You are secretive in your dealings but never to the extent of trickery.
FrontPage?한글글꼴문제&value=ѱ۱۲ù&value=%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80%EA%B8%80%EA%BC%B4%EB%AC%B8%EC%A0%9C&value=%C7%D1%B1%DB%B1%DB%B2%C3%B9%AE%C1%A6 › IgoPackage&value=MacOSġϱ/WordIndex占쌥븝옙&value=NewEnviron › /2008-03
Mar 30, 2008
Love at First Byte
Submitted by @ 03-30 [10:01 pm]
» ޱ | Ʈ

Mar 27, 2008
Submitted by @ 03-27 [09:47 pm]
ȸ ᰡ .
  Ⱑ ִ.      ٿ
Ⱑ  ҿ Ÿµ ɸ ð  1ð .

׷     ʾƼ Ÿ ӵ
  ʴ.  κ  Ÿ  κ   Ÿ,
· ϳ  Ÿµ 1ð ɸ.

̷      45   ?

簡 ׷, ˰ ſ . ׷ ̳빫 TeX 𸣰...

 ⿡    ̰, ٸ ⿡    δ.
ʿ Һ Ⱑ  Ÿ      δ.
 Ⱑ  Ÿ 45 .
̰ ³? -- Kunggom 2008-03-30 16:29:35

´° ׿. -- 2008-03-30 22:24:46

빮: ٿ Ÿ 50 ɸٰ Ѵ. ׷ ϳ Ÿ 10 ɸٰ Ѵ. ִ ð? --ischo

˼ѵ. ذ ʾƿ. ٿ Ÿ 1ð ɸٰ ؼ ʳ ÿ ̸ װ Ÿµ 30̶ ֳ?


Aʿ ̸ 30б 1/10 ŭ Ÿٰ 30а 9/10 Ż ְ, Bʿ ̸ 59 59ʵ 1/10 ŭ Ÿٰ 1ʰ 9/10 Ż ݰھ? ׷ ʿ ٿ Ÿ ݾƿ? -- Progress 2008-04-01 08:39:14

ϴ ϳ Ⱑ ϴµ 1ð ɸǷ, ε Ÿµ 1ð ɸ ϴ.

ؼ Ȯ , Kunggom԰ ϰ ־ϴ.

, ־ ʴٰ ϴ , ϴٸ Ÿ ̷ ð ϱ, ׷ ϵ ϴ.

ϴٰ ϰ ص ϴ.

, Ÿ ̷ ð ! -- 2008-04-01 09:08:46

: ʿ Ÿ ð Ÿ ̰ .


 A 1/10ŭ Ÿ 30 ɸ ̰ 9/10 Ÿ 30 ɸ ̶ . , ʿ ̵ 30 Ÿ 30 κ ź. ̴ ʿ ÿ ̸ Ÿ 30 ɸٴ ǹѴ.

ִ ѽð¥ , Ÿ ⿡ ¿ ð ϴٴ Ͽ, ʿ 30иŭ Ÿ ٸʿ 30иŭ Ÿ ź. -- IsCho 2008-04-01 09:09:04

빮 Ϻδ...50п Ÿ 븦 , 10п Ÿ°Ÿ ڸŶ Ͽ ڸŸ ִ ð: 5, 10 Ÿδ 25, 50 ڸ-Ÿ ķ ¿ 30, 35, 55, 60 ڸ-Ÿ ķ ¿, 15, 20, 40, 45 ᱹ 5 1ð ð谡 dz~~~ -- Ƕ 2008-04-01 09:55:59

ϼ? ϰ ϼ̱... "5 1ð ִ." 22 30ʱ ϴ ð ϼ̳׿. :-) -- IsCho 2008-04-01 10:17:06

бⰡ 3 1 ϴ. ô... Kunggom Ĵζ ð ..̱ Ӹ.. -- Ƕ 2008-04-01 10:22:13

... ٵ. δ ϴµ...

 Ÿ(ȭǥ پ ̶ϸ)

AB: 1ð, BA: 1ð ɸݾƿ?

׷ AB 30̳Ĵ . " " ƴұ ؼ. trivial ε, ʳ? A1 B1 A1{A, B}̰ B1{A, B}̰, A1 A B1 B ǥ սô. ̶ A1 B1 t|A1B1| ɸ ð t|A1B1| ɸ ð ٸ ʳ? ̸ ׸, A1 B1 ͷϰ Ÿ ȭй(?) Ͼ , B1 A1ʿ Ÿ ȭй(?) ʳ? (ǿ Ұ ?) @.@ -- Progress 2008-04-01 13:20:58

̷ 踦 ϰ Ǫ ̱ ʿ䰡 ϴ. ʿ ٿ Ȯ 1ð Ÿ Ⱑ ִ١ ϰ Ǫ ̴ϱ. 迡 ̷ ⸦ ٰ ص ״ Ȯ 1ð Ÿ ʰ. ̰ ̱ ׷ Դϴ. -- Kunggom 2008-04-01 18:48:39

A-B , AB: 1ð, BA: 1ð ɸݾƿ?

ٰŷ ڸ,
(ª) A1-B1 쿡, A1B1: xð, B1A1: xð ɸٰ ʰھ? (x<1)

( ȭй, µ, ٶ, , ҵ 쳪 Ǿ ϰ...) -- IsCho 2008-04-02 03:08:26
» ޱ | Ʈ

Submitted by @ 03-27 [09:40 pm]
\newcount\x \newcount\nx \def\mysqrt#1{\x=#1 \nx=\x \isqrt{#1} \big\lfloor\sqrt{#1}\big\rfloor=\number\x} \def\isqrt#1{\nx=#1 \divide\nx by\x \advance\nx by\x \divide\nx by2 \ifnum\x=\nx \else\x=\nx \isqrt{#1}\fi} $\mysqrt{361}$
» ޱ | Ʈ

Mar 26, 2008
\llap, \hfil, \hfilneg
Submitted by @ 03-26 [10:57 pm]
$$\displaylines{x\equiv x;\hfil\llap{(1)}\hfilneg\cr \hbox{if}\quad x\equiv y\quad\hbox{then}\quad y\equiv x;\hfil\llap{(2)}\hfilneg\cr \hbox{if}\quad x\equiv y\quad\hbox{and}\quad y\equiv z\quad\hbox{then}\quad x\equiv z.\hfil\llap{(3)}\hfilneg\cr}$$
» ޱ | Ʈ

Mar 23, 2008
Character constants
Submitted by @ 03-23 [11:56 pm]
ũθ ۼϴٺ, (numeric constant) ʿ 찡 ִ.

65 \const ̸ Ѵ.  ϸ ɱ?

\newcount\const \const=65
, īƮ ͸ ̿ϹǷ ޸ 뿡 ʷϴ ִ.

īƮ ͸ ʴ ִ.
ù° ٴ , \const ũ̹Ƿ ؼ (expand) ؾ ϰ, Ư ڰ ƴ ū ū ϹǷ, \const ٷ ڿ ũΰ ´ٸ, ũε ȴ.

ش̶ ִ. ǵ \const װ ó Ȳ Ǵ ڷ ִ.
\const BCD
Ȳ \const \char65 'A' Ǿ ABCD ȴ. ,
\advance\total by\const 
ϸ, 'A' ƴ 65 Ǿ, \total̶ īƮ 65 ϰ ȴ.

ó chardef ϴ ù ° ó īƮ ͸ Ѵٴ , ι° ó ũθ ʿ䵵 .

chardefδ 0 255 ۿ .

255 ū \mathchardef ϸ ȴ. ̴ 32767("7FFF) ϴ
» ޱ | Ʈ

Submitted by @ 03-23 [10:39 pm]
\font\init=cmbx10 scaled 2488 \def\Hang#1{\leavevmode \hbox to 0pt {\hss \raise 1.4ex \vbox to 0pt{\hbox to 1cm{\init #1\hss}\vss}}% } \hsize=8.5cm \parskip=10pt \parindent=0pt \everypar={\hangindent=1cm \hangafter=-2 \Hang} This is an old-fashioned mediaeval paragraph that has lots of text and a very long first sentence. The second sentence is also long, and only serves the purpose to make this more than 2 or so lines long. For good measure we throw in a third line which should make this four lines long, if not five with a little luck. Also, the second paragraph is an old-fashioned mediaeval paragraph that has lots of text and a very long first sentence. The second sentence is also long, and only serves the purpose to make this more than 2 or so lines long. For good measure we throw in a third line which should make this four lines long, if not five with a little luck. \bye
» ޱ | Ʈ

Mar 22, 2008
Submitted by @ 03-22 [08:39 pm]
ƸƼ 𵱴


ٽ ϸ ٵ ̻ ƴϴ.

"츮 Ƹ޸ī " ϴ

ߴ. -- Che Guevara
» ޱ | Ʈ

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