Nile Is Like Emacs
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LaTeX Macro .


齽, ߰ȣ, begin-end

  1. \
    , ڿ(ControlSequences) Ѵ.
  2. ߰ȣ {,}
    ؽƮ ߰ȣ ָ ϳ ޵ȴ. ߰ȣ Ϸ , ִ. LaTeX (argument) Ÿ δ.
    \bgroup..\egroup ϴ.
  3. begin-end . \begin{<name>}, \end{<name>}
    ̷ LaTeX <name> ȯ(environment)̶ Ѵ. ؽƮ Ϻγ , ְ, ȯ ۰ ؽƮ Ͽ ִ.



  1. Ϲڸ
    Ϲڸ̶, 齽÷ Ư ǹ̸ ͵̴. & array tabular ȯ  Į и ǹѴ. ƿ(~) ̸ ϵ Ѵ. ڵ κ Ư CategoryCode .
  2. ϴܾþ
    LaTeX ڰ \begin̳ \end ϴ  Ͽ ̻ϰ ϴ غ ̴. if, begin, end Ǹ Ư Ƿ, ڴ ̷ ܾ ϴ ۼ ʾƾ Ѵ.

, , ȯ

  1. ɰ (ControlSequences)
    ɰ ̶, (\) ϰ (Letter) ƴ ڿ Ű ̴. , \abcdef9 , 9 CategoryCode letter ƴϹǷ ٷ abcdef ϳ ؼѴ.
    /!\ ִ Ȳ ܳµ, ,
    \thisisanarbitrarycommand \newcontrolsequences
    , thisisanarbitrarycommand (space) "letterƴ " شϿ, thisisanarbitrarycommand ɽ صȴ. ׸ Ѵ. ̿ ƹ 鵵 ó ̴. ׷,
    \thisisanarbitrarycommand{} \newcontrolsequenses
    ߰ȣ Ƿ, ݴ ߰ȣ ϳ ϳ ̽ ó ̴.
    (argument) ߰ȣ({}) ȿ ´.

  2. LaTeX ɰ
    LaTeX (command)̶ (declarations)̶ ؼ ִ. ַ ڸ ʴ ̴. β ۲ ϴ ִµ, ϳ \textbf{........} ϴ ̰, ٸ ϳ \bf Ǵ \bfseries ϴ ̴. ڿ ؽƮ ģ. ٽ normal text ư ؼ ġ ۲ ٲٴ ٽ ؾ ̴.

  3. ȯ
    ȯ \begin{<name>} Ͽ \end{<name>} ؽƮ Ϻθ Ѵ. ȯ Ǵ,
    here comes the text
    myenvironment ̸ ȯ ȴ. TeX δ LaTeX ȯ ۵ , \csname <name> \endcsname θ, ȯ \csname end<name> \endcsname θ. ׷Ƿ, \myenvironment ɰ \endmyenvironment TeX ǵǴ ̴. ٸ ControlSequences ϰ ־ ؽƮ ۿ ϰų ϰų ִ. ߿ ȯ document ȯ̴. LaTeX \begin{document} \end{document} ȯ ӿ ֵ ̵ Ǿ ִ.

  4. LaTeX ִ , , ȯ
    ۼڰ ִ , , ȯ ̴.
    1. LaTeX-built-in commands etc.
      LaTeX ü ϰ ִ , , ȯ̴.
    2. Package-add-on commands etc.
      Ű ϰ ִ ̴. \usepackage ɿ Ͽ Ű εϸ ִ.
    3. Preamble̳ ڽ ŸϿ ǵǴ ̴.
    4. Original TeX commands
      primitives, Ÿ low level commands


ɾ ȿ

ɾ ȿ(scope of an instruction) ־ ɾ ġ Ѵ.
  • (command) ȿ
    : (argument) ־ ( ߰ȣ(\bgroup) ߰ȣ(\egroup)) ģ.
  • (declaration) ȿ
    : ̷ ġ Ե \bgroup ¦ ´ \egroup ģ. ̷ ġ \bgroup ٸ ־ ȭϴ ٸ ʴ ģ. ٸ ȯ(environment) ȿ ̷ٸ, ȯ ۵Ǵ κп \bgroup ִ Ͱ ϰ ޵ȴ. , ȯ ȿ ȴ. ٸ \bgroup , document ȯ ȿ ִ Ͱ ϹǷ, \end{document} ȿ ִٰ ִ.
  • ȯ(environment) ȿ
    : ȯ ġ ġ \begin \end ־Ƿ, ȿϴ.


  • ǿ (\def) \global ϸ ȿ ü Ȯȴ.
  • \setlength Ǵ globalϴ.

<to be continued...>

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