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AMSLaTeX ׸ "AMSLaTeX ȯ" ִ 2006-04-17 ̸ Խϴ. Ͽϴ.

1 Ҹ
2 پ ȯ
3 (Theorem-like) Բ ȣ ̱
4 amsmath Ű
4.1 subequations ȯ
4.2 align-like ȯ
4.3 allowdisplaybreaks
4.4 (Alignment) ٲ ʰ ֱ


1 Ҹ


2 پ ȯ

See also WinEdtTip/, и.

AMSLaTeX AMS-TeX ȯ LaTeX2e ° ļ (׳)LaTeX ִ display ȯ پϰ ȯ ִ. ǥ
  1. Commutative Diagram ׸ CD ȯ(KTUGOperate:5345)
  2. ϳ ʹ  ٿ split ȯ(KTUGContrib:837) multline ȯ


3 (Theorem-like) Բ ȣ ̱


׸ 1: WinEdt amsart (Template) ں

׸ 2: (From KTUGOperate:18745) ׸ 1 ں Ǹ (Theorem-like) ȣ ٴ´. ̸ ׸ 2 Ÿ Ϸ ں ϸ ȴ.




\section{The first section}

\begin{theorem} This is the first theorem:

We have
hence, $1+1=2$.

Do you need a lemma?



4 amsmath Ű

amsmath.sty · Ϲ LaTeX AMS Ÿ ְ Ѵ(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ \usepackage{amsmath} ں ־ ). AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ Ȥ amsmath Ű 浹 Ͼų Ƿ amsmath Ű ҷ ̹ ǵ ɾ ȿ ־ Ѵ. See KTUGOperate:19428

4.1 subequations ȯ

amsmath Ű subequations ȯ̶ ũΰ ִ. ϳ ȣ ̵ ȣ þ ʰ ϰ (cf. KTUGOperate:21328) ׸ 1 subequations ȯ ȣ 1a, 1b, ... ȣ ڿ a, b, c, ... ٴ´. ٸ ȣ ü踦 ִµ ̶ ɾ \tag{...} ȴ. : KTUGOperate:13500


׸ 3: [http]Mathmode.pdf(v.2.26, 2007-05-01) 71ʿ ִ subequations ȯ - subequations ȯ ӿ Text Ǵ ٸ ȯ(\begin{...} ... \end{...}) ִ.


4.2 align-like ȯ

() () LaTeX eqnarray ȯ(Ǵ eqnarray* ȯ) eqnarray () ְ () rcl(  ) Ǿ ־ (&) ְ ݵ . ׸ Ϸ Ӹ (&&) ־ Ѵ. ׸ ϴ (&&) ۾ (֪)ų ۿ .

̿ ؼ AMS-LaTeX align ȯ, alignat ȯ, flalign ȯ (Ǵ align* ȯ, alignat* ȯ, flalign* ȯ) پ ȯ ְ ࿡ ִ (&) ڴ ʾƵ ǰ (&) ְ Ǹ
 rl rl ...
rl( ) Ǯ ȴ. Ȧ , ¦ ȴ. ù Ŀ Ϸ տ & ϳ ȴ. eqnarray ȯ(Ǵ eqnarray* ȯ) \tag{} align ȯ (Ǵ align* ȯ) \tag{} () Tag ٴ´.

<!> : ٸ alignat rl ( rl ϳ ) ־ Ѵ. ࿡ ̴ (&) (, ) ʾƵ ȴ. ׷ (&) rl() 迡 1 ȵȴ. , ࿡ Ȧ ° (&) ̰, ¦ ° (&) " ǥ" δ. ̿ () ְ Ƣ (: \ , \:, \;, \quad, \qquad, \enskip, \hskip5mm, \hskip1.5em ) ȴ. Ʒ {3} ̴. ࿡ & ִ ټ ִ.
      1      &= 123         & 0     &= 1           & 1  &=0  \\
      12     &=                                              \\
      123    &= 1           & 5     &= 12                    \\
      12345  &=             & 23                             \\
      1      &= 12345 \quad & 12345 &= 12345 \quad & 12
{3} ְų {2} Ǵ {1} ġų ϸ ޽ Ÿ. & ࿡ Ǵ ̻ {3} ڸ ̸ ȴ. ࿡ ȣ ٴµ ȣ ʿ \nonumber ȴ. alignat align ٸ alignat (¦ Ȧ ) ڵ align ڵ ־ ̰ ȴ. flalign ־ (rl) ִ Ѵ. align, align*, flalign, flalign* ȯ gather(Ǵ gather*) ȯ ӿ ִ. align* ణ ٲ. align, align*, flalign, flalign* ȯ c() ĵȴ. (&) ޽ Ÿ.

4.3 allowdisplaybreaks

eqnarray, align, alignat, gather ȯ ĵ  Ǿ ʾҴµ  Ѿ. ̷ Ϸ Preamble Ǵ ش ȯ ƹ

(!)  ࿡ " " ʿ䰡 ִ. ̷ \\ ſ \\* ࿡ " " \\* ִ ٷ ࿡ .


4.4 (Alignment) ٲ ʰ ֱ

align ȯ Ľ ξ ߰ Ǵ ְ ɾ \intertext{...} ϴ. ɾ \intertext \\ Ǵ \\* ־ Ѵ. (Template) ʿϸ

8-2-21.ltx ȴ. See amsldoc.pdf 9(PDF ȭ 13)<-ҽ CTAN:macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.tex


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