You enjoy the company of other people.
FrontPageIsCho/PSTricks占쏙옙占쏙옙占싱놂옙占쏙옙&value=CygWin에서설치하기FancyHdr&value=FigureȯPDFEncryption&value=LaTeX/WordIndex › Truetype۲û

2 Truetype ۲ ϴ
2.1 Native TTF for pdflatex
2.2 Native TTF for dvipdfmx
2.3 TTF PK(Ʈʱ۲) ٲپ
2.4 TTF Type1 ٲپ
2.5 TTF Type42 ٲپ
3 ġϴ
4 TTF ۲ Ű
4.1 winfonts
4.2 truetypemetrics
4.3 WindowsFonts
4.4 comicsans



Truetype ۲ ذ Բ ϴ°Ϳ ٷ. ѱ ѱTrueType۲û ϸ ȴ.


2 Truetype ۲ ϴ


2.2 Native TTF for dvipdfmx


2.3 TTF PK(Ʈʱ۲) ٲپ


2.4 TTF Type1 ٲپ


2.5 TTF Type42 ٲپ

  • Type 42 ۲ ƮũƮ ųʸ (dictionary) Truetype ۲ ξ , Ϲ Type 1 ۲ó ۿѴ.
  • ܼ Truetype ۲ ϴ ̹Ƿ ۲ ǰ ϴ .
  • ȯ ۲ fontinst ̿ؼ ġѴ.
  • [http]Printing TrueType fonts in Unix ttfps, ttf2pf, ׸ ttftot42 α׷ ִ.
  • DeleteMe -- ttf2pf ؼ ƮŸ Ÿ 1 ٲپ ִ. ϰ ִ.


3 ġϴ

ϸ Truetype ۲ ذ , ܰ ġ ľ Ѵ.

ֱٿ [http]MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5 ( ?) α׷ ߰ߴµ, α׷ 3.1 3.3 ִ ʷ ؼ ġ ѹ(?) α׷̴. α׷ ġ ̿ؼ dvipdfmx Native Truetype۲ ϴ ҰѴ

  1. ҽ [http]MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.5 ٿ޾Ƽ ġѴ.
  2. MiKTeX TTF Font Installer α׷ c:\texmf\ttf2tfm\base 丮 T1-WGL4.enc ãǷ, ٸ ( 2.3 ) 丮 ؼ ´.
  3. c:\windows\fonts ׽Ʈ ۲ Trebuchet ۲ ( 4) ۾ 丮 Ѵ
  4. MiKTeX TTF Font Installer α׷ ؼ 4 Ʈ Ѵ. ׷ α׷ ˾Ƽ ش (99%)
  5. ttfonts.map c:\texmf\ttf2tfm\base µ, ؼ c:\texmf\ttf2pk\base ִ ttfonts.map Ѵ.
  6. pdftex winfonts.map , pdftex.cfg ڵ ϵȴ. t1trebuc.fd̶ ۲ ϵ Ǿ ̴. (c:\localtexmf\tex\latex\trebuc)
  7. Native Truetype dvipdfmx ϱ ġ:
    • ttfonts.map ؼ trebuc.map̶ c:\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config ű. ٲ۴: tfm encoding ttf -s .12. -s .12 翡 Ǵ ɼ̴. ,
      rectrebuc T1-WGL4.enc trebuc.ttf
      rectrebuco T1-WGL4.enc trebuc.ttf -s .12 
    • c:\texmf\dvipdfm\config\dvipdfmx.cfg  f trebuc.map ÷Ѵ.
  8. ɼ α׷ ؼ Refresh Ѵ (ݵ!)

[http]MiKTeX TTF Font Installer Version 0.6 is released. Please check if the problems still exists.


4 TTF ۲ Ű

ýۿ (⺻) ִ Ǵ ۲ TTF ۲ Ű ̹ ִ 찡 ־ ʿ䰡 .  ⺻ ִ ۲ ٸ Ͻö.

4.1 winfonts


4.2 truetypemetrics


4.3 WindowsFonts

  • ġ: [http]http://c.caignaert.free.fr/WindowsFonts.zip
  • Ǵ TTF۲ (꽺): Arial, Arial Narrow, Century Gothic, Conga, Copperplate, Eras, Eurostile, Francklin Gothic, Helmet, Helmet Condense, Impact, Kartika, Maiandra, Microsoft Sans Serif, Tahoma, Verdana, Vrinda
  • Ǵ TTF۲ (): Book Antiqua, Bookman Oldstyle, Century, Chevara, Chevara Outline, Engravers, Felix Titling, Garamond, Georgia, Perpetua, Rockwell Extrabold, Sylfaen, Timons
  • Ǵ TTF۲ (): Courier New
  • Ǵ TTF۲ (ڵ): Arioso, Blackadder, Bradley Hand, Comic, Curlz, French script, Hogwarts wizard, Ink pot, Ink pot outline, Kristen, Matisse, Mistral, Papyrus, Tempus, Vivaldi
  • ƮŰ : [http]http://c.caignaert.free.fr/HowTo.pdf


4.4 comicsans

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