You will be surrounded by luxury.

1 (Sectioning Commands)
1.1 level number
1.2 secnumdepth tocdepth
1.3 startsection
2 ø
2.1 article ø
2.2 book ø
3 (in progress)
3.1 ڸ ߾̳ ٲٰų, font  ٲٳ?
3.2 subsubsubsection  峪?
3.3 ̳ տ ٴ ȣ ü ְ ͽϴ. ?
3.4 տ ٴ ȣ θ ڳ ĺ ٲٷ  մϱ?
3.5 header ⿡ ʹ ϴ. ?
3.6 , ׸, ǥ, , theorem ȣ ̳ ٽ ֳ?
3.7 report Ŭ ǥ ٲٰ ;.
4 ׹ ׵

1 (Sectioning Commands)


1.1 level number

δ. ⿡ level number ٴ´.
̰ ǥ Ѵٸ,
ɾ Level
\part (book/report) -1
\part (article) 0
\chapter 0
\section 1
\subsection 2
\subsubsection 3
\paragraph 4
\subparagraph 5

ɾ İ Ư ,
ȣ ̱(numbering)  (.toc) header/footer 
\section{} Y
\section[ ]{ } Y
\section*{} N

(./) : (TOC)  (Level)
ϴ ̹ cls Ͽ Ʈ Ͽ ִ. cls Ͽ (Level) Ÿ ڰ ٸ ִٴ ̴. ν Utah б cls uuthesis2e.cls
                        {\z@}   %indent. \z@ == 0pt
             {\HFsectionSKIP}   % before=\baselineskip for \large
                        {1sp}   %after
        {\center                %style
                        {\z@}   %indent
          {\HFsubsectionSKIP}   % before=\baselineskip for \normalsize
                        {1sp}   %after
          {\HFsubsection\bfseries}}   %style
  \def\subsubsection{\typeout{No subsubsections allowed with three levels.}}
                 {\parindent}   %indent
                        {1sp}   %before
                       {-1em}   %after
           {\HFparagraph\bfseries}}   %style
book.cls ذ 繵 ٸ. ں
ٸ section ۿ Ÿ ʴ´. subsection Ÿ ҷ 4 Ѵ.
  • : uuthesis2e.cls KTUGOperate:13926 ÷ε Byung.zip Ǯ ִ.

1.2 secnumdepth tocdepth

  1. ⿡ level number ٴµ, ۼϷ ϴ ȹ level number secnumdepth ۰ų ٸ ȣ(1.1.1 ) ٴ´.
  2. ۼϷ ϴ ȹ level number tocdepth ۰ų ٸ toc(Table of Contents) Ʈ . , level number tocdepth ũٸ Ÿ ʴ´.
  3. secnumdepth tocdepth ī ̹Ƿ, \setcounter ִ. article Ŭ \paragraph Ÿ Ϸ
    ں ִ´.
  4. ǥ article Ŭ (secnumdepth tocdepth) counter 3 Ǿ ִ. book 2 Ǿ ִ..

1.3 startsection

\section \@startsection ̶ ũθ ̿Ͽ Ѵ. \section ϴ ̴.

ũδ ڸ ´.
  1. #1 ī Ī. section section̶ ī, subsection subsection̶ ī͸ ϱ Ǿ ְ ī͵ LaTeX class ̹ ǵǾ Ƿ ٲ ʴ´.
  2. #2 ܰ(level). section level 1̴. level ӵ ̹Ƿ ǥ Ѵ.
  3. #3 ܶ Ӹ 鿩. ǥ 鿩 ̴.
  4. #4 ǥ . ܶ ǥ ̴ ⼭ ־ ̰ 밪̴.
    • {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}
      , 밪 ϸ 3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex̴. ̰ 3.5ex 3.3ex 4.5ex øų ִ ( skip)̶ ǹ̰, ǥ ܶ ̽ο \baselineskip + \parskip + ŭ ־ ȴ. ǥ baselineskip=12pt, parskip=0pt̹Ƿ, 12pt+0pt+3.5ex Ǿ ִ ̴. ̳ʽ ȣ پٰ ؼ ǥ Ž ö󰡴 ̸ ǹϴ ƴϴ. ̳ʽ , ǥ ó ϴ 鿩(indenting) ̴. indentfirst Ű ش. ǥ ̴ Ȱ Ǹ, ùܶ 鿩⸦ ϱ "ȣ" ̳ʽ ϸ ȴ.
  5. #5 ǥ . ǥ ù ܶ ̴ ⼭ ־ ̰ 밪̴. ̸ ǥ̱ ǥ ̰̰ ̸ ùܶ ̰ ȴ.
  6. #6 ǥ Ÿ. ǥ ڵDZ ũε ´. ַ ۲,  ũθ ġ.


2 ø


2.1 article ø



   \subsection{ }
         \subsubsection{ }
\section*{} % *  ڵ տ Ⱥٰ
                 % .toc  ʽϴ.

\begin{thebibliography} ... \end{thebibliography}

/!\ : article Ŭ \chapter ϴ.


2.2 book ø

%-------------------------å  (frontmatter)
%----------------------ޱ (backmatter)
\begin{thebibliography} ... \end{thebibliography}
\begin{theindex} ... \end{theindex}


3 (in progress)

SamplesAndTemplates ׸ "ŸƲ •()•() "

3.1 ڸ ߾̳ ٲٰų, font  ٲٳ?

  • 1) ϰ (Sectioning commands) Ӱ ٸ ̸ ٽ Ѵ. :
     %<preamble >
     \newcommand{\ssection}[1]{%      ߾ӿ
          \section[#1]{\centering\sc #1}}
     \newcommand{\ssubsection}[1]{%      ʿ
          \subsection[#1]{\raggedleft\it #1}}
        \ssection \ssubsection  \section \subsection  Ѵ.
    ׷ Section ȣ Bold Ÿų *(, \ssection*{})鵵 ٽ ̷ ؾѴٴ ִ. /!\ preamble̶, \documentclass[]{} \begin{document} , \usepackage{} \begin{document} Ѵ.

  • 2) sectsty Ű ̿ Ű ̷ Ȳ ִ (tool) Ѵ.

  • 3) titlesec Ű ̿ Ű sectsty ϳ ߾ ִ Ѵ. Ű ϸ ȭ ִ. : Uploads:titlesec_hfont.tex, Uploads:titlesec_hfont.pdf
  • 4) fncychap Ű ̿, ѱ۰ Բ hfncychap ̿ ڼ ̱ hfncychap . fncychap book class frontmatter, backmatter Ƿ, frontmatter, backmatter鵵 ٲٰ ʹٸ tocbibind Ű Բ Ѵ.

  • 5) -- book/report/article class memoir class KOMA-script memoir.cls sectsty titlesec (tool) Ŭ ȿ Բ ϰ ִ. KOMA-script \partformat, \chapterformat, \sectionformat, ɵ Ѵ.

<!> hangul ٸ Ű Բ Ƿ ׻ ϶. 뿡 ִٸ, Ư Ű Խǿ Ѵ.


3.2 subsubsubsection  峪?

LaTeX section ɾ \subsubsection ϰ ִ. ̴ LaTeX â Leslie Lamport ڰ տ ޸ ϰڴ° ̴. ǻ κ LaTeX class \subsubsection ϴ ɾ ߰ ִ. \paragraph \subparagraph ̵ε, ɾ տ ڵ ٰ, ణ ΰ ̾ٴ´. ̴ LaTeX ٽ ִ(\renewcommand) ̿ ذ ִ.

  • 1) titlesec Ű Ű \paragraph typesetting ȯ \section typesetting ϰ ִ.

  • 2) ltsect.dtx, < class>.dtx The LaTeX Companion Ͽ ٽ ϱ ) report class
    % section number depth counter 켱  level 7 9 øϴ.
    %տ  ڸ  ǥ  մϴ


3.3 ̳ տ ٴ ȣ ü ְ ͽϴ. ?

ǥ1 帰 ó * ϸ ̳ Ƚϴ. ׷ ̷
ϰ, ɾ մϴ.

3.4 տ ٴ ȣ θ ڳ ĺ ٲٷ  մϱ?

\renewcommand{\thesection}{\thechapter.\Roman{section}}%article "\thechapter."  
\arabic{ctr}, \roman, \Roman, \alph, \Alph 밡ϴ.


3.5 header ⿡ ʹ ϴ. ?

Ϲ LaTeX ֵ Ѵ. ׷  ڸ Ǵ 찡 ִ. , LaTeX ɾ ǥ
 \section[ª ]{ } 
̶ ɼ ִ. ׷ ϸ ª ȴ. ̰ ȴٸ ְ ª ִ ٶ ̴.

  • 1) , κ Ŭ ɵ `mark' Ѵ. , \chapter \chaptermark, \section \sectionmark Ѵ ̴. ̸ ̿Ͽ
    \chapter[߸ ]{  }%  ,  ߸ ,
    \chaptermark{ª } % ª  ȴ. 
    ̶ ִ.

    ׷, ۵Ǵ  ʱ⿡ ̷ , ۵Ǵ Ƿ ణ ϴ.
    #! vim tex
    \section[߸ ]{ % 
    	\sectionmark{ª }} % ̰   ۵Ǵ    
    \sectionmark{ª } %     
    Ǿ Ѵ. , ɼ
    Ǿ ϴ Ϳ Ѵ.

    ϴ Ŭ ۵Ǵ ִ´ٸ ɵ Ǿ Ѵ.

    /!\ : titlesec Ű ٸ ٷ⿡ Ű (documentation) ϵ Ѵ.

  • 2) memoir Ŭ
     \section[middling version][terse version]{verbose version} 
    ɼ θ ߰ ־ ڰ ̿ ִ.


3.6 , ׸, ǥ, , theorem ȣ ̳ ٽ ֳ?

book report Ŭ , ׸, ǥ, ׵ ȣ 忡 ̷ ȴ.̴ master slave counter Ǵ master counter slave counter ٽ 0 .
, ڰ program̶ ȯ , α׷ ȣ ٱ⸦ Ѵٸ,
\newcounter{program}[section] % program slavḛ section master̴. 
õ ī͸ ó ƿ 踦 Բ ϸ ȴ.

׷ Ű Ŭ ̷ İ ׸ (object) ǵǾ ǵ ī ְ ϴ programmer interface Բ ʴ 쿡
  • 1)
    amsmath Ű ̶
    ó ִ.

    : Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.tex, Uploads:sec_eqn_fig_num_test.pdf
  • 2) chngcntr Ű Ű \counterwithin addtoreset ֵ Ѵ.
          %equation ī͸ section ī slave 
          %  figure ī͸ section ī slave  Դٰ
          % \thefigure <section ȣ>.<figure ȣ>   Ѵ.

/!\ : master īͰ īͶ ʴ´.


3.7 report Ŭ ǥ ٲٰ ;.

before chapheader_before.jpg

after chapheader_after.jpg

\@makechapterhead ϸ ˴ϴ. HLaTeX euc-kr.tex ڵ带 Դϴ.
%% from euc-kr.tex (HLaTeX)
%    \vspace*{50\p@}%
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \centering  %%% <-----------------
%        \huge\bfseries
%        \par\nobreak
%        \vskip 20\p@
%      \interlinepenalty\@M
%      \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
      \quad #1%
      \vskip 40\p@

memoir Ŭ Ѵٸ renewcommand ƴ϶ ǥ ϴ ũο Ͽ ϰ ϴ ֽϴ.


4 ׹ ׵

DeleteMe ... ƴ ѵ, ּż մϴ. ;) --Karnes
... ȣִ ADSL , 56K ... netconfig emacs ׽Ʈ ؼ ⺻ΰ ΰ͸ ҽϴ. notebook ġ Redhat6.1 Դ ̸ ȵǴ ͵ Ʈ ͵ ǻͶ Ű ̴ Nintendoӿ ϰִϴ :)
ι° κ ƹ Q&A ٹ̴ ڷ鸸 켱 ֽϴ. --HJhan
ѽ~ makeatletter ü ϰ ־µ ħ ϴ ׿. ׷ ñۿ ũ ޾ ϴ. ˰ Ŷ Ͻôµ ǽö ;) 지만들기 ϳ ұ? ѽ~!--hermian
''մϴ. \makeatletter \makeatother ؼ ã̴. ó ٽ ɾ ϴ , Ű ϴ ϴ  ߽ϴ.ʺڵ鿡Գ Ȳ ׸ϴ ҰͰƼ...ϰڽϴ.'' --HJhan

Contributors : HJhan

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