Pictureȯ (rev. 1.7)

Among the lucky, you are the chosen one.
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1 picture ȯ
2 picture ȯ濡 ׸ ׸
2.1 unitlength
2.2 put
2.3 linethickness
2.4 picture ȯ
2.9 oval Ǵ Ϻκ
2.10 bezier 
2.11 α(multiput)
3 epic, eepic Ű
3.1 PDFLaTeX eepic

1 picture ȯ

picture ȯ ִ. ϳ 뵿 picture ȯ ̰, ϳ LaTeX picture ȯ exportִ ׸ (LaTeXCad, JPicEdt, LaTeXPix, TpX ) picture ȯ ̴. (׷ ) ׸ ̵(WysiWyg) ׷ ̰ LaTeX ִ (ɾ ȯ) ٲپ ش.

ù° ؼ ִ.
  • Leslie Lamport, LaTeX : A Document Preparation System, 2nd Edition, 1994, pp. 119-129, "7.1.1 The picture Environment"
  • Helmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly, A GUIDE TO LaTeX, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999, pp.151-166, "6.1 Drawing pictures with LaTeX"
  • lshort picture ȯ ̿ ׸ ׸Ⱑ ҰǾ ִ. lshort-kr


2 picture ȯ濡 ׸ ׸


2.1 unitlength

\unitlength picture ȯ ⺻ ȴ. \setlength ٲ ִ. ⺻ 1pt($$1/72.27$$in)̴.


2.2 put

picture ȯ ȿ ׸ ׸ ̴. \put(x,y){object}. ⼭ x, y ׸ ȯ ǥ̴.


2.3 linethickness

\linethickness{̰} 򼱰 ⸦ ٲ ִ. ׷ 밢 ̳ oval ڽ corner ⸦ ٲ ʱ ǵ̸ ϰ ⺻ ־ \thicklines, \thinlines ⸸ ϴ .


2.4 picture ȯ

̰ 30Ʈ, 10Ʈ ڽ ׸ ϴ ̴. ϱͰ ǥ ȴ.
ǥ (0,0), Ͽ ̰ ٲ ִ.
׸ ȯ ̴. picture ȯ ü ϳ ڽ ̷. ڽ baseline ڽ Ʒ̰ height ڽ ȴ. depth 0̴.
׷Ƿ 10Ʈ picture ȯ ڽ horizontal mode baseline ġϿ ĵȴ. ٸ ڿ ϰ Ϸ ڽ depthŭ ׸ ڽ \lower ־ ̴.




\put(x,y) (x,y) شϴ ǥ ڸ ´. \line(m,n){d} ɿ (m,n) μ $$\frac{n}{m}$$ ⸦ ׸. d ڴ ̴. .

ȭǥ ǥϷ \line \vector ִ.


β Ÿ \thicklines, \thinlines ִ.



picture ȯ ڸ ִ.
 \put(0,0){\tiny }
 \put(16,16){\mbox{\tiny\sffamily KTUG !}}

 \put(0,0){\tiny }
 \put(16,16){\mbox{\tiny\sffamily KTUG !}}


\dashbox{d}(x,y){stuff} or \dashbox(x,y){stuff}

\framebox(x,y)[t]{stuff} ɼڴ t,b,r,l( top, bottom, right, left) ִ. stuff 簢 ġ ϴ ̴. \dashbox ù° d dash ̸ Ų. 1\unitlength̴.




d ̴. 15mm Ѵ. ( ׸ ϴ Ʈ ) ū ׷ Ѵٸ epic Ǵ eepic Ű Ѵ.



2.9 oval Ǵ Ϻκ

\put(2,4){\oval(6,8)[bl]}%bl=bottom left
"ǥ (2,4) ߽ ϰ (Ⱦݰ) 6 (ݰ) 8 oval(Ÿ ) ׸ (b) (l) ׷" ̴. \oval(6,6) ġ (ɼ [] ) ȴ. [t], [b], [l], [r] ϳ ݿ ȴ. bl, br, tl, tr 4п ȴ.


2.10 bezier 

quadratic bezier  ׸.
(sx,sy), (mx,my), (tx,ty) , ߰, ǥ̴.

http://www.ursoswald.ch/ ִ LaTeX Graphics ִ lshort ԵǾ ִ.

Bezier  ߰ ǥ java script http://www.ursoswald.ch/ ִ.


2.11 α(multiput)

stuff $$(x+kp,\;y+kq);\;\;k=0,1,\ldots,n-1\;\;$$ ǥ ġ ׸.





, LaTeX2eڸڦ p.310 ִ ̴.


3 epic, eepic Ű

epic, eepic Ű picture ȯ ȮϿ LaTeX ⺻ ǵ ͺ ׸ ׸ ְ ش.


3.1 PDFLaTeX eepic

PDF / PDFLaTeX picture ȯ

eepic Ű PDFLaTeX ó Ѵ. , PDFLaTeX eepic \special ڵ带 Ѵ. ذϷ, PDFLaTeX eepic eepicemu Ű εϴ ִ.

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