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amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ (Subtitle) ٸ. article Ŭ
\title{algorithm2e.sty --- package for algorithms\\ {\large release 2.39}}
  % Ctan  algorithm2e.tex Ͽ
¥ ũ⸦ ٲ ´. amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ Ģ ʴ´. ׷ ڴٸ ó --- ְ ũ ¥ ۿ .

short title

밳 м ¦ Ӹ(Running Head: ) ̸ Ÿ, Ȧ Ӹ(Running Head: ) Ÿ ų ڰ (Ӹ  ʱ Ͽ) "ª "(Short Title) Ǵ "ª ̸"(Short Author-Names) 䱸Ѵ. amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ(̱ȸ ƴ϶ Ŭ )
\title[Short Title]{ : Short Title(Ȧ  Ӹ)  ų ų}
  % ª  "[Short Title]"  . 
\author[W.\ Brown]{William Sebastian Brown}
  %ڸ  ĵ ª  [ ]  .
\author[C.\ Crown]{Crown Sebastian Crown}
\author[D.\ Drown]{Drown Sebastian Drown}
Էϸ ¦ Ӹ() "W. Brown, C. Crown, and D. Drown" Ÿ, Ȧ Ӹ() "Short Title" ȴ. ׷ (hfont Ͽ ѱ Էϴ ) 蹭 ӿ ѱ, () Էϸ Ӹ() ʴ´. \maketitle  ġ
\maketitle\markboth{¦  Ӹ()}{Ȧ  Ӹ()}
ذѴ. Hangul-ucs ϸ ƹ ̻ ѱ۰ ڰ ǥȴ.

<!> : article Ŭ
\author{William Sebastian Brown\thanks{Thanks1}}
\author{Crown Sebastian Crown\thanks{Thanks2}}
\author{Drown Sebastian Drown\thanks{Thanks3}}
Էϸ ڸ Ǹ Drown Sebastian Drown Ÿ, thanks Thanks3 ַ Ÿ.

ʷ(\begin{abstract} \end{abstract}) article Ŭ \maketitle ڿ  amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \maketitle տ .


\thanks 뵵 ٸ. article Ŭ \thanks \title{ } Ǵ \author{ } { } ӿ
\title{algorithm2e.sty --- package for algorithms\\ {\large release 2.39} 
  \thanks{Thanks A}
\author{ (c) 1996--2002 Christophe Fiorio, LIRM Montpellier, France\\ \\
  Report bugs and comments to fiorio@lirmm.fr
  \thanks{The author is very grateful to Pascal Jappy (jappy@lirmm.fr)
    for his great help in the english writing}
  \thanks{Martin Blais (blais@IRO.UMontreal.CA) for his
  \thanks{David A. Bader (dbader@eece.unm.edu) for his new
    option \texttt{noend}}
  \thanks{Gilles Geeraerts (gigeerae@ulb.ac.be)
    for his new command \texttt{SetKwIfElseIf}}
  }%Ctan  algorithm2e.tex Ͽ ణ 
ַ Ҽ, ּ, Ÿ ̰ ϸ ù Ʒʿ ȣ(*, , , , ... ) ٴ · Ÿ amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \author{ } , ϸ ù Ʒʿ ȣ ʴ · ´(Ʒ ׸ ).
(./) article KTUGOperate:13140

(./) llncs KTUGOperate:10061

(./) revtex4 KTUGOperate:11848
--- TopMatter.png

׸ : amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \author{ } \date{ }, \subjclass2000{ }, \keywords{ }, \thanks{ }  ( ) Ͽ \date{ }, \subjclass2000{ }, \keywords{ }, \thanks{ } { } ӿ ִ ۵ Ÿ. \thanks{ } ִ. ׷ Ǵ ϴ (, ⱸ ) ޾ ̰ . ( , ) ٷ տ ȣ
" Ǵ ־ ٰ" . ڸ, ּҿ email ּҴ author
ԷѴ. ̷ ԷϿ ڸ
    ̻  , , and 
Ÿ. , ̻ ڿ ٷ ̿ ", and" .

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