You have literary talent that you should take pains to develop.
NTEmacsDVIPDFMx&value=DHUcs/FindPageLaTeXWorkshop/2009PreambleFrontPage&value=MiKTeX/¹®Á¦Á¡ › PlainTeX/diffLaTeX
Wynter Snow, '''TeX for the Beginner'''¿¡ ¼Ò°³µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Â PlainTeX °ú LaTeXÀÇ Â÷ÀÌ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÄÚ¸àÆ®µéÀ» ¿ì¼± ¸ð¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù. »ó´ëÀûÀ¸·Î Áß¿äÇÏ´Ù°í »ý°¢µÇ´Â °Í¿¡ (!) Ç¥½Ã¸¦ Çß½À´Ï´Ù.

  1. \bye does not exist in LaTeX. Instead, use \end{document}.

  2. In LaTeX, both \{ and \} can be used directly in text and do not have to be in math mode. LaTeX does the right thing if you do put them in math mode --- so if you plan to use both TeX and LaTeX, it helps to do things the same way in both systems.

  3. For LaTeX, type latex daisies instead of tex daisies.

  4. In LaTeX, the Waiting Patiently Bug appears when you forget to say \end{document} at the end of you text file. This bug can also appear if you forgot to close some earlier environment --- so that LaTeX uses \end{document} instead of \end{environment}. To fix this bug, type \end{document} instead of \bye when you see the single-asterisk prompt.

  5. LaTeX has an additional set of error messages for LaTeX-specific glitches, and their appearance is slightly different from TeX¡®s error messages. However, LaTeX also uses TeX¡¯s question mark prompt (?) and single-asterisk prompt (*), so the responses you make are the same in LaTeX and in TeX.

  6. LaTeX¡®s \overfullrule is 0in. The \hfuzz is still a small dimension, but the black overfull boxes are invisible. If you want to see the overfull box, you can use the draft option in the \documentclass or change the \overfullrule.

  7. (!) LaTeX uses \\ as a line-breaking macro. Therefore, if you want to make an abbreviation for \backslash, use something like \bfsl instead of \\.

  8. LaTeX solved this problem with a macro called \newcommand. \newcommand also makes a newcontrol sequence, but first it checks to see if a control sequence already exists with the name you want to use.

  9. If you need to change the definition of an existing macro in LaTeX, use LaTeX¡®s \renewcommand.

  10. Lamport changed \input so that you can put braces around its input. This makes \input consistent with other LaTeX commands.

  11. You can use LaTeX¡®s \include macro instead of \input. If the existension is not .tex, specify that as well.

    1 The small caps and sans serif fonts already exist in LaTeX. The control sequences for them are \sc for Small Caps, and \sf for sans serif (our \ssf font).

  12. LateX has two methods of getting larger or smaller fonts. If you want text fonts of a different size, give \documentclass an option. To change to a larger or smaller font within your document, use the size-changing macros.

  13. LaTeX does not have \magnification.

  14. Use \setlength, LaTeX¡®s dimension-changing macro, to change the \parindent. Type \setlength{\parindent}{2em}. You can change \parindent anywhere in your document.

  15. To change the width of the text in LaTeX (the \hsize of your paragraphs), use \setlength to change the \textwidth.

  16. To change the \hoffset in LaTeX, use \setlength to change \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin. The \textwidth, \oddsidemargin, \evensidemargin should be changed only in preamble.

  17. Use LaTeX¡®s \addtolength macro to add something to a dimension reporter.

  18. You can use LaTeX¡¯s sloppy environment for one or more paragraphs instead of changing TeX¡®s \tolerance.

  19. To change the height of the text in LaTeX, use \setlength to change LaTeX¡®s \textheight.

  20. Use \setlength to change the \parskip.

  21. You can use \setlength to change the \baselineskip, and you can do this anywhere in your document. However, the best way of changing the baselines in LaTeX is to redefine \baselinestretch with \renewcommand.

  22. LaTeX has two macros for putting white space on the page: \hspace and \vspace.

  23. LaTeX already has a \newpage macro.

  24. Instead of \eol, use LaTeX¡®s \newline, \\, or \linebreak macros. \newline behaves exactly like \eol. LaTeX defines \\ differently among the various environments, so that it performs the correct actions for breaking the line at that point.

  25. LaTeX¡®s \linebreak macro behaves like TeX¡¯s \break, except that \linebreak can take an optional argument. \linebreak[0] to \linebreak[4].

  26. LaTeX uses a system of environments to make special paragraph shapes. Thus, for quotations, use a quote or quotation environment. To make a new environment, use LaTeX¡®s \newenvironment macro.

  27. \long is built into LaTeX¡®s \newcommand, so inputs to your new macros can have more than one paragraph.

  28. (!) \item is completely different in LaTeX. Lamport redefined \item so that it is available only in the itemize, enumerate, description, list and trivlist environments. Outside those, \item does not exist.

  29. \headline, \footline and \folio do not exist in LateX. To change the header or footer in a document, use the \pagestyle declarations.

  30. The minus \pageno technique does not exist in LaTeX. For roman-numeral page numbers in LaTeX, type \pagenumbering{roman}.

  31. LaTeX¡®s \footnote macros is different from TeX¡¯s \footnote macro.

  32. \vfootnote does not exist in LaTeX. However, LaTeX uses \footnotemark and \footnotetext to accomplish the same purpose.

  33. You can use \halign in LaTeX, or you can use LaTeX's tabular environment. I personally find TeX's \halign far more flexible than LaTeX's tabular environment, but many people prefer the convenience of using tabular.

  34. To change the blue between columns in LaTeX's tabular environment, change the \tobcolsep, which is half the width of the space between columns.

  35. To specify a width for a table, use LaTeX's tabular* environment and put glue in some of the columns. To add this intercolumn glue, use \extracolsep inside an @{text} in the cols input for tabular.

  36. To change the space between rows in LaTeX's tabular environment, change the \arraystretch instead of using \openup.

  37. LaTeX has a \multicolumn macro for placing headings in special places.

  38. LaTeX has its own system for adding rule to tables in its tabular environment.

  39. In LaTeX, use \(...\) or \begin{math} ... \end{math} to use math mode. These two sandwich-style methods make sure you do not get a Math Oops Mode Bud. However, both are what LaTeX calls fragile.

  40. To use display math mode in LaTeX, use \...\ or the displaymath environment. These are both fragile. Also, LaTeX's flushleft equation system does not work if you use TeX's $$ toggles instead of LaTeX's \...\ or displaymath environment.

  41. Lamport redefined \{ and \} so they can also be used outside of math mode.

  42. LaTeX uses the same symbols and spacing rules as TeX.

  43. Do not use \root in LaTeX. Instead, give \sqrt an optinal argument.

  44. In LaTeX, use \stackrel instead of \buildrel. The \stackrel macro takes two inputs.

  45. LaTeX has a macro called \frac that takes two inputs: the numerator and denominator, it makes a fraction.

  46. LaTeX has an array environment. It is similar to the tabular environment but creates a \matrix instead of an \halign.

  47. You can also use LaTeX's equation environment to make an automatically numbered displayed formula. LaTeX's equation environment automatically starts display math mode.

  48. (!) \eqalign does not exist in LaTeX. Use the eqnarray or eqnarray* environments instead. The eqnarray environment automatically generates equation numbers; the eqnarray* environment does not. Both eqnarray and eqnarray* automatically start display math mode.

  49. \eqalignno and \leqalignno do not exist in LaTeX. Use eqnarray environment instead.

  50. LaTeX has several macros that create special kinds of boxes. See \mbox, \makebox, \fbox, \framebox, \parbox and the minipage environment.

  51. LaTeX's \mbox macro is equivalent to \leavevmode\hbox

  52. LaTeX's \makebox and \framebox can take optional inputs that control their width. \parbox and minipage environment both require an input that specifies their width. \raisebox can take two optional inputs for its height and depth.

  53. (!) LaTeX's \line is a macro that draws a line in the picture environment. It has no relationship at all to plainTeX's \line macro.

  54. \leftline, \rightline, and \centerline do work correctly in LaTeX. Lamport defined another macro that he uses instead of \line for his definitions of these three box-making macros.

  55. LaTeX's \raggedbottom does not create a Ragged Top Bug.
    <!> Ragged Top Bud : \raggedbottom increases the \topskip glue by plus 60pt. Thus, when TeX is forced to stretch the finite glue on the page, this includes the \topskip glue.

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