You will step on the soil of many countries.
FrontPageKC2006/처음사용자/문서예제&value=MacOSġϱ/Alternative?사랑방 › AutoLoadTeXworks&value=AutoLoadTeXworks&value=AutoLoadTeXworks&value=AutoLoadTeXworks › GhostScript


1 GhostScript
2 ٿε
3 Linux GhostScript
4 MiKTeX GhostScript
5 ġ
6 GhostScript ƿƼ
7 ȯ
8 Q&A
9 ũ
10 ȭ


1 GhostScript

  • AFPL GhostScript: AFPL ̼ . Version 8.54 released 2006-05-17.
  • GNU GhostScript: GNU GPL ̼. 7.07 GNU GhostScript Ͽ.
  • GPL GhostScript: GNU GPL ̼. 8.01 GPL GhostScript .
    Version 8.56 released 2007-03-15.

  • (./) (From KTUGSetup:10995) preview ̹ ִ eps ٿ ڽ ִ ϴ ghostscript ƿƼ ޷ ִ ̰, gs 8.54 preview tiff ̹ óϱ latex eps ٿ ڽ ߻ ɼ ϴ. KC2006 ʺ gs 8.54 ߽ϴ. ϴ , KC2006 ڷμ ̷ ˰ ֽϴ. ߻ ʱ ƴϰڽϱ?


3 Linux GhostScript

GhostScript Linux ⺻ ġǴ α׷ ڸҴ. κ Linux GhostScript ⺻ ϰ ִ.

CygWin GhostScript ԵǾ ˴ϴ. --Karnes
GSView ƴմϴ. --WkPark

4 MiKTeX GhostScript

MiKTeX GhostScript MGS ̸ ϰ ִ. MiKTeX 2.5 gs GPL GhostScript ̴. \texmf\miktex\bin mgs.exe, ps2pdf.exe ִ. MiKTeX ġ GhostScript ġ ʾƵ (LaTeX, PDFLaTeX, dvi->ps, ps->pdf, dvi->pdf ) ִ. ׷ ps Ǵ pdf GSView GhostScript ʿϴ. ֽ ̸ gswin32c.exe ƴ϶ mgs.exe̸, GhostScriptUtilities  Ϻΰ .exe Ȯ Ϸ ȴ. gswin32c.exe GhostScript ֽ ⺻ ̸ ϴ ġ ƿƼ(: WinEdt ps2pdf.bat) ִ. ׷ GhostScript ʰ ̸ ذϴ gswin32c.exe mgs.exe Ǵ ps2pdf.exe θ ȯ溯 ϴ ̴.

MiKTeX Ե mgs.exe Ŀǵ â ϱ ؼ Ʒ ȯ溯 Ǿ մϴ. - Leo
set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
: http://dojo.miktex.org/blogs/christian_schenk/archive/2005/04/07/3.aspx

epstool mgs.exe Բ Ἥ prn µ bounding box ϱ ؼ bb.bat ϸ ghostscript ġ ʾƵ ˴ϴ.
set MIKTEX_GS_LIB=C:\texmf\ghostscript\base;C:\texmf\fonts
epstool --bbox --gs mgs --copy %1.prn %1.eps


5 ġ

GPL GS 8.56 (Ǵ AFPL GS 8.54) ġ ȳѴ.

gs856w32.exe (Ǵ gs854w32.exe) ٿεѴ. ڵ Ǯ gsxxxw32.exe ִٸ ٸ ̴. ġ ٿε gs856w32.exe (Ǵ gs854w32.exe) ("" Ŭ)ϸ
 WinZip Self-Extractor - gs856w32.exe (Ǵ gs854w32.exe)
ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ Setup ߸
 GPL Ghostsript Setup (Ǵ AFPL Ghostsript Setup)
簡 Ÿ. Ʒ
 Use Windows TrueType fonts for Chinese, Japanese and Korean
üũϰ(Ʒ ׸ ) "Install" ߸ ġ ۾ Ϸϰ Ghostscript ӿ "Ghostscript Readme 8.5x" "Ghostscript 8.5x" ٷΰ Ÿ. "Ghostscript Readme 8.5x" Ghostscript ̵̴. ȭ鿡
->α׷(P)->Ghostscript->Ghostscript Readme 8.5x
Ŭϸ "Overview of Ghostscript" ִ.

Yap PostScript ɼ KTUGContrib:358 Ͽ "ƮũƮ ؼ" "GhostScript " "μ ǰ" ȴ. WinEdt KTUGContrib:1016 Ͽ "Searching for Executables" MiKTeX, Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader Ǿ ִ.


6 GhostScript ƿƼ

GhostScript ġ ũƮ Ǵ پ μ ƿƼ ؼ GhostScriptUtilities . ̵ ƿƼ Ϸ "ȯ " "ý " ־ Ѵ.


7 ȯ

  • Windows XP : See KTUGSetup:9574
  • ٸ Windows ÷ : See KTUGOperate:5335


8 Q&A

Q1: GhostScript GSView ? A: GhostScript Ȥ CPU Ѵٸ, GSView װ ʿ ϴ α׷Դϴ. GSView ؼ ݵ GhostScript ʿ. GSView GhostScript ̿Ͽ PostScript ְ μϰ ȯմϴ.


9 ũ

  • GNU Ghostscript ƽþ (Acrobat Reader ѱ non-embedded PDF )
    • " ġ(2)" Ͽϴ. Ʒ ChoF ۰ gs 7.07 ̿ϰ ġ ϴ.
    • See KTUGContrib:472 (by ChoF)


10 ȭ

߰߰ ִ ȭ űϴ.

GNU 7.00 AFPL ϴ. ׷ ̸ 𸣰ڽϴ. --Yhchoe
ְ ߿ ϳ gs-cjk Ե GNU GSԴϴ. KTUGContrib:472. --Karnes
Karnes ϴ. AFPL GhostScript 8.11 ٰ GNU GhostScript 7.06 ٲϴ. KTUGOperate:5405 ÷ sem01.exe ϸ TeX (seminar Ŭ eps ׸ ϳ ) ϴ. ̰ TeXify, dvi->ps, ps->pdf Ͽ pdf Ͽ ٷ ѱ ϴ. ׷ AFPL GhostScript 8.11 ׸ GNU GhostScript 7.06 ƹ ̻ ϴ. ޸𸮵 649 KB 131 KB پϴ. ׷ ׸ ػ󵵴 ׿. --Yhchoe
"ػ󵵰 " 𸣰ڽϴ. ׸ ֽø ڽϴ. ׸ 帰 gs-cjk TeX dvips, pstopdf ̿ؼ PS ϰ ū ϴ. ѱ ٸ װ GS 8.11̾ ƴ մϴ. --Karnes
׸ ػ󵵿 ̰ ϴ. --Yhchoe
ƹư GS ̶ մϴ. ذϼ̴ٴ Դϴ. ñ , Yhchoe WinEdt dvi->ps ư Ʈ ɼ  Ǿ ִ ϴ Դϴ. οϽ ׸ Ͽϴ. --Karnes

<!> 00 ֽ ʴ ϴ. 8.00 7.06 ΰ Դϴٸ 7.06 ñ ٶϴ. --ƹ
8.00 AFPL 迭̰, 7.06 GNU 迭Դϴ. AFPL 8.11 GNU 7.07 ֱٿ Խϴ. Win 98 Win XP AFPL GS 8.00, 8.10, 8.11 WinEdt dvi->ps, ps->pdf ߸ Ἥ pdf ҽϴ. AFPL GS 8.00 ƹ ̻ AFPL GS 8.10 8.11 pdf Adobe Reader 6.0 Ͽ "̸ 'Rxxx' xü ã ϴ." ޽(KTUGContrib:995) ߸鼭 ѱ ʾϴ. GSView 4.5 ƿ ϴ. gs707w32.exe  Ƿδ GNU 7.07 ϴ. --Yhchoe
Windows GNU GS 7.07 ġ ҰϿϴ. --Karnes

<!> Ghostscript GSView ٽ ps ŬϿ θ ã Ѵٴ ޽ ´. GSView ٽ ߰ " ( ̶) ڴ" µ "Uninstall" ߸ ȴ. θ ġ ٷӴ. ->GSView "ġ"
״ ٷӴٰ ʽϴ. GhostScript ġ , ̹ ġ GSView Ͽ ޴ Options Easy Configure ׸ ֽϴ. ̰ ϸ ġ GhostScript ֵ Ǿ ֽϴ. --Karnes
̰ KTUGContrib:999 ̹ μ̴ ̾. · ٽ ġ ʿ ٰ ϰ ֽϴ. ;) ǻ͸ ϱ ٽ ġϴ û δ㽺ϴ. ϸ ٽ ġ ʴ ð ϴ . --Karnes

<!> AFPL GS 8.11 (Ǵ GNU GS 7.06) Ѵ. ڵ Ǯ gsxxxw32.exe ִٸ ٸ ̴. 켱 ٸ α׷ ߰/ " Ʈ" ΰ ̰͵ Ѵ. ׷ Ghostscript ps ŬϿ GSView Ghostscript θ ã ϴ ִ.
Ȥ regedit Ͻô ... ٸ ̹ ġǾ ο ġϿ ƹ ϴ. Windows θ Ͽְ, GSView ο ޴ ϸ ˴ϴ. Ʈ ʾƵ ˴ϴ. --Karnes
˼մϴ. 𸣴 ϴ ۿ . δ Karnes ֽ ϰڽϴ. --Yhchoe

GhostScript 8.51 CJK TTF ġÿ ֽϴ. ѱ pdf, ps μ Ʈ ͵ ֵ ڵ ˴ϴ. --Karnes

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