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ޱ Ʈ ǻ ȯ濡 ġ Ű(: XP gsv48w32.exe) ٿεѴ. GSView ̸ pdf, ps, eps ⸦  ΰ ϴ .


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ġ 簡 Ÿ. Setup ߸ "Select Language" ȭڰ Ÿ. English ϸ "GSView Install" ȭڰ Ÿ. "Next>" ߸ ΰ ÷ ׸ ٲ. ϰ Ͽ "Next>" ߸ "Finish" ߰ Ÿ. ࿡ ̹ GSView "Finish" ߸ "GSView 4.x" ȭڰ Ÿ "Uninstall" ִ. ̶ "Uninstall" ߸ . "Exit" ߰ Ÿ. ̶ "Exit" ߸ "GSView Install" "Exit" ߰ Ȱȭȴ.

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