You will receive a legacy which will place you above want.
FrontPageMemoir���������&value=WinEdtTip/ȣԷ占쏙옙占쏙옙占PageStyle&value=WinEdtTip/��������&value=PageStyle&value=WinEdtTip/FrontPage › SourceCodeListing

Source Code Listing

1 Source Code Listing
1.1 Ϲ ȳ
1.2 ϰ ٹȣ ֱ
1.3 verbatim-like ҽڵ
1.3.1 verbatim ȯ
1.3.2 verbatim Ű ̿
1.3.3 sverb Ű
1.3.4 fancyvrb Ű ̿ ҽڵ
1.3.5 alltt Ű ̿ϴ
1.3.6 Moreverb Package ϴ
1.4 verbfile ̿ؼ ܺ file о ̱
1.4.1 sverb Ű \verbinput
1.4.2 verbatim Ű ܺ ó
1.4.3 moreverb Ű \verbatimtabinput
1.4.4 verbfile Ű listing ̿ϸ Ͽ line number ߰ش. verbfile ̿ϸ ̴ ״ Ѵ.
1.5 Programming Language Ưȭ
1.5.1 TeX c_pascal ϴ
1.5.2 Algorithmic Package ϴ
1.5.3 Program Package ϴ
1.5.4 Listings Package ϴ
1.6 Float Ͽ ڰ
1.6.1 floatstyle ̿ϴ
1.6.2 algorithm Ű
1.7 : ̻ ҽ Listing + TOC-like ÷ϱ
1.7.1 ī
1.7.2 TOC like ߰
1.7.3 environment
1.8 Ÿ
1.8.1 ҽڵ忡 ιȣ ߰ ƿƼ(python)
1.8.2 framed Ű ̿
1.8.3 ҽڵ带 LaTeX ڵ ȯϴ ƿƼ
1.8.4 C++2LaTeX S/W
1.9 LGrind Package ϴ
1.9.1 LGrind
1.9.2 ڵ
1.9.4 ڵȭ
1.10 Highlight
1.11 ҽ


1.2 ϰ ٹȣ ֱ




[page 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
fnt: cmr10 at 50pt
set: 'Hello, World!'
\begin{listing}{num} num ۹ȣ Ÿ \begin{listing}{num} \let\listinglabelsize\footnotesize ũ⸦ ִ.

1.3 verbatim-like ҽڵ


1.3.1 verbatim ȯ

verbatim ȯ ̿մϴ.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


1.3.2 verbatim Ű ̿


verbatim Ű ̿ϴ ϴ.
  • verbatim environment ϴ° memory overflow Ͼ ִٰ մϴ. ذմϴ.
  • comment ȯ ̿ؼ TeX commenting ֽϴ.
  • \verbatiminput մϴ.


1.3.3 sverb Ű


1.3.4 fancyvrb Ű ̿ ҽڵ

listings Ű ּ ѱ ̻ϰ ǥմϴ. ׷ fancyvrb Ű ּ ѱ ǥϴµ ϴ. Դٰ ۲ ϰ ȣ ֽϴ.


\title{fancyvrb Ű ׽Ʈ}

̰ ׽ƮԴϴ.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        //ѱ ּ1
        printf("ο \n\n\n");
        printf("Hello, world\n");
        return 0;


ɼ ȴٸ \DefineVerbatimEnvironment ֽϴ.

    {frame=single, baselinestretch=1,
     fontsize=\footnotesize, numbers=left}

void hello {
    printf("hello world");


1.3.5 alltt Ű ̿ϴ


void main(void)\{
    printf("Hello, world");
TeX ҽ Բ α׷ ҽ ϰ 찡 ִ. ̶ alltt package Ѵ.
  • α׷ { ϱ ؼ \{ ش.
  • \emph{} TeX ɾ ִ.


1.3.6 Moreverb Package ϴ

from KTUGOperate:3173 (by Progress)

moreverb Ű ȯ մϴ. α׷ ʿ ޾ִ .

A \cap B @>j>\mbox{\small projection}>B \\
@V i V \mbox{\small injection} V @VVgV \\
A @<f<k< A\cup B

\begin{listing}[1]{1} մϴ.

[1] ִ 1 ȣ Ű line ڸ ǹմϴ. 1 1ٸ ȣ . [2] ° ٸ ȣ ٽϴ.

{1} ִ 1 line (ٹȣ) մϴ. {3} ϸ ù line ȣ 3 մϴ.

A \cap B @>j>\mbox{\small projection}>B \\
@V i V \mbox{\small injection} V @VVgV \\
A @<f<k< A\cup B

ϰ \begin{listing} ~~ \end{listing} ȿմϴ.


1.4 verbfile ̿ؼ ܺ file о ̱


1.4.1 sverb Ű \verbinput


1.4.2 verbatim Ű ܺ ó


1.4.3 moreverb Ű \verbatimtabinput

\verbatimtabinputtab_size{input_file} ǻ ϸ鼭 ܺ ҷδ. \listinginput{input_file} ܺ ҷ̸鼭 ȣ ٿش.


1.4.4 verbfile Ű

[] listing ̿ϸ Ͽ line number ߰ش.


[] verbfile ̿ϸ ̴ ״ Ѵ.



1.5 Programming Language Ưȭ


1.5.1 TeX c_pascal ϴ

c_pascal LaTeX Ű ʰ TeX def · ȴ.
  1. TEXMF\generic\c_pascal cap_c.tex (C ), cap_pascal(PASCAL) Ѵ.
  2. \BeginC --- \EndC ȿ ҽڵ带 ִ´.
  3. \InputC{filename} ̿Ѵ.
  4. \font\tenrm=cmtt10 ߰Ѵ.


\input cap_c

{\Large InputC example}\\

{\Large BeginC/EndC example}\\
// this is a short demo program
/* both kinds of comment are recognised */

// some compiler directives
#pragma hdrfile "hello.sym" #include <stdio.h> #include
<sys/stat.h> #pragma hdrstop

// words not recognised as keywords are considered
// to be identifiers and are typeset in italic
void main() {
  int n;
} \EndC

1.5.2 Algorithmic Package ϴ


1.5.3 Program Package ϴ


\mbox{A fast exponential procedure:}
 \FOR i := 1 \TO 10 \STEP 1 \DO
 \WHERE \rcomment{A comment here}
 \PROC |expt|(x,n) \BODY
   z := 1;
   \DO \IF n = 0 \THEN \EXIT \FI;
     \DO \IF |odd|(n) \THEN \EXIT \FI;
       n := n/2; x := x*x;
     n := n-1;
     z := z*x
   |print|(z) \ENDPROC



1.5.4 Listings Package ϴ

KTUGOperate:8421 (by hoze)


\lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt}
fileviewer(Dir) :-
    new(F, frame('File Viewer')),
    send(F, append(new(B, browser))),
    send(new(D, dialog), below(B)),
    send(D, append(button(view,
                  message(@prolog, view,
    send(D, append(button(quit,
                  message(F, destroy)))),
    send(B, members(directory(Dir)?files)),
    send(F, open).

view(F) :-
    send(new(V, view(F)), open),
    send(V, load(F)).

/!\ Listings Ű ҽ ڵ忡 ѱ ̸ ǥ Ѵ. ȿ ǥϷ ѱ κ escape ȿ ν Ϻ ذ ִ. escape ۰ Ÿ ڴ listingϷ ϴ  ڷ ʴ ߿ ̴. tilde ڸ escape ϱ Ѵٸ
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	//~ο 带 ~
        /*~  ּ 쿡 ະ~
           ~escape  ش.~ */
	printf("Hello, world\n");
	return 0;
ƽ ѱ ̷ Ͽ ׷ ó ִ .


1.6 Float Ͽ ڰ


1.6.1 floatstyle ̿ϴ


\listof{Program}{Program Listing}

\caption{The Program}
The LaTeX Companion p.148 .


1.6.2 algorithm Ű


1.7 : ̻ ҽ Listing + TOC-like ÷ϱ

float ̿ϸ, ڵ listof ְ, ش. ׷ ̻ ҽ ϱ ؼ ȯ ־ Ѵ.

1.7.1 ī

\newcounter{example}[section] % section  ڵ ī͸ 0  ش.

1.7.2 TOC like ߰

    \bf Example \thesection .\theexample : #1 \\[1cm]
\newcommand{\l@example}[2]{\par\noindent#1 \dotfill {\itshape #2}}

1.7.3 environment

{\end{list}\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \stepcounter{example}}




߰ ֽñ ٶϴ. --smcho


1.8 Ÿ


1.8.1 ҽڵ忡 ιȣ ߰ ƿƼ(python)

ڵ忡 ιȣ ߰ϴ Utility ̿ ֽϴ.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import string
import os.path

ADDED_SPLIT = "_lineadd"

class AddLine:
    def __init__(self, fileName_):
        self._fileName = fileName_
        #  ̸ Ȯڸ и 
        [name,ext] = os.path.splitext(fileName_)
        self._fileNameNew = name + ADDED_SPLIT + ext
        print self._fileNameNew
    def append(self):
            fp = open(self._fileName)
            fp2 = open(self._fileNameNew,"w")
            lines = fp.readlines();
            # ϴ line strip Ѵ. 
            count = 1
            for line in lines:
                #line = string.rstrip(line)
                newline = "%4d: %s" % (count, line)
                count += 1

        except IOError:
            print "ERROR opening file"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    line = AddLine("add_line.py")


1.8.2 framed Ű ̿

framed Ű ̿ϸ ҽ θ ִ. ҽڵ尡 1 Ѿ Ѵ.



1.9 LGrind Package ϴ

[http]http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/lgrind/?action=/tex-archive/support/ ּҿ ҽڵ带 ٿε ׳ ʴ´. ҽڵ带 Win32 ȯ濡 ϸ ⿡ ٿε ȴ. Uploads:lgrind.zip

1.9.1 LGrind

lgrind -i -lc -d lgrindef lgutil.c  > res.tex
ĽĮ ڵ -lpascal ִ. ڼ lgrind.pdf .


1.9.2 ڵ


\LGnuminterval=1 % numbering interval
\def\LGfsize{\small} % font size
\def\BGfont{\ttfamily\color{cyan}} % default
\def\KWfont{\ttfamily\color{blue}} % keyword
\def\NOfont{\bfseries\color{red}} % Number
\def\STfont{\ttfamily\color{green}} % String
\def\VRfont{\ttfamily\color{black}\small} % variable






tex ϳ ξ Ѵ. ׷ \LGnuminterval=1 , ο ȣ ̴ 쿡 .


1.9.4 ڵȭ

ġ  path Ѵ.
lgrind -i -l%1 -d d:\prog\bin\lgrindef %2  > %3
rem ڵ      ߰ϴ  ߰Ͽ Ѵ.
python d:\prog\bin\addblankline.py %3

ڵ ִ python α׷ .
import sys

def process(val_):
        f = open(val_,"r+")
    except IOError:
        print "Error! no such file"

if __name__ == '__main__':
        val = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print "Error! no argumnet"

lg pascal cradle.dpr cradle.tex

1.10 Highlight

پ ׸ Ÿ ϴ ҽ ڵ . smcho ڿ ѱ(EUC-KR, UTF-8) ּ ó Ÿ Դ.


1.11 ҽ

Ͽ . ̴ python ҽ hightlight ̿Ͽ LaTeX ̸ listofsource ȯ ̿Ͽ ó ̴. PDFHyperLink ̿ؼ pdf 󿡼 ٸ ҽ α׷ Ű ͵ ϴ. ̰쿡 python interpreter ־ Ѵ.

Contributors: smcho

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