Ͽ "Ʈ" θ. See KTUGSetup:10621'''''')]])̳ thebibliography ȯ(bbl , tex ) ٸ · ִ.
          Cite Key ܿ . showtags Ű Ǵ showkeys Ű Ͽ Cite Key Bibitem ٷ Ǵ ٷ տ Ÿ. ¿ ̵ Ű ּ óϸ ȴ. ׸ HLaTeX ѱ ̷ ִ showhkeys, showhtags ִ.
         Approximations of Vertex Normals and Curvatures},
         curvatures.}\, \emph{Computer Aided Geometric Design}\textbf{20},
         '''A1:''' natbib.sty ο ǥ default mode author-year mode (Ʒ '''׸ 3''' '''׸ 5''' ) Ͽ author-year ʽϴ. thebibliogrphy ȯ ӿ ִ Bibitem ϳ author-year [[FootNote( [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv.pdf instructions-harv.pdf] "so-called Harvard-Style" Ͽ.)]] ϸ Numerical ٲϴ. bib BibTeX Ͽ thebibliogrphy ȯ(bbl ) µ bst ٲٰ thebibliogrphy ȯ ù ܰ ٽ Ͽ մϴ. ѹ (TeXify Ǵ PDFTeXify)ϸ ߿ BibTeX Ǹ鼭 bbl µ ó "Numerical " bst Ἥ BibTeX ϸ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Numerical " °(Compatible) ϴ. ̷ bbl "Author-Year " bst Ἥ ٽ Ͽ bbl thebibliography ȯ "Author-Year " ٲ ʽϴ. ׷ "(Tsang, 1998)" Ǵ "Tsang (1988)" ο ʰ "(17)" ο˴ϴ. bst ٲ bib ϰ TeX ҽ ϸ μ ϴ. WinEdt ̸ Ͽ ߰ (Tool Box)  (ǥ ٷ ) ֽϴ. --See KTUGOperate:7157
         (./) [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf](version 8.0, 2007/02/05) 18ʿ "Author-Year " \bibitem entryθ Ǿ ణ "Numerical " ݴ ȵȴٰ Ͽϴ(Ʒ '''׸ 3''' ).
         === LaTeX ο ===
         Physical Review Letters, Aplied Physics Letters  , ֱ ִ Ȱϱ Ͽ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/mcite/mcite.pdf Multiple Citations on One Key] . TeX Ͽ
         Here's a line of text with a {\color{red} few words in red} in the
          \newblock {\em ѱ۰ \TeX}.
         ó ۾ ۿ . BibTeX ذå Ŀ (KTUGOperate:16193'''''') ִ.
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf natbib.pdf] 5-8(version 8.0, 2007/02/05) "Basic Citation Commands" "Extended Citation Commands" ִ. Ʒ ׸ ̰ Ͽ http://web.reed.edu/cis/help/BibTeXstandard.html ÷ Ͽ ̴.
         http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_03.htm http://user.chol.com/~blueland/stat_thesis_04.htm ̱ɸȸ(APA) " ۼ" "ο " " ۼ" ִ. ̰ Bib Style(.bst) package(.sty) ϰ Ÿ Ͽ. ٷο ο ǥ ߿ Ģ ڰ ִ ο ó ڵ Last Name Ÿ ϰ ʹ ó ̸ "et al." Ÿ Ѵ(Ʒ ׸ ). APA ٷο Ģ Ÿִ sty bst apacite.sty apacite.bst ̴. [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/apacite/apacite.pdf apacite.pdf] 10-12(2005-06-08) ɾ ִµ ϴ.
         '''׸ 6:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/apacite/ apacite] Ű ߿ ǥǴ
          '''׸ 8:''' Author-Year Style(̸ Harvard-Style) ο ǥ - [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsevier/instructions-harv.pdf instructions-harv.pdf] κ(12 12) ȭ ĸϿ
         '''A2'''(KTUGOperate:21352)''':''' Citation 忡 Bibitem ǥ⸦ Elsevier ϴ Ÿ Ϸ elsart Ŭ natbib.sty, elsart-harv.bst (Bib Style) (LaTeX -> bibtex) bbl thebibliography ȯ ,
          κ Ͽ TeX Ͽ
          κа ٲپ ְ ʿ մϴ. ĥ κ and Ǵ Ͱ (Bibitem) ǥ Ǵ Դϴ. ̰ \& ľ մϴ. bib Ʈ ʵ带 ġ ȵ˴ϴ. ҽ TeX ϳ ģ ˴ϴ.
         \expandafter\ifx\csname natexlab\endcsname\relax\def\natexlab#1{#1}
  • óϱ . . . . 10 matches
         Windowsڷμ TeX ó ڿ ȳ '''[KoTeXLive/ó]''' ֽϴ.
         [[HTML(<h1>Getting Started : (La)TeX ó ϱ</h1>)]]
          ѱ [TeX] ȯ ó غ п ȳ ϴ Դϴ.
          ַ [KTUG] ϰų ϴ ֿ ġ Ұϴ ̹Ƿ, [TeX ]̳ ƿƼ ʽϴ. , [TeX]/[LaTeX] ΰ մϴ. ̿ ؼ PreliminaryQuestions Ͻʽÿ.
         [TeX]/[LaTeX] 뵵 ؼ [lshort-kr] ֽϴ. ׸ [μ] ƴ϶ LaTeX ϴ° ִ ۷ [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/wp-ko/ Allin Cottrell ] оñ⸦ ٶϴ. [TeX ŷ], [gromov/TeXHelpOnFundamentals] Ͻʽÿ.
         () ġ ڽŸ [TeX۾ȯ] ϴ ؾ ߽ϴ. ׷ [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ִ ȯ ٷ ϹǷ ȯ ࿡ ޸ ϴ. ġ [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ġ ˴ϴ.
          * ּ 2 : ÷ ġ ڼ [TeX ġϱ] Ͻʽÿ. Ư  ڼ [Windows ġϱ] ũ Ͻʽÿ. [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ؼ մϴ.
          * ּ 3 : [wiki:KoTeXLive ko.TeX Live] ̽ Ʈ α׷ [wiki:TeXWorks TeXworks]Դϴ. Ϳ ȯ ϰ ֽϴ.
         (La)TeX ̿Ѵٴ , ñ PDF ¹ Ϸ Դϴ.
          ǻ Windows KoTeXLive ġߴٰ ϰ ʹ TeXWorks ̿ϴ մϴ.
          ּ 1. (source file) Ǵ Է ([TeXԷ]) Ϲ ؽƮ(plain text) Դϴ. ÷ ؽƮ ִ  ͷε ֽϴ.
         ȭ TeXWorks ͸ ŬϿ ʽÿ. ׷ Էմϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
         LaTeX ٿ ֽϴ.
          * `\begin{document}` ؼ `\end{document}` ϴ. ׷Ƿ, LaTeX `\documentclass` `\begin{document}` κ( κ [Preamble]̶ մϴ.), `\begin{document}` `\end{document}` κ, κ Ǿ ֽϴ.
          * `\usepackage{kotex}` ݵ preamble ; ϴ ε, ѱ óϵ մϴ. ð ѱ ó ʽϴ.
          `hello.tex`̶ ̸ մϴ.
          * ѱ ڵ UTF-8 ϴ , TeXWorks ڵ UTF-8 ⺻̹Ƿ ٸ ó ʿϴ.
  • ŬͽŸ . . . . 27 matches
         LaTeX2e Ÿ иϿ, ϰ ΰ ɰ Ÿ ̿Ͽ ϵ Ͽϴ.
         LaTeX2e Ŭ ݵ ʿմϴ.
         Ÿ Ǵ [Ÿ Ű](StylePackage) LaTeX Ŀ ϴ ⺻ Ȯϰų Ƶ Դϴ. Ÿ Ű `.sty` Ȯ , LaTeX2e `\usepackage` ̸ ε ֽϴ.
         Ŭ ۼϴ ϴ ̶, ŸŰ Ը ´ ϵ ִ Դϴ. 쿡 ŸŰ Ŭ ̹ ǵ ¸ ٲٱ Ͽ Ǵ 쵵 ֽϴ. LaTeX2e մϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         LaTeX2e Ǵ ⺻ Ŭ ϴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         AMSLaTeX ⿡ ϴ Ŭ ϰ ֽϴ.
         || amsldoc || AMSLaTeX ȳ amsldoc ||
          ũ ɼ `letterpaper, legalpaper, executivepaper, a4paper, a5paper, b5paper` ɼ LaTeX2e ⺻ ǵ ɼ Դϴ. ũ⿡ ڼ [LayOut] ϼ.
          <!> LaTeX2e ũ ɼ `letter` ǵ˴ϴ.
         || reqno || amsart Ĺȣ ʿ ǥ . LaTeX2e ǥ Ŭ ʴ´. ||
         === LaTeX 2.09 Style ϳ? ===
         {{{#!vim tex
         LaTeX 2.09 Ŭ ŸŰ ʾҽϴ. ׷Ƿ `\documentclass` `\usepackage` LaTeX 2.09 ʽϴ. `\documentstyle` Ͽ, ΰŰ ɼڷ ߰ϵ ߾ϴ. LaTeX 2.09 Դϴ.
         LaTeX2e ۼϴ ó Ϲ Դϴ. LaTeX 2.09 ϸ ʴ ϴ.->See KTUGOperate:11328
         ==== KC2008 (TeXLive) ڸ ====
         KC2008 TeXLive ý ġϿ ϴ ϰ ֽϴ. TeXLive ϵ Ű ڰ ġ ʾƵ ̹ ڽ ýۿ ġǾ Դϴ. TeXLive ýۿ tlmgr̶ Ű ڰ KC2008 KCmenu Ͽ Ű ˻/ġ/ ֽϴ. ڼ KC2008 ȳ ϼ.
         ==== MiKTeX ڸ Ű ġ ====
  • ׽Ʈ . . . . 14 matches
         [[HTML(<script src="http://gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.sitmo.com/gg/latex/latex.xml&up_eq=&up_z=100&synd=open&w=320&h=500&title=Equation+Editor&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>)]]
         latex processor ڵ ׽Ʈ
         == ѱ ׽Ʈ latex ׽Ʈ ==
         \text{\it $$\int_{\infty}^{\infty}\oint\mathop{\lim}\limits_{a \to \infty}()$$
  • ƮŸԱ۲ûϱ . . . . 21 matches
          ѱ ƮŸ ۲ ϴ ִ. ϳ latex, pdflatex ؼ tfm Ʈ Ʈ  ϴ ̰, ٸ ϳ XeTeX ƮŸ ϴ ̴. XeTeX ش .
         === TTF2HLaTeXFont ̿ ƮŸ ===
          * ڵȭ ϱ ؼ ġ  Ų. ٸ ü 丮 θ ϴ ͸ ؼ üϸ ̴. ׸ PATH ʿ 쵵 . ttf2hlatexfont Ѵٴ ϶. ѹ Ʈ ϴ ̰ ٸ ѹ ν ̴. ġ 丮 Ư 찡 ƴϸ home texmf tree ̿ϵ Ѵ.
         ttf2hlatexfont -c config-yn
         ttf2hlatexfont -c config-yn -i %HOME%\texmf
          <!> Ʈ óϴ ttf2hlatexfont "ϼ ۲ " ޽ ̴ , Hangul-ucs Ʈ ʴ´. Ʈ ϰ ٸ ۲÷ ٲ Ѵ. ּ Ǵ κ ѱ ƮŸ Ʈ κ ϼ ۲̴. ƽþƱ۲ [Hangul-ucs] ٷ ̴. Ʈ 쿡 ϼ ڵ / ͳݿ ǰ Ƿ ݵ Žÿ ڵ ڵ Ȯϴ ʿϴ.
          * '''߿.''' ڽ home 丮  %HOME%\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfmx.cfg <DRIVE>:\TeX\share\texmf-local\dvipdfm\config\ 丮 Ѵ. , %HOME%\texmf\ttf2pk\base\ttf2pk.cfg <DRIVE>:\TeX\share\texmf-local\ttf2pk\base\ 丮 Ѵ. ִ ̸ صΰų .
          * HOMETEXMF ó д 丮 ϸ ̵ ʿ, KC2006 kcupdate texmf-local Ʒ ϵ ϱ Ͽ texmf-local Ǿ ִ. , Ģ KC2006 ڰ ν kcupdate Ȱϰ ̷ Ϸ ̴. ٲν Ʈ ̷ ʴ 쿡 ؼ ڽ å ϹǷ, ŷӴ ̵ϰų ϴ ̴.
          * Ѵٸ pdftex map ۼѴ.
          * ttf2hlatexfont {{{-p}}} ɼ ־ pdftex map KC2006 ʴ. ׷ Linux/Mac [teTeX] ׷ ϴ ʿ ̴. pdftex map Ģ Խ ϶. ٸ, KC2006 pdftex map [[Date(2006-08-21T13:31:18)]] , ٸ  TeX ǿ .
          * ġ Ʈ Ѵ. TeX ҽ غ ˰ {{{\textmj}}} ǥ Ʈ ø ؼ ϸ ߿ ɰ ް ִ. ׷Ƿ ǵ̸ dhucs ǥ Ʈ ɸ ** Ѵ. Ʈ ٸ Լ ã Ʈ Ʈ ̹Ƿ Ʈ Ʈ Ÿο . ̷ Ѵٸ ҽ ߰ϴ ϴ.
          * ڵ krfnt.sty ߰ߵǸ ϰ ϶ ̴. krfnt.sty ϴ Ʈ ص ⺻ ۲ Ʈ ϵ Ѵ. ٽ Ǹ ȯڸ krfnt.sty Ұϵ krfnt.sty صθ ȵȴ.  쿡 ⺻ ۲÷ ϵ ڵ带 ۼϴ ߿ϴ. \textgl ⺻ Ʈ Ʈ ̿ؼ ڵ ƴϴ.
  • . . . . 3 matches
         TeX α׷ ̱ ϴ.  ɾ ϸ ϴ ̿ܿ Ͽ ϰ ʹٸ ϸ ȴ.
         {{{#!vim tex
         {{{#!vim tex
         # Output : LaTeX - description or item source code that is intended to be \input{}
          f = File.new('res.tex','w')
  • ǥѱTeXȯƮ . . . . 8 matches
          οó κ 2003--2004Ⱓ ̷ Դϴ. ǥѱTeXȯ Ʈ KTUGCollectionProject µǾϴ. KTUGCollectionProject  󿡸 ҿǾ ִ ڷԴϴ. ذؾ 鿡 ӵDZ⸦ մϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-07-18T00:35:35)]]
         == ǥѱTeXȯ ==
         ''ǥѱTeXȯƮ'' Ī ȫȣ ԰ Բ ̾ϴ. 켱 õ ο ġ ʿ Ͽ ϴ.
          , '''ǻͿ ͼ Ϲ ڰ TeX ȯ ϴ δ ٷ ڽ ۾ ̿ ֵ, õ α׷ Ѳ ϴ '''̾ϴ. ̰ ǻ Fabrice Popineau XEmTeX Ʈ մϴ. ٸ ̶, 츮 Ʈ ƹ ʴ´ٴ , ׸ 츮 ؾ ϴ ¦ ѱ ȯ̶ ڽϴ. ;)
         켱 õغ "ǥѱTeXȯ" ġũ Դϴ. μ Live CD ϴ ƹ ̹Ƿ, ǵ̸ FreeSoftwareθ , ̼ α׷ ȯ ؾ Ѵٴ ù° ˴ϴ.
         == ǥѱTeXȯ () ==
          '' 1. CygWin/X ϰ Ǹ, ξ ϴ. ̰ غ ϱ? ڰ ġϵ ϴ ʹ 䱸ϱ? TeX 븸 ؼ CygWin ġϴ CygWin ^^ ɴ?''
         === TeXImplementation ===
         MiKTeX-KTUG ǰ ý Ҿ̳ ɼ մϴ. Ư MiKTeX-KTUG CD ü Ͽ "Ǹ" ִ Һи ˰ ֽϴ.
          MiKTeX-KTUG ߴܵǾ, MiKTeX ߽ ѱ ȯ ȵǾϴ. KC05 MiKTeX+HPack ̷ ֽϴ.
          * [fpTeX] : TeXLive ̿ϴ ̼ ý Ƚɽϴ. 0.7 DVIPDFMx ̹ ԵǾ Ƿ freetype utilities(ttf2pk, ttf2tfm) ؼ ԽѾ մϴ. ƴ ̶ մϴٸ fpTeX ü kpathsea ̺귯 ٿ ϴ ְ, [Yap] ͼ ڵ WinDvi ٴ ǰ.
          * '''W32TeX''' : W32TeX Ϻ κ ּ ̰ų ϰ ϴ ְڽϴ. 쵵 ý Դϴ. ChoF ذǾٰ Ͽϴ. ý DVI Viewer ū ˴ϴ.
          * [teTeX] : ̰ CygWin ä Դϴ. ӵ ֱٿ ô Ǿϴ. ýۿ ؼ ʿ ̰, ٸ ͼ ڵ鿡 ľȳ δ ô Ŀڴٴ մϴ.
         [fpTeX] ߴܵǾϴ. XEmTeX ׸ Ͽٰ ϳ ѱ ȯ濡 ˸° ϴ. KTUGCollection2006  W32TeX ̿ϴ äմϴ. DVI Viewer DviOut ̿Ͽµ... Dvi Viewer ϰų Dvi ٿ غƾ մϴ.
         ̰ HLaTeX ϴ μ ȴٰ ˴ϴ. ٸ, HLaTeX Ͽ Ҹ ؼִ ʿϴٴ Դϴ. Ʒ Դϴ.
          ֱ DohyunKim ⿩ [۲] HLaTeX Ϻϰ ְ Ǿϴ. --[[Date(2004-04-01T14:38:55)]] [Karnes]
         ̸ ؼ, http://cvs.ktug.or.kr/ Ǿ ִ hlatex-texmf , u8hangul DHHangul ߰ϰ, ʿϴٸ Omega-CJK ϴ ȿ ǰ ʿ մϴ.
         ѱ ȯ ߽ϴ. [Hangul-ucs] Ǿ, ֱٿ CJKLaTeX 뵵 Ŀ ֽϴ. Ѷ 븦 Ҵ Omega/Lambda ϰ ִ մϴ. KC06 Hangul-ucs ѱ ȯ äõǾϴ.
         â ۾ ϰ ϱ Ŵ ϳ ڽϴ. ʿϴٸ ̰ TeX ۾ з ų ְ.
          WinEdt texify ϴ ٶ մϴ. ֳϸ ڵ ع ã õ غ ϴµ WinEdit ְ ϴ ϴ. ͸ ʱ⿡ ξ ˴ϴ. ׷ ϴ մϴ. α׷ ɼ ϴϱ. ü ̶ Ѵٸ 뿡 ްԵ ?
  • α׷ӸLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         TeX Donald Knuth '迡 α׷' Ī ޴ ǻԴϴ.
         α׷ Knuth ڽ ؼ , Ӱ TeX ũ Ǿ ־, ũθ ؼ Ȯ ְ Ǿֽϴ. ũθ ٴ ü α׷̴ϱ TeX ڴ α׷ Դϴ.
          α׷/α׷ TeX/LaTeX ϵ ϰڽϴ.
          Donald Knuth TeX °?
          Leslie Lamportڻ LaTeX °?
         == α׷ӿ õ LaTeX ==
         === ҽڵ Listerμ LaTeX ===
         === Ϲ α׷ TeX/LaTeX ===
         === [pyLaTeX]/[pyTeX] /[PyX] ===
         === XML2LATEX ===
         XML Ÿμ XSLT ȯ Ͽ ٸ ȯŰ մϴ. LaTeX XSLT ̿Ѵٸ XML ϰ LaTeXҽڵ ϴ.
          ̶ ִ ι α׷ web Դϴ. ״ 鼭 ذ function(component) ̸  ϰ (Ȥ ϰ Ǵ) α׷̶ Ͱϴ. Ź ׷ϵ̿. ϰ ״ web(Ź)̶  ̸ ̿ؼ TeX̶ ý Դϴ.
         TeXҽڵ带 Ҷ ϴ web2c ڵ web C ִ ýԴϴ. C κ OS ۰ web2c ̿ϸ TeX ִ Դϴ.
         TeX å Knuth TeX ҽڵ忡 װ ٰ ϱ⶧ ׸ ߰ Դ 20.48޷ ֱ ߽ϴ. ڽŰԴϴ. Richard Kinch ڻ簡 1989⿡ ׸ ߰ؼ Knuth ˷־ϴ. ׷ ִ װ δ ʴ ڵ忡 ־ٰ մϴ. ᱹ δ 2.56޷ ҵǾٰ մϴ. Richard Kinch TrueTeX ̶ TeX ǰ Ǹϰ ֽϴ. ̷ ̾߱ Knuth 󸶳 Ǹ α׷̸, װ TeX 󸶳 Ǹ α׷ ϴ ϰڽϴ. ϸ Kntuh 'The art of Programming'å ޸鿡 'å а ̷¼ ' .
  • Ÿ . . . . 3 matches
          * attachment:Latex_kaist-cls20101129_fixed.zip
          * ߾Ӵб Ÿ () HLaTeX
          * б а (̼ȫ ) HLaTeX
          * Ѿб п Ÿ (ں) HLaTeX/hLaTeXp
          * ְб(KJIST) HLaTeX/hLaTeXp
          * װ RnB Ÿ HLaTeX
          * б Ÿ HLaTeX
          * κȣ HLaTeX (EECS, ٸ ϸ ˴ϴ.)
          * You, Hyun Jo [ko.TeX] ( KTUGOperate:25562 )
          * LaTeX , 2011/12/14 v0.98
          * ߾Ӵб 2007 Ÿ : 2007⵵ Ŀ MikTeX+ko.TeX ϵ ģ Դϴ. (ȯ)
          * KAIST () hLaTeXp
          a. Ȩ http://knot.kaist.ac.kr/htex/kaist-thesis.htm
          ũ ׾ ִ. Ƹ Ÿ ̷ . ٿε ִ KTUG ftp obsolete 丮̴. http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/obsolete/macros/kaist-thesis/hlatexp/
          * KAIST (äº) HLaTeX
          * KAIST-ucs ([ko.TeX] ver. by [Karnes])
          * KAIST-x. swchoi 2008 XeTeX
  • ѱñ۸ . . . . 1 match
         ѱ ϴ ý , TeX/LaTeX, Lambda/Omega  ѱ ϱ ȯ Ұ
          * [http://project.ktug.or.kr/ko.TeX/kotexguide.pdf ko.TeX 뼳(PDF)] - ֽ ִ.
          * [ѱTeX] - TeX Ǵ LaTeX ѱ ְ ϴ ũ Ǵ TeX System Ī
          * [TeXѱ۱]
          * [ѱȯ] - TeX ѱ ϰ Ȱϴ
          * [ѱLaTeX]
         (2007 10) ѱ ۼϷ Ѵٸ [ko.TeX] ̿ ִ. [ko.TeX] ѱȸ
         ϰ ϴ ѱ ý ѱ ([HLaTeX]) 赵, 谭 [Hangul-ucs] յ,
          * [ko.TeX] - ѱ ũ Ʈ Ű
          * [DHUcs]/[Hangul-ucs] - LaTeX-ucs Ű ̿Ͽ UTF-8 ڵ Է ѱ óϱ LaTeX Ű. [ko.TeX] յ.
          * [HLaTeX] - ѱTeX ũ. [ko.TeX] յ.
          * [HLaTeX2DHUcs] - HLaTeX Ÿ̳ [Hangul-ucs] ϴ
          * [hLaTeXp] - ѱTeX ũ
          * [CJKLaTeX] - پ ڵ ۼ LaTeX ֵ
          * [KoreanStylePackage] - KTUGCollectionProject Ϻημ LaTeX ѱ ۼ Ÿ.
          * [HLaTeXStylePackages] - ѱ ۼ Ÿ Ű
          * [TeX] - ѱ۰ ǻͿ ߴ Windows 3.1 α׷.
         [KTUGCollectionProject] [ǥѱTeXȯƮ] ȯ KTUG Ͽ ڰ ϰ ѱ TeX ۾ ȯ ֵ ϴ KTUG Collection CD ϴ Ʈ̴. ٿε Ʈ .
          * [KTUGDocumentationProject] - (La)TeX ѱ ü ϱ ȹ
          * [UHC۲] - HLaTeX 0.99 ⺻ ѱ ۲
  • ѱLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          * [ѱLaTeX ](1.0.1), 2005 4.
          * [ѱLaTeX ](0.99), 2000 1.
         [http://project.ktug.or.kr/hlatex/hlguide.pdf ѱ LaTeX ]
          ִ `츮ȭ` TeX Ϸ ۼǾ Ե Դϴ. ߷ ɿ ؼ 亯 `nomencl` Ű ؼ ͹ۿ ʴ±. ;) glossary óϴ Ű մϴ. ---[Karnes]
  • ѱTeX . . . . 10 matches
         TeX Ǵ LaTeX'''''' ѱ ְ ϴ ũ Ǵ TeX System.
         ѱ ó ִ TeX ý ִ. ̿ ؼ [TeXѱ۱] ϶.
          [hLaTeXp] HLaTeX ý οϿ д. 1990 ѱTeX Ϻ ִ ۵̴.
          ý EUC-KR ѱ óϴ LaTeX ũε̾ ǰ ִ. 2000 KTUG ߽ ̷ ؼ ٸ ϶. HLaTeX 1.0 KTUG ߰ ϰ ִ.
         == ѱ TeX () ==
         [http://knot.kaist.ac.kr/htex/history.htm ѱTeX ()] οԴϴ.
         === ѱ TeX ===
         ѱ TeX ó KAIST(ѱб) а Դϴ. ̱ 1Ⱓ ٳ鼭 TeX ڷḦ Ͽ, ѱ ƿ 1990 ó п ѱ TeX ǵǾϴ. KAIST кΰ KIT (ѱб) а ̾, KAIST а Դϴ.
          KIT а KAIST к 1ȣ 2 ڸ ־ϴ. Ƹ ̰ ѱ TeX ̶ ҷ Դϴ. KAIST а KAIST ڿе ڸ ֽϴ. ο а 1 ѱ TeX ӵǰ ֽϴ.
         ó ѱ ǵǰ ̾, Ų ǻͿ ִ ѱ TeX ϴ. ó ѱ TeX ѱ ó ó⸦ Ͽ, ȭ ͷ ̿ μ ۿ ٴ ־ϴ. ̷ μ⸸ ߴ ѱ TeX Ų ѱ ۲ Ͽ Դϴ.
          ù ѱ TeX Ʈ KAIST( KIT) л Ͽϴ. а ȯ ѱ ó⸦ ϴ.
         === ù° - TeX ѱ ۲ ===
         ó Ų ǻͿ ѱ TeX ϳ ٷ ȭ ٴ ̾ϴ. Ųð ƴ ٸ ȯ濡 ѱ TeX ڴ ϴ ̾ϴ. ذϱ ؼ TeX ѱ TeX ۲ ʿ߽ϴ. ʱ ѱ TeX Ͽ Ǿ ־ϴ.
          Ų ǻ ѱ ۲ TeX ϱ⿡ · ̷ ־ϴ. 512 ѱ ڷ ǥϰ ϴ ѱ Ͽ , ȿ鿡 ſ پϴ. ѱ TeX Ų ǻ ۲ TeX ۲ Metafont ̿ TeX ѱ ۲ Ͽϴ.
         1990 ڿ Postscript Type 1 ۲ÿ Metafont ҽ ڵ带 ϴ α׷ ϴ. α׷ ̿Ͽ Ųÿ ѱ ۲÷κ ѱ TeX ۲ ϴ. ó , , , 𳪷 ۲ð ؼ ټ ѱ ۲ ϴ. ̵ ۲ kmj, kgt, kgr, kdr, ktmj ̸ ˷, ù ڸ k-ø ۲̶ Ҹϴ.
          k-ø ۲ ̿ Unix PC ѱ TeX ϴ. 츮 Ӹ ƴϰ ٸ ڵ AMS-TeX Ͽϴ. 1990⿡ ѱ TeX AMS-TeX ѱȭϿ ó Ͽϴ.
          ̾ , TeX ۲ ϴ. ̷μ ǥ KSC 5601 ڵ ѱ۰ ڸ TeX ְ Ǿϴ.
          ۱ǿ ־ϴ. ѱ TeX ۲ Ųÿ ѱ ۲ Ǿ ִ ƴϰ Ų ǻ ѱ Ǹű ִ ǻ ̾ϴ. ǻʹ ׵ ѱ ۲ α׷ ϰ ; ʾҽϴ.
         ᱹ "ѱ ۲ KAIST ȿ ִ" ̾ϴ. ѱ ۿ ѱ ۲ ϴ ǻ ذ ʴ ̾ϴ. KAIST ȿ ѱ TeX ְ ̾ϴ.
         === KAIST а ѱ TeX ٸ ѱ TeX ===
  • ѱTeX۲̸ . . . . 1 match
         ѱ TeX ۲ ̸̱⿡ .
          0-9 - HLaTeX ѱ
          04-07 - HLaTeX ɺ
          10-29 - HLaTeX
          Ѿ ׷M ü h2gprm.ttf ̰ tfm ȯ hgrm0.tfm hgrmo0.tfm Դϴ. ƽþƮ kmjl.ttf ̰ tfm ȯ HLaTeX kmjl0.tfm ̰ CJK kmjlk01.tfm Դϴ.
         family̸ HLaTeX mj, gt, gr, gs, tz äϰ ִµ, mj bt, gt dt ȣϴ е鵵 ô. ⺻ ۲ð 밭 ?
         ׸ ̰ , 츮 ǿ slanted Ʈ ݵ ʿ غƾ ϴ. \em ڸ ü ġȯ ϴ ? [hLaTeXp] ׷ õߴ ˰ ְ, latex4wp ̹ õغ ֽϴ. ƹư ׶ü ü Ǵ ƽþƮ ȯü italic ϴ ۲÷ ǰ ͽϴ.
          ϳ Դϴٸ... å 鼭 ѱ ← ٶ ʴ´ٴ ̵ մϴ. slanted italic  ǹ slanted ڷ ʱü italic̶  italic شϴ 츮 ۲ ̱⺸ٴ ø ٴ Դϴ. font Լ ȯϴ ̶ ̰ ϴ ϴ. 簢 鸰 纯 ٲٴ ͵ ϰڰ, ״ ٸ 絵 ϴ. ٸ ˰ 츮 ÷ϱ ڷ ʱü ̷ մϴ. XeLaTeX п ۲ ִ Ƽ ̷ ϴ.
         ̸ Ͻ ϴٰ DZ. HLaTeX mj ״ ۾ ֽϴٸ, ̷ ߰. ۲ ``, ``̶ ϱ.
  • ѱTrueType۲û . . . . 11 matches
          * TrueType ۲ HLaTeX ϱ
          KTUGDocumentationProject "HLaTeX ƮŸ ۲ ϱ" Ͻñ ٶϴ.
          * KTUGContrib:444 TrueType ۲ CJKLaTeX ϱ(WkPark)
         == KTUG Ǵ [Խ] ã ִ HLaTeX TTF ۲ ==
          * HLaTeX, DHHangul, DHUcs ֵ mskttfonts Ȯ.
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/texmf-mskttfonts.zip texmf-mskttfonts.zip( 10megs)]
          * PDFLaTeX ϸ .
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/texmf-mskttfonts-extra.zip texmf-mskttfonts-extra.zip] ٿε޾Ƽ Ǭ.
          * ⺻۲ batang.ttc gulim.ttc TTF ɰ , `MSBatang.ttf`, `MSGulim.ttf`, `MSDotum.ttf`, `MSGungseo.ttf` ̸ ̰ `texmf-mskttfonts/fonts/truetype` Ʒ ٵд.
          * PDFLaTeX Ϸ `mskttfonts-pdftex.map` θ `[localtexmf]` Ʈ Ʒ `psfonts.map` Ǵ `pdftex.map` ٿִ´.
          * HLaTeX
          [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/latex4wp-ko/latex4wp-ko.pdf latex4wp. ƽþƮ ]
          1. TTF2HLaTeXFont (Perl Script. by DohyunKim)
          [http://www.ktug.or.kr/doc/makettfavailable/ttf.sh TrueType ۲ HLaTeX ϱ:η]
          1. ttfcjk.sh (Shell Script. for CJKLaTeX. by WkPark)
  • ѱ۰˻ . . . . 16 matches
         === [ko.TeX] pdf ѱ ˻ ===
         [ko.TeX] ѱ ˻ pdf ֵ ۵Ǿ. [pdfTeX] , ð ʿϴ.
         [ko.TeX] developing branch ϴ xetexko luatexko ٸ '''翬''' ѱ ˻ pdf ȴ.
         === TeX ѱ ؽƮ ˻ PDF ===
         HLaTeX ⺻ ۲ UHC̴. ۲ Type 1 ۲̱ ϳ ѱ 256ھ ߶ subfont vf Ʈ ̷ ִ. pfb ڼҵ鸸 ϰ ְ vf Ͽ ڼҸ Ͽ ѱ ڸ ǥѴ. ̿ UHC ۲ Ͽ ۵ PDF ؽƮ ˻ õ Ұ ۿ . dvipdfmx ̿ϵ pdflatex ̿ϵ ̴.
         ׷Ƿ .tex ҽκ .dvi  subfont Ʈ ϰ DVI subfont CID ƮŸ ۲ð Ͽ 츮 ϴ PDF  ̴. tex ⿡Դ subfont .tfm ϵ Ͽ Ʈ ˷־ ϰ Ʈ subfont Ͱ ű⿡ ϴ .ttf Ʈ dvipdfmx.cfg .map Ͽ dvipdfmx ˷־ Ѵ.
          ҽ ۲  ۲ ϱ⿡ ϴ. Ϲ subfont ѱ .tfm Ʈ ű⿡ ϴ .ttf(.otf), ׸ DVIPDFMx map ߾ ѱ Էµ .tex ҽκ ˻ .pdf  ִ.
         pdftex( ) ƮŸ ۲ ν tex .tfm Ѵ. ׷Ƿ UnBatang.ttf pdftex ˷ֱ ؼ ̰ ϴ ac00 ϴ subfont tfm tfm subfont شϴ ڵ (.enc) Բ ؾ Ѵ. pdftex .tex κ subfont Ʈ Ͽ pdf  ѱ ؽƮ ش Ʈ ڵ ġθ ̹Ƿ ƮŸ Ͽ ϳ ؽƮ ⿡ ۿ .
          (!) pdftex ڽ ذ ֵ Ǵ ּ [Hangul-ucs] Ű ؿ cmap pdf ߰ϴ ƾ Ͽ pdftex ѱ ؽƮ ˻ ϰ ϴ {{{dhucs-cmap}}} Ű Ѵ.
         latex -> DVIPDFMx pdf ų, pdfTeX {{{dhucs-cmap}}} ̿Ѵ.
          KC2006 PDFTeX, [LaTeX]/dvips/ps2pdf, [LaTeX]/DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ ѱ ؽƮ ˻ pdf ֵ Ǿ ִ. ׽Ʈ ̴.
         || PDFTeX || truetype || dhucs-cmap ||
         || PDFTeX || type 1 || dhucs-cmap or \pdfgentounicode=1 ||
          * pdftex : 1.40.0-20060725
         DeleteMe HLaTeX UHC ۲ ν ؽƮ ˻ ϰ hyperref ٿ PDF ġ ִ ϱ pdf ۸ target ϰ "ݵ" EUC-KR ߸ Ѵٸ hangul-k Ű ̿ϴ ֽϴ. ׷ Ϲ DHUcs ٷ ǽϰ ۵ Ű̹Ƿ ִٰ ϰ ֽϴ. Omega/Lambda ؽƮ ˻ ƮŸ ۲ð DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ ϱ ϰ pdf ۿ ̷ Ѱ踦 ִ ߿ pdf ۿ õϱ ƽϴ. ¶ ۿ HLaTeX ƴ϶ Դϴٸ, ̰ ְ ǴԴϴ. ---[Karnes]
  • ѱ۱۲ù . . . . 2 matches
         [hoze]Բ [TeXå] ñ⸦:
          ٸ Խǿ [hoze]Բ ø ̷ غ , 䱸Ͻô Ƹ Ϲ [μ] ׸ϵ ڵ鿡 Ͽ پ Ʈ ϰ ϴ TeX İ ô ص˴ϴ. ̸׸ Ϻ ڵ ؼ ̰ų ø ü ٲٰ ϴ 忡 ۾ Ͻô ƴѰ , ´?
          ׷ٸ, 亯 帱 ֽϴ. TeX̳ LaTeX ׷ ʿ䵵 ٴ Դϴ.
          켱 ϳ ۼϴ Ȳ, ¹ ڽ ִ  ڵ 𸣴 LaTeX ǥ Դϴ. ̰ ʿ , ϰ ִ , ѵ Ƽ ̳ νõ ٹ̴ Ȳ غø Դϴ. ڸ ڱ ۲ ؼ ִٸ νõ ñ? ǥ ׸ ġ ٰ Ͻô е , װ ߿ å Դϴ. ׸ ܼ \begin{figure}...\end{figure} ȿ ǰ, ۼڰ ڽ ǻͿ DVI ̰ ̻ϰ ġǵ縻 ¹ ϸ ׸Դϴ. ֳϸ ¹ ̰ ׸ 迭 Ϸ ٲٰ ̹Ƿ, ׸ ̳ ĸ ü ϵǰ ̹Ƿ, \caption̶ ͸ ǥϴ ľ Ѵٴ LaTeX ۾ '''ϰ''' ؼ ʿ ̶ մϴ.
          , LaTeX Դ, '''ݵ''' "ü 10Ʈ 90% ڰ -10" ̷ Mark-upϵ ؼ ǰ, ٸ "ü" Ǵ ̰͸ ǵ ؾ Ѵٴ Դϴ.
          ׷Ƿ LaTeX ۲ Ӱ ϴ ƿ ʴ Դϴ. ׷ ȥٰ .
          1. TeX ۲ ϱ⿡ ϴ. (, ڰ )
         ⺻ ̾ƺ ǰ߰ "TeX μ ƴϴ" ο δ Դϴ. , μ ִ ̰ TeX Ÿ͵ Ƿ ħϰ Ǹ ٲ ִ . ϴ TeX μó ϰ μ ƿ﷯ Ѵٰ ʽϴ. μ ϴ ڴ μ Ǵ 鿡 TeX μ ϰų õϰ ʴٴ Դϴ. --ChoF
          鼭 ٸϴ. ⿡ μ ̵ μ ߸ ִ մϴ. μ ̸ ǥ ̶ LaTeX̳ XML/CSS/XSL ([http://www.w3.org/Style]) 鿡 (Contents) ֵ ־ մϴ. ǥ(Presentation)  ̳Ĵ ϸ ִ иѾ ϰ. μ ̹ װ ϰ . , template ϴϱ. (Spinger Verlag, Addison Wesley ǻ翡 ϸ LaTeX ϴ ǰ, MS Word template ϴ.) , ֺ MS Word Star Office Template ִ 𸣴 ټ. , μ LaTeX ø ۼϵ ǥ ϰ иϴ ߿մϴ. ׷ ǹ̿ KTUG html պ ʿ䰡 ֽϴ. font tag ǥ ϴ tag 뿡 tag , ǥ CSS ġ . , [http://www.csszengarden.com] ø CSS '' ֽϴ. , [http://www.sitepoint.com] ѹ ʽÿ. ѱ ̳ʵ ̷ ϰ Ѵٸ 󸶳 ڽϱ? --
         1. hlatex Ǵ ⺻ ۲ ۲ð ȭ ۲̴.(ƴϸ ȭ ۲ ۲ ǰ?)
          HLaTeX ̴ ۲ [۲] ƴϰ [UHC۲]Դϴ. ۲ð UHC۲ ´ [۲] TrueType ݸ [UHC۲] PostScript Type1 ۲̶ ٸϴ. ׸ [UHC۲] ϳ ۲ Ϸ ̷ ʰ, ü ʰ `pfb` Ʈ Ϸ ̷ ֽϴ.
          ¿ Ұϴٴ pdfTeX ̳ DVIPDFMx ϸ ̾߱Դϴ. ׻ ޱ ϴ . --[ChoF]
         3. PDF Ʈ Ӻ hlatex ġ ǻͿ ۲ .
          [۲] TrueTypeԴϴ. ƽþƮ ⺻۲ð HLaTeX ֽϴ. 翬 ؽƮ ˻ PDF . ٸ TrueType ޸ GPL̹Ƿ ƽþƮ  ߻ ִ ۱ ϴ. ѱۿ [۲] ̶ մϴ. 򿡼 ۲õ Ǵ Ư ߿ϱ. :) ׷ ڰ ϰ ׹ۿ ؾ ҽϴ. --[Karnes]
  • ѱȯ . . . . 2 matches
         TeX ѱ ϰ Ȱϴ .
         == TeX Implementation ѱȯ ==
         === Windows : MiKTeX ===
          * [MiKTeXѱȯ]
          * [MiKTeX/]
          * [MiKTeXKC2006]
         === Linux : [teTeX] ===
          DeleteMe. [synapse]Բ {{{texmf-KTUG}}} ϴ Ͻ ֽϴ.  ǰ ӵǸ ڽϴ.
         === Mac : MacTeX ===
          * Mac MacTeX + [Hangul-ucs] ȿ̰ ̶ մϴ. ׷ Mac pdftex ģϴٴ ϸ Mac [Hangul-ucs] ȯ KC2006 ׷̵ ʿ䰡 Դϴ.
  • ѾPUA۲ . . . . 2 matches
          * Chaining contextual sub ʽϴ. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/topic_feature_file_syntax.html#5.f.i
          ˷ּż մϴ~ ø õص ȵDZ淡 comment out ̴ϴ. ̰ contextual sub ȸԾ ϴ.
  • ʷü/GSUB . . . . 1 match
          * luatex ѱ .
  • Ȳݺ . . . . 2 matches
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