Might as well be frank, monsieur. It would take a miracle to get you out of Casablanca.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쌥띰옙占쏙옙TeXmaker/FrontPage占쏙옙키홈占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙&value=키홈PDFEncryption&value=Truetype۲û › ȣٲٱ

1 ڵ ȣ ű
2 ȣ ٲٱ
3 ܼȣ, չȣ ٲٱ
3.1 amsmath + rmreset vs. chngcntr
3.2 ʹȣ ϱ
3.3 ǥ, ׸ ȣ οϱ
3.4 ȣ Theorem ȣ


1 ڵ ȣ ű

The LaTeX Companion, 2nd ed. 851-852ʿ ǥ LaTeX Ŭ counter(ڵ ȣ ű) ǵǾ ִٰ Ͽ.
part               paragraph             figure               enumi
chapter            subparagraph          table                enumii
section            page                  footnote             enumiii
subsection         equation              mpfootnote           enumiv
ο counter ϴ ִ.


2 ȣ ٲٱ

ų ҽ Ϸ  ӵ ȣ ̰ ִ.

ȣ ġ (From KTUGOperate:6670)
Ǵ (From KTUGOperate:16420)
ٲ ִ. ⼭ ù ǥ{} {} ӿ counter(page, figure ) ְ ° ǥ{} {} ӿ ȭ ִ´.


3 ܼȣ, չȣ ٲٱ


3.1 amsmath + rmreset vs. chngcntr

"ڵ ȣ ű" ȣ ܼ ȣ(1, 2, ...) չȣ(: 1.1, 1.1.1, ...) ġų չȣ(combined number) ܼ ȣ ٲ ְ Ͽ ִ Ű amsmath.sty, rmreset.sty, chngcntr.sty ִ. ɾ ٸ ϴ. Ŭ , Ÿ Ͽ ̹ ǵ ֱ (page, figure ) ٸ ִ.

  • amsmath: \numberwithin{equation}{section}
  • rmreset: \numberwithout{equation}{chapter}
  • chngcntr: \cunterwithin{equation}{section}, \counterwithout{equation}{chapter}

    <!> ٸ Ű Ǵ ҷ Ͽ Ͽ overrideǴ ؼ ̵ ɾ ִ ϴ.

    <!> rmreset.sty KTUGOperate:15847 ÷εǾ " " Բ ִ.

3.2 ʹȣ ϱ

(From KTUGOperate:17323) ں
\usepackage{chngcntr}%memoir ּ ó
Էϰ ù chapter ϴ
\renewcommand\thepage{\thechapter-\arabic{page}}%ʹȣ 1-1, 1-2 Ÿ Ѵ.
Էϰ chapter ϴ
ԷѴ. ̰ ȣ 0 Ѵ.

See also KTUGOperate:15620.


3.3 ǥ, ׸ ȣ οϱ

Q(KTUGOperate:18251): ϰ ִ Ű ϴ.
ϰ \maxsecnumdepth{part} ϰ ׸ȣ 0.(ȣ) Դϴ.

A(KTUGOperate:18254): 庰 ۾ ϸ鼭 忡 شϴ ׸ȣ ֱ ָ µ... Ʒ ɾ ߰ϴϱ ׸ȣ ȣ ־ϴ.
%################ Fig. caption  #####################
ȣ ־ (׸ 3.2 .... ) \counterwithin{figure}{chapter}ϴϱ ȣ ׸ȣ ɴϴ.....
<!> memoir ũ ƴ chngcntr.sty մϴ.


3.4 ȣ Theorem ȣ

Q(KTUGOperate:18741): ( ȣ Theorem ȣ ) ״Դϴ. .
Theorem 3.1 (¼ ¼)

Lemma 3.4
̷ ȣ Ű Ϸ  ؾ ϳ? supervisor ۾ ׳ ȣ Űܼ ԷϽô, Ƚ̳׿.  ؾ 𸣴 Ƚ.

(amsart ۼ Դϴ)

A(KTUGOperate:18745): AMSLaTeX/Math ׸ "(Theorem-like) Բ ȣ ̱" ޾ҽϴ.

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