It's a poor workman who blames his tools.
FrontPageTUG2003&value=MiKTeX/HelpOnFormattingPDF그림포함하기&value=Progress/FindPage › WinEdt/KC2008


  1. SumatraPDF [http]ٿε ޾ ⺻ (c:\Program files\SumatraPDF) ġѴ.

  2. [http]Acrobat OpenDoc.edt [http]Sumatra-Find.edt ٿε ޾ C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Exec Ѵ.

  3. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Configurations -> TeXLive

  4. WinEdt 5.6 : Options/Execution Modes ->"Acrobat" ǿ "PDF Viewer Executable" θ Ʒ ٲ۴.
    "C:\Program files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -reuse-instance
  5. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Execution Modes -> "Accessories" ǿ 'PDFLaTeX' Ŭ -> 'Switches' Ʒ ִ´.
    'PDFTeXify' 'PDFTeX' Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. 'XeLaTeX' 'XeTeX' Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. ׷ 'Ȯ' ư Ѵ.

    • latex+dvipdfmx Ʈ : WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Execution Modes -> "Accessories" ǿ 'LaTeX' -> Start Viewer üũϰ, Switches '-synctex=-1' ִ´. "Accessories" ǿ 'dvi2pdf' -> Executable dvipdfm.exe dvipdfmx.exe ִ´. 'Ȯ' ư Ѵ.

  6. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Menu setup/Items ׸ ߿ '&Accessories' Ŭ -> 'Menu Items' Ʒ 콺 Ŭ ( '&PDF' Ʒ 'Acrobat Reader:&Find' ؿ) ư Ŭ -> 'Insert' -> 'Macro' -> ο ޴ ߸ Ʒ ä ִ´.
    Name: Sumatra Find
    Macro: Exe('%b\Exec\Sumatra-Find.edt');
    Requires File Filter:%P\%N.pdf
    Start in: %P
    Shortcut: F8


To be fair

KC2008, ko.TeXLive ѱ μ WinEdt ʴ . WinEdt Ͽ ˾Ƶνñ⸦ ٶϴ.
  1. ڵ ҿϴ. ,
    1. ѱ쿡 ۼ WinEdt ѱ . (ܾ Ƿ ̰ feature ƾ ϴ.)
    2. , ٱ . ߱, Ϻ, ѱ, ƶ ȥ ۼ .
    3. Ȯ Է Ұϴ.
    4. ѱ .
    5. ̿ ѱ ǥϰų ٷ ϴ ͸ .
  2. MiKTeX Ͽ TeXLive () ϴ.
  3. FreeSoftware ƴϴ.

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