The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others.
DviOutAsymtoteAsymptoteAlgorithmXtabPackage › ThreePartTable
threeparttable.sty´Â Donald Arseneau ¾¾°¡ ¸¸µç Ç¥ ÀÛ¼º ½ºÅ¸ÀÏ ÆÐÅ°Áö·Î¼­, threeparttable ȯ°æÀ» Á¦°øÇÑ´Ù.
  • threeparttable¿¡¼­ Ç¥´Â ¼¼ ºÎºÐÀ¸·Î ±¸¼ºµÈ´Ù: (1) caption, (2) tabular, (3) tablenotes.
  • tabular ºÎºÐ¿¡¼­ ÁÖ¼® À§Ä¡´Â \tnote·Î Ç¥½ÃÇÑ´Ù.
  • tablenotes ȯ°æÀº list ȯ°æµéó·³ \itemÀ» °¡Áø´Ù.
Donor & Acceptor & $R_{o}$ (\AA)\\
CPM\tnote{a} & Fluorescein & 47 \\
Proflavin & ETSC\tnote{b} & 46 \\
CF\tnote{c} & TR\tnote{d} & 51\\
\item[a] Á¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»ç
\item[b] ½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè
\item[c] Á¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»ó
\item[d] Åë°úÅë°úÅë°úÅë°ú
Donor & Acceptor & $R_{o}$ (\AA)\\
CPM\tnote{a} & Fluorescein & 47 \\
Proflavin & ETSC\tnote{b} & 46 \\
CF\tnote{c} & TR\tnote{d} & 51\\
\item[a] Á¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»çÁ¶»ç
\item[b] ½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè½ÃÇè
\item[c] Á¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»óÁ¤»ó
\item[d] Åë°úÅë°úÅë°úÅë°ú

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