If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it. Quit work and play for once!
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KC2006/ó Դϴ.
KC2006/ó ħ ѱ LaTeX ٷϴ.


, . ȳϼ.
  1. oblivoir Ŭ KC2006/ó/ġ ϸ ̹ ġǾ ֽϴ. Ŭ ٰ ϸ KC2006/UPDATES ãƺ.
  2. ѱȭ Ŭ ̹ Ǿ Ƿ ѱ Ű ʿ ϴ.
  3. oblivoir پ ؼ KTUGBoard:5711 ϼ.





ִ templateε ̿ , 뵵 ְ Ǵ . κ ⺻ ̴.
  1. Daisyweb : BSTThruExample.pdf :: Citation and Bibliography Styles Through Examples
    • bibliography
  2. DohyunKim
    1. dispute.tex : MetaPost .
      • make.bat Ѵ.
    2. information.tex : article .
      • latex -> dvipdfmx Ǵ pdflatex
    3. Omega And DHHangul : article
      • latex -> dvipdfmx
  3. Kihwang Lee : spell.tex
    • SpellX Ұ .
    • article . latex or pdflatex
  4. smcho
    1. Knuth, Study
      • article . latex or pdflatex.
      • section .
  5. YhChoe
    • amsthm : HLaTeX hangul-ucs Ǻ .
    • amsproc Ǵ ksmeproc μ, hangul-ucs amsproc Ŭ ѱ ̱⵵ .


hangul-ucs Ű ʵ Ҵ.
  1. beamer :
    • Daisyweb beamer_guide ʵ.
    • ex4.tex ѱ ̴.
  2. LeeJuho : shadowsample
    • Ǹ ũ ִ book ̴. memoir ̿ϸ ξ ϰ book ̿ϴ ̷ ̿Ͽ ϴ .
  3. powerdot
    • dvips/ps2pdf Ʈ pdf ؾ Ѵ. test.bat .
    • ġ hyperref.cfg ̸ ϳ µ, powerdot ÿ ʿϴ.
  4. test

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