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# As a command-line option for xdvi(k). With most shells, the option string needs to be enclosed into double quotes if it contains spaces, e.g.:

xdvi -editor "gnuclient -q +%l %f" file.dvi

# As an X resource setting. E.g. add the following line to the file ~/.Xdefaults:

xdvi.editor: gnuclient -q +%l %f

(note: no quotes in this case), and activate it with the following command:

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

See the xrdb(1) and X(1) man pages for more information. # By using one of the environment variables XEDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR, e.g. (for (ba)sh):

export XEDITOR="gnuclient -q"

or for (t)csh:

setenv XEDITOR "gnuclient -q"

Windows¿¡¼­ XDvi »ç¿ëÇϱâ

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