FrontPageAMSLaTeX/HelpOnFormatting&value=AMSLaTeX/HelpOnFormatting占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占싹깍옙&value=LaTeX으로일본어사용/WordIndexKC2008/TeXLive&value=WinEdtTip/ǥ › ó

1 Ͻ
2.1 Ͱ ƴ
2.2 ó
3 Warnings
3.1 Overfull, Underfull warning
3.2 Font shape unavailable warning
4 debugging tracing
4.1 PlainTeX tracing
4.2 e-TeX tracingall
4.3 LaTeX trace Ű

ũ ߻Ѵ.

  1. TeX
  2. LaTeX
  3. package Ǵ macro
<!> " ޽" log κп ֽϴ.


1 Ͻ

TeX ޽ ϰ ִ.

׸1: e ׸ Enter Ű ġ 6 ã . \secttion \section ġ ȴ.

Ǵ LaTeX ޽ ִ ִ.

׸2: e ׸ Enter Ű ġ e.sty ã ٴ ޽ Ÿ. aaa.sty ʿϸ LaTeX ã ִ ġ Ͽ Ѵ.


׸3: e ׸ Enter Ű ġ 11 ã . ׸ aaa.eps θ ã ְų ٸ ʿ ġ ϸ ȴ.

  • -file-line-error ɼ ÿ ϸ ϸ:߻ȣ: ޽ ְ nonstopmode Ѵ.
  • Է ٸ ¿ ִ.
    • h : ش.
    • e : ߴϰ ߻ ġ ⸦ ش.
    • r : ϰ nonstopmode õѴ.
    • q : ϰ batchmode õѴ.
    • s : ϰ scrollmode õѴ.
    • x : ߴѴ.
    • I<stuff> : ߻ ġ ִ ܾ(ũ) stuff ٲپ Ѵ.
    • <Enter> : ߻ ϰ Ѵ.
    • 1..9 : ڸŭ control sequence ϰ õѴ.
    • e ۵Ϸ Ϳ ̸ Ǿ ־ Ѵ. See ó/ͼ
    • I<stuff> Ͽ ʴ´.
    • 1..9 ڿ õǴ control sequence TeX óϴ Ű Է ɾ ǹϴ ƴϴ. plainTeX ϳ ٸ control sequence ȣϴ LaTeX óϴ ϴ.

    2 Real ERRORS


    2.1 Ͱ ƴ

    1. latex ࿡ ִ μ(*.aux, *.toc ) ߻ϴ ó ٽ latex ϸ ٸ ̰ ƴϴ.
    2. Ÿ ؼ ƴϴ. ̷ ߰ϰ ִ.
    3. Warning ƴϴ. ٸ ̴. ̰ 쿡 ص ִ. ؼ ٷ.

    2.2 ó

    Ʒ LaTeX ڰ ִ TeX Ǵ LaTeX صд.
    \?/ [http]TeX Frequently Asked Questions ׸ "The joy of TeX errors" ܰ ó ֽϴ.-Yhchoe

  • "*" (ƹ ޽ ǥ Ʈ )
    TeX ̴. LaTeX ó߿ Ʈ ٸ TeX " ó" ̴. Ʈ \end{document} ִµ, κ ǵ ٿ ٸ ̴. ܼ \end{document} ߸ ̶ ǰ ׷ ʰ ũ ó ̸ ڵ带 ؾ Ѵ. cf. http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=typend

  • No room for new \dimen Ǵ No room for new \skip
    TeX ߿ óϱ ̴. ̰ TeX ý ü Ѱ õ ̴. ߻ϴ ʹ \dimen, \skip ε Ϲ Ÿ ʿϰ εϿ ߻ ִ. memoir musixltx ÿ ̴. ٺ ذ TeX ý 缳ϴ ̶ Ѵ. e-TeX ߻ ֵ ̷ξ Ѵ. ׷Ƿ δ ɼ پ Ʋ ߻ߴ ص ε Ű Ͽ ʿ ϸ ذ ִ .

  • Undefined control sequence
    ǵ Ǵ ȯ ٴ ̴. κ Ÿ ̱ . Ǵ \usepackage{graphicx} \includegraphics شϴ control sequence ǵ Ű ε ʾƼ ߻ ִ.
    => Ÿ ϰų Ѵ. Ǵ ʿ Ű εѴ.

  • TeX capacity exceeded
    ̵ Ǵ ε ̷ ɼ .
    1. TeX capacity ־ óϱ⿡ . Ÿϵ ų ġ ũθ ؼ ϰų ̴.
      => tex capacity Ͽ TeX ý ⺻ ٲپ Ѵ. TeX ý ⺻ ϰų ų, ֺ TeX 翡  ̴.
    2. ũ ǿ loop ߻
      => ߸ ǵ ũθ ùٸ ģ.
    3. Ÿ 浹 ִ
      => preamble style ε带 ϳ ذ鼭 θ ȮѴ.

     ι° ũ ̴. ù° Ƿ Ȥ ̷ ٸ ݵ preamble غ ϰ TeX ý ϴ Ŀ õغ Ͽ Ѵ.

  • Extra alignment tab has been to \cr
    迭ȯ ߻ϴ ַ ǥ array ̸ column ߻Ѵ. ೪ (\\) ٿ 찡 . 쿡 column ´ ص ũ ̷ ߻ ִ. ǥ array ڵ带 غƾ ̴.

  • Misplaced alignment tab char &
    & ڴ 迭ȯ Į ڷ ̴ ̴. ڸ ؽƮ ġ ߻ϴ ̴. & ڸ ؽƮ ״ \& Ͽ Ѵ.

  • Misplaced \noalign
    Tabularȯ ǥ ǥ 迭ȯ ೪⸦ 䱸ϴ ִ. colortbl ȯ \rowcolor ũδ Ư ù° ũΰ ƴϸ . ࿡ \rowcolor ռ ũθ ְų Ѵ.

  • Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)
    dimension Ҵ ־ ʾҴٴ ǹ̴.

  • Missing control sequence inserted
    ɾ ϰų ɾ Ǹ ٲٱ Ͽ \newcommand Ǵ \renewcommand 鼭 ù° ҷ ɾ(backslash ) ʾ

  • Missing \endcsname inserted
    LaTeX ƴ϶ TeX ̴. 밳 TeX ξ ƴ. ܼ ʿ 齽 \ 쿡 ִ.
    ѱ ũο ߻Ͽ ϱ 쵵 . (Խ) ߻ Ȳ ũ Ǹ Ͽ غ ۿ δ.

  • Missing \endgroup inserted
    TeX ߻ϴ ſ پϴ. ǥ 츦 ϳ ڸ displaymath ȯ ȿ eqnarray ȯ ٽ ʴ ȯ nesting ־ ߻ ִ.

  • Missing $ inserted.
    LaTeX ƴ϶ TeX ̴. 忡 (: ÷ ǥ _ ) ٰ ̴. See KTUGOperate:22123

  • Missing number, treated as zero
    ̰ dimension Ҵ ʾҴٴ ǹ̴. Ϲ 쿡 dimension ν ذȴ. ׷ ѱ ũο ѱ ڷ Ͽ  ϰ 쿡 ִµ κ ũ ǰ ߸ ̴.  ũο ߻Ͽ ϴ ִ.

  • Paragraph ended before \begin was completed
    \begin ݴ ȣ ߻ ִ. \begin{document

  • Runaway argument
    long ǵ ڿ \par . ,
    \textbf{  ڿ \par
     θ ȵȴ}
    ׸, ݴ delimiter ؾ ߻Ѵ.
    \title{A test document
    delimiter } ȴ.

  • File not found
    Ŭ , Ÿ Ÿ ãڴٸ( ׸2 ) ۾ Ʈ ͸ ش ־ Ѵ. ׸ ( ׸3 ) ã KTUGOperate:17222

  • perhaps a missing \item
    ȯ ȿ \item ؾ ߻Ѵ. Ǵ thebibliography ȯ ȿ \bibitem ؾ .

  • You can't use macro parameter character # in horizontal mode
    ַ # ڸ Է Ͽ ״ ߻Ѵ. # ڸ ʹٸ ݵ \# Ͽ Ѵ. ֳϸ # ü TeX parameter óϱ ̱ ̴.

  • You can't use `\spacefactor' in vertical mode
    ߻ @(at) ڸ ũ ̸ ұϰ \makeatletter ̴. .
    ! You can't use `\spacefactor' in vertical mode.
    ذå @-ڰ Ե ũ \makeatletter \makeatother ѷִ ̴. cf. http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=atsigns

  • \begin{enumerate} on input line xxx ended by \end{document} Ǵ \begin{document} ended by \end{itemize}
    \begin{enumerate} ~ \end{enumerate} Ǵ \begin{itemize} ~ \end{itemize} ¦ ¾Ƽ Ͼ.

  • can be used only preamble
    Preamble ֵ ǵ ũΰ document ȯ ȿ Ǿٴ LaTeX ̴.

  • Counter too large

  • Missing \begin{document}
    See KTUGOperate:15101 for example.

  • Not in outer par mode

  • There's no line here to end
    (\\ Ǵ \newline) ٿ ƹ 뵵 쿡 ߻Ѵ. ʿ䰡 ִٸ \bigskip̳ \medskip skip Ѵ. εϿ ־ ʿ䰡 ִٸ ǹ ڸ ϳ ְ ϶. \ \\ ϴ. See KTUGOperate:20751

  • Float(s) lost. This may be a LaTeX bug
    ٴϴ ü ġ ǵǾ ǹϴ LaTeX ޽. δ װ ƴ 찡 \afterpage Ͽ ߻Ѵ. ذå float ġ ķ ̵Űų \afterpage ʴ ̴.

  • Too many unprocessed floats
    queue ִ ٴϴ ü 16 Ѵ. ̻ ÷Ʈ ó ʰ queue  ߻ϴ . ذå \clearpage Ͽ queue float flushִ ̴.

  • Extra }, or forgotten $
    ۾ϰ ִ ҽ Ͽ } Ǵ $ ؾ ش ġ ȴ. HLaTeX ѱ - , Ӹ-, , ε , ȯ ġ ӿ "{ѱ}" ԷµǾ ̷ ޽ Ÿ ִ "{ѱ }" ѱ۰ } ̸ ĭ ν ذ ִ. Hangul-ucs ̷ Ͼ ʴ´.

  • Environment(Command)... already defined
    ۾ Ͽ ȯ Ǵ ɾ̸ ȯ, ɾ ణ ٲٰų \newcommand \renewcommand ٲν ذ ִ. <!> amsbook Ŭ 鼭 \usepackage{makeidx} ں \see ɾ Ŭ Ͽ ǵǾ ְ makeidx.sty ǵǾ Ÿ. ̶ \usepackage{makeidx} ּóϰų ġ Ͽ Ѵ. see KTUGContrib:2845

  • This NFSS system isn't set up properly. LaTeX
    Ʈ ʾ .

  • \caption outside float. LaTeX

  • Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. LaTeX
    ٹٲٱ(\\) (: $...$) ٹٲٱ⸦ Ͽ

  • To be continued


    3 Warnings


    3.1 Overfull, Underfull warning

    ä ġ ϰ justification ߻ϴ ̴. ߻ϴ , badness(OverfullWarning ) tolerance ̿ TeX ؼ TeXbook .


    3.2 Font shape unavailable warning

    û Ӽ Ʈ ε ٴ . CMR ۲ÿ Ͽ \fontseries{c}\selectfont ûϿ ۲ c-series ǵǾ , δ ⺻(m-series) ġϿ Ѵ. ѱ Ʈ series shape ǵǾ ִ ۲ ã Ƿ ѱ ó 쿡 ߻ Ұϴ.

    4 debugging tracing


    4.1 PlainTeX tracing

    TeX Ư ϳ α׷ ϴٴ ̴. , TeX α׷ְ ణ ٸ ־ TeX α׷ϴ ̸ Ȥϱ⵵ Ѵ. ̿ TeX ڽ  ؼ ׷ ´ α׷ϴ ̿ ҰѴ. ̶ TeX ϴ \tracing... Ǵ \show... ɾ ̿Ͽ ڽ α Ϸ ų ͹̳ο ѷִ ̴.

    Ʒ Ʈ \show \showthe ɾ ⺻ ͹̳ο ѷְ, ٸ \show... \tracing... ɾ α Ͽ Ѵ. ׷ ̵ ɾ \tracingonline , α Ͽ Ӹ ƴ϶ ͹̳ Ѵ.

    • \meaning
      control sequence ǹ̸ ڿ Ÿ.
    • \show
      control sequence ǹ̸ ش.
    • \showthe
      \the տ ū ش.
    • \showbox
      ڽ ش.
    • \showlists
      峻(mode) ǰ ִ partial Ʈ ش.
    • \tracingcommands
      1̸, TeX Ǵ Ƽ ɾ ְ, 2 ̸̻ ǹ ϵȴ.
    • \tracingmacros
      1̸, TeX Ǵ ũ ũ μ , 2 ̸̻ \output ̳ \everypar <ū Ķ>鵵 Ѵ.
    • \tracingoutput
      ̸, dvi Ͽ ڽ dump α Ͽ Ѵ.
    • \showboxdepth
      The number of levels of box dump that are shown when boxes are displayed.
    • \showboxbreadth
      Number of successive elements on each level that are shown when boxes are displayed.
    • \tracingonline
      ̸, TeX α Ͽ Ӹ ƴ϶ ͹̳ο Ѵ.
    • \tracingparagraphs
      ̸, TeX ٹٲ(line breaking) ˰ Ѵ.
    • \tracingpages
      ̸, TeX ʳ(page breaking) ˰ Ѵ.
    • \tracinglostchars
      ̸, TeX Ʈ ǥõ ʴ ڰ \ ޽ ش. ÷ ⺻ 1̴..
    • \tracingrestores
      ̸, TeX ϳ ׷ Ǵ ش.
    • \tracingstats
      1̸, TeX ۾ ܰ迡 پ 迭  Ǿ ְ, 2̸ ޸ 䱸  ̷ ش.(if it is 2, the memory demands are given whenever a page is shipped out.)

    TeXbyTopic 34忡 ̴. Ȯ ϱ ؼ å Ѵ.

    4.2 e-TeX tracingall

    e-TeX tracingall primitives ߰Ǿ ִ.
    • tracingassigns
    • tracinggroups
    • tracingifs
    • tracingnesting
    • tracingcantokens

    4.3 LaTeX trace Ű

    \traceon \traceoff

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