"free"() ü ãƺ

You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쏙옙占Karnes/2005-12PoemsColPackage&value=MacOSġϱ › TeXbyTopic

ũ ã
  • AdobeAcrobat . . . . 1 match
         AdobeAcrobat "PDF " ̿ܿ, ִ α׷̴. α׷ "PDF ", μϱ, 纻 ɸ ־ free ֵ Viewer α׷ AdobeReader̴.
  • BadContents . . . . 2 matches
  • ChoF . . . . 1 match
          http://free.kaist.ac.kr/ChoF/ (۵ Ƿ ÿ.)
  • ChoF'sTeXArchive . . . . 1 match
  • CommonLicenses . . . . 1 match
         and does accept that this licence qualifies as `free software' in the
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 1 match
         VimEditor н ̴. Windows뵵 ְ  Windows gvim ִ. CygWin ȯ濡 gvim ̵ ƽ Ƿ KTUGSetup:4268'''''' ˷ֽ Ʈ http://hermitte.free.fr/cygwin/ {{{cyg-wrapper.sh}}} ٿ޾ ̿غ.
  • CygWinġϱ/obsolete . . . . 10 matches
         ttf2pk ƮŸ ۲÷κ PK ȼ Ʈ Ʈ  FreeType ƿƼ̴.
          1. WkPark Կ FreeType 2 ġ
         WkPark FreeType 2 ġ ϱ ϰ, ũƮ ̿Ѵ.
         ̰ KTUGBoard:1067'''''' ִ ̴. FreeType 2 ġ ̷ OTF ٷ ִ.
         tar xzvf freetype-2.1.9.tar.gz
         cd freetype-2.1.9
         tar xzvf ../ttf2pk-freetype2_20030314_2.tar.gz -C contrib
         # freetype2 staticϰ ũǰ Ͽϴ. ġ ʿ ϴ.
         cd contrib/ttf2pk-freetype2
  • Daisyweb . . . . 2 matches
         Myriad Ʈ Ű մϴ. freetype 2 ġ ttf2tfm ̿ؼ otfκ ٷ tfm ϴ. ׷ .... :) [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/miniontest.pdf miniontest.pdf] ÷ξµ ð ֽø ϰڽϴ. --[Karnes]
          ׽Ʈ , freetype-2-patched ttf2tfm under Cygwin Minion Ʈ xheight ߸ о ־ϴ. ᱹ LCDF tool  ϳ otftotfm ̿ߴµ, ̹ ϴ. ׳, DVIPDFMx-20050106 ִ ( ذ ) Myriad/Minion Ʈ DVIPDFMx delimiter  Ϻο ϴ... ChoF Բ ߿ ׸ ְڴٰ ϼ ٸ ذ ̱ մϴٸ... ׿ʹ tfm ۲ ̸ Į  ⵵ մϴ. :o --[Karnes]
  • EPS׸ . . . . 1 match
         [EPS] ׸ ϴ α׷ AdobeIllustrator ִ. ׷ α׷ α׷̴. FreeSoftware EPS ׸ ϴ ?
          ۲ з ξ մϴ. type1 type3 postscript outline PS level 1 ġ ó ֽϴ. , type 42 truetype outline PS wrapping PS level 2(Ϻ PS level 1 ġ?) ġ ó ֽϴ. type8, type 11  Ͻʽÿ. [http://www.freetype.org/pipermail/devel/2003-December/010000.html] --
  • EmEditor . . . . 2 matches
          * EmEditor FreeSoftware ƴϴ. ׷ It's worth its dollar. ޾Ҵٰ Ѵ. [http://www.emeditor.com/award.htm] .
          * ׷ [EmEditor/Free] freeware̴.
          * EmEditor Plug-in ڿԴ technical license free ϱ⵵ Ѵ.([http://www.emurasoft.com/tech/ ])
          * http://emeditor.com/download.htm (Professional, Standard, Free version) ٿε ִ.
         === [EmEditor/Free] Version ===
          * [EmEditor/Free] FreeWare̴.
          * [EmEditor/Free] version Professional̳ Standard version ѵ ִ.
          * [EmEditor/Free] ӵȴ.
         === LaTeX Project ϱ - [EmEditor/Free] version ===
          1. [EmEditor/Free] + KCmenu
  • EmEditorTip . . . . 1 match
          * "EmEditor free Ƿ, KC KC2008 EmEditor ̻ ⺻ͷ õ ." -> KTUGBoard:7530
          * Ұϴ [EmEditor/Professional]̴. ̰ WinEdt ϱ ̱⵵ ѵ, ShareWareμ [EmEditor/Professional] Ϻ WinEdt (1Ʈ )ϱ 񱳰 ̴. [EmEditor/Free] Ǹϳ 󿡼 Ͽ.
  • FoilTeX . . . . 3 matches
         FoilTeX free ۱ IBM簡 ְ [LPPL] ʴ´. FoilTeX ̼ ؼ CTAN:nonfree/macros/latex/contrib/foiltex/foiltex.pdf'''''' .
  • FreeCommander . . . . 2 matches
          TotalCommander ϳ Freeware̴. TotalCommander ̴ ѽõ ǻ͸ õ.
          * http://www.freecommander.com/index_en.htm
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 3 matches
          trivcj Ϸ adobe cmap(nonfree) ʿմϴ. cmap ġ {{{[texmf]/fonts/cmap/}}} Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ.
          # sudo apt-get install dvipdfmx freetype1-tools latex-hangul-ucs
          * http://freedesktop.org/~terry/hlatex_gentoo_overlays/
  • InterMap . . . . 1 match
         Freefeel http://freefeel.org/wiki/
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 2 matches
          [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/UPDATE7/KC2007-nonfree-springer.kcupdate KC2007-nonfree-springer.kcupdate]
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 2 matches
          ͼ greek Ʈ ֳ׿. PSGreekPackage̶ ε, cbgreek  ҹڴ ̰ Դϴ. ũ ÷ڽϴ. circumplex ͼ ̰... ƹư ǿ ǰ greek ڴ ƹ Ʈ մϴ. free fontδ ؾ ... Ʈ ؼ Ʒ ϳ ۼմϴ. ;)
          TeX ̿ ִ free Greek font Type1 Ʈ ִ. Levy Ʈ kdgreek MetaFont ҽθ ȴ.
  • Karnes/2006-01 . . . . 2 matches
         Only a touch that frees you
         Only a touch that frees you
  • Karnes/2006-03 . . . . 1 match
          ʿϽôٸ free Ʈ غñ ٶϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-04-01T13:20:10)]]
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 1 match
          غ ٷδ Disk Order ѵ free ƴϴ. Xfolders Norton Commander TotalCommander ͼ Դ ׷ α׷̶ Ѵ.
          DeleteMe ׷, ˰ , װ EmEditor(Academic Free Version)̾ ̽? >:> --ischo
         Ǵ ۾ȯ 󸶳 Ѱ! Free Commander (Total Commander װ ְ ߴ Ŷ...) , Ȯ F3, F4 鼭 Ͽ ؼ ͸ ַ µ غ Ϳ ãƿ . ׷ٺ ȿ ִٴ ʹ ű X-(
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 3 matches
          1. FREEFONTS ġ
          * BaKoMa TeXWord .. ''non-free''
          ͸  캼 ְڽϱ? Anonymous Բ Ұֽø . ߿ UltraEdit Ź ӿ ұϰ ׽ƮغҰ, AcroEdit free ߽ϴ. Ư AcroEdit ҿ UTF-8 浵 . EditPlus free ƴϰ ʹϱ, 缭 ô в ֽô ڽϴ. ڽ UltraEdit Դϴ. ... ^^
          Ͱ ƴ LaTeX ʹ /Free ʰ ϴ LaTeX ߽ؼ Ͽϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-08-23T14:06:41)]]
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 1 match
         EmEditor Free ν, KC2008 ⺻ ͷ ä Ǿ. , ׷ ? ɻ η , ׷ /Share α׷ ͵ UltraEdit, EmEditor, WinEdt  ͼ ִ ڵ 䱸 ϴ ׷ Free/OpenSource Ͱ Ƿ....
          1. FreeSoftwarḛų OpenSource. ּ ο .
          1. editorϳ ߿ Ͽ Ͽ free ǵ ϴ .
  • Karnes/2011-06 . . . . 3 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2011-06-30T04:19:51 [] CombiNumeralsLtd (free) Ʈ ׽Ʈ
          * attachment:test-cnfree.tex attachment:test-cnfree.pdf
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/Fonts . . . . 2 matches
         ƮŸ ۲ nbatang.ttf, ngulim.ttf, ndotum.ttf, UNI_HSR.ttf, obatang.ttf, ogulim.ttf Ʈ ϱ ̴. Ʈ free ƴϹǷ KC2006 ü ԵǾ ʴ.  ε ڽ ý Ʈ ϵǾ ֱ⸸ ϸ ȴ. ٸ Ʈ Ȯڴ (ɼ) ҹ {{{ttf}}} ٲپ . DVIPDFMx ̰ pdftex Ϸ ġ ʿϴ. dvips .
         ƮŸ. cyberbit.ttf free distribution ۲ ƴϹǷ ġؾ Ѵ. EUC-KR ѱ. BMP . Ÿ ڵ .
  • Karnes/OldSignBook . . . . 1 match
         HancomLinux 3.1 Upgrade ġ ɼ ֽϴ. Ȥ ׽Ʈ ø ġCD 帮ڽϴ. Please feel free to ask me! --[johnnam]
  • Karnes/Ǻ׸ . . . . 1 match
          * ġ մϴ. [PMX] ũ ̰ ã ֽϴ. ؾ mtx.tex̶ local-texmf Ʒ ٵΰ prepmx ̸ PATH ɷ ִ θ ˴ϴ. free pascal ҽε Ϸϱ ... ^^ ׳ ̳ʸ ϴ.
  • LaTeXDraw . . . . 1 match
          * LaTeXDraw is a free PSTricks code generator or PSTricks editor for LaTeX distributed under the GNU GPL. LaTeXDraw is developed in java, so it's independent of the OS. It's available in English, in Spanish and in French.
  • LaTeX۲ü . . . . 1 match
         TrueType Ư TTFκ tfm (̸ Ͽ ttf2tfm̶ freetype ƿƼ ȴ), [DVI̹]鿡 tfm ó ˷ָ Ǵ Դϴ. dvips(k) TrueType ٷ ϴ Ϲ̹Ƿ, `ttf2pk` ƿƼ ̿Ͽ [PK۲] ̰ Ͽ μϵ ִ Դϴ. [DVIPDFMx] TrueType ó Ƿ, map ָ߰ TrueType ϰų PDF ֽϴ.
  • LaTeXθå/ʸ . . . . 1 match
          * Richard Stallman(RMS) free document infotex ̶ ̿ؼ ϴ. Ⱓǰ ֽϴ.
  • LaTeXϺ . . . . 1 match
          * Omega ̿ Ϻ . http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/Omega-Japanese/doc.html. cf. KTUGOperate:7864
  • LiterateProgramming . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:fine_art_programming.pdf : [http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/ Free Software Magazine] Issue 6 Ǹ ۷ν, Free software α׷ ̷ Դϴ. о մϴ. ( Matt Barton St. Cloud State University in Minnesota մϴ.)
  • MacOSġϱ/Alternative . . . . 7 matches
          1. freetype1 freetype1-contrib cvs ٿε޴´.
         $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/freetype co freetype
         $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/freetype co freetype1-contrib
         $ cd freetype/contrib
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 9 matches
          * HANGULKNOPPIX Live CD غѴ. ftp://ftp.kr.freebsd.org/pub/users/tcheun/Knoppix-V4.0.2-2005-10-03-KO.iso
          deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
          deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
          deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
          deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
          deb ftp://ftp.debian.or.kr/debian-kr unstable-kr main contrib non-free
          deb-src ftp://ftp.debian.or.kr/debian-kr unstable-kr main contrib non-free }}}
         Ǯ /usr/local/share/ttf2pk/freetype-2.1.9/contrib/ttf2pk-freetype2/
  • Memoir . . . . 1 match
          chapater ü ϴ. ̰ Collection Ե ʾ 帰 Non-free fonts CD ʾ մϴ. ׸... verbatim Ʈ 230 ƴұ ͳ׿. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-05-17T12:21:14)]]
  • OpenClipArt . . . . 1 match
          This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used.
  • PDFManipulation . . . . 1 match
         PDFtk http://www.accesspdf.com/pdftk/ freewareε ϴ ⸻
  • PDFill . . . . 2 matches
          * freesoftware ƴ ִ ִ.
  • PDFsam . . . . 1 match
          * PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them. Pdfsam is written with Java Swing that is ''a set of Java class libraries provided as part of Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) to support building graphics user interface (GUI) and graphics functionality for client applications that will run on popular platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.''
  • SamplesAndTemplates . . . . 4 matches
         '''Title Page:''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_title/0.html
         '''():''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_chapter/0.html
         '''():''' http://zoonek.free.fr/LaTeX/LaTeX_samples_section/0.html
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 8 matches
          1. ttf2tfm, ttf2pk (freetype-contrib)
          ttf2tfm/ttf2pk freetyp1 cvs Ŀ ⿡ ִ ġ ؼ ofm ƹ ߽ϴ. mktexpk 1.28 (2002-11-11)̰, kpathsea 3.4.5Դϴ.Ȥ ñմϴ. , ũƮ ֽ 赵Բ 帳ϴ.--
          ttf2tfm/ttf2pk ؼ ̷ ġ ˱ ˰ ֽϴ. ϳ ڿ ̾, ȯ ġϴ. ȯ ù° ġ `-l` `-L` ɼ, ligature óϴ ̾µ, ̰ 1.5 ݿ ˰ ֽϴ. ι° ġ `-o` ɼ, Omega/Lambda ε ̰ ݿ ϴ. ڿ ġ ttf2tfm/ttf2pk freetype2 ̾ ˰ ֽϴٸ, ̰ ݿ մϴ. ᱹ CJK Truetype ̿ϱ ligature ó ttf2tfm/ttf2pk Omega/Lambda ttf2tfm/ttf2pk Windows MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2/2.3, W32TeX Ե Ϳ ǰ fpTeX ̰ Ұ Դϴ. Unix, Linux ʿ freetype1 cvs ؼ ġ ڰ ؾ ˴ϴ. ttf2tfm 1.4 ϶ ѱ TrueType ó ̶ մϴ. ---[Karnes]
          ø Բ 帮 ̾ٱ⺸, ׳ ־ ؼ ޸ص Դϴ. ;) segmentation fault Դϴٸ, 켱 freetype1 ̺귯 ƴ ǽغϴ. Ȥ ذå ߰Ͻø ˷ֽø ϰڽϴ. ִ ĸ ư ֽϴ. ---[Karnes]
          ۾ ϴ (̸?) ð̾ ϴ. ǻͿ ִ freetype1-contrib tree  ϳ ġ ͽϴ. ׷, ofm Դϴ. ·, ٽ '' '' ġ ϰ ƹ ϴ. µ, ִ ó ؼ ˼մϴ. ---
  • TeX . . . . 1 match
         ״ TeX ؼ '''ȭ α׷(literate programming)'''[[FootNote(ȭ α׷̶, (documentation) α׷ ڵ带 Բ ۼϿ а ֵ ϴ α׷ Ѵ. ȭ α׷ ϳ Ͽ ҽڵ尡 Բ ۼǴµ, ߿ ̸ ó κа ڵ κ иϿ óѴ. LaTeX Ǵ ''ȭ LaTeX''(*.dtx) ȭ α׷ ̴.)]] ý Ͽ. [Literate Programming] (WEB) TeX (ҽ) WEB ҽ ϰ ٸ ȯ ִ , ׸ μ ִ (free of charge) Ͽ. ׷Ƿ TeX ְ Ǿ ִ. ư WEB ý TeX ο ü ǻͿ ̽ ִ ī Ѵ. ׸ ŷ ֵ ũ TeX ý ȮǼ ִ ׽Ʈ Ͽ.[[FootNote( TeX̶ θ ִ° ־, Knuth ϴ ׽Ʈ trip test Ѵ. MetaFont ؼ trap test ִ. ļ 'torture test' θ. ׽Ʈ TeX̶ θ ִ.)]] TeX ſ ̽ļ .
  • TeXImplementations . . . . 1 match
         TeX ҽ '''' Ʈ(FreeSoftware) TeX Web̶ Ǿ ְ ̰ ڽ ǻͿ డϰ Ϸ ÷ ˸° Ͽ Ѵ.
         See [http://www.tug.org/interest.html#free Free TeX Implementations]
         TeX ȯ `` Ʈ(FreeSoftware) ִ ƴϴ. ý۵ , ִ. ܱ ֿ TeX vendor鿡 ؼ [http://www.tug.org/interest.html#vendors Commercial TeX Vendors] ϶.
  • TeXbyTopic . . . . 1 match
         === Free PDF Version of ''TeX by Topic'' ===
         TeX by Topic has long been out of print. Now that the publisher has reverted the rights to me, I have decided to make the book freely available in PDF form. Go ahead, download and enjoy it. What you are getting here is a conversion to LaTeX of the original book, which used a non-standard macro package. In other words, you get the text, but not the original formatting.
          Free version [TeX Live] ԵǾ.
  • TeXmaker . . . . 1 match
         GPL ̼ Ƽ ÷ free LaTeX Editor.
          1. FreeSoftware̴.
  • TeXȯ . . . . 1 match
          Free. MathType Ǵ MS Office EquationEditor Էµ TeX ȯ. (Copy->Paste)
          TeXaideó Wysiwyg â LaTeX ȯ . (Free Է )
          * Excel2LaTeX (http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml)
  • TeXå . . . . 2 matches
          ֽð, coresoft ּż մϴ. , ׸ ʽϴ. coresoft ǰ Ұ  Mac type 3 ۲ Ѵٴ Ⱑ ִ. ׷, type 3 type 0 ü CID-keyed font ű߽ϴ. , ؾ ʱ ⸦ ޸ó ϰ ϴ. Freetype ϸ Ʈ ۲ з ãҽϴ. [http://www.freetype.org/pipermail/devel/2003-December/010000.html] ⿡ type 8 µ, ֽϴ. [http://www.mail-archive.com/fonts@xfree86.org/msg01387.html] Ͻñ ٶϴ. ·, ۿ type 11 'Brian Stell type 8̶ θ ' 谡 , ٸ մϴ. 𸨴ϴ. 迡 PS Juliusz Chrobocze İ ƾ߰ڽϴ. ׷, ʽÿ.--
  • TeX۾ȯ . . . . 1 match
          * '''[TeXmaker]''' : FreeSoftware. [kile] [KDE]  ϰ, ü ִ.
          * '''GNU TeXmacs''' : FreeSoftware. Unix/[Linux]/CygWin/Mac/Windows.
          * '''[LyX]''' : FreeSoftware, Unix/[Linux]/CygWin/Windows.
          * '''[kile]''' : FreeSoftware. [Linux] [KDE] X11. ѱۻ밡.
          * '''WineFish''' : GTK. FreeSoftware.
          * '''LEd''' : Copyrighted Free. Windows. پ ڵ . CP949. DVI . ڵ .
          * '''WinTeX''' : MS Office Look and feel TeX ۾ȯ. free. ڵ .
          * '''TeXShop''' : FreeSoftware. Mac. θ ̴ Mac TeX ۾ȯ.
          * '''ITeXMac''' : FreeSoftware. Mac OS X.
  • TeraTerm . . . . 1 match
         Tera Term (Pro) is a free software terminal emulator (communication program) for MS-Windows. It supports `VT100` emulation, telnet connection, serial port connection, and so on.
  • TotalCommander . . . . 1 match
          DeleteMe. TotalCommander ٸ ̿ ϴ. FreeCommander ٲ... Ƽ ٲ ƴϰ freeware ãٰ ٲٰ ε, ƹư ߵ ɰ α׷Դϴ. Ư ũ ̴ Ʒ ϳ, ̰ ϰŵ. ̳ ã, ̸ٲٱ ູ߽ϴ. -- [Karnes] [[DateTime(2006-05-01T04:32:03)]]
  • UbuntuTeXϱ/Dapper . . . . 2 matches
          * [ttf2pk]: freetype1-tools
         $ sudo apt-get install freetype1-tools
  • WikiSandBox . . . . 1 match
         Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out.
  • WinEdtTip/ȣԷ . . . . 1 match
         '''׸ 12-1:''' [] ׸ "hoze \cirnum" ƿ ں Ͽ ֽϴ. KTUGBoard:3777'''''' combinum(free version) Ἥ 99 ڸ ֽϴ.
  • Windowsġϱ/ϰԵϱ . . . . 1 match
         EmEditor Shareware ̹Ƿ 1 ִ. ʿϴٰ ׶ ϸ ȴ. Ϻθ EmEditor Free freeware̴. (, л̳ ¼ҽ ڷμ ̼ ִ.)
  • Yhchoe/ġ̵ . . . . 1 match
         '''A'''(From KTUGOperate:5426'''''')''':''' http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/nonfree/macros/latex/contrib/foiltex.zip ٿεϿ Ǯ foiltex ϴ. foiltex ӿ ִ foiltex.ins LaTeX մϴ.[[FootNote(  ų ҷ մϴ. ׳ Ŭϸ Internet Signup ۵մϴ.)]] ̶ foils.cls, foils.sty, fltfonts.def, foil17.clo, foil20.clo, foil25.clo, foil30.clo, foilshrt.clo, foiltex.log, sampfoil.tex 10 ϴ. foiltex.dtx LaTeX ϸ foiltex.log ŵǰ foiltex.aux foiltex.dvi ϴ. sampfoil.tex ϸ ˴ϴ.
         <!> ڵ ѱ([Hangul-ucs]) ʿ䰡 ְ WinEdt ɿ ͼǾ EmEditor(EmEditor Free Version̸ մϴ.) Բ մϴ. ڵ ѱ([Hangul-ucs]) TeX Ⱑ ִ ֽϴ. ϼ "̼" ̵带 EmEditor " " ҽ WinEdt ҽ " " ҽ ݾҴ ʿ ۾ ֽϴ. WinEdt ׸ "WinEdt EmEditor Բ " Ͻʽÿ.
  • likesam . . . . 1 match
          [http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org Lazarus] ͵ ֽϴ. ⺻ Free-Pascal ̿ؼ Delphi 䳻 . ϴٸ(ĽĮ 3, 1, 2 鿩 ׿), ׷ Դϴ. -- MadToad
  • slomo . . . . 1 match
          * http://free-the-mallocs.com/ocamltex
  • ttf2pk . . . . 11 matches
         ttf2pk Freetype1 ̺귯 Ѵ.
         KTUG FreeType 1 ƿƼ ttf2tfm ttf2pk ġ ̷.  ߿ Ѵ.
          KTUGContrib:100 `freetype contrib ttf2pk 1.5` ġϿ ƮŸκ ovf, ofm ְ ִ ġ.
          1. ڿ Կ '''''' FreeType 2 ġ (2003/03/14)
          KTUGBoard:1067 Ÿ ϱ FreeType 2 ġ.
          1. freetype1 ġ : attachment:03_ttf2pk-1.5-freetype1.patch.txt
          ̰ Debian freetype1 ġ .
          1. freetype2 ġ : attachment:04_ttf2pk-1.5-freetype2.patch.txt
          1. ̳ʸ [fpTeX](TeXLive) MiKTeX 2.4 ԵǾ ִ ttf2tfm ttf2pk ttf2pk 1.5(Ĺ)̴. ް ġ FreeType 2 ġ Ǿ ʴ.
          1. ̳ʸ MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3(2.2) W32TeX Ե ȯ ް ġ ̴. FreeType 2 ġ ̳ʸ ϵ .
         <!> ttf2pk Freetype1 ̺귯 ʿ մϴ. ȿ freetype1-tools Բ Ű¡Ǿ, ֽ ttf2pk http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/freetype/freetype1-contrib/ Ȥ anonymous cvs ֽϴ.
         $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/freetype co freetype1-contrib
  • ҽѱ۹ . . . . 1 match
  • . . . . 3 matches
          * Karnes : ƹư freetype  ؾ ϳİ Դµ...
          * XeTeX ̾߱. XeTeX/Linux xdv driver ChoF Ͻô ε, ؾ ʹ Ƽ ճ ִ ¶ Ͻ. Karnes: "atsui ̺귯 freetype Ϻϰ ȣȯǰ ֳ?" ChoF: "ȵ." freetype äϰ ȭ Ŀ, ChoF: "ƹư ؾ ʹ Ƽ ġŴϴ."
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          * --TeXaide (MathType). free.-- (obsolete)
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          * [http://c.caignaert.free.fr/Install-ttf-Font.pdf] (ִ ̵ ߿ ֱٿ ̵)
          * ġ: [http://c.caignaert.free.fr/WindowsFonts.zip]
          * ƮŰ : [http://c.caignaert.free.fr/HowTo.pdf]
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