"fig"() ü ãƺ

Your temporary financial embarassment will be relieved in a surprising manner.
FrontPage占쏙옙占십뤄옙체/GSUB&value=袈체/GSUBYandYTeX&value=WinEdtTip/ȣԷSampleDocument/AMSLaTeX&value=WinEdt/ϺԷ › WinFig

ũ ã
  • AMSLaTeX/Hangul . . . . 2 matches
  • CWEB . . . . 1 match
          * metapost ҽ: attachment:fig.mp.gz
  • CaptionOfFloats . . . . 15 matches
         ǥ(Table) ׸(Figure) [ٴϴ ü] ĸ ٴ´.
         \captionof{figure}{figure label}
          \captionof{figure}[]{A small example with the caption beside the figure.}
         fltpage Ű FPfigure, FPtable ȯ ̿Ѵ.
  • CategoryGraphics . . . . 1 match
          * SubfigPackage
  • ChngpagePackage . . . . 3 matches
          \caption{Wide figure}
  • CrimsonEditor . . . . 1 match
          1. ޴ `[Tools]-[Configure User Tools]` ϴ.
  • CygWinġϱ . . . . 2 matches
         $> ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • CygWinġϱ/obsolete . . . . 23 matches
         sh configure --prefix=/usr/local
         sh configure --with-kpathsea-include=/usr/include/kpathsea \
          $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /usr/share/texmf
          $TEXMFCONFIG = $HOME/.texmf/config
         $> mkdir -p config
         || /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf || $HOME/.texmf/config/web2c/texmf.cnf ||
         || /usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf || $HOME/.texmf/config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf ||
         || /usr/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg || $HOME/.texmf/config/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg ||
         || * || $HOME/.texmf/config/ttf2pk/config/ttf2pk.cfg ||
         ttf2pk ҽ data 丮 $HOME/.texmf/config/ttf2pk/ Ѵ.
          <!> ttf2pk ϸ ٿε , ٿε޾Ƽ Ǯ({{{tar zxvf ttf2pk-data.tar.gz}}}) ttf2pk 丮 ִ. 丮 $HOME/.texmf/config/ttf2pk/ Ѵ.
         `$HOME/.texmf/config/web2c/texmf.cnf` Ѵ.
         ==== texconfig ====
         ⼭ `texconfig` Ѵ. Ŀ ͸ ޽ ̸ ͸ ģ.
         ⼭ rebuild filename database Ǹ Ѵ. show configuration Ȯ ִ.
         texconfig ͼ Ѵ. ݵ texconfig ͼ ϵ Ѵ.
         `~/.texmf/config/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg` ͷ  138 ּ Ѵ.
         `~/.texmf/config/ttf2pk/ttf2pk.cfg` Ѵ.
  • DVIPDFMx/Installation . . . . 2 matches
          ʿϴٸ `./configure --prefix=/usr` Ѵ.(Redhat Linux )
  • Daisyweb . . . . 2 matches
          * 밡 ۲ Ʈ: standard (lf: lining figures), osf (old style figures), '''Myriad Pro regular, italic, Greek, and some symbols''' in math mode
  • DonaldKnuth . . . . 1 match
          [http://www.larry.denenberg.com/Knuth-3-16/visual-basic.html ȭ ؼ] ϱ ִ ֱ. "Historians are divided on whether the endorsing figure on the cover was an advertising fiction or a real person, some well-known Big Dummy of ancient times. Some have tried to connect the name with Gates, a small city which may once have been the capital of Misoft." --[Karnes]
  • EPS . . . . 2 matches
          ٿڽ ϰų Ʋ ִ 찡 ִ. ٿڽ PS2Eps ƿƼ δ. α׷ ؼ GFaq [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/gfaqprj/gfaq-html/node21.html 21 ] ϶. ̹ۿ `bbfig` Ǵ `bbox` ƿƼ , GSView ִ.
         EPS ǥǴ ׸ PostScript  ϴ ` ׷` , ܼ ׸ Űܳ `Ʈ ׷` 찡 ִ. JPG PNG EPS ȯ ׸ κ `Ʈ ׷`̰, AdobeIllustrator xfig  ׷ ׸ ` ׷` ɼ . PSFrag PostScript Ư ̿ϴ Ű ` ׷` 쿡 ۵Ѵ.
  • EPS׸ . . . . 16 matches
         === XFig ̿ ׸ ===
         XFig̵ JFig̵ EPS ׸ ϱ ؼ ȯؾ Ѵ. ⼭ PStoEdit̶ ƿƼ δ.
         #> pstoedit -f xfig AI_eps.eps AI_eps.fig
          ϸ 丮 `AI_eps.fig` `AI_eps01.eps` . ̷ Ǵ XFig ִ Drawing Objects ̷ ׸ κ( ׷), Drawing Objects ƴ ׸ ̷ κ(Ʈ) EPS Ͽ Բ ԵǾ ־ ̴.
          ׷ Drawing Objects XFig ִ. CygWin/X ϰ XFig `AI_eps.fig` ҷ ũ .
         ƹư ׸ XFig (Object Copy) Ͽ EPS export GSView ҷ .
          1. AI_eps.fig ¿ ׸ ܰ ٸ Objects DeleteѴ.
          1. ⼭ `AI_eps01_new.eps` , ׸ `AI_eps01.eps` ̸ ٲٰ XFig `AI_eps.fig` ٽ ҷ´.(ռ `AI_eps_bg.eps` · fig ʾҾ Ѵ.)
         JFig Ͽ ۾ س ִ. XFig ٸ `AI_eps01.eps` ׸ ȭ鿡 Ѵٴ ̴. ׷ `AI_eps.eps` κ ϴ .
         ѱ Ʈ Ե ʾƼ " ̴" Ͽ Ե ڿ "ѱ TeX ׷" ٲپ. , 츮 Ϸ ϴ ׸ ó α׷ XFig [GIMP] ΰ ѱ Font Encoding ʴ´ٴ ̴. ׷Ƿ ѱ Text TeX dvips ̿ϴ Ѵ.
          PStoEdit `fig` Ϸ ȯ.
         #> pstoedit -f xfig AI_hangul\(font_not_embed\).eps AI_hfne.fig
         ռ AI_eps01.eps `AI_hfne01.eps` Ѵ. ׷ JFig `AI_hfne.fig` ҷδ. ׷ Ʈ ߸鼭 ȭ ȴ.
           `AI_hfne.fig` EPS ȯѴ.
         #> fig2dev -L eps AI_hfne.fig AI_hfne.eps
  • EmEditor . . . . 5 matches
          1. Tools -> Properties for All Configurations Ѵ. ̰ ƴ϶ Properites for Current Configuration  شϴ Ű ִ.
          1. Tools -> Select Configuration Define Configurations .
          1. Define Configurations ̾˷α ڽ Ÿ.
  • EmEditor/Free . . . . 5 matches
          {{{Tools->Properties for All Configuration->Display->Current line->Background Color...->}}}
          1. {{{Tools -> Properties for All Configuration -> General -> ׸ó check}}}
          1. {{{Tools -> Select Configuration}}} Define Configurations .
          Ǵ Ʒ â ǥõ κ ŬϿ Ÿ ϸ,  highlighting ȰȭǾ ⺻ syntax б Ѵ. (, configuration .)
  • EmEditor/MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
          * ...\texmf\miktex\config miktex.ini ã, editor úκ ģ.
  • EmEditor/Professional . . . . 2 matches
          1. Tools -> Properties for All ConfigurationsϿ {{{[All Configuration ]}}}â ߸ Keyboard Ѵ.
  • EmEditorTip/ActiveString . . . . 1 match
          1. : heading, table, figure, equation label ؼ ִ.
  • EmEditorTip/Input . . . . 7 matches
          * Insert figure ߸ Insert figure â .
  • EmEditorTip/Language . . . . 2 matches
          * , tex ΰų, current configuration TeX д.
          * ޴ Tools -> Properties for Current Configurateion Ű {{{[Alt+Enter]}}}̴.
  • EmEditorTip/Macro . . . . 1 match
          * Tools->Properties for All Configurations->Keyboard
  • ExtraPackages . . . . 2 matches
          * kswrapfig
          * attachment:kswrapfig.zip
  • Figureȯ . . . . 5 matches
         == figure ȯ ==
          [Tableȯ] ٸ caption `ǥ(table)` `׸(figure)`̶ ̸ ٰ, \listoffigures óϴ ̴.
         figure ȯ ȿ ׸ ƴ϶ ؽƮ ٸ  ͵ ִ.
         figure ȯ [ٴϴ ü]̴. [ٴϴ ü] ϶. ٴϴ ü [Tableȯ] .
  • FontEmbedding . . . . 1 match
         KC2006 config ɼǿ urw nimbus Ʈ embedϰų ʰ ִ.
  • GFaqUpdatePreparation . . . . 6 matches
          * subfigmat ̶ package ٷ ڽϴ. AIAA Ŀ subfigmat õϴ, ׸ ϼ subfigure ٷⰡ ߽ϴ.
          * MiKTeX package updaterδ subfigmat ġ ϴ. CTAN ż ġؾ մϴ.
          * subfigure subfig Ű ü.
  • GNUPlot . . . . 2 matches
  • GhostScript . . . . 1 match
          ''״ ٷӴٰ ʽϴ. GhostScript ġ , ̹ ġ GSView Ͽ ޴ `[Options]` `Easy Configure` ׸ ֽϴ. ̰ ϸ ġ GhostScript ֵ Ǿ ֽϴ.'' --[Karnes]
  • GhostScriptUtilities . . . . 1 match
          ũƮ DVIPDFMx EPS ׸ óϱ ؼ ϴµ, . `dvipdfmx.cfg` Ǵ `config`(DVIPDFm) `D` ڷ Ǿ ִ.
  • Hangul-ucs . . . . 1 match
          MiKTeX {{{[localtexmf]/pdftex/config/psfonts.map}}}.
  • HelpOnAdministration . . . . 3 matches
          * HelpOnConfiguration - how to configure your system
          * HelpOnSpellCheck - how to configure and maintain the spell checking option
  • HelpOnEditing/SubPages . . . . 1 match
         Thus, by using "/" to concatenate several WikiName''''''s, you can create arbitrarily deep hierarchies (within limits, especially the length of filenames on your system). In reality, subpages are normal pages that contain a "/" in their name, and thus they are stored besides all other pages in the file system. Subpages are a configurable feature, but they're on by default and it's recommended that you keep it that way, since the help pages themselves use this feature.
  • HelpOnFormatting . . . . 1 match
         Note that within code sections, both inline and display ones, any wiki markup is ignored. An alternative and shorter syntax for `inlined code` is to use backtick characters (note that this can be disabled by the site's configuration, but is enabled by default).
  • HelpOnHeadlines . . . . 1 match
         Headings can be automatically numbered, you can enable or disable this for each page (see `#pragma section-numbers` on HelpOnProcessingInstructions) and for the whole site (see `show_section_numbers` on HelpOnConfiguration).
  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 3 matches
         The supported URL schemes are: `http`, `https`, `ftp`, `nntp`, `news`, `mailto`, `telnet`, and `file`. The administrator of your wiki can extend the supported schemes by using the {{{config.url_schemas}}} variable (see HelpOnConfiguration).
         When the configuration option `bang_meta` is set to true, you can surpress WikiName linking by putting an exclamation mark (''bang'') before the WikiName, i.e. `!WikiName`. This is deactivated by default.
  • HelpOnPageDeletion . . . . 1 match
         If enabled (see HelpOnConfiguration and HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions), you can delete pages with the {{{DeletePage}}} action. Note that deleting means to make a backup copy of the page, and then deleting the page file. This is almost like saving an empty page (which is not allowed by the system).
  • HelpOnUpdating . . . . 14 matches
         === Configuration update ===
         After upgrading, your existing wiki should continue to work (the goal is to have sane defaults for any new config values, but then there can be bugs). Check that this is indeed the case, and then take the time to check the CHANGES file in your distribution. Often, new features will be invisible unless your extend your configuration in "moin.config.py".
          * somewhat dangerous macros that won't be activated by default, because they're not advisable for public wikis. You need to explicitely activate those by adding an {{{allowed_actions}}} list to the config. Currently, the actions {{{DeletePage}}} and {{{AttachFile}}} are considered unsafe.
          * new pages icons: to get new icons like "XML", "Subscribe" etc. it's best to just delete the {{{page_icons}}} setting, now that "config.py" has a default for it. If you changed it in the past, add new icons from the "config.py" default to your "moin_config.py".
          1. create a new instance as per the instructions, copy the data directory from your old instance, and merge the configuration files.
         Check your configuration against the provided default `moin_config.py` that you find in `.../share/moin/cgi-bin/moin_config.py` after installation with distutils. You should add the `sitename` setting, which gets added to the page title, to RSS feeds and the like.
         To get new icons, and also to allow I18N customization of the menu and icon links, you should either delete or adapt[[FootNote(Adapting means to compare your settings and the default values found in the MoinMoin/config.py file.)]] your settings for `page_icons` and `navi_bar`. Note that the new `navi_bar` default setting gets the wiki's name from the new `sitename` setting, which previously was the main reason to have your own modified `navi_bar`.
         Due to I18N support for system pages, the only remaining configurable page name is that of the front page, which can be set by `page_front_page` (the old name `front_page` for that setting is also no longer supported); the reasoning behind this is that page name customization was mainly added and used for localization issues, while changing the front page name is rather common, often the front page is named like the whole wiki.
  • HelpOnUserPreferences . . . . 1 match
          * ''Subscribed wiki pages'': this is an optional feature that only works when email support is enabled for your wiki, see HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport for details
  • Hinting . . . . 1 match
         If a glyph has conflicting hints then the ''first point in the glyph'' (the first point on the first contour) MUST have a hintmask attached to it. If it does not, the FontForge will automatically figure substitution points when it generates the font. Other points are not required (but may) have a hintmask.
  • IncludeGraphics . . . . 2 matches
         ܺ [׸] ִ ϰ ϴ `graphicx` Ű[[FootNote(epsfig Ű ۼ ȣȯ ؼ Ǵ Űμ, δ graphicx Ű ȣѴ. ׷Ƿ, ǵ epsfig Ű ʰ ۼϴ .)]] `\includegraphics` ̴.
         [ٴϴ ü] [Figureȯ] ַ ׸ ִ ȴ.
          (./) [Figureȯ] ĸ ̸ ĸ ̸ "׸" Ǵ "Figure" ٴ´. [Tableȯ] ȿ ׸ . ǥó ׸ ܺο ۼϿ [Tableȯ] ȿ ־ ȴ.
  • JFig . . . . 2 matches
         XFig Java. XFig ϰ Javaȯ濡 ǹǷ  ÷ డϴٴ ִ.
  • KC2006/WinEdt . . . . 9 matches
         == KC2006 Configuration for WinEdt ==
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe]
          1. {{{KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe\}}} ٿεϿ մϴ.
          1. WinEdt մϴ. ޴ Options -> Configurations KC2006 .
         Options -> Configuration Wizard -> File type Associations .tex WinEdt ִ Ȱȭմϴ.
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KC2006_Config_WinEdt_HLaTeX.exe KC2006_Config_WinEdt_HLaTeX.exe]
          * hangul-ucs ⺻ ǵư ġ Remove {{{KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe}}} 缳ġϽʽÿ. ׸ KTUG_bin ü kcltxmk (̸ ٲ Ǿ ֽϴ.) ٽ ϴ [KC2006/UPDATES] R5.4 patch1 kcupdate ٽ ϸ ˴ϴ.
  • KC2007/UPDATES . . . . 9 matches
          2. config-hk {{{
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
          1. config-arita {{{
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-arita
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-arita -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
          1. config-hy {{{
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hy
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hy -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\share\texmf-local
  • KC2007/ġ . . . . 1 match
          1. Penthium IV 3.0 512Mb Xp-pro ʿ ϰ ġϴ 55 ҿ ϴ. ƹ ϴ Ͼ EnterȤ ߸ Ǵµ ѺⰡ ߽ϴ. WinEdt KC2007Ű α׷ 𸣰 configurations WinEdt ʾƼ ݺؼ ߾ϴ.
  • KC2008/Migration . . . . 3 matches
         \usepackage{subfigure} %%% subfigure obsolete.
  • KC2008/TeXLive . . . . 3 matches
         === dvips config ===
          * [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/KTUGCollection/KC2008/misc/KC2008-TL-touchdvipsconfig-20090316.kcupdate KC2008-TL-touchdvipsconfig-20090316.kcupdate]
  • KC2008/TeXLive/Fonts . . . . 3 matches
          1. config-hk {{{
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk
         #> ttf2kotexfont -c config-hk -i %KTUG_BIN%\..\texmf-local
  • KTUGCollection2005 . . . . 4 matches
         . 20050627 0702 ġ ʰ `KTUGCollection` ׷̵ϴ [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/dvipdfmx.cfg dvipdfmx.cfg] ٿε޾Ƽ `localtexmf\dvidpfm\config\` 丮 ִ üϽʽÿ. ʿϴٸ ڽ ýۿ ° Ͽ մϴ.
          * [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/KTUGCollection-MiKTeX-Config.exe KTUGCollection-MiKTeX-Config.exe]
          * {{{config-font}}} ġ Ŀ ؾ մϴ. ġ ġ ʿ ϴ.
  • Karnes-PrivateTmpPage . . . . 3 matches
          [http://my.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/testtest/testfig.eps testfig.eps]
          -> quote, footnote, table, figure verbatim ణ
  • Karnes/2005-11 . . . . 5 matches
          `\ref` شϴ ƾ 밭 Ǿ ְ, `\karef{fig:1}{ga}` մϴ. ̰ HLaTeX `\ref{fig:1}\` شմϴ. ι° ڷ ִ `i,ga,eun,neun,eul,reul,wa,gwa,ro,euro,ra,ira`Դϴ.
          * `\karef{fig:1}{}` ι° ڰ ó.
          * article/book/report 밡. , `\thefigure` `1.1` 쿡 ó.
          1. ҽ `\karef{fig:1}{ga}` ϴµ, մϴ. `\` ʿ䰡 ִٰ մϴ.
  • Karnes/2006-01 . . . . 3 matches
          ( : ݵ ȿ ִ pdftex.cfg մϴ. texmf Ʈ ִٸ д texmf Ʒ $TEXMF/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg Ͻʽÿ.)
          ȣ Բ ׸ ϷƮͷ ذǴ ̴ϱ ؼ ڰ Ͻ ִ. ׷ ߿Դ. pstoedit, ps2eps, pdftops, jpeg2ps, purifier(purifyeps DOS ġ · ), mpost, eps2eps, xfig, jfig, InkScape, netpbm... ƹư ׸ ó ؼ õ غ .
  • Karnes/2006-02 . . . . 1 match
         $ ./configure --prefix=/sw --with-qt-dir=/sw --with-qt-includes=/sw/include/qt
  • Karnes/2006-04 . . . . 3 matches
         > \label{fig:structure}
         ... ˷帮ڸ, ù° texmf Ʈ Ʒ hyperref.cfg 弼. ϸ ˴ϴ. ġ ~/.texmf-local/tex/latex/myconfig/hyperref.cfg  ͽϴ. {{{
          [2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive and teTeX]
  • Karnes/2006-05 . . . . 1 match
         # ./configure --prefix=/sw
  • Karnes/2006-06 . . . . 3 matches
          * jfig (./)
          * DviOut predefined configuration
  • Karnes/2006-07 . . . . 3 matches
         %N.tex --fig *.eps
         if .%2.==.--fig. goto FIGS
         %N.tex --fig *.eps
  • Karnes/2006-08 . . . . 3 matches
          * -> dvipdfmx.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\dvipdfm\config
          * -> updmap.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\config\
          * -> ttf2pk.cfg : C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5..\ttf2tfm\config(?)
  • Karnes/2006-10 . . . . 2 matches
          1. $HOME/.texmf/var $HOME/.texmf/config
          1. texconfig (mktexlsr)
  • Karnes/2007-01 . . . . 6 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-01-23T21:49:13 memoir subfigure
         memoir subfigure θ ʿ . ׷ firstmem Ϸ subfigureŰ ʿϱ ѵ... memoir Peter Wilson 亯̴.
         [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/d42eec9a99cd9d8d/bffe0066976e8add?lnk=gst&q=memoir+subfigure&rnum=1#bffe0066976e8add from comp.text.tex]
         ƹư, subfigure ʴ ؾ ̴.
  • Karnes/2007-04 . . . . 11 matches
         ׷... ⼭̴. 𸣰 Ʈ ƾ Ϻη Windows/Fonts о fontconfig cache ϴ ƾ ̴.[[FootNote(TeXLive XeTeX font cache ֱ ѹ θ ο Ʈ ߰ϰų ƿ ְ XeTeX ̿ܿ Windows Fonts ׳ ƹ ij д´.)]] ýۿ ġ Ʈ ٴ Ѵٸ... ʹϴ... ο Ű ϳ ġϸ鼭 ڲ ijø شٴ... 峭 ƴϰ... ׷ subfigure Ű ġ 12, xkeyval Ű ġ 17 ɸ ִ....
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2007-04-03T22:36:32 KC2006 Configuration for WinEdt ver0.2
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe]
          1. {{{KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe\}}} ٿεϿ մϴ.
          1. WinEdt մϴ. ޴ Options -> Configurations KC2006 .
         [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/PRIVATE/KC2006_Config_WinEdt.msi KC2006_Config_WinEdt.msi] ([[Date(2007-04-02T17:25:33)]]) v0.1.2 (04/02/03:26)
         configuration kc2006 ϸ ߴµ, ķδ ٲپ ʽϴ.
         1. ٽ ġϿ ۵մϴ. configuration ""ϴ â ߱ ϴµ, ߿ ƴϳ׿.
  • Karnes/2008-06 . . . . 1 match
         [׸ϱ/TextFlow] ҰǾ ִ faq wrapfig, floatflt, picins ޵ǰ ִµ... ص ݾ Ҹ ִ.
  • Karnes/2008-11 . . . . 1 match
         TeXLive 2008 Windows xetex ִµ, xetex Ʈϸ font cache config texmf-dist Ʒ fonts θ Ǵ ̴. ׷ KC2008 忡 texmf-KTUG ̰(texmf-KTUG ʰ texmf-dist Ʒ ذ ̱ ѵ...) texmf-local Ʒ Ʈ ΰ ̰ XeTeX е ϰ ̴.
  • Karnes/2009-02 . . . . 2 matches
          1. ׸ Էϱ ؼ \includegraphics е ̷ ʴ´ٴ . \epsfig ְų, \epsfig ̿Ͽ ȭ \ef ɷ ׸ ϰ ִ ҽ鿡 ַ ߻ϴ .
  • Karnes/2009-04 . . . . 4 matches
          * [http://people.ktug.or.kr/~karnes/KC2008-dev/KC2008-TL-WinEdtConfig-20090419.kcupdate KC2008-TL-WinEdtConfig-20090419.kcupdate]
          1. '''ġ , ݵ Options -> Configurations -> KC2008 ѹ ־ ۵մϴ.'''
          1. . WinEdt ʱȭ˴ϴ. ʽϴ. MiKTeX ϱ ؼ Configuration ٽ ϸ ȭ ͵ ǵ˴ϴ. Ư *ǰ* ʱȭȴٴ صνñ ٶϴ.
  • Karnes/2009-08 . . . . 12 matches
         updmap.cfg C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf-config\web2c ֽϴ.
         C:\usr\texlive\2009\texmf-config\web2c ִ updmap.cfg س updmap ѹ ִ ˴ϴ. ( Ǿ?) -- [Progress] [[DateTime(2009-08-31T11:54:02)]]
         using config file c:/Documents and Settings/NABO/.texlive2009/texmf-var/web2c/up
         updmap is creating new map files using the following configuration:
          config file : true
         mktexlsr: Updating C:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-config/ls-R...
         mktexlsr: Updated C:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-config/ls-R.
         using config file c:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-var/web2c/updmap.cfg
         updmap is creating new map files using the following configuration:
          config file : true
         mktexlsr: Updating C:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-config/ls-R...
         mktexlsr: Updated C:/usr/texlive/2009/texmf-config/ls-R.
  • Karnes/2009-10 . . . . 2 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2009-10-05T01:01:10 Lining Figures or Old Style Figures
         Minion Pro Old Style Figures ĥ 亯 .
          * attachment:testliningfigure.pdf
          * attachment:testliningfigure.tex
  • Karnes/2011-07 . . . . 1 match
          pandoc --mathjax="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" -s test.tex -o test-pandoc.html (test-pandoc.html)
  • Karnes/2011-08 . . . . 1 match
          * attachment:testumfig.tex
  • Karnes/2012-02 . . . . 14 matches
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-02-06T04:28:08 kswrapfig
          * attachment:kswrapfiglettrine.png
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-02-05T12:07:56 kswrapfig
         Ʒ kswrapfig .
          * attachment:kswrapfig.zip
          * attachment:kswrapfigdoc_new.pdf
         {{{#!blog Karnes 2012-02-03T16:03:43 kswrapfig
          * attachment:kswrapfig.sty
          * attachment:kswrapfigdoc.pdf attachment:kswrapfigdoc.tex attachment:kswrapfigtest.tex attachment:fig1.png
  • Karnes/2012-03 . . . . 1 match
  • Karnes/LaTeXTips . . . . 5 matches
         for %%i in (%1-fig*.tex) do latex %%i
         for %%i in (%1-fig*.dvi) do dvips -E -o %%~ni.eps %%i
         for %%i in (%1-fig*.eps) do epstopdf %%i
         for %%i in (%1-fig*.pdf) do ebb %%i
         SRC : Uploads:testtextandfigs.zip
  • Karnes/LyX . . . . 7 matches
          * kcupdate Ŀ, LyX Ͽ koreanucs Reconfigure Ͻʽÿ.
          * LyX ġߴ ִٸ '''ݵ Reconfigure''' .
         ϸ ذȴ. reconfigure ʿ ִ.
          1. ѱ Reconfigure
          * Ʒ ('''[#s-2 ѱ ȯ ]''') Ͽ ѱ , Reconfigure ѹ LyX ٽ Ѵ.
          * LyX Ͽ Tools -> Reconfigure Ѵ(ʼ). ٸ ٽ ϶ ޽ .
          (⺻ Ŭ øϿ oblivoir ã ٸ, ݱ ߴ Ѵ. Ư Reconfigure ߴ...)
  • Karnes/LyX/Start . . . . 3 matches
          1. '''⼭ LyX reconfigure .''' ޴ Lyx -> Reconfigure Ѵ.
  • Karnes/LyX/XeTeX . . . . 8 matches
          * attachment:fig7.png
          1. Reconfigureϸ ˴ϴ. permanentϰ Ϸ Program Files\lyx16\Resources Ʒ ϰ Reconfigureϸ ... ʰڽϴ.
  • Karnes/Oblivoir/FAQ . . . . 9 matches
         === subfigure ɼ ===
          * memoir ü subfigure ֱ Ϲ subfigure ε ʿ䰡 , subfigureٴ ֽ subfig Ű .
          * ׷, LyX Բ ϴ subfigure ʿ ִ.
          * {{{[subfigure]}}} ɼ ϸ {{{\usepackage{subfigure} }}} ޽ ʰ Ѵ.
          * . ɼ ְ {{{\usepackage{subfigure} }}}ϴ ۵ .
  • LaTeX2Html . . . . 1 match
          $fig_name = "׸";
  • LaTeXCad . . . . 5 matches
          Ϻκ(13: 215-225)Դϴ. ġ Ű [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/obsolete/systems/msdos/latexcad.zip latexcad.zip] ȥ . ġ Ű latexcad.zip LaTeXCad ġϸ `latexcad.sty` ã `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` LaTeX2e ֽ Ű `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty`ʹ 浹 Ͼ ׸ ޽ Ÿϴ. (Ʒ `LaTeXCad ġ` Ͻʽÿ.)
         `latexcad.sty` `fancybox`, `epsfig` Ű ҷɴϴ. ׷ `latexcad.sty` ã `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` MiKTeX Ű  ִ `fancybox.sty`, `epsfig.sty` 浹 Ͼ ׸ ޽ Ÿϴ.
  • LaTeXϺ/Obsolete . . . . 4 matches
          1. {{{[localtexmf]\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfm.cfg}}} map ߰Ѵ. ({{{f cid-trivcj.map}}})
          * cid-x.map ̸ {{{cid-omegacjktest.map}}} ļ [localtexmf]\dvipdfm\config ְ, dvipdfmx.cfg {{{ f cid-omegacjktest.map }}} ߰
          1. {{{[localtexmf]\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfm.cfg}}} map ߰Ѵ. (f cid-jpttf.map)
          * `C:\tex\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config`
  • LayOut/ . . . . 1 match
         ⺻ `config` Ǿ ִ. ũ⸦ óϷ `-p` ɼ ũ⸦ ָ ȴ.
  • LocalSpellingWords . . . . 4 matches
         Codebasis Farmen Hilfethemen Konfigurationsvariable Prfixen Unterthemen besonders einsetzen folgende gemeinsame hierfr mehrere optimieren umzuleiten verwendet von weitere zeigt zu zum
         Regelmige Seitenlayout Zusatzdateien konfigurieren
         Entwicklungsversion Installationsprozeduren Installationsszenarien Installationsvorgang Konfigurationsoptionen Plattformen Wikiadministrator ab auswhlen betreiben bevor dabei darin eigenes einrichten empfohlen ihr immer installieren konkrete nchste nchsten zunchst
         Diagnosewerkzeug Grundinstallation Hauptgrund Idealerweise Konfigurationsdatei Kurznamen Mindestmenge Problembehandlung Setupverfahren Systemseiten Verfahrensweise Wikinamen Zugriffsrechte bestcken interaktive seitherige standardmige standardmigen umstellen hnlichem briggebliebene
  • LyX/Korean . . . . 1 match
          * ġ : latex user's texmf Ʒ, lyx-layout Ʒ User's lyx folder/layouts Ʒ ٵΰ, TeX rehash, LyX reconfigureѴ.
  • MacOSHLaTeX . . . . 1 match
          1. `texmf.local/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg`ȭϿ fontmap ߰Ͻø ˴ϴ. ȭ ͷ , map +uhc-pdftex.map̶ Ʒ ߰ ּ.
  • MacOSġϱ/Alternative . . . . 10 matches
          * others : /sw/share/texmf-local, /sw/share/texmf-dist, /sw/share/texmf-config
          * home texmf tree : $HOME/.texmf-var, $HOME/.texmf-config, $HOME/Library/texmf
         ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/teTeX --disable-multiplatform --without-xdvik --without-oxdvik
          1. dvipdfmx ҽ丮 {{{./configure --prefix=/sw}}} ־ Ѵ.
          1. {{{/sw/share/texmf/dvipdfm/config/glyphlist.txt}}} {{{/sw/share/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvipdfm/}}} ġ Űش.
         $ sh ./configure --prefix=/sw
         $ sh ./configure --prefix=/sw
         config-yn .
         $ perl ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-yn -p
         $ perl ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-yn -p -i ~/.texmf-var
  • MacOSġϱ/I-Installer . . . . 1 match
          * ġ ɼ µ ǵ̸ ⺻ ޾Ƶ̰ų ɼ ϴ . "Configure What?" â ׸ TeX Owner Selection CLI Activation õǾ ȮѴ. TeX Owner ڽ صθ ִ( ý ).
  • MadToad/Tmp/Linux . . . . 6 matches
         =======> for commands or configurable options <=======
          TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
         =======> for commands or configurable options <=======
          TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
  • MakingTeXKNOPPIX . . . . 5 matches
         cvs dvipdfmx ҽ ٿε configure 帮 ٲߴϴ.
         #> ./configure --prefix=/usr; make ; make install }}}
         == KDE configuration Ÿ packageġ ==
          * /etc/skel/.kde/share/config wget http://kbrobgy.linuxtop.co.kr/TeXKNOPPIX/kilerc down޾Ƽ copyѴ.
          vi /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kickerrc ؼ openoffice.desktop Ǿ ִ kile.desktop ش. }}}
  • MemoirClass . . . . 1 match
          * Configurable Document Class ϴ ٿ , ǥ Ŭδ ϱ ϰ ֵ ִ ִ.
  • Memoir . . . . 2 matches
         ֱ memoir subfigure ߻ϴ ְ subfigure õ κ ణ ľ . by [Karnes].
  • MetaPost . . . . 4 matches
  • MetaPost/Graph . . . . 14 matches
  • MetaPost . . . . 1 match
  • MiKTeX . . . . 1 match
          (./) MiKTeX 2.6 Ʈ ƿ {{{C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/ }}} MiKTeX ʾҽϴ. {{{dvipdfmx.cfg}}} ({{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\dvipdfm\config/ }}}) ġǾϴ.-[Yhchoe]
  • MiKTeXTools . . . . 1 match
         $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • MiKTeXKC2006 . . . . 1 match
         || dvi Viewer (Ÿ) || OO || OOO || DviOut configurable ||
  • MiKTeXѱȯ/Obsolete . . . . 3 matches
          3. â "initexmf --edit-config-file dvipdfmx" ϸ ޸ ϴ. ޸忡 ߰ մϴ. {{{
          4. "initexmf --edit-config-file updmap" Ͽ ߰մϴ. {{{
          5. () texmf\dvipdfm\config\glyphlist.txt CMR10, CMMI10, CMSY10 ߰ϴ ϴ. ߰ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/KTUG/dvipdfmx/contrib/patches/glyphlist-cm-add.txt ֽϴ.
  • MozillaFirefox . . . . 1 match
          1. ּâ about:config Է
  • NoteEdit . . . . 1 match
          * fedora core 4 noteedit compile rpm version̳ ߴܵ ſ ƽϴ. ׷ 𸣰. ׷ ѹ濡 ذ߽ϴ. http://noteedit.berlios.de/ downloadϰ Ŀ ./cofigure;make;make installϸ ذ˴ϴ. tse3 ֽ compileϱ.
  • OLETeX . . . . 12 matches
          ü `OTEditor` ڵ `Item1`̶ Ī ٿش. ̰ ٲٰ `[F3]` Item1 ü ϰ Configure ư ̸ ٲ۴. ⼭ ʿϴٸ ̹ ũ⵵ ִ.
          (⼭ `testfig.eps` ̸ ٲ ʾҴٸ `Item1.eps` .)
         \caption{MS Excel OLE}\label{fig:testfig1}
         \caption{MS Excel OLE two}\label{fig:testfig2}
  • Omega-CJK . . . . 2 matches
  • PDFTricks . . . . 2 matches
         PDFTricks ϴ ȯ `pdfpic` ִ. ȯ ϱ `\configure` Ե ׸ ɼ ִ.
  • PDF . . . . 5 matches
          fig.jpg ׸ ϴ Դϴ.
  • PDF¼Ʈ . . . . 3 matches
         qvPDF ϰ ̽ ϰ ִ. ̽ε õ ϴ. Configuration ϴ.
          α׷ ޴ qvPDF Configuration ȯ â ִ. qvPDF پ Plug-In ϱ Ȯ强 ſ . ÷ email , FTP Upload ⺻ ȴ. ⺻ Plug-In 2 GUI ȭ Ǿ ִ. ÷θ ɼ ־ Email, FTP ְԲ Ǿ ִ.
  • PSFrag . . . . 8 matches
         ׷, ̷ eps ȭ psfrag Ű ̿Ͽ Ϻ ڿ ġȯϷ ϴ ۵ ˴ϴ. xfig Illustrator eps ȭϿ tex ȭϿ ۵ ϴ , ĿƮ ȭϿ epsȭ ִ ƴѰ ˴ϴ.
          ó ׸ ϳ PSFrag ̿Ͽ ڸ ٲٵ tex ϴ. `tmpfig.tex` մϴ.
         #> latex tmpfig
         #> dvips tmpfig -o
         #> ps2eps tmpfig.ps
          1. eps(`tmpfig.eps`) ڸ ٲ ׸̱⶧ ̸ ϴ ְ DVIPDFMx ̿Ͽ pdf ϴ.
  • Prosper . . . . 1 match
          [2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive and teTeX]
  • SampleDocument . . . . 3 matches
          * ׸ attachment:intro-statistics-fig.zip
          * attachment:context_fig_test.zip
         #> texexec -pdf fig
  • SubfigPackage . . . . 90 matches
         subfig Ű subfigure üϰ Ǿ׿. ɾ ٲ׿. subfigure Ű(ɾ: \subfigure), subfig Ű(ɾ: \subfloat) figure ȯ, table ȯ floatϴ ȯ ӿ մϴ.
          . subfig subfloat table KTUGOperate:12013'''''' ֽϴ.
         (!) subfig Ű -> see CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/subfig/subfig.pdf
         (!) subfigure Ű -> see CTAN:obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/subfigure/subfigure.pdf
         == Subfigure vs. Subfig ==
         === Q1 subfigure, subfig ===
          (a) figure 1-a
          (b) figure 1-b (c) figure 1-c
         Figure 1. caption
         ϳ ׸ Ե Դϴ. ׸, figure 1-b figure 1-c ũⰡ ٸϴ. ̴ , ٸϴ. ̷ 쿡  ؾ ϳ׿... ׸ ÷ϵ ϰڽϴ.===> ÷ϴ ˷ּ^^ ׷ Ź帳ϴ.
         '''A1:''' 켱 '''subfigure Ű''' ҽϴ. Ͽ . Ʒ ÷ ׸ ˴ϴ. ׸ Ѳ ÷Ϸ ְ ä ϸ ˴ϴ.
         \usepackage{amssymb,graphicx,subfigure}%subfig Ű subfigure->subfig ٲ
          \centering \subfigure[This is Fig a]%subfig Ű \subfigure->\subfloat ٲ
          {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=40mm]{fig5a}}\\ %subfig Ű \\ ʿ
          \centering\subfigure[This is Fig b]
          \subfigure[This is Fig c]
  • TTF2HLaTeXFont . . . . 10 matches
          * dvipdfmx ֱ fakebold ɼ . config Ͽ m b cid map -b ɼ ڵ ߰.
          * ٿ cmap sfd CONFIGFILE ڰ ֵ . ̷ ⺻ `UniKSCms-UCS2-H` `Unicode`. :
         Usage: ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE [-p] [-o]
          ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c CONFIGFILE -i TEXMFROOTDIR [-p] [-o]
          -c CONFIGFILE
          obtain font-related configuration from CONFIGFILE and
         CONFIGFILE syntax example:
         [۲] , Uploads:config-un ̿ ֽϴ. See [۲].
         [۲] ƴ ٸ ѱTrueType ۲ 쿡 شϴ config ۼϿ մϴ. ⼭ ̴ [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/ktug-doc/makettfavailable/makettfavailable.html HLaTeX TrueType ۲ ϱ] ۿ ϰ óϴ Դϴ.
          1. config-my ۼѴ.
         #> perl ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-my
         ۲ø Ǵ ƴ϶  ttf̵ config պ ȴٴ ̱.
          ˼մϴ. test.pdf ø Ϸ UploadedFiles ãư üũڽ ǥϰ deleteϷ ߴ, ϴ. sdtest.pdf ߰ŵ. Ͻø ø ٲֽʽÿ. , map , TTF2HLaTeXFont ũƮ 鼭 config 뿡 ڵ ٸ Ǵ ϴ. ̸׸ foo font config-foo config , dvipdfmx map cid-foottf.map, dvips map foottf2pk.map ˴ϴ. ׷ map ȥ Դϴ. ^^. ư ֽϴ. ü ƴѰ, ׸ MiKTeX ƴѰ غϴ. --[Progress]
  • Tabularȯ . . . . 1 match
          sidewaysfigure sidewaystable dvi viewer ʰ, ps Ǵ pdf Ȯ ƾ մϴ.
  • TeX4ht/ȭ . . . . 12 matches
         === \Configure{crosslinks} \Pictureȯ ̿ Page crosslink ===
         \ Configure{crosslinks} \Picture ΰ ȯ游 ׳ ¥߸ Ǵ. ѹ , TUG Ҵ, down Ǿ image ׿. TUG homepage Ǵµ ѹ . ׷ δ image ٵ,  ؾ ?
          * latex4wp ϴ comand line optionδ `htlatex filename "start,xhtml,frames,3,info"`Դϴ. 3 option set߿ ù° option set ߽ϴ. start.cfg ׻ ù option set߿ ó; մϴ. start.cfgٰ CSS Ͽϴ. ι° xhtml xhtml ̰, frames̶ frames ̿Ͽ ۼ϶ Դϴ. 3̶ ڴ `are simplly shortcuts for a single \tableofcontents and a few \CutAt and \TocAt* command`̰, info ϴ° filename.log Դϴ. ⼭ ٸ ͵ Ŀ ̾߱ ϰ, filename.log ֽϴ. `frames`̳ `\Configure{texttt}` ⿡ Խϴ.
          * ο command ϰ Ŀ  ϸ tex4ht ? Դϴ. tex4ht `\NewConfigure` ɾ մϴ. tex4ht ø Ǿ ʴ ο ɾ ״ ֽϴ. ⸦ .http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn6.html. Web Companion Դϴ.
          * latex4wp webȭ ϱ ؼ NewconfigureԴϴ. ϴ.
          * ſ ϴ. latex4wp bfseries Ǿ ʾҽϴ. ׷ {{{ ConfigureEnv{bfseries}{\Protect\HCode{<span class="boldseries">}}<\Protect\HCode{</span>}}{}{} }}} ָ ˴ϴ. ο tex4ht web site web companion ϼ.
         ̷ Wiki page ֽôٴ... LaTeXʺԴϴ. ׳ ̰ غٰ ̰ غ ̷ ִ.. ϴ Դϴ. ׾ . \NewConfigure Ȯ 䵵 Դϴ. ׳ tex4ht homepage ׷ ־ ѹ Դϴ. ̷ ø LaTeX Ե Program Ƿִºе ø, ̾ ϸ鼭, ٲֽǰ Ƽ Դϴ. ׷ٸ hangul.sty hangul.4ht ? Դϴ. hangul.4ht Ͽ ⿵ڻ ѱ۰ TeX Ϻα ۼ Դϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/chapter.html ۿ linux k󿡼 \TeX ɾ ԰, ưµ, ̻ϰԵ(?) IE ¥ ̻ϰų ڿ ̻ϰ ͼ, \ ۼ ߽ϴ. ѹ ð Ͻôº ּ.
          ȯ濡 ۵ ʴ. "\Configure" ɾ ˾ƺ Ͱϴ. ĥ ڿ ٽ ø. -- ڱ [[DateTime(2004-02-03T23:13:11)]]
  • TeX4ht/ѱ۱ . . . . 2 matches
          1. ù°δ hangul-tex4ht htfȭ ̿ϴ Դϴ. 翬 hangul-tex4ht {{{ %\Configure{@BODY}{\NoFonts}, %\Configure{@/BODY}{\EndNoFonts} }}} ׸ ּóؾ մϴ. htf ȭϿ 2° field ȣ ־ մϴ. ̷ Ǹ html source ϴ. Uploads:euckrtex4ht.zip Uploads:unicodetex4ht.zip Դϴ.
  • TeXKNOPPIX . . . . 5 matches
         == TeXKNOPPIX KDE configuration ٲٰų texmf-on-the-fly ʰ usb memory stick ϰ ==
          * kicker icon clickѴ.--> configure --> Save KNOPPIX configurationĿ d: save... click --> /mnt/sda1 clickϰ Ŀ
          * Ƹ ο Ư ʿ KDE configuration̳ network configuration ϰ ͽϴ.
  • TeXWorks . . . . 1 match
          * '''C:\Documents and Settings\hoho\.texlive2009\texmf-config\texworks\completion\tw-latex.txt''' ڵ ϼ Ͽ ߰Ѵ.
  • TeXmaker . . . . 2 matches
         Options -> Configure TeXmaker -> Editor .
  • TeXmaker/Customizing . . . . 2 matches
         ޴ {{{Options -> Configure TeXmaker}}} Ͽ ϰų ȮѴ.
         TeXmaker Ͽ {{{Options -> Configure Texmaker}}} Editor ׸񿡼 Spelling dictionary ִ ư ko.dic ش. inline üũصθ Է½ÿ öڰ˻Ⱑ Ѵ.
  • TeXmaker/InverseSearch . . . . 1 match
         TeXmaker : Options -> Configure TeXmaker -> Commands LaTeX (src special ɼ ߰).
  • TeXmaker/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
         Options -> Configure Texmaker -> Commands -> dvi viewer {{{
  • TeX۲ . . . . 8 matches
          , `dvipdfm` ϴ `config` Ͽ
          쿡 `dvips` `config.ps`, `dvipdfm` `config`, ׸ `pdftex` `pdftex.cfg` `map` ϳϳ ־ Ѵ. map ٸǷ, ʿϴٸ map ۼϿ Ѵ.
          CVS HLaTeX ġ (See [ġϱ]) `[texmf]/dvips/config/config.ps`
          , `[texmf]/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg`
          , `[texmf]/dvipdfm/config/config`
  • Tellico . . . . 1 match
          1. Tellico ޴ "Settings" > "Configure Tellico"
  • TocLofLot . . . . 1 match
         == (tableofcontents, listoffigures, listoftables) ̾ƿ ==
  • UltraEdit . . . . 1 match
          * ٿ ְ ϸ UltraEdit ڵ νϸ , Ʈ Advanced -> Configuration -> Editor Display -> Syntax Highlighting
  • VimEditor . . . . 1 match
          return "itemize\nenumerate\ndescription\ntabular\nfigure\ntable\nquote\nquotation\ndocument\nthebibliography"
  • WhatsUpToDate . . . . 1 match
          1. epsfig Ű ̻ ʴ´. ܺ ׸ graphicx Ű {{{\includegraphics}}} , ̸ Ȯ ԷѴ.
  • WinEdit . . . . 1 match
          WinEdit is a full-featured programmer's editor which can be configured for any language or compiler. However, it is not a specialized LaTeX editor. If you are purchasing WinEdit for use with LaTeX, please make sure you are not confusing us with WinEdt, published by Aleksander Simonic.
  • WinEdt . . . . 1 match
          * ⺻: WinEdt . Options/Configurations -> 'TeXLive'
  • WinEdt/KC2007 . . . . 4 matches
          * ġ WinEdt Ͽ ׸ {{{Options -> Configurations -> KC2007(default) }}} ư ѹ Ͽ .
          * Configuration Wizard Diagnosis TeX ý KC2007 Ȯε
         *** Ȥ, winedt -> options -> configurations KC2006/7̶ ,
         C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Config MiKTeX KC2006/7 MiKTeX ٲٸ
  • WinEdt/KC2008 . . . . 1 match
          1. WinEdt 5.6 : Option/Configurations -> TeXLive
  • WinEdt/KC2008/WinEdt5.5 . . . . 1 match
          * 'Option' -> 'Configurations' -> 'TeXLive'
  • WinEdt/Unicode . . . . 1 match
         Options -> Configuration Wizard -> Wrapping ǿ "UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM)" ִ. MiKTeX ̰ üũϸ ǰ KC2006̶ ⿡ BOM ̰ų ִ.
  • WinEdtTip/DOSɽ . . . . 3 matches
         Index ְ ܾ `\index{YourWord}` `\index{ }` ֶ Ǿ ֽϴ. ׸ ۾ svind.ist ְ LaTeX, MakeIndex, LaTeX, LaTeX ʷ ϸ ˴ϴ. ϴ ʿϿ http://www.fuzzy.ugent.be/SCIP/book2006/book2006.html author.tex, svmult.cls, figure.eps, svind.ist Խϴ. ְ author.tex [[FootNote(TeXifyϸ default ǵ Index ŸϿ Index ϴ. ̰ svind.ist Dos MakeIndex Ͱ Item ǥ  ȵ ̰ ֽϴ.)]] "Run Application..." ȭڸ `Command Line:` Ʒ ׸ 7 ְ OK ߸ ٽ Ͽ ˴ϴ(KTUGOperate:15132'''''').
  • WinEdtTip/Templates . . . . 4 matches
         === ׸(figure) ȯ ===
          ׸ ۲ '''B''', '''''I''''' "︰ Ʈ " ߿ Ŀ "Insert Image" dz . ߸ `figure` ȯ Էµȴ( ׸ Doc1 1-5 ). ⼭ 2 "% ''Requires''" ִ
         == Configuration Template ==
  • WinEdtTip/޴ǥ . . . . 3 matches
         '''׸ 1:''' WinEdt 5.5 Ÿ 5 {{{KC2006_Config_WinEdt.exe}}} ٿεϿ Ͽ {{{Options->Configurations}}} ٲ ̴. â â̸ ȰȭǾ ִ ο ̸ ְ, Ʒ ޴(Menu Bar) (Tool Bar) ִ. "ũ" â̸ {{{WinEdt/KC2006}}} ִ ޴(Menu Bar) {{{Options->Configurations->KC2006}}} Ͽ ̴. Tool Bar " " GUI Page Control( 500 ȣ ξ.) ̰ ȸ Į 콺 "Show Line Numbers" ̴. ٽ â Ʒ ?, A, 18:1 ִ. " ǥ"(Status Line)̶ Ѵ. ִ õ ǥõǾ ְ  ġ ִ. " ǥ" ޴ Tool Bar ó ȸ κ 콺 Ŭϸ Ʒ ׸ ȭ(Popup) Ÿ. ⼭ "Show Status Line" Ŭ()ϸ ȴ.
  • WinEdtTip/α׷ . . . . 3 matches
          "ũι 5.0"(Ǵ 6.0) ִ ¿ AdobeReader 6.0(Ǵ 7.0) `Acrobat.exe` ο `AcroRd32.exe` ΰ ϱ "WinEdt Configuration Wizard "Diagnosis" `AcroRead` (Ʒ ׸ ) ʰ
         '''׸ 12:''' "{{{WinEdt Configuration Wizard}}}" ȭ: {{{Diagnosis}}}
  • WinEdtTip/ . . . . 2 matches
          Options -> Configuration Wizard
          Ŭϸ "WinEdt Configuration Wizard"(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿ. ⼭ "Proejcts" Ŭϸ
  • WinEdtġ . . . . 12 matches
          (!) MiKTeX ϰ ִ ( ) WinEdtԴϴ. Ʒ ׸ "Default Startup Sequence ..." ÷ ׸ "TeX Live Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ "TeXLive"(cf. [http://www.tug.org/texlive/ TeX Live]) ϰ ִ ϴ.--[Yhchoe]
         === Configuration Wizard ===
          ***WinEdt Configuration Wizard
          ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿϴ. ̶ Install.txt ׳ ѹ о ݾƵ ˴ϴ. "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭ ڴ ׳ Ʒ "File Type Association ڵ " (Ǵ KTUGContrib:387'''''') TeX ϵ ܰ θ Ѳ " ɼ" " " ø մϴ.
          ***WinEdt Configuration Wizard
          Options -> Configuration Wizard
          Ŭϸ "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭڰ Ÿϴ. ٽ ȭ ޴ "Filetype Associations" ϸ ʿ "Modify Filetype Associations..." ߰ ֽϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ ׸
          Options->Configuration Wizard...
          *** WinEdt Configuration Wizard
         '''׸5''': ׸ WinEdt 5.4 ĸ Դϴ. "fpTeX (TeX Live) Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ fpTeX (TeX Live) ϰ ϴ. ߸ Tool Bar ߵ ٲϴ. Ƹ "fpTeX (TeX Live)" TeXify Դϴ. TeXify ߰ ϴ. ׸ "TtH" ߰ ȰȭǾϴ.
  • WinFig . . . . 1 match
          ⺻ fig2dev ȯ Դϴ.
          1. MetaPost ȯ WinFig ϴ 湫() , ѱ ־ մϴ.
  • WordToLaTeX . . . . 1 match
         Word-to-LaTeX (Word-to-XML; two names for the same program :-)) is a program for converting documents written in Microsoft Word into LaTeX and XML format (additional formats can be easily added through the configuration; XML output can be later transformed to whatever format you need, transformation stylesheet from XML to XHTML is included). Word-to-LaTeX runs only on Windows with Microsoft Word installed.
  • XFig . . . . 6 matches
         == XFig ѱ ==
  • Yhchoe/WinEdt̵ . . . . 1 match
          ׸ ۲ '''B''', '''''I''''' "Ʈ ︰ ׸" ߿ Ŀ "Insert Image" dz . ̴߸ figure ȯ Էµȴ(׸ Doc1 1-5 ). ⼭ 2 "% ''Requires''" ִ
  • graphicx . . . . 7 matches
         (./) '''xfig''':
         [XFig] ̿ϸ eps ְ, eps
         === `figure` ȯ濡 ֱ ===
         `figure` ȯ濡 ־ָ ȴ.
         `figure` ȯ ؼ [ٴϴ°ü],
  • hermian . . . . 1 match
          * [http://www.ntg.nl/maps/32/13.pdf Compiling MetaPost figures under ConTEXt]
  • likesam . . . . 2 matches
          * http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/config/intermap.txt
         >kpsewhich --var-value=FONTCONFIG_PATH
         >kpsewhich --var-value=FONTCONFIG_FILE
          * KC2006 windows ⺻۲ DVIPDFMx ̿ , ۲ Ե PDF , ȯ游 ϴ ̸ Ͽ, KC2007ʹ ̷ κ ⺻δ ʴ´. ׷Ƿ, http://faq.ktug.or.kr/faq/KC2007/UPDATES#s-2.2 Ͽ ⺻۲ð ȭ ġϰ, http://project.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/README Ͽ C:\bin\TeX\share\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfmx.cfg  ȭ ϰ ִ Ȯϰ, ( cid-kxttf.map), ۲ mapȭϿ ۲̸ տ ! ߰Ѵ.
  • smcho/QnA . . . . 3 matches
          * subfig ϱ - [SubfigPackage]
          * floatingfigure - KTUGOperate:8843
  • xkeyval . . . . 3 matches
  • yfonts . . . . 3 matches
          * `config.yfrak` -> `[texmf]/dvips/config/config.yfrak`
  • ׸ϱ/ . . . . 11 matches
         == Figure ȯ ==
         === figure ȯ ӿ ׸ ϳ ִ ===
         (from KTUGOperate:896'''''') Usepackage ɾ (control sequence) ٸ. ں \usepackage{epsfig}
          ׸ Figure3.png Ǵ Figure3.jpg Ǵ Figure3.pdf Էϴ ȣѴ. ׸ ȣ ̰ ĸ ޷ [ٴϴ°ü] figure ȯ Ѵ.
         === figure ȯ ӿ ׸ ִ ===
         ==== subfigure Ǵ subfloat ====
         figure ȯ ӿ subfigure Ǵ subfloat Ἥ ׸ ִ -> SubfigPackage Ǵ KTUGOperate:1230''''''
         figure ȯ ӿ parbox Ἥ ׸ ִ -> KTUGOperate:19735''''''
  • ̺ . . . . 5 matches
  • . . . . 1 match
          Ͷϸ Qedit. ϰ Ű εҼ ִ Qconfig ¾α׷ ־ϴ. ׷ Ʈ Ű 놌 ϴ. ũⰡ 6~70kbyte ɷ ϴµ ׵ ũٰ Ͼ ѳ ߾ϴ. ׹ۿ PE2 ϴ ͵ ־µ μη â ־ϴ. ݵ ϴ Ⱑ ctrl-backspaceϴ. ۿ ME 뷮Ѿ ִ Ͱ ־µ ޴ ô Ҵ ﳳϴ. δ ó â ־ 콺 ɵ ߴ ɷ ˴ϴ. ׸ CliE(Ŭ) 츮 Ʈȸ翡 α׷ӿ Ͱ ־µ ִ ũⰡ 64kbyteϴ. ׷ 뷮 α׷Ӷ ̻ ū ũ ҽ ٷ ȵȴٴ ̾ϴ. Ͱ ó ְ Ʈϴ. NE ͵ ־µ ־ϴ. NC ޷ִ ͸ . ̺ ȰŴ 翡 ̵ű̶ ƿ Ͱ ־. ɾ ߿ ͺC ȯ濡 ִ ͷ ذҷ ߽ϴ. ׷ F4 ִٴ ũΰ ϴٴ Ʒ ѱ۷ Ʈ ϰ text ߽ϴ. ۿ ̷ ͸ ֱ. --ƺ
  • ٴ . . . . 19 matches
          * floats `figure*`, `table*`θ . , ȿ ξ ʴ´.
         figure table floating objects( floating object [[FootNote( ȣ ϰǰ Ѵ. 켱 ں \newcounter{mytempeqncnt} ְ ȯ ӿ \setcounter{mytempeqncnt}{\value{equation}} \setcounter{equation}{5} floating objects ְ \setcounter{equation}{\value{mytempeqncnt}} \hrulefill \vspace*{4pt} ϸ ڵ б ϴ.)]]) `ǥ ȯ` ܿ ĥ ִ. cf. [ٴϴ°ü]. KTUGOperate:17023
         figure* ȯ, table* ȯ [ٴϴ ü]̴. ̷ ׸, ǥ, ġ LaTeX Ѵ. ÷õ ġ ʴ´ٸ {{{[!h]}}} ġڷ ÷ غ ִ. κ ܿ ġ ׸ {{{[t]}}} ġ 찡 . ÷ýŰ ʴٸ figure* ȯ ؼ ȵȴ. ٸ ãƺ. here Ű ܿ ġ figure* ġ ǵ ġ ش.
         multicol ׸ ƴմϴ. float ȿ Դϴ. , float(table, figure) ܿ ġ θ ִٴ Դϴ.
         \caption{test my fig}\label{fig:test}
         (./) revtex4 ܿ ġ ǥ ׸ widetext ȯ濡 ʰ table* Ǵ figure* ȯ .->KTUGOperate:16793
         ̰ 2 Ǵ ¥, Ʒ 1 ؽƮ stfloat Ű ̿Ͽ {figure*}{{{[!b]}}} ġ ִ Դϴ. Ű κ , ϰڽϴ.
          a. \begin{figure*}{{{[!b]}}} ϴ 1 κ ݵ ʴ ؽƮ κп ־߸ մϴ. , ο ֵȴٴ Ͻñ ٶϴ.
         multicol Ű ̿ϸ 3 ̻ ٴ ϴ. ٸ [ٴϴ ü] ü ܿ ġ (`figure*` Ǵ `table*`)θ ְ ִ ܺ ġ ʰ ܿ ġ 1 ǵȴ.
  • ٴϴ°ü . . . . 18 matches
         ''ٴϴ ü'' 帧 鼭 ǥ(Table) ׸(Figure) ġϱ ̴.
         ǥ ؼ [Tableȯ], ׸ ؼ [Figureȯ], ׸ ֿ ؼ MarginalNote .
          1. figure table ĸ ̸ Figure Ǵ Table ְ list of figures list of tables Ͽ ΰ ָ δ ϴ. , figure table̵ ׸̳ ǥ(tabular)  ̵ ͵ ȴ.
          \begin{table}[ġ] % Ǵ figure
          <!> 2 ([ٴ]) ܿ ġ ū ׸̳ ǥ( floating object ) figure*, table* ''ǥ'' ȯ ȴ.
          * <!> `[h]` ġڴ ϳ ʴ´. LaTeX ġ ⺻ `[tbp]`̰, `[h]` `[htbp]` Ͱ ϰ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ,  ׸̳ ǥ Ư ġ ݵ ġϰ ϰ ʹٸ, ׸̳ ǥ floating Ű ʾƾ Ѵ. ׸̳ ǥ floating Ű [Figureȯ]̳ [Tableȯ] ȿ ȴ. `\caption` floating ȯ ȿ ۵, ÷ýŰ ü ġ ĸ ִ ó ĸ ̴ ִ. [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/gfaqprj/gfaq-html/node50.html GFAQ no. 50] ϶.
          1. `\topfigrule`, `\botfigrule`, `\dblfigrule`
          1. '''subfigure Ű''', '''subfig Ű'''
          1. '''wrapfig Ű'''
         '''Q.''' figure ؼ ־ "too many unprocessed floats" ߻մϴ.
          '''A.''' figure, table, maginal note floats ϴ queue  flushǴ óǴµ, LaTeX ó ִ float queue 18 ϴ. ׷Ƿ ó float 18 ߻մϴ. . [ó]. ̷ ߰߰ {{{\clearpage}}} ξ float flushϰ ϴ ֽϴ. , morefloats Ű 36 ų ֽϴ.
          '''A.''' ׸ [http://doc.ktug.or.kr/gfaqprj/gfaq-html/node43.html GFAQ no. 43] ֽϴ. --`floatflt` Ű ̿Ͻʽÿ.-- ׸ ѱ 쿡 --`picins` Ǵ-- `picinpar` Ű ֽϴ. (TeXLive 2008 floatflt picins ԵǾ Ƿ wrapfig hvfloat, floatrow Ű ϴ ϴ.)
         '''Q.''' table, figure, maginpar ̿ ٴϴ ü Ƿ ?
  • ŴƮ/ȭ . . . . 2 matches
         ~ ۱ EPS "end{figure}" ~ȫȫ V^^;
          ϴ. \end{figure} ְڽϴ.
  • 鹬۲ . . . . 1 match
  • ȣٲٱ . . . . 5 matches
         part paragraph figure enumi
          ٲ ִ. ⼭ ù ǥ{} {} ӿ counter(page, figure ) ְ ° ǥ{} {} ӿ ȭ ִ´.
         "ڵ ȣ ű" ȣ ܼ ȣ(1, 2, ...) չȣ(: 1.1, 1.1.1, ...) ġų չȣ(combined number) ܼ ȣ ٲ ְ Ͽ ִ Ű amsmath.sty, rmreset.sty, chngcntr.sty ִ. ɾ ٸ ϴ. Ŭ , Ÿ Ͽ ̹ ǵ ֱ (page, figure ) ٸ ִ.
         %################ Fig. caption #####################
          ȣ ־ (׸ 3.2 .... ) \counterwithin{figure}{chapter}ϴϱ ȣ ׸ȣ ɴϴ.....
  • . . . . 1 match
         C:\Users(ѱ )\{}\.texlive2009\texmf-config\texworks (ȭ Ŭ)
  • /200304 . . . . 6 matches
         config = 0.000
         [MiKTeX-KTUG] ġ ̵忡 䵥... ġ Ŀ `initexmf --mkmaps` ϶ ʴµ ;) `[texmf]/miktex/config/config.bat` ϶ ٲٴ ? ġϿ `initexmf --mkmaps` 翬 ԵǾ ֽϴ. ġ ϴ `initexmf -u` `initexmf --mkmaps` ŷο ۾ ٿ մϴ. --[Karnes]
          mytexmf C:\ ߰ߴµ, config.bat ϰ , mytexmf ̸ͺ̽ Ƚϴ. ׷ <ɼ > ٽ ߰ϴ. --[hoze]
          config.bat ó ġ ¿ ϴ ̶ ϴ ڱ. Ͼ ѱPKƮ Ȳ ϴ ϴ. ڰ ߰ users' texmf tree Ƹ ݿ Դϴ. ( ϸ ݿ ͵ ϴٸ...) config.bat ɼ ڸ ̿ϰų, initexmf -u ߰ϴ ͵ ̶ ˴ϴ. --[Karnes]
  • /200512 . . . . 1 match
          ǵǰ ִ [Yap] [DVI] θ鼭 pk Ʈ ϴ õ ϴ. ϱ⿡, ̰ [Yap] װ ƴѰ մϴ. [MiKTeX] pk Ʈ miktex_make_pk ƾ θ ε ̰ makepk Ͱ ; մϴ. ׷  [Yap] pk ͱ ϴµ, FNDB ϰ pk װ [kpathsea] ̿ؼ ҷ մϴ. [MiKTeX] 2.2 Ͽ [MiKTeX] 2.3 κ ϰ, ݱ δ [MiKTeX] 2.2 times, palatino Ʈ ؼ µ [MiKTeX] 2.3 txfonts, pxfonts ϸ κ pk FNDB ϴ ϴ. [hoze] Ͻ , [Yap] ̸ ص ¿ [DVI] ϰԵ pk 찡 ִ , ̰ Ȯ [Yap] ׶ Դϴ. ƹư `initexmf -u` ϴ pk Ʈ FNDB ϴ ̹Ƿ, ǰ. [MiKTeX] ʴٴ ִ ƴѰ մϴ.  CygWin-[teTeX] ׷ ٰ ˴ϴ. Ȯ , [MiKTeX] 2.3 '''ó ġ ''' `config.bat` ָ pk Ʈ پٴ Դϴ. --[Karnes]
  • /200703 . . . . 1 match
         config.php ߰ ϸ
  • ȣ . . . . 1 match
         '''A1'''(From KTUGContrib:2992'''''')''':''' figure ȯ ӿ \label \caption ξ ȵ˴ϴ. ׸ showkeys Ű \label{...} \caption{ } ǥ { } ӿ δ ٷ ڿ δ ƴϸ ٸ δĿ "Label ǥ" ġ ޸ Ÿϴ.
  • . . . . 12 matches
          * `[texmf]/dvips/config/config.ps` ַ Ǵ ̸, ٸ ɼ `dvips` ϸ Ѵ.
          `config.pdf` θ.
          * `config.ps`  ο ۲ ߰ `p +` ڸ , ֱٿ `config.ps` ʰ `updmap` ̿ϴ Ϲ̴.
          * `kpsewhich --format="dvips config" config.ps` ã ִ.
          * `[texmf]/dvipdfm/config/config` ̴.
          * `kpsewhich --format="other text files" --progname="dvipdfm" config`
          * `[texmf]/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg` ̴.
          <!> MiKTeX `texmf.cnf` `[texmf]/miktex/config/miktex.ini` Ϸ .
  • Truetype۲û . . . . 2 matches
          * ''ttfonts.map'' ؼ ''trebuc.map''̶ c:\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config ű. ٲ۴: tfm encoding ttf -s .12. ''-s .12'' 翡 Ǵ ɼ̴. ,{{{rectrebuc T1-WGL4.enc trebuc.ttf
          * c:\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfm'''x'''.cfg  '''f trebuc.map''' ÷Ѵ.
  • ó/ͼ . . . . 1 match
         {{{.../texmf/miktex/config/miktex.ini}}} Editor= κ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ѵ.
  • Ű۾ . . . . 3 matches
          ''config.php lang charset [UTF-8]ΰ? ׷ .vimrc [UTF-8] ؾ ϴ ׷ ƴѰ? ׳ Դϴ.'' --[hermian]
          config.php {{{$vim_options='+"set expandtab" +"retab" +"encoding=euc-kr"';}}} ־ϴ. --WkPark
         config.php {{{$use_sectionedit=1;}}} ֽ߰ø ڳ׿. ̷ Ű Ƹ ̴ϴ. --[hermian]
  • ۲ . . . . 5 matches
         TTF2HLaTeXFont script config ̿Ѵ. ڼ TTF2HLaTeXFont .
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un -i c:\texmf-un
         #> ttf2hlatexfont.pl -c config-un -o
  • . . . . 12 matches
         \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\thesection.\arabic{figure}} }}}
          : Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.tex, Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.pdf
          % figure ī͸ section ī slave Դٰ
          % \thefigure <section ȣ>.<figure ȣ> Ѵ.
          ... ȣִ ADSL , 56K ... netconfig emacs ׽Ʈ ؼ ⺻ΰ ΰ͸ ҽϴ. notebook ġ Redhat6.1 Դ ̸ ȵǴ ͵ Ʈ ͵ ǻͶ Ű ̴ Nintendoӿ ϰִϴ :)
  • . . . . 2 matches
         '''Q6'''(KTUGOperate:16101''''''):''' LaTex µ ù° ȣ `[1]` ƴ `[18]` ϳ׿. ãƺ \listoffigures ʿ ׸ ־µ ׸ ּ ߿ ֽϴ. ׷ ׸ Ͽ ȣ ϴ. ̰ ϵ ϴ ?
          ϴ \listoffigures ɾ մϴ. ׷ ȣ ó ο `[1]` մϴ. ¿ .aux .log \listoffiugres ɾ ְ ٽ ϸ ϴ ׿. ִ ƹ ϴ Ǵ װɷ Դϴ.
  • ŬͽŸ . . . . 1 match
  • ƮŸԱ۲ûϱ . . . . 6 matches
          * Ʈ  ̸ ؿ Ѵ.  yn ̶ ̸ Ʈ ϴ 츦 ϸ Ѵ. config-yn ̶ Ѵ.
          {{{/usr/sh config-yn.bat}}}
         ttf2hlatexfont -c config-yn
         ttf2hlatexfont -c config-yn -i %HOME%\texmf
          * '''߿.''' ڽ home 丮  %HOME%\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfmx.cfg <DRIVE>:\TeX\share\texmf-local\dvipdfm\config\ 丮 Ѵ. , %HOME%\texmf\ttf2pk\base\ttf2pk.cfg <DRIVE>:\TeX\share\texmf-local\ttf2pk\base\ 丮 Ѵ. ִ ̸ صΰų .
  • ѱ۱۲ù . . . . 2 matches
          켱 ϳ ۼϴ Ȳ, ¹ ڽ ִ  ڵ 𸣴 LaTeX ǥ Դϴ. ̰ ʿ , ϰ ִ , ѵ Ƽ ̳ νõ ٹ̴ Ȳ غø Դϴ. ڸ ڱ ۲ ؼ ִٸ νõ ñ? ǥ ׸ ġ ٰ Ͻô е , װ ߿ å Դϴ. ׸ ܼ \begin{figure}...\end{figure} ȿ ǰ, ۼڰ ڽ ǻͿ DVI ̰ ̻ϰ ġǵ縻 ¹ ϸ ׸Դϴ. ֳϸ ¹ ̰ ׸ 迭 Ϸ ٲٰ ̹Ƿ, ׸ ̳ ĸ ü ϵǰ ̹Ƿ, \caption̶ ͸ ǥϴ ľ Ѵٴ LaTeX ۾ '''ϰ''' ؼ ʿ ̶ մϴ.
1352 ߿ 166 ߰ߵǾϴ

ã⸦ ֽϴ.

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